How to choose a plastic dog carrier. We travel with animals. The safety of a dog carrier is an important selection criterion

dog carrier was named to us as a breeder among others. Carrying will be needed for comfort transportation of dogs in the car and train, as well as for visiting dog shows she told us.

We quickly found out that our dog loves to ride very much, so he sits quietly on the floor (fortunately, our family is small, and the car is roomy), and at first we did not plan to attend exhibitions at all. It is for these reasons that we ignored this wish and did not buy a dog carrier.

We returned to the question of the need to purchase it only when we planned car trip abroad. It turned out that when crossing the border, as well as in the EU countries, the dog it is forbidden to move freely inside the car. O must be carried exclusively.

We have a small dog, so it was not difficult for us to choose a carrier for him. Today I want to tell you some points on how to choose a carrier for your dog, and also tell you how to train your dog to carry.

How to choose a dog carrier?

Carrying happens soft(for example, fabric in bag format) and tough(for example, plastic in the form of "chests").

If you have a small dog and choose to carry it on the bus, for example, you will probably like it better. soft carrying. Firstly, it is lighter, secondly, the dog will be more comfortable in it, and thirdly, the empty soft carrier is very compact.

If the dog is larger and heavier, and the trips are planned over long distances, it will be more convenient rigid carrying. Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that - a rigid plastic carrier is mandatory not only when transporting a dog in a car abroad, but also on a train and on an airplane! Without such a carrier, your dog simply will not be allowed on the train and will not be accepted on the plane.

If you have to carry a carrier with a dog inside, it would be better to choose the option on wheels and with retractable handle(like a suitcase) to make it more convenient to roll it and / or shoulder strap(to make it easier to carry and not occupy your hands at the same time).

Carrying needs to be selected exactly the size of the dog. The dog must be able get up inside carrying in full growth without bending. However, large increases in the width and length of the animal should not be done. If the carrier has an excess supply, when braking or turning while moving, the dog will “wind” along the carrier. In a properly selected carrier, the dog, while lying down, occupies the main volume of the “room”, leaving no space for unnecessary “manoeuvres”, but only so that it can turn around inside.

The right carrier for your dog

Matching the size of the dog and carrier

Comfortable location of the dog in the carrier

Let me make a short review of our SAVIC Trotter 3 carrier.

Dog carrier Savic Trotter 3 and our boy

As you can see, it is plastic and collapsible. Made in Belgium. We bought it for 2600 rubles. High-quality plastic - light, but durable, has no foreign smell.
This line of SAVIC dog carriers is represented by three models:
SAVIC Trotter 1 is the smallest, it has a size of 49*33*30 cm.
SAVIC Trotter 2 is medium, its overall dimensions are 56*37.5*33 cm.
Our carrier SAVIC Trotter 3 is the largest in this line and has approximate dimensions of 60*40*39 cm. The manufacturer recommends using it for puppies and dogs of small breeds with a maximum weight of no more than 10 kg.

Savic Trotter 3 dog carrier label

Savic Trotter 3 dog carrier markings

It has a handle on top, which is more for moving an empty carrier and is not very convenient to use when the dog is inside. Intuitively, this handle does not seem solid to me, although we still have it in good condition and have not broken.

When folded, the handle hides flush with the carrying lid in the round recess on it. Ventilation holes around the perimeter of the carrier allow you to have enough air inside for comfortable breathing of the dog.

This carrier consists of three main parts - a pallet, a lid and a door.

Dog carrier Savic Trotter 3 disassembled

The upper and lower parts of the carrier are connected to each other using eight reliable latches.

The door is installed in the required position by means of 4 fasteners - 2 at the top and 2 at the bottom.

The door can be locked or vice versa, completely removed.

Carrying door fasteners are in the "closed" position

Carrying door locks are in the "open" position

Carrying door locks are in the "open" position

It is very convenient that the SAVIC dog carrier has the ability to set the door opening in the right direction with the help of fasteners.

How to train a dog to carry?

Until a couple of years ago, I thought that the carrier is like a prison for a dog, and that it infringes on the freedom of movement of the animal. But after analyzing the attitude of our dog to carrying, and ease of use, I reconsidered my attitude towards her.

It didn't take long to persuade the dog. The guy immediately realized that the thing his and it's very comfortable. I laid his favorite soft feather bed inside, and he immediately realized that this was his "corner of solitude", his "den". To reinforce the behavioral response, we praised him when he came in and lay down inside, and sometimes even encouraged him with a treat.

You need to treat a dog in a carrier (at least at the training stage) in exactly the same way as a dog located. That is, you can’t disturb her, stroke, touch categorically!

I recommend that you first remove the door so that the dog can freely enter and exit the carrier. After a while, you need to fix the door so that the dog can independently open it and get inside. We periodically change the side of the door opening. I believe that this is an additional training for the intelligence and attentiveness of the dog.

If suddenly your dog has difficulty during the training phase and does not want to be inside this enclosed space, try to start small - disassemble the carrier, leaving only the bottom tray. Put a comfortable bedding inside it, let the carrier act as a couch for a while. When the dog gets used to the tray, attach the roof, let the dog get used to it gradually. And only then begin to hang the door.

When the dog is comfortable inside, you can start trying to close the door for a short time. Stay close to the locked dog, praise it. Increase the time the dog is locked up gradually.

What is good and convenient to carry?

As it turned out in practice, carrying has nothing to do with prison and isolation (naturally, with reasonable use and compliance with the measure).

    Carrying provides a lot of advantages for both the dog and the owners, I will try to briefly list them:
  • a dog is allowed to travel on trains, planes, and ships only in a carrier;
  • without carrying it is forbidden to cross the border of the European Union when traveling by car;
  • many hotels (especially abroad) require pets to be carried when checking in;
  • in the apartment, the dog receives an additional “corner of solitude”, in which she experiences a genetic need;
  • during dog shows, the carrier allows the dog to calm down, and the owner to get a little distracted from his dog and even leave if necessary, which cannot be done without a carrier;
  • in the carrier it is easier and more convenient to accustom the dog to traveling in the car - it will not be “moistened” around the cabin while driving, it will not stain your interior with its dirty paws (you can throw a special “duty” bedding into the carrier);
  • in the carrier, you can isolate the dog when necessary - for example, if people who do not like or are afraid of dogs come to visit you, etc.
  • and you will never see a picture like this:

A dog in the car, left without a carrier.

The carrier is a very useful and convenient thing for both puppies and adult dogs.

Dogs are not allowed in most public places (shops, malls, banks). Owners have to tie dogs at the door, it makes the animals worry, plus it can be stolen. However, if your dog is small, you can take it with you almost everywhere in a carrier - a special bag designed for small dogs: the animal is under the control of the owner, cannot damage the goods, make a puddle on the floor, or "bite" someone that avoids conflicts in the mentioned public places. The carrier bag is designed for dogs weighing up to five kilograms. These dogs include Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Toy Poodle and others.

However, do not confuse a carrier with a cage or container for transporting dogs. In the cage, the animal is completely isolated from others, and the carrying allows it to contact the outside world and the owner. As a rule, ladies "walk" with dogs, therefore, women's bags prevail in sales.
When choosing a bag, you must follow some conditions:
1. Material

Bags are divided into three types: winter, summer and demi-season. They are sewn from leatherette, genuine leather, or combined (genuine leather plus leatherette), they are textile. You can also sew a bag to order from a different material. For example, at the request of the owner in a winter bag, there may be fur inside. It is best, or rather practical, to buy a bag made of material that can be washed in a washing machine, because the bag is used mainly on the street, which means that it will have to be washed from time to time. The outer material is better to choose a dark non-staining color - brown, dark blue or green. The inner part must be made of durable synthetic material, withstand the claws and teeth of the dog, because. some pets like to play inside the "house". In addition, the bottom should be thick and warm (with a layer of foam rubber), because sometimes the bag will have to be placed on the floor or the ground. The bottom should be soft so that the dog is comfortable, but hard inside.
size 2

It should be convenient not only for the dog (the more), but also for the owner (the less), it is necessary to find a compromise. When choosing a bag, you need to take into account the temperament of your pet: a small bag is suitable for a calm dog, in which it will be surrounded by dense walls on all sides, and its head will stick out from the outside, but with the ability to hide completely. An active dog needs a larger bag in which he can stand up, sit down, turn around ... It should be noted that in winter additional insulation may be needed, as well as the fact that small dogs are usually dressed and shoes in the cold season, i.e. it should fit inside with clothes and shoes. A good carrier is not cheap, so you need to buy a bag for a puppy, taking into account its future size.
3. Clasps and straps

The most practical fasteners on the carry in the form of a "lightning", fastening and unfastening it is much easier and faster. In addition, your pet will be well protected from bad weather. But there are carriers for dogs, which, for reasons of beauty, are fastened with buttons, buttons or decorative hooks.

The most convenient thing is the presence of three straps: two of which are short, like the handles of an ordinary bag, and one is long, for carrying the carrier on the shoulder. Carrying straps should be wide, comfortable and, preferably, adjustable in length.
4. The presence of small things

Carabiner for fixing on the collar. It is necessary so that when playing or being frightened, the dog could not jump out of the carrier. The dog is fastened with a carbine by the collar to a short leash, which is firmly sewn to the inside of the carrier. The leash should be of such length as not to hamper the movement of the dog (5-10 cm).

External pocket. Many carriers have an external pocket for storing a long leash, a favorite toy, or pet documents that will be at hand during a long trip. But you should not put food or something else edible in your pocket, the smell of food will only irritate the dog.

Information tag. Some manufacturers sew a special information tag on carrying. You can write the address and phone number of the owners on it with a marker if the dog with the carrier gets lost.

Owners of decorative breeds get so used to their four-legged friend that they constantly carry it in their arms. During the walk, the dog does not sit on his hands so much, because the main goal is to frolic in the fresh air. And if you have a long trip or a hike, then, despite the small weight of the dog, it is difficult to carry it all the time in your arms. For such cases, there is a carrier for dogs. The article discusses various types of carriers, their photos are attached. For those who like to do everything with their own hands, there is an instruction for the independent manufacture of a carrying bag.

Types of carriers

Bags for dogs, first of all, are needed for small breeds, as they are unstable to stress, shy, afraid of transport, they have to be constantly picked up even during walks. In addition, the design of their body is too fragile, so it is better to transport them in a special carrier. For medium sized dogs, a carrier may be needed for long distance travel or transportation.

Dog carriers have recently become fashionable, but they are increasingly used by owners of different breeds of dogs, especially small ones.

The carrier can be used for various purposes:

  • thanks to the bag, you can always take your pet with you, he will sit in it and will not cause inconvenience to people around him;
  • some small dogs get tired during a long walk, and like to return home in the hands of the owner, in this case it is appropriate to use the carrier;
  • to visit the veterinary office, you must have a pet carrier, it is very convenient: there are a lot of animals in the veterinary clinic, your dog will be safe in the carrier;
  • it may be necessary to move a sedentary dog ​​due to injury or illness: it is more humane to transport such a pet in a carrier than on your hands;
  • on an airplane, train and bus, animals are transported in the luggage compartment, but a miniature breed dog should not be sent there, it is better to take them to the cabin of the aircraft and transport them in a bag or carrier, where it will be safe and will not disturb anyone;
  • transportation to the exhibition is more appropriate in a bag, in this case it is more likely that the pet will retain its beautiful appearance;
  • a soft bag that looks like a house looks like a booth, so it can be adapted as a sleeping place for a pet, this is convenient, since the dog has a personal territory where she feels safe;
  • If your dog is nervous when meeting another dog or animal, you can protect him from stress by putting him in a bag and releasing him only to relieve himself.

For carrying animals, there is currently a wide variety of devices in the form of bags, backpacks, carriers. There are insulated, soft, medium and large carriers, on wheels for the convenience of transporting large breed dogs. Easy to carry - transformer. It remains only to choose the type of carrier that is most suitable for your pet. Therefore, you should figure out what types exist, study their features. After all, it is inconvenient to take a plastic carrier into the cabin of the aircraft; in this case, a folding carrier bag for dogs would be appropriate.


Bags for dogs of small breeds can play a decorative role. Models are produced with logos of various famous brands, decorated with rhinestones, straps and other accessories. Manufacturers take into account the season in which the carrier is used. The carrier bag can be summer, open, in which the dog will not be hot. The winter carrier is insulated so that the dog does not freeze when it is cold outside. For medium-sized breeds, bags with a frame are made. Each type of bag has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Below is an overview of the main types of bags:

Some airlines have their own requirements for dog carriers.

Backpacks and slings

The sling bag migrated to pets from children and quickly found its admirers. Many mothers are convinced of the convenience of slings - you can contact with the child, but have free hands. Also with pets. This is a great option for little pets who are scared of everything around. Sitting in a sling bag, the dog is always at the level of the owner's chest and is sure that he will be protected. For dogs, slings have some differences: a wide shoulder strap and the ability to adjust the length of the strap depending on the weight and size of the dog. Slings hang around the waist and allow you to comfortably accommodate a small pet.

Slings are designed for dogs weighing from 3 to 7 kg. The pet's weight is distributed evenly along the spine, so the owner's back will not get tired. Free hands are a big plus. A sling bag is convenient for traveling in the cabin, as the owner can constantly be in contact with his pet.

When choosing a sling, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • in order not to make a mistake with the size, you need to try on the sling, it is better to take your pet with you to buy it and try on the sling in a pet store;
  • to select the optimal model, it is better to consult with the seller;
  • the fabric of the carrier must be breathable, hypoallergenic and durable;
  • when choosing a sling, you need to focus on the season: the winter carrier is made of faux fur and warm materials, the summer one is made of breathable fabrics, you can use knitted models with holes for paws;
  • the sling must be equipped with a carabiner to avoid an unexpected fall;
  • it is better to buy a carrier in neutral colors so that it is in harmony with the wearer's clothes.

If there is no suitable sling in the pet store, you can purchase a sling for the child, choosing the size of the dog.

A backpack for a dog is similar to a sling, it differs in the position of the dog. In a sling, the pet looks to the side, and in a backpack, it looks forward. You can purchase a closed or open version of the backpack. In open models, holes are provided for the head and paws of the pet. In a closed backpack, the dog is comfortable in a sitting position. It is inconvenient for a dog to stay in an open backpack for a long time, since it is by nature an active creature and a monotonous position is tiring for it.

Backpacks and slinks are suitable only for small breeds, for large breeds other types of carriers should be used. Universal carrier - transformer. It can be converted into either a backpack or a carry on wheels.

Convenient devices in the form of small soft boxes that are attached to the belt. These carriers have many functions, they are equipped with a large number of different compartments that add comfort to the train with a four-legged friend. It is desirable that the inner lining of the bag is made of breathable mesh. Ventilated windows, removable cushions and other accessories enhance the carrying comfort.

You can transport a pet in improvised means:

  • ready-made old backpacks, converted for transportation;
  • wicker baskets;
  • bags;
  • strollers and suitcases;
  • cardboard boxes.

You can put some of your pet's favorite toys in the carrier.

Plastic structures

Plastic containers have become very popular. They are especially convenient for transporting a dog in the cabin of an airplane or car when you need to make a long journey. In a plastic design, the dog feels comfortable. Plastic carriers have large openings, which allows the animal to get enough fresh air.

True, in winter it will be cold in such a carrier, so it will need to be insulated. A big plus of plastic carriers is that they are very durable and protect the dog, especially small breeds, from any damage during travel or transportation. For small dogs, they can be real houses to live in.

Video from MsBiewer is devoted to the review of plastic carriers.

We sew a carrying bag for a pet with our own hands

If you know how to sew and have a desire to make something special for your pet, you can make a carrier bag with your own hands. Of course, such a bag is suitable only for small and medium breeds. The easiest option is to make it from a ready-made bag of large sizes. It is enough to make a hole for the head, trim the hole with soft material, shorten the zipper and the bag for transporting the pet is ready. You need to choose a bag from a material that can then be washed or washed.

If you have a sewing machine and have the skills of cutting and sewing, then you can sew a bag with your own hands according to ready-made patterns. The main thing is to purchase fabric, prepare everything that is needed in the work, and you can start making the carrier.

Tools and materials

In order to make your own dog carrier bag, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • thick paper, chalk and pencil;
  • fabric for lining and top of the bag;
  • frame material: you can take cardboard or a plastic plate;
  • sewing accessories: thick threads, needles, scissors;
  • zipper, straps, ribbons;
  • additional details for decoration: beads, rhinestones, etc.

To take measurements from a pet, you need to prepare a measuring meter or tape measure.

Manufacturing guide

If we describe the sewing process step by step, it will consist of the following steps:

An example of a hand-sewn bag can be seen in the bottom photo.

When going on a trip, to the country house or to the veterinary clinic with a pet, you cannot do without a dog carrier. A large number of options and modifications confuses when choosing, let's figure out what suits a four-legged friend for the most comfortable and enjoyable trip.

What is a dog carrier for?

A dog carrier is not a prison, but a place for solitude and comfortable rest on the road. The sides of the carrier protect the pet from unfamiliar objects, people and animals, reducing the feeling of fear and reducing stress.

To create the most comfortable conditions for the animal, place a soft bedding, bed or your dog's favorite pillow in the carrier. If the size and configuration of the carrier allows, place and secure the bowl inside.

You can't do without a dog carrier if:

1. You are going to travel by train, plane or boat

2. It is necessary to cross the border of the European Union by car

3. Will be staying in a hotel

4. The pet participates in the exhibition

All of the above measures oblige the owner to transport the animal exclusively in a plastic carrier, without fulfilling this condition, they are not allowed to board the flight, they are prohibited from crossing the border and may be denied check-in to the room. The use of the carrier is prescribed by the rules for transporting dogs.

When traveling by car, the carrier will help keep the vehicle clean and protect your pet from injury during fast movement. The animal will not roll from side to side when cornering or braking.

Carrying allows the owner to briefly leave the pet unattended, if necessary, leave. The dog will not run away and will not be able to harm himself or others.

What are dog carriers?

Basically, all carriers are divided into 2 types: plastic and soft.

Models of fabric carriers are very diverse and are suitable for dogs of small and medium breeds. Soft carriers are lightweight, they are convenient to use when going to the vet or on a walk. The variety of shapes allows you to choose the perfect design for each pet.

Plastic carriers are designed for dogs of different breeds and sizes. They are essential for long distance travel. There are many models in which it is convenient to transport large animals. Some plastic carriers are equipped with wheels to make transporting heavy dogs easier.

How to choose a dog carrier

The main rule when choosing a carrier for a dog: be sure to focus on the individual characteristics of the pet, and not personal taste preferences.

The first thing to start with is to decide for what purpose you need to carry. If it will be used only for walks and rare trips to the vet, it is worth buying a soft carrying bag. And for more serious and long-distance trips, plastic carrying is indispensable.

The size and weight of the dog is the main criterion for making a decision. The pet should be able not only to lie in the carrier, but also to straighten up to its full height. However, leaving too much empty space is also not worth it, so that the dog does not “beat” against the walls of the carrier while moving.

When the issues with the most convenient pet carrier model are resolved, you should pay attention to the little things that will make it easier for the owner to use the carrier.

Soft carriers for small dogs should have strong handles of different lengths: short for easy movement and a long shoulder strap in case your hands get tired. A convenient addition are the pockets on the outside, in which you can put a leash, toys, treats and small things. A practical solution for lovers of "free hands" will be a carry-backpack. The pet will always be supervised, and the hands will not get tired. In our online pet store there is a designer one that is not only convenient for the pet, but also looks stylish on the owner.

When choosing a plastic carrier for a dog, you should pay attention to the doors of the carrier, they must be securely closed and exclude the possibility of escape. Handles must be strong and can be hidden. If the dog is large and heavy, it is advisable to choose a carrier with wheels.

How to train your dog to carry

Not all animals happily jump into the carrier as soon as it appears in the house, some need to be gradually accustomed. Therefore, before the trip, it is worth buying a carrier in advance so that the pet has time to get used to it.

Place a soft pillow, favorite toy, or treat in the carrier to keep your pet interested. He must feel that this is not a prisoner's cell, but his personal retreat. To consolidate a good relationship with a new thing, it is worth praising or encouraging the tailed yummy.

If the pet flatly refuses to go inside, you can remove the top cover and leave only the tray with soft bedding. As soon as the dog gets used to the "couch", you can return the cover.

During the training phase, treat the dog in the carrier as if he were in his own room. Don't disturb or touch her.

At the beginning of training, you can remove the door, let the dog have the opportunity to freely enter and exit the carrier. After a while, it is worth fixing the door so that the dog can open it on its own.

When the dog gets used to being inside, you can try to close the door for a short time. It is desirable, while being nearby and praising the pet. Gradually increasing the time the dog stays locked up, you can achieve complete addiction and a calm attitude of the animal to the locked space.

Choose a dog carrier

The practical pet carrier Imac Carry 60 is made of durable plastic in two colors (gray top, colored bottom), has a metal door that opens both to the left and to the right.
The top and bottom are connected by grooves and reliable latches.
Imac is European quality, time-tested, so this brand is trusted by many traveling breeders of thoroughbred animals. If we compare Imac carriers with Chinese counterparts, the latter are inferior in the strength of fasteners and the thickness of plastic parts, which makes them cheaper.
In addition, all Imac plastic products are perfectly washable, resistant to wear and damage.

Linus Cabrio is a hit among Imac carriers, thanks to its elegant Italian design, as well as a unique feature - an opening "roof" in the form of swinging doors with locks, which makes the carrier simply indispensable for animals, which are sometimes very difficult to get into it through the usual side door.
To make the pet feel calm and protected, the side walls do not have holes, and there is a perforation on the roof.
For greater comfort of your pet, you can purchase.

The Triol multifunctional carrying bag has a number of advantages:
1. Can be worn on the shoulder or carried on wheels
2. Convenient retractable telescopic handle
3. Access to the bag from the front and top, which is convenient with stubborn pets who do not want to climb through the door
4. There is a leash inside the bag to prevent your little friend from jumping out of the carrier
5. Mesh inserts for good air circulation
6. Additional zippered compartments for storing related items
7. Soft and comfortable padding inside

The practical pet carrier Imac Kim 60 is made of durable plastic in two colors (gray top, colored bottom), has a metal door that opens both to the left and to the right.
The top and bottom are connected by grooves and reliable latches. For ease of transportation, this solid model is equipped with wheels and a retractable handle, which is very convenient when transporting large pets.

A carrying bag is necessary for traveling a dog in transport. This is an indispensable condition for the transport of animals on the train and plane for the safety of passengers. And the dog itself is calmer when it has its own mobile place.

Therefore, you need to approach responsibly when choosing a dog carrier. To begin with, you should decide on your goals: do you need a carrier for moving short distances (you regularly go to the country) or for long trips.

The dog should have enough room to easily change position, lie on its side or curl up, stand up and stretch. There should also be good air access and visibility.

If the carrier sold is not equipped with a warm bedding, it should be purchased in addition. Container locks must be reliable and made of durable material. Also, the bottom must be waterproof.

Criteria based on which you need to choose a carrier bag for your dog

By time of year

By season, carrier bags are divided into:

  • winter,
  • summer,
  • demi-season.

From the names it is clear that a winter bag is warm, made of soft, dense, waterproof fabrics, fur. Her main goal is to keep the pet from freezing. The model should be selected more, with a margin, because the dog is wearing warm clothes in winter, which creates additional volume. If it seemed to you that the bag is not warm enough, you can additionally equip it with a soft mattress.

A summer carrier bag, on the contrary, should be light, breathable, so that the dog does not feel stuffy in it. A prerequisite is the side windows. They must be present. The color can be chosen bright, summer, juicy, trendy shades of the season.

The demi-season carrier will be insulated, with a waterproof bottom, made of water-repellent fabric. Whichever carrier you choose, the main criterion should be comfort so that your pet can breathe freely, change position and even, for example, curl up. Therefore, choose bags made of natural fabrics, environmentally friendly materials, pleasant to the touch.

Carrying bag, like clothes, it is desirable to wash. Therefore, pay attention to the fabrics in the models. They should be easy to wash and dry quickly.


Safety is an equally important factor in choosing a bag. In some models, straps, carabiners or any special devices that support the dog are sewn inside. This is necessary so that the animal does not accidentally fall out of its house. The handles of the bag must be strong, reliable, with sewn-in foam rubber inside.

Short handles usually come with long handles. To make your pet happy on a trip or hike, and he feels at home, put a favorite rug or toy inside.

By type

The soft dog carrier is the most common model today. Rectangular or rounded in shape, the bag has a mesh window and a door for entry and exit. There are also bags with a hole for the head and holding devices inside. The design of the bags is diverse - for boys, for girls, for puppies and older dogs.

There are carriers with two compartments, one directly for the pet, the other for small things that he will need on the road.

The trolley bag is designed for a large dog weighing about five kilograms. If it is rather difficult for the owner to carry his pet in his hands, then such a bag is ideal. Pay attention to the wheels, they must be strong, reliable.

The carrier-backpack is a miracle invention for small dogs. The pet is worn in front, like children's kangaroos. Some manufacturers have begun to make two-in-one carrier bags: it can be used as a regular house bag and transformed into a beautiful backpack. Any model should be fastened with buttons, buttons, hooks. The most practical is a zipper.

According to the nature of the animal

Each owner knows the character of his pet. For example, for a mobile, playful, little fidget dog, pick up a larger bag so as not to hamper its movements and give the opportunity to change positions: sit, lie down. For a calm pet, you can pick up a bag according to his size, for sure he will sleep in it all the way.

For a curious creature, a bag with an open head is perfect so that the animal can look and observe what is happening around. To date, the choice of bags in stores is simply huge - from glamorous to classic. Manufacturers use fashionable, beautiful fabrics, natural and artificial materials, decorate products with rhinestones, various decorative inserts. It is also fashionable to select and, of course, carry according to the style, wardrobe of the hostess or owner.

What else should you consider before buying a dog carrier?

When choosing a carrier, counting on air travel, you should remember that it must comply with the standard of the International Air Transport Association - IATA. It is better to consult with specialists, but the main rule of air carriers is that from the withers of the dog to the ceiling of the container there should not be less than 10 cm.

  • There are several types of carriers: soft bags and backpacks, plastic containers, bags on wheels, transformers, metal cages, tent carriers, for small ones.
  • A soft carrying bag is needed for travel. Models of such bags on the one hand have an exit, and on the other - a mesh-window for viewing. The bottom of the bag is flat and the handles are medium length.
  • The layer of the walls of such a bag can be made of plastic, which holds its shape well. But for transportation in winter, a bag with a synthetic winterizer layer is more convenient. For summer, carriers with a hole for the head are suitable. Inside they are equipped with a strap with a carabiner so that the dog can be fastened.
  • For little dogs, a backpack is especially convenient, which can also be a kangaroo type. There must be a window, preferably with a metal mesh.
  • A plastic container is just what you need for airplane travel. It is very comfortable for the pet and for any rather long journeys. There are a variety of sizes for. Differ in a huge variety of shapes and colors and are very practical: easy to clean and light
  • Dog bags on wheels are more convenient than hand or shoulder bags. Especially if the pet is not quite tiny or there is enough other luggage in the hands. When choosing such a carrier, special attention should be paid to the wheels that break most often. There should also be high-quality textiles, a comfortable bottom, a warm layer and a properly located window.
  • For maximum convenience of moving a pet, you can choose a transforming bag, which at the right time can be transformed from a backpack into transportation on wheels.

The carrier cage is very convenient for transportation and is optimal for

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