Interesting facts about werewolves. Are there werewolves in our time: evidence from the video

Werewolves are evil, bloodthirsty people who can turn into wolves. Feeding exclusively on human flesh and blood, they go out at night in search of their victims, which often become lonely travelers. Some werewolves remain half-human, half-wolves, others completely transform into wolves. It is believed that a werewolf is able to turn his skin inside out, turning into a human for a while. Many people suspected of being werewolves have been torn to shreds by their pursuers in search of wool. However, sometimes the werewolf was recognized in human form. Werewolves are said to be very hairy, with thick, unibrow eyebrows and small, pointy ears.

Often the third finger on their hand is the same length as the second, and the knuckles of the fingers are covered with hair. It is traditionally believed that werewolves take on human form only when they are injured and leave a trail of blood in their wake. The most effective way to end a werewolf is to kill him with a bullet or knife made from a silver cross. The body should be burned immediately, not buried, as there is a belief that a werewolf can rise from the grave, turning into a vampire. Legends tell of people who became werewolves as a result of tragic circumstances. Forced to turn into wolves every night under the influence of lunar spells, they wait for death to be rid of a cruel fate. Belief in werewolves is common throughout the world, and a rare mental illness - the so-called lycanthropy - was already known in antiquity. Lycanthropy patients imagine that they can turn into wolves, although in reality this is naturally impossible. However, such patients behave like real werewolves, killing people and devouring their bodies.

Wolf In the old days, some people claimed that during the full moon they turn into werewolves against their will. However, there were also those who really wanted to become a werewolf and resorted to magic for this purpose. One Russian legend says that in order to become a wolf, you need to jump over a fallen tree in the forest, split it with a small copper knife and cast a special spell. The following were also considered correct ways: the future werewolf should drink water collected in the trail of a wolf's paw, or eat the brain. Whoever wanted to become a werewolf had to prepare a magic ointment at night during the full moon. He took wolfsbane, opium, fox fur, bat blood and the fat of a murdered child, mixed it all and boiled it in a special pot. When this diabolical potion was ready, the future werewolf threw off his clothes and rubbed himself with this ointment. He rubbed the ointment with a piece of wolf skin, while uttering spells and conspiracies, asking the spirit of the wolf to help him turn into a werewolf. After the ritual was completed, the werewolf considered himself a wolf-like supernatural being, feeding exclusively on human flesh and blood. Having once made such a diabolical transformation, the werewolf took the form of a wolf every night, and in the morning again became a man. These spells retained their power throughout life, but they could be removed by hitting the werewolf three times in the muzzle.


VictimLegends about werewolves are known in all countries where wolves posed a real danger to residents. There were very few wolves in the British Isles already in the Middle Ages, and the last wild wolf was killed there as early as the 18th century. The discovery of the real, but very rare and strange disease of lycanthropy, helped spread rumors about werewolves. Anyone with lycanthropy was declared a werewolf. With this disease, people sometimes behave as if they really were wolves. Especially many cases of lycanthropy are noted in France.

These fierce and fearless Norse warriors - berserkers - greatly contributed to the emergence of werewolf legends. They dressed in animal skins, wore long hair and beards, and generally had a frightening appearance. The inhabitants of the villages torn off from each other, having been attacked by berserkers, really mistook them for half-humans, half-beasts. According to some legends, berserkers during the battle could turn into terrible bears and wolves. According to one Irish saga, a certain priest, lost in the forest, stumbled upon a wolf sitting under a spruce. This wolf spoke with a human voice; he asked the priest to perform the funeral service for his dying wife. The wolf explained that there was a spell on their family, according to which one man and one woman from their family were to live seven years as wolves. If they managed to survive during these seven years, they could become human again. The priest didn't believe the wolf's words until a she-wolf lying nearby threw off her wolf skin, Transformation, showing that she was in fact human.

There are many legends about werewolves in France. A story from the Middle Ages tells of a hunter who was attacked by a huge wolf in the forest. He managed to cut off one of the legs of the beast, but he managed to break free and run away, and the hunter put his prey in a bag. Returning home, he was very surprised to see that the paw had turned into a woman's hand. But on one of his fingers he recognized the ring that he once gave to his wife. Running up the stairs, he saw that his wife was lying in bed, bleeding from many wounds; on one hand she had a hand cut off. A Norse saga tells how a sorcerer cast a spell on two wolf skins. Anyone who wore them turned into a wolf for ten days. The skins were discovered by the warriors Sigmund and Siniot, who found shelter in a forest hut. Unaware of the enchantment, Sigmund and Siniot stole the skins from the owners of the hut. Whoever put on this skin could no longer throw it off. Sigmund and Siniot, having turned into wolves, began to howl, attack people and even began to squabble with each other. After ten days, the charm of the skins lost its power, and the warriors threw them off and burned them.

The question of whether werewolves exist has been asked by mankind for many years. Amazing creatures, half-humans, half-beasts, intimidate the peaceful people, but there are those who are not averse to joining them.

In the article:

Are there really werewolves?

Almost in the world contains myths and legends about werewolves. Many of us are used to the fact that these are monsters that sorcerers and ordinary people turn into during the full moon. Similar legends are found in different sources, and stories about these creatures are told on all continents.

Opinions differ as to whether half-beasts can exist.

  • Some are sure that, at the same time, a person practically does not change his appearance, but only acquires the qualities and strength of the animal into which he turns.
  • Others believe that it is really possible to turn into a werewolf, becoming like a beast in appearance.
  • Still others believe that werewolves are people suffering from a terrible disease.

How do they turn

As for the act of reincarnation into an animal, it is logical to assume that a person acquires the power of an animal, whose blood he uses during the ritual. The psychological factor plays an important role.

Man convinces himself that he is partly becoming a beast. The blood conspiracy also plays a role, containing information about the animal to which it belonged.

Anyone who can control energy flows is able to use blood as a strong biomaterial. On a psychological level, a person inspires himself that he is a werewolf. This does not always happen consciously.

At the same time, there remains an energy connection with the blood of the killed animal, which is able to awaken bestial fury and partially empower it.

A person can copy the habits of an animal and scare people from whom he defends himself or whom he attacks. But this does not mean that the performer of the ritual will actually turn into a wolf, bear or fox.

Werewolf curse or disease

Lord Byron

It is believed that you can turn into a werewolf if a black witch curses for eternal wanderings in the body of an animal. Doctors do not agree with this statement and have their own point of view. In the 19th century Lord Byron expressed the opinion that werewolves are nothing but lycanthropy. In simple terms, this is suffering from delusion.

This disease develops as a result of various mental disorders and schizophrenia. The disease has tormented mankind for many centuries. It is mentioned as early as the 4th century.

Patients go to the burial sites at night. They have certain distinguishing features. Most often it is a white face, dry tongue, sunken eyes, wounds on the limbs.

In ancient Greece, doctors believed that such a disease was simple melancholy and that the disease should be treated with bloodletting, a special diet and sweet baths. Often, when the patient's condition worsened, lycanthropy was fought with the help of opium.

Historians claim that one of the representatives of this mysterious disease was the Byzantine emperor Justin II. Since childhood, the ruler manifested himself as a werewolf, was subject to sharp attacks of aggression, repeated the habits of animals and made strange sounds.

The scientist was engaged in the study of lycanthropy Lee Illis from Britain. This man studied in detail about 100 cases described in the medical literature and testifying to the existence of werewolves.

The famous doctor came to the conclusion that the changes do not have a magical background, they can be explained from the point of view of medicine.

In this case, the strange behavior of a person, his animal habits and thirst for blood are explained. illis says that werewolf is a serious disease, as a result of which a person completely loses his sanity. As a result, he can really lose his human appearance. There is not a complete transformation into a monster, but the degradation of a person.

Illis argued that poor heredity could be the cause of the development of the disease. Today, research is being carried out by scientists from Australia who want to prove that the animal nature wakes up in patients with lycanthropy during certain phases of the moon.

What werewolves look like

There are many opinions about what kind of werewolves are. If you believe the images in films, books, myths and legends, these are huge creatures, half animals, very tall, almost immortal. Such a monster can be destroyed only with the help of silver bullets or iron consecrated in the temple.

According to myths, werewolves are evil and strong. There are disputes whether they understand what they are doing or not.

  • Some are sure that the werewolf retains the ability to think, and this is not only a strong death machine, but also intelligent.
  • Others believe that half-beasts are not able to control their habits and attack everyone indiscriminately.

These monsters are rude both externally and internally, impulsive, tend to violence, unsociable, easily fall into rage and aggression. Werewolves sleep sensitively and little, show constant anxiety.

In ancient treatises, it is indicated that when a person turns into a beast on the full moon, he is thirsty, he begins to get cold from the cold, which ends with a fever. At this moment, the person's hands swell, become larger, the skin becomes rough and thick.

A person experiences a feeling of nausea, spasms appear in the chest and throat, the tongue does not obey, so it does not make any intelligible sounds other than an animal growl.

When the transformation is completed, the werewolf moves to four limbs and moves like animals do.

At the moment of transformation, the monster's skin darkens and wool grows in places. But the question of its appearance on the body is debatable, most of the rituals are not aimed at changing the human appearance and only allow you to acquire the strength of an animal.

There are many ways to become a beast, using witchcraft rituals, animal biomaterial. Most peoples of the world have rites of initiation and transformation into a werewolf, after which a person receives the power of an animal.

Are there werewolves today?

The full moon affects people. Scientists have proven that if a person has behavioral disorders, during the full moon, he can acquire the habits of an animal.

Amazing case in Britain

It happened on a full moon with a resident of Britain John Gallway. He was always calm, nothing could betray him as a werewolf.

A few years ago, John began having strange seizures every full moon. His wife went to the police station and said that her husband turned into a monster with huge fangs and tried to kill her.

When the police arrived for the man, he behaved like an animal, scattered the police with amazing strength, broke the furniture in the house and jumped out the window. After the capture, the man was injected with a large dose of sleeping pills. The next morning, the man no longer remembered anything.

Livestock destruction in the Philippines

The people of the Philippines faced such a story. At night, an incomprehensible monster, which smelled strongly of sulfur, killed livestock. Sheep and goats were found without internal organs.

attacks on people

According to some sources, werewolves killed not only animals. AT 2009 year, a resident of the state of Rio Grande do Sul went to the police, claiming that she had been attacked by an incomprehensible creature. The girl showed that the monster moved on its hind legs and was a cross between a wolf and a dog. There were numerous wounds and abrasions on the face and limbs of the victim.

August 27 2010 A truck driver was driving at night and saw a large carcass of a deer lying in front of it, which was being torn apart by an incomprehensible animal. It was a huge wolf, standing on its hind legs and tearing its prey with its forelimbs.

In England in 2010 In the same year, Jane McNeally and her dog were attacked by a strange creature that looked like a bear in size but looked like a wolf. The monster first tried to attack the dog, but then stopped, looking at the woman, and then disappeared in an unknown direction.

How to find a werewolf

Is it possible to detect a werewolf? Legends say that finding the creature is real. It is necessary to have its biological material, which can only be obtained through direct contact with a werewolf, which makes the task almost impossible, since it is difficult to cope with an uncontrollable animal.

But if an experienced sorcerer happens to have a sample of werewolf fur in his hands, he can use it to determine the location of the animal. To do this, you need a special stone-talisman.

Usually they are chosen, following the call of the heart. Take one of the . It must have magical properties.

Who are werewolves and how do they become?

  1. Werewolves are mythical creatures, a beast that is a person during the day, and with a full moon turns into a beast, into a wolf or a bear. Maybe someone else, a rabbit there ...
    You can just read books about werewolves here so it will be more interesting.
  2. Potentially everyone is a werewolf.
    Under the influence of emotional stress, the qualities of a civilized person regress to basic animal instincts and can reach the threshold of potential physical changes.


    It may seem that people, whose everyday behavior is rude and disgusting, are in a state bordering on animals, and a complete transformation should be relatively easy for them. This is a delusion, as uncouth bludgeons always consider themselves human beings of the highest and most noble form of life. In fact, they are almost animals all the time, and try not to "fall off the cliff" because that would be disgusting.

    One who has risen to the level of the curb will not return to the gutter. Only the highest man can carry out the metamorphosis, since his ego will allow him to go all the way to the end. He knows that he has been prudent and cautious for most of his life. Therefore, the transition to the animal state can be carried out without regret. There is more than enough evidence for this phenomenon. The most refined personalities degenerate the most when the right opportunity presents itself. There is no drunkard who drinks faster than a rich drunkard. The analogies are endless drunk as Lord, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Count Dracula, Jack London, etc. In almost every literary work, play or film, the lycanthrope in his normal state is portrayed as a person of great warmth, understanding, sensitivity and intelligence.

    The three basic emotions of sex, sentimentality and the feeling of the miraculous can be considered triggers, as will be shown below in the example of a formula using which, anyone can turn from a man into a beast. ..

  3. They are simply put - you don’t need to wash and you need to drink a solution of white Dorven liya, tilt your head 14 times towards Gray Gendrum and stand in the position of Dove Paklay and shout “Do paress Acraento minetiko dos” and but not to be confused with purple puy - because after drinking it many become Gray Gendras.
  4. In the Russian-speaking tradition, a werewolf is usually called a werewolf without specification. .

    Werewolf (wolfduck, lycanthrope) a werewolf who takes on a wolf or wolf-like appearance.
    Kitsune werewolf fox.
    Tanuki raccoon dog.
    Anioto Leopard people.
    The transformation of a person into an animal is a very common story in the mythologies of different peoples of the world. Thus, the Tale of Igor's Campaign describes Vseslav Polotsky's capture of Novgorod and the Battle of Nemiga. Vseslav is represented by a sorcerer and a werewolf. And in the ethnic culture of the North American Indians, turning the tribal totem into an animal is an indicator of the highest merging with the spirit of the ancestors. In Scandinavia, they believed that berserkers could transform into bears and wolves. The hero of Russian epics, Volga Vseslavievich, turned into a left-beast, a fish-pike, a bay tur-golden horns and a small ermine, a small bird-bird and other animals.

    In Russian beliefs, a werewolf was also called an unkind spirit that rushes under a person’s feet, as a harbinger of trouble. Moreover, he always appears briefly, on the run, and it can be very difficult to see him. Unlike most beliefs in Western countries, a Russian werewolf can turn not only into animals, but also a piece of stick, a haystack, a ball, a stone. Always hit the ground before transforming. It was believed that a werewolf is a child who died unbaptized or an apostate whose soul will misbehave in captivity. In Ukraine, a werewolf was also known as a vovkulaka, in the north it was often called a kikimora. The property of a werewolf was attributed to Domovoy and Witch 1.

    One of the manifestations of werewolves familiar to us (the transformation of a person into a wolf) can be observed next to another, no less famous manifestation of dark forces by vampires. It is believed that one way to kill a vampire is to bite a werewolf. Wounds inflicted on a vampire by a werewolf do not heal and are mostly fatal. But vampires themselves are also werewolves. So in the work of Bram Stoker, Count Dracula, the count appears in several guises: an old man, a young handsome man, a giant bat, fog and a big black dog.

    There are two types of werewolves: those who turn into animals at will and those who suffer from lycanthropy (the disease of turning into animals). They differ from each other in that some can turn into animals at any time of the day or night, without losing the ability to think humanly rationally, while others only at night (mostly on the full moon) and at the same time the human essence is driven deep inside , freeing the animal nature. At the same time, a person does not remember what he did, being in animal form.

    It is also worth mentioning that a person can keep the beast within himself throughout the entire lunar phase, in order to gain maximum strength and anger at the moment of the greatest activity (full moon) to take revenge on his offenders. However, according to legend, werewolves usually become (and these are, as a rule, witches and sorcerers) not so much for revenge, but for mischief (to scare people for their own fun). Not all werewolves show their abilities on a full moon, some can become werewolves at any time of the day.

  6. you need to be bitten by another werewolf and you will howl in the full moon and run through the forests uuuu
  7. Werewolf
    A mythological creature that can temporarily change its appearance by magical means, turning from a person into another creature, plant or object, or vice versa. In European folklore, the most characteristic image of a werewolf is a wolf man.
  8. Werewolves i.e. changelings, people turning into a beast (not necessarily a wolf, a dog)
    Become them from birth
    The lower class, so to speak, not pure strength ...

    PS: Lukyanenko is on patrol, he described it that way.

  9. The transformation of a person into an animal is a very common story in the mythologies of different peoples of the world. So, in the Tale of Igor's Campaign, the capture of Novgorod by Vseslav Polotsky and the battle on Nemiga are described. Vseslav is represented by a sorcerer and a werewolf. And in the ethnic culture of the North American Indians, turning into the animal-totem of the tribe is an indicator of the highest merging with the spirit of the ancestor. In Scandinavia, they believed that berserkers could transform into bears and wolves. The hero of Russian epics, Volga Svyatoslavich, turned into a left-beast, a fish-pike, a bay tur-golden horns, a small ermine, a small bird-bird and other animals. In Russian folklore, the Fire Serpent can turn into a handsome young man and, as such, visit women, and Koschey the Immortal has the ability to turn into various creatures. In Turkic mythology, gulyabani werewolves are mentioned as evil personalities that live in deserted places and frighten travelers.

    In Russian beliefs, a werewolf was also called an evil spirit that rushes under a person’s feet, as a harbinger of trouble, the source is not specified for 960 days. Moreover, he always appears briefly, on the run, and it can be very difficult to see him. Unlike most beliefs in Western countries, a Russian werewolf can turn not only into animals, but also into a piece of stick, a haystack, a ball, a stone. Always hit the ground before transforming. It was believed that such a werewolf is a child who died unbaptized or an apostate, whose soul will misbehave involuntarily. In the North, a werewolf was often called a kikimora. The property of werewolves was attributed to the brownie and witch 1. Cursed and unbaptized children or witches could take on different material forms and then also turn into animals.

    In Slavic mythology, it was believed that a werewolf is a person turned into a wolf by a sorcerer, and therefore he could retain full consciousness of his belonging to the human race and only outwardly resembled an animal (that is, Russian werewolves were good wolves, the source is not specified for 788 days). It was believed that it was quite possible to return his former human appearance to him: for this, it was necessary to put on a wolf-dog a belt removed from himself, in which knots were made, upon imposing of which each time it was pronounced Lord, have mercy!. Having put on such a belt, the werewolf immediately lost his skin and appeared in human form.

    In Bram Stoker's fiction Dracula, the vampire is also a werewolf: the count appears in several guises: an old man, a handsome young man, a giant bat, a mist, and a large black dog.

    It was believed that werewolves could be congenital and reversible. Congenital are those who carry a generational curse or if a pregnant woman unexpectedly sees a wolf or eats the meat of an animal that the wolf killed.

    Werewolves are of two types: those who turn into animals at will (using witchcraft spells or other magical rituals), and those who are sick with lycanthropy, the disease of turning into animals (from a scientific point of view, lycanthropy is a mental illness). They differ from each other in that the former can turn into animals at any time of the day or night, without losing the ability to think humanly rationally, while others only at night (mostly on the full moon), against their will, while human the essence is driven deep inside, releasing the bestial nature. At the same time, a person does not remember what he did, being in animal form.

    According to beliefs, werewolves can have many outstanding abilities (exceeding the capabilities of not only humans, but also animals): supernatural strength, agility and speed, long life, night vision, etc.

    (I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to thumbs up) +_+

  10. You can only become a werewolf by being bitten by a werewolf. They can only be killed with silver (bullet, stake). They are very attracted to the smell of blood, they hear it for a few kilometers. In general, these are ordinary people, but 1 day, with a full moon, they become beasts. What are some signs?
  11. I also ask this question!) It’s just a pity that they won’t become ...
  12. Eat the dog. You will know.
  13. This is one of my favorite topics. I can write a lot here, but I don't think it will be interesting to read a giant text, so I'll try to keep it short. A werewolf is a person who can transform into an animal in whole or in part. There are werewolves, werewolf foxes, werewolf bears, etc. If you are an ordinary person, then there is only a chance to become a werewolf. To do this, you need to eat fried wolf meat or drink from its trail. Also, if you get scratched or bitten by a werewolf, then you will also become a werewolf. (even if he is in human form.) There are special magical rituals. If your ancestor was a werewolf, then around the age of 14 there is a chance to become a werewolf. As soon as a werewolf tastes the blood or flesh of a person, he will become cursed. Strength and power will increase, but he will become cursed, that is, he will not go to heaven. After death, the Slavic werewolf becomes a vampire. You can kill him by launching silver into his brain or heart. You can cut off the head, but you need to burn it. But if you do not burn it, then the purebred regenerates, and the one converted to be reborn in a vampire guise (only among the Slavs) dies in other mythologies. Each werewolf has super strength, speed, sharp claws, beast instincts and abilities. In the form of a man, only instincts and organs: hearing, sight, smell.
  14. Werewolf - mythical man - animal. Usually this is a man - a wolf. During the day, the werewolf appears as a human, and at night (usually after midnight) it becomes a wolf. The wolf is usually large, even huge, walks on both two and four legs. It has great physical abilities, has a developed mind, is afraid of the mistletoe plant.
    When bitten by such a werewolf, the transformation of the bitten into a werewolf is inevitable.
  15. Where is this nonsense coming from? And for whom?
  16. In the common people they call him a werewolf. They do not have any special signs of difference. But in the Middle Ages, it was believed that the werewolf must have pointed ears and hair on the palms. In any case, most of them do not have distinguishing features. And you can live your whole life next to a werewolf, absolutely not knowing that on the full moon he ceases to be a man until the first rays of the sun and the first cock crow. On a full moon, if they are in the village, they gather in the moonlit wastelands, and if in the city, then in the wastelands that are notorious. A piercing howl announces to the district that the werewolf went hunting. Most people who have heard this howl say that there is nothing worse than that. The howl of the wolf turns into the roar of a hungry lion, but at the same time something human is preserved in the voice of the werewolf, which is the most terrible.
    I want to note that not every werewolf is a person who turns into a wolf. A werewolf can transform into other creatures. In those countries where the presence of a wolf seems strange, since they do not live there, werewolves turn into a jaguar, snake, crocodile or birds of prey. But even where wolves live, werewolves prefer the appearance of other, larger predators, such as bears.
    It is easy to distinguish a werewolf from a simple wolf, this can be done by three signs:
    1. The werewolf is much larger;
    2. A werewolf is much smarter and smarter;
    3. The back "legs" of the werewolf are bent forward with the knees;
    Most often, werewolves stray in packs. But there are also loners. It depends on the personality of the person. Also, werewolves differ from wolves in that wolves kill to feed themselves, and werewolves enjoy it and only people. And some of them settle scores with offenders in the guise of a wolf, but again, not all.
    There are several options for who, how and why become werewolves. Option one: voluntary transformation into a wolf. There are two "recipes" here, so to speak, "Slavic" and "European". But since I am sure that you do not want to become werewolves, then the description of the ritual is useless to you. If you still want to know it, contact the teachers' offices and come into my office. It should only be added that the process of turning a person into a werewolf is very painful. Bones crack, joints and tendons change their shape, the skin itchs, because the hair does not come out from under. And only the person inside whom the "beast" truly sits can become a werewolf. That is, people are cruel with inhuman, "wolf" nature.
    There is also a second option. These are the ones who are simply born to become a werewolf. In such people, someone in the family has already been a werewolf. It is said that for a long time there were entire families that, from generation to generation, retained the ability to be shapeshifters. Also under suspicion were children who, at birth, had thick hair on their heads and spines, and they also immediately had teeth, and also those who were born on Christmas holidays and for some reason those who are red. But for example, congenital werewolves manifested themselves only from the age of 13.
    And the third option: bitten by a werewolf to the point of blood, also becomes a werewolf. Unless, of course, they were lucky enough to survive. But even if a person is converted, he can be saved. If a werewolf does not kill or consume any meat at all for 9 years, and if someone prays for him, then he will be saved. Although there are times when a werewolf just goes crazy.
    And finally, I will tell you how to kill a werewolf. It's quite difficult. You can't kill him with normal weapons. Even the most severe wounds heal almost instantly. Only silver can bring real harm to a werewolf. Since the skin of the werewolves is very thick, it is more efficient to use silver bullets. Even the werewolves, like almost any evil spirits, are afraid of the crucifixion and at the sight of it they immediately take flight. Also, holy water inflicts serious burns on them. And the worst thing is that after death werewolves turn into people, which complicates the fight against them. Since then, it is practically impossible to prove that an ox was killed
  17. Why you asking? We already have enough wickedness.

To be honest, I have asked myself this question more than once, since it is still interesting to know whether this is a myth or reality. Thinking most of you have thought about it.

First of all, let's look at who werewolves are? A werewolf is a person who turns into a monster in the moonlight. You and I know about their existence from films and books, some believe that this is a terrible disease, and someone actually saw them.

Werewolves are tall and powerful, do not age, and are virtually immortal. You can kill a werewolf with a silver bullet or blessed iron.

It was possible to turn into a werewolf in different ways, but the end result was always an unthinkably terrible, evil, strong and dangerous creature. He had wolf habits and at the same time human ingenuity. The person who turns into a werewolf is aggressive, violent, restless, and tormented.

According to legend, the transformation began with a slight chill of the body, the next step was fever, unbearable pain in the head and an insatiable desire for blood. The arms swelled and became large and long, the skin coarsened. Perspiration formed on the forehead, breathing slowed down, mind was lost, speech became incomprehensible, from the mighty growth of the body, clothes were torn to pieces, the skin became dark and overgrown with hair.

In the distant ancient world, it was believed that the werewolf attacked people and ate them, destroyed entire villages, killed children. When he satisfied all his desires, he woke up in the morning as an ordinary person and did not remember anything.

According to legend, they turned in several ways:

  1. Magic
  2. Curse
  3. From the bite of a werewolf
  4. If a man was born from a werewolf
  5. If a person wore clothing made from the skin of a wolf
  6. Through the rite

Who is right? Different versions of the existence of werewolves

And so ... Is there really a possibility of reincarnating people into a wolf? Or is it fairy tales and legends? Or just the inventions of a person who has a rich imagination? Let's take a look at you.

Most para-psychologists believe that there really is no such thing as redistribution. This is a kind of hypnosis, i.e. a person is able to inspire himself that he is a beast if he has a bad character and he feels negative in relation to the people around him.

Physicians argue differently and adhere to the opinion expressed back in the nineteenth century by Lord Byron. He called the reincarnation of a person into a monster, a disease in which a person suffers from delusion - Lycanthropy (mental disorder). A sick person with lycanthropy, leaves the hut at night and walks around the cemeteries. They recognized the patient by the following signs: a pale face, dry, sunken eyes, a constant desire to drink, and from this there was a dried tongue, and lacerated wounds on the legs.

According to ancient Greek physicians, lycanthropy is a type of melancholy and should be treated with bloodletting until the sufferer faints. The patient was placed in a bath of water with sugar and bled until he fainted. After that, they put him on a special diet.
At the present time, scientists from Australia suggest that certain phases of the moon can contribute to the state from a normal person to a beast. And in fact, from an ordinary person, it is not possible to reincarnate into a bloodthirsty beast, but research suggests otherwise.

Evidence of werewolves in our lives

With signs similar to turnoverism, there was a case in 2009. A group of people were taken to an Australian hospital at midnight, behaving strangely. People rushed and scratched, biting doctors.

Another case happened to Briton John Galloway. It would seem that a calm fifty-year-old man, a wonderful family man, calm and balanced, the father of 3 - their kids. I could not understand when, after the full moon in the morning, I opened my eyes not at home, but in prison or in a hospital. That was very surprised.

According to the police, he attacked a woman at night, who, all intimidated, ran to the police station and said that a man had attacked her like a beast. And he tried to bite it with large and sharp teeth.

The police, without wasting a minute, quickly reacted and caught him, brought him to the station. Where he showed strong resistance, for some half an hour, he defeated almost all the furniture, scattered all the policemen, broke the window and jumped down from the 2nd floor, but he couldn’t hide, they caught up with him and stuck a sedative. Where in the morning I woke up in a cell and did not remember anything.

According to local Filipinos, supposedly some of them took the form of dog-like monsters at night and killed animals, gutting the internal organs. People are afraid that a dangerous beast will be able to switch to them.

Recorded outbreaks of werewolves in 2008 in Brazil. According to the residents, the man is a wolf, at night he robs houses and carries away livestock. And in 2009, a strange girl turned to the police, according to whom, she was attacked by a terrible beast, of a huge size like a wolf. The girl was asked to make a portrait, it was determined from it that this terrible beast resembled a werewolf.

Faced with an incomprehensible terrible beast and a truck driver. According to him, on the roadside, an incomprehensible huge beast, similar to a gorilla and a wolf, tore apart a deer.

In France in 1760, people and cattle disappeared every day, according to the residents, it was a beast similar to a werewolf. And allegedly it is not possible to kill him, since he is immortal. When the dangerous beast began to make more and more violent attacks, King Ludwig 15 sent a whole army to destroy the monster.

Unfortunately, the army failed to destroy the monster, he was wounded, but he managed to escape. Then the king announced a hunt and a reward. And only in 1676, the monster was lucky enough to fall down with a silver bullet, the hunters headed by Jeanne Chastel.

People who have seen werewolves. They say that they are able to acquire not only the image of a wolf. For example, in Burma there is the Taman people. According to the Taman people, a person who experiences nervousness and anxiety does not arbitrarily transform into a tiger.

In 2010, in England, a girl was walking in the park with a dog, not far in front of her, she saw a large creature that looked like a dog. Her dog escaped and rushed to an incomprehensible beast, the woman followed after her, coming closer, taking a closer look, she saw that the beast was somewhat similar to a huge fox. The beast looked at the girl, and then slowly left.

The girl, having come home, began to look at atlases about animals, but she did not find such an animal. Then she opened a book about werewolves, in which she found a creature that she encountered face to face.

Video whether werewolves exist in real life

Now, in our time, there are legends about Bigfoot, who knows, it is likely that werewolves exist somewhere. And what do you think? Do werewolves exist today? Leave your comments! Let's figure it out together.

Regards, Alexey!

I am the administrator of this site and part-time author, in my free time I write articles related to the subject of the site. In 2015, he became interested in website building and making money on it. Studied many different courses, photoshop, basics of html, seo and others. I independently learned how to write optimized texts, in connection with this I became interested in the subject of the site. And now it can't be stopped

Werewolves. Legends and reality. Cursed Blood Berg Alexander

Who is a werewolf?

Who is a werewolf?

Many people experience rather strange desires from time to time: to bite the offender, sleep on the grass, sit on a tree, or even eat raw meat. For most, this is usually where it ends.

Those who come across werewolves more closely, at first perceive everything that happens to them as an "offer from above." And, accordingly, they begin to stray in the definition of the beast in themselves, trying to “decompose” it into separate properties and qualities. The Beast, on the other hand, is a creature with a bright personality and will not endure consumer attitude towards itself for a long time. He will certainly try to get in touch with the human mind, which in turn threatens a person with a nervous breakdown, especially if he is used to constantly considering everything from the position of "common sense".

Other people - those who are not afraid of change - have a different attitude towards their instinctive impulses, more sensitively, partly even encouraging them. Over time, they realize that their behavior is very similar to some kind of animal. A person carefully looks at himself and eventually understands what kind of animal he looks like. And here the problem of self-determination emerges, with which everyone who encounters it copes, depending on how much mass culture has managed to “brainwash” them. For the most part, people who have not specifically been interested in werewolves before believe that a werewolf is a wolf, or at least a bear. Well, or some other strong and dangerous predator. But in fact, the “inner beast” can be anything: a hedgehog, a hare, a sloth, a ferret. And a person who has discovered a hare in himself may begin to try to fit his beast to his usual appearance, little thinking about the fact that even an ordinary hare has a lot of advantages over a person. This can lead to very serious consequences, up to suicide, because animal nature does not tolerate attempts to change it, much less replace and destroy it.

It was believed that "turning around" can occur absolutely at any moment, although it most often occurs on a full moon, at night. The man turned into a beast - most often a wolf - and began to behave exactly like a wolf. The turned creatures went out of the house, roamed everywhere all night until morning and killed anyone who got in their way.

Such a disease was considered a terrible disaster, because if it was possible to escape from a vampire with a cross and garlic and a person turned into a vampire only after being bitten by a vampire, then nothing could be saved from the “werewolf disease”, and absolutely anyone could suddenly fall ill.

The wrapping itself takes a matter of minutes. It begins with chills, then fever. A person experiences a severe headache and thirst, nausea, spasms and convulsions, it becomes difficult for him to breathe. The arms swell and lengthen, as if a patient with leprosy, the skin of the face becomes rough and blurry, the toes no longer fit in shoes, the legs become paws. The mind at this moment also changes: the beast becomes crowded in the house, he wants to get out into the wild. The tongue no longer obeys the person, he can no longer pronounce a single word. The werewolf throws off his clothes, gets on all fours, and his body is covered with matte wool. The head and face are also overgrown with hair. Man becomes a beast.

The werewolf himself always feels the beginning of change, but it happens so quickly that there is no time left to prevent the “turning around”. Some werewolf people, who had the opportunity, built special secret rooms in their houses, where faithful servants or loving relatives locked them up during bouts of “illness”.

The werewolf had practically no chance of curing his illness. Moreover, due to the characteristics of the organism, the werewolf could live for a very long time, if not forever. He was doomed to suffer like this every full moon, or even every night, until someone killed him. It was possible to kill a werewolf in any way, but a specially made silver bullet was considered the most effective. This belief persisted in Europe until the 18th century, as well as the sign that the werewolf always carries with him his thick shaggy wolf tail. It was also believed that if a werewolf's clothes were hidden and burned, he would not be able to regain his human form. Many legends said that if you douse a werewolf with water (holy?), It will burn his hair and cleanse him of the disease.

There are several characteristics of werewolves in relation to their inner essence and to the awareness of their own "I" after "conversions".

Firstly, these are the so-called werewolves. Those who, when transformed from a human into a wolf, completely lose their human mind and acquire the consciousness of a wolf (or other animal they turn into). That is, this werewolf becomes much more a wolf (beast) than a man. He is bloodthirsty, he does not kill for the sake of killing, but is able to pounce on a person and eat him if he is hungry enough. Since such a werewolf is still not a 100% beast, he can sometimes perform strange and uncontrollable actions that go against even the instincts of the beast, although this happens quite rarely.

In general, the "wolf" can go through three stages of memory retention. Ordinary werewolves - unless they are pack leaders - go through all these three stages sequentially. As the werewolf becomes more experienced, the amount of memory retained by the transformation increases. By the way, since the werewolf is a wolf, he guards his territory if he turns at home. If the conversion takes place outside the home, then the werewolf beast understands that it is in someone else's territory, and becomes much more cautious.

Secondly, they are werewolves-demons. These are the werewolves who completely lose control of their hidden desires. This werewolf is even worse than the wolf werewolf: he kills for the sake of killing, he kills out of a trifling insult or old memories. This is the most dangerous type of werewolf, since there is no recipe for how to communicate with him. The demon is unpredictable and bloodthirsty.

Thirdly, there are "over-werewolves", or "super-werewolves": those who, after transformation, completely retain the human mind and thinking. These werewolves are the least dangerous to other people. Provided, of course, that such a werewolf did not consciously conceive of some kind of crime, otherwise he becomes much more cunning, resourceful and elusive than a wolf werewolf.

Very often, the signs of all three types are mixed, and if, for example, a werewolf, having turned from a man into a beast, thinks like a man, then the realization that he is in the body of a beast can affect his psyche very much.

In addition, there are several other main types of werewolves: firstly, those who turn at will (witches and sorcerers), secondly, werewolves from birth, thirdly, ordinary people who were turned into werewolves by witchcraft, and , fourthly, people who have turned into animals for any serious reason.

Sorcerers and witches are the most dangerous werewolves, as they become beasts in order to harm people. They can turn other people into werewolves against their will. To turn a person into a wolf, a sorcerer or witch throws an animal skin, ribbon or belt on him. It was believed that strong sorcerers and witches could turn into animals up to several dozen people at a time, and this was done at a wedding. To do this, the sorcerer or witch dug up the road for the wedding train with a small spade, and as soon as the wedding train ran into this recess, all the horses fell dead, and the guests fled in the form of wolves or other animals.

Werewolves from birth are children suffering for the sins of their parents. They cannot help but transform into a wolf or, more rarely, into some other animal when the hour of transformation comes: at midnight, at full moon. Conversion is very painful for such werewolves. Most often, they roll over through a knife stuck in the ground, become wolves and run away into a pack. Ordinary people can also become animals, birds and fish, if they have any very serious reason for that: a woman can become a she-wolf to run away from an evil unloved husband, a man can turn into a bear so as not to fall into the clutches of robbers.

And although in essence a werewolf is a wolf, being in a wolf body, he nevertheless retains human abilities and knowledge that help him kill. Things like prey selection, trap avoidance, and human cunning become apparent when investigating cases involving werewolves. However, it can often be said that the choice of victims was not entirely conscious.

It was believed that werewolves used several basic methods to avoid being detected. So, on a full moon, when a werewolf was especially prone to attacks of illness, he locked himself in a room and threw the key into the darkness, and when the attack ended, he had to look for means to get out. Others made tricky straps with which they tied themselves to the bed. Often the werewolves would make their hideouts in the house, somewhere in a secret place, perhaps under the very roof, so that all the noise was drowned out. The werewolves tried to close the windows in their houses with bars, and the doors were blocked with bolts. Special locks were used that were not subject to the beast, but which a person could open. But the main trouble of the werewolves was that there was no cure for their disease. Therefore, all these cunning measures could only delay the inevitable exposure.

Usually the pack is headed by a werewolf who became one through magic, birth or curse, that is, the primary cursed blood. Such a werewolf is called an alpha werewolf. The remaining members of this pack are called beta werewolves: they are bitten by an alpha werewolf and carry its cursed blood.

In some cases (in the absence of an alpha werewolf, the inability of a direct descendant of an alpha werewolf to take the place of a parent, etc.), a beta werewolf can take the place of the leader of the pack. At the same time, he himself will not be able to become an alpha werewolf. To remove the curse of werewolf from yourself, you need to kill the alpha werewolf - the source of the cursed blood.

Cursed blood refers to blood containing the so-called WW virus (Word of Wolfs - “Wolf Word”), which is either inherited, or penetrating into the blood, or inoculated artificially. The virus has a stable form, but a somewhat peculiar principle of action, which helps to neutralize rude attempts to resist it. The area that the virus infects is not the body, as was believed in the Middle Ages, but the energy and strength of the blood of its owner.

Both European specialist scientists and village healers agree that werewolf is actually a disease. Some healers say that in their lives they have cured more than one werewolf who came to them for help. Like any disease, shape-shifting is or should be, if not curable, then at least alleviate the disease.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to understand exactly how a normal-looking person suddenly becomes a beast. But it is important to remember and not ignore your own - folk - methods of coping with this.

If a person began to have dreams in which he ceases to be himself and becomes someone else, and not necessarily a beast, but perhaps just another person, he should first of all think about whether he lives correctly in the world. Is he kind enough to the world, people, animals, to his land. That is, to find the reason why a person suddenly begins to want to be not himself, but someone else. One of the books on modern clinical psychiatry related to the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders states the following.

No wonder the Bible says: "Love yourself and your neighbor." To love yourself - not at the level of everyday life, but as a person, as part of a higher mind - this is not only a must, but a necessity. It has already been proven that the prevention of the treatment of the soul and the prevention of terrible, although, fortunately, rather rare mental conditions are very interconnected things.

There are some stupid myths about werewolves.

Myth one: a werewolf is a half-man, half-beast. For example, a man with the head of a beast, a beast with a human body, in thick wool. In fact, a werewolf in human form is indistinguishable from an ordinary person. A werewolf in bestial form is indistinguishable from a normal beast of that kind. Therefore, the secret of werewolves will remain a secret forever. The werewolf gene cannot be identified.

What is the difference between a werewolf and a human? The ability to transform, extraordinary vitality even in human form. Wounds and diseases that would kill an ordinary person, the werewolf will calmly endure. Provided that the werewolf leads a normal life and no one mortally wounds him, he can live up to 200 years, while the upper limit of human life in the same conditions is 90-100 years. Each werewolf has magical powers in addition to being able to "turn around". Another thing is that not every werewolf develops these abilities.

Myth two: a werewolf-man turns into a beast at night on a full moon. In fact, conversion can occur at any time of the year, day or night.

Myth three: the transformation is accompanied by terrible pain and loss of consciousness. But this is not so, otherwise werewolves as a species would have disappeared long ago.

Myth four: every werewolf is an indefatigable killer who feeds on human flesh. In fact, almost all modern werewolves have never attacked humans or killed for the sake of killing.

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