St. John's wort - a cure for a hundred ailments! Useful properties of St. John's wort - description, application, contraindications

Used for a very long time. It was used by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates. Dioscorides and Pliny in the 1st century AD prescribed St. John's wort for sciatica, burns, fever, infused with wine - for bites of poisonous snakes. But the medieval herbalist of the 11th century, Hildegard of Bingen, did not favor him, pointing only to properties harmful to livestock.

The Latin name of the genus consists of two parts - hyper- above, above, above, and eikon- image, image, icon. This is explained by the Greek and Roman traditions - to keep a bundle of St. It was even used to remove damage.

Among the ancient Germans, St. John's wort was dedicated to the sun god Baldus. In many European countries and the USA, St. John's wort is called St. John's grass - in honor of John the Baptist (in fact, both the English and German names are literally translated this way), on the eve of Christmas, when St. John's wort blooms (June 24 among Catholics). Many legends are connected with this, the essence of which basically boils down to the fact that the red juice from the flowers recalls the shed blood of John the Baptist and his martyrdom.

In the Middle Ages, St. John's wort was a very revered medicinal plant. Konrad von Megenburg wrote that it strengthens the heart and liver, cleanses the kidneys, heals wounds and removes poisons. The unforgettable Philip Aurelius Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, or in short Paracelsus, in one of his books pointed out the property of the plant “to drive out evil spirits, terrible thoughts that lead people to despair”, and modern scientists prescribe St. John's wort drugs against depression. Medieval doctors called St. John's wort "Fuga Daemonum" - from lat. fuga- “flight”, “chase”, that is, the flight of demons or the pursuit of demons.

St. John's wort, collected exactly on June 24, was considered especially effective in medieval Europe, and it was used for rheumatism, gout and toothache.

St. John's wort earned its Russian name due to its phototoxic properties. When eaten by livestock in a pasture in large numbers, animals with white wool experience reddening of the skin and even burns. In Russia, St. John's wort, in addition to the official one, has many local folk names, including: bunny, hare tree, hare blood, hare blood, calls grass, vertebrae, hypericum, healthy grass, St. valiant blood grass, red herb, sevenfold blood, wild chicken, twig.

What is the healing power of St. John's wort

St. John's wort contains essential oil (up to 1.25%), sterols (3-sitosterol), triterpene saponins, alkaloids (0.3%), nitrogen-containing compounds (choline), vitamins (C, E, carotene), phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives, coumarins, tannins (3-12%), including catechins, 2-5% flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, quercitrin, isoquercitrin, hyperin), anthocyanins (5.7%), anthraquinones (dye hypericin, pseudohypericin, protopseudohypericin, hypericodehydro-dianthrone, frangulaemodinantronol), phloroglucinol derivatives (hyperforin, the content of which is maximum in seed pods), leucoatocyanidins, higher aliphatic hydrocarbons (octacosane, triacontan), higher aliphatic alcohols, citric and malonic acids.

pharmachologic effect

The range of application of St. John's wort is extremely wide. Meticulous German experts tried to figure out which of the substances contained in it works. And after lengthy research, certain results were obtained, although far from complete.

Hypericin, which is a red fluorescent dye, is responsible for photosensitizing, antimicrobial (active even against staphylococcus aureus), antiviral action, antidepressant (affects the content of serotonin and melatonin, the lack of which in brain cells can lead to depressive states).

Quercetin and quercitrin are monoamine reductase inhibitors, thus exhibiting an antidepressant effect.

Tannins are "responsible" for the astringent action.

Procyanidins and amentoflavones - antioxidants , eliminate dyspeptic phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract, have a vasodilating, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing effect. Hyperforin has a healing effect on burns, wounds, anthelmintic, antibacterial action, regulates the level of neurotransmitters or neurotransmitters (substances that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses to brain tissue), and a potential remedy for cancer treatment.

Flavonoids probably have a sedative, diuretic and choleretic effect. Xanthones - antidepressant, antibacterial, antiviral, diuretic action, improve heart function.

In general, all these biologically active substances collected in St. John's wort have a beneficial effect in a wide variety of diseases.

When is St. John's wort used?

Given the wide variety of active ingredients, St. John's wort is effective in a wide variety of diseases. That's really from 99 diseases.

Water infusions and decoctions of St. John's wort are prescribed for gastritis, acute and chronic enteritis and colitis, for bacterial intestinal diseases, and alcohol tincture is effective for dysbacteriosis. St. John's wort oil also gives good results in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

St. John's wort is prescribed for biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, flatulence. Decoctions and infusions are used as a diuretic for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, urolithiasis, with a decrease in the filtration capacity of the kidneys, fluid retention in the body. In folk medicine, it is used for urinary incontinence, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis.

St. John's wort tincture (1:5 in 40% alcohol) is used for purulent otitis media in the form of turundas soaked in tincture. Diluted 1 teaspoon of tincture in a glass of boiled water is used as a rinse for stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, chronic tonsillitis and tonsillitis. With a runny nose and sinusitis, instillation of St. John's wort oil into the nose is effective.

In case of burns, the use of St. John's wort oil promotes rapid skin regeneration and prevents the appearance of scars on it. This plant has a restorative and tonic effect. St. John's wort can be used both separately and in combination with other plants.

St. John's wort and impotence

St. John's wort has been frequently reported in the literature recently as causing impotence in men and facial hair growth in women. However, this information has not been confirmed by any scientific data. On the contrary, there is evidence of a positive effect of St. John's wort in impotence. This plant stimulates the activity of the endocrine glands, in connection with which the production of sex hormones, including androgens, also increases. At the same time, St. John's wort itself does not have an androgenic effect. That is, it cannot provoke facial hair growth in women (as, for example, with prolonged use, licorice provokes gynecomastia in men).

John's wort and depression

The antidepressant property of St. John's wort in the domestic literature began to be mentioned only in the last decade, and, for example, in Germany it is the most common mild antidepressant, which is prescribed for mild and moderate depression, seasonal emotional disorders, insomnia, and anxiety. Studies have shown that St. John's wort preparations combine the antidepressant effect of several pharmacological groups of antidepressants at once.

On the one hand, it increases the content of serotonin in brain cells. The lack of this substance in nerve cells can cause depression. Similarly, selective serotonin uptake inhibitors, one of the commonly used groups of antidepressants, act. On the other hand, studies have shown that it is possible that St. John's wort "works" as a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. The enzyme monoamine oxidase destroys neurotransmitters - serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, the lack of which in brain cells again leads to depression. Data from other studies suggest that St. John's wort increases blood levels of dopamine and acts as tricyclic antidepressants. With all this, St. John's wort does not have side effects of all the above groups of pharmacological preparations.

In Germany, a dry extract of St. John's wort, standardized for hypericin content, is very widely used. The duration of treatment of depressive, anxiety and insomnia is 4-6 weeks.

How to cook it right

This is a whole science. It all depends on what therapeutic effect you want to get. When preparing aqueous infusions, not all active substances pass into the solution. Hypericin, for example, almost all of it remains in the raw material, so you should not expect a strong antimicrobial effect from St. John's wort tea, but almost all tannins pass into the water infusion. In addition, studies have shown that the antidepressant effect of water infusions and decoctions is also minimal. But alcohol tinctures give the maximum result. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on the features of the preparation and use of the main dosage forms of St. John's wort.

water infusion St. John's wort is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials per 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 2 hours, filter and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day for rheumatism and gallbladder diseases. Due to the content of catechins, there is a certain vasoconstrictive effect.

Decoction prepared in the same ratio as the infusion, but boiled for 10 minutes, cooled and filtered. Taken orally as an astringent for diarrhea, colitis. For rinsing with stomatitis and gingivitis.

herb tincture prepared with 50 or 40% alcohol from dry raw materials and 96% from fresh raw materials. Alcohol well dissolves hypericin - one of the main active ingredients of St. John's wort. 50 g of crushed dry St. John's wort is poured into 0.5 liters of vodka or 50% alcohol. Insist 3-4 weeks and take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals.

St. John's wort oil, or oil extract, gives excellent results in topical therapy. It is prepared from fresh ingredients. St. John's wort flowers are tightly placed in a glass jar, poured with refined sunflower or olive oil so that it covers the raw material with a layer of 1-2 cm, close the lid and expose to bright sunlight (required condition!). The oil is infused for 4 weeks, stirring daily, until it acquires the color of ripe cherries. Then it is squeezed through gauze, filtered through a dense cloth and left alone for a day. When settling, the contents of the jar are divided into three layers: at the very bottom, a thin, light and unpleasantly smelling layer of yeast is formed, above it is a small layer of water, and on top is an oily extract of St. John's wort. The top layer is poured into a dark glass bottle. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a year.

It is used to treat burns, microclysters, instilled into the nose with a runny nose, drunk with stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis and food poisoning.

Attempts to obtain oil from dry raw materials were unsuccessful. In addition, as recent studies have shown, when fresh raw materials are infused in bright light, complex photochemical and enzymatic processes occur, as a result of which hyperforin is formed, which has such a strong wound healing and antimicrobial effect. In grass and other dosage forms, it is almost not present.

St. John's wort oil is used for injuries, myositis, myalgia, wounds. It improves local blood circulation, and hyperforin has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, including against antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus. St. John's wort oil exhibits antiviral and analgesic effects in herpes zoster.

Finished preparations

Hypericum tincture(Tinctura hyperici). Prepared with 40% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Used as an astringent and anti-inflammatory agent in dental practice. Inside designate 40-50 drops 3-4 times a day. For rinsing - 30-40 drops per half glass of water.

Contraindications: St. John's wort naphthodianthrones are capable of exhibiting a phototoxic effect in overdose, enhancing the skin's reaction to UV radiation, and therefore people with sensitive skin should protect their skin from direct sunlight when taking St. John's wort and its preparations. In some cases, digestive problems, allergic skin reactions and a feeling of fatigue can occur as side effects. With prolonged use, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth may appear.

It is not recommended to use St. The combined use of St. John's wort with these drugs may reduce their effectiveness. St. John's wort induces the production of enzymes, especially Cytochrome P450, that decompose drugs, and reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Nutritional value of St. John's wort

St. John's wort is used in the food and alcoholic beverage industries. It is added as a seasoning to fish dishes, used as a substitute for tea. This plant is widely used for the preparation of many bitter tinctures (St.

To relieve stress, improve well-being after hard physical and mental work, as well as to improve appetite and digestion, you can prepare a food tincture with vodka (see St. John's wort tincture). Take 50 ml before meals.

Read about the medicinal types of St. John's wort, the rules for growing and collecting raw materials on the page

St. John's wort is a medicinal plant that has a huge number of useful properties. In ancient times, it was indispensable for many diseases. He has not lost his popularity in our time and is still widely used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, and even brewed. The composition of the plant includes numerous necessary and useful substances for the human body. But at the same time, it contains many harmful toxins that can be harmful to health. For this reason, St. John's wort must be used with caution.

St. John's wort useful properties

St. John's wort got its name due to the fact that animals never eat this grass. Hundreds of years ago, not only healing, but also mystical properties were attributed to St. John's wort. Our ancestors believed that it could protect against witches and evil spirits. Going on a long journey, people took it to protect against robber attacks and wild animals.

Due to the fact that this medicinal plant contains various useful substances, St. John's wort can be used as an analgesic, antiseptic, wound healing, antibacterial, diuretic and antihelminthic.

Beneficial features

Despite the advances made by traditional medicine and many of the latest pharmaceuticals, St. John's wort is still used to treat many diseases in and around the world. It is able to effectively affect such parts of the human body:

Nervous system

St. John's wort puts nerves in order, restores nerve fibers, strength and relieves stress. It is effective for neuroses, menopause, insomnia, frequent headaches. St. John's wort is an excellent remedy for depression.

Digestive system

Cardiovascular and circulatory system

Using this folk remedy, you can relieve spasms of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and heart function. St. John's wort is used to stop bleeding, treat abrasions and wounds, and is used for the speedy healing of postoperative sutures.

St. John's wort is also effective for the treatment of diseases of other organs:

  • respiratory problems:
  • in the treatment of somatic diseases;
  • It is used to relieve inflammation of the genital organs of women.

St. John's wort is also used to treat joints, for this disease. It perfectly normalizes their movement, relieves swelling and inflammation. When used externally, it accelerates the healing of abrasions and cuts, strengthens the walls of capillaries. If you add it to the bath, then it is indispensable for allergies and various skin diseases. St. John's wort is effective for.

During treatment, all contraindications must be taken into account. The diagnosis must be accurately established. If the disease is complex or there are complications, then the best way out is to use traditional medicine in conjunction with traditional medicine. So, you can achieve a better result and enhance the effectiveness of treatment.

Attention: Before treatment with this herb, be sure to consult your doctor. This will make the treatment more effective and avoid possible errors.

St. John's wort oil is valued for its beneficial properties. It is actively used both externally and internally. It is used to treat skin diseases, disorders of the digestive system and...

St. John's wort (popularly - hare's blood) is a tall plant, with bright yellow and fluffy inflorescences, throughout the summer absorbs all the power of nature. The peak of flowering occurs at the beginning ...

St. John's wort (popularly - hare's blood) is a tall plant, with bright yellow and fluffy inflorescences, throughout the summer absorbs all the power of nature....

The medicinal and healing power of St. John's wort is rightfully considered deserved - it's not in vain, even our ancestors in Ancient Russia called it "a cure for 100 diseases." At that time, the plant...

The medicinal and healing power of St.

St. John's wort is one of the medicinal herbs that has long been successfully used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of the nervous system, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and for washing abrasions and wounds.

Why is the plant so named?

The plant got such a name not by chance: people paid attention to the fact that animals (spotted and white) that ate it in hot weather often became seriously ill, and if the grass was eaten too intensively, they could even die. St. John's wort is an herb that has the ability to increase the sensitivity of ruminants to solar radiation.

Under the influence of grass in animals of light colors, severe skin itching begins, in which they bite themselves until they bleed, the skin becomes covered with tumors, which soon turn into non-healing ulcers. It is very important for pastoralists to know this and to prevent excessive use of St. John's wort by animals.

plant description

St. John's wort is a perennial plant that is common throughout the globe. Belongs to the St. John's wort family, numbering almost three hundred and seventy species. St. John's wort perforated (or common) is the most common in our country.

This plant is found in Europe, Asia, America, North Africa and Australia. It grows in meadows and forest edges, on paths along the road and sunny glades. The shrub reaches a height of thirty to eighty centimeters. There are plants and higher - up to one and a half meters in height.

St. John's wort usually forms thickets, which can occupy quite large areas. St. John's wort has an upright stem, which is green at first, and at the end of the growing season turns red-brown. The leaves are oblong-ovate, small, no more than one and a half centimeters wide and about three long.

Intense golden yellow flowers. When crushed, they release a reddish liquid. Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of August.

Useful properties of St. John's wort

Many of our readers know St. John's wort tincture, which can be purchased without a prescription at a pharmacy. Do you know what the beneficial properties of this herb are due to? St. John's wort contains many biologically active substances, minerals, vitamins, flavonoids, antioxidants and others. Not every medicinal plant has such a composition:

  • flavonoids;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • hypericin;
  • organic acids;
  • terpenes;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins: C, E, PP, carotene.

Possessing many useful properties, St. John's wort has a beneficial effect on the entire body. When taken regularly, it exhibits tonic properties. The active compounds that make up the composition relieve spasms of internal organs, relax smooth muscles.

The medicinal properties of St. John's wort include:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringents;
  • antispasmodic;
  • choleretic;
  • tonic;
  • sedatives;
  • wound healing;
  • diuretics.

Today, St. John's wort is part of many pharmaceutical preparations. Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort is an excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity: gingivitis, stomatitis, is used for bleeding gums.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs are prescribed as anthelmintics in the detection of ascaris and dwarf tapeworms. Preparations based on this herb are used for asthenic conditions, neurasthenia, neurosis, headaches and insomnia. St. John's wort was included in the effective preparation "Novoimanin", which is successfully used to treat abscesses and infected wounds, burns, for the speedy healing of nipple cracks in nursing mothers, and for many other diseases.

The anti-inflammatory properties of St. John's wort have been used in the treatment of sciatica as an anesthetic.

Pharmacy tincture: description

Phytopreparation with astringent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action.

Transparent reddish-brown liquid is available in 25 ml glass bottles, which are packed in a cardboard box. 100 ml of tincture contains:

  • 20 g - St. John's wort;
  • ethanol is an excipient.

Pharmacological properties

The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug contributes to the high content of flavonoids. The growth of gram-positive bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae inhibits hyperforin, showing efficacy against methicillin-resistant and penicillin-resistant strains.

The drug activates the work of the digestive tract, stimulates blood circulation, has a sedative, tonic, anxiolytic effect.

Hypericum tincture: application

In accordance with the instructions, the tincture is indicated for oral and external use. Recommended intake: as an astringent for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and externally for the prevention and treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis in complex therapy.

Hypericum tincture is contraindicated:

  • during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding;
  • children under 12;
  • with sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Care must be taken in patients with many liver diseases, alcoholism, brain pathologies, traumatic brain injuries. St. John's wort tincture can be harmful when used with other herbs and medicines.

When treated with antidepressants and antibiotics, the drug can cause dizziness, increased anxiety, a migraine attack, and when taking contraceptives, their effectiveness decreases. Long-term use of any drugs based on St. John's wort can cause discomfort in the liver, increased blood pressure, and spasms in the intestines.


St. John's wort tincture is administered orally: forty drops three times a day. For external use, dilute thirty drops of tincture in 100 ml of water and use for rinsing or lubricating the gums. As a rule, the course of treatment does not exceed ten days.

special instructions

During the period of treatment with St.

A single adult dose of tincture contains 0.36 g of alcohol. In this regard, it is not recommended to drive vehicles and engage in activities that require increased attention and quick psychomotor reactions. As you can see, this is a very powerful remedy - St. John's wort tincture. The benefits and harms of drugs based on this herb largely depend on compliance with the instructions for use and dosage.

And now let's talk about preparations based on St. John's wort, which you can prepare yourself at home.

Hypericum tincture

This is an analogue of a pharmacy drug that you can prepare yourself. The recipe for tincture of St. John's wort is simple. You will need seventy percent alcohol or high-quality vodka. However, if you are planning treatment with St. John's wort tincture of internal organs, then be sure to consult your doctor.

To prepare a medicinal composition, take one part of dry grass and fill it with ten parts of vodka or alcohol. The composition is infused for three weeks in a tightly closed dark glass container. It needs to be shaken periodically. Then the tincture is filtered and stored in a cool place. Most often this tool is used for gargling the throat and mouth. It is also used to treat abrasions and wounds. Quite rarely, it is taken orally in fifteen drops, which are dissolved in water. The dosage of St. John's wort tincture on vodka is increased to 20 drops.

Tincture Recipe #2

Pour crushed dry raw materials (50 g) with 500 ml of vodka and leave for four weeks. The drug is taken before meals, one spoon (tea) three times a day. For dysentery, dilute two tablespoons (teaspoons) of tincture in a quarter glass of water. Take three times a day.

Decoction of St. John's wort

A decoction of St. John's wort is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis, enteritis, hepatitis. The same decoction can be rinsed in the mouth and throat, used for insomnia, for washing wounds, burns and other skin problems.

To prepare such a decoction, pour 250 ml of hot water with two tablespoons (tablespoons) of chopped dry grass. Put the composition in a water bath for half an hour. Cool, strain and take 50 ml three times a day, after meals.

Hypericum infusion

To prepare the infusion, crushed dry grass (three tablespoons), pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for three hours. Strain and take a third of a glass for stomach diseases, cystitis, insomnia.


St. John's wort tea is necessary for everyone who cannot fall asleep in the evening, feels a sense of anxiety, mental fatigue. In addition, it is effective as part of complex therapy for colds, fever. Other herbs can be added to tea with St. John's wort if desired. For example, mint, rosehip, linden. St. John's wort is often added to your favorite black tea.

To prepare herbal tea with St. John's wort, take two tablespoons of raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Let the tea steep for fifteen minutes. You can add honey.

Ointment with St. John's wort

This ointment is effective for cuts, abrasions, fractures and bruises. Mix three tablespoons (tablespoons) of powdered grass with pork fat until the consistency of thick sour cream. Mix thoroughly and store in the refrigerator.

There is another way to prepare the ointment. To do this, you need to mix St. John's wort grass and baby cream or petroleum jelly, ground into powder, in a ratio of 1: 1. Stir this mass and heat over low heat for three minutes. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

St. John's wort oil

It has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes rapid healing, disinfects abrasions and wounds. It is used externally for the treatment of purulent wounds, burns, bedsores and ulcers, in the form of warming compresses for sore throats. Inside, the oil is taken for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract on a spoon (tea) in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Place freshly cut flowers tightly in a jar, preferably glass, and fill them with olive or ordinary sunflower, but always refined oil. Cover the container with a lid and place on a sunny windowsill for three weeks. The composition must be shaken regularly. The finished oil acquires a reddish tint. It is filtered and applied externally.

Many modern biologists and doctors are interested in studying and putting into practice plants that have healing properties. One of them is St. John's wort, or ordinary. According to ancient beliefs, it is considered a remedy for ninety-nine diseases. And today we must bow low to those folk healers who discovered the healing power of St. John's wort and preserved invaluable information about its use for future generations.

What is the healing power of St. John's wort

St. John's wort is a perennial herbaceous plant 0.3–1.0 m high with stems that grow annually. If you crush the yellow petals of its flowers in your hands, they will turn the skin purple. Since the plant contains a large amount of tannins, its taste is tart, and the smell is special, delicate. St. John's wort blooms from mid-June to early September and grows almost everywhere: in glades, meadows, along roads, in green areas. It is at this time that it is collected. The tops of plants with branches, leaves and inflorescences have healing properties.

St. John's wort is an unpretentious plant that can be found everywhere

It is known that St. John's wort was used as a medicinal plant in the medicine of Ancient Greece. In Russia and Ukraine, they first started talking about it only at the beginning of the 19th century.


Green grass shoots and flowers contain:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • resinous ingredients;
  • vitamins C, P and PP;
  • tannin compounds;
  • carotene;
  • antibacterial compound imanin;
  • volatile phytoncides;
  • yellow pigment hypericin;
  • nicotinic acid.

Most of the useful elements are found in flowers.

Unique features of the plant and its effect on the body

This diversity of the chemical structure of St. John's wort explains its versatile therapeutic effects. The intake of alcohol and oil tinctures prepared from it enhances photosynthetic phenomena in the human body. This underlies the effectiveness of the plant in the fight against malignant tumors.

Means prepared on its basis have an effect on the body:

  • astringent;
  • antibacterial;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • regenerating.

St. John's wort flavonoids have a number of positive effects on the organs of the digestive and urinary systems:

  • relieve spasms from the muscles of the intestine;
  • increase the secretion of gastric juice;
  • restore physiological intestinal motility, thereby improving the absorption capacity of the digestive tract;
  • dilate blood vessels, bile ducts and ureters;
  • prevent stagnation of secretion in the gallbladder;
  • prevent stone formation in the kidneys;
  • facilitate the release of bile into the duodenum.

St. John's wort has immune-boosting and hemostatic properties. Due to the fact that the plant contains vitamin P, it reduces the permeability of capillaries, strengthens blood vessels. Preparations based on this herb improve blood circulation and nutrition of the abdominal organs, and also accelerate the excretion of urine.

The hypericin pigment contained in St. John's wort increases the sensitivity of a living organism to the rays of the sun and regulates important biological processes in the human body. At present, the antidepressant and sedative effect of the plant is no longer in doubt.

It should be borne in mind that of all the varieties of the plant, only St. John's wort (Hypericum perforation) has the above healing properties. It can be distinguished from stone, tetrahedral and other varieties of the plant by the characteristic holes in the leaves, thanks to which the grass got its name, and by the red juice that stands out when the flowers are rubbed in the hands.

Who will benefit from the plant

Among the people, St. John's wort and today does not lose popularity. Its miraculous healing abilities are used for various diseases:

  • catarrh (inflammation) of the intestines and stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cough of any origin;
  • dropsy;
  • children's enuresis;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • cystitis;
  • sciatica;
  • hemorrhoids.

Its bactericidal property is used in patients with gingivitis and stomatitis, and in surgery - for the healing of wounds and burns. In addition, St. John's wort is widely used as an appetite stimulant and fever reliever.

The healing properties of the plant have found their application in cosmetology. St. John's wort extract is part of many shampoos, creams, lotions and other face and hair care products. With the help of this plant, the problem of increased greasiness of the skin and is successfully solved. Rinsing hair with St. John's wort helps to get rid of dandruff, improves their appearance and health. Cosmetics from this herb can be easily prepared at home.

St. John's wort is widely used in the manufacture of hair care products.

St. John's wort is a tonic and sedative for insomnia, headaches and increased nervousness. Moreover, the antidepressant and sedative property of the plant's bioflavonoids is used when prescribing its preparations for:

  • itching caused by skin diseases;
  • manic-depressive syndrome;
  • hypochondria (feelings of anxiety, restlessness, apathy, depression);
  • nervous exhaustion;
  • arousal from intense pain.

Taking funds from St. John's wort improves the mental and physical well-being of people, increases their ability to work, normalizes night sleep and improves mood.

Video: grass from 99 diseases

Contraindications and side effects

Absolute contraindications to taking St. John's wort are:

  • hypersensitivity to plant components;
  • severe current depression;
  • photodermatitis, including previously transferred;
  • the need to take other antidepressant medications during this period;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the patient is under 12 years of age.

Since St. John's wort constricts blood vessels and increases blood pressure, people suffering from hypertension should take it with great care and only as part of herbal preparations. That is, so that other components balance its hypertensive effect.

From the use of St. John's wort, the following adverse reactions are possible, but not necessary:

  • dry mouth;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • bloating.

In people prone to allergies, the use of St. John's wort can cause the corresponding reactions of the skin and mucous membranes:

  • rash;
  • eczema;
  • areas of pigmentation;
  • sensitivity to dog and cat hair;
  • intolerance to sunlight (mainly in HIV-infected patients).

St. John's wort is low toxic, but in the medical literature one can find suggestions that, with long-term use in large doses, it has a detrimental effect on human germ cells. There are references to the possibility of reducing potency in men.

drug interaction

Preparations based on St. John's wort can reduce the effect of anticoagulants containing warfarin as the main active substance (for example, Marevan). It is not recommended to use them simultaneously with any means based on the plant in question, since when using this combination, the activation of the action of warfarin can continue for 14 days after stopping the use of preparations containing St. John's wort. In the case of the appointment of this combination, the patient should conduct regular laboratory monitoring of blood coagulation.

When taken together with sulfonamides, tetracyclines, quinolones, Piroxicam and diuretics, agents with St. John's wort can enhance their photosensitizing effect. In other words, increase the sensitivity of human skin to sunlight.

St. John's wort lengthens narcotic sleep, in which the patient is administered medication for general anesthesia, but shortens that caused by certain sleeping pills (barbiturates). When taken simultaneously with drugs that lower blood pressure (for example, with Reserpine), the plant can negate their hypotensive effect. It also reduces the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides (digoxin).

Women taking oral contraceptives (OCs) should be aware that the simultaneous use of St. John's wort increases the likelihood of intermenstrual bleeding.

Despite the fact that this medicinal plant increases the effectiveness of other antidepressants (for example, Nefazodone, Paroxetine, Sertraline), when taken in parallel with them, the risk of developing hypertensive crises increases. Therefore, the interval between cycles of treatment with other sedatives and St. John's wort should be at least 2 weeks.

You can not use this herb along with drugs prescribed for AIDS, and cytostatics. Whenever a patient takes anyothermedications, before using St. John's wort, he should consult a doctor.


With an excessively long intake of funds from St. John's wort, a supersaturation of the body can occur, which manifests itself in allergic reactions. If skin irritation occurs, avoid sun exposure for 10-15 days. And it is better not to allow exposure to the skin of ultraviolet rays during the entire period of treatment.

Using products with St. John's wort, you should limit the time spent in the sun

When using too much St. John's wort, iron deficiency anemia (anemia) sometimes develops. The central nervous system may respond to an overdose with headache, increased fatigue, and anxiety. Therefore, every 2-3 months you need to make 2-3-week pauses in taking the preparations of this plant.

Collection and storage rules

St. John's wort is harvested during the flowering period, before the first immature fruits appear. When harvesting, the upper part of the plant with flowers about 20 cm long is cut off. The medicinal raw material is dried in cool, shaded, well-ventilated rooms - under sheds or in attics. Or the grass is tied in bunches and hung in the yards of private houses (not in the sun!).

St. John's wort has another name - "grass of John the Baptist." It appeared in Western Europe due to the fact that the most magnificent flowering of the plant was observed on June 24th. It is then that the Catholic Church celebrates the birth of the said saint. There is a belief that if on this night a sprig of St. John's wort is put under the pillow, then John the Baptist will appear in a dream, bless and save from trouble in the current year.

Video: how to collect and store St. John's wort

St. John's wort treatment

There is no need to be afraid that after a few days from the start of treatment with St. John's wort, the underlying disease may worsen for a short time - this is normal. During this period, there is a kind of "restructuring" in the body in connection with the action of the healing forces of the plant. But if the remedy clearly does not help, it is necessary to stop taking it and think about other methods of therapy.

John's wort in traditional medicine

In comparison with the treatment of psychological and nervous disorders with traditional medications, St.

In the pharmacy network, you can choose any of the sedative medicines containing this herb:

  • Arfazetin;
  • Doppelhertz;
  • Life;
  • Herbion Hypericum;

In some cases, St. John's wort preparations are prescribed by doctors for violations of the peripheral circulation, accompanied by congestion.

In official medicine, herbs or tinctures of St. John's wort, plant oil, as well as antibacterial drugs Imanin and Novoimanin are used. The latter are prescribed for external treatment and anesthesia of purulent wounds, burns, phlegmon, boils and carbuncles, nipple cracks, tonsillitis and sinusitis.

They are also used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the mouth and throat;
  • stagnation of bile in the gallbladder;
  • cholecystitis;
  • bile and urolithiasis;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach and intestines;
  • hepatitis;
  • functional disorders of the kidneys.

In dentistry, St. John's wort is used as an anti-inflammatory and astringent.

Photo gallery: pharmaceutical preparations containing St. John's wort

Novo-Passit - a sedative with components of plant origin, one of which is St. John's wort Brusniver is a herbal remedy that has a diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Negrustin is a herbal preparation with antidepressant activity. Prostanorm is a phytopreparation used in diseases of the prostate gland. Sibektan - phytopreparation with hepatoprotective and choleretic action

St. John's wort and traditional medicine

From this magical herb, folk healers invented a great many potions.

Alcohol tincture

St. John's wort is used as an external anesthetic in rheumatic disorders. It rubs the joints and lower back. Prepare it like this:

  1. Pour 20 g of vegetable raw materials with 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  2. Insist 14 days.
  3. Then filter and squeeze out the product, pour it into a dark glass container and store in a cool, dry place.

Alcohol tincture of St. John's wort can be lubricated:

  • infected wounds;
  • abscesses;
  • panats;
  • boils;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • burns.

It enhances the regenerative properties of tissues.

Video: how to prepare a medicinal St. John's wort tincture

With stomach ulcers, diseases of the gallbladder and kidney stones, St. John's wort is taken orally. It can serve as an analgesic and worming agent.

You need to take it in 1-2 tsp. half an hour before meals or 3 hours after it 2-3 times a day for 1-2 months.

Ready St. John's wort oil can be bought at the pharmacy

St. John's wort oil is also used for extensive burns - it will help, even if more than 60% of the body surface has been affected. Lotions soaked in it are applied to the affected areas of the skin. Oil compresses are made on ulcers, abscesses, festering wounds, loosening of the oral mucosa. The product lubricates skin damage caused by animals, acne on the face, cracks in the nipples in nursing women.

To prepare St. John's wort oil, you can use any of the following recipes:

  • 4 tbsp. l. fresh flowers pour 200 ml of olive oil and leave for 40 days.
  • Pour 3 handfuls of St. John's wort flowers into a bottle and pour 1 liter of good vegetable oil. Close the vessel with a lid and expose to the sun. After 2 weeks, add 2 more handfuls of St. John's wort flowers and insist until the liquid turns dark red.
  • Boil 100 g of St. John's wort herb together with inflorescences in 700 ml of fresh sunflower oil. The liquid should boil quietly for about half an hour. Filter after cooling.
  • A third of a glass of crushed fresh St. John's wort leaves and inflorescences insist on a glass of any vegetable oil for 20 days. Best suited sunflower, linseed, almond or olive. Squeeze and strain.
  • Let a liter jar of crushed herb of the plant, along with flowers, brew in a mixture of 0.4 liters of white wine with 0.8 liters of vegetable oil for 5 days. Then boil the product for 12 minutes so that the alcohol evaporates.

St. John's wort oil must be poured into a dark glass dish and kept in the refrigerator.

Video: St. John's wort oil - an excellent antidepressant

Hypericum tea

St. John's wort tea, drunk daily in large quantities (at least 3-4 cups), treats chronic inflammation in the intestines and diarrhea. To prepare it, take 1 cup of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. flowers or leaves of a plant. You can use St. John's wort in half with yarrow. Drink this tea 2 cups after each meal for 2-3 months.

Healing tea with St. John's wort also works well for nervous exhaustion, emotional overwork, mental stress, and sleep disorders. He will help students during the exam sessions.

Here is another recipe for a soothing tea from a mixture of herbs with St. John's wort:

  1. Take St. John's wort, angelica root and yarrow flowers in equal amounts.
  2. 1 st. l. crushed raw materials pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Let stand a little.
  4. Drink at night.

St. John's wort in this combination treats insomnia, regenerates and strengthens the nervous system.

A cup of St. John's wort tea, drunk at night, will improve sleep and calm the nervous system.

In the same way, to calm down, you can drink tea made from St. John's wort, lemon balm and linden flowers.


A decoction of St. John's wort is used for vaginal douching in inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. To do this, prepare a mixture of the following plants, taken equally:

  • tea rose petals;
  • flax seeds;
  • marigold flowers;
  • marshmallow root;
  • herbs mountaineer pepper;
  • nettle root;
  • oak bark;
  • shepherd's purse herbs;
  • larkspur root;
  • willow bark;
  • sand cumin flowers;
  • mistletoe herbs.

Boil 5-6 tbsp. l. of this mixture in 3 liters of water for half an hour.

You can prepare the remedy in another way:

  1. 4 tbsp. l. St. John's wort pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Cover the dish with a lid and simmer in a water bath for 30 minutes.
  3. Then let stand for 15 minutes and strain.
  4. Rinse the vagina with warm decoction twice a day: in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed.

You can prepare a decoction for douching only from St. John's wort. To this end, 3 Art. l. herbs with flowers should be boiled for 20 minutes in 2 liters of water.

The decoction of St. John's wort is used to wash the wounds, and they are also dressed with bandages moistened with it. For speedy healing, the remedy is also taken orally. In addition, a decoction of St. John's wort is drunk as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory drug for cholangitis and cholecystitis.


To eliminate adenoids and polyps of the nasopharynx, prepare an ointment from St. John's wort:

  1. Grind the dry grass of the plant to a powder state.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. St. John's wort powder with 3 tsp. unsalted butter.
  3. Add celandine juice to the resulting composition (for 1 tsp of ointment - 5 drops of juice).
  4. Pour the product into a dark glass bottle.
  5. Shake the vessel until an emulsion forms inside it.

Place 2 drops of this medicine in each nasal passage 3 to 4 times a day.

In the same way, you can make an ointment for the treatment of cracked nipples. To do this, mix 1 tbsp. l. decoction of St. John's wort with 2 tbsp. l. softened butter.


Strong infusions of St. John's wort are very effective for curing gastrointestinal and colds. They can be easily prepared on their own for oral administration, for gargling and for washing nasal passages. To do this, 10 g of the plant is poured with 100 ml of boiling water. Drink 1 tbsp. l. four times a day. Pass the infusion through the nose with a runny nose in the morning and at night.

For colds, it is useful to inhale the dry powder of St. John's wort.

St. John's wort is a herbaceous plant that attracts attention with yellow flowers, which is ubiquitous. It does not require special conditions for growth. It can be found in fields, meadows and near rates, lakes, rivers. St. John's wort is widely used in traditional medicine recipes for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

The composition of the medicinal herb

The chemical structure of the plant is diverse, and includes the following substances:

  • A complex of essential vitamins, including carotene, tocopherols, B vitamins and rutin.
  • Flavonoids and phytoncides.
  • Micro and macro elements (potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc).
  • Tannins.
  • Essential oils and sugars.

A variety of useful trace elements determines the healing properties of St. John's wort, this plant also has contraindications. Especially if you neglect the rules of admission and the permissible dose.

Indications for the use of St. John's wort herb

The plant is used as a medicine during the flowering period. Since ancient times, the herb has been used to create healing drinks that have been used to treat flu, colds, rheumatism, headaches, and gastrointestinal diseases. When to collect St. John's wort flowers? As a rule, the grass ripens from June to August. During this period, you can collect it for later drying and use.

Women used St. John's wort for inflammation of the genital organs. The main healing properties include:

St. John's wort flowers are widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics that are used to treat acne, reduce the production of subcutaneous fat, pustular lesions of the skin, as well as to preserve youth and freshness of the skin.

What to dry with St. John's wort: leaves or flowers? The choice depends on how you want to use the culture. Traditional medicine mainly uses the inflorescences of the plant to treat the following pathologies:

  • Gastritis.
  • Heartburn.
  • Prostatitis.
  • Inflammation of the gallbladder.
  • Depressive state.
  • Gynecological diseases.
  • tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Burn.
  • Urinary incontinence in a child.

St. John's wort has a huge number of useful properties and cures serious pathologies.

Gathering Secrets

The harvesting time of St. John's wort is determined according to the period of its flowering. Due to the wide distribution of the plant, the period is determined specifically, depending on the place of growth.

The flowering part of the plant is harvested. The cut is made at a distance of 10-12 cm from the top of St. John's wort. The more inflorescence, the better.

When does St. John's wort bloom? The best time for harvesting usually starts from the second decade of July. The most favorable place for collecting plants are desert edges and meadows. Experts do not recommend collecting St. John's wort near highways and cities.

How to dry St. John's wort flowers? This is done in two ways. After collection, the required amount of St. John's wort is laid out on a straight surface for drying (a baking sheet is used for this purpose).

The second method is as follows: the bundles are tied up in a suspended state.

Do not expose the plant to direct sunlight. In addition, during drying, the plants must have access to fresh air. Otherwise, they may squirm.

After drying, St. John's wort is stored in this way:

  • hanging in small bunches;
  • grinding and packaging of raw materials in paper bags or glass jars.

Thus, the plant can be stored for about 3 years, if moisture is not allowed to enter. A dry and dark place is suitable for this.

Another type of storage is St. John's wort oil. This method is convenient and allows you to save the useful qualities of the plant for a long time.

How to make St. John's wort oil

For cooking, you need to take 100 g of inflorescences and leaves of the plant, grind thoroughly. Pour the prepared raw materials with 200 ml of olive or sunflower oil. It should be infused for a month. When the oil is ready, be sure to strain it and apply as directed.

The recipe is considered the main one, but there is another way to prepare the remedy. 500 g of fresh flowers of the plant are taken and poured with a liter of olive oil and 500 ml of dry white wine. All components are thoroughly mixed and left to brew for 30 days. The container is covered with a napkin. While the oil is infused, alcohol will come out of it. During this period of time, all the beneficial properties of the plant will pass into the mixture, and you can begin to use the remedy for the treatment of various pathologies.

Can be used for various diseases:

  • Neuralgic and muscular pains.
  • Violation of blood circulation.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Spasms and convulsions.

In folk medicine, St. John's wort oil is used as a remedy for:

  • healing of wounds, abscesses and burns;
  • treatment of inflammation of the skin and oral cavity (herpes, allergies);
  • with neuralgic pathologies;
  • with ulcers.

For the treatment of stomach ulcers, it can be used 1 tbsp. spoon before meals for 30 days.

Healing tea from St. John's wort

There are recipes that can be used at home to treat many diseases.

How to make tea from St. John's wort flowers? Proper preparation of the drink involves brewing it in a porcelain teapot, which is scalded with boiling water before that. Next, you should take 10 g of dried flowers of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for a few minutes and drink fresh. The drink is a tonic. It is drunk for colds, sleep disorders, anxiety and depression.

Medicinal tea during the period of colds is prepared as follows:

  1. Brew 2.5 tablespoons of St. John's wort flowers and 3 tablespoons of cranberries in 0.3 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight.
  2. Drink the prepared drink during the next day.

To prepare a tonic tea, you need to take equal proportions of St. John's wort and wild rose (2 tablespoons) and 1 teaspoon of oregano. Brew and infuse for a long time (5-7 hours). The drink must be consumed several times a day to improve the body.

For refreshing tea, take 20 g of St. John's wort, a currant leaf and pour a glass of boiling water. Brew for 20 minutes. Drink as a drink.

St. John's wort medicines for home use

A decoction of the plant is prepared at the rate of 30 g of dried grass, which is poured into 0.5 liters of water. Put the product on a small fire and boil for half an hour. Then give time for the broth to brew. Next, it must be filtered and filtered. The result is a liquid of a reddish-brown hue, which fully retains all the beneficial properties of St. John's wort. The decoction can be used internally and externally as lotions and compresses.

An infusion of dry or fresh herbs will be ready after 4-6 hours have passed since it was brewed. A rich and aromatic liquid is used to treat gastritis, colitis, cholelithiasis and inflammation of the urogenital area. Well helps the use of infusion for gargling and mouthwash with stomatitis. As a lotion, the remedy is used for mosquito bites, irritation of the skin, abscesses and wounds of a different nature.

How to brew St. John's wort flowers? The duration of the process largely depends on what you need to prepare tea, infusion or decoction.

In some cases, a tincture is prepared from the dried herb of St. John's wort. For 10 g of raw materials, 7 parts of alcohol or 10 parts of vodka are taken. In a glass container, the product is infused for 3 days. Alcohol tincture is used as an analgesic, warming and anti-inflammatory agent for the treatment of muscle and joint pain.

Another method of using the plant is to prepare an extract of St. John's wort flowers. According to the recipe, 50 g of grass must be poured with the same amount of alcohol. If vodka is used to prepare the extract, then it is taken 2 times more. It helps in the treatment of abscesses and ulcers. To treat back pain, you need to use lotions from the extract.

To rinse the mouth with a glass of water, add a few drops of the product. The procedure will get rid of unpleasant odors and strengthen the gums.

For the treatment of bruises, cuts and fractures, an effective ointment with St. John's wort is used. To prepare it, take 20-30 g, crushed to a powder state, raw materials. Add some pork fat and mix well. Keep the ointment in a cool place, and best of all in the refrigerator.

There is a recipe where vaseline or baby cream is taken instead of pork fat. The grass powder is mixed with the fatty base in a ratio of 1:1. Store in a refrigerator. Method of application: apply to the affected area 3 times a day until the pain decreases.

Cosmetic Recipes

St. John's wort flowers or leaves can be used not only for pharmaceutical purposes, but also to prepare excellent masks and decoctions for the face from these components. After all, the plant is able to help a woman achieve beautiful and healthy skin.

The possibilities of St. John's wort are so wide that they can be used in various beauty recipes.

The plant is purchased not only in a pharmacy, but also collected independently. At home, with only improvised means, you can prepare healing decoctions, infusions, masks and face creams.

Effective are products for the care of problematic, combination or skin with inflammation:

  • In order for the sebaceous glands to normalize, you should use St. John's wort tincture. It is prepared from 2 tablespoons of herbs and 250 ml of boiling water. After 30 minutes, the mixture is ready, it is filtered and wiped on the face. Within a week, the skin will become dry and the inflammatory process will go away. To maintain a positive effect, it is necessary to wipe the face in the morning and evening for 30 days.
  • To get rid of oily sheen and enlarged pores, you should use an infusion of this plant, frozen in the form of cubes. The decoction is made in accordance with the previous recipe and poured into special forms. Then they are placed in the refrigerator until frozen. Use cubes daily after evening washing, wiping the skin with them. Regular use will shrink pores and rejuvenate the skin. In addition to the result obtained, the manifestation of acne will decrease, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and the contour of the face will tighten. To enhance the effect, eucalyptus and sage grass can be added to the cubes.
  • For dry skin, you can prepare a cream. It is necessary to take 30 g of the plant and butter, a few drops of the juice of one lemon, and then mix. Apply to face before bed.
  • For dry skin, a nourishing mask is used, which includes 10 g of St. John's wort, 1 yolk and a few tablespoons of carrot juice. The product is applied to a cleansed face and left for a quarter of an hour. Then the mask is removed and a nourishing cream is applied.
  • To prepare a lotion for wrinkles, you need to take a glass of infusion and a tablespoon of vodka. After washing, you should wipe the skin of the face, décolleté and neck with the resulting product.
  • Bath for heels. Pour 100 g of dry plant with a liter of hot water. Boil for 5 minutes. Pour the broth into a convenient container and start bathing procedures for the legs.

Regular use of plant-based cosmetics will make the skin of the face radiant and healthy.

The healing properties of St. John's wort for the female body

In gynecology, the herb has long been used to treat erosions and menstrual disorders. During the treatment period, it is recommended to refrain from sexual activity.

John's wort is used for the following diseases:

  • Failure of the menstrual cycle. Drink as a tea, 750 ml per day for 90 days.
  • Cervical erosion. A glass of dried St. John's wort flowers is dried in a pan or baking sheet. Then crushed into powder and poured with vegetable oil. Insist, periodically shaking, for 12 days. Strain and insert tampons soaked in decoction into the vagina. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery.
  • Mastopathy. 20 g of St. John's wort pour 500 ml of boiling water. Boil until the volume of liquid is reduced by 2 times. Take 30 ml three times a day after meals. Treatment is continued for a month. Take a break for 14 days. If necessary, continue taking the infusion.

St. John's wort for the treatment of various pathologies in a woman is able to reduce the symptoms of the disease, provided that it is taken correctly and the duration of the course is required.

St. John's wort for men

The plant has tonic properties, and it is able to increase the sexual activity of the stronger sex. The remedy is especially useful for those whose erection has decreased as a result of chronic fatigue or stressful situations.

The following recipes are used to increase potency:

  • Pour 10 g of grass with a glass of hot water and leave for half an hour. Filter the infusion and consume 50 ml no more than 3 times a day until the condition is relieved. The course of therapy is at least 1 month.
  • Hypericum extract. Mix 40 g of grass with 100 g of vodka. Close tightly and put in a dark place. Drink the resulting remedy 3 times a day, 40 drops. The course of treatment should be no more than 30 days.
  • Hypericum decoction. To prepare the remedy, mix 10 g of herb with a glass of water. Put on fire and boil. Then boil the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Take at least half an hour before meals, 50 ml. The course of therapy is 30 days.

When carrying out the correct procedure for the preparation of drugs based on St. John's wort, it is possible to achieve the return of potency and sexual activity in men.

What are the contraindications for St. John's wort

Despite many useful qualities, the plant is toxic. St. John's wort herb has medicinal properties and contraindications. If you take it for a long time and uncontrollably, then this can cause negative consequences: a bitter taste in the mouth, an increase in the size of the liver, and more.

The use of medicines is prohibited under the following conditions:

  • During pregnancy and lactation, it is forbidden to take preparations based on St. John's wort. After all, the tool can worsen the taste of breast milk. At the same time, washing with a decoction of the plant and the use of ointments is allowed during the entire period of bearing a child.
  • With oncological diseases of the genital area.
  • With chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • With excessive alcohol consumption.

During the use of funds based on St. John's wort, it is necessary to follow the rules for their reception:

  • During the period of use, preparations based on a plant, there is an increase in sensitivity to direct sunlight. At this time, it is better to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin.
  • With arterial hypertension, it is not recommended to use products containing St. John's wort, because of its ability to increase blood pressure.
  • It is forbidden to use plant-based preparations for people who have undergone organ transplants. St. John's wort can reject a foreign body.
  • Grass reduces the effect of the use of contraceptives.
  • A long period of use of St. John's wort by men leads to a weakening of potency.
  • It is not recommended to use preparations containing St. John's wort for more than 4 weeks. This can cause the liver to enlarge.
  • The plant is able to provoke the production of male hormones in the body, which is fraught for a woman with menstrual irregularities and facial hair growth.
  • It is forbidden to use St. John's wort flowers together with antibiotics. The plant contributes to the rapid removal of the drug from the body, which will lead to a decrease in the effect and the treatment will not give a positive result.

Before you start taking the drug, you should consult a specialist about the optimal dose and duration of therapy.

St. John's wort is an amazing plant that has many beneficial properties. It is able to assist in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. It can be used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. When used correctly, in compliance with the course of treatment and in the appropriate dosage, St. John's wort can only benefit the body. It is not recommended to use the plant for a long time in order to avoid negative consequences and serious complications.

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