Low pain. What is pain threshold? How do you know your level of pain sensitivity? Verbal rank scale


The tolerance of traumatic factors is determined by the functioning of the central nervous system. The pain threshold depends on the level of irritability of the nerve endings and feelings arising from unpleasant influences. This indicator is transmitted at the genetic level, but it can be changed by learning what parameters determine it. Although women experience the most excruciating pain for a person during childbirth, men in life are distinguished by a higher degree of tolerance and adaptation.

What is pain threshold

The degree of perception of traumatic effects on the body is related to the level of excitation of the nervous system. The subjective reaction of the body to severe pain determines its threshold for a person. The ability to endure unpleasant sensations is laid down in the genes, so this characteristic is individual for each. The strength of pain that a person is able to withstand is still determined by the source of irritation, emotional mood and hormonal background. In a state of passion or during childbirth, sensitivity is reduced due to the instinct of self-preservation and the influence of the endocrine system.

Low pain threshold

Serious danger - shock. The low threshold of pain sensitivity, together with the inability to tolerate discomfort, makes any traumatic manipulation unbearable. You should always warn the doctor about your threshold so as not to get psychologically traumatized. At low rates, it is not recommended to pierce the ears, make tattoos, painful cosmetic procedures with injections without the use of various methods of anesthesia: special creams that are applied to the skin, sprays.

High pain threshold

With this type of sensitivity, it is much easier to endure stressful situations for the body. Having a high pain threshold does not mean that you can put yourself to the test. It is believed that the degree of susceptibility depends on the psychotype of a person. Those who do not experience fear of physical influences at all, as a rule, are active, extreme, and have leadership qualities.

Pain threshold in women and men

The degree of perception of feelings depends on gender. Evolutionarily determined the role of a man - a hunter, defender, conqueror, who had to endure suffering and endure blows in fights. The male sex hormone, testosterone, has an analgesic effect. In this regard, men have a constant high threshold of sensitivity.

Women have a more vulnerable nervous system due to a larger number of receptors; there is less testosterone in their blood. In addition, historically, the fair sex was little exposed to negative stimuli from the outside world. This results in a low pain threshold. The sensitivity of a woman directly depends on the period of the menstrual cycle and changes in the time of day. So, in the morning and during periods of menstruation, increased vulnerability is observed.

What does it depend on

In addition to gender, a number of internal and external factors influence the pain threshold. Knowing them, you can control your feelings and sensations. If you have to undergo medical or cosmetic procedures that cause discomfort, you can prepare your body for stress. It is important to keep in mind that the pain threshold can change over time and circumstances. What factors affect this:

  • experienced nervous shocks, degree of fatigue;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • diseases of the nervous system, the degree of its training;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • saturation of the body with useful substances and vitamins;
  • individual physiological characteristics;
  • the amount of vitamin B necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • psychological mood, psychosomatic characteristics, emotions.

Pain types

There are four types of people according to the tolerance of unpleasant sensations. The first type has a low sensitivity threshold. Such people acutely perceive minor physical, psychological pain. The second type differs from the first in a wide tolerance range. This means that they perceive pain hard, but they are able to endure suffering. The third type is characterized by a high degree of tolerance and a short interval: with an increase in unpleasant sensations, they immediately give up. The fourth variety tolerates pain calmly and has a strong reserve of patience.

The fourth type just needs to tune in morally to unpleasant sensations, and medical manipulations will be perceived calmly. It will be possible to avoid pain shock during medical procedures if you determine in advance the type to which the patient belongs and select the appropriate anesthesia (aerosol or injection). In addition, for the fourth type, it is important to develop a sense of empathy. It may seem to children related to him that since they are not hurt, then others do not suffer.

How is a person's pain measured?

In the middle of the last century, scientists set out to develop an objective scale of unpleasant sensations. As a result of a series of 100 experiments, a quantitative estimate from 0 to 10.5 dollars was created. The name of the unit of measure comes from the Latin name for pain "dolor". During labor, a woman experiences sensations in intensity equal to 10.5 dollars. For comparison: during the experiments in which the scale was developed, with pain of 8 dollars on the forehead of the study participants, a second-degree burn from the action of high temperature remained.

How to know your pain threshold

On an outpatient basis, the degree of sensitivity is determined using a special apparatus - an algesimeter. There are 4 types of unpleasant sensations: nociception (a physical sensation in which nerve receptors begin to transmit signals to the brain), pain, suffering. This device allows you to identify the onset of the action of the stimulus, as well as the interval between the first stage and the last. According to the reaction to the impact and the stages from nociception to a state close to shock, the pain type of personality is determined.


The algesimeter fixes the minimum and maximum pain threshold. During the evaluation, the area between the toes and hands, where the skin is most delicate, is exposed to heat or electricity. The minimum threshold implies the pain that already causes discomfort, and the maximum - the one within which it can be tolerated. Based on the results, the therapist draws conclusions about the person's tolerance.

How to raise your pain threshold

To reduce sensitivity, you can influence those factors that determine the threshold of unpleasant sensations. For example, before a traumatic procedure, it is recommended to get enough sleep, not to drink alcohol and drugs. Tune in to a positive outcome, to the desired result. Regular physical activity and sex increase stamina, harden, stimulate the production of endorphins, which inhibit discomfort. There are a few more home remedies to temporarily increase your pain threshold:

  • meditation, yoga classes, relaxing massage;
  • adherence to a diet, the use of foods rich in vitamin B, which promote the secretion of serotonin;
  • distraction of receptors through the use of ginger, red pepper, mustard, horseradish, chili peppers.

Few people enjoy being in pain. For many, even this word evokes negative emotions, and the feeling itself is real suffering. But each person is individual and feels the pain in his own way. People who have a low pain threshold are those who panic at the mere sight of a dentist. Those who have this very high threshold often do not even need anesthesia.

What are the thresholds for pain?

Under the pain threshold, it is customary to understand the degree of sensitivity of the human body to the effects of any traumatic forces on it. This sensitivity is directly related to the level of irritation of many nerve endings. Depending on how much pain a person experiences, there is a low and high pain threshold.

How to determine the degree of sensitivity? Everything is very simple: with a high index, people practically do not feel pain from injections, and with a low one, they can even scream. A person with a high threshold can withstand quite a strong impact on his body: sudden changes in temperature, deep cuts or blows. A low person cannot even endure the pain of an ordinary abrasion.

The ability to endure pain, according to scientists, is inherent in each person in the genes. However, resistance to physical suffering can also depend on the emotional state. One way or another, knowing your pain type is just as important as information about blood type, weight category, height and other characteristics of our body.

Check method

How to test your pain threshold and find out how susceptible you are to pain? To measure this indicator, scientists invented a special apparatus - an algesimeter. With the help of this device, a light electric discharge or high temperature is applied to the human body.

A similar test is performed in the most sensitive place - on the skin near the armpit or between the toes. In the process of research, the device marks the indicator of the magnitude of the impact and the boundary within which a person does not feel pain at all or calmly endures pain.

Heightened perception

Surely many will agree that it is much better to have a high than a low pain threshold. This heightened perception of even the slightest discomfort can turn the simplest blood sampling procedure into a real test for a person.

Experts believe that all people who are too sensitive to physical pain can be further divided into two groups:

  • "touchy", or low tolerance interval. Such a person is simply not able to endure pain, for him even a small scratch is a reason for tears and even panic. With such a fear of pain, any medical manipulations are recommended only with full or at least local anesthesia. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only a nervous breakdown, but also a real pain shock;
  • "mermaid", or high tolerance interval. These people have a very high sensitivity, but if necessary, they are ready to endure pain for quite a long time. The best tactic for a person of this type is the right psychological attitude and moral preparation some time before he has to experience an unpleasant sensation.

Often, people with a high threshold simply cannot believe that a low threshold for pain sensitivity really exists. So, for example, some doctors believe that a patient who panicked at the sight of a syringe or a dental chair is pretending. However, just as no two people are the same, so there is no absolutely identical perception of pain.

To some extent, you can control the level of your sensitivity to the sensation of pain. It has been scientifically proven that under certain circumstances, at certain hours, as well as under the influence of various emotions, this parameter can change.

There are several proven methods that allow you to increase the degree of pain perception for some time:

  • increase in serotonin levels. You can influence the indicator of the "hormone of happiness" by including bananas, hazelnuts, milk, eggs, turkey and some other products in your diet that contribute to its increase in the blood;
  • psychological training. If you develop the skill of managing your emotions, you can learn to drown out the pain with the help of self- "causing" other feelings (anger, excitement, etc.);
  • "burning" therapy. Eating foods such as ginger, red pepper, mustard or horseradish has a distracting effect on pain receptors, gradually inhibiting their work;
  • release of endorphins. The level of the hormone responsible for the state of euphoria rises during active sports, during the period of falling in love and during creative activity.

It is also believed that the pain threshold of a person may vary depending on his age. According to scientific research, people between the ages of 10 and 30 are most sensitive to such sensations. Small children and those who have crossed the 30-year milestone feel much less pain, but it is much more difficult for them to endure this sensation.

Pain... It can be different, and we all treat it differently. Do you know why? Why do some of us panic even before the dentist's office, while others stoically endure various medical procedures and do not even need local anesthesia? Why, exactly like this?

Scientists say it's all about Each of us has a different pain threshold.. And, depending on this ability to endure suffering, as well as the “reserve” of pain, measured out to each of us and embedded in the human genetic code, we react differently to pain.

It is noteworthy that each of us needs to know as much information as possible about our pain threshold, because these data are no less important than weight, height, and other vital individual characteristics of the human body.

About the pain threshold, its types, and how to determine such a pain threshold our publication...

Have you ever wondered what units pain is measured in? In our tears and suffering? In screams and anguish? Or in those that appeared? Or maybe in the number of nerve cells that died at the peak of the pain? And what kind of unit is this, which is able to measure the pain threshold ...

Depending on the body's ability to perceive pain, nature conditionally divided all living things into 4 painful or, as science calls it, nociceptin types. And, you can find out which of these 4 types you personally belong to using a special measuring device called algesimeter. It is he who determines the degree of pain threshold.

How he does it? Gradually increasing strength of the electric current, the ratio of pressure indicators, the heating of certain areas of the skin on the human body - and this device captures certain indicators and the reaction of your body to such stimuli. It is this first reaction to a weak feeling of pain that determines the degree of your pain threshold.

After the pain threshold is crossed, all the following impacts are already growing, as the impact increases, and will increase as long as your patience and endurance are enough. The indicator on which you “broke” is the amount of pain tolerance. In other words, this is your limit, which you are still able to withstand, but by increasing the impact even by a milligram or a millimeter, you will already plunge into an ocean of painful sensations that are higher than your potential inherent in nature.

such an interval between the pain threshold - the beginning of pain exposure, and its upper point - the value of pain tolerance, scientists call the pain tolerance interval. And, its value is directly proportional to the willingness of a person to experience suffering.

It turns out that a possible clue to the strength of the spirit of martyrs, and other masochists, is actually that these people were simply adapted to pain and had a high pain tolerance value?! It is quite possible, although it is still not proven by science ...

Unfortunately, this type of examination, such as determining the pain threshold, is not available to district clinics and hospitals. Too sophisticated equipment is needed for this. But, let's face it, there would definitely be a benefit from such an examination.

This would help to determine the way drugs are administered to the human body, to select appropriate and effective analgesics in each individual case, and to determine the method of pain relief during surgery.

But, alas ... In addition, as psychologists assure,

between the pain threshold and the inner warehouse of the personality, in fact, there is a very close relationship, the knowledge of which could save us from many psychological problems ...

Pain threshold treatment video:

It is quite understandable that many of us can only dream of conducting such an examination to identify indicators of the pain threshold. However ... Below we will give you a description of each of the 4 types of pain threshold, and perhaps these classifications will be a hint for you and help you determine, at least offhand, your pain threshold.

  • Low pain threshold with low pain tolerance interval- experts call such people "princess and the pea." For such people, any pain is simply contraindicated, because they have a heightened perception of pain, both physical and mental, and by their nature they are simply not able to endure it. The slightest scratch is a reason for panic and hysteria, and a voluntary visit to a doctor and the realization that he can carry out any medical manipulations is like a crown of martyrdom for them. And, appealing to the consciousness of such people at these moments is simply useless. They really do not understand, and do not pretend at all, as it may seem at first glance. Therefore, put up with such a pain threshold as a given. Protect yourself or those close to you from pain and suffering. And, if you are faced with a choice - local or full anesthesia - choose the latter option. In your case, this is the best option or a painful shock and you will be guaranteed.
  • People with a low pain threshold and a high pain tolerance interval their experts call "mermaids". They are highly sensitive to pain, but still they have a share of common sense, therefore, they are ready to endure pain if necessary. For such people, the best recommendation on how to cope with pain is a preliminary moral preparation for pain, an appropriate psychological attitude and, of course, psychological “tricks”. Imagine your pain as a big balloon, from which you are gradually releasing air. The balloon deflates and there is no more pain...
  • People with a high pain threshold and a low pain tolerance interval- people "sleeping beauties and beauties." At first glance, it may seem that these people are completely devoid of feelings - they do not react to mild pain at all, but as soon as a certain pain threshold is crossed, the pain seems to blind them and they lose control of themselves. It is noteworthy that such people have no reserve of patience at all. And, under the guise of external calm, they hide a whole ocean of various feelings, impressions, experiences and emotions. It is very important for these people to control themselves and their impulses. And, to get rid of anxiety and nervous tension, medicinal preparations from such herbs as valerian, lemon balm, St. If you feel pain - ask for local anesthesia, but do not stand it, clenching your teeth. So you can "be patient" before fainting or pain shock.
  • People with a high pain threshold and pain tolerance interval- they are like real "steadfast tin soldiers". They cope well with pain and are not afraid of it. Many of them can even flaunt their resilience and refuse anesthesia. What for? They do not experience pain, have a large margin of patience and have a low susceptibility to painful sensations. These people are born warriors, athletes and... the most terrible doctors in the world who do not know how to sympathize with their patients, because they themselves do not know what pain is. The only recommendation for such people is to remember that not all other people, such as you, can hurt other people, and you must be sympathetic to their feelings and experiences.

The level of perception of pain in people depends on many external factors and individual characteristics. Pain is perceived differently by men and women, this is due to physiological and psychological differences.

The pain threshold is the limit at which an individual begins to feel pain. The degree of sensitivity to it can be high and low. At a high threshold, a strong impact is required in order to feel pain, but if it is low, a small stimulus is enough.

It differs in people and the level of tolerance - this is the bar at which a person is able to endure it.

Each person has their own pain threshold, which is influenced by factors such as:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • gender;
  • group B;
  • the degree of general fatigue, stress;
  • diseases, inflammatory processes in the body;
  • individual physiological, psychosomatic features.

The pain threshold is not constant. Under the influence of overwork, beriberi, it can significantly decrease. This indicator is affected by various diseases - when the body is weakened, it is more sensitive to irritants than when it is healthy and full of strength.

It can be developed and trained. For example, adherents of power sports experience loads, falls that are inaccessible to an ordinary person. By exercising, they are easier to relate to external stimuli, their susceptibility to pain is reduced.

Athletes are able to withstand much more impact than the average person and endure it for a long time.

Pain threshold is influenced by internal and external factors. Differing in different people, it can vary depending on the state, the psychological mood of the person and the level of his fitness.

Find out about the factors that affect the pain threshold from the proposed video.

Pain threshold: how to determine?

The level of perception of pain is not constant, however, it is measurable. For this, a special device is used - an algesimeter.

A person spends his life in constant motion, the integral companions of which are injuries and bruises. Pain is one of the natural stimuli and regulators of human actions, which forces the body to take care of itself and protect itself from various injuries. Each person has an individual pain susceptibility, and this explains the fact that the same actions cause different reactions in different people. No wonder some of us are absolutely calm about injections or any other medical procedures, while others lose consciousness even at the very thought of a syringe and the slightest touch.

What is pain threshold and how to measure it

We can say that the pain threshold is the maximum allowable feeling of pain that a person can endure without serious consequences for their health. It is the ability to feel discomfort that can sometimes distinguish a normal person from a person suffering from mental disorders, express the individual's sense of self in the world around him and show his attitude towards it. Unfortunately, there is no universal system for reliably measuring the strength of physical impact, since all our feelings are relative, so the pain threshold is a subjective value.

Sensitivity changes

With the advent of the new millennium, pediatricians noticed that more and more children began to appear with an overestimated pain threshold, although it is rather difficult to explain this phenomenon. In addition, people become more sensitive to pain with overwork and beriberi, with serious diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.

In stressful situations, for example, with strong fear or aggression, the pain threshold may increase, and prolonged stress, on the contrary, makes a person more vulnerable. Unlike men, in women, feelings are extremely closely related to the hormonal background, so women's sensitivity to pain can change over time. It is believed that the representatives of the stronger sex have a higher pain threshold than women, but this is not always the case. In everyday life, even the slightest scratch can cause tears in women, but during childbirth, the fairer sex can show inhuman endurance. By the onset of menopause, the individual pain threshold, as a rule, decreases, although in some cases the opposite occurs. In addition, during the day it also changes, at night all the senses seem to be more acute. Women are more vulnerable to sharp pain, but prolonged exposure is much easier than men.

This feeling is directly related to human psychology, because subjective perception can only worsen the situation and increase discomfort. Fear of possible pain provokes deception, it may seem that he is already unbearably ill, although there is no effect yet. With age, the sensitivity decreases significantly, which may be due to age-related pathological changes in the conductive and vessels.

In some cases, a low pain threshold can be a sign of depression, but a decrease in sensitivity is sometimes a symptom of the development of schizophrenia or another similar mental illness. Of course, a person can independently try to change his pain threshold, but not always training will give the expected result. Self-torture is not characteristic of a mentally healthy person, because we are led by people who harm themselves to get unpleasant sensations, need urgent medical and

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