Department and clinic of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry. Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov Military Medical Academy Department of Maxillofacial Surgery

In 2014, the department (clinic) celebrated its 85th anniversary of its founding. From June 1, 2015 to the present, the clinic is based on the premises of the surgical building 442 of the VKG.

The total area occupied by the clinic is about 1700 m2. The clinic has 7 wards with a total bed capacity of 37 beds, and 3 beds in the anesthesiology and intensive care unit.

For many decades, the department (clinic) of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of the Military Medical Academy has been and remains the main educational, methodological, clinical and scientific center of the RF Ministry of Defense for a comprehensive study of the problems of military dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.

The experience of the staff of the department and the clinic is summarized in 35 monographs, textbooks and manuals, 10 collections, more than 3500 scientific papers published in periodicals, manuals and BME. Completed and defended 26 doctoral and 118 master's theses.

Every year, more than 1,700 people receive inpatient treatment in the clinic of the department, more than 1,600 operations and about 1,800 consultations are performed, including complex dental patients.

Structure of the clinic of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry:

  • Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry (Emergency Surgery);
  • Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry (with wards for patients with purulent diseases);
  • Surgical Department (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery);
  • Department of Anesthesiology-Resuscitation (with resuscitation and intensive care wards);
  • Dental department (with dental laboratory).

Clinic offices:

  • Cabinet of ultrasound diagnostics;
  • X-ray room;
  • Surgical office (dental implantology).

The clinic is licensed for nine types of activities:

  • therapeutic dentistry;
  • surgical dentistry;
  • orthopedic dentistry;
  • orthodontics;
  • Maxillofacial Surgery;
  • plastic surgery;
  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • radiology;
  • anesthesiology and resuscitation.

Nosological forms:

  • Inflammatory diseases;
  • Maxillary injury;
  • Tumors and tumor-like diseases (cysts);
  • Periodontal and mucous membrane diseases;
  • Difficulty teething;
  • Defects and deformities, congenital and acquired, their consequences;
  • Diseases of the TMJ, salivary glands, maxillary sinuses;
  • Others (specific diseases, diseases of the nerves of the maxillofacial area, infectious diseases of the maxillofacial region).

Promising areas of activity of the clinic

Maxillofacial Surgery:

Reconstructive restorative operations for congenital and acquired deformities of the maxillofacial region by intra- and extra-oral methods:

  • improvement and introduction of new methods of bone tissue transplantation;
  • planning and carrying out reconstructive surgeries with the help of sterolithography;
  • development and implementation of new methods of focal and extrafocal osteosynthesis;
  • introduction of low-traumatic methods of treatment of jaw fractures;
  • expanding the range of use of endovideo technology in the treatment of odontogenic and non-odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, pathology of the temporomandibular joints, diseases of the salivary glands;
  • Improving the treatment of tumor-like and tumor-like diseases using modern plasty methods (defect plasty with local tissues, including the use of expanders, defect replacement with various flaps on vascular anastomoses, defect plasty with a free skin graft, defect replacement with Filatov's round-stalked flap).

Surgical cosmetology:

  • cosmetic surgeries on the face: blepharoplasty, excision of excess facial skin, liposuction of the maxillofacial region, lipofilling;
  • breast surgery: breast augmentation with implants; reduction mammoplasty; mastopexy;
  • abdominal surgery: liposuction; excision of excess abdominal skin.

Orthopedic dentistry:

  • aesthetic ceramic veneers, inlays, onlays;
  • all-ceramic crowns;
  • ceramic crowns and bridges on zirconium dioxide;
  • removable and non-removable structures with fixation on implants;
  • arc prostheses of varying complexity with clasp and lock fixation;
  • plate prostheses with a nylon base;
  • production of removable dentures from Acry-free material.


  • implementation of the method of guided bone tissue regeneration using platelet-rich plasma;
  • introduction of minimally invasive therapy of periodontitis with the Vector system.

Consultative reception: Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 12:00.

For consultation, you must have the following documents:

  • referral from a unit or polyclinic (at the place of attachment);
  • documents confirming the right to provide free medical care in medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (identity card of a serviceman, pension certificate, certificate for family members of military personnel and PMO);
  • the passport;
  • insurance policy;
  • SNILS.

The history of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry in the hospital dates back to 1907, when the first dental office was opened. Its subsequent development is closely related to the treatment of injuries to the face and jaws of numerous wounded during periods of wars and military conflicts throughout the 19th century.

The work of the medical staff of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery has always been distinguished by innovative trends. A vivid confirmation of this is the State Prize of the USSR, which in 1981 was awarded to the specialists of the hospital, headed by Professor P.Z. Arzhantsev for their methods of reconstructive surgery of the lower jaw and temporomandibular joint in order to restore chewing function. The accumulated experience and today is actively multiplied by the specialists of the center of maxillofacial surgery of the hospital.

Today, the center continues to develop rapidly, becoming more and more widely known, going beyond the borders of our country. The hallmark of the center is still reconstructive surgery of the face and jaws in victims with tissue defects and in patients with malignant diseases. Particular attention is paid to high-tech surgeries for primary plasty of extensive tissue defects after radical removal of malignant tumors, which allows not only to significantly reduce the duration of treatment for operated patients, but also to restore important lost functions of the affected organs, and prevent severe disability in patients.

The hospital provides comprehensive treatment of cancer patients with the use of radiation and chemotherapy in the radiological center of the hospital.

The rapid progress in the treatment of specialized oncological patients was the result not only of the highest professionalism, creativity and perseverance of the specialists of the center of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry, but also the result of excellent technical equipment. The latest equipment available at the center allows surgeons to perform operations using microsurgical techniques necessary to perform the most complex plastic surgeries. In prosthetics, treatment and aesthetic restoration of teeth, the most modern technologies and materials from leading world manufacturers are also used.

The center includes departments of maxillofacial surgery, reconstructive and microvascular surgery, an operating room, a department of therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry, a dental laboratory, and a surgical room.

Main activities

  • Combined treatment of cancer patients with malignant tumors of the face, oral cavity and jaws
  • Reconstructive plastic surgery in patients with acquired defects and deformities of the face and jaws
  • Surgical treatment of patients with benign tumors of the head and neck, inflammatory diseases and injuries of the maxillofacial region and neck
  • Installation of dental implants and prosthetics on them
  • Painless treatment of dental caries and its complications
  • Aesthetic restoration of teeth
  • Reconstructive operations on the alveolar processes of the jaws

The Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry of the S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy is located in the historical center of St. Petersburg in the building of the former Obukhov Hospital at 106, Fontanka River Embankment (entrance from Zagorodny Prospekt, 47).

In 2001, the building was included by KGIOP in the "List of newly identified objects of historical, scientific, artistic or other cultural value."

The building is included in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation as an object of cultural heritage of regional significance.

Head of the Department (head of the clinic) of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry of the Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov - Grebnev Gennady Alexandrovich (born in 1957)

Head of the Department (Head of the Clinic) of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Grebnev G. A.

Chief Dentist of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences. In the position of head of the department (head of the clinic) - since 2012.

Candidate of Medical Sciences defended his dissertation for a scientific degree in 1989, Doctor of Medical Sciences - in 2009.

He participated in the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo Pol (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) as part of the Russian military contingent of peacekeeping forces as the head of the dental office of a separate medical detachment of special forces of the peacekeeping forces. For the performance of the task during the peacekeeping operation, he was awarded the Order of Military Merit by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 887 of May 18, 2000.

He is the author of more than 150 scientific papers, including 1 textbook, 8 teaching aids, 2 chapters in medical manuals, 4 inventions and patents for inventions of the Russian Federation, as well as more than 80 rationalization proposals.

The staff of the department in 2008 published the textbook "Military Dentistry", edited by prof. G. I. Prokhvatilova.

Great assistance is provided by the staff of the department to dentists and maxillofacial surgeons of military medical institutions of military districts (navies), types of armed forces, military branches, main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense, as well as civil health care. Every year, more than 1,500 people receive inpatient treatment in the clinic of the department, more than 1,200 operations and about 1,800 consultations of complex dental patients are performed.

The scientific heritage of the staff of the department and the clinic is summarized in more than 40 monographs, textbooks and manuals, 10 collections, more than 3500 scientific papers published in periodicals, BME manuals. Completed and defended 26 doctoral and 122 master's theses.

The department is one of the leading research teams in the country, developing theoretical and practical problems of maxillofacial surgery and dentistry.

In 1996 he graduated from the faculty of training doctors of the Military Medical Academy. S.M. Kirov. From 1996 to 1997 - completed an internship in surgery at the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Military Medical Academy named after. S.M. Kirov. 1998 - primary specialization in surgical dentistry at the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry of the Military Medical Academy. In 2003 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov on the topic: "The use of long-acting hyperosiolar substances for the local treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region." Associate Professor of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Surgical Dentistry, Northwestern State Medical University.

- Why did you decide to connect your fate with the profession of a doctor? What influenced your choice?

- I had a clear understanding that I would be a doctor already at the age of 10, and this was connected with a living example: my father is a surgeon. I had an interest in what he does, and I asked him to show how the operation goes. Thus, my first visit to the operating room took place when I was still a child, and left a vivid impression that I carry with me through my whole life.

- Please state your motto. What do you think is the most
the main thing in the profession of maxillofacial surgeon, implantologist?

- Our profession today is developing at a tremendous pace, is high-tech. As a rule, there are several options for possible treatment. Therefore, I consider it important for myself to feel and understand the patient. Feel his pain and needs, and understand the most appropriate way for him to solve problems. Only in this way, from a large number of possible treatment plans, one can arise that suits him.

– What methods of treatment and technologies do you most like to use in your work and why? What do you think is your main "horse"?

– Since, in addition to medical practice, I also teach at the University, I have to constantly monitor the development of my profession, everything new that appears in world practice. And today it is necessary to recognize that serious additional opportunities arise for a doctor with the introduction of digital technologies. Their appearance allows a better study of the patient's clinical situation (diagnosis), and to choose the most optimal treatment option (surgery planning). This does not replace basic surgical skills and manipulations, but becomes an important support for the surgeon to achieve an optimal treatment result. And of course, the main support of teaching is the possibility of constant communication with colleagues, exchange of experience with the world's leading doctors.

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