Chronic pancreatitis diet food. Nutrition during exacerbation of pancreatitis. Daily nutrition schedule for a patient with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Allocate sharp shape and chronic forms of the disease. In this article, we will consider the second option.

Etiology of the disease

We eat tasty and healthy

The reasons for the appearance this disease are diseases of the liver, as well as the gallbladder, excessive consumption of fatty foods, viral infections, operations on the pancreas (organ), injuries, as well as psychogenic effects - stress, nervous tension, spasmodic vessels and ducts of the gland. But most common cause disease is the use of alcohol along with abundant reception food.


Due to changes in the acidity of the medium in the small intestine (shift to the acidic side), the patient feels heartburn. by the most characteristic symptom at chronic pancreatitis is the pain in upper area abdomen, also the pain can be girdle. The pain is aggravated after eating spicy, fatty or fried foods. Therefore, when chronic disease it is necessary to assign a special


Therapeutic fasting

With an exacerbation, a diet is prescribed, therapeutic fasting and alkaline mineral water. During the remission period, they must cover energy needs body and provide for specific ratios of fats, proteins and carbohydrates and higher doses vitamins.

The amount of protein in the diet should be 100-120 g per day (preference should be given to animal protein (at least 60% of total)). Sources can be such dishes: low-fat cutlets and meatballs from rabbit meat, turkey or chicken, steamed, or simply boiled meat, non-acidic fatty cottage cheese, lean fish. The diet provides for a reduction in the amount of fat in the diet to 70-85 g per day. When exceeding daily allowance enzyme preparations are required. The diet also limits the intake of carbohydrates to approximately 300-330 g per day (excluding chocolate, carbonated drinks and ice cream, as well as fresh wheat bread).

What fats can be consumed? Butter (up to 40 grams per day), refined vegetable oil (sunflower) (up to 20 grams per day), not a large number of sour cream or cream.

dietary meat
  • low-fat meat (rabbit, chicken, turkey meat), low-fat cottage cheese, lean varieties fish;
  • cereals that contain a small amount of fiber (eg. rice porrige from polished rice) semolina, boiled cereals on the water; in limited quantities buckwheat and wheat porridge;
  • vegetables (pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, Bell pepper. Red and white cabbage, beets, radishes and radishes in small quantities);
  • fruits (unsweetened apples, baked pears, bananas, strawberries, watermelon, tangerines, pomegranates, dried blueberries, cherry, strawberry. You should limit the consumption of raspberries, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes, gooseberries, blackberries, dried apricots and raisins);
  • soups on a decoction of potatoes or chicken breast broth. Do not eat okroshka or cabbage soup;
  • you can eat dried rye or wheat bread;
  • jelly, weak tea with milk, fruit juices, rosehip broth.

Unhealthy food with pancreatitis
  • fresh bread, filled pastries, biscuits, pasta and flour products;
  • fat meat;
  • fatty fish and fried fish;
  • canned food, sausages, smoked products;
  • margarine, lard;
  • legumes: peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils. young green beans allowed in small quantities;
  • cheese masses, fatty cottage cheese and yogurt with great content fat;
  • hard-boiled chicken eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • dishes with large quantity spices;
  • carbonated drinks and alcohol;
  • caffeinated drinks.

In chronic pancreatitis, you should eat small meals five to six times a day to avoid overeating and overworking the gland. The diet involves the preparation of dishes from fresh products. Meals are recommended to be carried out at the same time every day.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis is part of proper treatment, which is indispensable.

With pancreatitis, it is very important not only to follow the doctor's recommendations for medical treatment, but also to monitor what you eat.

This will help avoid flare-ups.


When prescribing a course of treatment, experts will definitely recommend adhering to a therapeutic diet. The diet for this disease in adults consists in a sparing attitude to the digestive tract.

That is, it is better to remove from your diet what can stimulate the secretion of the stomach and pancreas.

The list of such products includes:

  • Bold;
  • smoked;
  • Fried;
  • Very salty;
  • Spices and seasonings;
  • Sweets, including confectionery;
  • canned foods;
  • Anything that contains excess acid;
  • Alcoholic drinks;

Diet principles

It is very important not only to avoid "bad" foods, but also to cook food properly, to follow a diet:

  1. Nutrition should be fractional, that is, it is worth eating often, but little by little. Meals should be at the same time. Food should not be very hot or cold.
  2. Products should be chosen fresh and completely natural. It is better to cook them for a couple, bake or, in last resort, dry.
  3. There is an opinion that tinctures made with alcohol are not harmful, “they are also medicinal”, but this is a big misconception, which very often causes an exacerbation of the disease. Alcohol is contraindicated in any of its manifestations.
  4. Everything that contains a large amount of fat, it is desirable to remove from the diet. During the day, no more than eighty grams of fat is allowed, these can be sunflower oils and butter. Medicines with a high dose of lipase are prescribed if daily dose fat is exceeded regardless of the cause.
  5. It is important to eat plenty of protein, especially from animal sources. Protein will prevent the progression of the disease and perfectly restore the pancreas.
  6. So that the body receives everything vital during a diet important elements Don't forget to add variety to your diet.
  7. Pancreatitis can develop into diabetes if you abuse sweets, confectionery and all foods and drinks that contain a large amount of sugar.

Diet for chronic cholecystitis

The entire digestive system is tied to the organic work of all its organs. If one fails, the whole system suffers.

With violations in the work of the pancreas gallbladder may also fail.

This happens due to the ingress of pancreatic juice into the bile, which begins to corrode the bladder from the inside. Very often, pancreatitis leads to the appearance of cholecystitis. These two diseases require special nutrition, it is necessary to follow a special menu.

Food Features

It is very important when following a diet to choose the right products, they should not contain a large amount of carbohydrates, they must be fresh and natural.

So let's look at the features of some of them:

  • Potato. This vegetable is beneficial for any deviations in the digestive tract. Juice raw potatoes recommended as a medicine for many diseases of the stomach, pancreas and liver.
  • Onion. By adding onions to your food, you give the body a very important vitamins, which help to establish the working function of the pancreas. With exacerbations, it is better to exclude onions from the diet.
  • Carrot. it excellent remedy, which acts on digestive tract as wound healing, anti-inflammatory and soothing. With pancreatitis, this vegetable is recommended.

If vegetables have a bitter or sour taste, it is also better to remove them from the menu. Vegetables are best eaten heat treatment and in a highly refined form.

For diseases gastrointestinal tract in general, it is recommended to eat all food in a pureed form, this will ease the burden on the diseased organ and leave it more strength for recovery.

Food should not be fried or baked to a crisp. The best option- this is to cook all foods for a couple, you can boil or stew without a lot of oil, just add water periodically to the dish when stewing.

For dressing light salads, you can use a small amount of oil, preferably olive oil. It is necessary to completely exclude sauces, mayonnaise, vinegar and any seasonings.

Drinks for illness are also not recommended for everyone. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, he loves jelly very much, which do not contain acid and a lot of sugar. Very well tolerated green tea, compotes, juices with pulp. It is very useful to drink plain, clean, non-carbonated water.

It is advisable to select mineral waters with a specialist so as not to cause harm, each water with minerals has its own special composition, which is not always suitable for a particular disease.

Avoid anything that contains alcohol dairy products(milk is not included here), juices from citrus fruits, apples, etc. It is strictly not recommended to use sweet soda.

Despite its sweetness great benefit with pancreatitis can bring honey. Of course, they should not be abused, but a spoon diluted in warm water or milk on an empty stomach in the morning and at bedtime is very helpful.

It should always be remembered that pancreatitis, especially in chronic form can lead to such an unpleasant disease as diabetes. Therefore, the quality of your future life may depend on what you eat.


List of allowed and prohibited products

To begin with, let's recall the research data of French scientists, who found that a meat diet can lead to the development diabetes second type.

  • Sea and river fish, boiled or steamed. Herring, caviar, canned fish should be minimized.
  • The meat is lean. It can be beef, poultry, rabbit. All sausage products should be reduced to zero.
  • Egg. It is better to use it as an ingredient in a dish or eat it in the form of an omelette cooked on steam bath.
  • Soups are best cooked on vegetable or chicken broths. It is desirable that it be in the form of a puree. Soups cooked in milk and okroshka should not be consumed.
  • Milk. You can eat cottage cheese and dairy products, but not containing excess acid. Do not abuse sour cream and hard cheeses.
  • Flour products should be dried or yesterday's baking.
  • Cereals. Rice, buckwheat, millet, oatmeal. cereals fast food Better off the menu.
  • Vegetables and fruits.
  • For sweets, you can afford marshmallows and marshmallows.


  • Roast;
  • smoked;
  • canned;
  • Fried and raw egg;
  • Fatty meat (lamb, goose, pork);
  • Fatty broths;
  • Fresh bread and pastries;
  • legumes;
  • Fatty creams and confectionery;
  • Margarine;
  • Alcohol, strong black tea and coffee, carbonated, especially sweet drinks.

Sample menu for the week

Diet 5 for chronic pancreatitis is the optimal combination of products to create a gentle regimen for the pancreas.

This technique will help fight the disease and make it easier to transfer the diagnosis.

Diet 5 dishes:

  • With such a diet, dishes from lean meat, in which there are no veins and fatty layers. You can boil skinless chicken or steam lean beef patties.
  • Soups are cooked from vegetables and cereals without frying.
  • It is good to cook fish for a couple or just boil it.
  • You can drink juices that include berries and vegetables.
  • From cereals, you can cook something like pilaf with the addition of vegetables.

Drawing up a menu is a purely individual matter, but still, by what principle should you calculate your diet.

Sometimes it’s worth seeing visually, based on the option provided below, you can come up with your own healthy and tasty menu.

Variant of a sparing mechanical diet:

  • 1st breakfast: steamed omelet, mashed rice milk porridge, tea.
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese is not sour fat-free.
  • Lunch: soup - mashed potatoes in vegetable broth, carrot puree, meatballs or steamed fish, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: scrambled eggs in a steam bath, rosehip drink.
  • Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled chicken, rubbed oatmeal, tea.
  • Before going to bed: a glass of milk or yogurt.

Meat, fish and poultry can be alternated, cereals can be based on different cereals. Instead of compote and tea, there may be kissels and other permitted drinks.

Treatment with herbal infusions

Herbal medicine during the treatment of chronic pancreatitis allows you to minimize the intake medications, completely abandon chemical compounds. Herbal tea, herbal infusions reduce the load on the filtering organs, contribute to the smooth flow of the rehabilitation period.

Herbal infusions

Reception herbal infusions carried out 1-2 times a year, during the off-season. Duration of the prophylactic course: 1-2 months.

  1. Wormwood. Wormwood tincture promotes disappearance primary symptoms, stabilizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves appetite. 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs, pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 3-5 minutes, then infused for 40-50 minutes. Tincture is taken in 1-3 tablespoons, 10-15 minutes before meals.
  2. Immortelle. Tincture of immortelle flowers helps to restore the functions of filter organs, activates the pancreas, and strengthens the immune system. Crushed immortelle flowers (1 tablespoon) are poured with a glass of boiling water, brought to a boil and infused for 25-30 minutes. 1/3 cup of infusion is taken 20-30 minutes before meals.

monastery tea

Herbal tea has a wide range impact on diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the perfect combination of the components that make up the Monastic Tea, the treatment of pancreatitis proceeds in a gentle mode.

Brewing rules:

  1. A ceramic teapot is doused with boiled water.
  2. A tablespoon is poured into the cavity of the kettle herbal collection, and pour 1/5 liter of boiling water.
  3. Herbal collection is infused for 20 minutes. To avoid evaporation essential oils, it is recommended to cover the kettle with a thick cloth.

Compliance with the brewing algorithm will allow you to achieve concentration maximum number medicinal properties.

Folk remedies to help

The chronic form of pancreatitis is characterized by changes in the pancreas, the formation of growths and benign tumors. Therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating the primary symptoms, stabilizing the patient's condition.


The healing properties of chicory activate the outflow of pancreatic enzymes as a result of the removal of stones from the canal. Getting into the body of the patient, chicory systematically breaks the congestion, removing the remnants of stones naturally. Against the background of taking chicory, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, the blood flow system is restored, and the immune system is strengthened.

Cabbage and celandine

From cabbage leaves and celandine is preparing a medicinal tincture.

  • ½ cup of chopped cabbage leaves and celandine, placed in a gauze bag;
  • the bundle is lowered into cold water(3 liters), having previously secured a metal load at the bottom;
  • a spoonful of fresh sour cream is added to the water, and a glass of granulated sugar.

The infusion is aged in the dark indoors, within 10-15 days. During the infusion period, the formed mold is removed from the surface, the substance is thoroughly mixed.

The use of tincture is made 5-10 minutes before meals.

herbal complex

The slightest weakening immune system leads to a complication of pancreatitis. As a preventive measure ethnoscience recommends using herbal tincture.

Mixed in equal proportions: chamomile, wormwood, succession, burdock, horsetail. Herbs are poured into a glass hot water, after boiling for 2-5 minutes. The resulting consistency is infused for 60-90 minutes, then filtered. Medicine 100 ml is consumed, half an hour before meals.

The consequences of ignoring the diet

Ignoring a therapeutic diet in conjunction with abuse bad habits contributes to the development of pathologies internal organs. The consequences of the disease are expressed in violations of the production of enzymes, a disorder of metabolic processes.

Gastrointestinal tract

The walls of the intestines and esophagus are covered with erosive plaque, due to the spread inflammatory process. Fatty and fried foods are accompanied by characteristic pains in the abdomen.

Against the background of the inflammatory process, intestinal obstruction develops. The patient suffers from diarrhea, periodically replaced by constipation. As a result of swelling, pressure is exerted on neighboring organs, diagnosed general intoxication organism.

The cardiovascular system

Against the background of impaired blood flow, cardiac arrhythmia develops, an increase blood pressure, bradycardia. As a result of vascular obstruction, there is oxygen starvation develop arterial spasms. Pancreatitis leads to a violation of blood clotting, the appearance of "spontaneous" hemorrhages.

Respiratory system

As a result of flatulence on the organs respiratory system there is pressure from the intestines. The slightest cold leads to the development of pneumonia, pulmonary edema is diagnosed. Against the background of thickening connective tissue affected: lungs, alveoli, bronchi, larynx.

malignant tumor

Oncological disease is a consequence of chronic pancreatitis, which develops against the background of ignoring the recommendations of a doctor, in particular diet. Revealing cancer cells on the early stage disease allows you to excise only the affected area of ​​the pancreas.

If a malignancy is localized on most of the organ, the surgeon has to remove the gland in its entirety. The patient has to take the rest of his life enzyme preparations for normal digestion.

Features of nutrition for prevention

Prevention of chronic pancreatitis is to follow a strict diet.

The formed diet reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease to a minimum.

  • daily intake of kilocalories (for an adult): 2,500 - 3,000;
  • nutrition is carried out in 5-6 approaches, in small doses;
  • proteins of biological origin should prevail in the diet;
  • fat intake and simple carbohydrates reduced to a minimum, up to a complete failure;
  • strictly prohibited: fatty, salty, smoked and fried foods;
  • canned foods are used in a minimal amount.

To consolidate the effect, the patient is required complete failure from alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, synthetic drugs and energy drinks.

Despite the primitiveness of the diet, the effectiveness of prevention has been observed for many decades. For a patient with pancreatitis, cooking should be steamed, in particular cases it allows boiling.

For maximum effect, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • meals are provided in a strictly allotted time (keeping a personal diary);
  • daily salt intake should be less than 10 grams;
  • food is consumed warm, high / low temperatures adversely affect the intestinal mucosa.

Compliance with the diet will allow you to forget about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

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Diet for pancreatitis is one of the first and main measures that are taken after diagnosis. It is aimed at reducing the suffering associated with inflammation and ensuring the least irritation of the gastric mucosa. Products must be properly cooked - no deep frying, no baking to a crispy dark crust. Only boiled, steamed, baked food without fat will enter the menu shown for inflammation of the pancreas.

Especially for patients with pancreatitis, diet No. 5p was created: the first option is used during the period acute course diseases, and the second as the basis of nutrition in the chronic form.

This power scheme creates the conditions necessary to ensure normal operation pancreas, and contributes to:

  • lowering the irritating effect on the gallbladder;
  • preventing the accumulation of fat in the cells of the liver and pancreas;
  • reduce irritation of the digestive tract.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

During the acute course of the disease and as a diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis, the first version of table No. 5p is shown.

The basic principles of nutrition here are as follows:

  1. maximum inclusion in the menu of semi-liquid and grated food;
  2. avoidance of eating and drinking very low or high temperature, it should be within 20–50°C;
  3. frequent (6 to 8 times a day) meals in small portions (about 300 g each).
  4. The body receives about 40 g of fats, 600 g of proteins and 250 g of carbohydrates per day.
  5. Salt intake is limited to 7–10 g, and the required amount of fluid to drink should be about 2 liters.

Due to its low energy value, which ranges from 1500 to 1700 kilocalories, and incomplete compliance with consumption standards nutrients the diet is not recommended to be used for more than a week.

Diet for acute pancreatitis - a description of an approximate menu for three weeks

The first week usually begins with two days of fasting, during which you can only drink water. It is desirable that it be low-mineralized alkaline water, which should be consumed 1 glass 5 times a day. Exit this mode should be after the symptoms subside gradually, starting with lean crackers (no more than 50 g per day), rosehip broth or oats.

Menu from 3 to 5 days

Breakfast- biscuits, tea.
morning snack- dried bread with oatmeal broth.
Dinner- vegetable puree soup without adding fat, rosehip broth.
afternoon tea- jelly from sweet fruits.
Dinner- semolina porridge cooked in milk and water.
Evening snack- crackers with tea.
At this stage the nutritional value should be no more than 800 kilocalories. Fats are completely excluded, proteins are cut down to 15 g per day, and the amount of carbohydrates consumed is no more than 200 g.

Should know!
Very useful for patients with acute pancreatitis oatmeal jelly, especially made from sprouted grains.

Diet from 6 to 15 days

Breakfast- steamed pumpkin pudding.
morning snack- low-fat cottage cheese in the form of a soufflé, tea.
Dinner- puree soup with rice, chicken and carrots, protein omelet.
afternoon tea- jelly from fruit or berry juice.
Dinner- meat soufflé, grated oatmeal with a teaspoon of butter, tea.
Evening snack- a glass of yogurt (if tolerated) with a teaspoon of honey.
In the second week, honey is added to the menu and up to 10 g of fat per day. The volume of proteins rises to 50 g, and carbohydrates - up to 250 g. Daily calorie content is already 1000 kilocalories.

Diet for exacerbation of pancreatitis for 16–25 days

Breakfast- pureed rice porridge, boiled in water, skim cheese, tea.
morning snack- apple mousse without skin.
Dinner- soup with grated pearl barley with fish meatballs, zucchini soufflé, rosehip broth.
afternoon tea- fruit and berry jelly.
Dinner- vermicelli casserole, steamed meat cutlets, tea.
Evening snack- 50 g prunes.
From the third week, the diet for pancreatitis increases in nutritional value: up to 350 g of carbohydrates, 60 g of proteins, 20 g of fats and more than 1000 kilocalories.

Option healthy breakfast- one tablespoon of buckwheat flour infused with a glass of kefir.

Diet for chronic pancreatitis

This option treatment table No. 5p can be applied long time. With a moderate energy value of the diet in the range of 2400–2700 kilocalories, the diet is rich in all vital essential substances. The diet for pancreatitis of the remission period is different high content protein needed to build new cells and strengthen the pancreas. Its volume should be about 140 g, and most of come from proteins of animal origin. The approximate amount of carbohydrates in the diet is 300 g, and fats - no more than 80 g.

Vegetables and fruits rich in fiber should be cooked before eating.

The diet for chronic pancreatitis allows the use of the following foods:

slightly stale bread from wheat flour;
veal, dietary poultry and rabbit meat;
fish (preferably river);
egg white;
low-fat dairy products;
thermally processed dishes from potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkins and beets;
cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, rice);
black, green tea, rosehip decoction, compote of sweet fruits and berries;
non-acid varieties of apples, pears, apricots;
mostly butter and a little vegetable oil.

broth from meat, mushrooms or fish;
borscht with sorrel, cabbage soup with sour cabbage;
offal, lard;
smoked meats;
foods with excess salt;
pork, duck, goose meat and fatty fish;
egg yolk;
fresh and fried flour products, muffin;
dairy products with high fat content;
radish, garlic, green onion, sorrel;
mushrooms, legumes;
hot spices, ketchup;
coffee, cocoa.

Diet for pancreatitis - a sample sample menu

Breakfast- protein steam omelette, buckwheat, coffee from chicory.
morning snack- cottage cheese pudding, tea.
Dinner- potatoes stewed with fish meatballs and Bechamel sauce, rosehip broth.
afternoon tea- berry jelly.
Dinner- oatmeal, steam meat cutlets, apricot compote.
Evening snack- a glass of low-fat kefir.

Breakfast- semolina porridge with diluted milk, biscuit cookies, tea.
morning snack- steam cheesecakes with low-fat sour cream, chicory coffee.
Dinner- mashed potato soup with rabbit meatballs, stewed zucchini, pear compote.
afternoon tea - baked apple, tea.
Dinner- cauliflower casserole, fish soufflé, tea.
Evening snack- prunes.

Breakfast- rice porridge with apricot puree, tea.
morning snack- protein omelette, oatmeal jelly.
Dinner- pumpkin puree soup, buckwheat, compote.
afternoon tea- biscuits, fruit jelly.
Dinner- potato and fish casserole, carrot puree, tea.
Evening snack- lean cracker, kefir.

Breakfast- carrot-apple puree, biscuit cookies, tea.
morning snack- Dessert made from calcined cottage cheese whipped with yogurt.
Dinner- boiled veal, vegetable soup, compote.
afternoon tea- protein omelette, decoction of dried fruits.
Dinner- rice porridge with pumpkin, fish baked with milk sauce, tea.
Evening snack- yogurt.

Breakfast- oatmeal porridge, seasoned butter, tea with apricot marshmallow.
morning snack- carrot-curd casserole, chicory coffee.
Dinner- mashed potato soup, fish roll, cauliflower, whipped in a blender, tea.
afternoon tea- baked apple, rosehip broth.
Dinner- chicken meatballs, salad with boiled beets, compote.
Evening snack- kefir.

Breakfast- crackers, pear soufflé, tea.
morning snack - curd dessert with the addition of xylitol.
Dinner- ear, boiled fish, mashed potatoes.
afternoon tea- sweet fruit jelly.
Dinner- meat cake, rice porridge, kefir.
Evening snack- biscuits with tea.

In diseases of the pancreas, adherence to a diet based on alkaline-forming products is an integral part of the treatment, and in chronic forms - the basis of nutrition on for a long time. The menu for pancreatitis should include a large number of vegetables and fruits, foods high in protein, such as lean meats and fish, dairy products, eggs. Doctors recommend excluding fats, spicy, sour and fried foods, foods with high content carbohydrates.

Features for every day

In the chronic form of pancreatitis, dietary nutrition provides for at least 5 meals a day. Patients should completely abandon alcohol, confectionery and pastries with a lot of sugar, significantly reduce the proportion of fat consumed. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with pancreatitis should consist of boiled or steamed dishes, occasionally grilled vegetables, meat or fish can be served. For a second breakfast and afternoon snack, you can eat vegetable or fruit salad, yogurt, cottage cheese, vegetable casserole, porridge.

In acute pancreatitis, to relieve inflammation, it is recommended to refrain from solid food for several days, drinking several glasses of rosehip broth or alkaline non-carbonated mineral water per day. 3-4 days after an attack of pancreatitis, you can eat mashed or chopped food in a blender without fat and salt - mashed carrots or potatoes, vegetable soups-mashed potatoes, fish soufflé and more.

The general practitioner should familiarize patients with pancreatitis with recommendations regarding nutrition. The diet must be followed until the symptoms disappear completely.

But even after the state of health improves, it should be remembered that the use harmful products can cause another exacerbation of pancreatitis.

For a week

A sample menu for a week will help people with pancreatitis diversify their diet. It is designed for 5 meals: 1 and 2 breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Try to eat at the same time every day and don't skip meals.


  1. Oatmeal with boiled chicken breast, toast and rosehip broth.
  2. Yogurt, baked apples.
  3. Vegetable soup, baked fish fillet with stewed zucchini, juice.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole, jelly.
  5. Mashed potatoes with baked vegetables, dried fruit compote.


  1. Hard boiled egg, biscuit biscuits, tea without sugar. Patients with pancreatitis can replace sugar with a sweetener.
  2. Non-acid fruits (peaches, apricots, melon), yogurt.
  3. Rice soup, buckwheat meat cutlets, steamed, tea.
  4. Fish soufflé, a slice of bread with bran, dried fruit compote.
  5. Vermicelli casserole with cottage cheese, a glass of milk.


  1. Semolina porridge with dried apricots, fruit juice.
  2. Protein snowballs with sweet fruit sauce, compote.
  3. Chicken soup, baked pumpkin, boiled meat, herbal tea.
  4. Pasta with bechamel sauce carrot salad.
  5. meat pudding, boiled vegetables, tea.


  1. Protein omelet, black bread, coffee without sugar.
  2. Cottage cheese fresh fruit, tea.
  3. Milk soup, grilled fish, vegetable stew, tomato juice.
  4. Biscuits, cheese, rosehip broth.
  5. Salad of boiled beets, carrots and potatoes, steam turkey meatballs, skimmed milk.


  1. Rice porridge, dried fruits, tea.
  2. Cottage cheese pudding, poppy seed bun, a glass of low-fat kefir.
  3. Cheese soup with vegetables meatballs steamed, carrot salad with a small amount olive oil, mineral water.
  4. Casserole with vermicelli and fruit, jelly.
  5. Fish dumplings, baked zucchini, rosehip broth.


  1. Omelet, a piece of stale bread, tea.
  2. Mashed potatoes, boiled beef, compote.
  3. Soup puree on low meat broth, fish baked in foil, vegetable salad, fruit juice.
  4. Meat pudding, tea.
  5. Rice milk porridge, jelly.


  1. Oatmeal with honey, fruits, coffee with milk.
  2. Omelet, biscuits, tea.
  3. Buckwheat soup, vegetables and chicken breast, steamed, rosehip broth.
  4. Meatloaf, vegetable puree, a glass of kefir.
  5. Pasta, stewed cauliflower, jelly.

Diet for pancreatitis

What can you eat with pancreatitis?

Features of the menu for pancreatitis for children

Children with pancreatitis should strictly adhere to special diet. Their diet should include milk porridge and light vegetable soups, fish and meat meatballs or steamed cutlets, fermented milk products with low content fats, boiled chicken meat, vegetables, non-acid fruits.

With an exacerbation of pancreatitis, children, like adults, refrain from eating for 1-2 days. They are only allowed to drink warm rosehip broth and mineral water. slightly alkaline water. With the weakening of the symptoms of pancreatitis, the menu is allowed to introduce liquid cereals with milk, vegetable puree, compote, light soups, protein omelet and steam cutlets.

After 7-10 days, the children's diet can be expanded: casseroles, fish meatballs, cottage cheese with fruit puree are prepared for them. With a positive dynamics of pancreatitis after 3-4 weeks, children can eat low-fat cheeses, boiled lean meat and fish, pasta, cereals, baked and stewed vegetables, hard-boiled eggs.

To ensure normal digestion with pancreatitis, all food should be chopped, warm, without spices, with a small amount of salt.

When introducing permitted dishes into the diet, you need to observe the child and, if bloating, nausea, diarrhea appear, which are signs of pancreatitis, immediately abandon them.

Since the pancreas primarily suffers with pancreatitis, the entire diet is aimed at reducing acid formation in the stomach. This in turn leads to suppression enzymatic function pancreas and helps to relieve inflammation as soon as possible.

Important! Regular dieting helps to avoid surgical intervention, suppresses the acute phase, increases the life expectancy of the patient. Diet foodfundamental principle treatment of chronic and acute pancreatitis.

General principles of nutrition and diet for pancreatitis

Doctors prescribe a sparing diet (table number 5). The patient's diet consists of boiled foods and dishes that have been steamed. Before eating, it is recommended to grind food with a blender or on a grater. Hard-to-digest food and products that cause active secretory activity are excluded from the menu. Namely:

  • Fried food (pork, beef fat, vegetable fats);
  • Salty and spicy dishes;
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • Chocolate;
  • Fresh juices;
  • Fatty broths;
  • Legumes and millet;
  • smoked products;
  • Canned food;
  • Sushi;
  • Fresh bread, puff or pastry products;
  • Whole milk, cream, whey;
  • Salted cheeses;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Radish;
  • Radish;
  • Garlic;
  • Pepper;
  • Nuts in any form;
  • Ginger;
  • Citrus;
  • Any spices;

You may notice that a fairly large number of all favorite products are prohibited or limited. However, it is important to know this diet, it is even more important to follow it. In this case, the work of the pancreas is getting better, and the attack stops much faster.

Important! After discharge from the hospital, it is recommended to limit yourself to food for another 8-12 months. But this does not mean that then the diet can not be followed. Even after this period, it is necessary to limit yourself in food. Diet should become for you a kind of food culture that will firmly and permanently enter into your daily life.

How to make a menu for the day with pancreatitis

The total calorie content of food should be 2500-2700 kcal per day. The emphasis is on protein food. The menu is compiled so that the patient receives up to 80 g per day of protein, 300 g of carbohydrates and 50 g of fat.

All dishes are served warm (but not hot), in a semi-liquid or liquid state.

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The first meal contains 40% of all carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is the most energetic. Various porridges, kissels and other drinks are consumed here. You can add a piece of lean meat to the breakfast menu.

Lunch must include two courses, one of which is soup. Dinner consists of light, non-caloric foods and fermented milk drink. Between them, two snacks with vegetables, baked fruits or cottage cheese are required.

Sample menu for a week for a patient with pancreatitis

To reduce the load on the pancreas, improve digestion and prevent further progression of the disease, it is important to eat right during the day and properly plan your nutrition menu.

7.00-9.00 11.00-12.00 13.00-15.00 16.00-17.00 18.00-20.00
Fish meatballs with spaghetti and jelly. Vinaigrette without onion, with pieces of cauliflower and broccoli and rosehip broth. Mashed marrow soup, steamed turkey fillet cutlets and mashed potatoes, dried fruit compote. Cottage cheese pudding without sugar, sweet tea. Vegetable stew stew with chicken pieces, a glass of kefir

For a day, you can eat crackers from rye bread, 50 grams of sugar and jam. Such nutrition will minimize the load on the pancreas, normalizes metabolism.

Important! Proper nutrition- really the most important guarantee successful treatment pancreatitis. However, do not forget about drug treatment. Antisecretory drugs are prescribed, which also inhibit the formation of pancreatic enzymes. Each component of therapy is important for successful treatment, so strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations to defeat this ailment.

Diet for acute pancreatitis

The main principle of the treatment of acute pancreatitis is hunger and rest during the first four days after an attack. The fact is that when food enters the stomach, the pancreas reflexively releases a lot of enzymes that act aggressively, including on itself. A healthy pancreas is able to inactivate them, unlike an inflamed one. If food is introduced during an attack, the enzymes released by the affected pancreas will damage it even more.

AT acute period patients lose their appetite. During these four days, a warm alkaline drink is allowed (mineral waters of Borjomi, Narzan), which neutralizes the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach, removes inflammatory toxins, and suppresses enzymatic activity pancreas, reduce pain syndrome. Then during the year the patient must adhere to a sparing diet.

  1. Allowed cereals, soups, cooked on vegetable decoctions.
  2. The menu can include low-fat meat and fish products, cottage cheese and vegetables.
  3. From sweets, fruit juices, honey, sugar, puddings are allowed.
  4. At night, they drink laxative fermented milk products: kefir, bifidok.
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