Pain in lower back and lower right side. Pain in the right side of the back. Neurological syndrome of infection

Pulling, aching, colitis ... Stopped, breathed, sat down, drank a pill ... Every person has ever experienced pain in body. What "may hurt" in the side? So, let's specify the localization of pain: in


Kidney pain

Renal colic is one of the strongest pain syndromes.

A person who has experienced this condition will describe it as follows:

  • The strongest attack of pain that arose suddenly,
  • "Caught"
  • "Stinged"
  • "The Worst Pain"

Really, renal colic occurs suddenly. The pain is paroxysmal in nature with periods of exacerbation and calm. The duration of the attack is from several minutes to a day or more. The pain is so intense and sharp that a person rushes about and, not finding a place for himself, takes a wide variety of forced positions to soothe the pain.

To reduce the pain syndrome, a person tries to bend over, putting his hand on the lumbar region, in which he feels unbearable pain. Pain can be transmitted (radiate) down to the thigh.

Associated symptoms of pain

Often, colic is accompanied by increased urination or pain in the urethra. After the cessation of the attack, patients have dull pain in lumbar region, but they feel better and return to their usual way of life. The cause is most often urolithiasis.

A stone formed in the kidney travels down the ureter. If it is small in size, then a person may not notice its departure. However, in some cases, it clogs the lumen of the ureter. This leads to an increase in pressure in the kidney, disruption of its blood supply. Accurate Diagnosis and only a doctor should establish the cause, tk. possible serious complications. Proper and timely therapy can prevent further attacks, relieve pain, remove the cause and risk of complications.

The cause of pain on the right side can be an acute surgical pathology, such as appendicitis

We all know from childhood that if it hurts on the right side, it's appendicitis. However, this classical localization does not occur in all 100% of cases.

appendix, or appendix caecum, can be located both on the right and on the left, both in front and behind. There were cases when the surgeon found it under the liver. And the localization of pain changes accordingly. The fact is that this rudiment that we do not need can be quite long and bend in different directions. Its inflammation, blockage, squeezing leads to an acute surgical condition - appendicitis. If we take specifically our localization (on the right and behind), then there is Great chance late diagnosis due to non-classical localization.

The danger of complications is great, because. the patient can apply to medical institution already with a pronounced picture of peritonitis, having endured the initial pain at home. In very rare cases, already on the operating table, the surgeon can see a normal (not inflamed) appendix, and next to it is a pathologically altered diverticulum of the large intestine (another rudimentary process). And the diagnosis will be accordingly: "diverticulitis". In any case, diagnosis and treatment should only be qualified specialist. Any delay can cost a person their life.

If pain in the side worries a woman, then in some cases it is necessary to exclude gynecological pathology

The fact is that surgical pathology in gynecology can also cost the patient her life or bring great harm to her health.

The examination is carried out by a gynecologist, while excluding:

  • ovarian torsion,
  • tumors,
  • cysts,
  • cyst rupture,
  • ectopic pregnancy, etc.

All these conditions must be urgently diagnosed, and if confirmed, the patient is urgently operated on.

The next cause of occurrence from behind is cholecystitis

Cholecystitis occurs due to the formation of stones in. This leads to stagnation of bile and infection of the intestinal microflora.

Acute cholecystitis is:

  • paroxysmal abdomen,
  • radiating to right shoulder, spatula;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • chills and body;
  • possible jaundice and itching of the skin.

Dangerous complication acute cholecystitis- peritonitis. Treatment - urgent operation. At chronic course(without acute attacks) treatment is carried out conservatively.

Possible irradiation of pain in diseases of the lungs, such as:

  • Pleurisy,
  • Pneumonia,
  • Tumors.

However, as a rule, other symptoms are also present: cough, shortness of breath. The person may even associate the pain with the act of breathing or coughing. Therefore, it is not so difficult for a doctor to find the cause.

The next variant of pain is abdominal pain in acute intestinal disorders, however, irradiation to the rear is rare. And, as a rule, it “hurts” both on the left and in the middle, and rumbles, and of course, it is accompanied by constipation or diarrhea

Well, do not forget about pain in various neuralgia, infringements, tumors

So, we can conclude:

Any or, including, with localization on the right and behind, can be a symptom. If the pain does not go away short span time, if it is intense enough, a person should immediately, in order to exclude pathology and prevent serious complications.

And not a few important point is the following: with “incomprehensible” pains, in no case should you take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs yourself. The fact is that a person stops (removes) the symptom of pain, but if there is a really serious, especially surgical pathology, then he will only “blur” the picture. Pain is a symptom of anxiety. Something is wrong in the body. After drinking a pill, we removed the "bell" that warned us of the danger. A person stays at home, it becomes easier for him, but during this time of "calm", the storm is gaining momentum and complications develop.

Patients go to the doctor with an atypical clinic, the doctor may not immediately deliver correct diagnosis or are admitted to the hospital at a very severe conditions. The appointment of any drug should be a doctor!

Pain in the right side of the back

What can hurt in the right side above (under the ribs) and below (behind the pelvic bones)?

Pain in the right side is formed due to pathological processes that occur during internal organs. Let's turn to anatomy. There are two cavities in the human body (abdominal, thoracic). The diaphragm separates them.

The right side is part abdominal cavity, in which the organs of digestion, excretion, reproductive (genital) and endocrine systems are located.

Let us conditionally single out the lower and upper (subcostal and pelvic) zones in the right side of the body. Top right - hypochondrium zone. This is where the liver and gallbladder, diaphragm and right kidney with the adrenal gland, as well as the final segment small intestine (ileum). Above the right hypochondrium, the lungs begin, so sometimes pain can be associated with inflammation of the lower lobe of the right lung.

Bottom right is the pelvic area. Here is part of the intestine (cecum with appendix and ascending colon), and in women - the right ovary.

On a note: human stomach is displaced left side torso (for left lobe liver), so it does not form pain in the right hypochondrium. Also rarely gives the pancreas to the right side. It is located in the center of the body and often hurts around the navel and to the left of it.

Localization of pain and pathology of internal organs

If a person has a pain in the right side, in most cases this is due to the pathology of the organs of the right hypochondrium or pelvis. Therefore, let us consider in more detail what character discomfort corresponds to each of the listed bodies.

Liver - heaviness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium

Heaviness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium are often associated with stagnation of bile, inflammation. They form pain in the right side under the ribs in front.

Liver pains are accompanied by a taste of bitterness in the mouth. Yellowness of the skin and various rashes are also possible. Their reason is not enough effective cleaning blood during its passage through the liver, in which the existing toxic components are removed from the blood through the skin.

Also a hallmark of hepatic pain is their intensification during sudden movements and weakening at rest (especially when lying on the right side).

Inflammation of the liver can be painless (only a feeling of heaviness) or be accompanied by weak pulling sensations. When the condition worsens, the formation of stones in the bladder and bile ducts strong pain sensations are formed. Strong, sharp, stabbing sensations accompany the movement of stones along the ducts. If the duct is completely blocked and the outflow of bile is blocked, severe arching pain is formed.

The movement of stones forms bouts of contractions. The peak of soreness comes at a time when the duct is blocked by a stone. As soon as the stone moves and partially frees the duct, the attack decreases. Thus, cramping pains indicate gallstone disease.

Pancreas - sometimes pain in right side at waist level

The pancreas is one of the most important human organs, performing both digestive and endocrine function. It is located in the center and on the left, but in pathology it can form heavy sensations throughout the abdominal cavity. There may be pain in the right side at waist level. However, more often the pancreas forms discomfort with localization on the left side (to the left of the navel) or girdle pain in the upper abdomen.

On a note: hallmarks inflammation of the pancreas is severe nausea and empty urge to vomit (when there is nothing to vomit, and bouts of vomiting appear again and again).

Ovaries - pain in the right side of the lower abdomen

Ovary - female reproductive organ where the female sex cells (ova) mature. Two ovaries are located to the right and left of the uterus and are connected to it by the fallopian tubes. When infected, inflammation of one or both ovaries (appendages) is possible.

With inflammation of the ovary, edema is formed, fluid accumulates. At the same time, it forms pain in the right side of the lower abdomen (near the iliac bones) and above the pubic bone. Also, the inflamed ovary "gives" to the lower back on the right (from the side of the back below the waist).

In addition to inflammatory processes caused by infection, discomfort can occur due to internal pathology. For example, if it hurts in the right side of the lower abdomen, a cyst may have formed. During its formation, discomfort is felt constantly and intensifies during menstruation.

Also, increased pain during menstruation occurs with endometriosis. In this disease, the mucous epithelium grows outside the uterus. It compresses other tissues and forms aching pain with irrigation (recoil discomfort) into the perineum.

Another reason that the right side of the lower abdomen of a woman aches and hurts is an ectopic pregnancy. If so, then urgent health care to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube. With the development of pregnancy outside the uterus, the pain will intensify and spread to neighboring areas (rectum, under the shoulder blade).

On a note: as a rule, pain in the right side in men is not associated with the genitals. With inflammation of the testicle in men, the scrotum and perineum hurt, sometimes the lower back.

Soreness in the lower abdomen is not always associated with the genitals. It may be a consequence intestinal disorders(dysbacteriosis, constipation). Pain in the right side at the bottom right can be formed in the blind or colon(departments of the large intestine) or in acute appendicitis.

Appendicitis - sharp pain in the right lower abdomen

The appendix is ​​a small branch of the intestine that is lined with lymphoid tissue. With the accumulation of toxins, it can become inflamed and hurt. It is located on the right lower abdomen, therefore it forms pain sensations on the right below and around the navel. The exact location of the appendix can be determined as follows: in the middle between the right ilium and belly button. It is here that the maximum pain is localized during acute appendicitis. As a rule, inflammation is acute and requires surgical treatment(removal).

In 17% of people, the caecum of the appendix is ​​located differently. It can be turned up (then the pain occurs in the liver area), lowered into the lower pelvic area (then the pain resembles inflammation of the ovaries, appendages or Bladder) or wrapped to the kidney (such pain radiates to the lower back, groin).

Appendicitis can be recognized by the localization and increase in soreness, as well as by the deterioration of the condition. With each passing hour, the pain intensifies, the nausea becomes stronger, general state getting worse.

In addition, the diagnosis of appendicitis uses light pressure in the areas of pain localization. If, with light pressure on the abdomen, there is a strong stabbing or cutting sensation, urgently see a doctor. A ruptured appendix is ​​life threatening.

Also use another option differential diagnosis(to distinguish appendicitis from intestinal colic). It is necessary to lightly tap with a finger on the ledge of the right ilium. If this is appendicitis, the pain will noticeably increase. If you tap on the left bone, there will be no increase in discomfort.

On a note: in pregnant women in late stage pregnancy, the internal organs are displaced. Therefore, appendicitis can hurt not only on the lower right, but also in other areas of the abdominal cavity. Also classic symptoms appendicitis are absent in children and obese people. Therefore, if the right side hurts a lot under the ribs or in the pelvic area, call the doctor and go to the outpatient clinic.

Intestines - cramping pain in the lower abdomen on the right

The human intestine is a factory for breaking down and digesting food. It is more than 10 m long and is a series of tubular cavities inside which food moves. Inner surface various departments The intestines are lined with mucosal epithelium. When it is irritated, lesions appear - erosion and ulcers. They cause pain.

Also, the cause of pain in the intestinal area is spasm of the intestinal walls, dysbacteriosis and flatulence. They are the result of unhealthy diet and stress. The pain is migrating. At first - the right side hurts below, after - the discomfort migrates to pubic bone or to the left side.

The ileum is located on the right side of the lower abdomen. If its mucous surface becomes inflamed, then the right side of the abdomen hurts. The cause of inflammation is malnutrition.

If colitis is in the right side, there may be a spasm of the intestinal walls or its obstruction is formed. Often, with obstruction, pain is localized around the navel and in the lower abdomen on the right. It is distinguished by cramping attacks - a sharp pain in the right side is replaced by weaker painful sensations.

Kidneys - pain on the right back, gives to the lower back

Excretory organs (kidneys) - in case of violations, they form soreness in the lower back or back. Kidney pain almost always bothers only on one side - on the right or left. For example, the right side hurts from the back, or it hurts in the right side at the level of the lower back.

Kidney pain descends below the ribs. It often spreads to neighboring areas - groin, inner surface hips. Blunt pain in the lower back in the right side accompanies chronic inflammation kidneys (pyelonephritis) and gromerulonephritis. Constant pain is a sign kidney failure. acute, stabbing pain occurs when the urinary ducts are blocked (clots of mucus, stone, sand).

hallmark kidney pain- it is accompanied by urination disorders (decrease or increase in the volume of urine, the appearance of blood clots in the urine, bags under the eyes).

Pain during pregnancy

Pain in the right side during pregnancy is not always a sign of pathology. In the middle of pregnancy, it is associated with stretching of the ligaments holding the uterus. On the later dates- with compression of internal organs. So, heaviness is felt and the right side hurts during pregnancy, if a woman has problems with her gallbladder. And below - it hurts in the center and on the right with insufficient emptying of the intestine.

What happens and what determines the nature of pain

The nature of painful sensations (discomfort, tingling, burning, aching or sharp pain, undulating or even) depends on the processes occurring inside. Pain is a signal of disturbance, it is formed with a lack of oxygen, the accumulation of toxins and the development of edema and inflammation.

Do you want something interesting?

Often pain is the result stagnant processes that are formed in the internal organs.

Therefore, to eliminate pain, it is enough to speed up blood circulation, improve blood flow, remove toxins, and provide cells with nutrition and oxygen.

Feeling of heaviness

Feelings of heaviness are the first signal of the accumulation of toxins. Often heaviness in the right side is associated with the liver and is a sign chronic disorder her work. If bile stasis or inflammation has formed, then the feeling of heaviness intensifies after abundant fried and fatty foods.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen can be a signal of stagnation stool inside the intestine. This severity is accompanied by chronic constipation.

Nagging pain

With the development of pathology, heaviness turns into pulling pain. When pulls in the right side?

  • Drawing pain in the right side is formed with inflammatory processes inside the liver.
  • Also pulls the right side when viral infections- hepatitis.
  • Can pull bottom right when ectopic pregnancy(attachment of the egg to fallopian tube to the right ovary).
  • Pulling sensations during pregnancy are formed during contraction smooth muscle uterus. In this case, the muscles become hard (to the touch). Prolonged pulling pains disrupt the blood supply to the fetus and can cause pathologies in its brain.

Aching pains

Aching pain is a long lasting pain. Aching pains often accompany sluggish chronic process(inflammation). They also occur during cell intoxication (their poisoning with waste products of their own life).

When aching uncomfortable sensations form:

  • Aching pain in the right side is formed with cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder).
  • The right side also aches below with inflammation of the walls of the large intestine (colitis).
  • Dull aching pain in the right side of the abdomen in women is formed when chronic diseases ovaries (inflammation). In this case, painful sensations often spread to neighboring zones - to the fold between the leg and the body, to the lower back or sacrum.
  • Aching pain in the right side behind is formed with inflammation of the kidneys.

Severe cutting and stabbing pains

Pain is accompanied by inflammation and pathology. They often occur when the channels or blood flow are thrombosed. Stitching cramping sensations are called colic.

There are intestinal, hepatic and renal colic:

  • If the right side under the ribs colitis, then this hepatic colic. It can spread to right shoulder blade, shoulder. Be sure to form a taste of bitterness in the mouth.
  • If it pricks in the lower abdomen, then this intestinal colic. It is accompanied by flatulence, bloating and is often observed in infants of the first three months life.
  • In addition, there is the so-called rectal colic (cramping stabbing sensations inside the rectum).
  • Renal colic has extensive areas of manifestation - the lower back, groin, genitals. It is accompanied by a violation of urine output (a decrease in its quantity, a change in color, the appearance of a strong odor).
  • Appendicular colic - formed when acute manifestation appendicitis.

The question of why the right side hurts does not have a definite answer. There are many reasons for this phenomenon - from disorders of the gallbladder, intestines and liver, to inflammation of the genital organs. Helps to make an accurate diagnosis full examination and diagnostics.

Pain in the right back is a symptom painful conditions and various diseases, many of which are dangerous with serious consequences.

Pain syndrome is a method of communication between the body and the brain.

Pain signals that you need to pay attention to this area.

On the right side back areas are important organs.

If you do not know the cause of pain in this area, you should immediately seek medical help.

A problem detected in time will save health and will be the first step towards healing.

Causes of back pain on the right

You can define or specify back pain if you know basic principles that are characteristic of certain diseases.

When pain is observed under the scapula, then this indicates neurological or pulmonary diseases. Availability difference additional factors: cough, vomiting, fever and difficulty breathing.

Pain under the ribs on the right. Vital organs are located in this area: liver, pancreas, gallbladder. The pathology of any of them is very dangerous, emergency hospitalization is necessary.

Possible consequences

If you do not pay attention to back pain on the right, then there may be unpleasant complications. Such pain may be caused by an illness that requires emergency surgical intervention such as appendicitis.

If there is a sharp pain in the back on the right side, which is accompanied by dizziness and weakness, you need to urgently call an ambulance. Such pain, being a consequence internal pathologies, may be life-threatening.

You can, of course, use painkillers on your own and temporarily eliminate the pain. But that doesn't get rid of the cause of the pain, internal disease will progress. Oddly enough, but the pain can go away on its own, but it is advisable to undergo a professional examination that will identify the cause of the pain.

Video: "Why can't you endure pain in the shoulder blades?"

Elimination of pain

If you experience unexpected pain in the back area on the right, you can try to eliminate it yourself:

  • It is necessary to immediately protect the spine from various loads. A short rest often helps.
  • You can use anesthetic ointment.
  • Allowed and internal reception analgesics.
  • If the pain appeared due to a bruise, then it is advisable to apply ice to the sore spot.
  • With sciatica, a warming patch is applied.

In any case, after these events, you should consult a doctor.

Traditional therapy and folk methods

And did you know that…

Next fact

In order for the treatment to be adequate, it is necessary to identify the cause of the pain in the right half of the back. For this, a thorough diagnosis is carried out, based on the main symptoms.

The complex of studies includes mandatory procedures:

  • Biomaterial analyzes.
  • For a complete history, the doctor may add other methods.
Pathology Traditional treatment ethnoscience
When pulmonary diseases are detected:
  • Antibiotics.
  • Preparations to eliminate cough and reduce fever.
  • Immunostimulants.
  • Means intended for detoxification.
  • Physiotherapy procedures (UHF, electrophoresis).
  • Gargling with tar water.
  • Tincture of birch buds with honey.
  • Compresses with plantain or honey.
If the pain is caused by a back problem:
  • Assign chondroprotectors, muscle relaxants and painkillers.
  • A blockade is made at the site of disc displacement.
  • Acupuncture is often used.
  • The electrophoresis procedure and therapeutic baths are not excluded.
  • Eucalyptus tincture (rubbed).
  • Compresses from black radish and fuck.
  • Ointment based on mummy.
  • Baths with mustard.
With pathology of the gastrointestinal tract:
  • Taking necessary medications.
  • Following a specific diet.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Rowan tincture.
  • Sauerkraut juice.
  • Anise seeds.
If pain in the right side of the back appears due to kidney disease:
  • Uroseptics.
  • Immunomodulators.
  • Uroseptics.
  • Diuretic.
  • Herbal preparations with a diuretic effect.
  • Pharmacy chamomile.
  • Birch leaves.

It can be concluded that with back pain on the right, you do not need to self-medicate. The causes of pain are different and before treatment it is necessary to determine the factor painful. Otherwise, you can cause great harm to your health. Only a specialist can give accurate recommendations.

Exercise therapy and massage

If the doctor allows well-chosen exercises for back pain on the right can be quite effective. Exercise therapy does not take much time and some movements can be performed at the workplace.

Exercise for any pain is excellent tool eliminate discomfort. Physiotherapy always significantly improves well-being and is considered an indispensable element in the treatment of pain of various types.

At painful sensations in the back, a very popular procedure is massage. It helps to deal with various diseases and just relax. In case of intense pain in the back area on the right, therapeutic massage is mandatory.

You need to be warned that Exercise therapy and massage can be used only after identifying the cause of back pain on the right. Perhaps the reason is serious illness and these treatments are contraindicated.


Despite the cause of pain, it is always a signal of the development of the pathological process. What methods of therapy to apply, what caused pain syndrome, all this is within the competence of specialists. Any deviations in the body require a professional approach.

So, back pain in the right side may indicate diseases of the internal organs and the spinal column. In this regard, a specific treatment is selected.

Therapist, Arthrologist, Orthopedic Traumatologist

Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatic fever, gouty arthritis, rheumatism. She also deals with pregnancy problems in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.

When the right side hurts from the back, it is impossible to immediately determine for sure whether the cause is ordinary muscle fatigue or a much more serious illness.

Often, discomfort appears even with an uncomfortable rest.

That's just how to recognize whether you need to worry and go for a consultation with a doctor, or is it enough to take painkillers and endure an attack?


Determining why the right side hurts behind the back is quite difficult, especially ordinary person. But you can at least approximately find out which of the organs the problem is associated with.

The nature, strength and more precise localization of the place where the right side of the back hurts will make it clear to whom to go for advice.

The location of the attack can be as follows:

  1. Down the back. Gives to the lower back with some problems with spinal column, for example, with an injury to the sacrum or vertebra, hernia or osteochondrosis last stages. If the pain in the lower back does not subside, no matter how you change your position (and even lying down), then this may indicate problems with the urinary system.
  2. On the right side, back center. The kidneys are located approximately at this level, so there are no other reasons why it aches in this area of ​​​​the back, except for this organ. Very rarely, in women, pain radiates to this area in diseases affecting the ovaries.
  3. Under the shoulder blade. Since it hurts in the right side of the back, there is no talk of heart disease. It's rather neurological problems, since a pinched nerve is often accompanied by just such symptoms. It can also be given to this part in case of lung diseases, for example, with pleurisy, inflammation, and lung cancer.
  4. Under the ribs. In this part, back pain on the right side is caused by pathologies of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. If the symptoms continue for a long time, do not go away, then it is the liver that should be checked first.

If such sensations appear in the morning, then it can be assumed that the reason for this is either muscular dystrophy or an uncomfortable place to sleep.

The nature of the pain on the right rear can be different. Serious pathology is evidenced by acute attacks, including those that periodically subside.

Aching and pulling are easier to bear, but on the basis of this it cannot be concluded that there is no serious illness.

Most various diseases appear in this way, so it is better to analyze each group in detail.

Respiratory system

Often, pain in the right side of the back in its upper part indicates the presence of problems in the respiratory area, including:

  1. bronchial cancer. This disease is characterized by aching, nagging pain extending to the scapular region and shoulder. It is very characteristic that over time the symptom manifests itself only brighter, starting to disturb not only when moving, but also at rest.
  2. Pleurisy. The back hurts with this phenomenon very often, and the attack intensifies during inhalation. This is especially true in the dry type of pleurisy, when upper part back of the body shoots when coughing or excessively deep breathing. But the exudative form can be determined by the fact that it is impossible to take full breaths.
  3. Back pain on the right is due to right-sided pneumonia. In this case, its intensity directly depends on the stage of the disease. In addition, there are always symptoms inherent in inflammation, which allow you to determine it - these are wheezing, temperature, etc.
  4. Pneumothorax gives sharp pain below the scapula, which occurs spontaneously.
  5. A lung infarction is accompanied by extremely sharp and severe pain sensations under the scapular region. Requires immediate qualified assistance.

Pain in the right side from the back is often manifested under the influence of the following problems:

  1. Cholecystitis. If in a chronic course it can simply whine in front, then acute attack is able to respond with a sharp discomfort from behind on the right, spreading along the shoulder girdle, under the rib, or even sometimes into the shoulder. It also happens that back pain on the right is concentrated in the lumbar region. The attack is long, and always after a while there are signs such as vomiting, fever, general malaise.
  2. Pain on the right, especially in the back, is rarely associated with appendicitis. Meanwhile, this symptom of hers can really appear on the right, albeit rarely.
  3. Intestinal colic in some cases can cause pain in this place. It differs in that it usually hurts for a short time, the syndrome can go away on its own or after using No-Shpa.
  4. Pancreatitis, acute attack. In this situation, it hurts on the right side of the back and gives to the lower back, spreading also to the stomach. The nature of the symptom is cramping, dull. If it intensifies, it negative sign, you should immediately call a doctor! A person also suffers from nausea, bloating, vomiting.

Discomfort is also a consequence of ordinary flatulence. It is easy to remove it not only with antispasmodics, but also with sorbents.

Pain on the right side can be the result of a variety of pathologies of the spine. There may be cracks on the vertebrae after an injury, this sometimes indicates arthritis.

Pain in the right side from the back is sometimes the result of compression of the nerve roots, which happens when muscle spasm or narrowing of the gap between the vertebrae.

How to understand that severe pain is caused precisely by problems with the spine?

Of course, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • general stiffness, it is difficult to straighten sharply, change position;
  • radiating to the back, aggravated by movement;
  • feeling of goosebumps, numbness;
  • lumbar spine often.

If you suffer from osteochondrosis, such pains will accompany you constantly. The only possibility prevent its progression full course treatment.

If the right side hurts and radiates to the back, you can suspect at least 2 serious pathologies:

  1. Renal colic. The symptom manifests itself very sharply, many characterize such pain in the right side of the back as unbearable. Similarly, thrombosis of an artery that passes in the liver area also manifests itself.
  2. Nephroptosis. Discomfort occurs in the lower back, at first it is dull, aching in nature, and disappears if you try to take lying position. As the symptom develops, it progresses and can transform into renal colic.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. There are pain sensations not only in the lower back on the right, but can also spread throughout the back. By the nature of the phenomena, it is difficult to determine that this is urolithiasis, since they can be both acute and blunt.
  4. Hydronephrosis. It often hurts here when the pelvis of the kidney expands. Highly clear sign- the urine turns red, while the person is sick, he suffers from a severe pain syndrome.
  5. Pyelonephritis. Often not only the back hurts on the right, but also around the entire circumference of the body. When changing the position of the body does not disappear.
  6. Kidney abscess. Occurs not so often, but differs in bright clinical picture- chills general malaise, thirsty, hurts very much.

In the right side, it can hurt because of a retroperitoneal hematoma. If the onset of symptoms was preceded by a fall, a blow, another similar reason, then, most likely, it was they who caused their appearance.

In this case, it is required medical assistance because it is not known which long-term effects will have an injury.

Aching pain that radiates to the side may indicate the most different pathologies which you have already verified. Therefore, if the right side hurts closer or on the lower back constantly, then the doctor should still be visited.

All measures taken will give only a temporary effect, so you need to identify the root cause and focus on its treatment.

What to do if there is pain in the right side from the back? Of course, it is advisable to follow the course of treatment selected by the doctor so that in the future it does not appear again.

Therapy is usually complex, so it may include both medications, and massage courses, etc.

If the attack cannot be endured, it hurts so much in the right side, you can take an analgesic.

Antispasmodics should be drunk in cases where pain is concentrated near the spine, as this most likely indicates a pinched nerve and the spasm needs to be relieved.

No other means should be taken, especially if the discomfort returns, the effect of analgesics barely passes. In this situation, you immediately need to see a specialist.

Is it necessary to call an ambulance if the pain is on the right side of the back? In some cases, it really cannot be tolerated and the help of doctors is required.

Especially when acute pain appears sharply, strongly, when they are shooting and long. Special attention here you should pay attention to other accompanying symptoms.

Severe seizure accompanied by dizziness high temperature, loss of consciousness - this directly indicates that the pain in the right side of the back is caused by an exacerbation of a dangerous disease.

The intervention of a doctor in this case should be urgent. You can not save yourself with painkillers and postpone a visit to a specialist!

A person is either independently taken to the hospital to the ambulance station, or a carriage is called to the house.

You can’t just endure discomfort and constantly save yourself with pills if it appears all the time.

Such irresponsibility can turn into very serious consequences for health, and sometimes for life, if a dangerous pathology has developed.

Video about the causes of pain in the right side of the back under the scapula

A large number of people note that they have pain in the right side from the back or in the lower back. This symptomatology indicates disturbances in the functioning of the body. That is why the patient is advised to seek help from a doctor who, after appropriate diagnostic measures determine the disease, as well as prescribe adequate therapy.

If the lower back hurts in the right side, then this indicates the presence pathological disorders in this region. Often enough this symptom occurs after physical activity. Acute back pain occurs with a variety of lesions in the soft tissues. If an inflammatory process develops in the internal organs of a person, then this can cause pathology.

The cause of pain in the right side is kidney disease. It can appear if the patient has protrusion osteochondrosis. Pathological process attributed to liver disease. Often its development is diagnosed in diseases of the gallbladder. Against the background of inflammation, appendicitis can cause pain. Internal hemorrhage causes pain. If a person has kidney pathologies, joint injuries, then this causes acute pain.

Symptoms of the pathological process

If the lumbar region hurts or in the back of the right side, then you need to seek help from a doctor who will determine the disease by its symptoms. If a slight tingling appears, then this requires seeking help from a doctor who will diagnose the pathology. According to the cause of the symptom, it may have different character. When pathology appears, additional symptoms: nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, etc.

Severe sharp pain in the lower back can occur if kidney problems are diagnosed. When the joints are affected, we note that the pain is aching, dull. The emergence of a pull aching pain diagnosed with osteochondrosis. In most cases, it is observed in the lumbar region. This disease must be diagnosed. This is due to the fact that the lower back often hurts with overwork. Quite often it gives pain to the stomach.

The nature of pain can be quite diverse and depends on the cause of the pathology. Pain symptoms may be accompanied additional symptoms, which makes it possible to determine the cause and purpose correct therapy.

Causes of pain in the right side from the back

If the right side hurts in the lumbar region, then it is necessary to initially determine the cause of the symptom:

  • Intestinal diseases. Why the right side in the lumbar region hurts depends on the patient's diet. Pathology can develop against the background of intestinal diseases. At the same time, there is an increase in the severity of the symptom if the patient takes black bread, fresh vegetables and fruits, milk, legumes, etc. The syndrome occurs against the background of irritation of the mucous membrane and is accompanied by flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea;
  • Pleurisy and pneumonia. In men and women, the causes are the development of an inflammatory process in the pleura and lungs. Patients develop pain that gets worse, and the period deep breathing or cough. The disease is accompanied by weakness, general malaise, shortness of breath, fever;
  • Diseases of the spine. With osteochondrosis, pain in the back is often diagnosed. With pain in the department chest, which is displayed in the lower back. Right side often hurts disc herniation. The cause of the pathology can be curvature and other diseases. The appearance of a symptom above the waist is explained by compression of the nerve roots by the vertebrae. During the course of pathologies, damage to the back muscles is diagnosed, which leads to numbness of the skin. The patient has leg numbness. Skin become pale and maloelastic. Patients complain of changes in reflexes;
  • Gynecological diseases. In women, not the entire back hurts, but only in the right side. There is a pathology in violation of the reproductive system. Diagnose the symptom pathological conditions ovaries and uterus, disorders in menstrual cycle. Diseases are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, which radiates to the lower back. There is a discharge from the vagina. Patients have an increase in temperature;
  • Trauma and damage. At the site of the diseased area, abrasions and bruises are diagnosed. There is the occurrence of hematomas and swelling of tissues;
  • Kidney disease. The pain is characterized by aching character. Kidney disease causes a deterioration in the patient's well-being;
  • Pregnancy. In the area of ​​​​the body, the pain is aching or pulling in nature. This is due to the fact that the growth of the child leads to stretching of the ligaments and muscles. The symptom goes away on its own after the baby is born.

Diagnosis of the disease

Exist various methods diagnostics that cause disturbances in the functioning of organs. Initially, the doctor needs to examine the patient and collect an anamnesis, which will make it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis. But it needs to be confirmed. So, for example, pain in osteochondrosis can be given to the scapula on the right, as well as to the region of other organs. To confirm the diagnosis, radiography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, microbiological examination sputum.


Diagnosis and treatment directly depend on each other. For appointment adequate therapy appropriate research is recommended. At acute pain first aid is provided, which consists in the use of painkillers. Treatment is aimed at combating the causes of the disease. For example, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for inflammatory processes. With severe pain, you can take Ketorolac or Bral. A doctor's examination is recommended if the symptom persists for several days.

Pain in the lumbar region is diagnosed with diseases bone tissue and organs. To provide rational therapy pathology, it is recommended to conduct a qualitative diagnosis.

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