Types and methods of massage. Acupressure in the treatment of cough in a child. Hygiene massage technique

Massage is a way of healing the body by methods of physical and reflex influence, known for a very long time - the famous Greek scientist and doctor Hippocrates wrote about it. The name of this procedure, which comes from the French word massage - “rubbing” - fully reveals its essence, which consists in pressing, rubbing, vibrations carried out on different parts of the human body as with bare hands, and special devices. Over several millennia of its existence, massage has become a real art, with which you can solve cosmetic, medical and psychological problems without poisoning the body medicines. Consider what types of massage are. Below you will find a list of types of massage with their description.

Classic: technique

Some types of massages are so similar that they can only be distinguished by description. And yet there is a classification according to which they are divided based on the ultimate goals.

Classic - the most popular and versatile variety used to treat acute and chronic diseases different nature:

  • pain;
  • adhesions;
  • dysfunctions and disorders of the sexual sphere in both men and women;
  • swelling;
  • joint problems;
  • diseases of the muscular system.


On the video you can see how a classic massage is performed:

Classical massage is one of the most ancient types of manual influence on the body, which has become the basis for many other variations. During it, the masseur uses the techniques of kneading, squeezing, stroking, vibration and rubbing. The main criterion is the comfort of the patient and his general condition. Focusing on these indicators, the specialist determines optimal duration procedures and strength of impacts (shock, deep and medium deep). But there are rules that are mandatory for everyone:

  1. classic - always begins with soft and relaxing techniques, then medium-intensity effects and percussion should follow;
  2. the procedure should begin with large parts of the body, gradually moving to the limbs;
  3. important - the movements of the hands of a specialist are made only towards the lymph nodes;
  4. the first to be massaged is the collar zone, from which the masseur descends below.

During classical massage, if necessary, can be used additional funds: cream, mass, cosmetic tiles. They must be selected according to possible allergies patient on the components included in their composition. This type is easy to learn: just take a couple of consultations from a professional, and you can delight your household with a pleasant relaxing procedure. Follow the link for information.

Therapeutic: problem areas and the whole body

aim therapeutic massage is not only general strengthening body of the patient and the harmonization of his state of mind, but also the treatment of certain diseases. It is best when it is prescribed by a doctor - only a doctor will be able to objectively assess the patient's condition and choose the right treatment tactics: the frequency of procedures, the area of ​​​​impact. There are a lot of indications for therapeutic massage: it is various injuries diseases of internal organs, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, headaches, osteochondrosis.

In combination with other measures, it helps well with arthritis, after past heart attacks and strokes, with radiculitis and paralysis. There are also contraindications. Before referring the patient to a massage therapist, the doctor must make sure that he does not suffer from such ailments:

  • inflammatory process accompanied by temperature;
  • acute cardiovascular failure;
  • poisoning;
  • allergy in the acute stage;
  • hypertensive or hypotensive crisis;
  • internal or external bleeding;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • inflamed lymph nodes;
  • benign and malignant tumors before treatment;
  • aneurysms;
  • mental illness complicated by the increased excitability of the patient;
  • purulent, inflammatory, fungal and other skin diseases.

Most of the list of contraindications is temporary - after their localization or complete elimination, you can return to the treatment.

The video tells about therapeutic massage and its types:

There are a lot of types of therapeutic massage: according to the area of ​​influence, it is classified into massage of the head, feet, back, collar zone, etc., and according to the techniques used - into acupressure, reflex, connective tissue, periosteal, hardware. Separately, one can distinguish visceral massage belly, which is described.

Classification of relaxing: a list of what types are

The purpose of this type of healing manual effect on the body is indicated by its name. Relaxing massage is shown to absolutely everyone, especially residents of megacities. It gives the patient the feeling full recovery, rush of strength, take off stressful conditions relieves depression; normalizes sleep, returns a feeling of fullness of life.

Just like all other varieties, relaxing massage has overall impact on the body: removes muscle tension, normalizes arterial pressure, blood circulation and lymph circulation, reduces swelling, prevents varicose disease veins. Relaxing massage can be carried out both on the entire surface of the body, and on its individual parts: back, head, limbs. In addition, experts talk about a big one. The atmosphere should be appropriate: subdued light, pleasant relaxing music, aromas essential oils contribute to the removal psychological stress at the patient.

On the video - relaxing massage:

The following types of relaxing massage are popular:

Tibetan with an incredible relaxing effect

An ancient anti-stress technique, which in its homeland was called Ku Nye. In translation, it means "massage with the use of oils." During each session, the master applies individually selected oil to the entire surface of the massaged body, including the head, and carefully works out each part of it. At the end of the procedure, he warms the areas where the joints are located with his palms - this helps the nutrients contained in the oil to penetrate deeper into the pores.


His homeland is Spain, and the peculiarity is that there is no clear system in chiromassage. During each session, the specialist can apply different techniques and work on different parts of the body, experimenting and being creative. This has a positive effect on nervous system patient and acts as an additional relaxing factor.

stone therapy

A new-fangled type of massage, the therapeutic and relaxing effect of which lies in the impact on energy points. This is done with the help of heated and cold stones: such a contrast contributes to the hardening of blood vessels due to their sequential expansion and narrowing. Stone therapy uses minerals that conduct heat and cold well: marble and basalt rocks.

Thai relaxing

It is based on the theory of energy lines and acupuncture points located on them. During the procedure, the massage therapist acts on these points, using mainly pressure, and does this not only with his hands, but also with his knees, elbows, backs of the hands, forearms, and in some varieties the whole body.

Thai: faces, heads, traditional

Thai massage is a whole direction, which includes several varieties. In addition to the relaxing effect, it helps to restore the musculoskeletal system, removes toxins, improves immunity, strengthens muscles, and heals internal organs. With fingertips, an experienced master detects areas with elevated temperature- these are the energy points - and presses on them. The session, as a rule, lasts a long time, up to 2.5 hours, and during it the masseur painlessly and gently stretches the spine, twists and straightens the joints. Determining the duration of the procedure, the master focuses on the state of his client.

On the video - views Thai massage:

Thai massage is of the following types:

  • Traditional: before the session, the professional determines which muscle groups are especially clamped, and works mainly on them. To achieve the result, among others, yoga massage techniques are used: the master twists and stretches the body. The session is carried out on a special mat, and the patient is offered to dress in loose, non-restricting clothing: shorts and a T-shirt.

Thai massage techniques

  • Head and neck massage has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, makes it tender, eliminates dark circles and bags under the eyes. It has a pronounced therapeutic and relaxing effect, since the head and shoulder girdle are places where tension accumulates. Head massage helps to normalize sleep, relieves back pain, improves posture.
  • Foot massage involves kneading, pressing and rubbing the legs from the feet to the knees. The procedure is carried out both by the hands of the master and by special sticks, with which he presses on the energy points. At first, this technique may cause pain, but the result is sure to please: you will feel the release of tension, a feeling of lightness in the legs.
  • For weight loss- begins with a quick warm-up of the body with special creams and energetic movements of the masseur's hands. After that, the master proceeds to tingling, which helps to split body fat, restore body harmony and get rid of cellulite.
  • Oil- may seem the most shocking - the most relaxing of all types of Thai massage. During it, it is forbidden to use stretching and twisting techniques, the impact is limited only to kneading and stroking. The relaxing effect is facilitated by the aroma of oil, abundantly applied to the body - before the session, the client himself chooses it from the many offered.
  • Massage with herbal bagslovely way body recovery. It is carried out filled medicinal herbs linen bags. Herbs and flowers are pre-steamed to a temperature that is pleasant for the client.

Cosmetic (carried out in cosmetology) female and male

Massage in cosmetology preserves youth and beauty, eliminates skin imperfections. Each of its varieties gives an incredible effect - it helps to get rid of flabbiness, a double chin, restore the contour of the face, restore muscle tone. With regular cosmetic massage, the skin becomes smooth and healthy. Depending on the needs of the patient, the cosmetologist can offer him one of the following procedures.

  1. Classical consists of stroking and rubbing, which are carried out on top of massage cream and oil.
  2. Myostimulating(plastic) involves a deeply penetrating mechanical effect on the muscles of the face; recommended after 35 years.
  3. Jacques massage(plucked) includes plucking with vibration. It is carried out on talc, without the use of cream and oil. This is a therapeutic massage that eliminates acne, seborrhea, post-acne, comedones. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.
  4. Sculptural: regular sessions can replace the famous beauty injections, eliminating age-related imperfections and restoring youthful relief to the face.
  5. Lymphatic drainage massage is to stimulate lymph flow in order to normalize the outflow of lymph and its circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis. Shown after plastic surgery. The link is described. It is important to know that lymphatic drainage massage contraindications and they are described in this.
  6. Lifting massage tightens the skin without surgical intervention, relieves deep wrinkles, normalizes the work sebaceous glands, removes the keratinized layer of the skin, makes it elastic.

Also effective impact on the skin of the face provides acupressure, which can be found on.

On the video - cosmetic massage:

Contraindications for cosmetic massage are inflammation facial nerve, various skin lesions, rosacea, excessive facial hair, neoplasms, fungus.


Compared to classical massage, hardware massage has certain advantages. This is an enhanced deep effect on the muscles, which cannot be achieved with manual techniques. The result comes much earlier and has more pronounced effect. The most popular types of massage are:

  • vibration massage: consists in irritation of receptors located in the muscles and on the surface of the skin;
  • hydromassage: consists of a complex effect on the patient's body of water and air;
  • vacuum: built on the principle of alternately increasing and decreasing air pressure in the area being massaged.

Any of the above procedures double effect: heals internal organs and strengthens skin tone, and also eliminates cellulite and excess weight.

On the video - hardware massage:

Unusual types of massage and their implementation

In addition to classical, cosmetic and hardware, modern massage parlors offer many new exotic types of massage, which not only give physical and psychological recovery, but allow the client to get in touch with the culture of any other countries.

  • lomi lomi came to us from the Hawaiian Islands. Just like during a Thai massage, the master during the session can use the palms, elbows, forearms, phalanges of the fingers.
  • Turkish with the use of soap foam: a pleasant rejuvenating treatment, including hammam, soap massage and peeling of the whole body.
  • Shirodhara- an Indian ritual performed simultaneously by two masters. During it, the master pours heated oil from a special vessel onto the area of ​​the third eye (center of the forehead).
  • Esalen massage is a complex system that combines the principles of Gestalt therapy, fitness, reflex and swedish massage and deep breathing techniques.
  • Reiki- a procedure in which the massage therapist acts on the acupuncture points of the body by pressing. Helps to get rid of negative energy.

On the video - massage Lomi-lomi:

For women

Peculiarities female body and occasional problems arising in connection with this require special approach. sedentary and sedentary image life leads to circulatory disorders in the pelvic area, where female organs: uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes. The result is inflammatory and stagnant processes, muscle weakness and, as a result, gynecological diseases. IN medical complex the doctor may include a gynecological massage, which helps to normalize the lymph flow and restore lost muscle tone.

On the video - massage of the female body:

The session is carried out in a gynecological chair or on a massage table, where the patient is located as for a regular examination or in a knee-elbow position. The first session lasts no more than three minutes, during which the doctor teaches the woman to breathe and relax properly. Gynecological massage- a very gentle therapy that helps to get rid of many diseases of the female genital area, including infertility.

For men

The negative factors of modern life have a negative impact on men's health. Most often representatives strong half mankind suffer from diseases prostate and their consequences:

  • infertility;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • the risk of prostate cancer;
  • problems with urination;
  • irritability, anger;
  • cysts.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases of the prostate gland special massage performed by a urologist. The number of sessions reaches 15, and their duration is 1-2 minutes.

Children's: description and why you need it

This is the name of massages aimed at solving problems that arise in children aged 0 to 3 years. Parents can also do them, but it is still better to entrust the procedure to a specialist. Sessions help:

  1. get rid of colic;
  2. strengthen immunity;
  3. prevent the development of rickets;
  4. improve blood circulation;
  5. relieve muscle tone;
  6. normalize the state of the nervous system;
  7. solve congenital orthopedic problems: hip dislocation, torticollis, X- and O-shaped deformations legs, etc.

The main technique used in infant massage is stroking, after a year you can use patting, vibration and rubbing.

On the video - children's massage:

For weight loss: anti-cellulite

Recently, honey massage has gained great popularity. can be viewed at the link. The technique of its implementation is so simple that you can do it yourself: take a small amount (about two tablespoons) of honey in your hands, hold it for a while to warm it up, and then apply it on problem areas of the body: thighs, stomach, buttocks, shoulders. Massage the skin with soft, smooth movements until the honey begins to thicken. After that, start applying your palms to the body and unstick them. jerky movements. At the end of the procedure, you can wrap the affected areas with cling film and lie down for 40-60 minutes - this will enhance the effect. However, some people are afraid.

Massage is a way to maintain health without drugs and surgery. It improves the emotional state and restores after hard work, nervous shocks, injuries, past illnesses. Ideally, each person should receive massage sessions at least twice a year - this will help normalize the energy flow, get rid of tension and tightness, improve immunity, and restore feelings of happiness and harmony.

Hello, dear friends, you are on the site site. Enjoy reading! Massage is a system of dosed methods of mechanical action on the skin and tissues of the human body. Massage is performed both by human hands and using special devices using water, air or other medium.

Depending on the tasks facing this procedure, there are types of massage. The main ones are: medical, hygienic, sports. In this article, we will talk about therapeutic massage and its features.

Types of therapeutic massage differ depending on its functional orientation. This massage is used in various areas medicine, especially during rehabilitation period and in sanatorium treatment. In combination with medicines, physical therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures, therapeutic massage achieves excellent therapeutic results.

Therapeutic massage is practiced for disorders of the nervous and of cardio-vascular system, problems with the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, respiratory diseases, problems with digestive system. Massage is used in such areas of medicine as gynecology and dentistry.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of therapeutic massage:

1. Classic. It is performed without reflex action. Massage is carried out directly on the damaged area or near it.

2. Segmental reflex. The purpose of this type of massage is a reflex effect on the state of tissues and internal systems and organs of a person. Perform this massage by acting on certain areas - dermatomes.

3. Connective tissue. Its impact is aimed at subcutaneous tissue human tissue and connective tissue.

4. Periosteal. It is aimed at impacting points in a certain sequence, causing a reflex change in the periosteum.

5. Spot. A method of relaxing and stimulating effects on biologically active points.

6. Hardware. Provides for the use of special equipment during the procedure.

Therapeutic massage should be done by people with an average medical education and past special training. Each disease provides for a certain specific massage technique, in case of an incorrectly chosen scheme, massage can not only not help, but also worsen the patient's condition. Massage is contraindicated in certain types of diseases and this should be taken into account when prescribing it.

Body massage - very effective and useful procedure, which there are many ways to do. Depending on the methodology, equipment used and methods of exposure, the main types of massage can be classified. Detailed description Information about each of them is provided below.

Classical massage technique

The main variety includes the so-called. This is a consistent study of all muscle groups in the body, as in a general massage.

Approximate execution algorithm:


Physical exercises, especially at a professional level, cannot be imagined without massage techniques.

Sports massage can affect the whole body, as well as be performed on a separate part of it.

Depending on the methods of influence, there are the following categories.

What is sports massage?

  1. preliminary procedure Designed to actively warm up the muscles of the body before training. Depending on the task, one of the methods is used. First of all, these are warm-up manipulations that are needed to treat muscles before exercise. Warming massage is used if there is a need to stretch the muscles with thermal methods before the competition.
  2. Training Procedure carried out after certain physical exertion, we can say during training. This helps to distribute the load and avoid overstrain and injury to the muscles.
  3. Restorative massage performed after the competition. These manipulations are necessary so that the muscles cool down more slowly and do not cause discomfort. Properly performed massage contributes to the promotion of success among athletes, because the body will respond much better to further stress after such a rest.

Moreover, this is not just a course of procedures, but complex impact several specialists at once. If necessary, orthopedic control, laboratory and x-ray studies recovery dynamics.

Oriental techniques

The listed types of manipulations can be attributed to the European school of massage. The impact occurs by tactile methods, without the involvement of additional devices (except for hardware and combined massage). The set of movements is also a little limited, because four types of manipulations are mainly used.

However, Eastern school has a completely different approach..

First of all, spiritual communication is carried out, and then physical contact.

For maximum results much more movements are used, and they are not quite traditional, because in addition to hands, pressure can be performed with legs, knees, elbows and even buttocks.

The main types of oriental massage:

  1. dotted(impact is aimed at active energy centers).
  2. Meridional(movements occur in a certain direction - the meridian of the body).
  3. Thai(manual therapy together with the "classics").
  4. Tibetan(a combination of acupressure and classical techniques, there are many varieties)
  5. stoneturapia(manipulations are carried out with special stones).
  6. Hiromassage(pair massage, complex effect).
  7. Contactless(special manual techniques).
  8. Printed(processing takes place by hitting a certain frequency with wooden sticks.
  9. Cryomassage(use ice cubes)

These methods are very diverse and multifaceted. Their use requires a certain preparation, not only physical, but also spiritual.

On video: unusual species massage

There are also many more varieties of oriental procedures that differ not only various methods but also the use of unusual objects and devices.

And get acquainted with the review of Pupa cosmetics, with cosmetics from Lierak.

Massage is always relevant and in demand, because this procedure has a literally magical effect on our body.
In order for such a procedure to be able to solve existing problem, it is necessary to choose the optimal type of massage.
The main classifications and a brief description of the most common methods can be found in the information of our article.

Most people associate massage procedures with pleasant manipulations, which make it possible to relax and relieve tension, both from muscle tissues and from the nervous system.

However, under the single name "massage" is collected great amount various methods of "manual" impact on the patient's body, aimed at improving, cosmetic, hygienic, restorative or healing effect.

But are all types and techniques of massage useful for the body?

Features and types of massage

Massage is one of the most ancient arts of many nations. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine the authorship of therapeutic manipulations with the body.

Currently, doctors use the Eastern massage school, based on the unity of physiological, spiritual and neurogenic processes in human body, and European, which has evidence-based explanations for the therapeutic effect of manual exposure to certain tissues.

Any massage combines mechanical and reflex effects directly on the human body. To achieve a therapeutic effect, pressure, twisting, stroking, vibration or rubbing manipulations with hands or special devices are used. Massage actions can be carried out both in air and in an underwater or other environment.

To enhance the beneficial effect of massage on the body, massage therapists can resort to the use of massage, aromatic and fragrant oils, medicinal ointments and gels, as well as temperature effects.

Depending on the goals, all types of massage are divided into:

  • medical;
  • sports;
  • cosmetic;
  • hygienic;
  • rehabilitation.

Basic manipulations are carried out using manual (manual), pedal (foot), as well as instrumental and hardware methods.

In turn, hardware types of massage can be carried out using:

  • vibration massagers;
  • hydro massagers;
  • baromassagers.

When conducting zonal massage, various effects can be applied:

  • segmental;
  • myofascial;
  • point;
  • connective tissue;
  • microzonal;
  • periosteal.

In addition, in medical practice massage therapists resort to specialized manipulations with a specific focus:

  • resuscitation;
  • dental;
  • urological;
  • speech therapy;
  • gynecological;
  • otolaryngological;
  • dermatological;
  • ophthalmic;
  • visceral.

Given the variety of types and directions of massage, choose best option impact, which will really benefit the body, can only be a competent specialist who has undergone special training.

What are the benefits for the body?

Properly selected massage techniques have a positive physiological and neurogenic effect on the body. During massage sessions, all layers of the skin are worked out, in the form of sweat and sebaceous glands, blood vessels, and muscle tissues. In addition, due to irritation active points massage can have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and internal organs.

Useful properties of massage are expressed:

1. In a multifaceted physiological effect on the skin in the form of:

  • cleansing the epidermis and pores;
  • improvement of the secretory function of the glands;
  • activation of the processes of blood flow and lymph flow;
  • increase in skin-muscle tone;
  • improvements to local metabolic processes.

2. Changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, manifested by:

  • active breakdown of fatty compounds;
  • improvement of fat metabolic processes.

3. Beneficial effect on muscle tissues as:

  • improving muscle elasticity;
  • slowing down the atrophy of muscle tissue;
  • restoration of tone and performance.

4. A significant effect on the joints, which is expressed:

  • improved blood flow in the affected organ;
  • resorption of effusion;
  • strengthening the ligamentous apparatus;
  • withdrawal inflammatory reactions and pain sensations.

In addition, the benefits of massage for the health of the body are expressed positive influence on the nervous system and metabolic processes.

Harm to health?

Despite all positive properties massage, the inept hands of an amateur can cause irreparable harm to health. Ruthless statistics voice frightening data: up to 10% of patients are forced to treat the consequences of massage after unprofessional manipulations.

At first glance, simple massage effects on the skin can significantly harm health. And it's not just bruising and bruising that patients often experience after unprofessional massage sessions. But also damage to nerve, muscle tissues, blood vessels, exacerbations chronic pathologies, pinching nerve endings.

And inept impact on the joints of the spine can generally lead to horrific consequences in the form of disability.

Not a single massage therapist, in order not to harm the patient with his actions, will undertake a massage session:

  • with damage to the skin of the patient;
  • if there is an increase in temperature indicators;
  • with exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • during an acute inflammatory process;
  • with problems with blood vessels;
  • if the patient is intoxicated;
  • for patients with unstable mentality;
  • with blood diseases.

In such cases, the benefits of massage for the body are out of the question. The risks of complications and harm from such a massage negate all its beneficial properties.

For pregnant and lactating mothers

Women during pregnancy are often worried about puffiness, varicose veins veins, stretch marks, back pain, insomnia, irritability, constipation, depression, excess weight. Doctors recommend using massage to solve these issues. But will massage manipulations harm the unborn baby?

If the procedure is carried out an experienced specialist taking into account the specifics of the woman’s condition, massage will only bring health benefits future mother and baby. After all, during a massage session, a significant amount of endorphin is produced, which favorably affects the body.

But it should be borne in mind that the benefits of massage will be only when using soft relaxing techniques that do not cause pain.

Massage is a great alternative drug therapy. Which in some cases for both pregnant and lactating women is the only way addressing treatment issues.

But, the dominant word here is “tenderness”. Any active manipulation skin trigger the release of the hormone oxytocin. And in such cases, it is no longer possible to talk about any benefits of massage.

Oxytocin provokes uterine contractions, which in a pregnant woman can lead to her tone or unwanted termination of pregnancy.

In a lactating woman, oxytocin causes an intense release of milk, which leads to fullness. mammary glands, leakage of milk and even lactostasis.

If the massage is too intense, causing pain, stress hormones are produced, which is also unacceptable for both pregnant and lactating women.

Therefore, so that the massage does not harm the body, it is better to discuss the appropriateness of each type of manipulation with the doctor.

Massage for children

Methods baby massage all parents should own. After all, the benefits of massage for child's body just huge.

Proper manipulations:

  • contribute emotional development crumbs;
  • are the prevention of many childhood diseases;
  • positively affect the functioning of the digestive system;
  • help to cope with the problems of constipation, intestinal colic;
  • relieve excitability;
  • develop motor activity;
  • improve posture.

In addition, massage is an additional way for parents to contact the baby, eliminating psychological barriers.

Thanks to useful properties, therapeutic massage is able to deal with many children's pathologies in the form of:

  • flat feet and scoliosis;
  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • nervous excitement;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • congenital dislocations.

In order not to harm the health of the baby, holding special types massage can only be trusted by a specialized pediatric specialist.

Benefits for weight loss

Massage as a way to lose weight is very popular. Today there are more than 300 species various massages, a third of which is used for body shaping. The widespread opinion that fat deposits are broken down with the help of massage actions is erroneous. The fat-burning effect and the unequivocal benefits of massage for weight loss are explained by the activation of local metabolic processes, in which there is a rush of blood to the tissues, which contributes to an increase in fat consumption.

Also, massage manipulations stimulate the improvement of lymph flow, which restores water balance and eliminates stagnation. interstitial fluid and puffiness. But we should not forget that the benefits of massage for weight loss will be only if you follow the recommendations for proper nutrition and physical activity.

Only a specialized specialist will be able to assess the likelihood of benefit or harm of massage. Therefore, before visiting a massage therapist, consult at least with a therapist or neurologist who can carefully assess the risks and warn about possible consequences.

Massage is one of the most effective practices for healing the body. In addition, humanity does not know a more ancient way to get rid of ailments - thousands of years ago, people healed each other with their hands, controlling energy and influencing problem areas. Today, taking into account the age-old knowledge and development of medicine, the most popular types of massage are distinguished, which, thanks to the same methods of mechanical and reflex effects on tissues and organs, help to solve many health problems. The ELLE review contains the most popular types of massage and the coordinates of the best metropolitan masters.

Balinese massage

Where: Mandara Spa

In Moscow, the master of Mahash Day Spa Violetta is considered such a miracle specialist, whose contacts are passed from mouth to mouth. It is difficult to get to her, but it is possible - the main thing is to have time to make a preliminary appointment.

The main goal, according to Violetta, is to help the vessels disperse the blood - as you know, in pregnant women they are in a state of stress, similar to a spasm. The master suggests starting with the normalization of nutrition - one massage to get rid of swelling and pain in muscles and joints will not be enough. She will tell you in detail about optimal diet- about the benefits of celery and water, and will also tell you when you can eat sweets, if you really want to.

The massage itself is a technique of hemolymphatic drainage and is aimed primarily at removing edema. It is performed with delicate, soft, but deep movements, providing a safe impact. All the wisdom here lies in the hands of the master - only with the help of the right technique, massage for pregnant women will really help improve blood circulation, normalize metabolism and remove excess water from the body. The massage is performed on Elemis "Japanese Camellia" oil, which the master advises to use for home care - it is he who is preferred by a type star who carried all her 4 children and did not earn a single stretch, trusting a miracle remedy.

As a result, the feeling of lightness, pleasant peace and bliss will seem priceless for pregnant women who experience tremendous stress - especially in the last trimester.

Spa pleasure: relaxing massage


Spa in the classical sense is a special atmosphere of bliss and peace, proper relaxation and sensual pleasures that relieve stress, tension and simply give pleasure. There is no place for the discomfort experienced by those who go for a sports or anti-cellulite massage - only peace and pleasure. At first glance, it seems that it is not very difficult - just to give the guest a pleasant experience. However, not all even the most eminent salons and spa centers can create the right atmosphere for a classic spa massage - after all, only real professionals can make you experience a state close to meditative. The most important components of a relaxing massage are the signs of the surroundings - light, aromas, music.

What does a proper relaxing massage look like? One of the best programs presented in the Moscow spa complex SLAVYANKA SPA at the Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel - the anti-stress spa treatment "Fruit Boom" is designed for several hours. Only a long ceremony in luxurious oriental interiors with real spa rituals can bring you out of a state of tension, the professionals of the center rightly believe. Honest 100 minutes of massage (!) plus several hours of related procedures - visits to hamams, baths, spa pools, jacuzzis and relaxation areas.

Of course, despite all the beauty and atmosphere, the virtuoso hands of cosmetologists and masseurs remain the main thing in this process - different kinds massages are done by masters invited from China, and soaring rituals are performed by high-class bath attendants from Europe.

Anti-stress spa care begins with relaxation in the hammam. Next, the heated and prepared skin is cleansed with a pineapple scrub, in parallel, the Lingji and Shiitake hair mask is applied to the hair. After the cosmetologist washes off this composition, a wrapping takes place - the most delicate fragrant mango mask is applied to the body. next and most milestone anti-stress procedure - massage. The master acts on problem areas of the back, neck, arms and legs, alternating several healing techniques: rubbing, pressing, acupressure, pinching and cotton anti-cellulite massage. Here the first discomfort will happen, which, however, is quite justified - this is how stagnant muscles are kneaded. And then - compensation in the form of rubbing the body with Cherry Kiss oil with a soothing and moisturizing effect. Believe me, after this, even eternal skeptics and those who have been living in stress for years plunge into a state of nirvana. At the end of the ritual, when it seems like it couldn't get any better, you will be treated to a fresh smoothie flavored with tropical fruit "Orange Sky". Here it is - the right, real spa ritual!

Reflex-segmental massage

Where: "Beauty Embassy"

Reflex-segmental massage is a classic medical equipment invented by doctors. Its principle is to act on certain parts of the body, which, with the help of nerve endings, are connected with internal organs and spine. His methods are no different from medical massage, however, for greater efficiency, manipulations are performed not only in the problem area, but also in neighboring segments in it. You can get rid of all the functional blocks in the back with the help of such a manual massage in the Beauty Embassy center - here it is carried out according to the author's technique of Sergey Lobanov.

The method is based on a mix of Ayurvedic techniques and classical therapeutic massage techniques. That is, no distracting spa rituals with peelings and body wraps, but an immediate targeted effect on problem areas. Already in the first 15 minutes for a person of average build, such a massage has a more beneficial effect than acupressure and relaxing. The main nuance: this one differs from other health-improving types of massage in that it covers not only the problem area, but the whole body and even the head and collar area- The therapeutic effect is achieved by the principle of synergy. First, the master kneads the body through towels with an emphasis on the zones of clamps and displacements, dispersing the lymph and warming up cold muscles. After intense body work, she does a soothing rubbing with oil, and at the end of the session - vacuum lymphatic drainage to eliminate congestion and improve blood flow. The long-awaited effect - the body in a state of perfect ease of being, without discomfort in the lumbar region and spine, is achieved after the first visit to the masseur. What more could you want from manual therapy?

Anticellulite massage

The leading place in the list of the most popular body care procedures has long been firmly held by anti-cellulite massage. The vast majority of girls face this problem, regardless of age and type of figure, but it is impossible to get rid of it with the help of special creams and scrubs alone - an integrated approach is needed here, which includes salon procedures, proper nutrition and the use of body cosmetics. But even with all these rules, instant effect you should not expect - after the third or fourth procedure, the body will only get used to the effects, and the results can be observed after a course of 10-12 sessions.

Anti-cellulite massage professionals advise you to forget the myth that the procedure must certainly be painful and after it, hematomas most often remain. Yes, during anti-cellulite massage you are unlikely to relax, but the feeling of discomfort occurs only at moments of intense impact on especially problematic areas. As for the bruises after the massage, this is a “marriage” that the specialist allowed, so if in the morning after the massage you find hematomas on your body, then you should think about changing the master.

The modern pace of life full speed and the constant need to resolve issues in multitasking mode contribute to the fact that women are increasingly choosing complex and quick body care procedures, it is desirable that after the massage you can run for manicure, styling and hair removal. Beauty industry professionals quickly picked up the trend and offered their fans salons that provide services in the most convenient and comfortable format. The trio of SlimBar, Dry Bar and Wax&Go mono salons on Bolshaya Dmitrovka boast not only an excellent location, but also an interesting concept, a pleasant atmosphere and a friendly team of professionals. In a studio beautiful body SlimBar offers visitors programs to quickly and effectively achieve the desired shape, so there is no better place to take a course of anti-cellulite massage. One of the features of the studio is that each visitor receives a massage program individually, depending on personal wishes, as well as the condition of the muscles and skin. For example, intensive rubbing techniques are especially suitable for someone, but for someone they will turn out to be harmful, someone will feel the effect of the shock technique, while others will find it useless. So, after talking with the client, the master draws up a unique massage program based on a combination of various massage techniques - classical, Brazilian, French, and so on. It is worth noting that any anti-cellulite massage follows a certain pattern - first, the master activates the lymph flow and stimulates blood circulation, then begins to slowly and smoothly warm up the body, after which it proceeds to more intense rubbing, and then performs elements of lymphatic drainage massage, which in the end will be the main Effect.

Author's lifting massage

Where: Aldo Coppola

In the struggle for an ideal figure, we often neglect one very important option - professional massage techniques that restore skin tone and elasticity, which are primarily lost during sudden weight fluctuations. And here we are talking not so much popular anti-cellulite massage how much about a technique aimed at dispersing stagnant lymph in the body in order to act on subcutaneous fat deposits.

The procedure at the Aldo Coppola Beauty and SPA Center is just such a complex lifting body treatment, aimed at correcting the silhouette, as well as maximizing the restoration of skin firmness and elasticity. The massage lasts for almost an hour and a half in one of the cozy rooms of the salon, immersed in twilight. To the sounds wildlife the master carefully works out every centimeter of the body - cosmetical tools used during the procedure, contribute to deep penetration nutrients, providing an effect light lifting. But the main feature of this technique is vibration and “rolling” movements, due to which the skin is toned (which, in general, is welcome), then one can only dream of zen and relaxation!

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