What is energy, bone-energy massage of the body, face, energy points., Non-contact energy massage - technique, video, reviews. Energy massage on Novoslobodskaya

Hi all! Energy massage active points is a unique opportunity and great way cheer up in the morning without any doping like coffee, tea, etc.

A set of exercises "Awakening"

By massaging specific points on your body, you can maintain physical health. It is also a great opportunity to get rid of excess energy that has accumulated during the day in an instant.

Or vice versa - massage of energetically active points of the body will help the energy to flow through your body correctly, without stagnation, which will improve your well-being.

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For a long time, many have known that massage of active points is a massage of areas on the body, which, with active influence on ...

Thanks to the following set of exercises, you will not have a difficult awakening early morning. Fatigue, lethargy, sleepiness will go away as soon as you start exercising.

  1. So, the first thing you need to do is rub your hands well, rubbing your palms together.
  2. Second, close bottom palms of the eye (the part where there is a transition from the hand to the palm). And put some pressure on your eyes. Thus, fatigue is removed from the eyes and vision is activated. We press from 7 to 10 times.
  3. After that, with index fingers, touch maxillary sinuses and lightly press 8 times.
  4. Now index finger touch the area between upper lip and nose. Also lightly massage with pressure movements.

  5. Let's go to the hole lower lip and repeat pressure.
  6. Now actively massage the ears all over the auricle. Then we warm up our palms and close our ears with them.
  7. Covering our ears with heated palms, we sort of transfer energy from our hands to our ears. The fact is that in the zone of the auricle there are many vital important points that are connected with the whole body.
  8. Paying attention to ear massage in the morning, we awaken the whole body in this way. Again, rub your palms until warm and again apply them to your ears.
  9. And the last final action - with rubbed palms we cover our eyes. Doing deep breath and exhale.

Now you are ready for a new day. The benefits of such a workout are not only to refresh and cheer up, but also to rejuvenate.

The fact is that such pressing activates the flow of energy, improves blood flow in the face area and makes swelling in the eye area less noticeable, and fights nasolabial folds.

Therefore, observing such gymnastics, you automatically do a facelift every day, which will become more noticeable over time.

Energetic hand massage

Energy self-massage of the active points of the arms and hands will be of interest to those who have noticed fatigue in their hands, heaviness and a desire to wash them thoroughly after a working day. The state, as if you want to wash off everything that has accumulated during the day.

So, get ready:

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We do a mini face massage every day when we wash our face. But it would be nice...

Relax your lower back with self-massage

Many of us are faced with the problem of heaviness in the lumbar region. Energy self-massage of the back and lower back will allow you to relax and forget about the discomfort in the back.

  1. We find from our back lower rib and put our two fists. Without applying force, massage this area.
  2. Next, massage the lateral muscles with the palms.
  3. Now we take the fists again and stroke ourselves with them, moving along the ridge.
  4. After that, we strongly rub our palms against each other until heat appears, and simply apply to the lower back.
  5. Sit in the lotus position and lean forward slightly. By stretching the back, we get relaxation.
  6. Last exercise. Stand up straight, bend over and place your palms between your knees, holding them. Now arching your back in an arc, stretch your lower back up.

Dear readers, performing such a small but pleasant set of exercises, you will always feel confident and cheerful.

Few people know what bioenergetic massage is. The body of each person has a physical and energy shell. The physical is flesh and blood, and the energy is a special field called the aura. Holes in the aura contribute to the emergence of various physical illness. In order to restore strength to the energy field, it is necessary to influence the internal centers of our body - the chakras. Each chakra is connected with the organs and main systems of our physical body, but they can be influenced only through the energy meridians that permeate our body. Reiki energy massage relies on the flow of energy and its direction, on the energy of harmony and vibration of the universe, with which you can restore the health of the whole organism.

Strong negative emotions, voltage, frequent stressful situations and any physical damage can weaken the energy shell. The depletion of the aura entails disturbances in the work of the most closely located chakras, because of which health is endangered. With a lack or decline of mental strength, a person becomes vulnerable and faces painful condition organism.

Compared to the classic hakim massage, it is softer. Through the hands of a master healer, contact with energy is established and energy tissues are affected by impulses. During the procedure, Qi energy flows into every point of the body, restoring and awakening vitality. Massage sessions are harmless, because the incoming energy replenishes the amount that the body needs, thanks to which the self-healing process starts.

The effect of massage

After passing the course of massage hakim, the feeling disappears chronic fatigue. Sessions help get rid of pain help cleanse the body of harmful substances and strengthening immune system. Functioning is restored internal organs, cells and tissues of the body, and also leaves negative energy disrupting life processes.

They say that after the energy massage procedure, in addition to improved health, a person’s personal life is getting better and the financial situation is stabilizing.

Indications and contraindications

Anyone can visit an energy massage session to nourish their aura and protect the body from various diseases. Also, hakim massage is indicated in the following cases:

  • The patient suffers from pain in the joints, from curvature of the spine;
  • There are violations in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the genitourinary system;
  • The patient suffers from a neurosis;
  • Often a person experiences a state of depression, stress and suffers from insomnia;
  • There are leg diseases, swelling and frequent seizures;
  • A person experiences severe headaches, suffers from noises in the head;
  • There are problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Although the massage procedure does not bring any harm, there are a number of contraindications. Bioenergetic massage is not recommended for:

  • Malignant or benign neoplasms;
  • Acute forms of viral and infectious diseases;
  • Acute diseases in the field of gynecology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • Any damage to the skin;
  • stock inflammatory processes in the body;
  • ulcers;
  • Pregnancy.

Techniques and methods of the procedure

There are three types of energy massage techniques:

Contact technique involves direct contact of the healer with the client. The massage session begins with soft stroking movements on the body of the person being massaged, after which the master on an intuitive level begins to work out specific parts of the body, running his hands over it. With each minute, the intensity of pressure increases, but the points being worked out are arbitrary. With his consciousness and movements, the specialist passes energy flows through the patient's special channels, which make all organs and systems work to the maximum. They also practice massage with silver ailerons - a special massage prop in the form of an ellipse.

Non-contact technique uses special energy massage techniques, such as "incision" and "punching". With the help of these elements, the specialist influences the bioenergetic points that open the zones through which energy passes further towards the cells of the body. The most significant area in this type of massage technique is the spine.

Mixed media is a mixture of elements from contact and non-contact techniques.

Before the beginning massage procedure the patient needs to relax while lying on the couch. Quite often, relaxation is achieved through appropriate music. Further, the masseur takes such a position that it is possible to see the face of his patient and freely interact with his body. This is necessary so that the healer can establish an energetic connection with the client as quickly as possible.

Next four tight clenched fingers left hand, the masseur draws along the line of the spine so that thumb was at the largest possible angle from the other four. After this movement, the healer taps right hand through left line along spinal column moving your hands up and down. The blows should be light and not painful.

Then the surface of the back is covered with a thin terry towel, after which the massage therapist punches the back with his palms for 2 minutes. The most commonly used technique is to twist the client's hands, reaching his palms to the shoulder blades from the back. If pain occurs, the procedure should be stopped.

An energy facial massage begins only after the client is in a positive mood.

The master first uses the ailerons to apply strokes in a spiral or side to side motion on the top of the face. Further from the line of the forehead, the master moves his hands to the cheeks, stroking them in the direction towards auricles and vice versa. Then the area is worked out from the dimple above the upper lip to the corners of the lips. The eyelids are also massaged, starting from the center of the bridge of the nose through the lower eyelid to the upper one. Finishing the procedure, the massage therapist puts aside the ailerons and strokes his chin with his palms.


An important aspect in this technique is visualization. It is necessary to imagine how energy penetrates the body and spreads through energy channels, filling the body with forces. It is important to try to feel these processes at the physical level.

Hakim massage is a complex of methods that contribute to the filling of the body life energy. As a result, the body becomes resistant to various diseases, the harmony of soul and body is achieved, the spiritual level of a person rises.

This procedure is a complex technique designed to replace classical technique, and even surpassing it in efficiency.

Cosmoenergetic massage is able to fill the human body with new forces, heal the body and strengthen it, remove negative and anxious thoughts and energy. It is also important that during the session all the chakras located in certain zones are worked out, while their work improves.

General information about energy massage

It's no secret that the procedure classic massage extremely beneficial to human health. It is often used as remedy or for the prevention of various diseases, especially for the improvement of the musculoskeletal system.

Especially massage works great in cases where the patient leads sedentary image life and suffering from various problems with the spine.

Now imagine that in addition to the usual physical impact characteristic of the classical massage procedure, the specialist also works with your energy body, heals it and normalizes energy flows. It is this procedure that is called energy massage.

Cosmoenergetics deals with work with cosmic energies and various flows of the Universe. These channels permeate everything around and have incredible power, both healing and destructive. Cosmoenergetics are able to change their direction and influence objects with them different size. Basically, this practice is used for quick and high-quality healing of people. To achieve such therapeutic effect, the cosmoenerget selects a certain cosmic flow and directs it to one or another human chakra.

The human body is not limited to the physical shell. In addition to it, a person also has an energy body. Around this body is an energy protective shell that looks like a cocoon and is called an aura. A problem or injury in one of these two human bodies is bound to affect the health of the other. And if everything is more or less clear with the nature of the impact on the physical shell, then problems may arise with understanding the mechanisms of impact on the second body.

The fact is that energy shell a person can be damaged in several cases. It could be any severe stress or unexpected news, which causes a giant emotional outburst. In addition, damage to the energy body can occur as a result of the negative energy impact of various magicians and sorcerers. And, of course, this may simply be an echo of any physical trauma received, because, as you remember, these bodies are tightly interconnected.

As a result of this damage, the work of any organ is usually disrupted. The hierarchy of dependence here is as follows: with an energy gap in the protective field, the work of the nearest chakra is disrupted. The chakra is associated with a number of organs, as a result of which all organs or one of them begin to malfunction. This invariably affects human health. This circuit also works for reverse side- the disease of the organ becomes the cause of a gap in the energy protective field.

Each organ has a certain energy vibration, these vibrations are called frequency in cosmoenergy. Each of them has its own and unique indicator. Several interconnected organs unite their vibrations into one, and these general fluctuations become the frequency of a particular chakra. When all organs work normally, the amplitude of the chakra vibrations is harmonic. But as soon as any problem happens to one of them, then this whole symphony of frequencies is broken.

All cosmoenergetics know the standard frequency that is inherent in a particular chakra. They can also accurately determine which organ is not working as it should. After such a diagnosis, the impact is made by some specific cosmic flow, which has the same oscillation amplitude as healthy body or chakra. As soon as the channel is directed to the object of treatment, their frequencies enter into resonance. Over time, the amplitudes become the same and harmonious, due to which healing occurs.

When the energy massage procedure is carried out, the specialist acts on the physical shell with his own hands, and at the same time mentally works with the patient's chakras. In turn, he directs one or another cosmic channel to each chakra and normalizes their work.

Usually such a study corresponds to the location of the chakras relative to the physical body of the patient. This means that the masseur performs a physical massage procedure at the place where the chakra comes out to the surface of the body and immediately deals with it energetically.

In what cases is it worth resorting to energy massage?

It should be remembered that an energy massage session is not only medical procedure, but also simply improving and improving vitality giving strength and energy. Even if you do not suffer from any diseases, then energy massage will be a pleasant prevention that will give you a lot of pleasure and relax in case of stress, both psychological and physical.

  • back problemsphysical massage will allow you to stretch your joints and relieve tension, and the energy component will do an excellent job of breaking up salt accumulations and removing it from the body. In addition, the work of the entire musculoskeletal and genitourinary system is normalized;
  • Various neuroses- This massage brings relaxation to the physical body, and also affects the psychological well-being of the patient. Relieves insomnia and distracts from oppressive thoughts caused by stress and anxiety;
  • Leg problems– the procedure allows you to get rid of the feeling of fatigue, aching pains. Convulsions and swelling are a thing of the past. After several sessions, you feel lightness;
  • Headaches and migraines- the mobility of the neck and all its vertebrae normalize after several sessions, noise from the head, ringing, as well as absolutely all manifestations of migraine go away;
  • Problems with gastrointestinal tract - the work of the whole digestive system, there is a healing of organs that are somehow connected with the removal of substances from the body, lightness is felt;

There are a lot of positive effects of this procedure and it is difficult to list them all in one article.

Massage does not affect only one part of the body, it acts on it entirely, affecting all organs and internal systems without exception.

This distinguishes not only energy massage, in cosmoenergy everything therapeutic actions are complex in nature and heal the whole person.

To whom this procedure is contraindicated

Like the classic variety of massage, energy also has a number of limitations. This is due precisely to the presence of physical contact, since the impact of cosmic streams has practically no contraindications.

The list is as follows:

  • Various oncological diseases;
  • Acute diseases such as influenza or acute respiratory infections;
  • Acute gynecological diseases, as well as uterine bleeding;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Thrombosis;
  • Inflammatory processes and open wounds;
  • Ulcer.

Massage procedure using Farun or Farun-Buddha channels

In the first case, the massage will be more effective, but at the same time, the complexity of its execution will increase significantly, since this channel is somewhat harder to use.

  1. The patient lies on the table with his stomach, and the massage therapist stands behind;
  2. The left palm is placed on the spine exactly in its middle, while the nameless and middle fingers move apart as much as possible from each other;
  3. Through the palm, tapping with the right hand begins, while maintaining the ease of strikes. The left hand moves gradually from the back of the head to the coccyx and back. This action is performed within five minutes;
  4. The left hand goes to the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the procedure is repeated as with the spine;
  5. The patient is covered with dense thick material, while the masseur delivers sharp and biting blows along the entire spine. These blows are made with the edge of the palm for a couple of minutes. It is important not to invest a lot of strength, but to focus on the whip;
  6. The masseur removes material from the patient. smooth movement left hand the patient begins to wind up behind him. In this case, the palm looks up. Gradually you need to bring it up. The elbow with the other hand should be pressed against the table. This is done until the patient becomes uncomfortable;
  7. Return the left hand back and repeat the same with the patient's right hand;
  8. The patient's left hand is brought up in the direction of the head. Then it smoothly bends at the elbow, and the massage therapist pulls her down by the brush. In this case, the patient's elbow is at the level of the back of the head. This action is performed until the first unpleasant sensations appear;
  9. The same is done with the right hand, while the left hand first returns to its original position along the body.

Massage procedure using the channels Firast or Farun-Buddha

  1. The masseur opens the healing Firast or Farun-Buddha on the patient, while it is important to open one of the protective channels for yourself;
  2. A well opens under the patient. And in areas of the body where special problems are observed, energy cuts are made;
  3. The healing Firast or Farun-Buddha is sent to the places of the cuts, it washes out all the negative energy and heals the wound;
  4. In parallel with this, the masseur puts his hand on the spine with his palm down and spreads his ring and middle fingers. And the middle of the palm coincides with the position of the spine;
  5. The palm is tapped, similarly to the previous exercise, this is reinforced by the selected channel;
  6. The masseur again affects open energy wounds with Firast or Farun-Buddha, it is important to ensure that all the negative goes into the well;
  7. Cosmoenergetic massage ends with a thorough closing of the well, healing of open energy wounds, protective and healing channels remain open. At the end of the session, upon completion of the massage procedure, the Universe and higher power should definitely be thanked.

Non-contact or in other words - energy massage. What it is?

Each of the massages carries an energy essence.

That is precisely why the massage therapist (if he is really a master) should never start performing a massage in bad condition. This applies not only physical condition, but it is also important that the massage therapist has a good state of spiritual, mental and astral bodies. Along with contact massages, there are also non-contact massages.

Such massages have their supporters and admirers, as well as opponents. Of course, many may say that such a massage is nonsense, that it simply cannot be. You know, I will not impose my opinion on this technique. It’s just that these are actions that everyone feels, but not everyone has a desire to admit it.

Non-contact energy massage was used by many healers. Let's take one of the most famous, like Juna. There are even those who are looking for information on the Internet - "non-contact massage according to Juna."

Let's just remember how many times almost every one of us imagined something in our imagination. Maybe it was a blessing good health, the conquest of an inflexible heart, and anything. Yes, of course, these are just fantasies, but a certain energy is spent on them, and therefore they already have an energy carrier, and although they are invisible, this does not mean that they do not exist.

After all, one of the main directions in Tibetan medicine- this is not a treatment for a specific disease of an organ, but a treatment for the entire system of our body, since malaise is something other than the disharmony of man with nature.

It's not just a procedure. This massage helps improve emotional condition. Such a massage cleanses the energy channels, cleanses and increases the aura, activates the tone of BAP (biologically active points). Thanks to non-contact energy massage, the harmony of the physical body and spirit comes, which naturally has a positive effect on our recovery.

How does non-contact energy massage work?

Regardless of the procedures performed, the effect of such a massage is always aimed at improving general condition, while paying more attention to that organ or state of one of our bodies (this is ethereal, astral, mental, spiritual and physical body). To conduct such a non-contact energy massage, you need a state of complete silence and peace. Music is desirable - relaxation (for relaxation). It can be said that this massage It is a kind of meditation.

Of course, a specialist practicing non-contact massage should understand anatomical structure of a person, he must also know not only the concepts of subtle bodies, but also what consequences can be from influencing them. Knowledge of psychology is also important here, since people with an already shattered nervous system come to non-contact energy massage, and improper behavior can cause progression in such people, which is not permissible in itself. If you are undergoing a non-contact energy massage session, then it is advisable to undergo an examination by doctors in parallel. This will help to find out about the effectiveness of this massage.

It is desirable to carry out prevention of non-contact energy massage every day with breaks of up to two days for two weeks, then about six days of break, and repeat everything in the same way. This technique allows you to be in a state of contact with the body.

For example, while practicing, I came to the study of non-contact energy massage through the knowledge of cosmic energy. This helps me in diagnosing and conducting Tibetan acupressure sessions to more accurately determine the state of certain points and the meridians associated with them. Since the sensations in non-contact energy massage are transmitted through the tactile pathway, sometimes there is a feeling of warmth transferred to the fingertips, and sometimes there is a tingling sensation. The work is carried out until you get a feeling of movement of pure energy in the place where the massage was performed, after that the work goes acupressure and you get complete picture actions taken.

When only non-contact energy massage is done, the patient has different sensations. Someone has a pleasant heaviness in the whole body, there is a feeling of fullness in the hands. It happens that the patient, if the massage is performed while standing, begins to swing. Any such manifestation is something other than the impact of energy flows.

I had to conduct non-contact energy massages, and I observed all this in my patients. Whatever skeptics say about this technique, it works and brings very good results.

Of course, and non-contact massage has its contraindications.

This technique of energy massage is undesirable to apply:

  • During pregnancy
  • If the masseur himself is unwell
  • The inability of the massage therapist to cut off negative energy
  • There is no proper experience from the massage therapist (before conducting such a massage, the massage therapist must have good training)
  • If the patient did not give his consent to such a massage

And in conclusion, I will give advice!

Such massages are usually practiced various kinds healers, psychics, magicians and witches, healers of various ranks. Not all of them are, of course, charlatans, but still be careful, do not trust your energy bodies untested people, it can damage your health.

The body is not only what the eye sees. Many feel the presence of another person even before they are approached. This is because their energy field, or aura, has taken on vibrations from another body. The stronger our health, the stronger and more voluminous our aura. If we are tired or sick, the energy field weakens and narrows. Chakra system - part energy field, so some knowledge about it is useful to the massage therapist. You do not see the chakras, but you influence their work with your touch.

Health and Chakras

Chakras are the energy centers in our body. The very word "chakra" in Sanskrit means "wheel", indicating that the chakras, like a whirlpool, draw in energy from the universe and transform it so that it can be used in the body. Adherents of this theory believe that the first signs of malaise are manifested in the blocking or disruption of the chakras. If this imbalance is not corrected, it will inevitably lead to disease. For supporting good health it is necessary to maintain the effective functioning of the chakras.

Chakra system

There are seven main chakras, each of which has its own characteristics and is responsible for certain organs. They are located in the body in line with the spine, from the coccyx to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with different organs and systems. human body and emits its dominant color. True, there are some variations depending on which chakra system you are using. It is a dynamic and ever-changing interplay of energies.

crown chakra located on top. Points of physical discharge in the head, on the hands and feet. It is associated with the spirituality of man and the higher mind.

Forehead chakra ("third eye") located between the eyebrows. Fie points are located in the eyes, on the temples, on the forehead and at the base of the skull. This chakra is responsible for the development of intuition and spiritual knowledge. It regulates the energy of the pituitary gland, nervous system, brain, head, eyes and face.

throat chakra located at the base of the neck, at the point of its connection with the collarbones. It is associated with all kinds of communication and self-expression. This chakra is responsible for thyroid gland, ears, nose, throat, neck and teeth. Points of physical discharge are located on the neck, shoulders, fingers and toes.

heart chakra, located approximately in the middle of the spinal column, is responsible for selfless love, friendship and compassion. She is associated with thymus, heart, lungs, bronchi, thoracic region spine and arms. Points of physical discharge are located on the shoulders, intercostal muscles, on the arms from the elbow to the shoulder, under the chin and at the base of the skull.

Chakra solar plexus , located on the front surface of the body between the end of the chest and the navel, is associated with personal energy and strength. It is associated with the adrenal glands and pancreas.

sacral chakra located at the bottom abdominal cavity and is associated with emotionality and sensuality.

root chakra, located at the coccyx, in some systems it is associated with the testicles (ovaries), and in others with the adrenal glands.

Working with chakras

At the end of the massage session, when your patient is lying still, you can try to work on one or two chakras. To do this, place one hand on top of the other and gently lower it over the chakra. Hold on for a few minutes. When choosing a place, follow your intuition: for example, if you feel that the patient needs peace and support, act on the heart chakra in the middle of the chest; if he has communication problems, place your hands on the throat chakra at the back of the neck. While you keep your hands on the chakra, imagine the flow healing energy coming from your heart chakra, down your arms and out of your fingers onto the patient. Direct this flow to where it is most needed.

When you're done, slowly and carefully remove your hands. See if you can feel your patient's energy field and notice at what point your hands will finally come out of it.

After treatment, the energy field should expand because the chakras are more balanced and their energy flows more freely.

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