24 lunar day characteristic. twenty fourth lunar day

Symbol: bear

Stones: black jasper, malachite

24 lunar day is one of the best for those who dream to start new life. The main thing in this process is not to succumb to fears and not turn off the intended path.

The symbol of this day is the bear, and Eastern tradition- Shiva. In magic, this is the period of the destruction of the old and the creation of everything new. A good day for all undertakings that are difficult and energy-intensive, requiring significant physical or mental labor.

The moon on this day supplies us huge amount energy. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to cope with it, and as a result, there is a craving for adventures, extreme situations, desires to show oneself and one’s “valiant prowess”. If you feel such manifestations in yourself, then redirect this energy into creativity, and you have every chance to create a masterpiece. Also, excess energy can be removed by sports exercises.

In general, we can say that the twenty-fourth lunar day, for strong people, is a day of working with energies and laying down big things, and for those who are still weak, it’s better not to do anything at all on this day, as there will be a craving for risky enterprises, which should never be succumbed to.

If you are a passive person, or currently, you have such a period, then dedicate this one. If you feel weak and vulnerable, find a pine tree in the nearest park or forest, hug it and ask it to give you strength and health. Trees all feel and understand us. Believe me, you will get a lot of strength and energy thanks to our "silent helpers".

At 24 lunar day you should not leave children unattended, otherwise you will have to, at best, remove them from cabinets and mezzanines, and at worst ... however, let's not be pessimists, but still look after the children.

On the 24th lunar day, there is no longer tension from the previous day, aggression is gone. The day seems calm and joyful. The mood is most often festive, people are complacent. In general, the day is calm and mild: there is no mood to quarrel, and there is no strength to arrange noisy holidays, the fatigue of the previous day affects. Therefore, do not plan mass events, parties, discos for this day. It is better to go out with your family to nature, watch a good movie, get creative or sit in a small company.

A very good day to start any large-scale project. Tibetan and Indian astrological schools consider this day the most favorable period for the start of construction. It is believed that the construction of the pyramids in Egypt began precisely on the 24th lunar day. But, one of the main conditions for the successful holding of the twenty-fourth lunar day- preparation for it. Figuratively speaking, if you are going to move somewhere, then by this time the “engine” should be ready, repaired and lubricated. If you do not plan today to start new business, or are not ready for them, then spend this day quietly and calmly.

The twenty-fourth lunar day is a favorable period for creativity, especially for the creation of works of art and their presentation. Exhibitions, shows, performances, concerts, creative evenings are well held. As a rule, on this day people are complacent.

Also, this period is good for learning. The moon helps to activate thought processes. On this day, it is easier to concentrate, easier to solve a problem that requires thoughtful reflection and analysis. You may suddenly be visited by an insight, an insight, and you will see how simple your "intractable task" is.

Today, earthly energies are activated: in nature, these are soil, sand, stones, and in humans, the two lower chakras. Therefore, the attraction to opposite sex. Women today are especially feminine, and men are especially masculine. I would like to note that the twenty-fourth lunar day is the day of male energy. Physical strength is on the rise today, love dates are going just wonderfully, the work that has been started is going well. People born on this day are endowed with both physical and spiritual strength. Among them are many wanderers and hermits.

Dreams are not very important, but sometimes come true after twelve days.


24 lunar day is one of the strongest in the whole month. Today, the sexual potential of a person is especially strong. The dates are going great. On this day, it’s also good to discuss plans for the future, as well as start implementing them directly. A good day to spend it with your family, basking in love. The fewer contacts outside the home, the better. A great day for sexual exploits, and for conceiving a child, this is perhaps one of better days Total lunar month.

24 lunar days will be difficult for those men who really want to, but have no one. In order not to turn into rapist maniacs, they are advised to convert sexual energy into creative energy. If there is no ability to be creative, then dig up not only your own plot, but also a couple of neighboring ones, chop firewood for several winters for future use and put them in piles. This day should be actively used to strengthen one's own health, increase the spiritual level.

Household affairs

The symbol of the twenty-fourth lunar day is the bear. Therefore, the Moon, today gives each of us remarkable strength, thanks to which any household chores will be done easily and joyfully. You can safely start repairs, rearrange furniture. Construction will be successful if you start it on the twenty-fourth lunar day. You can build houses, lay foundations, temples.


On the 24th lunar day, diseases are not dangerous. As a rule, they do not drag on and do not bring unpleasant consequences. Today, the body is stable and easily copes with the load. However, on this day, the liver, skin, and rectum are vulnerable. Their treatment is facilitated by a properly selected diet and good sleep. It is useful to visit the bathhouse, especially the Russian steam room. The best day of the lunar month to start treatment and any healing practices. Chronic and advanced diseases can be treated.

A good day for active sports, yoga, for strength practices. Physical weakness is treated with rest and sleep. Sex today is useful, especially for men.

business and money

The twenty-fourth lunar day is good for any new business, in the future they will bring you success and money. We can and should be active. This is a very strong and successful day for work and business. All started cases are successful, and the difficulties and tasks that arise in the process are easily solved. Manifest increased activity. And the result will not be long in coming.

A good day for business related to money. Unlike the twenty-third lunar day, the energy of this day is not aggressive or destructive.

24 lunar day is a favorable period for creativity, especially for the creation of works of art and their presentation.

A great day for the construction business and restoration work of increased complexity.

The best day for holding a community work day, for digging up a plot of land or uprooting trees.

On this page you can determine your lunar birthday. The lunar birthday greatly affects our internal state, our emotions and aspirations.

In order to correctly determine your lunar birthday, you must, if possible, accurately indicate the time of your birth, as well as the place of birth. To do this, you need to select your city in the field " Your city" or the one closest to your locality (no more than 100 km). If there is no city close to you on our website, please write about it in. After your city is selected, the program will automatically fill in the field " Timezone" and geographical coordinates your area" Longitude" and " Latitude". The next point is important, at the time of your birth, perhaps there was a different time zone in your area. Unfortunately, we still cannot programmatically determine exactly by the date of birth what time zone you had. If you do not know exactly what time you had belt, we recommend that you use search services such as Yandex or Google.

Determine your lunar birthday

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59


Time zone at the time of birth:


Symbols of the day: bear

Day Stones: blue jade, citrine, malachite, black jasper, turquoise, obsidian

Description of the day

The twenty-fourth lunar day is the day of male energy. During this period, we practically do not succumb to the call of the heart, we are ruled by reason. Physical strength is on the rise today, love dates are held at a fabulous height. Started business is successful. True, the one who is stronger, the weak lose. Today, someone who, like Ilya Muromets, lay on the stove for a long time, can suddenly get up, transform and in one fell swoop do what others take months to do. Therefore, our epic Russian hero, personifying the whole people, is so similar to the symbol of Russia itself - the bear. He is able to hibernate for a long time, and then wake up and move mountains.

The twenty-fourth lunar day is a time of increased activity.

But, unlike the previous day, the energy of this day is non-aggressive and non-destructive. Although, somewhat rude, like the people themselves, who on this day are often clumsy.

Haircut on this day

Today's haircut will attract a lot of positive energy. A haircut today will keep your hair for a long time. Coloring in dark shades will help you with the search new job or impress your boss. A voluminous hairstyle will attract positive energy.

Gardening on this day

The awakening of nature begins, while the day itself is charged with good energy. Welcome vigorous activity on the site, however, you do not need to touch the root system, but give preference to the upper part of the plants.

The twenty-fourth lunar day is a favorable period for creativity, especially for the creation of works of art and their presentation. Exhibitions, shows, performances, concerts, creative evenings are well held. As a rule, on this day people are complacent. They may not be distinguished by the elegance of their statements, but they also do not aim to be rude and offend. In a way, we are resting our souls after the previous day. By the way, if on yesterday’s negative wave you managed to quarrel with someone, then today you can try to take a step towards reconciliation. At least a well-deserved apology.

If possible, spend the day calmly, without too much fuss and fuss, in a small friendly company. However, this is not a dogma, if you want, you can be active. The choice is entirely yours.

Features of the day

Like the 22nd lunar day, this period is good for learning. Time helps to activate thought processes. On this day, it is easier to concentrate, easier to solve a problem that requires thoughtful reflection and analysis.

All gardeners and gardeners need to keep in mind that the 24th lunar day is associated with fertility, and therefore is successful for starting sowing. Tibetan and Indian astrological schools consider him the most favorable period to start construction.

This lunar day is preparing good news for travelers: if you set off on a journey today, then your trip will be successful and successful. The only negative is that in the first hours of the trip, some obstacles, flight delays, etc. are possible.

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On the 24th lunar day, the soul rejoices and strives to rise to the stars. The body is full of energy, and in the heart there is joy and exultation. The stars promise success and prosperity to those who persevere in their pursuit of a goal.

Description of the twenty-fourth lunar day

The characteristic of the 24th lunar day is the creation, the destruction of old stereotypes.

These days do not carry negativity or aggression. The tension of the previous day subsides, chaotic throwing and irritability disappear. This is a happy and positive day. All the anxieties of the past day go away, leaving behind cleansing and unclouded energy.

On this day, all creative people experience a spiritual uplift. Intuition sharpens, the world is again filled with bright colors. I want to create and create again. All events related to art are held with great success. The concert halls are overcrowded, the exhibitions are crowded.

The day has a calm, enveloping aura. I don’t want to argue, to prove my case, repentance and a desire to apologize for past grievances come.

On this day, I want warmth and comfort. There is no desire to attend mass events, it pulls you to sit in your favorite chair and watch an old soulful movie. What to choose today - action or laziness? It's up to you to decide. On this day, large-scale changes are not expected and it does not matter how you decide to spend it.

The 24th lunar day is suitable for self-improvement. Education, search for information necessary for work is welcome. Everything related to intellectual work benefits your business. On this day, thought processes are accelerated, and attention is focused precisely on important and necessary things.

Features and properties of this day

Talismans and symbols:

  • the symbolism of this day is a bear, a cave, a cyclops;
  • astrologers rank malachite, blue nephrites, grossulars, obsidian as stones-mascots;
  • element - metal;
  • the main colors are saffron, honey, amber, orange.

Any business started today will lead to a good result. Set yourself up for success and believe in yourself.

What should you do today to be successful?

The main condition for achieving the goal is careful preparation and planning. All the small and painstaking work done on the 24th lunar day can launch a large-scale and grandiose project. Your success will be even more significant if you take care in advance to have all necessary information and "tools".

Lunar relations on the 24th day

The twenty-fourth lunar day is one of the most successful for communication and networking. If you have planned important negotiations with partners - be sure to appoint them on the 24th day. The moon today favors those who can listen to the interlocutor, follow the conversation with interest and conduct a dialogue on an equal footing. Therefore, at any meeting, try to be extremely attentive and friendly.

This is a bad period for manipulating people, pushing through their ideas and aggressive behavior. You just can't take something by force. But sincerity, honesty and openness will work wonders.

Today is the day when you can improve relations in the family and with relatives, if there were disagreements and misunderstandings. Calmly discuss issues that concern you, share your concerns, find common ground in the conversation. You don't have to sort things out. Start with a clean slate, forgetting past grievances and disagreements.

Relationship building and sex

On the 24th lunar day, they are perfect for a marriage ceremony. The life of the spouses will turn out well. Healthy children will grow up in the family, husband and wife will become each other's support. It's almost perfect time for marriage.

On this day, it is especially good to marry those couples who knew each other. for a long time. Such a union will be happy and strong. However, young people will have to think about material stability, since they are unlikely to be limited to an only child. And raising children is expensive.

Sex on this day can give you a real unity of the spiritual and physical plane. On this day, you can fantasize, experiment, realize your secret desires. All this will allow you to feel incredible bliss and connect even stronger with your partner.

conception of a child

Characteristics of people born on the 24th lunar day

The day is very unusual people. They are unique from birth, different from other children and live in a "parallel universe". They almost always possess numerous talents, are inquisitive and have an iron will. Such people live interesting and active lives and almost always achieve their goals.

Astrologers have a joke that "twenty-fourth children" already from birth have good manners and after their birth they do not cry, but simply thank the midwife. Such children do not need parental care and upbringing. They know everything and can do everything. Give them a fork and a knife instead of a bottle and they will show you how to use them.

AT school years"twenty-fours" bathe in the rays of glory and adoration. These are the constant excellent students, the joy of teachers and, oddly enough, the favorites of classmates. Children born on the 24th lunar day do not need to seek anyone's love, she finds them herself.

Despite the fact that the "twenty-fourth people" look and behave oddly, society listens to them. These are smart and erudite people having deep knowledge and well-developed intuition. Not surprisingly, they can already earn their first million by the age of thirty.

Those born on the twenty-fourth lunar day often do charity work. They are kind and merciful people who cannot indifferently pass by human misfortunes and troubles. It is very important to protect them from scammers and schemers, otherwise they will go too far in their generosity.

What do dreams mean on the 24th lunar day

Dreams on the 24th lunar day often show how important it is for you to maintain a balance of energy balance. All the energy that has accumulated for past period- wants to get out.

If you expend your strength in reasonable portions, gradually, without straining, you may dream of a predator lazily basking in the sun. It can be either a bear or another large animal.

If today in a dream you see a jumping squirrel or a hare, your actions are chaotic, not effective and unpromising. Plan the day in advance, prioritize correctly, analyze your actions.

Rituals of the 24th lunar day

Rituals today should be focused on bringing happiness into your life. On this day, the male sexual energy is very strong. Take advantage of this and perform a ceremony to increase your attractiveness in the eyes of your loved one. However, there is one indispensable condition - your chosen one must be in a relationship with you for a long time.

It is impossible to do love spells or rituals aimed at married people on these lunar days. Everything that concerns the family, the Moon guards. On these positive days, envy, greed, selfishness and heartlessness should not be released. Everything you wish for others today will come back to you like a boomerang.

Symbolic correspondence: 7th - 18th degree of Capricorn.
Action: heavy step.
Titles: mountain, bear, Shiva.
Symbol - Bear (Shiva). The moon passes up and down the constellation Ophiuchus and enters Aquarius from Capricorn. This is a period of destruction of the old and creation of the new.
Mystical influence: Forces are awakening. A very powerful day. Practice hard workouts, work. Time to use the transformation of male sexual power. You can start building your own temple.
The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person or an awakening of great power occurs in him. If he does not know how to use it, he will pay for it. Implementation in progress ancestral curse as well as werewolves.
Social impact: Good, but not very good. Do not use pressure on the interlocutor in communication, and rude jokes and cynicism are also contraindicated.
Household influence: Bad for travel, idleness, sadness. Good for starting new businesses, especially for building a house, and for working in the garden.
The day is associated with construction: you can build houses, lay foundations, temples. In general, the fundamentals further lead to the active use of reserves.
On this day, the "bear" punishes rapists and sadists.
Medical influence: The day often brings healing, but can give intractable, full of suffering disease. As a rule, the affected area is enlarged or there is hypertrophy of the function.
Day of subjugation of physical nature. You can engage in treatment, prepare medicines, strength is recommended physical exercises, yoga. Favorable for awakening and transformation sexual energy; this is the day of the cult of all the gods of fertility, the day of union, conception, but sexual practices should not be abused - otherwise you will not get into trouble: they should be dealt with only according to a strictly defined program. This day should be actively used to strengthen one's own health, increase the spiritual level.
Impact on born: are born very strong people, often thoughtful, "out of this world", endowed with talents in various fields.
Effect on conception: Morality and clumsiness great strength, the rudeness of a kind man, but a smart and honest person, they are waiting for a soul that will come to you on this day. A good appetite, the love of others, but long-term illness can lie in wait for your child. Protect him from laziness.
Stones - black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular.
Meditations: large buildings, nature.
Signatures: malachite, blue jade, jasper.

A. Zaraev. "Interpretation of Lunar Days

Last quarter. The period is unfavorable. At this time, mood swings and various transformations among the environment often occur. Only honest and spiritually developed people can achieve positive results at this time. Relationships with partners and lovers are under threat, ambitions, pride and conceit are increasing. Any rudeness, manifestation of strength, clumsiness (even to a small extent) irritates others, therefore conflicts with superiors or partners are possible.

"Birthdays" of the Moon by Albert the Great

The day is neither bad nor good. Diseases are not dangerous. Dreams are invalid. Children - kind people and lovers of feasts.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about every day. Lunar calendar."

You can and should do, eat:
- Start home renovation
- Prepare complex medicines
- Walk barefoot
- To sleep more
- Improve health
- Start making things
- Have sexual contact
- Ablution, visiting the bath (sauna)
It is impossible to do or it is necessary to refrain, do not eat:
- be in the crowd

> 24 lunar day

- characteristics of the day and description of the twenty-fourth lunar day of the waning moon of the calendar. Read what an auspicious lunar day is today.

  • Symbol: Shiva
  • Everything new is created after the old is destroyed.
  • calendar dedicated to the rebirth male energy, that's why today the active influence of nature on the intensity is felt physical strength. A great time to contact the object of love, start a new business, repair work or lay the foundation.

The impact of 24 lunar days on health

Good exercise and yoga. Use this moment to strengthen your fortune

If you are looking for which product today important for the body lunar day says variety is important. Try different vegetation, as well as kefir, cottage cheese and milk. A minimum of wine is allowed, only dry. It is better to avoid hunger strikes.


Great time for creativity, demonstration of artwork.

What to do on the 24th lunar day

  • keep accounting records;
  • to plan;
  • deal with financial matters;
  • discuss the current situation. It is necessary to cancel complex projects;
  • work with archives;
  • start new business;
  • complete old projects;
  • be active;
  • purchase real estate;
  • organize exhibitions, concerts and performances;
  • start repair;
  • if the boss, then call a conference. Analyze what actions will lead to success;
  • if an employee, then contact the boss with a request for a raise or bonus;
  • learn, develop yourself;

Relations in

A wonderful period to create a family for those couples who dream of a large offspring. Because of the reign of masculine energy, one feels sex drive. Therefore, a romantic meeting will bring good result. Feel free to discuss plans with your partner and figure out how to implement them. In order to better understand the relationship, we recommend that you read the instructions below.

dreams on the twenty-fourth lunar day

Through a dream, you will understand at what level the sexual charge, inner and creative enthusiasm is. If you like it, then in reality everything is wonderful. However, bad images speak of energy leakage. You are not good at contact with the opposite sex, or you do not use your creativity. Sometimes you can dive into past lives and see an unresolved problem. For more accurate interpretation sleep use our section.

  • Meditation: large-scale buildings, dao and tantra, nature, contact with jewels, yoga and exercises.
  • If you are building a house, you will be much better imbued with the moment of creating yourself.
  • In the anus and the “Gate of Death” chakra are active. It is located between the genitals and the anus, below the Svadhisthana point (T1 in Chinese medicine). Remember, it is through this point that the earth energy passes.
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