Classic Swedish massage, what kind of procedure is it. What effect does Swedish massage therapy have on the body? Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive:

Swedish massage is very different from classical massage. Includes a set of techniques that were taken from massage techniques different countries: Greece, Russia, China, Egypt. The technique is relatively young, the date of its occurrence falls on the 19th century. Gained popularity quickly.

What can you expect from this type of massage? First of all, relaxation. And after a few sessions of the healing effect. Positive results the following:

  1. increase in muscle plasticity;
  2. increased efficiency and vitality;
  3. injuries heal faster;
  4. increased joint mobility;
  5. improves tissue nutrition due to increased blood circulation;
  6. removal of toxins from the body;
  7. emotional shifts are eliminated;
  8. puffiness decreases;
  9. muscle spasms are eliminated.

This is not the whole list of the positive effects of the Swedish massage technique on human body. She's different integrated approach and high level efficiency.

The essence of the procedure

It includes several tricks:

  1. rubbing for warming (approximately 40% of the session);
  2. kneading (15% of the procedure);
  3. stroking (5%):
  4. movement (40%).

As mentioned above, Swedish therapy differs significantly from other massage techniques. The exceptional features are as follows:

  • The force of impact is much stronger than in other types of massage therapy. During the session, the massage therapist acts as deeply as possible on the soft tissues of the body, trying to get to the bone and feel it. The purpose of the Swedish technique is significantly different from other massage techniques. Instead of the usual effect of massages, namely, improving blood flow in the veins, as well as lymphatic metabolism, the specialist gradually stretches the neurovascular bundles and rubs the seals that have arisen.
  • Another difference that mainly distinguishes the Swedish technique from other types of massage is that the procedure is not limited to purely mechanical manipulations. It also includes connection mental capacity massage therapist in order to diagnose the patient and identify possible pathologies. If there are any, they are processed first, then the master proceeds directly to the massage of other parts of the body.
  • These are completely different and not familiar movements before. If in a classic massage the hands of the master are directed from the center of the treated area to its end, then in the case of the Swedish technique, everything is completely opposite. For example, first the master processes the toes, then moves on to the lower leg and at the end - to the thigh. In the case of hands, the algorithm is as follows: fingers, hands, then the forearm, and finally the shoulder.
  • Another difference of this technique is that the procedure includes several more gymnastic exercises, which allows the final result to be fixed. The technique of performing gymnastics depends on the characteristics of the human body.

Basic methodology


Yes, as in all other methods. Without the use of lubricants, for several minutes after the start of the procedure, the patient will feel a burning sensation on the skin (which is caused by continuous rubbing). In order to avoid similar troubles, experts use special creams, oils, lotions or talc.

When using massage oil, you need to be extremely careful: the redundancy of this material significantly reduces the level of adhesion of the master's fingers to the patient's skin.

Attention! Only a professional is able to determine the accuracy of the dosage, based on the type of massage, the type of oil and the characteristics of the skin being massaged.

Hypoallergenic lotion is considered the most effective and convenient to use today. It is not advisable to use ordinary oil (sunflower, olive or any other kitchen oil), due to the appearance of a “salad” smell. You should not pay attention to mineral oil, as it can clog pores.

If the patient's skin is dry, a cream will do. Note that its structure should not be bold. It will soften the skin and at the same time will not leave stains behind. Is different prolonged action(especially when compared with lotion).

Sometimes experts give their preference to liniment. These are ointments containing alcohol and a little oil. They quickly relax the skin, causing sensations of warmth (thereby stimulating blood flow to the treated area). Liniments should be used with extreme caution: contact with the mucous membrane can cause great harm causing unpleasant consequences.

Execution technique

The main goal of the technique is to stretch the neurovascular bundles and grind all seals. Performed thumbs both hands. Rubbing is followed by stroking, and after - kneading. For small compositions, a special approach is more thorough. The master concentrates on pain points. Swedish massage, regardless of which joints will be treated, begins with massaging the back. The end of the session is no less pleasant - a head massage.

For brush

The procedure begins with massaging the little finger. Actions slowly move to the thumb. Each bone on all fingers is carefully rubbed. Everyone is warming up pain points. After, the massage is performed on the outside and inside arms. Note that maximum amount Pain points are located in the wrist, so specialists process this area as carefully as possible.

Painful places they knead by pressing on skin covering with sharp breaks from it. Then the specialist proceeds to the treatment of the elbow (preliminarily stroking the forearm in order to prepare it for subsequent actions). To maximize the effect of the massage, the patient needs to lean on his palm for 3-5 minutes.

The masseur at the same time focuses on the recesses as much as possible. In some cases, the specialist will ask the patient to bend or straighten the elbow several times. Gradually, the specialist moves to the shoulder composition. The execution technique is unchanged - remains the same. The slope of the master’s hand may change when processing this area (in order to maximize the impact on diseased areas).

The final stage of the hand massage is stroking them, starting from the hand to the shoulder.

For legs

As in the previous case, it begins with the fingers, though already the legs. Then movements without leaving the skin go to the heel. The master clasps it with one hand to prevent unnecessary movements of the patient, and massages it with the other. The movements of the massage therapist are circular and soft, which relaxes very quickly. Special attention is given to rubbing the Achilles tendon.

Then, the massage moves to the knees. To achieve the maximum level of efficiency, you will have to bend them several times and, accordingly, straighten them. After that, the hip composition is massaged (it is the most vulnerable part of the body, especially in the elderly). Swedish massage of this area will not only bring significant relief to the patient (if pinched sciatic nerve), but also prevent the occurrence of arthrosis. At the end of the session, the specialist strokes the skin.

The pace of the massage is slow. For complete relaxation of the patient, the master carefully processes nerve endings. As mentioned above, during the procedure, the massaged fall asleep. After the end of the session, they can not be awakened for 20 minutes. During therapy, the specialist is constantly in contact with the patient, not for a second being separated from his body. At the same time, he monitors his facial expressions, which allows you to accurately determine the pain zones.

Peculiarity! After the session, you need to drink several glasses of water to remove toxins from the body.

Indications for use

This type of massage has not only a therapeutic effect. It is used to eliminate next states body:

  • spasms and pain in the muscles;
  • stress;
  • arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases of the joints;
  • smut pain;
  • recovery from injuries;
  • skin aging;
  • cellulite and excess weight;
  • depression;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • mental disorders.


Before resorting to massage, you need to study all the contraindications. Thus, you will not harm your body. So, it is necessary to refrain from massage:

  • with fractures;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver and lungs;
  • hemophilia;
  • tumor neoplasms;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammation of internal organs;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbations of chronic diseases.

By refraining from massage, you will avoid the aggravated development of your existing diseases. First, eliminate them by contacting specialists, and then you can enjoy Swedish technology.

Important! Swedish therapy sessions should not be attended more than twice a week, as it is restorative, that is, therapeutic.

Already after the first time, the patient will notice a significant improvement. And to completely get rid of chronic stress or recover from injuries, 5-15 procedures are enough (the number is prescribed by the doctor).

Session cost

Such a pleasure will cost 1000-1500 rubles for the procedure. The duration of one session is 1 hour. The effectiveness of this massage is worth the money! Well, as you can see, swedish massage not only relaxes the body and soul, it also promotes weight loss. And with his medicinal properties hard to compete with other types of massage techniques.

Video lesson: how to do Swedish massage.

The Swedish massage technique was developed in the 19th century by the Stockholm doctor Heinrich Ling. She gained wide popularity in European and Eastern countries. hallmark is that her techniques are used not on pain points, but on all parts of the body. A positive effect is on the nervous, digestive and other systems of the body, and not just on the muscles and joints.

Dr. Peter Ling suffered from rheumatism. Having decided to recover, he began to study the massage techniques of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Slavs and Chinese. Heinrich realized that with the help of certain influences on parts of the body, one can remove muscle spasms and improve general state person. Finally using various tricks, he first cured himself of the disease, and then alone without the help of colleagues in 1813 created the Swedish massage. It included 5 tricks. Rubbing is considered the main one.

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What originally envisioned

Swedish massage included two stages.

  1. During the first, the massage therapist slowly stroked the patient's legs, back and arms with his palms. Then he lightly pressed them on parts of the body. These techniques were aimed at working out muscle tissues.
  2. During the second - he increased the effect on the skin. Hand movements remained soft and slow. During the procedure, the fingertips, ribs of the palms and fists were involved.


After the massage, tension was relieved from the person. His muscles were stretched, his subcutaneous body fat stretched and became more elastic skin.

Difference from other systems

Despite the similarity of techniques, they recognize Russian, Finnish, Swedish and Oriental massage techniques. So, in one system, exposure to the skin is performed at a fast pace, and in the other, at a slow pace. In one, during the massage, the doctor works out only pain points, and in the other, the whole body.

A little about the technique created by Ling

The basis of this massage is rubbing. He is given 70-80% of the time of the entire procedure. Unlike other systems, all movements are slow, soft and deep. The impact is made on all parts of the body.

What is known about Finnish technology

The number of receptions in it is limited. It is less efficient than the others. The main movement is kneading parts of the body with a pillow thumb. The sequence is the same as in the Swedish technique. Influences begin from the periphery, and end at the base. For example, if a hand massage is performed, then the doctor should start performing the procedure on the hand, then move to the forearm and finally move to the shoulder. This system is effective in kneading flat muscles. More in the article:.

Massage comes from Russia

The technique of the procedure was developed in the 18th century. Her main techniques are rubbing and stroking. Particular attention is paid to kneading. Thanks to its use, the positive effect after the massage is immediately on several body systems, namely the nervous, muscular and vascular. In addition to kneading, the massage therapist uses other classical techniques, due to which it is possible to achieve a rapid improvement in the patient's well-being. Russian massage is widely used in traumatology practice. Along with him, sick for speedy recovery Doctors recommend doing gymnastics. More in the article:.

Eastern system

How Swedish massage is performed in modern medical institutions

The patient lies comfortably on a straight surface. The doctor washes his hands and lubricates them special tool. If it is oil, then before using it, he puts it for a while in a container with warm water. This is necessary in order for the lubricant to warm up.

Attention! professional doctor will never pour oil on the patient's skin, because such an action can cause a burn in the latter.

He then asks the client what is bothering him and what results he hopes to get from the procedure. Then, after a short questioning about the patient's illnesses, the doctor proceeds to the procedure.

Basic movements

Swedish massage includes five techniques:

  1. tapping.
  2. Rhythmic beats.

Each of them is important to achieve the result. Skipping or incorrectly performing any of them may cause no effect. So what is each approach.

At the beginning of the procedure, the masseur runs his palms over those parts of the body that need to be worked out. At the same time, he probes soft tissues, finds the patient's pain points, and reveals pathological conditions. The client relaxes, and his muscles are preparing for the subsequent impact on them.

The doctor slowly and confidently pulls back parts of the soft tissue, then slightly compresses, and finally releases them. Thus, he works out every part of the patient's body. He pays special attention to the collar, as well as the lumbar zone. Such movement contributes to the splitting of deposits. Also, thanks to this technique, the blood is filled with oxygen, and the tissues are cleansed of toxins and toxins. Cellulite under the influence of this technique is absorbed.

It lasts longer than all other movements. Reception is carried out perpendicular to the muscle fibers. During it, the deep layers of the skin are involved. Due to this movement, the client improves blood circulation, and also destroys scar tissue. This technique is used in the following parts of the body:

  • ankles
  • back of the head;
  • lap.

Rubbing is also done in the area of ​​ligaments and major tendons.

tapping. Reception is carried out with a fist, fingertips, palm edge or palms folded into a handful. All movements are rhythmic and jerky. They should be carried out from the bottom up throughout the body. You can not do them only in the area of ​​​​the kidneys, ribs, as well as on the sacrum and lower part of the lumbar.

It can be carried out both with the help of special massagers and with your hands. Patients tend to like the latter option more. The essence of the movement is to move the fingers along the client's body in a certain rhythm. This approach provides positive impact on the digestive organs and intestinal peristalsis.

What diseases and pathological conditions does Swedish massage fight?

The main reason for the appointment of the procedure is considered to be a disease of the joints. However, the range of ailments that Swedish massage copes with is unlimited. The course of procedures is assigned to people with:

  • dislocations, sprains or fractures (during rehabilitation);
  • migraines;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • depressive or stressful conditions;
  • poor muscle mobility, spasms.

Massage is the prevention of the development of various diseases.

Video: conducting a Swedish massage

You can do it yourself if you wish. The video below shows the main techniques used.

What results can be obtained after a course of procedures on the Ling system

If the Swedish massage is carried out professionally, according to all the doctor's prescriptions, then the patient:

  1. Swelling will decrease or disappear altogether.
  2. Improved lymphatic drainage.
  3. The immune system will be strengthened.
  4. Wound healing will be accelerated.
  5. Blood circulation is normalized.
  6. Chronic fatigue will go away.
  7. Accelerate metabolism.
  8. Asthma symptoms will be relieved.
  9. The spasms will go away.
  10. The flexibility and mobility of the joints will improve.
  11. The symptoms of depression will disappear.
  12. Remove muscle fatigue.

During the procedure, compacted areas in the joints, scars and adhesions will dissolve. In addition, the flexibility of the joints will increase.

Who will have to refuse Swedish massage

Despite all the visible advantages of the procedure, not everyone can do it. Contraindications for its implementation are as follows:

  • venereal diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • thrombophelitis and thrombosis;
  • active form of tuberculosis;
  • menstruation;
  • varicose veins;
  • SARS;
  • gospel's disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hemostasis;
  • fever;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe pain;
  • internal bleeding;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs;
  • hernia;
  • inflammation of internal organs in acute form;
  • fresh fractures.

In all other cases, it is possible and even necessary to carry out the procedure.

During the Swedish massage, the doctor acts on all parts of the body, and not just on sore points. After a course of this procedure, a person feels calmer. Many diseases, such as migraine, joint pain, recede. The main thing is that the massage is carried out by a professional. A person who knows nothing about massage techniques is unlikely to improve the patient's condition with the help of this procedure. On the contrary, it can harm him. It is worth noting that in the cabin its cost is approximately 1500 rubles. People who want to get rid of diseases, it is better to go there than to self-taught amateurs.

This massage was developed in the 19th century by the doctor Ling from Sweden. His original mission was improve blood circulation. From the point of view of technology, Swedish massage was a combination of borrowed ancient Russian, Greek, Arabic, and Chinese techniques. It is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent that can counteract many ailments, as well as great way relaxation and elimination of the effects of stress.

In the West this massage is one of the most popular varieties wellness procedures of such kind. Usually highly qualified specialists do it, but mere mortals can also master its techniques.

The main difference between Swedish massage and others is a deeper and strong impact. He aims to stretch muscle tissues, neurovascular bundles, process seals. With all the force of the impact, it should not be sharp, the movements are performed slowly and accurately.

How to do it right?

The massage is so harsh that it doesn't involve creating an entourage with relaxing music, soft light and incense. It is done in complete silence, at a room temperature not higher than 25 degrees. Usually the patient is left completely naked under the sheet, but especially shy ones may remain in their underwear. To improve friction, the body is treated with a massage cream or oil. At home, sunflower and olive oil should not be used for this purpose.

How Israeli master Dmitry Tal does Swedish massage Relaxation during this massage comes so quickly that almost in the first minutes many patients fall asleep, and the masseur observes their condition by muscle tension. The Swedish massage technique uses a rich arsenal of techniques - tapping, followed by friction and kneading, rhythmic shocks and vibrations are used. Important condition- Movements should promote a rush of blood to the heart.

At the first stage, after smooth and slow movements, which are a kind of preparation, the massage therapist performs tapping.

The second stage is kneading, carried out evenly and smoothly. It is at this stage that many patients fall asleep. Kneading brings tissues oxygenation, release of toxins. Particular attention is paid to the back and shoulders.

At the third stage, the emphasis is on squeezing and pulling, i.e. friction. The knees, ankles, and back of the head are worked out very well in this way, and the tendons and ligaments respond gratefully to such an impact.

The task of the fourth stage is to achieve vibration. Movements lead to stimulation of the digestive system, activation of peristalsis.

The end of the massage is punching, which does not cause pain. Thanks to them, the lungs are cleared of sputum, but Bottom part backs should not be treated in this way.

The joints are massaged with significant pressure, due to which various harmful accumulations leave them. To muscle groups, the attitude should be more gentle and accurate. All movements are performed measuredly, preferably without tearing off the hands when moving to other techniques.

The minimum session duration is 50 minutes. Upon completion, the patient sleeps soundly for 15 minutes.

The effect of massage

The most significant benefits of Swedish massage and its positive effect.

Swedish massage improves joint mobility, relieves muscle tension, relieves spasms, and a feeling of stiffness. A person ceases to feel like a prisoner of stress, gets rid of sleep disorders and acquires peace of mind.

This procedure is of particular benefit to people who have recently been on the operating table, massage will help you recover faster after injuries. good helper it is for those who are experiencing serious physical exercise, goes in for sports, because it perfectly develops muscles.


A ban is imposed on it if a person is sick with acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, influenza, sexually transmitted diseases. Contraindications are acute inflammatory processes internal organs, skin diseases, tuberculosis, hernias. In women, menstruation and pregnancy are added to their number. If there are injuries self massage is prohibited, it is necessary to ask a specialist about the possibility of its implementation.

To properly perform Swedish massage, it is enough to master 5 techniques. Which ones? And what benefits, in addition to pleasant sensations, does Swedish massage bring to athletes?

Swedish massage was developed in the early 19th century and its main purpose was to improve the circulation of a person. Unlike other types of massage, the Swedish massage technique is somewhat stronger and deeper.

With its help, you can work out deep massaged tissues, stretch the seals and stretch the neurovascular bundles and muscles. Today it is one of the most popular types. wellness massage in the West. The technique and principles of Swedish massage do not allow harshness, you need to be especially careful at the beginning. Slow movements will help to better work out the muscles and soft tissues.

Professional massage techniques are mastered by specialists, but in this article you will learn 5 basic techniques that will help you properly massage yourself. This does not give you the right to independent practice, but you will be able to please your loved ones. Let's analyze these rules on the example of Swedish massage.

What is Swedish massage

Swedish massage was once developed and proposed as a healing and therapeutic technology by Per Henrik Ling.

The Swedish massage system is characterized by several, special, exceptional nuances that distinguish it from the classics:

  1. the massage therapist must have an enhanced effect on the most deep tissues massaged area, up to the bone;
  2. The purpose of the Swedish massage is to rub the resulting seals, muscle-tonic tension and gradual stretching of the neurovascular bundles. At the same time, the improvement of venous blood flow and lymphatic metabolism is relegated to the background.
  3. The massage therapist should not work thoughtlessly, relying only on a standard technique that is limited to purely mechanical manipulations. He must carry out serious mental, analytical work, sensitive diagnostics of the state of the person being massaged, revealing the pathologies of his body.

How to do a Swedish massage

In order for the massaged person to feel comfortable during the entire procedure, massage cream or oil should be used. AT this case massaging will be easier, friction will decrease and the patient will not feel the sensation of burning skin.

It is necessary to remember the measure: a person will not feel therapeutic effect if there is too much massage oil and the clutch will disappear. For allergy sufferers, a special hypoallergenic massage lotion is suitable. Massage oil should not be poured on the back immediately, it must first be warmed in hot water.

The massage therapist applies warm oil to his hands and only after that to the back of the patient.


The client lies face down on the table. Slowly sliding his hands and forearms, the massage therapist begins to move down from the neck along the back.

Applying this method to the limbs promotes cleansing lymphatic system and improve blood flow.

The doctor uses the stroking method to determine which muscles are tense and also allows the client to relax.


After the client has begun to relax, the doctor applies the kneading method to further warm up the muscles. This includes movements such as kneading, squeezing, rolling the skin, squeezing.

During this appointment, the doctor slightly lifts the muscles from the bones. Here, both the client and the doctor determine how much pressure can be applied. At correct execution massage by this method improves blood circulation, toxins are removed from muscle and nervous tissues.


This is the most intense method in Swedish massage, as it turns out to be the most strong pressure. The doctor uses the palms, fingers, and forearms to rub muscles close to bones, such as along the spine. Circular movements increase flexibility, which contributes to the recovery process.

The purpose of this technique is to break and stretch the most tense areas and "knots" that cause discomfort and limit the range of motion. These hypertensioned areas result from the action of toxins and muscle tension, provoking pain in the muscles.

They are caused by repetitive muscle movements, falls or other accidents, dehydration, and everyday stress.

By working with the elbows, the doctor puts more pressure on the muscles of the client, and when correct technique massage takes the load off your own body.

Video of the basics and techniques of Swedish massage

The seminar is conducted by a professional massage therapist, SPA-therapist and founder of the school of adaptive massage, Andrey Yakovlev.

trigger points

Trigger points are small areas of muscle that can be very painful and limited in movement.

They may arise due to a lack of vital important vitamins(vitamin B-6) or due to stressful situations such as an operation or an accident. Pressure on these areas causes severe pain, but this is not difficult to correct. As the trigger points are released, the rest of the muscles become more relaxed.

Trigger points are more often located between the shoulder blades and in the neck

In order to properly massage, you should know where these points are. Although the location of trigger points is individual and depends on the lifestyle of a person. As a rule, they are located between the shoulder blades (trapezius and large and small rhomboid muscles), as well as in the neck (muscles that lift the scapula).

Beats and vibrations

After deep work, lighter techniques are used to calm the muscles. These last two Swedish massage techniques go hand in hand.


Tapping is a series of percussive movements, and involves the use of pats, slaps and pressure to relax the muscles after intense impact on them.

  • the edge of the fist
  • palms folded into a handful
  • the edge of the palms


Vibration is necessary for greater relaxation, as this method stimulates blood circulation. To properly perform this Swedish massage technique, the doctor places his palms on the client's back and performs light oscillatory movements for a few seconds. This method can be used not only for the back, but also for the arms and.

Tapping and vibrations bring the client into tone after the massage.

Swedish massage for athletes

Swedish massage is recommended for all athletes. There are many varieties of it, the differences depend on the application (pressure, technique), as well as on the goals and restrictions of the client. Each person, no matter whether he is an athlete or not, has his own problematic muscle groups, but massage is equally necessary for everyone.

After any massage, it is important to drink at least 3 glasses of water. This promotes the removal of toxins and has a positive effect on muscle elasticity. For a greater effect, after a properly done massage, it is useful to perform stretching exercises. Most importantly, relax and enjoy the massage!

How to choose the right massage therapist

It's very simple: it depends on your individual needs and preferences. For example, most people prefer female massage therapists.

This is because some men don't like the idea of ​​being touched by another man. Also, women, being half-naked, feel more confident with an unfamiliar woman than a man. However, these are just preferences. Among the masseurs, both men and women, there are first-class specialists. Check: the doctor must have a certificate, as well as education and practical experience, so that he can do the right thing for you.

Also, when choosing a massage therapist, you can focus on which school the doctor belongs to. For example, some people don't like holistic doctors because it may not suit them. religious values. Masseurs can work different places- spas, resorts or chiropractic offices, so decide which environment suits you best.

The main thing to remember is that you are doing all this for yourself, so let it make you happy.

Swedish massage was developed by Henrik Ling in Stockholm at the beginning of the 19th century and its main purpose was to improve the circulation of a person. Unlike other types of massage, Swedish massage is stronger and deeper. With its help, you can stretch the deep tissues of the body, stretch the seals and stretch the neurovascular bundles and muscles. Today it is one of the most popular types of wellness massage in the West.
in beauty salons and medical offices The swedish masses are made by highly trained professionals. However, everyone can learn the five basic techniques of this massage and please their loved ones all their lives.
The Swedish massage technique does not allow harshness, you need to be especially careful at the beginning. Slow movements will help to better work out the muscles and soft tissues.
In order for a person to feel comfortable during the entire procedure, it is necessary to use a massage cream or oil. In this case, it will be easier to massage, friction will decrease and the patient will not feel the sensation of burning skin. It is necessary to remember the measure: a person will not feel a therapeutic effect if there is too much massage oil and the adhesion disappears. For allergy sufferers, a special hypoallergenic massage lotion is suitable. And here is the olive sunflower oil not used, just remember that mineral oil clogs pores. Massage oil should not be immediately poured onto the back, first it must be warmed in hot water. The massage therapist applies warm oil to his hands and only after that to the back of the patient.
The main massage techniques are: effleurage, friction, kneading, rhythmic strokes and vibration.
At the first stage, the massage therapist's fingers make slow and smooth movements, as if they get acquainted with the body. Having thus prepared the back, you can proceed to tapping. Movements are also performed slowly with fingers, fist and palm. Since the human body is warming up, the pain that the patient complained about may disappear already during this period.
The main condition of the Swedish massage is the execution of movements in such a way that the blood rushes to the heart. Therefore, it is better to start the massage with the arms and legs, and only then move on to the back.
At the second stage, the body is worked out with the help of kneading. Must be firmly gripped in the fingers soft tissue, hold and pull it, and then release it. All movements are performed smoothly and evenly. Many people relax and fall asleep at this stage, despite the rather stiff movements. Due to kneading, body tissues are saturated with oxygen, cleansed of toxins and toxins. Especially well at this stage, the shoulders and back are worked out. During friction, in the next stage, the tissues of the body are compressed and simultaneously pulled to the side. At this time, the ankles, the back of the head and knees are remarkably worked out, and the ligaments and tendons also have a beneficial effect.
At the fourth stage of the massage, the fingers make quick and rhythmic movements, achieving vibration. During this period, peristalsis increases and the digestive system is stimulated. The massage is completed with rhythmic soft punches. Do not be afraid of them - they only cause noise and do not bring pain. Blows should not be applied to the lower back, that is, to the kidneys and ribs. But from the lungs, such blows remove sputum and contribute to cleansing. As a rule, during the session, the person lies completely naked under a sheet or towel. The masseur opens the part of the body with which he is going to work. However, if the patient is embarrassed or uncomfortable, underwear can be left on. He should lie on his stomach in such a way that the spine is fully extended. The session should last at least 50 minutes, but can be longer.
Swedish massage is especially useful for people involved in sports. With its help, you can perfectly develop muscles and raise their tone. After each session, you should drink several glasses of water. This will help maintain muscle elasticity, as well as remove toxins from the body.
It is important to remember the contraindications that Swedish massage has. For example, if the patient has any kind of injury, you should contact a specialist and in no case do the massage yourself. It is also prohibited if a person has hernias, inflamed internal organs and at varicose veins veins.
Swedish massage can relieve spasms and muscle fatigue, improve joint mobility and accelerate the healing of injuries, relieve psychological stress and improve sleep.
Every person who has taken a course of healing Swedish massage has felt its effect on himself. A surge of strength and excellent physical well-being will help to gain health, which means making everyone a little happier.
15.12.2013 873/6070

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