What kind of lamp whitens teeth. New technologies - teeth whitening lamp. Preparation for cold bleaching

Latest Achievements aesthetic dentistry offer teeth whitening with cold light. We will write about the varieties, advantages, price and reviews in this article. After all, this method is quite popular due to its safety and painlessness.

Every year everything more people think about how to lighten the dentition and achieve beautiful smile. And dentists are developing new systems for home and in-office whitening, trying to make this procedure neat, simple and affordable for most people.

What is cold teeth whitening?

This enamel lightening system is based on the use of a gel with a special chemical composition and a lamp that can activate and accelerate its action. And if in various types In photobleaching, radiation is used that heats the tooth and can thereby harm it, then the cold light lamp takes care of the enamel structure.

Passing through many filters, ultraviolet and infrared spectra are removed from the directional beam, thereby whitening teeth with cold light is obtained. The patient will not feel the effect of the lamp, overheating, pain etc. Thanks to this, such methods quickly won their client.

Dentists and their patients who have already tried this technique on themselves, the following advantages of cold bleaching are distinguished:

  • safety for the enamel structure;
  • quick effect;
  • the duration of the whole session is not longer than an hour;
  • clarification can reach 6-10 tones;
  • absolute painlessness of the procedure;
  • ease of implementation;
  • no side effects;
  • The result will last up to a year.

Among the minuses, it should be noted that such a system will not be able to change the natural gray shade of the enamel, as well as affect some other cases of tooth darkening. The cost of such a procedure will not be affordable for everyone. And not everyone can carry it out, however, like many other dental services.

Indications and contraindications

Such whitening is desirable to apply in any of the cases of darkening of the enamel. It will be especially effective when the teeth are naturally white, but turned yellow due to smoking, plaque, poor hygiene oral cavity and frequent use multi-colored products with a coloring pigment.

With all the security this method whitening doctors indicate contraindications:

In any case, before carrying out such a procedure, a qualified consultation of a specialist is needed, which will determine the adequacy of its implementation. It should be borne in mind that when taking certain antibiotics (tetracycline), natural gray tint enamel and tooth damage, no whitening system can significantly lighten the dentition.

Action chemical can affect the natural pigment of natural fabrics, so the color of artificial materials will not change. This should be kept in mind when installing multiple orthodontic structures and medical fillings. After bleaching, they will have to be replaced with lighter ones so as not to disturb the aesthetics of the smile.

Photos before and after

Types of technologies

Most of the varieties modern whitening came to us from the USA. Some have not yet been fully tested in the country, while others have already won a Russian client. Let us describe those that are based on the effect of cold light and ensure the safety of the procedure:

  1. – created on a special LightBridge technology. AT this case use a halogen lamp, which completely eliminates ultraviolet rays.
  2. Luma Cool is less known among us, but has earned the trust of the Americans. Diode lighting is used here, although the action and result are similar to the previous one.
  3. - another novelty that came from afar. The activation of the chemical composition occurs due to the inclusion of an LED lamp. Moreover, in addition to the in-office whitening option, there are also home kits of this brand, which makes it possible to maintain the desired shade of teeth for permanent basis and do not go to the dentist for this.

The cost of all the procedures described is slightly different, and it can be difficult to find each of them in your city. After all, what has just come to the market does not immediately appear everywhere. Therefore, sometimes not so much the desired method is chosen, but more accessible to the patient.

And if your city does not have some option you have chosen, then try using a tool that is similar in action.

Nuances of preparation

Even before you start direct whitening, you need to go through some preparatory stages. And although they increase the price of the entire procedure, as well as the time spent in the dentist's chair, you cannot do without them:

  • Examination of the oral cavity and elimination of all diseases, inflammations and other troubles with teeth or periodontal tissues. In the presence of any defect, bleaching is contraindicated.
  • It is also important to remove plaque, and especially so that the gel acts directly on the enamel. This achieves best result clarification.
  • For future comparison, the dentist will definitely evaluate the original shade of the teeth on the Vita scale. Cold light whitening promises to change the color of your smile up to 10 tones. And although each case will have its own effect, it is still interesting to know its effectiveness for both the doctor and the patient himself.
  • Immediately before the start of the procedure, the person must wear protective gear and install a retractor. Thus, nothing superfluous will get into the eyes or mucous membranes, and the whole process will be as safe as possible for health.

How is the procedure carried out?

Regardless of the lamp used and the specific method, all cold light systems will go through similar steps:

  1. Apply to the surface of the teeth chemical composition in the form of a gel, which is the main whitening agent.
  2. To start the reaction, exposure to a lamp is necessary. It is turned on and directed to the smile area. Withstand a certain amount of time, usually 10-15 minutes.
  3. Depending on the desired result, three whitening sessions in a row can be performed in one visit to the doctor. Evaluated every time achieved result and decide whether to continue or not.
  4. At the end, the gel is washed off and recommendations on hygiene and diet are given to maintain a whiter smile for a longer period.

If the patient, after three applications of the product, is dissatisfied with the brightening effect and wants to increase its intensity, then the procedure can be repeated after a week.

Video: Whitened my teeth! Cold bleaching.


Each type of whitening with cold light has its price. To figure out how much the option you have chosen costs, you need to contact the clinic where it will be carried out. The average cost of such a procedure in Moscow is: Beyond Polus - 10-19 thousand rubles, Luma Cool - 6000-23000, and Amazing White - 10 thousand, if an in-office whitening method is chosen.

For Kyiv, prices differ not so much. Beyond Polus will cost 2200-3000 hryvnia, Luma Cool - 2500, and Amazing White also costs about 2500 hryvnia.

Although it is worth remembering that from preliminary preparation, professional cleaning, necessary treatment, changing fillings or other materials, the final cost of the entire procedure can increase significantly in each case.

After removing the braces, our heroine Daria decided to bring her smile to the ideal and did whitening with cold light in the Insmile Dental Lounge studio. How it was - read in our material.

About two years ago I already whitened my teeth. Then it was excruciating: after the procedure, the teeth hurt terribly (it's good that it lasted only until the next morning). But the effect of the procedure was worth it. Time passed, and I decided to update the result, thinking that during this time technologies have certainly stepped forward and now it will be possible to whiten my teeth without pain.

On the initial appointment in the Insmile Dental Lounge, Elena Alexandrovna Rodionova (doctors, by the way, are called “angels of a smile” here - apparently, this was invented for those adults who still experience an overwhelming fear of the old punitive dentistry) removed plaque and tartar using ultrasound and cleaning Air flow. Then she polished the enamel and applied a special Energy complex to the entire surface of the teeth - it creates a special invisible film that penetrates the tooth structure, filling all the voids and restoring the integrity of the enamel. The doctor explained that by whitening teeth without brushing, we act on plaque and calculus, and our task is to work on the surface of the teeth without any obstacles. And after that, the preparatory period began: for about a week (depending on the condition of the teeth), you need to use a special one that reduces sensitivity in order to reduce the risk of pain after whitening.

The special brace looks intimidating, but actually helps to sustain the entire session without tension.

For reference: any "office" teeth whitening, regardless of the temperature of the light, works with gels containing hydrogen peroxide. This composition penetrates into the dentin of the teeth - the tissue that is located under the enamel - and acts there, and not on the surface. And the light is used solely to activate the whitening composition. The main advantage of cold whitening is that if you do not heat your teeth during the procedure, this significantly reduces the risk of pain.

In my case preparatory process took 10 days. Then the very day came: I came to the clinic, settled in a chair, my “smile angel” applied a special strengthening gel to my teeth - preventive measure, since the clarifying composition inevitably penetrates under the enamel, the gel helps to minimize the effects. The doctor then applied a whitening gel to the surface of the teeth and hooked up the Beyond laser system, a machine that resembles Wally's robot. “Unlike conventional systems that heat the tooth surface, this device emits cold light blue spectrum, - said Elena Alexandrovna in the process. - Harmful ultraviolet radiation completely removed by the filtration system, leaving only a focused beam of light.”

I was under the lamp for 15 minutes, then the doctor removed the whitening gel and reapplied another layer for another 15 minutes under the light. I didn’t feel any pain in the process, only a slight tickling sensation - as if tiny oxygen bubbles were exploding on the surface of the teeth, this was the whitening gel working. Then the teeth were cleaned of the gel, and Tooth Mousse was applied on top - a product based on lactobacilli, calcium and phosphate, which restores the enamel and strengthens it after the procedure.

During the procedure: pain none, I want to take a nap

Well, then we began to look at the result. My teeth have brightened to the very white color in the table. To maintain it, you can order the manufacture of caps and from time to time repeat the whitening procedure at home. Although without this result should be enough for a year, and subject to simple rules and longer. Basically, the restrictions relate to food - at first, while the enamel has not yet fully recovered, it is necessary to completely exclude “coloring” foods from the diet: wine,

dazzling, snow-white smile is the dream of many people. Nowadays, healthy, white teeth are a sign of well-being and success of their owner.

But, unfortunately, even if by nature they were flawless, then over the years, tooth enamel becomes thinner, wears out, absorbs various coloring pigments and it gets dark.

Although after it the teeth become several shades lighter and acquire a natural color, they do not become whiter. And the result is achieved by cleaning from various deposits and flying.

Where in dentistry without a laser ...

Before laser whitening teeth are certainly cleaned of and plaque, if any, then it will certainly cured.

Whitening gels are based on carbamide peroxide or sodium perborate. They are considered the most effective and harmless. Both substances, when penetrating into the dentin, cause oxygen oxidation and whitening of tooth enamel.

For chemical bleaching, the patient's lips are fixed using a special device - a retractor. Then the dentist treats the patient's gums with a protective compound. A whitening gel is applied to the teeth and left on them for 15-20 minutes.

After completion of the procedure, it is thoroughly rinsed with water. If necessary, manipulations are repeated.

As a result, it is possible to achieve whitening of tooth enamel up to 5 tones. The cost of chemical bleaching starts from 5,000 rubles, but the effect lasts less than a year. After that, the teeth begin to gradually darken again, and whitening has to be repeated.

Impact of ultrasound

It's actually called ultrasonic whitening. professional cleaning teeth. It is carried out in the dentist's office. The procedure is carried out using a special ultrasonic device- scaler.

Cleaning involves plaque and other deposits. In this case, no processes occur inside the tooth, only external cleaning is carried out.

During the whitening process, the dentist cleans each tooth in turn and gum pockets from pollution. The destruction of the stone occurs under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations on it, and the water supplied to the tip of the apparatus immediately flushes out particles of deposits.

Besides, ultrasonic whitening able to remove the darkening of the enamel from black tea, coffee, cigarettes.

The procedure allows you to lighten your teeth by 2-3 tones. For many patients this is sufficient. The effect is enough for 6-12 months. It is at this frequency that professional cleaning is recommended.

The cost of the procedure is from 2500 to 5000 rubles.

The opinion of patients is below.

Ultrasonic cleaning was recommended to me by my new dentist in medicinal purposes. But I can not help but note the whitening effect of the procedure. The teeth became much lighter, the darkening of the enamel went away.

In general, the smile has acquired a healthy, natural color. As for the procedure itself, it was a little unpleasant when brushing the front teeth, but tolerable. Now I will try to do this bleaching at least once a year.

Konstantin, 34 years old

I read a lot about the dangers of all kinds of teeth whitening, and ultrasonic, against the background of the rest, looked the most harmless. What can I say? Teeth are certainly not snow-white, rather they have become a natural color. But the result is really tangible. In general, I am quite satisfied. In addition, this procedure, unlike others, also gives a therapeutic effect.

Olga, 28 years old

Teeth whitening test with cold light - before and after photos, as well as video of the procedure:

So what to choose?

Determining which teeth whitening is the best can only be relative, since such procedures can be considered in terms of cost, effectiveness or safety.

As for the achieved result, then, undoubtedly, photobleaching is in the lead. In addition, this procedure is considered one of the safest and takes a little time. At a cost it is quite affordable, but the prices for it are not the lowest.

The cheapest is chemical and ultrasonic bleaching. But with their help, only a slight lightening of the enamel can be achieved.

However, the use of ultrasound does not chemical exposure on the teeth, only their surface treatment takes place, which means that this method is also the safest.

How dangerous is professional teeth cleaning?

A question of harm professional whitening causes a lot of controversy. Previously, it was believed that such procedures are very harmful to the teeth and have a destructive effect on them.

But modern formulations used in similar procedures, are as safe as possible and have in their composition not only bleaching agents, but also strengthening ones.

However, professional whitening still has some disadvantages:

The key to a successful professional whitening procedure is finding a good clinic and a highly qualified dentist.

Only a specialist can assess the actual condition of the patient's teeth, objectively determine which type of whitening is right for him, and guarantee the desired result.

The most popular today are lamps operating on LED (ICE) - diodes that emit cold light. LED lamps provide more safe lighting teeth using special gels that are activated by light. Numerous studies have proven that LEDs minimally increase the temperature of tooth tissues, resulting in a reduced risk of complications.

The essence of the method

Teeth whitening is chemical reaction pigment oxidation. When whitening teeth with gel and lamp as active components hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide act, which are activated under the action of the light of the "LED lamp". Carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide are able to penetrate enamel and dentin, oxidizing the pigments that stain the tooth. As a result of the reaction, hydrogen peroxide decomposes into water, oxygen and perhydroxyl, while the oxidized pigments are washed out of the tooth tissues along with water.

Indications and contraindications

An important step before the whitening procedure is to assess the condition of the dentition and identify all possible contraindications. There are several main indications for whitening with an “ICE-lamp”:

  • Discoloration of teeth as a result of non-carious lesions - hypoplasia, fluorosis.
  • The presence of white spots on the enamel.
  • Change in tooth color after depulpation.
  • Tetracycline teeth (a pathology associated with the accumulation of tetracycline in hard tissues).
  • Age-related discoloration of the enamel.
  • Food coloring.

There are a lot of contraindications to this technique, among them:

  • Availability carious cavities on the teeth relative contraindication, the procedure can be carried out after the sanitation of the oral cavity.
  • A large number - known not to bleach, so the result may not be as expected.
  • Crowns on the front teeth - in this case, after that, you will have to replace the structures with new, lighter ones.
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa - the procedure is carried out only after a complete cure.
  • Too much thin layer enamel.
  • The presence of hypersensitivity, since after the whitening procedure, pain symptoms may increase.
  • Hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide.
  • Availability malignant tumors in the human body.
  • Passing a course of chemotherapy.
  • Pregnancy and period breastfeeding- temporary contraindication.
  • The patient is under 18 years of age.

How is the teeth whitening procedure performed?

Teeth whitening always begins with the preparation of the oral cavity for the procedure. A special oil is applied to the lips, which prevents the appearance of cracks when putting on the mouthpiece. After that, a retractor is put on, pulling back the cheeks and lips, and proceed to isolation. Napkins are placed behind the cheeks so that the whitening gel does not get on the mucous membrane and does not cause irritation. The gums are isolated with a special light-curing material, which is carefully applied along the line of the necks of the teeth and illuminated by a lamp.

After complete isolation, an active gel is applied to the dried dentition. You should know that only incisors, canines and premolars are whitened. After applying the gel, it is illuminated with a lamp for 10-15 minutes, then the composition is removed from the teeth and the result is evaluated. If necessary, the procedure is repeated again, while total approaches should not be more than three. On average, the whole procedure takes about an hour, the result is always individual - it is difficult to predict in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a diode lamp over others is almost complete absence damage to the hard tissues of the teeth. This is due to the fact that the light beam passes through special filters that neutralize ultraviolet and infrared radiation. In addition, the surface temperature of the enamel practically does not increase, thus there is no possibility of pulp overheating and thermal burn mucous membrane.

In addition, cold bleaching has other advantages:

  • Short duration of the procedure.
  • In the process of clarification, the patient practically does not experience discomfort and pain.
  • You can get the desired result the first time.
  • The ability to eliminate even the most complex discolorations.

There are few disadvantages of this method - this is a long list of contraindications and a rather high cost.

The difference between teeth whitening with a lamp from other methods

Teeth whitening led lamp differs from other methods in several ways. For example, unlike chemical method, the duration of the procedure is 2 times shorter due to the presence of an activator in the form of a lamp. In addition, during the process of chemical lightening, the patient may feel some discomfort and painful shootings due to more high concentration active gel.

When using oxygen gels in more than low concentrations, so the effect is not noticeable immediately, but only after a whole course of procedures. Photobleaching with hot light lamps is also carried out using a gel and a catalyst in the form of a lamp, however heat light waves can damage the enamel and cause pain. In addition, with errors in isolation, there is a risk of developing a burn of the mucous membrane.

Unlike the method using cold light, it takes less time, while the effect may be more noticeable. This is because the flow laser radiation denser and does not scatter, therefore it acts in a directed way. The cost of teeth whitening with a laser is slightly higher than that of photobleaching.

Useful video about Zoom teeth whitening

The procedure of phototeeth whitening can be obtained only in the salon, however, the result is worth it. For 1 session, the enamel becomes lighter by 8-12 tones. Under the influence of light from a halogen lamp, hydrogen peroxide releases active oxygen, which, penetrating into tooth enamel, lightens dark spots. Photobleaching of teeth

What is photobleaching of teeth

Photobleaching of teeth, also known as lamp or machine whitening, is an oxidation process. dark spots on enamel with active oxygen.

Some mistakenly assume that there is no significant difference between laser and photobleaching, however, this is absolutely not the case. The difference is in the catalysts. In the first case, the oxidation process begins under the influence of a laser, in the second - under the light of a halogen lamp.

The light of the lamp covers the entire jaw, while the laser treats each tooth individually.

How is the procedure

To obtain a tangible result, one procedure of photobleaching is enough, however, if the client wishes, it can be repeated a week later.

For 1 session, the whitening gel can be applied no more than 6 times. Most dentists agree that 3 is enough to achieve the optimal effect.

The procedure takes place in stages:

  1. Examination of the oral cavity in order to establish whether this procedure is suitable for the patient or not. If there is plaque and calculus, then it is removed.
  2. Questioning the patient and choosing the desired result.
  3. Putting on protective goggles.
  4. Covering with a mucous protective plate.
  5. The doctor distributes the gel over the tooth enamel and turns on the lamp. From its light, the whitening process will start. The gel is left to act for 10-20 minutes, after which it is removed with a napkin and rinse aid. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several more times.
  6. After the gel is completely removed from the gums, the patient can evaluate the result using the Vita scale and receive recommendations from the doctor on further dental care.

Covering with a mucous protective plate.

Contraindications to the procedure

The procedure has the following limitations:

  • Enamel sensitivity to hot, cold and sour.
  • Age under 18 years old.
  • Thin or damaged enamel.
  • Caries.
  • The period of pregnancy and lactation.

Pros and cons of photobleaching

This is a fairly popular aesthetic dentistry procedure, and all thanks to its list of advantages:

  • Instant result.
  • The procedure does not take much time.
  • Does not require multiple visits to the dentist.
  • Long lasting results that last up to three years.
  • Health safety.

An excellent result that lasts up to three years.

However, the technique also has its drawbacks:

  • It has no effect on fillings, prostheses, veneers and crowns.
  • Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Has side effects.
  • High price.

Before the procedure, carefully read the reviews about the clinic and active doctors. Be sure to check for valid certificates, as dental health is at stake!

Photobleaching methods

Beyond Polus

The method is interesting in that 2 types of radiation are combined in the lamp at once - halogen and LED making the procedure safer. There is no risk of sensitization or damage to the enamel. In one session, 3 ten-minute whitening cycles take place. With proper care, the result is stored for a year.

Luma Cool

This method only uses " cold e "light radiation, which is absolutely safe for tooth enamel. For 1 session, the doctor applies the gel three times, each time warming up the gel for 8 minutes. The effect is quite persistent and lasts for several years.

Luma Cool


In this method, to activate the substance, ultraviolet, which is not so safe, like the previous clarification methods. By heating, you can achieve more pronounced effect, because active substances penetrate deeper into the tooth. The doctor must be extremely careful and prevent the gel from getting on the gum.

During the first few days, the patient experiences discomfort associated with tooth sensitivity, which quickly disappears. The whitening result lasts for a year and a half.

Light teeth whitening

Light differs from the photobleaching procedure in that instead of warming up, cold and harmless to the teeth radiation is used.

The light in light bleaching is passed through several filters that eliminate ultraviolet and infrared spectra, leaving only cold light.

How is the procedure

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • The doctor covers the patient's teeth with a special whitening compound.
  • The lamp turns on and we head to the smile line for exposure for 10-13 minutes.
  • As necessary, the procedure is repeated twice more.
  • At the end, when the gel is completely washed off, the patient receives recommendations for further oral care.
  • If the patient wants to achieve greater whiteness, the procedure is repeated after a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the method include:

  • Fast result - in one visit you can whiten your teeth by 6-10 tones.
  • Safety for tooth enamel.
  • Long lasting result.

The disadvantages of light bleaching are as follows:

  • Gray enamel is bleached no more than a couple of tones.
  • Does not whiten enamel that has darkened as a result of taking antibiotics.
  • Does not help with an excess of fluoride in the body.


Despite the relative safety of light bleaching, there is a list of contraindications for the procedure:

  • More number of filled teeth or implants.
  • Allergy to any component of the active substance.
  • Thin or sensitive enamel.
  • Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.
  • Age up to 16 years.
  • Severe diseases of the internal organs.

Products that stain tooth enamel

Dental care after the procedure

  • The first week must be completely excluded from the diet of coloring drinks and foods.
  • And also in the first week it is necessary to stop smoking.
  • If your teeth become too sensitive, you should replace your usual toothpaste with fluoride.
  • Daily, twice a day, brush your teeth, use mouthwash and floss.

To prolong or renew the effect, some doctors recommend using the systems periodically to home whitening teeth.


Before the whitening procedure, it is necessary to heal all existing diseases of the oral cavity, as well as undergo remineralization of tooth enamel. This will prepare your teeth for whitening, making them stronger and more resilient.

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