Temporal lifting (temporoplasty) - looking young is easy. Forehead and brow lift Contraindications to temparoplasty

To rejuvenate the look and face as a whole, just one procedure may be enough - temporal lifting! The operation works real miracles, which many celebrities have confirmed in their experience.

For example, to maintain her attractiveness, Nicole Kidman carefully chooses care and cosmetic procedures. But, if they can’t cope, then skillful maters of facial plastic surgery come to the rescue. It is believed that in addition to the temporal lift, the actress also performed some other anti-aging operations.

Sofia Rotaru and Larisa Dolina, according to experts, are not far removed from their Western counterparts. They carefully hide the facts of applying to plastic surgeons, but you can’t fool the experts!

What is a temporal lift?

Loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin leads to the formation of wrinkles, furrows and folds. First of all, the aging process covers the area of ​​​​the eyes and forehead.

Temporal lifting is a lateral diagonal lifting of the upper third of the face through access to the temporal fascia. Plastic surgery allows you to correct the area of ​​the temples, eyebrows and forehead.

After the operation, the look becomes more open, the problem of impending eyelids partially disappears. An increase in the elasticity and firmness of the skin of the forehead, cheekbones, and eyes is achieved.

For a pronounced rejuvenating effect, temporal lifting is often combined with circular blepharoplasty, neck lift, neck liposuction, lifting of the lower third of the face.

Unlike other lifting methods, temporal lifting preserves the natural contour of facial features, after it the mobility of facial muscles is not disturbed, and scars are invisible.


The classification of temporal lifting implies two types of surgery, based on the type of access to the correction zone:

  • Open methodology. It is used with a large excess of the skin flap of the temporal and frontal lobes. It is supposed to make a cut up to ten centimeters. It features high anatomical visualization of the operating area. The duration of rehabilitation is longer, since tissue traumatization is increased.
  • Endoscopic technique. It is a minimally invasive and safe way. Several half-centimeter punctures are made.

The endoscope reduces the risk of bleeding, bruising, necrotic changes, damage to blood vessels, nerves and other complications, since the area of ​​operation is completely controlled by the doctor. The sensitivity of the scalp is completely preserved.

The average duration of the operation is 1.5 hours.

Photos "before" and "after"

Temporal lifting is a fairly common procedure, since trauma is reduced. Many doctors have dozens of photographs in their arsenal. According to them, you can evaluate the results of plastic surgery, the skill of the surgeon. The first photo is taken before the operation. The second photo shows the results immediately after the procedure. The third photo is taken after the removal of edema at the follow-up examination.

The photo shows a rejuvenating effect in the form of smoothing the network of wrinkles, the elimination of ptosis of the eyebrows, and the elevation of the outer points of the eyes also occur. Thanks to the endoscopic technique, bruises, scars and other negative consequences are not observed.

Indications and contraindications

Temporal lifting is necessary for patients who have no changes in the middle and lower third of the face, but there are signs of aging in the upper part.

The main indications for a facelift:

  • A pronounced network of mimic wrinkles in the eye area of ​​varying intensity.
  • The presence of crow's feet at the outer edges of the eyes.
  • Omission of the outer corners of the eyes (gravitational ptosis of the lateral canthus).
  • Changing the distance between the eyebrow and the free edge of the upper eyelid.
  • Ptosis of the outer points of the eyebrows. Due to the drooping of the eyebrows, the look becomes gloomy.
  • Furrowed eyebrows in the region of the bridge of the nose.
  • The development of dermatochalasis - an excess of the epidermis of the upper and lower eyelids.
  • Descent of the skin-fascial structures of the temples.
  • Furrows and horizontal folds on the skin of the forehead.
  • The first signs of ptosis of the soft tissues of the cheekbones and the formation of jowls.

Often, when performing a chin lift and correction of the nasolabial region, differences appear between the lower and upper parts of the face. For rejuvenation, temporal lifting is also used.

The optimal age for a facelift is from 30-35 years old, when the first withering of the skin of the face is noticeable.

Carrying out the operation under a categorical ban, if there are:

  • Chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels.
  • Pathology of the kidneys, liver.
  • Oncological neoplasms.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Acute ophthalmic disorders.
  • Blood flow disorders, incl. low blood clotting.
  • Diabetes mellitus of the decompressed stage (presence of dependence on insulin).

The procedure should be postponed if breastfeeding, severe burns, scratches, local inflammation, infection or virus development. Even a runny nose, herpes rashes are a reason for transferring a facelift.

In addition, it is undesirable to perform the operation if there is a menstruation. During this period, the normal process of blood clotting is disrupted. It is necessary to transfer the event to the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Temporal lifting is rarely performed after 40 years, as the number of deep wrinkles increases, the skin loses its elasticity and ability to contract, and the subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue grows. These problems are an obstacle to achieving a noticeable result.

Preparing for the operation

At the initial consultation, the plastic surgeon determines the need for a temporal lift. To do this, he evaluates and compares the condition of the soft tissues of the upper, middle and lower thirds of the face. The doctor reports the risk of negative consequences, if, of course, there is one.

The stage of identifying or confirming the absence of any contraindications is an important step in preparation. You need to pass a standard package of tests, which includes:

  • Standard blood and urine test.
  • Extended blood test.
  • Coagulogram. Specifies the clotting time.
  • Analysis for latent sexual infections.
  • Examination of the chest organs. For example, fluorography or radiography.

An additional measure of checking the body: consultation and examination by an ophthalmologist, therapist, endocrinologist. In conclusion, an anesthesiologist is consulted, at which the specialist is interested in the reaction to medications, determines the type of anesthesia for each individual case.

After the diagnosis, the patient is sent with the results of the examination to the doctor. By interpreting the data, pathological conditions are refuted, permission for the operation is issued.

Preoperative measures
At the secondary appointment, the specialist gives instructions for preparing the body for surgical intervention. Despite the low trauma, it is required:

Two weeks before the due date:

  • Quit or limit smoking as much as possible. Nicotine thins the blood, promotes prolonged healing of tissues in the rehabilitation period, and impairs microcirculation.
  • Stop drinking alcohol, incl. beer, as alcohol affects blood circulation.
  • Limit or stop taking anticoagulants, antibiotics, hormonal drugs, drugs that affect blood viscosity, such as acetylsalicylic acid, vitamin E, venotonics.

If it is impossible to refuse medication, then you need to inform the doctor about it.

One week before the due date:

  • Follow a dietary diet. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of fried, spicy, smoked foods.
  • Wash hair and scalp with antiseptic shampoo.

On the appointed day:

  • Don't eat anything. Water intake is not possible.
  • Remove jewelry, piercings, contact lenses.
  • Wash your head and body. In this case, you can not visit the bath or sauna.
  • Wash with an alcohol-free cleanser.
  • Do not apply moisturizer, cosmetics.


The temporal lifting algorithm involves the following steps:

  • The hair is tied into dozens of small buns.
  • The marking of the main directions is applied.
  • The treatment area is disinfected with an antiseptic solution.
  • The patient is immersed in drug-induced sleep. General anesthesia is used for anesthesia. Local anesthesia with internal sedation is an extreme option when there are contraindications to general anesthesia. Safety is controlled by the anesthesiologist.
  • A puncture or diagonal lateral incision is made in the area above the auricles in the scalp. The puncture is about 0.5 mm long. A continuous incision of about 2.5-3 centimeters runs from the highest point of the frontal lobe to the top of the ear. Due to the cut hidden in the hair, the seam is perfectly masked.
  • The endoscopic equipment is introduced, the optical area is formed. Thanks to the equipment, the accuracy of the surgeon's actions is the highest, and the likelihood of damage to the structures of nerves or blood vessels is impossible.
  • The upper region of the temporal fascia is exfoliated, the ligaments are dissected using a thin cannula. The soft tissues of the forehead, areas of the eyelids to the orbital margin, temples, bridge of the nose, and part of the zygomatic zone are affected.
    Dissection (the degree of depth of dissection) can be subcutaneous, subperiosteal, subgaleal, based on the severity of existing problems.
  • The designated zones are pulled up to the desired state. The tissues are fixed with special titanium staples, small medical screws or endotines. The latter are the safest.
  • A section of the superficial temporal fascia is sutured to the deep structures.
  • Excess skin is resected.
  • The dissected tissues are joined with internal and external sutures. Biodegradable threads are used for internal seams.
  • A drainage system is being installed.
  • A pressure sterile bandage is fixed.
  • A compression bandage is applied. He keeps his face in the new position.


After the operation, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for a day, where the medical staff and the surgeon monitor the condition after recovering from anesthesia.

The compression bandage is worn for at least 5 days. At this time, it cannot be removed. The stitches are removed after 7-10 days. At the control appointment, the doctor evaluates the process of tissue healing, the likelihood of the formation of a keloid scar.

In the postoperative period, a slight headache, a feeling of tightness of the skin in the temple area, and swelling are possible. Symptoms are short-term and disappear after 3-7 days on their own.

The recovery period is quick and easy if the patient follows the doctor's recommendations, including:

  • The ban on visiting the bath, sauna, swimming pool.
  • Refusal to take a bath with different water temperatures.
  • Limiting physical activity, lifting weights, visiting the gym.
  • Avoid using a hair dryer to dry your hair.
  • Prohibition of drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Restrictions on tilting the head and torso down.
  • Use of soft massaging combs. Do not use combs with metal teeth.

The restrictions apply for two months. Already after five days it is allowed to wash your hair, but you need to remember about the vertical position of the head. Foam should not get on postoperative wounds. After 10-14 days, it is allowed to return to the usual way of life, to go to work. Light makeup is allowed.

During the year, you should not take ultraviolet baths, stay in the sun, otherwise the formation of age spots at the site of suturing is possible.

After a few months, the severity of scars can be reduced with the help of physiotherapy sessions. Microcurrent procedures or lymphatic drainage massage have a positive effect on tissue regeneration.


After two weeks, you can evaluate the preliminary effect. A rejuvenated, open look is noticeable.

The final results of the temporal lift are summed up two months after the endoscopic lift. If an open temple lift was performed, then the period is doubled.

The results are expressed as follows:

  • Lack of wrinkled mesh around the lower and upper eyelids.
  • The return of the eyebrows to their original elevated position.
  • Lifting the tips of the eyebrows.
  • Lifting the outer corners of the eyelids.
  • Smoothing the skin of the zygomatic zone and cheeks.
  • Elimination of the drooping of the upper eyelid.
  • Formation of the fold of the upper eyelid (if necessary).
  • Elimination of excess skin of the frontal and temporal lobes.
  • Easy smoothing of nasolabial furrows.

Such changes persist for about 6-8 years.

Temporal-temporal lifting (temporoplasty) is one of the anti-aging plastic surgeries that helps to get rid of wrinkles in the eyelids (“crow's feet”), lift the cheekbones and outer corners of the eyebrows. Effectively eliminates the first signs of facial aging, which is why it is especially popular with patients aged 25-35, for which it has received the name "model lift".

Indications for temporoplasty

  • drooping of the eyebrows, making the look gloomy and the face tired;
  • sagging of soft tissues in the cheekbones, the formation of jowls;
  • Expression of mimic wrinkles at the outer edge of the eyelids.

Individual consultation

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Contraindications for temporal facelift

Temporoplasty is not performed during pregnancy and lactation, in violation of blood clotting (hemophilia), decompensated diabetes mellitus, pathology of the cardiovascular system, mental illness, in the presence of an acute viral infection, severe forms of oncology, exacerbation of systemic diseases.

How is a temporal lift performed?

Temporal lift is one of the first plastic surgeries that patients turn to in order to look several years younger. It is performed both in isolation and in combination with blepharoplasty, forehead lift or general facelift.

During temporo-temporal lifting, the sagging muscular-aponeurotic layer of the zygomatic and temporal zones is carefully separated and pulled up - “put in place”. Excess soft tissue is excised. The incision is made above the ear in the scalp, 2.5-3 cm from the hairline, which makes it possible to make the stitches from the operation not visually noticeable.

The operation takes 1-1.5 hours. It is performed under general anesthesia (narcosis). Stay in the hospital up to 1 day. For better fixation of soft tissues, a compression bandage is applied to the operated area, which is desirable to wear for the first 5 days without removing it.

The rehabilitation period after a temporal zone lift

Lowered corners of the eyebrows, small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, a gloomy look - temporal lifting copes with all these problems.

This operation also improves facial expression if the patient has drooping cheeks, deep wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows.

Temporal lifting - what is it

In youth, the face has a clear oval, there is an open expressive look. With age, the skin loses its elasticity, tone, facial muscles weaken, which results in sagging of the epidermis in the area of ​​the eyes, eyebrows, cheeks. Wrinkles appear, the contour of the face becomes wavy.

Temporal lifting, also called temporoplasty, is a simple surgical operation to rejuvenate the upper part of the face.

It is perfect for patients who have not decided on drastic changes in appearance, but want to reduce age-related changes.

During the surgical intervention, the doctor makes a small incision in the temporal zone, moves the soft tissues and fixes them in a new position.

Temporoplasty or temporal lift before and after:

The operation effectively eliminates both the first signs of aging and the deep ones on the forehead. Solves the problem of hanging eyelids, lowered eyebrows, hanging cheeks.

It can be carried out separately, but more often in conjunction with other anti-aging operations: circular, liposuction, etc.

Indications and contraindications

The operation is indicated for sagging of the upper eyelid, drooping of the eyebrows, the outer corner of the eyes, deep wrinkles on the forehead, "crow's feet".

It has no special age restrictions and is popular among both young people and older patients.

Temporal brow lift is not performed in the presence of absolute and relative contraindications. The first includes the patient's condition, in which surgical intervention is life-threatening. These contraindications are listed below.


  1. oncology;
  2. immunodeficiency states;
  3. violations of hemostasis;
  4. severe diseases of internal organs;
  5. diseases at the stage of decompensation;
  6. borderline state of mind;
  7. GV, the period of bearing a child.

Among the relative limitations to the lifting are temporary conditions, due to which the surgeon may delay the operation until a more favorable period.


  1. inflammatory processes on the skin in the operated area;
  2. skin diseases in the acute stage;
  3. infectious diseases (FLU, SARS, tonsillitis, etc.);
  4. taking medications that change the rheological properties of the blood.

Do you need preparation

Also, before and after the operation, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics to prevent inflammation and suppuration of the tissues.

Since the operation is performed under, the patient will need to undergo a series of examinations to determine the general state of health.

For this, they can be assigned:

  • general blood tests, urine;
  • biochemistry;
  • analysis for hepatitis C, HIV;
  • consultation with an anesthesiologist, etc.

If the patient is taking any medications, there is an allergy to any drugs, then you should definitely tell the surgeon about it.

Technique (5 stages)

The operation is considered minimally invasive and non-traumatic. It is performed using an endoscope in the following sequence:

  1. First, the doctor makes markings that will help him navigate in the future.
  2. Then the anesthesiologist injects an anesthetic and the surgeon makes small incisions (no more than 3 cm) in the temporal region, above the ear, near the scalp.
  3. The surgeon carefully separates the muscular-aponeurotic layer of the temporal and zygomatic zones and pulls it up. Through the incisions, a thin tube with a miniature camera is inserted under the skin, which transmits the image to the monitor - an endoscope. Thanks to this device, the doctor controls the progress of the operation.
  4. Excess skin is excised and applied with fixatives that prevent tissue displacement. These can be special screws, staples, endotines.
  5. If the patient has a bleeding tendency, the surgeon may additionally install a drain. Then the specialist applies cosmetic sutures and a fixing compression bandage.

There are biodegradable retainers, which are made in the form of a small plate with spikes.

On the one hand, they are attached to the muscle, on the other - to the facial skeleton. They evenly stretch the fabrics and prevent them from shifting.


Result after surgery

After the operation, the face is transformed. The look becomes more expressive and naturally open. The skin looks much fresher, younger, like after a good rest.

But the effect will be noticeable only after 2-3 weeks, since at first the patient has swelling, which makes it very difficult to objectively evaluate the result.

What is tightened after a temporal lift:

  • eyebrows rise, their shape changes;
  • cheekbones become more expressive;
  • the outer corners of the eyes are raised;
  • drooping cheeks are eliminated, which make the face wavy and break a clear contour.

7 benefits of surgery

Compared to other plastic surgeries, the temporal lift has many advantages:

  1. After the operation, the stitches are invisible because they are small and hidden in the scalp.
  2. Natural result, no mask effect.
  3. Can be combined with other operations by .
  4. Minimal blood loss.
  5. No visible scars, scars.
  6. Short rehabilitation period.
  7. Fast and long lasting results.

But lifting is not without its drawbacks. Like any other plastic surgery, it has its own risks and possible negative consequences.

A fairly wide list of contraindications is also not an advantage.

Question answer

The duration of the operation takes from 1 to 1.5 hours.

It is often performed under local anesthesia, but general anesthesia can also be used. This is decided by the doctor.

After the intervention, the patient stays in the hospital for another 1 day and goes home.

Possible negative consequences (3 troubles)

Negative consequences can arise if bleeding occurs during the operation, doctor's mistakes are made, sanitary and hygienic requirements are not observed, etc.

Among the most severe complications:

  1. Skin necrosis. Reason: excessive skin detachment. Occurs more often in the area of ​​greatest skin tension. The result is malnutrition and tissue death.
  2. Suppuration. Reason: the subcutaneous hematoma was not removed in a timely manner, an infection was introduced when using non-sterile instruments, non-compliance with the doctor's instructions during the recovery period. As a result, the suture does not heal well, purulent contents can be released from the wound.
  3. Deformation of facial contours. Reason: the specialist unevenly separated the tissues, removed too much skin. As a result, the patient may have asymmetry of the eyebrows, the outer corners of the eyes.

To prevent complications and identify them in a timely manner, you should regularly visit a doctor and do not miss scheduled appointments.


The average cost of temporal lifting in Russia is about 70,000 rubles, in Ukraine - 30,000 UAH.

The price may vary depending on the city (for example, the price of a temporal lift in Moscow will be higher than in other cities), the specific clinic, the experience and qualifications of the doctor.

The success of the operation and the extent to which the result will satisfy the patient, largely depends on the professionalism and experience of the doctor.

The services of a good specialist will not be cheap, so you do not need to look for the lowest price, otherwise you can fall into the hands of a non-professional.

Before the operation, it is necessary to ask the doctor all the questions of interest. You don't have to be embarrassed about being uncomfortable. You should ask about the presence of a diploma, portfolio (every self-respecting specialist has examples of his work).

It is also not superfluous to ask if the surgeon had cases with an unsuccessful outcome of the operation and, if so, whether he corrected his work.

And, of course, you need to ask for feedback about the specialist and his work. You can read them on the Internet, you can also try to find real customers and get their opinion live.

rehabilitation period

Temporal lifting is characterized by a short recovery period, but, nevertheless, the patient needs to follow several recommendations so as not to disrupt the healing process of tissues.

It is necessary to wear a fixing bandage for at least 5 days after the operation, this will help prevent the divergence of the sutures, bleeding, and infection.

After 7-10 days, the doctor removes the stitches. Complete tissue healing ends by 3-4 weeks after surgery.

  • sport;
  • active head turns, tilts;
  • sleeping on the side.

All this will help prevent tissue displacement, divergence of sutures, and bleeding. It is also better for the patient to refuse hot water procedures. This can provoke vasodilation, blood flow to the face, and swelling.

Washing should be as careful as possible, without pressure on the skin and water on the seams.

It is better to give up cosmetics for the first 2 weeks. It is recommended to wash your hair no earlier than a week later.

Swimming in pools, ponds is also not worth it, since you can bring an infection that will lead to inflammation and suppuration of the operated area.

It is better to limit tanning beds and sun exposure so as not to cause skin pigmentation.

Sometimes the slightest touch can drastically change the appearance of a person. One action can make a big difference. This directly relates to such a common procedure as temporoplasty. The operation refers to a series of simple plastic procedures aimed at eliminating the aesthetic problems of the face.

What is temporoplasty


Temporale means "temple". Therefore, temporoplasty is a temporal lifting, with the help of which a lift is performed. The ultimate goal of the procedure is rejuvenation.

The technique is quite simple and trustworthy as the result is a permanent visual effect. Temporoplasty is an endoscopic surgery (performed with the help of an endoscope) that allows in the upper third of the face.

Its use is appropriate at the age of 35 to 45 years.


Various techniques are used for temporoplasty: classical operation, endoscopic or combined.

  • Classic method rarely used because it is the most traumatic.
  • More often resort to endoscopic method, which aims to dissect the subcutaneous muscles. This method appeared in the late 90s of the 20th century. This operation is performed using an endoscope. The operation prevents bleeding, which clearly speaks of its benefits. For the endoscopic method, small incisions are made in the scalp. Often the operation is combined with other methods. In this case, the operation begins with a forehead and eyebrow lift. Temporoplasty is sometimes combined with.


The main indication for temporoplasty are the first signs of aging: around the eyes. When these signs are eliminated with the help of temporoplasty, the effect of rejuvenation of the entire face is achieved in parallel, since temporoplasty entails that the skin is tightened along their entire contour.


Patients are selected carefully, since there are a number of general and particular contraindications. The operation is not performed on older people, since a significant excess of skin and developed fatty subcutaneous tissue are a significant obstacle. The operation is performed only if the skin has not lost its elasticity and ability to contract.

In addition to these contraindications, there are general ones that make the operation impossible:

  • Viral infection (including,)
  • acute inflammation,
  • Exacerbations of a chronic disease
  • Cardiovascular diseases (including and),
  • Violation of blood clotting.

When a woman is preparing for an operation, the menstrual cycle is strictly taken into account, since it is unacceptable to perform the operation on the eve and during the cycle itself.

Comparison with similar methods

An analogue of the procedure can be called, which is inferior to temporoplasty in terms of the duration of the effect. The same can be said about the application.

Temporoplasty performed by the endoscopic method has many advantages compared to standard techniques:

  • little injury,
  • Less severe pain syndrome
  • No discomfort in the cheeks, neck and neck,
  • Small incisions entail less crossing of nerve trunks, veins, arteries, and lymph nodes.

Endoscopic control prevents possible complications, occurrence, necrotic changes in skin flaps.


Temporoplasty, despite the low trauma, is a full-fledged operation and requires careful preparation. A consultation with a plastic surgeon is the first step in such preparation.

An important point is the identification of contraindications, in the presence of which the operation is not performed. After the consultation, with a positive decision, the patient is prescribed an examination.

Necessary analyzes and activities

  • , AIDS and ,
  • Blood test for coagulation (), group and Rh factor,
  • Fluorography,

Therapist's consultation is mandatory. There is a reaction to anesthesia. 2 weeks before the operation, stop taking hormonal drugs and products containing acetylsalicylic acid. It is recommended because it impairs blood microcirculation, which increases the risk of skin necrosis and excessive scarring.

3 days before surgery, it is recommended to wash your hair daily with antiseptic shampoos to exclude possible infection later. Antibacterial therapy is carried out 1–2 days before the operation and within 2 days after it (a broad-spectrum antibiotic is administered). Immediately before the operation, the hair is cut off (in a strip of 1-1.5 cm) in the scalp, the remaining strands are pulled together with elastic bands into separate bundles. The operating area is covered with sterile material.


The operation is performed strictly under general anesthesia.

  • Pre-make the markup of the main landmarks,
  • Two small incisions are made in the scalp above the ear (just above the hairline),
  • An endoscope is inserted and an optical area is formed,
  • Exfoliate tissue with a thin cannula
  • Remove excess soft tissue
  • The skin is tightened and fixed in a new position, fixation is carried out with the help of endotines, staples, screws, etc.,
  • With increased bleeding, a drainage system is installed,
  • put stitches,
  • Apply pressure bandage for 24 hours
  • A compression bandage is applied after 24 hours.

The operation is carried out with the utmost care, since the thinnest vessels pass through this area. With the help of an endoscope, it is possible to control the slightest bleeding, which allows you to stop or prevent it. The average duration of the operation is 1 - 1.5 hours. The patient can leave the hospital after a few hours.

Possibility of combining with other types of plastics

Temporoplasty is rarely performed on its own, more often it is combined with other methods. It is more advisable to perform pre-and forehead. Temporoplasty is ideally combined with and.


The rehabilitation period, if there are no complications, passes quietly. Its duration depends on the individual characteristics of the person. For one, the rehabilitation period is 1 month, for the other - two. Everything is individual. If the operation is performed correctly, patients do not have a pronounced pain syndrome, paresthesia, (sensitivity disorder), nerve damage, etc. On the 3rd - 4th day, the sutures in the auricle area are removed, on the 8th - 10th day the remaining sutures are removed. It is recommended to wear a compression bandage all the time.

After 10 days, we will allow the usual way of life, with a few exceptions. During the month you can not visit:

  • bath,
  • Solarium,
  • Swimming pool etc.

The first 10 days after the operation, it is necessary to be under the constant supervision of a doctor in order to exclude the possibility and, which are a complication.

Possibility of complications

  • Edema and small hematomas immediately after surgery are a natural phenomenon. After a week, they disappear unnoticed. Complete disappearance occurs only after 3 weeks. In cases where these phenomena progress, we can talk about complications. An increase, etc., indicates infection. In this case, treatment is necessary.
  • Another complication is the formation of rough. To prevent them, regular follow-up with a specialist is required.
  • One form of complication is hair loss in the operated area. The phenomenon is observed in cases where the sutures are applied very roughly, which depends on the skill of the surgeon.

Temporal lifting can help get rid of the first wrinkles on the forehead, near the eyes and in other areas. This is an operation that corrects the shape of the face, tightens the skin, etc. Before deciding on such a procedure, you should carefully understand who needs it and what are the contraindications to its implementation.

Every woman wants to look attractive even in her mature years. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and becomes less firm. Subsequently, deep wrinkles appear, which are almost impossible to eliminate with ordinary creams. If you do not carry out regular cosmetic procedures, then the process of withering of the skin will not take long.

Indications for the operation

Like any operation, a temporal lift is a serious stress for the body, so it is better not to carry out such a procedure without the need. The operation can be done only if you really have some problems on the skin of the face, which can only be eliminated with the help of such an operation. A lift in this way will not hurt if you have:

  • there are small and deep wrinkles around the eyes;
  • the upper eyelids and the tips of the eyes are too lowered;
  • there are so-called pronounced crow's feet;
  • there are many horizontal wrinkles on the forehead.

In all these cases, a thread for tightening can be used.

There are several methods for carrying out such procedures. One of the most common is. We can say that this is a kind of frontotemporal lifting, which makes the face smoother and more attractive. For quite a long time, endoscopic lifting has replaced the dangerous coronary method and is in demand among clients of any age. Firstly, such a procedure has fewer contraindications, and secondly, the operation is absolutely safe.

How to prepare for a temple lift?

Before doing a temporal lift and lying on the surgical table, every woman must go through a full preparatory stage.

At the very first appointment with a professional cosmetologist, you should receive an exhaustive consultation. In this case, you should ask a professional what results you can expect and what risks exist during the procedure.

If you are taking any serious medications, then be sure to notify your doctor, even if he did not ask you about it. It is likely that the specialist will inject you with drugs that are incompatible with your medication. Also, we must not forget about all kinds of allergic reactions. If you have an individual intolerance to a particular food, etc., be sure to tell your doctor about it.

As soon as you finally decide on a temporal lift, the specialist will prescribe you many different tests. It is very important to go through them, since the results of all these studies will tell you exactly whether you can do a similar procedure or not, and what risks there are.

A couple of days before the operation, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and tobacco products. Thus, you normalize the normal process of blood circulation in your body, which is necessary for a successful procedure.

In order for the temporal facelift to be successful, it is also necessary to refuse drugs that thin the blood for the duration of the operation and recovery. Before doing this, you should consult with your doctor who prescribed the appropriate drug.

With temporal tightening of the skin of the face, you should refuse to eat a couple of hours before the procedure. If you follow all these preparatory steps, then the operation will be successful.

The process of performing a temporal lift

As a rule, the procedure is performed endoscopically. During its implementation, several standard-sized vertical incisions are made in the scalp near the temple. The size of each incision should be at least 2 cm, but not more than 10 cm. Thanks to this incision, the surgeon will be able to peel off the skin and pull it up. A temporal lift can tighten the skin around the eyes, cheekbones, forehead, and other upper parts of the face.

As a rule, such an operation is performed under local anesthesia, but still the most sensitive patients can also use anesthesia. Strong sedatives and painkillers act as local anesthesia. The procedure is suitable even for young girls over the age of 20.

Video of the temporal facelift procedure:

Often, a temporal lift does not require much time. Within an hour, the patient will leave the operating room with a freshly toned face, but it will be possible to see it only after proper rehabilitation.

Features of the rehabilitation period after temporal lifting

Rehabilitation after this major cosmetic surgery is similar to the recovery period after any other surgical intervention. At this time, saunas, baths, jacuzzis, solariums and sun exposure should be completely abandoned. As a rule, the rehabilitation period is no more than 2 weeks. 7 days after the operation, you should definitely contact a professional to remove the stitches and evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure.

During recovery, the patient usually needs to wear a special mask that keeps the skin in its new position. This is how the patient gets used to the new face.

Many women are convinced that wearing such a mask is not necessary and does not provide any effect. In fact, without this procedure, the result may be canceled, and the skin will return to its previous state. Feeling uncomfortable, the patients refuse the mask and, accordingly, the facelift. Experts say that it is better to wait a week, especially since now there are many options for masks that resemble an ordinary sports bandage used by athletes while jogging.

As already mentioned, a temporal lift is a simple operation that does not require much recovery time. If you follow all the tips, then you will see the result very soon, as in these photos before and after the temporal lift:

Possible complications after a facelift

Like any operation, a facelift can also cause a lot of complications. It is very difficult to predict their severity. Even if the operation is carried out very carefully and almost perfectly, it is almost impossible to avoid bruising and swelling. This is the most harmless complication, which is short-lived. If you follow all the recommendations of the surgeon and regularly lubricate the skin in places of swelling with special means, you can get rid of bruises after a few days.

Another, but more serious side effect can be festering cuts or infection. This can happen if the wound is not treated or if the specialist used non-sterile instruments. The problem is also eliminated quite quickly, but with special disinfecting solutions. Blood poisoning can also happen, but this happens extremely rarely and only as a result of the work of incompetent specialists. Therefore, before trusting a doctor, be sure to make sure of his professionalism.

As you can see, the procedure has practically no contraindications. If you want to make your skin more elastic, use this popular method today.

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