Causes of excessive sweating in women. Increased sweating. Symptoms of increased sweating

If the release of sweat in heat or during physical exertion is part of the process of thermoregulation, and during stress it is a normal reaction of the sympathetic nervous system, then severe sweating in women, not associated with these factors, refers to common symptoms defined as hyperhidrosis (locally limited or general) .

Why sweating in women is increased, and what makes the sweat glands work in an enhanced mode?

Women face the problem of excessive sweating much more often than men. This is due to the peculiarities of the hormonal background of a woman, as well as her anatomical and physiological characteristics (a peculiar structure of the skin, sweat and sebaceous glands, hyperproduction of fluid and sweat acids). Women are also more likely than men to be overstressed.

Various antiperspirants can be used to relieve symptoms and temporarily reduce excessive sweating. But the problem can be completely eliminated only after a comprehensive examination has been completed and the cause of the development of sweat hyperproduction has been identified. Then the necessary treatment is prescribed, aimed at eliminating this cause.

Only by eliminating the cause of the pathology, you can once and for all get rid of such an uncomfortable condition. Usually, various medications are used for treatment, less often physiotherapy procedures. Homeopathic and folk remedies have also proven themselves well. It should be borne in mind that only an integrated approach to treatment can help to ensure that severe sweating is completely eliminated, and not just masked.

ICD-10 code

R61 Hyperhidrosis

Causes of heavy sweating in women

First of all, the symptoms of local sweating - face, palms, sweating of the legs in women, as well as axillary hyperhidrosis - sweating of the armpits in women - may be due to a congenital (hereditary) predisposition characteristic of people with hypersthenic or vagotonic type of constitution. Doctors refer to such sweating as primary idiopathic and, together with the characteristics of the autonomic nervous system, are taken into account as risk factors.

Also, sweating after eating in women and men is not considered a pathology, especially when the food is hot or spicy. This is how the sympathetic nervous system reacts to it, having received a signal from the corresponding gastrointestinal neurotransmitter on its m-cholinergic receptors.

But the most common causes of pathologically increased sweating include:

  • lipid metabolism disorders and obesity, which are associated with sweating in the groin in women, on the inner surfaces of the thighs and in deep skin folds;
  • an increase in the level of thyroid hormones, which have a thermogenic effect, is accompanied by insomnia and night sweats in women. This usually occurs with hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis), thyroiditis or diffuse toxic goiter, as well as in patients with follicular thyroid cancer;
  • hyperglycemia and deficiency of endogenous insulin in diabetes mellitus cause the pathogenesis of increased activity of sweat glands on the palms and chest, as well as head sweating in women;
  • a hormonally active benign tumor - pituitary prolactinoma, provokes a state of pathological sweating - daytime sweating in women - and can lead to the development of secondary hypercortisolism.

With leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, tumors of the thymus gland (thymoma) or adrenal glands (pheochromocytoma), with neuroendocrine tumors (carcinoids) of the gastrointestinal tract, body sweating in women is noted.

Much more often than in men, morning sweating in women is caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system, autonomic disorders or psychosomatics of various etiologies.

But frequent sweating in women also has its own specific causes associated with changes in the level of sex hormones. And although these hormonal fluctuations, for the most part, are due to the peculiarities of physiology, gynecologists and endocrinologists differentiate hyperhidrosis in young women during menstruation and pregnancy with hypothalamic syndrome, in which thermoregulation is disturbed and sweat secretion increases.

When pregnant women complain of sweating, they should understand that this is due to an increase in the synthesis of hormones: estrogen, estradiol, progesterone and prolactin. For example, the level of progesterone produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands, which ensures reproductive function and pregnancy, increases many times due to the participation of the placenta in its production. And this potentiates the thermogenic action that this hormone has.

Outside of pregnancy, the pathogenesis of general hyperhidrosis in women associated with an excess of prolactin is explained by the fact that this hormone has a wide range of physiological effects in the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. Moreover, the synthesis of prolactin by the pituitary gland occurs when women sleep, and its production increases if the kidneys do not work well, there are endocrine pathologies (thyroid gland or pituitary gland). The level of prolactin increases with excessive physical exertion, under the influence of ionizing radiation on the body, and even due to the use of contraceptives.

And excess progesterone in non-pregnant women who suffer from bouts of hyperhidrosis is most often the result of dysfunction of the ovaries - with inflammation or the presence of a cyst.

Heavy sweating after childbirth

In the postpartum period, sweating increases significantly, which is a consequence of ongoing recovery processes. Since natural childbirth stimulates the start of cell renewal, they contribute to the normalization of the biochemical cycle. There is a renewal of the body at the cellular, tissue, organismal levels.

The process is accompanied by the release of a large amount of energy, intense heat generation. Under the action of hormones that control the recovery processes, the sweat glands are activated. They provide intensive removal from the body of excess fluid, cell fragments, metabolites that are formed in the process of life. As a result, sweat production increases. Usually you do not need to do anything, the body will recover on its own within 2-3 months. Accordingly, sweating will also disappear.

The situation is different if a caesarean section was performed. This is a surgical intervention that significantly disrupts the entire biochemical cycle in the body, disrupts metabolic processes. Accordingly, various pathological processes are launched. Recovery is slow and takes a long time. In this case, many inflammatory and infectious processes occur, internal latent infections are often activated, and the immune system decreases. All this is accompanied by chills and there is increased sweating. Then examination, rehabilitation treatment is required.

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Heavy sweating in women over 50

The reduction in the production of sex hormones and their disproportion is due to sweating in women after 40, 50, 60 years with menopause. Also, attacks of heat and sweating in women during menopause are associated with age-related hormonal changes and the reaction of the autonomic nervous system.

In women over the age of 50, menopause most often occurs, which causes increased sweating. In general, during this period there is a change in all basic functions, a restructuring of the body. First of all, the hormonal state of the body changes dramatically, and this also leads to disruption of the nervous system. As a result, excessive sweat production develops.

Also, in women at this age, the activity of all major body systems changes. Inflammatory and infectious diseases develop more often. The activity of the immune system is disrupted. Autoimmune diseases are more common. The glands, including sweat glands, begin to function as hyperproduction, that is, they produce an excessive amount of secretion. The sweat glands are also pumped: they begin to produce an excessive amount of sweat.

Read about other causes of heavy sweating in this article.


Sweat production and activity of the sweat glands are very sensitive to hormones, in particular estrogen. The level of estrogen directly affects the activity of the sweat glands. A pattern has been established: the higher the amount of estrogen, the higher the sweating, and the sweat glands work more actively.

Also, women with various metabolic disorders deserve special attention: obesity, dystrophy, diabetes mellitus. The risk increases when taking a drug like tamoxifen, which works against breast cancer. But as a side effect, a polyp in the uterus can develop. Also significantly increases the risk of increased sweating in women with high blood pressure and reduced immune status, with various acute and chronic infections.

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The statistics given by the experts of the International Hyperhidrosis Society, notes up to 3-5% of the presence of idiopathic hyperhidrosis in the population. Its first signs - in the form of a spontaneous increase in the activity of the sweat glands - appear in adolescence and represent an individual version of the functioning of the endocrine system.

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Diagnosis of severe sweating in women

In cases unrelated to pregnancy and menopause, the diagnosis of sweating in women is aimed at establishing its cause.

For this purpose, after examining the patient and collecting anamnesis - to confirm or refute the preliminary versions of the origin of hyperhidrosis - blood tests are prescribed: general, biochemical, for sugar levels, for the content of thyroid hormones, ACTH, catecholamines, etc.

Regardless of who the patient turned to (to a gynecologist, therapist or endocrinologist), the examination complex will include instrumental diagnostics using ECG, fluoroscopy, ultrasound or CT of the relevant organs.

To determine the areas of maximum sweating, dermatologists use a starch iodine test (Minor's test).

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Treating severe sweating in women

It is clear that the treatment of sweating in women with hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, or pathological processes in the endocrine glands is directed to a specific disease, and doctors prescribe appropriate medications.

And as medications that help reduce sweating in idiopathic hyperhidrosis, m-cholinergic blockers (anticholinergic drugs) are used, for example, Platifillin, Prifinium bromide (Riabal), Propantheline hydrochloride, Oxybutynin or Glycopyrrolate (Glycopyrrolat, Cuvposa, Glycate, Robinul). Their direct purpose is the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal reflux, atony of the biliary tract, spasms of cerebral vessels, airway obstruction in asthma, etc.

All drugs of this pharmacological group are contraindicated in case of increased intraocular pressure, tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, problems with the urinary system, intestinal obstruction, myasthenia gravis. And their side effects are manifested by dry mouth, increased heart rate, hypotension, shortness of breath, and a decrease in gastrointestinal motility.

In some cases, they resort to prescribing sedatives, but their effect is general (reducing the excitability of the central nervous system), therefore, due to their side effects and a high risk of addiction, now preference is given to sedatives of plant origin (alcoholic tinctures of valerian or motherwort).

It is also helpful to take vitamins B3, B5, B9, B12 and C.

Read more about topical products (including antiperspirants) in our resource - Effective Remedies for Sweating Hands, Armpits and Face

Is furatsilin used for sweating feet and how to overcome plantar hyperhidrosis, see the publication - Effective remedies for sweating feet

The sweat glands can be "turned off" for up to three to four months by point injections of peripherally acting muscle relaxants (Botox).

Physiotherapy treatment

When sweating in women, physiotherapy is also used:

  • electroprocedures (electrophoresis and iontophoresis on problem areas);
  • therapeutic baths and foot baths with coniferous extract, decoction of oak bark, sea salt.

Alternative treatment

In many cases, alternative treatment helps to reduce the intensity of sweating:

  • treatment of the feet, armpits or inguinal folds with a powdered aluminum-potassium salt of sulfuric acid, known as burnt alum:
  • with hyperhidrosis of the feet, it is advised to wash them daily with ordinary laundry soap and every other day to make baths with a decoction of oak bark or baking soda;
  • wiping heavily sweating skin with an aqueous solution of apple cider vinegar (1: 1) or lemon juice (two tablespoons per glass of water).

Herbal treatment is no less effective: soothing decoctions and infusions of peppermint leaves, hop cones, St. John's wort, motherwort, oregano, thyme, sweet clover. You can use pharmacy soothing fees.

A decoction of medicinal sage taken orally helps to reduce sweating. A strong decoction of hyssop herb containing tannins is recommended to treat sweating parts of the body.

You can get rid of sweating by applying deodorant and antiperspirants. But most of them do not solve the problem, but only mask it. Therefore, it is better to consider excessive sweating as a medical problem and use modern therapeutic approaches to eliminate it, using effective remedies for excessive sweating. However, traditional medicine can also be effective in combating this problem.

  • Recipe #1

It has long been known that radish roots are an excellent means of combating excessive sweating. Radish juice is especially useful for women, as it normalizes the hormonal state of the body. The tool has antiseptic properties, so it can also be used to wipe those areas that are prone to excessive sweating. You can add alcohol to the juice and let it brew for a day. Use like a lotion.

  • Recipe #2

Wine is used to reduce sweating. Due to the high content of tartaric acids and phytoncides, it normalizes the condition of the pores and skin. A regenerating tincture prepared on the basis of Cahors helps well. To prepare such an infusion, you should take one bottle of red wine (Cahors). Approximately 50 ml of rosehip or hawthorn syrup is added to it. Heated to a warm state. Then add a few tablespoons of honey, stir thoroughly until the honey is completely dissolved.

It is recommended to infuse the product for at least 12 hours. After that, you can drink. Better to drink at night. So, take a glass of tincture, heat it on fire. During the heating process, you can add a pinch of ground cinnamon and ginger. After drinking the remedy, you should immediately go to bed. You need to hide as warmly as possible, sweat. After that, sweating usually decreases sharply. The course of treatment is 7 days.

  • Recipe #3

It is known that aloe drastically reduces sweating. Pairs well with honey. Aloe not only reduces the excessive sensitivity of the glands, but also contributes to disinfection, since it has antiseptic properties. Honey also helps to reduce sweating, and also eliminates fever, relieves inflammation. A remedy prepared on the basis of honey and aloe is recommended to be taken orally.

The healing effect can be achieved due to the tonic effect, which helps to reduce the hyperproduction of sweat glands and reduce the sensitivity of the skin and glands. Also, this tool helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

First of all, you need to prepare the aloe leaves. They are carefully cut, after selecting the thickest, juiciest and richest leaf. Then the leaves are mashed in a mortar until a puree mass is formed. When choosing a plant, one should focus on plants that have reached the age of three, since they have a powerful therapeutic effect and contain a large amount of juice. The juice is heated over low heat or in a water bath.

After the product is heated, you need to add honey.

  • Recipe #4

Chokeberry with cocoa butter has proven itself quite well. The tool acts as a good antiseptic, reduces sweating, normalizes the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands. To prepare the mixture, grind about 500 grams of chokeberry, add a few tablespoons of cocoa butter to it. Heat the mixture over low heat until the cocoa butter is completely dissolved. It is recommended to add a little water if the mountain ash has released little juice and the oil does not melt or burns.

As a result of heating, a syrup should be obtained. The resulting syrup is recommended to drink 50 grams before meals. The tool has antibacterial properties, and is also able to warm up the internal organs, as a result, profuse sweating occurs first for several days. All toxins and slags are intensively removed. Then, within three to four days, the work of the sweat glands is normalized.

Sometimes, excessive sweating of the whole body in women can be the result of other diseases. Let's talk about six possible causes of excessive sweating.

Sweating is a normal response to heat: you get hot, you sweat, it cools your body. If you have some kind of fever, you will most likely sweat because your body temperature is higher than normal.

Tuberculosis patients usually suffer from night sweats. But some people sweat excessively without being feverish.

This is possibly a genetic cause, as the person has excessive sweat glands in the arms, legs, and armpits. The nerves that control the sweat glands are overactive. Sometimes heavy sweating of the whole body is the result of some other condition. Here are six more reasons:

Excessive sweating of the whole body in women causes

1. Hyperthyroidism

  • Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which too much thyroid hormone circulates in the body;
  • Symptoms vary widely, being more pronounced in later stages of the disease;
  • Hyperthyroidism speeds up the body's chemical processes, hence the possibility of excessive sweating;
  • Reliable testing available for diagnosis, treatment of hyperthyroidism;
  • Treatment consists of drugs, surgery, iodine radiation;

2. Cancer

  • Cancer types that sometimes cause sweating include non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, carcinoid tumors, leukemia, mesothelioma, bone cancer, liver cancer;
  • Doctors often misunderstand why some types of cancer cause sweating, but it may be due to the body trying to fight the cancer;
  • People who have advanced cancer of any type sometimes experience excessive sweating;

3. Certain drugs

  • Some people taking certain medications will experience excessive sweating;
  • Among the drugs that can cause this are some psychiatric drugs, high blood pressure drugs that also treat dry mouth, certain antibiotics, various supplements;
  • If you experience this, you should consult a doctor. Always take medications prescribed by your doctor;

4. Impaired glucose control

  • Glucose control disorders include type 1-2 diabetes, gestational diabetes, hypoglycemia (abnormally low glucose levels);
  • Excessive sweating throughout the body is often a symptom of low glucose levels;

5. Menopause

  • Many menopausal women report suffering from so-called hot flashes;
  • Seventy-five percent of women report hot flashes, sweating during menopause, in the run-up to menopause. Some women endure this so hard that a change of clothes is required;
  • Doctors suspect that hot flashes, sweating, are caused by fluctuations, a drop in levels of sharply reduced estrogen, when periods of menopause finally stop;

6. Psychiatric problems

  • Extreme stress, anxiety disorders can cause heavy sweating of the whole body in women;
  • Anxiety, stress can also cause an increase in body temperature, causing sweating. The embarrassment caused by excessive sweating can lead to more anxiety, which causes further sweating;
  • Some psychiatric medications can cause excessive sweating;
  • Withdrawal from many legal, illegal substances (including alcohol, opiates) can be accompanied by prolonged sweating.

How to remove sweating, hyperhidrosis in 3 minutes. Menopause, menopause symptoms, signs

Sweating is considered an absolutely natural biological feature of the female body. Sweating is responsible for cleansing, thermoregulation and hydrobalance. A woman under normal circumstances can lose 600 ml of fluid per day, but sometimes the amount of sweat exceeds the daily rate, causing discomfort. This medical condition is called hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating syndrome). In this article, we will consider in detail such an ailment as excessive sweating in women, its causes and treatment.

Hyperhidrosis is caused by physiological factors and a number of pathologies of the body. With severe sweating, it is recommended to find out the cause of this phenomenon and the symptoms to determine the presence of the disease.

Symptoms of hyperhidrosis

Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the characteristics of the body and are observed in the form of:

  • Wet stains on clothes or bedding
  • Gray shades on the skin
  • itching,
  • Inflammation in the problem area
  • Pungent and unbearable smell,
  • Increasing the fat content of the skin.

The listed symptoms are considered a psychological or physical disorder, but there are situations when heavy sweating is considered the norm. Thus, a woman's body reacts to emotional experiences, intense stress, external stimuli, hot and spicy food, and a hot climate. In this case, hyperhidrosis is isolated locally, i.e. on the limbs, face, back or all over the body.

If severe sweating bothers you in a calm situation and is not associated with stress, nutrition and increased activity, doctors advise starting therapy. Getting rid of the problem quickly can be solved only at an early stage of the violation. Lack of treatment provokes an unpleasant odor, fungal diseases, purulent discharge, rash, diaper rash, while sweat discharge will become green or dark gray.

The method of eliminating an unpleasant phenomenon depends on which part of the body hyperhidrosis manifests itself.

Sweating in the armpits

Excessive sweating in the armpits in women is medically referred to as axillary hyperhidrosis. This is a natural process that removes excess heat, but heavy sweating is considered a symptom of malfunctions in the body, which include emotional stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and hormonal failure.

Sweating in the palms

Sticky and cold palms are a characteristic sign of hyperhidrosis, sometimes accompanied by an unpleasant odor and a rash. Provoke the symptoms of a number of pathologies, drug overdose, stress.

Sweating feet

Sweating on the feet is not dangerous for women's health, but provokes:

  • Characteristic odor and inflammatory processes,
  • cracking of the skin,
  • Fungal infection.

Sweating feet appears with insufficient foot care. Also, this ailment can be associated with problems in the endocrine system, skin diseases, pathologies of the central nervous system, stress, low-quality shoes.

body sweating

During physical exertion, heavy sweating over the body is natural. But if unpleasant discharges appear the rest of the time, this is due to the presence of infectious diseases in the body, an endocrine system disorder, and emotional problems.

Sweating at night

Night sweats cause great inconvenience, since the feeling of wet night clothes on the body and wet bed linen makes you change clothes even at night, in some cases several times a night, which contributes to sleep disturbance. If the disease is not associated with external factors (stuffy room, synthetic underwear, hot blankets and age-related hormonal failure), it is rather a sign of dangerous disorders that require a visit to the doctor.

Causes of excessive sweating in women

There are cosmetic, medicinal and folk methods for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. Therapy of this disease can be carried out at home without the intervention of doctors. But before fixing the problem, it is recommended to find out the main cause of the formation of hyperhidrosis. The main causes of excessive sweating:

If sweat bothers you at night, it is advisable to use less warm clothes for sleep and a lighter blanket, ventilate the room before going to bed and review the diet.

Treatment for excessive sweating

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of such an ailment in a woman as excessive sweating, it is recommended to use complex treatment, only in this case the therapy will become more effective. You can get rid of hyperhidrosis with simple and affordable drugs:

  • Deodorants - inhibit the vital activity of harmful microorganisms and eliminate the repulsive odor;
  • Antiperspirants - block the passages of the sweat glands, the basis of the drug includes aluminum, zinc;
  • Preparations with hydrocortisone - eliminate the pathology of the skin, restore the epidermal barrier;
  • Formaldehyde-based products - have a calming, deodorizing and disinfecting effect.

Attention! All of the above preparations are recommended to be applied to dried clean skin.

Medical treatments for sweating

Cosmetologists, along with surgeons, offer the following radical treatments for hyperhidrosis:

  • Iontophoresis - current pulses are passed through the skin to eliminate an unpleasant phenomenon, the result lasts for a year;
  • Botuloxin - blocks the functioning of the sweat glands, the result of the treatment lasts 7-8 months;
  • Laser - destroys the sebaceous glands, the result lasts for several months;
  • Furacilin - the remedy is effective for sweating of the legs, is available in the form of tablets, solution and aerosol;
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - normalizes hormonal levels, replenishes low estrogen levels, minimizes the intensity and frequency of hot flashes during menopause, reduces sweating;
  • Glycerin - used for sweating hands, adding to baths;
  • Hormone therapy - hormonal disruptions in the body associated with menopause, gynecological pathologies, malfunctions in the functioning of the endocrine system contribute to the formation of excessive sweating. The course of hormone therapy corrects the hormonal balance with the help of the following drugs: Regulon and Logest (hormonal contraceptives that normalize the menstrual cycle), Indol-3 (stabilizes hormonal disorders), Belara, Novinet, Minisiston, and also "Cyclodinone" (normalizes the level of the hormone prolactin).

There are other aggressive ways to get rid of heavy sweating for a longer period. But they provoke the possibility of side effects. The most effective operations: curettage, liposuction and ETS sometimes leave ugly scars and, if the outcome is unfavorable, increase the risk of increased sweating.

Folk remedies for sweating

Folk recipes, proven over the years, will also help get rid of the disease. The recipes are based on herbal ingredients that have regenerating, disinfecting and soothing effects. Folk remedies for sweating:

  • Black tea - narrows the sweat ducts;
  • Tar soap - for hygiene of the problem area;
  • Sage decoction - intended for addition to the bath;
  • Oak bark - decoctions, pastes, baths and infusions cope with the manifestations of the disease. To make a decoction for baths, you need to dilute 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture in two liters of hot water and boil for 20 minutes over medium heat. Filter the broth and use as a lotion or rinse;
  • Lemon juice - reduces sweating, neutralizes bacteria, it is recommended to rub the sweating area with a slice or hold a lemon on the skin for several minutes;
  • Sea salt - neutralizes bacteria, microbes;
  • Sage - the most effective recipes are obtained when mixed with valerian officinalis and horsetail. The collection is mixed in equal proportions, pour 400 ml of boiling water and leave for two hours. The filtered broth is taken 100 ml in the morning and evening;
  • Potassium permanganate solution - deodorizes, dries the skin;
  • A decoction of walnut leaves - to treat the problem area;
  • Starch, talc - clog dilated ducts;
  • Chamomile is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfectant. The effect is enhanced when mixed with baking soda. Solution preparation: 5 tbsp. l. chamomile pour two liters of boiling water and leave for an hour. Next, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda. The mixture is used for taking a therapeutic bath;
  • Vinegar - eliminates sweating of the feet apple cider vinegar 6% vinegar. Dilute two hundred grams of apple cider vinegar in five liters of warm water and take a foot bath for 30 minutes;
  • Peppermint oil, glycerin - soften and cleanse the skin.

All remedies have a fairly mild effect and allow you to eliminate the problem. But in order to achieve an effective result, it is recommended to use them regularly for 3-4 weeks. If during the treatment folk remedies or drugs did not work, resort to more powerful methods.

Excessive sweating of the armpits, face, head, legs or generalized profuse sweating is medically called hyperhidrosis. Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the body, removing water secretions under the influence of physical factors, such as overheating of the body at elevated ambient temperatures, during intense physical exertion, nervous tension, excitement. This physiological process, as it were, saves the body from overheating, since when sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin, cooling occurs and the body temperature drops. However, the causes of increased sweating can be many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is hyperhidrosis.

Excessive sweating can be a physiological feature of a person and does not pose a particular threat to health, it only causes psychological discomfort and worsens the quality of life for both women and men. But since there are no uniform evaluation criteria, there are no devices that determine excessive sweating or normal, then the disease of hyperhidrosis should be discussed only if excessive sweating greatly affects the quality of human life.

You can self-diagnose excessive sweating if you:

  • You have to make a lot of efforts to deal with the consequences of excessive sweating - take a shower several times a day, change clothes, etc.
  • You have to give up certain activities, classes in gyms due to excessive sweating
  • You have to stay at a certain distance when in contact with work colleagues, friends, you avoid communicating with people once again, you feel insecure and worry about excessive sweating

Types of hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is divided into local(local, limited), i.e. when:

  • sweating only face, head
  • extremities sweat - palms, feet, the most common localization, over the armpits
  • palms, feet, forehead, armpits sweat, both individually and simultaneously

and generalized- when the whole body sweats, simultaneously and profusely, as a rule, this occurs with feverish conditions, infectious and other diseases. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor.

There is also a classification into primary and secondary:

  • Primary - happens during puberty, in adolescence in 1% of the population.
  • Secondary - is the result of a number of different somatic, endocrine, neurological diseases.

Sweat is odorless, however, each person has a different odor when perspiring. Why does sweat get an odor? The unpleasant smell of sweat is given by toxic substances, from which the body is released with the help of sweat glands, as well as bacteria that enter from the outside and decompose the protein components of sweat.

Increased sweating at night

If during sleep at normal temperature in the room, appropriate bedding and a blanket, a person sweats, wakes up wet, sweats on the head or back, chest, it is necessary to determine the causes of increased sweating.

During sleep, the process of natural sweating decreases, as a person does not move, does not get nervous, the body is calm, all processes are slowed down. Therefore, the occurrence of increased sweating at night is a signal to see a doctor, as this can be a symptom of a serious illness.

With increased sweating at night, the causes may be the following diseases: SARS, influenza, pneumonia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, tuberculosis, malignant tumors, lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, thyroid diseases, immune disorders, stroke, diseases of the cardiovascular system, systemic fungal infections, abscesses, hepatitis, AIDS, etc.

What can the doctor ask when contacting him?

To exclude or suspect serious pathological conditions, the doctor may ask the patient the following:

  • Constant or intermittent sweating, does it increase with stress?
  • Is sweating limited to certain areas (forehead, head, palms, feet, armpits) or is it general?
  • Does anyone else in the family suffer from similar discomfort?
  • When is sweating more common at night or during the day?
  • Do you get hot when others don't feel the same or even get cold?
  • Do you experience increased fatigue, weakness, tremors, lack of coordination, fainting?
  • Does increased sweating affect your work, social, personal life?
  • Has there been a decrease in weight and appetite?
  • What medications do you take - for pain, hypertension, glaucoma, etc.?
  • Do you have a cough, fever, swollen lymph nodes?

Causes of local excessive sweating

Localized hyperhidrosis often runs in families.

  • Gustatory hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating associated with eating

This type of local manifestation of hyperhidrosis appears after eating certain foods, such as hot tea, coffee, chocolate, other hot drinks, as well as spicy dishes, seasonings, sauces. At the same time, increased sweating of the face appears, namely, sweating is localized more often on the upper lip and on the forehead. The cause may be a condition that occurs after severe viral or bacterial infections of the salivary glands or surgical interventions on the salivary glands.

  • Idiopathic hyperhidrosis

Increased sweating is associated with re-irritation or initially high tone of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, a person begins to feel the manifestations of idiopathic hyperhidrosis at the age of 15-30. Increased sweating appears both at once in all these areas, and in combination, most often it is palmar and plantar. This type of disease often goes away on its own. It is believed that women are most susceptible to increased sweating due to constant hormonal changes - puberty, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause.

Men who play sports or sweat profusely in the gym 3 times a week should take supplemental magnesium supplements. Research scientists have shown that bodybuilders, due to regular increased sweating during training, risk lowering magnesium levels to a critical value, at which there is a breakdown, heart rhythm failures - cardiac arrhythmia. Therefore, men with excessive sweating during sports should diversify their daily diet with foods containing magnesium.

Causes of generalized increased sweating

Most experts are convinced that in 80% of cases, the causes of increased sweating are hereditary disposition. Pathological conditions that are familial in nature and are manifested by hyperhidrosis include:

  • Diabetes
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • arterial hypertension

Hyperhidrosis can be a sign of somatic diseases, neuropsychiatric, be the result of neglecting the rules of personal hygiene or taking medications. After infectious diseases, against the background of antibiotic treatment, it may develop, which is also accompanied by excessive sweating (see 11 rules).

  • Infectious diseases, poisoning

Most acute and chronic diseases of viral or bacterial origin, poisoning (or toxic substances) cause an increase in body temperature and, as a result, intoxication, chills, hyperhidrosis. Diseases such as malaria, brucellosis, septicemia are accompanied by profuse sweating. For pulmonary tuberculosis and extrapulmonary forms of the disease, high body temperature is not typical, most often patients have a subfebrile temperature of 37.2-37.5, and increased sweating at night.

  • Endocrine disorders

Diseases such as thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus, (low blood sugar), in addition to the main symptoms, are also manifested by generalized excessive sweating. Excessive sweating in women is often observed during pregnancy, and during the premenopausal period, many women suffer from menopausal syndrome, accompanied by hot flushes and sudden sweating (see). Generalized hyperhidrosis is experienced by 60% of patients with dysfunction of the pituitary lobe - acromegaly. In pheochromocytoma, excessive sweating combined with hypertension is sometimes the only sign of the disease.

  • Oncological diseases

Any malignant tumors can be accompanied by weakness and increased sweating. Lymphomas, Hodgkin's disease are accompanied by a febrile state, alternating with a decrease in body temperature, increased fatigue and generalized excessive sweating in the evening and at night (see).

  • kidney disease

With kidney disease, there is a violation of the formation and natural filtration of urine, so the body strives to get rid of excess fluid through the sweat glands.

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Very often, with VVD, the patient suffers from excessive sweating, including at night (see).

  • Taking certain medications

Taking insulin, analgesics (morphine, promedol), aspirin, pilocarpine, betanekol, antiemetics - in case of overdose or prolonged use, cause increased sweating.

  • Central nervous system lesions

Neurological disorders, such as stroke, dorsalis versa, damage to nerve tissues in neurosyphilis, can also be causes of hyperhidrosis.

  • Psychosomatic disorders

Against the background of stress, nervous overload, depression, fear, anger, rage, mechanisms are triggered that lead to hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is also accompanied by sweating.

  • Response to pain syndrome

When a sharp intense pain occurs, many people, as they say, are covered with a cold sweat. Therefore, during severe pain, spasms, chemical irritation, stretching of the internal organs, increased sweating can occur.

Treatment for excessive sweating

If hyperhidrosis is an independent disease, and not a sign of the serious diseases listed above, then to mitigate its manifestations, today modern medicine offers a lot of different methods and methods of treatment:

  • Use of antiperspirants- the best of them are Odaban (effective for up to 10 days), Drydry (1 bottle is enough for six months), Maxim (a bottle is enough for almost a year)
  • Medical therapy- drugs based on belladonna alkaloids (Bellataminal, Bellaspon, Belloid), belladonna reduces the secretion of sweat glands and helps in the fight against hyperhidrosis without causing dependence. For local treatment use Formagel, Formidron
  • Sedative drugs, such as motherwort, valerian, belladonna, as well as hypnosis sessions, meditation, yoga classes, positive positive attitudes, affirmations that should be spoken daily - all this helps to calm the nervous system, take a calmer attitude to stressful situations
  • Physiotherapy procedures- coniferous-salt baths, iontophoresis, electrosleep, etc.
  • Laser - for excessive armpit sweating, doctors today use a laser that destroys 70% of the sweat glands.
  • Botox injections, Dysport- the effect of this method is to block the nerve endings of the sweat glands for a long time, which reduces sweating.

Procedures such as Botox and laser are extreme measures and should only be used in special cases. These methods are actively advertised and recommended today, but they have a number of contraindications and may have long-term consequences. Sweating is a natural process of cleansing the body, removing toxins, which can be unsafe to interfere with using such methods and have long-term negative consequences for health.

This is due to many reasons - for example, with the increased emotionality of women, with the abundance of large hormonal surges and changes that the female body undergoes throughout life, as well as with other factors. However, regardless of the causes of hyperhidrosis in women, this disorder most often leads to the development of serious psychological problems, difficulties in social adaptation, professional activity, especially if it is closely related to communication, public speaking.

Hyperhidrosis in women: signs

It is no secret that women make very high demands on their own appearance, and any manifestations of sweating cause them severe psychological discomfort. The use of conventional products, such as deodorants and antiperspirants, does not always give a satisfactory result in hyperhidrosis. That is why it is so important to understand the causes and methods of treating excessive sweating in women.

Causes of hyperhidrosis in women

There are many reasons why women sweat at night or during the day, why sweating occurs in certain areas of the body. Among the most common and frequent factors that can lead to the occurrence of this disorder, the following can be distinguished:

Heightened emotionality

Low stress resistance, susceptibility to emotions and experiences often accompany hyperhidrosis, especially when it comes to sweating in the fair sex. Situations in which a person experiences a strong psychological load, excitement and stress cause profuse sweating even in healthy people, not to mention those who suffer from hyperhidrosis. The situation of such patients is aggravated by the fact that they, knowing about their problem, worry even more, which, in turn, leads to increased stress and sweating. A kind of vicious circle is formed, which can be very difficult to break without medical and, in particular, psychotherapeutic assistance.

Causes of hyperhidrosis: stress at work

Excess weight

Obesity and overweight are among the most common causes of hyperhidrosis; this is due to the fact that large fat deposits affect the body's thermoregulation system, in particular, the sweating system. In addition, obesity is often associated with hormonal disorders, which also contribute to the development of hyperhidrosis.

Pregnancy, menopause

Excessive sweating in women after 50 or 60 years is often associated with menopause, which causes serious hormonal changes in the body. In this condition, women often experience hot flashes throughout their body, which is caused by a decrease in the amount of the hormone estrogen.

Causes of hyperhidrosis: menopause

Similar processes occur with women during the period of bearing a child, as well as during the period of teenage hormonal changes.

Causes of hyperhidrosis: pregnancy

Diseases of the endocrine system

The endocrine glands are actively involved in the sweating system, so any failure in their functioning can lead to hyperhidrosis. This often occurs, for example, in diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism (disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland). Another common cause of hyperhidrosis in women is ovarian failure.

Oncological diseases

Some types of tumors, such as lymphogranulomatosis and carcinoma, affect the functioning of the endocrine glands, thermoregulation and sweating systems. The identification of such diseases is extremely important, as they can have a negative impact on overall health.

Infectious diseases, poisoning

Excessive sweating in women at night is often the result of an infectious disease - for example, tuberculosis, acute respiratory diseases. Hyperhidrosis in such diseases can also appear at other times of the day, however, if you often wake up in a sweat, this should be a reason to contact a therapist or infectious disease specialist. In addition, sweating can occur when food or various substances are poisoned.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis: Infections

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Heart failure, high blood pressure lead to profuse sweating, since the vascular system is closely related to the thermoregulatory function of the body. Other diseases of the cardiovascular system in women also often lead to similar consequences.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis: Cardiovascular Diseases

Taking medications

Some medicines have the ability to cause profuse sweating as a side effect. In this case, either discontinuation of the drug, or the use of corrective agents that can reduce the manifestations of hyperhidrosis, can help.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis: Taking Antibiotics

hereditary factors

A large number of sweat glands or some genetically determined features of the autonomic nervous system that regulates their work can also cause sweating.

Treatment of excessive sweating in women

Modern medicine has a whole arsenal of tools to help get rid of sweating, but not all of them are suitable in each case. So, for example, medical antiperspirants can reduce sweating by 40-50%, but they can not be used on every part of the body. It should be noted that sometimes the use of these funds at the initial stage of the development of the disease can lead to complete recovery.

There are also oral medications that can reduce the symptoms of hyperhidrosis in women. In addition to specialized drugs that reduce the secretion of sweat glands (for example, Atropine), sedatives can be used for this purpose. In some cases, when hyperhidrosis is associated with increased nervous excitability, the doctor may prescribe a potent sedative to the patient - a tranquilizer.

In cases where the use of such funds is undesirable or ineffective, you can use the methods of cosmetology and physiotherapy - Botox injections and iontophoresis. These methods give a pronounced effect in the vast majority of patients, but require regular repetition, since the result lasts only for 6-12 months.

However, the most effective are surgical methods that give a permanent result and are effective in % of cases. One of these methods is, for example, sympathectomy - excision or clamping of the nerves associated with the sweat glands.

During hyperhidrosis, it is also very important to properly care for irritated skin - especially for women whose skin is particularly sensitive. For skin care in patients with hyperhidrosis, La Cree cosmetics can be used - safe, natural and non-allergic. They will help to gently cleanse the skin of impurities, eliminate irritation and other unpleasant consequences of sweating.

Excessive sweating in women - causes, symptoms and treatment. Excessive sweating in women - what you need to know about prevention

Excessive sweating in women - hyperhidrosis - is a very common phenomenon.

Compared with men, excessive sweating in women, according to statistics, occurs twice as often due to the physiological characteristics of the female body.

In addition to discomfort, hyperhidrosis gives a woman a lot of concern about health, if suddenly excessive sweating occurs against the background of general well-being.

Normally, every woman sweats under certain circumstances; Excessive sweating is the body's response to the action of external or internal factors.

Due to the abundant release of sweat, normal body temperature is maintained, sweat “cools” the body during hyperthermia or with certain changes in the internal environment of the body; With sweat, toxins and harmful substances are removed.

Excessive sweating in women can be both physiological (hyperhidrosis at high ambient temperatures; excessive exercise) and pathological. With pathological sweating, the process of sweating itself accompanies any serious disease.

Excessive sweating in women - causes

The causes of excessive sweating in women should be divided into general ones, which occur with the same frequency in men, and causes that are specific only to women.

Excessive sweating in women is divided into

Idiopathic - arising without specific causes;

Secondary - which is the cause of any disease.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis - local, spreads to certain areas of the body; secondary can be both local and generalized.

The causes of local hyperhidrosis can be stress, certain foods: coffee, chocolate, hot spices, hot dishes.

Excessive sweating in women can be a manifestation of the physiological characteristics of the body. But in most cases, the causes of excessive sweating in women are, as a rule, certain diseases.

1. Infections: all infectious diseases, regardless of the etiological factor (viruses, bacteria, fungi) occur with an increase in temperature, and, therefore, are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

2. Diseases of the endocrine system: many hormonal disruptions that lead to an increase in the functions of the endocrinological organs cause an increased work of the sweat glands - hyperhidrosis develops. Such diseases include diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, ovarian dysfunction.

3. Cardiac diseases: many emergency conditions in the pathology of the cardiovascular system are the cause of excessive sweating in women. Heart attacks, shock, collapse are often accompanied by profuse sweating.

4. Permanent - paroxysmal course of vegetative - vascular dystonia: vagoinsular or sympathoadrenal crises can cause excessive sweating in women.

5. Many poisonings, both infectious and toxic, are accompanied by hyperhidrosis.

6. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which metabolic processes in cartilage and bone tissues are disturbed, are often the cause of excessive sweating in women.

7. Malignant tumors: often excessive sweating is the debut of a malignant neoplasm. This occurs with the development of lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, etc.

8. The cause of excessive sweating can also be some medications in which hyperhidrosis is a side effect. Such drugs include insulin, morphine, promedol, aspirin, etc. Cancellation or replacement of the drug with a similar one can normalize the condition, but this can be done by contacting a doctor.

And finally, there are reasons that cause excessive sweating exclusively in women, due to certain physiological factors. This is due to hormonal changes that occur throughout life or at certain intervals. First of all, they include:

1. Menstruation. In many women, before the onset of menstruation, due to a sharp increase in hormones, not only weakness, weakness, lethargy appear, but also excessive sweating.

2. Pregnancy. In the first trimester, when active hormonal changes occur in the body, hyperhidrosis appears.

3. Climax. During this period of menopause, a significant restructuring of the hormonal background occurs, which, in addition to mood swings, fatigue, weakness, is manifested by severe attacks of excessive sweating in women - hot flashes.

Such conditions cause severe discomfort, each woman can manifest itself to varying degrees, but, according to statistics, in 15% of women, excessive sweating is extremely pronounced and disrupts the general condition, affects the habitual lifestyle and ability to work.

All these purely "female" causes of hyperhidrosis are also physiological. Any of them is accompanied by a colossal hormonal restructuring:

In the postpartum period, a large amount of prolactin is produced during breastfeeding, with menopause, on the contrary, estrogen production decreases and gradually fades away.

During pregnancy, there are multiple hormonal "jumps" throughout the entire period; in addition, a significant increase in body weight lead to increased function of the sweat glands.

After a certain time and the completion of certain processes, everything returns to normal and passes without medical intervention.

Excessive sweating in women - symptoms

One of the symptoms of excessive sweating in women is hyperhidrosis of the head. It occurs infrequently, manifested by increased sweating of the scalp, occurs with strong physical exertion, high air temperature, as a result of stress, at night during sleep.

Often the symptoms that accompany excessive sweating in women are restlessness, anxiety, poor sleep, emotional lability. Excessive sweating sometimes, in addition to hyperhidrosis, is manifested by such a symptom as facial flushing.

According to the intensity of symptoms, there are three degrees of excessive sweating in women (as in men):

1. First degree: excessive sweating is not a problem for the patient and the people around him.

2. Second degree: there is discomfort in public speaking and shaking hands.

3. Third degree: due to excessive sweating, psychological problems and discomforts begin to arise that disrupt lifestyle, communication, and being in society.

Another symptom of excessive sweating in women is axillary hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating in the armpits). This, in turn, leads to other symptoms: increased nervousness, irritability, the development of various complexes. Although hyperhidrosis in the armpits is a normal reaction to high air temperature, stress, and great physical exertion. There are certain factors that lead to increased sweating: alcohol, spicy and very hot food.

Symptoms of excessive sweating of the feet (plantar hyperhidrosis), in addition to the most increased sweating, is often an unpleasant odor that causes discomfort to both the patient and others. Increased sweating of the feet does not depend on the ambient temperature. It is explained by the increased function of the sweat glands of the feet or the increased function of the sympathetic nervous system. Often combined with other symptoms of excessive sweating in women: with hyperhidrosis of the head, palms, axillary hyperhidrosis.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms is the most common symptom of a local form of excessive sweating in women. It manifests itself, in turn, with the following symptoms: cold wet palms, sometimes sweat can literally drain from the palms. These manifestations are aggravated in stressful situations, during physical exertion, hormonal changes, high temperatures, overdoses of certain drugs, and in certain diseases. In some cases, increased sweating of the palms in women is accompanied by symptoms such as rashes, itching, unpleasant odor, redness. Of course, these symptoms do not pose a danger to health, and, moreover, to the life of the patient, but they can become a serious psychological problem for a woman.

Excessive sweating in women - treatment

Treatment for excessive sweating in women exists. Symptomatic sympathectomy is a surgical intervention that completely and permanently eliminates hyperhidrosis of the palms and armpits. This method of treating excessive sweating is not used in women with hyperhidrosis of the feet - in this case, it is ineffective.

Antiperspirants - their use is also effective in local forms of hyperhidrosis for some time, subject to the rules of personal hygiene.

With a generalized form of excessive sweating in women, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will determine the causes and prescribe the appropriate treatment for general hyperhidrosis. This must be done on time to avoid the severe consequences of diseases that can be detected during the examination.

Treatment of a local form of excessive sweating in women in the form of armpit hyperhidrosis is divided into surgical and conservative. The best treatment currently available is Botox. Botox blocks the transport of acetylcholine, which is responsible for the functioning of the sweat glands. The effect after applying Botox lasts more than six months. But there are certain contraindications: pregnancy, feeding period, allergic reactions.

Iontophoresis is a fairly effective method of treating excessive sweating in women, based on the use of electric current. It is used for hyperhidrosis of the palms, feet, armpits.

Aluminum chloride hexahydrate - a kind of antiperspirant, effective in 65% of cases of armpit hyperhidrosis, and also gives good results with excessive sweating of the feet and palms.

Armpit liposuction is a very effective method of treatment and protects against increased hyperhidrosis of the armpits for a long time.

Increased sweating in women - prevention

Prevention of excessive sweating in women depends on the form of hyperhidrosis and its intensity. In any case, you must first consult a doctor to find out the causes and exclude serious diseases that can cause excessive sweating.

With plantar hyperhidrosis, personal hygiene is in the first place; it is necessary to choose socks and shoes only from natural materials. Sometimes with hyperhidrosis of the feet, which causes a lot of problems, it is enough to change shoes: replace shoes made of artificial materials with shoes made of genuine leather - and the problem will be solved by itself. With constant moisture of the feet, bacteria multiply rapidly, the vital activity of which causes an unpleasant odor, reddening of the feet, and infection of the feet often occurs. Botox injections also help to cope with the problem for at least six months.

If the cause of increased hyperhidrosis in a woman is stress, for the purpose of prevention (and treatment), mild sedatives and sedatives are prescribed.

Regardless of the causes of excessive sweating in women, this condition should never be ignored. It is necessary to consult a doctor in time, and then it will be possible to avoid sad consequences.

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Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova


Editorial phone:

Excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment

There is a list of so-called inconvenient problems. One of them is hyperhidrosis. This is what I want to talk about now. So, under the closest attention - excessive sweating in women: causes and methods of getting rid of this unpleasant symptom.


Initially, you need to understand the main terms that will be actively used in this article. So, excessive sweating is the popular name for a disease such as hyperhidrosis. Sweating itself is protective. Such secretions protect the body from excessive overheating, thus bringing the internal temperature back to normal. A similar phenomenon can occur in case of increased physical exertion on the body or nervous strain. However, if strong sweating worries a lady at any time of the day and regardless of the situation, you need to start fighting this. And as soon as possible.

A little about perspiration

It is also necessary to say a few words about the fact that sweat is released to the surface of the body through the external secretion glands specially designed for this. At the same time, it is worth remembering that in its composition it contains a variety of substances, but mainly ammonia, urea, salts, as well as various toxic elements and products of metabolic processes.

Reason 1. Hormonal imbalance

Why can there be excessive sweating in women? The causes of this disease often lie in hormonal imbalance. This happens mainly in adolescence or menopause. This also includes the presence of diseases such as diabetes, toxic goiter or obesity. In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist to rule out or confirm the presence of certain diseases.

Reason 2. Psychosomatics

When is excessive sweating observed in women? The reasons may lie in the emotional instability of the patient. So, a lady can be thrown into sweat during stressful situations, experiences, anxiety and fear. A woman can simply overreact to a particular situation, which will cause increased sweating. In this case, the first medicine that the doctor will prescribe is one of the sedatives.

Reason 3. Infectious diseases

Why else can there be increased armpit sweating in women? The reasons can also be hidden in various kinds of infectious diseases, which, however, are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Such problems include inflammatory processes, septic conditions, as well as various types of tuberculosis.

It should also be noted that this symptom can also occur as a result of a weakened immune system. In this case, you need to improve its protective functions. There are many ways to do this: you can take a contrast shower in the morning, temper yourself, drink herbal infusions, etc.

Reason 4. Diseases

We further consider such a problem as excessive sweating in women. The causes of this uncomfortable condition can also be hidden in various diseases. What is the most common thing to talk about in this case? So, hyperhidrosis can cause:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system: heart failure, blood pressure disorders.
  2. Pathologies that relate specifically to the urinary system: glomerulo- or pyelonephritis.
  3. Oncological diseases. Mostly it is about brain tumors.

Reason 5. Poisoning

We further study such a common problem as excessive sweating in women, the causes. The entire body of a woman can be covered with sweat as a result of poisoning with alcohol, chemicals, poisons, as well as poor-quality food or narcotic substances. In this case, the body will simply try to get rid of toxins in various ways, including through increased sweating.

Well, another reason that can cause increased sweating on an ongoing basis is congenital anomalies of the body's thermoregulatory system.

About nocturnal hyperhidrosis

There is also such a problem as excessive sweating at night. The reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant condition in women can be as follows:

  • This condition can occur as a result of a malfunction of the hormonal system. In women, in this case, we are talking about menopause. Symptoms are hot flashes that disturb the lady both during the day and at night.
  • Obesity is another cause of nocturnal hyperhidrosis.
  • Well, at night, an improperly functioning thyroid gland can cause increased sweating.


What else needs to be said if excessive sweating in women is being considered? The causes and treatment of this problem is what should be discussed. What will have to be done in the way of determining the disease? How can the disease be diagnosed? It is worth noting here that hyperhidrosis can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. And so the diagnosis must be comprehensive. So, the patient will have to visit such specialists as a therapist, endocrinologist, cardiologist or neuropathologist.

It is possible to pre-diagnose the disease already at the stage of collecting an anamnesis. That is, on the basis of everything that the patient will tell the attending doctor. Laboratory studies, which in this situation may be relevant, are a complete blood count. You may also need to test for sugar and study venous blood for the presence of certain hormones.


If there is excessive sweating in women, the causes and treatment of this problem is what is important to know. What procedures and medicines can help in this case?

  1. Be sure to carefully observe hygiene procedures: regularly visit the shower, wipe yourself with a damp towel, change linen. However, more often than not, this is not enough.
  2. An iontophoresis method may be needed, with which a specialist will clean the clogged sebaceous glands of the patient.
  3. Sometimes hormone replacement therapy is needed if there are certain failures.
  4. Often, doctors attribute to ladies such a procedure as the use of Botox. This drug simply blocks the work of the sweat glands. However, this is not very healthy.
  5. Aspiration curettage can also be used. This is an operative intervention, when the sweat glands are simply destroyed. This procedure can permanently save a person from the problem of sweating.

And, of course, with this problem, you need to use antiperspirants. They are able to block the spread of unpleasant odor from sweat. However, they cannot save from the process of perspiration itself.

The most common causes of sweating in women over 50 and how to fix the problem

Increased sweating in women over 50 is a fairly common problem at this age. Many ladies suffer from hyperhidrosis because they are embarrassed to talk about it even to a doctor. But now there are many tools that allow you to quickly cope with the situation.

If you identify the causes of hyperhidrosis and eliminate them, at any age you can feel fresh and great. Let's consider how to cope with the disease for mature women 50-60 years old.

“Popular deodorants have long been ineffective!”

The main causes of sweating in women after 50 years

The modern lifestyle of a person has a rather serious impact on his well-being and health. Therefore, the causes of sweating in women after 50 years of age are diverse. They can be both physiological and pathological in nature.

On a hot day, all people suffer from increased sweating - this is a natural reaction of the body that saves from overheating. In such cases, you need to observe hygiene, take a shower more often, use deodorants and antiperspirants correctly. So, an antiperspirant (its function is to block the action of the sweat glands) should not be applied to wet or sweaty skin after bathing. It will just wash off and stain your clothes. For a fragrant deodorant, this is not critical.

How an antiperspirant works.

What other physiological causes lead to hyperhidrosis in mature women?

In this case, women suffer not only from excess sweat, but also from its unpleasant odor. You need to see a doctor who will prescribe immunomodulatory pharmaceuticals. Additionally, it is possible to use deodorizing emulsions: SyNeo, "Lavilin", "Prolonged effect" of the PRO-Legs series.

Excessive sweating can sometimes be cured with physical therapy. If the whole body sweats, doctors will recommend healing baths, in local cases, treatment with electrophoresis (dehydration of a part of the body using alternating current) and iontophoresis (cleansing of skin pores and normalization of gland functions by weakening nerve endings) is possible.

Inexpensive ways to cope with local sweating include the use of talc, salicylic-zinc ointment and Teymurov's paste.

Sweating can be something more dangerous than temporary!!

With inactivity, sweating can develop into an unpleasant disease - hyperhidrosis. To prevent this from happening, it is important to apply all possible treatment measures in a timely manner. Learn more>>>

Menopause is one of the most common causes

Changes in the body in women during menopause occur in different ways. Some people don't notice them at all. Other women suffer greatly from unpleasant symptoms. They are thrown into heat and cold, ladies become irritable, nervous, experience pulling pains in muscles and joints, sleep poorly and sweat excessively - experience the so-called hot flashes.

For reference: due to hormonal changes, women over 50 often experience night sweats. This condition is similar to daytime hot flashes, but more intense.

List of products that restore hormonal balance and relieve menopause symptoms.

Strongly pronounced manifestations of menopause affect the habitual lifestyle and working capacity of mature ladies. Unpleasant sensations prevent a woman from getting enough sleep, which gives a feeling of fatigue and weakness during the day.

To reduce discomfort at night will help:

  • light dinner, a glass of warm milk instead of coffee or alcohol.
  • cool air in the bedroom;
  • compliance with the sleep regimen;
  • relaxing bath before bed.

If you sweat while sleeping, use only cotton bedding and pajamas or nightgowns.

The regulation of the balance of hormones is facilitated by such preparations with phytoestrogens as Klimadinon and Remens. In difficult cases, the gynecologist may prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Perhaps increased sweating is a consequence of pathologies?

Pathological sweating is quite common. In this case, sweating is a companion of diseases of varying severity. People suffer from excessive sweating due to ailments such as:

  1. Heart failure. With this disease, sweat flows down from the forehead onto the face and disperses throughout the body. This happens due to disruption of the cardiovascular system. Additional signs are cooling of the palms and feet, dizziness, interruptions in breathing, pressure surges.
  2. thyrotoxicosis. They often affect women in adulthood. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland speeds up the metabolism, the patient is constantly hot, he sweats.
  3. Hypothyroidism. This is a disease of the thyroid gland, which is characterized by a lack of hormones. A person either experiences heat or suffers from cold.
  4. Diabetes. Gives sensations of heat in the upper body.
  5. Cervical-thoracic osteochondrosis. Headaches and sweating in this disease occur with changes in atmospheric pressure.
  6. Malignant neoplasms. In this case, the temperature often rises, which causes hyperhidrosis.
  7. Intoxication. Through sweat, the body tries to get rid of toxic substances. Intoxication can be caused by toxic substances that have penetrated from the outside or by helminthiasis.
  8. Infectious diseases. Sweating occurs not only with banal acute respiratory infections. It can signal the entry of more serious pathogens, such as the AIDS virus or the causative agent of tuberculosis.

Also, sweating can be increased by taking certain drugs - morphine, insulin, aspirin, promedol.

Consider in the table the relationship between sweating of individual parts of the body and diseases:

Why do older women sweat?

Everyone has experienced excessive sweating in their life. Even older women are affected by this problem.

Wet armpits deliver not only visible aesthetic discomfort, but are also a common cause of poor health in women over 50 and 60 years old. What is the reason for this phenomenon and why do older women sweat.

The causes of sweating attacks in the elderly fair half are quite enough. You should deal with this phenomenon and visit a health worker if other signs are accompanied, and also if increased hyperhidrosis brings inconvenience to a woman and affects her well-being.

Main reasons

Consider the main factors:

Important! Massive treatment with Hydronex has long begun, sweat and smell disappear very quickly. Learn more

  • The weight. The presence of excess body weight greatly affects the increased sweating in women after 60 years. Thermogenesis is influenced by the presence of fat cells in the human body. It is necessary to find out what led to obesity - overeating or a hormonal imbalance caused by a metabolic failure.
  • Exercise stress. With increased physical activity, the phenomenon of sweating, especially after 50 years, can be considered the norm. The sebaceous glands are activated and sweat is released.
  • Emotional outburst, stressful situation. When a person experiences a negative emotion (anger, rage, frustration), adrenaline is released into the blood, which leads to the triggering of the protective functions of the body.
  • Wrong nutrition. Overeating, the use of hot spices and seasonings, the use of hot drinks (coffee, tea) lead to increased sweating in women after 50 years. Smoking, alcohol abuse increase the manifestations of increased sweating.
  • Genetics. Modified sweat glands of secretion, as well as a large number of them, are the rarest cause of hyperhidrosis.
  • The use of medicines. A side effect of some drugs will be increased hyperhidrosis.

Hormonal changes (climax)

Every woman of her age begins to enter a natural state - menopause. Of course, there are deviations from the norm and menopause can happen at 35 or 65 years old, it all depends on individual characteristics. During menopause, the amount of hormones in the blood changes, which are responsible not only for the reproductive system, but also for all organ systems.

Produced in the brain, hormones affect the coherence of the whole organism. Violation of thermoregulation directly depends on the production of sex hormones and is almost always a sign of increased sweating in women in old age.

If, during menopause, increased sweating in women after 60 is greatly increased, then it is necessary to contact an endocrinologist for auxiliary treatment with hormone replacement therapy. Attacks of increased perspiration in older women occur even at night.

night sweats

The causes of night sweats in women over 50 can be metabolic diseases and hormonal disorders. Most of these diseases are:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, when there are persistent pain in the joints with prolonged sitting, low-grade fever and muscle pain are present.
  • Gout. The beautiful half of humanity suffers from joint pain in the lower extremities, more often during menopause, which is accompanied by hot flashes and increased hyperhidrosis at night.
  • Lupus. Joint damage, allergic skin rashes, as well as concomitant neurological manifestations lead to nocturnal hyperhidrosis.

It is necessary to distinguish between night sweats caused by diseases and increased sweating when external signs change.

If the room temperature is too high, heat exchange is disturbed and this leads to a change in thermoregulation, and this does not pose a danger at all and can be easily eliminated by changing the room temperature.

Possible pathologies

Harmless wet armpits can be the cause of the most serious diseases. Therefore, when sweating occurs at night, you need to consult a doctor, especially with a parallel increase in body temperature.

Your doctor can help you figure out why an older woman might be sweating a lot.

If we talk about endocrine diseases, then it can be:

  • Diabetes. An increase in the amount of sugar in the blood is why a woman after 50 years can sweat.
  • Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. The activity of the thyroid gland is associated with the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, it has a direct effect on heat transfer throughout the human body. With concomitant symptoms: fatigue, bulging eyes, tremor of the extremities, an endocrinologist should be consulted.
  • Violations of the hormonal background of the reproductive system of the ovaries, especially during menopausal syndrome and with various hormone-dependent menstrual disorders.
  • Diseases of the pancreas cause severe "girdle" pain in the epigastrium, accompanied by increased sweating.

There are other reasons too:

  • Oncology. Cancer tumors, including various leukemias and leukemias, affect the functions of the internal glands, which leads to disruption of the entire thermoregulation system.
  • Infections. Perspiration released indicates various types of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as influenza, malaria, pneumonia and more serious diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis), which lead to intoxication of the body.
  • Heart disease. Heart failure, an increase or decrease in blood pressure numbers is one of the common causes of increased sweating in older women.
  • Osteochondrosis. If present in the cervicothoracic region, headaches and increased hyperhidrosis occur, depending on changes in atmospheric pressure.

We treat at home

Sweating in a lady of mature age often requires medical intervention and such an unpleasant symptom should not be ignored.

At home, a relaxing bath or cool shower can help alleviate this condition. With nocturnal flushes, an evening bath with light beer has a good effect on a course of 2 weeks. A wonderful remedy will be a bath with oak bark.

Traditional medicine helps to significantly reduce the condition:

  • Tea with mint, it has a calming and sedative effect.
  • Infusion of nettle and sage, it should be taken twice a day for a month.
  • Observe the regime of the day, divide time for work and rest, sleep in a cool room for at least 7-8 hours.

Antiperspirants are the solution to getting rid of wet underarms and bad breath. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the skin and do sensitivity tests before use. You should not abuse these funds in the heat.

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