How to make silicone bubbles liquid. How to make big soap bubbles at home: useful tips and recipes.

Many parents are puzzled by the question of what kind of entertainment to come up with for a birthday or other holiday for their child. The answer is simple - please your child by holding soap bubbles show. From him, unambiguously, all the guests will be delighted, and it doesn’t matter if they are children or adults. It is not always affordable to order professional “bubble blowers” ​​at home, so our magazine will share secrets and teach you how to make a beautiful and spectacular soap bubble show yourself at home.

The main thing in the article

What do you need for a bubble show?

The very first thing is the desire to learn how to make beautiful bubble. A little diligence and you will be able to hold a soap bubble show no worse than a professional, and to implement the performance you will need the following materials and tools:
  • Lots of regular water.
  • Empty containers (basin, inflatable pool).
  • Soap mixture. Below you will find recipes for various options.
  • Devices for inflating soap balls (sticks, tubes, rackets, rings, etc.).

Having all this, it remains only to come up with an interesting program for the celebration.

How to make soap bubbles at home?

So, it was decided: to be a holiday with soap balls. What needs to be prepared? The first step is to make a soap composition and tools for blowing balloons. In addition, in order to make spectacular bubbles at home, you need to follow the recommendations.

  1. For greater durability of soap balls, glycerin must be present in the composition of the liquid. But you should not add a lot of it, since an excess of glycerin can interfere with blowing bubbles. Without this ingredient, the bubbles puff up perfectly, but there will be no stamina in them.
  2. Before working with the prepared soap solution, it is recommended to insist it for about a day.
  3. Inflate really beautiful and big balls it is possible with a solid film on the blowing tool, if there are small bubbles on the surface at the edges, then the bubble may not work.
  4. Before starting the show, you need to remove the foam from the soap solution. To do this, the liquid must be infused after cooking and be cold.
  5. If the air humidity is high, you will get the perfect show, and if the weather is windy and dust is raised by the wind, then it is better to move the performance indoors.

Types of soap bubbles at home

The show suggests different types soap balls. At home, in your kitchen, you can do the following:

  • Non-bursting. Figures are made from such bubbles. Their density is provided by the sugar syrup added to the soap medium.
  • Gel. They are characterized by a longer stay in the air. By creating them, a substance is added to the solution that looks like a gel.
  • Giant. Children are placed in them, which gives them a lot of pleasure.
  • Colored. Soap balls are different sizes, and ordinary culinary coloring will help to make them colored.

Do-it-yourself solution for soap bubbles: recipes from specialists

Do not require huge costs compositions prepared at home and here are a few recipes.

The simplest soap solution.
In order to prepare a soapy liquid, you will need:

  • One liter of distilled water.
  • Soap component - 200 ml, you can take hair shampoo, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap.
  • Glycerin - 25 ml, it is freely available in pharmacies.

Water must be heated, and only then the remaining components should be introduced. Stir thoroughly to get a homogeneous liquid composition.

Do not use hard water for blisters. If there is no distilled water, then you can notice chilled boiled water.

Bubbles that do not burst when touched.

For hand soap balls you need to stock up:

  • 400 ml - distilled water.
  • 100 ml - detergent for dishes.
  • 50 ml - transparent lubricant. It can be purchased at pharmacies.
  • 50 ml - pharmacy glycerin.

In boiling water, stirring constantly, add all the ingredients. Don't stir vigorously as there will be a lot of foam which is not needed as this soapy solution can be used immediately. Such bubbles can be touched, as with a light touch they remain unharmed.

Recipe for non-popping balloons.

It takes three days to prepare such a solution. Keep this in mind when planning your holiday.

In order to prepare "long-playing" bubbles, prepare:

  • 300 ml - distilled water.
  • 150 ml - pharmacy glycerin.
  • 10 drops ammonia.
  • 25 g - powder (namely loose) for hand washing.
  1. Boil water, add glycerin to boiling water and drip ammonia.
  2. Lastly add the powder.
  3. Mix until everything is dissolved.
  4. After - cover and put to infuse for 3 days. After the allotted time, strain the soapy liquid, use a sieve or cheesecloth.
  5. Put the liquid for another 12 hours in the refrigerator.
  6. Only then apply "as directed". Soap balls from such a composition are not only “long-lasting”, but also shimmer in the sun in different colors.

How to make props for a soap bubble show with your own hands?

Fantasy will help you create exclusive props for the soap bubble show. As devices for inflating in the view, you can use:

  • pipes, they should be of different sizes and diameters. Cocktail tubes, large pasta and other long hollow objects will do;
  • framework, you can use photo frames, homemade wire, cookie cutters, etc .;
  • normal bubbles are suitable for inflating large bubbles plastic bottles, which are cut off from below;
  • giant orbs can be obtained using large frame(sticks and string) or sports hoop.

Sticks for blowing soap bubbles at home

To make props, you need two sticks about 30–40 cm in size and wool thread. Tie the thread to the edges of the sticks so that you get a large loop (up to half a meter in diameter). The device works like this:

  • the thread is dipped into the soapy composition so that it is completely saturated;
  • moving sticks (pushing / moving), make bubbles of any size.

Do-it-yourself bubble rackets

To make a bubble thrower you need:

DIY bubble rings

Soap ball rings are made according to the racket principle described above, only the circle bends much more. It can also be made in the form of a star, butterfly, heart. Nobody has yet canceled the use of improvised means, so look around, you may find:

  • openwork beater;
  • net for catching fish or butterflies;
  • colander;
  • watering can;
  • grid with large cells.

Foam tube for snow bubble show

Making a snow show snorkel is pretty easy. The basis will serve plastic bottle.

What else can be created from such a plastic material, read the article: "". A tube for foam can be prepared in the following two ways:

DIY giant soap bubbles

Who said you can't make giant soap balls at home? You can, and we'll teach you how.

  • Firstly, giant bubbles- this is the most interesting part of the show, without which it would be incomplete.
  • Secondly, all children simply dream of being inside a huge soapy space, and you can give such fabulous moments to kids.

Initially, you need to prepare liquid for giant soap balls. It is made from:

  • 1.5 l - water.
  • 400 ml - dish detergent.
  • 200 ml - pharmacy glycerin.
  • 100 g - gelatin.
  • 100 g - granulated sugar.

Initially, you need to soak the gelatin for swelling. When it swells, add granulated sugar and dissolve the composition in a water bath. Add water, soap component, glycerin to the resulting mass. To mix everything.

Carrying out fun using giant soap bubbles is as follows:

  • Pour the prepared liquid (soap composition) into the pool for children.
  • Place a small stool inside. In order not to stain the kids, lay on it, for example, a towel.
  • Lower the sports hoop into the pool with a soapy composition, it must enter the pool completely.
  • After the delighted baby appears on the stool, raise the hoop. You will get a giant bubble with a baby inside.

If you are doing a show outside, use sticks to blow huge bubbles. The wind will help to make beautiful giant balls.

Do-it-yourself soap bubble making workshops

To get a soap composition, you need to pour 1 tsp of granulated sugar into a glass (we have a disposable one, with a capacity of 200 ml).

Pour 1 tbsp of glycerin purchased at a pharmacy.

Add 2 tbsp thick dish soap. Prepare 3/4 cold water.

Pour in water.

Mix gently so that there is no foam on top of the liquid.

Now we are experimenting.

Soap bubble show training: video

Home Bubble Show Plan

If you want the holiday to be a success, think over all the soap bubble shows. Choose an image for yourself and choose a costume in which you will perform, since this is a show for children, it is better to wear a bright, colorful costume. The duration of the performance should be about 15 minutes, so as not to tire the little spectators.

First, show the children the tricks:

  • Blow a lot of balloons, let the children catch them, burst and rejoice.
  • Invite the children to make their own bubbles. To do this, you can prepare small jars with a solution and hand over homemade rackets to everyone.

Create spectacular giant balls. This is easy to do with chopsticks. The video tutorial shows you how to use them. Start by blowing lots of small bubbles and end up with huge wind blown bubbles.

4. And for the final show, put the kids in the soap ball. How to do this is already described in the paragraph on giant soap bubbles.

So that the children do not get bored and take an active part in the show, accompany all actions with jokes, questions “which balloon”, “when will it burst”, “how many balloons flew out”, etc.

Soap bubble show from Viktor Artamonov: video

We hope that our tips and master classes will help you to spend a truly unforgettable holiday for your child.

Today, as promised, we are giving out the secrets and recipes for “non-bursting” bubbles. The secret ingredient for a quality solution is ordinary. So, we present to your attention the recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin. , recipes that have stood the test of time.

Recipes for "reliable" soap bubbles

Recipe 1

  • 600 ml of distilled water;
  • 200 ml of detergent "Ferry";
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

Recipe 2

  • 1 liter of distilled water;
  • a little baking powder for the dough;
  • 25 ml;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 200-300 ml Fairy detergent.

Recipe 3

  • 800 ml of distilled water;
  • 200 ml of dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of glycerin;
  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 50 gr gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin in water and leave to swell.
  2. Strain and drain excess water.
  3. Add sugar to warm gelatin.
  4. Dilute the mixture a small amount distilled water.
  5. Mix all other ingredients and stir.

Recipe 4

  • 600 ml boiled water (hot);
  • 300 ml;
  • 20 drops of ammonia;
  • 50 gr of any detergent (powder).

Cooking method:

  1. We mix all the ingredients and insist 2-3 days.
  2. The solution is filtered and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Bubbles made in this way are strong and large.

Recipe 5

  • 800 ml distilled water (hot);
  • 200 ml thick dishwashing detergent;
  • 100 ml of lubricant gel without impurities;
  • 100 ml of glycerin.

A few secrets of making bubbles

Secret 1

You need to use soft water for the solution. Hard water contains a large number of salts. As a result, bubbles are fragile and short-lived. To eliminate this drawback, you can boil the water and let it settle, and it is best to use distilled water.

Secret 2

Use warm water for the solution. In such water, all ingredients dissolve faster.

Secret 3

Detergent for dishwashers won't fit.

Secret 4

The bubble "lives" while it is wet, so glycerin or sugar with gelatin is added to the solution. So the soap film does not dry longer.

Secret 5

Foam - main enemy soap bubbles! It is necessary to prevent the appearance of foam on the surface of the solution, so you need to mix it with care.

Secret 6

To increase the strength of the bubbles, glycerin (or sugar) is added to the composition.

Secret 7

After preparing the solution, we check its quality. To do this, blow out the bubble and touch it with a finger previously dipped in soapy water. If the bubble has not burst, then we have prepared correct solution. Bubbles will be the most durable and will even withstand contact with water.

Secret 8

Soap bubbles can be large sizes and don't break anymore. The bubble exists until it is dry, so any wet objects are good for it, and dry ones are bad.

If the hand is wet, then the water from the hand tightens the hole that is on this bubble. If the hand is dry, then we, on the contrary, punch a hole. And the surface tension immediately expands this hole, and the bubble bursts. A soap bubble exists due to the surface tension of water, and soap reduces this tension.

Make a holiday for yourself and your child with your own hands!

There are several recipes for making soap bubbles at home. The simplest of them is this: you need to take a glass of any dish detergent, but just do not use what goes for, add three glasses of water and one hundred grams to it. Glycerin can be bought at any pharmacy, it is not expensive. And it is better to take water not from the tap, because it contains a lot of chlorine and other impurities that will not allow the base to foam properly, MirCovetov recommends taking boiled settled or distilled water. With it, the bubbles will be small, but durable, and this is the most important thing in the game.

There is a more complicated recipe, its preparation will take a little longer. I need to take three glasses hot water, add to it 1.5 cups of glycerin, 15 drops of ammonia, and 50 gr. washing powder or any dry. Mix everything thoroughly, cover and leave to infuse for three days, then strain the mixture and refrigerate for several hours. The long wait pays off with big and long lasting bubbles.

To check the quality of the mixture, you need to inflate the bubble and see how long it lasts. It should last about half a minute, and if you dip your finger into the solution and touch the bubble, and it does not burst, then you have the mixture that you need.

Making big bubbles

A show with big soap bubbles always attracts a lot of spectators. But you don’t need to think that only professionals can make such bubbles, if you try, you can prepare a mixture for them at home. For this you will need:

  • distilled water - 1 liter;
  • dishwashing detergent - 200 g;
  • glycerin - 100 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g.

Soak in water and wait until it swells. Thereafter excess liquid needs to be drained. And stir the gelatin with sugar, melt, but do not bring to a boil. Add 800 ml of water and all other ingredients to the solution, mix thoroughly, but carefully so that the mixture does not foam, because foam is the enemy of the durability of soap bubbles. This mixture will give big bubbles, besides, it is not toxic, which means that if it gets on the skin of a child, it will not harm it.

To prepare the second version of large soap bubbles, you will need:

  • distilled water - 800 ml;
  • dishwashing detergent (thick) - 200 ml;
  • gel lubricant (without impurities) - 100 ml;
  • glycerin - 100 ml.

Add gels and glycerin to the dishwashing detergent, mix and add hot distilled water. Stir gently so that all the ingredients are combined, but foam does not occur. The bubbles that are obtained from such a mixture will be durable, they are not even afraid of touching the water.

How to blow soap bubbles

A classic among the tools for blowing soap bubbles is a straw or a cocktail stick. A few centuries ago, people used them to play, even cave paintings with their image have survived to this day, and the artist Jean-Baptiste Chardin painted a picture called “Soap Bubbles” with a straw in the 18th century.

Can blow bubbles in a complicated way using a straw, for this you need to pour a solution into a plate and gently blow a bubble on it, then bring a straw to the center and blow another one from above and so on until you get a kind of soapy “matryoshka”.

If small bubbles can be blown out with an ordinary straw, then for giant bubbles you need a hangman's tool. Try this option: you need to tie a woolen thread to knitting needles or any other sticks, and dip the thread in soapy water, wait a bit until the mixture is absorbed. Then push and move the sticks. You should get a big soap bubble. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work out the first time, a little skill and everything will work out.

There is another way, but it is more complicated, but the bubbles are more interesting. You will need to prepare the rope, sticks and bead. First, tie the end of the cord to one stick, then put on the bead and tie the other end to the second stick. The length of the rope should be about 1 meter. Tie a bead, and to it the second end with a stick to make a triangle of rope. In order to make a bubble, you need to lower the rope into a solution for large soap bubbles, wait until it is saturated, lift it in front of you and straighten the sticks. Carry out all manipulations smoothly, but quickly, if the process is delayed, the mixture will spill onto the ground and the bubble will not work.

AT last resort, you can buy a lot of devices in the store in order to blow soap bubbles, especially since the solution can be prepared at home.

To make soap bubbles at home a success, you need to follow some tricks:

  1. To prepare the solution, take only purified water, in extreme cases, settled boiled water.
  2. The detergent that will serve as the basis for soap bubbles should be the minimum amount impurities, all flavors and dyes only interfere with inflating high-quality durable bubbles.
  3. To make the solution dense, it is imperative to use glycerin in the preparation of the solution, if for some reason you do not have this ingredient, try replacing it with sugar, which is first dissolved in warm water. But you don’t need to overdo it either, one hundred grams per liter of water will be enough, otherwise the bubbles will be hard to inflate.
  4. For small children, the solution should not be dense, although the bubbles will lose a little quality, but they will be easy to inflate for small mouths.
  5. Before use, the solution is recommended to withstand for a day, in extreme cases, overnight.
  6. Before dipping the tool into the solution, you need to wait until it has a perfectly smooth surface so that there are no bubbles. If there is foam, then leave the liquid until they completely disappear and do not shake it when you hold it in your hands.
  7. It is very difficult to blow bubbles in windy weather, as well as in places where there is a lot of dust, so in such conditions find a secluded corner without drafts and, if possible, not dusty.
  8. But the high humidity best friend soap bubbles, so they always turn out beautiful after rain, as well as in the bathroom.

From blowing soap bubbles, you can arrange a whole show, invite more little spectators, captivate them in the game. You can make mini-competitions for them, who will inflate the bubble the most or make interesting figures. As they say, there would be fantasy, and tools and ingredients are always at hand.

You can give a holiday and fun to children without significant costs. We make soap bubbles with our own hands!

Giving children a holiday is easy!

One of the most fun, romantic, simple and exciting things to do is soap bubbles. Moreover, this fun will captivate children and adults, in winter and summer, at home, in the yard and outside the city, and one child, and a large company of different ages. What is especially nice is that you can buy a bottle with a solution for soap bubbles inexpensively, and making your own homemade soap bubbles is even easier. And quickly and in any volume.

Making soap bubbles at home is easy! The main components of the solution are water, soap, glycerin or sugar. But it is important to follow some recommendations that will allow you to prepare such a solution for soap bubbles that the balls will be blown easily, large and will not burst in the next few seconds.

- for the preparation of the solution, it is better to use not tap water, and boiled, and even better - distilled. AT tap water a lot of salts, and the less impurities in the components of the solution, the better quality soap film;

- for a greater density of the solution, and therefore, greater strength of future balls, use glycerin or sugar. Liquid glycerin in a pharmacy can be bought for 13 rubles;

- when making homemade soap bubbles, do not overdo it with glycerin / sugar, otherwise the solution will turn out to be dense and the bubbles will be difficult to blow;

- less stable bubbles are blown out of a less dense solution, but they are blown out easily, which is optimal for babies;

- if possible, hold out ready solution 12-24 hours, and only then start! Some specialists for best quality bubbles are advised to keep the solution in the refrigerator. During this time, the foam will settle - it is not needed in the solution;

- wind and dust are the enemies of soap bubbles;

- high humidity - an assistant.

Soap bubbles are easy to make with your own hands

8 recipes for homemade soap bubbles

1. From laundry soap

You will need:

10 glasses of water

1 cup grated laundry soap

2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, gelatin can be added).

Grate soap, do not grate, fall asleep in hot boiled water and stir until completely dissolved. If dissolution is difficult, heat the mixture while stirring continuously. Do not bring to a boil!

Instead of household soap, you can use olive or olive soap. almond oil, but not any toilet perfumed soap - there are unnecessary in this case additives.

2. From liquid soap

You will need:

100 ml liquid soap

20 ml distilled water,

10 drops of glycerin.

Mix soap and water, wait for the foam to settle (this will take approximately 2 hours), then add the glycerin. Let the solution brew, preferably in a cold place.

3. From dishwashing liquid

You will need:

1/2 cup dishwashing liquid (not for dishwashers!),

2 glasses of water

2 teaspoons of sugar.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready! Instead of sugar, you can use 1-2 tablespoons of glycerin. And if you put the solution in the refrigerator for a day, the bubbles will turn out notable!

4. From baby shampoo

You will need:

200 ml baby shampoo,

400 ml of distilled (boiled) water.

3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

The mixture is infused for a day, after which glycerin (or sugar) should be added.

5. From sugar syrup - for experiments

You will need:

1 part concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: to 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),

2 parts grated soap

4 parts glycerin

8 parts distilled water.

With this solution, you can, for example, build various figures from soap bubbles by blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

6. For a children's holiday

You will need:

50 ml glycerin,

100 ml dishwashing liquid,

4 teaspoons of sugar

300 ml of water.

From these ingredients you can "blow" giant soap bubbles. The solution can be prepared in a basin, and “blow out” them using a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from wire. You don’t even have to blow, you just have to swing the frame or slowly pull a large, strong bubble out of the basin with the same frame or hoop.

7. From washing powder

You will need:

3 cups hot water

2 tablespoons of powder

20 drops of ammonia

The solution should be infused for 3-4 days, then it must be filtered. It will take time, of course, but knowledgeable people they assure that the bubbles from such a solution are large and beautiful, as in the show.

8. For large (from 1 meter in diameter) bubbles

Recipe #1

0.8 l of distilled water,

0.2 l dishwashing detergent,

0.1 l of glycerin,

50 g sugar

50 g gelatin.

Soak gelatin in water, leave to swell. Then strain and drain off excess water. Melt the gelatin with sugar without boiling. Pour the resulting liquid into 8 parts of distilled water, add the remaining ingredients and mix without foaming. This solution produces particularly large and firm blisters and is non-toxic.

Recipe number 2

0.8 l of distilled water,

0.2 l of thick dishwashing detergent,

0.1 l of lubricant gel without impurities,

0.1 l of glycerin.

Mix gel, glycerin and dishwashing liquid. Add hot distilled water and mix thoroughly without creating foam. From such a solution, especially “tenacious” bubbles are obtained that do not burst even when in contact with water.

On a note!

- If you suddenly want soap bubbles to be with the aroma of strawberries, pine needles or chocolate, take the appropriate bath foam (mix in a 3: 1 ratio - 3 parts foam and 1 part water).

- Multi-colored bubbles can be obtained by dissolving food coloring in a soapy solution. So that bubbles swirl above you at the same time different colors, divide the foam into different bottles and add your own paint to each.

Soap bubbles will easily bring you back to childhood!

Quality control

You can check the quality of the soap bubble solution like this: inflate the bubble, dip your finger into the foam, and then touch the bubble with it. If it bursts, you need to add more soap and a few drops of glycerin or sugar syrup, if not, the solution turned out to be correct.

What and how to inflate a bubble?

The classic version is a straw. Also suitable:

- cocktail tube, split at the end,

- ballpoint pen body

- pasta,

- paper rolled into a funnel,

- carpet beater

- dough cutter

- funnel,

- a plastic bottle with the bottom cut off (to blow into the neck) - fucking huge bubbles,

- own palms.

In addition, you can make a wire frame with your own hands and decorate it if you are preparing for the holiday. You can buy a special gun for soap bubbles in the store.

It is interesting: a soap bubble inflated at -15°C will freeze on contact with the surface. At -25 °C, it will freeze in the air.

Who among us did not like blowing soap bubbles as a child? Perhaps this is one of the most popular entertainment for kids.

Having become mothers, we remember this hobby and introduce our children to magical soap bubbles. First, they are surprised to see transparent balls floating in the air, then they try to catch them, and after a while they themselves learn to blow soap bubbles.

Bubbles can be bought now at any kiosk - or you can make it yourself without any problems. Soap bubbles at home - today on "".

How to make soap bubbles?

Soap bubbles recipe No. 1 "Classic"

A soap bubble solution can be made from water and soap. Save for other purposes fragrant toilet or original homemade soap- for the manufacture of soap bubbles, we need the simplest laundry soap. It is necessary to cut the soap into hot boiled water and stir until completely dissolved. To make the soap dissolve faster, the mixture can be heated over low heat, stirring constantly.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 2 "Easier than simple"

Mix a glass of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid, 1 tsp. sugar and 2 tsp. glycerin.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 3 "For a large crowd"

Mix 3 cups of water, a glass of dishwashing liquid and half a glass of glycerin.

Soap bubbles recipe No. 4 "For lovers of complexity"

Mix 3 cups of hot water with 2 tbsp. detergent in powder form, add 20 drops of ammonia. The resulting solution should be infused for 3-4 days. Then it needs to be filtered.

Soap Bubbles Recipe No. 5 "Color Disgrace"

Mix half a glass of baby shampoo with 2 glasses of water, 2 tsp. sugar and a little food coloring.

We evaluate the quality of the composition of soap bubbles

Any solution for soap bubbles should preferably be refrigerated for 12 hours before use. The solution is then ready for use.

Take a straw (tube), dip it into the solution. Holding the straw so that a liquid film forms on its end, gently blow into it. If it turns out that homemade soap bubbles are too small or watery, burst easily when touched with a finger, you need to add more soap (dishwashing liquid) and a few drops of glycerin. So experimentally, you will achieve the optimal composition of soap bubbles - and they will turn out to be large and beautiful.

Now you know how to make soap bubbles with your own hands - and very soon I will talk about what games with children's soap bubbles can be organized.

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