"Non-childish" problem. Discharge from a little girl. The nature and causes of discharge in girls at an early age Purulent discharge in a girl 3 years old treatment

30.09.2017 Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, GSMU, 2010)

Most gynecologists note that the vast majority of the population classifies any type of discharge in girls of different ages as a pathology, considering them unacceptable before the onset of sexual activity. In fact, parents may notice the presence of vaginal secretions from the time the baby is born. You should not be scared here, but it is better to figure out what and when is considered the norm, and where it does not hurt to visit a doctor to prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What is discharge in girls and what is their norm

Mucus or fluid secreted from the vagina of a girl, as well as an adult woman, is called sexual secretion, vaginal secretions and whites.

From the point of view of physiology, normal discharge in a girl, regardless of age, differs in the following characteristics:

  • have a practically homogeneous mucous consistency (not watery);
  • almost transparent;
  • light, slightly white;
  • odorless, slightly sour due to the environment of the vagina;
  • are not accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • indicated in small numbers.

The presence of such marks on a child's shorts should not cause concern. The reproductive system of any person will develop gradually, and these changes are inevitable. It is impossible to say exactly what time the discharge in girls begins. It takes into account heredity, characteristics of the body, and other related factors.

It is generally accepted that discharge in girls should be absent until puberty. But the beginning of puberty does not have a clear framework, it depends on many factors.

In a girl of 10-12 years old, discharge on panties may not indicate deviations if their appearance is normal. Perhaps the child's puberty began much earlier, and so the body is preparing for a major restructuring and menarche. It does not hurt to contact a gynecologist for reinsurance, to take tests, but panic will be inappropriate, since at this time the child reacts very sharply to the world around him and may misperceive the concerns of dad and mom.

Parents almost always sound the alarm, worrying about, not knowing what they mean, and attribute this process to a pathological phenomenon. But the vaginal light secret, which has a mucous consistency, is considered the norm.

In some situations, very little blood is present in the mucus. You should not worry, because from a medical point of view, this phenomenon is safe and is considered the so-called sexual crisis of newborns. Find out in one of our articles.

Discharge in adolescent girls before the onset of the menstrual cycle

Leucorrhoea appears about a year before menarche. This is the age of 10-12 years, but situations are not excluded when menstruation begins much earlier. The appearance of vaginal secretion in this case is caused by hormonal changes that prepare the little lady for the next stage in life. The excreted secretion must have certain features:

  • have a slightly liquid consistency;
  • resemble mucus;
  • have a white color (yellowish and is allowed);
  • there should be no smell or a slight presence.

Such a vaginal secret confirms the normal development of the child, and his reproductive system adapts to new conditions. And also secretion provides protection of the vagina from harmful agents.

The hospital should only be visited if your daughter complains of discomfort, and redness and swelling are noticeable on the external genitalia.

If menstruation has already begun

If your child has already begun menstruation, then discharge at 13-15 years old in girls will continue to depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.


With a standard cycle of 28 days for a girl, this period falls on the first day after the end of menstruation and lasts about 14 days. At this time, there is very little vaginal secretion (up to 2 ml per day). It has a watery or slimy consistency, where a small amount of lumps is allowed. The secretion is either colorless or slightly white or beige.


In the middle of the cycle, for several days, there will be a noticeably increased amount of fluid from the vagina (up to 4 ml) on the underwear. As for the appearance, the secret acquires a more viscous mucous character, and the shade may become beige.

Second half of the cycle

The secret is less when compared with the days of ovulation. Its state resembles a creamy character, sometimes the consistency is similar to jelly.

Shortly before menstruation

There is more secretion a couple of days before this moment, and in its state it is similar to the middle of the cycle.

Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge in children

Not in all situations, vaginal secretion occurs for physiological reasons. Consider the causes of pathological secretion. The following factors are practically not tied to age:

Weak immunity

A weakened organism does not fully perform a protective function, therefore, pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the reproductive system. Often the culprit is stress, malnutrition, hypothermia.
Violation of the microflora of the vagina. Here it is worth paying attention to the means used during washing of the genitals, as well as the transferred colds and other diseases.

Frequent use of antibiotics

Such drugs adversely affect the microflora of the vagina, upsetting the balance between lactobacilli and pathogens. As a result, the presence of fungal microflora increases, which provokes the pathological secret of the reproductive system.

Childhood and general infections

Many sexually transmitted infections are increasingly spread through the household. It is also possible that the child could become infected from the mother in the womb, during childbirth.

allergic reactions

Diathesis and allergies can cause the development of atopic vulvovaginitis, which can only be noticed during an exacerbation.


This disease, as doctors say, is increasingly causing fungal vulvovaginitis.

Foreign bodies

The child may accidentally bring a foreign object into the vagina. Most often these are the remains of toilet paper, threads, small balls. As a result, an inflammatory process begins, accompanied by fever, sometimes severe pain. Brown, bloody, or even brown spots may appear on underwear. An unpleasant and sometimes fetid odor is not ruled out.


Infection occurs during improper washing of the genitals, when harmful bacteria enter the vagina from the intestines.

We are looking for problems by color and smell

Every disease is different for every patient. There are cases when the symptoms practically do not manifest themselves, and mild discomfort occurs only with the next exacerbation. The following information will help parents track unwanted changes in the vaginal secretion in time and take appropriate measures.

White discharge in girls

Most often, the presence of white discharge in girls is considered the norm, provided that all other characteristics of the fluid meet physiological criteria.
But if the secret resembles the consistency of cottage cheese, and the child complains of itching and burning in the vulva, then thrush cannot be ruled out, even at 9-11 years old and earlier.

A fungal disease can be transmitted from the mother even during birth, and occur against the background of taking antibiotics, as well as a general weakening of the body. Then parents may notice white discharge on their daughter's underpants. Increased attention is required at a very young age, because children at 2 or 3 years old often cannot describe their feelings.

Discharge in girls green and yellow

The cause is often bacterial vulvovaginitis, which is also called bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbacteriosis. It is important to understand the situation here. For example, the discharge from a girl at 4 years old is yellow-green, an unpleasant fishy smell is felt, the child began to act up while washing, constantly scratching the area of ​​​​the labia, where redness is noted.

A vaginal secret of a yellow tint is not associated with pathological processes, but only if your child is approaching puberty and does not experience discomfort. Although the cause of discharge in a child at the age of 7 years of yellowish color is unlikely to be the approach of menarche.
According to the statistics of gynecologists, children under 8 years of age are at risk. The fact is that in the microflora of the vagina there are still no lactobacilli that protect the body from infection.

In addition, a girl at the age of 5 and at any other age can cause:

  • worms;
  • dirt getting into the vagina;
  • intimate hygiene products;
  • foreign objects inside;
  • improper swaddling;
  • irritation from synthetics;
  • diaper rash.

If the yellow tint of the secret is still allowed, then greenish discharge, whether it be any age, 2 years, 6 or 15 years old, requires medical supervision, smears and other necessary diagnostic methods.

Red and brown discharge from a girl

First you need to make sure that this is not monthly. Sometimes brown, bloody or even purulent discharge may occur on underwear in adolescent girls if a foreign body is present in the vagina. An unpleasant, and sometimes even a fetid odor is not ruled out.

Often the cause of secretion with blood is inflammatory processes, the presence of which may indicate gynecological diseases. But most often, spotting, even with a brown tint, indicates the approach of the first menstruation in a teenager and hormonal fluctuations.

There is pus

Purulent discharge in girls can never be considered the norm. Here you need to quickly go to the hospital and undergo an examination, because any disease is easier to cure at the very beginning, preventing the development of a chronic form.

Common causes:

  • colpitis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • inflammation of the cervix;
  • infectious diseases.

Urgently go to the hospital if you experience the following symptoms:

  • purulent discharge of a liquid or thick nature;
  • the presence of an unpleasant and even fetid odor;
  • genitals constantly itch;
  • tingling and burning sensation is felt;
  • elevated body temperature.

At the hospital, the gynecologist will perform an examination and order a microscopic examination of vaginal smears.


It is extremely dangerous to buy drugs on your own, as well as to use traditional medicine methods to treat discharge in girls. But no one prevents mothers from adhering to certain rules that reduce the risk of pathological secretion:

  1. Carry out hygiene procedures in the morning and before bedtime.
  2. Use only a clean personal towel for the child.
  3. It is better to give preference to warm boiled water.
  4. Choose safe intimate hygiene products that do not cause allergies.
  5. Properly teach your daughter to wash the genitals to avoid infection from the intestines.
  6. Prevent mechanical damage to the vagina caused by washcloths and sponges.
  7. Buy underwear made from natural fabrics, give up synthetics.

How and with what to treat the discharge, only a specialist will determine after examining the child and obtaining the results of the tests. The information presented on the Internet should be used extremely carefully and solely for informational purposes, because any specialist on the network, even Komarovsky, cannot assess the condition of the child and choose the treatment according to the description in words.

The birth of a daughter is always a pleasant and joyful event. The first tooth, the first step, the first cold, the first fall - each of these events will forever remain in the hearts of ardently loving mothers and fathers. Being inexperienced, young parents are wary of any previously unknown changes that occur in their daughter's body. For example, the presence of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) in a girl is quite normal, provided that they are transparent or whitish, and mucous, as during puberty, or bloody, which are observed in the first week after birth. Normally, discharge from the genital tract should not have an unpleasant odor or cause concern to the child.

As a rule, the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge in a girl, regardless of the age of the child, is very scary for parents who are trying their best to protect their child from various infections and diseases. It is possible to find out the cause of yellow discharge in a girl only with a comprehensive assessment of the child's health, history taking and certain laboratory tests.

Puberty is a possible cause of yellow discharge in a girl.

The appearance of yellowish discharge in a girl does not always indicate a pathological process. In some cases, yellowish discharge from the genital tract is observed in adolescent girls who have reached puberty. A cause for concern is the discharge, which has become grayish or greenish in color, has become thicker and smells of rotten fish. All these signs indicate the presence of vaginosis, which is most characteristic of girls aged 11-15 years. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in which there is a violation of the microflora in the vagina. In this case, the cause of the disease can be frequent acute respiratory infections, hormonal imbalance in the body, poor nutrition, poor personal hygiene, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes), etc.

The girl has yellow discharge. Maybe it's vulvovaginitis.

As a rule, the appearance of traces of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor on the girl's panties indicates an inflammatory process. If such discharge is accompanied by redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching and pain during urination, then we are talking about vulvovaginitis, an infectious and inflammatory disease.

Most often, girls under the age of 8 are ill, which is associated with the peculiarities of the vaginal microflora in childhood. At a young age, before the onset of sexual development, there are no lactic acid bacteria in the microflora of the girl's vagina, the main function of which is to protect against infection. The absence of lactobacilli in combination with a weakened immune system or an allergic history are favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogens. Vulvovaginitis with the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl is usually caused by streptococcus, enterococcus, fungal microorganisms, staphylococcus aureus, and also E. coli.

The main reasons for the development of vulvovaginitis and the occurrence of yellow discharge in girls:

1. Infection:

  • getting dirt and infection into the vagina (unwashed hands, sitting on the floor without underwear, swimming in a dirty pond);
  • helminthic invasions, namely, pinworms that crawl into the vagina (discharge is accompanied by itching in the perineum and around the anus, which intensifies at night).

2. Exposure to chemicals:

  • severe allergic reaction to soap, cream or shampoo used in daily care.

3. Mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa:

  • inflammation in the vagina, as a result of irritation and diaper rash from swaddling;
  • a foreign body stuck in the vagina, which the child accidentally put into the vagina (in this case, the discharge acquires a dark yellow tint and a pronounced unpleasant odor).

The girl has yellow vaginal discharge. What to do?

The first thing to do if a girl has yellow discharge is to visit a pediatric gynecologist. Only a specialist is able to accurately determine the cause of the disease, conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe an effective treatment.

Some sources of information posted on the Internet, when a girl has yellow discharge, strongly recommend waiting a week, in the hope that the symptoms of the disease will disappear on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done! At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In no case do not self-medicate! The use of herbal baths or other home remedies does not eliminate the cause of yellow discharge in girls, but only erases the symptoms of the disease, thereby complicating the diagnosis process.

Depending on the alleged cause of the yellow discharge in the girl, the pediatric gynecologist prescribes the appropriate research method:

  • if a foreign object is suspected in the vagina, a vaginoscopy is performed;
  • to determine the causative agent of urogenital infection (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.), its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, a smear and sowing of the vaginal microflora are performed.

The girl has yellow discharge. What to treat?

The treatment plan for vulvovaginitis is determined individually after evaluating the results of the studies. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of powders and baths to reduce itching and redness. The elimination of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out by prescribing antibiotic therapy, as well as the use of special suppositories and ointments for the sanitation of the vagina. To exclude the recurrence of the inflammatory process, with yellow discharge in girls, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, namely, complexes of vitamins and minerals. To restore the microflora of the vagina, eubiotics are used - preparations containing bifidus and lactobacilli.

There is an opinion that vaginal leucorrhea occurs only in sexually mature girls and in women, girls should not have vaginal discharge. However, this is not quite true. Allocations in girls are also found in childhood, they can be both the norm and talk about pathology. This phenomenon often frightens parents, and they cannot always understand what is happening with the child's body. As soon as possible, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist to understand what is happening.

When does discharge start in girls?

Vaginal discharge can appear in a girl at a very early age, even a newborn baby has a mucous discharge.

A normal secret that does not indicate the presence of a disease or inflammatory processes has the following composition:

  • renewing epithelium.
  • mucus that appears as a result of the work of the uterus.
  • various microorganisms, leukocytes and other components.

Therefore, we can conclude that there is nothing wrong with the secretions, they are the protection of a young organism, despite the lack of reproductive function due to young age. However, you should contact a gynecologist to make sure that the child is healthy and not neglect routine examinations. These measures preserve the girl's health and reproductive function in adulthood and help to avoid complications.

What discharge in girls is considered the norm

Light discharge is considered normal, having a uniform consistency and resembling mucus. A variant of the norm is the presence in the secretions of viscous "threads" or lumps that look like crumbs. Such whites are the norm in a newborn girl, they are quite common in the first weeks of a child's life.

A rare case of the norm is the appearance of blood blotches, reminiscent of discharge during menstruation. This process is called the sexual crisis of infants and does not need therapy, but one should not forget to monitor the hygiene of the baby.

After a month of age, a period of rest usually sets in, when hormones do not manifest themselves in any way, and at 7–8 years, the beginning of a restructuring of the hormonal background is possible. The pubertal period begins, the appearance of abundant secretions, changes in the shape of the mammary glands are possible. After 2 - 3 years, menstruation occurs.

The nature of vaginal discharge in a child during puberty

Menarche - the first bleeding in girls, which can usually be seen on shorts at 10 years old - 13 years old. Such spotting appears normally 2 years after the shape and size of the mammary glands begin to change.

A year before this phenomenon, leucorrhoea may appear. Normally, they have the following features:

  • They have no color, or the appearance of yellowish discharge or white is noted, which is one of the non-pathological variants of discharge in children of adolescence.
  • The consistency is quite watery, reminiscent of snot.
  • An unpleasant odor should be absent, a sour aroma is normally allowed.
  • The absence of discomfort in the intimate area - regardless of the age of the girl, white should not cause discomfort, cause itching or burning.

Such discharge in girls 10-12 years old confirms the normal development of the reproductive system and pelvic organs. In addition, vaginal mucus is a barrier to the penetration of harmful microorganisms into the genitals, thereby preventing the development of inflammatory processes in the uterus and other pathologies.

If menstruation has already begun

The onset of menstruation at the age of 11-14 is considered normal. Possible diseases found in a little girl in childhood, a hereditary factor, nutrition, the amount of stressful situations and emotional health affect the onset of menstruation.

In some cases, menstrual flow appears in girls at 9 years old. The reason for this may be a violation of the hormonal background, sometimes in such cases the help of an endocrinologist and the appointment of hormone therapy are required. If by the age of 15 a girl does not have a period, this is a reason to contact a pediatric gynecologist. Perhaps the cause of this pathology is ovarian dysfunction, emotional overload, disruption of the thyroid gland, heavy physical exertion, anorexia, poor environmental situation in the place of residence.

If the girl has begun menstruation, the further appearance of discharge will depend on the phase of the cycle.


Usually the menstrual cycle lasts almost 1 month, namely 28 days. This period begins on the first day after the end of menstruation, and its duration is from two to three weeks. These days, whiter is quite a small amount, normally the volume is up to two milliliters per day. The consistency is homogeneous and watery, the color is possible from white to beige.


In the middle of the cycle, it is possible to increase the volume of whites up to four milliliters per day. The consistency changes and the mucus becomes more viscous.

Second half of the cycle

At the end of the cycle, the amount of whiteness becomes smaller, the consistency resembles a cream, or looks like snot.

Shortly before menstruation

Before the onset of menstruation, the volume of the secret increases, the consistency resembles that version of the discharge that was in the middle of the cycle.

Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge in children

Whites are not always a natural physiological process. They can signal the presence of inflammatory processes, allergies, infections and other pathologies. Such secretions jeopardize the health of the girl, primarily the reproductive function, and sometimes the quality of life, its preservation.

Weak immunity

Weak immunity, unable to fight germs and viruses, leads to various diseases, including the reproductive system. The main reasons that affect the ability of immunity to protect the body:

  • Stress overload.
  • Unhealthy food.
  • Lack of timely treatment of infections.
  • Frostbite.
  • Past illnesses.

Parents should take action if the child is sick very often. If ARVI or influenza is diagnosed more than 5 times during the year, the child must be vaccinated.

If fever is not observed during the disease, most often this indicates a lack of body resistance to the disease. This is a serious symptom that requires the intervention of a pediatrician.

One of the symptoms of weak immunity is lethargy and drowsiness of the child throughout the day, pale skin and increased fatigue. However, these signs can indicate not only a weakening of the protective function of the body, but also many other pathologies.

As a preventive measure, you need to teach your child to a healthy lifestyle, avoid unnecessary stress and exercise moderately. Walking in the fresh air is also good for a growing body.

Frequent use of antibiotics

As a result of the frequent use of antibiotics, pathologies in the pelvic organs and not only can develop. These drugs affect the microflora in the vaginal area, upsetting the balance. The result is the appearance of various diseases, such as bacterial vulvovaginitis and vaginal dysbiosis.

In most cases, the main cause of vulvovaginitis is bacteria. This disease can appear not only in adult women, but also in girls.

At the age of 8 years, with this disease, the labia is first affected, then the vagina. In adults, this pathology has symptoms exactly the opposite.

Reasons that can provoke this pathology:

  • Hormonal diseases.
  • Taking antibiotics.
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Penetration of infection into the genitals from the rectum. This reason is most common in children who do not use intimate hygiene products correctly.
  • Foreign body in the pelvic organs.

The main symptom of the disease is pathological secretions from the vagina, which have a pungent odor, discomfort and discomfort.

Vaginal dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis occurs due to a violation of the normal microflora. Its main symptoms are the appearance of copious secretions that have an unpleasant odor. The causes of the appearance are the same as those of vulvovaginitis. Complications of this pathology can be inflammation in the uterus, vagina, infection of the urinary tract.

If symptoms appear that signal a violation of the vaginal microflora, you should contact a pediatric gynecologist.

Childhood and general infections

Childhood infections are those diseases that are transmitted at an early age, up to about 6 years. After recovery, the body will develop immunity to this disease.

The main infections that are mainly carried in childhood, but can also appear in an adult:

  • Chickenpox - the main symptom is fever and rash, weakness. With such a disease, hygiene and patient care are important. As a preventive measure, you can get vaccinated.
  • Diphtheria - the main symptom is the presence of a gray film that appears on the mucous membranes. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, as a preventive measure, the child is vaccinated.
  • Whooping Cough – The main symptom is a cough.
  • Measles - symptoms of manifestation are fever, cough, fear of light, vomiting, pain, rash
  • Infections in children are transmitted by airborne droplets and through common objects. As a preventive measure, vaccinations are given, some of them are mandatory.

allergic reactions

The cause of the appearance of pathological discharge and various diseases of the genital organs in children are allergic reactions and diathesis.

Allergic diathesis is one of the most common types of this disease. At the age of 3 months - 6 months, this disease occurs most often. The main symptom of the disease is peeling of the skin, redness and the desire of the child to scratch the affected skin. The mucous membranes of the organ of vision and the oral cavity are often affected. Diagnosis of pathology is made at an early stage of the development of the disease.


This pathology can cause fungal vulvovaginitis in a girl, which is a genitourinary infection and is accompanied by yellow or green pathological leucorrhea with an unpleasant odor, as well as discomfort.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which there is a violation of the metabolism of carbohydrates. The disease is of two types and type 1 diabetes is common in childhood and adolescence.

The main cause is genetics, but pathology can develop as a result of other factors. Artificial feeding, stress, surgery, carbohydrate nutrition, high birth weight can trigger the development of diabetes. The largest number of cases of morbidity with pathological discharge in girls aged 4 to 8 years, when the child is actively growing and the hormonal background is changing, has been identified.

Foreign bodies

The child may unintentionally introduce a foreign object into the vagina, such as toilet paper, thread, or other objects. Symptoms of the presence of a foreign object in the genitals are fever, pain in the vaginal area, the appearance of bleeding or brown smears on linen, purulent discharge. If inflammation occurs and a foreign object causes the mucous membranes to fester, there may be a smell of rot from the intimate area. In this case, you need to urgently contact a pediatric gynecologist, and do not take other actions on your own, they can harm the child.


Infection with worms can occur as a result of improper washing technology and poor hygiene, if bacteria penetrate from the intestine into the genitals. The intestines are the only source of worms that can enter the vagina. They are dangerous because they can bring intestinal flora into the genitals, this can lead to vaginosis and dysbacteriosis.

Symptoms of the appearance of worms in the genitals:

  • Unpleasant sensations.
  • Unpleasant smell of discharge.
  • Discomfort, burning.

Worms can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, complications such as infection of the fallopian tubes, which leads to loss of fertility. Treatment is carried out by gynecologists and infectious disease specialists, who should be consulted if symptoms appear.

Poor hygiene

Intimate hygiene of children - daily washing, maintaining the cleanliness of the genitals and their health in the future.

In the case of up to a year, children should ideally be washed away after each time the child defecates. Despite the variety of diapers, after a bowel movement, the child must be washed.

Soap should contain a neutral pH level, it should not be neglected, but it is also not recommended to use it often.

With age, you need to teach your child to observe hygiene on their own. The absence of this ritual can lead to the development of unpleasant pathologies that are easier to avoid than to get rid of.

We are looking for problems by color and smell

Normal discharge in girls should not cause discomfort and discomfort. Foreign smell, blotches, pain with discharged whites can indicate the development of a serious pathology and parents need to be extremely careful and understanding about this problem.

White discharge

Usually white discharge is not a pathology and is present in girls of any age and in women. However, in cases where whites look like cottage cheese, have inclusions and lumps, as well as an extraneous smell of sour milk, this is thrush, or candidiasis. This fungal disease is accompanied by itching and burning, spreads rapidly if left untreated. Young children cannot always say how they feel, so parents need to be attentive and monitor the behavior and health of the child.

Green and yellow highlights

Most often, whites with a greenish or yellowish tint are the first signs of bacterial vulvovaginitis. If a child constantly touches the labia, wanting to comb them, it is unpleasant for him to be in the water while bathing and there is redness in the intimate area, there is a pathology.

Usually this disease occurs in preschool children. The reason for this phenomenon is that in the intimate area there are no lactobacilli that create a barrier of the genital organs from infectious diseases.

Not always leucorrhoea with a yellowish tint can talk about inflammatory processes in the body. Often the causes are infection with worms, dirt, the ingress of foreign objects into the genitals, an allergic reaction to tissue or diaper rash.

Such a pathology requires diagnosis and clarification of the causes of development.

Red and brown

This phenomenon may signal the onset of menstruation. However, in the case of a foreign body inside the penis, reddish and brown smears on the linen may also appear, which have the smell of rotten meat. In this case, the child needs immediate help from a gynecologist, since this symptom indicates the development of an inflammatory process.

If there is a restructuring of hormones, you can observe the appearance of red discharge, as a rule, they signal the imminent onset of menstruation.

There is pus

Whites, which include pus, are not the norm for females of any age.

The most common causes are colpitis, inflammatory processes in the cervix and ovaries, as well as diseases caused by infection.

Slime or foam

Mucous or abundant foamy discharge of a pathological nature are most often symptoms of gardnerellosis. It occurs as a result of a violation of the microflora of the vagina. The causes that provoke the disease can be infections of the genitourinary system, long-term antibiotic treatment, hormonal disruptions.

The main symptom is the appearance of a frothy or mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as pain when urinating.


You should not self-medicate and use various folk remedies, which are often not effective.

There are certain methods of prevention:

  • Carry out hygienic washing procedures 1-2 times a day.
  • Use individual hygiene items and linen.
  • Use hypoallergenic soap.
  • Teach your child to wash properly without introducing infection from the intestines.
  • Use underwear made from natural materials.
  • Avoid damage to the external and internal parts of the genital organs.

Treatment options and the right therapy in case of a disease can only be selected by a gynecologist. Regular visits to the doctor should not be neglected.

How often to visit a pediatric gynecologist

Taking care of the health of the child should be from birth. Before making an appointment with a pediatric gynecologist, it is necessary to set the child in a positive way in order to avoid psychological shocks and moral trauma.

You can make an appointment with a gynecologist with a child of any age, sometimes even the smallest girls may need help.

If there are no complaints and chronic pathologies, you need to visit a doctor once a year.

I will write a little about the hygiene of girls up to a year old, because. this topic is relevant to every mother and now often causes fear and panic, and not all medical staff can reassure a young mother, medicines are often prescribed unnecessarily with a simple physiological state of the child.
Most often, the question sounds like this: “At the age of three months, my daughter had abundant white discharge from pussy. There used to be, too, but a little, but now there are a lot. What to do? What is it?"
White discharge in a girl at 3 months, 4 months, 7 months, 8 months and 9 months is a very common question that scares mom.

According to physiology, girls produce a small amount of protective lubricant - smegma, therefore, in the folds of the labia, the mother can often see white discharge. There are several physiological periods in girls: from 3 to 4.5 months, from 7 to 9 months and at the beginning of adolescence before the onset of menstruation, in which the amount of smegma, i.e. the amount of discharge may increase greatly - this is normal and does not require treatment or intervention! The discharge will remain white or white-yellow in color, without an unpleasant or pungent odor (if suddenly your daughter has itching, anxiety due to discharge, a sharp or unpleasant odor, a greenish or gray tint of discharge, then you need to see a doctor!) .

What to do with secretions from the pussy in girls of the first year of life?

  • If there is a lot of discharge, clean it carefully. Or, once a day, remove them with a cotton pad (gauze) dipped in natural (preferably filtered) oil! When choosing an oil, pay attention to the fact that it is natural, synthetic oils such as Johnson-baby or massage oils from a pharmacy will do harm, because. clog the pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands, prevent the skin from breathing and create a film. An unrefined cold-pressed food is suitable, of which you are sure of the quality (apricot, jojoba, almond or grape seed is best, but quality sunflower or olive is also quite possible). Or use a high quality purified oil with a cleaning certificate (). Ordinary food deodorized and refined oils can give a strong local reaction).
  • Continue to regularly carry out the usual hygiene of the genital organs (in the direction from the pubis to the anus). After stool, if necessary, wash with natural baby soap, but do not abuse soap and foams, just wash with high quality water. Wash off the remains of the old cream or powder, if they get on this area.
  • Do not use powder for the external genital area (only on the buttocks).

What should not be done with discharge in girls at this age?

  • Do not wash them with soap or detergent. And also remove using wet or baby wipes, because. impregnation of wipes contains substances drying and irritating.
  • Do not try to remove selections often!
  • It is impossible not to remove selections at all. Smegma protects the organs, but like any sebum, over time it absorbs secretions, sweat and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, so you should not bring smegma to the state of turning into old lumps, the appearance of a gray tint or smell, because. further it will cause irritation on the skin, redness, and may lead to "thrush" or bacterial flora.
  • It is not necessary to try to treat physiological secretions with drugs, even with linex or other probiotics, if there is no suspicion of illness. If the doctor has suspicions about the non-physiological origin of the discharge, let them conduct tests before prescribing treatment. Because microflora can be easily disturbed with inept or unnecessary administration of probiotics in the first year of life.
  • Do not frequently use soap or other hygiene products for your baby unless absolutely necessary. Refuse bath foam, unfortunately, most often it is the abuse of soap and cosmetics, as well as the reaction to chemical surfactants, that leads to fusion of the labia or excessive secretions. It is better not to use synthetic cosmetics, soap - they dry and irritate, can create a film on the skin. Now there is an excellent selection of natural soaps from scratch, including children's soaps without essential oils (not to be confused with handmade soap from the base or gel, which contain various unknown chemical surfactants that are clearly not suitable for children).
  • Do not use potassium permanganate and herbal decoctions for washing. With physiological secretions, they are not needed, while their use can lead to dryness and irritation.

Also, the cause of an increase in physiological secretions can be:

  • Mom taking hormonal drugs or hormonal contraceptives during breastfeeding.
  • Severe thyroid disease in the mother during breastfeeding.
  • Abuse of soy products during breastfeeding (soybeans without processing and long-term natural fermentation in principle, as well as very young children, children under one year old are allowed soy formula for children, soy yogurt, tofu from 10-12 months), i.e. mom can tofu , miso, soy sauce, soy yogurt, tempeh, but it is advisable to limit soy milk, soy asparagus, soy oil, soy protein, soy flour, soy sausage, soy meat).

Article last updated: 04/12/2018

Discharge from the genital tract occurs not only in adult women, but also in children. Vaginal discharge in newborn girls can even be bloody. For adolescents during the formation of menstrual function, white discharge is characteristic. But whites can be one of the symptoms of inflammation of the genital tract or an unfavorable state of the body. If you ignore this symptom, then it is fraught with gynecological diseases and even infertility in the future. Therefore, mothers should monitor the discharge of their daughters and contact a pediatric gynecologist in time.


The body of a newly born girl is influenced by maternal hormones. In the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, mammary glands, changes occur similar to those that are characteristic of puberty. Therefore, mucous secretions appear. The composition and amount of discharge normally depends on the general physical condition of the body, especially its nervous system, psychogenic factors and the hormonal status of the woman.

In 3% of newborns, bloody or muco-bloody leucorrhoea is possible. This is a reaction to a sharp drop in the level of sex hormones after birth. But inflammatory diseases of the vagina in young girls are rare - the protective effect of maternal estrogens affects.

The period of childhood takes a period of time from 2 - 3 weeks of a girl's life to 7 - 8 years.

The reproductive system does not function at this time and there should be no discharge. But right now, inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva are most common. There are reasons for this:

1. Immaturity of the immune system.

2. Anatomical features of the child's body:

  • the vulva is covered with delicate, vulnerable skin that is susceptible to infections;
  • the vagina is short, folded, close to the anus and urethra;
  • labia minora are poorly expressed, the entrance to the vagina is poorly covered;
  • renewal of the surface layers of the epithelium of the vagina is slow, it is poor in glycogen - a source of lactic acid;
  • Vaginal pH is alkaline or neutral;
  • instead of Doderlein's sticks, as in adult women, cocci predominate there.

Therefore, discharge in a girl of 4-5 years old most often speaks of inflammation of the vagina.

Discharge from the genital tract in a 12-year-old girl

Puberty takes time from 8 years to 15.

Inflammation of the vulva and vagina is rare. The course of the infection is mild. The girls make no complaints, except for bad-smelling leucorrhoea. This indicates the beginning of hormonal changes in the body of girls and the maturation of immunity.

But during this period, thrush is more likely to worry. From the onset of puberty, leucorrhea may appear due to inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Allocations in adolescent girls can be caused by vegetovascular dystonia. Develop due to sharp hormonal fluctuations. In addition to whiter, girls usually complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor appetite and sleep.

The appearance of white discharge in girls indicates the beginning of puberty. Such leucorrhoea is not plentiful, may be with a yellow tint, odorless.

Brown discharge in girls

They have this color due to the admixture of blood. They talk about the imminent start of menstruation.

But here the mother should be extremely careful, because brown discharge can occur with inflammatory diseases, injuries of the genital organs, a foreign body in the vagina.

You should pay attention to the time of appearance and duration of coffee secretions. If they precede menstrual flow or continue for several days after, this is a variant of the norm. If their appearance does not depend on the phase of the cycle, the child should be shown to a specialist.

Green discharge in girls

Yellow-green discharge from a girl indicates an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina. The green color of whiter indicates the presence in the secretions of leukocytes in large quantities, as well as microbes and their metabolic products. Purulent inflammation in the vagina. Such discharge is characteristic of gonorrhea, thrush, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis and other bacterial infections.

Discharge from the genital tract in adolescent girls

From 15 to 18 years, the reproductive system finishes its maturation. The menstrual cycle becomes regular. The egg begins to mature. Normal discharge changes during the menstrual cycle and depends on its phase:

  • light transparent scarce in the first 2 weeks after menstruation;
  • during ovulation, more abundant mucous membranes, transparent stretching;
  • two weeks before menstruation, they are light white or with a yellowish tint, reminiscent of cream in consistency.

Discharge in white girls

White discharge in girls may be the norm if:

Brown discharge in girls

They talk about the formation of the menstrual cycle and the imminent onset of menstruation. If you already have menstruation, then such discharge can be 2 days before and after menstruation. In the middle of the cycle due to sharp hormonal surges.

But if they last four days or more, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate hormonal disorders, trauma, a foreign body, or an inflammatory process in the reproductive organs.

  1. Postponed general infectious diseases. Influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, otitis media weaken the immune system and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the genitals. In a girl, discharge may appear on the background of stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, intoxication, diseases of the heart, lungs, nervous system, and intestines. Often vulvovaginitis in girls is combined with pyelonephritis, anemia, asthenia, metabolic disorders, tuberculosis.
  2. Allergy. Against the background of atopic, discharge is abundant, liquid, mucous, transparent.
  3. With endocrine diseases. When thrush develops, with hyperthyroidism, the girl has abundant light liquid discharge.
  4. Children's infections: scarlet fever, diphtheria. In diphtheria, the vagina may be primarily affected. Discharges are mucopurulent with films. If a girl of 3 years old has a mucous membrane of the vagina and labia covered with gray films, when they are removed, a bleeding erosive surface is exposed, then it is worth being examined for diphtheria.
  5. For STIs: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Girls at the age of 3, as a rule, become infected from their mother, the infection enters their body even in utero, during childbirth, if the mother of an STI patient violates the rules of personal hygiene: through unwashed hands after the toilet, common washcloths, towels. Sexual transmission is possible in a girl who is sexually active. With gonorrhea, thick, green-yellow purulent discharge, crusts form on the skin when it dries; with trichomoniasis, leucorrhoea is whitish with a greenish tinge, badly smelling, plentiful; with chlamydia, leucorrhoea is not abundant, mucous, less often with pus; with myco-ureaplasma infection, the discharge is serous-purulent.
  6. Violation of the rules of personal hygiene, dirty hands, improper washing or lack of it, swimming in polluted reservoirs entails the appearance of leucorrhea caused by staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, E. coli, enterococcus, gardnerella. With stretching, thick yellow discharge, stains remain on the linen, resembling starch stains. Yellow-green discharge occurs in a girl with inflammation caused by Escherichia coli.
  7. Helminthiases and enterobiasis. lay eggs on the skin of the perineum, enter intestinal bacteria into the vagina. This causes itching, burning, provokes the child to scratch the genitals with dirty hands and even masturbate, which leads to the addition of a secondary infection and the appearance of discharge in girls.
  8. Foreign body and genital trauma. Pieces of toilet paper, threads from clothes, small objects (pins, caps) children aged 4 years and older can accidentally enter the vagina during the game and forget about it. Foreign objects cause inflammation, profuse, bloody with pus, leucorrhoea smelling of rot. They are difficult to treat until the foreign body is removed.
  9. antibiotic treatment, excessive cleanliness with constant use of soap for washing, excessive consumption of sweets and insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits can provoke thrush. At the same time, cheesy sour discharges appear. White or green in color.
  10. Early onset of sexual activity.
  11. ATrare habits: alcohol, smoking.

Leucorrhea with inflammation of the uterus and appendages often occur in adolescents who are sexually active. In girls at the age of 6, adnexitis is rare and, as a rule, is combined with acute appendicitis or other surgical pathology: cholecystitis,

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