What the herb St. John's wort treats, benefits for various diseases. St. John's wort: the healing powers of nature in a yellow flower

The soul will sing and the body will get healthy if you learn how to make tea from St. John's wort. Healing decoction strengthens the immune system and nervous system, promotes rejuvenation of the body and normalization of hormonal levels. "Very well done blood" will play in your veins if you take St. John's wort correctly, wisely using its medicinal properties for a comprehensive recovery.

St. John's wort tea is a herbal elixir of health. In Russia, it was believed that the plant was able to ward off evil spirits, since it grew from a torn feather and drops of blood from the Firebird. Medieval healers prescribed a decoction of St. John's wort inflorescences to patients suffering from a severe form of melancholy - mental suffering caused by physiological causes became less intense. And the steppe healers used the fresh juice of the plant to treat purulent wounds, made disinfecting compresses from the leaves.

Herbal tea lovers know that St. John's wort forms the basis of many medicinal preparations, which allows you to take the plant without having to study its properties in detail. However, herbal teas not only bring benefits, but can also upset contraindications. You should not drink a drink, the safety of which you are not 100% sure.

The benefits of St. John's wort

You can safely take St. John's wort in moderate doses in the absence of individual intolerance. Only fresh decoction is used - the correct infusion should have a slightly perceptible bitterness, which will completely overlap with the taste of other herbs of the collection. In its “pure form”, the drink is taken in small portions, diluted with water to avoid excessive strength.

The medicinal benefits of the plant are due to its impressive composition:

  • essential oils (hypericin), carotene and tannins;
  • flavonoids (natural antioxidant, antimicrobial agent);
  • acids (ascorbic, nicotinic, isovaleric);
  • vitamins (groups C, P and PP), tocopherols (vitamin E) and choline (vitamin B4);
  • ceryl alcohol and alkaloids.

St. John's wort tea relieves a lot of problems if taken in moderate doses for about two to three weeks. In the treatment of chronic diseases, after a week break and agreement with the doctor, the course is repeated. Sensitive people prone to allergies should reduce the daily dose to 1 cup of weak tea leaves.

What saves St. John's wort?

  • natural antidepressant. The benefits of St. John's wort are especially noticeable in case of neuroses, chronic fatigue or depressive disorders. You cannot find a more positive tea; it is customary to take it in crisis situations. The dosage is increased to 5 cups per day, reducing the course to a week. The medicine prevents mental exhaustion, calms the nervous system.
  • Hormonal control. Young girls can take St. John's wort a week before the expected start of menstruation - the plant reduces soreness, reduces the intensity of hormonal fluctuations, and helps to normalize the cycle. St. John's wort is no less useful for women experiencing menopause. Slavic sorceresses called it "bloody" or "red grass", advising to take a balanced (in equal proportions) herbal decoction of lemon balm, St. John's wort and hops.
  • mental activity. School-age children and men engaged in intellectual work should take St. John's wort in the morning (diluted in half with lemon balm). The magical properties of tea will improve concentration, relieve mental stress, and help you think clearly. If the drink is sweetened with honey, it will be a pleasure to drink it!
  • Normalization of pressure. For men and women in positions of responsibility, St. John's wort helps to cope with headaches caused by stress (due to the normalization of intracranial pressure). If dizziness or migraines occur during overwork, it is worth drinking useful decoctions from St. John's wort, chamomile and during stressful periods.
  • First Aid Digestion. A tangible benefit from taking St. John's wort is observed with gastritis, ulcers and high acidity. Being a mild antioxidant, the plant improves the functioning of the entire digestive system, removes toxins from the body and reduces pain symptoms. Medicinal properties allow it to be used in diets - the plant improves metabolic processes, which contributes to weight loss.
  • Colds. The antibacterial properties of St. John's wort allow it to be successfully used to treat otitis media, rhinitis, coughs and sore throats. There will be no trace of a cold if, at the first symptoms, vegetable decoctions are used (externally and internally). The benefits of St. John's wort tea are invaluable for children of senior school age - decoctions perfectly strengthen the immune system and make it easier to survive flu epidemics.
  • dental problems. In dentistry, St. John's wort tea is taken as a supportive agent in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis. Strong tea leaves of the plant are used to rinse the mouth to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.

The benefits of such tea are obvious, but it must be taken correctly - observing a moderate dosage, competently combining with other medicinal plants.

Harm of drinks based on St. John's wort

St. John's wort can be caused by individual intolerance, overdose, or improper brewing. All contraindications should be taken into account in order to get the desired benefit from St. John's wort, and not harm.

  • Overdose. There is never a lot of ordinary tea, but medicinal tinctures require extremely moderate consumption. Harm from the herb can manifest itself with prolonged use, so limit the course of treatment: a week for getting rid of mild health problems, two to three weeks for chronic or acute forms of diseases.
  • Children. It is necessary to be extremely careful if the decoction is prepared for children whose body reacts more sharply to medicinal plants. The dosage of herbal tea recipe for young children should be 2-3 times less than for adults. And best of all, given the contraindications, refuse to take it completely or take it only after consulting a pediatrician. Typically, St. John's wort herbal tea packaging states a restriction for children under the age of 12 years.
  • Stale drink. St. John's wort tea can be very harmful if you drink a stale overexposed drink. Insisting, the plant “gives off” an excessive amount of tannins, acids and dyes to the water, from which you can get allergic shock, serious intestinal upset, or “plant” the liver and kidneys.

St. John's wort can only be drunk fresh. After standing idle for more than a day, the drink is not suitable for internal use. However, you can use the "overstayed" liquid to wipe problem skin or create compresses for wounds.

  • Hypersensitivity. St. John's wort tea causes unusual harm to people with fair skin - the plant increases sensitivity to solar radiation. Going on a beach holiday or planning a long-term job in the country? Give up teas with St. John's wort, so as not to cause significant damage to the skin in the form of sunburn, age spots or an allergic rash.
  • Decreased potency. Prolonged use of St. John's wort causes some inconvenience to men - there is a temporary decrease in potency, a decrease in sexual desire. The harm is temporary and disappears completely after a week and a half after stopping the intake.
  • Pregnancy and lactation. St. John's wort can harm the developing fetus, as it has a regulatory effect on metabolic and hormonal processes. When breastfeeding, a child with mother's milk receives substances contained in St. John's wort, which can cause an allergic reaction or poisoning.
  • Hypertension. St. John's wort impresses with its tonic properties, which are 5-6 times stronger than coffee. That is why doctors recommend that hypertensive patients refuse to use it - people with high blood pressure will only get harm from invigorating tea.
  • Incompatibility with medicines. You can not ignore medical contraindications while taking St. John's wort. The plant can be harmful when combined with certain medicinal products - when combining herbal medicine with traditional treatment, a doctor's approval is required.

Are you afraid of contraindications? Find your St. John's wort tea recipe - create your own health elixir!

St. John's wort herbal tea recipes

Did the beneficial properties of the plant impress you, but did the potential harm scare you away? Do not rush to experiment - learn how to brew St. John's wort correctly.

St. John's wort drinks have pronounced medicinal properties, so you need to carefully select recipes, giving preference to the most calm options.

Basic St. John's Wort Tea Recipe

The standard brewing method involves the use of dried flowers or leaves of the plant. Pharmaceutical collection is suitable, although if possible it is better to collect and dry it yourself.

  1. Rinse a porcelain or ceramic teapot with boiled water.
  2. Brew St. John's wort, following the proportion of 1:40 - a teaspoon of medicinal herbs (about 5 g) per glass of boiling water (about 200 ml). One serving of fragrant medicinal tea is ready.
  3. Let the drink stand for 5-10 minutes, and then strain through a strainer (gauze cloth) to prevent excessive concentration of the medicinal plant.

Healthy tea drinking can turn into harm if you ignore the reactions of the body. Is the tea too bitter? Don't force yourself - dilute with water and sweeten with honey/sugar.

Herbal teas for body and soul

Not all people like the pure taste of St. John's wort, so the plant is often included in various herbal preparations. Do not rush to conjure over herbs - drink pure tea from St. John's wort for about 4-5 days to make sure there are no allergic reactions. And then start experimenting and add other herbs to the drink.

Anti-cold tea

The combination of sweet rosehip and bitter St. John's wort creates a great anti-cold tea. The drink is created on the basis of a 2:1 ratio, i.e. for 200 ml of wild rose it is necessary to prepare 100 ml of St. John's wort. Pour a teaspoon of dried St. John's wort into the teapot, then add 2 tablespoons of dried wild rose and pour the mixture with 300-350 ml of boiling water. Wait about half an hour and pour the resulting tea into another container.

photo: depositphotos.com/rezkrr, rezkrr, Kassandra2, Kassandra2

To obtain the result, use fresh or dried St. John's wort. For proper drying, it is necessary to provide shade, as they decrease in direct sunlight. The grass is stored for no more than 3 years, after which a new collection should be collected.

Medicinal due to the rich chemical composition. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anthelmintic, diuretic and other properties.

Due to its complex composition, St. John's wort is used to treat various diseases.

What can St. John's wort? Most often, decoctions and infusions from it are used to treat:
- diseases of the oral cavity;
- ;
- colic;
- liver diseases;
- acute forms of damage to the upper respiratory tract;
- burns;
- purulent wounds;
- nervous diseases;
- diseases of the digestive tract;
- violations in the work of the cardiac system.

How is St. John's wort used for treatment?

An infusion can be prepared from medicinal herbs. For this, 1 tbsp. chopped herbs must be poured with a glass of boiling water and kept for half an hour. To improve the condition of the body, the infusion is taken three times a day, ¼ cup before meals. For internal use, a decoction can be prepared from St. John's wort. The proportions are similar, only the resulting mixture must be boiled for 20 minutes, then removed from heat and strained. Divide a glass of liquid into several doses.
A glass of infusion or decoction is the daily dose.

These funds are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, to stop uterine bleeding, to expel, to restore disturbed sleep, neuralgia, paralysis, etc. Decoction of St. John's wort perfectly eliminates skin rashes, if you add it to water when bathing. With purulent abscesses, it is advisable to apply cotton pads soaked in decoction as lotions.

For external use, St. John's wort oil is used. To cook it in, you need to take 20 g of fresh flowers of the plant, pour a glass of vegetable oil, put in a dark place for 2 weeks, periodically shaking the mixture. After 2 weeks, the product is ready. They lubricate wounds, abscesses, purulent inflammations, ulcers, burns, bruises.

St. John's wort alcohol tincture is used to treat inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, to eliminate unpleasant odors, and to gargle for diseases. Take 1 part of dry or fresh grass, pour 5 parts of vodka. After 1-2 weeks, the product is ready for use. As a rule, half a glass of water requires 30-40 drops of tincture.

Chamomile is an annual plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. Flowers in baskets are used as medicinal raw materials. They accumulate the largest amount of biologically active substances at the beginning of flowering. Chamomile is used as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiseptic, analgesic, antimycotic, epithelizing and anti-allergic agent for many diseases.

What diseases are treated with chamomile

The chemical composition of chamomile includes: essential oils, coumarin compounds, choline, organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamins, mineral salts. But the most valuable biologically active substance is chamazulene, which has anti-inflammatory, softening and anti-allergic properties.

In the form of an infusion, chamomile is used to treat the digestive tract, spastic colitis, gastritis, diseases of the liver, respiratory organs and mucous membranes. It is rational to use water infusions of chamomile as part of complex therapy for cholelithiasis, flatulence, diarrhea, accompanied by colic, pain, spasms. In addition, chamomile is used for inflammatory diseases of the genital organs and urinary tract, in pregnant women on the recommendation of a doctor.

For diseases of the throat, mouth, gums, decoction and water infusion of chamomile are used for rinsing. The gruel from the inflorescences is used for compresses for skin diseases, accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis, gout are treated with chamomile baths. Baths can be used for a long period without interruption.

In acute gastritis, peppermint, rhizomes of valerian, calamus and fennel are added to chamomile. The complex collection quickly relieves inflammation, normalizes acidity, improves digestion and has an antispasmodic effect.

An ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is treated with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, marsh cudweed, centaury, peppermint. All ingredients are taken in equal parts, mixed thoroughly and brewed two tablespoons per half liter of boiling water, infused in a thermos for an hour, used half a glass 6 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to the use of chamomile

Chamomile is contraindicated in mental disorders, as it can provoke an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease. From taking decoctions and infusions of chamomile should be abandoned for headaches with unknown pathogenesis. During pregnancy and lactation, you should consult your doctor before using medicinal plants.

It is not recommended to use chamomile for the treatment of babies in the first year of life. When using decoctions and infusions with chamomile, it is worth observing the exact dosage. Exceeding doses leads to irritability, provokes headaches and insomnia.

One of the most common medicinal plants is St. John's wort. It begins to bloom in June-August - small yellow flowers appear. The grass itself can reach 70 cm in height. St. John's wort is harvested, as a rule, at the very beginning of flowering - since it is during this period that the content of useful substances in the grass reaches a peak.

Thanks to this healing herb, you can cure a lot of various diseases:

  • SARS;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • depression and neuroses.

Also, with the use of St. John's wort, dermatological ailments are treated - starting with light burns and ending with ulcerative lesions of the epidermis. Let us consider in detail the medicinal properties of St. John's wort, how to use the herb, in what forms of release it comes in, and other interesting information about the medicinal plant.

Composition of St. John's wort

So, let's consider, due to which substances St. John's wort becomes a reliable assistant in the treatment of many diseases:

If we talk about St. John's wort in general, then this herb has the following effects on the body:

  • eliminates depression;
  • promotes tissue regeneration;
  • has a pronounced choleretic effect;
  • promotes the removal of excess fluid from the body;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • is an antihelminthic;
  • able to get rid of alcohol addiction;
  • excellent antiseptic.

In what cases is it relevant to use St. John's wort

Indications for use are the following conditions:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis;
  • muscle or joint pain;
  • infectious, viral diseases;
  • ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, the stomach and liver;
  • diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • depression, neuroses;
  • skin problems - acne, acne;
  • age-related changes in the form of wrinkles, loss of skin turgor;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • cracks in the skin;
  • alopecia (baldness).

Let's consider all the points in detail.

As mentioned above, the medicinal plant has proven itself very successfully in the beauty industry. This is due to the fact that St. John's wort perfectly fights age-related skin changes - such as nasolabial wrinkles, crow's feet in the eye area, and loss of facial turgor. The herb is also used in the fight against seborrhea, to eliminate acne and comedones.

St. John's wort can be used in the following cases:

  • very oily or too dry skin of the face;
  • dandruff caused by seborrhea;
  • fading of the skin of the face;
  • cracked heels;
  • baldness - helps prevent hair loss;
  • pustular lesions of the skin.

Before use, be sure to consult a doctor - in order to know for sure if you have an individual intolerance to the medicinal herb.

What are the therapeutic properties of the plant?

Many people call St. John's wort herb from 99 diseases - and this is true. Thanks to decoctions, tinctures, you can get rid of almost any disease, provided that you use the mixture regularly. You can make tinctures either on your own or purchase at a pharmacy.

Classical medicine: scope

In official medicine, both the dried herb itself and the various preparations that contain it are used.

Medicinal plant is relevant to use in the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. These include diarrhea, biliary dyskinesia, bloating, liver disease, etc.
  2. Diseases of the oral cavity, such as stomatitis, inflammation and bleeding of the gums, tonsillitis.
  3. Disorders of the nervous system. St. John's wort is prescribed for insomnia, anxiety, neurosis, depression accompanied by depression.
  4. Skin diseases. There are special preparations that contain St. John's wort. They are used for purulent or infected wounds, burns, abscesses. It is noteworthy that even Staphylococcus aureus can be cured with the use of St. John's wort - despite the fact that the infection is resistant even to penicillin preparations.

Due to the fact that the medicinal herb contains special essential oils, it is possible to normalize intestinal motility and eliminate flatulence. Also, thanks to essential oils, a choleretic effect is achieved.

Numerous clinical studies have been conducted that have proven that regular use of St. John's wort decoction can get rid of depression. It is noteworthy that you can achieve an even more pronounced effect than when taking mild antidepressants. At the same time, the harmful effects on the liver and other organs will be much lower. Preparations, which contain St. John's wort, eliminate disturbing thoughts, contribute to the normalization of the general emotional state, and also improve mood.

Traditional medicine: scope

Important: positive dynamics during therapy can be achieved only if a person knows his diagnosis exactly, he knows the treatment method and is sure that he has no contraindications to the use of St. John's wort. If the case is neglected, or there are concomitant ailments, in such cases, alternative methods of therapy should be combined with traditional medicine, and the technique must be approved by the doctor.

  • heartburn, accompanied by flatulence;
  • gastritis with low or high acidity;
  • heart rhythm disturbances - tachycardia or arrhythmia;
  • burn lesions of the skin;
  • various viral and infectious diseases;
  • ailments of the central nervous system, in the first place - depression;
  • sinusitis;
  • alcoholism and other addictions.

How is the herb used?

You can meet St. John's wort in the following forms:

  • alcohol tincture;
  • tincture on water;
  • decoction;
  • tea with healing properties;
  • ointment.

Very popular are the means, which include not only St. John's wort, but also other medicinal plants. As a result, we get a synergy effect - herbs multiply each other's action, which allows us to heal much faster.

You can also make a healing decoction or tincture at home - it will not be difficult, and the manufacturing method is indicated on any package. You can buy St. John's wort either in bulk or in filter bags. Experts say that it is much more convenient to take a medicinal plant in bulk, since the bags are intended for making healing tea. If you know exactly what St. John's wort looks like - you can easily collect it yourself, the plant often lives in the wild. However, it must be remembered that grass should be collected away from highways, factories - there the plants are saturated with harmful substances, therefore, the decoction of them will no longer be so healing.

Collection is carried out when the plant begins to bloom. You need to cut the grass as close to the ground as possible. Next - you need to dry the St. John's wort. To do this, it is divided into bundles, and hung upside down. The best option is to dry the plant under a canopy - this is due to the fact that it is necessary to avoid exposure to sunlight.

Are there any contraindications for use?

St. John's wort should not be used constantly, as this can cause allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, and in men, in some cases, impotence. Women should also remember that treatment with St. John's wort can significantly reduce the effect of contraceptives, which is fraught with unwanted pregnancy.

It is also not worth taking medicinal herbs in large quantities, as this can cause the following negative consequences:

  • Strong headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit.

Due to the fact that St. John's wort is negatively combined with antibiotics, you should not take tinctures and decoctions if a person has a high temperature.

During pregnancy, treatment with St. John's wort is not prescribed, since this can provoke a miscarriage even in a healthy woman. Also, you do not need to use this medicinal plant if a person has high blood pressure.

The following precautions should be observed during treatment with St. John's wort:

  1. Do not drink strong coffee, as well as alcoholic beverages.
  2. In order to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, it is advisable to eat healthy food, and forget smoked meats, sweets, pickles for a while.
  3. Do not take St. John's wort if antidepressants have already been prescribed by the doctor. St. John's wort in itself is such, so the therapy can come to negative consequences. Many patients reported confusion, anxiety, restlessness, etc.
  4. St. John's wort tea is actively used for diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, cholelithiasis, etc. But it is worth remembering that everything should have its own measure - with excessive use of St. John's wort, stomach cramps and bloating can occur.
  5. St. John's wort should be used with anesthetic drugs only as directed by a doctor, with caution. This is due to the fact that the herb can change the effect of drugs - it will either disappear or last longer.
  6. With prolonged treatment, constipation, bitterness in the mouth, and loss of appetite are possible.

Contraindications for use

Consider in which cases it is better to refuse treatment with St. John's wort:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • nephritis;
  • when using drugs that affect blood clotting;
  • if you plan to sunbathe - grass increases sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

St. John's wort during pregnancy: benefit or harm

We all know perfectly well that pregnant women are forced to give up medicines - due to the fact that they can cause significant harm to the fetus. That is why many future mothers turn to medicinal herbs - as you know, most of them are not dangerous, they do not cause allergic reactions.

However, even at first glance, safe herbs can be detrimental to a pregnant woman. It is to this group of funds that St. John's wort belongs. Of course, this plant has a lot of positive qualities - it fights many diseases, acts as a prophylactic, it can be used in complex therapy. St. John's wort copes with depression, diseases of the stomach and biliary tract.

The grass contains a special substance called hyperin. It also helps to eliminate depression and improve mood. Nicotinic acid allows you to establish metabolic processes, is responsible for the digestibility of protein. Thanks to St. John's wort, you can also strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It seemed - one benefit for a pregnant woman, what's the catch?

The fact is that the medicinal plant has the ability to increase blood pressure - this is harmful for the expectant mother. But this factor is far from being the main one - the herb causes uterine contractions, which may well provoke a miscarriage, or cause irreparable damage to the health of the unborn baby. Therefore, if there is a desire to bear the child calmly and without unnecessary problems, it is better to refuse therapy with St. John's wort, or take the herb strictly according to the doctor's prescription, in no case exceeding the dosage.

Can St. John's wort be used to treat children?

As we have already seen, this herb is quite useful and effective, however, not every person should be treated with St. John's wort. Among the main contraindications are high blood pressure, as well as the period of pregnancy. From here, a quite adequate question is brewing - is it possible to treat young children with the use of decoctions and tinctures from St. John's wort?

All doctors say that it is possible to carry out therapy, but this must be done very carefully, in no case exceeding the prescribed dosage. The best option is to talk to the doctor in advance, perhaps he will prescribe a complex of herbs, due to which the concentration of St. John's wort will be reduced.

For children, it is useful to take St. John's wort during the harvest period - when there is a large amount of vegetables and fruits. It was at this time that, thanks to weak decoctions, it will be possible to avoid stomach problems - in children they often occur as a result of the abuse of fiber. Be sure to make sure that the baby is not allergic to medicinal herbs. Also, do not forget to consult a doctor.

Of course, St. John's wort is a medicinal plant, thanks to which you can get rid of many diseases. But it is worth remembering that everywhere you need to know the measure, and be careful - even if you use natural herbs for treatment. You can not take a decoction for people with hypertension, pregnant women, children St. John's wort is prescribed with caution. Even if you are sure that there are no contraindications, before starting therapy, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the medicinal plant.

Video: useful properties and use of St. John's wort

Update: October 2018

St. John's wort belongs to the genus of flowering plants and the family Hypericaceae or St. John's wort. It will grow in the Northern Hemisphere in temperate climates, in the southern regions under the tropics, especially the Mediterranean. Favorite places are clearings, deforestation, dry meadows.

The plant has a tetrahedral stem up to 70 cm high, entire sessile or short-petioled leaves, single or numerous flowers collected in semi-umbels and inflorescences. The fruit is a leathery box that breaks into 3-5 parts after ripening. Flowering will fall in June-August. Numerous seeds are small, oval or cylindrical.

In medicine, two types of plants are used: St. John's wort and tetrahedral. St. John's wort extract is an integral component of official medicine drugs, such as Negrustin, Deprim and others, used to treat depressive conditions. In folk medicine, many effective recipes with a plant are described. At the same time, we must not forget that the beneficial properties of St. John's wort can be harmful if you have contraindications to the use of this herbal remedy.


The beneficial properties of St. John's wort are due to its chemical composition:

Also in the plant there is an essential oil, resinous substances and bitterness.

Medicinal properties of St. John's wort herb

  • antiseptic
  • antibacterial
  • sedative, antidepressant
  • wound healing
  • choleretic, diuretic
  • painkiller
  • astringent
  • antirheumatic
  • regenerating
  • anthelmintic (anthelminthic).

Indications for the use of St. John's wort herb

  • Heart disease (see);
  • Rheumatism (see);
  • Muscle and joint pain (see);
  • Influenza and SARS;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver and stomach;
  • Pathology of the bladder,;
  • Hemorrhoids (see);
  • Inflammatory processes of the female genital organs;
  • Depressive states (see);
  • Withering skin, ;
  • Seborrhea, increased oiliness of the skin (see);
  • Acne disease (see);
  • Alopecia (see);
  • Cracks in the skin (see).

Traditional medicine recipes

St. John's wort is used in the form of tinctures, infusions, decoctions and teas, as well as oils that are easy to prepare at home. The raw material is the dried grass of the plant, bought at a pharmacy or harvested independently.


To prepare it, take 30 grams of fresh chopped St. John's wort or 15 grams of dry raw materials, pour 200 ml of boiling water and incubate for 4 hours in the dark, filter.

  • Take 15 ml before meals three times a day for gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice, cystitis, colitis, cholelithiasis, hypotension, menstrual pain and diseases of the female genital area.
  • For the treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder, take 0.5 cups of infusion on an empty stomach daily for 7 days. You can have breakfast in half an hour. Then during the day take 2 tbsp. infusion after each meal.
  • For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, rinsing with infusion of St. John's wort is carried out.
  • To eliminate inflammation on the skin, vitiligo make daily lotions with infusion.
  • Acne treatment involves daily, morning and evening washing with infusion.
  • For the treatment of alopecia, take one third of a glass of infusion 10 minutes before meals twice a day for 14 days.
  • Skin non-infectious diseases in children pass faster if you bathe children in a bath with St. John's wort.


One and a half tablespoons of St. John's wort herb is poured with a glass of hot water and the mixture is heated in a water bath for about half an hour, stirring, then filtered. The scheme and scope is similar to that of the infusion.

  • A decoction, in addition to the above pathologies, helps in the complex therapy of intestinal infections.
  • It is used as a sinus wash at least 3 times a day.
  • For, fifteen-minute foot baths are made at the rate of 1 liter of broth per 3 liters of water.
  • To improve skin tone, eliminate fine wrinkles, the decoction is frozen in ice molds and tonic rubbing is done in the morning and evening before applying the main care.
  • It is used to, if a person wants to get rid of cravings for alcohol. Strong broth - 4 tbsp. dry St. John's wort is poured into 400 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour in a water bath, cooled. Take 2 tbsp. morning and evening before meals for at least 14 days.


One part of dry grass is poured with seven parts of vodka or diluted medical alcohol, left for three days in a dark place. Used in a mixture with water: 1 tsp. tinctures are diluted in 50 ml of water. Scope of application: rinsing the mouth, inhalation, warming compress.


No more than 1 tsp is poured into an ordinary teapot. dry herbs and pour 1 cup boiling water. To improve the taste, you can add dry berries, lime blossom, confiture or honey. Tea is used as a prophylactic, as well as strengthening the immune system during its seasonal decline or after illnesses.

St. John's wort oil

There are several recipes for making butter:

  • With inflammation of the oral mucosa

Dried grass in a ratio of 1:1.5 insist on vegetable oil for about 5 days. The finished product is used to treat diseases of the oral mucosa, including bacterial infections (gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis).

  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

St. John's wort flowers (30 gr) crush in a mortar, pour 2 cups of olive oil, stir and pour into a container of light glass, leave it for 5 days in a warm place without closing (for fermentation), stirring occasionally the contents. Then cover with a lid and leave in the sun for 5 weeks. By week 6, the oil should be a bright red color. The aqueous layer should be separated and poured into a dark glass container. St. John's wort oil is taken orally 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers).

  • For outdoor use

One part of dried flowers is infused in two parts of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, almond) for 3 weeks. The finished oil is used to prepare oil compresses for healing, ulcers, burns or wounds at the regeneration stage, for lumbago (lumbago), rheumatoid arthritis, for insect bites, and also for rejuvenating fading facial skin as a weekly care.

One part of the evaporated extract or dry powder of St. John's wort is mixed with two parts of petroleum jelly. Used for rubbing in the treatment of sprains, bruises, myalgia.

St. John's wort treatment - official medicine

St. John's wort is used as a phytopreparation from the dry grass of the plant, and also acts as a component of medicines. In the indications for the use of dry herb St. John's wort, the following pathologies are indicated:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract (dyskinesia, increased gas formation, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diarrhea);
  • inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • depressive conditions - numerous studies have confirmed the high and more stable efficacy of St. John's wort for the treatment of depressive disorders in comparison with the action of traditional antidepressants of synthetic origin (Imipramine, Amitriptyline).

Dietary supplements, herbal preparations based on St. John's wort for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders improve mood and eliminate anxiety without causing drowsiness and lethargy, i. can be used when precise work and driving is required.

Negrustin Gelarium Hypericum Deprim, Deprim Forte 170-200 rubles. Optimistin 150 rub. Neuroplant 250 rub. Doppelhertz Nervotonik 400 rub.

Contraindications to the use of St. John's wort

  • Pregnancy and lactation - it is strictly forbidden to use the plant for internal use. At the same time, during these periods, local or external use of plant preparations is permissible.
  • Photosensitization - avoid UV radiation (sun exposure, solarium, UV lamps) for 2 weeks (see).
  • Organ transplantation - can not be used by both those planning a transplant and those who have undergone it.
  • Taking oral contraceptives (see).
  • Serious mental illness, including severe depression.
  • Severe hypertension.
  • Children's age - up to 12 years.

Side effects

Any medicinal plant has a complex chemical composition, contains microdoses of toxic and harmful substances that adversely affect the liver and the body as a whole, so overdose and long-term treatment are not acceptable. The following side effects may develop:

  • allergic reactions: rash, skin itching, eczema, increased sensitization to animal hair, skin pigmentation, photosensitivity.
  • From the side of the central nervous system: headaches, fatigue, anxiety.
  • Digestive system: abdominal pain, nausea, dry mouth, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite, anorexia.
  • Hematopoietic organs: Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Despite the weak toxicity of St. John's wort, long-term use (more than 1 month) can lead to pain in the liver and bitterness in the mouth.
  • St. John's wort also negatively affects potency in men and leads to its decrease with prolonged use.

drug interaction

  • Antidepressants- when used together with citalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, it exacerbates hemolytic reactions, as well as serotonin syndrome - (irritability, anxiety, nausea, tremor, increased sweating, dizziness, headache), leading to an aggravation of the clinic, migraine, hallucinations, convulsions up to coma. Therefore, the interval between taking these drugs and St. John's wort should be more than 2 weeks.
  • Antibiotics - accelerated excretion of the drug from the body and the weakening of the antimicrobial effect.
  • Anticoagulants - reduced action, increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Cyclosporine - reduces its concentration in the blood.
  • cardiac glycosides- weakening of efficiency, reduces the concentration of digoxin in the blood.
  • The drug "Indinavir" used for the treatment of HIV-infected - a decrease in blood concentration by 2 times.
  • Anesthetics - their action is enhanced or weakened. Shortens sleep caused by drugs - barbiturates, and lengthens sleep caused by narcotic analgesics and drugs for general anesthesia.
  • Theophylline - increases the rate of metabolism of theophylline.
  • St. John's wort enhances the photosensitizing effect of drugs such as quinolones, thiazide diuretics, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, piroxicam, etc.

Thus, it is impossible to combine St. John's wort with these groups of drugs.

Preparation and storage of St. John's wort

The optimal time for harvesting raw materials is the very beginning of flowering. The stems are cut close to the ground, tied into small bundles and dried by hanging in the shade. You can store St. John's wort in cardboard boxes or bags made of paper or fabric for up to 24 months.

In the second half of summer, fields, meadows, forest edges look like chickens. They are covered with small bright yellow flowers. And there are so many of them that it can be easily confused with weeds - well, a cultivated plant cannot grow in such quantity. Indeed, it is not a weed. Yellow flowers are a medicinal plant called St. John's wort, you will recognize it immediately from the photo. It smells of St. John's wort in summer, honey, meadow herbs, morning dew.

Among the people, St. John's wort is valued for its healing power, because St. John's wort, Wikipedia claims, is able to overcome neither more nor less, but 99 diseases. But be careful. St. John's wort can only save people from 99 misfortunes. For animals, namely for livestock, it is a poison. Where do you think the herb got its name from?

St. John's wort. Useful properties and contraindications

St. John's wort blooms in summer. And then you can pick it up and prepare it for home herbal preparations. This is easy to do - just dry the flowers in the shade, and then rub them dry with your hands. Stems easily part with dry flowers and leaves. And you can decorate your house with dried flowers.

This herb is very useful and complex in its composition, so we will not list the substances and components that make up the chemical composition. It is better to pay more attention to how useful St. John's wort is, a herb whose medicinal properties have been valued since the time of Ancient Russia, when medicine was still in its infancy.

St. John's wort is not only traditional medicine. Traditional medicine also does not “flap its ears”. She uses St. John's wort to the fullest, the medicinal properties of which chemists and physicians have studied up and down, adding it to homeopathic preparations. Medicines such as Novoimanin and Imanin are made from St. John's wort. It has been proven that the extract of the plant eliminates inflammation and destroys pathogenic microbes. And therefore, these drugs are used for wounds, even purulent ones, for burns of varying degrees, for sinusitis, mastitis, pharyngitis and some other diseases. And psychiatrists prescribe the medicine Gelarium for depression. The basis of the medicine is the same - St. John's wort.

In folk medicine, St. John's wort treats many (remember how many?) Diseases.

  • St. John's wort is priceless as a tonic and astringent. It should be on hand for coughs, diarrhea and abdominal cramps, gum and liver disease. The grass is even able to stop the blood, making it thicker.
  • Some drugs prescribed by doctors for rheumatism, ulcers of various origins, gout, stress, depression, diarrhea, or the presence of helminths also contain flowers, leaves, and an extract from St. John's wort.
  • And dentists advise rinsing your teeth with a decoction of a plant to get rid of a bad smell, stop bleeding gums, and relieve inflammation.
  • St. John's wort will help (use and recipes will be a little later) and those who suffer from pain in the liver, stomach, kidneys, intestines and gallbladder. It strengthens the stool, relieves pain in gastritis, heals an ulcer.
  • And if you enter a drug containing St. John's wort extract, intravenously, the heart begins to work better, more rhythmically, faster. At the same time, the blood vessels constrict, and the pressure rises.
  • You can bathe children in a bath with St. John's wort so that there are no diaper rash, rashes, diathesis. And in the presence of sores, abscesses, swelling of the mammary glands, phytotherapists highly recommend making compresses.
  • St. John's wort root is also useful. Its decoction or tincture is used for bone tuberculosis and dysentery.

This plant is strong - St. John's wort. He has contraindications, and serious ones, and they must be taken very responsibly.

  • St. John's wort constricts blood vessels, reduces the ventricles of the heart, forcing blood through the veins to run faster. Therefore, for heart patients suffering from arrhythmia, tachycardia, vascular sclerosis, St. John's wort is contraindicated.
  • It is not recommended to consume it in any form if you have high blood pressure.
  • St. John's wort is also contraindicated for expectant mothers - it is not known how the changing organism will react to the action of the plant.
  • St. John's wort treats gastritis, but a strong infusion of herbs, on the contrary, can provoke this disease.
  • St. John's wort is a solar herb. Maybe that's why the skin (if you drank tea, infusion) is so susceptible to sunburn. Rather, to ultraviolet rays, and they are so harmful to our skin.
  • Men, do not be alarmed if, after treatment with St. John's wort, you suddenly feel male impotence. These are all tricks of St. John's wort. In a couple of weeks, everything will be fine, and you will forget about the misunderstanding. Or do not drink the infusion of herbs for more than a couple of weeks.
  • St. John's wort is generally not recommended to be treated for a very long time - this is not a component of proper nutrition. Otherwise, you can feel bitterness, heartburn, pressure on the liver and even hives.

St. John's wort. Decoctions and infusions

St. John's wort is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, compresses.

The infusion is prepared like this. Take a large spoonful of dry grass in a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for half an hour, take a third of a glass before meals 3 times a day.

A decoction of St. John's wort is prepared at the rate of a spoonful of grass per glass of drinking water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes, then filter it. This glass is also drunk during the day - every time before eating. They can also gargle to eliminate halitosis or sore throat.

And now in more detail about St. John's wort. The herb, the instructions for the use of which are observed by the patient, is doubly healing. Avicenna thought so.

For the stomach

With gastritis, colitis, we prepare a herbal collection. We take St. John's wort in equal parts, and mix them. For each tablespoon of the mixture, there is a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and drink 0.5 cups no more than five times a day.

If heartburn is tormented, then another mixture will be needed: our St. John's wort, and cumin, she is cudweed. For 3 table mixture a liter of boiling water. We leave for two hours and drink 0.5 cups of infusion before meals.

For the liver

The recipe for the infusion for the liver is the same as for the stomach. But you need to take it in the morning on an empty stomach for a week for half a glass. After 30 minutes you can have breakfast. During the day, drink 2 tablespoons after meals. This will increase the production of bile and speed up the treatment of cholecystitis or gallbladder disease.

From sinusitis

We cook St. John's wort in a steam bath. The proportions are the same as for the infusion - a spoonful of grass per glass of water. First you need to drip drops into the nose to narrow the vessels and relieve swelling of the mucosa.

Strained broth is injected into the nostril with a syringe or syringe without a needle. After rinsing, be sure to blow out the spout well.

From alcoholism

St. John's wort gives battle even to the green serpent. But there is one “but”. The dependent companion must want to get rid of the addiction.

And the recipe is simple. We heat 2 tablespoons of grass and a glass of boiling water in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Drink a decoction on an empty stomach in the morning and before meals in the evening, 2 tablespoons. In 2 weeks, you can completely get rid of alcoholism.

For vitiligo

Those suffering from a lack of melanin production (vitiligo) know how difficult it is to overcome this scourge. The disease does not cause any particular inconvenience, except for the aesthetic one - the skin, once even in color, is covered with white spots. But St. John's wort can help get rid of vitiligo. You only need 8 sessions of 3 weeks each. Break between sessions 8 days.

In a teapot, brew a teaspoon of St. John's wort in a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, we filter the tea and drink 1 large spoon four times a day.

St. John's wort is also useful in cosmetology.

  • For acne, insist a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. And wash yourself with this infusion every morning and every evening. You can freeze ice cubes from the infusion. It will also shrink enlarged pores.
  • For oily skin, washing with a decoction of St. John's wort and wiping the face with a frozen infusion is also good. And the pulp can be used for face masks. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  • Ice cubes from a decoction or infusion tone the face, tighten the oval and smooth out fine wrinkles. The skin becomes young and radiant.
  • Men! Did you notice that there was a bald spot? Drink infusion of St. John's wort: 1/3 cup twice a day before breakfast or before dinner. Do not be afraid, it will not bring any harm but benefit.
  • And women can soften their heels. Make them pink and smooth. We do. Pour 8-10 tablespoons of St. John's wort with a liter of boiling water and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then we pour it into the basin, wait for the broth to cool a little, and take foot baths.

St. John's wort oil at home

In addition to decoctions and infusions, St. John's wort oil is often used. It has found application in medicine and cosmetology. And it is not necessary to buy it when you can make it at home from ordinary ingredients.

Oil can be prepared from both fresh and dried St. John's wort flowers. Insist flowers on vegetable oil for 2 weeks. It can be sunflower, wheat - whatever you like the most. To prevent the oil from spoiling, it must be filtered after 2 weeks and stored in a dark jar in a closet.

  • Proportions for oil from fresh flowers: 1 part flowers to 2 parts oil.
  • Proportions for oil from dried flowers: 1 part flowers to 1.5 parts oil.

Don't be surprised if the oil turns blood red. There is a fairy tale that once a lightning-fast fantastic bird descended to earth - it was wounded by some kind of evil monster. Where the bloody feathers of the bird fell, St. John's wort grew. Fairy tales, people did not just invent, but to try to explain the incomprehensible ...

Oil is usually used for masks, rubbing, compresses. Sometimes, as in the case of an ulcer, it is taken orally 1 spoonful on an empty stomach or three hours after a meal.

The method of treating vitiligo has already been described above. Strengthen the result with oil according to a special recipe. Press the flowers of St. John's wort, pour them with vegetable oil and put the jar in the sun for 2 weeks. After two weeks, add fresh flowers, tamp down so that the oil covers them and leave them in the sun again for a couple of weeks. So do 5 times. As a result, the oil should become viscous and thick. Lubricate the white spots with this substance, allowing the cream to absorb. And after 0.5 hours, the excess can be washed off.

The oil, according to the classic recipe, helps with ulcers, stomatitis, bedsores, wounds and even large burns.

And the Ancient Romans poured into the woods at midnight in order to trample St. John's wort with their left foot. They believed that a white horse would appear, capable of rushing them to an enchanting country for the whole night and endowing them with the most incredible abilities (also for one night). Maybe that's why the barbarians destroyed them - the Romans, who believed in white horses, could not adequately assess the danger ...

Well, they have had it for a long time, but in our country St. John's wort was used to protect the house and sleep of babies from all evil spirits. And, surprisingly, witches and ghosts did not enter such houses. But here the point is not in the grass, but in the fact that ghosts do not exist, and witches were burned at the stake in time ...

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