Intestinal obstruction in cats. Intestinal atony in a cat Partial intestinal obstruction in a cat

Intestinal obstruction in cats is a dangerous pathology associated with blockage of the movement of contents through the intestines. The waste products of the stomach cannot go out, as a result of which the nutrients do not penetrate to the organs, vomiting and rejection of food occur. As a result, the liquid does not enter the body and after 2-3 days the animal dies. Bowel obstruction is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment.

Causes of intestinal failure

This pathology in a cat occurs for the following reasons:

Symptoms of bowel obstruction in cats

Symptoms of pathology vary depending on the habits and nature of the pet:

  • In some animals, lethargy, drowsiness, apathy are observed, others can actively run, meow, try to attract the attention of the owners. There is a significant change in the behavior of the pet.
  • The cat loses its appetite, refuses food.
  • Immediately or 30-40 minutes after eating, vomiting occurs.
  • When pressing on the abdomen, the pet experiences severe pain. When feeling, tension, hardness, sometimes even a foreign object are felt.
  • Due to the fact that the gases do not leave, the stomach swells, the pet carefully licks it, rolls on the floor, as it feels discomfort.
  • Lack of feces in the tray.


Intestinal obstruction in a cat requires only medical treatment, self-prepared drops, ointments will not help. If symptoms of obstruction occur, you should immediately contact a specialist, take tests and conduct an examination.

If it arose due to a foreign object, surgery will be required to remove the foreign body that caused the disease. For constipation, in rare cases, an enema is prescribed, droppers with saline are placed to prevent dehydration. These procedures should be carried out by a specialist, since only he can determine that their implementation will not harm the pet and will not lead to rupture of the intestines. After getting rid of the foreign body, the animal is prescribed antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and painkillers. The period after the operation is to follow a strict (hungry) diet for several days and prolonged drug therapy. After a few weeks, the animal is gradually transferred to liquid and semi-liquid feed, carefully monitoring the general condition and the sutures.

If the obstruction is due to dry stools, you can give your pet vaseline oil, and the diet should consist of wet food with a lot of fiber. For other reasons, the use of oil is strictly prohibited.

You should not postpone visiting a specialist, because without medical help the cat will die in a week. In some cases, death occurs on the second day after the onset of the first symptoms.

Minor inconvenience or mortal danger that can "fall" like snow on the head of absolutely any owner and pet at the most unexpected moment. Intestinal obstruction in cats can have a number of causes and lead to different consequences, but there is one condition that is never known - when and why the disease will occur. By the way, intestinal obstruction and constipation are different ailments, although they are often compared. The following information is a must read if you have a cat in your home - early diagnosis of intestinal obstruction saves lives.

For convenience, we will arrange the causes of the disease by "popularity":

  • Physical blockage of the intestines - the cat eats a stone, a film, a piece of synthetic fabric, adored by all cats, New Year's tinsel and other items that are not broken down by stomach acid. After entering the intestines, the "funk" folds into a tight lump and blocks the opening of the intestine.
  • Tumors, hematomas, edema of the intestines or other organs - physical pressure is exerted on the intestinal section.
  • Hernia, the formation of windows with the subsequent penetration of one intestine into another, physiological disorders of the formation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Lack of intestinal peristalsis or excessive spasmodic activity.
  • Complete intestinal obstruction- the intestine is completely blocked or pinched, feces, liquid and gases cannot pass through it. An extremely dangerous condition, which is always accompanied by a violation of the blood supply, as a result of necrosis, toxicity and an increase in physical pressure on the internal organs. Without proper assistance, most often, surgery, toxins and necrosis are fatal.
  • Partial intestinal obstruction in cats- in the intestine there is a "clearance" that allows you to remove part of the gases and liquids. A condition that leads to the active death of beneficial intestinal microflora and its replacement by colonies of putrefactive bacteria.

Read also: The cat's skin is flaky: a table of symptoms and treatments

The next criterion that affects the clinical picture is the position of the blockage in relation to the stomach. There are high, medium and low - the closer to the stomach the intestines are clogged, the more difficult the condition and the more serious the struggle for life. Returning to the "sheep", more precisely, constipation - chronic intestinal obstruction in cats is accompanied by regular problems with bowel movements, flatulence, and an unpleasant smell from the mouth. Finding the root causes of chronic obstruction is difficult, sometimes impossible, for this reason, treatment is carried out symptomatically with constant adjustment.

Diagnosis of intestinal obstruction at home

Considering that the clinical examination includes an X-ray, on which the area and degree of blockage is visible visually, your "master's" task is to distinguish and correctly compare the first signs of the disease:

  • Poor appetite and complete disregard for food, after a few hours - refusal of water.
  • Unsuccessful attempts to go to the toilet, while the cat meows, "grunts", moans. Nausea, .
  • Visually noticeable, pain on palpation.

We noticed this - we are getting ready and going to the veterinary clinic, on the way we remember: what the pet ate for the last day, how he behaved, whether he showed interest in eating inedible things, when they “chased” the worms, in what sequence the symptoms appeared.

The presence of the following symptoms against the background of swelling indicates an acute condition and requires immediate surgery:

  • Vomiting of feces We don't give antiemetics.
  • Dehydration- do not prick saline, it lowers the temperature. To replenish the supply of fluid and partially remove toxicity, from the "handy", Ringer's solution is suitable.
  • Drop in core body temperature below 37°- wrap the animal in a sweater or blanket, apply a heating pad.

Read also: Hookworm in cats: signs, diagnosis, treatment

Important! The appearance of an extensive hematoma or bruise on the side - signals a rupture of the intestine and the ingress of feces into the body cavity, may be accompanied by extensive internal bleeding. Time goes by minutes! Either the veterinarian will open the animal and repair the lesion, or the cat will die.

Treatment of intestinal obstruction

Optimally, deliver the animal to the veterinary clinic immediately after refusing to eat. Even if it is not an intestinal obstruction, the veterinarian will have a small margin of time for a more accurate diagnosis. If the doctor suggests obstruction after palpation, the cat will be prescribed:

  • Analysis of blood and urine, to determine the degree of damage and toxicity.
  • X-ray with contrast agent. The drug is administered orally, for a clearer display of obstruction in the picture.
  • Depending on the clinical picture, an operation is performed, if time permits, the animal is placed on a drip and an attempt is made to physically wash the intestines.

It should be noted that surgery is necessary if the intestine is clogged with insoluble substances, for example, a lump of cellophane or the condition of the animal is critical. During the operation, a fragment of the intestine is often removed, the walls of which were irrevocably affected, in other words, rotted. In other cases, the veterinarian will recommend "fighting" the disease on an outpatient basis - to treat at home with a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Important! Until the final diagnosis is made, the cat should not be given laxatives! If the cause of the blockage is a foreign body, spasms can cause the intestine to rupture. Never give a cat laxative without consulting a doctor, many human drugs are toxic to animals!

Intestinal blockage occurs due to foreign bodies entering the lumen, the development of tumors, in the presence of volvulus or invagination of the intestine.

Intestinal obstruction in cats can lead to very dangerous consequences.

Blockage provokes paralysis of the intestine or the entire intestine. It leads to a serious pathology - complete or partial obstruction.

Late diagnosis and assistance ends in death for an animal for a maximum of a week, depending on the severity.

Intestinal obstruction in the picture.

The blocking mechanism is as follows:

  1. Juice is produced in the stomach and intestines of the animal, regardless of whether food is received or not.
  2. The cat's intestines are moving all the time, the intestines are involved in pushing the contents to the exit from the body in a natural way, that is, to the anus.
  3. In the course of movement, the juices saturated with useful substances are absorbed into the walls of the intestine. So there is a continuous cycle of food juices.

Severe vomiting is a consequence of intestinal obstruction in cats.

If an obstruction occurs, this process is disrupted, causing stagnant fluid processes inside, which leads to to violent vomiting .

Establishing diagnosis

At home, it is almost impossible to independently determine obstruction.

Unless the owner noticed the eating of a dangerous object, and he connected subsequent changes in the cat's behavior with this fact. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion, you should immediately contact the clinic.

It is almost impossible to determine intestinal obstruction on your own, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Research is carried out as follows:

  • anamnesis;
  • visual inspection;
  • and blood;
  • radiography;
  • laparotomy.

The doctor determines the cause, usually based on visual inspection of the animal and based on the information received.

Despite the fact that this is an almost full-fledged operation, such a method is justified, since, if suspicions are confirmed, the doctor will be able to help immediately, without wasting time and thereby saving the cat's life.

Clinical signs and symptoms

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are mild, especially at an early stage, but there are signs that are unique to this pathology:

The first alarming symptom is a decrease, and then a complete lack of appetite.


Help and treatment

The first thing the owner can do before the arrival of the doctor is not to give the animal food and water. This is a categorical condition for effective treatment.

Food and water in such a state will not be able to benefit, but will only make it worse, cause more severe vomiting,. Under no circumstances should you give an enema.

With intestinal obstruction, it is strictly forbidden to give a cat an enema!

Laparotomy and sections of the intestine

Before the laparotomy, it is impossible to say exactly where the stagnant process is - in the thin or in the thick section.

If stagnation in the thin section - water pressure can provoke a rupture of the intestinal wall and lead to to the instant death of the cat . Laxatives also banned, for the same reasons as . Antiemetics will only remove the symptom, but will not improve the general state of affairs. If the pet has swallowed a dangerous object, and vomiting has not yet begun, it is recommended to give mashed potatoes in large quantities.

Laxatives are also contraindicated!

In most cases, real and effective help with such a pathology consists in performing a laparotomy and subsequent proper care in the postoperative period.

After operation

After operation it is not allowed to feed the pet for two days. It is permissible to give water after twenty-four hours.

In the article I will talk about intestinal obstruction in cats and kittens. I will list the reasons for the development of such a state. I will describe the symptoms by which obstruction can be recognized, and also give methods of treatment and prevention of the disease.

Intestinal obstruction is sometimes referred to as intussusception. This is a dangerous condition, which often ends in death if measures are not taken in time. The problem occurs both in small kittens and in adult animals.

The risk group includes active cats who like to play with small objects.

This also includes pets that have neoplasms in the intestines or congenital anomalies, such as diverticulum.

Here are the main causes of the development of the disease in a cat:

There are many reasons for the development of obstruction, this condition requires the immediate intervention of a surgeon, otherwise the animal may die within 1-2 days.

Symptoms of volvulus in cats

In the beginning, a cat with volvulus becomes lethargic and lethargic. Then the animal begins to vomit, sometimes with undigested food (and in general with all the contents of the stomach).

After that, the condition of the pet is aggravated. The abdomen increases in size, hardens, becomes painful. Another striking symptom is the complete absence of stool, but this can also indicate constipation.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you notice signs of blockage in your pet, take him to the doctor immediately. The veterinarian will examine the cat, feel the stomach.

Often, if an obstruction is suspected, an x-ray is prescribed using a contrast agent (barium sulfate).

This procedure in some cases helps to detect the presence of a foreign body, but not all objects are visible on the x-ray.

In addition to this examination, blood tests are prescribed in order to assess the general condition of the internal organs and identify concomitant diseases.

If none of the studies yielded a result, a laparotomy (an incision in the abdominal wall) is performed, during which surgeons examine the intestines for obstruction and eliminate it.

Also, the treatment is as follows:

  1. The introduction of nutrient solutions intravenously (with severe intoxication or lack of appetite).
  2. Painkillers and medicines that relieve inflammation.
  3. (if necessary).
  4. Infusion into the mouth.
  5. Eliminate the cause of the blockage surgically if taking the oil did not bring the desired result.

In most cases, bowel obstruction is treated with surgery. After it is done, the pet needs special care.

Sick cat care

If the cat has undergone surgery, during the first day she is not given food. Water is given 12 hours after surgery.

Stitches should be checked regularly and treated with chlorhexidine if they are inflamed. If the incision site is dry, no action is required.

They start feeding the pet in a day, it is better to purchase a ready-made veterinary diet in the form of pastes (Royal Canin Gasrto Intestinal, Hills I / D, etc.). Cat food is given in very small portions, but often every 2-3 hours. The animal is transferred to the usual diet no earlier than 2 weeks after the treatment. After surgery, further treatment can be done at home.

Disease prevention at home

Prevention of atony is as follows:

  • Control the amount of liquid drunk by the cat (normally, the animal should drink 30-40 ml per kg of weight).
  • Do not allow your pet to play with small objects, and even more so with New Year's rain.
  • During the molting period, comb the animal more often, especially for fluffy cats.

Intestinal obstruction is a condition that requires immediate intervention. A complete blockage can be fatal in as little as 1-2 days, so the first symptoms should be taken to the veterinarian.

Gastrointestinal (GI) tract or bowel obstruction is common in cats and other small pets. All types of domestic animals are susceptible to pathology, regardless of breed and age. It has been noticed that cases of obstruction become more frequent during the New Year holidays and are associated with eating Christmas tree “rain” and tinsel. Young animals are more prone to eating inedible objects.

Within the framework of this article, we will consider the main symptoms that the owner should pay attention to, the general strategy for diagnosing and treating intestinal obstruction in cats, and preventive measures.

Definition and classification of intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction (ileus), is a group of non-infectious (non-contagious) diseases characterized by impaired passage of the contents of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibition of intestinal motility (atony) and general intoxication of the body.

Based on the causes of ileus, as well as its pathogenesis, a classification of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract has been developed:

1. Mechanical obstruction. It occurs when foreign objects enter the digestive tract, large particles of food (especially often in kittens), bones, helminths (worms), as well as the formation of intestinal bezoars (“stones”). Most often, in veterinary practice, cats are faced with trichobezoars, which are dense, mixed with feces. Trichobezoar disease is most relevant for, especially those who have a disturbed mechanism for regurgitation of wool after licking.
The group of mechanical intestinal obstruction in cats includes the entry into the gastrointestinal tract of objects that do not block the intestinal lumen, but can seriously affect its motility and cause atony. For example, New Year's "rain", tinsel, thread, fishing line. Also, this should include piercing and cutting objects that do not clog the intestinal lumen, but can injure the wall of the digestive tract up to its perforation. These are knives (or parts thereof), blades, needles, glass fragments, metal braid, etc.

2. Dynamic obstruction associated with impaired intestinal motility and is divided into two groups.

A) Intestinal obstruction caused by increased motility. The reason is a violation of the rhythm of bowel contractions, which predisposes to the development of intussusception - getting "gut to gut", which, in turn, leads to intestinal obstruction. Prolonged diarrhea predisposes to the development of intussusception; violation of the innervation of the intestine due, for example, to trauma or congenital defects of the central nervous system, especially in thoroughbred animals; infectious diseases, for example, feline viral peritonitis, viral gastroenteritis; poisoning with certain poisons, etc.

B) Intestinal obstruction caused by slow motility or atony. There are many reasons for the occurrence of intestinal atony. It is important that in this case there is a slowdown in the passage of chyme and feces in the intestine, their compaction and the development of coprostasis. At the same time, toxic products of decay are actively absorbed into the blood, aggravating atony and intoxication of the cat's body.

The given classification illustrates the polyetiology of obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, the disease is caused by many reasons. But, despite this, the clinical signs are generally the same. Consider the first and most typical symptoms of intestinal obstruction in cats. Let us dwell in more detail on those that the owner of the cat can observe and suspect the disease in time.

Clinical signs of intestinal obstruction in cats

Vomit It always manifests itself and is one of the first symptoms of dysfunction of the digestive system, including those associated with intestinal obstruction in cats.
As a rule, a symptom is noticed immediately after taking food or water, and also after a while - from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Vomiting unrelated to food intake is possible. Its frequency may vary depending on the type of obstruction, the nature of the foreign body, and other factors.
is a protective mechanism and is aimed at removing a foreign body from the body. At the beginning of the disease, it is reflex (response to irritation of the gastric mucosa), later, with prolonged atony of the gastrointestinal tract, it is a consequence of developing intoxication.
In any case, vomiting is an important symptom of digestive dysfunction, and the more information about it the owner of the cat provides during the collection of anamnesis (information about the disease), the faster and more accurate the diagnosis will be.
What do you need to pay attention to?
Firstly when the symptom occurs: immediately after a meal or after a while, or regardless of the meal.
Secondly, - what is its multiplicity: several times a day, every hour, etc. What is the content, is there an admixture of blood.
Here are just a few sample points that the owner needs to pay attention to.
However, it is important to remember that vomiting is only a symptom that can be a manifestation of many diseases, including infectious nature, and therefore is not a specific sign of intestinal obstruction in cats.

Chair. Information about defecation in the diagnosis of obstruction is of great importance. At the beginning of the disease, the cat may have loose stools. This, like vomiting, is a compensatory mechanism aimed at removing a foreign body from the body. In the future, due to the development of intestinal atony, defecation stops. It is also worth paying attention to the feces: its consistency, color, smell, the presence of blood.

Photo 1. Plain radiograph of a 1-year-old mongrel cat with suspected gastrointestinal obstruction. Anterior (a) and lateral (b) projections. Radiography ruled out the presence of radiopaque objects (metal, dense plastic, dense rubber, bones). There are indirect signs of atony of the digestive tract: accumulation of gases in the stomach (1), small intestine (2) and large intestine (3). With such a picture, an x-ray with a contrast agent is shown.

Appetite in intestinal obstruction in cats depends on its origin. In case of blockage of the intestinal lumen by a foreign body or dynamic obstruction, it usually decreases until the animal completely refuses to eat, including treats. With partial preservation of patency or the presence of a foreign body in the stomach, appetite may persist and only slightly decrease, however, some time after eating, vomiting occurs.

General state also depends on the nature of the ileus. With complete intestinal obstruction, the cat is depressed, lethargic, apathetic. And the longer the disease lasts, the more severe the condition becomes. With partial patency of the gastrointestinal tract, changes from minor to moderate are possible. In any case, a change in general condition should be the reason for a visit to the doctor.

Separately, it should be noted signs of blockage in the esophagus: anxiety, attempts to swallow, salivation, obstruction of food and water, vomiting.

Blockage of the esophagus requires emergency medical attention!

The above lists only the earliest and most characteristic symptoms that a cat owner may pay attention to. We will dwell on some of the main points of the clinical diagnosis of intestinal obstruction in cats in more detail.

A strategy for diagnosing intestinal obstruction in cats

Since the clinical signs of the disease are nonspecific, additional research methods play a decisive role in the diagnosis: radiography, ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) and diagnostic laparotomy. The preferred diagnostic method is chosen by the attending physician!

Radiography allows you to immediately identify the so-called radiopaque objects. These include the following materials: metal, dense plastic, dense rubber. Materials whose density is comparable to that of soft tissues are not visible in the image (see Photo 1).
To identify such objects, a contrast x-ray examination is performed (see Photo 2). To do this, a radiopaque substance is given into the mouth of the animal, which allows visualization of the gastrointestinal tract, and also makes it possible to assess the dynamics of the digestive tract by a series of x-rays. Thus, the doctor receives information about the configuration of the esophagus, stomach, intestines and the time of passage of the contents through these departments. In case of deviation from the norm, a diagnosis is made (see Photo 3).

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) it is also possible to assess the dynamics of the gastrointestinal tract, to identify the site of invagination, and in some cases the foreign bodies themselves.
Quite often, one has to deal with situations in which neither clinical examination (examination, palpation, auscultation), nor additional methods give a clear picture sufficient for making a diagnosis. At the same time, atypical symptoms persist or the cat, despite the ongoing symptomatic treatment, does not show positive dynamics. This picture is typical for partial obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract or the presence in the cat's digestive tract of an object that does not affect patency, as well as the presence of a foreign body in the stomach.

In such cases, the only way to establish the truth is diagnostic laparotomy, which consists in opening the abdominal cavity (under general anesthesia) and visual examination of the abdominal wall and abdominal organs, mainly the digestive tract. If a foreign body or invagination site is found, appropriate surgical treatment is performed.

Photo 2. Radiograph of the cat from Photo 1, lateral view, 5 minutes after administration of the contrast medium. In the picture, the contrast is in the pyloric part (at the bottom) of the stomach (1). Thus, it was established that the patency of the esophagus was not impaired. However, the presence of traces of a contrast agent in the region of the esophagus (2) suggests the presence of a foreign object that does not interfere with the patency. Normally, there should be no traces of contrast agent in the esophagus.

Photo 3. Radiograph of a cat (Photo 1 and Photo 2), lateral view, 4 hours after administration of the contrast medium. Normally, during this time, the cat's entire mass of the substance should pass into the large intestine. On the picture, the contrast is still present in the stomach (1), a small amount of it in the small intestine (2). These are clear signs of atony of the digestive tract, in this case caused by the presence of a foreign body: threads. Upon closer examination of the image, one can see the thread in the esophagus, “stained” with contrast (3).

Briefly about the treatment

The choice of treatment method for a cat depends entirely on the specific clinical situation. In some cases, it is possible to do without surgical intervention, with the help of vaseline oil. It should be clarified that this method, often used by owners before contacting a doctor, is applicable only in case of swallowing objects that do not have sharp edges and do not seriously affect the motility of the digestive tract, since vaseline oil does not stimulate intestinal motility, but only “lubricates” its walls and facilitates the passage of a foreign object. In the case of the development of atony of the gastrointestinal tract and, consequently, the appearance of clinical symptoms, taking vaseline oil without a doctor's prescription can make it difficult to diagnose the disease.
Surgical treatment consists in removing foreign bodies in an operative way (see Photo 4). Intussusceptions are corrected, if there are signs of necrosis (death) of the intestine, the affected area of ​​the intestine is removed (intestinal resection) and anastomosis is formed. Resection is also necessary for intestinal necrosis due to a long stay of a foreign object in it. Therefore, the earlier medical care is provided to the animal, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease!

Photo 4. Extracted from the gastrointestinal tract of a cat (Photo 1-3) thread. Its length was about 40-50 cm

Prevention measures

First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the reach of objects that the animal can swallow, especially if your pet has already been seen trying to eat inedible objects.

Avoid toys that have separate parts that the animal can chew on. Do not allow to play with shoes and clothes - there is a risk of swallowing buttons, laces and other parts.

During the New Year holidays, refrain from decorating the festive spruce and house with “rain” and tinsel.

To prevent dynamic obstruction, follow the diet and feeding regimen of your pet. Do not allow overeating, remember that cats are predators for which hunger is a normal physiological state. You can always get more detailed advice on feeding your pet by contacting a doctor.

Cats, especially pedigree ones, are recommended to conduct an annual medical examination using additional research methods (blood biochemistry, general clinical blood test, plain radiography, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, analysis for chronic infections, etc.). Animals with identified congenital or chronic diseases undergo clinical examination once every 6 months. In this case, it is carried out by the attending physician.

Be careful, observe the behavior of your pet, if the condition deviates from the norm, immediately consult a doctor, do not wait until it “passes by itself”. Timely seeking veterinary care significantly increases the chances of recovery and reduces the risk of complications to a minimum.

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