Epidermophyton floccosum treatment. Inguinal epidermophytosis - treatment in men and women

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Skin lesions in the groin serious problem for both sexes. External signs jock itch have a repulsive appearance and require professional treatment. The selection of the drug that needs to treat the disease occurs after determining the type of fungus.

What it is?

Infectious lesions of the skin are often found in men and women. Usually the pathology is caused by a fungus, disease-causing, or being one of the initiating factors. Such diseases are called dermamycosis, in this article we will consider the principles of treatment of one ailment from this group called epidermophytosis.

Statistics claim that isolated skin infection with a fungus occurs in more than 10% of the population. The development of inguinal epidermophytosis is more typical for adult men, as this is facilitated by the presence of large skin folds in the groin area. In women, due to the characteristics anatomical structure perineum, inguinal folds smaller and they are not so large, so their disease is less common and easier to treat.

Signs that distinguish inguinal epidermophytosis are the appearance of a pustular rash with ulcers, foci of peeling and itching, pustular pyoderma and patches of erythema. These symptoms are localized:

Photo 1. Inguinal epidermophytosis symptoms

On the early stage the development of the disease in a man, only isolated manifestations are observed in these places, however, the lack of treatment ends with the transfer of infection to other, very unexpected, parts of the body, for example, in the armpit, under the knees, in the elbow bend zone, under the chest, and even on the scalp in the scalp part of it.

The reasons

The likelihood of infection increases when there are certain conditions that give the fungus the opportunity to multiply rapidly. As a result of penetration into the surface of the skin a large number microorganisms, the immune system does not have time to fight them, and the symptoms begin to progress rapidly.

We list the main reasons why inguinal epidermophytosis appears in men and women:

  1. The introduction of a pathogen with great pathogenic power.
  2. Loose skin and microtrauma on it.
  3. Slow metabolism and weak immunity, when the affected tissues do not have time to renew themselves and be rejected.
  4. Regular stay in unsanitary conditions with dirt entering the groin area.
  5. Constant high humidity environment.
  6. Sudden changes in the pH of the skin surface.
If at least some of the above reasons exist, when they hit the surface of the epidermis, the fungi "enter fertile ground", where there are all the substances and conditions they need - elements of fatty tissue, sweat, particles of the epithelium.

When treating people with athlete's groin, it is necessary to reconsider their hygiene and other habits in order to prevent a relapse in the future. This is especially true for men, traditionally less serious about personal hygiene. Correction of these factors occurs at home and does not require serious efforts, but allows you to avoid unpleasant manifestations on the skin and prolonged treatment.

If a pathology is detected in a woman, the following possible causes should be analyzed:

  • Vegetative-vascular disorders
  • Metabolic problems caused by thyroid disease in women and a general decline in the endocrine system
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals
  • The presence of excessive sweating and its causes

Predisposing factors leading to the disease are living in hot and humid climatic conditions and weak protective function organism.

Symptoms and signs

The early clinical picture of inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men is not much different, but in the case of men, due to the structural features of the inguinal folds, the progress of symptoms is faster.

Generally initial signs largely depends on the type of fungus. For example, when an infection Trichophyton mentagrophytes symptoms increase rapidly and actively, while with other types of pathogen, the signs are blurred, the general dynamics is sluggish, resembling the chronic course of dermatitis, with periodic exacerbations.

At the beginning of the disease, the skin in the groin is covered with small scaly spots, up to 10 mm. They itch and increase in size, gradually merging with neighboring ones. Localization of plaques - in the pubic region, in the lower part of the abdomen, perineum, between the buttocks, in the popliteal fossae.

Photo 2. The process of stain development

As the disease grows and no measures are taken to treat the disease, the size of the spots can grow by almost an order of magnitude - up to 10 cm. In its own way appearance plaques have a different shape, but with a clear distinction from healthy epidermis. Along their edge is an inflamed, rising above the skin plane, roller, consisting of many blisters and pustules, inside of which is a cloudy liquid. At the same time, a sinking part is observed in its center, as if slightly depressed.

Photo 3. Signs in a man's groin

The peak of inguinal epidermophytosis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Burning of the affected areas
  • Pain on contact with clothing and movement

After a while, the inflammatory process fades away, due to skin lightening, the spot looks like a reddened circle.

If the disease is not treated, then despite the gradual disappearance of symptoms, there is a high probability that dermatitis will pass into the chronic stage, which means sudden appearance new lesions at any time during later life. This situation leads to serious cosmetic discomfort, especially in women.


Apart from chronic course, inguinal epidermophytosis, which has not been treated, leads to complications and negative consequences:

  1. Problems with the lymphatic vessels
  2. Secondary infections

To prevent this, having noticed the first symptoms presented in the photo in this article, you should immediately seek the advice of a dermatologist who will examine, diagnose and tell you how and how to treat epidermophytosis.

Treatment for men and women

The beginning of therapy is necessarily preceded by a diagnosis based on the location of the skin manifestation of inguinal epidermophytosis and other symptoms. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist who, to clarify the type of fungal agent, takes scrapings from the pathological focus, which are then analyzed.

The basis of treatment is taking pills with active substance calling acute sensitivity mushrooms, and application local fundsointments and creams. Treatment in case of infection for both men and women is the same. Thanks to local processing, it is ensured:

  • Broad antifungal effect
  • Anti-inflammatory effect due to antibiotic therapy
  • Quick care for signs of skin damage

Consider the standard complex treatment of a patient diagnosed with inguinal epidermophytosis, carried out at home:

  1. Application of ointment and cream with antifungal action, prescribe Lamisil, Mikoseptin, Oxiconazole, Econazole, Clotrimazole etc.
  2. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs during acute period. Usually, hormone-based agents are used, for example, glucocorticosteroids. The application goes until the complete suppression of the inflammatory reaction.
  3. Antihistamine treatment is indicated for severe itching, medications are prescribed Tavegil, Suprastin and others.

With epidermophytosis in initial phase folk remedies are useful and effective, for example, lotions based on boiled string or oak bark. Compresses are also recommended clove oil, fir, fig. The rapid adoption of alternative treatment measures can quickly suppress inguinal dermatitis and avoid further therapy.

ICD-10 code

Inguinal epidermophytosis is not singled out separately in the classification, it belongs to several classes of diseases that have the following ICD-10 codes: B35-B49 "Mycosis".


The main preventive measure is daily personal hygiene. Be sure to wipe dry after washing. inguinal zone and all the folds in it.

If epidermophytosis in the groin has occurred, then after treatment it is important to completely disinfect all things and objects with which there was contact during the illness. After the patient has been treated, two next weeks, it is necessary to wipe with a two percent solution of iodine places on the body where there were signs of mycosis, this will prevent a possible relapse.

Tr. interdigitale - a fungus that causes athlete's foot

Inguinal epidermophytosis (or groin dermatophytosis) is fungal disease, which affects large folds of the skin, mainly inguinal. Perhaps due to the fact that the disease manifests itself in such a delicate place, some people classify it as a sexual infection and confuse it with candidiasis, which is also caused by fungi.

It is also worth distinguishing between inguinal epidermophytosis and epidermophytosis of the feet. Despite the apparent similarity, these diseases develop through the fault of different fungi, and each has its own characteristics.

In this article, we will tell you how epidermophytosis proceeds in men and women, we will analyze the treatment and principles of diagnosis, and we will understand why this is not a sexually transmitted disease.

Inguinal epidermophytosis: is it contagious and what causes it

Epidermophyton floccosum - the causative agent of inguinal epidermophytosis under a microscope

The causative agent of the disease Epidermophyton floccosum(Epidermophyton flocosum) is an opportunistic fungus. This means that it can safely live on the surface of the skin without causing disease. The fungus survives well in the environment, is resistant to drying and freezing, and dies when boiled - but only after 10-20 minutes.

Infection with epidermophyton occurs contact or household by - that is, through different objects.

It turns out that you can get infected:

  • at direct contact with a sick person (eg, shaking hands, hugging, having sex)
  • and through towels, washcloths, garments.

Epidermophyton is a highly contagious pathogen, that is, it is very easily transmitted from person to person. But at the same time, it cannot be considered a full-fledged sexual infection, because the penetration itself during sex does not lead to infection. The transmission of the fungus is possible with close skin-to-skin contact - for example, during a massage, with hugs and caresses that do not turn into sex.

However, in itself, infection with epidermophyton does not necessarily lead to a disease - epidermophytosis. Fortunately, the mere presence of a fungus on the skin is not enough to get sick - even if there is a lot of it. In order for a person to start epidermophytosis, the fungus must get into favorable conditions and penetrate into the thickness of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis).

These conditions include:

  • skin microdamages;
  • heat;
  • and high humidity.

Therefore, the most susceptible to this fungal infection:

  • bath and sauna workers,
  • athletes,
  • hot shop workers
  • overweight people with excessive sweating.

It has been established that inguinal epidermophytosis in men occurs more often. The reasons for this statistic are still unknown.

The course and outcome of the disease

Taking advantage of favorable conditions for itself, epidermophyton penetrates the human skin and does not make itself felt for some time. This time period ( incubation period) lasts an average of 3-5 days.

Although the fungus itself is resistant to environmental factors, it can only multiply in strictly certain conditions. For the existence and spread of the fungus, you need:

  • not too high temperature (28-30°C)
  • oxygen access

These conditions are met by human skin. Therefore, the fungus does not infect internal organs and even just the deep layers of the skin - he cannot live there.

As soon as the epidermophyton gets the opportunity, it begins to form its own mycelium. It branches and grows into new areas of the skin, forming a focus of the disease. So there are visible and tangible symptoms of inguinal dermatophytosis.

Then the old mycelium filaments are destroyed and form spores, which are exfoliated along with damaged epithelial cells and enter the environment. In this way, they infect the next person.

The further course of the disease depends on two conditions:

  • How fast will the fungus grow?
  • how quickly the patient's skin will be updated.

If the mycelium grows faster than the skin is renewed, then it captures more and more new areas. And if the opposite happens, then the infection can be removed by itself along with falling scales. Then the person recovers on his own.

In some cases, if the body cannot completely get rid of the pathogen - for example, without treatment or when it helps poorly - then dermatophytosis becomes chronic. In this case, the patient experiences periodic exacerbations. Most often they begin with a decrease in immunity.

Inguinal epidermophytosis: symptoms in women and men

Inguinal epidermophytosis

Photo: inguinal epidermophytosis on the gluteal folds Photo: inguinal epidermophytosis under the mammary glands Photo: athlete's groin in the buttocks and thighs Photo: inguinal epidermophytosis in the groin and labia

Favorite place for the introduction of the fungus:

  • these are inguinal folds
  • inner thighs
  • gluteal folds
  • pubis
  • Rarely, infection affects the skin armpit, folds of the abdomen and the area under the mammary glands in women.

    The disease begins with the appearance of red, scaly spots measuring 3-5 millimeters. The spots gradually grow and become oval - red or Pink colour. Bubbles, crusts or scales may appear on them. Also, the spots may become wet, as with eczema. They merge with each other, forming large formations with complex boundaries. If the inflammation in the spot area subsides, then its middle turns pale. The size of the merged spots can reach the size of the palm of your hand.

    Except skin manifestations, a person is worried about itching of varying intensity. There are no fundamental differences in the manifestations of inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men.

    Diagnosis of epidermophytosis

    The disease is easily suspected by the characteristic places where the infection settles, and by the changes in the skin that it causes. But still "by eye" accurate diagnosis cannot be placed.

    A number of diseases have similar manifestations, and it is sometimes difficult to distinguish epidermophytosis about them:

    • candidiasis of large folds - including diaper dermatitis
    • erythrasma
    • eczema, including seborrheic
    • rubromycosis
    • contact dermatitis

    In addition to the usual examination, examination in the light helps to make a diagnosis. Wood's lamps. It gives light close to the ultraviolet spectrum. In the rays of the device fungal infections have a greenish tint.

    Laboratory diagnostic methods help to clarify the diagnosis:

    • scraping microscopy - examination under a microscope of a scraping from the affected area;
    • cultural (bacteriological) inoculation on the medium.

    Scraping microscopy is cheap and fast method additional diagnostics. Before placing the material under a microscope, it is treated with a solution of potassium hydroxide (it dissolves the scales of the epithelium) and a special dye.

    When examining such a scraping, the laboratory assistant easily detects the fungus and determines whether it belongs to dermatophyte fungi, a group of fungi that live in the epidermis. True, in this way it is impossible to determine which type of fungus - epidermophyton or another from this group - is guilty of the disease. However, most often there is no real need to accurately determine the type of fungus - because almost the same treatment is prescribed for the entire group of dermatophytes.

    In some doubtful cases, the cultural method is also used - when the scraping material is placed on a nutrient medium and microorganisms are grown in it. When they multiply, it will be possible to clearly determine what kind of infection the patient has.

    However, such an analysis is not always necessary. The cultural method is quite expensive, and the result of the research will be ready no sooner than in 1-2 weeks.

    Meanwhile, for effective treatment, it is enough to simply establish that the pathogen belongs to dermatophyte fungi - therefore, microscopy of a stained smear is usually sufficient.

    Treatment and prevention of inguinal epidermophytosis

    Is there a difference, how and how to treat inguinal epidermophytosis in women and men?

    In most cases, the treatment of athlete's groin in women and men can be carried out at home - with the same medicines.

    Treat the infection locally - apply drugs directly to the focus of the disease. The basis of treatment is antifungal drugs, as in the treatment of any dermatophytosis - for example, inguinal region or on the forehead.

    They are produced in the form of gels and ointments. Those in pharmacy network more than 200 items, and only a doctor can tell which ointments for the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis should be used.
    To do this, you need to diagnose the disease, take into account all accompanying illnesses and individual characteristics patient.

    Most often from epidermophytosis appoint:

    • clotrimazole
    • ketoconazole
    • lamisil.

    In addition, based on the results of the examination, the doctor may prescribe additional drugs different actions:

    • keratolytic(dissolving skin scales) - to speed up the renewal of the epidermis and prevent the fungus from firmly infiltrating the skin;
    • drying- so that stains do not get wet and damaged skin some infection has not yet penetrated;
    • antiseptic actions: ointments based on salicylic acid, alcohol solution of iodine, Sulfuric ointment- also to prevent the attachment of other infections.

    The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. At the same time, it is important to continue using antifungal ointments - even if the symptoms of the disease have already passed. The fungus may remain on the skin, although it will not be noticeable to the naked eye.

    It is necessary to apply ointments and gels in the treatment of epidermophytosis, capturing apparently healthy skin at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the stain, because fungal filaments can also be found in this area

    There are also severe cases - when it is not possible to stop the growth of the spot local preparations. For example, this also happens when weak immunity. Then the doctor prescribes antifungal drugs general action- in the form of tablets.

    It can be:

    • ketoconazole
    • terbinafine
    • itraconazole

    To prevent epidermophytosis, it is necessary to iron underwear with a hot iron.

    Another important point in treatment - prevention of self-infection. Here is her simple rules:

    • daily change and iron underwear with a hot iron;
    • it is possible and necessary to wash the affected area, but it is necessary to dry it thoroughly after the procedure.

    If epidermophytosis of the groin is not treated, then the disease will turn into chronic form. After that, the person will relapse whenever the immune defenses decrease.

    No one can be guaranteed to avoid inguinal epidermophytosis. But this risk can be greatly reduced. For this it is necessary:

    • do not use other people's towels, washcloths, clothes and other household items;
    • support good level immunity: eat right, lead active image life and give up bad habits.

    Epidermophytosis of the groin and other areas is a non-dangerous disease, and is well treated. But she is able to deliver a lot of problems to the sick.

    This infection is quite easy to "catch" through common household items, especially in public baths and swimming pools. This is even more likely than with sexual or just close contact.

    Preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. All it takes is to support defensive forces body at a sufficient level and always use only individual household items in public places Oh.

    Inguinal epidermophytosis is easy to "catch" through common household items, especially in public baths and pools

    A feature of epidermophytosis is its selectivity, that is, it affects areas of the skin that are more often exposed to moisture, with an abundance sweat glands- armpits and inguinal folds, feet.

    Upon contact with the skin, especially when it is weakly protected or damaged, a filamentous fungus develops from the spores. Penetrating into the thickness of the epidermis, it feeds on its cells, multiplies, causing a focus of damage and an inflammatory process. The disease has a tendency to spread rapidly, increase the focus, as well as to a long relapsing course, and is resistant to treatment.

    Important! The high contagiousness (ability to be quickly transmitted) of epidermophytosis contributes to its spread in groups, public places (pools, baths, gyms). Therefore, along with the treatment of epidermophytosis, an important role is played by preventive measures by its distribution.

    What are the causes?

    The main source of infection is a sick person. The pathogen can get on the skin through direct contact, as well as indirectly, that is, through common items (towels, clothes, shoes, pool water, the surface of a sports simulator, floor mats, bed sheets). Fungus spores can also get from the external environment - soil, puddles, and so on.

    Fortunately, not everyone develops the disease when the pathogen enters. Healthy, dry and intact skin is resistant to fungus penetration. The spread of the disease contributes to a number of provoking factors, such as:

    1. Prolonged exposure to high humidity.
    2. Work with elevated temperature environments (hot shops, food enterprises).
    3. Excessive sweating.
    4. Violation of the rules of skin hygiene.
    5. Impact production factors(chemical agents, skin trauma, cracks).
    6. Obesity.
    7. Decreased immunity.
    8. Relaxation of the body after radiotherapy, chemotherapy in cancer patients.
    9. Endocrine diseases (diabetes, malnutrition thyroid gland).

    Remember. Infection with the epidermophytosis fungus can be completely avoided if the reasons for which the infection develops are eliminated.

    information to read

    How do different types of epidermophytosis manifest themselves?

    Depending on the localization of the fungus on the body, epidermophytosis can be of 3 types:

    • inguinal;
    • foot skin;
    • nail plates.

    Inguinal epidermophytosis

    With this form of the disease, foci of infection are located in the region of the inguinal folds, between the buttocks, can spread to the skin of the pelvic area, chest. Athlete's groin in men can also affect the skin of the penis and testicles, hairy part heads.

    In women, athlete's groin is often located in armpits, in the folds under the mammary glands, on the skin of the pubis, in obese women often lesions appear under the folds of the abdomen.

    Lesions have the appearance of red, well-defined spots various sizes, with peeling of the skin, the presence of small bubbles with liquid. characteristic severe itching skin, and when it joins secondary infection, then there is a burning sensation.

    Important. People with overweight, the presence of fatty folds and excessive sweating are most susceptible to inguinal epidermophytosis. They should be especially careful to observe the rules of personal hygiene.

    Athlete's skin of the feet

    On the feet, the fungus selects the interdigital spaces and adjacent to them peripheral departments feet, that is, places where there are more sweat glands and higher skin moisture. Gradual development is characteristic - from slight peeling to deep cracks and ulcers.

    Epidermophytosis of the feet can occur in the following clinical forms:

    • erased;
    • hyperkeratotic;
    • intertriginous;
    • dyshidrotic.

    With an erased form disease, itching is noted, as well as peeling of the skin in the interdigital spaces and on the plantar surface of the foot, shallow cracks may form. Hyperkeratotic form characterized by the appearance of a nodular rash and multiple horny scales, there is also itching.

    Intertriginous form characterized by weeping, inflammation and detachment of the skin of the interdigital spaces, the appearance of deep cracks. Itching and burning are accompanied by pain in the places of cracks, it is palpable while walking. With dyshidrotic form the skin of the feet is covered with small itchy vesicles with clear liquid. They burst, forming erosion and ulcers, there is a burning sensation.

    Important. At the first symptoms of epidermophytosis - peeling of the skin on the feet, in the interdigital spaces - you need to see a doctor until the disease has become more severe.

    Athlete's nails

    Damage to the nails is most often combined with elements of the disease on the skin. Nail plates are covered yellow spots, lose their luster, longitudinal stripes appear. Further, there is a thickening and stratification of the plates, they become loose, crumble, rise above nail bed, flake off.

    What is the treatment?

    Treatment of epidermophytosis consists of systemic use drugs and local effects. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed: "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin", "Ibuprofen" and their analogues. When a secondary infection joins, antibiotics are prescribed a wide range actions from a number of cephalosporins ( "Cefalexin", "Cefotaxime", "Cefaclor" and others), fluoroquinolones ( "Ciprofloxacin", "Enoxacin" and analogues).

    The number of drugs for epidermophytosis also includes antihistamines ("Tavegil" and analogues), B vitamins and vitamin-mineral complexes.

    Local treatment depends on clinical form and localization of the fungus.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis

    In women, the disease usually occurs in more than mild form, exacerbations are characteristic in hot summer period. For the treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in women, antifungal drugs are also prescribed: Cyclopirox, Nystatin, Griseofulvin. locally prescribed antifungal ointments: Clotrimazole, Micafungin, Levorin. At protracted course apply ointments containing, in addition to their composition, corticoid hormones: Miconazole, Diflucortolone.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis in men, in principle, does not differ from its treatment in women. The localization of fungal foci mainly in the inguinal folds and perineum creates greater discomfort, accompanied by severe itching and burning. Therefore, "Claritin" or "Suprastin" is additionally prescribed, sedatives, drying the foci with the help of powders containing boric acid or zinc oxide.

    It is also possible to treat epidermophytosis groin at home with the help of folk remedies. Many of medicinal plants have antifungal properties: garlic, black radish. Also use medicinal herbs: leaves of eucalyptus, birch and poplar, celandine, yarrow, St. John's wort and others that can be found in reference books of traditional medicine. Decoctions and tinctures are prepared from them, applied to areas affected by the fungus several times a day until the symptoms disappear.

    Treatment of epidermophytosis of the legs

    Soda or manganese baths are prescribed, after which the skin is wiped dry, antifungal ointments are applied (Clotrimazole, Ketoconazole). In the presence of bubbles, they are carefully opened with a sterile needle, after which they are treated with hydrogen peroxide or a solution of resorcinol, dimexide. Then apply an antifungal ointment.

    With epidermophytosis of the nail plates, the nail bed is removed, treated 2-3 times a day with a solution of fucorcin, Castellani liquid or Nitrofungin. Apply a bandage with antifungal ointments. This is done daily until the new nail grows completely.

    Important. For the treatment to be quick and successful, it must be prescribed by a dermatologist.

    What are the preventive measures?

    Highly important role medicine assigns the prevention of epidermophytosis. This includes social and individual plan. Sanitary services monitor compliance with the hygiene regime in public places - gyms, swimming pools, children's and other institutions. They play a big role medical examinations for early detection and treatment of epidermophytosis, sanitary and educational work.

    For personal prevention of epidermophytosis, the following rules must be observed:

    • Adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, monitor the cleanliness of the body, clothes, shoes.
    • Do not use other people's hygiene items - towels, washcloths, and so on.
    • Do not wear other people's clothes and shoes.
    • After visiting the sauna, swimming pool, gym be sure to take a shower.
    • Make sure that the skin is always dry: carefully wipe the interdigital spaces of the feet, use anti-sweating products.
    • News healthy lifestyle life, undergo regular medical examinations.

    The main thing in the prevention of epidermophytosis of the feet is their hygiene, thorough drying of the skin after washing, the use of anti-sweating feet

    Epidermophytosis - contagious disease requiring a long and complex treatment. It is always easier to prevent it by strictly observing the measures of personal prevention.

    Epidermophyton floccosum pathogens are the cause of a fungal skin disease called athlete's groin. The disease affects more often men than and is localized in the inguinal region, from which it takes its name.

    In the presence of this disease, its redness and peeling of the inguinal folds of the skin are observed. If mycosis is in advanced stage, then the symptoms actively spread to inner walls thighs and buttocks. How to identify unpleasant disease and get rid of it, you will learn in this review.

    The reasons

    Fungal spores actively develop in the presence of two conditions - heat and moisture. Men in professions such as a driver or a military man are most susceptible to this disease. The work obliges them to wear warm clothes without ventilation for a long time, such an atmosphere is a "paradise" for fungi. Visiting public places (baths, saunas, gyms) increases the risk of developing epidermophytosis in the groin.

    There are a number of factors that provoke itching of the skin on the testicles and skin folds, they are as follows:

    • malfunctions of the immune system;
    • increased sweating;
    • damage to the skin (contribute to the penetration of fungi into the body);
    • diseases of the endocrine system;
    • obesity due to diaper rash;
    • inadequate hygiene.


    insidiousness this disease in that it manifests itself after 10-14 days. After infection, an incubation period passes, then obvious signs of the disease appear.

    At the first stage, the disease is itching in the testicles, discomfort in the groin. A week later, ovals with convex edges are formed on the affected areas, on which nodules with liquid are located. Later, the foci of the disease grow, covered from above healthy skin, have a pale pink or red color.

    There are three main signs of inguinal epidermophytosis:

    • burning,;
    • redness, papules filled with fluid;
    • exfoliation of affected skin cells.

    If you do not resort to therapy for a long time, the foci begin to peel off, complications may occur. The nodules multiply and fill with pus. With such an anamnesis, a prompt visit to the doctor and inpatient treatment is necessary.

    Which doctor should I contact?

    If the patient observes in himself, redness and peeling of the skin in the inguinal region, itching of the skin on the testicles, burning of the head, then correct diagnosis will be able to establish a dermatologist, mycologist or urologist who take in district hospitals and polyclinics. Additionally, you can contact the local dermatovenerologic dispensary (KVD) for advice.


    To confirm the diagnosis, the specialist performs the following manipulations:

    • Analysis of scrapings for the presence of pathogenic fungi. Scraping is carried out on the affected areas of the skin in the groin, on the arms, legs and nail plate. The laboratory assistant examines the material under a biomicroscope and discovers the mycelium (colony) of the Epidermophyton fungus.
    • The study of the nutrient medium for the activity of microorganisms gives the active reproduction of the mycelium of a round and fluffy shape. These are typical signs of mushrooms.
    • Analysis of inflamed skin under Wood's lamp. A special fluorescent lamp illuminates the affected areas of the skin on the arms, back, and groin. If under the light there is a green glow of the skin, then this confirms the presence of epidermophytosis in the groin. Also, the Wood's lamp allows you to distinguish the fungus Epidermophyton from (for this disease, a red-pink glow is typical).

    With the help of these manipulations, epidermophytosis is distinguished from thrush, seborrheic dermatitis, rubromycosis, etc.

    Inguinal epidermophytosis treatment

    With a correct diagnosis and effective treatment spots, itching on the scrotum, peeling of the skin in the groin disappear within 1-4 months, depending on general condition organism.

    In practice, antifungal drugs are used externally (topically) and orally (by mouth). As a rule, the treatment of athlete's groin is limited to the use of topical preparations that contain terbinafine.

    Among them are:

    • Ointment and spray;

    Before applying a cream or ointment, the skin must be treated with an antiseptic, at worst, thoroughly washed with soap.

    For oral administration, there are 250 mg and 100 mg capsules. If these funds are not enough, then the dermatologist prescribes oral antihistamines (by mouth). Note:

    • Suprastin tablets;
    • Ointment Belosalik;
    • Cream Belogen.

    These anti-allergic drugs should relieve itching of the scrotum, burning skin in the groin, remove redness and discomfort. They need to be applied to the previously treated skin surface with any antiseptic (). You can also treat the skin with calendula tincture and iodine solution.

    Treatment medications should be under the supervision of a dermatologist. Do not self-medicate.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophytosis with folk methods

    Epidermophytosis is a fungal superficial disease of the skin, while today epidermophytosis of the feet and inguinal region is distinguished. The disease strikes skin mainly in places of localization of natural skin folds, on the feet, as well as nail plates.

    Epidermophytosis is caused by the fungus epidermophyton, discovered in 1907. The main source of infection is a sick person. It can also provoke the onset of the development of the disease serious breach in the process of metabolism, maceration of the skin and excessive sweating. Nosocomial endemias are also possible.

    Children and men of young and middle age are predisposed to the development of the disease. More often epidermophytosis is recorded in the summer season. More often, infection with a fungus occurs through the use of household items that the patient used.

    Epidermophytosis in men

    In men, epidermophytosis develops more often than in women, which is due to physiological features: sweating, alkaline reaction of sweat, etc.

    Epidermophytosis in women

    In women, epidermophytosis is less common than in men, but the course and treatment of the disease are the same.

    Inguinal epidermophytosis

    Inguinal epidermophytosis - a skin disease caused by the fungus Epidermophyton floccosum, localized in the inguinal-femoral folds, less often in the axillary folds and under the mammary glands in women. Occasionally affects interdigital folds.

    Inguinal epidermophytosis starts acutely, but then becomes chronic. Symptoms disappear and reappear. This process takes months or even years.

    According to statistics, the disease is more common in men than in women. Infection occurs through bodily contact with a sick person, through household items: washcloths, towels, shoes, underwear, thermometers). The development of inguinal epidermophytosis predispose:

    • violation of hygiene rules in public baths, pools and showers;
    • excess body weight;
    • diaper rash;
    • increased sweating.

    Athlete's foot

    When infected with epidermophytosis of the feet, nails and the surface of the skin are affected, while the disease often manifests itself in adults.

    Epidermophytosis of the feet is localized in the arch of the foot, its outer and inner edges, in III and IV, less often in other interdigital folds. Often affects the nails of I and V toes.

    First of all, the disease is associated with increased traumatization of the nails. tight shoes. The disease is characterized by a severe chronic course, more often the period of exacerbation occurs in the hot season, as a rule, if a person constantly walks in closed shoes, wears synthetic socks and stockings.

    Athlete's foot is contagious. The disease is transmitted healthy people patients in baths, showers, pools, on the beach through all kinds of objects: benches, rugs, basins. In addition, through other people's socks, tights and shoes.

    The transition of the pathogen to the pathogenic state is helped by the following factors:

    • flat feet;
    • tight shoes;
    • sweating of the legs;
    • diaper rash;
    • abrasions;
    • pH shift of sweat to the alkaline side.

    Other factors:

    • body condition;
    • nervous and endocrine diseases;
    • reactivity of protective forces;
    • vascular diseases;
    • lack of vitamins;
    • adverse meteorological conditions;
    • the degree of pathogenicity of the fungus.

    Symptoms of epidermophilia

    Each type of epidermophilia has characteristic symptoms.

    Symptoms of inguinal epidermophytosis

    The disease manifests itself in the form of red edematous inflammatory spots, rounded, and when merged - with clear boundaries, sharply hyperemic, peripheral roller, on which pustules, crusts appear.

    Then the affected area of ​​the skin increases, the occurrence of edema and blisters is noted. After some time, inflamed areas located close to each other are combined into one abscess. Patients are worried about severe itching.

    Symptoms of athlete's foot

    Which doctors to contact with epidermophytosis:

    Treatment of epidermophilia

    The goal of treating epidermophytosis is to eliminate the pathogen. The fungus lends itself local treatment and usually does not require the use of antifungal tablets for oral administration.

    In severe lesions of the inguinal-femoral folds and feet, itraconazole, terbinafine are prescribed. With extensive lesions, outpatient hyposensitizing treatment is required.

    Treatment of inguinal epidermophilia

    With properly prescribed therapy, the disease is cured within a few weeks. To diagnose the disease, examination of the affected scales under a microscope is required. If the diagnosis is confirmed, drugs are prescribed for complex treatment: antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine action.

    If the disease acute course, the use of a solution of calcium chloride 10% is prescribed, as well as internal reception antihistamines:

    • suprastin;
    • pipolfen;
    • diphenhydramine;
    • diazolin.

    In addition, special lotions are used using a solution of silver nitrate 0.25%, a solution of resorcinol 1%.

    • Mycoseptin;
    • Clotrimazole;
    • Oxyconazole;
    • Cyclopirox.

    Antifungal agents are discontinued after disappearance visible manifestations infections. Treatment takes 1-1.5 months.

    Treatment of epidermophytosis of the feet

    Treatment of epidermophytosis of the feet is determined by the type, course and clinical picture diseases. For lung therapy the course of the disease is prescribed antifungal drugs for external use, lotions and dressings. In severe cases, with concomitant inflammatory processes a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

    • copper (0.1%);
    • zinc (0.4%);
    • resocine (2%).

    Then processed painful areas alcohol solutions and apply antifungal ointments. If the disease is complicated by pyococcal infections, along with antifungal drugs use antibiotics:

    • Cephalosporin;
    • Metacycline;
    • Erythromycin.

    After the course of treatment, it is required to carry out prevention from the recurrence of epidermophytosis:

    • regular rubbing of the skin with alcohol solutions;
    • rubbing the inside of the shoe.

    Treatment of athlete's foot

    A feature of the treatment of epidermophytosis of the nails is the mandatory removal of the affected nail plates, followed by treatment of the nail bed. For treatment apply:

    • antifungal ointments;
    • keratolytic patches;
    • fungicidal liquids.

    Self-diagnosis of the disease and self-treatment leads to the spread of the process and complications.

    Folk remedies for the treatment of epidermophytosis

    Hundreds of plants with bactericidal and antifungal properties are known. Traditional medicine is used as an additional therapeutic measure. Before using folk remedies, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

    A gruel of radish seeds with water or onion juice is applied to the skin.
    Compression treatment of the affected area with a mixture of mustard and vinegar.
    For baths, it is recommended to use dill or calamus root, lavender or thyme herb, rose petals, after which drying ointments based on zinc, tar and calendula are used.
    The affected areas on the toes are moistened with celandine juice, and bandages from the gruel of the plant are applied to the foci (exposure time is 20-30 minutes).
    Applying an ointment from a decoction of beets with honey.
    Apply birch leaves, poplar buds, resin coniferous trees, eucalyptus leaves, aspen bark. For treatment, infusions and lotions are made from them. Infusions are made on the basis of alcohol with buds and leaves of trees in a ratio of 10:1. A special 5% or 10% ointment is made from tar. Add to it salicylic acid or sulfur, which will dry out the foci of inflammation.
    Lubricate the problem area with lingonberry juice.
    For lotions, 20 grams of rue, cinquefoil root and fenugreek seeds are used, which are crushed and infused with 2 tbsp. l. in 300 ml of boiling water for 1 hour.
    Celandine is used in the form of a decoction, infusion or juice. A decoction of flowers and stems is used for compresses, which are prepared from 3 tbsp. plants and 0.5 liters of water. Boil the broth for 3 minutes and leave for 1 hour. The infusion is made on the basis of 1 handful of grass and 1 liter of water, in which, after 30 minutes of infusion, the legs soar. Course 10 days.
    Spread white cabbage leaf with sour cream. Apply to the affected area, change as it dries.
    Euphorbia juice lubricates the inflamed areas of infected toes 2-3 times a day.
    From 100 grams of mint-leaved basil and 100 grams of larch, a mixture is made, 3 tbsp. spoons of which are mixed with 0.5 liters of water and boiled. The tool is used as a bath up to 12 times for 20 minutes.
    To remove scabs, use an ointment from boiled vegetable oil with violet, brown and verbena. Previously, oil with herbs is infused for 15 days. After boiling, the collection is filtered and squeezed.

    Diet for epidermophytosis

    It is useful to use the following products:

    • fermented milk products: kefir, yogurt, starter cultures;
    • bakery products from second grade flour and whole grains;
    • garlic and onions;
    • horseradish and spinach;
    • citrus fruits and berries;
    • nuts and sprouted wheat;
    • sour juices and compotes.
    • fatty food;
    • bakery products from premium flour;
    • yeast;
    • mushrooms;
    • sweets;
    • sugar.

    Causes of epidermophytosis

    • the use of household items on which the scales of the affected epidermis remain;
    • personal hygiene products and sports equipment in gyms;
    • contact with surfaces in public places.

    Risk factors for infection with epidermophytosis:

    • visiting swimming pools and baths;
    • work in hot shops;
    • high air humidity and temperature;
    • visits to beauty salons and manicure rooms;
    • reduced immunity;
    • obesity;
    • skin injury.

    Diseases that increase the risk of epidermophytosis:

    • oncological diseases;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • chronic cardiovascular pathologies;
    • tuberculosis;
    • diabetes.

    Complications of epidermophytosis

    Epidermophytosis is rapidly developing and becomes chronic in both men and women. The duration of the chronic course sometimes reaches several years. In summer and excessive sweating an exacerbation of the disease occurs.

    Diagnosis of epidermophytosis

    After collecting an anamnesis, they proceed to an external examination of the lesion and laboratory methods research. Sometimes consultation of an infectious disease specialist, venereologist, immunologist is required.

    The diagnosis is based on:

    • typical clinical picture;
    • process localization;
    • currents;
    • finding strands of septate mycelium by microscopic examination of scrapings from the surface of lesions.

    Epidermophytosis prognosis

    The prognosis is favorable, epidermophytosis is treated both in acute and in chronic stage. Modern antifungal agents prevent relapses and reinfection epidermophyton fungus.

    Prevention of epidermophytosis

    The basis for the prevention of the disease is the observance of simple rules:

    • use only personal bath accessories;
    • compliance with the rules of body hygiene;
    • stress prevention;
    • fight against excessive sweating;
    • wearing underwear made from natural fabrics in hot weather;
    • regular preventive examinations persons at risk;
    • strengthening immunity;
    • the patient is required to issue an individual set of clothes and linen;
    • thorough disinfection of household items used by a sick person.

    Questions and answers on the topic "Epidermophytosis"

    Question:Hello. About 2 weeks ago there was a red inflammation in the groin. Then it grew and began to itch. Is it a fungus?

    Answer: Hello. According to the description, it looks like athlete's groin - this is a fungal disease. Treatment: hygiene (washing 72% laundry soap, ironing the linen on both sides with a hot iron, daily change of linen). A diet that excludes sweets. Inside multivitamins, inside and locally for at least 2 weeks of antimycotics (example dermazol), hepatoprotectors. If there are weeping surfaces, then first we dry it with a solution of iodine, fucarcin, etc. But for the purpose adequate therapy you need to visit a doctor, take a scraping for pathogenic fungi.

    Question:Hello. Man, 22 gold. For the second time in a month, spots appeared in the groin, red and rough. What could it be? Or what tests to take?

    Answer: Hello. I recommend seeing a dermatologist. Rashes are similar to inguinal epidermophytosis. To confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment, it is necessary to take tests: blood for HIV and syphilis, clinical analysis blood, glucose, scraping for mushrooms.

    Question:Hello. About three weeks ago there was a strange irritation between the groin and the leg. First appeared on one side. I assumed that it was just chafing and would pass after a while, but no. Later it began to appear on the other leg. Doesn't itch or just a little. Help! What could it be?

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