Indications for cervical massage, preparation and technique. Gynecological massage. How is gynecological massage done. Indications, contraindications and who performs gynecological massage

Gynecological female massage was at the peak of popularity about 50-60 years ago, but with the development of medicine, it lost its relevance for long years. In the last two decades, interest in it has returned: the procedure allows you to solve many problems without medical or surgical intervention and is safe for the woman's body. Massage has both a number of indications and contraindications, it should be attended only with the permission of the attending physician.

Gynecological massage was invented and patented over 150 years ago by Thure Brandt, a man far from medicine. It took him about 10 years to patent and streamline his methodology. At the beginning of the last century, the first courses for obstetricians appeared in St. Petersburg, and massage techniques were included in the training.

The new method gained great popularity: it offered to solve problems in gynecology without the use of medications.

Over the years, the procedure has been improved and complicated, and today it is not only manual massage. Gynecological female massage is a complex consisting of classical and specific techniques internal impact, ultrasonic and infrared, magnetic therapy.

Female massage is a direct physiological effect on the pelvic organs in women. The result of regular sessions is:

  • Improving blood circulation and lymph movement;
  • Increased uterine activity;
  • Increasing the elasticity of muscle tissue;
  • Reducing the severity of adhesions;
  • Strengthening of muscle tissue;
  • Decrease in severity pathological changes reproductive organs;
  • Normalization of the endocrine system;
  • Decrease inflammatory phenomena;
  • Increasing sexual activity.

Direct massage of the uterus has a general strengthening and tonic effect on the female body.

Contraindications and indications

With the help of manual gynecological massage, complications that arise after medical or surgical termination of pregnancy and pathological childbirth can be eliminated.

Purpose for the procedure:

  • Insufficient or weak contractility of intrauterine muscle tissue;
  • interrupted pregnancy;
  • Inflammatory chronic processes who are in remission;
  • Incorrect position of the uterus;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle;
  • Infertility;
  • Dystonia and fibrosis;
  • Painful menstruation;
  • Vaginismus, accompanied by problems with the implementation of sexual intercourse.

Appoint massage and as rehabilitation therapy after operations to normalize the intestines and Bladder.

Massage is needed for women who have difficulty conceiving. It is often prescribed together with a complex of medical procedures. Recommend sessions to those who lead sedentary image life: lack of movement leads to circulatory disorders and congestion in the pelvic organs. As a result, the development of inflammatory and infectious processes, constipation and painful menstrual bleeding.


For gynecological massage, contraindications may be temporary or permanent. It also has restrictions on holding in certain areas.

It is forbidden to attend sessions when:

  • pregnancy;
  • Menses;
  • Feverish state, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • Oncology;
  • Intestinal diseases in the acute stage;
  • Acute form of infectious diseases;
  • breastfeeding;
  • Congenital pathologies;
  • stock muscle weakness pelvic floor;
  • venereal diseases;
  • Purulent inflammations;
  • Inflammation of the veins and thrombosis.

If pain occurs during the session, the session is stopped. In case of frigidity obtained during difficult childbirth, abortion or sexual abuse, it is necessary to consult a psychologist before attending a session.

Conditions for massage treatments

The main condition for carrying out is normal emotional condition and health of the patient. Must be submitted before the procedure general analysis blood and a smear from the vagina.

Manual massage of the reproductive organs can take place in a clinic, medical or diagnostic center, at home. On the days of the session, it is recommended to refrain from sex. The procedure should be carried out no earlier than 2 hours after the meal. Massage is done on a special table with foot rests or on a regular chair for gynecological examinations.

Before the sessions, doctors teach the woman deep lung breathing and relaxation techniques. abdominals and vagina.

Massage techniques and techniques

Massage treatment method female diseases based on internal and external development reproductive organs. During exposure, both hands are involved: one palpates the entire accessible part of the uterus through the vagina, and the fingers of the other press through the stomach. You need to act very gently, gently, because. the area of ​​study is sensitive and easily injured. Previously, the doctor must determine the position of the uterus and the degree of its mobility. Bends and folds, as well as incorrect position, are corrected by careful straightening and movement.

At the end of the session, the patient is given 15-20 minutes to rest and lie on her stomach. During this time, massaged female organs will return to normal.

The duration of the course is determined by the doctor and depends on the effectiveness and personal tolerance. The first session lasts no more than 5 minutes, but gradually increase the duration of exposure to 20 minutes. The regularity of the procedure depends on the health of the woman, it can be either daily or at intervals of 1-2 days.

On average, a massage course lasts about 4 months and includes up to 60 procedures. Every 5-7 sessions it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor.

Massage at home

Uterine massage can take place both in the clinic and at home, depending on the patient's condition. Before home sessions, you should consult with your doctor or gynecologist to determine contraindications. Self-massage is often done when the cycle fails, to facilitate conception, increase sensitivity and reduce frigidity.

The procedure is carried out only from a prone position. A massage roller or pillow is placed under the lower back and back. Before the procedure, you need to do 5-6 deep breaths, relax.

Index and middle finger slowly inserted into the vagina and massage the walls. They move a little higher, kneading the uterus and fallopian tubes. You can do a few gentle pressure or circular motions. The fingers of the other hand at this time massage the abdominal muscles.

Massage according to the method of Dr. Norbekov

The execution technique is based on the fact that physical body must be in harmony with the spiritual. The doctor believes that it is more effective to carry out gynecological female massage in combination with psychological work. In the methodology, the intention and confidence that recovery is possible plays an important role.

Massage is also acceptable at home for the treatment of infertility, increasing sexual attraction, increasing muscle tone and improving the condition of the entire uterine area. If a woman learns to trust herself and learn about her body, she can improve both her health and relationships with men.

Holding this massage not possible in the following cases: pregnancy, oncology, menstruation. The procedure should take place in silence and a calm environment: it is important to completely relax. During the session, you can lie on your back or take the lotus position. All attention is focused on yourself, on your feelings and breathing.

Massage technique

Internally shift attention to the area of ​​the bladder and lower back. There should be a pleasant sensation of tingling and warmth that fills the uterus and all the space around it. Under the influence of sensations muscle the uterus will begin to resonate and create vibrations of tissue regeneration. The end of the session is an active contraction of the uterus. If during the procedure early stages The desired sensations are not achieved - do not be upset. It is necessary to visualize the area of ​​the uterus, the lower back, the organs of the small pelvis and the ball of light, warm energy. After that, initiate contractions of the uterus with rapid and repeated tensions of the muscles of the vagina.

Auto-massage is carried out daily, at the same time. It is not recommended to do more than 200 contractions in one session. After two weeks of classes, they switch to another schedule: 2-3 sessions per week.

The Norbekov system includes three preliminary exercises that help you tune in to positive result. To control the muscles that contract during the massage, you need to sit down and urinate. During urination, squeeze the muscle and interrupt the process. Hold for 3-4 seconds and continue writing. Repeat many times until fatigue appears. The muscles then contract and try to pull inward.

The second exercise is walking in a straight line. The heel of one foot should touch the toes of the other. The third is performed from a prone position. The legs are straight, extended and raised. Socks reach for the ceiling. Then slowly raise the lower back, to facilitate the exercise, emphasis can be placed on the elbows. The angle between the lower back and the surface of the floor or bed should be about 45°. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds. Do 2-3 repetitions.

For efficiency, before exercises, you can do meditation or do any of the breathing exercises.

  • Spinach;
  • Liver;
  • Asparagus;
  • Germinated grain of wheat, rye, oats;
  • Broccoli and other green vegetables;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Bitter chocolate;
  • Mango and citrus;
  • Green apples;
  • Seafood;
  • Dairy products;
  • Any seeds or nuts.

But it is necessary to exclude from the diet all sweet, fatty, salty, as well as soy products and products containing a large amount of preservatives.

Female gynecological massage - good alternative drug treatment diseases of the reproductive organs. It will help solve the problem without side effects and complications, and it can be carried out both in the hospital and at home. The main condition for rapid achievement positive effect- the ability to relax, listen to the doctor's advice and trust your feelings.

You can combine massage with any kind of physiotherapy, gymnastics, yoga. To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, it is recommended to walk a lot, swim, and engage in therapeutic riding. At right approach the first positive changes can be noticed after a month of study.

From the S Class Wiki

Gynecological massage- This is a technique of manual influence on the genitals of a woman, used to improve the flow of blood and lymph flow to and from these organs.


Gynecological massage is used for the following pathologies:

  • chronic inflammation of the genital organs in women, which rarely worsens;
  • low mobility of the uterus, its incorrect position, displacement, bends;
  • chronic miscarriage;
  • acquired or congenital anatomically defective uterus;
  • functional disorders of the ovaries and uterus;
  • sexual dysfunction in women;
  • painful uterus;
  • complications (adhesions, infiltrates) due to a variety of gynecological interventions (abortions, miscarriages, childbirth, operations in the pelvic area);
  • menstrual irregularities (amenorrhea).


Gynecological massage has such relative contraindications:

  • large varicose veins in the vagina;
  • menstruation;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in women;
  • hydrosalpinx (dropsy) fallopian tube), retention cysts in the ovaries.

Gynecological massage is absolutely contraindicated in:

  • uterine, as well as ectopic pregnancy;
  • acute, subacute inflammatory diseases of the organs in the small pelvis;
  • tuberculosis of the genital organs of a woman;
  • tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • thrombophlebitis of the pelvic veins.

Gynecological massage technique

Gynecological massage is carried out on a massage table or on a gynecological chair. Usually the patient assumes a supine position, just as in gynecological examination. If possible, the bowels as well as the bladder should be emptied.
Manipulation is carried out with the help of two hands: with the fingers of the first, palpation is made in the vagina, and the second - on the abdominal press. Initially, the mobility of the uterus, its position are assessed, pathologically altered areas are determined. In case of severe pain, you need to inform the specialist about it. After a gynecological massage, you need to remain at rest for twenty minutes. The duration of the procedure is initially from three to five minutes and gradually increases during the entire course. The doctor determines the duration and number of sessions of gynecological massage individually (diagnosis is the main criterion). On average, ten to twenty sessions are needed, and with hypofunction of the ovaries and underdevelopment of the uterus - up to sixty. As a rule, the procedures are carried out every day or every other day for one to two months, less often - more long period, and short cyclic rates.

The effectiveness of gynecological massage

Gynecological massage causes significant changes in the lymph and blood circulation in the uterus, tissues of the pelvic area, neighboring organs, and even completely in abdominal cavity. Under manual influence, the receptors of the endothelial surface are irritated, the tone increases vascular system, incl. abdominal and pelvic cavity. The blood begins to circulate better.
With increased blood circulation in the tissues with the help of gynecological massage, the lymph flow is accelerated at the same time, which causes rapid absorption of the escudative fluid that accumulates in the tissues and organs in the small pelvis. Inflammatory infiltrates at the same time, they become softer, adhesions, especially dense ones, become smaller and dissolve. Due to the importance of lymph flow in the elimination of residual inflammation, gynecological massage is carried out from the periphery to the center, in the direction of the lymph flow along lymphatic vessels to the lymph nodes.
Gynecological massage has not only a direct, but also an indirect effect on the uterine muscles. During the massage of the latter, the abdominal wall is simultaneously massaged, as a result, its striated muscles are strengthened, the tone of the intestinal muscles increases and peristalsis increases. this body. This, on a reflex level, causes tonic contractions of the muscles of the uterus and intestines, which is important, since patients who suffer from gynecological diseases usually also have intestinal disorders. When applying gynecological massage, the muscle- ligamentous apparatus uterus, muscles in the pelvic floor, its fascia and connective tissue plates. In this case, massage can be of a twofold nature.
The usual application of force with the help of two hands during the massage has a tonic effect on the ligamentous apparatus, and massage in jerks or with great strength- paralyzing effect. It should also be borne in mind that stroking, light kneading during gynecological massage softens the tissues, and shocks in the form of shocks cause their tension and contraction. In this regard, when massaging the uterus, its ligament apparatus, in case of tissue hypotension, infantilism of the uterus, its incorrect position (not due to inflammation), congestion, it is necessary to strictly take into account the potential reaction depending on the applied force. Gynecological massage has an indirect effect (through the normalization of blood circulation and increased metabolism) on the state of the ovaries, secretory and menstrual function uterine organ. Massage has a beneficial effect on the vulva and skin abdomen: hyperemia of the skin occurs, local boost temperature, keratinized old cells of the epidermis are eliminated, skin respiration improves, sebaceous, as well as sweat glands. In general, gynecological massage increases the tone of the entire pelvic cavity, as well as the abdominal cavity. In addition, it normalizes general state patients, irritability decreases, pain disappears, working capacity increases, the functions of the bladder, intestines and sleep of a woman are normalized, her appetite improves. There is also a change

Many in gynecology various methods therapy gynecological diseases . This is hormone therapy. surgery, laser therapy, physiotherapy, antibiotics, immunomodulators, current therapy.

But the more naturally applied healing method, the more efficient it is. Gynecological massage is one of the most natural non-surgical methods getting rid of gynecological diseases.

It affects the body of a woman physiologically and is involved in the healing of the whole organism. Consider how to do gynecological massage at home.

General information

What is gynecological massage? The technique has been known and practiced since 1861. It was developed by the scientist Thure Brandt. Gradually, obstetricians adjusted the technique and brought it to perfection.

IN last years women are more susceptible various diseases urinary system. :

Methodology treatment is suitable women with gynecological diseases early stages. Indications:

  • adhesions;
  • displacement of the uterus;
  • complications after difficult childbirth, abortions, miscarriages;
  • muscular insufficiency of the uterus;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • disturbed menstrual cycle, severe pain during menstruation;
  • infertility, inability to bear a child.

The technique is suitable for the prevention of diseases, if massage is done twice a year for 5-10 sessions.

In combination with physiotherapy and acupressure, the blood supply to the ovaries improves several times, they better absorb pituitary hormones.

Massage is contraindicated in:

Gynecological massage - the most physiological way impact. Effective in the treatment of various gynecological diseases and reproductive disorders.

This is an effective and gentle alternative to hardware methods, which helps to avoid surgery, antibiotics and hormonal drugs.

Consider the effect of massage in various diseases:

Consider several techniques for performing gynecological massage.

Gynecological massage is medical procedure and should only be performed by a qualified obstetrician/gynecologist in medical institutions on a special chair or table with a support for legs.

A woman does not need special training. She should:

  • empty the intestines and bladder, then the likelihood of occurrence discomfort will be minimal;
  • you can eat two hours before the massage, no later;
  • wash the external genitalia with water and an intimate hygiene product;
  • On the day of the massage, sexual intercourse should be avoided.

The woman sits comfortably on a massage table or a gynecological chair. She relaxes. If the muscles are relaxed, the gynecologist will be able to perform the procedure painlessly.

Sometimes, according to some indications, massage is performed in the knee-elbow position.. The specialist must first show correct technique breathing.

The doctor treats the patient's large and small labia with an antiseptic, puts on gloves, and begins to massage. With the fingers of one hand, he gropes for the uterus from the side of the vagina (fixed on the cervix), with the other hand he grasps the uterus from the outside, gently pressing the stomach.

Smooth movements produce palpation of the uterus, the location of the body, its mobility. After determining the stage of the disease, he massages the pelvic organs.

Exit urethra and the clitoris are not affected. Moving or straightening the uterus is not done immediately, but over several sessions.

The first session should last a maximum of 10 minutes. Gradually, the time increases to 20 minutes. Conditions, the duration of the course are individual and depend on the disease and its degree.

During the procedure, the patient should not experience pain. The uterus will contract, discomfort is possible. If you experience severe pain, you should tell your doctor about it. In no case can not endure the pain!

The best effect can be achieved by adhering to the recommendations of the gynecologist: attend massage in a timely manner, perform physical exercises prescribed by the attending physician. As a result of the procedure, adhesive elements are stretched and broken.

The number of sessions can vary from 30 or more. Usually the course takes about two months. Take a break during menstruation. Any specialist should own several massage techniques.

During treatment, the doctor makes notes about the patient's condition. If deterioration is observed, the technique is changed.

During the entire course you need to protect yourself. Great risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy!

Consider how to do gynecological massage yourself.

Many doctors say that gynecological massage cannot be done on its own.. But this is a rather intimate occupation, and not every woman decides to do it in the clinic due to her shyness or other reasons.

Such women should first contact a gynecologist and make sure that there are no contraindications. Also, the doctor will tell you this or that technique.

Massage done on the bed. A pillow is placed under the back. The hand is thoroughly washed, then the external genital organs are treated with an antiseptic. You need to relax as much as possible.

First, gently insert two fingers inside and gently knead the walls of the vagina. sharp and strong movements should not be. With the other hand, knead the abdominal muscles, smoothly and carefully.

Discomfort and pain during the massage should not be!

After the massage, lie on your stomach and rest for 15 minutes.. The circulation will be restored. On massage days sexual life abstain.

M.S. Norbekov is an academician, doctor of philosophy in medicine, who developed his own technique of gynecological massage, which is called auto-massage.

In contrast of classical massage is that the organs female body influence not only physiologically, but also psychologically.

Automassage can be done at home. The patient cannot be trusted to an outsider. She does everything herself.


  • adhesions, scars;
  • frigidity;
  • painful menstruation, pelvic pain;
  • misalignment of the uterus.

Auto-massage is allowed even with cervical erosion, tuberculosis. But there are still contraindications:

  • pregnancy (forced uterine contractions provoke premature birth);
  • menstruation;
  • oncology.

To begin with, a woman should relax, take a comfortable position: lie on her back or take a lotus position. All thoughts should be focused on yourself, within yourself, on your feelings.

Then the patient closes her eyes and slowly moves her thoughts to the area of ​​the bladder, the lower back. She should try to feel the warmth that rushes to the body and organs.

space for bladder(the area of ​​the uterus) is gradually filled with pleasant sensations, warmth. The contractions of the uterus will slowly awaken. If a woman feels easy pleasure, which eventually tires - she is on the right track.

If it was not possible to focus on heat and vibrations, you need to relax and begin to alternate between the mental space of the uterus and the lower back. After that, the process of uterine contraction is started with a short tension of the abdominal muscles, perineum.

Such auto-massage is done no more than once a day. Two weeks daily, then enough 2-3 times a week.

Auxiliary exercises that help tune in to automassage:

  • it is squeezed and released for three seconds until fatigue appears;
  • contract the muscle as quickly as possible until a sensation of "flutter" appears;
  • muscles contract for a long time, as if drawing an object into the vagina.
  • Visually draw a straight line on the floor. They take off their shoes, walk along it, and place their feet so that the heel of the front foot touches the toes of the back.
  • Lie on the floor, put your hands parallel to the floor. Raise your legs to the ceiling. An angle perpendicular to the floor should form. The lower back is smoothly torn off the floor, resting on the hands. The loin forms an angle of 45 degrees. Remain in this position for half a minute. Do three approaches.
  • Technique Chinese massage consists in the impact of fingertips on active acupuncture points. These are conditional lines. Bioelectric impulses pass through them, human energy flows.

    When exposed, endorphins are released, blocking pain sensations, stimulating blood flow to areas with pathological process, saturating organs and tissues with oxygen, activating metabolism.

    Acupressure relieves tension, spasms, relaxes muscles, promotes quick removal from the body of decay products. The body is cleansed, immunity is increased. Produced "hormones of joy" block the pain.

    Massage helps with infertility. After a course of acupuncture, a woman's chances of getting pregnant increase.

    Massage can be done independently. But a preliminary consultation with your doctor is necessary. The procedure is carried out in a comfortable environment before meals, every day or every other day. The patient is sitting or lying down, the muscles are relaxed.

    Some techniques of Chinese acupressure:

    1. kneading. Circular movements are performed with the pad of the thumb, the rest of the fingers do not touch the surface.
    2. pressure. The movements are smooth, the intensity of the impact gradually increases.
    3. Trituration with finger pads.
    4. pushing. Produced by the palmar and radial surface of the thumb. The movement is directed to the center of the massaged point.
    5. stabbing. The thumb is straight, the rest are bent. Press on thumb, the impact force increases.

    Movements should be slow, rhythmic. Do not affect damaged skin as well as scarred skin. Massage in the abdomen is performed on the exhale.

    Don't do this kind of massage inguinal region, on mammary glands.

    With the development of pharmacology and medicine, gynecological massage began to be treated much less frequently. However, its effect is beneficial for genitourinary system and the entire female body.

    In the absence of contraindications, it is carried out as a preparation for pregnancy and childbirth to facilitate physiological process. Significantly increases the chances of conception.

    The course of therapy is quite long. Regular examinations by a specialist are necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the procedure.

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    Gynecological massageeffective method treatment a large number"women's" diseases. Importantly, it is also the most physiological method, without the use of medicines and the risk of allergies. In our clinic actively practice this species therapy, given its indicative results and safety.

    How it works?

    This type of massage carries all positive points, like any other massage - blood circulation improves, muscles relax, activates the immune system. This, in turn, sets off a whole cascade beneficial processes- cells are saturated with oxygen, rejuvenate, adhesions and scars begin to dissolve, chronic inflammatory processes recede ... This massage is unique in that, with all your desire, you will not be able to improve blood flow and “stretch” the muscles of the uterus on your own. Moreover, during the procedure, a slight displacement of the uterus occurs, which can help correct acquired anomalies in its position (uterine bend, etc.).

    Indications for gynecological massage

    1. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (uterus and its appendages). This is especially true for those who often experience pain in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​​​the appendages, or in the sacrum. You will feel the effect after several procedures.
    2. Salpingitis and fibrosis (often the result of "undertreated" inflammatory processes).
    3. Amenorrhea and infertility.
    4. Past abortions, miscarriages.
    5. Frigidity (acquired, not congenital)

    In many cases, gynecological massage of the uterus should be used in combination with medical (and even hardware) treatments, in which case the effect is mutually enhanced and the disease disappears without a trace.

    In our clinic, you have the opportunity to combine all stages of treatment - medication, physiotherapy and other techniques. Gynecologists at the SM-clinic will tell you in detail about the most preferred methods of treatment for you after the examination, and then our registry will orient you in the price for the entire course of procedures.


    No matter how physiological and good the method is, it also has certain contraindications:

    • acute inflammatory processes of the female genital organs (external or internal);
    • time of menstruation;
    • the presence of neoplasms of the uterus and its appendages;
    • fever(37 and above);
    • increase in ESR more than 20 mm/h;
    • pregnancy (or suspicion of it);
    • genital tuberculosis;
    • congenital disorders position of the uterus;
    • lactation;
    • sharp pains that occur during massage;
    • within 2 months after childbirth, abortion or miscarriage.

    How is gynecological massage done?

    In "SM-Clinic" the procedure is as follows. The woman is in one of 2 positions (depending on the purpose of treatment) - either classically on a gynecological chair, or on a couch in a knee-elbow position. The gynecologist works with two hands - one from the side of the vagina, and the other presses on the anterior abdominal wall. In this case, the uterus and appendages are gently clamped between the hands of the doctor and gently massaged. Massage should not deliver pain. If you feel pain, be sure to tell your doctor. For her part, the task of a woman is to relax her stomach as much as possible. By straining the press, you interfere with the procedure. We have experienced gynecologists who will explain to you in an accessible way how to breathe properly during the procedure so that there is no discomfort.

    In the modern field of gynecology, many types of treatment of diseases are successfully practiced - surgical interventions, hormone therapy, physio- and laser therapy, antibiotics and immunomodulators, treatment with currents. In addition, the closer to nature the material used, the more effectively it eliminates the disease.

    Gynecological massage belongs to a number of these techniques and is successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. The physiological effect on the organs has a beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole.

    Indications for gynecological massage

    The genital organs in women consist, like other parts of the body, of muscle and connective tissues. With weak contractility of the muscles of the uterus, scars on the ovaries, deformation of the ligaments, wrong position uterus (bend anteriorly, posteriorly, inflection, omission, displacement to the right or left), stagnant processes in the small pelvis, gynecological massage can be successfully applied.

    The above phenomena are a kind of catalyst for the development of inflammatory processes, infertility and miscarriage. But all these violations can be eliminated with the help of physiological effects. Gynecological massage of the body of the uterus promotes recovery menstrual cycle, if it malfunctions, and is also used for amenorrhea - the absence of menstruation.

    This procedure, carried out by an experienced specialist, improves blood circulation in the pelvis, eliminates retroflexion (bend) of the uterus and normalizes its mobility, allowing the organ to take the correct position. In addition, with the help of such an event, you can get rid of adhesions that prevent sperm from entering. It also improves intestinal motility, increases the overall tone of the body, exacerbates sexual sensations.

    Gynecological massage for infertility, miscarriage and other diseases

    In the treatment complex female infertility. The procedure is indispensable for adhesions and bending of the uterus. The causes of infertility are often adhesions, bends, congestion in the genital area, and circulatory disorders. The technique will effectively eliminate these pathologies without surgical intervention, will prepare a woman for pregnancy and childbirth.

    It is worth noting that women often turn to a doctor for referral to such procedures after IVF, abortion, laparoscopy and other types of interventions. Timely appointed and correctly carried out, this method eliminates the risk negative consequences, reduces the time of infertility treatment, restores broken systems and prepares a woman for successful conception and subsequent pregnancy.

    With primary miscarriage. IN this case the method allows you to strengthen the muscles and ligaments, increase their strength and elasticity, return the uterus to its normal position in case of bending or adhesions.

    After surgery or abortion. In this case, massage is done to free the ovaries from scars, eliminate adhesions, adhesions, to strengthen muscles and ligaments.

    In inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, which provoke menstrual irregularities, the development of adhesions, bending of the uterus, other diseases and disorders. The therapy includes not only massage, but also anti-inflammatory treatment (PCI method), as well as immunomodulators and physiotherapy.

    retroflexion of the uterus. In some cases, the cause of infertility is the bending of the organ backwards or downwards. The displacement can occur even during the stay of the child in the womb (congenital) or be acquired. In the latter case, it develops against the background of an inflammatory disease, disruption of the ovaries, and the occurrence of an adhesive process.

    The physiological effect in this situation is often replaced by surgical intervention or dissection of adhesions by laparoscopy. It is worth noting that the latter option does not guarantee a complete recovery, because spikes often return again.

    Amenorrhea. On palpation, the specialist irritates nerve endings small pelvis, which accelerates the onset of menstruation. At the same time, blood circulation in this area improves.

    At adhesive process. Massage breaks adhesions, restores the normal position of the uterus, improves blood circulation in the genitals. These phenomena lead to miscarriage and infertility. They can occur after laparoscopy, laparotomy, removal of the appendix, abortion, operations on the kidneys, ovaries, appendages, etc.

    This pathology occurs in 93% of cases after the above activities. In addition, the development of adhesions can be triggered by endometriosis, a sexually transmitted infection, inflammatory disease pelvic organs.

    Massage for weak pelvic floor muscles and uterine prolapse. These pathologies can lead to bleeding. The doctor may in addition prescribe a special complex exercise which will strengthen the muscles.

    How is a professional gynecological massage done?

    The optimal place for the procedure is a gynecological chair with adjustable tilt and footrests. Massage should only experienced specialist, because you need to be familiar with the methodology, be able to respond to the patient's reactions, select the duration of exposure. The woman should lie on the edge of the chair, spread her legs and rest them on the steps.

    You need to lie calmly, relaxed, and with a sharp pain or deterioration in well-being, immediately tell the doctor about it. With retroflexion, pain may occur during palpation. Sometimes the heartbeat quickens, as blood can suddenly flow to the heart.

    The doctor performs manipulations with both hands: one from the side of the vagina, the other from the outside, on the stomach. It is worth noting that the best option this type of treatment will be carried out manipulations in a medical institution.

    The main task of the doctor is to palpate the uterus from all sides, achieve painlessness, break adhesions and scars, and massage the ovaries.

    In some cases, it takes a long time to get the desired effect. But the result will meet expectations and exceed inconveniences, for example, a woman will be able to get pregnant, she will feel better, her metabolism will normalize, and sensitivity during sex will also improve.

    The course is selected individually for each patient. The duration of one session varies from 3 to 20 minutes, depending on the preparedness and condition of the cervix and other organs. During a massage course with retroflection, a woman should sleep and rest on her stomach.

    When is gynecological massage contraindicated?

    The following conditions are contraindications and restrictions:

    • Availability infectious disease, venereal infection, tuberculosis, STIs;
    • Increased body temperature;
    • Menses;
    • Neoplasms in the uterus or its appendages;
    • congenital retroflexion;
    • Oncological diseases;
    • Erosion;
    • Pregnancy;
    • lactation period;
    • You can not massage for two months after an abortion, childbirth, operations on the genitals;
    • Certain bowel diseases;
    • Thrombophlebitis of the veins of the pelvis.

    Gynecological massage at home

    At home, the procedure can be performed on the bed. A pillow or roller is placed under the lower back to lift the hips. Palpation should be soft, gentle and careful. You need to relax, take a deep breath.

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