What does fish oil do? Fish oil: Effects on the body

All the questions that interest you are detailed in the video posted at the end of the article, if you don’t feel like reading, you can immediately go to watching a video about fish oil.

Fish fat

Fish oil is an animal fat that comes from fish. High content of polyunsaturated fatty acids makes it very useful for of cardio-vascular system. Permanent reception leads to a decrease in thrombosis, low-density lipoprotein, and also prevents the risk of insulin resistance.

Omega 3

The most important omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a positive effect on human health are alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids. They are necessary for the efficient transfer of biogenic amines in the central nervous system and improve the blood supply to the brain, which, in fact, leads to an improvement in cognitive performance.

Eicosapentaenoic acid is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Neuroprotectins - precursors of polyunsaturated fatty acids protect neurons from adverse impact oxidative stress. It occurs during excessive physical exertion, which is characteristic of athletes, which is why they simply need a constant supply of these substances.

However, the effect on the brain of omega 3 - polyunsaturated fatty acids is not limited. Studies that were conducted in the seventies found that the incidence of hypertension, atherosclerosis of the extremities, coronary artery disease was significantly lower in the group taking omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

The benefits of fish oil

Fish oil treats tuberculosis, anemia, rickets, night blindness and many other disorders. It helps maintain excellent vision, as it contains a lot of vitamin A. With some organic depressions Helps improve mood and clarity of thought. It is also used to prevent violations skeletal system due to the content of vitamin D.

Another valuable property fish oil is the ability to burn saturated fats, thereby helping to quickly achieve significant results in weight loss. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids can prevent Alzheimer's disease, but this topic is still under discussion. As mentioned above, fish oil suppresses negative impact oxidative stress on the body, reducing sensitivity to adrenal hormones.

It should be noted that vitamin D is involved in the conversion of serotonin from tryptophan, which is found in large quantities in this fat. As you know, serotonin is a regulator of mood, appetite and motor activity, which undoubtedly provides another great benefit body.

Composition of fish oil:

  • Phosphorus;
  • Oleic acid;
  • Arachidonic acid;
  • Omega 3;
  • Cholesterol;
  • Omega 6;
  • palmitic acid;

Daily rate

Undoubtedly, it all depends on individual characteristics body, however daily rate, which will not harm the body, ranges between 1 and 1.5 grams. If an athlete is engaged in weightlifting, then again the body needs twice as much, that is, 2-3 grams per day. With a decrease in body weight, this amount increases again and already reaches 3-4 grams per day. It should be noted that there is no need to take breaks during admission, but it is possible.

You also need to know that getting pure omega-3s from foods is extremely difficult, since most metabolites (due to improper storage) can, on the contrary, do harm. They turn into free radicals and cause severe damage to the body.

Correct Application

Indications for the use of fish oil is a deficiency of vitamin D and A. It is also prescribed for depression, neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia to improve the conductivity of the central nervous system. Omega-3s are sold in capsules and should be taken after meals. Under no circumstances before, as various gastrointestinal disorders. As mentioned above, athletes need essential omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids to improve physical performance and accelerate metabolic processes in tissues.

The daily allowance in capsules can be found on the back of the packaging of the manufacturer of these drugs. If taken orally as a tincture, then no more than 15 ml three times a day and only with meals. You can also get unsaturated fatty acids from fresh fish, but it all depends on the method and quality of storage. 150 grams will be enough.

A very convenient form of intake is fish oil capsules, but there is one subtlety.

In the Soviet Union, this drug was banned because it was obtained from the remains of fish and cod liver, which accumulated heavy metals and other harmful substances. Therefore, you need to look not for fish oil, on which, as in the picture above, it says "from cod liver", but fish oil. It is made from meat, not liver or waste products. And the more expensive the varieties of fish, the better the quality of fish oil in capsules you can buy. Be careful!

Side effects and contraindications

The most common side effect is gastrointestinal upset, which occurs when taking omega-3s on an empty stomach. These substances should not be taken by people with high levels of calcium in the blood, as well as with kidney stones. Another categorical contraindication to the use can be considered hyperthyroidism, that is, when the function of the thyroid gland is greatly increased.

With any disorder associated with decompensation of systems, including febrile syndrome. During an exacerbation peptic ulcer Also, fish oil should not be taken internally. If observed allergic reactions, it also can not be taken, anaphylactic shock may develop.

There is no doubt that fish oil does more good than harm, and that is why everyone needs to take it in order to maintain their health at the proper level.

Video about the properties, benefits of fish oil and other interesting facts.

Fish oil is a liquid oily substance with a characteristic bad taste and smell. Enrich your diet with this useful product you can by eating fish or taking a purified dietary supplement, which can be purchased at pharmacies. found in salmon, tuna, mackerel, sturgeon, mullet, anchovies, sardines, trout and herring. The tissues of some predatory fish, such as shark and swordfish, can also be high in fish oil. However, they are not recommended for food, as they are in the upper part and can accumulate various toxic substances- for example, mercury, PBC, chlordane and dioxins. Interestingly, the fish themselves, which are a source of fish oil for us, are unable to produce it on their own. Fish get omega-3 fatty acids by eating microscopic algae or plankton.

What is fish oil made of?

Fish oil is a mixture of various fatty acids:

  • saturated palmitic;
  • monounsaturated oleic;
  • polyunsaturated linoleic, arachidonic (belong to the group of polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acids);
  • polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids- docosapentaenoic, eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic.

also in small quantities it contains some other substances.

The main value for the human diet are polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids. They are involved in the formation of cell membranes, mitochondria, connective tissues and the myelin sheath of brain neurons.

Fish oil contains a high content of fat-soluble vitamins A and D. The fact that fat is contained and in what quantity is affected by the habitat of the fish from which it was obtained.

What are the benefits of fish oil vitamins?

Vitamin A is needed to maintain normal vision, it is involved in the growth of hair and nails, the formation of tooth enamel, and affects the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems. This vitamin normalizes cell walls, reducing their sensitivity to histamine, so it can be considered a good remedy for the prevention of allergic diseases. In addition, vitamin A is an effective antioxidant.

For those who work hard physical work, is experiencing stress or is prone to nervous tension, it will be useful to increase the dose of vitamin A received. This vitamin is also vital for pregnant and breastfeeding women, those whose work is associated with stress on the visual analyzer, as well as people suffering from diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines. At infectious diseases the amount of vitamin A also needs to be increased.

It is important to know that in order for the body to be able to use vitamin A, it must be consumed along with fats. Without them, the body will not be able to absorb this vitamin, since this requires bile, the secretion of which is triggered by fats and fatty acids contained in food. In people who are deficient in vitamin A, wounds heal more slowly, the skin flakes off, and a rash appears on it. All this leads to its premature aging. In addition, these individuals are more susceptible to various infections, performance deteriorates, dandruff appears, collapses tooth enamel. adversely affects the functioning of the eyes. Decreased visual acuity, the eyes are less able to adapt to poor lighting(so-called " night blindness”), there is a feeling of sand in the eyes, conjunctivitis may develop. With a lack of vitamin A, a person loses his appetite, unhealthy thinness appears. Including fish oil in your diet will help you avoid all these unpleasant problems.

Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, so the condition of teeth and bones depends on its amount in the body. With a lack of vitamin D in adults, problems with bone tissue begin. In addition, calcium is involved in the processes of contraction and relaxation of muscle fibers. In children receiving vitamin D in insufficient quantities, sleep disturbances begin, irritability, sweating appear, teeth erupt more slowly and the fontanel closes, the bones of the legs, spine and ribs are deformed. Vitamin D is especially useful for older people with tuberculosis, epilepsy, psoriasis, pregnant women and anyone who rarely tans in the sun. Vitamin D is known to be best absorbed with fats and fatty acids. Therefore, getting it along with fish oil is very good idea. Interestingly, for the first time vitamin D was isolated from fish oil, more precisely from tuna fat.

What is fish oil?

The composition of fish oil may differ depending on the type of fish from which it was isolated. A drug best quality obtained from the tissues of cold-water fish - salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies and herring. These fish contain the largest number biologically available fatty acids. Other fish, such as tuna, contain several times less omega-3 fatty acids. The content of omega-3 fatty acids - the most important criterion the quality of the drug: it depends healing properties that fish oil has. The composition of the vitamins contained in it also varies depending on the species of fish and the specific tissue from which it was isolated. Most of fish oil sold in our pharmacies is obtained from the liver of fish, so it has a high content of vitamin A.

Release form of fish oil

To date, two forms of this dietary supplement are produced: fish oil-oil, packaged in vials, and fish oil capsules. The capsules themselves consist of fish oil in capsules and vials, as a rule, the same. Some manufacturers may enrich the feedstock. For example, in pharmacies, fish oil with vitamin E (which increases its shelf life), calcium, iron, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, D is quite common. Thus, you can further enrich your diet with vitamins. Any fish oil will benefit your body, which one is best for you - choose for yourself. To date, in pharmacies, this drug is presented in a wide range. The composition of fish oil capsules is indicated on the packaging. We recommend that you read it carefully before use. You can also find recommendations on how to drink fish oil on the package. This information is very important. Some use, along with other drugs, fish oil. The composition of the vitamins added to the product should be considered if you are currently taking any other multivitamin preparations.

What are the health benefits of fish oil?

Set Results scientific research confirm the importance of fish oil for healthy eating. joints, heart and other muscles, as well as the condition of the skin, depend on omega-3 fatty acids. The lack of these substances in the body leads to various diseases and ultimately to death.

Consider a few important reasons, demonstrating the benefits of fish oil capsules and why you should include them in your diet.

Fish oil can suppress inflammation

It contains two of the most powerful omega-3 fatty acids - EPA (eicosapentaenoic) and DHA (docosahexanoic), involved in the suppression of inflammation. By regularly eating fish oil, a person receives a large number of these fatty acids. Scientific studies have confirmed that they can reduce the inflammatory responses associated with lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic pain in back. Moreover, taking fish oil can prevent the development of these and other diseases caused by chronic inflammation. Federation Journal American Societies experimental biology" in 2008 published the work of researchers who proved that this dietary supplement contributes to natural healing foci of inflammation and reduce the damage to organs caused by it, which reduces the likelihood of developing chronic diseases.

Fish oil may protect against cancer

In 2010, the journal "Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention" published the work of American scientists who found out how fish oil is useful for women. According to their data, women who regularly consume this product are about 32% less likely to develop breast cancer. A little earlier, in 2001, the Lancet magazine published an article stating that this drug suppresses the development of prostate cancer in men.

Fish oil can slow down the aging process

One of the causes of aging at the cellular level is the shortening of chromosomes. Chromosomal DNA has segments at the ends called telomeres. Telomeres are a kind of "keepers of time" of cells. Over time, they shorten, which leads to disruption of the cells and organs consisting of them. Fish oil is able to protect telomeres from destruction. Scientists at Ohio State University (OSU) found that people who took this supplement at 1.25-2.5 grams per day for 4 months altered their body's fatty acid profiles so much that their white blood cell telomeres remained much longer. than people who did not use it.

Fish oil promotes healthy joints

If you occasionally suffer from acute pain after strenuous exercise or chronic joint pain caused by gout or arthritis, you can alleviate your condition with the help of fish oil. The individual components of this product are part of the joint lubrication, in addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and is able to balance the ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. For these reasons this product effectively eliminates pain symptoms.

Fish oil stimulates muscle growth

Omega-3 fatty acids - EPA and DHA accumulate in the phospholipid bilayer cell membrane. Their presence in sufficiently large quantities can stimulate muscle growth. According to scientific data, omega-3 fatty acids promote protein synthesis and reduce the rate of protein degradation, which is an excellent combination of factors for gaining muscle mass.

Fish oil may prevent heart attacks

The cardioprotective effect is one of the most important properties this product. results clinical research have shown that omega-3 fatty acids prevent high cholesterol levels by reducing systemic inflammation and maintaining blood pressure balance.

Fish Oil Promotes Brain Health

A significant proportion of the brain, by its chemical nature, is omega-3 fatty acids. By including fish oil in the diet, many cognitive disorders (depression, psychosis, attention deficit disorder, dementia and neurological disorders). Omega-3 fatty acids protect brain cells from stress and inflammation, which helps maintain memory, optimal hormone secretion and support the functioning of the nervous system. Scientific studies have shown that taking this drug can alleviate the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oil promotes weight loss to maintain optimal weight

At first glance, this statement sounds implausible: everyone knows that fatty foods do not make you lose weight. Some people who are trying to lose weight eliminate such foods from their diet altogether. This approach will not benefit either health or figure, because without these substances the body is not able to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. Even with the most rigid diet, you still need to eat fats. But to get the effect of diet food it is necessary to control their composition. The best option for those who lose weight - 90% of the fats in food should be unsaturated Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats, that is, exactly those that fish oil is rich in.

Omega-3 fatty acids can accelerate metabolic processes and destroy newly formed fat cells. In addition, fish oil helps to increase the level of the hormone leptin, which is involved in the occurrence of hunger and controls the consumption of adipose tissue accumulated in the body.

This means that taking this drug can reduce the amount subcutaneous fat, which leads to weight loss and the appearance of relief muscles.

However, it should be remembered that by itself, fish oil for weight loss is ineffective. You won't get a beautiful body lying on the couch. In order to see the result, you need to control your diet and exercise.

Fish oil: instructions for use

Who can benefit from fish oil?

Instructions for use prohibit the use of this dietary supplement for the following groups of people:

  • having liver disease;
  • suffering from kidney failure;
  • suffering from tuberculosis in active form;
  • allergic to seafood;
  • suffering from bipolar disorder;
  • who have been implanted with a difibrillator (a device that prevents irregular heartbeats);
  • suffering from hypervitaminosis, you need to carefully choose fortified fish oil.

Instructions for use contains information about the composition of the product. The choice of drug should be made depending on whether it is contained.

Who should use fish oil with caution?

If you want to live long and healthy life include fish oil in your diet. Especially since modern technologies allow us to produce it in capsules, which saves us from the most unpleasant property of this product - its taste.

So - What is fish oil? For more than a dozen years, fish oil has been considered a panacea for many ailments. We will discuss the benefits and harms of this product in more detail in today's article. It is unlikely that in childhood, when our parents forced us to drink this drug, we knew about its value. Let's confirm existing facts and dispel the myths associated with the benefits and possible fish oil.

When we hear the phrase "fish oil", an association immediately arises with an oily substance. yellowish color having an unpleasant, even repulsive smell and a disgusting aftertaste.

As a person grows older, he begins to think about many things. Now it's time to talk about fish oil. Its health benefits and harms are not so obvious, so let's figure it out. And let's start our conversation, as usual, with a study of the component composition of the product.

First of all, you should pay attention to omega-3 acid. Most of us associate it with fish oil. This element is of great value to the human body.

In addition, fish oil is enriched with the content of the following components:

  • fatty acids;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin D.

The beneficial properties of retinol, commonly known as vitamin A, are familiar to almost everyone. This component is necessary for our body to maintain the health of the skin, curls. Retinol deficiency is often the cause of acne.

Vitamin D is a bone builder. Scientists came to the conclusion that together with food, this component does not enter our body. But it is generously given to us by the sun's rays. But it is not always possible to accept sunbathing, therefore, in the cold season, you need to draw this vitamin from other sources, in particular, from fish oil.

Many are interested energy value fish oil. It is huge: just imagine that there are about 903 kilocalories in 100 g of the product! But this is not a reason to refuse such a panacea for fear of gaining overweight, after all, no one consumes fish oil in large quantities.

The value of fish oil

The benefits of this product are directly related to its component composition. The most valuable elements of Omega-3 and 6 contained in it have a beneficial effect on the human body, in particular:

  • contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • improve the condition of the joint tissue;
  • prevent the appearance of tumors and their progression;
  • strengthen the vascular walls;
  • improve the work of the heart muscle;
  • normalize concentration;
  • improve memory;
  • normalize blood pressure levels.

On a note! The use of fish oil increases the production of serotonin. This element is responsible for good mood and excellent health.

We take care of children

special value fish oil poses for children. Despite the fact that this product has an unpleasant aftertaste, it is very useful for babies. Moreover, today you can buy it not in the form of a medicine, but in the form of capsules. Therefore, this problem has been resolved.

Health benefits of fish oil for babies include:

  • expansion of the lumen of blood vessels;
  • improved blood supply;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of mental development.

In order for a child to fully develop, to better absorb information, he just needs to drink fish oil. Experts believe that hyperactive kids who use this drug become assiduous and calm.

On a note! Fish oil has a number of contraindications, therefore, in order to avoid harm to the health of the crumbs, it is necessary to consult with the attending specialist before taking this panacea.

Among the useful properties of the described product, one should also highlight:

  • normalization of the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • full formation of a strong spinal column;
  • strengthening of bone tissue;
  • increasing the body's resistance to pathogens and viruses;
  • rickets prevention.

As practice shows, doctors prescribe fish oil to children for treatment the following pathologies and ailments:

  • convulsive conditions;
  • anemia;
  • violations of visual function;
  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • dry skin;
  • long-term diseases of various etiologies;
  • violations of growth and full development, both physical and mental.

Source of health in capsules

Not only children benefit from fish oil. This product should also be consumed by adults of both sexes. Older people need to maintain their body and prevent development various ailments. Fish oil will do the job.

The following are distinguished beneficial features for adults:

  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
  • improved brain function;
  • lowering bad cholesterol levels;
  • protection against the development of pathologies of a malignant nature;
  • hair loss treatment;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • treatment of burns and other wounds;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • replenishment of vitamin D deficiency;
  • anemia treatment;
  • strengthening of bone tissue and teeth.

On a note! In general, the described product is very useful. Of particular value is fish oil for the liver. Its benefits and harms will not differ from the general characteristics of a natural panacea, this ingredient is recommended to be taken not only to restore the functioning of the main filtration organ, but also during the treatment of hepatitis. direct therapeutic effect Fish oil does not affect liver cells, but it has general strengthening and healing properties, increasing the body's resistance to disease.

Men can learn a lot of useful things from fish mixture. Athletes are in particular demand for fish oil. Firstly, this product helps to strengthen bone and joint tissue, and also saturates the body with fats. But do not be afraid that due to the use of a fish product, overweight, because it works in the opposite direction - it helps to lose weight. Secondly, doctors believe that fish oil normalizes the production of sex hormones.

And women should not bypass this product. Using fish oil, many of the fair sex note an improvement in the condition of the skin and strengthening of curls.

On a note! It is impossible to take fish oil for treatment or for the purpose of prevention uncontrollably and in unlimited quantities. This fish drug is taken in courses and at a dosage prescribed by the attending specialist.

Fish oil is very useful for the disease diabetes. During this illness increases bad cholesterol, and fish oil contributes to its gentle and safe lowering. With the development of psoriasis, it is taken not only inside. To speed up the healing of sores on skin, fish oil is allowed to be used externally.

Possible harm

Taking fish oil, despite its benefits, is necessary only after agreement with the relevant doctor and taking into account physiological features and health status. Consume fish oil medicinal purposes not recommended in the presence of the following ailments or pathological conditions:

  • excess iodine in the body;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • renal and hepatic pathologies;
  • cholecystitis, which develops in an acute form;
  • pancreatitis;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • tuberculosis.

On a note! In some sources, diabetes is considered a direct contraindication. But as already mentioned, with such an ailment, fish oil helps to lower cholesterol levels. In order not to harm your health, you should first consult a doctor.

During the period of gestation and breastfeeding take fish oil is allowed only with the permission of the doctor. Together with mother's milk active ingredients will be transmitted to the baby, and this can provoke an allergic reaction.

If you use fish oil long time, while not observing the maximum dosage, side effects may develop in the form of such conditions:

  • diarrhea;
  • gag reflex.

And in people suffering from pancreatitis, there is an exacerbation of the symptoms of the disease.

Fish oil (in capsules, in particular) is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The benefits of this substance are undeniable. However, if used incorrectly/excessively, it can also be harmful. Therefore, instructions for use for adults and children should be read by anyone who plans to consume fish oil.

Earlier this remedy used in liquid form, it was with a nasty smell and taste. Technology is constantly improving, modern world the drug is produced in the form of capsules, which are convenient to use, they do not smell and have no taste.

Interesting fact! Fish oil gained popularity thanks to the Norwegian pharmacist Peter Meller. He worked on this substance for a long time, eventually popularizing it as an auxiliary source of energy for the restoration of the body.

He explained that fish oil is a fat of animal origin, which is an indispensable and unique product found in sea fish - mackerel, herring and other types of fatty fish.

Fish oil contains the following substances:

  • Omega 3- expands blood vessels reduces the possibility of blood clots. Stabilizes arterial pressure, reduces the level of stress cartisone. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves muscle function.
  • Vitamin A. Saves good vision prevents the development of cancer. Participates in metabolism, helps maintain high immunity. Controls the condition of the mucous membranes of the body.
  • Vitamin D. Prevention of rickets, is involved in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and also has a direct effect on bone growth.
  • Antioxidants. They slow down the aging process. They stop the destruction of free radicals of cellular tissue in the human body.

Also in the composition there is iodine, bromine, phosphorus, bile pigments, salts. Their content is very small, so they do not have any health value for humans.

Fish oil capsules are very useful for strengthening bone tissue.

Health benefits of fish oil capsules

The beneficial properties of fish oil capsules for both adults and children (subject to the instructions for use) are as follows:

  • replenishes the body with unsaturated fatty acids;
  • increases bone density;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • positively affects the gastrointestinal tract;
  • activates correct work respiratory system;
  • improves appearance and the condition of the teeth;
  • eliminates brittle nails;
  • fights dry skin;
  • improves brain activity.

The drug can be used by people who have increased excitability, cramps in the calves of the legs.

Daily intake of fish oil capsules

The minimum amount of fish oil per day is 0.25 g, the optimal amount is 1 g. The remedy in capsules basically replenishes 40% of the norm per day.

Note! Means for good digestibility is taken with meals. A one-time use will not bring results, so you need to drink at least 1 course.

For children daily intake below. Enough 0.1-0.15 g for 2-3 doses. Consume with meals, if the baby does not want to swallow the whole capsule, it can be chewed.

Why take fish oil capsules

The remedy in capsules is prescribed to improve the condition of the human body. The drug has a positive effect on hormonal background. In addition, the remedy fights various kinds inflammatory infections, develops protective properties of the body against viruses and microbes.

Encapsulated vitamins allow you to avoid the occurrence of ailments of the cardiovascular system, control the work of all organs. The release form is quite convenient, does not cause discomfort when used.

Fish oil has a very beneficial effect on the condition of hair in women

Fish oil capsules: benefits for women

The benefits of fish oil (including capsules) for adult women are significant. It prevents the occurrence of gynecological diseases, maintains normal hormones.

The constant use of the drug (according to the instructions) allows you to reduce hair loss, restore hair follicle. In addition, the tool regulates the occurrence of pigmentation, leading to the appearance of gray hair. After the course, the hair becomes silky, voluminous and healthy.

Fish oil accelerates wound healing and promotes the resorption of scars a short time that may appear in women after surgery.

Vitamins fish oil capsules for pregnant women

Important! For pregnant women, the remedy is prescribed by specialists strictly according to indications. It is prescribed for a lack of vitamins A and D. In addition to filling the deficiency of these substances, fish oil contributes to the development of the brain in the fetus during intrauterine development.

Vitamins supply the placenta with blood, which contributes to good growth and fetal weight gain. Reduces the risk of prematurity. If future mom suffering a certain kind allergies or diabetes, then fish oil reduces the likelihood of these manifestations in the unborn baby.

The drug is prescribed for late toxicosis. It improves the condition of the mother, helps to normalize pressure, reduce swelling.

The drug is often prescribed for late toxicosis

What is useful fish oil in capsules: benefits for children

The agent under consideration prevents rickets in babies, affects fast growth bone tissue. The tool improves the blood supply to the brain, promotes metabolic processes in tissues. Thanks to this, the intellectual perception of the child improves, he begins to better understand and assimilate information.

Influences development fine motor skills, children learn to write and read faster, fatigue is less manifested. Improves mood in teenage depression. For girls, it contributes to the proper maturation of the reproductive system.

Fights the manifestations of infections and viruses, prevents the development of cancer. Helps to avoid diseases such as asthma, obesity.

The benefits of fish oil capsules for men

The use of fish oil (in capsules, for example) by adult men brings tangible benefits (harm is excluded if you follow the instructions):

  • struggling with overweight, effectively removes the beer tummy;
  • increases the amount of testosterone, as a result improves potency;
  • reduces blood viscosity;
  • increases the number of spermatozoa;
  • an excellent prophylactic against the appearance of prostatitis;
  • prevents the development of prostate cancer.

In addition, fish oil allows the rapid build-up of muscle mass, therefore it is used by athletes.

Sea buckthorn fish oil capsules

Sea buckthorn oil in the composition of the capsules accelerates the recovery processes in the skin and mucous membranes. It is characterized by antibacterial and antimicrobial action.

When using fish oil with sea buckthorn, an antioxidant and cytoprotective effect is observed. The drug in question is healing and choleretic.

Recommended for ulcers chronic form, gastritis, diseases of the liver and pancreas. Capsules contain fat-soluble bioantioxidants that reduce cholesterol levels. It also prevents the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oil with sea buckthorn is recommended for ulcers and Alzheimer's disease

Cod liver oil capsules

Cod liver oil contains a considerable amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, has the following effect:

  • prevents the development of rickets;
  • prevents arthritis and other joint and bone problems;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • prevents the occurrence of a heart attack;
  • reduces swelling of the joints.

It is important to know! Before purchasing cod liver oil, consult a doctor, as the drug can both improve health and harm the body.

Salmon fish oil capsules

Home useful feature fish oil from salmon is that it is able to lower cholesterol in both adults and children. Manufacturers of the drug are trying to preserve everything as much as possible. necessary components live fish.

Salmon fish oil capsules are orange in color due to the retention of astaxanthin found in fish. The element is a natural antioxidant that has a harmful (destructive) effect on free radicals, moreover, it is not deactivated.

Instructions for use of the drug - on the package.

Salmon fish oil in capsules (benefit and harm, instructions for use, adults, for children - in this article) has excellent antioxidant properties

Fish oil with vitamin E capsules

Increased concentration of vitamin E in capsules:

  • prevents premature aging skin;
  • controls the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • is the main antioxidant that protects red blood cells from destruction;
  • protects the body from harmful effects ultraviolet rays;
  • relieves cramps in the calf muscles at night.

However, do not forget that fish oil capsules with vitamin E are contraindicated in summer period , since they may appear dark spots on the skin.

Fish oil capsules: instructions for use (dosage) for adults

People with high level triglycerides, you need to consume 3-4 capsules of fish oil per day, with arthritis - 6-10. In order to prevent miscarriage, pregnant women are prescribed a dosage of 5 capsules per day.

For the elderly, experts prescribe 1 capsule per day, the appointment is preventive.

Fish oil capsules: instructions (dosage) for children

Depending on age, the application differs:

  • Children 3 to 6 years old - 5 capsules daily with food;
  • Age from 7 to 14 years - 10 capsules with food throughout the day.

Fish oil for infants is also of great benefit and is prescribed for the prevention of diseases, the dose is 0.5 g per day (then there will be no harm from it).

How much to take fish oil capsules

Fish oil for children is prescribed in a course of 2 to 3 months. If the drug is used for the purpose of prevention, then it is enough to drink it for a month.

For adults, the prophylactic course is 2 months. For people suffering from diseases associated with bone tissue, the course is from 4 to 6 months. For the treatment of cardiovascular ailments, fish oil is recommended to be taken for 3 months.

For pregnant women, in order to prevent miscarriage, the course is prescribed strictly on the recommendation of a specialist.

Fish oil capsules for weight loss

Attention! It is a mistake to assume that eating only fish oil capsules contributes to rapid burning. extra pounds. To achieve results, you must follow correct mode nutrition and exercise. The drug is only an amplifier of useful substances.

It contains a lot of polyunsaturated acids that contribute to the activation of metabolic processes. As a result of rapid metabolism body fat will disappear from the body. But the drug must be drunk in a course, a single use of capsules will not give any result.

Using fish oil for weight loss, you need to drink the whole course

Fish oil capsules - which manufacturer is better

There is a huge range of fish oils on the market today. Vitamins differ not only in composition, but also in the manufacturer.

To choose the most suitable option individually for each person, you need to get acquainted with well-known suppliers, as well as with the instructions for using the drug, its useful and possible harmful properties for adults and children.

Fish oil Omega 3 capsules, price

The composition contains Omega 3 polyunsaturated acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic), they are in the fat of fish swimming in cold seas.

The drug is involved in the synthesis of hormones, cell membranes. Improves the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Controls work gastrointestinal tract and brain activity. The drug prevents the deposition of fat in problem areas.

average price capsules of fish oil Omega 3 is equal to 150-300 rubles.

Fish oil capsules Mirrolla

Represents vitamin remedy which lowers the level of cholesterol in the human blood. Prevents the development of blood clots, improves rheological characteristics, reduces the amount of triglycerides.

In addition, the drug contributes to the production enough serotonin, reduces the formation of stress hormones.

Fish oil capsules (Norway)

In the production of the drug, the purification of raw materials is carried out on modern equipment that supports Newest technologies. The process is designed so that all properties and useful elements fish are stored in capsules.

Norwegian-made fish oil is very much appreciated among buyers due to its benefits for adults and children, it does not contain extraneous additives and harmful elements. By price category slightly above average. In addition, the instructions for using the drug are quite clear and simple.

Fish oil capsules Teva

Vitamin preparation, restoring lipid metabolism And general state human body. The use of Teva helps to strengthen the hair, gives it a healthy and silky look.

After the course of the drug, the nails become much stronger, begin to grow rapidly. In addition, Teva restores the condition of the skin, prevents the appearance of dandruff.

Fish oil capsules Biafishinol

It is a capsule in a gelatin shell that does not have taste and smell. Contains only salmon fatty acids. There is a large percentage of oleic and palmetic acids. Is excellent prophylactic against rickets in children, provides normal growth nails and bones in a baby.

For an adult, it prevents wear and tear of the joints, restores their elasticity. It is also prescribed as an additive after suffering infectious diseases, various operations.

How to choose fish oil capsules

Fish oil is not medicine, therefore, it is dispensed without a prescription for adults and children (read the instructions for its use first). There are no strict requirements for production, in this case it all depends on the conscientiousness of the seller.

How to choose fish oil so that it benefits, not harm:

  • Ask the seller for a certificate (information about the raw materials is indicated, and the absence of toxins and other harmful components is also confirmed).
  • Read the label carefully useful supplement to the diet is called medical fish oil, not veterinary or food).
  • Carefully review the composition (the preparation must contain polyunsaturated acid Omega 3).
  • When choosing, you need to pay attention to whether gelatin or fish gelatin is contained (a product with gelatin is cheaper, respectively, lower useful qualities).
  • Be sure to study the date of manufacture (it is better to purchase fresher products).

When choosing vitamin preparation Also it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer. The best remedy is fish oil from Norway.

Fish oil capsules: contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of the agent in question:

  • intolerance to components;
  • little blood clotting;
  • during exacerbation of pancreatitis and cholecystitis in chronic forms;

  • open type of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • hemophilia;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • increased calcium in the body;
  • hyperavitaminosis of vitamins A and D;
  • prolonged immobilization;
  • lactation;
  • kidney and liver problems;
  • ulcer formations;
  • elderly age.

The correct dosage does not cause any side effects. However, in rare cases diarrhea may occur hypersensitivity organism, appearance bad smell from mouth.

Shelf life of fish oil capsules

The shelf life of fish oil capsules is the same for any manufacturer. It is 2 years old. Some drugs are stored for less, only 20 months from the date of manufacture.

Fish oil capsules: price in pharmacies

The cost of fish oil capsules can vary considerably. It all depends on the components included in the composition and the manufacturer. So, a Norwegian-made drug costs from 800 rubles and more.

The domestic manufacturer offers fish oil from 60 rubles per pack. The average price of the drug is 150-300 rubles.

Fish oil capsules (benefit, harm, instructions for use for adults and children - see above) is an excellent food supplement. It improves the general condition of the body, strengthens the immune system, affects the functioning of all organ systems. However, it is worth choosing a product very carefully, since human health depends on quality.

Watch another helpful video about the rules for choosing fish oil capsules:

Hello friends! Fish oil: benefit or harm from this supplement? Today we will talk not only about fish oil, but also about linseed oil, which also contains Omega-3. Many people have a question: linseed oil or fish oil, which is better? Today I will try to answer all these questions from a practical point of view.

I suggest that you first figure out separately what fish oil and linseed oil are, and only then find out which of these is more useful.

Fish oil: benefits and harms

Fish fat- this is a fat that is obtained from fatty fish or cod liver.

  • fish oil- you will see such an inscription if the fat is obtained from fatty varieties fish.
  • code Liver oil- and such, if from cod liver.

Used as food additive, in which it is Omega-3 fatty acids that to a large extent have an effect (we will talk about them a little later).

As a rule, fish oil is produced in the form of capsules, soft enough to the touch. In any case, I have not seen it in liquid form for a long time.

The difference between Fish Oil and Cod Liver Oil is that cod liver oil (Cod Liver Oil) contains vitamins A and D in addition to fats, while fatty fish oil (Fish Oil) contains only fats.

Those. in the case of Fish Oil, there is practically no risk of getting vitamin A hypervitaminosis if used for a long time.

The benefits of fish oil

There are a number of scientifically proven beneficial effects from the use of fish oil:

  1. Fat burning + Growth of DRY muscle mass.
  2. Reducing cholesterol levels.
  3. Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  4. Suppression of various inflammatory processes.
  5. Actively fighting cancer.
  6. Reduces the risk of blood clots.

As for the harm from using fish oil, the problem is that when eating marine fish, there is a chance of getting a portion of mercury.

So far, this problem has not been resolved. Let the probability be very negligible, but it is.

Fish oil for weight loss

I foresee that the most interesting effect for you will be the use of fish oil for weight loss (fat burning).

Indeed, how is FAT (albeit derived from fish) will help reduce the amount of fat in the body.

The mechanism of fat burning is very simple.

In 2015, scientists at the University of Kyoto in Japan found that when fish oil is eaten, the “storage” cells of WHITE fat in the body turn into “burning” cells of BEIGE fat.

What does it mean?

Our body has different types fat cells:

  1. White fat.
  2. Beige fat.
  3. Brown fat.

Each of these types performs different functions.

  • WHITE cells store fat to provide energy to the body.
  • BROWN cells burn fat to maintain body temperature.
  • BEIGE cells were discovered recently, but are responsible for the same functions as BROWN.

The number of beige and brown cells decreases with age, which explains the fact that it is adults and the elderly who tend to be overweight.

An experiment was carried out on mice.

  1. The first group of mice ate fatty foods.
  2. The second group of mice ate a fatty diet supplemented with fish oil.

As a result, the second group, which consumed fish oil, weighed 5-10% less and had 15-25% less fat than the first group of animals.

It was found that the white cells of mice from the second group transformed into beige and gained the ability to burn body fat.

Another very interesting study:

Scientists at the Inserm University in France found that daily use 3 grams of fish oil helps to reduce fat deposits on the sides in women.

The two-month experiment involved 30 French women who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

The purpose of the study was to determine how effective it is to use 3 g of fish oil per day.

One capsule of fish oil contained: 1.8 g Omega-3 fatty acids (1.1 g EPA + 0.7 g DHA).

Don't worry, we'll talk about EPA and DHA below. It's not all that difficult.

The participants were divided into two groups:

  1. 15 women took a placebo.
  2. 15 women took fish oil at the above dosage.
  1. Those women who took fish oil reduced body fat by 2%.
  2. Participants in the placebo group showed no change in body weight.
  3. Plus, fish oil lowered the PAI-1 protein in the blood, which is the culprit of heart attacks.

  • The normal dosage of fish oil is: 1000-2000 mg per day.
  • One capsule usually contains 500-750 mg of fish oil.
  • It should be taken WITH MEAL 2-3 times a day (if you drink on an empty stomach, it can cause digestive problems).
  • The course MUST NOT be constant. The course should be repeated 2-3 times a year for 1-1.5 months with interruptions.
  • Store preferably in the refrigerator.
  • As the expiration date has passed, you should throw out the expired fish oil in the trash, because. it loses its beneficial properties and becomes harmful to health.

Flaxseed oil how to take

But before I talk about how to take flaxseed oil, let's figure out what it is all about.

Linseed oil- This fatty oil vegetable origin, obtained from flax seeds.

Egypt and Georgia were the first to bring out this culture. It was surprising that with a meager diet, the peoples of these countries practically did not know what atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system are.

Russia also began to receive this oil A LONG TIME AGO. In many newspapers in the West, you can find the phrase "Russian oil".

And now, after a brief digression into history, let's figure out what is included in its composition.

Part linseed oil includes the following fatty acids (from top to bottom in percentage):

  1. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) - Omega-3 = 60%.
  2. Linoleic acid (Omega-6) = 20%.
  3. Oleic acid (Omega-9) = 10%.
  4. Other saturated fatty acids = 10%.

Don't be afraid of unfamiliar terms. We will talk about fatty acids a bit later when I compare the benefits of fish oil and flaxseed oil for you. After that, we will decide what is still more useful and more expedient to take.

Take flaxseed oil as follows:

  1. The first option: FOR THE NIGHT one tablespoon, because. polyunsaturated fats in flaxseed oil accelerate fat burning, so fat does not have time to be deposited overnight on the hips and abdomen (places where alpha-2-adrenergic receptors are most abundant).
  2. The second option: IN THE MORNING NATOSCHAK one tablespoon, 20 minutes before meals. The body's ability to quickly "absorb" nutrients it will be just right for us.
  3. The third option: IN THE MORNING BEFORE MEAL + AFTER DINNER. One tablespoon.
  4. Fourth option: Add to salads (from vegetables). If the smell or taste of flaxseed oil makes you sick, then this will be the best way out for you.

Important: for daily consumption (not for frying), buy exactly COLD-PRESSED LINSEED OIL! Only in this way beneficial properties are preserved in linseed oil. Oil for frying is not suitable.

Linseed oil. Beneficial features

  • Reduces the level of bad (LDL) cholesterol + blood viscosity.
  • Improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Promotes better recovery muscles after physical activity in the gym.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system and liver.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Affects the proper development of the brain in a child in the womb.
  • Restoration of ligaments after sprains.
  • Fat burning effect.
  • Surprisingly, flax oil is a SOURCE OF CALCIUM (increases the calcium content in the body up to 3 times!).

Flaxseed oil or fish oil, which is better

This question is becoming a very frequent subject of controversy among many people who monitor their health and go in for sports.

In order for us to figure out which is better, flaxseed oil or fish oil, we first need to understand what omega-3 fatty acids are.

Omega 3 fatty acids

Let's start with the fact that these are POLYUNSATURATED fatty acids.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFAs) are essential fats (they cannot be synthesized in the human body on their own).

PUFAs are divided into families:

  1. Omega 6
  2. Omega 3.

In turn, Omega-6s are divided into:

  1. Linoleic fatty acid.
  2. Gamma linoleic fatty acid.
  3. Arachidonic fatty acid.

But we, friends, are most interested in OMEGA-3!

They are divided into:

  1. Alpha-linolenic fatty acid (ALA = ALA).
  2. Ecosapentaenoic fatty acid (EPA = EPA).
  3. Docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA = DHA).

This must be remembered!

You will most likely find the proportion of EPA and DHA on a fish oil package.

And on the packaging of ALA linseed oil.

What is the difference?

The difference is that ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) MUST BE CONVERTED by the body into EPA + DHA.

Earlier, for a long time it was believed that it does not matter which of these three Omega-3 fatty acids the body receives, because. he himself transforms the necessary from others.

But over time it became clear that synthesis has a REDUCING CONVERSION FACTOR!!!

According to scientific studies conducted in 1998 and 2006, it was found that:

  • Synthesis of EPA and DHA from flaxseed and others vegetable oils possible, but they are synthesized with a reduction factor of 3.8-9% in women. And men are even lower.
  • Saturated fats in the diet can increase the synthesis of EPA and DHA in the diet, while omega-6 synthesis weakens.
  • Synthesized EPA and DHA work differently in the body than those obtained in finished form.

What does it mean?

And the fact that from ALA we will get EPA + DHA, but the concentration will be LOW!

Let's count.

Let's say we drank 100 g of linseed oil (the most best source Omega 3 PLANT ORIGIN) and 100 g of fish oil (the best source of Omega-3 ANIMAL origin).

  • 100 g of fish oil contains (EPA/DHA) = 15-30 g, i.e. about 25 y.
  • 100 g of linseed oil contains ALA - 45-70 g, 57 g on average.
  • Down conversion factor from ALA to EPA/DHA = 3.8-9%, i.e. about 5%.

We perform simple computational manipulations:

57 x 5% = 2.85 g, which is about 8.77 times less than in 100 g of fish oil (25 / 2.85 = 8.77).

Conclusion: If you drink an equal amount of fish oil and flaxseed oil, then FROM FISH OIL, the body will receive almost 9 TIMES MORE digestible omega-3s in the form of EPA / DHA.

Now the next moment.

Flaxseed oil contains not only Omega-3, but also Omega-6.

Omega-6s also have an important effect on the body, but they must be in right balance with Omega-3.

For example, if you have an imbalance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 ranging from 15:1 to 30:1 or more, in favor of Omega-6, then this triggers the production of a large number of cytokines that cause inflammatory reactions.

The rational ratio is 3:1.

A large amount of Omega-6 is found in athletes who consume large amounts of protein. In this case, it is better to replace flaxseed oil with high-quality fish oil.

The conclusions are as follows:

  1. Oily fish (and the fish oil it contains) are ESSENTIAL, but don't forget the mercury.
  2. It is very difficult for vegetarians to do without fish oil in capsules (especially against the background of a generally meager diet).
  3. Flaxseed oil can partially take over the functions of Omega-3 fish oil, but only partially! These features may not be available to flaxseed oil men.
  4. Flaxseed oil has TWICE MORE ALA than EPA/DHA in fish oil, but flaxseed oil needs TIMES MORE, because. there is a reduction factor.
  5. Synthesis of EPA/DHA is enhanced by saturated fats, and Omega-6 is weakened.
  6. Flaxseed oil has a number of essential functions that fish oil does not, and vice versa.

Flaxseed oil can boost your diet with Omega-3 fats in the form of ALA, but it cannot be a complete replacement for Omega-3 fish oil because there is a REDUCTION FACTOR of about 5%.

How then to be?

The best option, in my opinion, is the use of fish oil IN CAPSULES with a high degree of purification (from any normal company) at 1000-2000 mg per day (2-3 capsules of 500-750 mg) with the simultaneous use of linseed oil (1 tablespoon spoon at night or in the morning on an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals).

  1. Fish oil: 1000-2000 mg per day (2-3 capsules of 500-750 mg) WITH MEAL.
  2. Flaxseed oil: 1 tablespoon either in the morning 20 minutes before meals or at bedtime.

So we exclude bad influence mercury on the body and have all the advantages of flaxseed oil.

If you have the option to choose only one thing, then I am for fish oil.

Recently, for example, I drank this fish oil from BSN.

Great fish oil! By the way, you can buy it at the CHEAPEST price on my favorite iHerb website: BSN: Fish Oil.

Now I drink cool fish oil from Now Foods. It does not contain (“bad”) cholesterol and works great! I liked him the most.

Used to take MyProtein Fish Oil.

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