An upset stomach (diarrhea) in a child is temporary and chronic. Gastrointestinal dysfunction in children: symptoms and treatment of vomiting

Indigestion (diarrhea) in a child - temporary and chronic

Liquid and/or frequent stool in a child is not so rare. For the most part, this is a one-time failure of the body due to external or internal impact. Nevertheless, any diarrhea (diarrhea) should be immediately controlled: consider whether there is any special reason for this and, if possible, prevent adverse effects.

So that parents can be fully armed, I will talk about existing types diarrhea possible manifestations and methods of dealing with the disease.

What is diarrhea and what are the rules

Diarrhea is a disruption gastrointestinal tract, manifested by an increase in stool and a change in its consistency to a more liquid one - from mushy to watery. Additionally, in the stool, you can notice an admixture of mucus, blood and undigested pieces of food.

Normally, babies have different age category frequency of bowel movements varies. In the first month of life, stool occurs after each feeding, i.e. about 7 times a day. Then, up to a year, the number of emptyings is 3-4 per day. These figures are based on exclusive breastfeeding. On or artificial feeding digestion of food and the release of the intestine is slower.

One-year-olds and older children have no more than 2 bowel movements per day.

Concerning normal consistency, color and smell stool, it also depends on the age.. Before introduction baby additional feedings, the discharge is quite liquid in nature, but not watery, the color can be different - from orange to green. New mothers are often scared green color feces, but most often this happens when a woman ate food plant origin. The smell of feces in newborns is sour in nature.

What can cause diarrhea syndrome

Without proper help, loose stools provoke enough major changes in the body:

    - dehydration (frequent watery stools can lead to a large loss of fluid in a matter of hours);
    — ;
    - hypovitaminosis and a decrease in the number of trace elements;
    — ;
    - Fear of defecation in young children.

Diarrhea treatment

First of all, a sick child should be provided with proper diet. should be excluded from the diet fresh vegetables and fruits, very greasy, smoked and fried foods. Meals should be:

In no case should you force the baby to eat, a weakened body will not be grateful additional work in the form of food processing. When the child has used up his energy reserves, he will ask for food himself.

It is very important to drink more liquids - water, compote, tea. Babies should be offered breast or formula more often. If the child refuses to drink, then it is advisable to purchase rehydration drugs at the pharmacy (Regidron, Hydrovit, Polysorb).

The condition of the baby should be monitored very carefully. If the skin, tongue become dry, urination has sharply decreased in quantity, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Medical treatment

There are several groups of antidiarrheal drugs of different directions:

    1. Loperamide. The most common remedy for diarrhea. The mechanism of action is to increase intestinal motility and more rapid withdrawal pathogenic substances. The tablet form can be used in children from 4 years old, Loperamide in capsules is contraindicated up to 6 years old. The drug Diara has a similar composition (allowed from 6 years old).
    2. Enveloping agents ((from 0 years old), Attapulgite (from 3 years old)).
    3. Adsorbents (Activated charcoal can be used from birth, the dosage of the powder is calculated at 0.05 g per kg of the child's weight).

Folk remedies for diarrhea

Many drinks and herbs have astringent properties, ie. able to bind toxic substances in the intestines and prevent them from being absorbed:

    - Black tea;
    - a decoction of mint with chamomile;
    - hawthorn;
    - walnut shells.

You can make rice water without salt, but it will not be easy for a child to be persuaded to drink such a drink. Dissolved potato starch is also often used.

Prevention of diarrhea

Since the most common cause of diarrhea in a child is an acute infectious intestinal disease then appropriate preventive measures can be taken:

    - washing hands after using the toilet, walking and before eating;
    - drinking only boiled or bottled water;
    - consumption of fresh food, especially confectionery, eggs, salads and meat dishes;
    - thorough washing of fruits and vegetables;
    - sufficient heat treatment eggs, meat, etc.;
    - if possible, exclusion of food in in public places, especially fast food.

Parents should listen to the complaints of their child, monitor the frequency and nature of the stool, try to understand possible reasons changes that have occurred, contact specialists in a timely manner and carry out necessary examination. Only Attentive attitude to the health of the child will help to avoid many serious diseases.

With an upset stomach in a child, it is very important not to rush and not stuff him with pills and potions.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the disease.

If this cannot be done at home, then you need to call a doctor or visit a children's clinic. Treatment is carried out only after an accurate diagnosis.

Reasons for the disorder

Long-term practice shows that this trouble happens more often in the summer, when caring parents begin to feed their child with berries and fruits.

provoke disease state capable of the following factors:

  • intestinal infection;
  • violation of the diet;
  • acute poisoning;
  • low quality products.

Per last years The number of children who suffer from allergies has increased significantly. This feature child's body must be considered in the diagnosis of any disease.

Intestinal infection in both children and adults is caused by various bacteria and viruses. The list of diseases of this type includes dozens of positions.

Most often, the child is diagnosed with dysentery or salmonellosis. Virologists know that the nutrient medium for the development of E. coli are lactic acid products that have expired.

It is strongly not recommended to feed a child with products that are not the first freshness. The likelihood of indigestion in this case increases significantly.

In the same way as in situations where hygiene requirements are not systematically observed.

Indigestion in children is often caused by salmonella bacteria. Microorganisms of this type start and develop in eggs, meat and sausage products.

Until a certain age, the child is prepared food according to special recipes.

Feed him meat delicacies can only be done in small doses and only with high quality products.

Intestinal pathogens enter the body in different ways. On the dirty hands ah, a person at any age can have malignant microbes.

Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service do not get tired of reminding about this danger. Their recommendations should be taken seriously.

Diagnosis of the disease

A correct diagnosis of indigestion in a child allows short term prescribe appropriate treatment.

The main symptoms of the disease are well known to an adult - diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness and vomiting.

An experienced pediatrician knows that many diseases in children have exactly the same symptoms. If the baby does not get better within the first two days, then you need to call a doctor at home or go to the clinic.

According to experts, a baby under one year old cannot be treated at home. The only drug that is allowed to be given to the patient is dill water.

It is also necessary to go to the local doctor for an appointment when the child complains of various abdominal pains.

Such symptoms may indicate not only an upset stomach, but also other pathologies, such as appendicitis or liver disease.

When visiting medical institution in a sick child, vomit and feces are taken for research.

If the infectious nature of the disease is confirmed, then blood from a vein is additionally taken for analysis. This is necessary to find out if the body produces the antibodies necessary to fight the infection.

How to treat the disorder?

Functional indigestion can be treated with folk remedies at home. When I got sick Small child, this should be done with great care.

With diarrhea, significant dehydration occurs. At the first stage, it is very important to replenish the loss of fluid and salts.

For these purposes, a the simplest solution, which is taken for rehydration. In fact, this is slightly sweetened boiled water, to which you need to add a pinch of salt.

It is enough to give one teaspoon of the solution every 5 to 10 minutes. Further treatment carried out depending on the diagnosis.


Long-term practice confirms that the most common cause of indigestion in children is a violation of the diet.

AT normal conditions parents try to feed the child according to the schedule. Nutritionists and pediatricians call for this.

It often happens that a child is allowed to eat for festive table an extra slice of cake or watermelon. This weakens the control over the compatibility of products.

As a result, after such feasts, the baby begins nausea and diarrhea. To normalize the condition, you need to give him boiled water and activated charcoal tablets.

The function of the stomach and intestines in a child is restored after the diet is normalized. At infants indigestion occurs when complementary foods are introduced into the diet.

This should be done carefully, in small portions. It is desirable to feed the child with some one mixture.

When the baby starts having diarrhea and spitting up, you need to skip one feeding and replace it boiled water or a weak decoction of chamomile.

For two days, the little one needs to be fed as before, but reduce the amount of food by half. The missing amount is supplemented with slightly sweetened boiled water.

Poisoning or intestinal infection

Symptoms of indigestion in case of poisoning are the same as in other cases - diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. They are accompanied by increased body temperature.

Most often, poisoning occurs when eating mushrooms and canned food. The first thing to do in such a situation is gastric lavage.

This procedure can be performed at home. The child needs to drink plenty of water, and then make him vomit.

After cleansing the stomach, it is necessary to show the patient to a doctor who will prescribe treatment. After such an incident, you need to feed him on a sparing diet.

Rice porridge on the water mashed potatoes without oil, sweet tea with breadcrumbs.

When a child has an upset stomach caused by an intestinal infection, his condition is characterized by general lethargy, physical weakness and drowsiness.

Treatment is prescribed after a fecal examination and biochemical analysis blood.

Functional indigestion in this case is accompanied by severe diarrhea.

Infection after identification is suppressed with the use of antibiotics. The attending physician explains how to feed the child during treatment.

There are folk remedies that allow you to successfully get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

Prevention of gastric disorders

It is psychologically more difficult to treat a child than to accustom him to cleanliness. To prevent indigestion in children, you must follow a few simple rules.

The child must early age perform the following procedures:

  • wash hands before eating;
  • wash hands after going to the toilet;
  • drink only boiled water.

It is the responsibility of the parents to teach him how to do the listed procedures correctly.

In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables bought on the market under running water.

Baby food should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day.

Adults should feed the child only freshly prepared meals, and use only the same themselves.

It should be remembered that many products lose their quality within an hour after storage in a warm place. If a child eats such food, then with highly likely he will have to prescribe treatment and diet.

It is very important to avoid contact healthy child with a person who recently had dysentery. The virus of this disease remains active for another month after completion of treatment.

Probably the most common problem that parents face is diarrhea in a child (diarrhea). Work baby intestine often unstable, and most mothers are comfortable with loose stools in their child. However, diarrhea in children can be caused by serious causes, including infectious ones. Therefore, parents should be attentive to the manifestations of diarrhea - this condition is dangerous for babies with the rapid onset of dehydration. What to do if the child has diarrhea?

For big kids digestive processes are no longer very different from the functioning of an adult organism. The frequency and consistency of their stools are the same as those of mom and dad: once every 1-2 days, ideally daily, in a decorated sausage-like form.

The question of the norm often worries parents, because the gastrointestinal tract of newborns and infants works differently. In children of the first months of life, frequent loose stools are not a pathology. The nature of feeding breast milk), the immaturity of the enzyme system and there are the main reasons for multiple bowel movements during the day (up to emptying after each feeding). Feces in infants are soft, mushy, yellowish color. It should not contain mucous membranes, blood impurities; foam and fetid smell.

Babies who are on mixed feeding or completely switched to mixtures have a slightly different stool pattern: thicker and darker, with a frequency of 1 to 3 to 4 times a day.

The introduction of complementary foods and the transition to solid food- the time when the baby's intestines are a clear indicator that the mother is doing everything right. If the stool is still regular and disordered, then the new products do not cause digestive disorders. Closer to the year, the child's feces become already more dense, formed, "interruptions" of defecation are acceptable within the limits twice a day / every other day, if this does not cause any discomfort to the baby.

Diarrhea is considered liquid stool great content water (watery), accompanied by a sharp urge, often uncontrollable, with abdominal cramps and soreness. The number of bowel movements increases many times, and a pattern can be traced between the consistency and the multiplicity of the stool: the thinner it is, the more often the child “grabs”. In the smallest, it is worth focusing mainly on the density of feces and the presence of foreign inclusions in it, since the frequency in this case is not an indicator. For children who have come out of infancy, an increase in the number of bowel movements, and more rare, but liquid bowel movements, can also speak of diarrhea.

Parents should sound the alarm when the stool is very plentiful, frothy, greenish tint and occurs 7-8 times a day and more often. Such diarrhea may be serious danger due to dehydration and leaching from the body nutrients, violations of the electrolyte composition of the blood.

By the nature of the feces, you can try to determine the cause:

  • foam is usually present with infection;
  • infection with staphylococcus gives green diarrhea;
  • swamp-colored feces can be excreted with salmonellosis;
  • discolored (white) loose stools occur with hepatitis;
  • raspberry-colored gelatinous stools can signal dysentery.

Why do children often have diarrhea?

Pediatricians are often interested in a child's stool as it is an important indicator of health. The characteristics of the child's body are such that many internal and external factors first of all "beat" on digestive tract: infections, viruses, allergens, teething, untimely introduction of complementary foods, unsuitable food for the child.

Let's try to figure out why this happens:

  1. Children's intestines are relatively longer, and their absorptive surface area is larger than that of adults. Nutrients in babies penetrate the blood faster and in greater volume, but the same property allows them to be absorbed more actively. pathogenic microbes and their toxins. So far, the intestines of the crumbs are not able to distinguish “good” microorganisms from “bad”, which does not allow it to fully perform the barrier function.
  2. Due to the increased suction surface, recovery is also difficult in case of infection of the intestinal mucosa. With a disease, the work of the villi slows down, enzymes have little effect on food, as a result of which it is poorly processed and evacuated to the outside with a mass of undigested particles.
  3. The secretory apparatus of the intestines of the child begins to work from birth, but the enzymes themselves are not yet maximally active. If carbohydrates are the easiest to digest, then proteins take longer and more difficult to break down, because the baby’s intestinal environment is not acidic enough for them. Fats cause the most big number digestive disorders, since the weak action of lipase does not contribute to their effective processing. If the child does not receive lipase from mother's milk, his intestines react to the intake of large amounts of fat with diarrhea until the enzyme system is fully operational.

If we talk about the immediate causes that provoke diarrhea, then most often this is the ingestion of pathogens of intestinal infections, SARS, intolerance to certain products, irritant effect some medicines. Let's consider these factors in more detail.

Causes of acute diarrhea

Diarrhea is often called the "dirty hand disease": babies grab everything in their mouths, and older children do not always follow the rules of hygiene. Unwashed fruit, contact with animals, drinking dirty water- all this contributes to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if diarrhea occurs in a child, it is first of all important to exclude an intestinal infection.

The most common pathogens are rotavirus infection, enterovirus, salmonella, shigella, coli, staphylococcus, infection of which occurs by the fecal-oral route, that is, by the already mentioned methods and by direct contact with a sick person.

Intestinal infections characterized acute disorder with diarrhea and accompanying symptoms: vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite, temperature.

The same goes for food poisoning. Spoiled food causes acute diarrhea accompanied by signs of intoxication: weakness, pallor, sweating, high temperature.

  1. Diarrhea associated with malnutrition in children can be caused by the abuse of sweet and fatty foods, excess fruits in the diet, banal overeating. Nausea, vomiting, bloating and loose stools are a frequent result of a hearty meal at a festive table, at a party or in a cafe.
  2. An abrupt change in the usual diet is the cause of the so-called "traveler's diarrhea", which occurs in children when moving in most cases. In another city and, moreover, in a country, the usual set of dishes, the composition of water, the diet change, unfamiliar ingredients appear. In such situations, the child complains to his mother about heaviness in the abdomen, frequent stools, and sometimes vomiting. But in general, his health does not cause concern.
  3. Dyspeptic disorders in babies are associated with overfeeding, attempts by adults to treat the baby with food from their table, a sharp curtailment of breastfeeding, an inappropriate mixture, early and improper introduction of complementary foods. Most likely, the baby will react to such a diet with diarrhea, regurgitation with a fountain and colic.
Dysbacteriosis is one of the causes of diarrhea

Disturbances in the intestinal microflora are a common cause of loose stools in children. In a child, diarrhea can be chronic or alternate with constipation. Disorders of defecation are accompanied by arching pains in the abdomen, increased gas formation, irritable bowel syndrome.

Already in advanced stage, the stool becomes similar to infectious: it becomes green, putrid smell, contains an abundance of undigested fragments.

Food intolerance
  1. Milk intolerance in children is due to lactase deficiency. For its digestion, a special enzyme is needed - lactase, which is involved in the breakdown milk sugar(lactose). If a child does not produce this substance well, each milk intake ends with a violent foamy diarrhea With sour smell, rumbling in the stomach and other dyspeptic manifestations. This disease can be both hereditary and acquired (due to dysbacteriosis, allergies, poisoning, etc.). In infants, this condition may be transient, and lactase synthesis will improve with age. Many lactase deficiency persists, and then a person is forced to follow a lactose-free diet all his life. It is impossible to suspect this disease on the basis of diarrhea alone, it is necessary to pass an analysis for glucose in the feces.
  2. The child's body may not accept the cereal protein gluten. An allergy to gluten is called celiac disease. The disease manifests itself with the introduction of cereals and bread products into the baby's diet with foamy, fetid diarrhea, against which weight loss and growth retardation of the child occur. The cause of the disease is a hereditary predisposition to allergic reactions for cereal gluten.

alternation severe diarrhea a child with persistent constipation may have a sign genetic disease called cystic fibrosis, which affects the glands, most often the digestive and respiratory systems. If the stool is greasy in appearance and touch, smells terrible and is not washed off, you should urgently consult a doctor and undergo special tests.

To emergency cases refers to the appearance of blood in the baby's stool. Diarrhea with blood in a child and pain can be Crohn's disease and requires an immediate examination of the intestine.

In any case, if a child develops diarrhea, it is worthwhile to see a pediatrician as soon as possible, since the disease can be dangerous for the child, and sometimes for others.

Frequent loose stools carry away from the body a large number of water and nutrients, leading to acute disorder metabolism. In babies, with each emptying, up to 100 ml of liquid comes out, in older children even more - up to a glass. With the loss of fluid at the rate of 10 gr. dehydration occurs per 1 kg of body weight in a child.

How to determine this condition in children? It is necessary to monitor the skin and mucous membranes (they dry, crack), the eyes sink and are framed by dark circles, the fontanel on the head is “drawn in”. The child shows anxiety, refuses to eat, falls asleep "on the go".

But the surest sign is the color and amount of urine: it becomes concentrated (dark), it is excreted much less often and in smaller volumes. To confirm the guesses, parents can conduct a test " wet diaper"- if the number of urination is less than 10 per day, this may indirectly indicate dehydration. Older children at the same time go to the toilet less than 4-5 times during the day.

Fluid loss in infants very quickly reaches critical values, since their weight is still small. The process is accelerated by profuse regurgitation and vomiting. Therefore, babies are shown hospitalization at the first sign of dehydration.

With diarrhea, a child loses salts. An imbalance of salts in the blood threatens with a violation of electrolytic metabolism, and this is already a risk formidable complications until the heartbeat stops.

Frequent diarrhea also causes nutritional deficiencies: the child loses weight, grows poorly, is lethargic and lethargic, he develops beriberi.

If diarrhea is caused infectious causes, it is important to isolate the child, as he can infect others.

What to do if the child has diarrhea?

If loose stools do not pathological signs, the baby's health is satisfactory, and the parents guess that diarrhea is the result of nutritional errors, you can try to cope with diarrhea yourself. Otherwise, this should not be done, especially if we are talking about the baby.

  1. The first step is to call a pediatrician at home, but for now, give the baby first aid.
  2. Do not feed the child, wash and lubricate after each bowel movement anus baby cream to avoid irritation.
  3. Try to prevent dehydration. Babies are more often applied to the chest, an adult child should be given sweetened tea alternately with salt water, but it is best to have special solutions in the children's first aid kit - Regidron, Glucosolan or analogues. Give a little liquid every 5-10 minutes.
  4. Carefully monitor the baby's condition: if the temperature rises, if there is blood in the stool, etc. When worsening, do not wait for the doctor, but call an ambulance.
  5. You can not take medicines without a doctor's examination. Permissible to give Activated carbon, smect, at feeling unwell and temperature - paracetamol.
  6. To facilitate diagnosis, collect feces in a jar to show the doctor. Recall the factors that could provoke diarrhea.

What can be given to a child with diarrhea: how to treat diarrhea?

You can stop diarrhea in an adult child with the help of folk remedies and diets. Here are a couple of fixing recipes:

  1. 1 st. a spoonful of fennel collection, oak bark and sage in equal proportions insist in 200 ml. water room temperature. Bring the infusion to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and drain through cheesecloth. Take before breakfast, lunch and dinner for ½ cup.
  2. Pour dried bird cherry berries (3 parts) and blueberries (2 parts) with boiling water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. collection on a glass of water. Boil for 20 minutes, cool and take a decoction of a quarter to a half glass three times a day.

Compliance with the diet is prescribed for all scolding children. If the child does not want to, it is not necessary to force-feed him, the main thing is that a sufficient volume of liquid enters the body.

Breastfed babies do not need to change anything: continue breastfeeding and postpone planned complementary foods. Mom should follow her diet: exclude allergens and gas-forming products. Artificialists need to be transferred to lactose-free and gluten-free hypoallergenic mixtures.

The rest of the children eat according to the following recommendations:

  • exclude fried, smoked, fatty; give up gas-forming products(milk, sweet fruits, apples, grapes, cabbage, legumes, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, bread and pastries, soda);
  • obligatory enveloping and slimy dishes (mashed soups, cereals on the water from oatmeal and rice, rice water, jelly);
  • vegetable puree(potato) without adding milk, with vegetable oil;
  • omelette;
  • boiled, stewed, steamed vegetables, peeled fresh fruits(except prohibited), fruits from compote;
  • blueberries and cranberries;
  • fresh kefir and others fermented milk drinks(carefully);
  • wheat crackers;
  • steam cutlets from lean meat and lean fish.

In the treatment of acute diarrhea, the following medications are used:

  • enterosorbents (Enterosgel, Polyfepam, Filtrum);
  • from flatulence and colic - Espumizan, Sub-simplex;
  • enzymes to aid digestion (Pancreatin, Mezim);
  • to relieve spasms - antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine);
  • to restore microflora - pro-and prebiotics;
  • antidiarrheals (Loperamide, Imodium) - only for children from 6 years old. It is undesirable to give them before the diagnosis is made, since dysentery and a number of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract appear in contraindications.

When the diagnosis is already known, all appointments are made by the doctor, based on the established problem:

  • antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal medicines for infections;
  • anthelmintic drugs for helminthic invasions;
  • infants with lactase deficiency are prescribed the intake of Lactraz (enzyme).

The health of the child is the most worrying issue for every mother. And yet, no baby is immune from the development of a particular disease. Among the most common diseases in babies, indigestion should be noted, this disease is especially common in children. summer period. In a child, indigestion is most often accompanied by frequent liquid stool, elevated temperature, vomiting, general weakness. What should I do if my child has an upset stomach? First of all, you need to determine the factor that could provoke the disorder in order to be able to eliminate the cause of the baby's illness.

Very often, the cause of indigestion in children lies in ingestion. Almost every child is affected by this infection before the age of 5 years. Rotavirus infection provokes the development of gastroenteritis, which adversely affects digestive function. As a result, poor absorption and digestion of food occurs.

Indigestion in children can also be caused by:

  • taking medications;
  • improper preparation of the mixture during artificial feeding of the baby;
  • food;
  • lack or absence of certain food enzymes in the baby's gastric juice;
  • concomitant diseases.

Indigestion can occur as a result of intoxication of the body after eating spoiled foods or toxic substances.

In addition, indigestion can be of a bacteriological nature, that is, a so-called intestinal infection occurs. Intestinal infection can be caused by various viruses and bacteria. The most common intestinal infectious diseases dysentery and salmonellosis are considered, but in medical practice there are dozens more names of KIZ. Intestinal infections can occur in both adults and children.

eating disorder infectious nature in toddlers is often referred to as "dirty hand disease". As a rule, infection occurs as a result of unwashed or poorly washed hands, through household items, toys, and when eating unwashed vegetables and fruits. To be more precise, E. coli develops in expired fermented milk products.

Also, the causative agent can be, which actively multiplies in hot weather in a variety of confectionery products. Salmonella can enter a child's body when eating foods contaminated with salmonella. It can be eggs, meat and sausages.

Some types of bacteria can be carried by rodents. Such disease-causing organisms come into contact with the use of fruits and vegetables that have been stored in pantries or cellars. Dysentery bacillus can live in pipelines, therefore, to protect the child from developing dysentery, give him only boiled water.

To make up for fluid loss, give your baby tea, compote, fruit drink, glucose solution or a special Regidron solution, the powder of which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

You can prepare your own rehydration solution. For this you will need 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt. Add a little salt, otherwise the baby will not drink the solution. A few drops of freshly squeezed orange juice not only improve taste qualities the resulting drink, but also enrich the child's body with potassium.

Try to give the child water at intervals of 5-10 minutes, while it is not necessary that the child drink a lot, it is enough to give a teaspoon to an infant and a tablespoon to an older child. The more and the more often the child drinks, the better.

In addition, you need to give the child an absorbent, for example, Smecta, Polysorb or Polyphepan. If there is mucus, greens or blood streaks in the feces, you will also need to take a course. antibiotic therapy prescribed by your doctor.

If the baby has a fever and its value exceeds 38 degrees, then it needs to be brought down. For digestive disorders, drugs containing paracetamol are more preferable. However, suppositories with paracetamol are effective only when the baby's stool frequency does not exceed 10 times a day, so for diarrhea, use an antipyretic in tablets or in the form of syrup.

If an upset stomach occurs in an infant who is on breastfeeding, it is necessary to take a break in feeding and review the diet of the mother. It is also important to solder the baby with boiled water or brine. After the condition of the crumbs improves, you can gradually return to the usual feeding regimen.

If the baby is bottle-fed, it is necessary to withstand a break between feedings of 8-12 hours, then transfer the child to fermented milk formulas. If the child's age has reached 6 months, then you can periodically mix the mixture with rice water. As for other complementary foods, they can be introduced into the diet gradually with an interval of two days. That is, on the third day you can introduce vegetable puree into the diet, then only on the 6th day give the baby meat, etc.

New products for the baby should be introduced into complementary foods only after the final recovery of the crumbs.

If the disorder happened in older children, they must be transferred to a special dietary diet. In most cases, a diet that includes rice porridge, cooked in water, grated vegetable soups, mashed potatoes without adding milk or butter, kefir, crackers and biscuits, baked apples.

It is important to adhere to this rule: portions should be small, but you need to eat often with a short interval of time.

If there is a possibility that indigestion is caused by mushroom poisoning or poisonous plants, while there is no vomiting, it is important to call as soon as possible vomiting reflex to remove poison from the body. You can induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue by pressing. If the signs of mushroom poisoning are mild, you still need to call an ambulance or take the child to the infectious diseases department of the children's hospital on your own.

After an upset stomach, the child, as a rule, is put on a dispensary record, which is monitored for a year. At the dispensary registration, the gastroenterologist evaluates the patient's condition, prescribes a control EGDS, together with which a biopsy of the gastric mucosa is performed. Based on the results of the EGDS biopsy, a decision is made to remove the child from the register.

With timely treatment of indigestion and diet, the disease ends in recovery. Otherwise, the development of chronic and even peptic ulcer is possible.

To avoid indigestion, the following rules must be observed:

  • Be sure to wash your hands before every meal.
  • be sure to wash your hands with soap after using the toilet;
  • do not drink raw water and milk;
  • pour boiling water over vegetables and fruits before eating them;
  • store cooked meals in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

In addition, you should not buy food in spontaneous markets and feed your child in a cafe. fast food. During the hot season, try to cook food for one meal only, as indigestion can be caused even by quality food after it has been warm.

Pay attention to the fact that the dysentery bacillus is able to survive for 50 days, so be careful about bathing a child in fresh water.

If, nevertheless, your child gets dysentery, do not allow him to communicate with other children, as a person is a carrier of dysentery within a month after recovery. This will protect healthy children from the development of intestinal infections.

As for visits kindergarten, then this should be delayed. With the infectious nature of indigestion, the pathogen can persist in the child's body for quite long period time, therefore, before receiving a certificate of recovery, it is necessary to pass an analysis of feces for the presence of a pathogen. If a pathogen is detected, it will be necessary to re-analyze after a certain period.

Try to prevent food poisoning of the baby with plant toxins. To do this, do not allow the child not only to collect, but also to touch plants that may be poisonous. Mushrooms in any form should not be present in the food of children under 7 years of age, since gastric juice a child at this age does not yet contain the enzymes necessary for the digestion of complex foods.

Salmonella infection can also be avoided if you follow some rules for preparing food for you and your baby:

  • wash your hands not only before and after cooking, but also after each operation;
  • you need to defrost poultry meat in a separate container, avoid contact of meat with other products;
  • carry out the culinary processing of minced meat on the same day when it was bought in the store;
  • soft-boiled eggs should not be cooled in cold water, because the preservation of heat inside the egg contributes to the destruction of bacteria;
  • it is necessary to fry the meat until the ichor ceases to stand out from it.

Mother's actions in case of indigestion in a child

So, with an upset stomach in a baby, your actions should be as follows:

- firstly, every mother should know that diarrhea and vomiting can lead to dehydration, so it is necessary to water the child often, in small doses and the right drinks - boiled water, saline solutions, dried fruit compote. From saline solutions you can use Regidron, diluted according to the instructions, or prepare a solution for rehydration yourself. You can also give the child Smecta or Polysorb to absorb substances that irritate the intestines;

Indigestion is a violation of the digestive process, which occurs as a result of some unfavorable circumstances that precede indigestion. It manifests itself with such symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, increased gas formation in the intestine.

Consider the main reasons for the appearance:

1. Food poisoning- very common cause indigestion in children. As a result of eating poor-quality foods, vomiting and diarrhea may begin - the main signs indigestion in a child. Often given state accompanied by an increase in body temperature, children may complain of pain in the tummy. After an attack of vomiting or diarrhea, there is a deceptive sense of relief. This state lasts until all the decomposition products of bacteria, which, having got with food, caused upset stomach in a child.

2. Intestinal infection dangerous state, which is followed by . Intestinal infection can also develop against the background food poisoning, and simply when harmful microbes enter the gastrointestinal tract. An intestinal infection can be suspected if the child vomits often and painfully, after vomiting there is no relief. An intestinal infection in a child is accompanied by a very high temperature. Intestinal infections in children are treated only under medical supervision.

3. Reception of some medicines may cause upset stomach in a child. This condition may be accompanied by minor and almost imperceptible symptoms: lack of appetite (here you can read), fatigue and irritability of the child. And may have very severe symptoms: vomiting occurs after each meal or after each sip of water, very active diarrhea, severe lethargy, the child sleeps all the time.

4. food allergy or food intolerance products may appear indigestion in a child. Diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain in a child may be observed (here you can read about). If signs of indigestion are accompanied by hives, skin rashes, seizures bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema or allergic rhinitis, then it is necessary to identify and eliminate the allergen that provoked the allergy.

Due to indigestion in a child dehydration may begin. This state must be avoided by all means: to drink very often, in small portions, if the child refuses to drink, every five minutes he must be given a dessert spoonful of drink in his mouth. If, after any amount of liquid, the child vomits, and this condition lasts more than 8 hours, it is necessary to seek medical attention. medical assistance.
There are many causes of indigestion in a child, and many of them are not harmless, so you should not let the situation take its course. It is necessary to compare all the factors that could lead to the appearance indigestion in a child, with all additional symptoms and, if necessary, seek medical help in identifying the cause and treatment.

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