Glycine mechanism of action. Is it possible to be allergic to glycine? Is glycine addictive?

Glycine (INN glycine) is a metabolic drug that normalizes metabolic processes in the brain. Available in the form of tablets for sublingual and buccal administration. Is replaceable, i.e. synthesized in the body, an amino acid. Produced by domestic pharmaceutical plants - Ozon, Biotiki, Canonpharma Production and the Moscow Chemical and Pharmaceutical Production Association named after. ON THE. Semashko. It normalizes metabolism, controls the processes of inhibition in the central nervous system, relieves mental stress, improves cognitive functions. The drug has an affinity for GABA-ergic synapses, exhibits the properties of alpha-1-blocker, antioxidant, and acts as an antitoxic agent. especially important clinical significance has the ability of Glycine to specifically interact with glutamate (NDMA) receptors, due to which the complex of effects is realized, due to which the drug is so in demand in medical practice:

Removal of psycho-emotional arousal, reduction of aggressiveness, irritability, conflict, increase of adaptive abilities in society;

Mood enhancement;

Increasing the rate of falling asleep, correcting somnological disorders;

Improvement of cognitive functions (attention, memory, mental activity);

Minimization of manifestations of autonomic dysfunction;

Eliminates the consequences of violations cerebral circulation and TBI;

Protects the CNS from the toxic effects of ethanol and medical preparations depressing its function.

Glycine has a good penetrating ability and is found after ingestion in many tissues and organs (including the brain), as well as biological fluids.

The drug is effective in suppressing mental activity, in situations associated with increased psycho-emotional load(change of scenery, stressful situations at work, domestic conflicts, exams, etc.), with social deviation of adolescents, diseases nervous system various etiologies, clinical manifestations which are emotional excitability, instability of behavior, depression of cognitive functions (neuroses of various origins, autonomic dysfunction, consequences of TBI, etc.), as well as in ischemic stroke (cerebral infarction). It is also used in narcology during remission as aid to relieve psycho-emotional stress and stimulate mental activity. It has practically no contraindications, with the exception of extremely rare intolerance, it has a very high toxicity threshold. Regarding the effectiveness of Glycine, a solid evidence base has been collected, including a number of large clinical research, many of which were carried out by domestic scientists and scientists from the post-Soviet space: features of the anxiolytic and mnestic action of Glycine in young men (Stavropol medical Academy), LPO correction on the background toxic action ethanol (Bashkir State medical University), the effectiveness of Glycine in vegetative and psycho-emotional disorders in persons suffering from rheumatoid arthritis(Belarusian State Medical University).


metabolic drug.

Glycine is a metabolic regulator, normalizes and activates the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, reduces psycho-emotional stress, and increases mental performance. Glycine has glycine- and GABA-ergic, alpha 1-adrenergic blocking, antioxidant, antitoxic action; regulates the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors, due to which the drug is able to:

  • reduce psycho-emotional stress, aggressiveness, conflict, increase social adaptation;
  • improve mood;
  • facilitate falling asleep and normalize sleep;
  • increase mental performance;
  • reduce vegetative-vascular disorders (including in menopause);
  • reduce the severity of brain disorders in ischemic stroke and traumatic brain injury;
  • reduce the toxic effect of alcohol and other drugs that depress the function of the central nervous system.
  • Pharmacokinetics

Easily penetrates into most biological fluids and tissues of the body, incl. to the brain; metabolized to water and carbon dioxide, its accumulation in tissues does not occur.

Release form

Sublingual tablets white color with elements of marbling, flat-cylindrical shape with a chamfer.

Excipients: magnesium stearate 1 mg, water-soluble methylcellulose 1 mg.

50 pcs. - cellular contour packings (1) - packs of cardboard.


Glycine is applied sublingually or buccally at 100 mg (in tablets or as a powder after crushing the tablet). Practically healthy children, adolescents and adults with psycho-emotional stress, decreased memory, attention, mental performance, mental retardation, deviant forms behavior Glycine is assigned to 1 tab. 2-3 times / day for 14-30 days.

With functional and organic lesions nervous system, accompanied by increased excitability, emotional lability and sleep disturbance, children under three years of age are prescribed 0.5 tab. (50 mg) to receive 2-3 times / day for 7-14 days, then 50 mg 1 time / day for 7-10 days. The daily dose is 100-150 mg, the course dose is 2000-2600 mg. Children over 3 years old and adults are prescribed 1 tab. 2-3 times / day, the course of treatment is 7-14 days. The course of treatment can be increased up to 30 days, if necessary, the course is repeated after 30 days.

For sleep disorders, Glycine is prescribed 20 minutes before bedtime or immediately before bedtime, 0.5-1 tab. (depending on age).

With ischemic brain stroke: during the first 3-6 hours from the development of a stroke, 1000 mg is prescribed buccally or sublingually with one teaspoon of water, then for 1-5 days at 1000 mg / day, then over the next 30 days 1-2 tab. 3 times / day.

In narcology, glycine is used as a means of increasing mental performance and reducing psycho-emotional stress during remission with symptoms of encephalopathy, organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system, 1 tab. 2-3 times / day for 14-30 days. If necessary, courses are repeated 4-6 times a year.


Reduces the severity of side effects antipsychotics(neuroleptics), anxiolytics, antidepressants, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.

Side effects

Allergic reactions are possible.


  • reduced mental performance;
  • stressful situations- psycho-emotional stress (during exams, conflict, etc. situations);
  • deviant forms of behavior of children and adolescents;
  • various functional and organic diseases of the nervous system accompanied by increased excitability, emotional instability, decreased mental performance and sleep disturbance: neurosis, neurosis-like states and vegetative-vascular dystonia, the consequences of neuroinfections and traumatic brain injury, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathies (incl. alcoholic genesis);
  • ischemic stroke.


  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application features

Use in children

May be used in children if indicated.

Glycine is a medicine that people have been using for decades. It has shown its effectiveness in combating stress and alcohol poisoning. Initially, the drug got its name due to the amino acid, which is its active basis. It is found in the human body, synthesized in the body from food, and can also be taken in the form of tablets. However, if taken incorrectly, there may be side effects and an overdose of Glycine.

Why does the body need glycine?

This amino acid is not essential, but taking glycine helps to solve many problems. This is because this amino acid is present in all tissues of the body and has wide range actions:

  1. Metabolic regulator - helps to get rid of toxins, fights against free radicals(a consequence of exposure to radiation), accelerates the production of DNA by cells.
  2. Neurotransmitter. Lots of nerve endings are sensitive to glycine. This means that due to this amino acid, signals are transmitted through the fibers of the nervous system. Accordingly, a larger amount of the neurotransmitter increases the speed of impulse transmission: mental activity increases, the reaction accelerates.
  3. Blocker. The peculiarity of the action of glycine is that it blocks the production of stress hormones: adrenaline and norepinephrine. Due to this, pressure is reduced, overexcitation is removed and a restful sleep is ensured.

How to avoid addiction

Considering all the benefits for the body, it is quite natural to want to take the medicine constantly. At the same time, people do not think about whether glycine is addictive - they continue to use the medicine without a doctor's prescription, which ends in an overdose and, in some cases, death.

In order not to die from glycine, you just need to control yourself and not drink pills longer than suggested by the instructions in various situations:

  1. To get out of a state of binge. In this case, the drug is limited to one day. It is enough to drink a pill in the morning, after half an hour another 2 and one more in an hour. Then during the day you can drink no more than 3 tablets, so as not to provoke an overdose.
  2. For removal hangover syndrome. In this case, more long-term treatment using a lower dosage of the drug. It is enough to drink 2 tablets per day for a week.
  3. During the period acute poisoning alcohol, glycine is taken once in the amount of one tablet. After an hour, you can drink another one, but not more and not earlier than this time.
  4. You can get rid of stress and anxiety in just 3 days. To do this, it is enough to drink 3 tablets per day. AT severe cases the dose can be increased to 4 tablets per day.
  5. Getting rid of insomnia will come in just one application of glycine half an hour before going to bed. If the problem returns the next day, you can repeat the drug, but if sleep has not returned to normal, longer than a week you can not continue the course of treatment.

Overdose of Glycine

If you do not follow the rules of admission, there may be an excessive accumulation of glycine in the body - an overdose. This is dangerous not only with side effects, but also with a fatal outcome.

The main problem of using amino acids for treatment is individual characteristics organism.

For example, according to the data, death from an overdose of glycine in adults can occur with a single dose of 13 milligrams of the drug. But on average, a person needs 20-25 g in order for a normal night sleep turned into a coma and gradually passed into death. There are also those who need almost 40 g in order for a similar scenario to develop.

Also, in about 1 case per thousand, an allergy to glycine may occur. In this case, the amino acid has the opposite effect, strongly inhibiting the central nervous system, which can be extremely dangerous, for example, if a person is driving at that time. Possible allergic reaction does not require any special measures counteraction. This effect on the body will gradually pass in a couple of weeks on its own.

Glycine is a harmless drug that does not interact with other substances and has virtually no contraindications for use, but its action can be blocked by the use of drugs with the opposite mechanism of work. However, in case of an overdose, the consequences of the thoughtless intake of glycine will manifest themselves immediately. This is especially dangerous for those who consume the amino acid in large doses like a drug.

Doctors are still debating whether glycine is harmful to children. Usually it's completely safe drug, but in the case of an allergic reaction, even in a small dose, it can lead to CNS disorders, which provoke convulsions and paresthesias. In the worst case, the use of the drug may result in the development of epilepsy, so its use must be agreed with the doctor and monitored by him in order to avoid negative side effects from glycine.

For adults, the effects of addiction can be more varied. With glycine poisoning, side effects have the following manifestations:

  1. Attention disorders are the least possible harm when poisoned.
  2. At a higher dose of the drug, there are more serious consequences: cluster headaches, dizziness, nausea.
  3. Elderly people whose nervous system is weakened, like children, can develop epilepsy. Night cramps may also occur.
  4. Digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  5. Coma and death.

It should be borne in mind that all of the above is the result of a severe overdose - this is how glycine works if you get used to using it for weeks in large quantities.

Usually it just goes down. mental activity and sensitivity to alcohol is lost. It is also possible to increase the load on the kidneys and chronically decrease blood pressure.

First aid for glycine poisoning

Given that when taking glycine, side effects usually do not harm the body, nothing is usually required to treat the effects of poisoning. In case of problems, it is necessary to act in the same way as with ordinary food poisoning:

  1. Stop taking the drug.
  2. Rinse the stomach large quantity water. In order to induce vomiting, it is enough to press your fingers on the root of the tongue.
  3. If an allergic reaction occurs, antihistamines may be taken.
  4. In the event of a malfunction digestive system symptomatic treatment is prescribed.
  5. With a decrease in blood pressure, it is enough to drink coffee or a couple of tablets of medicines that will help return everything to normal.
  6. In the event of a coma, the patient should immediately call an ambulance.

Glycine is certainly a very useful amino acid for the body, and subject to the rules of administration, it will not cause any harm to a person and protect against negative consequences overdose.

With the modern rhythm of life, the human body often cannot cope with the stress. For supporting general condition health experts advise taking Glycine, which provides positive impact to all organs and systems.

Glycine, what it is for, effects on the body

Despite the popularity and a large number of reviews about the drug, what is Glycine, what is it for, with medical point vision, not many people know.

The drug belongs to the group of replaceable amino acids involved in almost all biochemical processes that occur in the body. highest degree impact, designed for the functionality of the central nervous system, to maintain normal psychological state person.

Glycine is produced only in the form of tablets that need to be absorbed for an accelerated action of the drug. The composition of the drug includes microencapsulated acetic amino acid, at a dosage of 100 mg. Pharmaceutical companies also produce the drug - Glycine Forte. It additionally contains B vitamins, and the amino acid dose is 300/500 mg.

The instruction indicates that the effect of Glycine on the body helps to accelerate metabolic processes, normalizes and activates the functions of the central nervous system, regulates, regulates the action of brain glutamate receptors, and also has an adrenoblocking, antitoxic and antioxidant effect.

Glycine: instructions for use and reviews

Glycine is a drug that improves brain metabolism.

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in the form of sublingual tablets: flat-cylindrical, white with marbling elements, with a chamfer (50 pieces in blister packs, 1 pack in a carton box).

The composition of 1 tablet includes:

  • Active substance: microencapsulated glycine - 100 mg;
  • Auxiliary components: magnesium stearate - 1 mg; water-soluble methylcellulose - 1 mg.

Pharmacological properties

Glycine regulates metabolism, normalizes and starts the processes of protective inhibition in the central nervous system, increases mental performance, reduces psycho-emotional stress. It is characterized by antitoxic, antioxidant, glycine- and GABA-ergic, α 1 -adrenergic blocking effects. The drug is a regulator of the activity of glutamate (NMDA) receptors, which reduces conflict, aggressiveness, improves social adaptation, reducing the toxic effect of alcohol and other drugs that depress the functions of the central nervous system, improving mood. Glycine also reduces the severity of brain disorders in traumatic brain injury and ischemic stroke, eliminates vegetovascular disorders (including during menopause), facilitates falling asleep and normalizes sleep.


Accurate information about the pharmacodynamics of Glycine is not provided.


The drug easily penetrates into most tissues and body fluids, including the brain. The substance is metabolized with the formation of carbon dioxide and water and does not accumulate in the body.

Indications for use

  • Reduced mental performance;
  • Deviant forms of behavior of children and adolescents;
  • Psycho-emotional stress, stressful situations (conflict situation, exam period);
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • Various organic and functional diseases of the nervous system, accompanied by emotional instability, increased excitability, sleep disturbance and decreased mental performance: neuroses, vegetative vascular dystonia (VVD) and neurosis-like conditions, consequences of traumatic brain injuries and neuroinfections, perinatal and other forms of encephalopathies (incl. h. having an alcoholic genesis).


According to the instructions, Glycine is contraindicated in the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Instructions for use of Glycine: method and dosage

Glycine tablets should be administered buccally or sublingually at 100 mg (whole or as a powder after crushing).

Practically healthy adults and children with reduced mental performance, memory and attention, psycho-emotional stress, mental retardation, deviant forms of behavior Glycine is prescribed 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet. Duration of admission - 2-4 weeks.

Children under 3 years of age with lesions of the nervous system (organic and functional), which are accompanied by increased excitability, sleep disturbances and emotional lability, are prescribed 2-3 times a day, 1/2 tablet (50 mg) for 1-2 weeks. In the future, for 7-10 days, Glycine is taken 1 time per day. The daily dose is 100-150 mg, course - from 2000 to 2600 mg. Adults and children over 3 years of age are prescribed 100 mg 2-3 times a day. Average duration treatment course– 1-2 weeks. If necessary, therapy can be carried out for 1 month. According to the indications, it is possible to conduct a second course with an interval of 30 days.

In case of sleep disturbance, the drug should be taken immediately before bedtime or 20 minutes before bedtime. Depending on age, the dose may vary between 50-100 mg.

In ischemic cerebral stroke, Glycine is prescribed sublingually or buccally with one teaspoon of water at a dose of 1000 mg during the first 3-6 hours from the moment the stroke develops. Within 1-5 days, the drug should be taken at the same dose. Over the next 30 days, tablets are taken 3 times a day, 1-2 pcs.

In narcology, the drug is used as a means of increasing mental performance, as well as to reduce psycho-emotional stress during remission with organic lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system and encephalopathy phenomena. Glycine is usually prescribed for 14-30 days 2-3 times a day, 1 tablet. If necessary, it is possible to repeat courses (4-6 times a year).

Side effects

During therapy, the development of allergic reactions is possible.


An overdose in humans is considered impossible because it is one of the amino acids found in the human body. With increasing dosage, the effectiveness of the drug increases. Structural formula glycine ensures its participation in the metabolism that occurs in brain cells.

special instructions

Before using Glycine, as well as in cases of development of uncharacteristic symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug for violations of the functioning of the nervous system during pregnancy and lactation is permissible, but only after consultation with a specialist who will determine the state of the woman's health and individually select a therapeutic dose.

Clinical studies of the safety of Glycine for pregnant women have not been conducted, therefore, in this category of patients, it is prescribed with caution, taking into account contraindications and side effects.

It is allowed to take Glycine tablets during lactation due to its mild effect on the body. The concentration of a substance in breast milk insignificant, but before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

drug interaction

Glycine can reduce the side effects of anxiolytics, neuroleptics (antipsychotics), antidepressants, anticonvulsants and sleeping pills.


Analogues of Glycine are: Glycine Forte, Glycine-Bio Farmaplant, Glycine-Kanon, Glycine-MHFP, Glycised, Tenoten, Memsidol, Parkon, Phenibut, Enerion.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children at temperatures up to 25 °C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Glycine is a drug and active substance, which is considered a non-essential amino acid, is a white crystalline fine powder, it dissolves quite easily in water.

pharmachologic effect glycine

The active substance glycine contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes occurring in the body, has anti-stress and nootropic action also has antiepileptic and sedative effect.

This compound freely penetrates into many biological fluids and fabrics human body, including the brain. The active substance is quickly destroyed by the so-called glycine oxidase, this process occurs directly in the liver.

Glycine is a neurotransmitter of the so-called inhibitory type of action, in addition, it is considered a regulator of metabolic processes in the spinal cord and brain. Normalizes both the processes of inhibition and excitation in the nervous system, improves mental performance, normalizes sleep, helps to eliminate depression and increased irritability.

This substance is effective as an auxiliary medicinal product in the presence of epileptic seizures at the patient. It has a multicomponent so-called anti-ischemic effect, which is expressed in a decrease in the content of toxic products in the nervous system, such as aldehydes, ketones and some other compounds formed in biochemical reactions when acute ischemia.

Indications glycine

List when medicinal product glycine is indicated for use, these will be the following conditions:

In the presence of stressful conditions;
With emotional lability;
With psycho-emotional stress;
Assign this active substance with increased excitability;
In the presence of neurosis-like conditions;
Prescribe a remedy for vegetative dystonia;
With the consequences of a traumatic brain injury;
With neuroinfection;
In some forms of encephalopathy, including alcohol origin;
In case of sleep disturbance;
In the presence of acute ischemic stroke.

The drug glycine is prescribed to increase the mental performance of a person, including the drug is used for adolescents with deviant (deviation from the norm) forms of behavior.

Contraindications glycine

Among the contraindications can be noted only hypersensitivity to glycine, other cases when the drug cannot be used are not registered.

Glycine intake and dosage of glycine

The drug, which includes glycine, is recommended to be taken sublingually (under the tongue), with psycho-emotional stress, with a decrease in mental performance, as well as attention and memory, with mental retardation, the drug is usually prescribed 0.1 gram up to two, three times a day within two weeks or within one month. The daily dose should not be more than 0.3 grams.

In case of lesions of the nervous system of a functional or organic nature, which are accompanied by sleep disturbance, increased excitability, in addition, emotional lability, as well as children under the age of three, they usually prescribe a medicine of 0.05 grams per dose up to three times a day for a week, or one month, while daily dose varies from 0.1 to 0.15 grams. If necessary, the therapeutic course can be repeated.

A glycine-based drug reduces the severity of some toxic effects of antidepressant drugs, anticonvulsants, as well as neuroleptics.

Side effects glycine

In some cases, the patient may develop an allergic reaction to the use of preparations containing the active substance glycine. In this case, the patient should consult a specialist.

Overdose of glycine

Currently, there are no cases of overdose of the drug Glycine. If the medicinal product is used simultaneously in in large numbers, in this situation it is recommended to urgently proceed with the gastric lavage procedure using boiled water, while the patient must consume at least one liter of fluid.

After that, especially with deterioration general well-being, the patient is advised to consult a qualified doctor.

special instructions

It is worth noting one feature that during the surgical intervention on the prostate, in particular during transurethral resection, usually the patient is subjected to local applications using glycine, which can enter the systemic circulation and adversely affect the body's activities, such as the heart, kidneys and lungs, especially in patients with cardiovascular pathology.

Preparations containing glycine

The active substance glycine is contained in the drug of the same name. It is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in the form of sublingual tablets. They are recommended to be stored out of the reach of children, the medication should be used no later than the indicated expiration date, which is indicated on the package.


The use of the drug Glycine should be carried out on the recommendation of the attending physician. If you are allergic to this medication, the patient should consult a doctor.

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