Contactless massage. Various massage methods against excessive sweating

1. Massage with honey - improves blood circulation in the deep layers of muscles and skin, honey removes toxins. The skin becomes elastic.

2. Clay massage - promotes skin rejuvenation, its renewal. It is believed that clay - an energy substance - can pull a disease out of a person.

3. Cryomassage - Cryomassage- a method of cryotherapy, which consists in a combination of cold exposure to body tissues in combination with massage techniques.

Allocate cryotherapeutic effects:

1) using moderately low temperatures(up to -20°C): ice packs, ice cube massage, ice packs, cold baths, cryopackage packs, cold mud packs, cryoapplications with thermoelectric devices, chlorethyl and alcohol blockades.

2) using extremely low temperatures (from -20°C to -120°C): general cryotherapy in a cryochamber, exposure to a vapor-liquid mixture of nitrogen, CO 2 -aerosol, including effects on biologically active points Chinese meridians (cryopuncture) temperature.

4. Massage using aroma oils

Aromatherapy massage - very effective method improve well-being, as the action essential oils enhances healing properties conventional massage, enriching the manipulations with additional qualities. The components of the essential oils included in the massage mixture penetrate the skin, enter the bloodstream and reach all the cells of the body.

Aroma massage has four advantages over a simple massage- this is the ease and speed of heating tissues; impact on the central nervous; pharmacological enrichment of massage movements; extension of the massage effect for 40-90 minutes.

acupuncture- a direction in traditional Chinese medicine, in which the impact on the body is carried out with special needles through special points on the body by introducing them into these points and manipulating them. It is believed that these points are located on the meridians through which qi ("life energy") circulates. The method is used to relieve pain or for medicinal purposes.

What types of acupuncture exist

Zhen-qiu- thermal effect on acupuncture points, carried out with the help of deep heating ("cauterization") using bio-cigarettes from dried Chinese wormwood.

Electro acupuncture– diagnostics and treatment with measurement of biopotentials of points on the skin surface. Two needles are inserted into the body and a current is passed between them.

Auriculopuncture and auriculopressure- impact on acupuncture points of the ear.

Bounsheitism- using a special tool, the skin is pricked with many needles at the same time, and then this place is lubricated irritant(oils).

Laser acupuncture– impact on acupuncture points without the use of needles using a laser.

Therapeutic mesotherapy, pharmacopuncture, homeosineatria– introduction to acupuncture points medicinal substances. Help relieve pain, improve physical state, reduce or stop taking medications, improve blood circulation, etc.

Acupressure- impact on points with the help of fingers - pressing, stroking. The principle of operation is the same as that of acupuncture, only instead of needles, the thumb or forefinger is used. This technique can be easily applied at home.

Hygienic basics of massage

The room for the massage should be dry, bright (illuminance 75-150 lux), equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, providing 2-3-fold air exchange per hour. It is desirable to have a separate massage room with an area of ​​about 18 m2. It should contain:
- stable, upholstered in leatherette, lined with foam rubber or a layer of sea grass massage couch (if possible with three movable planes and electric heating) 1.85-2 m long, 0.5-0.6 m wide, 0.5-0. .7 m (Fig. 5);
- round rollers, upholstered with leatherette, 0.6 m long, 0.25 m in diameter;
- massage table, upholstered in leatherette, dimensions 0.8 x 0.6 x 0.35 m;
- a cabinet for storing clean sheets, bathrobes, towels, soap, talcum powder, massage devices, devices, solar lamps and other necessary devices used in massage;
- first aid kit, which contains: cotton wool, sterile bandages, alcohol solution iodine, adhesive plaster, boron vaseline, disinfectant ointment, ammonia, camphor-valerian drops, ointments, rubbing, powders, elastic bandage;

Sink with hot and cold water supply. The floor in the office should be wooden, painted or covered with linoleum, the air temperature in it should be from 20 to 22 ° C, relative humidity should not exceed 60%. In the office, it is desirable to have an hourglass or procedure clock, an apparatus for measuring blood pressure, stopwatch, wrist dynamometer, tape recorder.

Rice. 5. Views massage couches: a - an ordinary couch; b - electric heated couch

Massage technique
Massage can be done directly in the affected area or above it with swelling, severe pain, and also symmetrically to the lesion, when direct manipulations in this area are impossible (gypsum, fixing bandage, violation of the integrity of the skin).
The massage procedure, as well as self-massage, consists of three stages: 1) introductory - within 1-3 minutes, the patient is prepared with gentle techniques for the main part of the procedure; 2) the main one - for 5-20 minutes or more, a differentiated targeted massage is used, corresponding to the clinical and physiological characteristics of the disease; 3) final - within 1-3 minutes, the intensity of the special effect is reduced, while all body functions are normalized, breathing exercises, passive movements are carried out, if necessary (in the treatment of neuritis facial nerve, availability plaster cast) apply ideomotor movements with the sending of volitional impulses, articular gymnastics (Fig. 8).
Massage should not cause increased pain. After it, you should expect a feeling of warmth, comfort, relaxation in the massaged area, an improvement in general well-being, increased joint mobility, drowsiness, easier and freer breathing. The duration of the session, depending on the indications, can be from 3 to 60 minutes. Massage is prescribed daily or every other day, depending on the age and condition of the patient, as well as the area of ​​the body. According to indications, massage is carried out 2-3 times a week, combined with baths, ultraviolet irradiation and other types of complex treatment.
The massage course includes from 5 to 25 procedures, depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition. Breaks between courses can last from 10 days to 2-3 months, in each case this is decided individually. The number of procedures after a break, depending on the patient's condition, can be reduced or increased.
The massage course is conditionally divided into 3 periods: 1) introductory - 1-3 procedures necessary to determine the body's response to massage (pain reduction, drowsiness, ease and freedom of movement); in this period, the tolerance of individual massage manipulations is clarified, they strive to influence the entire body as a whole, without highlighting reflex areas; 2) the main one - starting from the 3rd-4th and up to the 20-23rd procedure, a strictly differentiated massage technique is used, taking into account clinical picture, physiological state the patient and the features of his disease, while paying attention to functional changes in the massaged areas of the body; in this period, gradually increase the intensity of exposure from procedure to procedure; 3) final - consists of 1-2 procedures; if necessary, you can teach the patient self-massage, showing a rational complex and sequence of techniques for certain areas of the body, performing breathing exercises, and also recommend physical exercises for self-study using massagers, massage devices and balneological procedures.

Rice. 8. The sequence of the general session of classical massage: a - behind, b - in front; 1 - back, 2 - neck, 3 - pelvis, 4, 6 - foot, lower leg (on the back surface), 5, 7 - thigh (on the back surface), 8, 11 - foot, lower leg (on the front surface), 9 , 12 - thigh (on the front surface), 10 - left hand, 13 - right hand, 14 - chest in front, 15 - stomach. The patient lies first on his stomach, then on his back indicates the location of the massage therapist during the massage session

Hyperhidrosis is called excessive sweating, which does not fit into the physiological framework. More often it is local, that is, it captures certain areas. Sweating causes negative emotions, depression, insomnia may occur. The irritating effect on the skin of excess sweat can contribute to the development of viral and fungal diseases.

Various methods have been developed to combat hyperhidrosis, including massage. This is one of the most common wellness practices.

What is massage used for?

The practice contributes to the maintenance of human health, therefore it is often used as a preventive measure. Massage techniques are effective for a variety of diseases. It helps lift vitality and mobilizes defensive forces organism.

With this medical practice you can achieve the following results:

  • improvement of blood circulation in problem areas;
  • normalization of the sweat glands;
  • increased resistance to stress and emotional stress;
  • acceleration of recovery in many diseases that cause excessive sweating.

After a massage session, well-being and mood improve, an influx of energy is noted.

With any type of this procedure, you must adhere to certain rules:

  1. The posture should be comfortable and relaxed.
  2. Start and end the session with slow strokes.
  3. In the middle of the procedure, you can use a variety of relaxing or tonic techniques, the choice of which depends on the nature of the disease.
  4. The first and final sessions of the course are carried out in a sparing technique, in the middle of the cycle, you can use more intensive techniques and increase the duration of the sessions.
  5. The skin must be clean and dry.

Types of massage

There are several types of massage practices that can reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis. The right technique will help in the treatment of diseases, one of the symptoms of which is excessive sweating.

Before starting any massage course, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as any medical procedure has its contraindications. The doctor will select the appropriate technique, determine the number of sessions. A complex approach to the problem of hyperhidrosis is the key to its successful solution.

Those types of massage that came to us from the East and which we call non-traditional have more than one thousand years. AT Ancient China massage has been used to treat rheumatism, dislocations, muscle spasm already in the third millennium BC. AT ancient india massage combined with steam bath, and in Egypt it was popular with all segments of the population. Massage was originally known as remedy and was part of the medical art. The well-known ancient Indian treatise Ayurveda describes in detail the techniques of massage with various diseases. Nowadays, Indian foot massage is very popular in the countries of the East and the West.

According to yoga, the legs can be called a switchboard. Up to 72 thousand nerve endings are concentrated on the sole, through which the body is connected with the external environment. The feet are reflexively connected with the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and other organs, and their projections are interconnected at the level of higher nerve (vegetative) centers. You can act on any organ if you know the corresponding zone or point on the sole.

In ancient China, the foundations of preventive medicine were laid. The theoretical foundation of the traditional Chinese medicine is the philosophy of Taoism and its theory of yin-yang. Its concept first appeared in the I Ching (Book of Changes) around the 6th century BC. BC e. The first systematic book on traditional Chinese medicine is Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen Ling Shu (Treatise on the Inner Emperor Huang Di), which was written in early III in. BC e. In it, on the basis of more than two thousand years of experience, the knowledge of ancient doctors was systematized. Around the same time, a finger, or point, massage method - zhen - arose and quickly gained popularity in countries located on the territory of modern China, Korea, Mongolia and Japan, and in the VIII century. was officially recognized.

The essence of acupressure is reduced to mechanical irritation of small areas of the skin surface, called biologically active points, in which a large number of nerve endings. Acupressure has a lot in common with acupuncture, since the same points are used when pricked with a needle or applied with a finger. Its wide distribution is explained by the simplicity of the technique of performing techniques and the possibility of using it as first aid and together with medical therapy.

Indian massage

Indian massage, or foot massage, has been used for thousands of years in India and other countries of the East. Yogis consider the feet to be a switchboard, by acting on the corresponding points of which, one can influence the entire body.

A mass of skin receptors and 72,000 nerve endings are concentrated on the sole. The feet are connected to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and other internal organs, since the projections of internal organs and higher nerve centers match.

Foot massage is performed in a lying or sitting position. The main thing is to completely relax all muscle groups. Initially held general massage feet. It is stroked, rubbed, slightly pressed in the direction from the heel to the fingers and back. Then they sip each finger and squeeze the foot from the sides with two palms. After that, they proceed to the massage of certain reflex zones.

Performed this species massage with the pad of the thumb (sometimes middle) finger. To do this, the finger is pressed against the massaged area and movements are performed that resemble rubbing and kneading. The reception of pressure on the reflex zone is very good. The feet are massaged one by one. In conclusion, stroke the foot again and rotate the fingers and ankle joint. After finishing the massage, the feet can be lubricated with warm oil, softening cream or healing ointment.

At lung disease, in particular with bronchial asthma, first they do a classic massage. Massage the chest, intercostal muscles, diaphragm, muscles of the back and neck. Then, pressure is applied chest. Indian massage is carried out as the final stage.

Reflex zones of foot soles massage in case of pulmonary diseases

Massage first right foot and then left. On the foot, 5 reflex zones are treated in the order indicated in the figure. Then massage the lateral surfaces of the feet. First the first zone, and then the second.

Reflex zones for massage of the lateral surfaces of the feet in pulmonary diseases

During the massage, you can use various heated oils that soften the skin or have a healing effect.

Massage of the reflex zones of the hands

This type of massage also belongs to a variety of ancient oriental wellness practices and is complementary to the main classical massage. It can be performed independently and repeatedly during the day.

All the internal organs of a person are projected onto the hands. By pressing on a certain point, you can influence the organ that is projected into it.

Massage of the brushes is performed in a lying or sitting position using oils and creams. First, rub the entire palm, then each finger individually in the direction from the tip to the base. Then knead the entire palmar surface, starting from the inner edge (base thumb) to the base of the palm, moving to the outer edge along the midline of the palm and then from the fingers to the wrist. Having finished the main massage of the palm, you can begin the treatment. The lungs, pharynx and larynx correspond to: on the right hand, zones 26 and 9; on the left - 16 and 6. So, you need to massage them. At the end of the procedure, rub and stroke the entire brush. Massage duration can take from 5 to 10 minutes.

Topography of reflex zones on a human hand (a - right hand; b - left hand):

a: 1 - paranasal sinuses; 2 - hearing; 3 - nervous system; 4 - vision; 5 - thymus; 6 - adrenal glands; 7 - kidney; 8 - stomach; 9 - pharynx, larynx; 10 - epiphysis; 11 - pituitary gland; 12 - brain; 13 - neck; 14 - colon; 15 - spine; 16 - genitals; 17 - lumbosacral region; 18 - testicle; 19 - joints lower limb; 20 - bladder; 21 - intestines; 22 - appendix; 23- gallbladder; 24 - liver; 25 - joints upper limb; 26 - lungs; 27 - ears; 28- hemorrhoids; 29 - pancreas; 30 - thyroid gland;

b: 1 - paranasal sinuses; 2 - nervous system; 3 - nervous system; 4 - pituitary gland; 5 - epiphysis; 6 - pharynx, larynx; 7 - stomach; 8 - thymus; 9 - vision; 10 - vision; 11 - brain; 12 - spine; 13 - thyroid gland; 14 - hemorrhoids; 15 - genitals; 16 - lungs; 17 - adrenal glands; 18 - joints of the upper limb; 19 - heart; 20 - pancreas; 21 - spleen; 22 - intestines; 23 - bladder; 24 - joints of the lower limb; 25 - testicle; 26 - lumbosacral region; 27 - colon; 28 - ears


Acupressure appeared on the territory of modern China several thousand years ago and is a kind of zhen-jiu therapy, which also includes acupuncture and moxibustion. It is based on three principles: treatment should be comprehensive, unhurried, thorough and individual.

Ancient doctors represented the human body as a complex system associated with all natural phenomena. They considered the disease as a process arising as a result of a violation of normal relationships and relationships both in the whole organism and between it and the environment, and saw their task in helping the body in the fight against the disease-causing factor.

Chinese doctors in ancient times described and systematized certain lines, channels and meridians, or projection zones of individual internal organs, and revealed their functional relationship with the organs and systems of the body. The points that need to be affected (with a needle, finger, wormwood cigarette, etc.) are called " vital points”, or “biologically active points”.

Modern studies have shown that they have a high electrical potential, have a high pain sensitivity and high level metabolic processes. When pressed on them, a feeling of aches, numbness or pain appears, which serve as a criterion for the correct location of the points. At the heart of the mechanism therapeutic effect from the impact on active biological points lie complex reflex physiological processes. In the study of points, conducted both in our country and abroad, it was found that acupressure, depending on the duration of exposure, calms or stimulates the nervous system, increases blood circulation, improves tissue nutrition, and regulates the activity of the glands. internal secretion and tissue trophism, relieves pain, reduces muscle tension, etc.

The widespread use of acupressure is due to the simplicity of performing techniques, small area exposure, the ability to carry it out independently and combine it in combination with drug therapy.

Acupressure is indicated not only for adults, but also for children to improve memory and performance, which allows them to absorb much better. curriculum. Action spectrum Chinese massage big enough. With it, you can get rid of headaches and some diseases of the joints, it is used for hypertension, sciatica, stomach ulcers, constipation, arthritis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and other lung diseases. The use of massage slows down the aging process of the skin and the whole body, it helps in the treatment of obesity and is used in the fight against stress. When conducting acupressure, it is necessary to take into account all the basic provisions and requirements modern medicine and perform it only in the absence of contraindications.

Basics of acupressure

The theoretical foundation of traditional Chinese medicine is the philosophy of Taoism, the theory of which is set forth in such works as "Tao Te Ching", "I Ching", "Shu Jing", etc. The main theory of the concept of yin-yang was formed in the process of observing and analyzing the phenomena of the surrounding world and first appeared in the Book of Changes, which was written around the 6th century. BC e. In accordance with ancient Eastern ideas, everything in nature is divided into positive yang and negative yin.

Yin is defined as the negative feminine principle inherent in everything passive, cold, dark, hidden, cloudy, changeable and receptive. In nature, it corresponds to the moon, night, and in man - the inner surface of the body, Bottom part and the right side of the body.

A person in whose body an excess of yang has formed has a bad mood, pale face, dull eyes, quiet, weak speech, lack of appetite, habit of hot food, constant pain aching character, cold extremities, liquid stool, and breathing is quiet, shallow and rapid.

Yang is an active masculine principle, carrying strength, speed. In nature, it corresponds to the sun, sky, day, and in man - outside surface body, his top part and left half. When yang dominates in the body, the temperature rises, constipation appears, increased sweating and appetite, urine becomes dark in color, a habit of cold food appears, headache, chills, redness of some parts of the body, convulsions, limbs become hot, breathing is deep, rare, and voice is rough and loud. The treatise "Su Wen" says: "Water and fire are symbols of Yin and Yang." This means that water and fire reflect two opposite qualities.

The yin-yang relationship was displayed in the Tai Chi Tu monad, on which White color means yang, and black - yin, the opposite and interconnectedness are personified by a curved line, and the ability to transform into each other is shown by points of one beginning in another. The main provisions of the theory can be simplified as follows: opposition, interdependence, internal consuming-supporting relationship, internal transforming relationship and the infinite divisibility of yin and yang.

In addition, the rules of acupressure are closely related to the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"vital energy", which is called "chi" in China, and "prana" in India. This energy moves along the channels and meridians: 12 paired and 2 unpaired classical meridians, 15 collaterals, 8 "wonderful" vessels (2 of which are back and front). The circulation of chi supplies the body with the vital energy it needs. In the event that there is a violation of the tides of qi, a disease occurs. This doctrine has not yet been fully studied, but it is in contact with the theory of biorhythms, the existence of which has already been proven.

In addition, the theory of zhen-jiu therapy binds the 5 elements of the Earth to the main internal organs, which, in turn, are divided into zang - 6 dense organs related to yin, and fu - 6 hollow organs relating to Jan.

Vital points are a kind of openings of the body, through which there is an energy exchange of information with the external environment. They can be used for both diagnosis and treatment of diseases. All points are divided into three large groups:

1. Points of the channels of the body. They are located on 12 main and 2 unpaired channels. Each point has its own function and additional properties. These points are used most often and correspond to all the principles of traditional zhen-jiu therapy. In total, about 360 channel points have been described.

2. Out-of-channel and new points. There are about 280 of them. They are located outside the channels and do not obey all established rules. Each point has its own specific purpose and can be used both separately and in combination with other points.

3. Ashi points, or the so-called pain points. They do not have a permanent localization, but appear with any diseases and are used for diagnosis and treatment.

Channel points, in turn, are further subdivided into 12 groups:

1. Toning points. They are always located on their channel, excite it and activate the current of chi, in addition, they have an inhibitory effect on the channels associated with the one on which they are located.

2. Sedative points are also located on their channel and serve to calm the channel itself and the organ associated with it.

3. Yuan points (primary) enhance the effect of tonic and sedative points.

4. Lo-points (connecting) regulate the current and the transition of chi from one channel to another.

5. Wu Xing Xue (points of the five elements) are located on the beginning or end of the channels and refer to the five elements: wood, water, metal, fire and earth.

6. Si-points (pain points) are the narrowest places of chi circulation (places of stagnation). They are massaged with pain symptoms.

7. Shu-points (points of agreement) are located on the channel Bladder. They are used to diagnose and treat chronic diseases.

8. Mo-points (anxiety points) are located on the chest and abdomen and are the exit points of the chi of the internal organs.

9. He-points are located on the yang channels of the lower extremities and are used to treat hollow (fu) organs.

10. Eight fusion points (wonder vessel keys) are used to treat disorders in the miraculous vessel system.

11. Intersection points are located on the head, face and torso, being the points of intersection of the channels. They are used to regulate the energy state in the channel system.

12. The start and end points of channels (input and output points) are used to regulate the flow of energy in adjacent channels. They are a kind of "first aid" points.

In addition to specific points, there are eight more points of influence on the channels that have specific influence on body tissues and are used for complex treatment a wide variety of diseases.

Point finding method

There are two main ways to find points: by anatomical landmarks and by measured segments - cun. Anatomical landmarks for finding points are the most accurate.

When a point is found, its location is determined by protruding bones, permanent tubercles and pits of the skin, along the contours large muscles and through the senses.

However, not all points are located near anatomical landmarks. For them, a system of dividing each area of ​​the body into proportional segments, which are called proportional tsunami, is used. This division is made as follows:

- human height is 75 cun;

- from the frontal to the occipital border of hair growth on the head along the midline - 12 cun;

- from the bridge of the nose to the frontal border of hair growth on the head to the midline - 3 cun;

- from the back border of hair growth to the da-zhui point (T 14), which is located between the 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae, along the midline - 3 cun;

- on the back from the posterior midline to the inner edge of the shoulder blade - 3 cun;

- on the abdomen in the midline from the pubic bone to the navel - 5 cun;

- on the abdomen from the navel to the base of the xiphoid process - 8 cun;

- on the abdomen from the midline to the outer edge of the rectus abdominis muscle - 2 cun;

- on the chest from the midline to the midclavicular line - 4 cun;

- on the chest from the base of the xiphoid process to the jugular notch of the sternum - 9 cun;

- on the upper limb from the anterior (or posterior) axillary fold to the elbow fold - 9 cun;

Landmarks for finding points: 1 - anterior midline; 2 - zygomatic arch; 3- Auricle; 4 - tragus; 5 - clavicle; 6 - supraclavicular fossa; 7 - subclavian fossa; 8 - styloid process of the radius; 9 - pubic bone; 10 - back of the hand; 11 - front surface of the thigh; 12 - anterior surface of the lower leg; 13 - inner ankle; 14 - rear of the foot; 15 - base of the 1st metatarsal bone; 16 - head of the 1st metatarsal bone; 17 - arch of the foot; 18 - posterior median line; 19 - supraspinous fossa of the scapula; 20 - scapula; 21 - wrist; 22 - back surface of the thigh; 23 - back surface of the lower leg; 24 - outer ankle; 25 - calcaneal tendon

- on the upper limb from the elbow to the wrist crease - 12 cun;

- on the lower limb from the level of the sacrococcygeal joint (or the upper edge of the pubic bone) to the popliteal crease - 18 cun;

- on the lower limb from the popliteal fold to the line drawn between the tops of the ankles - 16 cun.

In addition to the proportional cun, there is also an individual cun. It is equal to the distance between the skin folds of the bent middle finger for women on the right hand, for men on the left.

The desired result can be achieved only if the location of the point is determined accurately. Sometimes nearby points can be affected negative effect or cause harm. The figure below gives guidelines for finding points.

Technique and techniques of acupressure

In classical Chinese acupressure, there are the following tricks: kneading, pressing, stroking, rubbing, pushing, grabbing, sticking, vibration, cutting.

All techniques are carried out with the pads of one or more fingers, the only exception is the pushing technique, which is performed with the palmar surface of the thumb.

Stroking is done with the pad of the thumb or index finger, bending all the rest into a fist. The impact on the selected point is carried out by horizontal rotational movements clockwise. If stroking needs to be done at two symmetrical points, then to enhance the effect, they can be stroked simultaneously. Properly performed stroking is accompanied by a feeling of warmth in the massaged points. The intensity of pressure should be increased from session to session. This technique is used when massaging the head, face, neck, hands and, in addition, at the end of the entire procedure.

Rubbing is performed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger clockwise. The reception is used to enhance blood and lymph flow, eliminate swelling, numbness and chills, awakens nerve endings and tones the skin. Rubbing can be used as an independent technique or after all other massage techniques.

Kneading is performed with the tip of the thumb or two thumbs (when massaging symmetrical points), as well as the middle or index finger. When performing the reception, all other fingers should be bent. First, the finger is fixed at the selected point, and then a rotational movement is performed - at first slowly and weakly, gradually increasing pressure until a feeling of fullness appears at the site of impact, and then the pressure is relieved. When kneading, the skin should not move, only move subcutaneous tissue.

Pressure is one of the main methods of acupressure. It can be carried out both separately and in combination with other methods.

In cases where this technique is performed after kneading, 21-25 kneading movements and the same amount of pressure are made. If the massage consists only of pressure, then 71–75 movements must be performed.

Reception is carried out with the pad of the thumb, with the remaining fingers in a half-bent position. When pressing, the thumb pad is set perpendicular to the massaged point and smoothly, gradually increasing the intensity of the impact, is pressed. The skin should not move. If painful sensations appear, the intensity of pressure should be reduced or the pressure at this point should be stopped for a while and returned to it after massaging the rest. In the event that it is necessary to increase the pressure on the point, the reception is carried out with weights.

Pushing is performed by the radial and palmar surfaces of the thumb, bending all the others into a fist. When performing a motion reception, the fingers are directed to the center of the massaged surface. Pushing begins to be done slowly, with a small pressure force, gradually increasing the intensity of movements. After the massage, the patient should feel a sensation of warmth and numbness at the massaged point.

Capturing ("pinch") is performed with three fingers - forefinger, thumb and middle. At the location of the point, the skin is captured in a fold, kneaded, squeezed and rotated. At each point, 3-4 movements are performed, quickly and abruptly. A feeling of numbness and swelling usually appears at the site of exposure.

Sticking ("prick") is performed with the tip of the thumb or index finger. It can be held with two fingers: thumb and forefinger or thumb and middle. The performance of the reception begins slowly, gradually increasing the intensity of movements. At one point, the finger should be held for 20–30 s. The impact of piercing is greatly enhanced if additional vibration is used. Properly carried out reception gives a feeling of warmth, fullness and numbness in the massaged points.

Vibration is performed with the pad of the thumb or middle finger. It is applied after piercing and independently. Oscillatory movements should be done quickly, without lifting your finger from the point, for 20 s. On the big muscles this technique can be carried out with weights. To do this, another is superimposed on the hand performing the technique, increasing pressure. From the nature of the irritation, the vibration is divided into soothing and tonic.

The soothing version of the vibration is carried out by continuous, slow, deep pressure for 1.5 minutes. Oscillatory movements are performed evenly, without displacement of the skin. Vibration is performed with a gradually increasing force of impact on the point, then a pause is made without lifting the finger from the skin, and the reception is performed again.

This type of vibration is used for certain circulatory disorders, pain, for muscle relaxation, for massaging children, etc.

The tonic version has a stronger, but short-term (20–30 s) effect at each point, combined with deep rubbing or kneading, and a quick detachment of the finger after the reception. At each point, the vibration is repeated 3-4 times. This approach is used before morning exercises, to increase vitality and according to the doctor's indications.

Cutting is very similar to sticking, but is done with the nail of the thumb. The reception is performed very carefully so as not to injure the skin. The intensity of cutting increases gradually and is used at those points where the subcutaneous tissue is poorly developed. As a rule, the technique is used for fainting, shock conditions, etc.

Before the massage, the patient needs to take a comfortable position, completely relax and focus on the ongoing procedures. You should not act on a large number of points during one session. At the beginning of the course, it is enough to massage 2-3 points to get a positive effect.

Acupressure, like many other types of massage, has its contraindications. It can not be carried out with tuberculosis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, deep lesions of internal organs, blood diseases, mental disorders, tumors (cancerous and benign), during infectious and colds and pregnancy.

It is also not recommended to massage while intoxicated and on an empty stomach. During the course of acupressure, it is best to refrain from using strong coffee and tea, spirits, salty and spicy foods. After the massage, you can take a short warm shower, but in no case a bath.

The technique of conducting techniques of acupressure self-massage

Unlike other jenjiu therapies, acupressure can be done on its own because it is easy to perform, well tolerated by almost everyone, relatively safe, and has no side effects.

Point self-massage should be carried out in a calm environment, completely relaxed. It can be done sitting or lying down. To receive you need to tangible effect, self-massage is desirable to perform daily. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, but even if you do it 2-3 times a week, the result will be quite noticeable. A self-massage session can be performed at any time, but not earlier than an hour after eating, and after the end of the procedures, experts recommend drinking a cup of tea.

When performing self-massage techniques, the following rules should be observed:

1. All techniques are performed rhythmically and slowly. You can not put pressure on the point sharply and strongly. Massage should not cause discomfort and pain.

2. If the skin is damaged or inflamed, then massage nearby areas.

3. You can not perform massage in places where large blood vessels and lymph nodes(in the groin, armpits, mammary glands).

4. Before starting self-massage, you need to consult a doctor.

Some areas of the body, such as calves, face

etc., have hypersensitivity, so you can not exert too much on them strong pressure. When performing massage, especially for patients with bronchial asthma, attention should be paid to breathing. It should be slow and deep in order to eliminate pain and relieve tension from the muscles.

The duration of the session should not exceed 1 hour, and one point should not be affected for more than 10 minutes. Massaging too long can cause headaches or make you feel unwell.

Kneading is performed with the pad of the thumb, and on large muscle groups - with the edge of the palm. With this technique, you can relieve muscle stiffness, tension in the neck, shoulders, legs.

Pressure is usually applied with the pad of the thumb, but it can be applied with the edge of the palm. For pain relief or relaxation, pressure is applied for several minutes, gradually increasing the force of pressure, to calm nervous system- within 1 minute, for stimulation - a few seconds.

Stroking is carried out in the form of light rubbing and activates blood and lymph flow.

Vibration with a fingertip is a tonic technique. On large areas of the body (back, buttocks), it can be performed in the form of a pat with a fist.

When performing self-massage, the pressure force is determined, focusing on own feelings. When severe pain in the massaged place, the pressure should be reduced. By exercising pressure, the finger is fixed perpendicular to the massaged point. If, after performing several massage sessions, a pulsation appears at the point, then the techniques were performed correctly. For greater effect, each point is massaged for at least 3 minutes. A properly performed massage causes a feeling of warmth and numbness at the points that have been affected.

When performing self-massage, the fingers get tired quickly, for their training, you can do the following exercises several times a day:

1. Stretch your left hand forward, clench your fingers into a fist and lower your hand to the lower back. Do the same with your right hand. With each hand, you need to perform 15 exercises, alternating hands and gradually increasing the speed of movements.

2. Bend your elbows and place your fingers as if they were holding an imaginary ball. Make movements with your thumbs, as if squeezing the ball. 25-30 movements should be made, gradually increasing the speed.

Acupressure for bronchial asthma

Chinese doctors have long determined that with asthma during an attack, pain is felt in five points, and if they are acted upon at the beginning or during an attack, breathing can be greatly facilitated. To prevent the disease, acupressure can be carried out systematically. The main techniques - light pressure and stroking - are performed in a calming version, while the duration of exposure to each point should not exceed 3-5 minutes. During massage, three groups of points are used. The first group includes points located on the back, arms and legs.

The 1st point is asymmetrical, located on the posterior midline between the spinous processes of the VII and I thoracic vertebrae. The patient during the massage sits with his head slightly tilted.

2nd point - symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, in the region of the gap between the spinous processes II and III chest vertebrae. Both points are massaged simultaneously. Position massaged - sitting, slightly tilting his head.

The 3rd point is symmetrical, located just below point 2. It is massaged in the same way as the previous one.

Location of points 1–12

4th point - asymmetrical, located on the anterior midline at the jugular notch of the sternum. The massaged position is sitting.

5th point - symmetrical, located in the right intercostal space, under the clavicle. Both points are massaged simultaneously in the patient's sitting position.

The 6th point is symmetrical, located on the back of the supraspinous fossa of the scapula. The dot is found when you put the brush on right shoulder massaged. It will be under the index finger. Massage both points at the same time. At the same time, the person being massaged can lie on his stomach or sit, leaning forward slightly.

The 7th point is symmetrical, located on the shoulder directly between the anterior end of the axillary fold and the elbow bend. Massage is performed in the sitting position of the patient. The points are massaged one by one.

Way to find the 6th point

8th point - symmetrical, located on inner surface hands in the area elbow joint, in a skin fold. The point is massaged in the same way as the previous one.

The 9th point is asymmetrical, located in the center of the sternum below the 4th point. It can be massaged with the patient sitting or lying on his back.

The 10th point is symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, in the region of the gap between the spinous processes of the 1st and 2nd thoracic vertebrae. Position massaged - sitting, slightly tilting his head. Both points are massaged simultaneously.

The 11th point is symmetrical, located 2 cun away from the anterior midline, under the clavicle. Both points are massaged simultaneously.

The 12th point is symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, in the region of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. Both points are massaged simultaneously on both sides. This point is used only when performing massage in children suffering from bronchial asthma. In this case, a tonic method of exposure is used - deep pressure with rotation. The duration of one reception is 30–60 s. Before the massage, the child should sit comfortably, leaning slightly and resting his elbows on the table.

The second group of points is recommended for those whose age has exceeded 40 years. However, older people need to alternate the massage of the first and second groups of points. During this massage, a tonic technique is used - deep pressure with rotation. The exposure time for each point is 30–60 s.

1st point - symmetrical, located on the inside of the lower leg 3 cun above the ankle. Both points are massaged simultaneously in the patient's sitting position.

2nd point - symmetrical, located on the lower leg 3 cun below patella and 1 cun back from the anterior edge of the tibia. The point is massaged in the same way as the previous one. The legs are stretched out.

3rd point - symmetrical, located on the back of the hand between the large and index fingers. They are massaged in turn. The position of the patient during the reception is sitting, the hand should lie freely on the table.

Location of the first three points

4th point - symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of II and III lumbar vertebrae. Massage both points at the same time. The position of the patient during the massage is sitting, while bending slightly or lying on his stomach.

Location of the 4th point

When massaging the third group of points, a soothing method is used, the main method of which is light pressure with clockwise rotation. The duration of exposure to each point is 3-5 minutes.

The 1st point is symmetrical, located in the same place as the 8th point of the first group, on the shoulder, between the anterior end of the axillary fold and the elbow bend.

2nd point - symmetrical, located on the forearm one and a half cun above the middle crease of the wrist, on the side of the thumb. Both points are massaged in turn. The patient takes sitting position, massaged hand lies freely on the table.

3rd point - symmetrical, located on the front surface of the wrist, 1.5 cm below the lower crease, from the side of the thumb. The third point is massaged in the same way as the previous one.

The location of the points of the third group

The 4th point is symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior median line at the border of hair growth. Both points are massaged simultaneously, in a sitting position. In this case, the head should be slightly tilted.

The 5th point is symmetrical, located in the same place as the 3rd point of the first group.

The 6th point is symmetrical, located between the calcaneal tendon and the outer ankle in a recess. The points are massaged simultaneously with the patient in a sitting position.

7th point - symmetrical, located on the back of the foot in the narrowest part of the gap, between I and II metatarsal bones. It is massaged in the same way as the previous point.

The 8th point is symmetrical, located near the inner end of the popliteal crease, at the level of the center of the patella. It is massaged in the same way as the 6th point.

The 9th point is symmetrical, located 2 cun away from the anterior midline, under the clavicle. Both points are massaged simultaneously.

The 10th point is symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, at the level of the gap between the spinous processes of the XI and XII thoracic vertebrae.

When performing a massage, the patient is seated, slightly leaning forward. Both points are massaged simultaneously.

The 11th point is symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, in the region of the gap between the spinous processes of the V and VI thoracic vertebrae. Both points are massaged simultaneously. The position of the massaged person during the procedure is sitting, bending slightly and resting his elbows on the table.

The 12th point is symmetrical, located one and a half cun away from the posterior midline, in the region of the gap between the spinous processes of the II and III thoracic vertebrae. Position massaged - sitting, with a slightly tilted head. Both points are massaged simultaneously.

Despite the simplicity of the methodology and technique for performing techniques, a skill is needed in finding the location of the points. In addition, before starting a massage and after it, you should consult with your doctor.

Acupressure technique to help ease breathing

During an attack, patients with bronchial asthma experience difficulty in breathing. You can normalize it by using acupressure, which is capable in 20 minutes. make breathing much easier. For this, the following points are affected:

1st point (K 27) - symmetrical, located between the sternum and clavicle. Two points are massaged simultaneously, pressing on them with your thumbs for 1 minute.

2nd point (Lu 1) - symmetrical, located on the outer part of the sternum 3 cun down from the collarbone. Point Lu 1 is the most important in the treatment bronchial asthma. It should be acted upon firmly and strongly enough. Reception is carried out simultaneously with two thumbs, pressing for 1 minute. During the massage, the patient takes a sitting position, relaxing all the muscles as much as possible.

Location of points K 27 and Lu 1

3rd point (B 13) - symmetrical, located between the shoulder blades and spinal column one cun down from the top of the shoulders. Pressure on these points is produced alternately, massaging each for 1 minute.

4th point (Lu 9) - symmetrical, located under the base of the thumb on the crook of the wrist.

Location of point B 13

5th point (Lu 10) - symmetrical, located on the surface of the palm, on a hill at the base of the thumb.

Location of points Lu 9 and Lu 10

Points Lu 9 and Lu 10 are massaged simultaneously on each hand. First, pressure is applied to the points for 30 seconds, and then the patient squeezes the hand into a fist, and the points are massaged for another 1 minute. During the reception, the Lu 9 point is affected by the thumb, and the Lu 10 point is affected by the index and middle fingers.

Massage with two bamboo sticks belongs to the exclusive SPA program. The ancient philosophy of bamboo massage technique is based on the belief that bamboo gives energy to the head. This school of massage is comparable to the school of yoga, it restores activity to a person, increases tone, and returns energy. Bamboo is unique plant, restoring the balance of Yin and Yang energy in the body.

Where: medical center "Emenal" (st. Rossolimo, 17; business center on the territory of 2MPZ)

Hu Liao fire massage

Such a massage is only dangerous in appearance, but in fact it is harmless and very useful. First, the back is massaged pointwise, then an herbal compress is placed on it, and a towel is placed on top, which is set on fire, but quickly extinguished. The procedure helps to warm up the deep layers of muscles, expand capillaries, increase blood circulation and remove muscle spasms. This ancient technique stimulates the dissipation of inflammation in the body, edema, bruising, promotes the excretion of metabolic products, soothes and relieves pain.

Where: clinic oriental medicine Amrita (8 Novinsky Boulevard, floor 6; Lotte Plaza shopping center)

Snail massage

Snail slime is known for its anti-aging abilities. Many Asian cosmetic brands have included it in their anti-aging lines a long time ago.

In addition, the snail, when moving, releases a special substance that has healing properties and promotes the regeneration of damaged epidermal cells.

Massage with precious stones

It is known that many minerals have healing properties. modern science confirms the possibility of their energy interaction on the human body. Gems have found their application in medicine - gemmotherapy. For example, emerald has a detoxifying and tonic effect, ruby ​​harmonizes the body and soul, sapphire calms and is therefore used in the treatment of depression, diamond has a rejuvenating effect.

Where: Kerala Yoga Therapy Center (3 Michurinsky Avenue)

Sound massage with Tibetan singing bowls

This is a deep energy-stimulating and harmonizing massage, which is done with the help of sound vibrations singing bowls come from Tibet. This massage acts on two levels: physical and energetic. The bowls are placed on the body and around it, and with the help of blows on them with special hammers and friction with sticks, a sound-vibration massage is performed. Soft vibrations relieve spasms, muscle blocks and relax.

Where: Yoga Studio "Aura" (Donetska str., 10 k. 1)

AT recent times began to become popular unconventional techniques head massages. As a rule, these are its eastern varieties, such as Indian head massage, Burmese, Thai, and also erotic.

These two massages are relatively similar in terms of technique - both are performed quite dynamically and are aimed primarily at relieving stress.

Ayurvedic aka Indian and Burmese head massage not only activates the blood supply to the skin of the head, improving the condition of the skin and hair, but also has a calming effect, helps to relax and restore strength, both physical and psychological.

Indian head massage

Indian head massage is a component of the Ayurvedic complex of ancient knowledge for healing a person. Therefore, it is often called - Ayurvedic.
Traditionally, Indian head massage was performed with rather vigorous tapping on the head, now a more gentle technique is used. main goal massage manipulations is to increase blood supply in the cells of the scalp. To improve the effect and nutrition of cells with useful substances during massaging, it is customary to use an Ayurvedic oil composition. An old Ayurvedic recipe involves its preparation based on sesame, coconut oil with the addition of henna, other useful ingredients, and medical fees herbs.
Indian head massage is divided into several parts:

  1. The first part is called chakra balancing. The masseur acts on the active points located on the head to harmonize the internal energy.
  2. Now comes the stage of melting fatigue. For general relaxation, the neck, shoulders and back are massaged.
  3. The main stage is directly Ayurvedic massage. It is carried out using a number of special massage techniques. These are kneading, pressing movements, sipping, and also tapping.
  4. And the final stage is massaging the temples, which helps to get rid of headaches and eye fatigue. Video can't be loaded: Ayurvedic yoga massage for the scalp, ears, neck and shoulders. Yoga-massage the shoulders (

Burmese head massage

Burmese head massage is named after ancient state Burma, where it originated and is now known as Myanmar.
A feature of the technique of its execution is that the massager makes erratic movements in unpredictable directions. When performing massaging effects, the client's head is held by the massage therapist, which helps to relax the neck muscles.
With the seeming senselessness of fast and uncontrolled movements, in fact, thanks to this specific technique, important biological points are activated, which helps to activate the blood supply and nutrition of the scalp cells.
Burmese head massage differs from other types of massage in that it never uses oil. Video can’t be loaded: Burmese Head Massage (Antistress Express) (

Thai and erotic head massages

Often Thai massage head is associated with the erotic, since both are carried out with gentle stroking and relaxing movements, leading to complete relaxation.

Thai and erotic massage techniques increase blood flow, which improves oxygen saturation of scalp cells, restores vascular tone, and also has a relaxing effect on the entire body, restores not only physical but also mental strength, which gives pleasure and pleasure.

Read also Overview of the head massager "Goosebump"

There are a number of indications and contraindications that combine these two types of massage.

Thai head massage

Thai head massage originates in ancient Thai medicine, according to which it is possible to influence all systems of the human body with the help of biological points located on the head.
Its peculiarity lies in the fact that at first all movements are smooth, gentle, unhurried, not causing any discomfort, gradually moving to more intense touches, acting on active points, ending with stroking movements. When performing a massage, use aromatic oil, the aroma of which causes pleasant sensations. Oil composition is selected taking into account the type of skin and hair, nourishing skin cells and hair follicles beneficial micronutrients. Video can’t be loaded: Anti-stress Thai massage – Wai Thai, Kyiv (

Erotic head massage

Erotic head massage is also gaining popularity in modern world. The technique of its execution is similar to Thai, but there are slight differences:

  • Greater emphasis on individuality. Before starting a massage session, the patient undergoes a short test, where his preferences, colors, music, smells, sensitivity to light, as well as the sensitivity of the skin and hair are determined. All these nuances are taken into account when creating the atmosphere of the session and during the massaging process itself.
  • The treatment can include several techniques from light touches to more intense ones, depending on the client's preference and the sensitivity of the scalp.

Everything happens in a relaxing environment, the client takes a comfortable position. The masseur uses a special aromatic oil to create an even more intimate atmosphere. Or an oil complex is selected from several aromatic oils.
It begins with erotic laid-back flirting, which carries more psychological effect for the relaxation you need. Gradually, there is a smooth transition into light massaging movements, which are aimed primarily at warming up the scalp, then the movements become more intense and confident. The massage technique itself is aimed primarily at calming the nervous system and relaxing the muscles of the head.

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