Removable dentures guaranteed by law. Possible cases of warranty reduction. Guarantees for surgical treatment


on the establishment of warranty periods and service life
on the result of rendering dental services at DejaVu LLC


1.1. This Regulation was developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation FZ "On Protection of Consumer Rights" No. 2300-1 dated February 7, 1992, federal law RF dated December 17, 1999, No. 212-F3 “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, and subsequent amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the “Rules for Providing medical organizations paid medical services» (Decree of the Government Russian Federation dated October 4, 2012 N 1006 Moscow).

1.2. This Regulation defines the warranty period and service life for the result of the provision of dental services in DejaVu LLC(hereinafter referred to as the "Clinic").

1.3. Warranty periods and service life are set only for works that have a materialized result: fillings, dental restorations, crowns, veneers, inlays, dentures, orthodontic appliances.

1.4. Treatment quality assurance- this is a certain minimum time period of the patient's clinical well-being after treatment, during which no complications appear and the functional integrity of the manufactured fillings, prostheses, crowns, orthodontic appliances is maintained.

Guarantee period- this is the period during which, in the event of a defect in the work performed, the patient has the right, at his choice, to demand:
- gratuitous elimination of shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered);
- a corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service rendered);
- gratuitous production of another thing from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performing the work. In this case, the patient is obliged to return the product previously transferred to him by the contractor (crowns, prostheses, orthodontic appliances).

Guarantee period is calculated from the moment the result of the service (work) is transferred to the consumer (patient), i.e. from the end of the service.

Life time- this is a period of free rework or replacement of work, re-treatment patient in the event of unrecoverable shortcomings that arose after treatment through no fault of the patient (the filling fell out, the prosthesis broke, the crown was cemented, the artificial crown was chipped).

2. Warranty periods and service periods valid in the "Clinic"

2.1. For the majority of works (services) for the provision dental care the Clinic has established warranty periods and service periods (Tables No. 1, No. 2 of this Regulation). In some cases, warranty periods and service periods may be established by the attending physician, depending on:
- from individual features the patient;
- clinical picture diseases (situation in the oral cavity);
- availability concomitant diseases, which directly or indirectly lead to changes in the teeth and surrounding tissues.

2.2. In some difficult cases, with the consent of the patient, treatment or prosthetics can be carried out conditionally, i.e. without guaranteed positive result. In such cases, the guarantee does not apply, the money is not returned and is not taken into account in the subsequent treatment. When it is not possible to accurately predict further development disease and if there is a possibility of a positive result, the doctor can offer the patient a conservative (preserving) treatment option, i.e. take advantage of the opportunity to save the tooth or dental pulp, as well as avoid additional operations and costs. If during the agreed period, however, a complication has arisen and it is required additional treatment. The patient pays only new job and does not pay for alterations previously made. In the event of complications, the patient is obliged to immediately inform the doctor or clinic registrar and immediately attend an appointment with a specialist.

2.3. When establishing warranty periods for a dental service (work), it is necessary to be guided by tables No. 1, No. 2 of this provision.
In this situation, the warranty is set by default without a separate statement in medical card.

2.4. In cases where a guarantee is not established for the service provided (work performed), is established in a shortened period, or when a guarantee obligation arises that is not provided for by this regulation, the attending physician is obliged to reflect the situation mentioned in this clause in the medical record with a clear wording:
"No Warranty" or "Warranty ________ months".
FROM special conditions under the guarantee, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with a signature in the medical record.

3. The warranty does not cover:

3.1. Teeth previously endodontically treated in other clinics are not guaranteed.
3.2. For teeth diagnosed with periodontitis or other periapical pathology, as well as for teeth previously treated in other clinics for similar diseases.
3.3. The warranty does not cover sleeves (matrices) and relining of the prosthesis.
3.4. For fillings with the destruction of more than 50% of the tooth (having direct indications for further prosthetics).

4. In therapeutic dentistry:

4.1. To therapeutic treatment includes the treatment of diseases of caries, pulpitis and periodontitis (the last two are associated with root canal treatment), cosmetic dentistry (restoration or change in the original shape and color of the tooth without prosthetics, replacement / adjustment of fillings), preparation (treatment) of teeth for prosthetics.

4.2. Warranty periods and terms of service for works and services in therapeutic dentistry begin to operate from the moment the treatment of a particular tooth is completed. Signs of the end of treatment are:
- in the treatment of caries - delivered permanent filling;
- in the treatment of complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis) - permanent filling of root canals and covering the tooth with a crown.

No. p / p

Types of jobs

Warranty period (year)

Service life (year)

Fillings made of composite light-curing material:

Caries on chewing surface teeth

Caries on the contact surface of incisors and canines

Caries on the contact surface of small and large posterior teeth

Caries on the contact surface of the incisors with the destruction of the angle of the crown; caries in the gum area


1. These terms are recommended for patients with single caries and multiple stabilized or slowly current process. With KPU (cariously affected, filled, removed) teeth 13-18, the terms are reduced by 30%, with KPU more than 18, the terms are reduced by 50%.
2. With poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods are reduced by 70%.
3. When schedules are violated preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for in the treatment plan, the guarantee is void.

5. In orthopedic dentistry:

5.1. Orthopedic dentistry services include services for the elimination (treatment) of defects in teeth and/or jaw dentition using permanent and/or temporary orthopedic structures.

5.2. Permanent orthopedic structures include:

Metal-ceramic and cast crowns, incl. combinations of these crowns, as well as bridge structures, veneers, inlays;

Metal-free crowns (pressed ceramics, composite crowns);

Removable structures: full and partial removable structures, clasp prostheses with locks and clasps.

5.3. Temporary orthopedic structures include:

temporary crowns;

Temporary replacement dentures.

5.4. The warranty period and service life for orthopedic services begins to operate from the moment the permanent structures are installed in the patient's mouth, which is confirmed by an entry in outpatient card.

No. p / p

Types of jobs

Warranty period (year)

Service life (year)

Metal-free restorations:

Crowns, inlays, onlays, ceramic veneers, zirconia

Plastic temporary crowns


Metal-ceramic crowns

Crowns metal and stamped

Removable and clasp dentures (full and partial)

Metal tabs, SPS, gold

Works and constructions not included above


1. In case of poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods for all types of prosthetics are reduced by 50%.
2. In case of violation of the schedules of preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for by the treatment plan, the warranty is void.
3. When prosthetics on implants, the warranty and service periods are determined in accordance with the design of the prosthesis.
4. If the recommended treatment plan is not followed, the warranty period and service life are not established.
5. During the warranty period and service life of relining removable dentures carried out on a reimbursable basis.

5.5. Possible cases warranty reduction:

According to the law on "Protection of Consumer Rights", a reduced warranty period and service life for orthopedic work may be established. The dentist must inform the patient about the reduction of the warranty period for orthopedic work and reflect it in the outpatient card.

Existing medical techniques prosthetics do not allow to give a full warranty period in the presence of the following diagnoses or cases:

The presence of a diagnosis of gum disease: periodontitis (tooth mobility), periodontal disease. A prerequisite providing a guarantee is to conduct a course professional hygiene 2-4 times a year. The warranty period is set by the doctor depending on the severity of gum disease;

In the absence of clear medical indications to fulfillment certain types prosthetics and the patient's desire to perform work according to a certain scheme, the dentist has the right to establish a one-month warranty period for the orthopedic structure, having previously notified the patient about this. All alterations (design changes, therapeutic preparation of teeth for prosthetics) are carried out at the expense of the patient.

5.6. Important note.

1. Until the moment of delivery orthopedic construction, the patient has every right to demand alteration / correction of work for the following reasons:

The work performed does not meet aesthetic requirements
(the color, size or shape of the tooth is not correctly made);

The work performed does not correspond to that in terms of prosthetics (treatment plan).

2. Compliance with the operating conditions of the orthopedic structure (use of specialized pastes and toothbrushes, irrigator, cleansing tablets, etc.) is mandatory.

6. Warranty periods and service periods on the certain types works (services) due to their specificity, it is not possible to establish. These include works (services) not listed in the table:

Orthodontic treatment and orthodontic appliances;

Repeated endodontic treatment;

Professional hygiene;

Applying a bandage (temporary filling);


Periodontal treatment;

Teeth whitening.

General Director of DejaVu LLC Kozhin A.V.

  • The procedure for granting a guarantee for dental services (file rating: 1759)
1.1 General

In accordance with the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the organization is obliged to establish a warranty period for services. This provision determines the terms of the guarantee for medical services and the procedure for their establishment. Administration dental center informs that all works and services are performed on the basis of a license, materials are purchased from certified suppliers, dental work is performed in a licensed laboratory. All materials are approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In case of any comments on the work and services performed, the patient should contact the administrator (by phone or in person) and, having stated the essence of the remark, sign up for free reception to the attending physician. Fulfillment of warranty obligations is free of charge for the patient.

During the warranty period, the comments of patients are considered on the basis of a written application in the prescribed form. An application form can be obtained from the center administrator.

1.2 Warranty for certain types of services

1.2.1 Warranty obligations for prosthetics (orthopedic work)

Guaranteed for orthopedic work. The guarantee for preparation for prosthetics (therapeutic treatment) is defined in section 1.2.2 "Warranty obligations for therapeutic treatment".

Permanent non-removable orthopedic work includes:

  • Metal-ceramic, metal-composite, and solid-cast crowns, including combinations of these crowns - bridge structures;
  • Metal-free crowns (prosthetics using the Fabrekor system, pressed ceramics, composite crowns);

Permanent removable orthopedic work includes:

  • Complete, partially removable dentures, clasp dentures (with micro locks or micro hooks);

These works are guaranteed for 1 year.

Temporary orthopedic work includes:

  • temporary crowns;
  • temporary replacement prostheses.

Permanent orthopedic work is guaranteed for 1 (one) year. Temporary orthopedic works are guaranteed until they are replaced by permanent structures, but not more than 6 (six) months.

A guarantee for permanent orthopedic work is provided for the following items:

  • Dropping out artificial teeth from prostheses, fracture of the plastic of the prosthesis, destruction of micro-locks (attachments) and micro-hooks (clasps).

Please note that temporary orthopedic structures must be replaced with permanent ones. The recommended period for wearing temporary structures is determined by a dentist and must be brought to your attention with an entry in the card. If for some reason (due to the fault of the patient) temporary structures are not replaced by permanent ones, then further responsibility is removed from the dental center and the dentist.

The warranty for permanent orthopedic work begins to operate from the moment the warranty card is issued, which determines the scope of work performed and the warranty period. The guarantee for temporary orthopedic work begins to operate from the moment the temporary structures are installed in the patient's mouth and is confirmed by an entry in the treatment card. At the request of the patient, a warranty card or an extract from the medical card can be issued.

Possible cases of warranty reduction

Under the Consumer Protection Act, a reduced warranty period for orthopedic work may be established. The dentist must inform the patient about the reduction of the warranty period for orthopedic work. The warranty period must be specified in the warranty card. Existing medical methods of prosthetics do not allow to give a full warranty period (1 year) in the presence of the following diagnoses or cases:

  • The presence of tooth mobility. The warranty period is determined by the doctor;
  • The presence of a diagnosis of gum disease: periodontitis, periodontal disease. A mandatory condition for granting a guarantee is to conduct a professional hygiene course once a year.

The warranty period is set by the doctor depending on the severity of gum disease; In the absence of clear medical indications for performing certain types of prosthetics and the patient's desire to perform work according to a certain scheme, the dentist has the right to establish a warranty period for the orthopedic structure of 1 month, having previously notified the patient about this. All alterations (design changes, therapeutic preparation of teeth for prosthetics) are carried out at the expense of the patient.

Important note. Until the patient is issued a warranty card for orthopedic work, the patient has every right to demand alteration/correction of the work for the following reasons:

  • the work performed does not meet aesthetic requirements (the color, size or shape of the tooth is not correctly done);
  • the work performed does not correspond to the prosthetic plan (treatment plan).

Compliance with the operating conditions of the orthopedic structure (use special pastes and toothbrushes, cleaning tablets, etc.). In order to contribute to the timely detection of complications and to avoid aggravation (deterioration) of health due to the performed orthopedic treatment, the patient agrees to undergo a control (preventive) examination at intervals, established by the doctor but at least once a year. The patient acknowledges that possible complications, detected in a timely manner (during the follow-up examination) and properly installed by the dentist (i.e., according to accepted methods) will not cause harm to health. More than 3 months delay in the follow-up visit by the patient will void the warranty.

1.2.2 Therapeutic treatment warranty

The therapeutic treatment includes the treatment of diseases of caries, pulpitis and periodontitis (the last two are associated with root canal treatment), cosmetic dentistry (restoration or change in the original shape and color of the tooth without prosthetics, replacement / adjustment of fillings), preparation (treatment) of teeth for prosthetics. The guarantee begins to operate from the moment the treatment of a particular tooth is completed. Signs of the end of treatment are:

  • in the treatment of caries - a permanent filling;
  • in the treatment of complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis) - a permanent filling and a permanent filling of the root canals;

A warranty card is issued after each completed tooth treatment.

Warranty 1 year

The specified warranty applies to a specific object, namely:

  • the put seal is not destroyed, does not drop out. It is possible to change the color by 1 tone (in the direction of lightening or darkening), which is corrected by the dentist during the control examination, for people who smoke(subject to the passage of professional hygiene 2 times a year);
  • in the treatment of caries, tooth decay is suspended, there is no secondary caries(black stripe around the filling);
  • for the restoration of the crown part of the tooth when using pin structures (fiberglass and anchor pins) without further prosthetics;
  • on the primary treatment root canals with the possibility of complete patency and permanent filling of root canals with gutta-percha pins;
  • for the absence of destruction of the seal during the treatment (retreatment) of teeth, a guarantee is given for the seal (including with the use of a pin) without the need for further prosthetics;
  • on the right choice methods of treatment and the correct initial diagnosis.
Reduced Warranty. Combined Warranty. Disclaimer of Warranty.

Due to the difficulty of accurately predicting the outcome of treatment, a reduced guarantee may be granted in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of a tooth that has direct indications for further prosthetics (covering with an orthopedic crown), a guarantee is provided for a period of 3 (three) months. The destruction of the crown of the tooth (partial or complete destruction of the seal, tooth, loss of the seal) during the warranty period is redone free of charge;
  • in case of repeated treatment of root canals (endodontic treatment) and the impossibility of patency of root canals due to the following reasons: strong curvature, impossibility of complete unsealing, partial possibility of passage (it is not possible to pass part of the canal to the required length) - waiver of the guarantee. The seal can be guaranteed in full (i.e. for 1 year).
  • Extraction of hidden fragments of the instrument, closing of the cut (perforation) of the wall root canal during treatment in another medical institution- Disclaimer of warranty. The seal can be guaranteed in full (i.e. for 1 year).

If there are restrictive conditions for providing a full guarantee for 1 year, it is possible to provide a combined guarantee: separately for root canal treatment, separately for the delivered seal.

The guarantee for works and services in therapeutic dentistry begins from the moment the treatment is completed (i.e., the placement of a permanent filling). recorded in the outpatient card) is not a basis for granting a guarantee for treatment by the dental center. In consideration of such comments, the patient will be denied.

In the case of placing a temporary filling for a certain period (determined by the dentist) until the next scheduled visit and missing a visit to replace the temporary filling with a permanent one for more than 5 days, it may lead to the need for repeated root canal treatment. Treatment is paid for by the patient. The warranty period covers the time from the moment the temporary filling is placed until the scheduled visit to the dentist to replace it with a permanent one.

In order to contribute to the timely detection of complications and to avoid aggravation (deterioration) of health due to the performed therapeutic treatment, the patient agrees to undergo a follow-up (preventive) examination at a frequency set by the doctor, but at least once a year.

The patient is aware that possible complications detected in a timely manner (during the follow-up examination) and properly eliminated by the dentist (i.e., according to accepted methods) will not cause harm to health. More than 3 months delay in the follow-up visit by the patient will void the warranty.

1.2.3 Warranty for surgery

After surgical intervention the dental clinic guarantees:

  • within 6 months there are no complications
  • the extraction was carried out completely (i.e., there are no particles of teeth).

If any symptoms of deterioration in health after surgery appear, you should immediately contact the administrator of the dental center.

Warranty obligations for periodontal treatment (subsection of therapeutic dentistry)

Periodontal treatment (treatment of gum disease) aims to eliminate or stop the disease. Each case depends on many factors ( general condition organism; receiving certain medicines; nutrition; oral hygiene - frequency of brushing teeth; strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician). The guaranteed outcome of treatment is determined in each case individually.

During the “complex professional hygiene” procedure, it is guaranteed that all dental deposits (hard and soft) will be removed, the teeth will acquire a natural color.

Teeth are normal Dental treatment Warranty obligations in dentistry in Moscow: patient rights

Providing a guarantee for dental services is an obligatory element of cooperation between the patient and most modern clinics, because when paying for even an ordinary filling, the client wants to be sure that it will be installed with high quality and will last for the time allotted to it. In this article, readers are offered an overview of the currently existing dental guarantees and their validity on the example of one of the clinics in Moscow.

Basic terms

This practice helps to establish more trusting relationships and shows the client that the medical institution is ready to take responsibility for the quality of its work. When discussing warranty obligations with a clinic representative or signing an appropriate contract, the patient may encounter specific terms.

In order not to be misled, it is important to understand what actually lies under them, and not to confuse similar concepts.

  • Guarantee period- this is the period established by the clinic, during which it undertakes to correct the deficiencies identified at the end of treatment free of charge (or at a certain discount). The warranty period is determined separately for therapeutic, orthodontic and orthopedic services.
  • Lifetime- this is a certain period of time during which the product must maintain its qualities and functionality in full.

Expert opinion. Dentist Gorodetsky A.I.: “The difference between these two concepts is very large, but, nevertheless, many people get confused in them. Let us give a simple example: if the manufacturer of an orthopedic dental structure determines the approximate period of its operation at 15 years, this does not mean at all that the clinic where the structure was installed is obliged to serve the patient for free during this time. The clinic is only responsible for the work of its medical staff, so in this example, the concept of a “warranty period” comes into play – it will be from 1 to 3 years.”

  • Warranty case- this is a situation in which a product (filling, prosthesis, implant) fails during the warranty period. If this happens, the patient has the right to demand that the clinic fulfill its obligations - free replacement of the filling, restoration of the dental crown, repair or replacement of the bracket system.

One of the few areas of dentistry for which clinics do not give any guarantees is surgery. Despite the fact that the success of the operation depends primarily on the experience and skill of the surgeon, he cannot be responsible for how the patient will fulfill his postoperative appointments, how the gum will recover after, and also guarantee that the removed or tumor does not reappear.

It is not easy to establish clear warranty obligations for endodontic treatment - in this case, much depends on the characteristics anatomical structure root of the tooth, as well as individual reaction body for treatment. The warranty also does not cover periodontal treatment.

What does the warranty cover?

An important condition for compliance with warranty obligations on the part of any clinic is the patient's fulfillment of a number of requirements - from conscientious observance of hygiene rules to regular preventive visits in dental office. The list of requirements may also include:

  1. The absence of diseases or conditions in the patient that could adversely affect the results of treatment (pregnancy, ailments associated with changes in hormonal background, problems with gastrointestinal tract, ENT diseases).
  2. Lack of intervention from another doctor (if the filling was placed in a certain dentistry, then in order to maintain the guarantee, any manipulations with it must be carried out there).
  3. No injury or other unforeseen situations and cataclysms that affected the state of the dentition and dental material.

If all these conditions have been met, then the clinics are obliged to fulfill their warranty obligations regarding the following services:

Therapeutic dentistry: treatment of caries of enamel, caries of dentin, holding professional cleaning teeth with special means. An exception may be: cases of very deep caries if the patient refused depulpation and treatment advanced periodontitis, in which it is impossible to predict whether the patient will need additional procedures in the near future or not. As a rule, there are no guarantees for the treatment of milk teeth.

Orthodontic dentistry: all types of correction of the dentition with the help of non-removable orthodontic structures(). The clinic is not obliged to compensate the patient for material damage if he broke it as a result of improper or careless treatment or lost it (this applies to removable orthodontic structures). Quite rarely, a guarantee is given for children's braces.

Dental Implantology: in this area, obligations apply directly to - the clinic must guarantee the client that the implant installed by its specialists will not only take root safely, but also take root in the correct position. Otherwise, the patient will feel constant discomfort and even pain. There is no guarantee for such operations as osteoplasty and soft tissue plastic surgery: in this case, the result of the surgical intervention depends mainly on the body's ability to recover.

Surgery is one area of ​​dentistry that is not covered by the warranty.

Orthopedic dentistry: all types of fixed dentures. The obligation is null and void if there has been any intervention by another prosthodontist.

RESO guarantee

The guarantee provided by the RESO company, which includes, among other things, dental care, is now in great demand. The company provides its clients with a choice of several options for insurance packages, one of which is based on the division of clinics by price categories. RESO packages apply to surgical, therapeutic, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as aesthetic and preventive dentistry: coating teeth with fluoride varnish, getting rid of tartar. The cost of services also includes anesthesia and X-ray imaging.

Warranty period for dental services at Oliva Dent


on the establishment of warranty periods and service life for the result of the provision of dental services in LLC "STOMATOLOGIA KONSTANTINA FIRSOVA"

1. General.

1.1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" (as amended by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 2 - FZ of 01/09/96, Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 12/17/99 No. 212-F3 "On amendments and additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights"), the Rules for the Provision of Paid Medical Services to the Population medical institutions(approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.01.96 No. 27).

1.2. This Regulation determines the terms of the guarantee and service life for the result of the provision of dental services in LLC "STOMATOLOGIA KONSTANTINA FIRSOVA" (hereinafter referred to as the "Clinic")

1.3. Warranty terms and service life are set only for works that have a materialized result: fillings, dental restorations, crowns, dentures.

1.4. Treatment quality assurance- this is a certain minimum period of clinical well-being of the patient after treatment, during which no complications appear and the functional integrity of the produced fillings, prostheses, splints, orthodontic appliances, etc. is maintained.

Guarantee period- this is the period during which, in the event of a defect in the work performed, the patient has the right, at his choice, to demand:

Free elimination of shortcomings of the work performed (service rendered);

A corresponding reduction in the price of the work performed (service rendered);

Free production of another thing from a homogeneous material of the same quality or re-performing the work. In this case, the patient is obliged to return the thing previously transferred to him by the contractor.

Guarantee period is calculated from the moment the result of the service (work) is transferred to the consumer (patient), i.e. from the end of the service.

Life time- this is a period of free alteration or replacement of work, re-treatment of the patient in case of unrecoverable shortcomings that arose after treatment through no fault of the patient (the seal fell out, the prosthesis broke, etc.).

2. Warranty periods and service periods valid in the Clinic.

For most works (services) for the provision of dental care in the Clinic, warranty periods and service periods are established (Tables No. 1, No. 2 of this Regulation). In some cases, warranty periods and service periods may be established by the attending physician, depending on:

From the individual characteristics of the patient;

Clinical picture of the disease (situation in the oral cavity);

The presence of concomitant diseases that directly or indirectly lead to changes in the teeth and surrounding tissues;

In this case, the doctor is obliged to reflect the warranty period and service life in the outpatient card with a clear wording: “No warranty”, “Guarantee _________ months”.

2.1. In restorative dentistry:

Therapeutic treatment includes the treatment of diseases of caries, pulpitis and periodontitis (the last two are associated with root canal treatment), cosmetic dentistry (restoration or change in the original shape and color of the tooth without prosthetics, replacement / adjustment of fillings), preparation (treatment) of teeth for prosthetics.

Warranty periods and terms of service for works and services in therapeutic dentistry begin to operate from the moment the treatment of a particular tooth is completed. Signs of the end of treatment are:

In the treatment of caries - a permanent filling;

In the treatment of complications of caries (pulpitis and periodontitis) - permanent filling of root canals and covering the tooth with a crown.


1. These terms are recommended for patients with single caries and multiple stabilized or slow progressing process. With KPU (cariously affected, filled, removed) teeth 13-18, the terms are reduced by 30%, with KPU more than 18, the terms are reduced by 50%.

2. With poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods are reduced by 70%

3. In case of violation of the schedules of preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for by the treatment plan, the guarantee is canceled.

2.2. In prosthetic dentistry:

Orthopedic dentistry services include services for the elimination (treatment) of defects in teeth and/or jaw dentition using permanent and/or temporary orthopedic structures.

Permanent orthopedic structures include:

Metal-ceramic and solid-cast crowns, incl. combinations of these crowns, as well as bridge structures, veneers, inlays;

Metal-free crowns (pressed ceramics, composite crowns);

Removable structures: complete and partial removable structures, clasp prostheses with locks, clasps.

Temporary orthopedic structures include:

temporary crowns;

Temporary replacement dentures.

The warranty period and service life for orthopedic services begins to operate from the moment the permanent structures are installed in the patient's mouth, which is confirmed by an entry in the outpatient card.


1. In case of poor oral hygiene, the warranty and service periods for all types of prosthetics are reduced by 50%.

2. In case of violation of the schedules of preventive examinations, hygienic visits provided for by the treatment plan, the warranty is void.

3. When prosthetics on implants, the warranty and service periods are determined in accordance with the design of the prosthesis.

5. During the warranty period and service life, relocation of removable dentures is carried out on a reimbursable basis.

Possible cases of warranty reduction:

According to the law on "Protection of Consumer Rights", a reduced warranty period and service life for orthopedic work may be established. The dentist must inform the patient about the reduction of the warranty period for orthopedic work and reflect it in the outpatient card.

Existing medical methods of prosthetics do not allow to give a full warranty period in the presence of the following diagnoses or cases:

The presence of a diagnosis of gum disease: periodontitis (tooth mobility), periodontal disease. An obligatory condition for granting a guarantee is a course of professional hygiene 2-4 times a year. The warranty period is set by the doctor depending on the severity of gum disease;

In the absence of clear medical indications for performing certain types of prosthetics and the patient's desire to perform work according to a certain scheme, the dentist has the right to establish a warranty period for the orthopedic structure of 1 month, having previously notified the patient about this. All alterations (design changes, therapeutic preparation of teeth for prosthetics) are carried out at the expense of the patient.

Important note.

1. Until the delivery of the orthopedic structure, the patient has every right to demand alteration/correction of the work for the following reasons:

The performed work does not meet aesthetic requirements (the color, size or shape of the tooth is not correctly done);

The performed work does not correspond to the one defined in the plan of prosthetics (treatment plan).

2. Compliance with the operating conditions of the orthopedic structure (use of specialized pastes and toothbrushes, irrigator, cleansing tablets, etc.) is mandatory.

2.3. in surgical dentistry.

The clinic guarantees that all surgical procedures will be performed under adequate anesthesia in accordance with the clinical situation.

2.4. Warranty periods and service periods for certain types of work (services), due to their specificity, it is not possible to establish. These include works (services) not listed in the table:

Repeated endodontic treatment;

Professional hygiene;

Applying a bandage (temporary filling);

Operation with cystectomy with resection of the root apex;

Periodontal treatment;

Teeth whitening.

3. The average percentage of treatment success in the clinic.

3.1. Treatment and filling of root canals.

Practical experience shows that with root canal treatment, a favorable result is achieved in 95% of cases. The result of treatment in each case depends not only on its quality, but also on general reaction Your body, dental condition and individual anatomy of the root canal system.

3.2. Placement of implants.

The average success rate of implantation with subsequent prosthetics is 99%. Smoking, bruxism (nightly grinding of teeth) are the main risk factors for implantation in the long term.

In case of implant failure re-installation implant within the agreed treatment plan is carried out at the expense of the Clinic. If it is impossible to re-implant, the amount paid for the payment for implantation services is taken into account when prosthetics or returned to the patient 50% of the cost.

In case of refusal to install a denture on the implants installed by the contractor, the warranty obligations for the implant are not preserved.

3.3. Periodontal disease.

Periodontal treatment is successful in 80% of cases (subject to the conditions determined by the doctor), which is manifested by stabilization of the process and long-term remission.

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