Cod liver oil: useful properties, dosage. Fish oil (cod liver oil) - prevention from aging Harm and contraindication of cod liver for humans

Cod liver oil is a dietary supplement that has been used since the 18th century. Today it is taken for omega-3 fatty acids (specifically eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA)). In addition, cod liver oil contains a fairly high amount of vitamins A and D. Cod liver oil relieves pain and stiffness in the joints caused by arthritis, prevents coronary heart disease, maintains and improves cognitive function, controls blood pressure, and normalizes cholesterol and triglycerides. . However, as with any supplement, you must know and understand what you are taking in order to choose the right supplement for you.


Part 1

Choosing the Right Supplement

    Read the label. Carefully read the concentration of vitamins and other components that are contained in the supplement. Choose only supplements that meet recognized industry standards. Look for a supplement with a label detailing the purity of the product and the concentration of mercury, heavy metals, and other possible contaminants.

    Decide if you want to take the supplement in capsule form or liquid form. In terms of nutrient content, there is no significant difference between the two varieties. It is only worth noting that the capsules can cost a little more. It depends only on you in what form to take cod liver oil - in the form of a liquid or in the form of capsules.

    • Liquid supplements often have a noticeable fishy taste, which can be avoided by taking supplements in capsule form. An unpleasant fishy smell or taste is a common side effect of both types of supplements.
    • If you don't like the taste, try refrigeration capsules or liquid with cod liver oil.
  1. Read about possible side effects. Food supplements (including vitamins, minerals, protein, and herbal supplements) must be approved by the RF Gossanepidnadzor before being marketed. Find out how nutritional supplements can affect you.

    Part 2

    Include Cod Liver Oil Supplements in Your Diet
    1. Consult your doctor. While most nutritional supplements are harmless, it's best to play it safe. Dietary supplements can react with medications you are taking and also affect your health. Consulting a physician before taking a dietary supplement is a wise decision. Be sure to discuss the following points:

      Make an appointment with a nutritionist. Consulting with a nutritionist will allow you to evaluate your current diet and determine if you need any supplements at all. Some people get the required amount of vitamin A and D, as well as healthy fatty acids, from their diet.

      • Ask a nutritionist what foods you should start eating to include cod liver oil in your diet.
    2. Choose the right dosage. Many nutritional supplements are sold in different dosages. Find the right supplement for you.

    3. Add cod liver oil to your diet. If you decide to take a liquid supplement, you'll need to get creative incorporating it into your diet. Cod liver oil is not the most pleasant tasting and smelling supplement.

      • If you decide to buy fat in liquid form, there are a number of ways and tricks to take it. Close your nose and drink the fat as a cough syrup, add it to a fruit smoothie or other favorite drink, pour it over a salad, or mix it with a teaspoon of honey.
      • Ginger or lemon are added to some cod liver oil supplements to reduce the unpleasant taste and smell of fish oil. Give preference to these additives if you are very sensitive to taste.
    • Be sure to check with your doctor before including any dietary supplement in your diet.
    • Like any other dietary supplement, cod liver oil should be taken exactly as directed. Make sure you really need this supplement and don't increase your dosage unless your doctor tells you to.
    • If you are taking liquid cod liver oil, opt for natural flavored supplements that mask the taste of fish oil. Avoid supplements with a lot of artificial flavors, as they make it hard to tell if the fat is rancid.

How much does cod liver oil cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region

Atlantic cod or Gadus morhua is a fish that belongs to the cod family and is distinguished by its important commercial value. Cod lives mainly in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In nature, there are several varieties of cod. for example, White Sea or Baltic cod, etc. As a rule, the name is given to a new type of cod depending on the habitat. It is worth noting that cod does not just belong to the list of important commercial fish.

The thing is that not only cod meat is used in the food industry, as well as in cooking. Of no small importance for the food, and in addition, pharmacological industries is cod liver. It is in the composition of this fish organ that oil or cod liver oil is contained. This product has gained worldwide popularity due to its exceptional beneficial properties, which are actively used in medicine, as well as dietology.

About 74% of the chemical composition of cod liver falls on the natural fats with which the product is enriched. Cod liver is considered an excellent source of fish oil, the benefits of which have not been talked about or written only by the lazy. In addition, cod liver is used to make popular canned fish. We think that the vast majority of domestic housewives are familiar with the cod liver salad recipe. Cod liver oil is obtained from large fish by weight. As a rule, fish oil is made from cod liver, which reaches a weight of three kilograms.

It is worth noting that some people confuse fish dik with cod liver oil. the thing is that cod liver is best suited for the manufacture of the product in terms of its parameters and taste characteristics. However, fish oil is produced not only from this type of marine fish. Not only cod, but also herring, mackerel and other fatty species of marine fish are rich in the content of a useful natural medicine.

In fairness, it should be emphasized that in reality, both the chemical composition and the beneficial properties of cod liver oil are much more favorably compared to other animal fats. For example, cod liver oil contains a huge amount of vitamin A. In addition, the uniqueness of the benefits of cod liver oil lies in the content of amino acids essential for the human body in the composition of the product.

It is worth noting that cod liver oil is currently available in the form of capsules. Medicines based on cod liver oil are used in the prevention and treatment of certain types of diseases. Natural cod liver oil helps not only improve the overall health of a person, but also promotes healing and cleansing of the body. It is believed that regular consumption of fish oil can protect against many ailments and serious diseases.

Calorie cod liver oil 898 kcal

Energy value of cod liver oil (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 99.8 g (~898 kcal)
: 0 g. (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 0%|100%|0%

Cod liver contains a large amount of fat. It is made up of fatty acids. Moreover, a considerable part of them are those that are lacking in the diet of most people. Consuming polyunsaturated omega-3 acids throughout life can reduce cardiovascular risks. After all, these substances have the ability to reduce blood clotting and lower cholesterol levels.

Often, people prefer to use cod liver as a source of omega-3 acids. It can be consumed in its natural form. In addition, there are a number of dietary supplements that are available in liquid form or in capsules for oral administration. They allow you to meet the daily need for omega-3 fatty acids.

cod liver oil price

It is cheaper to buy cod liver oil in its natural form - that is, in bottles, not capsules. There is more of it. One bottle lasts a long time. The intake of dietary supplements is much cheaper. Here are a few supplements you can buy online:

Has a lemon flavor. Price - 3300 rubles for 250 ml. Produced in Norway. Taken 1 teaspoon daily, with meals. The bottle after opening is stored no more than 100 days. But during this time you will definitely have time to use it, because there are only 50 servings in the bottle.

Nature's Answer Norwegian Cod Liver Liquid Fish Oil. Similar product from another manufacturer. It costs more than twice as much. Price - 2800 rubles for 500 ml. The dosage, according to the instructions, is from 5 to 15 ml, 1 time per day.

Price - 700 rubles for 250 ml. Daily dose - 5 ml. This amount of cod liver oil contains 1100 mg of omega-3 acids.

Hemani cod liver oil. Sold in small bottles of 30 ml. The price of each is 300 rubles. Not a very beneficial supplement, given that fish oil has to be taken for a long time. Thirty milliliters is not enough for a week.

Cod liver oil capsules

Not everyone likes the taste and smell of fish oil, even if the product contains lemon flavor. Therefore, many prefer to take it in capsules. This allows you to not feel the taste and aroma. In addition, capsules are more convenient to take and transport.

Carlson Labs Super Cod Liver Fish Oil. Price - 2000 rubles for 100 capsules of 1000 mg. It is a source of omega-3 acids, vitamins A and E. A feature of the dietary supplement is a high dosage of cod liver oil. Daily dose - from 1 to 3 capsules.

Solgar Norwegian cod liver oil. Price - 820 rubles for 100 capsules. One capsule contains 400 mg of cod fish oil. Despite the low price, this supplement is less cost effective than the previous one. Because the cost of 1 gram of the active substance is higher due to the low dosage.

Naches Bounty Norwegian cod liver oil. Price - 770 rubles for 100 capsules. Contains slightly more fish oil than a similar product from Solgar - 415 mg per capsule. At the same time, the additive is a little cheaper, which makes it more preferable in terms of price and quality. The manufacturer recommends taking 3 capsules daily.

Which is better: fish oil or cod liver oil?

Some people do not know what is the best source of omega-3 acids: or cod liver. There is no single answer to this question. After all, when choosing a product, each person is guided by his own criteria. For some, price and convenience are important. Others need a pleasant taste.

Benefits of using cod liver as a source of omega-3 acids:

  • This is a natural product that is bought in a grocery supermarket, not in a pharmacy.
  • It is tasty, so not only do you get the health benefits, but you also enjoy eating cod liver.

Disadvantages of use:

  • High price.
  • Cod liver can not be stored for a long time, because it can deteriorate. Therefore, every few days you will have to buy a new portion.
  • After a few months or years of regular use, this product can get boring.

Disadvantages of fish oil:

  • You have to swallow the capsules. A person does not enjoy this process (unlike eating delicious cod liver).
  • Along with the capsule, you get dyes, preservatives and other excipients (they are unlikely to harm your health, but many people are afraid of unnatural chemical compounds, preferring exclusively natural products).

Fish Oil Benefits:

  • No extra calories - you get a well-defined dose of the active substance.
  • Possibility of long-term storage.
  • Low cost of taking dietary supplements.
  • Ease of transportation - capsules can be taken with you anywhere, which cannot be said about cod liver.

Thus, if taste preferences are not important to you, it is better to use fish oil as a source of omega-3 acids, rather than cod liver. It's cheaper and more convenient. It does not matter whether the fish oil is obtained from cod or other fish. In addition, flaxseed oil can be used as a source of omega-3 acids. It also costs several times less. But he also has a drawback. Unlike fish oil, there is not a large amount of vitamin D, which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism in the body.

Russian name

Cod fish liver oil

Latin name of the substance Fish oil from the liver of cod fish

Oleum jecoris Aselli ( genus. Olei jecoris Aselli)

Pharmacological group of the substance Fish oil from the liver of cod fish

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

Model clinical and pharmacological article 1

Pharma action. A drug of animal origin, the action of which is determined by the effects of its constituent vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids; has A and D-vitamin, hypolipidemic, indirect vasodilating effect. It inhibits platelet aggregation, improves the rheological properties of blood. Unsaturated fatty acids are involved in the synthesis of arachidonic acid, leukotrienes and Pg; reduces the concentration of cholesterol in the blood serum. Retinol (vitamin A) is involved in metabolic processes in the mucous membranes and skin, in the formation of visual pigments necessary for normal twilight and color vision; ensures the integrity of epithelial tissues, regulates bone growth. Colecalciferol (vitamin D 3) regulates the exchange of Ca 2+ and phosphates, the process of building bone structure; increases the absorption of Ca 2+ in the intestine.

Indications. For oral administration - hypo- and avitaminosis A and D (frequent respiratory diseases, convalescence, impaired bone growth, decreased vision, impaired structure of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, rickets); prevention and treatment of osteopathies of various origins: osteomalacia, osteoporosis, recovery period after surgical interventions for "false" joints with symptoms of delayed fracture consolidation, to stimulate the formation of callus; prevention of atherosclerosis and its vascular complications, hyperlipidemia. In complex therapy: eye diseases (retinitis pigmentosa, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, conjunctivitis, eczematous lesions of the eyelids). For local use - wounds, thermal and chemical burns of the skin and mucous membranes.

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, idiopathic hypercalcemia, nephrourolithiasis, hypervitaminosis D, hypercalciuria, sarcoidosis, calcium nephrourolithiasis, prolonged immobilization (large doses), thyrotoxicosis (probability of hypersensitivity), pulmonary tuberculosis (active form), CRF, children under 12 years of age (for capsules).

Carefully. Organic heart disease, acute and chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, pregnancy, lactation, hypothyroidism, old age.

Dosing. Inside, 1-2 capsules or 15 ml 3 times a day, for a long time.

Children aged 4 weeks - 3-5 drops 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 2.5-5 ml per day; 1 year old - 5 ml, 2 years old - 5-10 ml, 3-6 years old - 10 ml, from 7 years old - 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.

Outwardly, for wetting dressings and lubricating the affected surfaces.

Side effect. Allergic reactions (including itching, urticaria).

State register of medicines. Official publication: in 2 volumes - M .: Medical Council, 2009. - V.2, part 1 - 568 p.; part 2 - 560 p.

Unloved by many since childhood, fish oil is actually an extremely important and useful product. It is mined from . It contains a set of valuable trace elements that help fight many diseases.

Fish oil is a universal nutritional supplement with a specific, not the most pleasant taste. In Soviet times, it was produced in jars. Take it in a teaspoonful with water. Today, fish oil is produced in gelatin capsules, which, when swallowed, do not have a sharp fishy smell and taste. Such capsules are quickly digested in the stomach, and the valuable compounds contained in them are well absorbed.

Cod liver oil is considered the leader in the content of retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin D. It contains palmitic and oleic acids, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. All of these compounds are able to fight harmful carcinogens and cancer cells.

The polyunsaturated fatty acid, which is part of cod fat, is directly related to the production of serotonin, also known as the "hormone of happiness", which brings a feeling of joy and peace, relieves anxiety and aggressiveness towards others.

That is why the use of fish oil is especially important with the onset of autumn cold, when many people become depressed.

Beneficial features

  1. A person who consumes fish oil is less prone to cancer. For cancer patients, this dietary supplement helps maintain muscle and fat mass.
  2. Minimizes the chances of getting one or another disease of the heart system. Cod fat for prophylactic purposes should be consumed by everyone who suffers from disorders in the work of the heart: arrhythmias, high or low blood pressure, ischemia.
  3. Effective in skin diseases such as psoriasis and gangrene.
  4. For patients with complex joint diseases, fish oil will help get rid of periodic pain and stop inflammation in the cartilage tissue.
  5. Both preschool children and older people need this nutritional supplement to improve brain activity. Cod fat inhibits the development of dementia and treats neurotic disorders.
  6. Fish oil is indicated for pregnant women for the proper development of the fetal nervous system.
  7. The antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties of this supplement are associated with its participation in the synthesis of prostaglandins from essential fatty acids.

Contraindications for use

Such a useful fish oil is not suitable for everyone. It is contraindicated in thyroid diseases, chronic kidney and liver diseases, duodenal ulcer and colitis.

Before and after surgical operations, in the presence of non-healing wounds and abrasions, extreme caution should be taken when taking cod fat, as it prevents blood clotting.

With food allergies and an excess of calcium in the body, it is also better to refuse fish oil.

Rules for taking and dosage

Take fish oil according to the instructions, usually three times a day, 1-2 capsules. This dietary supplement will only be effective if taken regularly throughout the course, which is usually 2-3 months.

To get the most benefit from fish oil, talk to your doctor. He will be able to choose for you the optimal dosage and duration of the course on an individual basis.

If you do not want to suffer from diarrhea all day, take your morning fish oil after eating.

The meat of salmon and trout fish also contains fat similar in composition to cod liver, so fatty acids can also be obtained bypassing gelatin capsules. Just eat more fish!

Another useful alternative for you may be. According to the latest scientific data, it is much more useful, although it costs more.

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