What happened in the village of Redkino. Bloody madness in Redkino: the killer forced the last of the nine victims to dig the ground with his bare hands. - And this evening he came to you sober

On Sunday morning, June 4, the whole country learned that in the Tver region there is a village of Redkino in the Konakovo district, and in the village of Redkino there is a horticultural partnership "50 years of October". At night, a bloody massacre took place there - a drunken electrician shot 9 people (initially, eight were reported dead). He mercilessly finished off the wounded. He fired from close range, aiming exclusively at the heads of people and literally taking them down with powerful shots. As if the usually quiet man had gone crazy.

The victims of the drunken aggressor were 4 women, including a 92-year-old grandmother, and 5 men. At the same time, the killer first forced one of his victims to dig his own grave. The room where the killer left the bodies was completely covered in blood.

It has already been established that the 45-year-old native of the Yaroslavl region Sergey Egorov lived in Moscow. Officially, he was unemployed. In the village where the bloody tragedy occurred, Yegorov worked as an electrician. In the capital, he has a cohabitant, with whom they have recently lived separately, and a student daughter. Egorov was never convicted, he was only issued fines for speeding. When asked why he shot 9 people, Sergei did not answer.

So, at about 3 am on June 4, Yegorov, a resident of Moscow, spent time with his summer residents neighbors. In total, 11 people participated in the conversation preceding the execution. During the drinking a quarrel arose. Then Yegorov went to his house, took the barrel, returned and shot the whole company. It is believed that initially Yegorov was not going to kill all the participants in the feast. Several people he killed as witnesses. He actually decapitated one woman, her identity has not yet been established.

According to one version, the reason for the massacre was the ridicule of drinking companions about the fact that Yegorov did not serve in the army. He tried to lie about the fact that he still served in the Airborne Forces, but it didn’t work out - Yegorov really was neither a border guard nor a VDV officer and did not spend a single day in the army. And he took the ridicule extremely painfully.

Miraculously surviving girl named Marina, one of the company, during the execution, was able to hide under a blanket on the second floor of the house and called the police. Arriving police officers tied up the killer, who was trying to hide the corpses. According to the surviving witness, she had seen Yegorov in their partnership before, but did not notice anything suspicious about him.

- I know that among the dead is the 92-year-old grandmother of the owner of the dacha Vyacheslav Solovyov, as well as Solovyov himself. And their friends, husband and wife Smirnovs, she told police and reporters.

The last victim of the massacre was later found in the trunk of a car parked near a private house. As it turned out, Yegorov, before dealing with the woman, tried to force her to dig his own grave, and when she refused, he killed her.

Three of those shot were residents of the village of Redkino, the rest, like Yegorov himself, came from Moscow. The Smirnovs left an orphan daughter.

Polina Smirnova and her deceased parents - Pavel and Vera

“Since you were not in the ranks of the Armed Forces, you are not a man!”- drinking companions laughed at the electrician. In response to this, the man went for the Saiga carbine, and when he returned, he began to shoot everyone. By the way, "Saiga" is a powerful smooth-bore weapon designed to hunt a large animal, a wound from it is comparable to a wound from a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The weapon belonged to Egorov completely legally.

The shooter was detained in hot pursuit. He was drunk and didn't even try to hide.

Former chairman of the garden association Tatyana Arkhipova, who visited the dead in the evening, told the media some details of the shocking drama:

- My granddaughter had a birthday - 8 years old, and we got together: me, Pasha Smirnov, his wife Faith, Sasha Redin. They stayed with me, then I had to put my granddaughter to bed. Well, they congratulated and quietly left. And this electrician, Sergey Egorov, also came to me and said: “Every day Lobanova demands to disconnect you from the electricity.” I began to resent: on what basis?

Marina Lobanova- the new chairman of the partnership, who replaced Arkhipova in this post, which Arkhipova herself is clearly not happy with - says that Lobanova sent the former electrician to turn off her light, and when he did not obey, she fired him from work and took Egorov.

“I had never talked to him before, never talked to him before. He came to pay membership dues, but no more, I had a thousand of them, you won’t talk to everyone. He came already drunk. And, it seems to me, he was already “twisted”.

Tatyana Arkhipova now thinks that Yegorov went on purpose to kill people.

- When he came to me, he boasted that he had a gun. Pasha, Sasha Redin and Vera went to their home, on Parkovaya. And this electrician also drove in his red car and also lit the way for them. How it got there, I don't know. Maybe they to Slava Savelyev came in, they also knew each other. They often sat together, barbecued, talked. Glory also died. Or maybe right away Vanya Zagoryanu went and Slava was there - I can’t say for sure. They killed everyone at Vanya Zagornyan's house. Everyone was there, including Vanina's wife. And only Slavina the girl remained alive, hid. I think that this electrician came back from there and killed us. But, probably, he mixed up the house and went to the neighbor, to Yakovlev and had to go the other way. And we slept downstairs in the house, and I didn’t hear anything at all - no shots, nothing. It wasn't until 6 am that I found out what had happened.

What does the murderer, sentenced to life imprisonment, think and hope for? Does he feel sorry for his victims and how does he explain what happened? The TIA film crew managed to talk in the pre-trial detention center with the "Redkin shooter" Sergei Yegorov, who shot nine people point-blank on the night of June 3-4. In the pre-trial detention center, he was waiting for November 2 - the day of consideration of his appeal in the Supreme Court on appeal - life imprisonment with the first 5 years in prison, the next term - in a special regime correctional colony.

In pre-trial detention center-1, which is on the square. Gagarin in Tver, we arrived early, because getting into a secure facility is a chore: handing in phones, presenting documents at the checkpoint, getting two passes, etc. When we walked down the corridor to the meeting room, we were sure that we would have to wait until Yegorov was brought to us for an interview. However, as soon as we entered the small and stuffy room, we saw a prisoner behind the glass - he held his hands behind his back. Egorov was still in the same checkered shirt in which he attended all court hearings. We sat down on chairs screwed to the floor, set up the equipment, removed the handcuffs from the convict, took a written consent to video filming, and the conversation began. Egorov kept calm, answered all questions quite frankly, because, as he himself said at the end of the interview: "I have nothing more to lose!"

Does anyone visit you?

The family visited a couple of times: daughter, mother, brother. They didn't let my second daughter and wife in, I don't even know why. It's hard for me to get through. The family is very hard. My daughter's birthday will soon be, I wanted to give her a jeep if she learns to be a driver. Now it won't work anymore.

What was the most difficult thing for you in the courtroom?

Did you expect such a verdict? Why did they appeal to the Supreme Court? And what punishment do you consider fair for yourself?

expected. As for the appeal... I don't hope for anything. Everyone submits, I also submitted. What is there to hope for? Nine people. Twenty years for each is 200 years. The verdict is fair. From a human point of view, I either get a life sentence or a tower. But the tower is a mild sentence, you have to sit the rest of your life and suffer ... I'm not singing a song here.

Do you remember the events of the night you committed the crime? Why did they start shooting?

I vaguely remember what happened. I remember that we were sitting in a company, drinking. But what happened next, why it jumped, I don’t know. But it had to happen. That's what happened.

Why did this have to happen?

I can say, but you will not believe me, you will say that I am crazy. I see some things ahead of time. These are some signs. I see strange things, sometimes I share with everyone, especially if some kind of trouble should happen. Therefore, whether I wanted it or not, avoid it or not avoid it, but it inevitably happened. In the morning, I even told my mother ... a madhouse, of course, at first glance ... but I had a vision that five men in the dacha about wiring would begin to harass me, they would want to cut and bury, but for some reason, with a slight movement of my hand, I told them all cut off heads. In the evening, this is how it all happened, only there were four women to the heap. They just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Such images appear in my head for no reason, color pictures, like in a movie. Maybe I have such glitches from epilepsy. I have had her since birth.

What caused the quarrel? There was information that because of a dispute over military service.

No, it's all fiction. This is what they came up with. I don't care who served where. At 45, who cares who served and who did not. I served in Germany. Well, which one of me is a VDVshnik? Complete nonsense. They then came up with the story. At first, during interrogations, I understood that they would give me a life sentence, which is why I said: "Write whatever you want, I will stupidly sign everything." Well, they composed there. When they started reading to me, I kind of came to my senses. What kind of nonsense did they write there, they made a psycho out of me. And the cause of the conflict was in the wiring. They started to run into me, why I don’t do wiring for them for free. Like, we treat you, we covered the clearing. And I answered them that I would do the wiring, as promised, just buy materials, meters ... They need to weld iron doors there. I didn't go back on my promises. He even offered to go in his jeep with a trailer to buy everything that is needed for the construction site. In general, some kind of stupid conversation went. she began to accuse me of looking askance at me, saying that you want me ... In general, we had a fight. They kicked me out and I went home. And then, when it was past midnight, something broke, I went there and shot them all. How I shot - I don’t remember ... I don’t even remember how I walked there in the dark. I am 45 years old, there were so many fights, there was never even a thought to shoot someone there, especially such a crowd of people. I pinned myself down, and when I woke up, I thought: "Well, this is the end for me." That's where the police came in.

Is it true that during the arrest you asked the police to shoot you?

I didn't ask. When they were tying me, they just said that "a creature like you should be shot, say thank you that we just arrested you." And I answered them: "Well, take it and shoot it. I don't argue."

When you came to your senses, what feelings did you experience: remorse, pity, fear? What were they thinking?

Then they sent me to a mental hospital. I hoped that they would really be able to find out something about what was going on in their heads. But they did not conduct any examination. They said, do what you want, but we will still write that you are healthy so that you can be planted to the fullest.

I slept there all day long. I was like in a dream, I could not believe that all this had happened to me. I lay for days on end and thought: now I will wake up, and this will all be over and there was nothing terrible. Like a month lived in a fog.

And now?

Six months have already passed. I have already departed, I understand that this is not a dream ... All my life I believed in the heavenly father. I always wanted to do something useful for society. My birthday is on Epiphany, January 19th. I always thought that once I was born on such a day, something good must happen to me. I've been waiting all my life. But something strange happened. Therefore, I ask God - why do I have such a fate? I wanted to live right, but in the end I laid down nine people. I don’t know, so it’s necessary, some kind of test. But the test is a test, but what do the people have to do with it? I have brought so much suffering to people. I can neither explain nor understand - for what it is to people, for what to me. He asked, asked for something normal in life, and here ... to be in prison for life. Interrogated! So far, I don't have an answer.

How many people are in the cell with you? How do they treat you?

It's four of us. My cellmates treat me well. I don't get into conflicts. I keep myself quiet and peaceful. I play sports and read books. Sitting idle - you will become a kolobok. After all, I was always active, I worked a lot, and here you are sitting in a 2x2 room. You need to keep yourself busy with something. Since childhood, I liked technology, and I worked in Moscow in a company that installed and repaired air conditioners, video cameras, and refrigerators. Cars loved, bought, repaired, digested, repainted.

Do you know in what conditions you will live in prison, what regime is there, where you will be sent?

Don't know. I have no idea. But I don't think there's anything good in store for me.

And they didn't even ask the other prisoners, the lawyer?

My lawyer was funny. He didn’t say a word for me, he generally advised - since you were given a life sentence, you can behave as you like: you can kill all the guards, you can run away. Like, you have nothing to lose.

Are you afraid of anything now - death, punishment, remorse? Is forgiveness or redemption possible for you?

No. I am no longer afraid of anything. What can I do now? You won't change anything. Everything has already been decided for me. I'm just waiting for an answer to my questions from God. I hope I can wait. Because I'm not a psycho, and before that I never did shit to anyone in my life, I helped. There must be an answer.

I don't even think about the future. I don't know what might happen to me in a minute. What can I say about the years ... I have no problems with health, I'm healthy as a boar. But since such strange things happen to me, then anything can happen. I believe, and I don’t believe ... You know, one evening I came home, gathered for dinner, and suddenly, like a picture before my eyes: they dragged underground to hell, such a huge room, a 20-meter demon stands in front of me, and below are three boilers and there people are roasted. The demon says to me: "This is hell, look!". Why was it shown to me? Maybe I'll be there... They didn't show Paradise. I know it sounds like nonsense ... Or maybe not!

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Sunday morning, June 4, was bloody. This is judging by all the events that took place in the country and the world. Starting with a crush of fans in Turin, where more than 1500 people were injured and a terrorist attack in London, ending with a holiday village near Tver. At the same time, seven people were killed in a series of attacks by militants on people in England. Nine people became victims of a drunken electrician in a holiday village near Tver. Five men and four women. It could have been all ten, if the 21-year-old girl had not guessed to just hide under the covers. It was she who then, with trembling hands, dialed the police number, and asked to urgently come to the place of massacre.

But it was already too late. Very late, despite the early morning. So gray, gloomy and cold that the blood runs cold ... The mass execution took place instantly, without any hope of survival. Moreover, as it turned out later, in this senseless and merciless massacre, one more of the women could survive. But the killer first took her to the cemetery and forced her to dig her own grave, and when she refused, he shot her too, putting the body in the trunk. That is why only eight corpses were found from the very beginning.

And it is clear that if the unfortunate woman had agreed to dig her own grave, later her killer would have shot her anyway. Though perhaps she could buy some time...

A house in the gardening association "50 years of October" in the village of Redkino, where the massacre of nine people took place. According to preliminary data, a resident of Moscow, born in 1972, shot 9 people with a hunting rifle during a domestic conflict. The investigating authorities of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tver region initiated a criminal case into the murder of four women and five men. (Photo: Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Tver region / TASS)

When the police arrived at the scene, they actually found the shooter at the scene of the crime. Without letting go of the carbine, he dragged the corpses into the yard and piled them in a row. The law enforcement officers, and at first they were only local district police officers and traffic cops, had to sit in ambush for some time and wait for the criminal to at least leave his weapon, and only then twist it.

It is known that the 45-year-old electrician killer, who staged the massacre in the village of Redkino, Konakovo district, was very drunk. According to eyewitnesses, he fired on people after someone doubted that he was doing military service in the Airborne Forces. To prove his best, so to speak, fighting qualities, the suspect went home for a Saiga carbine and started firing at people from it. According to another version, he opened fire because of a conflict over a girl. Either he was trying to court someone and he was not allowed to do this, or he was rude to one of the ladies present, and they made him a remark for this. Later, he himself admitted that it was still in the Airborne Forces. The guests who served in these troops began to ridicule him for being so frail and frail. The shooter actually served in the border troops, but he did not forgive the offense and went for a gun. Although none of the reasons, you see, could not be a reason to start shooting at people.

For everyone who was going to sit sincerely in the evening in the garden partnership "50 years of October" and celebrate the bright holiday of the Trinity. Aimed exclusively at the head and killed instantly. No one had a chance to survive. Those who tried to escape, he caught up and finished off. The whole house where everything happened is literally covered in blood. Now scary shots are being replicated all over the Internet and make anyone shudder. It already really seems worse than any terrorist attack. Although, it is clear that in London, in addition to the seven dead, there are still dozens of wounded, but here the senselessness and ruthlessness of what is happening is what kills the most. To deal with your neighbors like this! Among his victims was even a 92-year-old old woman, who definitely could not offend him in any way!

They say that the shooter moved to the village from Moscow to take care of his old mother, and everyone in the village considered him an electrician because he helped local residents deal with all the problems in electricity. And this time I installed wiring in one of the houses. He had not been seen in any cruel cases before.

Now the Investigative Committee of Russia is busy with the case near Tver. It was taken over by the head of the department. Alexander Bastrykin, experienced investigators from the capital were sent to the scene. Although it seems that everything in this case is obvious. The suspect confesses without denying his guilt. He said that he was going to collect the corpses all together and burn them, and then come to the police with a confession.

After this terrible incident near Tver, the Russian Guard will conduct a check on all horticultural associations for the presence of firearms among summer residents. And everyone understands that they keep it with them just in case of a fire. How else to defend yourself in places where you will never find and call the police for a century. And obviously the killer electrician did not keep a carbine in order to shoot his neighbors.

Now neither he nor the investigators will be able to give at least some intelligible answer for what and why this man shot so many people, and for the most part of his peers, whom he knew well. For there is no explanation for drunken and senseless showdowns. Of course, resentment due to some stupid ridicule of who served in which troops does not count.

Psychologists are working with a 21-year-old girl who, by sheer chance, survived this massive bloody massacre, hiding under a blanket. It is very difficult for the unfortunate to recover from the horror experienced.

On the night of June 4, in the village of Redkino, Konakovo district, Tver region, in the horticultural partnership "50 years of October", 45-year-old Muscovite Sergei Yegorov shot nine people from a hunting carbine. The cause of the massacre is called a domestic conflict.

“At night, a resident of Moscow born in 1972 drank alcohol in the company of acquaintances in a country house. During the feast, there was a domestic conflict between the guests, after which the suspect left, then, returning with a hunting rifle, fired several shots, as a result of which 9 people had previously died, ”the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Tver Region reported.

According to unofficial information obtained by kp.ru journalists, the killer worked as an electrician in a garden partnership, and shot his drinking companions because one of them allowed himself to doubt his service in the airborne troops.

“He doesn’t look like an airborne officer, he’s not athletic, he’s an ordinary man. Yes, and he lives here with his 90-year-old mother, earns extra money as an electrician in a partnership. Although he moved from Moscow. In general, the military in the past does not pull. The company continued to “buzz” further. But he returned, in his hands was a Saiga carbine, ”the newspaper writes.

According to other sources, Yegorov fired from a 12-gauge Taiga carbine.

One of the men tried to hide from the killer in a wooden toilet, but this did not save him. Apparently, after the massacre of offenders and witnesses, Yegorov tried to cover his tracks: the body of one of the dead was found by investigators in the trunk of a car.

Only one woman managed to survive, who successfully hid under a blanket on the second floor of a country house, and the shooter, heated by alcohol, did not notice her. This was reported to RIA Novosti by the official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region Vadim Levshin. “There are survivors. I know for sure that one of the victims hid under the covers,” he said.

Levshin also said that the main suspect had no previous problems with the law, he legally owned weapons and came to the attention of law enforcement agencies only in connection with minor traffic violations - he had several fines for speeding.

Yegorov tried to force his last victim, the one whose corpse ended up in the trunk, to dig his own grave. The woman refused and was killed. This was reported to TASS by a source familiar with the investigation.

In total, forensic experts counted the bodies of four women and five men with gunshot wounds at the scene. Neighbors call them decent people and are shocked by the tragedy. Sergei Yegorov did not try to hide from the police and was detained at the scene of the crime. He is currently under investigation.

On behalf of the chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, the case was transferred to the investigators of the central office of the Investigative Committee.

Nine people, four women and five men, became victims of a domestic conflict that unfolded on the night of June 4 in the gardening partnership "50 years of October" near the village of Redkino, Konakovo district, Tver region.

As reported by "AiF in Tver" head of the press service of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Vadim Levshin, a 45-year-old Muscovite drank in the company of people unfamiliar to him. Between them there was a conflict and the man left the feast. .

Meanwhile, the victims of the criminal could be more. One of the victims managed to hide under a blanket and call the police.

“The district police officer who arrived on the call heard the shooting and called for reinforcements. After that, a traffic police officer arrived at the scene, and together they detained the suspect,” said Vadim Levshin.

The police picked a good moment when the alleged perpetrator put down the carbine, and immediately "twisted" the man. "He did not have time to show resistance," the head of the press service specified.

The number of victims has increased

Initially, eight victims were found at the crime scene - three women and five men. , told senior assistant to the head of the regional SU of the IC of Russia Valery Pavlova.

The Russian Guard will check summer residents who own weapons

The suspect is a resident of Moscow born in 1972. According to the police, he worked as an electrician in the gardening partnership "50 years of October" and was never prosecuted.

The regional Ministry of Internal Affairs also said that the weapon from which he dealt with his victims was registered and belonged to the alleged killer.

Meanwhile, the press service of the Central District of the Russian Guard clarified to TASS that the man kept weapons in his summer cottage in violation of the requirements established by Russian law.

In this regard, the National Guard will additionally check the owners of weapons who go to the country in the summer.

The cause of the tragedy is established

What caused the tragedy is currently unknown. According to one version, voiced by the media, the victims did not believe that the man served in the Airborne Forces, and the latter harbored a grudge. But the investigation has not yet officially confirmed this information.

According to Valeria Pavlova, the attacker was detained. “All the circumstances and reasons for what happened are being established. Forensic examinations have been appointed, including ballistic, genetic, forensic and medical ones, ”the official representative of the regional Investigative Committee of the TFR specified.

A team of investigators and forensic specialists from the central office of the ICR is working at the scene of the incident with the latest forensic technology. Neighbors and other witnesses have already been interviewed.

A psychologist works with a surviving girl

In addition, now psychologists are helping the only survivor, a 21-year-old girl, said official representative of the Russian Investigative Committee Svetlana Petrenko.

“At the time of the crime, there were ten people in the house, one 21-year-old girl managed to hide from the suspect and call law enforcement officers, who detained him. He is currently being interrogated. The surviving girl is receiving psychological assistance,” Petrenko said.

On the fact of the massacre, the regional Investigative Committee of the ICR opened a criminal case.

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