Back massage technique at home. Woman's back massage. How to do lymphatic drainage massage at home

Massage has always been famous healing effect on the body, positively affecting the muscles, tissues, joints and all internal organs. If you remember a little - in ancient China, Rome, Greece, doctors and healers used massage in medicinal purposes, for the treatment of various diseases. Back massage took special place in the art of "healing", since everyone felt it on themselves therapeutic effect. The art was passed down from generation to generation, over time improving the technique and methodology, but not forgetting the old secrets.

This type of massage has been known since ancient times.

Medicine does not stand still. Together with her, the art of massage harmoniously develops. The current fashion for healthy lifestyle life is becoming more and more popular. The popularity of wellness is also growing. Without a doubt, a full body massage will always win against a local. Let's take a look at one of the techniques today. local massage, which is used in traditional medicine, so and .

Execution technique

Sometimes we do not pay due attention to the condition of the back, thinking that it can endure a lot. But we are deeply mistaken: we may not notice the first signs of back problems, but they can occur long before the appearance obvious symptoms. Muscle strain can occur due to stressful situations, a sedentary lifestyle, with any injuries and bruises.

The therapeutic effect of massage will help to greatly alleviate the deplorable condition, relieve tension and pain, thereby giving freedom of movement.

Our lives are often hectic and dynamic. The crazy rhythm of life does not always have the best effect on health, and in particular on our back. Thanks to massage, we can give freedom to our body, relieving it of painful tension.

The directions of the main movements in the back, lower back. neck and pelvis

Back massage technique

Today there is a large number of back massage options Medical practice showed that the most efficient technique is the one in which a preliminary massage of the entire back is first applied, lasting 5-6 minutes, and then a detailed study of individual parts:, lower thoracic and lumbar region.

Direction of massage movements

We turn to the consideration of the preliminary massage: the patient should lie on his stomach.

  1. The figure shows 3-4 symmetrical lines along which you need to make massage movements. First, longitudinal strokes are performed for one minute. Then stroking across the back.
  2. Next, squeezing techniques are performed. Their duration is 1-3 minutes. Push-ups are performed with more pressure, but less intensity than stroking. It should be noted that pressure on the spinous processes of the spine must be excluded, as in any other technique.
  3. After squeezing, several rubs can be carried out with moderate pressure on the tissues. If the reception is carried out correctly, the patient should feel a sensation of warmth.

After the preliminary massage, you should proceed to the main one.

The massage of this area refers to the area from the seventh to the twelfth thoracic vertebra. The figure shows the lines along which it is necessary to make massage movements.

The direction of massage movements of the lower thoracic region

  1. First, strokes are performed along the indicated lines.
  2. Stroking is followed by push-ups along the lines.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. After rubbing, it is necessary to perform kneading.
  5. We turn to percussion and concussive techniques. Their implementation should be applied according to indications. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

In total, it is recommended to spend 4-5 minutes on the massage of this area, with medical technique- up to 15 minutes. It should be noted that the 11th and 12th ribs are close to the kidneys. approximately 5 cm. Inadequate and too intense performance of techniques can lead to pain.

Massage under the shoulder blade

Often, during the period of diseases such as osteochondrosis, humeroscapular periorthritis, so-called trigger points are formed under the scapula, which are characterized by increased soreness. AT this case massaging these points promotes faster recovery.

The technique of this zone is as follows:

The patient lies on his stomach, hands are placed along the body. The masseur gently puts his hand under the patient's shoulder and slowly lifts it a few centimeters. It is important to note that the patient must be completely relaxed at this point, otherwise the scapula will not rise. With the second hand, the masseur performs circular massage movements under the shoulder blade, as shown in the figure. On the second hand, everything is similar.

Then rubbing is performed at the angle of the shoulder blade. Thumb should be as far away from the index as possible. Such rubbing is often carried out in, hygienic and prophylactic.

Massage of the collar zone is a massage at the level of the cervical and 1-6 thoracic vertebrae. In this case, the pressure on the tissues should be lower than when massaging the lower thoracic and lumbar regions. The patient can take a sitting or lying position. If there are no contraindications, it is best to perform in the supine position. In this position, maximum muscle relaxation is achieved.

  1. First, strokes are performed in the directions shown in the figure. Stroking is performed within 1 minute.
  2. This is followed by the reception of squeezing along the same lines. Performed within 2-3 minutes.
  3. Next is rubbing. It can be combined with kneading. The duration of kneading is 7-12 minutes.
  4. They are followed by vibration techniques. Vibration is performed with fingers, not higher than the 6th cervical vertebra.
  5. Finish the massage of the collar zone by shaking with your fingertips and lightly stroking.

In general, the entire massage of this area takes 10-15 minutes.

Massage is performed on the lumbar region, located from 1-5 lumbar vertebrae, as well as on sacral region. The lines that are shown in the figure are directed laterally from the spine towards the inguinal lymph nodes.

The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Stroking is done first.
  2. They are followed by push-ups.
  3. Next, rubbing is performed.
  4. Then kneading.
  5. After that, shocking techniques are performed: vibration and shock techniques.

In the general structure, it takes 5-6 minutes to massage this area, in medicinal form- 20 minutes. The strength of the impact will vary: for example, along lines 4 and 5, you can use a more intense form of movement, and along lines 1 and 2, you need to dose the strength of the impact, since internal organs are located in this area.

How to do a back massage: features

Each occupation has its own subtleties and peculiarities. Let's reveal a few important points that will help you deal with the question: how to do a back massage.

  • Massage should start from the sacrum, smoothly moving up.
  • The hands of the massage therapist during the procedure should be relaxed and warm.
  • In technique, it is worth alternating stroking and rubbing movements.
  • The first session should be no more than 15 minutes.

And now let's move on to massage techniques, with the help of which a massage session is performed.

This approach is right start massage. Warm your hands and start rhythmically stroking the entire surface of the back. In the region of the lower back and neck, more gentle and soft movements should be carried out. performed in an intensive manner.

Stroking should begin the massage procedure.

This technique is performed in the same way as stroking, but a little more intense and with greatest pressure. As a rule, rubbing starts from the lower back, no more than 10 minutes.

Rubbing is a more intense technique

The kneading technique is performed with a deeper effect on the tissues. If you need to increase pressure on the massaged area, place one hand on the other. These technical exercises should be started from the forearm area. It is recommended to perform no more than 10 minutes.

Kneading affects deeper areas

Basically, vibration or light tapping should complete the procedure. It is worth vibrating with your fingertips over the entire surface of the back, with the least contact.

The final stage of the massage

Undeniable benefits

Many well-known scientists have proven that massage procedures bring great benefit our body as a whole. With the help of the impact of massage techniques on the body, normalization of blood circulation in the body was noticed, as well as muscle relaxation after physical activity. This also applies to emotional stress - after a quality session emotional stress and stress disappear, and endorphins come in their place, the level of which also increases due to massage.

Professional, therapeutic back massage helps to get rid of problems with incorrect posture and other diseases of the spine. Therefore, do not neglect massage procedure, which is in power to "heal" all problems and diseases.

At the end of a hard, eventful working day, you really want to relax a little, relax, devote some time to yourself and relieve the tension that has arisen. Most The best way is a relaxing back massage. It helps relieve tension from muscles that have been very tense during the day. However, in order to achieve the desired effect, and not harm yourself, you need to know how to properly massage your back.

Back massage - execution rules

  • We do not forget about hygiene, and therefore, before starting the procedure, you must wash your hands. warm water. Be sure to use a cream or oil for massage.
  • It is more expedient to start massaging the back from the area of ​​the sacrum, and then move smoothly higher.
  • Massage always begins with a light stroke. Both circular and movements along the back are acceptable. Gradually, you should massage a little more actively, applying more and more more power.

The most basic rule that you should always follow when performing a massage is not to press, not to rub the spine directly. It is necessary to massage strictly only the area along the spine and nothing else. Also, experts do not recommend pressing hard or patting the area on the back near the kidneys, and there is no need to apply maximum force between the shoulder blades. In these areas, you can only massage lightly with gentle movements.

For back massage the following tricks: rubbing, patting, stroking, pinching and kneading. It should be noted that throughout the procedure, the massage therapist skillfully alternates the above techniques.

It is important to know that the neck and shoulders need to be rubbed and kneaded, applying a little more force than massaging the muscles in the lower back. After all, it is the neck and shoulders that are subjected to more stress during the day.

Another rule that must be observed is to take into account the wishes and condition of the person who entrusted his back to you. If you are asked to massage a little harder, then you can slightly increase the pressure, although if this does not contradict the basic rules, that is, it does not harm your health.

Back massage contraindications

It is worth knowing that it is not always possible to do a back massage. So if a person is sick infectious diseases skin, fungal, has problems with blood vessels or has previously suffered serious injuries of the spine - massage is strictly prohibited. And in other situations, massage will only benefit, help to relax, relieve fatigue.

How to do a back massage - technique

It is better to start a full body massage from the back. Since it is the least sensitive to influences from outside than the chest and belly. It's no secret that the blue is located great amount muscles that are very tense. The most vulnerable areas are the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and the lower back.

Back massage can be done both from top to bottom and from bottom to top. On the back, long, wide and trapezius muscles are worked out with massaging movements.

The person being massaged should lie on his stomach, and his arms should be along the body. As noted above, massage should begin with stroking. Gradually you need to add strength. Movements are performed strictly from the sacrum up to the supraclavicular fossae. One hand should move the thumb forward, on the other hand the little finger should be in front.

We can distinguish the following basic techniques used in back massage:

  1. rectilinear, forceful rubbing with fingertips;
  2. rubbing around with pads thumbs;
  3. circular rubbing - with the pads of all fingers of one hand with the use of force;
  4. concentric rubbing - the thumb and forefinger work;
  5. rubbing with phalanges of bent fingers, moreover, it can be light massaging, or maybe with the use of force.

During the massage of the broad muscles of the back, it is recommended to knead with the base of the palm. And when massaging long muscles stretching from the sacrum to the back of the head, it is best to use deep linear stroking thumbs two hands from bottom to top. The occiput, upper and middle part back - you need to massage in accordance with the direction of the muscle fibers. You can rub along the spine only in circular motions with fingertips or phalanges of bent fingers.

Back massage - photo instruction

We offer you a photo instruction or manual on how to do a back massage.

  • Place your hands on the back of the person you will be massaging. The right hand should be on the lower back, and the left - between the shoulder blades.
  • Gently move your right hand to the person’s left buttock, while the left hand should remain in the same area. With fairly gentle movements, with minimal use of force, begin to massage, while it is necessary to slightly shake the entire torso.
  • Slowly, bring your left hand to the right.
  • Shaking the whole body, slowly stroke the entire back with your left hand, starting from the left side.
  • Talk to the person you are massaging to see if they feel comfortable.
  • Put your hands on your lower back. With smooth movements, rise to the neck.
  • Then, also smoothly return back to the lower back. Repeat this several times.
  • When the entire back is oiled, starting from the lower back, start rubbing with wide circular massaging movements, using minimal force. Slowly move towards the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Having reached the shoulders - stroking, go down again to the lower back.
  • Lower your right hand in the lumbar region on the spine, put your left hand on top - thus, slightly pressing, move towards the neck.
  • Middle and index fingers it is necessary to press on both sides of the spine. Thus, you need to go down again to the lower back.
  • With two palms, massage from the buttocks to the neck, alternately both sides.
  • Place two palms side by side on the lower back, resting only on the base of the palm and with quick, rhythmic movements, begin to warm up the muscles, in the direction from the buttocks to the shoulders. Similarly, go down to the starting position.
  • With both hands, using force, massage the muscles of the buttocks and lower back.
  • Use your thumbs to stretch the skin along the spine. And then in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades.
  • Close your palms and lower your hands in the middle of your back.
  • Slowly, gently turn the arms of the person you are massaging, palms down.
  • Press both palms firmly against the lower back and massage so hard that the skin gathers in folds. Moving one palm slightly forward, do not forget to slightly pull the other back.
  • We proceed to kneading the shoulder and neck muscles. In these areas, you can safely apply more force.
  • With your left hand, take your partner's left hand under the elbow, and with your right hand, grab his hand. Wind it gently, without causing pain, and place it on the small of your back. The palm should look up.
  • Put your left hand under his left shoulder. With the fingers of your right hand closed, do circular rubbing in the left upper back. Special attention you need to pay attention to the area between the spine and the shoulder blade.
  • Massage the entire shoulder blade with pinching movements.
  • Do all of the above on the right side.
  • Slightly clench your fists and “drum” them over the entire surface of the buttocks.
  • With the side of your palms at a fast, rhythmic pace, lightly tap on the buttocks.
  • Place your palms in handfuls and lightly pat them, starting with the buttocks and ending with top neck.
  • With the back of your hand, pat on right side torso.
  • Gently place both of your palms along your spine with your fingers pointing straight down. Gently, but at the same time with pressure, run your hands along your back several times.
  • Swipe in wave-like movements over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back and lower again to the lower back. Do this several times.
  • Place your hands on your upper back. Bring them together, and massage the muscles of the neck with exciting movements. All fingers, at the same time, should move towards the collarbones.
  • And now, gently pressing, massage the cervical vertebrae well.
  • Then you need to put your hands a little below the shoulders, on either side of the spine. And massage in a circular motion"from the center". Gradually, continuing to massage, go down to the lower back.
  • At the same pace, you need to reach the buttocks. Don't forget to rub the sides. Then we return with stroking movements to the neck.
  • In the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, pressing on the back, massage both sides of the spine. Take the neck too.
  • With the pads of your thumbs, making small small circular movements from the spine to the sides, walk along the entire back, starting from the neck, ending with the lower back. greatest strength it is necessary to apply in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades, and on the lower back - the least.
  • Place your palms directly on your shoulder blades. Alternately acting now with the left, then right hand, in a circular motion, while it is worth lightly pressing, go through the entire surface of the back. And don't forget to grab the buttocks too.
  • Spread your fingers wide and lightly press the pads on the skin. tap all over the back. Finally, stroke the entire surface of the back several times.

How to do a back massage - video

And in conclusion, we offer you a video lesson that will help you properly and professionally massage your back.

In ancient times, many healers knew about the benefits of massage. Over time, many methods have emerged to achieve this. AT modern world massage is official therapeutic prophylaxis from many diseases and pathologies. To get the desired result, you can contact a specialist or perform the manipulations yourself. How to learn to do back massage? Further in the article will be discussed about the rules for doing so.

Who needs a massage?

Carrying out such a procedure is useful for those people who:

  • have a sedentary job or spend their free time in front of computer;
  • experiencing regular increased loads on the back;
  • are undergoing rehabilitation after a back injury or osteochondrosis;
  • experiencing persistent headaches
  • have chronic fatigue and sleep poorly at night;
  • feel stiffness of the back muscles during the day.

How to learn to do back massage? If the person has never experienced similar procedures, then it is best for him to observe the actions of a professional. After all, then it will be clear to the beginner with what force to act on the back and what actions to perform.

Each session must be started and carried out correctly. Therefore, initially it is necessary to know the features of classic home massage.

The benefits of massage

Everyone can learn to carry out such a procedure correctly. Therapeutic massage done at home will only benefit the body. It refers to effective way adjustment of the work of some organs. There are the following massage abilities:

  • improvement of blood circulation and work of the heart, blood vessels;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues, which leads to regeneration and rejuvenation;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • oxygen exchange is activated;
  • improves metabolism.

Massage helps to reduce headaches and swelling, improves blood and lymph circulation in the body. The procedure has its own characteristics, so it should be carried out accordingly.

How to do a therapeutic back massage? It is only beneficial if done effectively. After the massage, the back muscles relax, additional capillaries open, the firmness and elasticity of the skin improves.

In procedures aimed at lumbar spine, there is not only a relaxing effect, but also a healing one.

The basic principles of massage include sliding the hands over the back in the direction of the blood flow, while avoiding the location lymph nodes.

How to prepare for a massage

Before the procedure, you need to do a little preparation. In order for the skin to perceive the massage well, peeling is needed. Before the procedure you need to take a shower. Aromatherapy has a good effect on the body, allows you to relax and cheer up.

For a massage you will need:

  • towel;
  • disposable underwear and bathrobe;
  • oil and cream that does not cause allergies;
  • aroma sticks.

Many professional massage therapists use essential oils. Women's scents include rose, patchouli and palmarosa. For men use essential oil sandalwood. Be sure to use those products that do not cause allergies.

Rules for performing the procedure

How to learn to do back massage? It includes the following rules:

  1. The massage is performed in lying position on a hard surface. It is convenient if it is a special couch. A clean cotton sheet should be laid on the surface where the massage is performed.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure. You should use not only soap, but also a disinfectant. Acne may be present on the patient's body, which are injured during the procedure.
  3. Special oils are used to improve glide. If the massage is therapeutic, then healing creams are used.
  4. After the procedure, the patient needs warmth and rest. You need to cover yourself with a blanket and lie down in a relaxed position for at least 15 minutes.

Only after that you can get up and do the usual household chores.

Classic massage

Start the procedure with a simple technique. How to learn to do back massage? This procedure is best done with pain in the back, which occurs due to overstrain of the back muscles, with chronic fatigue and headaches.

With regular massage, you can relieve tension from the back, improve blood circulation and prevent the development of osteochondrosis in people with in a sedentary manner life. The procedure has some subtleties.

How to take a photo on this topic is presented in this material. classical technique is as follows:

  1. Initially, they perform stroking actions. The session starts and ends with them. Stroking accelerates blood flow, warms up muscles and prepares the body for further procedures. Manipulations are carried out along the spine, and then from it in different directions in the form of a Christmas tree. At first, the actions are light, then their intensity and pressure increase.
  2. Rubbing is performed from the sides to the spine and back. Manipulations are done with the edge of the palm, but the pressure should not be strong so as not to cause pain. You need to rub until the back is completely warmed up. Redness of the skin means that the massage is carried out correctly.
  3. The most intense part is the kneading. This is done with two hands, you need to grab a thin fold near the spine and move it to the side. Each half of the back is treated separately. The duration of the manipulation is 10-15 minutes.
  4. Claps are made with palms bent in the form of a spoon. They are carried out only on the muscles, excluding the spine, kidneys and shoulders. You need to move your hands sharply, but so that the massage does not cause pain.
  5. Then vibrating manipulations are carried out from the back of the head to the spine. They should not bring pain to the patient.
  6. It is necessary to finish the massage with stroking actions. This is done at first intensively, then the pace slows down. After the end of the massage, the patient should lie down under the covers for 15 minutes.

How to learn to do back massage at home? Having mastered, a person can easily do this. If stiffness in the back is observed after sleep, then the massage is done in the morning. And when pain appears in the evening, then before going to bed.


Such manipulations are carried out carefully, they are done after the removal of an exacerbation attack. How to do a therapeutic back massage? It is carried out in the absence of contraindications and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Manipulations are carried out on a hard surface.
  2. Hands are thoroughly washed and warmed.
  3. Massage is carried out using oil or cream.
  4. The process begins with light impacts. Movements are directed from the shoulders towards the waist. Sliding should be intense, but at the same time soft. When massaging the thoracic region, special efforts should not be made.
  5. The edges of the palms are carried out along spinal column, with little effort when smoothing the shoulder area.
  6. Then they move their hands to their sides and carry out exciting tricks from the bottom and up.
  7. In a circular motion, knead the shoulder area, without making much effort.
  8. When the whole back is stretched, they move on to deeper effects. They move from bottom to top, grabbing skin folds with their fingers. Such manipulations are carried out on each side of the back separately.
  9. Massage time cervical the spine should be enlarged, because with sedentary work that part of the back suffers.
  10. ending procedure light pats on the back with fingertips.

Manipulations are carried out for an hour, observing necessary rules and recommendations.

How to do a back massage for a man?

Any person will not refuse such a procedure, both a woman and a man.

How to learn to give a back massage to a guy? The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Before the massage create a pleasant environment. They light an aroma lamp with such aromas: sandalwood, jasmine, orange.
  2. Massage is carried out on a hard surface. Wash your hands first. For manipulation, a cream or ointment is used.
  3. Start from the waist, gradually rising up. This will relieve pain.
  4. Then you need to go to the back of the head, stretch the upper part of the shoulders. You should work not with your fingers, but with the whole palm.
  5. Finish the procedure with stroking movements.

It is not difficult to learn how to do a back massage for a man, you just need to master the correct manipulations. It is held for half an hour, usually at night.

Baby massage technique

The child also needs similar manipulations. Back massage for children includes the following steps:

  1. Initially, strokes are made from the bottom up for each side of the back separately.
  2. Gently press with a fist, avoiding the spine.
  3. The following manipulations are stroking.
  4. Then tapping and tingling with fingers are carried out.
  5. Ends light massage strokes.

By conducting massage, adults bring great benefits to the child's body.

Woman back massage

Manipulations are no different from those that men do. There are several features of massage for women:

  • The procedure is individual for each woman, especially during menstrual cycle. Some do not tolerate back massage during this period.
  • If the discharge is not intense, then the manipulations will not be dangerous. The massage and its duration will depend on this.
  • During pregnancy, a woman should not abuse the procedure, especially in the first trimester. Massaging areas such as the sacrum or coccyx can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

Therefore, before giving a back massage to a woman, it should be clarified if there are any restrictions for its implementation.

Massage contraindications

Like any procedure, massage has its limitations. These include:

  • high body temperature;
  • state of alcoholic or drug intoxication;
  • diseases of the kidneys, heart and liver;
  • low or high blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • oncological diseases.

How often should an adult have a back massage? Manipulations can be carried out continuously if a person does not have the above health problems.


Back massage at home - useful procedure aimed at preventing many conditions in the body. Proper manipulation will be beneficial for the health of not only adults, but also children.

Back massage is a non-drug method of influencing the human body. It is used to treat and prevent many diseases. As a result of a properly conducted massage course, a person’s well-being improves, existing disorders are gradually corrected, and pain syndrome. But massage should be done only by a specialist, while it is necessary to take into account the presence of contraindications and concomitant diseases.

The right approach is the key to success

Massage is not just rubbing the back. This is a complex intensive effect that affects the entire body. Indeed, during massage, the tone of the superficial and deep muscles changes, the outflow increases venous blood and lymph, blood supply to the skin, paravertebral tissues and internal organs increases.

Many receptors are activated and biologically active points, resulting in the inclusion reflex mechanisms in the nervous system and in various parts of the body. Therefore, it is important to know how to properly massage your back. This will help avoid unwanted effects.

Correct position

When massaging the back, muscle relaxation is necessary. That is why it is preferable that the patient lies on his stomach on a dense, even, non-flexible base. It can be a massage table, a couch, a sofa or a bed with a fairly hard mattress, or even a blanket on the floor. It is desirable to give the body the most symmetrical position. With pronounced lateral curvature of the spine with deformity chest use corrective additional rollers and special provisions.

If a person for some reason cannot lie on his stomach, then it is permissible to work with his upper back and neck in a sitting position. In this case, a person should sit on a flat chair (or a special seat), leaning forward to an angle of almost 45º, leaning with bent arms on the back of a chair or a special stand, resting his head to relax the neck muscles. In this position, massage is performed for pregnant women and people who feel a deterioration in their condition in a strictly horizontal position.

Help to relax

It is necessary to create maximum comfort for the patient. During the massage, his upper body is exposed. Therefore, the room should be warm, but not hot. A clean cotton cloth with a smooth surface (sheet or diaper) is placed under the chest and stomach, and a soft wide towel or sheet is taken for covering.

The general environment is also important. The room should be quiet, have a closing door and a screened changing area. You can use soft, calm music and other relaxing techniques. If something annoys a person, he should tell a specialist about it.

Do no harm

In order not to call undesirable consequences, the masseur conducts the impact according to a certain scheme. This is the third prerequisite.

The session begins and ends with relaxing movements, and in the middle they make several approaches with an intense impact on the problem area. Movements are carried out smoothly and in the direction of the venous and lymphatic drainage, without capturing the location of the lymph nodes (on the neck and in the armpits).

After the end of the massage session, you can not immediately get up, do jerky movements, turns, tilts and swings, go out into the draft. It takes some time to lie down, taking a comfortable position.

Therapeutic massage is prescribed in courses several times a year (up to 4 times), and a relaxing household back massage can be done at least every day. In addition, massage is carried out only in the absence of contraindications.

When is a massage undesirable?

There are conditions when massage cannot be done. These include:

  • dermatological diseases and allergic reactions with damage to the skin of the back, as well as any other damage to the soft tissues of the back;

  • acute period of stroke and myocardial infarction;

  • decompensated heart, kidney or liver failure;

  • osteomyelitis;

  • acute viral and bacterial infections;

  • feverish state;

  • organ pathology abdominal cavity making it difficult to take a prone position;

  • sharp inflammatory processes any localization, exacerbation of chronic diseases;

  • coagulation disorders with a tendency to bleeding and thrombosis, blood diseases;

  • some systemic diseases in the acute stage, especially with damage to the skin and blood vessels;

  • decompensated hypertonic disease with a crisis course;

  • pronounced vascular and degenerative lesions of the brain;

  • mental disorders accompanied by impaired consciousness, psychomotor agitation and psychosis;

  • oncological diseases of any localization.

The patient must know when not to massage.

Carrying out massage in the presence of contraindications can lead to the development of complications of current diseases, and in the case of a cancerous lesion, to metastasis.

And if during the treatment course there are any additional symptoms, you should notify the massage therapist and the attending physician about this. They will decide whether the massage can continue or if it should be temporarily postponed.

What types of back massage are there

The classic type of massage is manual way. But often different devices and devices are used. For example, there is vibration method using devices of different designs, cupping massage and self-massage using a special roller track.

According to the purpose of the impact, a relaxing and therapeutic massage is distinguished, which includes several varieties.

  • Relaxing massage can be carried out by people without special education because it's easy to do it right.

It is often used in trust relationships. married couples or with friends. This pleasant shallow effect helps to relieve tension after a difficult labor day or a long trip, serves as a way to win over and feel close to each other. But a relaxing massage is also carried out by professionals to harmonize the functioning of the nervous system, with a diffusely increased muscle tone, with neuroses and psychosomatic conditions against the background of chronic stress or internal psychological conflicts.

  • Therapeutic- is intended to correct any existing violations, this also includes a preventive effect to prevent certain conditions.

Depending on the purpose, it happens:

  • classic, it is also called Swedish;

  • lymphatic drainage (or anti-cellulite);

  • acupuncture, that is, point;

  • specialized for the treatment of various diseases of the spine.

  • Separately, there is a sports massage.

Its goals are to prepare the muscles for the upcoming high loads, relieve the resulting tonic (spasmodic) contractions and alleviate muscle fatigue. With its help, you can increase the efficiency and endurance of athletes, prevent their overwork. Sports massage can be training, restorative and preliminary; while the latter is divided into pre-launch, warm-up and warming.

Used in this natural honey does not reduce friction. On the contrary, it increases adhesion to the skin. This is used to carry out a sufficiently deep impact using a special technique.

The main indications for the course therapeutic massage:

  • muscle pain syndrome various violations work of the musculoskeletal system;

  • muscle hypotension (usually due to damage to the brain or spinal cord);

  • promotion muscle tone, including asymmetric hypertonicity after strokes, injuries, perinatal pathology and other disorders in the central nervous system;

  • rehabilitation period after injuries and severe somatic diseases, forced sedentary image life;

  • frequent headaches, unstable blood pressure;

  • diseases respiratory system(for drainage massage).

Back massage is used for many diseases. After all, its main effects are to improve tissue nutrition, reduce their swelling, eliminate muscle spasms or activation of muscle work, improvement of conductivity nerve impulses. The work of the peripheral and central nervous system is harmonized, pain decreases, volume increases possible movements. All this helps to improve the condition of people with a variety of bodily problems. A competent massage therapist will choose the type of massage that is appropriate in each case, the rhythm of the movements performed and will give recommendations on behavior during the course of treatment.

Order of conduct

Most often applied classic massage back. The specialist sensitively feels the reaction of the patient's body to the manipulations, which allows you to immediately adjust the strength and type of impact.

But in any case, the massage session is carried out according to a certain scheme. Most often recommended treatment course of 7-10 procedures, but it can be extended up to 15 days. Sessions are held daily if possible. This approach will allow you to consistently act on problem areas, get a deep and lasting healing effect.

How long does a massage take? A full treatment session takes 40-50 minutes. In this case, the following stages are carried out: relaxation and warming up, active influence with alternation and repetition different tricks and focus on the problem area, reassurance. In this case, stroking, rubbing, vibration, squeezing and kneading are used. All these techniques have their own varieties and must be used in every massage session.

Massage can be done with dry, warm hands or using various means to facilitate the sliding of hands on the skin. These can be oils (vegetable or special cosmetic), baby cream, massage lotion, talc or baby powder. It depends on the preferences of the specialist and the availability individual reaction patient on these funds, so it is impossible to answer exactly with what it is better to do a back massage. The main thing is to be comfortable, comfortable and safe.

The skin of the patient's back should be clean, and the massage therapist's hands should be clean, warm, with short nails. First, stroking is carried out with a gradually increasing intensity, relaxing and gradually warming up the skin. At the same time, the massage therapist also has the opportunity to gently determine the places of local muscle spasms by touch.

After the skin of the back has become elastic and slightly reddened, the next stage begins. All muscle groups are gradually worked out, as they relax, deeper layers are captured, an effect is made on painful areas. This may cause some discomfort for the patient, but the sensations should not be sharp, lead to deterioration general condition or cause numbness in distant parts of the body. The intensity of pain during therapeutic massage should not exceed the permissible pain threshold.

Strong techniques alternate with relaxing ones. Also, special postures, movements and exercises can be included in the massage session. On the last step general relaxing strokes are carried out, after which the patient is given the opportunity to lie down for a while.

If you have spinal problems or neurological problems, do not save on a massage therapist. Appeal to graduates of various training courses who do not have special education and experience in therapeutic massage can lead to an exacerbation pathological processes and various complications. You need to contact only qualified specialists.

In the article we will talk about how to properly massage. Many are interested in this issue, but do not know where to look for detailed and correct information. The article is written for informational purposes, so it is better to take special courses and get important knowledge from the lips of professionals. We will consider the main points and pay attention to massage. different parts body.

Short story

Let's start with brief history. So, researchers still can not come to single point perspective on where and when massage originated. It is impossible to rank it among the “inventions” of a certain people, since these techniques developed almost simultaneously all over the world. There is evidence that people from the Pacific Islands used massage techniques, which means that they were available to primitive peoples. The most widespread massage was in Indonesia, where it was used for local or general treatment. The soldiers of Rome used various tricks physical impact on the body after the battles, so that there are no bruises and other marks. AT Ancient China there were schools for doctors in which massage was one of the necessary disciplines for studying. References are also found in the medical writings of Hippocrates and Avicenna.

When Christianity came, people forgot how to massage properly, because this technique was considered pagan and was eradicated in every possible way. I have to say what else for a long time after these events, massage was not considered a discipline deserving special scientific knowledge.

Later it was developed by such scientists and doctors as Peter-Heinrich Ling, Professor Mozengeil, etc.


So what is the right way to massage? To do this, it is necessary not only to master all the techniques to perfection and know when each of them is appropriate, but also to know the rules that lay the foundations of massage. Consider the basic rules:

  1. All movements should be directed to the lymphatic tract. For example, the back should be massaged from the spine to the sides, the chest - from the abdomen to armpit, hips - from the knees to the groin. Work with the stomach only in a clockwise direction.
  2. The nipples and the area of ​​the lymph nodes are never massaged in either men or women.
  3. For the massage to be as effective as possible, all muscles must be relaxed.
  4. Each technique is repeated 5 to 8 times.
  5. The rule of alternating aggressive and calm tricks.
  6. During exposure, pain should not occur. The force of pressing the muscle should correspond to its tone.
  7. You can carry out the procedure through fabric or linen, but the greater effect will be when working with a naked body. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees.
  8. In order to stimulate blood circulation, massage begins with large parts of the body. In addition, it helps to pump out lymph from the limbs.
  9. Before the start of the session, a person should take a shower or wipe himself with a damp towel. Various oils used to improve the sliding of hands, as well as to relax a person. In this case, powders can be used if the massage therapist's hands are sweating, and the patient has too much hair.
  10. A professional must work exclusively with clean hands. They should not have bracelets, rings, etc. It is preferable to work with both hands so that the load is even. In this case, the patient's body must be at a suitable height.
  11. Separately, the rhythm and pace of movement should be selected, depending on what the goal is for the massage therapist. active movements tone up nervous system, medium in intensity - harmonize and balance, and weak and slow have a relaxing and calming effect.
  12. The transition between exposure techniques should be smooth, but without pauses.

We examined the basic rules that guide every professional.


Knowing how to properly massage based on the basics, let's talk about exposure techniques. There are not many of them, but each can be decomposed into several more subspecies. We, according to tradition, will consider the most important thing in order to understand how to properly massage at home.

Each person, doing massage unprofessionally, one way or another uses the accepted techniques. There are 8 of them in total, of which 2 are auxiliary. The latter are used as an additional lever of influence to weaken or enhance the effect of the main techniques.

The first technique that we will consider is stroking. This is where the process begins and ends. The procedure is carried out with light movements of the palms. In order to properly perform the reception, four fingers must be tightly closed, and the big one should be set aside to the maximum. You also need to know that stroking can be spiral, straight and combined. The spiral effect relaxes the person as much as possible, and the combined movements help to relieve physical and mental stress. At the same time, during stroking, the dead layer of the epidermis is removed, skin respiration, skin tone and elasticity improve, the outflow of venous blood and lymph increases, nervous tension, pain and spasms go away.

The second technique is squeezing, which is carried out using the edge of the palm. The fingers are slightly bent and located across the massaged area. To enhance the effect, the hands are superimposed on each other. Here already there is an effect not only on the skin, but also adipose tissue, superficial layer of muscles and connective tissues. The use of the technique removes swelling, improves metabolic processes in tissues. At the same time, the body comes into tone, the work of the central nervous system is stimulated. Such massage is often used by athletes before important competitions.

The third technique is kneading. He is the main massage, so almost half of the time is devoted to him. In this case, the muscle is either fixed or pulled back and then warmed up. Reception has a strong influence on subcutaneous tissue and muscular system person. Increases metabolism, which contributes to growth muscle tissue. Reception has a tonic effect.

Calming techniques

Shaking is a technique that is used only in case of maximum muscle relaxation. It relieves tension, calms the nervous system, stimulates the outflow of blood and lymph, perfectly fights muscle fatigue, and helps restore strength. For all these properties, it is very loved by athletes.

Rubbing is a technique used in almost all types of massage. It allows you to remove pain and restore the functionality of the joints after injuries or overloads. Strongly affects tendons, ligaments, joints and fascia. Reception significantly increases the mobility of the joints, prevents the formation of deposits. Professionals prefer circular and straight rubbing, which are performed with fingertips.

So, now we know exactly how to massage correctly using basic techniques impact on the human body.

Healing movements

There are three types of healing movements:

  1. Conducted with resistance, when the massage therapist has to overcome the patient's light conscious resistance.
  2. Passive movements performed in the most relaxed state with maximum amplitude. Such movements increase the elasticity of muscles, their performance.
  3. Active movements that activate the nervous system and contribute to the restoration and strengthening of the muscular apparatus. Can be performed independently.


How to properly massage a child?

The main rule is to entrust this procedure to a professional. It is much more difficult to harm an adult person, since his body is formed and strong. Children's bones and joints are too sensitive, so one wrong move can be harmful. Parents who do massage themselves take special courses or receive full information from a doctor who admits independent execution exercises. Acting intuitively or on information from unverified sources is the same as putting experience on your child.

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