Zorex (hangover capsules) - instructions for use. Zorex Morning (effervescent tablets with analgesic and antipyretic effect) - instructions for use. Reviews, price, analogues of drugs. Zorex® capsules

Latin name: Zorex
ATX code: V03AB09
Active substance: dimercaprol,
Calcium pantothenate
Manufacturer: Valenta Pharmaceuticals,
Vacation from the pharmacy: Without recipe
Storage conditions: darkness, moisture
Best before date: three years.

Zorex is produced in the form of capsules and soluble tablets. The drug has decontaminating properties. The tool is indicated for alcoholism, as well as poisoning with poisons, some drugs and heavy metals.

Composition and form of release

The drug is produced in the form of capsules and soluble tablets. Zorex capsules contain calcium pantothenate (7/10 mg) and dimercaprol (150/250 mg).

Zorex hangover pills - auxiliary composition:

  • E 122
  • Gelatin
  • Starch
  • E 171
  • Povidone
  • E 330
  • Magnesium hydrogen phosphate
  • Aerosil.

Capsules with a white body and a bright pink cap have a hard shell. The pills are filled with granular powder. The cost of the drug is from 390 rubles.

The composition of Zorex effervescent tablets is E 330, Aspirin and sodium bicarbonate. Additional components:

  1. Flavors (lime, lemon)
  2. Butanedioic acid
  3. Povidonum
  4. E 211.

In the instructions, the description of the drug Zorex morning is as follows: the pills are light cream in color, they have a flat cylindrical shape.

Instructions for use informs that 2 effervescent tablets Zorex morning are placed in strips. 5 tablets are packed in a cardboard burgundy pack.

Pharmacological properties

Instructions for use states that Zorex capsules have a detoxifying effect. Pills remove alcohol, poisons and heavy metals from the body

Zorex has hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties. The basic components of the tablets bind to ethanol metabolites and thiol poisons accumulated in the blood stream and tissues, forming non-toxic complexes that are excreted in urine.

When taken internally, unitiol penetrates into the blood, into the liver, where the substance interacts with acetaldehyde. Further, alcohol is excreted from other organs and tissues. Dimercaprol stimulates ALDH, accelerating the oxidation of ethanol and the removal of its decay products.

Pantothenic acid enhances the therapeutic properties of unithiol. Pantothenate promotes regeneration, the formation of corticosteroids. The substance is involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.

After internal administration of Zorex, the highest content of its components in the blood is noted after 90 minutes. Withdrawal time - up to 11 hours.

Pantothenic acid is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, where destruction occurs with the release of the substance. 60% of Zorex is excreted by the kidneys, the rest is excreted by the intestines.

The drug Zorex morning belongs to NSAIDs. Aspirin, included in the composition of the drug, suppresses COX 1 and 2, upsets the production of prostaglandins. The substance has an analgesic, antipyretic, antiplatelet effect.

Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the action of hydrochloric acid in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby reducing the likelihood of the appearance of the ulcerogenic effect of Aspirin. Citric acid is needed to accelerate the resorption of Zorex in the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications and contraindications for use

Zorex capsules are prescribed for various intoxications, including the intake of cardiac glycosides, poisons and various metals. The drug is used for alcoholism and to eliminate the signs of a hangover.

Effervescent tablets - other indications:

  • Algomenorrhea
  • Myalgia
  • Fever arising from inflammatory and infectious diseases
  • Toothache
  • Migraine
  • Arthralgia
  • Neuralgia.

Zorex capsules should not be used for hepatic or renal diseases (decompensation), lactation, intolerance to dimercaprol or calcium pantothenate. Also, tablets are forbidden to be taken in childhood and during the period of gestation. With caution, the drug is used for hypotension.

Zorex morning - contraindications:

  • Ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Intolerance to the components of the product
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Bleeding
  • Polyps in the nasal passage
  • Reye's syndrome in children
  • Lactation
  • Hemophilia
  • childbearing
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis.

Effervescent tablets are used under medical supervision for heart failure, gout, renal dysfunction, kidney stones.

Instructions for use

The cost of funds - from 293 rubles.

Instructions for use of Zorex capsules states that the drug is taken half an hour before a meal, washed down with liquid. To prevent the development of a hangover after drinking alcohol, drink 1 tablet at bedtime.

For alcoholism, Zorex medicine is taken 2 capsules per day. In individual cases, sometimes the doctor increases the dose to 3 tablets per day, taken three times a day. Duration of admission - up to 1 week.

Also, with withdrawal symptoms, you can drink capsules (150 mg) twice a day. The treatment time is 10 days.

In case of poisoning with poisons and heavy metals, Zorex is drunk three times a day. The initial dose per day is 300 mg, the maximum is 1000 mg. The treatment course should last at least seven days.

Zorex is dissolved in 200 ml of water in the morning before taking. For patients over the age of 15, a single dose is up to 2 tablets. The time interval between taking the medicine is at least 4 hours. The largest number of tablets per day is 8 pieces. Therapy time is 3-7 days.

Zorex hangover soluble tablets are used after drinking alcohol in the evening or in the morning. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, a single dose of 1 dose is sufficient.

Side effects, overdose, interaction

Zorex capsules sometimes provoke a number of negative symptoms. These are allergic manifestations in the form of nettle fever, itching, rash, erythema, swelling and other things. Other side effects are blanching of the skin, migraine, tachycardia, malaise, fever, nausea and vertigo.

Negative reactions of Zorex morning tablets:

  • Deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Renal or hepatic dysfunction
  • Allergy
  • Hematopoietic disorder
  • Aggravation of the course of diseases of the respiratory system
  • Dysfunction of the National Assembly
  • Deterioration of the visual and auditory organs
  • Dyspepsia and more.

An overdose of Zorex capsules is manifested by weakness, hearing loss, convulsions, shortness of breath, and increased motor activity.

Treatment consists in washing the stomach, taking sorbents, and administering glucose. In severe cases, oxygen therapy is performed.

Zorex morning is undesirable to use with the following medicines:

  • Antihistamines
  • Methotrexate
  • Diuretics
  • Narcotic pain medications
  • Antacids
  • Barbiturates
  • Anticoagulants, etc.

Zorex capsules cannot be combined with products containing alkalis and salts of heavy metals.


Zorex capsules - analogues: Polifan. Substitutes for the drug Zorex morning - Aspirin express.


Producer - AVVA RUS, Russia

Price– from 100 rubles

Composition - lignin

Description - enterosorbent is used for poisoning of various etiologies, including withdrawal symptoms

pros– natural composition, acceptable cost, few contraindications and adverse reactions

Minuses- it is impossible to take without a fermented milk drink, an unpleasant taste.

Manufacturer - Bayer Pharma AG, Germany

Price– from 270 rubles

Composition - acetylsalicylic acid

Description - soluble tablets are used to relieve toothache, headache, joint, menstrual, muscle pain, as well as eliminate fever and unpleasant symptoms of a hangover

pros– quick effect, quality, well eliminates pain of any etiology

Minuses- there are a lot of contraindications and negative reactions, cost.

Registration number: LS-000886-130612
Trade name of the drug: Zorex®
International non-proprietary name (INN) or grouping name: sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate + calcium pantothenate
Dosage form: capsules
Composition per capsule:
One capsule contains:
Active substances: sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate monohydrate (unithiol) - 150.0 mg or 250.0 mg and calcium pantothenate - 7.0 mg or 10.0 mg.
microcrystalline cellulose - 113.5 mg or 120.2 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 9.1 mg or 12.2 mg, pregelatinized starch - 29.3 mg or 40.2 mg, magnesium hydrophosphate trihydrate 30.0 mg or 50, 0 mg, povidone - 6.1 mg or 9.4 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil) - 5.0 mg or 8.0 mg.
Hard gelatin capsules: gelatin, titanium dioxide E171, dye azorubine E122.
Capsules No. 0 for a dosage of 150 mg + 7 mg and capsules No. 00 for a dosage of 250 mg + 10 mg, white body, pink cap. The contents of the capsules are granules and powder of a white color with a creamy tint, prone to clumping. A slight specific odor is allowed.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: complexing agent
ATX code:

Pharmacological properties

It has a detoxifying (including in relation to the products of the metabolism of ethyl alcohol, heavy metals and their compounds, arsenic compounds), action. Clinical studies have shown hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate.
The active sulfhydryl groups of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate, interacting with thiol poisons and metabolic products of alcohol (ethanol) in the blood and tissues, form non-toxic compounds (complexes) with them, which are excreted in the urine. When the drug is taken orally, the active substance sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate with portal blood flow penetrates into the liver, where it quickly and irreversibly binds to acetaldehyde, which causes the subsequent removal of ethyl alcohol from other organs and tissues. Sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate also activates acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, enhancing the process of ethanol oxidation and detoxification of its toxic products by the liver enzyme system. The presence of calcium pantothenate in the composition of the drug enhances the detoxification effect of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate. Pantothenic acid is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, stimulates the formation of corticosteroids, accelerates regeneration processes.
After ingestion of a capsule containing 250 mg of sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropanesulfonate, its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after 1.5 hours and is in the range of 90-140 mg / l. The average residence time of the drug in the body is 9-11 hours (10.16±0.39 hours), incl. in the gastrointestinal tract - 15-20 minutes. The half-life of the drug (T1 / 2) is 7.5 ± 0.46 hours. Calcium pantothenate is well absorbed in the intestine and cleaved, releasing pantothenic acid. About 60% of the drug is excreted in the urine, partly in the feces.

Indications for use

Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (for the prevention and treatment of a hangover);
- alcoholism (as part of complex therapy);
- acute and chronic poisoning with organic and inorganic compounds of arsenic, mercury, gold, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel, bismuth, antimony, intoxication with cardiac glycosides.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, severe decompensated diseases of the liver and kidneys;
- children's age up to 18 years.


Use with caution in low blood pressure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Due to the lack of necessary information, use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Dosage and administration

inside. Capsules are swallowed 30 minutes before meals, without chewing, with water.
For the prevention of a hangover - after taking alcohol, 1 capsule (250 mg + 10 mg) in the evening before bedtime.
For the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome: 1 capsule (250 mg + 10 mg) 1-2 times a day (doses are given in terms of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate and calcium pantothenate). If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 750 mg (according to sodium dimercaptopropane sulfonate), and the frequency of administration should be increased up to 3 times a day.
The drug should be taken for 3-7 days, until the symptoms of intoxication stop.
For alcoholism: 1 capsule (150 mg + 7 mg) 1-2 times a day for 10 days (doses are given in terms of sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate and calcium pantothenate).
In case of poisoning with arsenic compounds and salts of heavy metals, 300-1000 mg (according to sodium dimercaptopropane sulfonate) per day for 2-3 doses, for 7-10 days.

Side effect

Rare: allergic reactions (pruritus, urticaria, rash on the skin and mucous membranes, swelling of the mucous membranes, genital itching, stomatitis).
Very rarely: the appearance of an allergic reaction such as angioedema or Steven-Johnson syndrome (sudden fever, malaise, macular-vesicular or bullous rashes on the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genital organs, in the anus). In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
The risk of developing allergic reactions is higher in people with bronchial asthma or a history of allergies.
When used in high doses: nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, pallor of the skin.


Overdose manifestations may appear when the recommended dose is exceeded by more than 10 times.
Symptoms: shortness of breath, hyperkinesis, lethargy, lethargy, stupor, short-term convulsions.
Treatment: gastric lavage, the use of activated charcoal, laxatives, symptomatic therapy, in acute cases, oxygen therapy, the introduction of dextrose.

Interaction with other drugs

Incompatible with drugs containing salts of heavy metals, as well as with alkalis (rapidly decomposes).

special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms: the drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator, etc.).

Minimum age from. 18 years
Amount in a package 2 pcs
Best before date 24 months
Maximum allowable storage temperature, °C 25°C
Storage conditions Keep away from children
Release form Capsules
Manufacturer country Russia
Vacation order Without recipe
Active substance Calcium pantothenate (Calcium pantothenate) Dimercaptopropanesulfonate sodium (Dimercaptopropanesulfonate sodium)
Pharmacological group V03AB09 Dimercaprol

Instructions for use

Active ingredients
Release form

In 1 capsule: sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate (unithiol) 250 mg; calcium pantothenate 10 mg. Excipients: microcrystalline cellulose - 120.2 mg, citric acid monohydrate - 12.2 mg, pregelatinized starch - 40.2 mg, magnesium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate - 50 mg, povidone - 9.4 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide - 8 mg.

Pharmacological effect

complexing agent. Donator of sulfhydryl (thiol) groups. It has a detoxification (including in relation to the half-life products of ethanol, heavy metals and their compounds, arsenic compounds) action. Clinical studies have shown the hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of unithiol. The active sulfhydryl groups of unithiol, interacting with thiol poisons and half-life products of alcohol (ethanol) in the blood and tissues, form non-toxic compounds (complexes) with them, which are excreted in the urine. When taking the drug inside unitiol with portal blood flow penetrates into the liver, where it quickly and physiologically irreversibly binds to acetaldehyde, which causes the subsequent removal of ethyl alcohol from other organs and tissues. Zorex; also activates alcohol dehydrogenase, enhancing the process of ethanol oxidation and detoxification of its toxic agents by the liver enzyme system. The presence of Zorex in the preparation; calcium pantothenate enhances the detoxification effect of unitiol. Calcium pantothenate is well absorbed from the intestines and cleaved, releasing pantothenic acid, which is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, stimulates the formation of corticosteroids, and accelerates regeneration processes.


Absorption: After ingestion of a capsule containing 250 mg of unitiol, Cmax of the latter in the blood is reached after 1.5 hours and is 90-140 mg / l. The average residence time of the drug in the body is 9-11 hours (10.16 ± 0.39 hours), incl. in the gastrointestinal tract - 15-20 minutes. Calcium pantothenate is well absorbed from the intestine and cleaved, releasing pantothenic acid. Excretion: T1 / 2 is 7.5 ± 0.46 hours. About 60% of the drug is excreted in the urine, partly in the feces.


Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (for the prevention and treatment of a hangover); - Chronic alcoholism (as part of complex therapy); - Acute and chronic poisoning with organic and inorganic compounds of arsenic, mercury, gold, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel, bismuth, antimony, intoxication with cardiac glycosides.


Severe liver disease in the stage of decompensation; - severe kidney disease in the stage of decompensation; - children under 18 years of age; - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Precautionary measures

With caution, the drug should be used with low blood pressure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Data on the use of the drug Zorex; during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) no. Due to the lack of necessary information, use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Dosage and administration

The drug is prescribed inside. Capsules should be taken 30 minutes before a meal, without chewing, drinking water. For the prevention of a hangover - after taking alcohol, 1 caps. (250 mg + 10 mg) in the evening before bedtime. For the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome - 1 caps. (250 mg + 10 mg) 1-2 times / day (doses are given in terms of unithiol and calcium pantothenate). If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 750 mg (by unithiol), and the frequency of administration should be increased up to 3 times / day. The drug should be taken 3-7 days until the symptoms of intoxication stop. In chronic alcoholism, 1 caps is prescribed. (150 mg + 7 mg) 1-2 times / day for 10 days (doses are given in terms of unithiol and calcium pantothenate). In case of poisoning with arsenic compounds and salts of heavy metals, 300-1000 mg / day (by unithiol) are prescribed, divided for 2-3 doses within 7-10 days.

Side effects

Allergic reactions: rarely - pruritus, urticaria, rash on the skin and mucous membranes, swelling of the mucous membranes, genital itching, stomatitis; very rarely - the appearance of an allergic reaction such as angioedema or Steven-Johnson syndrome (sudden fever, malaise, macular-vesicular or bullous rashes on the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genitals, in the anus). In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The risk of developing allergic reactions is higher in people with bronchial asthma or a history of allergies. When used in high doses: nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, pallor of the skin.


Overdose symptoms may appear when the recommended dose is exceeded by more than 10 times. Symptoms: shortness of breath, hyperkinesis, lethargy, lethargy, stupor, short-term convulsions. Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of activated charcoal, laxatives. Symptomatic therapy is carried out, in acute cases, oxygen therapy, the introduction of dextrose are indicated.

Interaction with other drugs

Not compatible with drugs containing salts of heavy metals, as well as with alkalis (quickly decomposes).

special instructions

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms: The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator, etc.).

  • The harm and benefits of alcohol (the benefits of wine, cognac for pressure). Safe dose of alcohol approved by WHO - video
  • Russia may ban popular hangover cure - video

  • Zorex is a drug with a detoxifying effect on the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol, heavy metals and their compounds, as well as arsenic. Accordingly, Zorex effectively eliminates the symptoms of poisoning with alcohol, heavy metals and their compounds, and arsenic. Therefore, the drug is used to stop alcohol withdrawal ( hangover syndrome), as well as for the treatment of alcoholism and poisoning with heavy metals and arsenic.

    Zorex Morning, despite the similar name, is a drug with a different effect - antipyretic and analgesic. Therefore, Zorex Morning is used to relieve various pains (toothache, neuralgia, muscle pain, and headache, including those that occur after alcohol abuse) and as an antipyretic at elevated body temperature against the background of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

    Names, forms of release and varieties of the drug

    Currently, two types of the drug are produced with different names - these are Zorex and Zorex Morning. However, despite the similar names, in terms of their therapeutic effect and indications for use, Zorex and Zorex Morning are rather different drugs, and not varieties of the same drug. After all, Zorex is a detoxifying agent that neutralizes the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol, arsenic, heavy metals and their compounds and, accordingly, eliminates the symptoms of poisoning with these chemicals. And Zorex Morning is an anesthetic and antipyretic drug used to relieve pain of various localization and to reduce body temperature. The only similarity between Zorex and Zorex Morning is that the first drug stops all the symptoms of alcohol abuse, and the second one eliminates a hangover headache. That is, both types of the drug can be used for a hangover syndrome, but at the same time, the spectrum of action of Zorex is much wider than that of Zorex Morning.

    However, despite the obvious differences, the manufacturer places these drugs in the category of varieties of the same drug, and therefore we will consider the features of each of them in separate subsections to avoid confusion.

    Zorex in everyday life is often called "Zorex capsules", and Zorex Morning - "effervescent Zorex" or "Zorex effervescent tablets". Thus, drugs with similar names are given some ordinary and simple definitions, allowing you to immediately understand what exactly is being discussed.

    Zorex available in the form of capsules for oral administration. The capsules are gelatin, the body is painted white, and the cap is pink. The capsules contain powder and granules of white with a creamy tint, with a slight specific odor. The powder is prone to clumping. Capsules are sold in packs of 2 or 10.

    Zorex Morning available in the form of effervescent tablets, which are dissolved in water before taking. Tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape, a rough surface, are provided with a chamfer (cut edges), emit a slight characteristic odor and are painted white or white with a creamy tint with a slight marbling. Tablets are sold in packs of 10 pieces.

    Composition of Zorex and Zorex Morning

    The composition of the drug Zorex as active active ingredients include unithiol(sodium dimercaptopropanesulfonate) and calcium pantothenate in various dosages. So, there are capsules with two different dosages - 150 + 7 each (150 mg unithiol and 7 mg calcium pantothenate) and 250 + 10 each (250 mg unithiol and 10 mg calcium pantothenate).

    Zorex capsules of both dosages (both 150 + 7 and 250 + 10) contain the same following substances as auxiliary components:

    • Azorubine;
    • Colloidal silicon dioxide (aerosil);
    • Titanium dioxide;
    • Gelatin;
    • Lemon acid;
    • Magnesium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate;
    • Microcrystalline cellulose;
    • Povidone;
    • pregelatinized starch.
    Effervescent tablets Zorex Morning contain as active active ingredients acetylsalicylic acid(Aspirin) in the amount of 324 mg, citric acid - 1.474 g and sodium bicarbonate - 2.013 g. Zorex Morning contains the following substances as auxiliary components:
    • sodium benzoate;
    • lime flavor;
    • Lemon flavor;
    • Povidone;
    • Succinic acid.

    The action of the drug

    Zorex has a detoxifying effect in relation to the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol, heavy metals and their compounds, as well as arsenic. In addition, unithiol, which is part of Zorex, has a moderate hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect. However, the main therapeutic effect of the drug is detoxification.

    The detoxifying effect of Zorex lies in its ability to bind heavy metals, heavy metal compounds and arsenic, as well as the decay products of ethyl alcohol (acetaldehyde) and remove them from the body. Due to the binding of toxic compounds, Zorex relieves the symptoms of poisoning with these chemicals. And due to the removal of toxins from the body, the drug stops further poisoning of organs and tissues, thereby preventing the development of their insufficiency.

    When taking a Zorex capsule, a large amount of unithiol enters the liver, where it binds to the breakdown products of alcohol. Further, the unithiol + alcohol complex again enters the systemic circulation, reaches the kidneys and is excreted from the body with urine. In addition, unitiol activates the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, due to which the neutralization and processing of ethyl alcohol that has entered the body is accelerated, and the symptoms of alcohol poisoning pass faster. Accordingly, Zorex effectively relieves the symptoms of a hangover, relieves the effects of hard drinking or prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, and is also successfully used as part of the complex therapy of chronic alcoholism, as it improves a person's condition and speeds up the process of ridding the body of accumulated toxic decomposition products of ethyl alcohol.

    Another part of the unitiol does not enter the liver, but into other organs and tissues, where it also binds to ethyl alcohol products, heavy metals and arsenic or their compounds. After that, toxic substances, already in the form associated with unithiol, from the tissues enter the bloodstream, from which they are excreted with urine or feces.

    Calcium pantothenate in the composition of Zorex enhances the detoxifying effect of unithiol, and also accelerates the process of restoring cells of various organs damaged by the decay products of ethyl alcohol.

    Zorex Morning, unlike Zorex, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of a combined composition with analgesic and antipyretic effects. Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) - the main active ingredient in Zorex Morning, has an analgesic and antipyretic effect by stopping the synthesis of prostaglandins, which, in turn, are the main substances that ensure the inflammatory reaction at the level of cells and tissues. And any inflammatory reaction is characterized by fever, pain, as well as swelling and redness in the area of ​​inflammation. Accordingly, blocking the inflammatory response leads to a decrease in body temperature, relief of pain and a decrease in the severity of swelling and redness of the affected area. Thus, Zorex Morning successfully relieves hangover headaches, as well as moderate or mild toothache and muscle pain, neuralgia and migraine. In addition, Zorex Morning can be used as an antipyretic for infectious, inflammatory and colds.

    Sodium bicarbonate, which is the second active component of Zorex Morning, actually neutralizes the negative effect of acetylsalicylic acid, which consists in promoting the formation of ulcerative defects in the stomach wall. The fact is that sodium bicarbonate binds hydrochloric acid in the stomach and, thereby, prevents the development of ulcers, the risk of which is increased due to the action of acetylsalicylic acid.

    Zorex and other drugs for a hangover: do they help, how to apply (recommendations of a psychotherapist). Hangover Prevention - Video

    Indications for use

    Capsules Zorex

    Zorex capsules are indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions and diseases:
    • Abuse of alcoholic beverages (Zorex is used as a means of eliminating the consequences of excessive alcohol consumption) - only for capsules with a dosage of 250 + 10;
    • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (hangover);
    • Chronic alcoholism (Zorex is used as part of complex therapy as a means of reducing the severity of symptoms of prolonged alcohol poisoning of the body and facilitating the refusal to drink alcohol);
    • Acute or chronic poisoning with compounds of arsenic, mercury, gold, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel, bismuth, antimony;
    • Poisoning or overdose with cardiac glycosides (Digoxin, Strofantin, etc.) - only for capsules with a dosage of 250 + 10.

    Zorex Morning

    Zorex Morning is indicated for use in the treatment of the following conditions or diseases:
    • Headache with alcohol withdrawal (hangover);
    • Moderate or weak pains of various localization and origin (tooth and muscle pain, neuralgia, migraine);
    • Increased body temperature with colds or infectious and inflammatory diseases in adults and adolescents over 15 years of age.


    Zorex capsules - instructions for use

    Capsules of both dosages should be taken half an hour before meals, swallowing whole, without biting or chewing, but with a sufficient amount of water (at least half a glass).

    In various conditions and diseases, the dosage of capsules is chosen depending on the severity of symptoms of poisoning with toxic substances. If the symptoms of poisoning are mild or moderate, then you can take capsules with a dosage of 150 + 7 or 250 + 10. If the symptoms of poisoning are strong or moderate, then you should choose capsules with a dosage of 250 + 10. In principle, in practice, doctors in almost all cases recommend taking capsules with a dosage of 250 + 10, since their effect is more noticeable, and the risk of side effects is the same as when taking the drug with a dose of 150 + 7.

    For the relief of symptoms of poisoning by the decay products of ethyl alcohol that have arisen against the background of the abuse of alcoholic beverages or with a hangover, it is recommended to take one capsule with a dosage of 250 + 10 1-2 times a day, depending on how you feel. If the state of health is very bad, and the symptoms of poisoning by the decay products of ethyl alcohol are difficult to tolerate and are not stopped by taking 2 capsules per day, then the daily dosage of the drug can be increased to 4 capsules. In this case, 4 capsules should be taken three times - two pieces in the morning, and one at lunch and in the evening. The duration of Zorex use for alcohol abuse and hangover syndrome is 3 to 7 days. In this case, the drug is stopped taking when the symptoms of alcohol intoxication pass (headache, nausea, weakness, etc.).

    Zorex can be taken not only in the development of a hangover, but also for its prevention. To do this, you need to take 1 - 2 capsules 250 + 10 after drinking alcoholic beverages.

    As part of the complex therapy of chronic alcoholism Zorex capsules with a dosage of 150 + 7 are recommended to be taken one at a time, 1 to 2 times a day for 10 days. It is optimal to take Zorex at the beginning of therapy, when it is necessary to stop the symptoms of intoxication that have arisen as a result of prolonged alcohol consumption in large quantities, so that a person's general well-being normalizes and cravings for alcohol decrease.

    In case of poisoning with arsenic and heavy metal compounds, as well as intoxication with cardiac glycosides Zorex should be taken 2-4 capsules with a dosage of 250 + 10 per day, divided into 2-3 doses. That is, the drug can be taken one capsule 2 times a day, one capsule 3 times a day or 2 capsules 2 times a day. The duration of therapy for poisoning with compounds of arsenic and heavy metals or intoxication with cardiac glycosides is 7-10 days.

    Effervescent tablets Zorex Morning - instructions for use

    An effervescent tablet Zorex Morning is dissolved in a small amount of water (half a glass is enough) and the finished solution is drunk.

    Under various conditions, Zorex Morning is taken in the same dosages - 1 - 2 tablets every 4 - 8 hours. That is, depending on how you feel, every 4-8 hours, dissolve 1-2 tablets in water, and drink the solution. The maximum allowable daily dosage is 8 tablets. This means that you should not take more than 8 tablets within 24 hours.

    If Zorex Morning is used as an anesthetic, including for the relief of a headache on the background of a hangover, then the duration of its use without consulting a doctor is 1 to 7 days. Do not use Zorex Morning for pain relief without consulting a doctor for more than a week, because if the pain syndrome does not go away within 7 days, then this indicates a serious illness, for the treatment of which you need to consult a specialist.

    If Zorex Morning is used as an antipyretic, then without consulting a doctor, the drug should not be used for longer than three days.

    Zorex Morning should not be given to children under 15 years of age as an antipyretic, since acetylsalicylic acid, which is part of it, can cause Reye's syndrome (damage to the central nervous system and liver failure) in a child. In adolescents over 15 years of age and adults, the use of acetylsalicylic acid does not cause Reye's syndrome, since the liver is already resistant to drug toxins by this age.

    Zorex Morning reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body, as a result of which the use of this drug can provoke an attack of gout in people who are predisposed to this disease.

    When using Zorex Morning for more than a week (on the recommendation of a doctor), it is necessary to regularly (every 1 to 2 weeks) take a general blood test, determine the number of platelets, assess the state of the liver by the level of bilirubin and the activity of AST, ALT, and also perform a fecal occult blood test . If the condition of the liver worsens, abnormalities appear in the general blood test, a decrease in the number of platelets, or a positive test result for occult blood, you should immediately stop taking Zorex Morning and consult a doctor.

    If any surgical operation is planned, then the surgeon should be informed that the person is taking Zorex Morning.

    One Zorex Morning tablet contains 933 mg of sodium, which should be taken into account by people on a salt-free diet.

    Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

    Capsules Zorex contraindicated for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since there are no reliable data on the safety of the drug during these periods.

    Zorex Morning contraindicated for use during I (from the moment of conception and up to the 13th week of gestation inclusive) and III trimester of pregnancy (from the 27th week of gestation - until delivery). During the second trimester of pregnancy (from the 14th to the 26th week of gestation, inclusive), only a single dose of Zorex Morning is allowed in case of urgent need and only if the benefit to the mother exceeds all possible risks to the fetus.

    Zorex Morning is also contraindicated for use during breastfeeding. If it is necessary to use Zorex Morning against the background of breastfeeding, the child should be transferred to artificial mixtures.


    An overdose is possible when taking both Zorex and Zorex Morning.

    Overdose of Zorex usually develops when the recommended daily dosage is exceeded by 10 times or more. It is manifested by shortness of breath, hyperkinesis (tics, involuntary twitching of various muscles, etc.), lethargy, lethargy, stupor, and short-term convulsions. Treatment of an overdose with Zorex begins with gastric lavage, followed by the appointment of sorbents (for example, Activated carbon, Polyphepan, Polysorb, Filtrum) and laxatives (for example, Senade, Bisacodyl, etc.). Further, up to the normalization of the human condition, symptomatic treatment is carried out, aimed at maintaining the normal functioning of vital organs and systems. The most commonly used symptomatic treatment measures are oxygen therapy and intravenous dextrose.

    Overdose Zorex Morning, primarily manifested by the following symptoms:

    • Excitation;
    • Headache;
    • Pain in the stomach (gastralgia);
    • Hearing loss;
    • Visual impairment;
    • Nausea and vomiting ;
    • Dyspnea.
    If, during the period of the appearance of the above signs, a person is not hospitalized and treatment of an overdose of Zorex Morning is not started, then after a while he will develop the following symptoms:
    • convulsions;
    • Anuria (lack of urine);
    • Oppression of consciousness up to coma;
    • respiratory failure;
    • Disorder of water and electrolyte metabolism.
    If signs of an overdose of Zorex Morning appear, if the person is conscious, it is necessary to induce vomiting or wash the stomach as soon as possible, and then take a sorbent (for example, Activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Polyphepan, Filtrum, etc.) and a laxative (Bisacodyl, Senade and etc.), and call an ambulance. Further treatment of poisoning is symptomatic, and is carried out only in a hospital. If a person, as a result of an overdose of Zorex Morning, is unconscious or unable to induce vomiting, then an ambulance should be called immediately, since in these situations treatment can only be carried out in a hospital setting.

    Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

    Zorex does not affect the ability to control mechanisms, but since the drug can be used in conditions in which the speed of reactions and concentration of attention are impaired, it is recommended to refrain from potentially hazardous activities during its use (for example, driving a car, working on machines, monitoring monitors as a dispatcher or operator).

    Zorex Morning does not affect the ability to control mechanisms, therefore, while taking the drug, you can engage in any type of activity related to the need to have a high reaction rate and concentration.

    Interaction with other drugs

    Zorex capsules incompatible with drugs containing salts of heavy metals or alkalis. Zorex is compatible with all other drugs and can be used without restrictions.

    Zorex Morning enhances the severity of side effects and toxicity of Methotrexate. In addition, Zorex Morning enhances the therapeutic effect of Heparin, Triiodothyronine, Reserpine, Digoxin, lithium preparations, opioid analgesics, barbiturates (Barbamil, etc.), drugs of the NSAID group (Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Ketorol, etc.), indirect anticoagulants (Warfarin, Dicumarin, etc.), thrombolytics (Streptokinase, Urokinase, etc.), inhibitors of platelet aggregation (Dipyridamole, Abciximab, Indobufen, Aggregal, etc.) and sulfonamides (Biseptol, etc.).

    However, Zorex Morning reduces the severity of the therapeutic effect of Benzbromarone, Sulfinpyrazone, Spironolactone, Furosemide and antihypertensive drugs.

    Simultaneous administration of Zorex Morning with glucocorticosteroids (Dexamethasone, Prednisolone, etc.) and any drinks or preparations containing ethyl alcohol increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.

    The severity of the therapeutic effect of Zorex Morning reduces the simultaneous use with antacids containing magnesium or aluminum hydroxide (Almagel, Maalox, etc.).

    Side effects

    Zorex capsules

    Zorex capsules as side effects can cause the following symptoms:

    1. Allergic reactions:

    • itchy skin;
    • Itching of the genitals;
    • Rashes on the skin and mucous membranes;
    • swelling of the mucous membranes;
    • Stomatitis;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • Steven-Johnson syndrome (combined sudden fever, malaise, rashes on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals and anus in the form of spots and vesicles).
    2. Nausea.
    3. Dizziness.
    4. Paleness of the skin.
    5. Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

    If signs of an allergic reaction appear, you should immediately stop taking Zorex and consult a doctor. It should also be borne in mind that the risk of developing an allergic reaction is especially high in those suffering from bronchial asthma and those who have had episodes of allergies in the past.

    Zorex Morning in effervescent tablets can cause the following side effects from various organs and systems:

    1. Gastrointestinal tract:

    • Abdominal pain;
    • Pain in the stomach (gastralgia);
    • Nausea;
    • Vomit;
    • Obvious signs of gastrointestinal bleeding (bloody vomiting, black stools);
    • Hidden signs of gastrointestinal bleeding (decrease in hemoglobin levels, etc.);
    • Erosions and ulcers on the mucous membranes of the esophagus, stomach and intestines;
    • Violations of the liver (increased levels of bilirubin and activity of AST, ALT).
    2. Central nervous system and sensory organs:
    • Dizziness;
    • Headache (with prolonged use);
    • Visual impairment (with prolonged use);
    • Deafness or hearing impairment (with prolonged use).
    3. Blood system and hemostasis (blood clotting):
    • aplastic anemia;
    • Agranulocytosis (lack of neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils in the blood);
    • Pancytopenia (decrease in the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in the blood);
    • Hemorrhagic syndrome (bleeding, hemorrhage, petechiae, etc.);
    • Thrombocytopenia (decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood);
    • Deterioration of blood clotting;
    • Deterioration of platelet aggregation.
    4. Urinary system:
    • Hyperoxaluria (oxalates in the urine);
    • Formation of urinary stones from oxalates;
    • Damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys;
    • kidney failure;
    • papillary necrosis.
    5. Allergic reactions:
    • Rash on the skin;
    • Bronchospasm;
    • Quincke's edema;
    • Stevens-Johnson syndrome;
    • Lyell's syndrome (toxic epidermal necrolysis).

    Contraindications for use

    Zorex capsules contraindicated for use in the presence of a person with the following conditions or diseases:
    • Severe liver disease, accompanied by liver failure;
    • Severe kidney disease, accompanied by renal failure;
    • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
    • Age under 18 years old.
    In addition, Zorex capsules should be used with caution in low blood pressure.

    Zorex Morning effervescent tablets has absolute and relative contraindications. Absolute contraindications include such contraindications, in the presence of which it is impossible to take Zorex Morning under any circumstances. Relative ones include such contraindications in which it is undesirable to take the drug, however, in principle, if necessary, the medicine can be drunk, but only with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

    So, the absolute contraindications to the use of Zorex Morning include the following:

    • The period of exacerbations of peptic ulcer and erosion of the stomach and intestines;
    • Diclofenac, Nimesulide, etc.);
    • Zorex Morning is contraindicated for use as an antipyretic in children under 15 years of age suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, since the risk of developing Reye's syndrome is high.
    Relative contraindications to the use of Zorex Morning include the following:
    • Hyperuricemia (elevated levels of uric acid in the blood);
    • Urate nephrolithiasis (kidney stonesformed by salts of uric acid);
    • Gout;
    • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum, transferred in the past;
    • Decompensated heart failure.

    Zorex - analogues

    Zorex and Zorex Morning have different analogues, so we will list them in separate lists.

    So, the drug Zorex has no analogues in terms of the active substance. That is, there are no other medicines that contain unithiol and calcium pantothenate as active ingredients on the domestic pharmaceutical market. However, there are a number of drugs containing other active ingredients, but having a therapeutic effect similar to Zorex. Respectively, Zorex capsules have analogues for therapeutic action, which include the following drugs:

    • Biotredin tablets;
    • Glation powder for solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
    • Carboxyme solution for intramuscular injections;
    • Metadoxil solution for injection;
    • Peliksim solution for intramuscular injections;
    • Unitiol solution for intramuscular and subcutaneous administration;
    • Ferrocin tablets and powder for suspension for oral administration;
    • Amber-antiox tablets;
    • Succinic acid tablets.
    Zorex Morning has analogues both in terms of the active substance and the therapeutic effect. The analogue of the active substance in Zorex Morning only one is Alka-Seltzer effervescent tablets. And Zorex Morning has more analogues in terms of therapeutic effect. Currently analogues of Zorex Morning according to the therapeutic effect include the following drugs available on the domestic pharmaceutical market:
    • Alka-prim effervescent tablets;
    • Alco buffer tablets;
    • Antipokhmelin tablets;
    • Aspagel tablets;
    • Aspivatrin effervescent tablets;
    • Aspivit effervescent tablets;
    • Aspinat and Aspinat 300 tablets;
    • Aspinat and Aspinat C effervescent tablets;
    • Aspirin C effervescent tablets;
    • Aspitrin tablets;
    • Asprovit and Asprovit C effervescent tablets;
    • Acelizin powder for solution for oral administration and for intravenous or intramuscular injections;
    • Acetylsalicylic acid tablets;
    • Acsbirin effervescent tablets;
    • Bison powder for solution for oral administration;
    • Get up, effervescent tablets;
    • Guten Morgen powder for oral solution;
    • Medichronal powder for suspension for oral administration;
    • Nextrim Fast tablets;
    • Proproten-100 tablets and drops for oral administration;
    • Rectal suppositories with acelysin;
    • Taspir tablets are effervescent;
    • Upsarin Upsa and Upsarin Upsa with vitamin C effervescent tablets;
    • Fluspirin effervescent tablets.

    Zorex hangover - reviews

    Most of the reviews (from 80% to 85%) about Zorex capsules are negative, due to the development of severe allergic reactions in response to use to eliminate hangover symptoms. The reviews note that Zorex capsules, of course, eliminate the symptoms of a hangover, but at the same time provoke the development of such severe and poorly tolerated allergic reactions that this completely eliminates their therapeutic effectiveness. Allergic reactions that have developed are extremely difficult, and they are no easier to endure than a hangover syndrome. Therefore, many people in the reviews note that it is better to survive a hangover than an allergic reaction to Zorex, since the first one is shorter in duration and not so severe, and does not leave irreversible consequences.

    The reviews most often indicated that allergies, arthritis and swelling of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines with severe pain in the abdomen.

    People who have used Zorex several times have noticed that with each subsequent dose, the severity of the allergic reaction increases. Some did not have allergies at all the first time, but from the second dose it appeared in full. According to people's reviews, the allergy to Zorex is so strong that you have to consult a doctor to stop it, since taking Suprastin, Tavegil or other antihistamines does not help. It is also noted that often an allergic reaction does not develop immediately after taking the drug, but on the 2nd - 3rd day, and also lasts a long time - up to 7 - 14 days.

    Given such severe side effects, people leave negative reviews about Zorex, even though the drug really eliminates the symptoms of a hangover.

    There are few positive reviews about Zorex (less than 20%), but they are left by people who, as a result of taking the drug, got rid of a hangover and did not suffer from an allergic reaction.

    Release form


    pharmachologic effect

    Zorex has a detoxifying (including in relation to the half-life products of ethyl alcohol, heavy metals and their compounds, arsenic compounds) action. Clinical studies have shown the hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of unithiol.

    The active sulfhydryl groups of unitiol, interacting with thiol poisons and half-life products of alcohol (ethanol) in the blood and tissues, form non-toxic compounds (complexes) with them, which are excreted in the urine.

    When the drug is taken orally, unithiol with portal blood flow enters the liver, where it quickly and physiologically irreversibly binds to acetaldehyde. Zorex activates alcohol dehydrogenase, enhancing the process of ethanol oxidation and detoxification of its toxic agents by the liver enzyme system. The presence of calcium in the preparation Zorexpantothenate enhances the detoxification effect of unithiol.


    • alcohol abuse;
    • alcohol withdrawal syndrome;
    • chronic alcoholism (as part of complex therapy);
    • acute and chronic poisoning with organic and inorganic compounds of arsenic, mercury, gold, chromium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel, bismuth, antimony;
    • intoxication with cardiac glycosides.


    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • severe decompensated diseases of the liver and kidneys.
    • Carefully: reduced BP.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    There are no data on the use of Zorex during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding). Due to the lack of necessary information, use during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

    special instructions

    Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

    The drug does not affect the performance of potentially hazardous activities that require special attention and quick reactions (driving a car and other vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, the work of a dispatcher and operator, etc.).


    1 caps. contains unithiol (sodium 2,3-dimercaptopropanesulfonate) 250 mg, calcium pantothenate 10 mg.

    Dosage and administration

    inside, 30 minutes before meals, without chewing, drinking water.

    With alcohol abuse or alcohol withdrawal syndrome- 1 caps. (250 mg + 10 mg) 1-2 times a day. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 1000 mg, and the frequency of administration can be increased up to 3 times a day. The drug should be taken for 3-7 days, until the symptoms of intoxication stop.

    In case of poisoning with arsenic compounds and salts of heavy metals- 300-1000 mg / day, divided into 2-3 doses, for 7-10 days.

    Side effects

    Allergic reactions: rarely - pruritus, urticaria, rash on the skin and mucous membranes, swelling of the mucous membranes, genital itching, stomatitis; very rarely - the appearance of an allergic reaction such as angioedema or Steven-Johnson syndrome (sudden fever, malaise, macular-vesicular or bullous rashes on the skin, mucous membranes of the oral cavity, genitals, in the anus). In this case, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. The risk of developing allergic reactions is higher in people with bronchial asthma or a history of allergies.

    When used in high doses: nausea, dizziness, tachycardia, pallor of the skin.

    drug interaction

    Incompatible with drugs containing salts of heavy metals, as well as with alkalis (rapidly decomposes).


    Overdose manifestations may appear when the recommended dose is exceeded by more than 10 times.

    Symptoms: shortness of breath, hyperkinesis, lethargy, lethargy, stupor, short-term convulsions.

    Treatment: gastric lavage, the appointment of activated charcoal, laxatives, symptomatic therapy, in acute cases - oxygen therapy, the introduction of dextrose, etc.

    Storage conditions

    The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, dry, protected from light and moisture at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

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