Menu for the day for raw food beginners: a list of products and delicious recipes. Products on the raw food menu. Raw food rules depending on the season

I greet you, my dear subscribers and you, dear guests, who looked here in search of a suitable menu for a raw food diet. The daily diet of each person should be balanced, filled with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as energize for the whole day.

If you, by virtue of life beliefs or for health reasons, have chosen a raw food diet for yourself, then you especially need to think over your menu.
so that the body receives everything necessary for a full life.

A little about the power system itself

Let me remind you that a raw food diet is a special system of eating food that excludes foods that have undergone any heat treatment. Whether it's frying, parka, boiling or baking, it's taboo for a raw foodist. The raw foodist's creed is to keep nutritional value products used.

Such a food system is very close to vegan, but there are varieties of raw food diet according to the permissibility of consumption. different types products. Therefore, before choosing a menu, you need to decide what kind of raw foodist you will be:

  1. Veganism. You can only eat raw plant foods and a complete rejection of animal products.
  2. Vegetarianism. Only plant food - no meat and fish. But sometimes it is possible to use eggs and milk.
  3. fruitarianism. Here you can only eat fruits, berries and some vegetables that raw foodists refer to as fruits (for example, cucumbers, tomatoes).
  4. Raw meat diet (carnivorous raw food diet). This food system is the complete opposite of veganism. Only raw meat of fish, seafood, poultry and animals. The consumption of vegetables is completely excluded or minimized.
  5. omnivore. The name speaks for itself. You can eat everything, including meat, fish, eggs, milk, seafood, but only raw.

Where to begin?

So, you realized that what you need in life is a raw food diet. The menu for beginner raw foodists is fundamentally different from the “experienced raw foodists”. Therefore, you do not need to rush into the pool with your head. Proceed to this nutrition system gradually:

  • Before you settle on any particular type of raw food diet, try each one. Write down your feelings, emotions and compare. And what menu for you, as for a raw foodist, is most suitable, and stop your choice on it.
  • Skip sugar, salt and spices.
  • Remove canned food, pickles, semi-finished products and smoked meats from the diet.
  • Methodically replace teas and coffee with fresh and herbal infusions.
  • Gradually introduce raw foods into your diet. Start with what is more acceptable - vegetables, berries, fruits, seeds and nuts, raw yolks and milk, coconut oil, raw lard, fish, etc.
  • Try sprouted cereals (buckwheat, millet, lentils, etc.).
  • Start in winter. Let it be a moderate raw food diet and only 50-75% of the food from your diet will be raw. And by the summer (in the midst of vegetables and fruits), you will be able to abandon the products that have undergone heat treatment.
  • Stock up on the necessary equipment. A juicer, a blender, a food processor, a dehydrator are your assistants (no one calls for you to take loans - everything is gradual).

And most importantly - it should bring you pleasure!

To eat this?

If someone thinks that useful menu for a raw foodist, this is monotonous, tasteless (not tasty), the same type of food, then this is far from the case. The raw food diet is now gaining insane popularity around the world and, accordingly, human ingenuity in using a variety of ingredients for cooking is growing.

In addition, books have been written about the raw food diet, menus for beginner raw foodists have been developed, collections of recipes have been published, etc. You will not remain hungry and sad! Here is a menu that can be an example for a raw foodist for a week:


Breakfast: Apples stuffed with dried apricots and honey + fruit smoothie;

Lunch: sun-dried tomato, onion, champignon salad, seasoned olive oil; sprouted chickpeas;

Afternoon snack: Korean-style carrot salad with young zucchini;

Dinner: slices of vegetables and bread with guacamole sauce.


Breakfast: peaches (or other juicy fruits) + a handful of fresh peanuts;

Lunch: salad of cucumbers, shallots and tomatoes - cherry tomatoes with garlic sauce (garlic, passed through a press + olive oil + lemon juice) + pumpkin porridge with a pinch of pine nuts;

Afternoon snack: a handful of dried fruits;

Dinner: bread, salad of tomato and sesame, arugula and cauliflower, with lemon juice and olive oil dressing;


Breakfast: soaked oatmeal with raspberries and peaches;

Lunch: cream of cauliflower soup, broccoli, seaweed and onion salad;

Afternoon snack: pistachios;

Dinner: apple, raspberry, banana and mango salad;


Breakfast: banana, kiwi, orange salad, a little honey;

Lunch: raw food cold soup gazpacho, crispbread;

Afternoon snack: dates or prunes;

Dinner: pumpkin porridge with its own seeds.


Breakfast: strawberry, kiwi and banana smoothie + walnuts;

Lunch: buckwheat (sprouted), salad fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers with extra virgin olive oil;

Afternoon snack: melon or watermelon.

Dinner: vegetable smoothie of parsley, tomatoes, avocado + bread.


Breakfast: grated apple with raisins, walnuts and honey + any juice;

Lunch: carrot cutlets, red cabbage salad + soaked wheat;

Afternoon snack: Chinese cabbage salad, parsley, dill, onion and cucumbers and herbs with lemon juice and corn oil;

Dinner: fruit salad.


Breakfast: strawberry, kiwi, banana and apple salad.

Lunch: almond cheese, a salad of yellow and red bell peppers, broccoli, green peas and Crimean (purple) onions, flavored with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Afternoon snack: walnut fingers;

Dinner: seaweed with avocado and bell pepper sauce + bread with garlic dressing + lentils

The main rule of raw foodists - do not drink food! This, in their opinion, only stretches the walls of the stomach. Drink still water, juices, herbal infusions throughout the day.

I bring to your attention several recipes.

"Creamy Cauliflower Soup"

You will need onions, celery (stalks), parsley (or cilantro), green peas (young), carrots and cauliflower. Blend all ingredients thoroughly in a blender. Cream soup is ready. And to add nutrition to it, sprinkle pumpkin seeds.

"Guacamole Sauce"

This world-famous Mexican sauce is the perfect accompaniment to raw bread, lettuce and vegetable slices.

Grind in a blender until smooth tomatoes, chili peppers, ripe avocados, garlic and a little coriander. When the sauce is ready, season it with lime juice.

"Nut Fingers"

Using a powerful blender, turn into a homogeneous mass of 300g walnuts, a glass of honey, a tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tsp cinnamon (optional). From the resulting mass, form finger bars. Roll them in sesame seeds. The nutritious snack is ready.

Don't be afraid to fantasize and improvise. And the riot of colors of nature will make your meal unforgettable. In order to choose the right menu for yourself and fully understand the raw food diet, I recommend you an excellent School of Denis Terentiev . Here you will receive an answer, from professional consultants, to any question that interests you.

Remember, a raw food diet is not a diagnosis or a panacea. This is the way to lead a healthy lifestyle. Don't look up to anyone. Listen only to yourself and your feelings - the main thing is your well-being and health.

That's all for today. Share and exchange with your friends on social networks the information received and do not forget to subscribe to my blog. See you again.

Absolutely healthy people, unfortunately, make up only 4.3% of the world's population. The reason for the increase in morbidity in 51% of cases is harmful and high-calorie food, overweight and obesity, poisoning the body with products containing toxins, nitrates, GMOs and synthetic additives. That's why more than 1 billion people around the world prefer vegetarianism, proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. But a raw food diet, especially for beginners, can cause difficulties that sweet tooth, meat and spice fans so often write about. Getting rid of food addiction and learning to control your taste preferences is easy if you have more information about the benefits of dishes from fresh natural ingredients.

The basics of a raw food diet: where to start the path to health

As an independent alternative nutrition system, the raw food diet dates back to 1903 after the publication of the book “Principles of Dietary Treatment”, written by the Swiss physician and scientist Maximilian Bircher-Benner. He drew a line between the basics of vegetarianism and outlined the principles of eating raw foods. Thanks to the work of a researcher in the field of nutrition, the basis for the variants of the modern raw food diet has emerged:

  • classic, mixed Only raw vegetables, fruits, berries, legumes, nuts and seeds, cereals and germinated seeds. Among wild plants, quinoa, goutweed, nettle, dandelion and plantain are popular. In some cases, milk, eggs, fish, natural honey are allowed;
  • vegetarian. Prohibition of meat, game and seafood. Whole grain bread, hemp seeds, soybeans, cottage cheese and eggs are used;
  • strict, vegan. Limits the use of all animal products, including eggs, honey, milk;
  • carnivorous. This direction does not accept food that has undergone heat or cold treatment. It is possible to introduce vegetable oil, cereals into the diet, raw meat, fish;
  • fruitarianism. Fresh fruits, dried fruits in the open, vital parts of plants have an advantage;
  • raw food diet. Each meal should correspond to one selected product.

Switching to a Raw Food Diet: A Beginner's Guide

It is difficult to immediately achieve the desired result, so do not rush to radically change your usual menu. Otherwise, weakness, a feeling of intense hunger, aggression and discomfort will appear. For the raw food diet to be effective, remember how to start eating right:

  • observe drinking regimen. Start with mineral or purified water without impurities, unpleasant taste and smell;
  • Breakfast lunch and dinner. Light snacks every 1.5-2 hours. In the first half of the day, it is allowed to cook dishes from boiled products;
  • choose your favorite fruits and vegetables;
  • avoid meat, pasta and confectionery;
  • unleavened bread or from wholemeal flour;
  • use brown sugar as a sweetener;
  • juices, decoctions and tinctures are best drunk between meals;
  • seasonings, spices and sauces replace cranberry, lemon and tomato nectar.

For beginner raw foodists, 1-3 weeks of daily adherence to a healthy diet will be enough. At this time, the body is cleansed and accustomed to natural sources of vitamins, micro and macro elements.

Raw food: how to start menu planning

Now that expensive convenience foods, frozen or food fast food left in the past, it's time to think about healthy and nutritious food. But, before embarking on such a process as a raw food diet, and turn to the menu for beginners, designate a list of necessary products.

Fresh fruits, berries and citrus fruits, vegetables and herbs. They fill the body, first of all, with vitamin C, which is responsible for strengthening muscle tone, the functioning of blood vessels, and repairing tissues and cells. Minerals accelerate metabolism, activate fatty acid metabolism enzymes, help proteins to be absorbed, and prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Soybeans, beans and peas are indispensable in redox reactions, help to absorb iron and prevent capillary fragility, prevent anemia, regulate cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.

Nuts provide the body with energy, participate in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, play important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin and the absorption capacity of the intestine. High content manganese, fluorine and copper contributes to the proper formation of the skeleton and bone tissue, and vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system.

Plants. Plantain, burdock, quinoa, lemon balm, gout, nettle. They have an immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect, regulate the level of insulin in the body, protect the biliary system, blood vessels and heart.

Fish. The presence of seafood in the diet makes up for the lack of protein and amino acids in the body. They contain a large amount of B, A, E and D vitamins, minerals and such an important trace element like iodine. Regular consumption of fish meat normalizes the production of hormones, improves water, acid and electrolyte balance in the body, and is responsible for energy metabolism.

Raw food diet: menu for the week and simple recipes for beginners

By managing the needs of their appetite, followers of vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle note a low feeling of hunger, a reduction in sleep to 4-6 hours, an increase in physical endurance, an improvement in memory and attention. It was said earlier about what a raw food diet is, but where to start proper nutrition and how to make a menu for a week, we will try to find out together. The first thought that comes to mind is what raw foodists eat for breakfast:

  • oatmeal. A glass of cereal is filled with water overnight. In the morning, raisins, dried apricots, berries or pitted dates are added to the finished porridge;
  • vivacity cocktail. Ingredients: one centimeter of ginger root, 3 carrots and 2 apples. All ingredients are placed in a juicer until life-giving nectar is obtained;
  • paste for burdock and apple sandwiches. For cooking, it is necessary to boil 200 grams of plant roots in salted water in advance, grate it. Make puree from 100 grams of peeled apples. Add melted butter and 0.5 teaspoon of mustard to the resulting mixture.

Lunch at a raw foodist is as satisfying as that of an ordinary person, but more healthy and tasty. For those who have chosen a raw food diet for weight loss and do not know where to start, we offer a dietary vegetarian borscht and its recipe:

  • red beets - 3 pieces;
  • carrots - 4 pieces;
  • celery and ginger root;
  • garlic - 3-4 teeth;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • 0.5 cups of olive oil;
  • 0.5 cups of walnuts;
  • 500 grams of cabbage;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • bay leaf, salt and pepper.

Grind beets, ginger, bay leaf and garlic in a blender. Place in a saucepan and fill with water. In the next step, form a homogeneous mixture of peeled oranges, 2 carrots, celery, olive oil and walnuts. Connect to total mass all received components. Finely chop the cabbage and the remaining carrots, add to the finished dish.

The tasty and nutritious desserts that the raw food diet offers on the menu for beginners will not allow you to gain excess weight and suitable for fast weight loss. Recipe for making a raw food cake:

  • almonds - 1 cup;
  • sunflower seeds - 0.5 cups;
  • orange peel;
  • banana - 2 pieces;
  • dates - 150 grams;
  • flax seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • water.

Sunflower seeds and almonds should be left overnight in water. In the morning, chop them together with dates, add orange zest. Knead the dough from the resulting composition. The cream is made from crushed bananas, orange juice and flax seeds. The cake is infused for about 2 hours.

Raw food diet from Victoria Butenko: where to start

Successful U.S. Health Educator Brings New Product Opportunities to the World plant origin. Victoria Butenko has proved from her own experience that a raw food diet can benefit and restore health to the body, and her menu for beginners is in no way inferior to the tastes of a sophisticated gourmet.

For example, Live Burger. You can't even buy this in a chain of restaurants fast food McDonald's. But, unlike its counterpart with great content synthetic additives, preservatives and dyes, Victoria Butenko's burger recipe is absolutely harmless. The following ingredients are required for its preparation:

  • champignons;
  • sunflower seeds - 2 cups;
  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • small bulb;
  • 1 lemon;
  • raisins - ¼ cup;
  • olive oil;
  • a teaspoon of sea salt;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • thyme, basil, rosemary to taste;
  • 1 pod of hot pepper.

Sunflower seeds are finely ground, in the form of a powder, placed in a bowl. Carrots in a food processor are brought to a puree state, to which you need to add chopped onions, raisins, honey, olive oil, lemon juice and sea salt, herbs and pepper. All components are re-mixed in a combine for about 1 minute. The resulting pate is placed between the mushroom halves.

The absence of sugar in the diet of a raw foodist can be replaced with a delicious dessert. The recipe for the famous "Cranberry Cakes" and a positive attitude during the cooking process will give a bright taste to an unusual dish. If you want sweets, Victoria Butenko suggests preparing simple ingredients in advance:

  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • apple - 2 pieces;
  • walnuts - 2 cups;
  • raisins - 2 cups;
  • fresh cranberries - 1 cup;
  • flax seeds - 1 cup;
  • juice of ½ lemon;
  • olive oil and sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 4 tablespoons.

In a food processor, puree apples and carrots, grind walnuts and flax seeds into a powder. Stir chopped food. Add cranberries, raisins, oil and lemon juice to the prepared mixture. Knead the dough until smooth and make cakes. Decorate the top with sesame seeds. Dessert should be dried for at least 15-20 hours at a room temperature of up to 45 ° C.

For daily intake, Victoria Butenko recommends making so-called "green cocktails". They should be 60% fruit. The rest is green. You can cook them at any time with the help of a blender and fantasy, based on your taste and favorite natural products. Sweet Green Cocktail Ingredients:

  • mint and spinach - 1 bunch each;
  • strawberries - 500 grams;
  • bananas - 3 pieces;
  • water - 2 glasses.

After the introduction of the drink into the diet, the body gradually gets used to the greenery, the work of the digestive and excretory systems is normalized. The daily norm is 2-3 cups.

Aterov raw food diet: menus and recipes for beginners

Arshavir Ter-Avanesyan considered the kitchen fire to be the cause of all diseases, and he often called people who eat boiled food “food addicts”. Aterov argued that in raw foodists, diseased cells are healed, worn out cells are restored, and inactive cells acquire their vital activity. The author spoke sharply against drug therapy, artificial vitamins and prescription diets. using Aterov's recipes.

Germinated seeds. Soak wheat, lentils, peas or beans for two days until small sprouts appear. Rinse thoroughly and store in a cool place. You can eat such food for about 3 days.

Salad of seeds and vegetables. Skip wheat, lentils or beans through a meat grinder. Grate carrots and tomatoes. Finely chop cucumbers, herbs and onions. Use olive oil and lemon juice as a sauce.

Halva from walnuts, almonds and pistachios. The recipe is very simple. Chop nuts, mix with honey. Supplement the taste with cardamom, vanilla or saffron. If desired finished product wrap in lettuce leaves.

Maintaining a raw food diet in winter is easy with a dried fruit compote recipe. Dried fruits are wetted in water. The resulting drink is consumed with almonds, pistachios, cardamom or vanilla.

"Smart raw food diet" by Sergey Gladkov: menu for beginners and a list of products

One of the main principles of the right food for the body, soul and spirit, Sergei Gladkov voiced in one phrase: "eat raw - you will be healthy and happy." The healer and yogi became the author of more than 100 scientific articles and the founder of the "smart raw food diet", which involves the combination of plant products with each other:

  • beet. Suitable for garlic, onions, potatoes (or);
  • cabbage. Interacts with rosemary, mint, celery, dill, chamomile and potatoes;
  • carrot. Can be cooked with tomatoes, peas, lettuce and leeks;
  • corn. Complements the taste of pumpkin, zucchini and peas;
  • cucumbers. Best consumed with legumes, radishes, sunflower seeds, lettuce and corn;
  • Strawberry. Decorate food with the addition of lettuce, onions and spinach;
  • tomatoes. Perfectly compatible with asparagus, carrots, parsley and marigolds;
  • eggplant. Served with beans and potatoes.

To avoid problems with the digestion of raw food, Gladkov suggests applying the principles separate power supply. He recommends boosting your metabolism with a combination of acidic vegetables and foods rich in starch. Dried fruits can be eaten with cottage cheese.

Hello dear blog readers! Today I would like to discuss a topic that I am sure is of interest to most of you. It's about raw food. To be more precise, about the menu of a raw foodist for every day.

I will not write about what a raw food diet is, what raw foodists can eat, and what not. I wrote about it here and here, respectively. Today I want to dwell on the daily menu in detail. We are ready for change. But when it comes to concrete actions, many questions immediately arise.

Table of contents [Show]

"Syroed" is not from the word cheese

Of course, raw foodists do not eat cheese. This is information for beginner raw foodists. I think we are all conscious people and understand that before switching to a new diet, it is necessary to study the information in detail. After all, it's about health first and foremost. If you decide to embark on this path only for weight loss, it is better to turn back. Raw food is a lifestyle, not a diet. You can not abruptly transfer the body from one type of food to another, and then back just for the sake of extra pounds. But if your choice is conscious, then you are welcome. A raw food guru to help you.

  • Victoria Butenko He is the author of the book 12 Steps to a Raw Food Diet. Here you can learn everything about the transition to a new diet in nutrition.
  • Douglas Graham- Author of the book "80/10/10". There are also many here useful information, although Mr. Graham recommends fruits as the basis of the daily diet.
  • Vadim Zeland and Chad Sarno"Living kitchen. Transurfing updates” – here are personal recommendations and recipes that have been tested on myself. Vadim Zeland is known for his books about transurfing, and Chad Sarno for restaurants where dishes are prepared without heat treatment. By the way, the chef wrote recipes with Chris Carr for her book Crazy Sexy Kitchen. This woman is a worthy role model. When she was given a disappointing diagnosis and informed of her imminent death, she did not hang her nose. By completely changing her diet and lifestyle, Chris has achieved amazing results. More than 7 years have passed, and she is full of energy and was able to stop the growth of the tumor.

These are just a few of the famous raw foodists. I also wrote on my blog about famous raw foodists of the world and raw foodists of Russia

Let's go to the store

You have processed a lot of information on the raw food diet or are even taking the first steps in this direction. Let's talk about products that can be found in Russia and preferably within 365 days.

Allowed and approved gifts of nature include:

  • Fruit;
  • Vegetables;
  • Nuts;
  • grains;
  • Seaweed;
  • seeds;
  • Greens;
  • Dried fruits.

As you have already noticed, all the products presented in the list can be found on the shelves of domestic stores. Moreover, online resources come to the rescue. A proven and tested online store where you can always find legumes, grains, seeds, powders, raw food sweets and much more useful for a gourmet - connoisseur of healthy food.

raw breakfast

There is an opinion - breakfast can be skipped. I do not believe that this is truly true, on the contrary, breakfast should be. In the morning you can cook fruit. By cook, I mean wash, cut and beautifully put on a dish. Everything that you love. Apples or bananas. Or maybe pears or citrus fruits. They, fortunately for raw foodists, are available all year round on the shelves of any supermarket. In summer, it can be melon, watermelon, strawberries and cherries. Focus on seasonal products. They are rich in essential trace elements, vitamins and minerals.

Another win-win breakfast option is a smoothie in a blender. Based on fruits or greens, or a combination of both.

raw food lunch

At lunchtime, soups and salads reign on the table. More vegetables and herbs. Prefer fruits, also an option. It's better to diversify though. daily diet. If fruits were for breakfast, give preference to vegetables for lunch. Dress the salad with oil. Suitable olive, sunflower, linseed, sesame or any other, most importantly unrefined. You can also make an avocado salad dressing.

For example, guacamole in the form of rolls. And what color is it! You are provided with an energy boost.

Soup lovers can make gazpacho. In addition to the tomato, it can be based on strawberries. So summery and fragrant. I described his recipe in the article “Raw food. simple recipes for every day.

raw food dinner

In the evening, it's time to please yourself with more satisfying dishes. Suitable salad with green peas, beans or beans. You can make raw zucchini spaghetti with tomatoes and chili peppers. The basis of dishes can be pre-soaked seeds or nuts.

Let's not forget the bread. Yes, raw foodists also have it. It is made from cereals and is not baked, but dried in a dehydrator. You can add nuts, dried fruits and herbs to bread.


Are you afraid of losing your favorite, but harmful cakes and pastries? Not worth it. Raw foodists have a huge variety of amazing and really tasty dessert recipes.

Sugar substitutes are dried fruits, honey and stevia. Natural, healthy and very satisfying. Especially when there are nuts in the recipe. They quickly satisfy hunger and supply the body with natural fats. I selected 10 delicious sweets in the article "Delicious raw food diet - sweets and cakes." Watch and try.


This is where most of the above can be attributed. Eat a carrot or an apple. Washed, if necessary, peeled the fruit or vegetable from the skin, and straight into the mouth. A raw food bar, aka bread, will come to the rescue. Or you can make a delicious sandwich.

Bread is prepared ahead of time. Take 1 cup each of flax seeds, sunflower seeds, fresh corn, 1 coarsely chopped onion, 2 finely chopped tomatoes. Salt, pepper and cumin to taste. Put in a dehydrator and dry for 2-3 hours.

And vary the filling any that you like.

We take with us where we need to and do not starve. Let everyone marvel and salivate looking at your work of art

As a snack, a handful of nuts, dried fruits, dried berries is perfect - the choice is yours. Don't forget light smoothies. We load it into a blender, click on the right buttons and drink to our own health and world peace. Beautiful, bright smoothies not only raise the level of energy, but also charge with positive. Still, food should be of great interest.

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: Fresh fruit smoothies


  • 1 banana;
  • 1 pear;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 2 fresh soft kiwis;
  • a bunch of parsley and spinach (stems ruthlessly tear off);
  • 1.5 cups of water (of course not boiled).


Remove the skin from the kiwi and banana. We cut fruits. Load all ingredients into a blender. Grind to a thick consistency.

Lunch: Mint Cucumber Soup


  • 800 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp sea ​​salt;
  • 2 tbsp olive oil;
  • 1 lemon, also peeled
  • peeled and seeds 3 cucumbers;
  • 60 g nuts (preferably almonds or pine nuts);
  • 60g mint leaves (dried or fresh, whatever you have)


We send all the ingredients except mint to a blender, mix until a thick paste. Next, add mint and stir quickly for 1 minute.

Dinner: Green salad

We take the number of ingredients by eye. How much you can handle, so much you put in a bowl or basin, again, your choice. The main role here is given to green leaves: romano, iceberg, spinach, etc. What do you like and what is at home.

Next, add vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers or zucchini. The combinations are very different. The third important ingredient is sprouted grains. We season everything with unrefined oil and lemon juice. Salt and pepper to taste. Addition and decoration to the salad will be flax, chia or hemp seeds.


Each of us has an individual body. Someone easily switches to eating raw food, while for someone it is difficult. Beginning raw foodists are advised not to rush. Gradually introduce more unprocessed foods into your diet. Listen to your body's reaction.

Before you switch to a completely different diet, think about why you are doing it. Many people become raw foodists for the sake of health. When traditional treatment does not help, but the future is at stake. The experience of many raw foodists proves that switching to a raw diet can really work wonders. The main thing is to do everything gradually. Remember, the raw food diet is a food system. Becoming a part of the system, you learn the rules, norms and experience of those who have achieved real results.

For competent advice, you can turn here to an experienced raw foodist Denis Terentiev. Examples of a diet, answers to questions and a lot of other information for those who are just embarking on the path of "live" food.

For today I have everything. Share the article with your friends on social networks and subscribe to my blog updates.

See you soon 🙂

Best regards, Olga Sologub

In bringing to life extraordinary food systems, we often have to find, study and learn a lot new information. To understand what to eat during the day, switching to a raw food diet, let's start with a raw foodist breakfast and try to make a complete menu. From our article you will find out what foods you can eat for each of the main meals, and also see two options. sample menu for a day.

A raw food diet is a special style of eating that involves a change in the whole way of life. Adherents of it gravitate towards the maximum purity and naturalness of not only everything edible, but also environment generally.

Most often it happens that people come to "live food" just through this desire - to cleanse themselves and the world from an excess of artificial inventions of mankind and the dubious industrial processing of our food.

However, such radicalism does not apply to our usual diet. Therefore, many raw foodists continue to eat fractionally and systematically - three or more times a day, including breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Let's find out what dishes a raw foodist can choose for each meal.

Raw breakfast: nutritious and sweet

It is recommended to start the morning with an energy-dense meal, and therefore on the table of a raw foodist we will find cereals, voluminous vegetable salads or multi-component smoothies, where the sweet ingredient plays the central solo. And this is not surprising, because sweetness is the very taste that contributes to the morning recharging of the body with calories and important nutrients.

What are the most popular cereals in raw food circles?

Basically, these are two types of cereals:

  • From flax seeds - whole or ground in a coffee grinder;
  • From sprouts of various seeds and not fried cereals (wheat, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, lentils, chickpeas).

What kind of cereals can be cooked on the raw food menu

Added to porridge:

  • Soaked dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, figs, raisins)
  • Sweet fresh fruits (banana, apples, pears and peaches are in the lead)
  • Large crumble of raw nuts, previously soaked overnight
  • natural coconut flakes
  • One to several tablespoons of cold-pressed vegetable oil.

Fruit and vegetable smoothies can replace porridge. Thick, creamy, more like a liquid puree, smoothies are especially useful based on banana and green herbs.

Putting into practice the classic recipes for such breakfast cocktails is a matter of honor for every raw foodist. For such experiments, you will need a powerful blender (800 or more revolutions per minute) and a willingness to perceive new tastes. After going through a search period, people usually find their harmonious combination, and then fans of the system can have breakfast the same way for months, while feeling an unprecedented burst of energy after a large portion of their favorite drink.

Another option for a raw breakfast is vegetable salads.

  • Based on all types of cabbage - white and red cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli, Beijing and Brussels sprouts.
  • From grated root vegetables - beets, carrots, celery, turnips and radishes.
  • With the addition of herbs - from the usual parsley and dill to sorrel, nettle, arugula and carrot tops.

If you are new to live food, you should choose recipes with the usual gifts of nature combined with fruits or nuts and season them with vegetable oil.

And once you learn how to germinate the most unpretentious and delicious seeds (wheat, rye, chickpeas), you can sprinkle voluminous morning cuts with seedlings. So you increase the nutritional value and master new flavor options.

So, everything is clear with breakfast. But what can a raw foodist's lunch be like?

The middle of the day is a dangerous time when it is easy to deviate from the planned daily diet. After all, most of us are at work or away from home all 5-6 days a week. And here many raw foodists have certain difficulties, because there is practically no food for them in cafes and canteens. And just snacking on fruits and vegetables won't last long.

However, everything is decided if you want to change life and health for the better and see the way to this through a raw food diet.

Raw Food Lunch: Option #1

Firstly, you can take any of the raw porridges prepared in the morning for lunch. Yes, there is a small amount of compromise in this, because the porridge will not be freshly cooked. But it won't be boiled either.

You can enrich the porridge stored in the morning in the conditions of any office kitchen:

  • Rub a fresh apple, pear or piece of pumpkin to it;
  • Crumble the soaked nuts;
  • Add 2-3 tablespoons of sprouts.

And, mind you, in the latter version it will be even more useful than fresh herbs, sung by more than one raw foodist. Yes, tender little sprouts are many times more nutritious than adult gifts of nature, albeit raw ones.

Raw Food Lunch: Option #2

Secondly, if you have access to kitchen appliances, then cooking soups from the "live food" menu will not take even 15 minutes!

  • Avocado-based cream soups are very tasty;
  • Refreshingly spicy gazpacho soups with tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, garlic and herbs;
  • And carrot and broccoli soup is a real way to longevity, because it combines two of the most valuable vegetables (based on the latest research on maximum duration life).

Not deprived of raw food cuisine and meatballs:

  • Make them from a grated mass of sunflower seeds by soaking or germinating them in advance. Add garlic to the mass, bread in ground flaxseed - beauty! And take it with you for lunch to put on a quickly whipped cream of your favorite vegetables, with the addition of water and fragrant vegetable oil.

Raw Food Lunch: Option #3

There is also a third option. A voluminous salad of greens with the addition of fruits is a good choice for the middle of the day. It won't be too hard to cut it. Pick the ingredients according to the season - plums, pears, a variety of apples, bananas, kiwi, oranges and peaches. Any of them will easily decorate curly salad, arugula or trivial white cabbage.

An all-green salad (include only leafy vegetables) and a rich pulp of raw nuts that have been soaked to life can be an alternative.

The main thing - never forget that we achieve the breadth of tastes through different ways of cutting ingredients. To understand how important this is, try scolding the usual set - raw cabbage, carrot, apple - in different combinations of sizes and shapes. You will clearly feel the different impressions of the dish!

Dinner of a raw foodist can repeat the last lunch option: a voluminous salad and nuts.

In conclusion, we offer you two well-known daily diet menus from the guru and follower of "live food". They are not strict raw foodists, as they offer dairy products and one cooked dish, but both menus are based on 90% raw gifts from the sun and the earth.

  • Breakfast - citrus fruits and other sweet fruits: a few orange or grapefruit, or grapes (350-400 grams), or a handful of dates and 2 pears.
  • Second breakfast and afternoon snack - a salad of beets, carrots and apples, with a small handful of nuts.
  • Lunch - vegetable or fruit salad + nuts + 100 grams of low-fat cheese
  • Dinner is a light sour fruit salad.

This diet and its variations can be used in traditional healthy nutrition. It is enough to spend as we described, only 2 days a week, and the body will receive a powerful impetus to cleanse, renew and lose weight, if your body needs it (and not the glossy dictates of our time).

The Hollywood beauty is in excellent physical shape thanks to a raw food bias in nutrition. Her daily menu allows milk and 1 boiled dish - most often legumes.

  • Breakfast - 200 grams of fruit salad + 70 grams of almonds + a glass of milk.
  • Lunch - 200 grams of white cabbage and tomato (pepper, cucumber) salad + 100 grams of boiled lentils, which we season with olive oil.
  • Dinner - about 150 grams of vegetable salad + nuts and seeds (no more than 30-40 grams of each component)

We hope you found it interesting and useful to look at the set menu of a custom food system. The raw foodist's breakfast, lunch and dinner are designed to serve the main goal - to give him good health and active longevity. And these cherished goals of all mankind invariably attract the curious glances of neophytes to the raw food diet.

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A raw food diet is a food system based on eating raw plant foods. A raw food diet for weight loss is an excellent diet due to its low calorie content. But is it good and safe this system? To find out the benefits and harms of the diet, you need to familiarize yourself with its basic principles.

What is a raw food diet: varieties, benefits, harms

A raw food diet is a kind of vegetarianism, only in a more rigid form. The main principle of the diet is to eat vegetables and fruits without subjecting them to heat treatment beforehand.

Adherents of the diet believe that cooking and frying food loses its beneficial properties. Eating raw food, in their opinion, returns a person to his natural beginning. After all, according to experts, the first people on Earth, Adam and Eve, ate only raw fruit and vegetables.

What can you eat on a raw food diet:

  • Fresh fruits: apples, peaches, apricots, bananas, pineapples, watermelons, melons.
  • Fresh vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, radishes, beets, celery, turnips.
  • Berries: strawberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries.
  • Fresh greens: parsley, dill, celery, lettuce.
  • Raw mushrooms only from ecologically clean areas. In no case should you pick mushrooms near roads.
  • Nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts.
  • Sprouted seeds of wheat, sunflower, lentils, rice, buckwheat.
  • Legumes: peas, lentils, green buckwheat.
  • Dried fruits dried naturally (without drying in special ovens).
  • Seaweed. Before use, it should be soaked in water for 2 hours, and then rinsed in running water. Seaweed is a storehouse of 20 valuable items of amino acids, fats, vitamins.
  • Natural honey.
  • Unrefined vegetable oil, cold pressed. These oils contain omega fatty acids.

In no case should there be chemistry, GMOs and mold in food.

This food system excludes the following products:

  • pickles, seamings, as well as fermentation products;
  • store-bought juices;
  • alcohol in any form;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweet water;
  • coffee.

So, based on the above list, we can conclude the following: a raw food diet is a strict diet.

Even vegetarianism allows the use of some dairy and fish products. Therefore, before deciding to take such a step, consultation and permission of the doctor is necessary.

Types of raw food diet and their differences

Depending on the food consumed, the raw food diet is divided into the following types:

  1. vegetarianism;
  2. veganism;
  3. fruitarianism.

Vegetarianism is the most famous diet based on the consumption of both plant foods and some types of animal foods:

  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • fish.

This is the most sparing and, according to doctors, healthy diet. The products included in the menu are able to replenish the body's reserves with all the necessary substances.

Vegetarianism for some can be a transitional step towards veganism, which completely excludes meat and milk.

Veganism is a diet that allows you to eat exclusively plant-based foods.

Fruitarianism is a type of raw food diet in which the lion's share of the products are fruits. This diet is even tougher than veganism. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to exclude not only meat and milk, but also vegetables, herbs, nuts. You can only eat vegetables (not fruits): cabbage, carrots, beets, potatoes.

A raw food diet is based not only on a certain set of products, but also on their correct combination.

Classification of the diet according to the method of mixing:

  1. Mixed. At one time, they use foods similar to each other: vegetables with vegetables, fruits with fruits.
  2. Monotrophic. At one time, strictly one raw product is consumed.
  3. Moderate. This mode allows the use light products heat treatment (steamed or boiled), but only by 25%.

Do you want something interesting?

With a mixed diet, it is also allowed to combine fruits with nuts, vegetables with herbs. To properly prepare a salad for lunch, you must be guided by a special product compatibility table. This table shows that some foods, such as melon, cannot be combined with anything.

Monotrophic raw food diet is the rarest and most hard view diets. According to some experts, it is the raw-mono diet that contributes to the good absorption of food. The photo shows a girl before and after a raw food diet. The results are impressive!

To understand which type of raw food diet to choose, you must first switch to vegetarianism, and only then try more stringent diets. If the body reacts normally to such nutrition, and the results of the diet are “on the face”, then the diet has come up.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet

A raw food diet is, of course, a healthy diet, as it consists of 100% fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. However, this diet excludes animal protein, which is also necessary for our body. So how useful is this nutrition system and to whom is it contraindicated?

Benefits of a raw food diet:

  • heals from diseases;
  • frees from chronic colds and diseases;
  • relieves extra pounds;
  • saturates the body with energy;
  • removes toxins;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • improves skin condition;
  • the body requires much less time to sleep;
  • dependence on food disappears - a person eats only according to the natural urge of hunger.

Harm of a raw food diet:

  • leads to a deficiency of useful trace elements;
  • provokes an upset gastrointestinal tract;
  • causes aggression;
  • A raw food diet obliges to a permanent system of nutrition.

It is obvious that the advantages of this system are much greater than the disadvantages.

Raw food diet in winter: diet, diet

For raw foodists, a great time is spring, summer and autumn. Nature in the warm period all the time presents its juicy gifts. An affordable solution could be to purchase your own garden.

But what to do in winter? Where can you get fresh fruit? As already mentioned, this diet requires money. For example, a wealthy person can go to warmer climes for the winter period - India or Thailand.

If leaving is not an option, then you will have to eat the products that are in the arsenal of supermarkets.

A raw food diet should include foods in the following ratio:

  • fruits and berries - 50%;
  • vegetables - 35%;
  • dried fruits, seeds, nuts, honey - 10%;
  • products containing starch - 10%;
  • natural seasonings: herbs, mint, vegetable oil - 1%.

The diet of raw foodists in winter:

  1. Foods rich in calcium: cabbage, nuts, sesame. Cabbage perfectly retains its properties in winter. You can use all its varieties: broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, sea kale. The latter contains a lot of iodine, which is the main element for the thyroid gland.
  2. Frozen or dried herbs. You can also grow greens on your windowsill in special boxes.
  3. Pickled vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers.
  4. Raw vegetables: beets, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, celery. You can make a salad of turnips seasoned with sesame oil and pepper.
  5. Frozen fruits and berries.
  6. Citrus fruits: tangerines, oranges, lemon.
  7. Dried fruits dried in the sun.
  8. Nuts. This product contains 70% fat, which is so necessary for raw foodists. Nuts are the main source of fat for them.
  9. Vegetable oil rich in vitamin D. You should use only the first pressing of such varieties: olive, sunflower, linseed, corn.
  10. Honey, propolis, perga.
  11. Juices and pure water.

Thus, even in cold weather, raw foodists will not remain hungry. If you properly stock up on food from the summer, then in the winter you can stick to your nutrition system without a threat to health.

One of the founders of this diet is the American doctor Herbert M. Shelton. He built a clinic in his city that specializes in curing diseases in a natural way. The doctor practices not only a raw food diet, but also therapeutic fasting, which, in his opinion, heals a person from many diseases.

Raw Food Secrets:

  1. You should eat when you are naturally hungry. According to Shelton, eating by the hour is not always justified.
  2. Food should be chewed slowly and thoroughly.
  3. When eating, you should not be distracted by extraneous activities: watch TV, read, talk.
  4. Do not eat before exercise.
  5. Don't overeat.
  6. Do not feed children against their will.
  7. After eating, you can drink only after 30 minutes. The same interval should be maintained before meals.
  8. Drink water only when you want and how much you want. Drinking 2 liters of water a day, according to the doctor, is a myth.
  9. Food should only be consumed at room temperature. After pulling it out of the refrigerator, it should stand and warm up.
  10. A cooked raw dish should be eaten immediately, and not left the next day, as vitamins tend to evaporate in the air.
  11. Breakfast should be no earlier than 9.00, lunch should be light, and dinner should be early and complex.
  12. Nuts should be eaten before the main meal so that they have time to digest.
  13. At a temperature, only drinking regimen should be observed.
  14. To saturate the body with essential trace elements, products should be alternated and combined in every possible way.
  15. The menu should be designed so that a person can get the required daily amount of calories.

The transition to a raw food diet should be smooth, otherwise abrupt change diet can be detrimental to health.

How to start a raw food diet

There are two ways to transition to a raw food diet: smooth and abrupt.

The first is based on the fact that, adhering to the usual menu, you should include one every day. raw product, while excluding the other - familiar. Do this every day, until fried, smoked, and also sweets completely disappear from the diet.

An abrupt transition is to immediately stop eating food that has been thermally processed. But this is a very dangerous way. It is better to give preference to the first.

Beginner Tips:

  1. It is necessary to have a clear motivational base. This is necessary for initial stage while the body has not yet adapted to the new food. As soon as the temptation to quit everything arises, you need to remind yourself why this is being done: to lose weight, to recover, etc.
  2. The transition to a new mode is better in summer, when the assortment of berries and fruits is diverse.
  3. At the very beginning, you must immediately abandon semi-finished products, canned food and sauce. given food does not carry any value to the body.
  4. The second stage of the transition will be the rejection of meat, fish and milk. At the same time, you can afford to cook cereals and eat stewed vegetables.
  5. At the final stage, the heat treatment of products should be completely abandoned. Cereals should be steamed with boiling water, and vegetables should be eaten only raw.

Menu for raw food diet for beginners

  • breakfast: banana, apple, kiwi 2 each;
  • lunch: peanuts 50 grams;
  • lunch: steamed green buckwheat and vegetable salad;
  • afternoon snack: dried fruits 70 grams;
  • dinner: bread and fruit smoothie.

At first, you should listen to your condition. If, when switching to a new diet, a person feels dizzy, nauseous and other symptoms are observed, then it is better to leave this idea for a while and try a less rigid diet - vegetarianism.

Raw food diet is contraindicated for people of the following categories:

  • children under 18;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers;
  • elderly people over 70;
  • people with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • in the postoperative period;
  • people suffering from anemia;
  • adults who are underweight.

So the raw food diet is not for everyone. Even a healthy person needs a doctor's consultation to switch to a new diet.

Recipes for a raw food diet for every day

If the transition period has been successfully completed, and the person has finally decided to become a raw foodist, then his menu should be balanced and well-composed.

Weekly raw food menu

Day 1

  1. Breakfast: 2 bananas, apples and oranges.
  2. Lunch: 100 walnuts.
  3. Lunch: salad of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and onions, seasoned with vegetable oil. As a side dish - steamed green buckwheat.
  4. Afternoon snack: dried fruits.
  5. Dinner: mashed avocado, tomatoes, greens. Can be eaten with bread.

Day 2

  1. Breakfast: 3 grated apples.
  2. Lunch: freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Lunch: carrot cutlets and sprouted wheat.
  4. Afternoon snack: fruit salad.
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad.

Day 3

  1. Breakfast: oatmeal with berries.
  2. Lunch: raisins and dried apricots.
  3. Lunch: broccoli and pea salad. Garnished with sprouted lentils.
  4. Afternoon snack: 2 bananas.
  5. Dinner: pumpkin porridge.

Day 4

  1. Breakfast: fruit puree.
  2. Lunch: sunflower seeds - 1 cup.
  3. Lunch: vegetable cream soup with onion bread
  4. Afternoon snack: watermelon or melon.
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad.

Day 5

  1. Breakfast: 150 grams of strawberries with currants.
  2. Lunch: hazelnuts - half a glass.
  3. Lunch: zucchini salad. Garnish - pumpkin porridge
  4. Afternoon snack: dates.
  5. Dinner: salad of arugula, cabbage and tomato, dressed with lemon juice and oil.

Day 6

  1. Breakfast: banana, apple and tangerine fruit salad.
  2. Lunch: salad of cucumbers, dill and garlic.
  3. Lunch: vegetable salad. The garnish is sprouted wheat.
  4. Afternoon snack: zucchini and greens smoothies.
  5. Dinner: seaweed, sweet pepper and sesame salad.

Day 7

  1. Breakfast: 1 cup blueberries or raspberries.
  2. Lunch: freshly squeezed orange juice.
  3. Lunch: salad of fresh mushrooms, tomatoes and cauliflower. Garnish - sprouted chickpeas.
  4. Snack: salad of squash and carrots in Korean.
  5. Dinner: vegetable salad with grated nuts.

Simple recipes for a raw food diet

There is misconception that the dishes for raw foodists do not differ in variety and are quite insipid. To dispel this myth, this article provides recipes for delicious raw food dishes.

Vegetable soup


  • celery root;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - 0.5 heads;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 2-3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt and allspice.

How to cook:

  1. Steam vegetables.
  2. Whisk in a blender.
  3. Add spices to puree.
  4. Pour the gruel with vegetable broth and let it brew for 1 hour.
  5. Puree soup is eaten cold with bread. You can add chopped greens to the plate.

Berry smoothie

  1. Take 1 cup lingonberries, 0.5 cup blueberries, 1 cup almond milk.
  2. Blend the mixture in a blender until smooth.
  3. Season the cream soup with honey and vanilla.

Dishes with a raw food diet are allowed for young and healthy people, since this diet is a big stress for the body. To start a raw food diet, you need to go through full examination See a doctor for medical clearance. By following all the rules of the diet, you can achieve good results: get rid of extra pounds and improve health.

The idea of ​​healthy eating is becoming more and more popular in today's world. If you decide to switch to "live" food, we will help you deal with the main products, their combination, and also teach you how to properly compose a raw foodist's menu for the week and for every day.

Adherents of the raw food diet system (vitarianism) are convinced that for a joyful and fulfilling life, a person needs to assimilate solar energy accumulated by vegetation. Heat treatment reduces the energy charge of fruits, leads to the destruction of useful substances.

What foods does a "live" diet consist of?

Let's first decide what are the main fruits and vegetables used by adherents of vitarianism. You will see that eating "solar" food is pleasant and not at all burdensome. The main thing is to correctly compose a raw foodist's menu for the day, for the week. But more on that in the article below. For now, consider the list of solar gifts of nature:

  • Fresh greens. In the summer, these are parsley, celery, carrot and turnip tops, lettuce, dill and others. In the park area, in the forest, you can find hare cabbage, clover, nettle, medicinal dandelion. In winter, it is useful to eat seaweed, which contains a significant amount of iodine. Sprouting wheat will give healing sprouts that can saturate the body with clean energy, onions and garlic will help to quickly restore the intestinal microflora. The share of greens in the diet should be from 35 to 50%.
    The protein content in greens is much higher than in meat. It is absorbed more efficiently, because it is a "living" substance. In addition, greenery helps to cope with various diseases. For example, celery significantly lowers blood sugar, while nettle and dandelion will help lower cholesterol.
  • Fruit. It is interesting that strict raw foodists pick fruits according to certain rules. Firstly, they must grow in the sun, secondly, they must contain seeds for further reproduction, and thirdly, they must fall to the ground in the process of maturation.
    The majority of adherents of healthy food consume daily tasty and healthy foods for the liver and the whole body - oranges, lemons, grapefruits, apples, pears. Exotic gifts fit perfectly into the menu - pineapple, mango, kiwi and others.
  • Vegetables and root crops. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, turnips, etc. are used for all kinds of salads.
  • Garden, garden and forest berries. Berry abundance begins in summer, lasts until late autumn. If you are just starting out as a raw foodist, this is a great time for a successful start.
  • Nuts and dried fruits. In winter, it is pleasant to click nuts and seeds, drink spring water with dried fruits. Peanuts are recommended to be soaked and germinated, as they are heavy for the liver. Nuts are a storehouse of vegetable fats.
  • Water, vegetable oils, honey. Water quality should be given maximum attention. Only water from pure natural sources can be beneficial to the body. Adepts advise using amaranth, milk thistle, linseed, and cedar oil. Honey should be used in small quantities, it is better to replace with flower pollen (perga).

The key is consistency.

Are you wondering: how to become a raw foodist? Make the transition to healthy food gradually and with pleasure:

  • Refuse to eat meat of animals and birds, and then fish.
  • Eliminate eggs from your diet.
  • Do not eat fried foods, canned vegetables and fruits.
  • Alternate between boiled and natural foods.
  • Completely exclude heat treatment of herbal ingredients.

What is included in the meal for the day

When compiling a raw food menu for the day, remember that you should like the products, bring pleasure. The benefits of a raw food diet lie not only in filling the stomach with useful substances, but also in feeling the joy of life, enjoying the plant gifts of the Earth, which are filled with powerful solar energy.

Your daily diet may include: various products, and mono-products (for example, consume only apples during the day). The main rule is to listen to your body. If you don't like a fruit or vegetable, discard it.

What meals to plan for the week

Making a raw foodist's menu for the week is fun and exciting. Try it and you will see for yourself!

raw breakfast

Cooking breakfast for a raw foodist is a real pleasure. You should choose your favorite fruits, wash them, put them beautifully on a dish and a vitamin breakfast is ready! For example, treat yourself to fragrant peaches on Monday, fragrant apples or juicy pears on Tuesday, oranges on Wednesday, smelly grapes on Thursday, etc. You can cook a delicious fruit salad.

apple salad

In the evening you need to soak 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oatmeal in 3 tbsp. spoons of water. Add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, cut into thin slices 2 green apples, garnish with a mint leaf. Sprinkle top with chopped nuts.

Banana, kiwi and apple salad

Wash, peel and cut into cubes or slices 1 banana, 2 kiwi and 2 apples. Fill 2 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat honey, sprinkle with cinnamon on top.

Cherry and strawberry salad

Berries 150 g strawberries and 100 g cherries divided into 2-3 parts, gently stir. Pour st. spoon fragrant honey, sprinkle with a handful of crushed nuts, a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla.

raw food lunch

For lunch, you can plan a variety of fruit and vegetable dishes. Dress salads with oil, generously use greens. Hearty, healthy, delicious!


Mash the pulp of 1 avocado with a fork, add the diced tomato, finely chopped 10 pcs. olives and 1 onion. chop finely fragrant basil and 3 cloves of garlic. Mix all ingredients, pour over lemon juice.

raw food dinner

pre-soaked in cold water nuts and seeds are easy and healthy food. You can eat a fragrant melon or a juicy watermelon ripened in the sun.

Nut balls

Soak 1 cup of chickpeas for 5-6 hours, grind in a blender. Add chopped spinach and basil leaves, 2-3 garlic cloves. Mix thoroughly and form into balls.

Festive dishes

On holidays (and not only!) prepare fragrant desserts, gourmet raw food dishes. Enjoy the most delicious cake "Sweetness":

Dough: chop soaked almonds, walnuts, fresh dates. Mix ingredients with buckwheat honey.

  • Cream: rub a banana with a spoonful of cinnamon.
  • Put the dough in a slide, spread with fragrant cream, decorate with fresh raspberries (strawberries).

We think you are convinced that everyone can easily create a raw food menu for a week. After all, there are a lot of recipes. Choose according to your taste and mood. Lightness of the body, good spirits and "solar" energy!

Main page

♦ Heading: Proper nutrition.

Raw food diet - a special diet, cooking dishes without heat treatment of products, mainly berries, vegetables and fruits. Often on the menu there are dried fruits, seeds, legumes, nuts.

And some raw foodists eat only food of animal origin: raw eggs, milk, fish and jerky. But, real raw foodists always replace meat with mushrooms or beans, vegetables. Cereals and cereals are also in their diet, but only in sprouted soaked form. From drinking - exclusively filtered or mineral waters, as well as fresh juices. However, let's delve deeper into the topic of a raw food diet, and take a closer look at all aspects of this diet.

  • Basic recommendations for a raw foodist
  • Pros and cons of a raw food diet
  • Harm
  • Benefit
  • Blender
  • Shredders and graters
  • Dehydrator (dryer)
  • Juicer
  • seed germinators
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Dinner
  • Weekly raw food menu example
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Recipe examples for beginners
  • Cocktails and smoothies
  • Sauces and condiments
  • Salads
  • Kashi
  • desserts
  • Results and reviews
  • Conclusion
How to become a raw foodist? First, you need to give up the dishes that you are used to very smoothly. Canned food, semi-finished products and meat should "fall out" from daily menu gradually. After them, it is worth getting rid of coffee, alcohol, sweets, flour and tea.

At first, food processing should be carried out at a temperature of 40 degrees. If you use a more aggressive processing, then, according to experienced raw foodists, such food will simply become "dead".

Nuts should be soaked in filtered water for 5-9 hours. Only in this way can bitterness be “etched out” of them. This is necessary in order for the product to be better absorbed by the body. Common in raw food diets oatmeal. But, to cook it, you need to soak the flakes with water for 24 hours, then add berries or fruits to them.

Cold soups (such as gazpacho) can also be safely eaten by a raw foodist. But in order to properly cook them, you will need to purchase a dehydrator. Further, from all the abundance of a raw foodist, it is worth highlighting any salads with vegetables and fruits.

Snacks among the recipes of raw foodists are also very diverse. For example, you can use a blender to beat 400 g of walnuts, 300 g of honey, and 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon with freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can also prepare delicious almond cheese - soak 400 g of almonds overnight, rinse them in the morning, chop them in a blender, gradually add 300 ml. water. Transfer the mixture to gauze, hang for half a day, then add juices and seasonings.

Important! Only an experienced specialist knows exactly how to switch to a raw food diet without risk to health! Therefore, first of all, you should consult a doctor and undergo the examinations that he will prescribe.

The main mistakes of raw foodists-beginners

Like all beginners in any business, novice raw foodists also make some mistakes at first. Consider the most significant of them:

The use of spices and seasonings (optimal at first). Because of them, the natural taste of the dish disappears, and the appetite also increases;

Highly frequent use avocado. This fruit contains a fairly large amount of various fats;

- "Busting" with nuts or nut butter. They remain on the teeth, which leads to the development of various infections caused by bacteria and, as a result, caries and other unpleasant diseases. oral cavity;

- Excessive eating of dried fruits. Completely similar to the previous paragraph;

Frequent intake of honey, sugary syrups, and maple syrup. May cause diabetes;

Eating raw cocoa beans. Yes, they are raw. But, even in small quantities, they can harm the body;

Switching to a raw food diet without giving up tea and coffee;

Frequent intake of sprouted grains or legumes;

Irregular day, neglect of sleep. Rest is the basis for the proper assimilation of food and recuperation.

Pros and cons of a raw food diet


The risk zone includes those who completely refuse to eat everything except nuts, fruits and vegetables. After all, nuts are not able to completely replace daily allowance protein, which is necessary for a person, and his muscles. Of course, one can say that even without strong and big muscles you can stay healthy. Perhaps, but you should not forget - the heart, after all, is also a muscle.

And in order for it to work normally, it needs protein, which is delivered to our body exclusively from food. All its remains go to the formation of other muscles. Therefore, from such a “raw food diet” there will only be harm. And this is not the end of the story.

A raw foodist tends to eat 4-6 times more fruits and vegetables than a "normal" person. And all because at one meal of such food it is quite problematic to be well satiated. Moreover, in one sitting you can even eat 0.5-1 kg. vegetables.

If you think about it, yes - how many vitamins our body receives! But, do not forget that many vegetables and fruits that are on the shelves in stores, as a rule, are “saturated” with various harmful nitrates and pesticides. Therefore, eating at a time a kilogram of apples, carrots, etc. our body can receive a huge dose of "poison". The most powerful blow, at the same time, goes to our liver. And doctors often ask raw foodists: “What kind of rubbish are you eating that brought this important organ to such a deplorable state?”

The preliminary result is that if you constantly eat only fruits, vegetables and nuts, then after 3-4 years either the liver or the heart may fail. Here, "as anyone is lucky." But, fortunately, there are very few such raw foodists, and after a few years they still begin to enrich their diet with eggs, fish, and other products. According to the above scheme, you can eat for six months or a year, and then the diet will definitely need to be diversified.


And now let's figure out how, with the help of a raw food diet, you can become much stronger and healthier, extend your life, enrich your body with useful substances and vitamins, and stock up on a huge supply of energy.

A huge benefit of a raw food diet is the use of a large amount of animal protein. The best option is to eat germinated wheat or mung bean (peas). Moreover, it is worth germinating wheat yourself. Yes, it is sold in stores, but most often it is stale and may contain fungus.

For self-germination, you can buy it in grocery stores, in the health food section. How to germinate it: wash it, put it on a plate, pour hot water over it, and cover with gauze. Water needs to be changed daily. Use the product when the sprouts grow half a centimeter. This is very healthy food- "life", in its pure form. Masha also germinates.

To get even more benefits from a raw food diet, you should eat more fruits than vegetables. The latter are full of impurities. As an exception - vegetables grown in their garden, or purchased from trusted people.

Vegetables are best eaten with honey, nuts, herbs, cottage cheese, eggs, dried fruits. Also, vegetables can be poured with a small amount of olive or sunflower oil. The power scheme will be ideal for a person, since useful material will be delivered to the body in equal amounts.

This diet will contain both fats with carbohydrates and vitamins with minerals, proteins and fiber - this is all that is needed for the good health of our body. So get to prolong your life, and constantly be active and healthy.

Household appliances to help the raw foodist


A kitchen appliance is needed for preparing various cocktails from fresh herbs, cheese products, soups, borscht, various drinks, and dairy products. You can purchase both a stationary and an immersion blender. The latter is needed for grinding nuts and seeds. It is better to buy expensive, most powerful equipment.

Shredders and graters

There are a huge number of varieties of such kitchen tools. You can buy any of them - the main thing is that it is convenient to use. A grater is needed for rubbing apples and vegetables. Also, you can grind and more solid food, but a shredder for this purpose will be more preferable. On the shredder, you can chop Korean carrots as conveniently and beautifully as possible.

Dehydrator (dryer)

This device, of course, will cost more, but drying in it is carried out due to heat treatment and weathering. Remember that you should not set the temperature above 40 degrees - so that all the nutrients and nutrients are preserved. The dryer is useful for processing bread, fruits and vegetables.


Freshly squeezed juices are much healthier than store-bought ones. The main thing is to choose screw or press squeezers. When preparing juices, the main components should be slightly diluted with water, and do not drink juices all the time, alternating them with fresh fruit. The value of such juices is simply huge - they are guaranteed to help maintain the tone of the body.

seed germinators

As we already wrote, the raw food diet is very useful product germinated seeds are considered. They are consumed at the very initial stage, as they contain a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. Sprouts can then be passed through a juicer.

Raw food rules depending on the time of the year

As a rule, the raw food menu is divided into parts, depending on the season:

Winter time;

Spring-first half of summer;

Second half of summer;

Beginners often face psychological and physiological problems due to the fact that they do not know at what time of the year what exactly to include in their menu in order to fully appreciate the usefulness of the diet.

You can start transitioning to a new food in any of the seasons, but it's easiest to deal with it during the period when there are the most food offers on the market. In winter, such a transition is much more difficult to make, so many raw foodists simply stock up for themselves.

If there are no stocks, then you will have to make purchases in the markets or in supermarkets. But, as we remember, there is a risk of acquiring "pricked" products. Therefore, for the winter it is always worth stocking up:

Apples and pears;

Grapes, persimmon;

Oranges and bananas;

Dried fruits.

From vegetables you should always have:







Do not forget that the cooking of raw products at any time must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards. All fruits must first be thoroughly washed and peeled.

Useful advice! To remove worms and worms from salads and any other greens, you must first dip them in slightly salted water (100 g per 2 liters). Many fruits can be blanched - dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes.

An example of a daily diet of a raw foodist

Consider what a raw foodist can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Many raw foodists claim that breakfast can be skipped altogether. But, this is not entirely true, because the first meal is the most important. So, you can cook a variety of fruits. That is, just wash, cut, and eat. For example, apples and bananas.

You can also take citrus fruits and pears. Fortunately, they are available year-round in any supermarket. In summer, breakfast can be started with cherries, strawberries, watermelons, melons, etc. The main thing is to focus on products that are available right now.


For lunch, as a rule, raw foodists prepare various salads and soups. The main thing is as many greens and vegetables as possible. Fruit is also a good option. But, if there were already fruits for breakfast, then for lunch it’s worth “plunging on” vegetables.

Salads are dressed with oil (butter, sunflower, linseed, sesame, etc.). Salads can also be dressed with avocado.


In the evening it is worth eating as satisfying as possible. For example, eat a salad with green peas, beans or beans. Nice dinner can be made from noodles with zucchini, peppers or tomatoes. You can also treat yourself to nuts and seeds.

What to eat during the day

Here you can already alternate absolutely any raw food products:

Fruits and vegetables;

Mushrooms and greens;

Sprouted seeds and nuts;

Buckwheat and legumes;

Algae and dried fruits;

Vegetable oils and pollen;

Weekly raw food menu example

And now we will more specifically write out the raw foodist's menu for the whole week.


Breakfast: 3 bananas, 2 oranges, 3 kiwis;
Snack: some nuts;
Dinner: salad of tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and peppers. Refueling - sunflower oil;
Second snack: some dried fruits;
Dinner: a glass of smoothie from parsley, cucumbers, basil, bread.


Breakfast: honey with pureed apples and raisins;
Snack: steamed carrot cutlets, germinated wheat;
Dinner: green borscht;
Second snack: salad of cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with sunflower oil;
Dinner: salad from any vegetables, a handful of nuts.


Breakfast: a glass of banana, kiwi and strawberry smoothie;
Snack: 200 grams of sunflower seeds;
Dinner: soup-puree from vegetables, a piece of bread;
Second snack: a piece of watermelon or melon;
Dinner: fresh cabbage salad with broccoli dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: apples with dried fruits;
Snack: juice from freshly squeezed berries;
Dinner: pumpkin porridge with pine nuts;
Second snack: some grated nuts;
Dinner: salad of sesame, cabbage and cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice, bread.


Breakfast: any juicy fruit;
Snack: vegetable soup, green salad with zucchini;
Dinner: green salad with zucchini;
Second snack: some dates;
Dinner: salad of slices of any vegetables, seasoned with grated nuts sauce.


Breakfast: 3 slices of watermelon, currants and strawberries;
Snack: tomatoes with onions and dill;
Dinner: cabbage soup, germinated wheat, carrots with herbs;
Second snack: a cocktail of parsley, sorrel, zucchini and dill;
Dinner: seaweed with sesame seeds, avocado and chili peppers.


Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries, whole mango;
Snack: a handful of berries;
Dinner: sprouted lentils, salad of zucchini, cauliflower, chili peppers, seasoned with sesame oil;
Second snack: a couple of bananas;
Dinner: pumpkin porridge with seeds.

Of course, each raw foodist can change these products, depending on their preferences. There are no clear rules here, the main thing is the alternation of more satisfying dishes with less satisfying ones, as well as the change of fruits to vegetables.

Recipe examples for beginners

Consider what a novice raw foodist can cook for himself.

Cocktails and smoothies

Smoothie with almonds and flax


100 g sesame;
- 100 g of flaxseeds;
- Medium banana;
- 100 g of almonds;
- 50 g coconut;
- 300 ml. water (can be varied, depending on the desired density).

How to cook:

We fall asleep in a blender sesame, flax, coconut chips;
- Mix the ingredients for 5 minutes until you get a paste. Add banana, water or milk to the container, mix for 3 minutes;
- If there is no time, you can mix all the products at once, but such a smoothie will be thicker (coarse);
- Ready.

2 healthy cocktails

1 option:

3 bananas;
- 2 apples;
- 1 lemon (small);
- 250 ml. water;
- 5 sheets of lettuce.

Option 2:

1 banana;
- 100 g strawberries;
- 300 ml. water;
- 6 sheets of lettuce.

Sauces and condiments

Parsley pesto sauce

What do you need:

300 g fresh parsley;
- 250 g of almonds;
- 10 ml. sunflower oil;
- Half a glass of onion (green);
- 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- A pinch of salt;
- A pinch of sweet pepper.

How to cook:

Mix all the ingredients in a blender;
- Ready.

This sauce is very tasty served with bread. Suitable for any food. You can store for a week in an airtight container.

Seasoning universal

For 3 servings you need:

4 tsp sweet pepper;
- 4 tsp dried garlic;
- 3 tsp nutmeg;
- 3 tsp turmeric;
- 3 tsp curry;
- 3 tsp coriander;
- 3 tsp fenugreek.

How to cook:

Mix all chopped ingredients.
- Grind large flakes in a coffee grinder.
- Ready.

The most important advantage of this seasoning is that it can be added to almost any dish. Also, this mixture is considered the most ideal option for Korean carrots.


Hearty winter salad

What you need:

2 avocados;
- 150 g of peeled pistachios.

How to cook:

Slice the avocado into medium pieces.
- Sprinkle them with pistachios.
- Season with lemon juice.
- ready.

Salad with bell pepper and Chinese cabbage

What do you need:

200 g of Chinese cabbage;
- 200 g of bell pepper.

How to cook:

We take the thinnest parts of the cabbage, cut into strips of 1 cm each.
- We clean the pepper, cut into strips of 1 cm. (You can take the pepper different color- it will diversify the dish);
- Season with pesto sauce.


Flax seed porridge

You will need:

5 st. l. flax seeds;
- One small banana;
- 1 tbsp. l. sunflower seeds.

How to cook:

Soak flax seeds in water for 5 hours. Water should be taken a little so that it covers the seeds by about 1 finger.
- Cut the banana into small pieces, add swollen flax seeds to it.
- Grind all the ingredients in a blender.
- Sprinkle the seeds on top.
- We fill with a small amount of sunflower oil.


What do you need:

Peeled oats - 150 g;
- Universal seasoning - 1 tsp;
- Cedar oil- 1 tbsp. l.;
- Lemon juice - 1/6 of a large lemon;
- 250 ml. water.

How to cook:

Mix oats in a blender.
- Place on a plate.
- Add the rest of the ingredients.
- We mix.
- Ready.




200 g almonds;
- 200 g coconut flakes;
- 200 g of walnut;
- 3 bananas.

How to cook:

Grind nuts, bananas and almonds in a blender.
- We make balls from the resulting mixture, dip them in coconut flakes.
- Leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
- Ready.

lemon ice cream

What do you need:

200 g avocado pulp;
- A third of a cup of lemon juice;
- 1 dessert spoon of grated lemon zest;
- Half a cup of honey;
- 1 tsp vanilla;
- A pinch of salt.

How to cook:

We mix everything in a blender.
- Add lemon zest.
- Place in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
- Ready.

Results and reviews

Nikolai Olegovich, 30 years old, Samara.

“I have a height of 1.90. He weighed about 138 kilograms at the age of 27. When I switched to a raw food diet, I noticed that I was losing weight very actively. In just a year, I lost 56 kg. This weight is just right for me. I highly recommend switching to live food for all obese people. But, alternate vegetables and fruits, as it is written in the article "

Irina Vladimirovna, 25 years old, Perm.

"On the healthy food passed at 22. During these three years, I was able to gain weight normally, as I was very thin, improved digestion and general well-being. Moreover, all the diets recommended by nutritionists did not help. Like this!"


Raw food is a kind of art of normal, healthy, and good nutrition. With him, you will never be fat, gloomy, with a bunch of diseases. chronic form and with reduced immunity.

But, remember - you should always consult with doctors or experienced Raw Foodists who can help you on the initial path. Well, then you yourself will learn how to adjust your diet. Be healthy!

In today's conditions of life, more and more people are thinking about the right lifestyle and healthy eating. A raw food diet is a popular nutritional concept, the benefits of which have already been appreciated by many. It consists in the complete rejection of the use of heat-treated foods. The raw food menu is a set of raw plant foods. But this is not a meager and inferior diet. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs have a rich aroma and taste, and properly prepared meals are nutritious and healthy.

Principles of a raw food diet

The main law of natural nutrition is to eat at least four times a day. In this mode, the body receives the necessary energy charge, metabolic processes are carried out, and hunger does not torment. Portions should be small. Snacks are allowed along with the main meals.

Rules for eating raw food:

  1. Don't drink what you eat. You can drink either 30 minutes before a meal, or 40 minutes after. Allowed drinks: pure water without gas, herbal and berry infusions. It is allowed to replace one meal with a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Do not mix fatty foods with sweet ones. This combination causes fermentation in the intestines, so you can not eat nuts with dried fruits or honey, sweet fruits with avocados, etc.
  3. Combine sour fruits with fatty foods. So, orange is in perfect harmony with nuts and avocados.
  4. Do not eat sour fruits at the same time as starchy ones. Starch, when interacting with acid, is poorly broken down, which can cause pain in the stomach, cramps and indigestion.
  5. Do not eat different fatty foods at the same time, such as coconut with avocado or peanut butter. Such combinations inhibit the absorption and digestion of food.
  6. Do not eat fresh fruits and dried fruits at the same time.

Allowed products:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables, berries, greens (supply the body with fiber);
  • raw mushrooms grown in an ecologically clean area;
  • unroasted nuts: almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts (a source of protein and minerals);
  • germinated seed of wheat, buckwheat, lentils, sunflower;
  • legumes: peas, lentils, green buckwheat;
  • dried fruits not dried in ovens (replace fresh fruits in winter);
  • sea ​​kale (preferably dry algae, which are soaked before eating);
  • cold pressed vegetable oils.
  • any pickles and marinades;
  • shop juices;
  • alcoholic products;
  • carbonated sweet water;
  • coffee.

The transition to a raw food diet and nutritional features in winter and summer

To start eating according to the raw food diet without harming the body, you should follow the recommendations of qualified doctors and experienced raw foodists.

Before giving up the use of thermally processed foods, you should consult your doctor: a raw food diet is contraindicated in some serious diseases.

To make the transition minimally stressful, at the initial stage it is worth giving up meat, fish, switching to vegetarianism. When the body gets used to such a regimen, they switch to a full-fledged diet of raw vegetables and fruits.

It is important to follow water-salt balance. To do this, drink more than two liters of water per day. The daily food composition must be carefully selected so that the body has enough essential vitamins, trace elements, protein and carbohydrates (percentage ratio: 17 - fats, 73 - carbohydrates, 10 - proteins).

It is advisable to start a raw food diet in the summer and autumn period When fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs are in abundance, foods are not poisoned by pesticides and other substances, and are therefore healthy. But what to do in winter and spring, when vegetables can no longer be taken directly from the garden?

  1. For the winter-spring period, stock up on vegetables as much as possible.
  2. Eat more fats found in sunflower seeds, nuts, various oils.
  3. Make preparations of greens (they can be stored in small bags in the freezer): parsley, dill, cilantro, lettuce. It can also be dried.
  4. Drink only warm drinks. The temperature should be around 40°C. To maintain it, use a thermos.
  5. Eat more dried fruits because they have enough vitamins to replace fresh fruits.
  6. Use various spices as seasonings: cinnamon, cloves. They will keep you warm in cold winters.

Menu planning for the day

When compiling a diet for a day, the following condition is observed: different food groups are consumed separately. Eat sour fruits first. It is allowed to swap nuts with vegetables: such a replacement will not cause fermentation.

The order of products must be taken into account:

  • fruit or starchy, and then nuts;
  • fruits are starchy;
  • sour - starchy;
  • fruit, and then dried fruits.

Daily ratio of products: 45 percent of fruits and berries, 35 - vegetables, 10 - starchy, 9 - dried fruits, nuts and honey, 1 - spices.

A sample daily menu includes a breakfast of fruit, a light lunch of salad and sprouted grains, and a dinner of legumes or root vegetables. Lunch and afternoon snack consists of nuts or dried fruits, and for dessert, halva made from pistachios and sunflower seeds, cooked by yourself, is allowed.

List of meals for the week

For a person practicing a raw food diet, the weekly menu should consist of a variety of products, taking into account all the recommendations and restrictions presented above.

1st day

For breakfast - 2 bananas, kiwi with three oranges.

For lunch, a handful of nuts will do.

For lunch - green buckwheat with cucumber salad with the addition of tomatoes, peppers, onions, drenched in olive oil.

For an afternoon snack - a handful of dried fruits.

Eat a glass of smoothie (tomatoes with avocado, seasoned with basil or parsley) with bread for dinner.

2nd day

Breakfast: a salad of three small grated apples with raisins and honey.

Lunch: freshly pressed fruit or vegetable juice.

Dine on meatballs raw carrots with germinated wheat grains.

For lunch - cabbage salad with the addition of cucumbers and herbs, you can fill it with linseed oil and lemon juice.

For dinner - berry-fruit salad.

3rd day

Breakfast consists of soaked oatmeal flakes with berries and mango.

Lunch - half a glass of nuts.

A hearty lunch of sprouted lentils and a salad of cauliflower, pepper, broccoli seasoned with sesame oil or sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Dine on pumpkin porridge with seeds.

4th day

We have breakfast with 1 glass of banana smoothie with the addition of strawberries and kiwi.

Lunch - 150 grams of sunflower seeds.

Lunch - vegetable cream soup with raw onion-based bread.

Snack - a few fresh watermelon or melon slices.

We have dinner with a salad of seaweed, onions, broccoli, seasoned with linseed oil.

5th day

For breakfast, 100 grams of currants or strawberries.

For lunch - 100 grams of nuts.

For lunch - pumpkin porridge with pine nuts and a side dish in the form of zucchini salad and various greens.

For lunch - dates.

For dinner - salad: arugula greens, sesame seeds, cauliflower, tomatoes and olive oil dressing with lemon juice; raw bread.

6th day

Breakfast: slices of watermelon with strawberries and currants.

Lunch: cucumbers with garlic and dill.

Lunch: garnish of germinated wheat grains and cabbage-carrot salad seasoned with sesame oil.

We have an afternoon green zucchini cocktail with dill, parsley and sorrel leaves.

Dinner: soaked seaweed, sprinkled with sesame oil.

7th day

We have breakfast with apples stuffed with a mixture of dried fruits.

For lunch - freshly squeezed fruit and berry juice.

We have lunch with a side dish of sprouted chickpeas, a salad of champignons, onions, tomatoes and cauliflower with olive oil dressing.

We have an afternoon zucchini salad with Korean carrots.

We have dinner with pieces of various vegetables, seasoned with a sauce of grated nuts.

raw food recipes

creamy vegetable soup recipe

This soup is prepared quickly and simply, any novice raw foodist can easily cook it. Blender until a puree-like consistency, grind the onion, cauliflower and carrots, baby peas, celery stalks and parsley. Pour everything into a plate, sprinkle with cedar nuts or pumpkin seeds, which will add spice to the dish. Cream soup is ready to eat.

Smoothies from fruits and vegetables

Smoothies are the ultimate snack. Vegetables and fruits combined in one smoothie add spice to the dish. To prepare it, you should take washed celery stalks, orange and kiwi without peel, apples. Everything is whipped with a blender until smooth.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Porridge is prepared by grinding peeled and pumpkin seeds with a blender or in a meat grinder. Honey can be added to sweeten the dish. This porridge is seasoned with linseed oil and sprinkled with raw pumpkin seeds.

Anyone who wants to become a real raw foodist and improve the body will be able to choose for themselves a lot of recipes that will be as tasty and healthy as possible.

A raw food diet is not just a diet that helps to correct weight and get rid of extra pounds. This is a true philosophy of life. The diet of a raw foodist is diverse, useful for beauty and the body as a whole.

Proper raw food diet

First of all, I would like to draw attention to the fact that raw foodists should eat at least 4 times a day. This diet is very important for correct exchange substances, full energy and lack of hunger. The last aspect is especially important, because if a person is constantly hungry, then sooner or later nature will prevail anyway and a breakdown will occur, after which the body will suffer even more. Some raw foodists, and especially fruitarians, eat almost non-stop, but in small portions. For raw foodists, meals can be both main, during which they consume the largest number of calories per day, and snacks.

Secondly, raw foodists never drink food. They drink only pure non-carbonated water or infusions. different herbs and berries, which can be taken either half an hour before meals, or forty minutes after it. In their opinion, water during meals further stretches the stomach and leads to increased gas formation. In addition to water and infusions, raw foodists drink freshly squeezed juices daily, which replace one meal or snack.

An important role in saturating the body with vegetable protein, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids is played by nuts, which are included in the diet of any raw foodist. It can be any nuts: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and pistachios. Peanuts are considered to be a nut, although this plant belongs to legumes. It is important to remember that raw foodists eat everything raw, which means that nuts such as pistachios, cashews, almonds and peanuts should be bought with caution, as they are often sold roasted. Roasted nuts are no longer useful and are not included in the raw food diet. In addition to nuts, raw foodists are very fond of adding apricot kernels to their food. They have an indescribable aroma and taste, and are also full of vitamins, minerals and healthy oils.

The most important attribute of a raw food diet is the use of cereals and legumes. But since they cannot be boiled, raw foodists came up with the idea of ​​soaking and germinating them. Cereals and legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein, slow carbohydrates and fiber, which effectively cleanses the intestines and the entire body. Sprouts of wheat, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, peas and mung bean are used in the menu of every raw foodist, because they give a feeling of satiety, energy, vigor, vitamins and nutrients. Sprouted wheat, chickpeas and buckwheat are used as an independent tasty dish or as an ingredient in a fresh and hearty salad.

The favorite dish of every raw foodist can be called green buckwheat. You may be surprised to learn that brown buckwheat, which is sold in ordinary stores, has already been fried, because raw it has green color. It is green buckwheat that is used for the preparation of raw food dishes. It has maximum benefits, a lot of iron and it cooks very quickly. To do this, you just need to fill it cold water and wait until swelling. After that, it can be eaten, it becomes soft and edible, and almost everyone likes its taste.

All raw foodists are very fond of various raw seeds, such as sunflower, pumpkin, flax and sesame. Before use, it is advisable to soak them briefly in cold water - this way they swell a little and you can eat a smaller amount to saturate them. Seeds are rich in valuable oils, omega fatty acids and minerals. They saturate well, nourish, maintain muscle mass.

Of course, the basis of the raw food menu is vegetables and fruits. They should make up 70-95% of a raw foodist's diet and be fresh and raw only. Doctors recommend eating seasonal vegetables and fruits, they contain the most vitamins, but there are no pesticides and chemicals. Cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, avocados, onions, garlic, bananas, oranges, apples, watermelons and pineapples are considered the most useful. Also very useful and amazingly tasty are all the berries that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Do not forget about the benefits of fresh mushrooms, which are included in the diet of a raw foodist. But care should be taken in choosing mushrooms, as not all species can be eaten raw. It is better to opt for champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are sold in stores and are safe at the same time.

It is unlikely that any vegan or raw foodist can do without dried fruits in winter, which can be called a good substitute for fresh fruits. Figs, raisins and dates are especially popular - these dried fruits are very nutritious, contain a lot of glucose and can saturate for a long time. Prunes and dried apricots perfectly cleanse the intestines due to the dietary fiber contained in them. But raw foodists do not eat various candied fruits, as they are processed with chemistry. Healthy eaters buy only those dried fruits that have been dried under the sun without adding any preservatives or additives.

All raw foodists eat leafy greens, from which various salads or green smoothies are prepared. Dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, arugula, dandelion, sorrel, spinach, green onion, Lettuce, Celery And Tops Of Various Root Vegetables. They make wonderful salads and even sauces that are seasoned with sprouted cereals or eaten with raw bread. fresh herbs are very useful for the body, improve digestion, and also saturate with vitamins and minerals.

Another essential ingredient a complete diet The raw foodist's food is seaweed. It is rich in iodine and phosphorus, which play an important role in the normal functioning of the body. Raw foodists do not buy ready-made sea kale in stores, as it is boiled and then seasoned with vinegar and refined oil. Adherents of a healthy diet buy it in dried form, soak it in water and after that it becomes edible. It is added to various green salads or consumed as a healthy side dish.

Of course, raw foodists also fill their salads and some dishes with vegetable oils, but they choose only those that succumbed to the first cold pressing and were not refined. Olive, linseed and sesame oils are considered the most useful. They give dishes a pleasant aroma, improve digestion, maintain skin elasticity, and saturate the body with saturated omega fatty acids.

Sample raw food menu for a week

In order for you to be convinced that the diet of a raw foodist can be tasty, satisfying and varied, we have prepared approximate menu for a week.

    Day 1

    Breakfast: 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: green buckwheat, salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of any dried fruit.

    Dinner: 1 cup tomato, avocado, basil and parsley vegetable smoothie, 1 raw bread.

    Day 2

    Breakfast: 3 large grated apples with raisins and honey.

    Lunch: a glass of any vegetable or fruit freshly squeezed juice.

    Lunch: raw carrot cutlets, sprouted wheat.

    Afternoon snack: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs, seasoned with lemon juice and linseed oil.

    Dinner: a salad of any fresh fruits and berries.

    Day 3

    Breakfast: soaked oatmeal with strawberries and mango.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: Sprouted lentils, cauliflower, bell pepper, broccoli and green peas dressed with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

    Afternoon snack: 2 large apples.

    Dinner: pumpkin porridge with seeds.

    Day 4

    Breakfast: 1 glass of banana, strawberry and kiwi smoothie.

    Lunch: 150 gr sunflower seeds.

    Lunch: uncooked creamy vegetable soup, raw onion bread.

    Afternoon snack: fresh melon or watermelon.

    Dinner: seaweed, onion and broccoli salad dressed with lemon juice and linseed oil.

    Day 5

    Breakfast: any juicy fruits and berries.

    Lunch: a handful of raw nuts.

    Lunch: pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of dates.

    Dinner: arugula, sesame, cauliflower and tomato salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oil, 1 raw bread.

    Day 6

    Breakfast: a few slices of ripe watermelon, fresh strawberries and currants.

    Lunch: fresh cucumbers with garlic and dill.

    Lunch: wheat germ, salad of fresh cabbage, onions, carrots and herbs, seasoned with sesame oil.

    Afternoon snack: green cocktail from zucchini, dill, parsley and sorrel.

    Dinner: soaked seaweed with sesame seeds and sesame oil, avocado sauce and Bell pepper.

    Day 7

    Breakfast: apples stuffed with dried fruits.

    Lunch: any freshly squeezed juice from fruits and berries.

    Lunch: sprouted chickpeas, salad of fresh champignons, onions, tomatoes and cauliflower, dressed with olive oil.

    Snack: salad of young zucchini and carrots in Korean.

    Dinner: slices of various vegetables with grated raw nuts sauce.

As you can see, the diet of a raw foodist can be very varied and tasty. With such a diet, you will feel great and lose weight quickly, and hunger will not make itself felt.

Recipes for delicious and healthy raw food dishes

For those who have no idea how to cook a dish without boiling or frying it, we have prepared several recipes for popular raw food dishes.

Vegetable cream soup

Like all raw food dishes, vegetable cream soup requires a minimum of time and effort to prepare. To do this, grind fresh onions, cauliflower, carrots, young peas, celery stalks and parsley in a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. Top soup can be sprinkled with pine nuts or pumpkin seeds - so the dish will become more piquant and nutritious. Healthy and delicious raw food soup is ready! It can be eaten in unlimited quantities at any time of the day without harm to the figure.

Korean zucchini salad

Do you think raw foodists shouldn't eat? Korean salads? Still as possible, but only if they are properly prepared without adding any chemicals. In order to prepare a Korean-style zucchini salad, you need to grate young zucchini on a special grater. Add grated carrots, ground nutmeg, coriander, crushed garlic to them and dress the salad with olive or linseed oil. This salad acquires the most fragrant taste and pleasant texture in half an hour after carefully mixing the ingredients. He lets out fragrant juice in which zucchini and carrots are marinated. After half an hour, you can enjoy the amazing taste of this salad and still get health benefits.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is a unique vegetable. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and trace elements. Its taste qualities can leave few people indifferent and it is ideal for salads, soups and cereals. Cooking pumpkin porridge without cooking is very simple, for this you need to choose a ripe specimen that has a rich aroma and a fiery orange color. The pumpkin must be cleaned of stones and skins, then grind in a meat grinder or blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. Those people who cannot live without sweets can add 1 teaspoon of honey to this porridge, as well as some pollen. In other cases, it is better to fill it with a small amount of linseed oil and sprinkle with raw pumpkin seeds.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

A very healthy and tasty snack or light dinner can be a variety of fruit or vegetable smoothies. And you can combine fruits with vegetables and get a very unusual and spicy taste. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly wash the celery stalks, peel oranges, kiwi and apples. All these ingredients must be thoroughly beaten in a blender until a thick smoothie is formed.

Raw guacamole sauce

Among raw foodists, spicy Mexican guacamole sauce is very popular, which can be eaten with slices of any vegetables, lettuce or spinach, as well as raw bread. To prepare it, you will need a ripe avocado, chili, lime, tomatoes, garlic and a little coriander. All ingredients, except lime, must be thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, after which season the sauce with lime juice. The end result is a delicious sauce that goes well with any dish.

mediterranean salad

This salad can be prepared festive table and it will become its decoration, and absolutely everyone will like it, even non-raw foodists. Wash tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and cut into medium cubes. Rinse the arugula thoroughly and dry it on a towel. Mix arugula with chopped vegetables, olives and sprinkle with sesame seeds or pine nuts. Fill the salad with a sauce of lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped parsley and basil. This salad is a real work of culinary art, absolutely everyone will like it and bring maximum benefit.

If desired, the menu of a raw foodist can be very diverse, because culinary imagination has no limits. It is very important that the food is not only very healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. It is then that it will bring you pleasure, will not get bored and will not cause a desire to break loose. Experiment, cook healthy raw food dishes to your liking and your eating style will bring only positive emotions.

What is a raw food diet?

The “raw food” food system got its name because of the way the food is processed, or rather, in its absence. Raw foodists do not allow heat treatment of food, eating all products raw. The maximum that can be done with products is to dry them using a temperature not higher than 40 degrees Celsius with a plus sign.

Refusal of heat treatment of food is due to the following: only by eating raw foods, it is possible to preserve all the nutrients and vitamins that they contain.

But, the inability to cook food on fire is not the only principle of a raw food diet. Having switched to such a nutrition system, which can even be called a special philosophy, a person follows the following three rules:

  1. Completely refuses to eat animal products.
  2. It is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, root vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, sprouted cereals, but meat, fish, dairy products and eggs for a raw foodist are prohibited.
  3. You can not drink tea and coffee, as this is contrary to the basic principle of a raw food diet - do not process food in a thermal way.

An interesting fact: When planning to eat this or that food, every raw foodist should ask himself the question: “Will a new plant grow from the food eaten in the future?” If the answer is “no”, then it is of animal origin, and, therefore, it will not fall into the list of foods suitable for a raw foodist.

Products on the raw food menu

In order to prevent accidental mistakes in the diet, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what is included in the raw food menu:

  • Any raw vegetables and fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Coconut, almond and flaxseed milk;
  • Sea salt;
  • grains;
  • Seaweed;
  • seeds;
  • green grass;
  • Roots;
  • Mushrooms that can be eaten raw (for example, champignons);
  • Dried mushrooms.

Raw food transition scheme: where to start?

In order not to face the negative consequences of a raw food diet, start your new look life should be gradual, so as not to introduce the body into a state of shock. It is best to stick to a certain scheme that will ensure a smooth transition to a raw food diet:

  1. Pass a general and biochemical blood test, which will help to look at the state of the body "from the inside". After 2 months of the raw food diet, repeat it to understand what has changed and what foods should be put on;
  2. In the first week, you need to give up red meat. In the second week - stop eating white meat. On the third week of entering the raw food diet, eggs are excluded, on the fourth - fish. The last thing is the rejection of dairy products and cereals. This is a smooth transition to a raw food diet;
  3. You should start taking B vitamins to prevent their deficiency and help the body "softly" adapt to a new lifestyle.

Immediately switch to eating only fruits and vegetables - fundamentally not the right approach, which will certainly lead to a breakdown and disappointment in the raw food diet.

Menu for the week for a raw foodist

It is sometimes difficult for raw foodists-beginners to create a complete nutrition menu for themselves. Therefore, you can use the menu for raw foodists for a week, which will help not only eat right, but also facilitate the transition to a new food system:

  • Breakfast: Two whole apples plus a fresh fruit salad topped with chopped almonds. Instead of the usual hot drinks - water or freshly squeezed fruit, vegetable or mixed juice.
  • Snack: A smoothie is best: mix water, banana, celery stalk, flax seeds and lettuce in a blender. If it is not possible to prepare a smoothie in fact, then you can either prepare it in advance or replace it with some fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: Salad of green vegetables, yellow bell peppers, tomatoes, beans and red onions, dressed with olive oil. You can replace the salad with grated bean hummus with herbs, where you can dip the pieces of vegetables.
  • Dinner: Cold vegetable soup made with a mixer plus raspberry banana sherbet and homemade sunflower seed cheese. Or soup according to this recipe.

You can follow this diet for a whole week, changing the ingredients in salads. Also, in addition to freshly squeezed juices and water, you can drink coke milk.

Delicious raw food recipes

Despite the seeming paucity of the raw foodist's menu, their diet can also be rich, varied and tasty if you experiment with recipes.

Snack "Pkhali from beets"

Pkhali is an invention Georgian cuisine. It can be consumed as a snack.

Required Ingredients:

  • One large beet;
  • Flesh from one avocado
  • A clove of garlic;
  • One pomegranate;
  • 5 walnuts;
  • A bunch of cilantro;
  • Spinach.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind all these ingredients, except for the pomegranate seeds, in a blender.
  2. Add pomegranate seeds to the resulting mass, mix.
  3. Drizzle with sea salt and olive oil.

Raw food rolls

A full-fledged second course, which is an excellent alternative to standard sushi.

Required Ingredients:

  • Dried nori seaweed;
  • One avocado;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Cucumber;
  • Soy sauce;
  • Rice vinegar.

Cooking method:

  1. Cucumber, pepper and avocado cut into thin strips.
  2. Sprinkle a dry nori sheet with rice vinegar so that it softens and does not break when twisting the rolls.
  3. Strips of pepper, cucumber, avocado are laid on a sheet of algae.
  4. A sheet of algae with vegetables is rolled up and cut into rolls.

Rolls can be dipped in soy sauce.

Marvelous delicious dessert, which can be eaten during snacks or as a sweet after dinner or lunch.

Required Ingredients:

  • Three parts plums;
  • Three pieces of apples.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the apples, cut out the core, remove the stalks.
  2. Remove the pits from the plums.
  3. Grind the fruit to a puree state using a blender.
  4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread applesauce in an even layer.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven with the door open and dry the marshmallow at the lowest temperature. This process usually takes 20 hours.
  6. Dried marshmallow should be cut into strips and twisted into rolls.

For drying products, it is best to use special dryers that allow you to set the temperature up to 40 degrees.

Raw food: benefits and harms

This way of eating causes a lot of controversy, but at the same time it has its advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantages of this lifestyle include the following:

  • You can eat as much as you want and at the same time forget about counting calories forever. A raw foodist eats low-calorie foods, and in order to replenish the daily calorie intake, more of these foods are required, and, accordingly, the number and size of servings increase;
  • The diet of a raw foodist consists only of natural products that are saturated with useful substances, trace elements and vitamins, so they get much more of them. The lack of fiber is especially replenished, which helps to improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • Saves cooking time. You don’t have to fry, steam or use other cooking methods, so when cooking, time is lost only for cutting and “assembly”;
  • In view of the fact that a lot of vitamins are constantly supplied to the body of a raw foodist, his skin condition improves, bruises under his eyes disappear, hair begins to grow better, immunity increases;
  • Raw foodists are less susceptible to colds and viral diseases;
  • Taste buds are sharpened, so many raw foodists are rediscovering the food world;
  • This food system helps healthy weight loss due to the fact that there are no "empty" carbohydrates and "bad" fats in the diet.


The main disadvantages of a raw food diet include the following:

  • It is difficult to make the transition to a raw food diet: disruptions are possible, at first it is impossible to achieve a feeling of satiety;
  • Lack of vitamin B12, which is mostly found in meat products;
  • At first, the weight is dropping too rapidly, which can lead to anorexia;
  • Poor diet in winter due to the unavailability of some seasonal products;
  • Allergic reactions to many fruits, especially citrus fruits, are possible, which, again, leads to a poor diet;
  • Lack of protein, which is very difficult to obtain in abundance from plant foods, and without which the body cannot produce amino acids on its own;
  • Decreased physical performance.

Only after carefully studying all the pros and cons of a raw food diet, you can decide whether this lifestyle is right for you. And even better, before you start leading your lifestyle according to the principles of a raw foodist, go through a preventive examination by a doctor, find out what the body lacks, and whether it will be able to transfer the transition to a raw food diet.

Switching to a raw food diet: video instruction

To understand all the subtleties and nuances of the transition to the world of a raw foodist, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video instruction. What goals and objectives do you need to set for yourself? How to avoid breakdowns and maintain your health? These and many other questions are answered by an experienced raw foodist:

Raw foodists will love our new fruit diet: .

A raw food diet is not just a set of rules for proper nutrition, but a way of life. To follow it or not, the person decides individually. But, the main thing to remember is that the lifestyle should in no case be harmful to health, only then it will be justified. Before diving into the world of a raw foodist, it is best to study this issue thoroughly and consult a doctor.

When it comes to raw food, it is important to follow these rules:

  1. 1. Eating is necessary only when there is a feeling of hunger. The founder of the diet believes that eating by the hour is not always correct.
  2. 2. Chew food slowly and thoroughly.
  3. 3. While eating, do not be distracted by watching TV, reading, talking.
  4. 4. Do not eat before exercise.
  5. 5. You can not overeat.
  6. 6. If the child does not want to eat, then you do not need to force him.
  7. 7. You can drink liquid 30 minutes after eating. Also, this interval must be maintained before eating.
  8. 8. Drink water only when you feel like it. According to the doctor, drinking 2 liters of water a day is not necessary.
  9. 9. You need to eat only food at room temperature. In cold form, in no case should it be consumed.
  10. 10. raw dish must be eaten immediately after preparation and not left the next day, as its beneficial properties may disappear.
  11. 11. You need to have breakfast no earlier than nine in the morning, lunch should be light, and dinner should be complex.
  12. 12. You should eat nuts before taking the main meal so that they have time to digest.
  13. 13. If a person has a high body temperature, then you need to drink more fluids.
  14. 14. To saturate the body with useful micro and macro elements, it is necessary to combine and alternate products correctly.
  15. 15. The menu should be designed in such a way that a person receives the required amount of calories.

You need to switch to a raw food diet smoothly, because with a sharp transition, you can harm the body and disrupt the functioning of its systems. This means sticking to your regular diet, but adding one raw food to the starter menu each day and eliminating one familiar one. So it is necessary to do until the complete exclusion of fatty, finished and sweet dishes.

The essence of a sharp transition is the rejection of thermally processed food at one moment. But this method is considered dangerous.

  • Basic recommendations for a raw foodist
  • Pros and cons of a raw food diet
  • Benefit
  • Blender
  • Shredders and graters
  • Dehydrator (dryer)
  • Juicer
  • seed germinators
  • Breakfast
  • Weekly raw food menu example
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Recipe examples for beginners
  • Cocktails and smoothies
  • Sauces and condiments
  • Salads
  • desserts
  • Results and reviews
  • Conclusion

How to become a raw foodist? First, you need to give up the dishes that you are used to very smoothly. Canned food, semi-finished products and meat should “fall out” of the daily menu gradually. After them, it is worth getting rid of coffee, alcohol, sweets, flour and tea.

At first, food processing should be carried out at a temperature of 40 degrees. If you use a more aggressive processing, then, according to experienced raw foodists, such food will simply become "dead".

Nuts should be soaked in filtered water for 5-9 hours. Only in this way can bitterness be “etched out” of them. This is necessary in order for the product to be better absorbed by the body. In a raw food diet, oatmeal is often found. But, to cook it, you need to soak the flakes with water for 24 hours, then add berries or fruits to them.

Cold soups (such as gazpacho) can also be safely eaten by a raw foodist. But in order to properly cook them, you will need to purchase a dehydrator. Further, from all the abundance of a raw foodist, it is worth highlighting any salads with vegetables and fruits.

Snacks among the recipes of raw foodists are also very diverse. For example, you can use a blender to beat 400 g of walnuts, 300 g of honey, and 1 tbsp. l. cinnamon with freshly squeezed lemon juice. You can also prepare delicious almond cheese - soak 400 g of almonds overnight, rinse them in the morning, chop them in a blender, gradually add 300 ml. water. Transfer the mixture to gauze, hang for half a day, then add juices and seasonings.

Important! Only an experienced specialist knows exactly how to switch to a raw food diet without risk to health! Therefore, first of all, you should consult a doctor and undergo the examinations that he will prescribe.

The main mistakes of raw foodists-beginners

Like all beginners in any business, novice raw foodists also make some mistakes at first. Consider the most significant of them:

- The use of spices and seasonings (optimal at first). Because of them, the natural taste of the dish disappears, and the appetite also increases;

- Very frequent use of avocados. This fruit contains a fairly large amount of various fats;

- "Busting" with nuts or nut butter. They remain on the teeth, which leads to the development of various infections caused by bacteria and, as a result, caries and other unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity;

- Eating too much dried fruit. Completely similar to the previous paragraph;

- Frequent intake of honey, syrups with a high content of sugar, and maple syrup. May cause diabetes;

- Eating raw cocoa beans. Yes, they are raw. But, even in small quantities, they can harm the body;

- Switching to a raw food diet without giving up tea and coffee;

- Frequent intake of sprouted grains or legumes;

- Irregular day, neglect of sleep. Rest is the basis for the proper assimilation of food and recuperation.

Pros and cons of a raw food diet


The risk zone includes those who completely refuse to eat everything except nuts, fruits and vegetables. Indeed, nuts are not able to completely replace the daily protein requirement, which is necessary for a person and his muscles. Of course, we can say that even without strong and large muscles, you can stay healthy. Perhaps, but you should not forget - the heart, after all, is also a muscle.

And in order for it to work normally, it needs protein, which is delivered to our body exclusively from food. All its remains go to the formation of other muscles. Therefore, from such a “raw food diet” there will only be harm. And this is not the end of the story.

A raw foodist tends to eat 4-6 times more fruits and vegetables than a "normal" person. And all because at one meal of such food it is quite problematic to be well satiated. Moreover, in one sitting you can even eat 0.5-1 kg. vegetables.

If you think about it, yes - how many vitamins our body receives! But, do not forget that many vegetables and fruits that are on the shelves in stores, as a rule, are “saturated” with various harmful nitrates and pesticides. Therefore, eating at a time a kilogram of apples, carrots, etc. our body can receive a huge dose of "poison". The most powerful blow, at the same time, goes to our liver. And doctors often ask raw foodists: “What kind of rubbish are you eating that brought this important organ to such a deplorable state?”

The preliminary result is that if you constantly eat only fruits, vegetables and nuts, then after 3-4 years either the liver or the heart may fail. Here, "as anyone is lucky." But, fortunately, there are very few such raw foodists, and after a few years they still begin to enrich their diet with eggs, fish, and other products. According to the above scheme, you can eat for six months or a year, and then the diet will definitely need to be diversified.


And now let's figure out how, with the help of a raw food diet, you can become much stronger and healthier, extend your life, enrich your body with useful substances and vitamins, and stock up on a huge supply of energy.

A huge benefit of a raw food diet is the use of a large amount of animal protein. The best option is to eat germinated wheat or mung bean (peas). Moreover, it is worth germinating wheat yourself. Yes, it is sold in stores, but most often it is stale and may contain fungus.

For self-germination, you can buy it in grocery stores, in the health food section. How to germinate it: wash it, put it on a plate, pour hot water over it, and cover with gauze. Water needs to be changed daily. Use the product when the sprouts grow half a centimeter. This is a very useful food - "life", in its purest form. Masha also germinates.

To get even more benefits from a raw food diet, you should eat more fruits than vegetables. The latter are full of impurities. As an exception - vegetables grown in their garden, or purchased from trusted people.

Vegetables are best eaten with honey, nuts, herbs, cottage cheese, eggs, dried fruits. Also, vegetables can be poured with a small amount of olive or sunflower oil. The nutrition scheme will be ideal for a person, since useful substances will be delivered to the body in equal amounts.

This diet will contain both fats with carbohydrates and vitamins with minerals, proteins and fiber - this is all that is needed for the good health of our body. So get to prolong your life, and constantly be active and healthy.

Household appliances to help the raw foodist


A kitchen appliance is needed for preparing various cocktails from fresh herbs, cheese products, soups, borscht, various drinks, and dairy products. You can purchase both a stationary and an immersion blender. The latter is needed for grinding nuts and seeds. It is better to buy expensive, most powerful equipment.

Shredders and graters

There are a huge number of varieties of such kitchen tools. You can buy any of them - the main thing is that it is convenient to use. A grater is needed for rubbing apples and vegetables. Also, you can grind and more solid food, but a shredder for this purpose will be more preferable. On the shredder, you can chop Korean carrots as conveniently and beautifully as possible.

Dehydrator (dryer)

This device, of course, will cost more, but drying in it is carried out due to heat treatment and weathering. Remember that you should not set the temperature above 40 degrees - so that all the nutrients and nutrients are preserved. The dryer is useful for processing bread, fruits and vegetables.


Freshly squeezed juices are much healthier than store-bought ones. The main thing is to choose screw or press squeezers. When preparing juices, the main components should be slightly diluted with water, and do not drink juices all the time, alternating them with fresh fruits. The value of such juices is simply huge - they are guaranteed to help maintain the tone of the body.

seed germinators

As we already wrote, germinated seeds are considered a very useful product in a raw food diet. They are consumed at the very initial stage, as they contain a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, and trace elements. Sprouts can then be passed through a juicer.

Raw food rules depending on the time of the year

As a rule, the raw food menu is divided into parts, depending on the season:

- Winter time;

— Spring-first half of summer;

— Second half of summer;

Beginners often face psychological and physiological problems due to the fact that they do not know at what time of the year what to include in their menu in order to fully appreciate the usefulness of the diet.

You can start transitioning to a new food in any of the seasons, but it's easiest to deal with it during the period when there are the most food offers on the market. In winter, such a transition is much more difficult to make, so many raw foodists simply stock up for themselves.

If there are no stocks, then you will have to make purchases in the markets or in supermarkets. But, as we remember, there is a risk of acquiring "pricked" products. Therefore, for the winter it is always worth stocking up:

- Apples and pears;

- Grapes, persimmon;

- Oranges and bananas;

- Dried fruits.

From vegetables you should always have:

- Zucchini;

- Cucumbers;

- cabbage;

- Tomatoes;

- Carrot;

- Potatoes.

Do not forget that the cooking of raw products at any time must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary standards. All fruits must first be thoroughly washed and peeled.

Useful advice! To remove worms and worms from salads and any other greens, you must first dip them in slightly salted water (100 g per 2 liters). Many fruits can be blanched - dipped in boiling water for 5 minutes.

An example of a daily diet of a raw foodist

Consider what a raw foodist can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.


Many raw foodists claim that breakfast can be skipped altogether. But, this is not entirely true, because the first meal is the most important. So, you can cook a variety of fruits. That is, just wash, cut, and eat. For example, apples and bananas.

You can also take citrus fruits and pears. Fortunately, they are available year-round in any supermarket. In summer, breakfast can be started with cherries, strawberries, watermelons, melons, etc. The main thing is to focus on products that are available right now.


For lunch, as a rule, raw foodists prepare various salads and soups. The main thing is as many greens and vegetables as possible. Fruit is also a good option. But, if there were already fruits for breakfast, then for lunch it’s worth “plunging on” vegetables.

Salads are dressed with oil (butter, sunflower, linseed, sesame, etc.). Salads can also be dressed with avocado.


In the evening it is worth eating as satisfying as possible. For example, eat a salad with green peas, beans or beans. A good dinner can be made from noodles with zucchini, peppers or tomatoes. You can also treat yourself to nuts and seeds.

What to eat during the day

Here you can already alternate absolutely any raw food products:

- Mushrooms and greens;

- Sprouted seeds and nuts;

- Buckwheat and legumes;

— Algae and dried fruits;

— Vegetable oils and flower pollen;

Weekly raw food menu example

And now we will more specifically write out the raw foodist's menu for the whole week.


Breakfast: 3 bananas, 2 oranges, 3 kiwis;
Snack: some nuts;
Dinner: salad of tomatoes, onions, cucumbers and peppers. Refueling - sunflower oil;
Second snack: some dried fruits;
Dinner: a glass of smoothie from parsley, cucumbers, basil, bread.


Breakfast: honey with pureed apples and raisins;
Snack: steamed carrot cutlets, germinated wheat;
Dinner: green borscht;
Second snack: salad of cabbage, herbs and cucumbers, seasoned with sunflower oil;
Dinner: salad from any vegetables, a handful of nuts.


Breakfast: a glass of banana, kiwi and strawberry smoothie;
Snack: 200 grams of sunflower seeds;
Dinner: soup-puree from vegetables, a piece of bread;
Second snack: a piece of watermelon or melon;
Dinner: fresh cabbage salad with broccoli dressed with olive oil.


Breakfast: apples with dried fruits;
Snack: juice from freshly squeezed berries;
Dinner: pumpkin porridge with pine nuts;
Second snack: some grated nuts;
Dinner: salad of sesame, cabbage and cucumbers, seasoned with lemon juice, bread.


Breakfast: any juicy fruit;
Snack: vegetable soup, green salad with zucchini;
Dinner: green salad with zucchini;
Second snack: some dates;
Dinner: salad of slices of any vegetables, seasoned with grated nuts sauce.


Breakfast: 3 slices of watermelon, currants and strawberries;
Snack: tomatoes with onions and dill;
Dinner: cabbage soup, germinated wheat, carrots with herbs;
Second snack: a cocktail of parsley, sorrel, zucchini and dill;
Dinner: seaweed with sesame seeds, avocado and chili peppers.


Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries, whole mango;
Snack: a handful of berries;
Dinner: sprouted lentils, salad of zucchini, cauliflower, chili peppers, seasoned with sesame oil;
Second snack: a couple of bananas;
Dinner: pumpkin porridge with seeds.

Of course, each raw foodist can change these products, depending on their preferences. There are no clear rules here, the main thing is the alternation of more satisfying dishes with less satisfying ones, as well as the change of fruits to vegetables.

Recipe examples for beginners

Consider what a novice raw foodist can cook for himself.

Cocktails and smoothies

Smoothie with almonds and flax


- 100 g of sesame;
- 100 g of flaxseeds;
- Medium banana;
- 100 g of almonds;
- 50 g of coconut;
- 300 ml. water (can be varied, depending on the desired density).

How to cook:

- We fall asleep in a blender sesame, flax, coconut chips;
- Mix the ingredients for 5 minutes until you get a paste. Add banana, water or milk to the container, mix for 3 minutes;
- If there is no time, you can mix all the products at once, but such a smoothie will be thicker (coarse);
- Ready.

2 healthy cocktails

1 option:

- 3 bananas;
- 2 apples;
- 1 lemon (small);
- 250 ml. water;
- 5 sheets of lettuce.

Option 2:

- 1 banana;
- 100 g of strawberries;
- 300 ml. water;
- 6 lettuce leaves

Sauces and condiments

Parsley pesto sauce

What do you need:

- 300 g of fresh parsley;
- 250 g of almonds;
- 10 ml. sunflower oil;
- Half a glass of onion (green);
- 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- A pinch of salt;
- A pinch of sweet pepper.

How to cook:

- Mix all the ingredients in a blender;
- Ready.

This sauce is very tasty served with bread. Suitable for any food. You can store for a week in an airtight container.

Seasoning universal

For 3 servings you need:

- 4 tsp sweet pepper;
- 4 tsp dried garlic;
- 3 tsp nutmeg;
- 3 tsp turmeric;
- 3 tsp curry;
- 3 tsp coriander;
- 3 tsp fenugreek.

How to cook:

- Mix all the chopped ingredients.
- Grind large flakes in a coffee grinder.
- Ready.

The most important advantage of this seasoning is that it can be added to almost any dish. Also, this mixture is considered the most ideal option for Korean carrots.


Hearty winter salad

What you need:

- 2 avocados;
- 150 g of peeled pistachios.

How to cook:

- Cut the avocado into medium pieces.
- Sprinkle them with pistachios.
- Season with lemon juice.
- ready.

Salad with bell pepper and Chinese cabbage

What do you need:

- 200 g of Chinese cabbage;
- 200 g of bell pepper.

How to cook:

- We take the thinnest parts of the cabbage, cut into strips of 1 cm each.
- We clean the pepper, cut it into strips of 1 cm each. (You can take pepper of different colors - this will diversify the dish);
- Season with pesto sauce.


Flax seed porridge

You will need:

- 5 tbsp. l. flax seeds;
- One small banana;
- 1 tbsp. l. sunflower seeds.

How to cook:

- Soak flax seeds in water for 5 hours. Water should be taken a little so that it covers the seeds by about 1 finger.
- Cut the banana into small pieces, add swollen flax seeds to it.
- Grind all the ingredients in a blender.
- Sprinkle seeds on top.
- We fill with a small amount of sunflower oil.


What do you need:

- Peeled oats - 150 g;
- Universal seasoning - 1 tsp;
- Cedar oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
- Lemon juice - 1/6 of a large lemon;
- 250 ml. water.

How to cook:

- Mix the oats in a blender.
- Place on a plate.
- Add the rest of the ingredients.
- We mix.
- Ready.




- 200 g of almonds;
- 200 g coconut flakes;
- 200 g of walnut;
- 3 bananas.

How to cook:

- Grind nuts, bananas and almonds in a blender.
- We make balls from the resulting mixture, dip them in coconut flakes.
- Leave for 2 hours in the refrigerator.
- Ready.

lemon ice cream

What do you need:

- 200 g of avocado pulp;
- A third of a cup of lemon juice;
- 1 dessert spoon of grated lemon zest;
- Half a cup of honey;
- 1 tsp vanilla;
- A pinch of salt.

How to cook:

- Mix everything in a blender.
- Add lemon zest.
- Put in the fridge for 5 hours.
- Ready.

Results and reviews

Nikolai Olegovich, 30 years old, Samara.

“I have a height of 1.90. He weighed about 138 kilograms at the age of 27. When I switched to a raw food diet, I noticed that I was losing weight very actively. In just a year, I lost 56 kg. This weight is just right for me. I highly recommend switching to live food for all obese people. But, alternate vegetables and fruits, as it is written in the article "

Irina Vladimirovna, 25 years old, Perm.

“I switched to healthy food at the age of 22. During these three years, I was able to gain weight normally, as I was very thin, improved digestion and general well-being. Moreover, all the diets recommended by nutritionists did not help. Like this!"


The raw food diet is a kind of art of normal, healthy, and wholesome nutrition. With it, you will never be fat, gloomy, with a bunch of chronic diseases, and with reduced immunity.

But, remember - you should always consult with doctors or experienced Raw Foodists who can help you on the initial path. Well, then you yourself will learn how to adjust your diet. Be healthy!

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