Eyes hurt after sleep what to do. Disease of the blood vessels that feed the eyeball. Reasons why eyes can stick together

And whiskey is a fairly common occurrence. Such a condition can be attributed to overwork, but in some cases the causes of pain are much more serious.

Why do eyes hurt?

Initially, it is worth paying attention to the fact that often pain in the head is accompanied by a feeling of pain and pressure in the eyes. These symptoms are not random and have specific causes.

First of all, you need to realize that the eye is a direct extension of the brain. It is connected to it through such anatomical structures as the optic tracts. Therefore, those negative processes that can occur in the brain sometimes affect the condition of the eyes.

The second reason for the widespread distribution of headaches lies in the rich innervation of the membrane of the brain and eyes (a large number of nerve endings). It is this fact that determines the spread of a pain impulse to the eye area, which can occur due to various pathological processes.

So, in order to get a full answer to the question of why the eyes hurt so much, this feature must be taken into account without fail.

Features and causes of migraines

When the word "migraine" is used, it means an intense headache that comes on suddenly and recurs periodically. In most cases, it is felt in the region of one hemisphere and has a pulsating character.

Often migraine is localized in the orbital-frontal-temporal region. The consequence of such pain can even be nausea, heightened sensitivity and photophobia. Studying, and the head, this reason should be considered as one of the main ones.

Learn more about migraine symptoms

Against the background of other types of headache, this one stands out with especially vivid symptoms. There are certain sensations that may precede and accompany a migraine:

Vomiting, dizziness, nausea.

Heightened perception of smells, sounds and light. In this state, everything that surrounds the patient seems too bright to him.

Visual disturbances are also possible, due to which luminous objects appear in the field of view.

With a severe migraine, speech disturbance, tingling and even numbness of the extremities can be observed.

These signs are called an aura. By itself, a migraine is a rather painful condition that is very exhausting. For this reason, after the pains disappear, there is weakness and a desire to sleep.

Cluster or bundle pain

This type of headache can be described as throbbing and sharp. They are usually felt in the forehead and eyes. Those who cannot understand why their eyes hurt and watery should pay attention to the cluster type, since it mainly leads to tearing.

Such pains are more likely to develop in men aged 30 years and older who smoke too hard.

In most cases, it is the smoked cigarette that activates the mechanisms that provoke the occurrence of cluster pain. Drinking alcohol and even changing weather conditions can also cause pain in the eyes and forehead.

Understanding why the eyes of people of different ages hurt, it is worth noting that beam pains are severe, intense, prolonged and periodic. It is not easy to treat them, and even the use of effective painkillers can only give the desired result for a short period of time.

One of the varieties of cluster pain is paroxysmal chronic hemicrania. With this variety, in addition to the sensations described above, a burning, severe pain in the face can be added. This type appears most often in women who have reached the age of forty or older.

CSF pain

To understand why the child's eyes and head hurt, it is worth paying attention to this diagnosis. We are talking about pain that was the result of liquorodynamic disorders that arose under the influence of injuries, various diseases or perinatal lesions of the central nervous system.

Such pains can make themselves felt when the volumetric processes caused by the flow increase. They limit the space inside the skull, which leads to severe pain.

Such processes should be understood as abscesses, brain tumors and cysts. The most dangerous and severe is a headache with the development of a tumor of the posterior cranial fossa. Pain is localized in the back of the head. This creates pressure on the eyes.

To understand why the eyes hurt, you need to pay attention to intracranial hypotension, which develops against the background of a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid secretion).


This disease cannot be called widespread. However, in some cases, it is it that causes headaches that capture the eyes. This diagnosis, in fact, means inflammation of the mucous membranes of the frontal sinuses. This disease develops due to exposure to a bacterial or viral infection.

Understanding why the temples and eyes hurt with this disease, it is worth paying attention to the symptoms. In addition to severe pain in the eyes, there is a discharge of mucus from the stuffy sinuses and there is difficulty in breathing.

The nature of the pain can be defined as intense and acute. This symptomatology is somewhat reminiscent of neuralgia.

Pain of tension

Questions from the category “why the eyes and temples hurt” are the most frequent, since quite a lot of people are faced with a similar problem. And one of the simplest answers will be the effect of long-term stress. When a person endures a prolonged load and is in great tension for a long time, pain occurs in the temple area.

In this condition, there may be an increased tone of the facial, shoulder and neck muscles. This leads to a deterioration in blood supply, as a result of which substances such as histamines accumulate. The pain arising in the muscular girdle is projected to the head.

To understand why your eyes hurt when you move them, you need to take into account such a factor as the tension of the eyeballs themselves. The fact is that the muscles of the eyes are not designed for the overloads that they have to experience in modern labor conditions. We are talking about long work with papers or at the computer, especially at night.

Often, eye pain during movement and a feeling of sand are the result of poor visual hygiene.

Vascular diseases

Due to ischemia, the blood supply to the eye can be impaired. This information is worth knowing to everyone who wonders why the eyes hurt after sleep and during the day. This pathology can be detected with the help of ultrasound. For qualified treatment, it is worth contacting a specialist in the field of cardiology and an ophthalmologist.

Coronary disease should be taken as seriously as possible, since it is a chronic disease and is treated comprehensively over many months.


This is another reason why eye pain can be felt. The essence of the problem in this case is reduced to increased eye pressure.

With this disease, pain is felt in the eyeballs, occipital and temporal regions of the head. Moreover, glaucoma can cause vision loss.

You can determine this disease at the initial stage by the blurring of images, the appearance of fog in the eyes and halos around everything that emits light. In some cases, nausea, vomiting and general weakness of the body may occur. That's why your eyes hurt and you want to sleep.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why the eyes, head and temples hurt. Therefore, for effective treatment, accurate diagnosis is necessary, which involves a visit to the doctor.

The eyes are the most sensitive human organs, thanks to a developed network of pain receptors - highly sensitive, finely tuned nerve endings, which in many ways provide protection to this vital organ.

It is quite difficult to define what pain in the eyes is. Optometrists believe that eye problems can range from discomfort around or inside the eye to nagging pain in the whites of the eye.

There is, rather, a paradoxical situation when, with too immobile position of the eyes or their prolonged tension, fatigue of the oculomotor muscles can occur. Therefore, there is a feeling of dull pain after prolonged work with a computer monitor or reading a thick novel in the eye socket.

The nerve endings of the eye are highly sensitive and sometimes the slightest damage to the surface of the eye, for example, from a gust of cold, dry air or scratching from an eyelash that has grown inside the eyelid, is enough to send pain signals to the brain. As a result, there is a feeling of tingling or pain in the eyes.

Also, these hypersensitive receptors can be irritated by other factors. With infectious processes of the sinuses, inflammation of the muscles adjacent to them can occur. In this case, there may be pulsating, sometimes shooting pains in the back of the eyeball. In such cases, even a simple movement of the eyes can cause pain.

Causes of eye pain

Common causes of eye pain are:

If the light falling on the pages of the book is too weak or the overhead light is too harsh, you may experience even more pronounced pain in the eyes. Fatigue of the eye muscles can also occur with incorrectly fitted glasses or outdated contact lenses.

Sometimes the pain felt in the eyes comes from other parts of the body. What we think of as pain in the eye may actually be a headache or pain associated with muscle tension in the face. However, if you have severe pain, redness of the eyes and blurred vision, then the cause of the disorders is probably uveitis, i.e. inflammation of the pigmented areas of the eye. Often this is due to infection in the eye from some part of the body.

Severe pain in the eyes that is accompanied by other symptoms (mostly nausea and halo around the light source) may be a sign of glaucoma, a disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure and leading to blindness of the eyes if left untreated. You should immediately consult a doctor to prevent serious complications. If the pain in the eyes was caused not by a strong gust of wind or an eyelash that accidentally fell under the eyelid, but by unclear reasons, then it may turn out that the eyes hurt for a reason, but signaling some kind of disease.

Causes of stabbing pain in the eyes

Pain in the eyes can be expressed in simply unpleasant sensations, or it can be quite sharp, pulling. The occurrence of stabbing pain in the eyes can be due to a number of reasons, the most common of them are the following factors:

Regardless of what reason caused the onset of pain in the eyes, one must not forget that this may be a signal of a particular problem, the solution of which may require contacting the clinic.

Diseases in which the eyes hurt

The most common diseases in which the eyes hurt are:

  • glaucoma;
  • migraine;
  • blepharitis;
  • Sjögren's syndrome;
  • optic neuritis.

Often, eye pain appears after a cold or herpes. In autoimmune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis), inflammation in the eyes and the source of the infection can be difficult to identify. In case of circulatory disorders in the eyeball, there is discomfort and pain in the eye.

Developing eye infection

Inflammation occurs as a result of infection, and bacteria or viruses enter the eye not only from the external environment, but also from foci of chronic infection of the human body. For example, if a patient has ever had a urogenital infection, suffers from recurrent caries.

Often, the search for an infection that causes inflammation of the eye does not bring a tangible result, since inflammation supports its own body against the background of an autoimmune disease (rheumatoid arthritis, vasculitis, etc.). Such inflammation of the eye is called uveitis, which is one of the most “ungrateful” in terms of treating the disease, since the occurrence of relapses is inevitable and long courses of anti-relapse therapy have to be carried out.

Sometimes pain is caused by inflammation of the branches after hypothermia or a viral infection, such as herpes.

Disease of the blood vessels that feed the eyeball

Pain in the eyes is felt due to a disease of the vessels that feed the eyeball, which occurs due to the development of insufficient blood supply to the eye and surrounding tissues of the orbit (ischemia). This condition can only be determined by examining the vessels by ultrasonic triplex scanning, and the treatment is carried out in conjunction with a cardiologist.

Dry eye syndrome

Recently, a very common disease that often develops during prolonged work on a computer, in a room with air conditioning and fluorescent lighting. Ophthalmologists currently have an extensive arsenal of modern tools for the prevention and control of this pathology. This problem worries up to 18% of the world's inhabitants.

Dry eyes, discomfort, redness and other unpleasant sensations are more likely to bother those who are constantly in a heated or air-conditioned room and work at a computer for a long time. Therefore, the eyes need to provide moisture by creating a protective film on the surface of the cornea.

People who periodically feel discomfort in the eyes may be prescribed eye drops of a complex effect. The formula of this solution includes a complex of moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and healing substances that can save a person from the feeling of sand in the eyes and other unpleasant sensations associated with dryness of the cornea.

Pain during eye movement can be a symptom of the following diseases:

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

If your eyes hurt, you can not do without a medical consultation. This is necessary to make a diagnosis and start the right treatment. It should be remembered that pain in the eye can mean the threat of a sharp deterioration or even loss of vision. Be sure to contact if:

Diagnosis of pain in the eyes

Accurate and competent diagnosis is important for determining the root cause of pain and timely effective treatment. Held

  • visometry;
  • biomicroscopy;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • perimetry;
  • tonometry;
  • Ultrasound of the eye and orbit;
  • if necessary, MRI of the brain.

Eye pain treatment

If you have pain in your eyes should not self-medicate because the consequences of this can be very dire.

It must be remembered that eye pain is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor. Timely and adequate treatment will prevent serious complications and possible loss of vision. The doctor will determine the cause of the pain in the eyes and prescribe treatment. You can take self-treatment measures if you experience eye fatigue from working at a computer.

In order to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of eye fatigue, increase efficiency and avoid visual impairment, doctors recommend taking vitamins with lutein, for example, Vitrum Vision Forte. It is a complex of lutein, antioxidants and blueberry extract, designed specifically to support and maintain vision and is a medicinal product that distinguishes it from many other vitamins. Perarat has been clinically tested and proven to be effective. Lutein, which protects the retina and increases visual acuity, is supplemented with vitamins A, C, E, B2, zeaxanthin, selenium, rutin and zinc, blueberry extract, which together effectively helps relieve fatigue and prevent visual impairment.

In addition, you should follow the safety rules when working with sharp objects, pyrotechnics and chemicals - use safety glasses when working with objects dangerous to the eyes. It is necessary to choose the right glasses and wear high-quality contact lenses.

Usually, ophthalmologists recommend hydrogel lenses to prevent pain and dryness in the eyes when wearing contact lenses, but now lenses made of "hypergel" material are gaining popularity. This material fully corresponds to the moisture content of the cornea and mimics the action of the natural lipid layer of the tear film, which significantly increases the comfort of wearing lenses and eliminates problems with dry eyes.

Hydrogel lenses include, for example, Biotrue ONEday lenses. Experts note that these lenses are ideal for those who spend a lot of time in office premises with air-conditioned dry air, as they have an optimal moisture content equal to the amount of moisture in the cornea of ​​the human eye. These lenses stay comfortable even after wearing them for more than 16 hours due to their unique ability to retain moisture, which is beneficial for the eyes, reducing the risk of fatigue and redness at the end of the day.

Folk remedies for eye pain

Alternative methods of treatment do not cease to be relevant and the eyes are no exception. In fact, nature has given us hundreds of unique herbs and plants that effectively help with various eye diseases. What is important to know for patients who, with an eye disease, choose alternative treatment for themselves and resort to the long-known recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers?

The most important thing (this applies not only to the eyes, but also to other diseases) is that before starting treatment, even with harmless natural remedies, you need to know what exactly you are going to treat. That is, you should not avoid consulting an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, the method chosen by you may not bring the expected effect or even harm. Of the best traditional medicine recipes, we offer you those that are time-tested and safe.

Eye cleansing brewing tea or decoction of chamomile infusion bought at a pharmacy. Brew, let steep and pass through a cheesecloth or strainer, dip a cotton pad and wipe the eyes for inflammation, which often occurs as a reaction to seasonal changes. During these seasons, the eyes are especially sensitive to such changes and require more careful attention.
Excellent eye product brown algae called ficus. The widest range of vitamins increases resistance to inflammatory processes, quickly restores the eyes after excessive stress, and keeps the eyes in general in good shape. Prepare for your eyes ice cubes from the infusion of these algae. To do this, you need 3 tbsp. pour boiling water over these algae, let stand overnight in a thermos. Pour the decoction into the molds and freeze, then wipe them around the eyes at night. When it hits the eyeball, it's not scary, it's even good. Spend a course of 1 to 2 weeks. For severe pain in the eyes, carry out the procedure in the morning.
An excellent eye cleanser pure morning dew. Wash it off slowly and thoroughly. With daily use, the result is obvious.
Plantain leaves, cornflower petals and cumin(1:1:2) tsp grind, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 3 hours. Then strain and drip 3 drops up to 5 times / day for inflammation and overwork of the eyes.
In inflammatory processes, lotions are suitable. They are made from decoction of raspberry flowers and fresh cucumber juice in a ratio of 1:1. Apply cotton swabs and within 10 minutes. keep in front of.
For trachoma, instill eyes dandelion root juice 2-3 rubles / day, 1 drop.
For conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids, grind aloe leaf, pour boiling water 1:10, stand for a while, strain, apply swabs soaked in infusion.
Agave you can also chop, steam with boiling water and inhale its vapors or rinse your mouth with this decoction, eye pain will noticeably decrease.
Juice mixes spinach and carrots 3:5 is taken on an empty stomach daily for astigmatism and conjunctivitis. The daily dose is 2 tbsp.
For keratitis, corneal ulcers and conjunctivitis, diluted in boiled water is suitable natural honey in a ratio of 1:2. Use it as lotions and eye drops.
With glaucoma mature honey instill 2 rubles / day, 1 drop for a long time.
When impose curdled milk compresses.
With a thorn, shroud and visual impairment - bury tincture of celery 2 rubles / day.

Prevention of eye pain

It is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day to your organ of vision and pain in the eyes can be bypassed. To do this, every two hours you should do a little gymnastics for the eyes.

In addition, when working at a computer, the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye dries out a lot, so the simplest eye drops will save your eyes from drying out and make it possible to avoid premature pain in the eyes.

In each of these cases, it is very important that the pain in the eyes be diagnosed by an ophthalmologist. Untimely access to a specialist can lead to undesirable consequences, and as a result, loss of part of vision.

Preventive measures to help prevent eye disease include the following:

Personal hygiene. Avoid touching the eyes with dirty hands, use only individual towels. In case of using contact lenses, follow all the recommendations of the optometrist.
In case of accidental contact with foreign particles, dust, detergents, etc. in the eyes. Rinse immediately with water and contact your optometrist if you experience pain or irritation afterwards.
Avoid contact with chemical and other reactive agents, use personal protective equipment if your work involves them.
Regularly pay attention to the protection of vision (do not read in poor lighting, monitor posture while taking care of the desk, do not overstrain the organ of vision and take breaks in work if it is connected with a computer, documentation, etc., requiring constant eye strain).
If you are an office worker, then there is a risk of developing "dry eye syndrome" (due to continuous work on the computer, being in an air-conditioned room). To prevent this from happening, alternate work on the computer and short breaks, use drops that moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes, the so-called "artificial tears".
Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, visit nature more often, give up smoking, normalize the regime of work and rest, follow a balanced diet.
To avoid sunburn of the eyes in the summer, wear sunglasses, hats.
Be careful in situations where eye injury is possible.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Sitting on a chair, hands on the back of the head to fix the head in a stationary state (it is possible on the belt), we maintain our posture. The head is motionless. Eye movements are performed slowly, qualitatively, with maximum amplitude.

"Looking up and down"

Hands on the back of the head. 1 - Raise your eyes up, look up, see what is there. 2 - Lower your eyes down, look. 4 times.

"We look to the right - to the left"


Circular eye movements clockwise and counterclockwise for 4 circles. Imagine a small hoop in your field of vision and slowly, evenly move your eyes along it.

"Roll the barrel - 1"

We train concentration of attention and imaginative thinking. Imagine a heavy barrel near your feet. Now mentally with your eyes, slowly roll the barrel forward as far as possible. Then, do the same by rolling the barrel back towards you. 2 times.

"Roll the barrel - 2"

The previous task can be complicated if we imagine that the barrel rolls on an inclined plane: from itself - up the hill, towards itself - from under the hill to the top.


Eyes look in the upper right corner. Move your eyes to the lower right corner. Now to the lower left corner. To the top left corner. Starting position: top right corner. Let's draw 3 "squares" in one direction and in the other.

"Close Your Eyes"

1 - Close your eyes tightly. 2 - Open your eyes wide. 6 times.


The head is motionless, draw figure-eights with eyes in one direction and the other.

"Point on Glass"

On the window glass, attach a dot with a diameter of 2 cm at eye level to look directly at this dot. Stand at such a distance that it is comfortable to look at the point, being as close to it as possible. This distance from the eyes to the point is about 50 cm.

Slowly shift your gaze from the point to a large object in the yard that is behind the point. It can be a tree, a window of another house, and other objects. Now slowly return your gaze from the object on the street to the point. Continue doing 3 to 10 minutes daily. This will help strengthen the lens muscles and improve vision.


Place a picture or photograph in front of you, for example, with views of nature. Take a good look at all the details of the picture. Close your eyes (no need to close your eyes), cover them with your palms and remember everything that you have just considered. We train visual memory and attention.

"Eyes in place, head turning"

Hands on the belt. Fix your gaze on an object located directly in front of you at eye level. Slowly turn your head to the right, then to the left, without taking your eyes off the selected object. We tilt our head forward and then back, the gaze is fixed on the subject. 3-4 head movements in each direction.

"What is around me?"

Hands on the belt. Look ahead at the subject. Without moving your eyes from the point chosen in front and without moving your head, try to see with peripheral vision what is on the right, left, above and below.

Pain in the eyes during pregnancy

During pregnancy, as the future baby grows, the center of gravity of the pregnant woman's body shifts forward. To return the center of gravity to the center of the support area, the muscles of the back and neck are tensed. Tense neck muscles can compress the vessels of the neck (usually the veins that carry blood from the cranial cavity) and stretch the muscles of the scalp. Hence the typical pain in the eyes, characteristic of pregnant women. There may be eye pain and headache at the same time.

Since medication is limited during pregnancy, non-drug treatments come to the rescue, primarily osteopathy, similar to the treatment of headaches during pregnancy. Pain in the forehead and eyes in pregnant women can also be a symptom of increased intraocular pressure. Therefore, the standard of pregnancy management includes periodic examination by an ophthalmologist.

Eye pain in children

Most often, eye pain in children occurs against the background of inflammation and an increase in the size of the adenoids or tonsils. If a child complains of pain in the eyes - it is worth listening to his nasal breathing - it may be difficult due to the adenoids. In this case, the child may snore and snore during sleep, in severe cases, breathe through the mouth, not the nose. The more adenoids are enlarged, the stronger and more often the child's eyes and head hurt.

Enlarged tonsils are visible if you ask the child to open his mouth and breathe through his mouth. Treatment of adenoids and chronic tonsillitis in most cases eliminates the pain in the eyes of a child.

Pain in the eye area in children can also be caused by severe allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa, in which case the child most often complains of severe pain in the temples and eyes along with impaired nasal breathing. If the inflammatory process is one-sided, then the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye hurts on the same side where the nose is blocked.

Questions and answers on the topic "Pain in the eyes"

Question:Hello! About 8 months ago I noticed that the vessels in my eyes were always red, sometimes my eyes hurt. The ophthalmologist said that she did not know the reason, apparently such a feature. I am 29. I work as a manicurist.

Answer: There can be many reasons: from ordinary fatigue to diabetes and anemia. We recommend visiting a therapist to identify additional symptoms and examination.

Question:Hello. Lately, I have been working at the computer for a long time without a break. In the evenings, the eyeballs from above began to hurt. The left eye is stronger. Today I did not work with the computer, but by the evening my eyes hurt from above. Advise what to do, please.

Question:I sinned on conjunctivitis when there was a feeling of sand in my eyes. I ran to the pharmacy, bought albucid. I dripped for two weeks until I realized that something was not right. The sand did not pass, and my eyes began to water. I had to go to the clinic. The doctor said this happens when the body lacks nutrients. But if you do not respond in time, you can earn glaucoma over time. He prescribed to drink orlit and observe the regimen (in the sense of reducing the load on the eyes and sleeping at least 8 hours a day). I have been drinking for almost three weeks, the tears are gone almost immediately, but the sand has not yet left. Maybe one tablet is not enough?

Answer: Hello! Orlit is vitamins. Prevention and treatment of dry eye syndrome: first you need to correctly build a daily routine; drink enough liquid; after prolonged stress on vision, relax your eyes with special gymnastics - or just blink and look away for a few minutes; raising immunity; eye hygiene; replenishment of tear fluid with the help of special drops or ointments.

Question:Hello, my eyes hurt from bright light and dim light, when working at a computer and in general they hurt all the time, periodically floats before my eyes, when I blink everything goes away. Vision is 100%, eye pressure is normal. Tell me, what could it be?

Answer: Hello! The most common cause of the symptoms you describe is dry eye syndrome. We recommend dripping: Balarian - 1k x 3r - 1 month, Sistane - 1k x 3r, a break between instillations - 15 minutes.

Question:The child often complains of eye pain. When pain occurs, he sometimes closes them, his eyes water a little, sometimes red hairs appear on the surface of the protein. No itching, no itchy eyes. The pain passes quickly, but occurs often. He does not complain about headaches. The child is allergic (for house dust - mites, for cats, strawberries) with allergies scratches his nose, sneezes, a clear liquid is released from his nose. Were at the appointment with an allergist with a complaint about the eyes, he prescribed lekrolin drops, flixonase spray, erius syrup, but the treatment did not work, the eyes still hurt. It does not look like an allergy, he does not scratch his eyes. Vision is good, the fundus of the eye is okay. The pains began a year ago upon arrival from the south. The child is 6 years old.

Question:Hello! Please answer my question! Already 2 days on sick leave, temperature 37-37.4, aching all joints, runny nose, dry cough, until I went to the doctor, at first I decided to lie down, but then the pain in the eyes began, it hurts to move the eyeball, can you advise any medicine or drops , procedures at home? There is no redness, burning or other painful sensations!

Answer: Your complaints match the flu clinic. This disease is also characterized by complaints from the organs of vision. First of all, I recommend consulting a local therapist to prescribe adequate therapy for the underlying disease. To prevent complications from the organs of vision, use in the first 4 days a solution of human leukocyte interferon, 1 drop 5-6 times a day, and in parallel, a solution of Poludan, 1 drop 5-6 times a day in both eyes. Most likely, it will not improve, but it will prevent complications. And shade your room, refrain from reading books and watching TV for the first 2 days. Let your eyes rest.

Question:The night before, there were no symptoms of ill health. In the morning it turned out that it was impossible to open the right eye - severe pain, pain from the inside of the eyeball, lacrimation. Half an hour later, the nasal passage began. At times in the right eye there is a strong stabbing pain from the inside, redness. It hurts to open an eye. Prompt the diagnosis and treatment. Thank you.

Answer: Similar symptoms are possible with blockage of the lacrimal canal. I recommend that you urgently contact an ophthalmologist without delay. In addition, acute pain in the eye may be associated with an acute inflammatory process, herpes zoster, or foreign body ingress.

Question:The child is 5.5 years old. He often complains that his eyes hurt. Third them. At the consultation, the ophthalmologist found nothing, said that everything was fine. A computerized examination revealed slight eye strain. What to do? Which specialist to contact for treatment? Thank you.

Answer: The fact that the child often rubs his eyes and complains of pain is a sign of the discomfort he is experiencing. Unfortunately, the reasons for this discomfort can only be assumed without examining your child.

Question:Hello! About two years ago I hurt my eye with a sharp branch. The branch got into the squirrel itself. It hurt for a couple of days, I dripped eye drops and the pain itself went away. I didn't go to the doctor. Literally last year (a year after the injury), after a flight from another country, I began to feel pain in this eye! But, pokapav drops passed. As I noticed, the pain appears from lack of sleep or after a plane flight - and this is once every 2 or 3 months. Sharp, cutting pain. At the site of impact, redness of the vessels appears. But as soon as I drop drops, the pain stops. I went to the doctor, but she did not see anything, the diagnosis was not made. She said, as the pain and inflammation appear again, immediately consult a doctor. What could it be? Whether it is possible to cure somehow. The pain is terrible, it is impossible to work if there is no drop at hand. Please, help.

Question:Hello. My left eye has been hurting for about a month now. The pain is pressing, dull, sometimes disappears, but then resumes again. The pain is localized, as a rule, in the upper part of the eye, often combined with pain in the left temple, sometimes pain is added in the region of the left eyebrow. Sometimes, when working with a computer, cutting pain can also be added, but, basically, the eyeball hurts. She was checked by several ophthalmologists - the eye is healthy, the only thing they found was constricted blood vessels. Prescribed drops of tobradex and anti-inflammatory - indomethacin. I'm on treatment, but so far it hasn't helped. They also sent me to an ENT specialist (once in my childhood I had sinusitis + my eye began to hurt after a slight runny nose, which I quickly cured) and a neurologist (there is osteochondrosis). The ENT looked - everything is clean, appointed a picture of the sinuses - everything is fine too. The neurologist said that, perhaps, this is a consequence of osteochondrosis, she prescribed a picture of the vessels of the brain (I haven’t done it yet) and drink the vasodilator Cavinton for 1 month (I didn’t drink it yet, I decided not to interfere with other medicines). I am 27 years old. Thanks in advance for your advice.

Answer: I recommend checking it out first. What image of blood vessels did the neurologist order for you? Maybe we are talking about an X-ray of the neck or an ultrasound examination of the vessels of the brain or MRI in the vascular mode? After you do an examination, write down the results. If an x-ray of the cervical region is prescribed, I recommend that, in addition to standard positions, take functional pictures (flexion-extension) as well.

Question:Hello. My job is related to daily work at the computer. As a result, I wear reading glasses, I can hardly see the fine print on the boxes. But during the day I feel a sharp pain, clouding. Periodically lacrimation, and on sunny days I can’t look straight because of the pain in my eyes (I squint) and lower my head. The clinic prescribed drops, but I feel they do not help. Please advise what to do. Thank you.

Answer: Hello! You have a manifestation of the computer syndrome, so it is recommended to practice visual stress hygiene, rest every 40-45 minutes and perform special exercises to train accommodation and convergence. You should use tear substitutes in drops, because. with visual stress, the cornea "dries up", which causes discomfort and lacrimation.

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Eye inflammation symptoms

  • glaucoma
  • cyclites
  • keratitis
  • blepharitis
  • uveitis
  • conjunctivitis

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Eyes are one of the most sensitive and vital important human organs.

That's why morning discomfort in one of them is capable of not only spoil the mood and reduce performance during the day.

This symptom is also may indicate serious problems(inflammation, viral infection, allergic reaction, etc.) that require an immediate solution.

Various medications are used to relieve pain.(drops, ointments) and folk remedies.

It is worth noting! If the pain in the eyes after sleep persists for a long period of time and no drugs work, you should contact a specialist as soon as possible and find out the cause of the discomfort.

Main symptoms

If it hurts to open your eyes after sleep or in the morning, then the following characteristic symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Cutting and burning sensation (as if sand had been poured into the eyes).
  • Severe itching (may recur periodically).
  • Redness and photophobia.
  • Intensive tearing.
  • Purulent discharge (in the morning there may be sticky eyelids due to pus accumulated on the eyelashes).
  • Turbidity.
  • Edema (upper or lower eyelid).
  • Excessive dryness in the eye.
  • Sensation of a foreign object (as if a mote or eyelash has fallen).
  • Pain on blinking.

Sometimes at the same time(in addition to the above symptoms) vision may be impaired or become fuzzy.

Causes of discomfort

Note! Causes of eye pain after waking up can be the following factors:

  • Poor personal eye hygiene(makeup not washed off at night, lack of water procedures before bedtime).
    As a result, dust accumulated on the eyelids and eyelashes can penetrate directly into the mucous membrane, causing pain.
  • Fatigue and eye strain.
    It occurs when working for many hours at a computer, as well as when reading books from the screen of a tablet or smartphone, especially in low light.
  • Wrongly matched contact lenses or glasses (including improper care for them).
  • Lack of proper sleep and rest.
    If a person goes to bed late and sleeps less than 5-6 hours, the eyes do not have time to recover properly.
  • Trauma and mucosal injury(e.g. if there is strong wind, sand can get into the eye and cause irritation).
  • Allergy used cosmetics, cleansers, food, flowering plants or pet hair.
    A distinctive feature in this case is that the discomfort stops after the elimination of the irritating factor.
  • Decreased immunity and colds accompanied by cough and runny nose.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
    Insufficient hydration of the mucosa due to being in a dusty or smoky room, as well as as a result of prolonged work at the computer.
  • Hormonal changes in the body(for example, during menopause).

Know! Other causes of discomfort may be inflammatory diseases of the eyeball, including:

  • Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, either as a result of an allergic reaction, or when infected with pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi).
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye of traumatic or infectious origin).
  • Uveitis (inflammation of the choroid of the eye).
  • Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids and swelling).
  • Cyclite(inflammation of the ciliary body).
  • Glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure).

To identify the exact cause of pain(especially when they appear periodically) need to see an ophthalmologist.

This is explained by the fact that in the case of an existing inflammatory disease, serious complications are possible (the pathology can become chronic, and eventually lead to blindness - in the absence of adequate and timely treatment).


Keep in mind! Depending on the cause of discomfort, experts recommend:

  • Eliminate annoying factors(for example, in case of allergies, use hypoallergenic products, carry out wet cleaning in the room, etc.).
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Give your eyes the rest they need(for example, if you work at a computer, take a 15-minute break at least once an hour).
  • get enough sleep(minimum 7-8 hours).
  • Maintain eye hygiene(carry out water procedures in the morning and evening, do not go to bed with makeup).
  • Get your eyes checked by an optometrist and if necessary, fit other lenses or glasses (including not touching the lenses with dirty hands and using only clean lens cases).
  • Treat colds early.
  • Be examined by an endocrinologist(for the presence of hormonal disorders).

Eye drops and ointments

Important! In case of inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to use the following drugs:

  • Aktipol (drops).
    An effective antiviral and immunomodulatory agent intended for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis and keratitis.
    In addition, the drug can be used for dry eye syndrome or in case of overwork.
    It is recommended to instill 1-2 drops into the conjunctival sac up to 6-8 times a day (with an inflammatory disease).
    Course of treatment: 5-7 days.
    And to eliminate dryness and pain, 1-2 drops are enough. 2-3 times a day.
    The average price is 300 rubles (5 ml).
  • Tetracycline ointment.
    Antimicrobial and bacteriostatic agent for the treatment of conjunctivitis and pain relief after waking up.
    The ointment must be placed in the conjunctival cavity up to 3-5 times a day (in case of inflammation).
    Price - 75 rubles (5 g).
  • Opatanol (drops).
    An anti-allergic agent to relieve allergy symptoms and subsequent discomfort.
    Bury 1 drop 2 times a day. Price - 480 rubles (5 ml).
  • Oftocypro (ointment).
    A broad-spectrum antimicrobial drug intended for the treatment of diseases such as keratitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, etc.
    Lay behind the lower eyelid (in a small amount) up to 3 times a day.
    Course of treatment: 5-7 days (on average). Price - 180 rubles (3 g).
  • Tobrex (drops).
    Broad-spectrum antibiotic, effective for the treatment of conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, cyclitis, etc.
    Instill 1-2 drops every 4 hours (until symptoms disappear). Price - 185 rubles (5 ml).

In each case, an individual dosage and course of treatment is required.(especially in the case of glaucoma) - for this you should consult a doctor.

Be careful! Self-medication is not recommended, because in the case of inflammatory diseases it can only aggravate the situation.

Folk remedies

As a folk remedy it is worth trying lotions and rinses from pharmaceutical herbs(chamomile, sage, etc.).

And, unlike pharmaceuticals, they won't do any harm.

To prepare a decoction, you need 1 tbsp. l. dry grass (or filter bag) pour a glass of boiling water, then cool (strain - if necessary) and apply on closed eyelids for 10-15 minutes (or rinse eyes with decoction).

Frequency of procedures: 5-6 times a day(until the pain disappears).

Useful video

From this video you will learn the causes, symptoms and treatment of pain and pain in the eyes:

Eyes can hurt after sleeping due to various factors., whether it be inflammatory diseases or elementary non-compliance with hygiene.

All that needs to be done to improve the condition remove irritants and provide the eyes with a good rest.

If the pain persists, it is worth consulting with a specialist, after which adequate treatment will be prescribed.

Important to remember: do not ignore the existing symptoms, because they can be a "wake-up call" of a serious pathology.

Eyelid drooping, three reasons why the eyes do not "open"

If you have a drooping eyelid, then this is an occasion to go to the doctor. In this article, you will learn about three diseases that prevent the eyes from "opening".

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If a drooping of the upper eyelid has occurred, in medical language this is called ptosis, then this may be a signal that a person is developing myasthenia gravis.

Myasthenia gravis is a common hereditary disease that causes muscle weakness. With this disease, the muscles lose their ability to contract normally. Other manifestations of this disease are double vision and strabismus.

The disease is quite dangerous, because. if left untreated, it can cause respiratory arrest due to weakness of the respiratory muscles.

2. Horner's syndrome

The inability to lift one eyelid may indicate Horner's syndrome. A person has a drooping eyelid (ptosis), a very narrow pupil (miosis), and no tears in that eye (anhidrosis). The cause of this syndrome may be cancer of the upper part of the lung. The tumor, which is formed in this case, begins to put pressure on the sympathetic trunk, which leads to a disruption in the transmission of nerve impulses. Because the tumor is on one side, then the symptom manifests itself in one eye. To return the eye to its normal state, surgical removal of the tumor is necessary.

Inflammation of the conjunctiva with swelling of the eyelids also does not give a person the opportunity to look at the world normally. In this case, the disease occurs an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the eye. The causes of development can be allergic reactions, bacterial and viral infections. This eye disease is treated perfectly, you only need to consult an ophthalmologist who will prescribe adequate treatment.

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Source: sleep hurts to open your eyes

Recently, in the mornings, I began to experience quite severe discomfort in the form of pain and pain in the eyes, the very condition when you catch bunnies from welding, although the pain from them is completely intolerable, it’s impossible to open your eyes at all, as if sand was poured into your eyes, tears flow in a stream and you won't do anything.

I gained experience with bunnies in my eyes from welding in early childhood, when I made a miniature welding machine on the balcony, as far as I remember, I had only two sleepless nights in my life due to a burn from an electric arc. The feeling is that you don't want to do it again.

Now I began to wake up with similar sensations, but when you open your eyes and look closely, the pain and pain quickly go away. I decided to search the Internet for information and was very surprised, this problem is growing not only with me.

Of course, I do not deny that I spend a lot of time at the computer at work, which is why, by the way, I gave up my tablet and smartphone to take a break from work and the Internet when I am outside the walls of the office or study. I, like most readers think, do not have the slightest desire for my eyesight to start to fall, my age is approaching 30 years, for the last 14 years I have been sitting at the computer for a long time and I don’t want my eyesight to start to decline. Of course, I understand that, most likely, maintaining vision equal to one until old age is unlikely, but you need to think about your health as early as possible.

I was very surprised when, after analyzing the requests of Runet users over the past two years, I found that more and more people are looking for the phrase “pain in the eyes in the morning” every month, trying to find an explanation, cause and ways to treat this ailment. Look carefully at this graph, it shows the distribution of this problem over the past two years.

I am visited by completely different and opposite thoughts on this matter. On the one hand, the first thing that comes to mind is some unknown problem or disease is growing in society, on the other hand, maybe the Internet culture has only now reached the majority in order to search search engines for its description and methods of treatment. But the issue is that when asked “eyes hurt” or “eye hurts”, the demand is stable, i.e. nevertheless, it can be assumed that the problem is gaining mass character, only in the last couple of years, then the question arises: what is it and what is the cause?

As they say, having “googled” a little, I found some information, but I can’t call it exhaustive, the question remains open, especially about the fact that the problem escalated in 2014 and is growing by leaps and bounds, capturing me as well. On this occasion, I ask you to express your conjectures and ideas in the comments to this article, but for now, some general information.

Eye inflammation symptoms

Symptoms of such a problem can be: lacrimation, redness of the mucous membrane of the eye, photophobia. First of all, such symptoms can be diagnosed as acute conjunctivitis, which is provoked by cocci, pathogenic chlamydia, E. coli and other microbes. Poor personal hygiene, improper care of contact lenses, decreased immunity, and mucosal injury can also contribute to fertile ground for such a disease.

These symptoms are also signs of dry eye syndrome, which may indicate poor hydration of the mucosa. There have been cases when dryness of the mucosa and pain in the eyes in the morning occurred in people who spent a lot of time in front of the computer. Large visual loads may occur with weak mobility of the eyeball and rare blinking. This can lead to changes in the tear film, which is responsible for moisturizing and clearing the eye. Unfavorable conditions for this may be dusty rooms, as well as smoky ones.

Hormonal changes in the human body, such as, for example, menopause, can also affect the cramps of the eyelids in the morning.

Pain and pain in the eyes: the main causes

After the treatment, the thought of the causes of such a problem still does not leave. A common cause of morning pain in the eyes is inflammation of the eyeball, which leads to such diseases as:

glaucoma cyclitis keratitis blepharitis uveitis conjunctivitis

Pain and pain in the eyes: treatment

After waking up, some people are worried about the discomfort of the eyelids, which many struggle with to no avail, the morning cramps in the eyes can just drive you crazy, and then the understandable question arises, what to do? To get rid of pain in the eyes, mainly in the morning, ophthalmologists most often recommend a small amount, about one tablespoon, pour boiling water over birch leaves and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain the resulting infusion and make lotions on the eyes twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. This will help relieve fatigue, eliminate inflammatory processes, and also have a bactericidal effect. And for both women and, of course, for men, such lotions have a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes.

Of course, birch leaves are not the only way to get rid of morning discomfort. Lotions from dill, sage and chamomile turned out to be effective. However, the brewing method for them is slightly different: half a teaspoon of any of the herbs must be poured with half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Then divide the finished infusion into two parts, cool one, leave the second warm. Make lotions on closed eyelids, replacing warm ones with cold ones, and so on for 10 minutes. You will immediately feel the result.

There is also a collection of rose hips, yarrow, three-leaf watch. Add part of the celandine to it and mix the resulting. The method of preparation is the same, use a third of a glass three times a day. The collection improves vision and relieves discomfort.

During the night, the eyes do not have time to recover, and in the morning there may be such unpleasant sensations. If this is still dry eye syndrome, there are a lot of medicines that can help with this discomfort, such as Aktipol (one drop four times a day), Vidisik (drop three times a day), natural tears or all kinds of ointments for the eyelids, for example, "Dexpanthenol", applied to the conjunctival sac at night.

If such remedies do not help, you should think more seriously about possible diseases (corneal dystrophy, demodicosis - a disease in which microscopic mites live in the hair follicles of the eyelashes, in which case, in addition to cramps, itching, tingling in the places of eyelash growth, sensation of a foreign body in the eyes, etc.) and turn to specialists.

I ask you to express your thoughts and ideas in the comments to this article, since I still have an unresolved problem on this issue, I will wait for your advice and comments.

Source: and Live healthy with Elena Malysheva

Not the official website of the programs Health and Live Healthy, Elena Malysheva

What to do if the eye does not open

They will talk about the reasons why the eyes do not open.

They will talk about the reasons why people cannot open their eyes. Doctors take this problem seriously. Eyelid drooping is always a warning sign. The drooping of the upper eyelid - ptosis - is a symptom of the disease. Myasthenia gravis can cause droopy eyelids. This disease is characterized by the state of the immune system, which begins to harm nerve impulses.

As a result of this disease, muscle weakness occurs. Muscles lose their ability to contract normally. Nerve impulses cannot transmit a signal from one nerve to another.

There are also signs of myasthenia gravis, this is double vision and strabismus. The disease is dangerous. A person may stop breathing due to muscle weakness. This condition needs to be treated.

Another cause of ptosis can be Horner's syndrome. It is characterized by the omission of one eyelid, a narrow pupil and the absence of a tear in the eye. The body has a wake and sleep system.

It happens that a tumor in the apex of the lung compresses the nerves that go to the eyeball, the parasympathetic system predominates. This is cancer of the apex of the lung. The tumor needs to be removed.

The cause of eyelid drooping may be conjunctivitis with swelling of the eyelids. Infection can lead to swelling, can lead to swelling and allergies. It can also be unpleasant for a person to look at the light, he closes his eyes. The disease is being treated. On the eyelids, wen can form. Such wen often appear in older people.

It's about high cholesterol. The carrier of fat is cholesterol. If cholesterol levels are elevated, wen begin to appear. Sometimes this is a hereditary increase in cholesterol, which is not associated with obesity.

High cholesterol levels are dangerous for blood vessels. Cracks appear on the vessels, fat clogs in them, plaques appear, and then there may be a blood clot and a stroke or heart attack. Atherosclerosis leads to vasoconstriction.

If one eyelid does not lift, this may indicate a serious illness. One of the manifestations of this disease is a slightly covered one eye. Ptosis may be accompanied by pupillary constriction and retraction of the eyeball.

These symptoms are characteristic of a number of neurological diseases. But today we will talk about a tumor in the upper part of the lung, which is connected with the neck by nerves. There may be a spasm of the muscles that open the eyelids.

It seems that the person squinted strongly and cannot open his eyes. If the conducting system is broken, for example, with multiple sclerosis. The immune system attacks its organs in this disease. The immune system attacks the nerve membranes, the nerves cannot conduct an impulse, a spasm occurs.

The eyes may stick together due to the discharge of pus. It's conjunctivitis. The eyeball is covered with a shell, it is white or blue, it is the protection of the eye. The conjunctiva is washed with tears. Vessels should not be visible in it. If there is inflammation, the eye turns red. Bacteria or viruses enter the eye. There is burning, lacrimation, photophobia. The eye may stick together in the morning, pus may be released from the eye.

At night, you can lay an ointment with an antibiotic for the eyelids. If the inflammation is very acute, then you can even give a hormonal drug. There are antihistamines if there is an allergy. If inflammation is caused by a virus, then there are interferon solutions. Do not instill tea infusion. It's useless.

With conjunctivitis, drops are used, but they need to be dripped correctly, they must linger in the cavity in order for them to act. You need to raise your head, pull the lower eyelid, drip drops, hold the eyelid a little. For bacterial conjunctivitis, antibiotic drops are used.

For viral conjunctivitis, antiviral drugs and interferon-based drugs for immunity are used. With viral conjunctivitis, a bacterial infection is often concomitant. Therefore, you need to use antibacterial drops.

With allergic conjunctivitis, you need to exclude the allergen, do not use mascara that caused the allergy. At home, you need to follow the rules of hygiene if someone is sick with viral conjunctivitis. Wash your hands and use antibacterial hand gels.

The eyes may turn red when a foreign body enters. Is it chemical or physical. Corneal erosion may occur. A laser pointer or beam can damage your eyes. Doctors can see such damage during examination. The doctor will drip an eye and see erosion.

The pain is severe with a corneal ulcer. Tears flow, the person cannot open his eyes. If something is horrible, you need to remove it with a cotton swab or rinse with water. If you try to take out the foreign body with something, you can scratch the eye even more.

The vascular membrane of the eye can suffer. In this case, the eyes are red. Uveitis is a serious disease that can make you blind. The iris is supplied with blood. The vascular network envelops the eyeball from the inside. If a virus, including the herpes virus, gets inside.

The vascular membrane of the eye becomes inflamed. Vision becomes blurred. 25% of blindness in the world is due to uveitis. It is important to quickly consult a doctor, treat the disease. Do not thoughtlessly drip drops from the redness of the eyes. You do not identify the causes of the redness of the eyes, you risk going blind. A person may have blepharospasm. It all starts with one eye, and then it can move to the second. Attacks can increase in duration and are often a sign of multiple sclerosis. The brain can not work because of cholesterol plaques. It is important to do an MRI of the brain.

We remind you that the synopsis is only a brief summary of information on this topic from a specific program, the full video release can be viewed here Live healthy: Issue of July 11, 2017

Source: - online consultations

I can't open my eyes after sleeping, what should I do?

№Ophthalmologist 28.06.2012

After sleep it is difficult to open the eyes, the eyelids seem to stick to the eyeball. I have a cataract. Can there be another reason and how to treat? The doctor didn't say anything specific.

Hello! This may be due to a subacute inflammatory process with discharge, which, when dried, can create a feeling of stickiness of the eyelids. In addition, there may be a violation of tear production - dry eyes, which can also be accompanied by similar symptoms. The treatment of these processes is different, so it is difficult to remotely recommend something definite. Sincerely, Alena Vladislavna Zhemchugova, Chief Physician of CJSC Clinic of Dr. Kurenkov www.visus-novus.ru

What it could be: a child (1 year old) has the following signs: he presses his legs to his stomach, his hands begin to clench into fists, his mouth opens slightly and his breath seems to be holding his glassy eyes. This can happen several times a day: before going to bed, in a stroller, when I put on clothes and involuntarily.

I fall asleep in the morning, a superficial dream

Hello! I'm 19 years old. I've been having trouble falling asleep since August. Went to study. I worked hard and taught a lot. There were health problems (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Finally, sleep disappeared 3 weeks ago. I want to sleep, my eyes close, but I can’t fall asleep, I fall asleep in the morning, I get up all broken, my eyes hurt, I feel sick, I lost my appetite, I want to sleep, but I can’t sleep anymore, I tried to take valerian, nervostrong tablets (on herbs) - does not help. During the day I try.

Hello. This year I started having problems with sleep, or rather with falling asleep. When I can’t fall asleep for a long time (I toss and turn in bed for more than 3 hours), my heart starts to beat very strongly, flashes appear in my eyes. There is something strange going on with the muscles. It's hard to describe. It feels like the whole body seems to be compressed into a lump, that you really want to stretch out, move your arms and legs. The word “withdrawal” fits the description, although I don’t know what it is, I have never tried drugs. It's not pain, but those.

Suddenly, an attack occurs during which I unconsciously scream-cry (3-5 seconds), before my eyes there is some plot during which I speak (I'm afraid I won't go with you), after an attack, heart palpitations, internal trembling. Previously, it was only during sleep, but now it happens during the day. During an attack I become wet. There may be 5-6 seizures per day. Each attack is slightly different from each other. All of them are short-lived.

Hello, I am 15 years old and today I rode a lot and for a long time in the heat, I decided to go to the store and buy a drink. I went in, and it suddenly began to darken in my eyes and darkened completely, I don’t see anything. At the same time, my brain began to boil; They told me something there. But I didn’t understand anything, and as a result, without seeing anything and not understanding what I was doing, I went out into the street, although I don’t remember that I went at all then. After that, I came to my senses for a long time, everything seemed like a dream. Was similar before.

Good afternoon, I suddenly have an attack during which I unconsciously scream-cry (3-5 seconds), before my eyes there is some plot during which I speak (I'm afraid I won't go with you), after an attack, a rapid heartbeat, internal trembling. Previously, it was only during sleep, but now it happens during the day. During an attack I become wet. There may be 5-6 seizures per day. Each attack is slightly different from each other. All of them are short-lived.

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Inflamed and red eyes after sleep can be a symptom of a dangerous ophthalmic disease or indicate the progression of other internal pathologies that it is important to start fighting in a timely manner. Sometimes a simple lack of sleep can cause such symptoms. However, after a good rest, the condition returns to normal, redness and pain in the eyes upon awakening no longer bother. With persistent symptoms, you should not postpone a visit to the ophthalmologist.

The main causes of discomfort

Often, in adults, the eyes turn red in the morning due to insufficient rest and increased daily stress on the organs of vision. In addition to redness, there is a feeling of dryness, it hurts when blinking, and it seems to hurt in the eye. But sometimes the cause of eye pain lies in dangerous diseases, among which the most common are:

  • infectious and inflammatory pathologies - blepharitis, uveitis, conjunctivitis, cyclitis, keratitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • inflammation of the optic nerve;
  • vascular disorders;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • oncological neoplasms.

If a person is seriously ill, for example, with a viral infection, his eyes and head often hurt in the morning, his body temperature rises, and his general well-being worsens. When diagnosing ophthalmic infectious diseases, it is important to keep in mind that the patient is contagious, therefore, during treatment, it is necessary to isolate him from others, and monitor personal hygiene.

Other symptoms

A sign of a serious pathology may be reddening of the protein.

With an inflammatory disease, in addition to the fact that it is painful for an adult or a child to look after sleep, pain, burning and itching are worried every morning. The eye is difficult to open, as the eyelashes stick together with pus, the patient sees dimly, blinks frequently. Reddened proteins may indicate intraocular vascular disorders, the development of glaucoma. With the progression of the latter, a person sees poorly not only in the morning, but also during the day, at night. Often worried about a sharp headache, while one or both eyes can be affected.

Inflammation of the optic nerve is accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, pain, flashes before the eyes. With oncological disease, unreasonable headaches are often disturbing, visual function deteriorates sharply. It is also noticeable that the eyeballs are reddened and protrude from the orbit.

Diagnosis of pathology

If a person has sore eyes in the evening, during the night and in the morning, and it is also clear that red squirrels have become, it is necessary to visit a doctor and find out the causes of the violation. An ophthalmologist will treat eye pathologies, it is to him that you need to make an appointment for the first appointment. After the initial examination and history taking, the doctor will give a referral for the passage of such diagnostic studies as:

The visual organs can be examined using ultrasonic waves.

  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the vision system;
  • pachymetry;
  • microbiological examination of the smear;
  • tonometry;
  • eye examination.

To identify concomitant internal pathologies, additional diagnostic methods are prescribed:

  • clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • biochemistry;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • CT or MRI of the brain.

What is the treatment?


After it was possible to find out what caused the eye to turn red and hurt in the morning, afternoon and at night, the doctor prescribes a drug therapy regimen that includes certain groups of drugs that can eliminate the problem. Often, the following remedies are used to eliminate negative symptoms:

In therapy, drugs that help normalize IOP can be used.
  • antibiotics;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • normalizing intraocular pressure;
  • moisturizing;
  • nourishing the mucous membrane of the eye;
  • immunostimulants.

To improve the effect of drug therapy will help special therapeutic exercises, which are selected by the doctor individually. It is necessary to do exercises daily, as a preventive measure it is useful to perform the following:

  • Close and then open your eyes wide.
  • Rotate the pupils for and counterclockwise, left and right.
  • It is easy to press your fingers on closed eyelids and perform massaging circular movements.

Many people wake up in the morning feeling rested, full of energy and ready to work. However, there are those who do not feel very well in the morning, some complain that their eyes hurt after sleeping. Experts say that these discomforts are quite common. Some people think that soreness appears due to overwork, but sometimes pain causes much more serious reasons.

Main reasons

There are various reasons why your eyes hurt after sleeping. In many cases, when the head starts to hurt, the pain spreads to the eyes. This is accompanied by pressure on the eyeballs and a feeling of pain. These symptoms do not occur by chance, they are provoked by certain factors.

The eyes are a direct extension of the brain, they are connected to the front of the brain through special anatomical organs called the optic tracts. And if any painful, negative processes occur in the brain, then this becomes the cause of an unpleasant condition of the eyes.

The next reason for the spread of pain in the head is the rich innervation of the brain and orbits. In these parts of the body there is a huge number of nerve endings. Therefore, when even the slightest pathological processes occur in a given area of ​​the body, the pain impulse spreads to the entire eye area.

Another reason why an adult or a child suffers from eye pain in the morning is a migraine. It is a sudden, intermittent soreness, in many cases only felt in one hemisphere, left or right, and feels like intense, throbbing pain. With a migraine, a patient may complain that his left eye or right eye socket hurts.

Manifestation of migraine

Usually migraine manifests itself in the orbital, frontal and temporal regions. Due to severe pain, some experience nausea, excessive sensitivity to light during the day, photophobia, sometimes it is very painful to open the eyelids.

Compared to other types of headache pain, migraine has the most striking symptoms. Here is a list of the most common manifestations of this disease, which can be observed either before or during a migraine:

  • there is nausea, dizziness, sometimes even vomiting;
  • a person begins to sharply perceive light, sounds, noises and smells. The whole world around him seems excessively bright to the patient;
  • visual disturbances appear when a person sees any luminous objects around him;
  • a severe migraine sometimes causes speech disturbances, as well as tingling of the hands and feet, their numbness.

Migraine causes a lot of torment, quickly exhausts a person, interferes with a normal life. When the patient begins treatment, for example, with the help of pain medications, after the pain is eliminated, weakness and drowsiness occur.

Beam cluster pain

This pain syndrome has a sharp pulsating character, usually occurs in the region of the eyes and forehead. Often, tears begin to flow in a person, some cannot even open their eyelids from pain. It is the cluster type that most often leads to the appearance of lacrimation. Soreness usually develops in the male half, over the age of 30, especially in those men who often smoke. In addition, discomfort may appear due to the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as as a result of meteosensitivity, when pain occurs before changing weather conditions.

Bundle pains can appear at any age, both in men and women, the sensations are periodic, but they proceed in a severe, intense form, for a long time. Drug treatment can give only a temporary analgesic effect. Paroxysmal chronic hemicrania is one of the types of cluster pain, it is characterized by the occurrence of very strong and burning pain in the face area, it begins to strongly press on the forehead and eyes. This type is most often seen in women over the age of 40.

CSF pain

Liquorodynamic disorders appear when a person begins to fall ill with something serious, they arise as a result of various injuries and perinatal lesions of the nervous system. These disorders cause pain in the eye sockets and head, negative symptoms increase with an increase in intracranial pressure, which increases due to volumetric processes. These processes limit the intracranial space, because of this, very strong pain sensations appear.

Liquorodynamic pains begin to torment a person if a cyst, neoplasm or abscess develops in the brain. An unbearable headache is considered very dangerous when a tumor grows in the region of the posterior cranial fossa. In this case, a strong pain syndrome is localized in the back of the head, and this pressure is applied to the eyeballs. If there is pain in the eye sockets, it is necessary to check for intracranial hypotension, it can develop due to a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid, that is, a violation of the secretion of cerebrospinal fluid by glandular cells.

Inflammation of the frontal sinuses

Frontitis is a rather rare disease, but sometimes it is this disease that causes headaches and discomfort in the eyeballs. When this diagnosis is made, it means that the mucous membranes of the frontal sinuses are inflamed in the patient. Frontitis occurs when a viral or bacterial infection enters and develops.

Symptoms of this disease are not only pain in the temples and eyes, but mucous discharge from the nasal cavity also begins, the sinuses become blocked, so breathing becomes difficult. The pain syndrome in this case is quite intense and acute, the symptoms are somewhat similar to a neurological disease.

Pain due to stress

Some people have sore eyes in the morning due to prolonged stress. With intense and prolonged exercise, which lasts for a long time, there is pain in the area of ​​the temples, eyebrows and eye sockets.

This condition is often accompanied by an increased tone of the muscles of the neck, shoulders and face, which causes a deterioration in the blood supply to these areas, so they accumulate biological substances - histamines. As a result of this, pain is distributed to most of the head.

The eye sockets quickly begin to get tired due to modern loads, when people work for a long time, sitting at the computer, doing paperwork, their eyes are open in tension for a very long time. This especially negatively affects well-being when you have to overstrain in the evening and at night. In addition, if you do not observe personal visual hygiene, store or wear contact lenses incorrectly, do not exercise your eyes, they will get tired very quickly, and there will often be a feeling of sand on their surface.

Vascular diseases

Ischemia causes a violation of the blood supply to the eyeballs, which can cause soreness and discomfort. This pathology is diagnosed by ultrasound. To properly perform the examination, you must contact a qualified ophthalmologist or cardiologist.

The treatment of coronary disease must be taken very seriously, since this disease is usually chronic, and medical therapy often lasts for several months or even years.


This disease often causes pain in the eyeballs. This disease is manifested by increased intraocular pressure. If glaucoma is not treated, then the patient's vision will gradually deteriorate, and severe pain will appear not only in the eyes, but also in the temporal and occipital region of the head.

This disease is determined when a person begins to see blurry images, he has foggy vision and halos around light sources. Sometimes there may be nausea, vomiting, weakness and lethargy.


There are many different reasons for sore eyes. In order to accurately determine the existing disease, it is necessary to undergo an examination and the necessary diagnostic procedures in the hospital, after which the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment therapy. Self-medication can be hazardous to health.

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