What is the difference between protrusion and herniated discs

Diseases of the spine are now far from uncommon. Osteochondrosis in 90% of cases is the cause of back pain, and its consequences are protrusions and hernias. It is generally accepted that this is the same disease, which differs in varying degrees of development, and in order to understand how protrusion differs from a herniated disc, it is necessary to find out what protrusion is and what a hernia is, as well as what are their features.

In the human back, between the vertebrae, there are discs that reduce pressure on the spine, and also increase the strength and flexibility of the spinal column. The intervertebral disc, in turn, consists of a strong fibrous ring, inside which is the nucleus pulposus in a semi-liquid state. A disc protrusion is the "bulging" of an intervertebral disc beyond the spine. The fibrous ring has a certain tensile strength and in cases where this limit is exhausted, the intervertebral disc is deformed and forms a protrusion.

Until the fibrous ring is intact or the protrusion does not exceed 5 mm, doctors diagnose protrusion. The nucleus of the disc, in this case, is within the annulus fibrosus. If at this stage no measures are taken to eliminate the pathology, degenerative processes will develop, and pressure on the intervertebral disc will eventually lead to the development of a hernia.

Causes and symptoms

The key reason for the formation of the disease is degenerative processes in the spine, in which the disc tissues lose moisture and become less elastic. Because of this, the shock-absorbing function of the intervertebral discs deteriorates, they are more compressed. Doctors also believe that improper weight lifting, poor posture, imbalance in metabolic processes and severe stress contribute to the formation and development of disc protrusion. Symptoms include the following factors:

  • Frequent dizziness and headaches;
  • Local pain at the site of the disc lesion;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Drops in blood pressure.

Pain in the neck and occiput occurs with protrusion in the cervical spine. Often, the patient may feel numbness and weakness in the hands. Pain in the center or inside the back appear with protrusion in the thoracic region. The patient at the same time feels constraint and dumbness. Protrusions in the lumbar spine bring pain in the lower back. The patient experiences stiffness and weakness in the legs. There may be difficulty urinating. The protrusion during protrusion is small and may be asymptomatic. The disease manifests itself depending on the location and individual characteristics of the body.

What is a hernia?

In a herniated disc, the injured annulus cannot bear pressure and ruptures. Quite often, through gaps and cracks, the nucleus enters the spinal canal, which, in turn, can lead to pinched nerves in the spinal cord.

If a hernia has formed in the cervical region, the blood supply to the brain deteriorates, dizziness appears, and memory deteriorates. The disease can cause radiculitis of the neck, and if the spinal cord is pinched, paralysis is possible. In the thoracic region, a hernia contributes to the development of intercostal neuralgia. Problems with the pelvic organs appear with a hernia in the lumbar spine. In some cases, it is difficult for the patient to move around, walk and even sit due to pain, paralysis of the legs may occur.

The main reason for the formation of a hernia between the vertebrae is the absence or improper treatment of protrusion. Also, a hernia can appear as a result of a spinal injury. Risk factors contributing to the development of a hernia include:

  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle;
  • Too much physical activity on the spinal column;
  • Crooked posture;
  • Overweight;
  • Prolonged driving.

In the absence of proper and timely treatment, intervertebral hernia often leads to serious consequences in the body. Pathology worsens the work of the heart, can become the root cause of diseases such as bronchitis, sciatica and gastritis. Also, a hernia impairs blood circulation to the brain and can cause strokes.

The greatest danger of intervertebral hernia is in cases of compression of the spinal cord and can lead to loss of sensation or paralysis.

What is the difference between a protrusion and a hernia?

Protrusion is a small protrusion of up to 5 mm, in which the fibrous ring is not yet damaged, and a hernia is a rupture of the disc ring with the formation of a protrusion of more than 5 mm. The symptoms of both diseases are similar: back pain, periodic dizziness, numbness of the limbs and difficulty in moving, but with a hernia, the symptoms appear brighter, and the pain is much stronger.

Diagnosis of diseases

For both pathologies, the diagnosis is the same. The orthopedic surgeon collects an anamnesis and performs a visual examination. This is followed by magnetic resonance imaging, thanks to the results of which it is possible to determine the location and size of the protrusion, as well as x-rays, in order to exclude other diseases. After receiving all the data, the doctor makes a diagnosis - protrusion or hernia and determines the necessary course of treatment.

Treatment Methods

In both situations, when a disease is detected, patients should reduce all physical activity, start doing therapeutic exercises and undergo massage courses. In especially advanced cases, doctors prescribe injections that improve the quality of cartilage tissue, increase its elasticity and resistance to pressure.

Soft mechanical impact on the back during massage stimulates the flow of nutrients to the cells. Tactile impact strengthens muscles, neutralizes clamps, relieves pain and eliminates discomfort.

Therapeutic gymnastics restores the natural position of bones and cartilage, strengthens the muscular corset, and increases the elasticity of the vertebrae.

Traction of the spinal column during protrusion is another method of treatment, which is carried out on a special table by an orthopedist or under water. In the first case, the patient is fixed on the table with the help of special belts, while stretching the spine. During the underwater procedure, specially designed weights are attached to the body, which is located horizontally, and thanks to the buoyancy of the water, the spinal column is pulled out quite painlessly.

The most effective method of hernia treatment, at the moment, is surgery. The first month after the operation, patients should not lift weights over 5 kg, experience strong physical exertion. In addition, orthopedists prescribe massage, and swimming. Only a month later, patients are allowed to return to their usual way of life, start playing sports.

As noted above, the key differences between protrusion and herniated discs are the size of the protrusion, the severity of symptoms, and damage to the disc tissue. Do not forget that a hernia is a consequence of protrusion, which develops due to untimely or proper treatment and only a surgeon can eliminate it, while protrusion can be effectively treated with massage, gymnastics and traction by an orthopedist.

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People who are faced with diseases of the spine often ask how protrusion differs from a hernia. This is a natural question that arises when the patient hears that the doctor calls the diagnosis as one and the same. Diseases of the spine, which are becoming more common due to a sedentary lifestyle, loads on the spinal column from an incorrect permanent position of the body at the desktop, are getting younger. In people who suffer from them, damage to the musculoskeletal system appears already at a young age, and earlier they were common in the elderly and senile, as age-related changes.

Protrusion, hernia of the spine are links of the same chain, phenomena of the same order, of the same etiology, and their differences are in the phase of the disease, and the degree of damage already present in the structural structure of the bone skeleton.

This is a question for which there is no answer. Both are equally bad. An insignificant difference is that protrusion can be treated without allowing it to turn into a hernia, and a hernia is a previous stage that has already received consequences, not cured in time. Knowing about the presence of the previous stage, the next one could have been avoided, but the main trouble is that such a state has already appeared. This means that osteochondrosis, which in 90% of cases is the cause of the appearance of both, has already affected the spine.

And the consequences of osteochondrosis are a weakening of the bone skeleton, a decrease in motor activity, a weakening of the muscular corset that goes hand in hand with it, a lack of minerals in the bones, impaired blood supply, and insufficient supply of nutrients to tissues, abnormal, pathological water exchange. The degree of failure in the well-established system of the body has reached the stage when the wrong way of life has led to the body not working properly, its functional disorders, which have turned into pathological phenomena. Now it is necessary to treat pathological changes, but it would be possible to get by with much smaller consequences. If only to respond in time to the persistent signals of the body, and in time to seek medical help.

Protrusion, like a future hernia

Osteochondrosis, which has reached a certain stage in its development, has led to degenerative processes in the tissues. They have lost some of the necessary moisture, resulting in the loss of their function as a natural shock absorber. And this means that the elasticity of the intervertebral disc has significantly decreased, and under load it is more compressed. Strong compression of the intervertebral disc can occur with a variety of risk factors - a long position in an uncomfortable position, heavy lifting, a sharp stressful situation, sports training, and even with concomitant disorders of water-salt metabolism that have already been in the body. The intervertebral structural element consists of three parts:

  • internal - nucleus pulposus (gel-like consistency);
  • outer - fibrous ring (with a solid and fibrous structure);
  • hyaline cartilage that separates the disc from the vertebral body.

The water that leaves the nucleus pulposus, due to disturbances, leads to the fact that the vertebra presses on the fibrous ring, and the collagen that makes up its structure, under the influence of compression, is compressed and flattened. This leads to the protrusion of the ring beyond the edges of the vertebra pressing on it. As long as the protrusion is no more than 5 mm, this is still a sign of protrusion. And when the ring breaks through, then there is an obvious protrusion of the nucleus pulposus, which is perfectly distinguishable on a radiographic image even to a non-professional eye. This is what is called a hernia.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Diagnosis of both forms is carried out using X-ray, magnetic resonance, and computed tomography. Visual inspection, palpation, squats and torso tilts will not say anything even to an experienced specialist. The symptoms are also not very different. Protrusion at the last stage may have the same threatening symptoms:

  1. Pain in the region of the affected vertebra, with protrusion, with a hernia, and along the nerves. Although with strong compression, depending on the affected area, and at one or the other stage, the pain will be in the localization area, and along the nerve fibers, and equally unpleasant.
  2. Protrusion is characterized by dizziness, headache, drops in blood pressure, but a herniated disc can also give such symptoms.
  3. Significantly differ only violations of the internal organs. For protrusions, this is not yet so pronounced, but functional impairments are already clearly visible.
  4. The most significant sign, when collecting an anamnesis, and palpation, for a doctor is pain. Whether it has spread from the site of the lesion, or is still localized in one place. But this may also be uncharacteristic if the protrusion is on a thin line that distinguishes it from a hernia.

For this, various studies are assigned: to determine how close the transition from a difficult stage to a very difficult one looms. Because the treatment of protrusion is still possible without surgical intervention, and the treatment of a hernia is hardly.

Better not to question

Treatment of the pre-hernial condition is conservative, but intensive. Its duration depends on how quickly the patient reacted to the signals sent by the spine and was honored to visit a doctor. These will be painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, and in certain cases, manual therapy. at an early stage of diagnosis. With late treatment - restriction of mobility, in some cases - bed rest, with heavy loads at work - a change in the type of activity. The affected vertebra needs fixing the disc and removing inflammation from it. But the former flexibility, mobility, mobility will no longer be.

If you continue to ignore the pain, then the pre-hernial state will quickly turn into a hernia. At first, doctors will try to get by with conservative treatment, but as a rule, surgery is required. This may be a low-traumatic endoscopic approach, without significant damage to soft tissues, or perhaps removal of the intervertebral disc, with the insertion of a titanium implant. The difference between the two concepts depends on how much the patient delayed going to the doctor, prescribing therapy, and, in fact, the treatment process, and what this delay eventually led to.

With protrusion, the disc was still intact and could be treated. With a hernia, it is already damaged, and this damage is very dangerous. This is what makes them different.

And with a responsible attitude to one's health, one would not need any such questions, no special knowledge, no long-term treatment, no fears about what the consequences would be. Knowledge that these are stages of the disease, the severity of which depends on how much a person thinks about himself while he is healthy.

To avoid such consequences, the advice is the same. Balance the diet of foods, vitamins, trace elements. Lead a normal, healthy, active lifestyle, sleep the prescribed number of hours, in a comfortable bed. Give up bad habits, walk more often in the fresh air, play sports. Health depends on many factors. Including, and on how responsibly we treat it.

Problems associated with the pathology of the spine have recently become one of the main reasons for seeking medical help. Therefore, it is important that people receive reliable information in a timely manner on how to properly handle the main element of their body, which ensures the movement of the body in space. Knowing what causes protrusions and understanding how they differ from each other can become the basis for reducing the incidence of the spine.

Hernia in most cases is a consequence of untreated protrusion, the next stage of degenerative lesions of the intervertebral disc, usually osteochondrosis.

Protrusion is the protrusion of the disc beyond the level of the edges of the vertebrae. At the same time, the fibrous ring surrounding the elastic nucleus pulposus remains intact.

It differs by the presence - it ceases to hold the nucleus and its parts begin to protrude beyond the boundaries of the intervertebral space.

Degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs lead to the fact that they lose their elasticity, their shock-absorbing function decreases, and with a load on the spine - weight lifting, microtrauma, sports training, the discs are excessively compressed. There are microtears of the fibrous ring, and if the load does not stop, the nucleus pulposus is squeezed out. The localization and size of the protrusions determines the presence of pain and neurological symptoms almost throughout the body.

Ability to distinguish 2 adjacent pathologies

According to the clinical picture.

Diagnosis of hernias and protrusions begins with clinical symptoms, since it is with them that the doctor encounters when the patient seeks help.

Protrusions, as a rule, give local pain sensations - paresthesias, which do not spread far along the course of innervation of the spinal roots, which are in the area of ​​interest.

A small hernia in terms of symptoms differs little from protrusion - pain can also be disturbed only in the region of the back, neck or lower back. If the protruding part is large enough, then there are pains in the corresponding limbs, paresthesia, and even dysfunction of the innervated organs, when the hernia begins to compress the spinal cord.

With the help of instrumental diagnostics.

The "gold standard" in the diagnosis of diseases of the vertebral discs is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which should be performed in different projections in order to reliably determine the localization of protrusions and the proximity of anatomical structures that may be subjected to compression.

On the pictures you can see that the structure of the protruding part of the intervertebral disc with protrusion differs from that with a hernia. The same applies to sizes - 5 mm is considered the limiting size for protrusion, large sizes are regarded as hernias.

Are there differences in treatment methods?

In terms of therapeutic measures, the management of patients with osteochondrosis is uniform and is aimed primarily at relieving the patient of pain. The most important part of therapy is unloading the affected segment of the spine, eliminating muscle tension, as well as measures that contribute to speedy recovery - improving microcirculation and metabolic processes in the pathology zone.

However, therapeutic measures for a large hernia or a narrow spinal canal may not be sufficient and surgical treatment will be required. This is also the difference between a hernia and a protrusion.

The prognosis of these two pathologies largely depends on the behavior of the patient. Fulfillment of the doctor's recommendations, a complete transition to the correct movements that do not harm the spine, maintaining an active healthy lifestyle can limit the disease at the stage of protrusion.

These measures will allow the body to independently "patch" the damage in the fibrous rings and heal the discs themselves.

However, often people who get rid of pain at the first stage of treatment forget about the recommendations of doctors and return to their previous lifestyle: incorrect movements, traumatic work or training. In this case, the untreated spine, having lost all reserves for recovery, will “respond” with the appearance of a hernia and can put the patient in a hospital bed for a long time and lead to disability.

Protrusions and intervertebral hernias are pathological processes in which the discs of the spinal column are involved. The causes and symptomatic picture of both pathologies have similarities.

What is a protrusion?

A protrusion of the disc beyond the line of the spinal column is a protrusion. The disease is diagnosed mainly in people in the age group of 30 years. A distinctive feature is the preservation of the integrity of the fibrous nucleus.

This process is the first stage of degenerative disc change and precedes the appearance of a herniated disc. It can occur in any part of the spine. Only a doctor can distinguish whether a protrusion or a hernia has formed, based on the results of a medical examination.

What is a hernia?

Intervertebral hernia is a process of rupture of the fibrous ring with further displacement of the nucleus and protrusion of the disc. It can occur on any part of the spine, but pathology is more often observed in the lumbar region.

This is due to the fact that the lumbar region accounts for a large degree of physical activity. The first symptoms of the disease are back pain, localized at the site of hernial formation, limited movement.

What is the difference between a protrusion and a hernia?

The difference in the nature of the manifestation of both processes is minimal. The main difference between a protrusion and a hernia is that in the first case, the protrusion only touches the disc, while its internal structures remain intact.

With a hernia, the annulus fibrosus first ruptures, which presses on the cartilaginous tissue of the disc, causing it to extend beyond the spine. Initially, protrusion occurs, but if this pathology is not treated, it can develop into an intervertebral hernia.


The first symptom is back pain in the place where the pathological process is localized. The pain intensifies with physical exertion and any movement, because. the bulging disc compresses the roots of the nerve endings. The general condition of the patient worsens due to the pressure of the pathological formation on the blood vessels. These are common signs of protrusion. The symptomatic picture depends on in which part of the spine the disease occurred.

What is the difference between Protrusion and Herniated Intervertebral Disc - Dr. Lyudmila Mironyuk

Hernia, a protrusion, treatment

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Pathology in the cervical region is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • frequent bouts of headache;
  • pain and discomfort in the neck;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • limitation of motor function;
  • numbness extending to the shoulders and upper limbs, felt in the fingers;
  • weakness in the arms.

With the gradual development of the pathological process, pain from the neck area gradually spreads to the thoracic region, giving to the shoulder blade.


The nature of the symptomatic picture:

  • pain and constant feeling of discomfort in the upper back, between the shoulder blades;
  • stiffness throughout the spine;
  • the appearance of a feeling of numbness in the sternum.

The pain intensifies in the morning after a night's sleep, when a person is motionless for a long time.


Protrusion of this department is manifested by the following signs:

  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • distribution of painful sensations to the lower extremities;
  • muscle weakness in the legs;
  • frequent feeling of goose bumps, numbness.

With the aggravation of the pathological process, the general condition of the patient becomes worse, the protruding disc pressing on the nerve endings leads to disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system, which is manifested by signs of rapid, difficult and painful urination.


Protrusion of the disc of the spinal column occurs due to the presence of the following provoking factors:

  • past injuries and injuries of the spine;
  • development of osteochondrosis;
  • curvature of the spine - scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.;
  • the presence of hemangioma - a benign formation;
  • disturbed metabolic process;
  • passive lifestyle, lack of regular physical activity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • arthritis of the rheumatoid type.

The risk group includes the following categories of people:

  1. 1 Individuals with a genetic predisposition.
  2. 2 The likelihood of developing a pathological process increases if the patient has such bad habits as smoking and alcohol abuse.
  3. 3 The risk of developing pathology increases with age. This is due to the fact that all metabolic processes in the body gradually slow down, tissue regeneration is slower.
  4. 4 People who are professionally involved in power sports in which heavy loads need to be lifted are susceptible to pathology.

In most cases, the protrusion of the disc is caused by diseases of the spine, and bad habits, age and metabolic disorders are provoking factors.

Types of protrusion

Depending on the direction in which the protrusion of the intervertebral disc occurred and what the nature of the pathological formation is, 4 types of protrusion are distinguished. By the type of protrusion, protrusion happens:

  • circular - extrusion (extrusion) of the disk occurs evenly over its entire surface;
  • paramedial - protrusion back in the lumbar spine.


This type of disease is called posterior. The disc of the spine protrudes posteriorly from the line of the spine. A hole appears in the spinal canal. Dorsal protrusion is medial and foraminal.

This is the most dangerous type of disease, because. a bulging disc puts pressure on the roots of the nerve endings and can cause the development of neurology with a severe symptomatic picture.

Often, due to the lack of timely treatment, sequestration occurs - the most severe form of hernial protrusion.


Pathological protrusion occurs in the right or left side of the spinal column. This is the safest type of protrusion, which rarely leads to the formation of a hernial formation. But this is provided that the treatment will be carried out in a timely manner. A distinctive feature is the absence or mild symptomatic picture, neurological abnormalities are not observed.


With this type of pathology, the protruding disc comes forward of the spinal column. This type of disease is extremely rare. There is no symptomatic picture, which makes early detection of pathology impossible. There is no likelihood of complications.


Protrusion and hernia of the spine are pathological conditions that are closely related to each other, so only timely treatment of a protruding disc can prevent the development of a hernia, accompanied by a rupture of the fibrous ring.

Protrusion therapy is conservative, complex, including a number of therapeutic measures: taking medications, using physiotherapy procedures and special massagers. It is allowed to use folk methods as an adjunctive therapy for stopping the symptomatic picture.

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Includes treatment and adherence to dietary nutrition. Heavy food is excluded from the diet: fried and fatty foods, spices and spices. The diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meats and fish. It is important to observe the correct drinking regimen and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

At the time of treatment of protrusion, it is necessary to reduce the intensity of physical activity. Athletes are advised to temporarily stop training or reduce the degree of physical activity so as not to provoke the development of complications.


After the diagnosis, during which the stages of development of the pathological process, the size and exact location of the formation are specified, medications are prescribed.

Prescribed drugs - non-steroidal drugs that contribute to the rapid relief of inflammation. As a result of their action, the roots of the nerve endings are released from pressure, due to which the general condition of the patient improves. In the presence of such signs as a feeling of stiffness and painful muscle spasms, drugs belonging to the group of muscle relaxants are prescribed.

Used in the treatment and medicines of the local spectrum of action - gels and ointments. Such drugs quickly stop pain, eliminate inflammation and swelling of soft tissues, and help speed up the healing process.

In the presence of severe pain that cannot be stopped with medication, a blockade is placed - injection of strong painkillers (Lidocaine or Novocaine) directly into the area of ​​localization of the pathological process.

Surgery for protrusion is rare. Most often, surgery is required with the rapid development of the pathological process, an intense symptomatic picture, high risks of complications and the absence of positive dynamics from the conservative treatment.


Non-surgical methods for the treatment of protrusion include performing physiotherapy exercises, the use of physiotherapy techniques and classes on special simulators. All this helps to eliminate pain, normalize the condition and functioning of the spine, relieve pressure on the nerve endings and blood vessels.

Massage is recommended for patients, but it should only be carried out by a specialist, because. any careless movement can lead to a number of serious complications. Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, preference is given to magnetotherapy, ultrasound treatment, electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs.

When choosing treatment methods, the patient in without fail consulted by a neurologist. With pinched nerves, many conservative therapies may have contraindications.

Folk remedies

To eliminate pain in the spine during the development of pathology, the following traditional medicine is used:

  1. 1 A peeled head of garlic is poured with a glass of alcohol or vodka, infused for 10 days in a thick glass container. The finished tincture has a consistency similar to porridge. The agent is applied to the place where the pain is localized, covered with a film on top and fixed with a handkerchief or thick cloth. The course of treatment - 2 times a week for 1 month.
  2. 2 Cut sheets of Kalanchoe are applied to the back, where there is a disc protrusion, the sheet is fixed with an adhesive plaster. Such a compress is recommended to put on all night.

Any methods of traditional medicine are only auxiliary treatment and are used only with the permission of the attending physician.


Physical therapy exercises are the most effective conservative treatment measures. Charging is first performed only under the supervision of a rehabilitologist. When the patient learns the correct technique, he can practice on his own at home. Effective exercises:

  1. 1 Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, bend your legs. Slowly, without sudden movements, lift the pelvis off the floor, leaning on the shoulder blades. Hold this position for a few seconds, lower the pelvis to the floor, repeat up to 5-10 times.
  2. 2 Get on all fours, transfer the entire body weight to the palms and knee joints. Raise your left leg and right arm at the same time, hold for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise with the right leg and left arm. The number of approaches is from 5 to 10.
  3. 3 Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body. From the starting position, you need to simultaneously raise your arms, chest and head from the floor. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, lower yourself to the floor, repeat.
  4. Prevention

    Protrusion is a pathology of the spinal column, resulting from the presence of untreated diseases and an unhealthy lifestyle. There are a number of preventive measures, the observance of which will help prevent the development of protrusion.

    In the life of every person who carefully monitors their health, regular physical activity should be present. It is recommended to give preference to such disciplines as swimming, Pilates, yoga. If an athlete is engaged in power sports, it is important to correctly distribute the load on the back. If necessary, use special bandages for heavy loads.

    You should not abuse contact sports and games - basketball, volleyball, in which you have to jump high and often, because. this will increase the likelihood of developing degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column - the most common cause of protrusion.

Protrusion always occurs before a hernia and does not violate the integrity of the fibrous ring. But with a hernia, a rupture occurs and an increase in protrusion by more than 5 mm. If the protrusion can be cured therapeutically, then a hernia requires surgical intervention. It is promoted by neglected osteochondrosis, high loads on the spine, curvature, atrophy of the back muscles, hypovitaminosis.

Self-medication is unacceptable, it is necessary to contact a specialist to prescribe the necessary studies: MRI, computed tomography, X-ray diagnostics.
For treatment, it is necessary to exclude strong loads on the spine, do exercise therapy and do massage. In especially advanced cases, it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, vitamin preparations, muscle relaxants.

In the human spinal column, there are discs between the vertebrae, the function of which is to distribute pressure between all parts of the spine. Each disc consists of an annulus fibrosus and a nucleus pulposus.

The protrusion precedes the intervertebral hernia, so it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent the development of a hernia.

Hernias and protrusions are a complication of osteochondrosis or other metabolic diseases and pathological conditions of the spine:

  • lack of minerals and vitamins;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus and infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune processes.


Protrusion or protrusion of the disc is the exit of the intervertebral disc beyond the physiological boundaries. This condition occurs due to atrophy of the fibrous ring, followed by its deformation and loss of density. Protrusions can occur in any part of the spine, but mainly in the transverse and thoracic. Symptoms are scarce, sometimes absent.

Symptoms of protrusion of the disc of different parts of the spine:

  • Neck department. Sensations of paresthesia and tingling of the arms and neck. Tolerance to physical activity decreases, there are episodes of increased blood pressure.
  • Thoracic department. Manifested by pain in the intercostal region when turning the back. Discomfort may appear on the background of a deep breath or exhalation. Discomfort spreads to the heart, mimicking angina attacks.
  • Lumbar. There is a slight pain during physical exertion or prolonged sitting.


Saccular protrusion of the intervertebral disc larger than 5 mm. It has a pronounced clinical picture and staged development. A hernia, like a protrusion, can occur in any part of the spine. The clinical picture depends on the size of the defect and the structures on which it presses. The most dangerous, and the most common -.

Reasons for the transition of protrusion into a hernia:

  • ignoring osteochondrosis;
  • excessive load on the spinal column;
  • pathological curvature of the spine;
  • back muscle atrophy;
  • hypovitaminosis and nutritional deficiencies.

What is the difference

Protrusion occurs before the hernia, constant metabolic disturbances contribute to the depletion of the fibrous ring. As a result of atrophic changes, the ring loses its elasticity and resilience, and defects occur. A feature of protrusion is that, against the background of a small defect, the integrity of the fibrous ring is not violated.

With hernias, a rupture of the connecting ring occurs and an increase in protrusion by more than half a centimeter. There is also a difference in treatment - for protrusions, conservative therapy is usually used, and for hernias, surgical intervention is a priority.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic measures should begin with a patient questioning, an orthopedist or traumatologist specifies the symptoms and the time when they began, collects data on existing diseases and diseases that were before. After that, the doctor conducts a visual examination and an objective examination. The patient is prescribed all the required laboratory tests.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient must undergo the following examinations:

  • magnetic resonance imaging - using this method, you can obtain accurate data on the location and size of a hernia or protrusion, determine the extent of damage and prescribe treatment in time;
  • computed tomography - creates a three-dimensional image, which shows the pathological focus;
  • x-ray diagnostics is an inexpensive and quick examination, used to exclude other diseases and to assess the general condition of the spine.

Diagnosis is not difficult, you can limit yourself to only one x-ray and anamnesis. All additional methods are necessary to more accurately determine the state of protrusion or hernia.

Protrusion and hernia are treated almost the same. The first thing to do is to reduce large and medium loads on the spinal column. You should change your lifestyle and start doing special gymnastics. Assign exercise therapy with special exercises. In severe and advanced cases, drugs of the following groups should be taken:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamin preparations;
  • muscle relaxants.

With protrusions and hernias for the back, it is very useful to massage. During exposure to the back, blood flow improves, and spasm is removed from large muscles, eliminating pain and discomfort. Therapeutic gymnastics is aimed at restoring the physiological position of the bones and cartilage of the back. Gymnastic exercises strengthen the muscles of the back, increasing the resistance to compression of the spinal nerves.

It is possible to treat the back from hernias and protrusions by stretching the spinal column. The procedure is performed on a specially equipped table or in water. Traction is performed by an orthopedic surgeon. The patient is fixed with special straps to the table, while stretching the spine. When stretching under water, special weights are attached to the patient, which mechanically stretch the spine.

One of the most effective ways to treat pathological conditions is surgery. After the operation, patients should not lift weights greater than 5-10 kg, this restriction lasts for one month. After surgery, they undergo rehabilitation with the help of exercise therapy, massages and classes in the pool.

The key differences between hernia and protrusion are the size and integrity of the annulus. But it should be remembered that a neglected protrusion will sooner or later become a hernia. Treatment should be directed first to the cause, and then to the symptoms that arose during the course of the disease.

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