Poor stool in an adult. Baby's mushy stool

For many people, the topic of poop is so personal that they do not want to share it with anyone and talk about it. But they may not realize that sometimes it is useful to know what kind of poop other people have, what shape of feces they have, color and maybe even smell. Showing interest in this is completely normal. The shape of your poop, just like the color, can suggest or hint at some possible body malfunctions. If you do not want to share very personal processes with other people, then we will help keep the secret and tell you what shape and size feces are and what it can say.

Coming to a doctor’s appointment, it’s not uncommon to hear a question about poop, the doctor may ask what shape, color they are, how often you relieve yourself in large. Such questions lead some people into a stupor, they do not even understand the purpose of this question and how decisive a role it can play already at the stage of the survey, including speeding up treatment and making the correct diagnosis. English physicians decided to correct the problem of embarrassment of patients and developed the so-called scale for assessing the shape of feces - the Bristol scale of feces.

The Bristol stool shape scale was developed by doctors from England to more conveniently classify the shape of poop and was put into use in 1997.

With the help of the Bristol scale of stool forms, it is easier for patients to overcome the psychological barrier. Looking at understandable pictures, a person may not describe the shape of his excrement to the doctor, but name the desired type or point to a picture depicting the most suitable poop in shape. It is also useful and convenient for self-testing at home.

Forms of feces according to the Bristol scale

The Bristol scale distinguishes 7 main types of feces. On the left side is an illustration of poop. In the middle - type numbering and a brief description. On the right side is the transit scale - it indicates the time of formation of one or another type of feces. You can also find other variations of the Bristol scale.

The Bristol scale of stool forms does not allow for an accurate diagnosis of the disease, since it only presents classifications of poop shapes. In the case of any disease, these data are not enough and it is required to take into account such parameters as and. At home, this table is useful only for a tentative assessment of the condition of your intestines. Also, if necessary, it will facilitate your dialogue with the doctor and reduce the level of embarrassment.

What can the shape and size of feces indicate?

Now let's take a closer look at each of the types of poop described in the Bristol scale.

First type of feces

Separate hard balls, similar to nuts, they are also called goat or sheep poop. Shit of this form is typical for acute dysbacteriosis. Kakahi of the first type is hard and abrasive. Their dimensions are approximately 1-2 cm. Due to their hardness and pricklyness, they can cause pain during the fight. With sheep poop, there is a high probability of damage to the anal canal and anorectal bleeding.

The second type of poop

This type of stool is a large, sausage-shaped poop with a lumpy texture. This type of feces is characteristic of constipation. The dimensions of the poop in diameter are about 3-4 cm. Since the diameter of the maximum opening of the diaphragm of the anal canal is less than 5 cm, the bowel movement is accompanied by damage and can cause a laceration of the anal canal. Due to too long a stay in the intestines, about several weeks, the feces acquire such a huge size. The cause of the formation of such a chair can be chronic constipation, as well as hemorrhoids, anal fissures and delayed defecation. This type of stool can cause irritable bowel syndrome and small bowel obstruction, due to the constant strong pressure on the intestinal wall.

The third type of feces

This type of poop is similar to the previous one, with the exception of smaller sizes, about 2-3.5 cm in diameter. It has a sausage shape and cracks on the surface. A smaller diameter indicates that defecation occurs more often than in the second type. At the same time, the third type of bowel movements indicates hidden constipation. It is accompanied by a slight flatulence, which is caused by dysbacteriosis. The owners of such a chair usually suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Such poop can cause all the adverse effects that the second type. And also it contributes to a more rapid deterioration of hemorrhoids.

The fourth type of poop

The shape of these poop can be called a standard. Dimensions in diameter are about 1-2 cm, in length - usually within 18 cm. This type of shit is typical for defecation once a day.

Fifth type of feces

These kakahi are shaped like soft balls with sharp edges. The diameter of such a chair is 1-1.5 cm. Such feces are typical with 2-3 bowel movements per day. They, like the fourth type, are an excellent indicator.

Sixth type of feces

Signs of the sixth type are soft fluffy stools with torn edges. If you can control the urge to have a bowel movement and if something happens you can tolerate it, then this stool can be considered normal. It can characterize overactive colon. Among the causes of such feces may be - dehydration, overexertion, blood pressure, excessive sensitivity to certain spices, high mineral content in water, or ingredients in food that cause a laxative effect.

The seventh type of feces

The seventh type includes loose stools, in other words, diarrhea. This symbolizes diarrhea. At the same time, there may be paradoxical diarrhea. Paradoxical diarrhea is when a person has constipation and diarrhea at the same time. The lower sections of the intestine are clogged with feces, while up to 1.5-2 liters of liquid feces accumulate above them. This type of diarrhea is quite common, especially in young children and in debilitated adults who are recovering from an illness.

As you can see, it is useful to observe the shape and size of feces. Shit can say a lot about the state of your body. Knowing the classification of feces, you can determine the normality of your stool and prevent some diseases in the early stages, as well as prevent others from developing. Of course, knowing the types of poop alone is not enough for a complete diagnosis. But enough to draw attention. We wish you a feces of the correct form. Relief!

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Normal stool in an adult reflects the good functioning of the digestive system. This may sound like a joke, but in order to monitor your health, you also need to be able to figure out what poop should be normal and what stool changes indicate. But how many of us are aware of what should be the feces of an adult? First of all, we should be interested in:

  • Bowel frequency
  • The shape of the feces
  • stool color

How many times do they go to the toilet for the most part?

The rate of bowel movement is one full-fledged trip to the toilet per day, when a person feels not partial, but complete bowel movement. Sometimes there is more frequent stool. Often bowel movements occur 2-3 times a day. This suggests that a person's metabolic processes are faster, or he consumed food that has a natural laxative effect. More frequent bowel movements (more than 3 times a day) indicates that you have met with diarrhea, which we will discuss below.

There is an opinion that bowel movements once every couple of days is normal, but this is a controversial issue. Having a bowel movement is the best way for the body to get rid of toxins, acids, and other unnecessary substances that may accumulate inside, so this process should ideally occur daily.

What happens cal. Stool shape (Bristol scale)

type 1 type 2 type 3 type 4 type 5 type 6 type 7

Properly formed normal feces is a guarantee that the process of digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, as well as the elimination of toxins and other waste, occurs without any disturbance. The Bristol stool scale gives an idea of ​​what a healthy person's stool should look like.

Type 1: Watery stool without solid particles

Type 2: Fuzzy "fluffy" chair with torn edges

Type 3: Soft droplets with clear ragged edges (come out with ease)

Type 4: Smooth and soft sausage

Type 5: Like a sausage, but with cracks on the surface

Type 6: Sausage shape, but bumpy and lumpy

Type 7: Separate small lumps, small balls that come out with difficulty

The best option is Type 4. Ideal sausage-shaped feces come out easily and smell more like overripe fruit than something terrible. The feces should be easy to stand out and gently fall into the water.

  • If the feces are poorly washed off the walls of the toilet, there are not digested fats in it.
  • If the feces do not sink - either a lot of gases, or fiber, or undigested fats.
  • If it falls sharply and with a splash - a lack of dietary fiber.

Type 5 is better than Type 2 and 3. Diarrhea is difficult to control and its causes are sometimes not so easy to treat. Diarrhea does not absorb essential nutrients into the body.

  • Mushy feces may indicate inflammatory processes in the intestines, malabsorption.
  • Foamy feces - fermentation processes in the intestines.
  • Lumpy stools may indicate insufficient water intake.

What color should feces be? stool color

Be aware that some foods and food coloring can change the color of your stool.

  • Normal stool is medium to dark brown in color.
  • If your stool is black, it may be the result of consuming currants, blueberries. Or it gets blood in the upper gastrointestinal tract - in this case, you need to see a doctor.
  • Beetroot makes the color of feces reddish.
  • A huge amount of greenery - green.
  • Carrots and a large amount of beta-keratins make it orange.
  • The gray-white color of the feces indicates such a violation as the inflow of bile into the intestines.
  • Green stools can occur as a result of taking antibiotics, iron supplements. If the green color of the feces is not associated with the intake of foods and drugs, then the reason is poor digestion. If the digestion process is too fast, the bile does not have time to be processed with food and turns the feces green.

Liquid stool. What to do?

If you have soft, too frequent, loose stools for a long time, this indicates a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract. To get rid of diarrhea, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. Try to strengthen your stool with foods that strengthen. These are unripe bananas, applesauce, rice, fatty meat, broth, muffin, mashed potatoes.

An excellent home remedy for diarrhea is black peppercorns. Take, depending on body weight, 10-15 pieces and swallow with water.

When diarrhea lasts more than three days or there is blood in it, you need to see a doctor and do a detailed analysis of feces.

Constipation of the intestines

If your stools are too infrequent and hard on a regular basis, a doctor's consultation is a must. In case of infrequent manifestations, you need to drink more water, eat more vegetables, add foods to the diet that give a natural laxative effect. Plums, apricots, raw zucchini, beets, vegetable oils, prunes help well. If there was no stool for a couple of days, it is better to do an enema.

How to fix a chair in an adult

1. Pose in the toilet!

Toilets are a relatively recent invention of mankind. Just sitting on the toilet as if on a chair is not the best option for doing your big things. In the picture you can see that in this position the rectum is pinched, which forces us to make efforts during defecation, which puts pressure on the rectal veins. This can lead to consequences in the form of hemorrhoids and other diseases.

From an anatomically correct point of view, a person should empty the intestines on the cards. But we live in a modern civilization and are not going to get rid of the toilets, so you can get a little used to make the pose more correct. You can put your feet on a small hill. The point is to raise the legs so that the position is closer to the squatting position, when the legs are not at a right angle to the body, but at a sharper one.

2. Schedule

Enter the daily morning ritual of sitting on the toilet for 15 minutes each morning. Try to relax completely at this time, you can read something. This way you will train your body to get rid of waste every day and you will be able to establish a regular chair.

3. Drink more fluids

The body needs water for all systems in general, in particular, the large intestine needs it to form stool, which is 75% of it. People who get enough fluids are the least constipated and have normal stools.

4. More movement!

Everyone knows that a sedentary lifestyle brings few health benefits, and a person needs more movement and physical activity, including in order to go to the toilet well and have a normal stool.

5. Of course, proper nutrition!

We try to eat natural food. You need to consume enough vegetables every day, because they contain the necessary fiber that improves digestion and maintains normal stools, vegetable oils, organic meat, eggs and dairy products.

How to quietly poop in other people's toilets, at work and at a party

How to poop (Video). Malysheva

Our chair can tell a lot about our health. The shape and types of feces help to recognize what is happening inside the body. When our intestines are healthy, then the stool should be normal. If, however, you sometimes notice occasional cases of unhealthy feces, do not sound the alarm, it depends on the diet. But if the symptoms become regular, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo an appointment.

What should be the feces

Normally, stool is considered normal if it has the consistency of toothpaste. It should be soft, brown, 10-20 cm long. Defecation should occur without much stress, easily. Small deviations from this description should not be immediately alarming. Stool (or feces) may vary from lifestyle, dietary errors. Beets give a red color to the output, and fatty foods make the feces smelly, too soft and float. You need to be able to independently evaluate all the characteristics (shape, color, consistency, buoyancy), let's talk about this in more detail.


Types of feces vary in color. It can be brown (healthy color), red, green, yellow, white, black:

  • Red color. This color can occur as a result of ingestion of food coloring or beets. In other cases, red feces become due to bleeding in the lower intestine. Most of all, everyone is afraid of cancer, but often this can be associated with the manifestation of diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.
  • Green color. A sign of the presence of bile. Feces moving too fast through the intestines do not have time to take on a brown color. A green tint is a consequence of taking iron supplements or antibiotics, eating a lot of greens rich in chlorophyll, or supplements such as wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina. Dangerous causes of green feces is celiac disease or syndrome
  • Yellow. Yellow feces are a sign of infection. It also indicates dysfunction of the gallbladder, when there is not enough bile and excess fats appear.
  • White color feces are a sign of diseases such as hepatitis, bacterial infection, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer. The cause may be gallstones. The feces do not stain due to obstruction of bile. The white color of feces can be considered harmless if you took barium the day before the X-ray examination.
  • Black color or dark green indicates possible bleeding in the upper intestines. A non-dangerous sign is considered if this is a consequence of the use of certain foods (a lot of meat, dark vegetables) or iron.

The form

The shape of your stool can also reveal a lot about your inner health. Thin feces (resembling a pencil) should alert. Perhaps some obstruction interferes with the passage in the lower part of the intestine or there is pressure from the outside on the thick section. It could be some kind of neoplasm. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a colonoscopy to exclude such a diagnosis as cancer.

Hard and small feces indicate constipation. The reason may be an inadequate diet, where fiber is excluded. It is necessary to eat foods high in fiber, exercise, take flaxseed or psyllium husks - all this helps to improve intestinal motility, relieve stools.

Too soft stool that clings to the toilet contains too much oil. This suggests that the body does not absorb it well. You can even notice floating oil drops. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the pancreas.

In small doses, mucus in the stool is normal. But if there is too much of it, this may indicate the presence of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

Other characteristics

According to its characteristics, feces in an adult is directly related to lifestyle and nutrition. What is the bad odor associated with? Pay attention to what you eat more often lately. A fetid odor is also associated with taking certain medications, it can manifest itself as a symptom of some kind of inflammatory process. With violations of absorption of food (Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), this symptom also manifests itself.

Floating feces in itself should not cause concern. If the floating stool is too foul-smelling, contains a lot of fat, this is a symptom of poor absorption of nutrients in the intestines. In this case, body weight is rapidly lost.

Coprogram is...

Chyme, or food gruel, moves through the gastrointestinal tract, into stool masses are formed in the large intestine. At all stages, splitting occurs, and then the absorption of nutrients. The composition of the stool helps determine if there are any abnormalities in the internal organs. helps to identify a variety of diseases. A coprogram is a chemical, macroscopic, microscopic examination, after which a detailed description of the feces is given. Certain diseases can be identified by a coprogram. It can be indigestion, pancreas, intestines; inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, dysbacteriosis, malabsorption, colitis.

bristol scale

British doctors at the Royal Hospital in Bristol have developed a simple but unique scale that characterizes all the main types of feces. Its creation was the result of the fact that specialists were faced with the problem that people are reluctant to open up on this topic, embarrassment prevents them from telling in detail about their chair. According to the developed drawings, it became very easy to independently characterize your own emptying without any embarrassment and awkwardness. Currently, the Bristol stool scale is used around the world to assess the functioning of the digestive system. For many, printing a table (types of feces) on the wall in their own toilet is nothing more than a way to monitor their health.

1st type. Sheep feces

It is called so because it has the shape of hard balls and resembles sheep feces. If for animals this is a normal result of the work of the intestines, then for a person such a chair is an alarm signal. Sheep pellets are a sign of constipation, dysbacteriosis. Hard feces can cause hemorrhoids, damage to the anus, and even lead to intoxication of the body.

2nd type. thick sausage

What does the appearance of stool mean? It is also a sign of constipation. Only in this case, bacteria and fibers are present in the mass. It takes several days to form such a sausage. Its thickness exceeds the width of the anus, so emptying is difficult and can lead to cracks and tears, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to prescribe laxatives on your own, as a sharp exit of feces can be very painful.

3rd type. Sausage with cracks

Very often people consider such a chair to be normal, because it passes easily. But do not be mistaken. Hard sausage is also a sign of constipation. During the act of defecation, you have to strain, which means that there is a possibility of anal fissures. In this case, there may be

4th type. The perfect chair

The diameter of a sausage or snake is 1-2 cm, the feces are smooth, soft, and easily pressurized. Regular stool once a day.

5th type. soft balls

This type is even better than the previous one. Several soft pieces are formed that come out gently. Usually occurs with a large meal. Chair several times a day.

6th type. unformed chair

Feces come out in pieces, but unformed, with torn edges. Comes out easily without hurting the anus. This is not diarrhea yet, but a condition close to it. The causes of this type of feces can be laxatives, high blood pressure, excessive use of spices, and mineral water.

7th type. loose stool

Watery stool that does not include any particles. Diarrhea requiring identification of causes and treatment. This is an abnormal condition of the body that needs treatment. There can be many reasons: fungi, infections, allergies, poisoning, diseases of the liver and stomach, malnutrition, helminths, and even stress. In this case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The act of defecation

Each organism is characterized by an individual frequency of defecation. Normally, this is from three times a day to three bowel movements per week. Ideally, once a day. Many factors influence our intestinal motility and this should not be a cause for concern. Travel, stress, diet, taking certain medications, illness, surgery, childbirth, exercise, sleep, hormonal changes - all this can be reflected in our stool. It is worth paying attention to how the act of defecation occurs. If excessive efforts are made, then this indicates certain problems in the body.

Feces in children

Many mothers are interested in what kind of feces babies should have. It is worth paying special attention to this factor, since gastrointestinal diseases are especially difficult at an early age. At the first suspicion, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

In the first days after birth, meconium (dark in color) comes out of the body. During the first three days, it begins to mix in. On the 4-5th day, feces completely replace meconium. When breastfeeding, golden yellow stools are a sign of the presence of bilirubin, pasty, homogeneous, and acidic. On the 4th month, bilirubin is gradually replaced by stercobilin.

Types of feces in children

With various pathologies, there are several types of feces in children that you need to know about in order to prevent various diseases and unpleasant consequences in time.

  • "Hungry" feces. Color black, smell unpleasant. Occurs with improper feeding or starvation.
  • Acholic feces. Whitish-gray color, discolored, clayey. With epidemic hepatitis, atresia of the biliary tract.
  • Putrefactive. Mushy, dirty-gray, with an unpleasant odor. Occurs with protein feeding.
  • Soapy. Silvery, glossy, soft, with mucus. When feeding undiluted cow's milk.
  • Fatty feces. With a sour smell, whitish, a little mucus. By consuming excess fat.

  • Constipation. Gray color, firm texture, putrid smell.
  • Watery yellow stool. When breastfeeding due to lack of nutrients in mother's milk.
  • Mushy, sparse feces, yellow color. It is formed when overfeeding with cereals (for example, semolina).
  • Feces for dyspepsia. With mucus, curdled, yellow-green. Occurs with an eating disorder.

A normal stool has certain characteristics: a soft, but dense texture, formation, a certain periodicity. Diseases of the digestive organs can lead to certain deviations. One of the signs of a violation is a mushy stool.

Just seeing him once doesn't mean anything. Unfamiliar food often leads to some intestinal upset. But the constant appearance of such a sign indicates some kind of ailment.

What is mushy stool

The nature of the stool can tell a lot about the state of the digestive tract. The frequency of bowel movements, the color of feces, its consistency directly or indirectly indicate the possible causes of the disorder.

A chair is considered to be frequent if an adult visits the toilet more than 3 times per day. In this case, the stool changes its consistency from normal to mushy or liquid. It may not be accompanied by any additional features, but may have very characteristic features:

  • Frequent stools, more than 3 times a day. Most often, it indicates a partial or complete intolerance to certain foods, as well as insufficiently thorough washing. Accompanied by flatulence. If the mushy stool turns into liquid during the day, then the cause is an intestinal infection.
  • Morning. Single diarrhea can have many causes and is not a cause for concern. Often it is due to medication, most of which have a laxative effect. If the disorder is chronic, lasting more than 3 weeks, it is a violation of the stomach and intestines.
  • . This form takes feces when an infection enters the intestines and stomach. The most common cause is rotavirus. Diarrhea begins against the background of high fever, sore throat and a complete breakdown. Sometimes the cause of yellow diarrhea is inflammation of the lining of the small intestine.
  • Presence of mucus. Mushy feces with mucus can have the most innocent reasons - eating berries, sour-milk mixtures, mucous porridges and kissels. But much more often the appearance of mucus is associated with acute intestinal infections, such as dysentery.
  • mushy with food fragments. Such feces are heterogeneous, have a porous structure, and have mucous inclusions, which directly indicates that there are too few enzymes for normal digestion. The reasons are different: inflammation of the pancreas, inflammation of the small intestine.

Important! To a specialist, mushy stools may suggest a diagnosis. However, to accurately determine the cause, you need to conduct an examination.

Causes of mushy stools

Diarrhea can provoke any disease, since the first reaction of the body to irritation and inflammation is an attempt to get rid of toxins, waste products of bacteria.

Mushy stools begin in an adult, both in connection with ailments and as a result of taking certain foods.

Diarrhea due to disease

Most often, liquid mushy stools have to be dealt with in the following cases:

  • Intestinal infections. Cause severe and prolonged intestinal disorders. This condition is accompanied by the secretion of mucus, a change in the color and consistency of feces, vomiting and an increase in temperature. Self-treatment is excluded.
  • Dysbacteriosis. As a result of the destruction of a significant part of lactobacilli in the intestine, the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients is disrupted. As a result - mushy stable stools and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Diseases of the stomach and duodenum. This refers to chronic ailments with a protracted course, but pronounced symptoms. In such cases, problems with the intestines and feeling unwell after dinner are almost the only signs of illness.
  • Various forms of tuberculosis. They also cause mushy stools.
  • High colon mobility. This is not a very common case, but in such cases, special medications and diet are needed in order to reduce bowel activity.

Acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are also accompanied by more characteristic symptoms. Frequent, mushy with mucus and bile. The remains of undigested food in the feces are observed in pancreatitis and gastroduodenitis. With severe inflammation of the small intestine, blood clots appear in mushy stools.

Important! The disorder may be a consequence of the treatment of the disease. Many of the drugs, especially antibiotics and cholagogues, are both strong laxatives.

Diarrhea due to eating disorders

  • Irrational nutrition. Eating a large amount of fatty, spicy and spicy foods causes both acute and chronic stool disorders. Frequent feasts also contribute to the appearance of mushy and liquid feces.
  • poisoning. Poor-quality, expired products, food without heat treatment provoke mushy stools in the evenings and in the mornings. Poisoning is often accompanied by pain and vomiting, which cannot be ignored.
  • Vitamin deficiency. Affects the absorption of nutrients. Due to violations of the process, mushy stools appear.
  • Allergy. Causes a wide variety of reactions, including liquid feces.
  • Excess fiber. With a sharp introduction to the diet of foods rich in fiber, the body responds with intestinal upset. Such products should be introduced gradually.


Diarrhea is usually an accompanying symptom of the underlying ailment. To get rid of the disorder, it is necessary to establish the true cause of its occurrence. This requires a medical examination:

  • Collection of anamnesis- in a conversation, the doctor establishes the nature and timing of the disorder. If a mushy stool has been observed for a long time, it is most likely provoked by chronic diseases. If diarrhea appeared 2 days ago and develops rapidly, then it is caused by an infection.
  • Laboratory tests- the patient takes a blood test, urine, feces. If an infectious nature is suspected, fecal culture is mandatory.
  • Endoscopy- performed by probing. Thus, it is possible to assess the condition of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Colonoscopy- endoscopic examination of the large and small intestines. One of the best ways to identify pathologies and foci of inflammation.
  • ultrasound- allows you to assess the condition and work of the digestive tract.

Important! The diagnosis is established only on the basis of the results of laboratory and instrumental examinations.

Medical therapy

After diagnosing and determining the pathogen, treatment is prescribed. Since mushy stools occur in an adult against the background of a wide variety of diseases, the course includes the following drugs.

  • Enterosorbents- Smecta, Polysorb, Filtrum. The drugs bind toxins and remove them from the intestines as quickly as possible. This helps eliminate the actual diarrhea.
  • Prebiotics. In adults, stools in the form of gruel are often provoked by dysbacteriosis. In such cases, prebiotics are taken to normalize the digestion of food: Bifiform, Lactobacterin, Bifikol.
  • Antisecretory drugs- reduce bowel activity and the frequency of fecal discharge. This group includes Omez, Omeprazole, Nolpaza.
  • Antimicrobials. Sulfa drugs are often used: Ftalazol, Sulgin.
  • Antispasmodics- if a mushy stool in an adult or a child began against the background of severe pain, No-shpu, Galidor, Drotaverin are included in the course.
  • Carminative medicines- are prescribed for severe flatulence. These are Motilium, Espumizan, Colofort.

Treatment of diarrhea in case of serious pathologies or as a result of an infection includes special drugs: antiviral, corticosteroids, antibiotics, enzymes.

A special diet is also prescribed so as not to irritate the intestinal mucosa and stomach.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes are used only as auxiliary. Decoctions and infusions include vitamins, tannins, flavonoids and other beneficial substances. This is the best remedy for replenishing the fluid lost during diarrhea.

Herbal infusions are used only in the chronic course of the disease: if mushy stools are observed constantly and for a long time.

  • Decoction chamomile and bark oak- 1 teaspoon of raw material is steamed with 500 ml of boiling water and left on fire for 15 minutes. The broth is insisted for 2 hours, filtered and drunk ¼ cup twice a day half an hour before meals.
  • Peppermint tea is a great way to drink the required amount of liquid and relieve irritation. 1 tablespoon mint and Hypericum pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist for at least 2 hours. Drink the infusion 15 minutes before meals 2-3 times in 24 hours.
  • Decoction chicory- not only replaces coffee, but also has an astringent effect. 2-3 branches are poured with 350 ml of hot water and boiled for 10 minutes. The broth is divided into 3 doses and drunk 15-20 minutes before a meal.

Important! Traditional rice water and dried fruit compote also help to cope with diarrhea.


The mushy stool itself causes only one complication - the loss of fluid and salts. This is solved by using a sufficient volume of water and salt solutions, both ready-made, like Regidron, and self-prepared.

However, bowel movements can be a sign of a much more serious illness. Against the background of pathologies of the pancreas or small intestine, diarrhea can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences - from inflammation of the mucous membrane to the appearance of a gastric ulcer.


In order not to have to go to the doctor again about diarrhea, you need to follow the simplest recommendations:

  • Sufficient physical activity has an unusually beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract.
  • A balanced diet, including the necessary, and not excessive, amount of fat, fiber and vitamins ensures the absence of mushy stools.
  • You need to drink enough liquid. With its deficiency, blood absorption in the small intestine is disturbed.
  • If it happens periodically, it is recommended to go to a specialist and be examined.

Porridge-like stool rarely becomes an independent disease. Much more often it serves as a sign of ailments of the digestive tract. Thus, the treatment of diarrhea is part of the main course.

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Professional skills: Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder.

), which are excellent indicators conditions in gastrointestinal tract patient.

UWE Norman Ratcliffe said that "a reader smells» will allow you to check more samples and provide more accurate results testing.

"Because of the abundance products used by the patient exists a huge number of variations smells in samples, but we trained system check unknown samples with the database of templates that are already prepared. With lots of samples, we want to get the best results.”

The method can be especially useful for diagnostics groups of diseases that are difficult to distinguish,” he said.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), for example, have very similar symptoms, which becomes a problem when making a final decision. diagnosis- and yet these conditions are very different.

IBD is an autoimmune disease caused by immune systems for microbes in the digestive tract. It is usually diagnosed colonoscopy, while IBS is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract with unknown causes. He often diagnosed only when other, more serious bowel diseases are ruled out.

The results of the study also showed that the test distinguished patients with IBD from healthy ones with an accuracy of 79%.

For diagnostics diarrhea, needs to be resolved, localized cause diseases in the duodenum, small or large intestine. Start by examining color, texture, smell and frequency of bowel movements, as well as the general condition of the intestine.

Fine chair brown.
Yellow or greenish chair indicates rapid passage (small intestine).
Black, tarry, indicates bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Bloody chair(blood or streaks) indicates bleeding in the large intestine .
Pasty, light chair indicates a lack of bile (liver disease).
Abundant, grey, rancid odor chair indicates a violation digestion or suction.


Fine chair dense consistency, reminiscent of boiled sausage.
Soft voluminous chair talks about overeating or eating foods with a high content fiber.

Watery chair indicates irritation of the small intestine wall (by toxins and severe infections, such as acute enteritis) with accelerated passage of intestinal contents and impaired absorption.

Foamy stool - suspected bacterial infection.

Fatty stools (often with oily hair around the anus) indicate malabsorption - damage to the pancreas (malabsorption).

Smell(the more watery the stool, the sharper the fetid smell)
Similar to food, or sour milk - due to accelerated passage and malabsorption, such as overfeeding kittens.
A putrid odor - an intestinal infection or the presence of blood in the stool is suggested (for example, with panleukopenia in cats).


Normally, the excretion of feces occurs once in the morning at the same time. But not more than twice with plenty of food.

Several times an hour, in small portions, with tension - colitis (inflammation of the large intestine) is suggested.

Three or four times a day, in large portions - suggest malabsorption or small bowel disorder.

differential diagnostics diarrhea syndrome:
1) chronic (tuberculosis, intestinal syphilis);

2) protozoan invasions (amebiasis, balantidiasis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis and etc.);

3) helminthiases ( ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichinosis and other.);

4) nonspecific inflammatory processes (enteritis, enterocolitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, etc.);

5) dysbacteriosis(complication of antibiotic therapy, mycosis, fermentative and putrid dyspepsia);

6) dystrophic changes in the intestinal wall (amyloidosis, intestinal lipodystrophy, celiac sprue, exudative enteropathy, collagenosis, etc.);

7) toxic effects (uremia, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, alcoholism, drug intoxication);

8) neoplasms (cancer and diffuse polyposis of the colon, lymphogranulomatosis, intestinal lymphosarcoma);

9) conditions leading to a decrease in the absorption surface of the intestine (resection of the colon, gastrointestinal and small-colonic fistulas);

10) functional disorders of the intestine (irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal dyskinesia, condition after stem vagotomy);

11) intestinal enzymopathies (congenital or acquired disorders of digestion and absorption of disaccharides, lactase or disaccharidase deficiency).

Diarrhea can occur with diseases of other organs and systems (not the intestines):

1) diseases stomach, accompanied by a decrease in secretory function (chronic atrophic gastritis, crayfish, post-gastroresection disorders);

2) diseases of the pancreas, leading to a decrease in the exocrine function of the organ (chronic pancreatitis, tumors);

3) liver diseases and biliary tract complicated achilia (due to the development of obstructive jaundice);

4) kidney disease accompanied by uremia;

5) diseases of the endocrine glands (sugar diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, addisonism, etc.) and hormonally active tumors (carcinoid, gastrinoma or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, Werner-Morrison syndrome or pancreatic cholera, etc.);

6) collagen diseases (systemic scleroderma, dermatomyositis, etc.);

7) beriberi (pellagra, beriberi, etc.);

8) allergic reactions;

9) neuroses.

The main pathogenetic mechanisms of diarrhea are reduced to two main factors: this is an accelerated passage of contents through the intestine due to nervous and humoral influences (irritation of intramural nerve plexuses or disturbances in the central regulation of intestinal motility) and delayed absorption of fluid from the intestinal lumen due to impaired permeability of the intestinal wall and sharp shifts in the regulation of osmotic processes in the intestine.

At diarrhea the absorption of water and electrolytes is usually reduced, the secretory function of the intestine may be increased, its motor activity, especially of the distal colon, is often reduced. In some cases, diarrhea is due to an increase in propulsive intestinal motility (under the influence of certain psychogenic factors).

With diarrhea, bowel movements can be single or multiple during the day, plentiful or meager, depending on the cause that caused diarrhea, as well as on the localization of the main pathological process in the intestine.

In order to clarify the cause of diarrhea, it is necessary to find out the frequency and nature of the stool, the time of the urge to defecate, the presence of tenesmus, the age at which diarrhea occurred, the frequency and duration of remissions, the effect of the disease on the patient's performance and body weight, past operations and diseases.

Suddenly started stormy diarrhea with frequent stools, tenesmus is primarily suspected of acute intestinal infections. In some cases, acute onset diarrhea may be due to changes in the diet or intake of irritants to the intestines (including laxatives) or is the first sign of chronic non-specific diseases of the intestine and its functional disorders.

Often, the differential diagnostic value is to clarify the time of day at which the patient develops diarrhea. Nocturnal diarrhea almost always turns out to be organic, and diarrhea in the morning can be more often functional.

The frequency of stools with diarrhea can be different - from single bowel movements to multiple, several dozen times a day. In patients with lesions of the small intestine (enteritis), stools are less frequent than in colitis.

The most frequent stool is observed in lesions of the distal colon. A large single volume of feces occurs only in patients with normal function of the distal colon.

The pathological process in this case is localized in the small intestine or in the proximal sections, it is typical for patients with enteritis, chronic pancreatitis. In these patients, neither imperative urge to defecate, nor tenesmus during defecation is noted.

Diarrhea in lesions of the distal colon is characterized by frequent and imperative urge to defecate, a small one-time volume feces, often containing blood and mucus. This is most often observed in patients with colitis, in whom the amount of feces is usually scarce.

When the small intestine is damaged, the absorption of nutrients is disturbed, as a result of which a larger volume of chyme enters the proximal colon than usual. If the reservoir function of the colon is not changed, then the patient's stool frequency does not exceed
2-3 times a day. However, the daily and one-time volume and mass of stools are much larger than normal.

Pain in lesions of the small intestine is localized - always in the umbilical region. The defeat of the proximal colon is accompanied by pain, most often in the right iliac region, with an increase after eating.

When the distal colon is affected, the pain is localized in the left iliac region with irradiation to the sacrum. The eye is greatly weakened after defecation or flatulence.

In some cases, diarrhea alternates with constipation, more often with functional disorders, abuse laxatives means, with a wound of the colon, with chronic (habitual) constipation, when, due to a long stay of feces in the intestine, there is an increased formation of mucus with the release of liquid stools.

Valuable diagnostic information can be obtained by taking into account the symptoms associated with diarrhea. Thus, tenesmus that occurs before and after defecation is more often observed with damage to the distal colon; incessant diarrhea with short-term "tides" (purple coloration of the face) is characteristic of carcinoid syndrome, diarrhea with swelling and rumbling for enterocolitis; with diarrhea caused by pathology of the endocrine glands, other signs of endocrinopathies are revealed; diarrhea in collagen diseases is accompanied by characteristic changes in the skin, internal organs, musculoskeletal apparatus, etc.

Significant assistance in differential diagnosis is provided by examination and examination of feces. Light and frothy stools without an admixture of mucus and blood are typical for fermentation, and mushy or liquid dark brown with a sharp putrefactive odor for putrefactive dyspepsia. Liquid, fetid-smelling stools with a lot of mucus can be with acute or chronic enterocolitis.

In a number of pathological conditions, the color of feces changes, which is determined by the qualitative composition of food, the degree of its processing with enzymes, and the presence of impurities. Discolored whitish-gray stools occur with acholia (due to obstructive jaundice), sometimes feces acquire this color with an abundant admixture of pus and mucus. Tar-like stools appear with bleeding from the upper parts of the digestive tract, with bleeding from the distal parts of the stool has a bright red or dark red tint. The black color of feces is characteristic of mercury poisoning.

The color of feces changes when taking certain drugs containing bismuth, activated charcoal, etc. (vikalin, allochol, carbolen, etc.). The admixture of visible undigested food residues in the feces may indicate a sharp acceleration of the passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which is more often observed with enterocolitis, after resection of the small intestine and with fistulas of the digestive tract, and less often with functional disorders of the intestine and secretory insufficiency of the stomach or pancreas.

Diarrhea can be one of the manifestations of many acute and chronic diseases. Gastrointestinal infections occupy a special place among acute ones. In their diagnosis, the epidemiological history is of great importance. Group diarrhea is always suspicious of an infectious nature. Meanwhile, some cases of gastrointestinal infections do not have a characteristic epidemiological history.

Salmonellosis usually occurs in the form of acute gastroenteritis (abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea) with general intoxication, fever. Occur after eating meat products contaminated with salmonella. A similar clinical picture develops with staphylococcal food poisoning after eating infected dairy and sweet foods mainly.

Smell of stool

The smell of bowel movements is unpleasant, but not sharp - this is the norm.
- The smell of secretions from the intestines is practically absent - only in people who lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a strict plant-based diet, and have good health.
- With the predominance of meat products in the diet, the smell of stool increases.
- With an increase in the proportion of vegetable and dairy products, the smell decreases.
- With a mixed random diet with any set of foods eaten in a row, the smell of the secretions intensifies, and gases form in the intestines.
- With constipation, the smell may decrease.
- With diarrhea, the smell can increase dramatically.
- With putrefactive dyspepsia, characteristic of colitis, - the smell of feces is sharp, fetid (gives off hydrogen sulfide).
- With fermentative dyspepsia, characteristic of enteritis, the smell of stool is sour.
Some remarks.
- The toilet in the bathroom should have a bed for bowel movements - then you can use the provided self-diagnosis of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and adjust the diversity in nutrition and lifestyle.
- Poisoning by radioactive substances can be directly related to violations associated with bowel movements.
- In a hypersthenic, the intestines are thick, long and capacious. It has increased motility and secretion of the stomach, secretion and absorption functions of the intestine. A hypersthenic may suffer from constipation or diarrhea and suffer from gastritis with high acidity.
- In an asthenic, the intestines are thin-walled, short and low-capacity. It has weakened motility and secretion of the stomach, secretion and absorption functions of the intestine are relatively low. A hyposthenic may have a tendency to diarrhea or constipation and suffer from gastritis with low acidity.

10 Sensitive But Important Facts About The Chair

We all go to the toilet, and although this is not a dinner party topic, we sometimes need to take a look at what we usually try to flush down the toilet as soon as possible. And although we pay little attention to this detail of our physiology, most likely you do not know much or ask someone about your great need.

Experts emphasize that it is important to know information about bowel movements: what is strange, what is normal, healthy or not. After all, it can help spot signs of infection, digestive issues, and even early signs of cancer.

1. What is a chair made of?

Water makes up about 75 percent of our bowel movements. The rest, which often smells bad to us, is a mixture of fiber, dead and living bacteria, other cells, and mucus. The soluble fiber in foods like beans and nuts is broken down during digestion and forms a gel-like substance that becomes part of our stool.

On the other hand, foods with insoluble fiber, such as corn, oat bran, and carrots, are harder to digest, which explains why they come out almost unchanged.

2. Color matters

As you may have noticed, stool color can change depending on the food you eat and other factors. For example, beets can cause stools to turn red, while green leafy vegetables can turn them green. Also, some medications can cause white or clay-colored stools. Be careful if the chair is stained black. Although it may be quite harmless as a result of taking iron supplements or activated charcoal, a dark color can also indicate bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

3. Shape Matters Too

The ideal chair comes out in the form of a curved log, and does not fall apart. This shape, unlike the pebble-like shape, is the result of the consumption of fiber, which gives the stool bulk and acts as a kind of gluing agent.

Small stools can be a sign of bowel cancer, which narrows the opening that stool passes through.

4. The nose will tell the problem

Stools do not smell very pleasant, but a particularly strong odor in stools is often a sign of an infection. Bad-smelling stools are a side effect of the indigestion caused by Giardia, which can often be caught while swimming in lakes. It can also be a sign of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and celiac disease.

5. What's Normal Is Pretty Relative

Do you go to the toilet at the same time every morning, or can you go a few days without going to the big one? All this is normal. What matters is how consistent your regimen is. A large decrease in the frequency of bowel movements can be caused by changes in diet, such as less fiber intake. Other factors that affect stool frequency include gastrointestinal disorders, hyperthyroidism, and colon cancer.

Cultural differences also play a role. For example, people living in South Asian countries are much more likely to go to the toilet for great need than, for example, the British, which is explained by differences in nutrition. On average, about 150 grams of excrement per day comes out of a person, which is an average of 5 tons in a lifetime.

6. Diarrhea is a speed stool

Digestion of food takes 24 to 72 hours. At this time, the food you have eaten passes through the esophagus to the stomach, then to the small intestine, large intestine and exits through the anus.

Diarrhea, or diarrhoea, is the result of stool passing too quickly through the large intestine, where most of the water is reabsorbed. Loose stools can be caused by many factors, including stomach viruses and food poisoning. It can also result from food allergies and intolerances, such as lactose intolerance.

7. The chair must sink

Listen for the sound that occurs when a chair falls into the water. Floating stools are often a sign of high fat content, which can be a sign of a malabsorption disorder, in which not enough fat and other nutrients are absorbed from the food you are consuming. It is often associated with celiac disease and chronic pancreatitis.

8. Passing gas is normal.

Flatulence is embarrassing, but it is the result of harmless bacteria breaking down food in the colon and is a perfectly healthy process. Our intestines are filled with bacteria that release gas as a by-product of digestion. Our body absorbs some of it and releases the rest. It is normal to pass gas 10 to 18 times a day.

9. Reading in the toilet is not a very healthy habit.

Research has shown that the more time you spend on the toilet, especially when you read, the more likely you are to develop hemorrhoids, or dilated blood vessels around your anus. The longer you sit, the more pressure the anus experiences. It can also restrict blood flow to the anal area, making hemorrhoids worse.

Most often, a diet poor in fiber leads to constipation and hemorrhoids.

10. Your phone may be covered in poop.

Wash your hands well after using the toilet or your stool will be transferred to other objects. In a recent study, scientists found that one in six phones is covered in fecal matter, which can spread E. coli.

Since we carry mobile phones with us everywhere, especially where we eat, E. coli that has moved onto your plate can play a role in spreading the infection.

Vladimir Godlevsky about feces

Shit ... shit (English), sсheisse (German) - these words, familiar to every intelligent person, are daily present in his speech, constantly heard on radio and TV. We often use this word for the emotional evaluation of people, objects, situations. From childhood, everyone is familiar with the maxim "shit does not sink", we accept it as the truth, without correlating its content with personal experience and scientific data. But the problem of the unsinkability of shit is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Being a non-specialist in the field of physics and chemistry of faeces, I simply undertook to speculate on this topic, although this subject is studied by a special branch of medical sciences - coprology, and scientists who are knowledgeable in it are called coprologists or, in Russian, - shit experts.

What should we, amateurs, amateur producers and researchers of feces, know about this very, seemingly close to us and understandable, but sometimes mysterious product?

1) Origin and composition

Feces - a set of solid waste products that are in a plastic state convenient for transportation through the intestines. The composition of fecal masses generally depends on the nature of nutrition and the function of the digestive tract. Fecal masses are formed in the large intestine and consist of food debris, mainly from plant fiber. It contains undigested and overcooked food, but there may also be eggs of worms, and the worms themselves, if they have taken root in the body.

Part of the mass of feces is made up of living and dead microbes. About a third of the composition is represented by various bacteria and rods, which corresponds to the intestinal microflora. There may be foreign inclusions, (swallowed something), blood clots and other turbidity, by which one can determine the health of a living organism and its interests in nutrition.

The history of shit contains a lot of interesting things. So, among drug couriers, a method has taken root to transport containers with heroin in the digestive system of their body. Sensitive with their eyes and nose, the border guards expose the reptiles and ruthlessly feed them laxatives, receiving feces mixed with heroin capsules in special vases. For this procedure, customs have special rooms equipped with intensive ventilation. When our President Yeltsin was in America, the CIA, as a result of a technically complex intelligence operation, caught his excrement in the sewer system of the hotel - and an analysis of the best American experts in shit science gave a complete picture of the state of B.N. It can be figuratively said that here our counterintelligence crap.

2) Organoleptic characteristics

These include shape, color, smell, plasticity smell indicates the presence of rotting proteins. Hydrogen sulfide, mercaptan, amines, and so on. Pleasant to the eye light brown color of feces gives stercobilin. In case of violation of bile secretion, feces acquire a light gray or sandy color.

The color of the feces changes with bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract. With heavy bleeding in the stomach or duodenum, it turns black. The lower the source of bleeding, the more distinct the red color of the feces. The color of feces is also affected by certain drugs (carbolene, bismuth, iron preparations, etc.) and plant food pigments (for example, beets).

The smell of feces depends on the presence in it of decay products of food residues, mainly of a protein nature. With pronounced putrefactive processes in the intestines (putrefactive dyspepsia, tumor decay), the feces become foul-smelling, with the predominance of fermentation processes, it acquires a sour smell. Vegetarian feces are almost odorless. It is believed that this fact often attracts people to a vegetarian diet.

The shape and consistency of feces depend on the water content in it. With a mixed diet, water makes up 75-80% of bowel movements. This is a paste-like product, roughly corresponding in rheological characteristics to sour cream from the refrigerator or toothpaste from a tube. The density of feces indicates problems in the digestive system. Watching domestic animals, we see a wide variety of spatial forms of fecal masses ejected by the body: "peas" of sheep's feces, "potatoes" - of horses, cow "cakes". An observant researcher can be convinced that human feces can also take on various, often bizarre forms, which indicate possible problems in the digestive process or disease:

Dense or "sheep" feces - stenosis or spasm of the colon, with constipation;

Mushy feces - accelerated evacuation from the colon;

Ointment feces - in violation of the secretion of the pancreas, the absence of bile flow;

Liquid feces - insufficient digestion in the small intestine (putrefactive dyspepsia, accelerated evacuation) and large intestine (increased secretion in the large intestine);

Foamy feces - with fermentative dyspepsia;

- "pea soup" - with typhoid fever;

- "rice water" - with cholera.

3) Why doesn't shit sink?

Shit is a very interesting three-phase colloidal system: it contains solid, liquid and gaseous phases together. It is their volume ratio that determines the phenomena of buoyancy and sinkability in the aquatic environment. The ascent of shit in the aquatic environment is due to its density. And the predominance of fiber (cellulose) in its composition already determines the fact that the density will be 800 ... 900 kg / m3.

This mass does not sink because of the fiber of which the food consists, all substances useful to the body are dissolved by acid. In their place, micropores are formed that give the feces buoyancy. The quasi-solid mass is filled with gas bubbles formed as a result of the metabolism of coprophage bacteria. (similar to the structure of "airy" chocolate "Vispa"). If the feces are in the aquatic environment for a long time, the pores are gradually forced out of its volume. Wait a little when they are filled - and then the feces can drown or even dissolve without a trace. The more plant foods, the longer the shit does not sink. According to the observations of leading American scientists from the Institute of Fecal Problems, the positive buoyancy of freshly made shit lasts up to five hours.

The characteristic smell of faeces is due to its gas component. There is hydrogen sulfide H2S, which is one and a half times heavier than air. Inevitably, there is also methane CH4 in the composition of the gas phase, which is two times lighter than air, so that at a certain critical concentration of it, shit can not only float up, but even, in principle, take off. Unfortunately, the buoyancy of shit in media other than water (for example, in organic solvents) has not been studied enough. For example, in hydrocarbons and benzene, it seems to me that it must certainly sink.

Thus, from objective data, one can see that the extreme buoyancy of shit was attributed purely from social motivations and allegorical definitions.

4) How useful is the assessment of the buoyancy of shit?

The common belief that "shit doesn't sink" is generally not true. Numerous experiments show this. Important information is the state of our feces, which ended up in the toilet. This is one of the indicators of our health. "Good" feces should not float high above the surface, but at the same time, they should not quickly sink to the bottom like a stone. The best feces should be in a semi-submerged position. Other states are deviations from the norm.

If the feces do not sink, but are in an unsinkable state and, as it were, float above the surface (like a piece of foam), then this indicates an excessive gas contamination of its structure. It's wrong, but still not so bad. It is worse when the feces sink sharply, go to the bottom like a stone, which means that the body is heavily slagged, and the intestinal bacteria either do not work at all, or work poorly, they cannot saturate the feces with gases.

So periodically pay attention to the condition of your feces in the toilet. This is your product! Look at it, sniff it, study the contents - and draw useful conclusions.

I wish you health!

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