What is useful raw cabbage for the body. Medicinal properties of cabbage. Video: what is sauerkraut good for the body

Without cabbage - the table is empty, our grandmothers said. This is true, because cabbage soup, hodgepodges, cabbage rolls, pies are prepared from it.

Cabbage is valued not only for its amazing taste, but also for its medicinal properties. From a children's riddle, everyone knows that a vegetable has a hundred clothes, so useful qualities not less.

How useful is cabbage for the body?

Is cabbage good?

What contains healthy vegetable cabbage?

  1. Lots of vitamin C, not inferior to citrus fruits. Moreover, ascorbic acid remains in it for more than six months.
  2. Vitamins K, P, PP, B5, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, iron, sulfur, selenium, phosphorus, potassium salts.
  3. Tartronic acid prevents carbs from turning into fat, so eat kale if you're interested in your weight. But you need to eat it fresh or pickled, during heat treatment the valuable substance is destroyed.

What are the health benefits of cabbage?

  1. Relieves pain and inflammation.
  2. Strengthens blood vessels.
  3. Normalizes cholesterol.
  4. Stimulates the activity of the thyroid gland, indispensable for hypothyroidism.
  5. Bioflavonoids, indones, phenols, chlorophyll prevent the development of oncology. Cabbage excellent tool against tumors.

How useful is cabbage and what diseases does it help with?

1) This recipe helps with the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina;
  • arrhythmia;
  • sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Three times a day, drink half a glass of freshly prepared cabbage juice. An hour before meals.

2) Next recipe traditional healers from a sore throat, tonsillitis.

Pour 300 g of cabbage leaves with half a liter of water without salt and boil until soft. Drink half a glass of warm four times a day, adding a spoonful of honey, unless, of course, there is an allergy.

You also need to gargle six times a day with cabbage juice, diluted in half with water and make bandages on sore throat from fresh broken leaves, wrapped in a warm scarf. Compresses change every two hours.

4) The next recipe for joint pain, rheumatism, sciatica. At night, make compresses from cabbage leaves on disturbing places and wrap yourself in a woolen scarf.

5) With ulcers, festering wounds oh, for eczema, grate cabbage, add egg white in equal proportions and make a bandage on sore spots, changing as needed.

But remember that fresh juice should be consumed immediately after preparation, but not with high acidity and symptoms of an irritable stomach. To not be increased gas formation mix cabbage juice with carrot.

What is useful sauerkraut?

Many nutritionists consider sauerkraut to be more valuable than fresh cabbage.

  1. In the process of fermentation, vitamins remain almost twice as much as in fresh chopped.
  2. Lactic acid bacteria secrete new valuable substances, cabbage is saturated with B vitamins.
  3. Sour cabbage herbal product, which contains vitamin B12, which fights aging.
  4. Improves digestion, removes toxins.
  5. Salt corrects acid-base balance, regulates sugar, cholesterol, fights diabetes, atherosclerosis.
  6. Pickle and cabbage protect against dysbacteriosis.

To reinforce your health, it is enough to eat just a couple of spoons of sauerkraut or drink half a glass of brine several times a week.

If you have gastritis with high acidity, then you better ferment the vegetable in a salt-free way.

Take enamelware and lay in layers:

  • chopped cabbage and carrots;
  • a thin layer of onion and garlic;
  • cabbage and carrots;
  • onion and garlic.

Alternate until the container is full. Then fill with warm boiled water and put something heavy on top. Cover with a lid and put in a warm place, pierce the cabbage every day with a thin splinter and remove the foam.

Useful properties of sauerkraut

What is useful sauerkraut?

1) In winter, people often suffer from a lack of vitamins.


  • a glass of cabbage brine;
  • a glass of tomato juice;
  • half a glass of cool boiled water;
  • table spoon of honey;
  • table spoon of lemon juice.

Drink a glass several times a day until you feel better.

2) From wheezing in the chest, a brine diluted in half with warm water will help, drink two glasses until you recover.

3) How ancillary treatment with diabetes, it is recommended to drink a third of a glass of diluted cabbage brine three times a day half an hour before meals boiled water in a ratio of 1:1.

4) With constipation, a solution will help: stir two teaspoons of salt in cabbage brine and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. You can do it again the next day.

5) Anti-hangover drink:

  • sauerkraut pickle - three glasses;
  • finely chopped onion - one glass;
  • tomato paste - a spoon;
  • pepper, sugar to taste.

To mix everything. First, drink half a glass of the drink, then you need to drink the rest during the day. If the mixture seems too saturated for you, then dilute it in half with boiled water.

6) Pickle is able to heal and disinfect wounds. For wounds and burns, make dressings with sauerkraut or make lotions with pickle, changing several times a day. If you feel a burning sensation, then dilute the brine with water.

7) In case of damage to the periodontal tissue (periodontal disease), eat three 3 tablespoons of sauerkraut seven times a day, chewing thoroughly. Several times a day for 15 minutes on the gums, make lotions with pickle or rinse.

Useful vegetable cabbage in cosmetology

A useful vegetable, cabbage cleanses, nourishes, eliminates wrinkles, strengthens hair and nails. Empress Catherine cleansed her face with cabbage juice, and applied sauerkraut leaves.

beauty recipes.

  1. Apply sauerkraut on the face for 15 minutes, if the skin is oily, you can hold it for 15 minutes longer.
  2. If the skin is dry, pour cabbage leaves with boiling water and spread sunflower oil, then apply on face and neck for 20 minutes. wash up chamomile infusion(two tablespoons of dry chamomile, steam with a glass of boiling water and boil for another 10 minutes.)
  3. If the skin is very dry, prepare a mixture:
  • a few leaves of chopped cabbage;
  • egg yolk;
  • sunflower oil.

Leave on face for 20 minutes.

Prepare a mask for aging skin:

  • a few chopped cabbage leaves;
  • a quarter of a glass of apple juice;
  • a fourth of a teaspoon of yeast;
  • h. spoon of honey.

Leave on face for 20 minutes.

The following whitening mask:

  • semi-liquid mass of fresh cabbage leaves;
  • curdled milk;
  • rowan juice.

Take everything in equal amounts. Then soak a tissue and apply to age spots. Lotions do daily until the pigmentation disappears.

Conclusion: cabbage is useful, but you should not abuse it for hypertension, kidney disease, kidney stones. gallbladder, increased acidity of the stomach.

Sincerely, Olga.

White cabbage is one of the most common folk products. In addition to wonderful taste, it has a high usefulness. Its use is recommended for men and women. It is worth considering the varieties of culture: sea, Brussels and other options. Them healing qualities wider than that of the white relative.

Useful properties of cabbage for the body

Using a vegetable to prepare various dishes, few people think about the beneficial effects of culture. It is a real source of vitamins, beneficial trace elements. Even braised cabbage is able to compensate for the body's lack of ascorbigen (a complex antitumor substance based on ascorbic acid and glycosides). useful substance in in large numbers contained in the culture.

The leaves of young cabbage are rich in vitamin C - it is 10 times more than in a lemon. The main contraindication to use is high acidity in the intestines. The fresh product contains the minimum number of calories: from 16 to 48, depending on the type. The main vitamins that can be contained in the culture include:


Why such cabbage is useful: it can be attributed to rare species plants that contain a large amount of protein, have medicinal properties. Vitamins and minerals contribute to the excretion of cholesterol from the body, normalize digestion. 100 g of the product contains only 34 kcal, so it can be considered dietary. To check the quality of a vegetable and choose a fresh one, buy one whose buds have not yet blossomed.


The most common and affordable variety. Vitamins C, U stimulate cell regeneration, due to which recovery skin happens much faster. The product improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes the work of the heart. For those who suffer from gout, kidney stones, medicine also advises to lean on a vegetable, especially the Savoy species. In addition, cabbage juice has medicinal properties. It will help protect the intestines and will stimulate weight loss.


If you don’t know how cabbage in brine is useful, then keep in mind: an acidic product prevents cell aging. The dish saturates the skin with vitamins, improves immunity and the body's ability to withstand stress. The favorite snack contains a lot of lactic acid, which prevents indigestion. Women often use salted cabbage for the mask. To ferment cabbage on your own, you need to mix 10 kg of finely chopped vegetables with 200 g of salt and 300 g of carrots. Then you need to decompose into containers, put the load and wait for several days.


The largest number vitamins are contained in thermally untreated culture. In ancient times in Russia, this vegetable was considered the basis of all dishes, until potatoes were brought. Satisfying, delicious product rich in trace elements, vitamins. It contains manganese, iodine, copper and other substances necessary for the body to normal operation. Not all cabbage is eaten raw. Some varieties need to be fermented, stewed or fried.


Benefits of Brussels sprouts: It has a rich composition. Nutritious vegetable has a large amount vegetable protein, vitamins C, E and K. Its use is useful for people who suffer from hypertension, ulcers. Handle the product with care, as it is bitter when overcooked. Brussels sprouts can be used for salad or stew. Cabbage dishes will make up for the lack of potassium, phosphorus and iron in the body. The average calorie content is 38 kcal.


From algae - kelp - they prepare very tasty, exotic dishes. It is rich in iodine, phosphorus, B vitamins and a number of trace elements. The product is considered excellent prophylactic against atherosclerosis, normalizes metabolic processes, restores water-alkaline balance. In addition, seaweed during pregnancy is very useful. However, girls and ladies "in interesting position» it can be consumed strictly in organic quantities.



Chinese cabbage is used to prepare salads, casseroles and other dishes. vegetable culture useful vitamins that help with radiation sickness. Beijing cabbage cleanses the intestines, eliminates constipation. The calorie content in the product is minimal - 16 kcal, which allows it to be actively used by those who lose weight. The main contraindication is the use of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.


The culture has a characteristic, blue with red, shade of sheets, which is why it got its name. What is useful cabbage of this variety, everyone knows. Biologically active substances prevent the development of tuberculosis, act as an antioxidant and prevent cardiovascular problems. Cabbage leaves can be stewed, pickled or eaten raw in salads. The vegetable is low-calorie - only 24 kcal per 100 g.


Vegetable culture is especially useful for children and pregnant women. With it, the body receives required amount potassium and fibre. Kohlrabi is an excellent prophylactic against cancer GIT. Traditional medicine recommends a decoction of the leaves of the culture to relieve asthma symptoms. If you are a follower proper nutrition, then kohlrabi should definitely be added to the diet. Only 42 kcal will help you always keep in shape.

The benefits and harms of cabbage for the body

If the healing and beneficial properties of the product are obvious, then few know about the contraindications. With increased acidity, colitis and indigestion, raw culture is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden to eat a stalk, because it collects all the toxic elements in itself. Overeating a vegetable is fraught with bloating and colic.

When losing weight

Cabbage is one of the low-calorie vegetables. Thanks to vitamin composition it can be used as the basis for any diet. The body will still receive vitamins and minerals. Sauerkraut when losing weight is used very often, because when ripe it becomes even less high-calorie. To reduce weight, it is recommended to follow following rules within 7-10 days:

  1. Start the morning with tea, cottage cheese or boiled eggs.
  2. Replace the main dish with a variant of cabbage (better fresh salad). Use it with steamed meat.
  3. Exclude sweet, starchy foods.
  4. For dinner, eat sauerkraut salad.

During pregnancy

Experts advise all women during the period of bearing a child to use different types cabbage. With it, she will receive the necessary dose of potassium, magnesium, vitamin C. The culture will help normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, remove puffiness, and relieve inflammation. Pregnant women should be careful with the use of kelp. 100 g of the product is enough to make up for the lack of iodine in the body.

Video: what is sauerkraut good for the body

Cabbage can rightly be called the queen of vegetables. Due to the high yield, unpretentiousness in cultivation, deliciousness and usefulness, the product takes pride of place on our table.

In Russia, white cabbage is especially popular, which is eaten both in fresh, and subjected to heat treatment or salting.

There are other types of vegetables: broccoli, red-headed, colored, sea, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, Beijing.

Composition of fresh cabbage

Cabbage belongs to dietary products due to its low calorie content, depending on the type, from 16 to 42 kcal per 100 grams and a high content of coarse fiber, which cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, improves intestinal motility.

Fresh varieties of the product have maximum amount useful substances compared to processed ones. The most valuable element of cabbage is the record content of vitamin C, which is preserved in it even during long-term storage and cutting. As well as other groups of priceless vitamins A, B, D, K, P, U.

The vegetable is also rich in many macro- and microelements, such as:



Fresh cabbage contains organic acids, natural antibiotics, enzymes. All of the above arsenal of useful and valuable components is needed human body for full functioning and growth.

Fresh cabbage: benefits for the body

In dietetics, a proper nutrition pyramid has been developed, where vegetables are required for daily diet all categories of children and adults, they should be about 35% of the total share of food consumed per day. Balanced, unique composition cabbage is able to satisfy daily requirement human essential substances.

The beneficial effects of cabbage on the body are as follows:

Strengthening immunity, increasing resistance to various diseases;

Reducing the risk of oncology of various etiologies, including breast cancer in women and breast cancer in men prostate;

Normalization of cholesterol and blood sugar levels;

breeding excess fluid, slags, toxins;

Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;

Cleansing the intestines and improving the microflora;

decline excess weight;

Improving the condition of teeth and gums;

calming effect on nervous system, relieving symptoms of fatigue;

Rejuvenating effect on tissues and organs.

In addition to being eaten, cabbage is used as a medicinal and cosmetic product. Cabbage juice is used as an expectorant for coughs, and, diluted in half with water, rinse the sore throat. For eczema, burns, sciatica, headache apply fresh leaves to the sore spot. For women, masks made from chopped vegetables are popular, which will bring the effect of rejuvenation and skin cleansing. And freshly frozen juice can be used as a tonic.

Distinctive features of fresh cabbage and benefits depending on the variety

In Russian latitudes, white cabbage is considered especially popular in culinary and folk medicine, but other species also have a high nutritional value. The main composition of useful substances of different varieties remains unchanged, but there are slight differences.


A close relative of white cabbage is red cabbage. It has a denser shape and a bright purple color, thanks to a special substance - anthocyanin, which increases the body's resistance to radiation. This variety has a higher content of carotene and bioflavonoids.

The vegetable does not contain fat at all, and the calorie content is only 24 kcal per 100 grams, therefore it is recommended for diet food at varying degrees obesity. A large number of dietary fiber effectively reduces appetite and gently cleanses accumulated toxins.


This type cabbage in Russia is not grown as extensively as the white variety, it is actively sold in the markets in frozen form. Broccoli contains a record amount of protein, which is comparable in composition to chicken, and carotenoids help improve vision. vegetable is hypoallergenic product, in view of this, it is recommended for the first feeding of babies. Calorie content of 100 grams is only 34 kcal.


Cauliflower fresh, the benefits of which are characterized by the content of twice as many valuable substances as the white head relative. Calorie content of 100 grams is about 30 kcal. The vegetable has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, improves digestion, and prevents the development of cancer. Due to the high content folic acid and B vitamins, reduces the risk of birth defects in the fetus in pregnant women. Cauliflower is remarkably absorbed by the body of adults and children, and is also recommended for the first feeding of infants.


sea ​​kale or kelp, brown algae grows in the seas and differs from other varieties in the content of iodine, which exceeds the daily norm for an adult. The daily requirement for iodine in the adult population is 150-200 mcg. Laminaria contains 300 micrograms per 100 grams. As you know, this microelement is necessary for full-fledged work. thyroid gland that controls vital important processes in the body. Calorie content of 100 grams is about 24 kcal.


The calorie content of Beijing cabbage is only 15 kcal per 100 grams. Moreover, she has amazing property- during digestion, the body spends more energy than is available in the cabbage itself. In the stomach, it increases in volume, which allows you to satisfy your hunger even with a minimal portion. The benefits of Beijing cabbage will be obvious for gout, hepatitis, hypertension, Alzheimer's disease. How medicinal product is prescribed for obesity of all degrees, diabetes, neurosis, heart disease, hormonal disorders.

Does fresh cabbage have harmful properties for the body?

Any product with excessive use can become a poison for the body.

Despite the whole range of unique beneficial properties of fresh cabbage, it is contraindicated in:

Individual intolerance;

Digestive disorders;


Diseases gastrointestinal tract during the period of exacerbation;

Problems with teeth (inability to chew thoroughly);

breastfeeding to prevent colic in the baby.

During pregnancy, eating fresh cabbage can be harmful only with unreasonable doses. If there are no serious prohibitions from the doctor, then the miracle vegetable will only benefit mom and baby.

It should be remembered that due to the high content of dietary fiber in cabbage, it can cause flatulence, intestinal colic. Therefore, with such manifestations, you should limit the consumption of a vegetable or eat no more than 200 grams per day.

If there are no contraindications, then for those who want to lose overweight with the help of cabbage, it is important to exclude salt from the diet, use unrefined salt for dressing salads vegetable oil drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. To reduce flatulence, include fennel, dill in the menu.

Any variety of cabbage can rightfully be called a unique vegetable that can solve numerous health problems for adults and children.

Cabbage, which is part of the traditional borscht set, is grown in many countries and is one of the most popular vegetables. Having begun its spread across Europe from the Mediterranean countries, it has firmly established itself in Siberia and the Non-Black Earth zone of Russia. Some consider Russia to be the birthplace of cabbage, because it occupies a significant share in the volume of vegetables grown and has many breeding varieties bred by Russian scientists. It is very important to know about the benefits and harms of cabbage in order to use it correctly - more on this in this article.


Cabbage belongs to the biennial plants of the cruciferous family. It comes from wild species that existed before our era in North Africa. Cabbage was cultivated in ancient greece, other mediterranean countries. From there, she began her victorious march to Turkey, the Balkans, Transcaucasia, and Russia. The mention of cabbage as the main vegetable is found in the writings of the times Kievan Rus. Cabbage has long been grown in China and Korea.

Composition of white cabbage

To better understand the benefits and harms, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of this vegetable. Cabbage mainly consists of water and has a low calorie content - 27 kcal (per 100 gr.).
Cabbage is rich in vitamins of group B, C, macro- and microelements. Most of all, cabbage contains potassium and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, manganese.

Here detailed list composition white cabbage:

  • glucose and fructose (sugar);
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;
  • potassium salts;
  • phosphorus salts;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • fiber;
  • phytoncides (natural antibiotics);
  • lipase;
  • protease;
  • enzymes;
  • lactose;
  • vitamins A, B1, B6, P, K, U (anti-ulcer vitamin);
  • 16 free amino acids, including in this list some of the most important amino acids for the body lysine, histidine, methionine, tyrosine.

This entire impressive list is contained in large quantities mainly in freshly squeezed cabbage juice, which can be obtained at home without difficulty and special diligence by chopping fresh vegetable leaves and squeezing them through gauze.

As you can see, cabbage is a storehouse of nutrients. And its beneficial effect on the body is multifaceted.

The benefits of cabbage

With problems with urination, cabbage juice helps. And the presence of fiber removes cholesterol and other toxins from the body.

Useful for cabbage cardiovascular diseases eating cabbage cleanses the walls of blood vessels and resists the development of atherosclerosis.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin U, which is rare in nature, which is able to protect the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and heal ulcers. But you can eat it only during the period of remission, and first boiled.

It also alleviates the course of liver diseases.

Cabbage is very useful for people suffering overweight. The presence of tartronic acid in its composition inhibits the process of converting glucose into fat.

Many men are familiar with the soothing effect of cabbage pickle for removing hangover syndrome. And if you eat sauerkraut before a feast, you can avoid intoxication.

Fresh cabbage leaves are applied as a compress for bruises, inflammation of the joints. And if you smear a cabbage leaf with honey and apply it at night, then it therapeutic effect will intensify.

Cabbage is useful for diabetics, as it lowers blood glucose levels. Cabbage juice is taken as an expectorant for coughs and bronchitis.

Benefits of sauerkraut:

Sauerkraut rivals citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C content. The composition of fresh cabbage contains the natural substance ascorbigen, which, during the pickling process, turns into vitamin C, moreover, in a significant amount. The lack of ascorbic acid causes a breakdown. weakness and reduced immunity, which contributes frequent colds, - this is a sign of a lack of vitamin C in the body. And the easiest, cheapest and tasty way make up for its deficiency - use a little sauerkraut every day.

Benefit from cabbage juice:

Sauerkraut juice does not contain fiber, so it is preferable for those who suffer from flatulence or other gastrointestinal diseases.

Harm and contraindications for eating cabbage

Despite many beneficial features, cabbage can also cause some harm to the body, it has a number of contraindications:

  • Abundant consumption of cabbage in some may cause temporary darkening of the eyes;
  • Men who have problems in the sexual sphere should limit the use of cabbage.
  • Cabbage can be harmful for thyroid diseases; cabbage dishes are not recommended;
  • With exacerbation of stomach ulcers, inflammation duodenum cabbage is contraindicated;
  • For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, replace raw cabbage dishes with thermally processed ones.

If there are restrictions on eating salt, then it is recommended to wash sauerkraut to reduce its salt content. Too overcooked cabbage does not benefit.
In conclusion, we advise you to adhere to the measures in the consumption of products. And then they will bring only benefit, not harm.

Treatment by a doctor dressed in a hundred robes: white cabbage and its valuable properties.

The healing qualities of white cabbage in many areas of traditional medicine have been known for a long time and in many countries. With the progress of scientific progress and the development of medicine, the fact of the beneficial effects of this unpretentious plant on the body has been proven and confirmed laboratory based on the study of its chemical composition. With a detailed study of the constituent substances of cabbage, it turned out that this simple and known to everyone since childhood vegetable is immensely rich in many substances necessary for health and is much more useful than we all used to think.

Unexpected richness of juicy green leaves.

Among the variety of useful substances contained in white cabbage, it is especially worth highlighting the presence of a high level of ascorbigen - one of the forms of ascorbic acid, more known to the world like vitamin C. This form is particularly resistant to external influences, and with proper storage, chopped cabbage leaves can retain their beneficial properties, due to its content, throughout the whole year. It should be noted that ascorbigen is also found in other vegetables, such as potatoes, but its content there is almost fifty times lower than in cabbage.

just as worthy special attention and tertronic acid, which protects the body from obesity and diabetes preventing the processing of sugar and other carbohydrates into adipose tissue and contribute to their rapid splitting.

In addition, white cabbage contains a whole range of other substances, vitamins and microelements, necessary for the body to maintain health, and even some manufacturers of pharmacy multivitamins can envy this composition.

With all ailments, cabbage is a friend!

The use of this truly wonderful product is widespread in many folk recipes and helps with an impressive list of diseases.

Freshly squeezed cabbage leaf juice has:

  1. expectorant and antitussive effect in bronchitis and sore throat;
  2. beneficial effect on the digestive organs of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract: accelerates gastric peristalsis and evacuation of food, improves absorption in it, reduces pain in the liver and normalizes its size, alleviates dyspeptic disorders.
  3. diuretic effect and promotes the discharge of intestinal gases;
  4. pronounced antibiotic effect against Koch sticks, Staphylococcus aureus and other dangerous pathogens.
  5. pronounced vitaminizing effect due to the high content of useful microminerals and vitamins.
  6. positive effect on low acid gastritis, ulcerative colitis, intestinal atony, diabetes.

Cabbage juice with wine helps with snake bites and rabies by neutralizing poisons and killing bacteria.

Cabbage leaves are also used in mashed and whole form to help with burns, fever, bruises, body hyperthermia and many other diseases.

There are recipes based on cabbage that cause miscarriage with vaginal administration of lotions with juice and leaves and death of the fetus in the womb with a longer gestation period.

As part of the diet, cabbage is used for diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart and kidney ailments, gout, cholelithiasis, and malignant neoplasms.

Over the centuries of using cabbage folk medicine a mass of effective and easily accessible recipes for cooking at home has been formed, which to this day are in demand and do not lose their relevance.

Cabbage as a medicine.

Based on the above properties and indications, below is a list of recipes and recommendations for certain ailments and diseases. Of course, full list ways to use white cabbage with their detailed presentation may take whole volume, but these recipes will help to form a rough idea about them.

With neoplasms it is recommended to pour one tablespoon of chopped cabbage roots and pour them with half a glass of boiling water. Wrap the resulting mixture and leave for eight to ten hours at room temperature, then strain and take fifteen minutes before meals, a quarter cup. Three to four doses are recommended per day.

You can also pour finely chopped stalk with sunflower oil. At the same time, pour two tablespoons of crushed tatar leaves with three hundred milliliters of boiling water and leave for thirty minutes. After that, strain the liquid, mix and drink at one time in the morning for a long period of time.

There are also powder recipes. Root of one big head crush and dry. Crush the resulting powder and sift from lumps, then take three tablespoons and pour half a liter of dry red wine. Insist in a dark, dry place for two weeks, shaking the container occasionally. Take a long course alternating ten days of admission and ten days off with a dosage of thirty milliliters twice a day.

For gastric and duodenal ulcers It is recommended to drink cabbage juice in one of two ways:

Take half a glass of warm juice before meals three times a day for four weeks.

Drink one and a half to two glasses of juice an hour before meals for three to four weeks.

In the treatment of ulcers and gastritis with cabbage juice, the well-being of patients improves from the fifth to the tenth day of admission, depending on the degree of damage to the organ.

For hoarseness and cough helps frequent repeated intake of one teaspoon fresh juice cabbage.

With cholangiohepatitis powder from dried cabbage juice helps.

At low acidity stomach, flatulence and constipation helps sauerkraut juice. The brine also helps with helminths, with hemorrhoids, improves appetite, and is also widely used to relieve hangovers. Accept cabbage pickle recommend up to half a liter during the day.

With scabs on the head compresses from light cabbage leaves help. They should be applied to damaged skin twice a day for two to three weeks, after lubricating the head with vegetable oil.

In diphtheria, cabbage leaves are applied to a sore throat and tied with a cloth to achieve a warming effect. Warmed cabbage leaves are replaced several times with new, fresher ones.

For skin lesions you can apply fresh whole cabbage leaves to the affected areas of the skin, or moisten them with fresh cabbage juice. This recipe is effective for burns, ulcers, wounds, neurodermatitis and eczema. It also helps with pain caused by arthritis and gout.

The second treatment option for purulent wounds, burns and ulcers is a mixture of grated cabbage leaves and egg white.

With weeping eczema and scrofula, grated cabbage leaves, pre-boiled in milk, mixed with bran, are applied.

For typhoid fever fresh cabbage leaves envelop the entire body of the patient, which helps to relieve inflammation and reduce high temperature.

With Parkinson's syndrome a decoction of cabbage seeds is used.

For kidney stones helps to crush and remove ash stones from the burnt cabbage root.

This is just a small list of treatments and ways to prepare natural medicines based on natural healing properties cabbage. Depending on the specifics of the disease and the personal preferences of the patient, the composition and method of application may vary slightly. For example, pure cabbage juice is often consumed with a spoonful of honey dissolved in it.

Cabbage - to be!

Conclusions about the benefits and dangers of cabbage

The above facts speak for themselves: the beneficial properties of this garden plant are not at all invented or exaggerated, but are quite justified and reasoned. The use of cabbage and cabbage juice has practically no contraindications, and its availability and taste qualities only increase the conviction that its use, at least for food, will not be superfluous at all. When eating cabbage salad in any of its types, you not only satisfy your hunger, but also engage in high-quality and effective prevention a wide range diseases and intensively saturate the body with essential valuable microelements, amino acids and vitamins.

We are all familiar with such a product as white cabbage.

The benefits and harms of it will be discussed in this article. From it you will also learn what the composition of the vegetable is, who needs it, and who should avoid eating it.

Benefit and harm

This delicious and unique vegetable helps maintain the balance of essential trace elements in the human body. Phosphorus and potassium, fiber, enzymes, phytoncides and vitamin C are far from complete list substances that are rich in white cabbage. The benefits and harms of fresh, as well as thermally processed and pickled vegetables, depend on the health of the person who consumes it. Vitamin C has practically no contraindications.

But high content organic acids, which boasts white cabbage (fresh and sauerkraut), can adversely affect the condition of people with hyperacidity stomach. Gastritis, ulcers, reflux - all these ailments require strict diet. It must be prescribed by a doctor. He will also tell you about the need to exclude cabbage and some other vegetables from your diet. Diseases of the pancreas, gallbladder, hypertension and urolithiasis disease- also a reason to refuse to use a product such as white cabbage. Its benefits and harms for each of the listed ailments are individual. optimal diet help you find a specialist. Well, if you are completely healthy, then you can include cabbage in your menu without fear and cook a lot of it from it. delicious meals. We list the main properties of this vegetable.

Many-sided white cabbage

The photo will help us to see that the outer leaves of this vegetable are more intense green than those found in the middle of the head. This is due to the high content of folic acid in them. Therefore, the outer leaves are more useful for normalizing metabolism, during pregnancy and in order to improve blood composition. Sauerkraut - indispensable product for those who live in places with a harsh northern climate. After all, it is able to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in winter period. There are legends about how this product saved travelers on long voyages from scurvy. After all, vitamin C is found in large quantities not only in the cabbage itself, but also in the brine. In an average serving, about half daily allowance. In addition, vitamins are well absorbed due to the presence of fiber. Cabbage also contains pyridoxine. This vitamin aids in the absorption of protein found in meat. That's why sauerkraut is a great side dish.

Little secrets of healers

Daily consumption of white cabbage helps to improve potency and keep it on. high level long years. For women, this vegetable will be very useful for cosmetic purposes. In addition to ingestion, cabbage can be used as a component for a mask - it will help to discolor strong pigmentation, normalize oily skin, give velvety and improve complexion.

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