What is scrofula disease. Zolotukha: description, symptoms, treatment. Do the external manifestations of the disease differ in adults and children

How to cure scrofula? We will tell you how to get rid of this disease traditional ways, as well as introduce folk methods treatment.

Scrofula- is nothing but exudative diathesis caused by tubercle bacillus. Most often, this disease occurs in very young children, but sometimes it can also affect the body of an adult.

  • Since the tubercle stick is a close relative of Koch's stick, some experts believe that if you do not start treating this pathology at the most early stages, then it can provoke various serious complications until the development of tuberculosis
  • But you should not be afraid of such a close relationship of these diseases. Unlike tuberculosis, scrofula, if, of course, the diagnosis is made on time, it responds very well to treatment, and the most pleasant thing is that literally in 2-3 weeks a person can return to his normal life.

What is scrofula and how it manifests itself: symptoms and signs of the disease

Without proper treatment, the rash can even appear on the face.
  • Scrofula is a disease that affects the dermatological integument, which manifests itself in the form of a rash. As a rule, the first rashes appear behind the ears and on the scalp. First initial stage these are solitary foci that, without proper treatment, grow very quickly and form large inflamed red areas, which are called "scrofulous crust"
  • If you do not start treatment already at this stage, then in just a few days the course of the disease will worsen and irritation and rash will appear on the folds of the neck, arms and legs. As you probably already understood, the main symptom of scrofula is a rash, which over time begins to itch very much and become covered with a wet crust.
  • But such a mild course of the disease develops only in children. In the case of adults, scrofula can manifest itself more seriously. In addition to a rash in an infected person, lymph nodes in the neck and behind the ears can become inflamed and significantly enlarged. All this will be accompanied by a significant deterioration in well-being, and in some severe cases high temperature
  • If we talk about the reasons for the development of this pathology, then first it is very necessary to say about immunity. If defensive forces the body is very much reduced, then this alone can provoke an inflammatory process both on the skin and inside the orgasm
  • Therefore, if you see a rash behind your ears or on your head in yourself or your child, then be sure to sign up for a consultation with an immunologist and do everything so that your body can effectively resist various external stimuli as soon as possible.

Is scrofula contagious?

Scrofula is not dangerous for people around
  • Quite a lot of mothers, seeing a child with yellow crusts on the skin on the street, try to protect their baby from communicating with such a peer. Some do it out of disgust, others out of fear of infection. In fact, you should not be afraid of scrofula
  • If only a rash is present on the child’s skin, but the lymph nodes are not inflamed and enlarged, then this may be just a banal reaction to sweat, drinking, household chemicals or certain products. Therefore, this type of scrofula can be attributed rather to allergic reaction, a manifestation that can be removed if the child is protected from the source of irritation
  • For this reason, if you do not want your child to also have such problems, then just be careful about the choice of foods that your child will eat, wash his clothes with gentle powders and visit as often as possible. fresh air

Symptoms of scrofula in children

The main symptoms of scrofula in children

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, most often this disease affects children from 1 to 10 years old. Many pediatricians believe that the cause of scrofula in children is improper care for the skin of the child and unbalanced nutrition.

Also at risk are children whose parents abuse alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

The main symptoms of scrofula in children:

  • Severe itching of the dermatological integuments behind the ears and on the scalp (only the skin is affected, while the hair itself remains completely healthy)
  • A rash that forms large patches that are light pink to dark red in color (the color of the rash may vary depending on the severity of the disease)
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes (this symptom at the initial stage can be almost invisible, you can find out about the inflammatory process only by probing the neck and behind the ears)
  • The appearance of a crust of a yellowish tint (this manifestation is typical for a disease that did not begin to be treated at the first symptoms)

Symptom of scrofula depending on its form:

  • Torpid or as it is also called sluggish form. With this course of the disease, the child may experience an unnatural pallor of the skin, slightly swollen lips and excessive swelling of the stomach. In addition, the baby may refuse to move and eat normally.
  • Erotic form. Children suffering from this type of scrofula almost always have insufficient body weight, which is most often the result of their excessive mobility. The skin of such babies is very thin and pale, therefore, at the slightest irritation, they become covered with a rash.

Scrofula in children behind the ears causes

Causes of scrofula behind the ears
  • There are enough various factors that influence the appearance of this pathology. Some experts claim that main reason its development are pathological processes that do not allow the circulatory system to function properly, while others claim that this is how it manifests itself wrong exchange substances
  • But if we talk about children, then the cause of this disease, most likely, was the parents. If they did not lead a healthy lifestyle or were under the influence of alcohol or drugs at the time of conception, then with highly likely we can say that these factors will definitely have an impact on the formation of the fetus
  • But if a baby is born with pathologies, and parents do not pay attention to health little man due attention, then the tubercle stick begins to multiply intensively and gradually affect the skin

In addition, the following factors can cause scrofula:

  • late pregnancy
  • Lack of vitamin D in the body
  • Baby eating a lot of sugary foods
  • Prolonged absence of water procedures
  • Artificial feeding
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals

Scrofula in children behind the ears treatment

Methods for getting rid of scrofula behind the ears

Very often scrofula appears as a secondary symptom of more serious illnesses. Therefore, before starting treatment, be sure to show your baby to the pediatrician, and for reinsurance, take at least a blood test.

If the results of the analysis are quite normal, then you can safely proceed to standard treatment scrofula.


  • The first thing you should do is review your baby's diet. From it it is necessary to exclude fried, fatty, smoked and sweet. Remember, the child's diet should be as light as possible. Therefore, try to feed him at least some minimum period only with cereals on the water, vegetables and lean meat, and fish
  • Also, do not forget to follow the regime of the day. Sick children don't have to free time lead sitting at the TV or computer. It will be better if they spend most of the day outdoors and in the sun. After long walks, be sure to arrange a quiet hour for your son or daughter. In general, try to get your child to sleep as well as possible and sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Purchase any natural oil at the pharmacy that has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties and 3 times a day, wipe the affected areas of the dermis with it
  • If the disease is severe and in addition to the rash, the child also has heat and general weakness, then he must be prescribed antibiotics and drugs that help remove toxins from the body that the tubercle stick produces
  • And, of course, do not forget the vitamins. If the baby is sick in the summer, then replenish stocks useful substances fresh fruit and vegetables. In winter, fresh products can be replaced with pharmacy multivitamins, but it will be better if your doctor picks them up and develops a regimen for taking them.

Sometimes scrofula appears in babies who are just a couple of days old. Most often this is due to the immaturity of the immune system, which cannot yet withstand aggressive environmental factors.

But if in older children the disease is usually not very acute, then in newborns this pathology can cause some pretty serious problems.

If you do not try to get rid of the first symptoms of scrofula, then the fragile children's body will weaken so much that almost all childhood diseases will start targeting it.

Symptoms of scrofula in newborns:

  • Digestion is disturbed
  • The child begins to suffer from colic
  • Muscle cramps and stiffness may occur
  • Reddened eyes and tearing
  • Mucus that looks like pus may begin to stand out from the nose and ears.

Scrofula in adults: symptoms

Symptoms of scrofula in adults
  • Scrofula in adults is very rare, but if it appears, it is most often a symptom of some more serious illness. Therefore, if you notice at least one symptom of this pathology, then immediately make an appointment with a doctor.
  • Still, it’s worth being safe, because most often scrofula in an adult develops against the background of a tuberculosis infection, which, without proper therapy, can lead to damage not only to the skin, but also to the lungs and bones. But such an outcome is possible only if your body is weakened so much that it cannot cope with Koch's wand, which provokes the development of this pathology.
  • If you do not delay the approach to the doctor and literally in the first days of the rash appear at least to the therapist, positive outcome illness you will be guaranteed

Symptoms of scrofula in adults:

  • The skin in the affected areas will begin to peel and itch
  • Under the yellow crusts, you can see a purple-red inflamed dermis
  • Infected inflamed areas will quickly cover with pus, which will make the wound deep and very painful.
  • In addition, general weakness and high fever may appear, which is not knocked down by absolutely no antipyretic drugs.
  • Against the background of inflammation of the lymph nodes, otitis media, sinusitis and tonsillitis can develop.
  • Scrofula also has negative impact on the musculoskeletal system and the person begins to feel pain in the joints and back

How to treat scrofula behind the ears in an adult?

Methods for the treatment of scrofula in adults
  • The approach to treating scrofula in adults can be completely different. If pathological processes occur only in the upper layers of the dermatological integument, then in this case it is possible to confine ourselves to antiallergic drugs, pharmacy vitamins and immunostimulants
  • For a more rapid disappearance of visible symptoms, some kind of anti-inflammatory ointment, for example, zinc, is usually prescribed. If the patient strictly follows all the prescriptions of his attending physician, then after 7-10 days he will be able to forget about the problems and return to his normal life.
  • If scrofula appeared against the background of a tuberculosis infection, treatment should be more thorough and necessarily stationary. With this course of the disease, the patient must be prescribed antibiotics, hepatoprotectors, vitamins in injections, as well as special therapeutic baths.
  • Such a course of treatment lasts at least 30 days, and then all tests are taken from the patient again. In the most severe cases, doctors resort to surgical intervention. If a drug treatment does not give positive result, then they have no choice but to remove the source of infection. But even this measure may not bring relief.
  • If the body of a sick person is very severely depleted by the disease, then there is a possibility relapse and infection not only of the lymph nodes, but also of other internal organs. Therefore, if you want to get rid of scrofula once and for all, then lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and try to maintain the body's defenses in a normal state

Ointment for scrofula behind the ears

Zinc ointment
  • As you probably understood, the treatment of scrofula should be not only internal, but also external. And the point here is not only the unbearable itching, which does not allow normal sleep, rest and work.
  • If you do not try to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, then the skin can become covered with microcracks from constant mechanical impact, which become infected and begin to swell and hurt.
  • And then, in addition to itching, you will also have quite strong pain who will require pain medication
  • Therefore, if you do not want to aggravate the course of scrofula, then be sure to ask your doctor to choose an external remedy for you that will fight itching and dry skin.

The most effective ointments:

  1. Zinc. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent effects. But due to the rather strong drying effect, it is categorically not suitable for patients with naturally dry skin.
  2. Tsindol. Is the best option for the treatment of the papular form of scrofula, which is characterized by the formation of weeping wounds
  3. Advantan. A fairly strong hormonal remedy that literally removes everything in a couple of days. visible symptoms, but due to the presence in its composition of an analogue of adrenal hormones, a fairly short period of time can be used
  4. Sinaflan. The same applies to strong hormonal drugs which cannot be used for a very long time. Usually the course of treatment with this ointment lasts no more than 10 days.

Treatment of scrofula with folk remedies

Folk remedies for scrofula
  • If you decide to try to get rid of this disease with folk methods, then be sure to consider that in addition to homemade ointments, you should use remedies that will help your body fight symptoms from the inside.
  • Therefore, in addition to therapeutic baths and lotions be sure to take herbal decoction from the leaves of currant, birch, wild rosemary and calamus root. This fragrant tea will help to establish your metabolic processes inside the body, and will also contribute to a more thorough removal of toxins from the body
  • Once your body is cleared of all harmful substances it will be able to more actively suppress pathogenic microflora and fight all diseases, including scrofula

Folk remedies for scrofula:

  • If it turned out that the skin was covered with crusts of a rather large size, then anyone will help you get rid of them. vegetable oil. A compress made from oil will soften the crusts well enough that you can remove them almost painlessly.
  • Get rid of unpleasant itching decoctions of string, chamomile, calendula and oak bark will help you. They can be added to water for washing, taking a bath, or also applied as a compress. In addition to the fact that such procedures will soothe the skin and relieve irritation, they will also have a slight analgesic and astringent effect.

Conspiracies from scrofula

Conspiracies from scrofula

If you believe in the power of the word, then try to get rid of scrofula with the help of conspiracies.

Conspiracy #1:

  1. So that the face is clean, so that the eyes do not hurt, so that the slave’s ears do not buzz (the name of the sick person)
  2. Get loose, fall off, disappear forever and sailed to foreign shores on dirty water, yes to the damp earth
  3. Get rid of the scrofula, leave the slave behind the evil fear (clearly pronounce the name)
  4. Amen. Amen. Amen

Conspiracy #2:

  1. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
  2. Help me God's servant(name)
  3. I read, I pronounce scrofula, I drive away
  4. I pray that the disease goes away and does not find the way back
  5. I pray holy God deliver me from the disease
  6. Amen (repeat three times)

Scrofula on the head of a child

  • Most often, scrofula on the head of babies appears if young parents dress the baby very much, and his head constantly sweats. Sooner or later, this will cause a strong rarefaction, which will develop into scrofula, or as it is also called exudative diathesis.
  • At first, parents may not even notice that something is wrong with the child’s skin, because on initial stage this pathology manifests itself as a barely noticeable and almost painless peeling. But without proper care, peeling very quickly transforms into a rather dense, yellowish scab that knits.
  • If scrofula in children is asymptomatic, then no medications are used to treat it. medical preparations. All parents need to do is apply any nutritious cream, let it soak in, and then using a comb with fine teeth try to remove the crust
  • If the scab has just appeared, then 2-3 procedures will be enough for you to cleanse the scalp. After getting rid of the crusts, rinse the baby's head with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. This will help relieve the crumbs from itching and block inflammatory processes in the upper layers of the skin

Video: How to cure scrofula?

Scrofula behind the ears, both in infants and in adults, is a skin disease that is caused by exposure to the tubercle bacillus, which is related to tuberculosis, on the body. Another name for the disease is scrofula. Compared with the latter pathology, scrofula has a more benign course and responds well to drug therapy.

Causes of the development of the disease in children and adults

There are not so many reasons contributing to the development of scrofula. According to some researchers, scrofula in adults often occurs against the background of the development pathological processes, which provide Negative influence to the circulatory system. Other researchers believe that violations are of primary importance in the development of the disease. metabolic processes in the body.

As for newborns infected with scrofula, the parents themselves become the cause. Often, this happens when the mother does not comply healthy lifestyle life during pregnancy. Or being in drunkenness at the time of conception. The risk of developing a disease in infants in such cases increases to a maximum.

Scrofula in the body of a child can penetrate even in the prenatal period. For example, if a woman suffered from such a disease at the time of conception, the pathogenic tubercle bacillus penetrates into the circulatory system of the fetus and lymph nodes. Where it settles and does not appear until a certain moment (before birth).

If the body of the newborn is healthy, and the child receives proper care, a strong immune system destroys the harmful microflora over time.

If the baby has concomitant pathologies of a different etiology, and he does not receive complete care from mother pathogen will actively multiply, causing characteristic symptoms on the skin. Also, scrofula in children behind the ears often accompanies exudative diathesis.

The following factors can increase the risk of developing the disease:

  • conception of a child by a woman over the age of 40;
  • insufficient content in the child's body of vitamin D;
  • abuse of sweets;
  • occasional baby bath.

Also, pathology is often found in children who are on artificial feeding.

Characteristic symptoms

It is impossible to say exactly what scrofula looks like behind the ears of a child, because its symptoms are similar to atopic dermatitis. All common manifestations diseases can be divided into 2 types: torpid and eretic.

Torpid or indolent symptoms- this is pallor of the skin, weakness of the muscular apparatus, bloating, decreased activity, loss of appetite, diarrhea. Eretic signs include blanching of the skin, weight loss, increased activity child, increased sensitivity to pain syndrome.

The beginning of the development of scrofula is characterized by the appearance of peeling on the skin and severe itching. Over time, a small area of ​​damage spreads to large areas on the head and in the ears (behind them and where the auditory canals are).

In this case, "scrofulous" crusts appear, which have a whitish-gray color. It should be noted right away that with such a disease only the skin suffers, while the hair itself and its structure are not damaged.

The main symptoms of scrofula in children:

  • the gradual growth of redness, peeling, diaper rash, which, after drying, are converted into crusts;
  • itching syndrome;
  • with untimely initiation of therapy - the spread of symptoms to other parts of the body.

The symptoms of scrofula in adults are similar to the manifestations of the disease in children and are characterized not only by "scrofulous" crusts. But also, swelling of the joints and pain in this area, the appearance of ulcers and wounds.


Before determining how to cure scrofula, the doctor prescribes the necessary diagnostic measures, allowing to make sure that this particular disease is occurring. These include a general blood and urine test, an immunological study, and a fecal analysis. If there is a development of other comorbidities that contributed to the development of scrofula, an ultrasound of a specific organ is prescribed.

Based on the results of the research, it is possible to determine how to cure the disease. In some cases, consultations of such specialists as an endocrinologist, neuropathologist, otolaryngologist, immunologist are required.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of scrofula in adults and children is to take certain medications. Together with drug therapy, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

  1. Bed rest, and in severe cases - hospitalization in a hospital.
  2. Strict observance of personal hygiene.
  3. Normalization of the rest regime, including daily walks in the fresh air.
  4. Compliance proper diet nutrition, especially for adults: the exclusion of fatty, fried and smoked foods, sweets, fast food.
  5. Sufficient drink.

An ointment for scrofula is also used, for example, Tetracycline or Zinc, treating affected areas (ears or scalp) for a child or an adult. In some cases, admission is required antimicrobials, enterosorbents, prebiotics, probiotics, etc.

It is worth mentioning the comment about such a disease by the famous pediatrician Komarovsky. In his opinion, not all parents try to prevent factors provoking scrofula. It is easier for them to cure an already existing disease. And, this is wrong, because any disease leaves an "imprint" in the body and, often, not positive. For this reason, every woman needs to know how to behave during pregnancy and care for a newborn. After all, this is the only way to prevent the development of many diseases, including scrofula.

Scrofula is a disease that belongs to the group of skin diseases and is caused by the presence of tubercles in the body, which is why it is related to tuberculosis, but much better treatable. Most often, scrofula affects children between the ages of two and ten years, although sometimes this disease occurs in adults. There are mixed opinions about the causes of scrofula. Some associate its appearance with metabolic disorders and blood diseases.

Causes of scrofula

Basically, it's an allergic reaction atopic dermatitis, or skin irritation from sweating, as the rashes are localized mainly behind the ears. The initial stage of atopic dermatitis, which grandmothers like to call the romantic word "scrofula", the treatment implies exactly anti-allergic.

This phenomenon mainly occurs as a reaction to food or household allergens, especially when excessive sweating in the head and ears. Children from aged parents are subject to this phenomenon, if there were neoplastic diseases, tuberculosis intoxication, if the children are weakened, thin, born ahead of time, live in adverse conditions or feed on mixtures, especially unadapted ( goat milk, kefir).

But forecasts that scrofula can develop into tuberculosis, and children are more susceptible to this disease, are unfounded! Tuberculosis is an infection, and it can be contracted from a TB patient, especially through prolonged contact. Scrofulous crusts do not belong to the tubercle bacillus in any way.

How does it manifest itself?

First of all, manifestations of scrofula occur in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe folds behind the baby's ears - the first there are diaper rash with redness and flaky spots. As the disease progresses, these places become covered with golden yellow (or gray with a yellow tinge) crusts. At the same time, the crusts exfoliate, peel off, places in the ear area are very itchy. The baby crawls his ears on the pillow to relieve itching. If you remove the crust, under this crust the skin of the child is smooth, even, without sores and weeping.

If the disease is not treated, the crusts can spread to the cheeks, scalp, and body skin. In this case, all affected areas can be very itchy and cause discomfort. If the manifestations of scrofula are not recognized in time, the treatment may be ineffective, painful cracks appear, which will give the baby a lot of unpleasant hours.

Today, manifestations of scrofula, or rather atopic dermatitis, have become quite common - this leads to overfeeding babies with sweets, chocolates, excessive guardianship and overdressing, which leads to excessive sweating and skin problems. There is also a high risk of scrofula when given to a child. cow's milk, since milk is one of the most strong allergens. At an older age, dyes and preservatives, foods with a high allergenic index - citrus fruits, sweets, strawberries become allergens.

Symptoms of scrofula in adults

The main symptom of scrofula is the appearance of a scrofulous crust, a painless mass on the neck that gets larger over time. This mass is called a "cold abscess", because. it is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and the skin becomes purple and bluish-violet.

If the development of the disease is caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria, then, as a rule, no other symptoms are observed. However, the following symptoms are characteristic of the tuberculosis form:

  • weight loss;
  • education open wounds(as the disease progresses).

Sometimes scrofula in adults is manifested by the appearance of golden crusts behind the ears, which can also be localized on the scalp and on the face. At the same time, patients are tormented by severe itching in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthese crusts. And if, when combing, the crust is torn off, then a weeping, even surface of a red-pink color is found under it.

It is also possible inflammation of the mucous membranes. At the same time, inflammation of the mucous membranes causes a constant runny nose with purulent discharge. Often affected eardrums and middle ear.

Treatment of scrofula in adults

Treatment of this disease should be started as early as possible, otherwise it threatens with serious complications. First of all, it is necessary to provide the patient with normal living conditions and a healthy balanced diet. Diet should include a large number of vitamins A, B, C and D. It is also recommended to limit the intake meat products, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits.

Appointed medications, whose action is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body, as well as antibiotics. Scrofulous crusts are lubricated with oil to prevent cracks. In some cases it is shown surgery. Patients are advised to walk more in the fresh air, to avoid excessive mental and physical activity. Promotes speedy recovery maritime climate.

Folk remedies for the treatment of scrofula

Traditional medicine offers enough effective methods fight this disease. Let's take a look at some of them.

Scrofula ointment can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 400 g of melted lamb fat;
  • 100 g of crushed charcoal;
  • 100 g of linseed oil;
  • 50 g of crushed red brick.

The resulting ointment should be applied to gauze folded in several layers and applied to the affected areas.

An effective way of treatment will be taking baths with the addition of a strong decoction of chamomile, string or elecampane root. You can also take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals, a decoction prepared according to this recipe: pour 1.16 g of stinging nettle with a glass of boiling water. Boil on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and strain.

How to treat scrofula behind the ears in children?

There are a thousand and one ways to treat scrofula behind the ears in children, but something different helps each individual child. The very first thing it is recommended to exclude from the children's diet sweets (especially sweets) and other allergenic products. This advice is relevant for all cases and at the initial stage of the disease may be the only necessary measure. Normalization of the allergenic background - main principle in the treatment of scrofula. But local processing is also important. Treatment of scrofula should be comprehensive.

A suitable ointment should be prescribed by an allergist or dermatologist after examining the child. Many mothers speak well of the following drugs used in the treatment of scrofula behind the ears in children: Topikrem, Sudocrem, zinc ointment. You can try Bepanten, and if there is no positive dynamics within 3-4 days of using the ointment, then change to Fukortsin.

Traditional medicine in general offers just a huge variety of recipes for the treatment of scrofula in children. Most often, for these purposes, a string, tansy, yarrow, nettle, leaves and shoots of young currants, viburnum twigs, plantain leaves, ripe acorns, turnip juice and other plants and products are used. You can easily find recipes for treating scrofula behind the ears in children folk remedies. One way to banish scrofula is to wear gold earrings if we are talking about a girl. Some reviews indicate that it really helps. But be careful: not everyone tolerates gold equally well, for example, I have been allergic to it since childhood.

Prevention of scrofula

Many mothers are very concerned about the question: is scrofula contagious? You can be calm, this disease is not transmitted from a sick child to a healthy one. To prevent the appearance of scrofula in a child, monitor the conditions of life and provide the baby with a proper balanced diet.

Scrofula is an ailment caused by tubercle bacillus. The disease is similar to tuberculosis, but is treated much better. Scrofula most often affects children from two to ten years old, pathology in adults is diagnosed very rarely. The disease is not contagious, it flows for a long time, sometimes it is invisible to parents.

What is important to know about scrofula for mom and dad? Characteristic symptoms diseases, effective methods of treatment? You will find answers to questions in the following material.

Scrofula: what is this disease

You should not listen to the advice of grandmothers; scrofula has long been considered dangerous disease which leads to tuberculosis. The disease is associated with blood pathologies, metabolic disorders, and is called a special form of diathesis. The last comparison is closest to the truth. The modern pharmacological industry allows you to cope with the disease without serious consequences for the health of the baby.

Scrofula is considered the initial stage of atopic dermatitis in children, in most cases the area around the baby's ears is affected, but it can be localized on the arms, legs, neck, and face of the child. The sooner the treatment of the disease is started, the more optimistic the prognosis of doctors is.


Experts do not know exactly what causes scrofula in children, there are many hypotheses. Physicians distinguish several main possible causes disease in children:

  • child's stay in unsanitary conditions, prolonged absence soul;
  • conception of a child in a state of drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • hereditary factor. In most cases, scrofula affects children whose parents have experienced a similar disease;
  • at risk are babies born to middle-aged parents who have suffered from tuberculosis in the past, oncological diseases, syphilis;
  • unbalanced nutrition of the child, vitamin deficiency especially negatively affects the health of the crumbs;
  • the child's use of sweets in unlimited quantities;
  • a child can become infected while in the womb if a pathogen has entered the body of a pregnant woman;
  • artificial feeding of crumbs in infancy. According to statistics, almost all children diagnosed with scrofula did not receive breast milk fed with special mixtures.

Note! Treatment is prescribed only after identifying the cause of scrofula in a child. It is important to eliminate the provoking factor, only then to treat unpleasant symptoms.

Clinical picture

The disease begins to manifest itself with severe itching of the skin, peeling. At the beginning of the onset of the pathology, the foci do not differ large sizes, soon most of the head, especially the area behind the ears, is covered with a "scrofulous crust" (it is a whitish-gray spots on the baby's skin). Doctors distinguish several main symptoms of scrofula in children:

  • severe itching, peeling, crust is most often localized on the scalp of the child, amazing fact- only the skin under the hair is affected, the hairs themselves remain intact;
  • often there is lichen, a rash, even lupus (the disease is characterized by damage to the tissues of this area, its derivatives);
  • cervical lymph nodes noticeably increase in size;
  • over time, spots that are very flaky become covered with a golden-whitish crust.

There are symptoms that complement clinical picture scrofula in children:

  • characteristic mucus, in particular pus, is discharged from the ears and nose;
  • there is bloating in the baby, the digestive process is disturbed;
  • hearing noticeably worsens;
  • there is tearing, redness of the eyes;
  • the child feels stiffness of muscles, joints, sometimes there are convulsions.

Depending on the form of scrofula, the symptoms may vary:

  • torpid (sluggish). Pale skin of the face, swollen lips, the stomach is necessarily swollen, muscular system the child is very weak, it is difficult for the child to move. A sick child is inactive, appetite disappears, frequent diarrhea is observed;
  • eretic. The skin is pale, cyanotic veins are often translucent. Children with this form of scrofula suffer from severe thinness, are susceptible to pain, and are highly mobile.


Scrofula in most cases is a symptom of other, more serious pathologies in the child's body. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the disease, eliminate it. For this, they carry out general analysis blood, urine, immunological studies, stool examination for dysbacteriosis. If necessary, the baby is prescribed ultrasound of various organs.

After carrying out all the necessary diagnostic tests the doctor prescribes the correct treatment. Sometimes for staging correct diagnosis the participation of several specialists is required: a pediatrician, an endocrinologist, an immunologist, a neuropathologist, a pediatric homeopath, an otolaryngologist. The council gathers only when developmental anomalies, a nonspecific course of scrofula are detected in the crumbs.

Methods and general rules of treatment

Means to help cope with scrofula in a baby traditional medicine, drug therapy. In addition, parents should adhere to the following doctor's instructions:

  • difficult cases require bed rest sometimes hospitalization. The usual course of scrofula in children is treated with careful observance of the rules of personal hygiene, normalize the sleep and rest of the baby, doctors recommend frequent walks in the fresh air (the disease is not contagious, the baby does not pose a danger to other children);
  • optimize the child's diet: exclude fatty, fried foods, sweets, smoked meats, fast food, allergens. It is allowed to lean on vegetables, fruits, lean varieties meat. Increase the volume of fluid consumed, water helps to remove toxins from the body of the crumbs;
  • lubricate the affected areas of the skin natural oils or the means softening the skin baby. The child should wear clothes only from natural fabrics, synthetic clothing contributes to strengthening discomfort.

Sometimes at the initial stage, the disease goes away on its own or the symptoms subside, the baby feels relieved.

Medical therapy

There is no specific cure for scrofula, drug treatment is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, restoring, strengthening child's body, if necessary, the child is given medicines that kill pathogens.

For the treatment of the disease, the following drugs are most often used:

  • local therapy. Bepanten (for babies) will help to cope with itching, peeling, older kids are recommended to apply daily zinc ointment. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician;
  • internal treatment depends on the cause of the disease. If the infection is accompanied by infection with staphylococcus aureus, then antibiotics are used a wide range actions;
  • additionally, enterosorbents are used to remove toxins from the baby's body (Smecta, Activated carbon and others);
  • if there are problems with the stool, intestinal dysbacteriosis is detected, the baby is prescribed probiotics or prebiotics that restore the normal microflora;
  • if necessary, the lack of useful trace elements, vitamins is replenished by taking multivitamin preparations, which are prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician.

Note to parents! It is forbidden to treat scrofula on your own, you can give your child any medication only after consulting a doctor.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural remedies are very popular in the treatment of scrofula in children. different ages. Home medicines quickly cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, speed up the healing process, and are absolutely safe for the health of the child.

Traditional medicine offers a lot of effective recipes:

  • bathe your baby daily in salted water (consider the proportion: 200 grams of salt per 10 liters warm water). Instead of the main ingredient, it is allowed to use finely chopped nettle or blackcurrant leaves;
  • a bath with pine needles will help to cope with an illness in a baby. For 150 liters, take two kilograms of raw materials;
  • medicinal mint. Finely chop a tablespoon of raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Give your child a tablespoon of the finished product four times a day. It is not recommended to use the product for a long time, after a week (if the ailment has not receded), start wiping the affected areas of the child's skin with the resulting product;
  • healing cabbage. chop finely white cabbage, pour two tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of milk, boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Put bran into the resulting product, such an amount to make a homogeneous gruel. Ready medicinal product apply to the affected areas of the baby's skin, hold for half an hour. Perform manipulations twice a day;
  • combine a spoonful of calamus, oak bark, chamomile, take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture, pour a liter of boiling water, leave for two hours. AT finished product moisten gauze, apply to the affected areas of the child's skin, hold for 20 minutes. Do healing manipulations up to five times a day;
  • useful calendula tea. Pour half a teaspoon of dried calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Give tea to the child in the morning and in the evening, it is allowed to add a little honey for a pleasant taste.

All folk remedies use no more than fifteen days. Then be sure to take a break. Repeat the course of treatment if necessary Please consult your doctor carefully.

Preventive measures

The disease gives a lot of trouble to the baby, young parents. Best Option- prevent the occurrence of the disease by following simple rules:

  • regularly ventilate the room, keep it clean;
  • teach your baby the rules of personal hygiene;
  • often walk with the baby in the fresh air;
  • enrich the diet of crumbs with vitamins of groups A, B, C, B, D, useful microelements;
  • it is forbidden to give small children a lot white bread, sweets, if possible, breastfeed your baby for as long as possible;
  • take your child to preventive examinations, if you find unpleasant symptoms, visit your pediatrician immediately.

Scrofula in children of different ages is not a sentence, it is well treated, does not pose a threat to the baby, provided proper treatment, timely detection Problems. stick preventive measures if the baby is still diagnosed with an ailment, use effective recipes treatment.

Scrofula in children and adults is a disease that can be attributed to a group of skin pathologies. The disease is characterized by a change in the color, appearance and contour of the skin, which occurs due to active action in the body of the tubercle bacillus, which is a "relative" of Koch's bacillus, causing tuberculosis. But, unlike it, this type of bacteria is much faster and more efficiently excreted from the body. Scrofula behind the ears is especially common in children, but it can still be found in adults. What does scrofula look like, what and how to treat the disease, and what should the patient do while eliminating unpleasant symptoms?

The main causes of scrofula are the development of an allergic reaction in the body, the appearance of irritation or the occurrence of atopic dermatitis. As a result of the appearance of these pathologies, a disease such as scrofula begins to appear, but at the initial stage, it only reminds many of allergic rashes.

Important: scrofula in adults and children most often occurs due to backlash on the certain kind allergens.

Often, pathology will develop if a person constantly sweats and spends poor hygiene head and ear areas. The appearance of scrofula disease in children is often hereditary, since it is transmitted to the fetus if one of the parents was sick with tuberculosis intoxication or tumor pathologies.

Today, the occurrence of scrofula in children behind the ears can be if the child:

  • was born very weak;
  • skinny
  • before the due date;
  • lives in a polluted place;
  • does not comply with hygiene;
  • eats store-bought cereals and low quality mixtures;
  • eats a lot of dairy products.

An adult becomes infected with scrofula only if dermatitis or an allergy to a certain irritant develops, so it can be safely seen that children are most often susceptible to the development of the disease.

Can the causes of scrofula in a child become the main ones for the development of tuberculosis? No, because this disease is caused by another mycobacterium that is more dangerous to health. But still, it is necessary to treat scrofula in a short time in order to quickly remove inflammation of the skin and prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the skin.

How scrofula manifests itself

Judging by the stories of doctors and photos of the disease, scrofulous diathesis and the infection itself manifest themselves as red spots behind the ears (on the folds), the base of which is often flaky. If the disease is not cured in time, the inflamed areas will begin to become covered with thin, but rather dense yellow crusts, which will peel off and itch a lot from time to time, which will cause a lot of discomfort in the child. However, combing the inflamed fate should not be done, as an infection can get into them and blisters and large swellings will begin to appear on the skin.

If you remove this upper layer, under it will be soft, wet and smooth skin where there will be no ulcers and other inflammations.

If the disease is not cured in a timely manner, such crusts will begin to actively spread throughout skin adult and child, namely:

  • will start to hit the cheeks;
  • hairline;
  • forehead area;
  • other parts of the body.

In this case, the inflamed skin will constantly itch, itch and pinch. It is also important to treat scrofula in short time due to the fact that often the crusts begin to crack, which brings severe pain children and discomfort for adults.

Ointment from scrofula will help to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms diseases, but only a doctor can prescribe it, who will assess the degree of damage to the skin and prescribe the right drug.

Fortunately, these days the disease is not common, and the treatment of scrofula is quick and painless.

Therefore, when the first symptoms are detected, treatment should be started immediately so as not to start the inflammatory process.

To avoid the onset of symptoms of scrofula in adults and children, some rules should be followed:

  • try not to overeat sweets;
  • do not wrap children much;
  • do not let them sweat constantly;
  • watch your diet.

Only in this case, scrofula will not overtake a person, and his skin will be healthy and will not succumb to inflammation.

Scrofula symptoms and treatment

To treat scrofula, it is necessary to correctly identify the disease. Main symptom This pathology is the appearance of a thin yellow crust behind the ears, which gradually begins to “spread” over the entire skin, and also increase in size. In children, the skin around the inflammation may turn blue or gray.

If the pathology is not caused by Koch's wand, the symptoms of scrofula in children and adults are:

  • the formation of open wounds behind the ears;
  • temperature rise;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • the appearance of chills;
  • slight weight loss (a symptom of scrofula in adults).

Symptoms of the disease in children include bad feeling, constant crying and strong scratching behind the ears.

Often the disease begins to develop on the cheeks or head. It is not difficult to detect it - if the crusts are easily removed, and there is no inflammation under them, then the person is infected with scrofula.

Important: the lack of treatment of the disease leads to the fact that the outer and middle ear becomes covered with pus, which causes a lot of unpleasant consequences.

Lack of treatment threatens with serious complications.

To cure the pathology, you must:

  • change the diet;
  • conduct thorough hygiene of the inflamed areas;
  • accept antibacterial drugs, ointments, folk remedies;
  • try to walk more
  • take as many vitamins as possible;
  • refuse to perform heavy physical exercises.

Treatment of scrofula in children is carried out according to the same principles. The only exception is to force the baby not to scratch the affected areas of the skin so that they heal faster or the infection does not enter the body through them. In this case, it will be possible to quickly overcome inflammation and restore the skin.

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