Natural tears eye drops. Live tear drops for eyes

Eye drops "Natural tear" are quite often used in modern medicine. This drug does not have any medicinal properties, but it is an excellent lubricant used to additionally moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye. And the absence of contraindications and the minimum number of side effects make this medicine really indispensable.

Drops "Natural tear": composition and pharmacological properties

This drug is a clear solution, which is available in sterile plastic bottles of 15 ml. The bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper dispenser, which allows you to use the medicine without problems.

Drops are a so-called water-soluble polymer system. The drug contains potassium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, purified water, hypromellose and disodium edetate. The solution also contains a small amount of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid - they are designed to normalize the pH level.

As mentioned earlier, the drug "Natural Tear" is used as an additional moisturizer of the cornea and mucous membrane of the eye. Immediately after instillation, the components of the drug react with the natural secretion of the eye, forming a soft gel-like film. This film perfectly protects the eye not only from drying out, but also from irritation. The drug has a very persistent effect, which lasts at least ninety minutes after the first use.

The drug "Natural tear": indications for use

Eye drops are used for different purposes. To begin with, it is worth noting that they are prescribed to patients with congenital or acquired pathologies, accompanied by a deficiency of their own

In addition, the drug "Natural Tear" is perfect as a lubricant for people who use contact lenses. It also effectively moisturizes the eyes with contact, which are accompanied by irritation and burning of the eyes. In addition, drops are used by people who are regularly exposed to external stimuli, for example, those who are constantly in contact with smoke, chlorinated water, dust, and cosmetics. Sometimes dryness occurs as a result of exposure to dry conditioned air - in this case, the Natural Tear preparation is also very effective.

The drug is used to eliminate the so-called "dry eye syndrome", which occurs during menopause, as well as as a result of taking certain medications.

Eye drops "Natural tear": instructions

The method of application of the drug is quite simple - you need to drip one drop into each eye. The drug should be used as needed.

As already mentioned, drops have practically no contraindications. They are not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Before instillation, soft contact lenses should be removed from the eyes. In some cases, drops can cause an allergic reaction.

Every day, our main organs of vision are faced with enormous loads. Constant work at the computer, wind, dust - all these factors cause drying and irritation of the mucous membranes. To remove the negative impact, doctors recommend drops "Natural Tear". They are analogous to human tears.

Composition and form of release

The proposed solution is a colorless and slightly viscous liquid, each milliliter of which contains:

  • Active ingredients: dextran 70 (1 mg), hypromellose (3.0 mg).
  • Additional components: potassium chloride, disodium edetate, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, water.

The drug is produced in a 15 ml low-density polyethylene vial. It is equipped with a dropper dispenser, packed in a cardboard box.

Pharmacological properties

Drops "Natural tear", compensating for the lack of tear fluid, perfectly moisturize and protect the cornea. The drug contains a patented substance called duasorb. This is a special water-soluble system that resembles a human tear in its qualities. Once on the surface of the cornea, duasorb is uniformly distributed over it. As a result, a gel-like film is formed that is resistant to all external influences. It does not enter the bloodstream, but at the same time protects the eye from irritation and drying out. One drop of this medication retains its effect for 1.5 hours.

Indications for use

Usually, doctors prescribe "Natural Tear" drops for corneal syndrome, when the patient complains of a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the eye and constant discomfort. Also, this drug has positively proven itself in the complex therapy of drying out of the mucous membrane during menopause. In addition, this remedy is indicated for:

  • Pathologies of the lacrimal apparatus.
  • Irritation caused by air conditioning, computer work, ultraviolet radiation, smoke, dry heat and other factors.
  • A number of other diseases of the eye appendages.


With extreme caution, "Natural Tear" drops should be used by pregnant and lactating women due to the lack of reliable data on the effect of the drug on health. For this category, the use of the drug is allowed only on prescription.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions, this tool is recommended to instill 1-2 drops as needed. It is better to apply the liquid in the corner of the eyelid, after which it should be pressed with a napkin for several minutes. For quick distribution of the drug, you can look with your eye to the right and left. When the discomfort passes, the procedure should be repeated with the second eye. After use, the bottle must be closed.

The instruction attached to this drug warns: if there is no visible effect, the procedure should be stopped and the appropriate specialist should be consulted.

Special instructions and precautions

Any ophthalmic preparations, the main function of which is to moisturize the eyeball, have a special vasoconstrictor in their composition. Therefore, such tools have some limitations regarding the use.

Experts do not advise using this kind of drops while driving a car. In this case, it is important to consider the possibility of so-called blurred vision.

Shelf life, according to the instructions, is three years. After opening the package, the product can be used for no more than four weeks.

Drug analogues

If you have hypersensitivity to the components of this drug or its effect is ineffective, you can replace it with an analogue. It is not recommended to try to choose another medication on your own. A qualified ophthalmologist at the consultation should tell you what alternatives can replace the Natural Tear drops. Analogues of this drug differ in price category and incoming components. Below we list the most popular.

  1. "Vizin Pure Tear". This tool is designed to protect and at the same time moisturize the mucosa. The substances included in its composition are as close as possible in their properties to a human tear. This drug has no age restrictions.
  2. "Innox". This medication perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane, reduces dryness and irritation. The liquid has a bluish tint. This is a hypoallergenic solution, which contains extracts of medicinal plants.
  3. "Vidisik". This is a drug designed to additionally moisturize the cornea. It is an inert hydrogel transparent color.

What other analogues of the drug "Natural tear" are there? Drops for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyes are in great demand today. Long stay at the computer, bad ecology, constant temperature changes - all these factors contribute to corneal irritation and unpleasant sensations. This is where eye drops come to the rescue. The most effective and at the same time harmless analogues of the medication described in this article are the following: Oftolik, Oftagel, Vizomitin.

Every day, our main organs of vision are faced with enormous loads. Constant work at the computer, wind, dust - all these factors cause drying and irritation of the mucous membranes. To remove the negative impact, doctors recommend drops "Natural Tear". They are analogous to human tears.

The proposed solution is a colorless and slightly viscous liquid, each milliliter of which contains:

  • Active ingredients: dextran 70 (1 mg), hypromellose (3.0 mg).
  • Additional components: potassium chloride, disodium edetate, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, water.

The drug is produced in a 15 ml low-density polyethylene vial. It is equipped with a dropper dispenser, packed in a cardboard box.

Drops "Natural tear", compensating for the lack of tear fluid, perfectly moisturize and protect the cornea. The drug contains a patented substance called duasorb. This is a special water-soluble system that resembles a human tear in its qualities. Once on the surface of the cornea, duasorb is uniformly distributed over it. As a result, a gel-like film is formed that is resistant to all external influences. It does not enter the bloodstream, but at the same time protects the eye from irritation and drying out. One drop of this medication retains its effect for 1.5 hours.

Usually, doctors prescribe "Natural Tear" drops for corneal syndrome, when the patient complains of a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the eye and constant discomfort. Also, this drug has positively proven itself in the complex therapy of drying out of the mucous membrane during menopause. In addition, this remedy is indicated for:

  • Pathologies of the lacrimal apparatus.
  • Irritation caused by air conditioning, computer work, ultraviolet radiation, smoke, dry heat and other factors.
  • A number of other diseases of the eye appendages.
  • Dry eye syndrome.

With extreme caution, "Natural Tear" drops should be used by pregnant and lactating women due to the lack of reliable data on the effect of the drug on health. For this category, the use of the drug is allowed only on prescription.

According to the instructions, this tool is recommended to instill 1-2 drops as needed. It is better to apply the liquid in the corner of the eyelid, after which it should be pressed with a napkin for several minutes. For quick distribution of the drug, you can look with your eye to the right and left. When the discomfort passes, the procedure should be repeated with the second eye. After use, the bottle must be closed.

The instruction attached to this drug warns: if there is no visible effect, the procedure should be stopped and the appropriate specialist should be consulted.

Any ophthalmic preparations, the main function of which is to moisturize the eyeball, have a special vasoconstrictor in their composition. Therefore, such tools have some limitations regarding the use.

Experts do not advise using this kind of drops while driving a car. In this case, it is important to consider the possibility of so-called blurred vision.

Shelf life, according to the instructions, is three years. After opening the package, the product can be used for no more than four weeks.

If you have hypersensitivity to the components of this drug or its effect is ineffective, you can replace it with an analogue. It is not recommended to try to choose another medication on your own. A qualified ophthalmologist at the consultation should tell you what alternatives can replace the Natural Tear drops. Analogues of this drug differ in price category and incoming components. Below we list the most popular.

  1. "Vizin Pure Tear". This tool is designed to protect and at the same time moisturize the mucosa. The substances included in its composition are as close as possible in their properties to a human tear. This drug has no age restrictions.
  2. "Innox". This medication perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane, reduces dryness and irritation. The liquid has a bluish tint. This is a hypoallergenic solution, which contains extracts of medicinal plants.
  3. "Vidisik". This is a drug designed to additionally moisturize the cornea. It is an inert hydrogel transparent color.

What other analogues of the drug "Natural tear" are there? Drops for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyes are in great demand today. Long stay at the computer, poor ecology, constant temperature changes - all these factors contribute to corneal irritation and unpleasant sensations. This is where eye drops come to the rescue. The most effective and at the same time harmless analogues of the medication described in this article are the following: Oftolik, Oftagel, Vizomitin.

Eye drops today can be purchased at a pharmacy without a special prescription. The cost of this drug in our country varies depending on the region. On average, you will have to pay at least 200 rubles for a medication.

As for the analogues of eye drops listed in this article, their price category is slightly higher. That is why most patients prefer this drug. However, not everyone is satisfied with its effectiveness, as evidenced by numerous reviews. We will talk about them in more detail later.

Are "Natural Tear" drops really effective? The reviews of many patients who have experienced the effect of this medication on themselves vary. Some argue that the irritation of the mucosa has become less, but it has not completely disappeared.

According to other patients, the drug described in this article works 100%. Just a few hours after the start of application, dry eyes disappear, redness and irritation decrease. In short, excellent quality can now be purchased at an affordable price.

According to many experts, a positive effect can only be expected if any drugs are used strictly according to the instructions and at the recommended dosage. "Natural tear" in this matter is no exception. Very often, patients purchase this remedy at a pharmacy on the advice of friends or acquaintances. Doctors do not advise using it at your own discretion, it is better to first consult with a specialist qualified in this field. He will be able to recommend the most appropriate option for eliminating uncomfortable symptoms. Only in this case it is worth hoping for a positive result.

The composition of eye drops contains active substances: dextran and hypromellose.

Additional components: disodium EDTA, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and purified water.

Natural tear drops are available in the form of a solution for instillation into the eyes. The drug is packaged in 15 ml dropper bottles.

Natural tear eye drops are designed to replenish the deficiency of tear fluid and moisturize the cornea.

The preparation contains a water-soluble polymer system that, in combination with the lacrimal fluid produced by the eyes, can improve the hydration of the cornea. This ensures the hydrophilicity of the surface of the cornea as a result of conventional adsorption processes at the interface between the surface of the cornea and the lacrimal fluid film. As a result of mixing the drug and the film of lacrimal fluid, the stability of the surface of the cornea increases. In addition, irritation caused by dry eye syndrome is reduced, drying of the cornea is prevented.

It is noted that drops can be retained on the cornea for a long time, although they do not have a high viscosity. After a single instillation, the effect of the solution persists for at least 90 minutes.

Substance included in the preparation hypromellose has a high molecular weight, provides its slow absorption.

Eye drops Natural tears are prescribed for:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • the need to alleviate corneal syndrome, accompanied by discomfort, burning, a feeling of the presence of a foreign body and other unpleasant symptoms.

You should refrain from using drops when:

  • hypersensitivity to their components;
  • childhood, since the effect of the drug on children has not been fully studied.

Caution in the use requires the treatment of lactating and pregnant women, because adequate studies on the effect of the drug on this group of patients have also not been conducted.

Usually the drug is well tolerated by patients, but the development of allergic manifestations is not excluded.

The solution must be instilled 1-2 drops into the area of ​​the conjunctival sac.

At the same time, the instruction for the drops informs that the lack of effect requires the termination of treatment.

There were no cases of overdose.

During the period of use of this drug, it is recommended to exclude the use of other eye drops.

If the effect of the treatment is not achieved within 1-2 days, then you need to stop using the drops and consult a specialist. Before instillation of the solution, it is recommended to remove contact lenses. You can wear them in 15 minutes.

This drug solution is not intended for injection.

When instilling, it is necessary to exclude the touch of the pipette tip on any surface, which will not allow bacteria to enter the vial.

After opening the dropper bottle, you can use the medicine for 1 month.

In pharmacies, Natural Tears are available without a prescription.

The solution should be stored out of the reach of children, at room temperature.

The main analogues are represented by drugs: Vizomitin, Inoxa, Vizin Pure Tear, Oksial, Systane Ultra, Oftolik, Likontin, Vidisik, Oftagel.

Such drugs are often discussed online in various forums. At the same time, natural tear drops from patients are recommended to be used with extreme caution. The fact is that, despite their good tolerability, their use requires an individual approach to eye therapy. This remedy affects patients differently, so only a specialist can prescribe it.

Almost everyone who uses this remedy without a doctor's prescription notes some improvement, but only in those cases when I use it often. There are also cases where the treatment has caused severe irritation or increased dryness of the eyes.

After consultation with an ophthalmologist, Natural Tears drops can be prescribed to those patients who complain of dryness, pain and discomfort in the eyes. Usually, such unpleasant symptoms bother people who work a lot at the computer, drive vehicles, and spend a lot of time driving. That is, in cases where the eyes are in high tension. Many patients notice a noticeable improvement, but there are descriptions when the drug was useless.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose the treatment of dry eye taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. If the therapy is ineffective, then you must immediately inform the doctor who can prescribe an effective treatment.

In Russian pharmacies for tear drops, the natural price varies between 241-316 rubles.

For many reasons, our eyes stop producing tear fluid. This causes a lot of discomfort, discomfort, and sometimes provokes a number of more dangerous diseases. To avoid this, various analogues of human tears have been created. One of these are natural tears eye drops.

Drops "Natural tear" refers to a group of moisturizers used to eliminate dryness and fatigue of the eyes.

This medication is an ophthalmic solution in a plastic bottle. The container is equipped with a small dropper, thanks to which you can measure the required amount of the drug. In appearance, the drops are strong, viscous, have a yellowish color, or are completely colorless.

Natural tear consists of dextran 70, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, disodium edetaate, hypromellose, hydrochloric acid, pure water.

Analogues on the pharmaceutical market are such drugs: Artelak, Blink Intensive, Innox, Cationorm, Oksial.

Analogues of the drug "Natural tear"

This medicine, due to its composition and consistency, is similar to a natural tear.

After instillation, the entire composition evenly envelops the eye. It gives protection and moisturizes the cornea. It fights against such consequences of dry eye syndrome as redness, burning, itching.

The drug retains its effect for several hours. Substances do not penetrate the systemic circulation, which makes them safe for most people.

Compensating for the lack of tears, moisturizing the surface of the eyes, Natural tears protect the organs of vision from further development of harmful infections.

The film that forms after instillation is very resistant to various harsh external influences. Its consistency resembles a gel, because the drug begins to interact with human tears. As a result, the resulting composition adheres quite firmly to the surface of the eyes, moisturizes it and prevents it from drying out while working at a computer or in conditions that are unfavorable for the organs of vision.

The eye drops in question restore the necessary amount of moisture to the surface of the cornea.


Natural Tears is great for:

  • Elimination of sensation of itching, burning, redness, irritated eyes.
  • Help with dry eye syndrome.
  • Those people who need to get rid of dryness in one instillation for several hours.
  • Diseases that prevent tears from flowing to the surface.
  • When working at a computer for a long time, watching TV.
  • Under those circumstances when a person is in a place with a large accumulation of dust, smoke, wind.

The drug should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the components that make up its composition.

Due to its safe composition, this the composition can be instilled by pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

At any age, taking the drug is considered safe..

A natural tear can save a person from many ailments, while it does not have dangerous contraindications.

Some people may become allergic to the ingredients in Natural Tears. Also, complications can be caused if the dropper comes into contact with a surface on which dust, dirt or other objects are present that can provoke an infection in the organs of vision.

To avoid complications, store and use the product under sterile conditions.

Those patients who wear contact lenses need to remove them before the instillation procedure, and reinstall them after 15-20 minutes. If this is neglected, then most likely the transparency of the lenses will be reduced.

It is necessary to store the medication at a temperature of +8 to +30 degrees. Before opening the container, it can be stored for three years. In the event that the bottle has already been opened, then it can be stored for no more than a month.

The substance is instilled in 1 or 2 drops into the region of the conjunctival sac. It is necessary to do this several times a day until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

In the absence of the desired effect, the patient should seek help from an ophthalmologist, most likely he will prescribe a similar drug.

The use of other eye drops while taking Natural Tears is undesirable.

If all special instructions are observed, it is possible to achieve the best effect.

Many medications can help relieve dry eyes. One of these is Natural Tears. The drug has no special contraindications, due to its composition, which is similar to a human tear. It is important to take into account all the features of the application, and consultation with a doctor will help to adjust the correct course of taking the drug. The only limitation is an allergy to individual components, but this problem can be solved by replacing the product with a similar one.

Eye drops "Natural tear" - a specialized drug that resembles the composition of a natural human tear. It is prescribed mainly to people with impaired cornea hydration.

Thanks to the patented polymer system "Duasorb", the drug replenishes the required amount of lacrimal fluid, quickly improves the patient's well-being.

"Duasorb" includes mainly solutions of sodium and potassium salts to ensure adequate water and electrolyte balance in tissues, dextran (a polysaccharide consisting of glucose molecules), disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride, as well as a combination of hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide to maintain the required acidity of the environment.

All of these elements, interacting with each other, cover the cornea with a thin film that can retain water and protect the eye from external influences. The effect persists for several hours, then it is necessary to re-use the solution.

One of the advantages of the drug is a close relationship with natural tears, despite the synthetic composition. For this reason, eye drops have practically no contraindications, in rare cases they cause side effects. Drops of "Natural Tear" are not absorbed into the general bloodstream.

The drug must be dripped in the following cases:

  • with constant negative environmental impact, in the presence of occupational hazards;
  • with dysfunction of the lacrimal glands (dry eye syndrome);
  • with corneal syndrome, including pain, burning, feeling of dryness, decreased visual acuity, increased sensitivity of the organ to ordinary everyday light;
  • when working for a long time at the computer and similar devices.

Instructions for the use of natural tears states that the only contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. In other cases, the drug can be used, including pregnant and lactating women.

To reduce dry eyes, one or two drops should be injected into the conjunctival sac. The procedure is recommended to be repeated 3-4 times during the day or focus on your own well-being. The bottle should be tightly closed and placed in a dark place out of the reach of children. Keep open for one month.

If the desired effect is not achieved within 1-2 days, the use of drops should be stopped and contact your doctor.

It is undesirable to use with other eye drops, since "Natural Tear" reduces the concentration of the active substance and, accordingly, reduces its effect on the organ.

With prolonged use in the case of corneal syndrome, it is possible to stop the production of one's own lacrimal fluid, which worsens the patient's condition and leads to the constant use of the medication.

With the development of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug, burning, itching, redness of the mucous membranes, swelling of the tissues can be observed. If such signs appear, you should stop using the drug and consult a specialist.

Analogues of eye drops are:

  • Vizin - is prescribed for eye fatigue after working at a computer or watching TV programs for a long time.
  • Defislez is the Russian analogue of Natural Tears, which has a lower cost in pharmacies.
  • Tears - has almost the same composition, but more often causes allergic reactions.
  • Lacrisifi - not only replenishes the required amount of lacrimal fluid, but also treats eye diseases, prolongs the effect of other medicines.

"Natural tear" is an effective remedy for relieving pain and replenishing moisture. It is worth noting that its use is possible only after an ophthalmological examination, otherwise the appearance of side effects is not excluded.

An artificial tear is an ophthalmic remedy that protects the corneal epithelium from external influences, has a softening and lubricating effect, similar to a natural tear.

Beneficial features

Keratoprotector - lubricates and softens the corneal epithelium. The drug has a high degree of viscosity, therefore it prolongs the time of contact with the cornea of ​​the eye. It has the same refractive index as natural tears.

The agent is able to reproduce, restore and stabilize the optical characteristics of the lacrimal fluid, protect the cornea from the irritating effect of other drops, and also extend the duration of the action of ophthalmic agents when instilled into the eye.

As a rule, the condition of the cornea improves on the 3rd-5th day, a complete cure is observed on the 2nd-3rd week of using the drug.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of artificial tears are:

  • insufficient lacrimation, eyelid deformity, lagophthalmos, ectropion, erosion and trophic ulcers of the cornea, conditions after keratectomy and keratoplasty, thermal and chemical burns of the conjunctiva and cornea, microdefects of the corneal epithelium, bullous corneal degeneration, keratopathy;
  • combination therapy for dry eye syndrome: xerosis, keratosis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Sjögren's syndrome;
  • eye irritation caused by smoke, dust, wind, sun, salt water, cold, allergies;
  • prolonged eye strain when driving a car, working at a computer;
  • prolonging the action of other ophthalmic drugs or eliminating irritation from their action;
  • diagnostic procedures: eye ultrasound, gonioscopy, electroretinography, electrooculography.

Instructions for use

The agent is used conjunctivally: 2 drops of the drug are instilled into the conjunctival sac up to 8 times a day (if necessary, every hour).


Contraindications to the use of artificial tears are eye diseases of an infectious nature, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

With caution, the agent is prescribed for the acute phase of a chemical burn of the cornea or conjunctiva - until complete cleansing of necrotic tissues or toxic substances.

special instructions

If contact lenses are used, they must be removed before the application of artificial tears and put on after 15 minutes.

After using the drug, there may be a temporary loss of clarity of vision or other visual disturbances. This may have a negative impact on the ability to drive vehicles or other potentially dangerous mechanisms. In this case, it is recommended to wait a few minutes until the clarity of vision is restored.

Interaction with other drugs

When prescribing this drug together with other local ophthalmic agents, an interval between the use of drugs of at least 15 minutes should be observed.



In Russian pharmacies, the drug is sold at an average price of 130 rubles. In pharmacies in Ukraine, the average cost of the drug is about 50 hryvnia.



In a strong wind, a mote got into my eye. She rubbed her eye for a long time, trying to pull it out with a handkerchief, washed it with water, but nothing helped. I twisted my eyelid to see and remove the mote, but to no avail. She wiped her eye to the point that it was bright red and swollen, and the tears stopped coming out - everything was dry. In general, the eye was in a terrible state, it was late in the evening on the street, the hospitals were closed, so I went to the pharmacy for help. The pharmacist suggested artificial tears. Since there was no one else to consult with, I bought these drops at random.

Arriving home, I put 3 drops in my eye, and after 15 minutes I felt a clear relief. After another half an hour, I dripped my eye again, it moistened, the discomfort disappeared, and the redness decreased significantly, I began to see normally with both eyes. The next morning she dripped an eye again and everything completely went away. After using the drug, there were no discomfort or side effects. The drug has helped tremendously.

After some time, these drops helped my son get rid of the mote. He cried, suffered, rubbed his eyes. After instillation of the drug, the baby cheered up after a few minutes - everything went without a trace.

Artificial tears can be stored in an open bottle for no more than 4 weeks. My husband often uses the product on the road when his eyes get tired, or when working at the computer for a long time.

An artificial tear is a real first aid for the eyes. And most importantly, this drug has no restrictions on use. I often use it in the evening to get rid of overwork, pain and dry eyes. Also, the drug is well suited for those who use contact lenses.


Recently, I have increasingly noticed that after work there is a feeling of sand in my eyes, but until recently I attributed this to eye fatigue as a result of constant work at the computer.

Therefore, during my lunch break, I tried to give my eyes at least a little rest, but I could not do this all the time, since all my work depends on the computer, and I usually spend at least 8 hours a day without looking up from the monitor.

After suffering like this for about a week, I went to the doctor, who advised me to use an artificial tear. The tool is very convenient to use due to the elongated and narrowed to the end of the spout - the drops are dosed very easily, the consumption is minimal.

The drops themselves are transparent and colorless, odorless, their consistency is slightly thicker than that of water. After instillation, the drug is distributed over the surface of the eye and after that everything is blurry for several minutes, so you have to blink well to adjust your vision.

But it lasts only a few minutes and does not cause inconvenience. Also, I did not feel a burning sensation or other unpleasant symptoms. After 15 minutes, the drug begins to act and all the unpleasant sensations begin to subside - eye fatigue and burning sensation disappear. Within a few days my eyes were completely restored. The drops turned out to be effective, and I am glad that I got rid of the discomfort in my eyes. Now I use them regularly after hard and long work at the computer.


After spending even a small amount of time at the computer, I begin to feel pain, burning and eye fatigue, sometimes there is a feeling of sand. Therefore, recently I began to look for a more or less natural remedy to eliminate discomfort in the eyes. And found - it turned out to be an artificial tear. Instructions for use are just mine.

The instructions indicate that the active substances of the drug are dextran (plasma-forming substance) and hypromellose, which has a lubricating and softening effect.

I use artificial tears as needed - when there is discomfort in the eyes: dryness, irritation or fatigue.

The tool is very convenient to use. It is easy enough to press the bottle, the droplets float out evenly and easily, the drug does not flow or splash. The drops are completely painless, almost imperceptible, as if softened water gets into the eye.

After a month of using the drops, the need for frequent use has practically disappeared. The drops reduced dryness, irritability and some other unpleasant symptoms in the eyes. Of course, this could not but please me, because the constant use of eye drops is not included in my plans.

Associate Professor of the Department of Eye Diseases. | Site Editor-in-Chief

He specializes in emergency, outpatient and elective ophthalmology. Carries out diagnostics and conservative treatment of farsightedness, allergic diseases of the eyelids, myopia. Performs probing, removal of foreign bodies, examination of the fundus with a three-mirror lens, washing of the nasolacrimal canals.

Drops Natural tear is a substitute for human tears. It helps with a lack of natural tears, moisturizes the cornea in case of dryness, and also helps with the “feeling of sand” in the eyes, with increased visual stress (reading, studying, working with a computer, working, etc.)

It contains an already patented complex called duasorb, which is as similar in composition to a human tear as possible. A protective surface (film) is formed, which successfully protects the eye (from unwanted effects, relieves and protects from burning and redness). It does not enter the bloodstream, provides excellent hydration.


Relieves fatigue, protects against unwanted effects. Great for helping with eye strain. Very useful for people who wear contact lenses.

Natural tear relieves eye fatigue

Intended for instillation into the eyes 1 or 2 drops during the day. There is an elimination of symptoms of discomfort in the eye. Suitable for permanent use.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

  • should not be used in case of an allergic reaction or intolerance (to one or more components of the drug);
  • not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating (since studies have not been conducted among these groups of patients).

In very rare cases, an allergy to the drug may occur. There is no overdose, but should not be used with other eye drops or ophthalmic medicines.


  • Contact lenses are removed before using the drops.
  • If after using the drug for 1 or 2 days there is no positive effect, you should stop taking the drops and consult your doctor.
  • Open drops are stored no more than 30 days.

Analogues and price

If you experience discomfort or allergies, you can try using similar drugs. For this, it is better to contact a specialist. The most popular analogues include:

  • Oftagel;
  • Vizin Pure Tear;
  • Oftolik;
  • Innox;
  • Vidisik;
  • Vizomitin.

Sold without a doctor's prescription. The cost depends on the network of pharmacies and the region. The approximate price will be about 200 rubles. The cost of similar drugs is slightly higher.

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