How to know if the pressure is high. Symptoms of high blood sugar. High blood pressure classification

In a healthy person, normal blood pressure values ​​are in the range of 100/60 mm Hg. Art. in the representatives of the stronger sex (95/60 mm Hg in the beautiful half of humanity) up to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. in people of both sexes. With a decrease in individual indicators, they speak of hypotension, with an increase, they speak of hypertension. These conditions are widespread, but not all people know about the level of their blood pressure.

There are signs that help to understand that blood pressure has changed. When such symptoms appear, it is necessary to measure the pressure using a special device - a tonometer. If such episodes recur, it is necessary to consult a therapist.

Signs of low blood pressure

It is possible to suspect that a person has low blood pressure if the following complaints appear:

  • Headache, which can have different localization and intensity; most often it is felt in the back of the head, dull, constant, often associated with meteorological changes, magnetic disturbances in the atmosphere.
  • Migraine-like pain so severe that it causes nausea and even vomiting.
  • Vertigo, especially on rising from bed.
  • Sudden brief loss of consciousness.
  • Fatigue, weakness, aggravated in the second half of the working day.
  • Deterioration of intellectual-mnestic functions, in other words, a decrease in memory and mental performance, learning.
  • Emotional instability, astheno-neurotic states, melancholy and depression, anger and irritability for no apparent reason.
  • Persistent pain in the chest without any load.
  • Rapid heartbeat, feeling of tremors and interruptions in the work of the heart.
  • Feeling short of breath during physical activity.
  • Cold hands, feet, feeling of their numbness.
  • Unrelated muscle and joint pain.
  • Tendency to loose stools.
  • Drowsiness, sometimes insomnia.
  • Impotence and violation of sexual desire in men.

If the patient has low blood pressure, outwardly this is often manifested by cold and wet palms and feet, sometimes blue skin of the hands, the appearance of red spots on the neck and upper chest. The pulse is often slowed down, there is a respiratory arrhythmia (on inspiration, the pulse rate noticeably decreases, on exhalation it increases).

Under the influence of stress and negative emotions, a hypotensive crisis can develop - a vascular reaction with a sudden decrease in blood pressure. Such low blood pressure is accompanied by severe headache and dizziness, a feeling of darkening in the eyes and temporary loss of vision, tinnitus, and fainting. At the same time, sharp stabbing pains in the chest, sweating, nausea and vomiting may appear.

Arterial hypotension may be accompanied by a violation of the activity of the stomach and intestines: there are aching pains in the abdomen, bloating, pain along the large intestine and in the right hypochondrium (signs of impaired intestinal motility and biliary tract). Changes in the nervous system are characterized by the so-called irritable weakness - fatigue, outbursts of anger, bad mood. Sometimes there is an obsessive anxiety about one's health, a feeling of a serious incurable disease, distrust of doctors, and the absence of the effect of numerous medications taken.

Low blood pressure is more often found in young patients, but orthostatic hypotension, which occurs when getting up from a prone position, is typical for the elderly.

Signs of high blood pressure

As people age, hypertension is more common. We will tell you how to determine high blood pressure by external signs.

Patients complain of palpitations and chest pains of a varied nature, not related to exercise. Characterized by a feeling of pulsation of blood vessels in the head and neck, headache, excessive sweating, redness of the skin of the face, trembling in the muscles, reminiscent of chills.

Sometimes the first signs of hypertension are swelling of the face and hands, for example, the wedding ring becomes small. The patient is concerned about constant dull rather severe pain in the back of the head, numbness of the fingers and toes. These symptoms are aggravated after eating salty foods and liquids.

An increase in pressure is manifested by interruptions in the work of the heart, dizziness, the appearance of small black dots ("flies") in the field of vision, shortness of breath when walking.

A rapid rise in blood pressure is called a hypertensive crisis. The patient complains of severe pain in the head, dizziness, "veil" before the eyes. He is restless, feels a flush of heat, muscle trembling like chills, stabbing pain in the chest. Red spots and drops of sweat appear on the skin of the face, neck, upper chest. The pulse increases significantly.

With a more severe course of the crisis, transient deafness and blindness develops, temporary paralysis, arousal, turning into stupor. Sometimes there is a convulsive syndrome, the patient loses consciousness.

Let's talk a little about the external signs of symptomatic arterial hypertension. In this case, an increase in pressure is only one of the symptoms of a disease. Knowledge of such features can help a person navigate.

In pheochromocytoma, hypertension is associated with agitation, trembling, and fever. In Conn's syndrome, hypertension is accompanied by muscle weakness, convulsions, a feeling of "crawling" on the skin, temporary paralysis, thirst, frequent urination, especially at night. With an organic lesion of the brain, the pressure rises suddenly, with severe headaches, dizziness and convulsions.

If you or your loved ones have similar symptoms, contact your doctor or cardiologist immediately. If hypotension is usually not life-threatening, although it requires treatment, then arterial hypertension can cause complications, disability, and even lead to death of the patient.

  • Persistent thirst is a classic sign of high blood sugar levels.
  • an increase in the amount of urine due to the appearance of glucose
  • constant dryness in the mouth
  • general weakness
  • fatigue
  • itching on the skin and mucous membranes, mainly the genitals
  • arise

If at least one of these signs attracted your attention one morning, and even more so a complex of symptoms, be sure to visit a doctor, or go in the morning on an empty stomach to take a blood test for sugar, which is taken simply from a finger without delving into the veins.

Characteristic symptoms are practically absent in almost every second person with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Hence the conclusion - everyone should regularly check the level of sugar. And after forty years, this must be done with regularity every three years, as WHO recommends, and they certainly know.

If your group is called the "risk group", and you can determine if you belong to it, if you have weight problems or relatives with diabetes, then a sugar test should be done every year. The timeliness of the diagnosis will allow not to start the disease and not to fight the terrible ones later. However, if for regular analyzes there are intervals of a year or three, this is normal, then you should monitor your health, trying to identify the symptoms of diabetes - thirst, itching, etc., should be ten times more often, that is, constantly.

Fasting blood test

Blood sugar levels

  • the norm is the range from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l and not higher
  • from 5.5 to 6.0 mmol / l, then this is prediabetes, something like a yellow traffic light (but not a yellow card in football) - an intermediate state. Scientifically, it is called "IGT" - impaired glucose tolerance, and if even more scientifically, then - "NGN" - impaired fasting glycemia
  • from 6.1 mmol / l and above, this is the same one from which ... and so on

If blood is also taken on an empty stomach, blood, but from a vein, then the normal values ​​\u200b\u200bare approximately 12% higher, and you can still feel satisfaction and calmness up to 6.1 mmol / l, and diabetes mellitus is diagnosed at a value above 7.0 mmol / l .

In addition to the characteristic symptoms of diabetes, it is possible to determine the excess of sugar without a laboratory analysis by an express method, which is carried out by a glucometer. This is very convenient, but the accuracy is not much better than testing with symptoms alone. The values ​​obtained as a result of express analysis should be considered preliminary, they should alert you and encourage you to go to the doctor or directly to the laboratory for blood donation from a finger or from a vein.

With severe symptoms of diabetes, you don’t have to worry about the accuracy of the tests, you don’t have to duplicate them, just one blood donation is enough. If there are no signs, then the diagnosis of "diabetes" can be made only after a double study on different days.

If the diabetic tragedy that has visited you in the form of symptoms and test results does not fit into your head, and you cannot believe it, there is another test that is completely flawless. It is carried out to diagnose diabetes and is called the “sugar load test”.

Sugar load test

At the same time, the level of sugar in the blood is determined on an empty stomach, after which you are offered to consume seventy-five grams of glucose in the form of a syrup, and then after two hours the blood is taken for sugar again.

Blood sugar levels

  • up to 7.8 mmol / l is considered normal
  • from 7.8 to 11.00 mmol / l indicates prediabetes
  • and above 11.1 mmol/l diabetes is diagnosed

The good thing here is that before this test you can eat as usual and not expose yourself to hunger stress. However, during these two hours of a break, you can’t eat, drink and smoke, and it’s also undesirable to walk, since physical activity is able to reduce sugar. However, sleeping and lying in bed is also undesirable, as this can skew the results.

The easiest way to determine the level of blood pressure is with a tonometer. But not always with a sharp deterioration in the condition, the device is at hand. What to do in this case and how to understand: high blood pressure, or low? There are certain symptoms and visual signs of pathology that are useful for people over 30 to know.

Previously, normal blood pressure was calculated using the Volynsky formula. Systolic pressure = 109 + (0.5 x age) + (0.1 x weight), diastolic = 63 + (0.1 x age) + (0.15 x weight). Now, according to WHO guidelines, blood pressure is considered normal 120-130 / 80-85, optimal 100-120 / 60-80, and elevated within the normal range - 130-140 / 85-90. An increase in rates to 140/90 may indicate the presence of pathology.

As the human body ages, irreversible processes occur in it, causing an increase in blood pressure, so scientists have determined the age limits of the norm. In this case, blood pressure, which is a pathology for a young man, will be a variant of the norm for an elderly person. A sign of hypotension is considered to be a pressure of 100/60 or lower. It is possible to distinguish high blood pressure from low blood pressure by the corresponding symptoms.

Symptoms of hypertension

Doctors with extensive experience clearly know how to identify high blood pressure by symptoms and objective signs. The most informative criterion of hypertension is a headache caused by prolonged contraction of cerebral vessels. Also, signs that the pressure has increased can be: dizziness, floating dots before the eyes, a state of complete weakness, a feeling of heaviness in the head, tachycardia, sleep disturbance.

These symptoms are characteristic of the initial stage of hypertension. As the disease progresses, heart failure may appear, provoked by chronic overwork of the muscles of the organ. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe a certain drug that reduces pressure.

Among the complications of hypertension: vascular damage, decreased quality of vision, in severe cases - a decrease in the sensitivity of the arms and legs, paralysis caused by blockage of the vessel by a thrombus or cerebral hemorrhage.

Other symptoms of high blood pressure include:

  • Nosebleeds.
  • Discomfort in the eyeballs.
  • Nausea.
  • Insomnia.
  • Puffiness.
  • Hyperemia of the skin of the face.
  • Memory deterioration.
  • Increased fatigue.

A mild degree of hypertension does not manifest itself in any way, and the patient can find out about it quite by accident during a follow-up examination. Often, even a severe degree of the disease can be well tolerated by the patient if it has developed without sharp jumps in blood pressure, and the person has managed to adapt to it. Unpleasant symptoms occur if the pressure rises suddenly. In this case, the patient will complain of characteristic pain in the back of the head, dizziness and unsteadiness, tinnitus.

Signs of hypotension

The main signs of hypotension are pallor, irritability, lowering body temperature to 35.8-36°C. The patient feels completely overwhelmed, his productivity decreases, his memory and ability to concentrate deteriorate.

Also, one of the signs of low blood pressure can be a headache, which is caused by excessive stretching of the arteries. If the pain is associated with a violation of the outflow of blood due to a decrease in vascular tone, then it occurs in the back of the head and happens mainly in the morning, upon awakening. After the patient takes a vertical position, the outflow of blood is facilitated, and the discomfort gradually disappears.

In addition, with hypotension, many dyspeptic symptoms are not uncommon: nausea, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, flatulence, loss of appetite. On the part of the reproductive system with reduced pressure, irregularity, scarcity and soreness of menstruation in women, and a decrease in potency in men are observed.

Patients with hypotension feel tired in the morning. They have difficulty getting up and feel sleepy during the day. Restoration of working capacity occurs only by 11 o'clock, and after lunch it falls again. The greatest activity is observed in such people in the evening hours. They feel a rapid heartbeat with moderate physical exertion, sometimes there is shortness of breath and discomfort in the region of the heart.

Hypotension patients cannot stand or sit for a long time, so they prefer to walk rather than ride in a stuffy, crowded transport. They can't stand shopping or other public places. During walking and light physical activity, the state of hypotension temporarily normalizes. This is due to the fact that low pressure leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the muscles, and with exercise it improves, blood pressure rises slightly and the person's condition stabilizes. Therefore, the best medicine for hypotension is physical activity, if he is not lazy and walks regularly.

Signs of pressure deviation from the norm

An experienced doctor can quite accurately assess the level of blood pressure by pressing the pulse. A person who is far from medicine needs experience to understand which pressure can be considered weak and which can be considered strong. In order to assess the level of blood pressure without a tonometer, you can use subjective and objective signs of the presence of pathology:

  1. Behavior. A hypertensive person differs from a person with low blood pressure in fussiness, unmotivated excitement, and talkativeness.
  2. Skin color of the face. A “flaming” or brick-colored face with a pronounced vascular pattern gives out high blood pressure. And if the patient's face, on the contrary, is pale and lifeless, this indicates hypotension.
  3. Belly size. A large belly often indicates not only malnutrition and aging of the body, but also increased blood pressure.
  4. Redness of the eyeballs. It is also a sign of hypertension, especially if the face itself is thick and red.
  5. Palm test. You can check your blood pressure with a simple test. To do this, raise your hand above your head, at a distance of about 3 cm from its surface. If at the same time heat is felt in the palm, then the pressure is increased.
  6. Pulse. A person is more likely to have hypertension if it does not go away with intense pressure on the wrist. Conversely, if the pulse ceases to be heard with a slight pressure, then hypotension is most likely present.

If all these indicators are present in the complex, then it is safe to judge high blood pressure, especially if all these symptoms are determined in an elderly person. Among the subjective signs can be noted: dizziness, a feeling of heat in the face, nausea, heartburn, lack of air, heart and headaches, impaired visual function. Self-diagnosis is applicable only in special conditions, if it is impossible to use a tonometer or consult a therapist.

An experienced doctor is able to tell at a glance who is in front of him - hypertensive or hypotensive. It is quite possible to increase or decrease blood pressure with the help of appropriate measures, therefore it is important to determine the pathological condition in a timely manner.

Physiological hypotension does not require treatment. To improve well-being, you can use means that increase vascular tone: extract of eleutherococcus, ginseng, "Pantocrine". Useful moderate exercise, sleep and wakefulness, the inclusion in the diet of foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Hypertension will help the normalization of nutrition and regular intake of drugs that lower blood pressure.

Every tenth person in the world suffers from high blood pressure to some extent. But, despite this prevalence, this disease, unfortunately, is not well understood. For example, regardless of the fact that the main causes of the appearance of pathology are known, doctors still cannot predict whether this syndrome will occur in a particular person or not.

And therefore, in order not to miss the onset of the mentioned disease, you need to be well aware of the signs of high blood pressure leading to hypertension, as this will help you start treatment on time and prevent the development of severe forms of the named disease.

What pressure can be considered normal at different ages

As you know, there are two numbers showing. The upper one demonstrates the strength of the contractions of the heart, and the lower one, diastolic, shows the tone of the vessels during the period of relaxation of the heart muscle. The norm for people under 40 is considered to be a pressure of 120 to 80 or 130 to 85 mm Hg. But even any small fluctuations in one direction or another are not a reason to define them as signs (or low). After all, for each person these numbers are individual.

The pressure in the arteries can respond by increasing or decreasing to changes in the weather (more precisely, to changes in atmospheric pressure), stress, unrest, physical activity, etc.

With age, the indicators of the tonometer also change. If in a person after 40 years, normal indicators can rise to 145 by 90, then in older people, after 60, this is already 150 by 90 mm r. With. By the way, an increase in pressure with age is observed even in hypotensive patients.

To draw a conclusion about the presence of hypertension, one should not focus on a single precedent. Pressure must be measured repeatedly over several days, and only by the results of these observations can one assume a disease in oneself.

How does early hypertension manifest itself?

If, along with the alarming numbers of blood pressure that appear every now and then, you also have the symptoms that will be listed now, you should consult a doctor for help, since hypertension is an impetus for the development of heart or kidney failure, circulatory disorders of the brain, heart attack and others. dangerous pathologies.

Signs of high blood pressure (hypertension):

  • recurrent headaches, disturbing, as a rule, in the morning;
  • nausea, tinnitus, dizziness;
  • increased fatigue and irritability;
  • development of insomnia;
  • sensation;
  • the appearance of a feeling of pulsation in the temples;
  • reddening of the face, a person at this time can sweat or, conversely, shiver;
  • swelling, puffiness of the face occurs, caused by fluid retention in the body;
  • sensations of numbness or "creeping goosebumps" periodically appear on the skin.

How high blood pressure manifests itself in the initial stage

At the initial stage, the disease can develop quietly and slowly, over many years. It is defined in medicine as symptomatic arterial hypertension. And the main danger of such a state is that in most cases the increased pressure, unfortunately, is not felt in any way.

Quite often, sleep disturbances appear as signs of high blood pressure in a person. The patient falls asleep with difficulty, for a long time experiencing everything that happened during the day. And the dream at the same time becomes sensitive, now and then interrupted, after which the person wakes up broken and lethargic.

At this stage of the development of the disease, headaches may occur, which most often appear at night or in the morning. With physical or emotional stress, they usually increase. In addition, in the frontal and temporal parts of the head, as a rule, heaviness is felt, and in the crown of the head - pulsation.

What are the most dangerous signs of high blood pressure?

From the very beginning of the development of pathology, symptoms that are very dangerous for the human condition begin to appear (special attention will be paid to them here).

Particularly serious should be taken to the well-known headache that appears with high pressure. It is vascular in nature, as it is caused by stretching of the walls of blood vessels. And especially dangerous in this situation is that at any moment a rupture of one of them can occur, resulting in a stroke.

This is usually signaled by pain - sharp and throbbing, which may be a harbinger that the vessel is ready to burst, and blood from it can enter the brain tissue and disrupt their functioning. By the way, this condition in medicine is defined as a hemorrhagic stroke.

With a spasm of the vessels, the blood supply to some parts of the brain is disrupted, which causes their death. This pathology is diagnosed as an ischemic stroke.

Therefore, in order to prevent a stroke, you should not ignore it against the background of high pressure, trying only to drown it out with painkillers.

Symptoms of a hypertensive crisis

But the main harbinger of blood vessels is a hypertensive crisis. Its main symptoms are usually nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and aching pains in the heart that nitroglycerin cannot relieve. They are often joined by:

  • a state of nervous excitement;
  • increased heart rate;
  • feelings of anxiety, restlessness and lack of air;
  • the body is covered with cold sweat and goosebumps.

At the same time, the patient's hands tremble, and vision problems may also occur. This condition requires mandatory medical attention. Do not try to eliminate the crisis yourself - this can lead to serious consequences!

And in general, despite the fact that the patient has, as it seems to him, obvious signs of low and high pressure, he must regularly monitor it with a tonometer and visit a doctor in a timely manner in order to prevent a critical condition and not risk his life.

How does high intracranial pressure manifest?

Increased intracranial pressure is also associated with hypertension. But it should be noted right away that there is practically no connection between them. These are two separate diseases.

Moreover, if hypertension is an independent disease, then an increase in intracranial pressure, as a rule, turns out to be a symptom of some kind of pathology. As a rule, it is provoked by traumas of the skull, tumors, encephalomeningitis, intracranial hemorrhages, etc.

As a result of these pathologies, there is an increase in the volume of fluid (liquor) in the cranial cavity, which can disrupt cerebral circulation and, accordingly, brain function.

The main signs of high intracranial pressure are headache, which is aggravated by turning the head, as well as coughing or sneezing, nausea, dizziness, sweating, and the occurrence of papilloedema. The last symptom is a bilateral edema of the optic disc, which first leads to a violation of color perception, and then to a deterioration in the patient's vision.

If you suspect an increase in intracranial pressure, you should consult a doctor, since behind this diagnosis there is usually another pathology, the elimination of which normalizes the pressure.

Why does hypertension occur in pregnancy?

Separately, it is worth considering the increase in pressure in pregnant women, which has recently become a serious problem when carrying a fetus.

With the development of medicine, women who give birth for the first time at 30 or even 40 years old do not surprise anyone. And since hypertension begins its development, as mentioned, by about 40 years old, expectant mothers who have signs of high blood pressure during pregnancy are also not uncommon.

But even in those women who did not have problems with pressure before pregnancy, it can increase after 20 weeks of gestation. This pathology is defined as gestational hypertension.

High blood pressure in pregnancy

By the way, many pregnant women do not even suspect that their pressure has increased, since they do not observe any warning signs. Therefore, at each examination, the expectant mother must measure it, because this pathology can lead to impaired blood circulation in the placenta and, as a result, to the birth of a small and sick child.

But in most pregnant women, the signs of high blood pressure appear clearly: in the form of severe headaches, visual disturbances, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and decreased urine output.

Doctors during the examination may ask about the presence of these symptoms in order to determine what the degree of hypertension is and to establish the causes of its occurrence for maximum treatment effectiveness.

Are the signs of high blood pressure different in women and men?

Hypertension, as already mentioned, is still not fully understood. For example, researchers have found that the development and appearance of certain symptoms of increased pressure depend not only on the state of health of a particular person, but also on his age and gender.

So, young ladies under 40 are generally not prone to hypertension, and men can be smitten with it at any age. But women in menopause take away this dubious "palm tree" from the stronger sex, since at the age of fifty and older they become hypertensive much more often. And for men, this disease is more likely to be fatal.

Signs of high blood pressure in men and women are similar, but women tend to have more hypertensive crises during the course of the disease (the ratio is approximately 1/6).

You probably already understood that increased pressure is a serious symptom that, having appeared once, can become a companion for life. In order to reduce the risk of the dangerous consequences of hypertension, a person should follow certain rules:

  • regular monitoring of blood pressure;
  • strict implementation of the recommendations given by the specialist;
  • reducing the amount of salt consumed and drinks containing caffeine;
  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • adequate physical activity.

All of the above will allow a patient with hypertension to minimize the signs of high pressure and feel completely healthy. Good luck!


High blood pressure or hypertension is detected in 30 percent of the adult population, and this figure is growing every year. Women, especially those over 60 years of age, are twice as likely as men to have a history of high blood pressure. The urban population is more susceptible to this disease than the rural population. Currently, stroke and coronary heart disease caused by hypertension are the most common cause of death in Russia in the world.

Elevated blood pressure starts at 160 mmHg for systolic and 95 mmHg for diastolic pressure. Systolic or upper - this is the blood pressure noted during the contraction of the heart muscle; diastolic or lower pressure is noted during its relaxation. Border zone: from 140–160 mm Hg. up to 90–95 mm Hg, for the elderly - the age norm, and for young people - pathology.

Low blood pressure (or hypotension) is not a serious pathology. For some, low blood pressure is a natural norm. But if the pressure fell below 100/60 mm Hg. With. and remains at this level for a long time, then in this case oxygen starvation of the brain develops, leading to fainting.

Let us consider in more detail the causes of hypertension and hypotension, as well as the main symptoms by which you can determine what pressure you currently have: high or low.


Patients with high blood pressure often have increased body weight: they are emotional people, their skin is usually red.

An attentive therapist, when contacting a patient who, when agitated, has such symptoms as: redness or vice versa, pallor of the face, palpitations and frequent urge to urinate, as well as haste, fussiness and incontinence, will always ask the patient if he has in the family someone with high blood pressure and if there is, it will advise you to measure pressure more often and lead a healthy lifestyle.

The reasons

  • overweight (with a concentration of fat deposits on the abdomen and shoulders),
  • prolonged stressful situations, negative emotions,
  • metabolic disorders (increased levels of cholesterol, sugar, urea in the blood),
  • decreased physical activity
  • kidney and heart disease,
  • hormonal changes in the body (menopause),
  • taking certain medications (hormonal drugs, contraceptives),
  • smoking and alcoholism (especially beer),
  • use of amphetamines and energy drinks,
  • the use of salty, as well as meat and fatty foods,
  • heredity.

Strong-willed, energetic people with a strong nervous system are also susceptible to hypertension.

Clinical manifestations of hypertension

At an early stage, the symptoms of hypertension are either non-specific, or the disease has no obvious manifestations, and also does not affect the well-being and does not impair the patient's performance.

Initial stage:

  • migraine,
  • "flies" in the eyes,
  • nausea,
  • nosebleeds,
  • palpitations, chest pain on the left side,
  • weakness, irritability, insomnia,

Second stage:

  • enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart (determined by ECG or ultrasound),
  • changes in the vessels of the fundus, hemorrhages in the retina,
  • constantly high blood pressure
  • sudden surges in pressure (crises).

Third stage:

  • sclerosis of small vessels,
  • changes in the kidneys (reduced blood flow, protein and blood in the urine),
  • sclerosis of the heart muscle, muffled heart tone,
  • heart failure, cardiac asthma,
  • shortness of breath, pulmonary edema,
  • memory loss and attention deficit
  • strokes.

How to identify high blood pressure

You can determine the presence of hypertension by measuring blood pressure (BP), which is carried out according to the following scheme:

1) Mandatory compliance with the standard algorithm for each measurement of blood pressure:

  • the bent elbow should be located in the region of the 4th-5th rib, regardless of the patient's posture,
  • the cuff of the tonometer should be inflated quickly (+30 mmHg from the point of disappearance of the pulse on the scale of the tonometer),
  • air must be released slowly (up to 2 mm per second),
  • Blood pressure is measured on both arms 2 times (in 3 minutes),
  • as a result, the average pressure level is calculated from the 2 obtained values.

2) If the pressure is increased, then repeated measurements are taken (at least 2 times a month) to exclude “borderline” hypertension, in which the pressure gradually decreases.

3) If within 3 months the pressure level is kept at around 160/100 mm Hg. Art., then the diagnosis is made: hypertension, and treatment is prescribed.

In the case of timely treatment for hypertension, the disease will not disappear, but with successful maintenance therapy, the patient will be able to lead a full life for a long time.

To choose a drug and determine its dosage, it is necessary to take into account such criteria as: gender, number of full years, concomitant diseases, stage and presence of complications of the disease, as well as heredity.

Supportive treatment aimed at lowering blood pressure should be carried out continuously both at home and in a hospital. With a 10% reduction in blood pressure, the risk of complications such as stroke and ischemia is reduced by 20%.


Types of hypotension

  • physiological, when low blood pressure is not accompanied by a deterioration in the state and a decrease in working capacity, and it is lowered throughout life,
  • pathological: acute (collapse) or secondary - as a result of the disease (tumors, ulcers, etc.), during therapy, the pressure returns to normal.

The reasons

  • state of shock
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • age changes,
  • hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • emotional disorders,
  • pain syndrome,
  • malnutrition,
  • standing up abruptly or standing for a long time
  • medicines (antidepressants).



  • after active work and loads,
  • after increased brain activity,
  • in the morning after waking up
  • when the weather changes
  • when overeating
  • when standing for a long time.
  • duration from 10 minutes to 24 hours.
  • nature of pain: dull, squeezing, in the region of the crown and forehead, sometimes all over the head, throbbing,
  • often turns into a migraine.

The headache disappears when applying a cold compress, walking on the street, airing the room, after physical education.

Vertigo: on rising abruptly from a lying position.

Pain and dizziness begin in the late afternoon, when blood pressure decreases as much as possible.

Psycho-neurological manifestations:

  • general weakness, fatigue in the morning,
  • physical fatigue even at low loads,
  • irritability, aggressiveness,
  • sleep disorders: drowsiness, insomnia, nightmares at night, lack of sleep,
  • depression,
  • intolerance to bright light, noise, being at height.


  • when overheating
  • while in the spirit,
  • when motion sickness in transport,
  • with long standing still.

Cardiovascular disorders:

  • low blood pressure, unstable pulse, different pressure on the arms and legs,
  • cold extremities, numbness, tingling of the fingertips.
  1. Violation of thermoregulation: low (36.5 and below) or subfebrile (37 and above) temperature.
  2. Pain in different parts of the body (back, joints, neck), which increases at rest and stops with active actions.

Excitability of the heart: palpitations against the background of emotional outbursts, physical exertion,

Dyspeptic manifestations: nausea, belching, pain in the intestines.

Autonomic disorders: increased sweating, cyanosis of certain parts of the body.

Physiological hypotension does not require treatment. To improve the general condition, tonic agents are used (tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, pantocrine, etc.), dosed physical activity, a change in diet (vitamins, beneficial trace elements) and spa treatment.

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