How to be ready for anything and not fuss in unforeseen situations. How to feel confident in your own body

In itself, this is not appearance, money or diplomas hanging on the wall. This is an inner feeling, worldview, philosophy of life - something that can be instilled and educated. Of course, real, true confidence does not come immediately (because for this you need to tame your ego and become humble at the same time), but with the help of some techniques and tools, you can get the first results within a few weeks. Here are the techniques.

Start feeling confident now

Stop waiting for something to happen before you start feeling confident. Many people tell themselves the following:

  • I will feel confident when I lose 20 kilos.
  • I will feel confident when I have a relationship with someone who loves and appreciates me.
  • I will feel confident when I get my diploma.
  • I will feel confident when I have the right car and clothes.

Although you need to achieve goals in order for confidence to be real, it will not appear if you do not start believing in yourself.

Stop waiting for some external signal to start feeling confident. Instead, start feeling confident right now, no matter where you are or what's going on around you.

Be resourceful

Most people put themselves into an unresponsive state before they act. This state is created by thoughts and physiology.

Here are some examples:

  • Before entering the boss's office, a person winds himself up that he is not worthy of a new position or salary increase and finds thousands of justifications for this.
  • Before the start of an important presentation, he slouches, is afraid, starts to get nervous.
  • Before talking with a person of the opposite sex that he likes, he thinks that he has no chance, because he is stupid or ugly.

Paul McKenna, Ph.D., says that confident people do the opposite: before taking any action that involves uncertainty and risk, they properly attune themselves to the challenge with passion, enthusiasm, determination, compassion, playfulness.

Pretend you're confident

It is said that Salvador Dali was incredibly shy. For an artist who wanted to gain fame, this was akin to a sentence. But his uncle gave him the following advice: pretend to be an extrovert. Dali followed him and began to behave accordingly - not to be afraid to make contact with a variety of people. He soon became what he pretended to be.

Act in the style of "If"

So how do you pretend? Act as if. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • If I had confidence in myself, how would I move?
  • If I were sure, how would I sit?
  • If I were sure, how would I dress?
  • If I were confident in myself, how would I talk? What would I say now?
  • What thoughts would run through my head?

And then just take your answers and start applying them. Do it consistently and you will soon believe in yourself.

Walk in small incremental steps

In the first paragraph of this article, we argued that you need to feel confident right now, no matter where you are now and how you feel. However, this is easier said than done. Here are the specific steps.

  1. Imagine that there is another version of you standing or sitting in front of you. This version is a little more confident than you.
  2. Now ask yourself what you need to do to be able to become that confident version of yourself. Do you need to be more assertive? Do you need to break down your goals so you can start implementing them step by step? Is there a skill that needs to be developed? Start doing it.
  3. As soon as you start taking steps in the right direction, imagine once again that a more confident version of you is sitting in front of you, many times more confident. She is more charismatic and resourceful. What do you need to do to become one? Do it.
  4. Keep imagining versions of yourself that are happier, more enthusiastic, more passionate, and more determined. Keep taking action to become those best versions of yourself until you feel overwhelmed with confidence.

Better take care of yourself

Confident people take care of themselves:

  • Are eating .
  • Lead.
  • Meditate, read.
  • Don't wind yourself up.

When you take care of yourself, you let yourself know that you consider yourself important and worthy of care and attention. And, in the end, your self-confidence depends on what you tell yourself about yourself.

Always be prepared

One of the best ways to be confident in any situation is to do your homework ahead of time and be fully prepared for what's to come. For example, if you have to prepare a presentation at work, do the following:

  • Make sure you take the time to do the necessary research.
  • Develop several alternatives.
  • Choose the alternative you think is the best and get all the data you need.

After all, how can you feel confident in a situation for which you are not prepared enough, although you could?


This is perhaps one of the most powerful tools for self-confidence. When you have something important to do that is out of your comfort zone and you're worried that you won't succeed, visualize yourself in a situation where you're doing great.

To illustrate, let's say you have to speak to the board of directors of your company. Do the following:

  • Take a moment to close your eyes and see yourself standing in front of the council, confident in yourself and delivering your speech flawlessly.
  • Imagine yourself calmly answering the council members' tricky questions.
  • Imagine how after the presentation, everyone comes up to you, thanks and shakes hands.

Notice situations when you are doing everything well and right.

Here are some ideas you can apply right now:

  • Catch yourself doing something well, even if it's trite. How, for example, you masterfully brewed tea today, spilling only half the teapot!
  • When you celebrate your success, praise yourself and give yourself a virtual pat on the back.
  • Allow yourself to feel proud of the work you have done.
  • Do it as often as possible.

We wish you good luck!

Do you want people to perceive you as a hero of our days? Maybe you want to create an image of a self-confident person who is not afraid of obstacles on the way? Or it will be an image of the savior of human destinies, outwardly calm, having an unbending core inside. And let the dreams of fame and popularity remain dreams, we care about what others think of us.

It is almost impossible to create an ideal image in real life, because there is no such person who could please everyone at once. What you can really start doing right now is start improving yourself. To do this, every day, pay attention to the tiny little things that will ultimately lead you to big changes. Here's what you need to do to build your confidence.

7 minutes for a workout

If you've ever practiced yoga, you've probably heard that just 7 minutes of practice will give a significant boost to improve mental and physical condition.

Your body will become more flexible, and your mind will become more focused on internal processes. But even if you are not a fan of yoga, you can transfer this experience to a regular workout. 7 minutes is the time for which you need to give your maximum. You will feel better, and the feeling of inner harmony will give you self-confidence.

The Benefits of Mutual Aid

It's amazing, but your strength will not run out in the process of helping other people. That's why you need to be socially oriented. It doesn't take a lot of effort. All you need to do is give a compliment to a cashier in a supermarket or give someone a recommendation for a good job. If someone from your environment starts working in a small business, it doesn't cost you anything to support your friend by buying goods from him.
Helping other people, seeing their grateful and happy faces is a great way to get a charge of vivacity and excellent health. This is how you begin to earn a reputation as a good person. Remember that someday your kindness will definitely return to you.

Work in a charitable organization

Have you ever thought about why rich and wealthy people so often pay attention to charitable events? They feel responsible for those who are disadvantaged and cannot help themselves. However, you don't have to be a millionaire to volunteer for a charity. You can donate care to people in need.
As research at the Harvard School of Medicine has shown, volunteering provides tremendous mental and physical benefits for the volunteers themselves. Good deeds in the name of society lowers blood pressure in people and helps to prolong life. Even if you're pressed for time, you can always take a moment to make a modest "token" donation to one of our local charities.

New cafe

Every day, people perform the same actions, which are brought to automatism so that they can be performed even with their eyes closed. You drive the same route to work, you see the same faces along the way, you go to the same cafe for lunch. Such a life places you in a fertile and comfortable vacuum. But all you need to feel confident is to leave the proverbial comfort zone.
Take a break from your community for a few hours and explore the city. There are probably people nearby who will be of interest to you. You will never know about it unless you go looking for them. As the old saying goes, "Change is as good as rest."

Use dental floss

According to scientists, flossing is associated with an overall improvement in health, not just a whiter smile. The procedure takes only one minute and does not require superhuman efforts from you to perform a standard brushing of your teeth at a time when you are very tired.

Don't compare yourself to others

Do you think there is anything worse than comparing apples to oranges? As you might have guessed, it is the desire to compare yourself to others. The fruits that grow on trees have a juicy taste and are equally beneficial to health. Comparison in favor of one of them is a matter of personal preference, nothing more. But when we talk about people, different factors come into play that make us completely unique.

It's about background, upbringing, talent, privileges, and even accidents that affect our lives. Initially, all people are in different conditions. It's like comparing the arrival of runners who started from a separate start to the finish line. Pure time is another matter - it is an opportunity to compete with yourself.

In addition, in practice, comparison with others will either develop a bunch of complexes in you, or develop in you a strong belief that you are better than others. There is no need to do this, because "comparing yourself to others is an act of violence against your true self."

Don't Forget Nutritious Foods

The modern concept of "healthy food" is loaded with various myths, insinuations and past bad experiences. Therefore, you should not blindly trust nutritionists and refrain from everything that contains salt and sugar. Just think about the benefits for your body. Here is what clinical psychologist Dr. Carmen Harra says: “The nutrition you provide for your body directly affects your well-being. Food with no nutritional value leaves you sluggish, depressed and powerless. With a lack of energy, the body fights for its rights and asks you for better food. So instead of leaning towards a healthy diet, think about what nutritious foods you can enrich your diet with.

Learn something new

If you want to expand your capabilities, start learning something new. Pull up literacy, if in high school this aspect left much to be desired. Set yourself up to learn how to swim if you spend your holidays lying on a sun lounger year after year. It's time to dive into the water and explore the new possibilities of your own body. Remember that you are doing this for yourself and not to impress other holidaymakers. Find a French or Chinese tutor. This will help you get to know the culture of other countries better. “Live and learn,” folk wisdom agrees with us.

How to find a way out in a difficult situation?

Ask yourself: How much time are you willing to spend developing a project, idea, or relationship that doesn't work? In fact, this situation is familiar to many people who feel stuck at the same level. You invest money, time, emotions, knowledge and skills, but the business does not get off the ground. Are you ready to part with precious resources further?
According to Northwestern University psychologists Daniel Malden and Chin Ming Hui, there is a simple and effective way to help people when things are not going well. Make sure you focus on the end result and what you want to get out of this project. On the other hand, drive away thoughts of wasted resources. It is difficult to find a way out of a situation when there is a lot of negativity around you.

Give Thanks, Don't Regret

There is one surefire way to make other people feel good. Remember how you usually apologize for being late? You're probably throwing out an on-duty phrase like "Sorry for being late, stuck in traffic." Why don't you flip the situation 180 degrees and thank a colleague for waiting patiently for you?

Instead of apologizing for any inconvenience, always thank other people for their patience and generosity.


Try to realize that apart from yourself, no one will help you cope with your problem. Analyze how much self-doubt in your own strengths and actions prevents you from living. If you got a lot of problems because of this shortcoming, it's time to start it. But first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly underlies uncertainty. This may be a negative experience of the past, obvious shortcomings or external defects, an unreasonable fear of the result. Whatever the reason, try not to dismiss thoughts about it, but start acting constructively.

Work on your appearance, as a flawless look always adds to your self-confidence. Lose excess weight, get a new haircut, a perfect manicure and light makeup. Choose clothes that fit you perfectly and you feel comfortable in them. Straighten your shoulders: you will be amazed at how much the posture feels. Look in the mirror. Surely you like yourself in a new quality. The result will not be long in coming: the admiring glances and compliments of others will make you want to communicate and be seen. And this is the main step towards overcoming uncertainty.

Start doing small exercises that allow you to. Try to say hello to everyone around, up to the janitor and the cashier in the store. At meetings, take the floor and defend your position correctly. Try to communicate more verbally and by phone: endless conversations with strangers will help you forget about insecurities. Smile in any situation that is appropriate for this: a positive attitude will create a favorable atmosphere around you.

If you are not confident in your abilities or professionalism, take the risk of taking on at least one project. Break the goal into small steps and systematically move towards success. Tell yourself that you have no right to fail. Act purposefully and without emotion. Even a small success can inspire you and give you confidence. But don't be afraid to fail. Be sure to create a fallback scenario that also suits you.

Treat most things with humor. If you are afraid of a visit to an official or an important meeting with a client, a sincere smile and a couple of playful phrases can instantly smooth out the tension and endear you to the interlocutor


Do not confuse self-confidence with arrogance and rudeness. A self-confident person with a smile will pass by a rude person and immediately forget about him, while an insecure person will definitely get involved in a verbal skirmish.

Useful advice

Don't let them manipulate you and force someone else's point of view. Become a person who knows how to defend his position with arguments.

The inner confidence of a person is manifested in a sense of rightness and strength, certainty in decision-making, behavior. External signs of such an individual are firm speech, a direct look, the ability to insist on one's own. To behave confidently in any situation, it is necessary to develop this quality.


Create a bank of positive experiences. Write down all your successes - graduating from school and college with good grades, decisive behavior in a difficult situation, fast promotion, etc. Recognize your positive qualities and talents.

Develop a positive attitude. Learn to see positive aspects and opportunities in any situation, in people - kindness and strength. Compliment others, be polite, correct and grateful.

Let go of fear and negativity. Change the qualities that do not suit you or others. If you are accused of slowness, do everything as carefully as possible, and then it will turn into accuracy.

Increase physical activity. Do exercises or take a morning jog, speed up your walk, do your homework faster - this is necessary in order to increase the speed of your reactions. Over time, you will begin to quickly solve both domestic problems and business tasks.

Use elements of self-hypnosis. For example, affirmations are phrases aimed at achieving the desired state: “I am sure. I am calm. I will succeed. Luck awaits me."

Get leadership chips. A confident person always has a certain communication style that impresses others and demonstrates his status. For example, try replacing the word "need" with "want". Thanks to this technique, you will show your interlocutor your authority and significance. Replace requests with statements, remembering to be polite and firm. For example, instead of "Can you take me to the airport?" say "Please take me to the airport." Do not use phrases in a conversation that make you doubt your rightness: “Am I right?”, “Do you understand what I'm talking about?” etc.

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Confidence is a necessary quality for every person that affects his whole life. If you are confident in yourself, it means that you know what abilities and opportunities you have, quickly build constructive relationships with other people, and know how to achieve your goals. But if something does not work out and you feel shy and awkward, you should not give up, because you are quite capable of learning this character trait.


Try to communicate more with different people. As you expand your social circle, your confidence zone (as psychologists call it) in which you feel comfortable will also expand. Take a closer look at a person whom you consider to be self-confident and analyze his demeanor, words, etc. Perhaps you can "copy" something for yourself.

Don't beat yourself up for failures. As soon as your thoughts start to stray into negativity, stop them and turn the other way. Better tell yourself that you learn from your mistakes.

Take it easy on your imperfections. Set yourself goals that you need to strive for. When you have these achievements, you will feel more relaxed.

Forget that you "owe something to someone." Excessive compliance, shyness, thoughts that you are "uncomfortable" will never add to your self-confidence. If you continue to behave in this way, then there will always be someone who will manipulate you. Get rid of your prejudices radically.

Think about why you can annoy the interlocutor: perhaps you speak in an instructive tone or slurredly “mumble”, unable to express your thoughts clearly and clearly? Admit your mistakes and try to learn to formulate your thoughts more clearly.

Develop a program for yourself more: imagine how you address a person, ask him a question and how you answer yourself; try (mentally) to look into his eyes. Practice alone with yourself, telling a joke or some funny story, tell them loudly - just don't think that this is enough, you may have to scroll through your words and behavior dozens of times. Try to show your confidence outwardly. If you constantly “train” confidence, it will not keep you waiting either.

Try not to get into conditions that can affect your sense of self-confidence, at least until you are ready for it.

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Self-confidence is an essential quality of a successful person. Success in all areas of life depends on this feeling. It must be developed, instilled from childhood, nurtured at an early age. If such an opportunity has already been missed, do not hesitate - self-confidence, like another quality, can be developed in oneself at any age. The main thing is to believe in yourself.


First of all, learn not because of your insecurity, not to criticize yourself, to calmly accept all the shortcomings. Everyone makes mistakes, and perfect people don't exist. The first reason for insecurity is that a person does not love himself. Get rid of this feeling.

Set a goal for yourself. It is better to write everything down on paper: indicate what changes you will achieve in yourself in order to become more confident in yourself, what do you need for this. Determine what this quality means to you. Remove the sheet of notes - you can get it in a month to compare with your achievements.

Think of a time when you felt the most confident in yourself. Remember what situation it was in, what caused this feeling, what sensations you had. All the smallest details and details are important. Remember this more often, try to evoke those feelings, embody them.

Think about the place in life that the ongoing conflict plays. For example, such a trifle as rudeness in public transport or the rudeness of a work colleague - is it so important for your life path, for your fulfillment and your happiness? The word "your" is the key. Distinguish between yourself and others, because most often they are caused by their own problems, and not yours.

Find something positive in a problem situation. Each phenomenon has both a negative side and a positive one, therefore, if the boss or do not show themselves from the side, maybe you should think about changing your environment.

Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say a lot of unpleasant words that, at the moment of reflection, have little to do with reality. After working with your breath, it’s better to say that you are not ready to negotiate now, you need to think and weigh everything.

If a dispute is still inevitable, try not to get personal, but direct criticism to the phenomenon. Of course, in the process of a dispute, irritation can also be born on someone who has the opposite opinion, so control yourself and stop.

Our body is connected to our mental state, so physical relaxation will help to calm down and dissolve the negative. Tighten your body except for the head area, and then completely relax, thinking that in doing so you are throwing off all the burden of problems. Yoga will help you, which teaches you how to control yourself, your body. Just a few classes a week, and in the next stressful situation, you will certainly prove yourself calm and confident.

It seems to me that one of the most common desires of people is the desire to feel more confident in various life situations.

But how can this be done?

Confident people may say: How? Just be confident!". However, for an insecure person, such advice will not be useful. He will not be accepted by the council at all.

But still there are time-tested, timeless tips. In this article, I will tell you about some of them. And in order to become really self-confident and fully feel your inner strength, of course, it is better to find psychological trainings dedicated to this problem.

But I hope that in this article you will find something useful for yourself and in this way you will be able to correct and maintain your self-confidence at the proper level.

1. Take action. Do your job diligently.

The most important step to gaining self-confidence is taking action. Work on the problem and see it through to the end. If you sit at home and think about what you want to do, it will only make things worse for you. This is the simple truth. But it is not always easy to implement. To make it a little easier to implement, here are three of my favorite ways to push yourself into action:

  • be present. This will help you put aside unnecessary thoughts and just do what you decide to do. This is probably the best advice I've come across on how to get started in a while. Being in the right place will force you to act, and very often it will even seem to you that you are going with the flow and doing nothing, but, in fact, you will act without making any extra effort. It's about the same as with breathing - your lungs work, and you don't even think about it.
  • Take it easy. If you want to dissuade yourself from doing something, you must take the task at hand too seriously. This way you will feel how huge, complex and creepy it is. But if you calm down and relax a little, you will most likely see that the problems related to your task were largely created by your imagination. If you calmly approach the matter, then the problems no longer seem so serious, and if there are no serious problems, then it is always easier to start doing business. You can read more about this in the article Lighten Up!
  • Crave. If you really want something, then it will not be difficult for you to start acting. Action in such a situation is quite natural. They arise because you don't want to wait any longer.

Of course, I could advise you to practice in front of a mirror for several months. This may give good results. Simply because if you prepare yourself, you will act more confidently.

But in truth, if you use the quotes above and face what you fear, you will gain deeper and stronger self-confidence. Experience in the area that caused fear really gives real self-confidence. You can't get away from this.

However, you can face your fear and still not feel trembling in your knees. There are ways to help yourself do this:

  • Be Curious. When you are busy with your fear, you are closed. You are trying to create barriers in your world and in your brain. You are shielding yourself from other people/things. And if you show curiosity, then your perception of the outside world will come to life and the world will open for you. Curiosity is filled with anticipation and zeal. It makes you open. And when you are open and passionate, then you do not have enough time for your fear. But how do you learn to be genuinely curious? You just have to always remember that joyous feeling that you once had when you first showed curiosity, and also remember all the good things that happened to you when you had some new experience.
  • Realize that fear is often based on a misunderstanding of the problem.. Like all people, we tend to look for examples. But the thing is that we very often find bad or useless examples of events that happened to us due to lack of experience. Or because of an incorrectly assessed situation. Or because of someone's stupid misunderstanding. When you identify with your thoughts, you believe everything that comes into your mind. It will be better for you not to take your thoughts too seriously. In many cases, your thoughts, as well as your memory, are wrong.

Image *Zara (license).

3. Understand the procedure.

One of my favorite bits of movie dialogue is the dialogue from Three Kings (1999).

In this dialogue, Major Archie Gates (played by George Clooney) orders a small group of soldiers to rescue their comrade and extract Saddam's gold, which was left over from the first Gulf War.

Young soldier Conrad Vig (played by Spike Jonze) expresses his doubts about the plan of action:

Archie Gates: You are afraid, aren't you?
Conrad Vig: Maybe.
Archie Gates: Everything happens as follows: what you are afraid of, you make very scary, and courage comes after you were not afraid and did it, and not before you do it.
Conrad Vig: Idiot approach. There must be a different approach.
Archie Gates: I know, but this approach works.

Great movie! Great dialogue! Even if it's not at all what people want to hear.

The point is that when you act, you don't just gain confidence that you can handle situations, you also lose your senses. In our cases, you can talk, for example, about a speech in front of an audience or about publishing a new blog post - about what first makes you nervous and perhaps shaking with fear, and then becomes an increasingly common event in your life. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will perceive the worked out situation as something completely normal. As normal as trying on shoes, chatting with friends, or taking a shower.

Now it may seem terrible. But after you've dealt with the thing that caused you fear ten times, you might think: "What's so scary here?" You may even be disappointed if the thing that caused your fear becomes a routine for you. You may even be angry with yourself and not understand why you could not take up this matter for so long.

4. Get ready.

If you do not know anything about what you are going to do, it will be difficult for you not to get lost in a vague and foggy fear. This fear will give rise to terrible images of what can happen if you try to take on the desired business.

Education and preparation can help you a lot. For example, by listening to and rewriting your speech over and over again, you can easily memorize it. By researching something, you can find answers to related questions that you may need in the future. Or even just by imagining how you will perform, you will become more confident in yourself.

Of course, if you don't have public speaking experience, you still won't be able to deliver a speech the way an experienced speaker would. But if you take the time to prepare, you will feel much more confident. And, of course, by preparing a speech, you will improve its content.

Therefore, get ready and in the end you will feel calmer and more confident. But make no mistake, do not get hung up on preparation. This is, in fact, an excuse for your inaction due to possible failure.

5. Realize that if you fail or make a mistake, nothing irreparable will happen.

Again, you have to face your fear. Because only in this way can you discover everything that billions of people before you throughout the history of mankind have discovered for themselves. Failure won't kill you. Nobody will judge you. The end of the world will not come. Nothing will happen that people who have not yet faced their fear are set on.

The whole trick is to rethink the failure and not take it as a model, but take something useful and important out of it. Something that will help increase your self-confidence and your overall spiritual growth. Here are four examples of how your failure is good for you:

  • You are studying. Instead of seeing failure as something terrible, try to look at it as a learning experience. When you experience failure, ask yourself the question: What's so bad about this situation? What can I take away from it?
  • You get an experience that is impossible to get in any other way.. Of course, it is desirable to learn from the mistakes and failures of other people. But, in fact, this is not always possible. Sometimes you just need to suffer your own failure and learn your own lesson from it. Your practical experience will be incomparable with anyone's empty words.
  • you get stronger. Every time you fail, you get stronger. You are becoming more and more aware that this is not the end of the world. And, again, you begin to take the situation calmly. You can easily cope with what seemed impossible to you a few years ago. Failure can also be energizing, because even though you didn't get your way, at least you took the risk. You just don't have to sit idly by. Inaction cools determination and takes away courage.
  • You are more likely to succeed. Every time you fail, you have the opportunity to learn something and thus strengthen your inner strength. So every failure brings you closer

Self-confidence is one of the few personality traits that affects the quality of almost all spheres of human life. Along with an increase in self-confidence, the effectiveness of human actions increases, relationships with other people improve, new ones are acquired and unnecessary connections are cut off. A self-confident person is better motivated to achieve what he wants to achieve, tunes in to success faster and achieves it with less effort. Self-confidence gives its carrier great amount benefits and even makes a person happier, so if you are not confident enough in yourself, you should immediately think about developing this most important personality trait. It's not difficult, just start taking the steps in this article on a daily basis, and you will not only become more confident in yourself, but also change your life for the better.

55 ways to become more confident in yourself:

  • 1. Be a confident person. Make up your mind henceforth in all situations and in every place to speak and act confidently, to be more decisive and bolder than ever before.
  • 2. Stop complaining about flaws. Every person has flaws, but there is one important point - self-confident people do not attach too much importance to them and do not remember them at the most inopportune time.
  • 3. Take care of your strengths. Let your strengths become your mainstay in life, work on their further development and make them even stronger.
  • 4. Stop underestimating your abilities. You should explore all your abilities and trust yourself that if necessary, you can complete a familiar task, even if this time it looks a little more difficult.
  • 5. Start learning what you want to be good at. Stop just dreaming about what a talented or capable person you could become, and how many admiring glances would be directed at you. Start taking real steps towards becoming one in reality.
  • 6. Review your rulebook. Your own rules are what should strengthen your spirit and make you stronger. Revise your rules and eliminate those that prevent you from achieving success, and also add rules that can definitely make you more successful and more confident.
  • 7. Make a list of things you enjoy. Let yourself be distracted for an hour from the daily hustle and bustle and think about what you really like, write down a list of things that you like on a piece of paper and save it for the next time.
  • 8. Develop your skills. Are you a programmer, designer or copywriter? In that case, start perfecting your skills and become a highly skilled specialist in what you do.
  • 9. Pay attention to what you like. You have already made a list of things that you like, now your task is to remember them as often as possible, especially at such moments when negative thoughts disturb you.
  • 10. Show concern for others. Treat other people with more kindness, help those who are in a difficult situation, especially if they are your close relatives or friends.
  • 11. Forget about insecurity. The more often you remember your insecurity, the more difficult it becomes for you to deal with it, on the contrary, completely forgetting about it and not attaching much importance to its signs, you will get rid of it with great ease.
  • 12. Stop tolerating things that are unpleasant for you. Make a list of the things you have to endure, and begin to systematically and gradually get rid of those that do the most harm to your emotional well-being.
  • 13. Pay attention to your surroundings. Stop analyzing your feelings and sorting out negative thoughts in your head, instead direct all your attention to what is happening around you.
  • 14. Meet people. Communication is one of the basic human needs, do not deny yourself the opportunity to just chat and start a conversation with people you do not know. Don't be upset if one of these people is not in the mood for communication, next time you'll have better luck.
  • 15. Stop comparing yourself to anyone. There are many different people in the world, with a set of very different skills and abilities, and each of these people is unique. You are unique too, so comparing yourself to anyone is not very correct.
  • 16. Remember the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule says that 20 percent of the effort usually leads to 80 percent of the result. Thus, you do not need to be upset if 80 percent of your efforts were in vain - the remaining 20 percent will definitely bring results.
  • 17. Take it easy on your shyness. See your shyness as a feature, not a flaw. This will make your job of fixing it much easier.
  • 18. Stop berating yourself. In no case do not scold yourself for mistakes or failure, in general, never scold yourself, even if it seems to you that there is a reason for this. What happened, happened, draw conclusions, analyze the reasons for your mistakes and continue to move forward with new knowledge.
  • 19. Consider your doubts. Insecure people often doubt themselves, and most of their doubts do not have a solid foundation. And yet, this does not mean that all their doubts are empty. Examine your doubts and identify which of them can be justified, as well as how great the risk is that they will be justified.
  • 20. Ask for help. Remember that you are not alone in this world, there are many people in the world with the same problems. There are also people who have coped with these problems and are ready to help others in this, do not be afraid to ask for help, someone will definitely help you.
  • 21. Do something stupid. You are a person, and like any person, you are imperfect in some way, and like any person, you are not immune from committing stupidity. Do something stupid but safe for you and the people around you on purpose and laugh at yourself along with others.
  • 22. Flirt. Light, meaningless flirting with a person of the opposite sex can cheer you up and add variety to your everyday life. Of course, for its application, this person must adequately perceive flirting.
  • 23. Start exercising physically. A toned body is not only a guarantee of health and longevity, but also a source of self-confidence. Make it a rule to exercise daily.
  • 24. Learn to say no. Sometimes it is difficult for us to say “no” to acquaintances, friends or relatives in response to their request, because at that moment we find ourselves under social pressure. And, nevertheless, remember: you do not owe anything to anyone, and you have the right to refuse the request of any person if you are really busy. Learn to say no to other people in a calm and confident manner.
  • 25. Identify the cause of insecure behavior. Try to identify what is preventing you from speaking and acting confidently. What thoughts come to you at this moment? Break down the negative beliefs that have become a hindrance to your self-confidence.
  • 26. Reminisce about past successes. Many people are much more likely to recall their failures than their successes, and as a result, they deliberately underestimate their abilities and give rise to further development of uncertainty. Instead, at the slightest sign of negative thoughts, start reminiscing about your past successes.
  • 27. Clean up. Put things in order in the house, your appearance and head. Order will make you feel more confident and give you a sense of control over your own life.
  • 28. Listen to your intuition. Separate the voice of intuition from empty doubts, learn to distinguish between them and do as your heart tells you.
  • 29. Remember the state of confidence. Recall a situation in which you felt and acted with the utmost confidence. What caused the confidence to emerge? Was this cause internal or external? Try to re-establish the same mindset that kept you feeling confident in the past. Remember the state of self-confidence and learn to call it in any situation.
  • 30. Watch your posture. Try to keep your back straight anywhere and at any time, relax all other muscles that are not involved in maintaining posture.
  • 31. Find words of encouragement. Make a list of phrases and sentences that motivate you and make you feel confident. Write them down on a piece of paper or memorize them and read them when you are unsure.
  • 32. Learn to accept your insecurities. Your self-doubt is what you feel at one time or another, and it is most likely caused by a situation with which you are unfamiliar. Accept it and convince yourself that the next time you are in a similar situation, you will act differently.
  • 33. Make friends with your fears. Fear is natural, it only becomes a problem when you don't take steps to overcome it. So, use your fear as an opportunity to boost your confidence.
  • 34. Take it easy on your mistakes. There is no need to be upset about mistakes, rather look at them as an opportunity for your learning and personal growth.
  • 35. Do things differently. Choose a new route for your commute to work or home, a new grocery store, a new way of doing your daily work. The more often you do something new and the more often you go to new places, the more confident you begin to feel in situations that are unfamiliar to you.
  • 36. Do something useful for the community. Be helpful to other people, this will greatly increase your self-confidence.
  • 37. Be sure that you have enough strength. Whatever happens to you, remember that you have enough inner strength to cope with any, even the most difficult situation.
  • 38. Find your true goals. It's easy to feel insecure when you're out of place, and on the contrary, when you identify your true goals and start doing what you are really interested in, you will find that you can easily cope with uncertainty.
  • 39. Take action. Stop sitting on your hands. If any situation makes you feel insecure, then you should work on yourself and take real steps to eliminate your insecurities. Resolutely move forward whenever you feel the need to, this practice will help you in gaining self-confidence.
  • 40. Learn to control your body. The ability to control your body is a very important skill. Develop it. Learn to relax completely, relieve muscle tension and control unconscious movements. Learn body language, model confident postures and gestures.
  • 41. Meet your future self. Imagine an image of your future self, a confident and determined person, think about what he would do in this situation or circumstances?
  • 42. Define your values ​​and stick to them. Try not to depend on other people and opinions. Make your own list of values ​​and stick to them in every situation. Stand up for them if it is really necessary, and do as you see fit.
  • 43. Make yourself known. Stop being in the shadows, if you have something to offer, and you are sure that your offer is worthwhile, declare yourself and express your opinion. It will either be accepted or not, nothing bad will happen again, and you will know that at least you made an attempt.
  • 44. Have a plan of action. Learn to plan your goals. Make a plan of action for each next day, for each week, month, year or any other period. Implement it day after day, the result will not keep you waiting.
  • 45. Get things done on time. To become more confident in yourself, you need to start doing your things at the right time. No need to put them off until tomorrow, this will only reduce your faith in yourself.
  • 46. ​​Learn from confident people. Observe confident people, note how they behave, how they speak, what sign language they use, copy their behavior. If necessary, ask for a couple of lessons in confident behavior.
  • 47. Become an idea generator. Practice creating new original ideas. Give a second life to unnecessary things. Invent new ways to use certain things. Think about what you can bring into your life. Just use your creativity.
  • 48. Surround yourself with positive people. Negative thinking people often unknowingly spoil the mood of others. Try to stay away from such people, or if you feel strong enough in yourself, charge them with positive energy and ideas. Try to be surrounded by positive, kind and cheerful people more often.
  • 49. Smile more often. Find a reason to smile as often as possible. Watch a funny video or movie, read jokes or funny stories. Meet your friends and have fun with them.
  • 50. Stop pleasing others. No need to adapt to other people - be yourself. If you don't like something, don't do it just to please or please other people. Choose your own life path.
  • 51. Visualize yourself as a confident person. Visualize as vividly and vividly as possible pictures of confident behavior in various situations with your participation. Run these images through your mind day after day and try to act accordingly.
  • 52. Write affirmations. Repeating affirmations is one of the most effective ways to change your beliefs and mindset. Start telling yourself that you are a confident person, that every day you become more confident and confident in yourself. Repeat positive affirmations of your confidence every day in your spare time.
  • 53. Find uplifting music. Good music can improve your mood and even boost your self-confidence. Find such music and listen to it from time to time. In difficult times, just remember the motive and words.
  • 54. Understand that no one is better or worse than you. Having someone with abilities or skills that you don't have doesn't make that someone better than you. Recognize that you are just different, but no worse or better than anyone else.
  • 55. Be here and now. Learn to be here and now in any situation. Stop the flow of thoughts about the past and the future, stop disturbing your inner state of calm with negative thoughts. Be as focused as possible on what is happening around, focus on actions, not thoughts.

Everyone can become more confident in themselves, all that is needed is to start taking real steps to change their way of thinking and behavior. By working on yourself and following the ways to increase confidence in this article, you will learn to think, speak and act confidently in any situation. Don't be discouraged if you encounter difficulties at the beginning of your path to self-confidence, this is natural for any undertaking. Just keep moving forward and you'll be fine. I wish you success!

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