Inguinal epidermophytosis in women, treatment of skin mycosis. Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men and women: how and how to treat inguinal fungus

Tr. interdigitale - a fungus that causes athlete's foot

Inguinal epidermophytosis (or groin dermatophytosis) is a fungal disease that affects large folds of the skin, mainly inguinal. Perhaps due to the fact that the disease manifests itself in such a delicate place, some people classify it as a sexual infection and confuse it with candidiasis, which is also caused by fungi.

It is also worth distinguishing between inguinal epidermophytosis and epidermophytosis of the feet. Despite the apparent similarity, these diseases develop through the fault of different fungi, and each has its own characteristics.

In this article, we will tell you how epidermophytosis proceeds in men and women, we will analyze the treatment and principles of diagnosis, and we will understand why this is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Inguinal epidermophytosis: is it contagious and what causes it

Epidermophyton floccosum - the causative agent of inguinal epidermophytosis under a microscope

The causative agent of the disease Epidermophyton floccosum(Epidermophyton flocosum) is an opportunistic fungus. This means that it can safely live on the surface of the skin without causing disease. The fungus survives well in the environment, is resistant to drying and freezing, and dies when boiled - but only after 10-20 minutes.

Infection with epidermophyton occurs contact or household by - that is, through different objects.

It turns out that you can get infected:

  • direct contact with the sick person (eg, shaking hands, hugging, having sex)
  • and through towels, washcloths, garments.

Epidermophyton is a highly contagious pathogen, that is, it is very easily transmitted from person to person. But at the same time, it cannot be considered a full-fledged sexual infection, because the penetration itself during sex does not lead to infection. The transmission of the fungus is possible with close skin-to-skin contact - for example, during a massage, with hugs and caresses that do not turn into sex.

However, in itself, infection with epidermophyton does not necessarily lead to a disease - epidermophytosis. Fortunately, the mere presence of a fungus on the skin is not enough to get sick - even if there is a lot of it. In order for a person to start epidermophytosis, the fungus must get into favorable conditions and penetrate into the thickness of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis).

These conditions include:

  • skin microdamages;
  • heat;
  • and high humidity.

Therefore, the most susceptible to this fungal infection:

  • bath and sauna workers,
  • athletes,
  • hot shop workers
  • overweight people with excessive sweating.

It has been established that inguinal epidermophytosis in men occurs more often. The reasons for this statistic are still unknown.

The course and outcome of the disease

Taking advantage of favorable conditions for itself, epidermophyton penetrates the human skin and does not make itself felt for some time. This time period (incubation period) lasts an average of 3-5 days.

Although the fungus itself is resistant to environmental factors, it can only multiply under strictly defined conditions. For the existence and spread of the fungus, you need:

  • not too high temperature (28-30°C)
  • oxygen access

These conditions are met by human skin. Therefore, the fungus does not infect internal organs and even just the deep layers of the skin - he cannot live there.

As soon as the epidermophyton gets the opportunity, it begins to form its own mycelium. It branches and grows into new areas of the skin, forming a focus of the disease. So there are visible and tangible symptoms of inguinal dermatophytosis.

Then the old threads of the mycelium are destroyed and form spores, which are exfoliated along with the damaged epithelial cells and enter the environment. In this way, they infect the next person.

The further course of the disease depends on two conditions:

  • How fast will the fungus grow?
  • how quickly the patient's skin will be updated.

If the mycelium grows faster than the skin is renewed, then it captures more and more new areas. And if the opposite happens, then the infection can be removed by itself along with falling scales. Then the person recovers on his own.

In some cases, if the body cannot completely get rid of the pathogen - for example, without treatment or when it helps poorly - then dermatophytosis becomes chronic. In this case, the patient experiences periodic exacerbations. Most often they begin with a decrease in immunity.

Inguinal epidermophytosis: symptoms in women and men

Inguinal epidermophytosis

Photo: inguinal epidermophytosis on the gluteal folds Photo: inguinal epidermophytosis under the mammary glands Photo: athlete's groin in the buttocks and thighs Photo: inguinal epidermophytosis in the groin and labia

Favorite place for the introduction of the fungus:

  • these are inguinal folds
  • inner thighs
  • gluteal folds
  • pubis
  • Less often, the infection affects the skin of the axillary region, the folds of the abdomen and the area under the mammary glands in women.

    The disease begins with the appearance of red, scaly spots measuring 3-5 millimeters. The spots gradually grow and become oval - red or pink. Bubbles, crusts or scales may appear on them. Also, the spots may become wet, as with eczema. They merge with each other, forming large formations with complex boundaries. If the inflammation in the spot area subsides, then its middle turns pale. The size of the merged spots can reach the size of the palm of your hand.

    In addition to skin manifestations, a person is concerned about itching of varying intensity. There are no fundamental differences in the manifestations of inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men.

    Diagnosis of epidermophytosis

    The disease is easily suspected by the characteristic places where the infection settles, and by the changes in the skin that it causes. But still, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis “by eye”.

    A number of diseases have similar manifestations, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish epidermophytosis about them:

    • candidiasis of large folds - including diaper dermatitis
    • erythrasma
    • eczema, including seborrheic
    • rubromycosis
    • contact dermatitis

    In addition to the usual examination, examination in the light helps to make a diagnosis. Wood's lamps. It gives light close to the ultraviolet spectrum. In the rays of the device, fungal lesions have a greenish tint.

    Laboratory diagnostic methods help to clarify the diagnosis:

    • scraping microscopy - examination under a microscope of a scraping from the affected area;
    • cultural (bacteriological) inoculation on the medium.

    Scraping microscopy is a cheap and fast method of additional diagnostics. Before placing the material under a microscope, it is treated with a solution of potassium hydroxide (it dissolves the scales of the epithelium) and a special dye.

    When examining such a scraping, the laboratory assistant easily detects the fungus and determines whether it belongs to dermatophyte fungi, a group of fungi that live in the epidermis. True, in this way it is impossible to determine which type of fungus - epidermophyton or another from this group - is guilty of the disease. However, most often there is no real need to accurately determine the type of fungus - because almost the same treatment is prescribed for the entire group of dermatophytes.

    In some doubtful cases, the cultural method is also used - when the scraping material is placed on a nutrient medium and microorganisms are grown in it. When they multiply, it will be possible to clearly determine what kind of infection the patient has.

    However, such an analysis is not always necessary. The cultural method is quite expensive, and the result of the research will be ready no sooner than in 1-2 weeks.

    Meanwhile, for effective treatment, it is enough to simply establish that the pathogen belongs to dermatophyte fungi - therefore, microscopy of a stained smear is usually sufficient.

    Treatment and prevention of inguinal epidermophytosis

    Is there a difference, how and how to treat inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men?

    In most cases, the treatment of athlete's groin in women and men can be carried out at home - with the same medicines.

    Treat the infection locally - apply drugs directly to the focus of the disease. The basis of treatment is antifungal drugs, as in the treatment of any dermatophytosis - for example, in the groin or on the pubis.

    They are produced in the form of gels and ointments. There are more than 200 such items in the pharmacy network, and only a doctor can tell which ointments for the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis should be used.
    To do this, you need to diagnose the disease, take into account all concomitant diseases and the individual characteristics of the patient.

    Most often from epidermophytosis appoint:

    • clotrimazole
    • ketoconazole
    • lamisil.

    In addition, based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional drugs different actions:

    • keratolytic(dissolving skin scales) - to speed up the renewal of the epidermis and prevent the fungus from firmly infiltrating the skin;
    • drying- so that the spots do not get wet and some other infection does not penetrate into the damaged skin;
    • antiseptic actions: ointments based on salicylic acid, alcohol solution of iodine, sulfuric ointment - also to prevent the attachment of other infections.

    The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. At the same time, it is important to continue using antifungal ointments - even if the symptoms of the disease have already passed. The fungus may remain on the skin, although it will not be noticeable to the naked eye.

    It is necessary to apply ointments and gels in the treatment of epidermophytosis, capturing apparently healthy skin at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the stain, because fungal filaments can also be found in this area

    There are also severe cases - when it is not possible to stop the growth of the spot with local preparations. For example, this happens with very weak immunity. Then the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs of general action - in the form of tablets.

    It can be:

    • ketoconazole
    • terbinafine
    • itraconazole

    To prevent epidermophytosis, it is necessary to iron underwear with a hot iron.

    Another important point in the treatment is the prevention of self-infection. Here is her simple rules:

    • daily change and iron underwear with a hot iron;
    • it is possible and necessary to wash the affected area, but it is necessary to dry it thoroughly after the procedure.

    If epidermophytosis of the groin is not treated, then the disease will become chronic. After that, the person will relapse whenever the immune defenses decrease.

    No one can be guaranteed to avoid inguinal epidermophytosis. But this risk can be greatly reduced. For this it is necessary:

    • do not use other people's towels, washcloths, clothes and other household items;
    • maintain a good level of immunity: eat right, lead an active lifestyle and give up bad habits.

    Epidermophytosis of the groin and other areas is a non-dangerous disease, and is well treated. But she is able to deliver a lot of problems to the sick.

    This infection is quite easy to "catch" through common household items, especially in public baths and pools. This is even more likely than with sexual or just close contact.

    Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. All that is required for this is to maintain the body's defenses at a sufficient level and always use only individual household items in public places.

    Inguinal epidermophytosis is easy to "catch" through common household items, especially in public baths and pools

    Athlete's groin (Hebra's eczema) is a skin disease caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum. Most often, large skin folds (axillary, inguinal) and the areas adjacent to them are affected. Sometimes epidermophytosis affects the smooth skin of the extremities in the interdigital spaces and nails.

    In order to prescribe treatment, the doctor analyzes the complex of symptoms of this disease. Also, to prevent the onset of the disease, it is important to know the basic preventive measures.

    General information about the disease

    The disease is ubiquitous and occurs only in humans. The development of inguinal epidermophytosis contributes to overweight, skin diaper rash and excessive sweating. According to statistics, the disease is more common in men.

    Infection occurs through bodily contact with a sick person, through household items that patients use (washcloths, towels, shoes, underwear, thermometers), as well as when hygiene rules are violated in public baths, pools and showers.

    Symptoms of inguinal epidermophytosis

    Mycosis affects the groin, upper and inner thighs, sometimes the process extends to the crease between the buttocks, the scrotum. It is possible to damage the skin in the armpits and under the mammary glands in women. Much less often, the skin in the interdigital spaces is affected, and very rarely the nails.

    With inguinal epidermophytosis, pink scaly spots appear on the skin, the size of which usually does not exceed 1 cm in diameter. The spots gradually grow along the periphery, while in the center the inflammatory phenomena are resolved. Thus, large annular inflammatory red spots up to 10 cm in diameter are formed on the skin, merging, they form scalloped foci.

    The boundaries of these foci are clear, have a bright red edematous roller with small bubbles. The central zone of the focus is cleared as the process spreads. Patients are worried.

    Diagnosis of inguinal epidermophytosis usually does not cause difficulties for a dermatologist, since the disease is characterized by a very specific clinical picture. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor examines the skin flakes taken from the affected area under a microscope. Only a cultural study can finally confirm the diagnosis, which makes it possible to determine the causative agent of the disease. Usually examination and examination with a microscope is enough to make a diagnosis.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis

    With properly prescribed therapy, the disease is completely cured within a few weeks.

    For the treatment of the disease, topical drugs are usually used, but sometimes antihistamines (suprastin, tavegil, zodak) are prescribed for oral administration.

    In the acute period of the disease, when vesicles appear on the affected skin, lotions with a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate or 1% solution of resorcinol are prescribed to patients. It is also recommended to apply triderm or mycosolone ointments. After cleansing the skin of vesicles, a 3-5% sulfur-tar ointment is applied to the affected area of ​​the skin or smeared with a 2% alcohol solution. The use of antifungal external agents (lamizil, nizoral, mycoseptin) is effective.

    After the rash resolves, it is recommended to continue lubricating the skin at the sites of lesions for 3 weeks with an alcoholic iodine solution.

    You should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment when similar symptoms appear, since in some ways, epidermophytosis inguinal is similar to other dermatological diseases. Misdiagnosis leads to wrong therapy. The most common mistake in treatment is the use of ointments containing, which only leads to the spread of the process.

    Prevention of inguinal epidermophytosis

    The main prevention of this disease is personal hygiene, especially in public places. It is necessary to have a personal towel, washcloth, slippers, if necessary, bed and underwear. You need to fight sweating.

    Those who have been diagnosed and treated with epidermophytosis inguinal need to prevent recurrence of the disease. Household items and linen used by patients should be thoroughly disinfected.

    Which doctor to contact

    Inguinal epidermophytosis is treated by a dermatologist. For more detailed advice or in severe cases of the disease, you can seek the help of a mycologist - a specialist in fungal diseases.

    Athlete's groin (mycosis of skin folds) is a contagious skin disease caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum. Most often, the fungus affects the folds of the skin in the groin, develops under the armpits. Then it spreads over the entire surface of the body, up to the surface of the head and nails.

    High humidity, sweating of the skin in hot weather can provoke the activity of the fungus. Therefore, epidermophytosis inguinalis is so often diagnosed in people living in regions with a hot, humid climate. Of course, the disease occurs in residents of various countries, but still not so often.

    This type of skin mycosis is easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one. You can also get infected from using items that belong to the patient. Less often, inguinal epidermophytosis affects children and adolescents. Men are most often affected by this disease. Although women also often find characteristic rashes on their bodies. About how exactly inguinal epidermophytosis manifests itself in women, treatment of skin mycosis, folk recipes for treatment - we will talk this time.

    Symptoms of athlete's foot in women

    Usually this type of mycosis occurs in summer, when it is very hot, stuffy, and air humidity is high outside and at home. It is very easy to get infected during this period. The pathogen fungus gets on the skin through close contact, when using someone else's towel, washcloth, slippers, etc.

    The onset of the disease is indicated by the appearance of small pink spots in the groin, between the buttocks. Then the same spots appear inside the folds under the breast, armpits. Then the spots reach the skin of the thighs and spread throughout the body, down to the feet. At first, the spots are small, up to 1 cm in diameter. They increase very quickly, can reach 10 cm. The edges of the spots are covered with bubbles.

    Then, inside the spot, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, and only red rings remain. This is the main, characteristic symptom of inguinal epidermophytosis. All these rashes are very itchy, cause pain, discomfort during movement.

    Skin mycosis treatment

    If the above, extremely unpleasant symptoms are observed, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. The doctor will take a skin scraping to determine the microorganism that causes the disease. An accurate laboratory diagnosis will be carried out. After that, the dermatologist will prescribe the treatment that is necessary.

    Usually, the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis consists in the use of external preparations. In particular, local treatment is carried out with a solution of resorcinol 1% or a solution of silver nitrate, from which lotions are made. The affected skin is lubricated with Triderm ointment.

    However, external antifungal drugs are considered the main ones in the treatment of this type of mycosis. According to the indications, the doctor may prescribe ointments: Oxiconazole, Ketoconazole or Clotrimazole. Terbinafine and Salicylic acid (3%) are also prescribed. These funds are used locally 1 time per day. To one of the prescribed drugs, it is additionally recommended to use iodine tincture. In an acute course with intense symptoms, Isoconazole ointment may be prescribed. After reducing the intensity, eliminating the exacerbation, they return to the usual treatment with the means mentioned above.

    To reduce itching, treatment of athlete's groin involves the use of antihistamines. Inside prescribed pills: Tavegil, Suprastin or Zirtek.

    In addition, as we have already said, inguinal epidermophytosis in women also occurs under the mammary glands. Therefore, in order to prevent mycosis, it is very important to carefully monitor the hygiene of the inguinal folds, perineum, the skin area between the buttocks and the folds under the breast. If possible, shower more often or at least wipe your skin with wet wipes.

    It is very useful to wipe all the folds of the skin with infusions of oak bark, leaves, willow bark. Infusions of chamomile, celandine herbs, as well as succession, sage have a beneficial effect. After carrying out hygiene procedures, be sure to dry yourself with a soft towel.

    Folk remedies

    Place in a saucepan 30 g of dried herb sage, burdock. Next, you need to pour 400 ml of dry white wine there. Boil, cook on very low heat for about 20 minutes. When the finished broth has cooled, strain, pour it into a jar. Make lotions, just wipe the affected areas of the skin.

    Connect equally poplar and birch buds. Pour half a liter jar. Fill the other half with vodka. Also wait 5-7 days. Strain the finished tincture, use the liquid for wiping. Use the raw materials left over from straining for compresses.

    Finely chop or scroll the stems, leaves of fresh celandine through a meat grinder. Put the resulting slurry on a gauze flap (folded 3-4 times) and apply to damaged skin for half an hour. In addition, juice can be squeezed out of a part of ground celandine, which is taken orally twice a day - drop 2-3 drops of celandine juice into 100 ml of boiled cool water.

    Be sure to keep in mind that prolonged failure to take measures for treatment, or improper, insufficient treatment of any fungal diseases can lead to aggravation of symptoms, as well as provoke the development of a chronic form.

    Therefore, always seek the help of an experienced dermatologist. In addition to the prescribed treatment, with the approval of the doctor, you can use folk remedies. Be healthy!

    Athlete's groin is usually a fungal infection known medically as "bordered eczema". Sometimes this disease is caused by a bacterial (staphylococcal) infection. Usually, athlete's groin affects the groin, inner thighs, and buttocks due to constant moisture and tight-fitting clothing. This disease is more often observed in adults, in particular in middle-aged men. Moist skin is an excellent habitat for fungi and bacteria. Fortunately, in most cases, athlete's foot can be treated on its own with the help of over-the-counter medications. For severe forms of the disease lasting more than two weeks, it is better to consult a doctor who can prescribe stronger drugs for you.


    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis at home

      Identify the symptoms of inguinal epidermophytosis. Most often, the infection affects the skin in the groin, buttocks, and inner thighs due to moisture that promotes the growth of fungi and bacteria. Although in most cases, athlete's groin can be treated at home, you should visit a doctor who will establish an accurate diagnosis, and also determine what caused the infection (fungal or bacteria), since the method of treatment will depend on this. The following symptoms indicate inguinal epidermophytosis:

      • Itching, redness, and rash on the skin in the form of crusty patches that are shaped like a circle or crescent
      • Burning
      • Pain (usually due to a bacterial infection)
      • Blisters around the edges of the rash
    1. Wash your groin area two to three times a day with an antifungal shampoo. Keeping the infected area clean will help prevent further spread of fungus or bacteria. Wash your skin two to three times a day with an antifungal shampoo throughout your treatment.

      Keep infected skin areas dry. Excessive moisture contributes to the reproduction of fungus and bacteria that cause inguinal epidermophytosis. Dry the skin in the groin area completely after a shower and make sure that sweat does not accumulate there. Change clothes immediately after playing sports and wash them.

      Apply an antifungal cream to the infected area. There are various antifungal creams on the market that help with athlete's groin. Apply the cream every time after bathing and drying the skin, while not missing the edges of the rash.

      Avoid contact with the infected area of ​​aggressive substances. Strong detergents, bleach, and even fabric softener residue on clothing can further irritate the skin, making it worse. Avoid contact of these and other aggressive substances with the skin in the groin area during the entire course of treatment.

      Use an aluminum salt solution. A ten percent solution of aluminum chloride or aluminum acetate blocks the sweat glands and is thus an effective antiperspirant. To prepare the solution, do the following:

      • Dissolve one part aluminum salt in 20 parts water. Apply the prepared solution to the infected area and leave it for 6-8 hours. It is better to apply the solution before going to bed, because at night the sweat glands are less active. When you notice that the lubricated skin begins to sweat again, wash off the solution. Repeat the procedure until the rash dries up and begins to decrease.
    2. Apply medicated compresses to possible blisters. In most cases, the fungal infection that causes athlete's groin leads to the formation of blisters on fairly large areas of the skin. These blisters can also be treated at home by applying healing compresses moistened with, for example, Burow's liquid. This will dry out the blisters and reduce discomfort, allowing you to continue treatment with antifungal creams.

      Treat athlete's foot. If athlete's groin is accompanied by a fungal disease (tinea pedis) of the feet, you can re-infect the groin area when you wear underwear. Treat both fungal diseases so as not to get infected with athlete's groin again.

      Try common remedies. If you prefer to be treated with home remedies, you can try the following options:

      Health care

      1. If your condition does not improve after two weeks, see your doctor. If home remedies have not worked for two weeks, it means that you need stronger antifungal drugs, or the disease is not fungal, but bacterial in nature. In this case, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics for you.

      2. Ask about prescription antifungal ointments. If your doctor determines that the disease is caused by a fungus and over-the-counter medications have not worked well after two or more weeks, they will likely prescribe you a stronger antifungal cream. These may include the following drugs:

        • Cream with 1% oxiconazole (Oxystat)
        • Cream with 1% econazole (Spectazol)
        • Cream with 1% sulconazole (Exelderm)
        • Cream with 0.77% ciclopirox (Loprax)
        • Cream with 2% naftifine
        • Please note that econazole, sulconazole, ciclopirox and naftifine should not be used to treat children. Side effects of these drugs include itching, burning, irritation, and redness of the skin.

    If a woman is faced with inguinal epidermophytosis, then it is required to patiently and carefully study the causes of the phenomenon.

    Patient reviews suggest that well-chosen therapeutic measures that use medicines and traditional medicine recipes can permanently get rid of the disease. According to ICD 10, pathology has a number of 35.6.

    The reasons

    There are several pathogens that provoke the appearance of inguinal epidermophytosis.

    All of them belong to pathogenic fungi from the genera:

    • trichophyton;
    • epidermophyton.

    Microorganisms have an increased resistance to humidity and high temperatures, therefore they are able to develop in places of diaper rash on the skin, microtraumas, in the area of ​​​​excessive sweating.

    Causes disease:

    • overweight;
    • failure of the endocrine system;
    • reduced immune defense.

    Fungal diseases require long-term and thorough treatment. They can develop in the body for many years, causing serious harm.

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