The most beautiful fox species in the world. The most beautiful foxes in the world (20 photos) Canadian fox North American

If you love foxes the way we do, you can hardly argue that they are truly charming animals. Red, gray, white, living in forests and polar wastelands - all foxes are very beautiful, mysterious and luxurious, regardless of species.

Today we bring you 7 of the most colorful fox species from all over the world. Choose who you like the most!

(Total 20 photos)

1. Fennecs.

These paws live in North Africa, in the Sahara desert. They are characterized by large ears that help them cope with the heat.

2. Thanks to these ears, they hear so well that they can track prey under several layers of sand. And their cream-colored fur gives them the ability to reflect heat during the day and keep warm at night.

3. Red fox.

4. This is the largest and most common type of fox.

5. They live throughout the Northern Hemisphere, as well as in Australia.

6. Red foxes are very agile and cunning hunters that can jump over 2-meter fences!

7. Marble fox.

8. It is also called the polar marbled fox.

9. Such a coloring did not occur in nature - people artificially bred this species and began to breed such foxes for the sake of fur.

10. Gray fox.

It lives throughout North America and is distinguished by its "gray" coloring and black-tipped tail.

11. This is the only representative of the canine family that can climb trees.

12. Black-brown fox.

In fact, this is the same species as the red fox, they just differ in pigmentation (fur color).

13. Once the silver fox fur was considered one of the most valuable. They are still bred for their fur.

15. The arctic fox is also called the polar fox.

16. Lives throughout the Arctic Circle.

The fox is often associated in people with cunning and deceit, with a red tail and a wary look. However, not all so simple. In our selection - seven such different and such charming species of foxes, which differ from each other not only in color, but also in their character.


Fennec fox cannot boast of large size - this animal is smaller than a domestic cat. But the fenech's ears are the envy of all predators - almost half the length of the animal's body! Such ears help the fox to hear the rustles of prey - small insects and lizards that live in the sands of northern Africa. In addition, huge ears contribute to better cooling of the body during the heat.

red fox

red fox is the most numerous widespread species among foxes. This animal can be seen throughout Europe, in North America, in India and China, as well as in Australia, where foxes were specially brought as natural enemies without measure of bred rodents. Red foxes tend to live in burrows. They may dig them themselves or may take over an empty burrow of other animals such as marmots, badgers or arctic foxes. However, there are times when a fox settles in someone else's mink, even though its owner has not yet "moved" to another place.

marble fox

Actually arctic marbled fox is a subspecies of the common red fox artificially bred for exotic fur.

gray fox

gray fox lives in North and Central America. They are known for being monogamous animals and living with their partner for the rest of their lives. In addition, it is the only fox that can climb trees.

Black-brown fox

Black-brown fox, or silver fox, differs from the red one only in that there are absolutely no red hairs in its color. Sometimes completely black, sometimes gray with a bluish tinge, sometimes ashen - foxes of such an exotic color are very popular in animal husbandry, where they are used to obtain fur.

polar fox

polar fox, also known as the arctic fox, is famous for its fluffy snow-white fur, which helps the animal withstand colds down to -70 C. However, in summer this fox cannot be recognized - the arctic fox is the only one among foxes that changes its color, and in the warm season it becomes dirty brown colors.

Everyone loves cats, but we, as always, decided to go outside the box and introduce you to the most beautiful and amazing types of foxes. Seals have become boring and predictable, but foxes are very interesting animals, which you probably don’t know much about. After all, a red fox is the only thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "fox". In fact, this is a very diverse and adaptive genus of animals, all of whose representatives are beautifully adapted to living in the very environment where they are. And, believe me, there are a lot of foxes all over the world and not all of them are red!


These foxes live in North Africa and the Sahara desert. They are distinguished by their huge ears, which serve to dissipate heat from their body. With such ears, they have such good hearing that they can hear their prey moving under the sand. Their creamy fur helps them radiate heat during the day and keep them warm at night.

red fox

The red fox is the largest, most common and, as a result, the most diverse species of fox. They can be found throughout the northern hemisphere and even in Australia. These foxes are very agile hunters and have been known to easily jump over 2m fences.

Arctic marbled fox

The Arctic marbled fox is a subspecies of the red fox, and its coloration cannot be considered natural, since these animals were bred by people for luxurious furs.

gray fox

The gray fox, which lives in North America, has a delightful salt and pepper color on its back and a tail with a black stripe. This fox is one of the few canines that can climb trees.

silver fox

The silver fox also belongs to the red fox species, differing only in the pigmentation variant. In addition, this fox is one of the most valuable species of furry foxes. They are still bred and bred for their magnificent fur.

Polar fox or arctic fox

Arctic fox can be found throughout the Arctic Circle. Its thick fur does not allow it to freeze even at very low temperatures, reaching -70°C. These foxes have relatively short legs and muzzles, which reduces body surface area and allows them to retain heat.

cross fox

The cross fox is another variant of the red fox. It is most common in North America.

We know that most people love foxes, but how not to love these beauties in fluffy fur coats? Therefore, we decided that it would be interesting for you to learn about some of the most beautiful and colorful species of these forest animals. Common or red fox (Vulpes vulpes), that usually comes to mind when you hear the word "fox" and it makes sense, because this type of fox is the most common in the world and can be found anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. If you love foxes and think they look much better in the wild than on someone's neck, then you'll definitely want to see the 7 most beautiful fox species in their natural element!

Fennec Fox

Fennec foxes, living in North Africa and the Sahara Desert, are distinguished by their large ears, which serve not only to enable the animal to hunt better, but also to better cool the body in the heat of the day. Also, their cream fur helps them not to attract the scorching sun during the day and keep warm at night.

Red Fox (Red Fox)

The red fox is the largest, most widely distributed and, as a result, the most diverse species of all foxes. They can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Australia. These foxes are very agile hunters and can even jump over a two-meter fence.

Marble Fox

The Arctic marbled fox is also a member of the red fox species, the color of which is not found in the wild - its color was bred artificially for the sake of fur.

Gray fox (Gray Fox)

The gray fox, which lives in North America, is distinguished by its salt and pepper coat, black tail tip and red muzzle.This fox is one of the few canines that can climb trees.

Black and brown fox (Silver Fox)

The black-brown fox is actually the same species of red fox, differing only in a different pigmentation. There was a time when the black fox was considered one of the most valuable fur foxes that could be found. People still breed and raise them for their fur.

Arctic fox (Arctic Fox)

Arctic fox can be found throughout the Arctic Circle. Its thick fur protects the animal from colossally low temperatures (-70 degrees Celsius). These foxes have relatively short legs and muzzle, which allows them to keep warm.

Cross Fox

Another type of red fox, which is the most common in North America.

Photographs of foxes taken in their natural habitat and short descriptions of the species will give you an idea of ​​these colorful furry wild animals.

Photo by: Roselyn Raymond

Photo by: Kai Fagerstrom

Photo by: Wenda Atkin

The red fox is the most widespread, therefore the most diverse species of all foxes. They can be found throughout the Northern Hemisphere and in Australia. These agile hunters are known to be able to jump over fences two meters high. (Photo by: Roselyn Raymond)

marble fox

Photo by: unknown

Photo by: unknown

The Arctic marbled fox is a subspecies of the red fox. She does not occur in nature with this color, people raised her for the sake of fur. (Photo credit: Ewald Mario)

Gray fox or tree fox

Photo credit: Variegated Vibes

The gray fox is common in North America. It is distinguished by pale gray fur with a black tail tip. This fox is one of the few canids that can climb trees. (Photo credit: John Payne)

Black-brown fox or silver fox

Photo by: Shelley Evans

This is another type of fox with a beautiful color from completely black with a white tail tip to gray with a blue or brown tint. The silver fox is known as one of the most valuable fur-bearing animals. They are still bred and raised for their fur. (Photo credit: Matt Knot)

Photo by: Daniel Parent

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