Soluble chicory: composition, how much you can drink and what is useful. Features of self-harvesting of plant parts. Who should not drink chicory

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

Perhaps the most famous coffee substitute is chicory.

It is sold in many stores, a lot has been said about the dangers and benefits of chicory: every person who monitors his health at least once, but used it as a tasty and healthy drink. So friends today we will talk about fresh and dry plant, as well as about soluble chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications.

about the plant

This blue-eyed grass has been known to our ancestors for a long time and enjoyed great respect among them. That is why this plant has many popular names: Tatar color, roadside grass, blue flower, shcherbak, gorchanka, king-root. All of them to some extent reflect the characteristics of chicory: the plant really blooms with bright blue flowers, grows mainly along roads, forest edges, in wastelands, slightly bitter in taste, and in medical purposes mainly its root is used.

name and legend

There is one more vernacular name chicory: Petrov batog. According to legend, the apostle Peter picked this plant and, waving it like a twig, drove his sheep into the flock. Another legend says that once insect pests settled on the spikelets of bread. The Apostle Peter went out into the field, took twigs in his hands and knocked down these insects with them. The twigs thrown to the ground sprouted and turned into a king-root. Since then, it has been growing along the roads, near the fields, like a kind of grass guard.

The birthplace of chicory is the Mediterranean. Now it is distributed almost everywhere: in North Africa, Eurasia, South America, North America, New Zealand, Australia. It is usually found in the temperate zone and the tropics.

What a miracle - the Tatar color?

it perennial belongs to the Compositae family. The stem of chicory is ribbed, erect, reaches a height of 60-70 centimeters, the leaves are oblong, formed into a rosette.


The plant usually blooms from July and continues to bloom until autumn. The flowers are pale blue in color. Seeds are formed in the plant in the second year of life. They ripen in autumn, I wonder what one chicory bush gives great amount seeds - from 3 to 25 thousand.

Two types of chicory are cultivated, that is, they are specially grown in the fields to obtain medicinal raw materials, in addition to them, there are 4 more species - wild.


Grow chicory with seeds or by dividing the roots. It is unpretentious to the soil, but demanding on lighting. For him, only sufficiently lit areas are suitable. Before. How to throw seeds into the soil, it is loosened. Planting depth - 3 centimeters. The grown plants are thinned out, it is recommended to apply fertilizers to the soil (potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate). King Root is drought tolerant, but with constant watering will naturally produce more yield. The plant easily tolerates light frosts.

For medical purposes, two types of chicory are used - lettuce and ordinary. How raw materials are used upper part plants and fleshy root. The latter is traditionally harvested in early spring, as soon as the leaves appear on the stem, or in late autumn, after rain. The root is carefully dug in from all sides - so it is easy to pull it out of the ground intact. The roots are thoroughly cleaned of adhering earth, washed under running water. cold water, if necessary, cut off from the stems. The roots are dried in the open sun or in a dryer at a temperature of 50 C. The finished raw materials of the plant are usually stored in dry, well-ventilated areas.

procurement of raw materials

During the flowering period, chicory grass is harvested by cutting off the tops of the stems (about 30 cm long). They are usually dried in the shade, spread out in a uniform thin layer. Store prepared raw materials in a dry place with good ventilation. Shelf life - up to 3 years.

Fresh chicory leaves are excellent vitamin supplement in salads, are also used as garnishes for dishes, as a seasoning for soups. To improve the taste of coffee, dried and roasted plant root is added to it.

A good health effect for the body gives the use of fresh juice chicory. To obtain it, on the eve of the flowering of the plant, during the formation of the first buds, the tops of the stems are cut off, they are thoroughly washed and scrolled through a meat grinder (or squeezed in a juicer). Juice is squeezed out of the resulting slurry. If it is boiled for 2-3 minutes, then it can be stored in a closed glass container in the refrigerator (though not for long, just a couple of days). Juice is recommended to be consumed by dissolving one tablespoon in a glass of milk.

This useful medicinal plant is now considered a weed by many. And for our ancestors, chicory served as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. According to popular belief, if the root of the plant is tied to a travel staff, then it will serve as an effective defense against "a bullet, a sword and a sharp knife." In the old days, people believed that drinking a blue flower could turn a person invisible. It was given to brides as a dowry, they believed that it prolongs a person's youth.

knew about unique properties chicory and in ancient Egypt, where it was used as an antidote for stings of tarantulas and scorpions. And the famous physician of antiquity, Avicenna, in his treatises, advised the use of a bitter root for many diseases (gout, ailments gastrointestinal tract, in the treatment of eyes).

In our time, chicory has regained its popularity, special plantations are set aside for its cultivation, and special chicory drying plants are being built for processing in many countries. They produce a condensed extract of the roasted root, from which healing kissels and drinks are prepared.

Chicory: benefits and harms

The king root reduces sweating, normalizes the metabolism in the body, removes toxins and toxins from it, and improves the composition of the blood. Doctors advise diabetics to take chicory, as it significantly improves the condition of such patients, reduces blood glucose levels.

Chicory stimulates appetite, cleanses the kidneys and blood vessels, improves intestinal activity, and normalizes the functioning of its microflora. It has been proven that the more bitter the taste of the plant, the more beneficial it affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A decoction of herbs and roots relieves fatigue and fatigue, increases the overall tone of the body, and removes heartburn.

Both the benefits and harms of chicory are due to its chemical composition. The plant contains:

  • inulin (20%);
  • fructose (5-10%);
  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • levulose (10-20%);
  • tannins;
  • choline;
  • mineral salts;
  • essential oils;
  • pentosans;
  • organic acids;
  • resins.

The herb contains:

  • lactucin and lactucopicrin;
  • vitamin C;
  • coumarin glycoside cycorein (contained in flowers);
  • triterpenes;
  • B vitamins.

Informative story and video about a wonderful blue flower that many do not even notice. Useful information to the singing of birds and with a beautiful view of the summer steppe

Petrov Batog - a shield for the liver

Chicory is a true protector of the liver. After studying its hepatoprotective properties, scientists came to the conclusion that the plant can significantly slow down the course of such a formidable disease as cirrhosis of the liver.

  • It is necessary to take a tablespoon of the crushed root of the plant and pour three glasses of water. The solution is sent to a slow fire and boiled for about ten minutes, and when the broth has cooled down, filter and take a third of a glass three times a day. It can be used as cholagogue and in diseases of the gallbladder.
  • Four tablespoons of chopped herbs and plant roots are poured with a liter of boiling water. The solution is boiled for seven minutes and insisted for an hour. Three tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon are added to the broth. apple cider vinegar. The broth is drunk hot in a glass half an hour before or one and a half hours after a meal. with inflammation of the liver.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver also treated like this. It is necessary to take in equal volume parts of chicory leaves with a root and a large plantain, corn silk, chamomile, rose hips, wheatgrass root, immortelle flowers, St. John's wort. Two tablespoons of the collection is poured into two glasses of water and left until the morning. Take half a glass four times a day twenty minutes before meals.
  • For liver cancer you should try this recipe. In oncology, chicory can be mixed with other powerful herbs and received fees to carry out treatment. We mix in equal quantities the grass of chicory, yarrow, St. John's wort, horsetail, birch buds and rose hips. One tablespoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for half an hour, after which it is taken fifty to one hundred milliliters three times a day.

Soluble chicory for pancreatitis can be taken at 200 milliliters per day.

Treatment of other diseases

The plant has choleretic action, tones up the work of the heart, improves the general condition in case of skin diseases.

Stones in the gallbladder

deal with cholelithiasis this recipe will help. Two teaspoons of the crushed roots of the plant are poured into glasses of boiling water and boiled for five to seven minutes, after which they are infused until cool. The whole broth is drunk during the day.

Furuncles, hydradenitis

To get rid of boils, carbuncles and hydradenitis, make the following recipe. We take fifty grams of chicory and lungwort roots, one hundred grams of thyme herb, burnet roots and gravel, twenty-five grams of sage leaves, calendula herbs, oak fruits and rose hips. An infusion is prepared from this mixture of herbs and a bath is taken with it.

Osteochondrosis and diathesis

Baths from the Tatar color are indicated for osteochondrosis, diathesis. BUT herbal tea from the plant is brewed for diarrhea (even bloody).


From diarrhea, a simple infusion is effective: one teaspoon of the herb is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted and taken in two or three doses before meals. Also, the tool calms the nervous system, increases appetite.


Five tablespoons of a mixture of crushed roots and aerial parts of the plant are poured into a glass of hot water and sent to boil for fifteen minutes. The broth is poured into the bath and the child is washed and washed. The tool perfectly helps with children's diathesis.


With the help of chicory, wounds and eczema are treated, for rubdowns, an alcohol tincture of the plant or a decoction of the roots is used.

It is necessary to take one hundred grams of chicory roots, wheatgrass rhizomes, black poplar buds, mother grass, rose hips, blue cyanosis roots, peppermint leaves, plantain and white mistletoe. Three hundred to four hundred grams of the mixture is poured with five liters of boiling water and infused for four to five hours, after which it is poured into the bath. You need to take a bath for about twenty minutes, and the course of treatment should be at least fifteen procedures. Such a bath will help with diathesis, neurodermatitis and eczema.


An infusion of the miracle root is able to calm the acute toothache. The recipe is as follows: a tablespoon of the crushed roots of this green healer is poured with a glass of pre-acidified vinegar or lemon juice boiling water. Infuse for about 10 minutes, and then rinse your mouth with warm infusion.

Chicory is also used for:

  • hypertension;
  • flatulence;
  • cleaning the liver;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • enteritis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia;
  • scurvy;
  • insomnia;
  • migraines.

Chicory is useful during pregnancy because it contains a lot of necessary for the body trace elements. Drinks from bitter roots are removed from the body excess liquid helping pregnant women avoid such unpleasant manifestations of their interesting position like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, swelling.

Despite the above properties, chicory, if used improperly, can also harm the body. Do not forget that the use of Tatar-colored grass in doses that exceed the recommended ones can harm even a healthy body.

Soluble chicory: useful properties and contraindications

Soluble chicory is called a coffee substitute, it has both a tonic and calming effect on the nervous system. Therefore, the drink can be consumed by both people suffering from insomnia (at night), and those who want to recharge their energy and vigor in the morning for the whole day.

Chicory drink can be purchased at any grocery store or supermarket, or you can make your own at home. To do this, the roots are washed, cleaned, dried, and then ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is lightly roasted. His appearance it resembles finely ground instant coffee.

What is useful soluble chicory for the body

A drink made from chicory has a specific taste with light notes of bread. It has a positive effect on internal organs man, it contains many useful trace elements. The constant use of such a drink normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, heart, spleen, kidneys. Since chicory does not contain a single gram of caffeine, it is useful to drink it for hypertensive patients (people with high blood pressure).

A drink from the king root is taken for colds as an antipyretic. It has antibacterial, astringent, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

How much can you drink Petrova batog per day

Nutritionists recommend 1-2 cups instant chicory. it optimal dose, which is undesirable to exceed, even despite the usefulness of the drink. The explanation is simple: since the drink is a natural coffee substitute, instead of 3 cups of coffee, you will need 1-2 cups with a soluble root.


In addition to useful properties, both soluble chicory and dried root have contraindications. Petrov batog is not recommended for use with:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergic reactions;
  • unstable psyche;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • asthma;
  • varicose veins;
  • joint pain;
  • bronchitis with severe cough;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • acute forms of neurosis.

Despite the fact that at breastfeeding the obvious benefits of chicory have been noticed, it is harmful for children, therefore there is a restriction: children under three years old are not recommended to use Petrov batog.

To make the drink tasty and invigorating, you need to know how to brew it correctly. Chicory powder is usually sold in sachets. In this case, you just need to pour boiling water over the bag. If you have a chopped root, then it is first ground in a coffee grinder, and then proceed to prepare the drink. How to brew ground chicory:

how to brew

pour a teaspoon of the mixture with a glass of cold water, put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. After boiling for 2-3 minutes, you need to boil the mixture, and then remove from heat. When the drink has cooled down a bit, it is filtered and sugar, cream or milk is added to taste.

  • Before cooking whole root drink, it is finely chopped and fried in a pan. The root pieces should darken. Then the fried root is crushed in a coffee grinder and the drink is prepared as described above.
  • liquid extract simply bred warm or hot water(half or full teaspoon per glass of water). Honey, cream or milk can be added to taste. There are people who simply add the extract to their tea.

Is it possible to have chicory while breastfeeding or is it allowed for mothers!

Nutritionists have found that chicory drink can be consumed while breastfeeding. This is a great alternative to coffee for those women who cannot refuse an invigorating drink even at such a crucial moment in their lives.

That's just about how much you can drink chicory while breastfeeding, there is no consensus. Doctors give different recommendations: some say that one small cup is enough, others argue that a larger amount will not bring much harm to mom and baby.

add to the diet with caution

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the Tatar color is still a medicinal plant, so you should not abuse it. It is recommended that nursing mothers introduce it into their diet carefully (starting with a couple of sips), observing the reaction and general condition of the child. At the slightest malaise or allergy, the drink should be stopped.

It should also be taken into account that in some nursing mothers this drink is able to reduce lactation, although, in general, it has a tonic effect and increases immunity weakened during pregnancy.

Chicory for weight loss, how to take

For full people who want to say goodbye to extra pounds forever, a drink from a bitter plant is perfect. it best option weight loss at any age due to the minimum list of contraindications.

Of particular value in the Tata color is inulin - this unique substance helps the body break down fats, resulting in the constant use of chicory overweight just stop procrastinating. Because the bitter root - ideal remedy to keep your weight in a tight rein. In addition, it also has a lot of other advantages (they were mentioned above), in particular, it cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

How to take chicory for weight loss:

a teaspoon of roots (previously crushed) is poured into 0.5 liters of water and boiled for 10 minutes over medium heat. The finished broth is filtered and cooled. Take 100 grams three times a day half an hour before meals. The course lasts a week.

For those who decide to lose weight, nutritionists, in addition to including the king root in the diet, advise a comprehensive approach to solving the problem: eat small portions and in a balanced way, exclude fatty high-calorie and fried foods from the menu, play sports (or at least walk at least 6 kilometers per day), drink at least 2 liters clean water in a day.

Is it possible to drink cichorium intybus with diabetes?

Petrov batog has the ability to lower blood sugar levels, as well as restore visual acuity, which is important when " sugar disease».

Therefore, chicory with diabetes can be drunk, moreover, it is necessary! The plant normalizes the work of the pancreas, prevents the occurrence trophic ulcers- a severe complication of diabetes.

  1. The infusion should be consumed daily. To prepare it, you need a teaspoon of crushed plant roots: they are poured with boiling water (1 cup) and infused for 15 minutes.
  2. For the treatment of "sugar" disease, a decoction of flowers is also effective: 2 tablespoons of flowers are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insisted for 10-15 minutes. Drink the infusion in equal portions throughout the day.
  3. You can also use this recipe to lower your blood sugar levels. One tablespoon of chicory root, bean leaves, wormwood herb and cuff should be poured with half a liter of water. The solution is sent to low heat, boiled for about ten minutes, and then taken three times a day before meals, thirty to fifty milliliters.

Benefits of instant drink for women

The plant speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines. For women, soluble chicory is useful, first of all, because it keeps the skin of the face fresh and healthy. With regular use of coffee from bitter roots, due to the establishment of a good metabolism, the body gets rid of toxins and toxins, cleanses itself from the inside.

For hair

In addition to its medicinal properties, chicory is also a wonderful hair strengthening agent. Any woman can be convinced of this. A strong decoction is prepared to rinse the hair: 3 tablespoons of crushed roots are poured with a glass of boiling water, simmered for 15 minutes and left to infuse overnight. Rinse the hair with the finished decoction or rub it into the scalp, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse under running water.

Did you know? At constant use plants reduce the number of gray hair, the hair becomes shiny, silky, with a rich color.

What else is useful chicory for women? Petrov batog has a beneficial effect on the aging skin of the face and neck. It is useful to wash with a decoction of the roots instead of plain water. So the skin will become smooth, disappear skin rashes(pimples, pustules, blackheads, etc.).

For skin problems, doctors also advise taking baths with a decoction of the roots or grass of the plant. Such baths also have an anti-cellulite effect.

Pour two tablespoons of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse in a thermos for an hour. Then pour the solution into the bath. It is necessary to take such baths every other day, the time of admission is 20 minutes, the course is 20 baths.

  • Blockage of the mammary glands (precursor to mastitis)). It is necessary to mix tinctures of chicory and sweet clover. To prepare the tincture, you need to take the aerial part of Petrov's batog, grind it and fill a glass jar with grass. The grass is poured to the top with moonshine-pervak ​​and left to infuse for ten days. In the same way, prepare a tincture of sweet clover and apply them one by one, making compresses on the chest.
  • Two tablespoons of the roots of the plant are poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water, and then boiled for ten minutes. Take a tablespoon five to six times a day. You can also prepare an alcoholic tincture from the plant. To do this, take two tablespoons of roots and pour one hundred milliliters of alcohol. You need to insist for ten days, then take twenty to twenty-five drops three times a day. Both decoction and tincture are excellent fortifying agents.

If the toilet does not let go, but the pain prevents us from living: we treat the bladder

  • We take two teaspoons of chopped chicory herb, rose hips, knotweed grass, oats and thyme. The collection is poured with two glasses of boiling water and insisted for two hours. Strained broth is taken three-quarters of a glass twice a day before meals. in chronic and acute cystitis.
  • Urinary incontinence, liver disease and cardiac arrhythmias can be treated with the following recipe. One tablespoon of the crushed roots of the plant is poured with half a liter of water and brought to a boil, boiling for ten minutes over low heat. The broth is left to infuse for two hours, after which they take one hundred milliliters three times a day half an hour before meals.

Diuretic. One tablespoon of Tatar-colored grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for five minutes in a closed enameled saucepan over low heat. Then the broth is left for three to four hours. Take on an empty stomach twenty minutes before meals, a third of a glass three times a day.

If the stomach is in order, then a good mood will not leave you anymore.


Chicory for gastritis. Two hundred grams of roots are mixed with one hundred grams of wheatgrass roots and the same amount of rose hips and hawthorn, plantain leaves and stinging nettle, motherwort and yarrow grass. Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured into a glass of water and brought to a boil, boiling for five minutes over low heat. The decoction is insisted for four hours and drunk fifty milliliters three times a day ten minutes before meals. This decoction also helps with angina pectoris, anemia.


To stimulate appetite and improve digestion, it is worth using such an infusion. One tablespoon of chopped herbs is poured with two glasses of boiling water and infused in a warm place until cool. You need to take a quarter cup three times a day before meals. Washed with the same infusion festering wounds, make lotions and treat acne.

This recipe will help overcome problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Two tablespoons of finely chopped plants are poured with a liter of boiling water and sent for five minutes on a slow fire. Insist until cool and drink a glass three times a day until recovery.

Oncology of the gastrointestinal tract

In oncology, sometimes chicory can also be used in the form alcohol tincture. Esophageal cancer is treated like this. One part of the tincture of petr's wild batog is mixed with seven parts of the tincture of willow-tea, with 0.5 parts of the tincture of the odorous chapoloch herb, one hundred grams of sugar and forty grams of gelatin. You need to drink fifty grams three times a day half an hour before meals.

  • For pain in the stomach. The plant, together with the root, must be crushed and the resulting slurry applied to the site of pain, covering with cellophane and fixing with a bandage. The compress is left until the morning.
  • From inflammation of the pancreas the following will help. It is necessary to mix one tablespoon of Tatar-colored herbs, mullein and yellow immortelle. The mixture is poured with half a liter of 40% vodka and insisted for three days in a dark place. Take a tablespoon three times a day before meals for two weeks.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Three tablespoons of the plant are poured with half a liter of water and boiled for five minutes, constantly removing the foam. Take a little during the day.
  • stomach cramps. Equally mixed grass chicory, St. John's wort and yarrow inflorescences. One tablespoon of the collection is poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Infusion drink half a glass three times a day.
  • Diseases of the spleen. It is necessary to stir in a glass of boiling water a quarter of a teaspoon pharmacy extract plants and add a little honey to taste.
  • anthelmintic drink. One teaspoon of king root herb, highlander and half a teaspoon of lemon peel are poured with boiling water and kept on fire for five minutes, after which they insist for half an hour and drink a third of a glass before meals. The tool is also effective for chronic fatigue.
  • To deal with worms, you can use such a tool. We take one teaspoon of crushed chicory root, tansy herb and yarrow herb. Pour the collection with two glasses of water and keep in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. You need to take a quarter cup in the morning before meals. The course of treatment is a week.

What else heals a blue flower: a variety of recipes

Dear readers. I, as always, tried to collect as much information as possible about the benefits and harms of dry and soluble chicory, its beneficial properties and contraindications. I firmly believe that if nature has given us the opportunity to cook delicious and healthy drink, then it should be used. And nothing else.

All health!

As always with love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Chicory is a well-known product, but an infrequent guest on our table. Chicory is a plant with oblong leaves, which has a long, dense root that goes deep into the ground. On sale, most often we find crushed dry chicory root, which is brewed as a drink, as an analogue of coffee, or as an addition to it. To complete the taste of a chicory drink, the benefits and harms are fully taken into account, the root is roasted. The leaves are less sought after, but can also be found on store shelves in the greens section, and are used in salads.

Chicory can be called a dual product, because its use can affect the body both beneficially and with negative consequences. In this article we will talk about the benefits and harms of chicory, which beneficial features carries this product, which categories of people can include chicory in food, and consider the benefits and harms of soluble chicory - how to make a drink from chicory and how it is useful.

Useful properties of chicory, its composition and use in food.

1. Although chicory is considered a "weedy" plant, this is completely undeserved - it is just a storehouse useful substances and vitamins. So, chicory contains inulin polysaccharide (9-11%), which in Food Industry used as a sweetener. For diabetics, a chicory drink is a real salvation. It's sweetened naturally and does not increase blood glucose levels. The benefits and harms of soluble chicory are immediately revealed - of course, the benefits of chicory are much greater than the contraindications, which we will discuss below.

2. Great content protein substances in chicory will give the body vigor and strength, good charge energy. A great addition to any sportsman's or traveler's snack.

3. Chicory contains the following vitamins:

4. Chicory juice strengthens and nourishes muscular system eye. But since it is quite difficult to get chicory juice even in the amount of one glass, it is allowed to mix it with other fresh vegetable juices, for example, carrot juice. Remember that in the juice, in which there are several components, for better absorption by the body, you need to add a couple of tablespoons of cream, milk or any vegetable oil (for example, sunflower oil) in the amount of 1 tsp.

5. Chicory increases appetite well, so it is recommended for people with impaired stomach function, with a lack of weight, or simply with a weak appetite. It is enough to drink chicory coffee before meals, the benefits and harms of which are described in our article, or add chicory leaves or seeds to your favorite dish.

Speaking of chicory, the benefits and harms here are simply obvious: doctors often prescribe chicory to pregnant and lactating women to recuperate, vital energy. Since coffee is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation due to caffeine, a drink made from chicory powder brightens up daily diet and helps diversify the nutrition of young and expectant mothers.

Preparation of a drink from chicory.

Fortunately, ready-made soluble chicory powders are commercially available. You can buy chicory with numerous additives. The brewing principle is the same as for instant coffee. A couple of teaspoons of soluble chicory pour 150-200 ml of hot water, mix. You can add milk and cream to taste. Do not overdo it with sugar - the drink is sweetened by the chicory itself. By drinking coffee from chicory, the benefits and harms are compensated by the pleasure and the very note in the taste of the drink that you will love.

If you want to make a drink from chicory yourself, you will need several roots of this plant - 5-6 pieces. They need to be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Then the chicory roots must be dried. This can be done in an oven at 100 degrees Celsius for 4-6 hours with the door ajar. On a baking sheet before this, it is advisable to lay parchment or foil. If you have the opportunity to dry the roots on fresh air in the sun, it the best option. It will take more time whole week but the result will please you. Dried roots must be cut into small plates. Fry them in a dry frying pan until brown. And then grind the resulting “raw materials” in a coffee grinder, using a blender, or with a hand mill, as you wish. Store tightly closed jar in a dark place. The shelf life of home-cooked ground chicory is no more than six months.

You can buy ready-made soluble chicory root powder in almost any supermarket in the tea / coffee department. It is also widely distributed in pharmacies and specialized phyto-oriented stores.

AT glass jar the product looks great. In cans, there is a danger of buying chicory powdered into "dust" - in this case it is difficult to understand if the manufacturer has diluted the chicory powder with something cheaper.

Chicory powder must be absolutely uniform, dry. There should not be any lumps, balls - their presence indicates that the product was not stored correctly, most likely in conditions of high humidity.

It is very convenient to use chicory in small “sticks”, bags in which a portion has already been measured. In this form, chicory is convenient to take on trips, to work, anywhere - pour the contents of the stick into a mug, fill it with hot water and enjoy the excellent taste of the miraculous drink.

Contraindications to the use of a drink from chicory.

Unfortunately, not all chicory is equally useful. For some categories of people with chronic diseases or impaired body functions, it can do a disservice. Soluble drink from chicory should not be used for the following diseases:

- bronchitis;

- vascular disease;

- phlebeurysm;

- violation of the work of the heart, heart muscle;

- violation of the gallbladder.

If you notice that after drinking chicory your heart rate has increased, you feel weak, dizzy or nauseous - consult a doctor and exclude this drink from your diet, perhaps you have contraindications to its use. Speaking about the benefits and harms of a chicory drink, it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. But I want to note that there are practically no cases negative impact drink from chicory on the human body. All arguments about the benefits and harms of chicory come down to one thing - chicory is useful to everyone. So drink to your health and have fun!

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Good day, Dear friends! Today we will talk about wonderful drink, and what is the benefit and harm of soluble chicory.

Chicory gained such great popularity thanks to important component contained in it - inulin. It is this substance, as well as a number of others, that determine the harm and benefit of chicory. In recent decades, the use of this plant has increased significantly due to its high content of inulin.

it herbaceous plant has blue flowers and grows in many countries in Europe and North America. Many nations use it in various forms in your kitchen.

Its roots are often used as a coffee substitute or as an additive to it. This is possible due to the taste, reminiscent of coffee. Also, the leaves of this herb are sometimes added to salads.


Inulin is a group of oligo- and polysaccharides. Many plants can be its source. The detailed composition of this compound will vary greatly depending on which plant it was derived from. This is due to the variability in the length of the saccharide chains that make up its composition. Due to the variability of the composition of inulin, it can be included in various foods:

  • It can act as a flavor enhancer as it has a sweetish taste.
  • It can be used to replace fat, sugar and flour, as it has a binding and compacting effect and contains fewer calories.

In addition to being used in a number of food industries, inulin has a number of health benefits. It is an excellent source of fiber and also has the ability to improve the absorption of certain minerals such as calcium and magnesium. This is where its prebiotic properties come into play.

How are prebiotics different from probiotics - the benefits of chicory

To properly understand the benefits of chicory, it is necessary to consider the difference between probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotics are cultures of microorganisms that, when consumed in food, improve health.

Prebiotics are substances that create an appropriate environment for the necessary existence of probiotic microorganisms. They are a specialized fiber that improves reproduction. beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics are not broken down gastric juice, they pass along the entire tract and are used by microorganisms.

Both probiotics and prebiotics help to rid the body of harmful, inflammation-causing micro-organisms that normally thrive on a poor diet (eating too much fat or sugar). These harmful microorganisms promote gas formation, synthesize harmful compounds and prevent the absorption of beneficial substances.

Inulin is a soluble fiber and acts as a prebiotic. As it passes through the intestines, it is fermented by probiotic bacteria.

Thanks to this, chicory in type 2 diabetes is very useful. The use of the root of this herb helps to delay the onset or prevent this form of the disease, as well as improve intestinal motility.

What is chicory made from?

From horse plants. As we mentioned, not all forms of inulin are the same. Inulin from the root of this herb is ideal food additive compared with analogs of this substance extracted from other plants. The longer chain of inulin derived from this herb effectively inhibits the absorption of excess sugar.

Also, the inulin of this plant, unlike other types of fiber, has a delicate and creamy taste, which makes it an attractive ingredient in many dishes and foods. The process of extracting inulin from the roots of this herb is quite simple, it is in many ways similar to that of obtaining sugar from beets.

Medicinal properties

The root of this plant is an excellent source of polyphenols with antioxidant properties. These compounds are large molecules characterized by the ability to quickly pass through cell membranes and interact with other compounds in the intercellular space.

The antioxidant properties of polyphenols are expressed due to their ability to bind free radicals harmful to the body. They also have a positive effect on fat metabolism due to the fact that they have an estrogenic effect. Natural chicory is also able to counteract inflammatory processes in the body.

Is instant chicory good for you?

What is useful chicory soluble for women and men? This product is an almost perfect nutritional supplement.

It is an excellent source of fiber, has a delicate and creamy taste, improves intestinal health, and prevents the absorption of fat. It is also safe for diabetics due to its low glycemic index.

How many times a day can you drink?

There are no formal regulations on this issue. Generally recommends limiting this product to 3-5 grams per day.

Many are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to drink chicory with milk. If you do not drink liters of the drink, then of course you can, this is a wonderful tandem, such a drink will help make your figure slim and effectively cleanse the body.

Is it possible for children?

Due to the ability of this product to normalize the synthesis of certain fats, eating it by a child can help normalize weight. Improving the condition of the population of bifidobacteria in the intestines of the child through the use of the root extract of this herb improves the detoxification of the body and promotes general condition health. Also, this herb is conducive to improving the function of the liver of children and blood counts.

How does it affect pressure

This product is not only an excellent coffee substitute, but also natural way decrease blood pressure. High content folate in it helps to improve blood vessels and normalize blood pressure. Also, this plant contains a significant amount of potassium, which is necessary to normalize blood pressure and improve water balance in the body.

Drinking this drink can help minimize caffeine intake, which will also have a beneficial effect on blood pressure. However, this product may interact with a number of drugs, such as antihypertensive beta-blockers, so specialist advice is advisable.

Buying and cooking

Which chicory is best?

Most often we see on sale an instant powder extract of the root of this plant. The liquid (pasty) version of this product is somewhat less common. Whole or chopped root can usually be purchased in markets or pharmacies. These categories are listed by us in order of increasing their usefulness.

The powder of this product contains the least amount of nutrients compared to the root. The liquid version is a reasonable compromise between the powder product and the root of this herb. It is quite convenient to prepare and does not cost much.

How to choose?

When purchasing this product, please refer to the list of ingredients on the packaging. Ideally, it should not contain fried acorns or cereals, and only one hundred percent extract of this plant should be in the composition. A good product is homogeneous, does not contain sticky pieces and lumps.

Preparation - video


  • Cases of contact dermatitis and other allergies caused by the root extract of this herb have been described. contact dermatitis usually developed during the production of this product, it is caused by certain substances that make up this herb.
  • Since this plant can cause increased bile secretion, a doctor's consultation is required before taking its extract in the presence of gallstone disease.
  • In a number of people, this plant can cause individual food intolerance, so it may need to be discarded.

Is it possible for pregnant women?

This product is a menstrual stimulant and also has an abortifacient effect. For this reason, this drink is not recommended for pregnant women.

Chicory during breastfeeding is recommended to be used only with great care, after consulting with a specialist. Since the potential negative effect This plant on the health of a nursing mother has not been fully investigated, usually doctors recommend refraining from taking this drink during the feeding period.

Video - chicory in folk medicine

Summing up

There is a lot of scientific evidence in favor of the fact that both liquid chicory and its powdered counterpart are very beneficial for the body. The basis of this benefit is the presence of inulin in it, which serves as an excellent source of fiber.

In some cases ethnoscience uses ground root this herb for cooking various decoctions to improve the condition of the stomach. In most cases, chicory for gastritis is not only acceptable, but even useful. However, in case of stomach problems, a specialist consultation is required before consuming it.

Today we talked about the benefits and harms of soluble chicory. Article author: Vladimir Sviridov, candidate of biological sciences, specialist in information technology. Dear readers, if the article was useful to you, share it with your friends, press the buttons of social networks.

It is still relevant to treat various diseases with the help of herbs, and not with the help of pills. But keep in mind that even plants have contraindications and side effects. Chicory is a plant known to each of us for its bright blue flowers. In stores, you can easily buy instant chicory. It is sold in jars or sealed packages.

Chicory is similar to coffee, however, it does not contain caffeine, which is harmful to the health of some people. Caffeine is contraindicated in people suffering from hypertension and heart disease. Coffee can increase blood pressure and disturb the heart rhythm. Coffee tastes bitter, which is why many people drink it with sugar. Chicory, on the other hand, has a sweet taste, it can be drunk by people who are sick diabetes.

Chicory is sold in pure form and with various additives: cinnamon, blueberries, lingonberries, lemon, honey, Rhodiola rosea. There are many additives, all of them give the drink useful properties and a peculiar taste.

The powder, which we can buy in stores and pharmacies, is made from dried chicory roots. Chicory root is rich in vitamin C, it contains carotene, pectin, B vitamins. In medicine, chicory is valued due to inulin, which in large quantities contained in this beneficial powder.

Chicory properties:

  • normalizes metabolism;
  • improves digestion;
  • restores the intestinal microflora;
  • treats tachycardia and disorders heart rate;
  • improves appetite;
  • beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • beneficial effect on the kidneys;
  • helps fight high temperatures;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • relieves alcohol intoxication;

Chicory is a real salvation for coffee lovers. During pregnancy, coffee is contraindicated for most women, but chicory in the diet future mother welcome. It will improve the well-being of a pregnant woman, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The harm and benefits of chicory border on each other. The beneficial substances that make up this drink can cause an excess of vitamins in the body, and this is no less dangerous. Abuse of vitamin C entails an allergic reaction. Chicory should be taken with caution, for some people it is harmful even in small quantities.

Chicory dilates blood vessels, so this drink is contraindicated for people suffering from and. People with high sensitivity to ascorbic acid, chicory threatens with an allergy attack. This drink improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but if you have a sick stomach, chicory will harm you, not help you.

  • Everyone has heard about amazing properties such medicinal plant, how . We will tell you what it looks like, when you need to collect it, how to store it, and what healing properties it actually has.
  • And such a seemingly simple plant as is also unusually rich in vitamins and microelements, and is widely used not only in classical medicine, but also in folk medicine. For the treatment of obesity and many other diseases.
  • And all the useful properties night blindness You can find out by reading this article.

Chicory improves appetite, so if you are on a diet, this drink will not be a good helper for you. The leaves and roots of the plant provoke a cough even in healthy person. For people with asthma or bronchitis, a few cups of this delicious drink can make coughing worse.

Chicory renders strong impact to the central nervous system. If you often suffer from insomnia, it is better for you to drink chicory infrequently and in small quantities.

Main contraindications:

  • allergy
  • phlebeurysm
  • haemorrhoids
  • disorders of the central nervous system
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • tendency to depression and insomnia
  • liver disease
  • gastritis
  • overweight
  • asthma
  • chronic cough

Still, chicory is a medicinal plant. And any medicine must be taken in moderation so as not to earn an overdose. An excess of vitamins in the body threatens with allergies and various diseases.

Fans of chicory often ask themselves the question: how often and in what quantity can you drink it so as not to harm your health? It is impossible to give a definite answer without consulting a doctor. The optimal dosage depends on individual characteristics organism. That's why the best way out out of the situation will be a visit to the doctor.

Some experts say that you can drink 3-4 cups of soluble chicory per day. Others are convinced that two cups are enough, but three is already too much. drink chicory better in the morning or day. If you do not suffer from sleep disorders, then the use of chicory is also possible in evening time. But be careful: the drink has a diuretic effect.

A healthy person can drink chicory daily. Often people replace coffee with chicory and drink one cup of the drink in the morning with the addition of milk or cream. Some doctors recommend taking small breaks in the use medicinal powder- a week or two.

It is also useful to drink chicory instead of black tea. Alternate this drink with leafy green tea, listen to your body. And then every morning you will meet in good mood and in excellent health.

Today, most nutritionists recommend that women and men consume an instant drink such as chicory. Moreover, it is a great alternative to coffee. The root of this plant energizes the body and invigorates. In terms of taste properties, chicory practically does not differ from coffee, which is why many people give their preference to it. But is it possible to drink chicory at night?

What is included in the product?

Most of the nutrients are found in the underground part of the plant. At the root there are many components that have a beneficial effect on human health. To answer the question "is it possible to have chicory at night", you must first find out what is included in its composition.

The main advantage of the plant is the presence of inulin (polysaccharide) in it. This component is used as a substitute for sugar and starch in diabetic products. It also speeds up metabolism and improves digestion.

Tannins in the composition of the root have bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties, contribute to the destruction of typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery bacilli, staphylococcus aureus.

Glycoside intibin in chicory eliminates signs of tachycardia, dilates blood vessels and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The plant has other useful components:

  • bitter, proteinaceous and resinous substances;
  • carotene, a nicotinic acid and tocopherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • micro and macro elements (calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and manganese);
  • essential oil;
  • pectin;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamin C.

Thanks to its rich composition, the drink made from chicory root is a "healing potion" that helps not only improve well-being, but also preserve beauty and youth.

If you use tea from the root of this plant in the morning, it will start the metabolism, energize the body, protect against emotional stress and stress, normalizes bowel function, improves heart activity.

Is drinking chicory at night useful or not? Experts recommend drinking this drink before bedtime. It does not contain caffeine, so you do not need to worry that it will cause insomnia.

Healing properties of chicory

The root of this plant has many benefits. A drink from it contributes to:

  • restoration intestinal microflora;
  • improve digestion and reduce appetite;
  • normalization of the heart rhythm;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • decrease high temperature;
  • normalization of the liver, nervous system and kidneys;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • relieve symptoms alcohol poisoning;
  • strengthening immunity.

Such a product is a real salvation for coffee lovers. Is it possible to drink chicory at night? Of course. The drink, as already mentioned, does not contain caffeine, so it can be taken before bed. It will help relieve stress and relax.

While carrying a child, drinking coffee is not recommended, and chicory in the diet of a pregnant woman, on the contrary, is even welcomed. A drink from this plant helps to get rid of heartburn, improve digestion and well-being. future mother.

The positive effect of chicory on the body

The plant has many useful qualities. For example, a drink from it has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It contains vitamins B 1 , B 2 and B 3 , which invigorate and cheer up. A drink from such a plant calms, but coffee, on the contrary, excites. In addition, it is allowed to take chicory at night.

The product is advised to be used in the treatment of tachycardia and other cardiac pathologies, since it is rich in magnesium and potassium. It also helps to improve intestinal motility, since the plant contains a special type dietary fiber- inulin. If you constantly drink a drink from it, you can forget about constipation and disorders. digestive tract. The plant helps cleanse the kidneys and liver. If you drink chicory every day at night, then the body will slowly begin to excrete bile.

The drink is often used for weight loss, since chicory contains pectin, which dulls the feeling of hunger. For those who want to lose extra pounds, it is enough to drink 200 ml of this drug in the morning and at lunchtime to prolong the feeling of fullness after eating. Chicory reduces appetite, so hunger, as a rule, does not bother. Inulin contained in it helps to lower blood sugar. If you really want something sweet, then it is better to drink desserts with a drink made from chicory.

The plant has a positive effect on the condition of the hair and skin, so try to drink chicory at least occasionally. Its benefits are as follows: the plant contains many vitamins and minerals, including magnesium and calcium, which maintain skin tone and restore collagen fibers. For the health and beauty of hair, the root is useful not only to be consumed internally, but also to be used as a mask: an infusion of the plant is applied to the curls and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off warm water. Chicory boosts immunity. Inulin is especially useful for the human body. This component speeds up metabolism and removes toxins. It also helps to avoid colds and viral diseases.

This product is natural sedative, so you don't even have to wonder: "Is it possible to drink chicory at night?" It is noted that drunk before bed healing drink eliminates insomnia more effectively than some sleeping pills. At the same time, you can not be afraid side effects like from drugs. The plant does not cause addiction either.

A drink made from chicory powder can be drunk by those who suffer from diabetes, since the inulin present in it is a natural sugar substitute. This organic substance not only lowers blood sugar, but also improves metabolic processes, which means it normalizes weight. Chicory - indispensable product with diabetes.

Why is chicory dangerous?

This drink can be harmful if consumed in too large quantities and uncontrolled. Before adding to your diet this product, you need to pay attention to your well-being. Chicory should not be taken with chronic diseases especially during their exacerbation. With such ailments, it is better to first consult a doctor before using it.

Chicory cannot be combined with antibacterial drugs because it interferes with their absorption. Excessive consumption of the drink can lead to hypervitaminosis. It should not be taken with asthma and bronchitis, so as not to provoke their exacerbation. Moreover, it must be remembered that chicory lowers arterial pressure, therefore, with hypotension, it is better to refuse it.

It is forbidden to drink chicory tea for people suffering from the following ailments:

If, after taking a drink from chicory, weakness occurs, the heartbeat quickens, nausea or dizziness appears, you need to contact a specialist and stop using it.

The effect of chicory on the children's body

If the baby is not allergic to this herbaceous plant, then it is allowed to give a drink from it to a child older than 2-3 years. Too young children are not recommended to drink chicory. The root of the plant is known to have many beneficial properties. A drink from it strengthens children's immunity, increases the tone of the body and normalizes the digestive system. But in babies, it is imperfect, so it's better not to risk it.

Chicory tea helps to normalize the liver and improve blood counts. Drink with warm milk especially useful to give the child in autumn-winter periods because it helps to avoid colds. Children are allowed to drink a maximum of 1 cup of instant chicory per day.

Preparing a drink

Now any store sells ready-made chicory powders. They can be bought with various additives. The drink is prepared in the same way as instant coffee. By the way, you can and even need to drink chicory at night. To do this, pour 1-2 teaspoons of the powder into 150-200 ml of boiling water and mix. To improve the taste of the drink, you need to add cream or milk to it. There is no need to put a lot of sugar - the tea is already sweetened by the root itself.

At self-cooking raw materials for the drink use 5-6 plant roots. They must first be washed and cleaned well, after which the roots should be dried in an oven at a temperature of 100 ° C for 5 hours, leaving the door ajar. Before that, foil or parchment paper should be laid on a baking sheet. Of course, the best option is to dry outside in direct sunlight.

Dry raw materials are cut into small plates, fried in a pan until Brown color without adding oil. Then the roots are ground in a coffee grinder or blender. It is necessary to store the resulting powder in a tightly closed container for no more than 6 months. One small spoonful of ground chicory is added to the cup, poured with hot water and stirred. The drink is ready to drink.

Rosehip chicory powder

Chicory contains many useful components. Rosehip also contains minerals and vitamins. Its fruits lower cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the immune system and tone the body.

The therapeutic effect of a drink made from chicory with rose hips is higher. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it with various pathologies.

Such tea is very popular, and it is not difficult to prepare it. You will need the following components:

  • milk - 200 ml;
  • chicory powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 20 g.

The milk is put on fire and brought to a boil, chicory is put in it, mixed and left to cool. Honey is added to a warm drink. It turns out not only tasty, but also useful.

Daily rate

Many experts advise to consume no more than 3-5 grams of chicory per day. In one mug of the drink, as a rule, there are 2-4 grams. No more than 2 cups are allowed per day. It is also necessary to remember that chicory has soothing and relaxing properties, so it is better to use it before bedtime.

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