Instant oatmeal benefits and harms. Instant oatmeal - good or bad? oatmeal calories

Everyone knows that oatmeal is an extremely healthy product. Of course, oatmeal is best when cooked at home with fresh ingredients. But in the morning, there is often not enough time to prepare such a healthy breakfast, and therefore you will probably be interested to know how things are going with instant oatmeal. How is this porridge good for health and what harm does it do?

Oats themselves have many health benefits. It is a rich source of fiber - 100 g of cooked oatmeal contains about 5 g, making it good for digestion. Oats also contain more fat than other grains, but mostly heart-healthy unsaturated fats that are rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. When consumed regularly, "quick oatmeal" has a positive effect on high blood cholesterol, diabetes and hypertension, and also acts as a preventive measure. Due to the fact that oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, speeds up metabolism and saturates for a long time, it is useful for losing weight and preventing weight gain.

Useful material

  • Cellulose;
  • unsaturated fatty acids;
  • Vitamins B1, B6, E;
  • Iron;
  • Calcium.

Does instant oatmeal have the same health benefits? The main difference between traditional oatmeal and instant oats is the amount of processing. Instant oats are more processed to reduce cooking time. This does not have a significant effect on health benefits, so they are almost as healthy as regular cereal, but that is if we are not talking about the glycemic index.

Due to the active processing of grains, instant oatmeal has a higher glycemic index. This means that it holds the blood sugar level for a shorter time and creates a stronger and sharper rise in glucose levels. This means that some of the beneficial properties of oatmeal, such as a positive effect on glucose and a long-lasting feeling of satiety, are lost.

Harm of instant porridge

  • For those who are watching their weight;
  • with diabetes;
  • with chronic constipation.

How much to eat instant oatmeal

Do not get carried away with instant oatmeal. If you eat it every day, then the body may become deficient in a number of useful substances.

How to choose and cook instant oatmeal

When it comes to health, it's also important to choose oatmeal without added sugar or flavor because it adds extra calories, fat, and raises the glycemic index. For the healthiest oatmeal, buy whole grains and create your own taste with fruit, a little honey, or spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla.

Healthy instant porridge recipe

If you're short on time and instant oatmeal is your only option, you can still lower the glycemic index of the dish. Add a low GI carbohydrate source, or a fat or protein source. Low-fat milk, yogurt, or nuts are ideal. This will slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and, consequently, the blood sugar level will be more stable.

Due to the constant rush and chronic lack of time, many people are forced to include fast food in their diet. Indeed, it will not take much time to cook them, but are instant cereals harmful? Consider this on the example of instant oatmeal.

Compared to ordinary oatmeal, two types of cereals are distinguished by quick cooking. Firstly, these are porridges for instant cooking. They are poured with boiling water and they can be consumed in a minute. Secondly, these are porridges, although they are fast-cooking, but still require cooking for three minutes.

Please note that oat grains, on the basis of which cereals are prepared, undergo special processing. From the surface of whole grains, the outer skin is removed, which is very rough and requires a long boil to soften it. If the processing ends at this stage, then we can talk about the preservation of useful nutrients in such flakes, because the germ of the grain and shell remain in them.

If we are talking about instant cereals, then the grains are crushed very finely. And for instant cereals even thinner. As a result, the porridge turns out to be already steamed beforehand. And if you pour boiling water over it, it will quickly absorb water - the porridge is ready! But you need to know that after hard processing, almost only starch remains in such cereals, which swells when hot water is added. It is easily absorbed by the body, and this is a big disadvantage of fast and instant cereals.

Starch is broken down by enzymes of the digestive tract to sugars, the excess of which negatively affects the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus), metabolism (obesity), etc.

Instant cereals made from other cereals contain even more starch than oatmeal. Grains of millet, wheat, rice, buckwheat are polished and crushed. Along with the loss of the germ and shell of the grain, dietary fiber and valuable nutrients leave.

According to the recommendations of nutritionists, the consumption of foods high in starch should be strictly limited. These foods include cereals and potatoes. Rolled oats are an exception to this rule, as they contain many nutrients, including beta-glucans. Their value lies in the fact that they bind cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, oatmeal contains fiber, minerals and vitamins.

However, do not rush to get carried away with oatmeal, its excessive consumption can cause you to gain weight. This increases the risk of developing diabetes and heart problems. It is not recommended to use instant cereals, which contain berries or fruits, and especially dried fruits. Often their proportion is very small, and a variety of flavorings give fruity taste to porridge. Nutritionists advise buying regular oatmeal and adding frozen berries and fruits to it to taste. In this case, you can be sure of the usefulness of porridge.

The daily dose of beta-glucan is 3 g, which is contained in approximately 60 g of oatmeal flakes. However, you should not eat oatmeal every day to replenish the body with beta-glucan, because it is also present in other products (wholemeal bread, beer, whole grain bread, bran bread).

The harm of instant and instant cereals lies in the fact that most of the vitamins and biologically active substances are lost during the processing of grain. The grain is peeled, polished, crushed, exposed to high pressure and steam. All this is aimed at removing the hard shells of the grain and its germ, and in fact they contain valuable nutrients. As a result, it turns out that everything useful was removed from the grain, only starch remained, which needs to be sweetened and poured with boiling water. On the other hand, if there is no way to fully eat, then it is better to have a snack with instant oatmeal than with rolltons, hamburgers or chips.

Do not abuse snacks with instant cereals, their calorie content will quickly make itself felt on the hips, waist, buttocks.

  • 06.12.2017

"Oatmeal, sir!" In England, oats are one of the most popular ingredients for many dishes. Judging by the latest research, many people in our country also share the love of British people for oatmeal and consider it the best option for breakfast. Its benefits and harms have been proven by medical research. What are the consequences of frequent use of porridge?

Benefits of oatmeal

Nutritionists have long identified the beneficial properties of oatmeal:

  1. low glycemic index. Therefore, doctors advise oatmeal for diabetes, as it maintains blood sugar levels;
  2. calcium content, many children do not like to eat oatmeal in the morning, although it helps to strengthen teeth and hair;
  3. a decoction of water flakes and honey prevents heart disease;
  4. inositol contained in oatmeal or flour normalizes cholesterol levels, this does not allow cholesterol plaques to form;
  5. the benefits of oatmeal are visible under stress, a healthy breakfast improves overall well-being;
  6. saturation of the body with fiber, which prevents the occurrence of gastritis and ulcers. In case of poisoning, you can make a decoction in water from oatmeal, then drink it in small sips;
  7. oatmeal to heal, it used to be believed that the preparation of a decoction of oatmeal treats stomach cancer;
  8. cereal contains antioxidants that increase immunity;
  9. the body quickly absorbs oatmeal. This means that the benefits of oatmeal lies in its diet.

Useful properties of oatmeal used in medicine

Slimming. Although oatmeal is high in calories, it controls the absorption of fats in the body. There are many weight loss diets based on oatmeal or oat milk. The benefits and harms in this case are not fully understood, as this is considered forced weight loss. The most common way to lose weight is 2 unloading (oatmeal) days a week. All day you can eat porridge and drink plenty of fluids. Decoctions of cereals also help, they can be consumed on an empty stomach every morning.

Treatment of hypertension. You can prevent an increase in pressure with the help of oatmeal broth. Pour a glass of oatmeal grains into a plate, pour 1 liter of unboiled, but purified water, then boil over a fire until half of the water has evaporated. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach half a glass of decoction.

Edema treatment. An instant decoction of cereals or oatmeal will help with this. A glass of cereal or cereal is poured with 5 glasses of cool water and put on fire for 15 minutes. After that, a spoonful of flour and honey is added and boiled for another 5-7 minutes. It is filtered, drink such a decoction in small portions throughout the day.

Harm of oatmeal

  1. It is impossible to consume porridge in large quantities daily. Phytic acid, which is contained in cereals, does not completely absorb calcium in the body, washing out part of it from the bone tissue. High levels of phytic acid are dangerous for humans.
  2. The bagged oats that are popular today do not contain essential vitamins and nutrients. It contains starch, entering the body, it breaks down into sugar, which raises the level of glucose in the blood, the pancreas cannot withstand such loads, after which an insulin reaction occurs.
  3. There is a group of people who are contraindicated in the use of cereal cereals. This is due to exposure to gluten, which is found only in cereals: oats and oatmeal. Doctors gave the name to this disease - celiac disease, the symptoms are not immediately visible, at first they are mild, but already at a deep stage they make themselves felt, intestinal absorption at that time is finally destroyed and stops its activity, children are especially susceptible to this disease.

Today on the shelves of stores is the most diverse oatmeal. The benefits and harms of this product depend on the quality. When choosing cereals or cereals, you should pay attention to the name.

Oat flakes "Extra" are often divided into several varieties. One variety contains a thin oatmeal for quick preparation, so they cannot be kept in boiling water for more than 10 minutes. There are varieties with a high content of carbohydrates, the benefits of oatmeal are lost.

Hercules is separated from other varieties of instant oatmeal. The flakes are quite dense, so it will take more time to cook.

Important! When choosing instant porridge, make sure that the oatmeal or oatmeal is in an airtight container, as the product absorbs moisture. Watch the expiration dates, as they start from the moment of development, not packaging. Do not be too lazy (if the packaging is transparent) to examine the contents in the light. High quality flakes are white or cream. Already at home, smell the product, there should be no third-party odors.

What is the benefit of oatmeal for breakfast?

In the mornings, I don’t really want to eat, because the body has not fully woken up. But you still need a sufficient supply of energy before lunch, light porridge is perfect for this. At the same time, the abundance of proteins contained in cereals favorably emphasize the beneficial properties of oatmeal compared to sandwiches. If you eat denser and heavier food with oatmeal, the same fried eggs, then cereals contribute to rapid absorption.

The benefits of oatmeal are observed in diets, when the metabolism in the body is organized. Gastroenterologists have found out how useful oatmeal is: the presence of vitamins K and B improves blood clotting, normalizes kidney function. The body is strengthened, which is a guarantee of good health for the whole day.

Instant oatmeal is never boring. It can be cooked in water or milk, combined with fruits and honey, and the cereal itself is inexpensive. Children will love this breakfast for its originality and taste.

Are instant oatmeal harmful?

Due to the lack of time, people prefer instant porridge. Few people know that the benefits and harms of oatmeal in bags are different from the properties of a natural product. Porridges in bags have a low level of regulation in the body of metabolism, and you can forget about energy and good mood. Such porridge is quite convenient, one has only to pour the contents of the package into a plate and pour water, three minutes - the porridge is ready. For the mass production of this product, the grains are crushed and pre-steamed, which contributes to instant absorption by the body, of course, this is harmful. Sugar can be called the end product of the breakdown of such a "healthy breakfast". High sugar levels make the pancreas work harder, which increases the risk of diabetes. Further, sugar turns into fat, and the benefits of oatmeal disappear.

If you are used to eating oatmeal in the morning, it is better to give preference to natural oatmeal. Cooking does not take so much time, but in the end you will get a high-quality, healthy and tasty product. With the right choice of cereals or oatmeal, as well as following the recommendations for preparing a hearty breakfast, you will have a good mood and a healthy body.

Some symptoms of the appearance:

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • intermittent diarrhea and constipation;
  • want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • weight loss problems
  • loss of appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, salivation;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • does not pass cough;
  • pimples on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of ailments, you need to cleanse the body as soon as possible. How to do it.

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Instant cereals, benefits and harms

Most of us are forced to live in a constant race. Such a need is a consequence of the desire to be in time for everything and at the same time a chronic lack of time for the implementation of planned activities. In such a mode of existence, it is difficult to take care of oneself properly. And above all, it concerns the diet. Increasingly, we give preference to semi-finished products, "bringing to mind" which is not difficult, practically does not require time. The products of this category also include instant cereals, which are traditionally considered not only convenient, but also beneficial to health. Whether this is actually so, you will learn from this material.

Introduction to food

What is it - instant porridge? This semi-finished product is a specially processed cereal raw material (cereals, flakes), often with the addition of pieces of dried fruits and berries. This product is packed in sachets or bags made of dense synthetic material, usually opaque, - polyethylene and its derivatives. Available in cardboard boxes. The shelf life of instant cereals is at least 10 - 12 months.

There are several types of product positioned as an excellent alternative to the usual porridge cooked in milk or water from natural whole grains or cereals. The most common option is oatmeal flavored with dried fruit and berry slices. To get a full-fledged dish, you need to pour the contents of the bag into a cup, pour a small amount of boiling water, wait a minute, stir - and that's it, you can eat it. Such porridges have a delicate texture. This dish is prepared not just quickly, but instantly.

The second type of instant cereals are flakes of various cereals (oats, wheat, barley, rye) or whole grains of rice, buckwheat, millet, processed with steam and heat rays, without shells. The grain base is devoid of any additives - even salt and sugar are absent in such a product. Cooking porridge from such cereal raw materials will take a little longer: about 3 minutes. The process is the same. 1 portion equals 1 or? cups, the amount of boiling water / milk - 1 cup.

Another type of quick porridge can be described as the closest thing to regular porridge, which should be boiled before being eaten. The basis of this type of product is exclusively flakes of one or different cereals in a mixture. Similarly, no additives are expected. Pour raw materials into boiling milk or water and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Another, simplified cooking option: pour flakes with boiling liquid, close the lid, let it brew for 3-5 minutes.

Product manufacturing process

Of course, fans of quick porridge will be interested in how the grain base of their favorite delicacy acquires the ability to quickly boil soft under a single exposure to boiling water. This effect is achieved in different ways:

  • the already mentioned processing of flakes, grains with steam in order to move biologically active substances from the shell deep into the grain, according to the manufacturers themselves;
  • infrared radiation;
  • boiling in a small amount of water.

In addition, the technology for the production of instant cereals includes the technique of applying notches to the surface of flakes. All this increases not only the rate of digestion of grain raw materials, but also the degree of assimilation of the latter.

If we talk about how the flakes themselves are obtained directly, it is worth mentioning the previous specific processing or the subsequent phase of crushing the grains. In this form, cereals absorb moisture much better. The thinner and smaller the flakes, the higher their susceptibility to heat treatment.

Flattened grains are dried at high temperature. At the same time, they monitor the condition of the raw materials: it is important to prevent the formation of a crust on the surface.

Separately, it must be said about the drying of berries and pieces of fruit added to instant oatmeal. For this purpose, freeze-drying is used, consisting in freezing and subsequent vacuum dehydration. But this technology, due to its high cost, is chosen by a minimum of manufacturers. Most "enrich" their product with apple slices, colors and flavors, often synthetic.

Useful properties of instant cereals

Instant porridges undoubtedly have a certain positive effect on human health. In this product, despite the specific preparation of raw materials, a certain amount of dietary fiber is preserved, which cleanses the intestines from toxins and toxins that prevent constipation. Vitamins E and group B remain unharmed in quick cereals - they do not care about heat treatment. Magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, found in grains and flakes, are also not afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, instant cereals can to some extent positively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and bones.

Thanks to the above beneficial substances of oatmeal and other cereal grains, the condition of the skin, vision, hair, and heart improves, because the same tocopherol, zinc, and manganese have pronounced antioxidant properties. The latter, by the way, are extremely important in the prevention of cancer.

If we talk about specific cereals, then each has its own special positive qualities. So, for example, the queen of all cereals - oatmeal - can be involved in the fight against various diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcers, tuberculosis. Buckwheat porridge is an excellent dietary product that helps to lose extra pounds. This cereal is indicated for use by people suffering from liver, stomach, and heart ailments.

Quite useful are instant cereals with extracts of medicinal herbs in the composition. Basically, such extracts are put in branded products that help stabilize weight. Such herbal supplements include green tea extract, burdock root powder, licorice, chicory, milk thistle.

If the manufacturer did not spare the money and nevertheless put real, declared fruits and berries in the instant porridge, the healing power of such a product depends on the specifics of the plant pieces. For example, blueberries are good for vision, black currants are good for immunity, cherries are good for the heart. But, of course, this benefit is disproportionately small compared to that obtained from these fruits in their pure form.

Harm of instant cereals

It was already mentioned earlier that manufacturers often add dyes and flavors, as well as flavor enhancers, to instant cereals. This applies to instant cereals. It is clear that such foods are dangerous to health. Chemical additives adversely affect the gastric mucosa, and when they enter the bloodstream, they cause damage to the heart and blood vessels. They are able to create fertile ground for the development of cancer cells, and subsequently malignant tumors. And the benefits of oatmeal are not able to overshadow this unconditional harm. Conclusion: instant porridge with a berry-fruit flavor should be consumed only in extreme cases.

In other types of quick porridge, the main threat is the presence of converted starch in large quantities, which can turn into sugar, the destruction of vitamins, fiber, minerals under the influence of heat treatment of flakes and grains.

Treat the choice of instant cereals carefully. But the best option for healing the body is still the use of ordinary cooked porridge.

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Such a concept as fast food came into our everyday life relatively recently, with the general acceleration of the rhythm of life. Now in any grocery store you can buy a variety of products that require both long-term and short-term processing. If, in order to save time, you decide to choose instant cereals for yourself, the benefits and harms, as well as their features, should be fully known to you. This will allow you to make an informed choice.

Varieties of instant cereals

Today, under the words "instant porridge" products of various kinds are produced. Therefore, you should immediately identify the difference between them. Instant cereals themselves fall into one category. They need to be cooked, but this process takes only about 5 minutes. The second variety is best described as an instant product. It does not require cooking at all. You just need to pour the cereal with hot milk or water, and in a few minutes you will get ready-made porridge.

To understand what the fundamental difference between these two types is, it is best to understand the manufacturing technology of both of them.

The essence of the production of cereals in this case is that the flakes are more thoroughly crushed. It is this mechanical processing that reduces the cooking time of porridge. Smaller particles dissolve faster. In all other respects, they do not differ from ordinary flakes.

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Oats are a unique cereal crop. Products from it not only satisfy hunger, but also improve health. Oatmeal, kissels, soups are prescribed for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal saturates with minerals, uplifting. For many, it is just a favorite delicacy that gives energy for the whole day.

Composition of oatmeal

The most famous and consumed product from oats is flakes. Hercules, familiar from childhood, is still in demand and popular. The chemical composition of oatmeal brings considerable benefits: it gives health, beauty, longevity. Judge for yourself:

  • The increased fiber content helps keep the digestive system in good shape, cleanses the intestines, and promotes soft and easy removal of excess.
  • The B vitamins found in oat grains are responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair, add elasticity, strength, and beauty to them.
  • Iodine, which is part of the culture, protects your thyroid gland, strengthens the nervous system, improves brain function, adding intelligence, reaction, endurance.
  • Vitamins A and E allow you to maintain beauty and youth, support women's health.
  • Phosphorus, calcium and magnesium, which are abundant in Hercules, monitor the strength and performance of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Gluten-free oats are simply indispensable for people suffering from celiac disease (intolerance to this component of wheat flour).

oatmeal calories

Oatmeal porridge

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: for two.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 172 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Oatmeal porridge "Hercules", the recipe of which is given in this section, is boiled in water, and ready-made is seasoned with additives to taste. There are three secrets of success: buy flakes that require cooking; do not cook for a long time; oil generously. As additives, use milk or cream, berries, fruits, nuts. Strawberries, raspberries, currants, before adding to the porridge, you can sprinkle with sugar. Berries will release juice, their taste in the dish will be brighter.


  • oat flakes Hercules - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. (without slide);
  • butter - 25 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water with sugar and salt, add oatmeal to it, mix.
  2. Boil for three to five minutes. Do not let the porridge "run away", remove from heat for a few seconds when it rises in foam.
  3. Cooked cereal swells, but is not yet boiled soft, ready-made porridge does not foam. Turn off the heat, add oil. Let the porridge brew for five to ten minutes, mix, arrange on plates.
  4. Add milk, berries, fresh or dry fruits, nuts as desired.

oatmeal cookie recipe

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes (plus one hour in the refrigerator).
  • Servings Per Container: Up to 10 servings (30 pcs.).
  • Calorie content of the dish: 460 kcal.
  • Purpose: sweet pastries.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Oatmeal baking is a healthy and tasty delicacy from affordable products that is easy to prepare and never gets bored. You can add whatever you like to the round plump cookies: raisins, dried apricots, pieces of prunes, chocolate chips. These delicious biscuits can be stored for up to seven days and can be baked ahead of time. Just do not put in a conspicuous place - cookies tend to be quickly eaten. Before making cookies, you need to choose finely ground cereal for the dish (as opposed to porridge), for example, one of the varieties of Extra oatmeal.


  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • baking powder dough - 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the butter and sugar into a homogeneous mass, add one egg at a time, mix.
  2. Mix with the resulting mass of oatmeal.
  3. Mix the baking powder with flour to the dough, which should become thick.
  4. Leave the dough packed in a bag (film) for an hour in the refrigerator.
  5. The baking sheet must be greased with oil. Spread small pieces of dough on it, tearing them away from a large lump. Make the cookies round and flat, about 1 cm thick. When baked, they will rise and increase in diameter, do not stack them too tightly.
  6. Cook shortcakes in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 175-185 degrees.

Roasted oatmeal dessert

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: for two.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 172 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

An extraordinarily tasty and original dessert can be prepared from Extra instant oatmeal. Judging by the reviews, even those who do not like oatmeal at all like this alternative to oatmeal. Offer a dish to your children to show them that healthy food tastes great. This not the most low-calorie dessert is so healthy that it should definitely diversify your family's menu.


  • oat flakes Extra - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • sour cream - 1/3 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1/4 cup;
  • raisins - 40 g;
  • almond petals - 30 g;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • soda - 1/2 tsp;
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp;
  • roasted almonds - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix oatmeal with sugar, salt, soda, citric acid, add almond petals.
  2. In a separate bowl (jar), mix thoroughly sour cream, milk, butter.
  3. Pour the milk component into the dry mixture.
  4. Pour the raisins, stir the mass, pour into a baking dish.
  5. The mass must be baked at a temperature of 175-185 degrees, the baking time is 25 minutes.
  6. Put the cooled dessert into the bowls with a spoon, sprinkle with chopped roasted almonds.

Video: How to choose oatmeal

Such a concept as fast food came into our everyday life relatively recently, with the general acceleration of the rhythm of life. Now in any grocery store you can buy a variety of products that require both long-term and short-term processing. If, in order to save time, you decide to choose instant cereals for yourself, the benefits and harms, as well as their features, should be fully known to you. This will allow you to make an informed choice.

Varieties of instant cereals

Today, under the words "instant porridge" products of various kinds are produced. Therefore, you should immediately identify the difference between them. Instant cereals themselves fall into one category. They need to be cooked, but this process takes only about 5 minutes. The second variety is best described as an instant product. It does not require cooking at all. You just need to pour the cereal with hot milk or water, and in a few minutes you will get ready-made porridge.

To understand what the fundamental difference between these two types is, it is best to understand the manufacturing technology of both of them.

The essence of the production of cereals in this case is that the flakes are more thoroughly crushed. It is this mechanical processing that reduces the cooking time of porridge. Smaller particles dissolve faster. In all other respects, they do not differ from ordinary flakes.

So, oatmeal differs in the degree of grinding. This information is on the packaging. As for buckwheat, wheat and other types of flakes, they do not have such a gradation. This is simply not necessary as they are very thin and porous. Due to this, porridge from them does not require long cooking.

Instant porridge

There is a wide selection of instant oatmeal porridges in stores. In their production, flakes are processed in a special way. The most commonly used technology is steaming or long-term languishing followed by drying. As a result, to prepare a dish, the consumer only needs to pour boiling water over the flakes. They fill with liquid in just a couple of minutes and become soft.

it is permissible to include in your menu, without abuse

The benefits and harms of instant cereals

Most often, manufacturers offer instant oatmeal, the benefits and harms of which will be taken as the basis in this material. Not in such large quantities, but there are also rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet and some other flakes that allow you to get a ready breakfast in a short time. Their properties after processing largely coincide, so they should be considered as a single group.

Useful properties of quick cereals

Hercules flakes, requiring short-term cooking, are the most useful product of all discussed in this article. They are not much different from ordinary, large, oatmeal. They are simply crushed in order to be able to cook the dish faster. Therefore, the product retains all useful minerals and vitamins, fiber and other active substances that are important for our health. And the reduced cooking time also helps to ensure that they are preserved to the maximum in the finished dish.

Other types of flakes require special processing in order to obtain the desired shape. They require cooking, but at the same time they go through a preparation process similar to the process of making instant porridges. Thus, a significant part of the benefit in both is eventually lost. Only a small part of vitamins and minerals remains. Therefore, any instant porridge, as well as porridge from processed cereal flakes, will be useful only as a way to quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Harm of fast cereals

As for the harm, it is worth noting here all types of cereals, except for oatmeal, as well as any cereals that do not require cooking. It should immediately be noted that their harmful effect on the body is very conditional, and depends on a number of points.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the chemical composition of the flakes. After special processing, they have few useful chemical compounds and a lot of starch. The latter is quickly absorbed and broken down into sugars. Therefore, with regular use, instant cereals can lead to the development of diabetes and obesity. If you eat them only from time to time in small quantities, then there will be no harm to a healthy body, as well as benefit.

But this remark is true only if you choose a quality product. If we consider instant and instant cereals with additives, then most often they contain not only dried berries and fruits, but also chemical additives. Many of them cause real harm to certain organs. If possible, you should avoid such products, even if only natural ingredients appear in the composition. It is better to add frozen or fresh berries, nuts, dried fruits to the dish yourself.

So, we examined instant cereals - the benefits and harms of this product category are relative. So, finely ground herculean flakes that require cooking have a number of useful properties. And any instant porridge without additional additives can be called neutral. They can be snacked from time to time without abusing.

Dear friends, do you buy cereals for yourself and your family that do not require long cooking? Such a product is certainly very convenient and delights busy people. But this raises a number of questions. Is instant porridge healthy? What are the benefits and harms of such a dish? What should you pay attention to when choosing the so-called instant cereals? I tried to understand this issue and analyze the opinions of nutritionists. I encourage you to read this information as well.

What are instant cereals

Depending on the method of production, they are of two types:

  1. Porridges that need to be boiled, but the cooking time is much less than that of a conventional grain counterpart. In the production of such a product, cereals are poured with boiling water, as a result of which it becomes almost ready.
  2. Porridge, which is enough to pour boiling water. After a few minutes, this porridge is ready for use. Fast, tasty and convenient! You can't argue with that. But is instant porridge useful? Nutritionists talk not only about the benefits, but also about the dangers of such a dish.

Instant porridge - the benefits and harms

Harm of "instant" or instant cereal dishes

pathogenic microorganisms

As for cereals of the first type (which still need to be cooked), their danger lies in the following. If the packaging loses its tightness, bacteria and fungi that are harmful to health can be inside the product. For them, processed cereals are a fertile environment for reproduction. That is why even minor packaging defects should not be ignored.

Bag material

In most cases, "quick" porridges are offered to be cooked in bags. But no one will give you a guarantee of the thermal stability of the material. By default, it is considered harmless. But if good health comes first for you, then it is better to cook such porridge without bags. To do this, just pour the contents into the pan.

The same applies to the cups in which the product is packaged. It is best to brew cereals not in it, but in glass or porcelain dishes. I did not invent this advice, but learned from the lips of an experienced nutritionist.

The amount of useful substances

This indicator depends on the method of processing cereals. If modern biosaving technology was used, which implies a rapid (5-10 seconds) exposure to high temperature under pressure, then almost no nutrients are lost. It is perfectly! But such information should be indicated on the packaging. If it is not there, then there is no guarantee that you are eating a complete product.

Very often, instant cereals are produced using other, cheaper technologies. As a result, the product loses a significant proportion of biologically important substances (for example, vitamins), as well as proteins.


In most cases, manufacturers add a lot of sugar to instant cereal products. And this is definitely harmful to the figure and health, especially in diabetes. With this disease, you must observe and carefully choose products for yourself.

A reduced amount of sugar is observed only in BP cereals of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature, that is, with special additives, for example, in the form of medicinal plants. But more about this in the section "Benefits of cereals."


If pieces of fruit or dried berries are used to flavor, improve taste and usefulness, then everything is in order. But if there are none in the mixture, and flavors identical to natural ones with the letter E are used instead, then the benefits of quick porridge definitely change to harm. These products are especially not recommended for children.

A popular additive in fast food products is monosodium glutamate. Or in other words, a flavor enhancer. If a person often uses semi-finished products with monosodium glutamate, then an involuntary addiction to it occurs, since this substance affects the taste buds, from which a signal goes to the brain. Such a “deception” is fraught with excessive irritation of the digestive organs, toning of the nervous system, addiction to “tasty” high-calorie and stimulating food with additives.

At the same time, it is important to remember that monosodium glutamate is present in large quantities in almost all instant products, and not just cereals: mashed potatoes, noodles, pilaf, soups, bouillon cubes. If you do not control their use, then health problems cannot be avoided.

In this regard, I recall a case from life. Once I happened to ride on a train with a young mother who was feeding her seven-month-old baby instant mashed potatoes. And from her words it was clear that such a dinner for the boy was not the first time. You can imagine how the body of a little man reacted to such food. Almost all the way, while the child did not sleep, he did not stop crying and screaming. It is unfortunate that many adults do not take into account the characteristics of the child's body.

Benefits of instant porridge

With all the huge disadvantages of instant cereals, they have advantages. But they are only available if the product was produced according to the rules that take into account a healthy diet. What are the benefits of instant porridge?

Firstly, if they are made exclusively from grains and natural additives (dried berries and fruits). A mixture devoid of flavor enhancers and artificial flavors, made using modern technologies, retains a maximum of useful substances.

Secondly, many cereals have medicinal additives in the form of powdered medicinal plants. As such, they are used:

  • burdock root;
  • chicory;
  • nettle leaf;
  • milk thistle seeds;
  • liquorice root;
  • plantain leaf;
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers;
  • spirulina;
  • grape seeds;
  • perga;
  • echinacea herb.

Such grain mixtures are useful to eat with various diseases. For example, cereals with nettle, alfalfa and burdock are indicated for stomach ulcers, heartburn, and stomatitis. A medicinal supplement in the form of psyllium, echinacea and dandelion root makes rice or buckwheat porridge useful for diarrhea and liver problems. But cereals with Jerusalem artichoke, thanks to the inulin contained in the tubers of this plant, are definitely useful for diabetics.

It is necessary to introduce therapeutic instant cereals into the diet gradually and only after consulting a doctor. This is explained by the fact that medicinal supplements are a powerful tool. In some cases, they can cause individual intolerance.

Thirdly, almost the entire supply of fiber is preserved in instant cereals. And this is already good for our digestive system. Fiber provides soft, stimulates motility and serves as food for intestinal microflora.

As you can see, the answer to the question of whether instant porridge is healthy does not have a clear short answer. With infrequent use and careful selection in the store, it is quite possible to reduce harm and increase benefits. But still, do not forget about natural cereals. After all, millet, barley, rice or buckwheat porridge cooked according to all the rules can become the crown of your culinary creativity.

Well, if the path of healthy eating is very important for you and you are not indifferent to what foods are included in the diet, I can recommend you a good one. eco food store. The food presented in it definitely belongs to the category of tasty and healthy. In addition, there are also environmentally friendly products for body care and home cleaning.

Let only healthy products be on your table! Hope Goryunova.

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