Light and healthy food for the stomach. The process of digestion in the human body: by time

In this process, an important role is played by gastric digestion, the successful completion of the digestion and absorption of food depends on its quality.

None of us think about what journey food goes on after consumption and what happens to it in different departments gastrointestinal tract. Meanwhile minimum set It is useful for everyone to have knowledge in this area in order to eat properly, prevent the possibility of the development of pathology, be able to recognize emerging disorders and cope with them.

Let us consider what mechanisms underlie the digestion of food in healthy people and why various disorders occur.

Where does the process of digestion begin?

First anatomical department, from which the process of digestion begins, is the oral cavity. Its activity is associated with grinding, chewing and mixing food with saliva, which is produced by several pairs of small and large salivary glands.

A healthy person can excrete more than 0.5 liters of this biologically active viscous liquid per day. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, with its help, the process of splitting complex carbohydrates into monosaccharides begins in the oral cavity (hence sweet taste in the mouth while chewing a piece of bread).

The food lump processed and moistened with saliva is swallowed, slipping into the pharynx and esophagus. Swallowing is a complex process, in terms of physiology. The pharynx refers to digestive system, but is located on the same level with the larynx and the entrance to the respiratory tube - the trachea.

The epiglottis separates these two systems, under pressure from the muscles of the tongue, it closes the entrance to the larynx, so that when swallowed, food does not enter the respiratory tract, but is pushed further into the esophagus, stomach and small intestine.

The esophagus is a muscular tube located in the chest cavity between the pharynx and stomach. The morphology of its walls is similar to other parts of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are four main layers in the esophagus:

  1. Inner mucosal layer.
  2. Submucosal membrane.
  3. Developed muscle layer.
  4. Outer serous protective sheath.
The main purpose of the esophagus is to move food bolus further down towards the stomach.

This process takes about 5 minutes, it is provided by the contraction of the circular and longitudinal muscles, to facilitate the slippage of food in the walls of the organ, mucus is produced that has bactericidal properties.

The esophagus enters the stomach through a special opening in the diaphragm (this is the respiratory muscle that separates chest cavity from her lower neighbor - abdominal cavity). Between these two sections of the digestive tube is a muscular sphincter or flap that works like a valve or sluice.

When the leaflets of this valve are relaxed, they open and let food pass from the esophagus into the stomach, then they close tightly and prevent the aggressive acidic contents from being thrown in the opposite direction.

Sometimes there may be a violation of the regulation of this process with the development of serious disorders and damage to the mucous membrane (reflux esophagitis) up to the formation of severe chronic pathology(Barrett's esophagus).

How is the stomach

The stomach is an enlarged portion of the digestive tube about the size of a fist (when undistended). As it fills, its volume can increase several times. This part of the gastrointestinal tract combines the activity digestive organ and food depot.

Anatomically, the stomach is divided into three sections:

  1. Cardiac(initial, closest to the esophagus).
  2. Body of the stomach- has a sharply acid reaction of the secret, here there is a process of formation of hydrochloric acid, pepsin and mucus.
  3. Gatekeeper or pyloric department (at the entrance to the duodenum) - characterized alkaline reaction secretion through the production of mucus and the hormone gastrin.

The wall of the stomach consists of the same four layers as the esophagus, but has some tissue features, especially in the mucosa. It is distinguished by a complex relief pattern in the form of pits, folds and fields with groups of glands. These formations significantly increase the functional surface of the internal gastric wall.

The morphology of the mucous membrane is such that three more levels are distinguished in it - the epithelial, the proper mucous part and the muscular plate.

In the cells of the epithelium, the process of mucus secretion occurs. She is secreted special cages called mucocytes. Gastric mucus is produced constantly, it contains lysozyme, secretory antibodies and bicarbonates.

Mucus forms a barrier layer up to 0.5 µm thick and is the most important factor protecting the gastric mucosa from destructive action hydrochloric acid. In addition, it is able to bind viruses, stimulate and inhibit motor function stomach.

The mucous part itself contains glands of different cellular composition and structure. In quantitative terms, the glands located in the body of the stomach predominate.

Cell morphology of fundic glands:

  1. chief cells- have the shape of cylinders, produce pepsinogen, which in acidic environment turns into pepsin, in young children chymosin is still produced here to curdle milk.
  2. Parietal cells(parietal) - contain a large number of mitochondria, they need a lot of energy material for the synthesis of hydrochloric acid and its removal from the cellular space. The main job of the parietal cells is the formation of HCL, bicarbonates and the anti-anemic Castle factor.
  3. Mucous cells- They are also called additional, they produce mucus.
    Endocrine cells - produce hormones to stimulate blood circulation, the gallbladder, and gastric glands.
  4. cervical mucocytes- provide regeneration of the epithelium and glands.

In the cardiac region, the main cells are mucocytes, but other types are also found. In the pyloric part of the stomach at the entrance to the duodenum, mucous cells predominate, there are almost no parietal ones here.

The muscular plate of the mucous membrane consists of circular and longitudinal tissue, its main function is to ensure mobility and the formation of a relief pattern of the gastric mucosa.

In the submucosal layer are nerve fibers and vessels. The morphology of the muscle layer makes it possible to distinguish oblique, longitudinal and circular layers. The latter is especially pronounced in the pyloric region, forming here a sphincter (valve) that separates the stomach from the entrance to the duodenum.

How does the stomach work?

This important section of the gastrointestinal tract is multifunctional; mechanical processing and chemical digestion of food received from the oral cavity and esophagus continues here.

Main functions of the stomach:

  1. Secretory- is production gastric juice containing water, bicarbonates, mucus, minerals, hydrochloric acid, enzymes. The latter components are needed for the breakdown of proteins (pepsin), fats (lipase) and curdling of milk in young children (chymosin). The composition and properties of gastric juice depend on the quantity and quality food taken. For a day in a healthy adult, up to 2 or more liters of gastric juice can be secreted. The morphological basis of this activity is the epithelial layer and the own glands of the stomach.
  2. Motor and storage functions- food is retained in the stomach for about 3 hours, here it is warmed up, mixed with gastric secretion, accumulated to a certain volume and then moved into the duodenum. It is based on the efficient morphology of the muscle layer, acting as a mixer, and the high ability of the walls to stretch and expand.
  3. Suction- this activity is not carried out here as actively as in the small intestine, the morphology of which involves the transport of molecules nutrients through the villous epithelium of the intestinal wall into the blood. In the stomach, everything happens thanks to a developed network of microvessels in its own mucous membrane and a thin epithelial layer.
  4. excretory function- excretion of the end products of the decomposition of nitrogenous compounds, alcohol, toxic substances, this work is of particular importance in conditions of chronic renal failure (uremia stage). Therefore, repeated gastric lavage is carried out for all poisonings of exogenous and endogenous origin.
  5. Antianemic activity- the production of the Castle factor (a special mucoprotein that promotes the absorption of vitamin B12, which is needed for normal hematopoiesis). If the mechanisms of production of this factor are violated (due to resection of the stomach, autoimmune damage to parietal cells), then the patient develops malignant anemia.
  6. Protective barrier function provided by several factors. First of all, gastric mucus, which protects the stomach wall from aggressive acidic effects and mechanical damage, as well as hydrochloric acid, it has bactericidal properties and kills pathogenic bacteria.
  7. endocrine activity- it is provided by special cells in the pyloric section of the stomach, which produce hormonal substances that are needed to regulate the work of the gastric glands, gallbladder and blood supply system.

How is food digested?

The process of digestion starts long before food enters the oral cavity. The separation of gastric juice begins when the time of the usual meal approaches, when the table is set, at the sight and smell of food, when it is mentioned in a conversation.

What are the mechanisms of regulation of gastric secretion? Outside of the digestive process, the glands of the stomach secrete very little juice. However, eating significantly increases its excretion.

This is due to the stimulation of the process by nervous and humoral factors - this is general system regulation. For the first time Academician I.P. Pavlov established a direct dependence of the volume, nature of secretion, acidity level, pepsin content on the type of food taken.

The secretory activity of the stomach is divided into 3 phases:

  • cerebral (complex reflex);
  • gastric;
  • intestinal.

First phase (brain) secretion phase includes mechanisms of conditioned reflex origin (reaction to the sight, smell, cooking) and unconditional reflex genesis (irritation of receptors in the mouth, pharynx, esophagus when food enters them).

Gastric phase of secretion begins after the food bolus enters the stomach cavity. Impulses from mucosal receptors go to medulla, from there they return along the branches of the vagus nerve to the secretory cells, giving the command to start work. Under the influence of this nerve, the production of humoral factors regulation of gastric secretion (gastrin, histamine, secretin). Extractive substances contained in meat, broths, alcohol, and vegetables have a direct effect on the glands.

Intestinal phase of secretion starts after the transition of chyme (underdigested food slurry) from the stomach into the duodenum. Chyme acts here on various sensitive receptors and triggers the mechanisms of reflex stimulation or inhibition of gastric secretion. It depends on the degree of hydrolysis nutrients. With a poor quality of digestion of the chyme that has entered the intestine, signals about the need to increase acidity go back to the stomach and vice versa.

Nervous and humoral regulation gastric secretion provides duration secretory process, quantity, acidity and digestive capacity of gastric juice. And all this is connected with the nature of the food taken.

It has been established that with an increase in the formation of acid, animal proteins are better digested, and with a decrease in acid, vegetable proteins are better digested. Such data are used when prescribing dietary measures for patients with different types disorders of gastric secretion.

Regulation of gastric motility and evacuation of its contents is also under neurohumoral influence. Stimulation occurs through the parasympathetic nervous system ( nervus vagus), as well as gastrin, serotonin, and inhibition - due to sympathetic system, adrenaline, secretin, cholecystokinin.

The rate of gastric emptying depends on the degree of its stretching, the consistency of the contents ( solid food lingers longer, liquid moves faster), chemical composition, pressure in the organ cavity.

The coordinated work of all parts of the digestive tract is the result of regulation carried out mainly by the nervous system.

Some processes are subject to our consciousness (swallowing, chewing, defecation). Others occur without its participation (enzyme release, hydrolysis, absorption) under the influence of the autonomic nervous system.

However, everything closes on the cerebral cortex. Mood changes, stress, experiences are reflected in the work of the digestive organs, in particular, the stomach. All diseases and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract have a psycho-emotional basis, which is important to consider when prescribing treatment and carrying out preventive measures.

Useful video about the process of digestion

What foods are good for the stomach: the main list?

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It is worth figuring out what is useful products for the stomach and what is not. First of all, you need to understand the basic principles of the body. In the last decade, taking care of your health has become good tone. People are more attentive to the composition of products, giving preference to more healthy food. But the abundance of conflicting information leads astray to "healthy and proper nutrition." There are conflicting disputes about what is useful and what is not. Some traditional products, such as semolina, potatoes, milk are undeservedly blacklisted. People absorb overseas curiosities in the hope of maintaining their health and longevity.

General information

The stomach is a hollow muscular sac. it main body digestive system. From above, it connects to the esophagus, through which food enters the stomach, and from below, to the duodenum. Inner surface The stomach is complex, consists of several membranes:

  • muscular;
  • mucous and others.

There are upper and lower sphincters. upper sphincter prevents food from getting back into the esophagus, and the lower one from slipping into small intestine not yet digested particles. Such complex device stomach for no reason. After all, the main active ingredient is hydrochloric acid.

Interestingly, food is digested not only by chemical solutions. The stomach really shrinks and frays physical influences chewed mass, so it is attached only from above and below, and the main body can move. But, how to eat right, with what frequency, and in what quantity, so as not to disrupt such a delicate work of the body?

Proper nutrition mode

Gastroenterologists recommend breaking your diet into 3 main meals and 2 snacks. A break in food should not exceed 3 hours. It is good to eat porridge for breakfast. They envelop the stomach without irritating the walls, promote the healing of erosions. Lunch is the most voluminous meal, but no more than 400-500 grams along with liquids, and snacks are small. Perfect for a snack:

List of vitamins and minerals

  1. Beta carotene. Accelerates peristalsis in the intestines.
  2. Vitamin C - has a healing, anti-inflammatory effect, heals ulcers and erosion of the mucous membrane.
  3. A nicotinic acid- improves digestion.
  4. Vitamin A - has an anti-infective effect.
  5. Zinc - promotes protein synthesis.

And, meanwhile, products and dishes from them are digested different amount hours.

List of light foods (which take between 1 hour and 2.5 hours to digest)

Interestingly, the lightest cheese or cottage cheese takes longer to digest than boiled meat.

List of heavy foods (which take 3 to 10 hours to digest)

But it is not enough to list products. It is important to know that for a healthy and sick stomach, healthy foods are different.

Photo: useful products

Foods for a healthy stomach

If the stomach is healthy, then the main thing is not to interfere with its work:

  1. Diet - fractional, 4-5 times a day.
  2. All possible raw vegetables and fruits are allowed.
  3. It is useful to eat carrots, beets, cabbage in fresh salads.
  4. Coarse fiber is also good for the stomach. It cleanses of undigested food.
  5. You can drink freshly squeezed juices - fresh juices. They enrich the body with vitamins.
  6. Legumes are a great source vegetable protein necessary for the construction of new cells.
  7. Nuts saturate the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids and cleanse the stomach.

But all of the above is contraindicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. With a disease of the digestive system, it is necessary to take a completely different food.

Foods that are good for a sick stomach

First, food should be enveloping. And this is jelly and porridge. You can brew flax seeds and use the resulting slimy infusion. Coarse fiber is contraindicated. You can not eat any of the vegetables in raw form. Moreover, fruits must be baked, and foods that promote gas formation should be completely excluded. Fries are also prohibited.

For more than one year, doctors, nutritionists will argue and prove their case. New diets will be invented, useful products for the stomach will be discovered. But the main thing is to listen to your body, do not abuse food and live happily. Then no stomach problems are terrible.

Project consultant, co-author of the article: Ovchinnikova Natalya Ivanovna| Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist, Infectionist
Experience 30 years / Doctor the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Diploma in the specialty "Medicine", Novosibirsk State medical institute(1988), Residency in Gastroenterology, Russian medical Academy postgraduate education (1997)

Rhythm of life modern man leaves no time to eat regularly and properly. But the health of the digestive system directly depends on the diet, so its diversity and usefulness should be taken care of before the appearance of stomach pain and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Preventing diseases is easier than treating them.

The key to the usefulness of all products is their use in fresh and in the indicated quantities.

What foods are good to eat?

Nutritionists believe that the most necessary foods for the stomach contain fiber (for example, oatmeal, bran, legumes, cereals). The digestive system takes a long time to digest foods high in fiber, and this is beneficial for its functioning.

Vegetable fiber contains fruits. A large amount of this substance is found in the peel of fruits (for example, apples). One of the "leaders" in terms of fiber content are bananas. If you do not have regular stomach pain, ulcers or gastritis, fruits should be eaten raw or made into light salads dressed with vegetable oil.

Nutritionists claim that normal operation stomach and body enough liquids. Try to drink 1.5-2 liters of water a day, do not drink more often strong tea, fresh juices. This will help to avoid indigestion and stomach pain.

Fatty, heavy meals are undesirable for the stomach (in addition, their use contributes to constipation and increased gas formation). Therefore, it is worth choosing dairy products with low percentage fat content, replace the usual pork with chicken, and butter- vegetable.

The following table clearly demonstrates which foods are needed for the stomach, and which should be limited (and in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, completely excluded from the daily diet).

Nutrition should be balanced and as useful as possible.

Foods that are good for the stomach

For people suffering from regular constipation, foods that weaken the intestines are needed. These include:

  • vegetable oils(for vegetable oils to weaken, they must be consumed in pure form or season salads with them);
  • weaken sour-milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk);
  • effectively weaken dried fruits, they are good because they can be consumed in unlimited quantities by children. To improve the effect, dried fruits should be poured with boiling water.
  • coffee has less strong effect, as the products described above, but also stimulates the activity of the intestines and weakens;
  • can be added to water to treat constipation lemon juice. It also weakens and improves the production of bile;
  • sunflower seeds and nuts have a laxative effect, they weaken the intestines due to the high content of magnesium;
  • weakens wheat groats (especially if you add a little vegetable oil to it);
  • among vegetables, beets, lettuce, pumpkin, greens, celery, white cabbage, carrots are the most weakened.

The following products fix the chair:

  • strengthen green bananas, reducing the level of fluid in the intestines;
  • strengthen dishes with a high content of starch ( White rice, semolina, mashed potatoes);
  • although applesauce strengthens, raw apples and pears do not have a similar effect, besides, the pear is the champion in pectin content, like persimmon (but persimmon is contraindicated for people with gastritis and ulcers);
  • dried blueberries strengthen, blueberry jam, blueberry-infused tea have the same effect;
  • fix a chair following drinks: strong tea, coffee, cocoa, natural red wines;
  • few people know that stale kefir (three days old) also strengthens the chair;
  • chair fasten fatty meals, salted fish, cheese, sausages.

To prevent constipation, you should try to limit the number of the above-mentioned dishes in the diet. By eating foods that are good for your stomach, you can avoid regular constipation, stomach pain, and other digestive problems.

With gastritis

Gastritis is a disease that requires a sparing diet. Making a diet for gastritis is not an easy task, because a lot depends on the acidity of the stomach (it is increased or decreased). An improperly selected diet will exacerbate the disease.

Enveloping products for high acidity

If the acidity is increased, for a sick stomach, dishes are needed that envelop and soothe the mucous membrane. Not bad envelop porridge from semolina, pearl barley, rice, oatmeal. Envelops the mucous soup with the addition of these cereals. Light, enveloping food should be the basis of the diet.

It is worth refraining from eating fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of fiber. From vegetables at hyperacidity it is worth eating cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, beets. During periods when you feel good, you can diversify the diet with cabbage, sorrel, radish, herbs. The use of lemons, grapes, persimmons, melons, peaches for a sick stomach is undesirable (as with low acidity).

Foods that are good for the stomach make up 50% of the diet ordinary person, the rest are dyes, preservatives, spreads (fats obtained by chemical means), carcinogens from fast food, etc. People forget that healthy gastrointestinal tract regulates the work of all body systems and, conversely, if some kind of pathology develops in it, caused by malnutrition, then this will certainly affect general health human: on its immune, vegetative and nervous systems. One has only to remember how diarrhea affects general well-being- chills, fever, tremors in the arms and legs, cold sweat and strong pain in the region of the stomach.

So to keep your health on long years you need to eat right. And we are not talking about some kind of special diet that excludes most foods from the diet, but quite the contrary - a list of types of food is offered that are necessary for daily use. They contain vitamins, minerals and necessary for the body cellulose.

1 What is the most beneficial for the stomach?

What is good for the stomach? First of all, these are products that cleanse the body and intestines of cholesterol and other toxins. Fiber contributes to the formation normal stool, eliminates constipation and, as a result, various colitis - inflammatory processes in the intestine. So, the following is useful:

  1. Bread. No wonder there is a saying - bread is the head of everything. This is the most basic and healthy food for humans. Bread contains everything necessary elements- vitamins, fiber, trace elements. But we must remember that only wholemeal bread is useful. Flour premium, ground into the finest powder, does not retain its useful properties. Therefore, nutritionists around the world recommend eating wholemeal rye bread. Low level calories in such bread allows it to reduce blood sugar, long fiber fibers cleanse the intestines. Rye bread included in all therapeutic diets with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Cereal crops. For digestion, there is nothing more useful than cereal porridge, for example, the well-known oatmeal. It contains a large amount of starch, which allows you to experience a feeling of satiety for several hours after eating. Oatmeal has long been perceived as the food of aristocrats, because everyone remembers the famous "Oatmeal, sir!". Besides, cereal crops also rich in dietary fiber. Separately, it can be said about rice. It is a staple for half of the world's population, especially in Asian countries. Rice congee used as a remedy for indigestion. Groats are included in the diet of patients with ulcers and gastritis.
  3. Healthy and environmentally friendly food is legumes. Beans, lentils, peas are not able to accumulate toxins, hence their environmental friendliness. At the same time, these cultures are rich in metals that regulate the functioning of the body - these are iron, zinc. The only drawback of bean and pea dishes is that they increase gas formation in the intestines. However, this only happens to people who rarely eat them. The intestines of these people are simply not used to such a dish. By consuming legumes regularly, this problem can be avoided.
  4. Berries. The most light food for the stomach. The most useful are: raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries. These berries are rich in substances that significantly improve human health, while they contain very little glucose. For example, blueberries are prescribed for visually impaired patients, and raspberries for people with chronic or acute respiratory diseases. A handful of berries daily is enough, and a person forgets about colds for years.
  5. Avocado. This fruit grows only in the southern latitudes and rarely gets on the table to the northerners. However, it is difficult to overestimate useful influence for digestion. Substances contained in avocados do not just cleanse the intestines, they increase peristalsis - the body's ability to contract. That is why avocado is prescribed for patients who have undergone intervention on the internal organs in the abdominal cavity for the entire postoperative period. It is clear that at this time a person does not just eat it - they make jam from it.
  6. Nuts. These fruits are varied and equally useful. Almonds, walnuts or forest, cashews, pistachios, pine nuts and many others - the abundance of nuts is striking in its diversity. This product is so high in calories that only a few fruits are able to maintain human strength throughout the day. In addition, nuts increase the elasticity of arteries and small vessels while reducing cholesterol levels in the blood. This has a positive effect on the work of all of cardio-vascular system person. Nuts can be eaten just like that or added to various dishes and pastries.

2 Other useful products

In addition to the above products, the work of the stomach will help:

  1. Fruits - pears and apples. This product contains fructose, unlike glucose, it is absorbed without the participation of insulin. That is, pears and apples are useful for diseases of the pancreas. In addition, the former have a fixing effect in diarrhea.
  2. Flax-seed. Grain oil lubricates the intestines so well and has such a beneficial effect on its condition that since ancient times it has been used as well as duodenum. Nowadays, flaxseed oil is also prescribed for people with inflammation and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the intestines, lubricated by the substance, are protected from absorption. toxic substances, so it is taken in case of poisoning. The use of oil is shown to people with chronic constipation, it normalizes bowel movements, which eliminates the risk of developing colitis.
  3. Dried fruits. These are foods that cleanse the intestines well, as they are rich in fiber. In addition, they contain an abundance of vitamins. various groups. Dried fruits are made from a variety of fruits: grapes, prunes, apricots, apricots, dates, figs, apples and many others. You can eat them both mixed and choosing the most necessary or favorite product. From dried fruits, you can cook various dishes or use it in its pure form.
  4. Fresh herbs and vegetables. You can eat a wide variety of leaves and inflorescences - spinach, beet tops, radish, broccoli, cauliflower or ordinary white cabbage, dill, parsley, sorrel and other herbs. All these plants are united by the fact that, in addition to various vitamins, they contain iron, beta-carotene and insoluble fiber. Grass and leaves of plants are consumed in the form of mixed salads or as a separate dish.
  5. Dairy. Much has been said about the benefits of calcium for the body. It is found mainly in milk and its derivatives. Besides, in fermented milk products live bacteria are essential for maintaining acid-base balance in the stomach. With dysbacteriosis, yogurt and kefir, cheese and cheese are prescribed.
  6. Instead of sugar, it is very useful to use honey, both in the form of a dessert and in combination with other products.

3 Conclusion and conclusions

In conclusion, it is necessary to mention a number of products that are categorically harmful to nutrition. And unwanted not just for the stomach, namely, for the health of the whole organism. These are sweet carbonated drinks, shawarma, fried potatoes in oil, various fast food (i.e. " fast food”), smoked meats, canned food, factory-made sauces - mayonnaise and ketchup. It is very harmful to eat instant noodles.

All these products contain toxic carcinogens and preservatives, some of which are poisonous to humans in their pure form.


When it comes to the human stomach and digestive system, there are many myths and assumptions, experts say. Do you know the truth?

Our stomach can be the cause of many inconveniences if it works in the wrong way. Discomfort is often associated with heartburn or grumbling after we have eaten our favorite foods. Perhaps we are worried about bloating, and we can not zip up the jeans.

Experts say most people know very little about their stomachs and how it works. digestive tract, and this is one of the reasons why it is sometimes quite difficult to solve emerging health problems.

"There are some pretty common misconceptions about stomach health, so most of the time people don't know how to fix the problem.", - He speaks Mark Moyad, doctor, director of the department of preventive and alternative medicine Medical Center University of Michigan.

Gastroenterologist David Greenwald from medical college Albert Einstein agrees with him: "Sometimes what seems like a serious and frightening problem is actually something very simple and easily solved by separating the fiction from the truth."

1. Truth or fiction: Digestive process occurs exclusively in the stomach

It is a myth . The main process of digestion actually takes place in the small intestine. Food enters the stomach, mixes and grinds into tiny pieces, turning into food gruel. This gruel in small batches enters the small intestine, where it is digested.

Contrary to popular belief, experts say that food does not begin to be digested immediately after entering our stomach. In fact, the stomach only prepares food for digestion.

2. Fact or fiction: If you reduce the amount of food consumed, the stomach will shrink, and the person will be less hungry

It is a myth . When a person becomes an adult, the size of his stomach no longer changes, unless, of course, he is subjected to surgical intervention to reduce it.

If you eat less, your stomach won't be able to shrink, but it can help reset your "appetite regulator," Moyad says.

Therefore, you will not feel very hungry, even if you start eating less.

3. Truth or Fiction: Y thin people stomach smaller than obese

It is a myth . Despite the fact that it is hard to believe, the size of the stomach does not match total weight person.

People who are naturally thin may have exactly the same stomach size as those who struggle with overweight all ones life.

Even if you have an operation on your stomach and reduce it to the size of a walnut, this does not mean at all that you will not gain weight.

4. Fact or Fiction: Squats or crunches can shrink your stomach

It is a myth."No amount of exercise can help reduce the size of the stomach, however, they can help get rid of layers of fat on the abdomen. Plus, exercise helps strengthen the muscles in the abdomen, which is good for the internal organs" Moyad says.

Interestingly, belly fat can bring a lot of problems, including the fat that we don’t actually see. Such fat accumulates in the form of internal layers and surrounds internal organs.

Overweight people have a lot of fat between the internal organs. In fact, sometimes the liver is so "packed in fat" that it leads to a form of hepatitis, in special occasions she generally refuses, experts say. The good news is that proper nutrition not only helps to control the appearance of visible fat, but also prevents the appearance of inner layers adipose tissue.

5. Fact or Fiction: Foods high in water-soluble fiber cause bloating and gas in the intestines, while foods high in insoluble fiber usually do not.

This is true . Cellulose is alimentary fiber found in most plants. It is she who is the basis of cell walls in plant organisms. Cellulose plays important role in the life of the organism, contributing to good digestion. Many people do not know that fiber comes in different forms. Water-soluble fiber is found in foods such as oat groats, legumes, peas and citrus fruits - these foods are more likely to cause bloating and gas than foods with insoluble fiber - whole wheat bread, wheat, cabbage, beets and carrots.

Gas and bloating occur because the intestinal flora needs to digest soluble fiber.

Since insoluble fiber is not digested at all, but simply passes through the gastrointestinal tract, it does not interact with the flora, so gases are not formed.

6. Fact or Fiction: To get rid of reflux disease ( sour belching) to lose some weight

This is true. The less acid enters the esophagus, the less problems.

You may not believe, but it is enough to remove overweight from the stomach, and the result will be felt immediately.

During pregnancy, the baby grows and puts pressure on the internal organs, this can cause heartburn, but after childbirth, when the pressure goes away, heartburn also goes away.

The good news, experts say, is that if you lose weight first, you'll be rid of heartburn in a few weeks.

7. Fact or Fiction: If You Eat at Night, You'll Gain Faster excess weight than if you eat the same thing during the day

It is a myth. Most experts believe that we gain weight because we consume more calories than we expend. And although it seems quite logical that the food we eat during active day burns faster and is more effective than the food we eat before bed, weight gain does not depend on the time of day at all. Whether you gain weight or not depends on how efficiently you spend the calories that enter the body.

Recent animal studies have shown that if you avoid eating in evening time days, it will not help to reduce weight. Eating at night can destroy circadian rhythms our body, change the work of hormones that control appetite, and as a result, this leads to the fact that a person gets fat.

Also, if you are tired or stressed, digestion is difficult before bed, and you may experience bloating, gas, or heartburn. Our alimentary canal has its own "brain", which helps food move through the digestive system correctly and in the right amount. If we are tired, and this happens to almost everyone after a whole labor day, the "brain" of our intestines also gets tired, so it reduces the number of contractions, which, in turn, prevents food from being digested properly.

8. Fact or Fiction: A 200-calorie Buttered Cookie Can Control Your Appetite More Than a 200-calorie Butterless Cookie

This is true . The reason is that fats are digested much more slowly than carbohydrates and stay in the stomach longer, which means we will feel full longer if we eat butter cookies.

What's more, Moyad emphasizes that simple carbohydrates (cookies, bread, or pastries) quickly raise blood sugar and insulin levels, which quickly drop, leading to mood and appetite swings. You will quickly get hungry.

9. Fact or Fiction: Legumes Cause Everyone to Gas, and Nothing Can Be Done About It

It's a myth... in a way . Legumes contain a lot of sugar, which requires a certain enzyme for digestion. "Some people have a lot of this enzyme, others have little. The less you have the enzyme, the more gases will be formed in the intestines after eating legumes" doctors say.

Studies have shown that certain over-the-counter products that add an enzyme can help reduce gas after eating legumes and other gas-producing vegetables when taken before meals. You can also get rid of already formed gases with the help of preparations containing simethicone (Espumizan), which contributes to the destruction of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract.

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