Letter to the management of shopping centers about contact zoos. On approval of the Veterinary and Sanitary Rules for raising animals and conducting veterinary activities in zoos (animal nurseries)


for zoos (animal nurseries)


1. These Veterinary and Sanitary Rules (hereinafter referred to as the rules) for zoos (animal nurseries) (hereinafter referred to as institutions) are developed on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated July 2, 2010 "On Veterinary Activities" (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2010, No. 000, 2/1713).

2. These Rules determine the requirements for the arrangement and equipment of zoos (animal nurseries), establish veterinary and sanitary requirements for the care, feeding and maintenance of animals, providing them veterinary care, as well as carrying out veterinary-sanitary and anti-epizootic measures.

3. Commissioning of zoos (zoos) is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

4. The term for the introduction of the Rules is established from the moment of their approval, the revision is carried out in the prescribed manner.

5. When designing, constructing new and reconstructing existing buildings of zoos (animal nurseries), the technical condition of building structures, engineering networks must comply with the requirements of the building codes of the Republic of Belarus SNB 1.04.01-04 "Buildings and structures. Basic requirements for the technical condition and maintenance of building structures and engineering systems, assessment of their suitability for operation", approved by order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated March 2, 2004 N 70, technical code of established practice TKP 45-1.04-14-2 "Technical operation of residential and public buildings and structures. Procedure carrying out", approved by order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.01.01 N 262, sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards " Hygiene requirements to the organization of sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects that are objects of impact on human health and the environment. 06/30/2009 N 78 and other technical regulatory legal acts, project documentation.

6. Projects for the construction, reconstruction, overhaul, as well as the commissioning of newly built or overhauled, reconstructed and converted buildings of zoos (animal nurseries) must be agreed with the bodies exercising state veterinary and sanitary supervision.

7. The requirements of these Rules must be fulfilled constantly and in full on the entire territory of the Republic of Belarus.

References and the following documents are used in these Veterinary and Sanitary Rules:

SNB 1.04.01-04 "Buildings and structures. Basic requirements for the technical condition and maintenance of building structures and engineering systems, assessment of their suitability for operation."

TCP 45-1.04-14-2 "Technical operation of residential and public buildings and structures. Procedure".

SNB 2.04.05-98 "Natural and artificial lighting".

SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control".

Sanitary norms, rules and hygienic standards "Hygienic requirements for the organization of sanitary protection zones of enterprises, structures and other objects that are objects of impact on human health and the environment, No. 78.


The following terms and definitions apply in these Rules:

zoo (zoological park)- a scientific and educational institution in which wild animals are kept in captivity (in cages, aviaries) or semi-voluntarily (in large fenced areas) for the purpose of their demonstration, study, conservation and reproduction;

zoo nursery (zoological nursery)- an institution for breeding rare and especially valuable animal species for semi-free or artificial breeding of a certain species or group of animal species in order to create genetic banks, as well as to obtain animals for reintroduction into nature and maintain the number of existing ones, restore extinct or create new populations.

sanitary protection zone (hereinafter - SPZ)- a territory with a special regime of use, the size of which ensures a sufficient level of safety of public health from the harmful effects (chemical, biological, physical) of objects on its border and beyond it;

enclosures- dedicated and fenced areas for keeping (walking) animals;

insulator- a specially equipped room for the temporary keeping of animals;

quarantine- keeping animals in special rooms for the duration of the relevant examinations, diagnostic tests and (or) therapeutic and prophylactic veterinary treatments;

animals– domestic animals such as cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, domestic ungulates, birds and rabbits, fish, bees, as well as wild animals bred in zoos (nurseries) and game animals;

terrarium- a special room or container made of transparent safety glass or polymer materials, for keeping small reptiles and amphibians;

exposition- placement for the purpose of demonstrating animals, special layouts, posters, visual aids and the like.


1. The selection and allocation of a site for the construction of zoos (animal nurseries) is selected taking into account the plan of the organizational and economic structure of the institution, the existing layout of the given settlement and district planning with the mandatory participation of supervisory authorities in the field of veterinary medicine and state sanitary supervision. When allocating a site, one should take into account the direction of the prevailing winds, the terrain, the level of standing groundwater, the availability of access roads, the possibility of providing water drinking quality, descent conditions Wastewater, the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone.

The site should be located on the windward side in relation to industrial organizations with emissions of harmful substances, sanitary facilities and on the leeward side - to residential buildings, medical institutions, cultural and community buildings, preschool and educational institutions.

2. Zoos (nurseries) are located in separate buildings in compliance with the requirements of the current TNLA and the mandatory presence of separate entrances for visitors, staff, animals, incoming raw materials, finished feed and auxiliary materials.

3. The sanitary protection zone is established according to the accepted classification in accordance with the current TNLA.

4. The territory of the institution must have a slope of 0.003 degrees. up to 0.05 deg. depending on the soil for the removal of atmospheric, melted and flush waters into storm sewers. The level of standing groundwater should be at least 0.5 m below the level of the floor of the basement.

5. On the territory of the zoo (animal nursery), in which animals are kept and bred in artificial conditions, there are functional zones: administrative and economic, cultural and educational, scientific and industrial and veterinary quarantine with a sanitary block.

Outbuildings and auxiliary buildings (administrative building, forage kitchen, storage and refrigeration premises, vegetable store, repair shops, sheds for transport, garages, etc.) should be placed in the administrative and economic zone;

In the research and production and cultural and educational zones, the main structures (pens, aviaries, cages) for keeping parental stock and young animals, a terrarium, as well as an incubator and brooding rooms (when breeding birds) should be placed;

In the veterinary-quarantine zone, a veterinary station with a clinic and a sanitary block should be located, designed for quarantine overexposure of newly arrived animals and keeping injured, but not infectiously ill animals.

6. The territory of the institution must be fenced with a solid fence and exclude unauthorized access by unauthorized persons and stray animals, have a slope of 0.003 degrees. up to 0.05 deg. depending on the soil for the removal of atmospheric, melted and flush waters into storm sewers. The level of standing groundwater should be at least 0.5 m below the level of the floor of the basement.

7. The territory of the institution must have a through or ring passage for transport with a continuous improved surface that does not have potholes (asphalt concrete, asphalt, concrete, etc.); footpaths for staff and visitors with dust-free coating (asphalt, concrete, slabs, etc.).

8. The entire territory of the institution must be planned in such a way as to ensure that pedestrians and vehicles do not cross it.

9. The territory of the institution must be kept clean and provided with a sufficient number of bins and waste bins to maintain cleanliness. During the day, it is cleaned of impurities. In the warm season, before harvesting, the paths and green spaces are watered at least once a day. AT winter time the carriageway of the territory and footpaths are systematically cleared of snow and ice.

10. All administrative buildings, production workshops, warehouses, feed kitchens, veterinary stations, office and utility rooms must be located in isolation from the exposition part of the territory, enclose them with solid fences, decorate from the outside and provide separate entrances and entrances.

11. Building materials, equipment, feed, production waste, inventory and other property are stored on the territory of the institution only in places specially designated for this purpose and inaccessible to visitors and animals.

12. To collect household waste and animal waste products, marked containers with lids must be installed on an asphalt or concrete platform, the dimensions of which must exceed the dimensions of the containers by at least 1 m in all directions. The site for containers for collecting household waste and animal waste products must be fenced on three sides with a solid wall at least 1.5 m high. Sites for collecting household waste should be located on the windward side in relation to the premises of the institution. The sanitary gap between them should be at least 15 meters.

13. Removal of household waste and animal waste products from containers should be carried out when they accumulate in no more than 2/3 of the container, but at least once a day, followed by disinfection of the containers and the site on which they are located. For the processing of containers, bins, storage of cleaning equipment for cleaning the territory, a separate room with a supply of cold, hot water, sewerage. For centralized collection of household waste and animal products, clean, disinfected containers should be delivered to organizations.

14. Parking lots for visitors are located outside the boundaries of the institution directly on the way to the entrance groups.

15. The zoo develops and approves the daily routine for the seasons of the year, with which all employees get acquainted with the signature. The daily routine determines the opening and closing hours of the zoo for visitors, sanitary days, the start and end times of the park departments, as well as the hours of production, medical procedures and hours of delivery to feed facilities.


1. Natural and artificial lighting of the premises of the institution must comply with the requirements of the current building codes of the Republic of Belarus "Natural and artificial lighting. SNB 2.04.05-98", put into effect on July 1, 1998 by order of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction of the Republic of Belarus dated April 7, 1998 Mr. N 142, other technical regulatory legal acts, local regulatory legal acts.

2. In auxiliary and administrative premises, natural lighting should be used as much as possible.

3. In all rooms requiring air disinfection, germicidal lamps, the number of which is determined on the basis of 1.5 - 2.2 W / sq. m. Glasses of germicidal lamps should be cleaned daily before switching on. The glass surfaces of bactericidal lamps are wiped with a rag soaked in alcohol at least once a week. It is forbidden to use bactericidal lamps that have exhausted their resource specified in the TNLA for these lamps.

4. It is forbidden to block light openings inside and outside the building.

5. It is not allowed to replace glass in skylights with opaque materials. It is forbidden to install composite glass in windows and replace glazing with plywood, cardboard and other materials. Broken glass in windows must be replaced with new ones during the shift.

6. The glazed surface of the light openings of windows, lamps, etc. must be cleaned as it gets dirty, but at least once a quarter from the outside. The internal glazed surface should be washed and wiped down at least once a month.

7. In case of re-planning, changing the purpose of the premises, as well as when transferring or replacing one equipment with another, the illumination of the premises due to new conditions must be brought into line with lighting standards.

8. In the production and auxiliary premises of buildings, devices should be provided for the safe and effective cleaning of glass of light openings, light-aeration lamps and for repairing walls and ceilings of premises (approaches to light openings, devices for hanging cradles, mobile towers, and others).

9. Artificial lighting must be general and combined and must comply with the requirements of the current TNLA.

10. Fluorescent lamps must be used as lamps in industrial and administrative premises

11. Luminaires with fluorescent lamps must be equipped with a protective grid (grid), diffuser or special lamp sockets, which exclude the possibility of lamps falling out of the luminaires; lamps with incandescent lamps - solid protective glass.

12. Lighting devices must be kept clean and in good condition and subjected to preventive examinations, cleaning and timely replacement of their faulty elements at least once every 3 months.

13. The operation of lighting installations with burnt out or exhausted lamps, lamps without protective fittings in all rooms is not allowed. These lamps must be replaced in a timely manner.

14. Lamps containing mercury that have failed or have exhausted their life should be accumulated in a specially designated room and regularly, at least once a year, be transferred to specialized organizations for recycling. Throwing lamps into the trash, storage in an open warehouse or a warehouse intended for the storage of other materials, products, finished products, is prohibited.

15. In addition to the main lighting, the organization must have emergency artificial lighting.


1. Water supply to zoos (animal nurseries) should be carried out by connecting them to a centralized water supply network, and in its absence, by installing an internal water supply system from artesian wells.

2. The quality of water used for technological drinking and household needs must comply with the requirements of SanPiN 10-124 RB 99 “Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems. Quality control".

Water supply should be carried out from a centralized network of household and drinking water use, and in its absence, from an internal water supply system from artesian wells.

3. The choice of water supply sources, water intake sites, calculation of boundaries and an action plan for the improvement of the sanitary protection zone of water supply sources must be carried out in accordance with the current TNLA and are subject to mandatory approval by the state sanitary supervision authorities.

4. The device of the organization's water supply system must meet the requirements of the current TNLA.

5. Artesian wells and reserve reservoirs must have sanitary protection zones of at least 25 m. Their sanitary condition and water quality must be systematically monitored in accordance with the current TNLA within the timeframe agreed with the state sanitary supervision authorities.

Depending on the epidemiological and epizootic situation, the frequency of water tests can be changed regardless of the sources of water supply.

6. The water inlet must be located in an isolated closed room and kept in proper technical and sanitary condition, have serviceable pressure gauges, a tap for sampling water, check valves.

7. The technical water supply must be separate from the domestic and drinking water supply. Both water systems must not have any connections between them and must be painted in distinctive colors.

8. Make-up of the circulating water supply system should be carried out from the network of domestic drinking water supply with an air jet break of at least 20 mm.

Water intake points of both water supply systems must be marked with appropriate inscriptions: "drinking", "technical".

9. Communications of circulating water supply systems must be disinfected before being put into operation, and also periodically during operation.

10. For the purposes of prevention, an annual check of technical serviceability and, if necessary, repair of equipment for water supply sources, water supply networks, reserve tanks, manholes, etc., should be provided.

11. After each repair of the water supply, it must be washed and disinfected with subsequent laboratory testing of water before it is supplied to the institution. Control water samples are taken in accordance with the current TNLA.

12. Accounting and registration of the causes of accidents and repairs of water supply and sewerage, as well as the reasons for the lack of steam and cold, should be kept in a special journal, which should indicate the place, date, time of the accident, the nature of the damage, the date and time of the repair, and by whom, how and when final disinfection was carried out, the results bacteriological analyzes after disinfection, the signature of the responsible person.

13. About all cases of accidents in water supply and sewerage networks, the administration of the organization is obliged to immediately report to the bodies of state sanitary supervision and public utilities.

14. In the premises of the institution, sinks for washing hands with a supply of cold and hot water with a mixer, dispensers for liquid soap and antiseptic for hand treatment, electric towels or disposable towels, pedal tanks for waste paper towels should be installed.

15. For drinking purposes, drinking fountains with contactless control, saturators or drinking tanks are installed, the temperature of drinking water should be within the range of degrees. C. The water in the tanks must be changed daily and the tanks must be sealed.

16. The device of the sewerage system of zoos (animal nurseries) must meet the requirements of the current TNLA, as well as the requirements of these Rules. Institutions must be provided with sewerage systems for the separate collection and disposal of industrial and domestic wastewater. Storm sewers should be provided to collect and remove precipitation.

17. Connections between industrial and domestic sewerage systems are prohibited; each system must have a standalone release. When discharged to municipal wastewater treatment plants or if there are own treatment facilities, the conditions for the discharge of wastewater are determined by the current TNLA. The organization must have a wastewater disposal system that meets sanitary requirements.

The conditions for the discharge of wastewater must be agreed with the state sanitary supervision authorities.

18. It is more expedient to locate the external sewerage networks on the territory of the institution below the water supply lines; it is also allowed to lay water and sewer networks at the same depth. The equipment of the intersections of water and sewer pipes, as well as the distance between parallel communications, must meet the requirements of the current technical regulations.

19. Where necessary, provision should be made for local treatment of polluted wastewater.

20. Effluent from the institution before being released into the reservoir must be subjected to mechanical, chemical (if necessary) and complete biological treatment at the treatment facilities of the settlement or at its own treatment facilities.

21. Technological equipment, washing bathtubs must be connected to the sewerage system through hydraulic locks (siphons) with a jet break from the end of the drain pipe to the upper edge of the funnel, handwashing sinks - through a siphon without jet breakage.

22. Drainage into the sewerage system of wastewater from the equipment must be carried out in a closed way. Discharge of sewage on the floor of the production facility, as well as the installation of open gutters for their flow into the sewer, is not allowed.

23. The temperature of drinking water should not exceed 20 degrees. C and below 8 deg. C.

24. Public toilets (dry closets) located on the territory of the zoo are located at a distance of at least 15 m from the nearest premises.

Toilet cabins are cleaned as they get dirty, but at least once a day and periodically disinfected.

25. The conditions for the discharge of fecal and storm sewage must meet the requirements for the protection of surface waters from pollution, be consistent with territorial bodies sanitary supervision, state epidemiological supervision.

26. For the disposal of industrial and domestic wastewater, institutions must be connected to the city sewerage system or have independent sewerage and treatment facilities.

27. Collection of manure and garbage from the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) is carried out daily in tightly closed garbage containers installed in specially designated places. Overfilling of waste bins is not allowed.

28. Garbage and animal waste products (manure, droppings) are removed from the territory of the zoo (animal nursery) on a daily basis.

29. Corpses, manure (litter), remains of bedding, feed, waste to be disposed of or destroyed must be transported on specially equipped vehicles with a hermetic body.

30. Corpses are disposed of or destroyed outside the organization in places agreed with the head of the district, city, district veterinary station in the city or his deputy.


1. When designing ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems for newly built, reconstructed buildings of zoos (animal nurseries), the requirements of building codes of the Republic of Belarus in accordance with the current TNLA must be observed.

2. The operation of heat-using installations and heat networks of buildings of zoos (animal nurseries) must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Rules technical operation heat-using installations and heat networks of consumers and the Safety Rules for the operation of heat-using installations and heat networks of consumers, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus dated 01.01.01 N 31 (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2003, N 109, 8 / 10012).

3. Ventilation, heating and air conditioning systems must ensure the parameters of the microclimate of the air in accordance with the current technical regulations.

4. In the organization, when using heating, ventilation (or air conditioning) in production and auxiliary premises, a favorable microclimate must be created for:

Maintenance work;

Conservation of feed and materials;

Providing conditions for keeping animals;

Equipment safety.

5. In all rooms, radiators and other heating systems should be used as heating devices, the design of which ensures accessible cleaning. Their surface should be made of easily cleanable materials and regularly cleaned of dust.

6. Equipment that is a source of dust must be provided with individual specialized cleaning systems (filters, cyclones, etc.).

7. The bottom of the intake opening of the air intake shaft of the supply ventilation should be placed at a height of at least 2 m from the ground level.

8. Air removed by exhaust ventilation systems must be removed through exhaust shafts at least 1 m high above roof level.

9. Exhaust ventilation devices should be located at a distance of at least 10 meters horizontally from air intake devices or 6 meters vertically with a horizontal distance of less than 10 meters.

10. The design of the equipment of ventilation and air conditioning systems should provide easy access for its washing and disinfection, it should have a coating that is resistant to the use of detergents and disinfectants, be subjected to regular sanitization in accordance with the current TNLA and be kept constantly clean.

11. Ventilation units that are put into operation or newly equipped after reconstruction and overhaul are subjected to acceptance instrumental tests to determine their sanitary and hygienic efficiency.

12. For existing or newly equipped ventilation units in institutions, there must be technical passports that indicate the results of technical and hygienic tests to determine their technical serviceability and sanitary and hygienic efficiency. Tests should be carried out at least once every three years, as well as when a discrepancy between the state of the air in the production premises and sanitary standards is detected, after the reconstruction or repair of ventilation systems.

13. Ventilation ducts, air ducts from technological apparatus, it is necessary to disassemble and clean their inner surface as they get dirty, but at least once a year, as well as replace protective filters.

14. Ventilation and heating installations should not create noise and vibration in excess of permissible levels.

15. Premises for keeping animals, food premises, bathrooms, boiler rooms and other premises not equipped with conditioned air supply must have mechanically driven supply and exhaust ventilation systems.

16. With central heating, it should be possible to control the degree of heating of the premises, as well as the possibility of independent switching on and off of the heating sections.

17. Premises containing heat-loving animals (monkeys, cats, reptiles, hippos, zebras, kangaroos, ornamental birds, etc.) must have heat-insulating enclosing structures.


1. Buildings and structures of zoos (animal nurseries), the technical condition of building structures, engineering networks must comply with the requirements of the current TNLA.

2. In order to organize systematic monitoring of industrial buildings and structures during their operation, by order of the head of the organization, persons responsible for the correct operation, safety and timely repair of buildings or individual premises assigned to the unit, and a commission for general technical inspection of industrial buildings and structures are appointed.

In addition to systematic monitoring of the operation of buildings and structures by specially authorized persons, all industrial buildings and structures are subject to periodic technical inspections.

3. The results of all types of inspections are documented in acts that indicate the defects found, as well as necessary measures to eliminate them, indicating the deadlines for the work.

4. In the premises of the institution, the floors and foundations must be impervious to sewage, the walls are even and convenient for wet cleaning and disinfection. The premises must have appropriate temperature and humidity conditions.

5. In zoos (animal nurseries) premises for keeping animals (with separate equipment) must be provided:

Feed kitchen with a room for storing and preparing feed,

Refrigeration chamber for storing chilled raw materials and feed;

Premises for storage of auxiliary materials for animal care.

Separate premises are provided for the storage and preparation of animal feed and auxiliary materials for the care of animals in compliance with the requirements of the current TNLA.

The storage and location of animal feed in the cold store should exclude the possibility of their contact with the floor, walls, and cooling appliances.

Sanitization of refrigerating chambers is carried out daily at the end of work or, as necessary, with preparations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

For the sanitization of containers, pallets, racks, pallets, a washing room should be provided, located near the refrigeration circuit.

6. Auxiliary premises should be equipped for employees of zoos (animal nurseries):

Household (rest room, dressing rooms, showers, washrooms, clothes dryers);

Food items;

First aid posts.

The arrangement of these premises must meet the requirements of the relevant technical regulatory legal acts.

7. Dressing rooms for storing home, work clothes and personal protective equipment for production and technical personnel must be equipped with individual wardrobes. The width of the passages between the rows of closed cabinets must be at least 1 m.

8. Shower rooms should be located in the same place as the staff quarters.

Showers should have rubber or plastic mats, hangers for clothes and bath accessories. The use of wooden ladders and gratings is not allowed. Bath accessories, rubber or plastic mats, individual bath shoes must be disinfected monthly with preparations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

9. Hand wash basins should be equipped with cold and hot water supply with a mixer, dispensers for liquid soap, hand sanitizer, electric towels or disposable towels, pedal bins for waste paper towels.

Walls, floors, sinks, toilets, urinals and urns are cleaned and disinfected daily.

10. Toilets must be insulated, drained, have vestibules, equipped with sinks with hot and cold water supply through a mixer, devices for disinfecting hands, electric towels or disposable towels, bins with self-closing lids.

11. Walls, ceilings, floors in shower rooms, dressing rooms, and sanitary facilities should be made of moisture-resistant materials that can be easily washed and disinfected.

12. During each cleaning of the toilets, all surfaces that may be touched by hands when visiting the toilet should be wiped with a marked cloth moistened with a solution of disinfectants permitted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

13. After each cleaning, all cleaning equipment should be immersed in a solution of disinfectants according to the instructions for their use, approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

14. The first-aid post should consist of two rooms with a total area of ​​at least 24 square meters. m. A telephone should be provided in the first-aid post.

15. Household and ancillary premises must be subjected daily at the end of work sanitization drugs approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, at least once a day.

16. Storerooms and cabinets are provided for storage of cleaning equipment and detergents. Depending on the place of use, cleaning equipment differs in color scheme in accordance with the regulations developed and approved by the management of the organization.

It is allowed to use built-in cabinets or closed niches to store cleaning equipment. Cleaning equipment (cleaning machines, carts, buckets, brushes, etc.) must be marked and assigned to the respective premises.

Separate pantries and cabinets should be provided for storage of cleaning equipment in sanitary facilities.

If necessary, when cleaning the premises, mechanization means (industrial vacuum cleaners, installations for washing and disinfection, etc.) can be used.

17. For the storage of products used for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization, special storage facilities must be provided.

To collect garbage in the premises, pedal tanks with lids are installed, as well as containers made of polymeric materials approved for use by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Tanks and containers must be cleaned daily, washed and disinfected with products registered in the Republic of Belarus.

18. In the zoo (animal nursery), one sanitary day is provided monthly for general cleaning and disinfection of the premises. On this day, visitors are not accepted.

On a sanitary day, walls, floors, equipment, as well as windows in industrial household and auxiliary premises are subjected to thorough mechanical cleaning, washing and disinfection with preparations permitted by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

19. Preventive disinfection and measures to combat flies, rodents and ticks are carried out in accordance with the instructions for disinfection, disinfestation, deratization and desacarization approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus.

20. The results of the disinfection are recorded in a journal indicating the disinfection object, area, name, concentration and amount of the disinfectant used, the signature of the person who carried out the disinfection.

21. Catering stations (public catering organizations) may be located as part of amenity premises or in separate buildings. The number of seats is calculated taking into account those working in the most numerous shift.

At the entrance to the dining room there should be provided hangers for overalls, washrooms with hot and cold water supply through a mixer, soap and electric towels or disposable towels, if necessary - dressing rooms with a number of hooks corresponding to the number of seats. It is forbidden to eat food outside the food outlets.

22. In the absence of canteens, a buffet should be provided, as well as a dining room, which should be equipped with clothes hangers, a boiler, a washbasin, tables and chairs, a refrigerator, equipment for heating food (microwave oven, etc.).

23. Food items (canteens, buffets) must meet the sanitary requirements established for public catering organizations.

24. The use of household premises for other purposes is prohibited.


1. In zoos (animal nurseries), veterinary services are provided with a special permit (license) to carry out veterinary activities, unless otherwise established by legislative acts, as well as by the state veterinary service. Direct provision of veterinary services is carried out by specialists veterinary service. The regulation on the veterinary service of a legal entity carrying out veterinary activities is approved by the head of this legal entity, in agreement with the territorial state bodies veterinary supervision.

2. For the provision of veterinary services to animals on the territory of the zoo (animal nursery), a veterinary station is provided.

Veterinary stations are intended for outpatient and inpatient treatment of animals, which include the implementation of preventive veterinary and sanitary, organizational measures to prevent and spread infectious and parasitic diseases and conduct diagnostic studies.

6. The nomenclature of the main production premises of the veterinary station and the minimum norm of their area are given in Annex 1.

3. When carrying out diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures, animals must be fixed. Fixing Methods various kinds animals are given in Annex 2.

5. Accounting, maintenance and provision of veterinary documentation is carried out in accordance with the established procedure in accordance with the current Veterinary legislation.

138. The management and veterinary service of a zoo (nursery) are obliged to comply in full and within the established time limits with all instructions of the state veterinary supervision (control).

139. Veterinarians of the zoo (animal nursery) carry out constant veterinary monitoring of all animals located on the territory of the zoo (animal nursery).

140. If contagious diseases are detected in animals, they are immediately isolated and notified to the district (city) veterinary service at the location or location of the zoo (animal nursery).

141. During the service of animals at the entrance and exit from the cages where animals are kept, employees of the zoo (nursery) disinfect shoes. In case of contagious diseases of large animals (elephants, hippos, rhinos, bison, bison and others), they are left in their places, but with mandatory restrictive measures to prevent the spread of infection. Small and medium-sized animals are placed in an isolation room. Unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter the isolation ward. Maintenance of isolated animals should be organized in such a way as to exclude the possibility of spreading an infection dangerous to humans.

142. Work in isolators is carried out by specially designated and trained persons who previously undergo additional instruction on labor protection.

144. In order to identify possible animal diseases and bacterial carriage, the veterinary service of the zoo (animal nursery) annually conducts examinations of animals by bacteriological, allergic, helminthocoprological and other studies for infectious diseases and takes measures to eliminate them.

145. The Veterinary Service conducts:

Daily clinical examination of animals;

Treatment of sick animals;

Diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations and treatment of animals in accordance with the plans for anti-epizootic measures;

Autopsy of animal corpses and control over their disposal;

Trimming of hooves, horns, cosmetic surgeries;

Organization and implementation of planned and forced disinfection of livestock and quarantine facilities, aviaries, walking yards, containers and other veterinary facilities and quality control of disinfection;

Organizes disinfestation and deratization on the territory of the zoo (animal nursery);

Organizes and performs other types of work within its competence and responsibilities.

146. The admission of workers to work on servicing sick and quarantined animals without familiarization with the relevant instructions on labor protection against signature is prohibited.

147. Considering that animals are kept in zoos (animal nurseries) different types, the work with which is associated with danger when they are fixed and in direct contact with them, the personnel of the veterinary service must observe the following:

When servicing animals suffering from contagious diseases, use overalls that are removed after work is completed and disinfected;

Do not approach other animals in non-disinfected clothing and go outside the veterinary unit;

Wash and disinfect hands after contact with sick animals.

7. Mechanization of watering, distribution of feed, bedding, removal of manure and excrement should be provided in premises for keeping animals.

In addition, the design should include:

Mobile high-pressure automated installations for wet and aerosol disinfection and disinfestation of premises;

Devices (machines, etc.) for fixing animals during treatment and preventive treatments;

Mechanized and automated lines and automatic devices for diagnostic studies and sample analysis;

Containers for collecting veterinary confiscated products from forced slaughtered animals and corpses of small animals.

15. Temperature regimes must comply with the requirements of the current TNLA.

8. In areas with an estimated winter temperature of the outside air below minus 20 ° C, as well as in areas with strong winds at the gates of hospitals and insulators, vestibules must be provided.

9. In areas where the calculated temperature differences between indoor and outdoor air during the cold period of the year are more than 25 ° C, double glazing of windows should be provided.

10. The height from the floor level to the bottom of the windows in the premises should be taken, not less than:

8. Wolves, lynxes, leopards, porcupines, capybaras, beavers, wolverines, cheetahs, etc. are kept in welded cages and cages made of lattices with a distance between the bars of not more than 50 mm and a diameter of the rod of at least 10 mm. It is recommended to tighten the grating with a welded metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 25x25 mm. It is necessary to build an additional section (the size of the section may be smaller than that of the main cage or aviary), connected to the main cage, for driving animals for the duration of various animal care activities. The additional section is made from the same material as the main cage or aviary.

9. A house for representatives of the cat family should be located in an aviary, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is determined based on the type of animal, but not less than 1m2. The door to the house is a frame made of a corner and a steel sheet 5 mm thick, it must be on the grooves and be closed by means of a cable system or with the help of rollers. To fence the enclosure, metal reinforcement with a diameter of 15 mm is used with a distance between the bars of 10 cm. It is necessary that every 70 cm in height the bars pass through holes in a metal strip 25 mm wide and 4 mm thick. The floor is made of wood, concrete, asphalt. Holders for feeders and drinkers are mounted in the aviary. Feed and water are provided only in the absence of animals.

10. Large predators (bears, lions, tigers) are kept in all-metal cages or enclosures. The distance between the bars of the lattice should be no more than 75 mm with a thickness of bars of at least 15 mm. All open (accessible to visitors) parts of the grate are recommended to be tightened with a metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 15x15 mm, welded to the main grate. It is necessary to build an additional section (the size of the section may be smaller than that of the main cage or aviary), connected to the main cage, for driving animals for the duration of various animal care activities. The additional section is made from the same material as the main cage or aviary.

11. Bathtubs for polar bears, waterfowl and reptiles from the viewing side are made of plexiglass with a thickness of at least 3 cm - for bears, 1 cm - for birds and reptiles.

12. Internal surfaces cages that serve to keep brown bears are upholstered with sheet 2.5 - 3 mm overlapping iron, while the seams must be soldered and cleaned. Walls and ceilings of cages can also be upholstered with whole sheets of Bakelite plywood.

All metal structures, except for floors in cages with bears, are painted with an anti-corrosion compound, and wooden elements covered with drying oil and painted with oil paint.

13. Deer and other medium-sized ungulates are kept in enclosures covered with a metal mesh netting with a mesh size of no more than 50x50 mm. The height of the fence depends on the type of animal and averages 3.0 m.

14. Camels and llamas are kept in pens of various sizes, on asphalt, earth or sand on the ground. The fence of the open-air cage is a rare metal lattice. On the territory of the enclosure provide a canopy or wooden house with a feeder, manger.

15. Stables are equipped with a sufficient number of stalls and at least two stalls. The exits from the stables should be no narrower than 1.4 m and not lower than 2.0 m, the width of the passage between the stalls should be at least 3.0 m. The partitions between the stalls and stalls are made of solid boards. In height ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 m, a lattice partition is allowed. Stalls are made 1.8 m wide and 3.0 m deep.

16. Near the stables, a saddlery, a caretaker's, a warehouse for a one-day supply of fodder, a shower for horses and a walking area with a slope to drain surface water are arranged.

17. Kangaroos are kept in cages and aviaries made of metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 50x50 mm. Be sure to have a warm additional section or shelter, especially in the cold season.

18. All monkeys are kept in cages and enclosures made of metal mesh or lattice. As a frame, you can use wooden bars with a cross section of at least 50x50 mm or steel corners, channels, tees and I-beams. The walls of the enclosures can be constructed from tightly fitting boards, at least 20 mm thick, or bricks. Depending on the nature and personal characteristics of the monkey, all wooden structures are recommended to be upholstered with tin or iron. The floor in the enclosures is recommended to be made of cement or wood with a waterproof coating (for example, linoleum), but in such a way that there are no seams or protruding edges left inside the enclosures, by pulling which one could tear off this coating. When keeping monkeys in cages, it is recommended to install a mesh with a mesh of 25x25 mm at a distance of 10-30 cm from the bottom of the cages, and put a pallet with sawdust on the bottom. When keeping medium and large monkeys, as well as any adult, sexually mature individuals, it is necessary to build an additional (distillation) section, depending on the nature and personal characteristics of the monkeys. When constructing outdoor enclosures, it is necessary to use welded metal structures (lattices, fittings, etc.) or a wooden beam with waterproof impregnation and a cross section of at least 100x100 mm; for all monkeys (in outdoor enclosures) a mesh with a mesh size of no more than 25x25 mm is recommended.

Small monkeys (marmosets, small lemurs, small species of monkeys and macaques) are kept in cages or aviaries made of welded metal mesh with a mesh size of no more than 25x25 mm.

Medium monkeys (large species of monkeys, macaques, baboons, mandrills, hamadryas, young gibbons) are kept in cages made of a metal mesh with a mesh of 25x25 mm or a lattice with a distance between the bars of not more than 50 mm and a thickness of 3-5 mm bars. In some cases, you can use a metal mesh with a mesh of 50x50 mm. Cages for monkeys of small sizes are equipped with shelves, ropes, branches, the floor in the cages must be wooden or tiled with electric heating. The construction of each particular cage or enclosure depends on the size and personality of the monkey.

19. Elephants, rhinoceroses and hippos are kept with a strong fence - tram rails and metal surfaces dotted with metal spikes. Also, dry ditches, metal cables and metal pipes with a diameter of 200 mm are used to fence elephant enclosures. Elephants, hippos and tapirs need a body of water, rhinoceroses need a shower or shallow "mud baths". Approximate areas of enclosures per animal for pachyderms (elephants, rhinos, hippos, tapirs) are shown in the table:

20. The minimum size of a stall for elephants is 10x10 m. The table must have automatic drinkers, which are concrete pedestals with a diameter of 50 and a height of 100 cm and a feeder.

21. If there is a constant influx of new animals in the institution, it is recommended to allocate a separate room for them for temporary overexposure and adaptation, as well as to exclude the introduction of various diseases.

1. The premises where animals are kept (cages, aviaries, pens, pools, terrariums, etc.), as well as the places where they are loaded, transplanted, walked and trained, should not be accessible to persons not related to the maintenance of animals.

2. Dangerous animals include:

Predators: snow leopards, cheetahs, leopards, lions, cougars, lynxes, tigers, jaguars, wolverines, wolves, hyenas and bears;

Ungulates: antelopes, hippos, bulls and wild goats, giraffes, elks, deer, zebras, rhinos and tapirs;

Proboscis and marsupials: elephants and kangaroos;

Monkeys: hamadryas, gibbons, gorillas, macaques, monkeys, orangutans, chimpanzees, dogheads;


1. The administration is obliged:

Timely carry out measures to maintain the organization in proper sanitary condition, ensure the maintenance and feeding of animals in accordance with veterinary and sanitary requirements;

Provide workers with the necessary amount of overalls, footwear and personal protective equipment that meet the standards, the necessary amount of detergents and disinfectants;

Carry out regular washing and repair of overalls and issuing them to employees for wear only during work;

Ensure that sufficient cleaning supplies are available;

Ensure the systematic conduct of disinfection, disinfestation, deratization works;

Equip the premises in accordance with the standards;

Allocate special personnel for cleaning the territory and premises.

2. Each employee of the institution must be familiar with these veterinary and sanitary rules.

3. The head of the institution is responsible for the sanitary condition of the institution and for the implementation of these veterinary and sanitary rules.

4. Responsibility for the sanitary condition of household, auxiliary and other premises shall be borne by the heads of the relevant departments.

5. Responsibility for the sanitary condition of inventory equipment and the workplace lies with the employee serving it.

6. Control over the implementation of these rules is carried out by the head of the district, city or district veterinary station in the city or his deputy.

7. Those guilty of violating these rules are liable in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Attachment 1


Name of objects

Approximate composition of the premises

Minimum room area norm, m2

7 Veterinary station

Changing room for veterinary staff

Cabinet of veterinarians

Arena-reception and / or office for outpatient therapeutic reception of sick animals

X-ray room:

According to the design assignment

Cabinet for luminescent diagnostics, electrocardiogram and other special studies with the use of equipment

Storage room for auxiliary materials


clean inventory room

Premises for storage of veterinary products:

Storage room for veterinary medicines

operating room

According to the design assignment

dressing room

Room for overexposure of animals after abdominal operations

Room for euthanasia (euthanasia) of animals

A room with a refrigerator for short-term storage (from 1 to 3 days) of corpses



According to the design assignment

Annex 2


Animal species

Fixing method


Animal taming is applied by squeezing the nasal septum with fingers, Garms forceps, Nikolaev, nose rings or limiting the movement of the animal's body, holding it by the horns, using a rope by the neck, horns, head and a second loop around the nose. The hind limbs are fixed with a rope loop, which is applied to both limbs slightly above the hocks. When clearing and trimming hooves on the pelvic limbs of animals, you can put a twist on the lower leg.

Bulls are fixed with nose rings and a strong collar with a chain.

Breeding bulls, regardless of their disposition, are brought for examination only on a halter and they always use a carrier stick (carabiner) about 2 m long, which is attached to the nose ring, which prevents the animal from suddenly attacking a person.

The calves are held by the hands by the neck, ears or with the help of a neck blind loop with a special knot and tied with a rope to the rack.

Fixed in a standing position by gripping upper jaw with a metal cable and a handle holder or in a machine of a simple design. It is convenient to hold fattening young and gilts with forceps offered. Care is required when handling boars, old hogs and lactating sows, especially those fixed in pens.

Goats and sheep

Hold by the horns or neck. AT necessary cases they are fixed in lying position on the table.

They are fixed so that they cannot hit with their front and hind limbs or bite. Horses should be approached slightly from the side, in the direction of the shoulder and shoulder blade, preferably from the left side, as the horse gets used to this during operation. Approaching the head, they take the halter, bridle or mane with their left hand, and with the right hand they stroke and pat on the neck, withers, then on the shoulder blade and shoulder. If the animal is kept without a leash in a stall, it should be called out to draw attention to itself, call it up, saying sweet words. It is necessary that the horse must stand with its head towards the person. An animal located in the machine or on a hitching post should not be approached from behind, but somewhat from the side from the side where it is looking. With thermometry, rectal examination, carrying out various medical manipulations, in order to ensure the safety of the work of a veterinary specialist, it is necessary to raise the thoracic limb from the side from which the specialist manipulates, or put a tether on one or both hind limbs. The thoracic limb is fixed by lifting it by the brush or the putative part and bending at the carpal joint. At the same time, they stand on the side of the animal with their backs to its head. The raised limb is held with two hands, and during prolonged manipulations - with the help of a putty or rope thrown over the back. You can not put the raised limb of the animal on your knee, as the animal has a fourth point of support, which is not safe for humans. The rope should not be tied to any object or wrapped around the body of the animal, as in the event of an unexpected fall, the horse will not be able to quickly release the limb. When examining the posterior parts of the body, the pelvic limb is fixed. Standing at the croup of the horse facing the tail, with one hand they lean in the maklok, and with the other they lightly pat the leg from top to bottom, raise it, fasten the putty belt, or put on a rope loop, which is then passed between the forelimbs, circled around the neck and tied with a non-stretching loop. In the study of obstinate and to tame restless horses, twists and lip pliers are used. To apply a twist, insert the hand into the loop of the twist. Grabbing the upper lip and pulling it forward, move the twist loop to the lip with the left hand and twist it tightly. It is possible to securely fix the animal in special machines. It is recommended to tie the horse in the machine to the stretch, and to the obstinate animal, so as not to collapse, bring belts under the stomach.


Delivered for research on a halter. It is necessary to approach them carefully, preferably from the side (from the side of the thoracic limbs). The methods of taming these animals are the same as those of a large cattle and horses. Considering specific features behavior of camels, they should be recorded mainly by persons constantly caring for them.

Fix, holding in a natural position by the limbs and wings, without squeezing the chest, to avoid suffocation. When working with waterfowl (geese, ducks), you also need to hold your head to avoid a blow to the eye, and carry out manipulations at arm's length.

fur animals

They hold it with special tongs or hands in canvas mittens with a cotton lining. Animals are placed on the table and held with one hand by the neck, the other by the body. The oral cavity can be opened with the help of construction yawns and special muzzles can be used. You can fix in mesh traps and use analgesics or tranquilizers with local anesthetics, as well as an anesthetic.

They put on a muzzle or tie their mouth with a strong braid. For this purpose, a braid is applied to the jaw from above, tied with a simple knot under lower jaw, and then finally fixed on the back of the head with a marine knot. These procedures are performed with the help of the host. If rabies is suspected, as well as evil and restless dogs it is better to place it in a special metal cage, one side of which moves and clamps it. To fix dogs in a supine position, an operating table for small animals is used, which allows them to be given any position for convenience in work.

During painful manipulations, they are fixed in a special cloth sleeve or wrapped in a towel, leaving the part of the body to be examined free. The muzzle can be tied like a dog, and the legs can be fixed with hands in leather or rubber gloves.

Annex 3


wild animals

Type of

premises in

premises in


small rodents (mouse)


small carnivores (weasels, stoats, etc.),

medium rodents (squirrel, chinchilla
and etc.)

large rodents (porcupines, beavers, etc.), viverrids (viverras, mongooses, etc.)

medium predatory (raccoon, marten,
small canids - foxes, arctic foxes, etc.)

canids (wolves), medium felines (lynxes, leopards, etc.)

large cats (lions, tigers, jaguars, etc.), bears

wild boars, roe deer, tapirs, warthogs, small antelopes

goats, sheep

moose, deer, large
antelopes, zebras

pinnipeds (marine
seals, seals, walruses
and etc.)

cells, 1/3
area -
swimming pool
not deep
less than 1.5 m


cells, 2/3
area -
swimming pool
not deep
less than 1.5 m



Aviaries with
swimming pool
not deep
less than 1 m

edentulous (anteaters, armadillos,


medium sized kangaroo

big size kangaroo

small primates (marmosets, tamarins, etc.)

middle primates (monkeys, macaques,
baboons, etc.

large primates (gorillas, large
chimpanzees, orangutans)

small passerines and



pheasants, small owls and falcons
figurative, medium parrot-shaped,
toucans, etc.

anseriformes (ducks,
geese, goose)

Aviaries with
swimming pool
not deep
less than 30 cm

large parrots,



Aviaries with
swimming pool
not deep
less than 1 m

pelicans, swans

Aviaries with
swimming pool
not deep
less than 50 cm

medium and large falconiformes (eagles, vultures, condors, etc.), large
owls, cranes, storks (herons, storks, flamingos)


ostriches (except
African ostrich)

African ostriches

Reptiles (terrestrial/arboreal forms):

snakes up to 20 cm


snakes from 20 to 40 cm, lizards up to 10 cm

snakes from 40 cm to 1 m long

snakes from 1 to 2 m

snakes 2 to 3 m long

snakes over 3 m long

small lizards up to 20 cm long

small and medium lizards from 20 to 50 cm (basilisks, spindles, agamas, etc.)

medium and large lizards over 50 cm
long (lizards, poisonous teeth, chameleons,
iguanas, etc.)

small and medium
turtles (steppe,
Greek, marsh,
Caspian, box
and etc.)

major land
turtles (Seychelles,

crocodile up to 50 cm

Terrarium with
swimming pool
not deep
less than 0.1 m

crocodiles up to 2 m

Terrarium with
swimming pool
not deep
less than 0.4 m

crocodiles over 2 m

Terrarium with bass Main >
0.8 m

Amphibians (terrestrial/arboreal forms):

water forms
(axolotl, clawed
frogs, etc.)

Aquarium or

small salamanders,
toads, frogs


large amphibians
gigantic, etc.)

<*>Based on 1 individual of a wild animal.

The State Duma in early 2017 will develop a regulatory framework for contact zoos. This site was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Kirill Cherkasov.

"It is necessary to develop a regulation that will determine which animals can be kept in petting zoos and which ones are not. Now these standards are not spelled out. We are discussing this issue with veterinarians and experts. Such zoos should be guided by uniform standards," Cherkasov said.

According to him, when developing the regulation, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the regions: for example, in Yakutia it will not be possible to keep lizards and parrots, and in the southern regions - animals with dense wool. This requirement will not only protect animals, but also teach children right attitude to them.

"In petting zoos, animals tamed by humans should be kept: cats, dogs, kids, rabbits and bunnies. Animals dangerous to children should not be placed there," Cherkasov said.

The regulation may also prescribe that zoo employees will have to be near the animals and monitor what is happening. "It often happens that there is no one on the territory of the petting zoo next to the animals. As a rule, this is explained as follows: we work for free, we cannot afford the allocation of an individual employee. But free of charge should not affect safety ..

At the moment, experts are preparing their proposals, after which the State Duma committee will discuss them and amend the legislation. Then the Ministry of Natural Resources will have to issue a regulation.

"I hope that immediately after the New Year we will already have a working document, which we will already submit for discussion in the committee," Cherkasov concluded.

Petting zoos, unlike conventional zoos, do not restrict human-animal communication. This is an area in which animals walk without cages or with minor fences. You can approach the animals, stroke and feed them. One of the goals of creating such zoos is to introduce children to the world of animals. The activity of contact zoos is currently not regulated by law. Sometimes they meet exotic animals that can attack visitors. In addition, animals are periodically kept in cruel conditions.

Today in Russia there is no uniform legislation on animals. In Moscow and a number of other large cities, there are temporary rules for keeping pets. For cruelty to animals in the country, a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles is provided, and the maximum punishment under this article is six months of arrest.

Trade in exotic animals is regulated by the provisions of the "Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora" (CITES). The Convention prohibits the sale of animals listed in the Red Book. The document is aimed only at protecting rare species from extinction in wild nature, the convention does not apply to animals born in captivity. However, the owner of an exotic animal must have documents on importation or purchase in the country, a certificate from a veterinarian and a registration certificate.

Kirill Goryachev, vice-president of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals, believes that petting zoos injure animals. According to him, it is necessary to contact with domestic animals at home, and contact with wild animals should be limited.

"Wild animals require appropriate care, and their nature does not imply human contact. It is unnatural for them. First you need to adjust common law about the treatment of animals, and then engage in petting zoos,” the expert noted. In such zoos, only farm animals that are closer to humans, such as goats or sheep, can be kept.

Director of the Moscow contact zoo "Forest Embassy" Maria Stromnova supported the regulation of zoos in federal law.

“There have been talks about such a law for a long time. At the same time, we at the Forest Embassy comply with even stricter internal corporate standards than what deputies and the public propose. All regions have different requirements of regulatory authorities. It would be much more convenient for contact zoos if the rules were the same across the country," she said.

The position should be written so that the management of petting zoos monitors the characters and behavior of animals, Stromnova added. “There are, for example, very aggressive monkeys. There are many cute-looking animals that are unpredictable in behavior. The same squirrels: one communicates with you, climbs on your hands and asks for nuts, the second shies away from you,” the director noted.

The bill regulating the activities of contact zoos was also planned to be developed in the Moscow City Duma. The deputies proposed to ban the work of petting zoos. The draft law will also include fines for violating the rules for keeping animals in such zoos and causing harm to them.

In addition, the Moscow City Council is preparing a bill on wild animals in the apartments of Muscovites. All exotic animals will be divided into groups. Some will be allowed to be kept at home, while the rest will be required to be returned to their natural environment or transported to a petting zoo.


shopping (shopping and entertainment center)

address __________________

(information can be taken from the website of the shopping center or mall)

from ______________

(full name or organization name)

Information mail on the prevention of violation of the law

Dear head of administration of the shopping center/shopping center ________________________!

As part of public work to prevent violations of sanitary, veterinary, administrative and criminal legislation, I inform you about the inadmissibility of leasing premises to accommodate the so-called "petting zoos".

Persons organizing such a business have no idea about the sanitary, sanitary and veterinary, sanitary and epidemiological rules in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, and therefore their activities are illegal and dangerous to humans and animals.

When checking "petting zoos" by regulatory authorities systematic violations of Art. 34, 35 of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population» No. 52-FZ, as well as sanitary and epidemiological rules:

1. Workers are not vaccinatedagainstrabies as required by paragraphs 10.4, 10.4.4 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules 3.DD.MM.YYYY-10 "Prevention of rabies among humans";

When organizing "contact zoos", violations of the following sanitary and veterinary rules are systematically revealed:

1. Quarantine requirements for newly arrived animals are not followed(clause "Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals. 2. Brucellosis. Sanitary rules. SP 3.1.085-96. Veterinary rules. VP 13.3.1302-96" (approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation on May 31 1996 N 11, Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation June 18, 1996 N 23));

2. The rules for the separate keeping of animals of various types and directions are not observed(clause 4.1 "Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals. 3. Salmonellosis. Sanitary rules. SP 3.1.086-96. Veterinary rules. VP 13.41318-96" (approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation on May 31, 1996 N 11 , Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation June 18, 1996 N 23));

3. The requirements for vaccination of animals against anthrax, rabies, other diseases dangerous to humans; animals of certain species are not examined for tuberculosis (clause 5.7 "Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals. 10. Tuberculosis. Sanitary rules SP 3.1.093-96. Veterinary rules VP 13.3.1325-96" (approved by State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation on May 31, 1996 N 11, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation on June 18, 1996 N 23) and other norms)).

4. Instructions for veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities are not followed, wt. By order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988, p.p. 9.2.5, 9.2.6 (removal of manure with bedding from under animals together with household waste), p.p. 9.1.6, 9.1.7 (lack of specially equipped manure storage facilities.

5. There are no veterinary accompanying documents for feed, which is a violation of clause 1.2 of the Rules for the organization of work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents, approved. Ministry Agriculture RF November 16, 2006 No. 422

All of the above actions and omissions are administrative offenses under Art. 6.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation Violation of the legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" and Art. 10.6 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation"Violation of animal quarantine rules or other veterinary and sanitary rules."

In addition, there are quite frequent cases of cruelty to animals, both on the part of employees of "contact zoos" and on the part of visitors, which falls under the signs of a crime under the Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Cruelty with animals".

To administrative responsibility under Art. 6.3 the landlord can also be involved!

According toArt. one Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (hereinafter - the federal law N 52-FZ) state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations are regulatory legal acts that establish sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including criteria for the safety and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-compliance with which creates a threat human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases.

Decree The Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2007 No. 74 put into effect the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other objects" (hereinafter - health regulations).

In accordance with clause 2.1. Sanitary regulations in order to ensure the safety of the population and in accordance with the Federallaw "O sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated 30.03.1999 N 52-FZ around facilities and industries that are sources of impact on the environment and human health, a special territory with a special regime of use is established, the size of which ensures that the impact of pollution on the atmospheric air (chemical, biological, physical) is reduced to According to its functional purpose, the sanitary protection zone is a protective barrier that ensures the level of safety of the population during the normal operation of the facility.

In accordance with paragraphs. 6, paragraph 7.1.11 of the Sanitary Rules "Farms with animals up to 100 heads" are classified as class IV, for which the sanitary protection zone is 100 m.

In accordance with paragraph 173 of the "Safety and Industrial Sanitation Rules for Zoos (zoos) of the USSR" (approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture on 07/25/1973) (together with the "Typical summary nomenclature of labor protection measures", approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 30.05. 1969 (protocol N 10, paragraph 8)), in buildings and structures intended for keeping and exposing animals, it is prohibited to equip residential, office, industrial premises. They can only provide for working rooms and laboratories necessary for the direct service of the animals of this facility.

By renting premises to accommodate the "petting zoo", you bear:

The risk of obtaining an unreliable tenant whose activities are based on violation of the law and, as a result, losses;

The risk of being held administratively liable and paying a fine.

Please consider the information contained in this letter.

With respect to you and your business _________________ (full name)

"___" __________201--__ ___________________________

The material was prepared by the lawyer of the Public Organization DingoSPb Daria Malyutina

Russians for a ban on "contact" zoos

While many people in the world today are concerned about preserving the planet and educating the younger generation in the spirit of careful attitude to nature and animals, commercial entertainment, monstrous in its cruelty, is gaining momentum in Russia - the so-called "contact", "feeling" or "touching" zoos, where tens (hundreds) of people for a fee can feel animals that do not have the opportunity to hide from them.

Establishments of this kind absolutely illegal, their activity is a gross violation of the veterinary and sanitary standards for the maintenance of animals and the current in the country legal framework activities of zoos (Safety regulations and industrial sanitation for zoos (zoos): (approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture on July 25, 1973). This criminal and dangerous business for human health has become widespread due to two reasons:
1. non-fulfillment by officials of profile structures of their official duties and
2. ignorance and / or indifference of the civilian population of Russia.

The greed of the devoid of conscience and moral principles merchants, with the support of corrupt officials, made it possible to turn living, sentient beings into inanimate toys, which, against their will, can be squeezed all day long, picked up, chased around the cage, constantly awakened during sleep, and even carried by order of wealthy clients to noisy holidays and festivities. One of the large networks of "contact" zoos is called - "Small animals like toys".

It would seem that in the progressive society of the 21st century, such a low-grade phenomenon should be considered absolute savagery: the Chinese execution with sleep deprivation causes shock to modern man, pedagogical schools teach parents to severely suppress the child's attempts to disturb animals just because they wanted to play, explaining to children that a consumerist, soulless attitude towards living beings is unacceptable. Nevertheless, the animal rights business continues to thrive and introduce into circulation even rare, endangered animals on the planet. Yes, in the mall "Key" among the "exhibits" of the "palpable" zoo was a fur seal, listed in the International Red Book and the Red Book of Russia. According to the law, for improper use of the Red Book species, merchants must receive 7 years in prison under Art. 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but so far - no matter how insane it may seem - they are presenting the media with the results of an inspection carried out a month ago by the relevant departments, which considered this state of affairs to be normal (!).

Meanwhile, the flow of complaints to animal protection organizations about "contact" zoos is increasing day by day as they grow nationwide. The facts indicated in the statements testify to the blatant immorality of this phenomenon, dooming thousands of animals across the country to daily torment. Animals given to be torn to pieces by the crowd are crushed with their feet, dropped repeatedly, beating internal organs, suffocate, break wings, throw them into neighboring enclosures. Tiny cages in which animals are located are usually located in shopping centers. Lack of exercise, concrete / linoleum floor, stuffiness, bright artificial light, terrible noise from the flow of visitors during the 11 hours of the institution's operation makes the animals under constant stress. Exceptions are not made for anyone: all day long you can feel snowy owls, hedgehogs, and thick-tailed galagos - animals that lead a nocturnal lifestyle and hide in daytime in shelters. Particularly deplorable is the fate of newborn chickens, ducklings and goslings, which are regularly brought up to be squeezed by children as disposable objects. There are frequent cases of aggression on the part of animals distraught from the onslaught of visitors: they can bite, hit with horns, like ungulates, or with a powerful beak, like ostriches. Visitors also run the risk of receiving accidental bites while feeding animals - an additional paid service provided in all institutions of this kind.

Visitors to "contact" zoos enter the animal enclosures with unwashed hands, feed and stroke them in outerwear, bringing and taking with them myriads of pathogenic organisms, which, after dozens of hands, remain in the mouth and on the animal's fur, in the litter. The immune system of an animal, deprived of exercise and normal life, is already malfunctioning; and with such a colossal load on it, the animal is constantly sick and becomes a "hotbed" of diseases for children.

Animals from different climatic zones become prisoners of petting zoos, requiring completely different temperature conditions, lighting, humidity and other conditions that simply cannot be satisfied in the halls shopping centers.

Hiding behind the idea of ​​a “social project”, the owners of “palpable” zoos, meanwhile, have very decent incomes: for example, the annual turnover of one of the companies is 28 million rubles a year, a newly opened point in a shopping center pays off in 3 months.

The argument that in the "contact" zoo children join nature in urban conditions does not stand up to scrutiny. Initiation to nature is an interaction with it in vivo. For example, feeding birds or watching insects, which is available even in an urban environment. A child will truly fall in love with nature if he is imbued with the beauty, originality and inner value of our fellow planets around us in everyday life.

Would any of the people want to spend their whole lives in captivity, being squeezed from morning to night by creatures foreign to him? Not? We don't want that either! And we do not want this to be done with other living beings who, like us, have the right to life and protection from suffering.

We ask you to stop the activities of illegal, anti-pedagogical, dangerous for people and cruel to animals establishments throughout the country - "contact" zoos.

We also ask to dismiss from their posts officials of profile structures who committed lawlessness and thereby dealt a powerful blow to the principles of moral education of an entire generation.

The list of regulations that violate "contact" zoos:

1. Rules for safety and industrial sanitation for zoos (zoos): (approved by the USSR Ministry of Culture on July 25, 1973) (together with the "Typical summary nomenclature of labor protection measures", approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of May 30, 1969 (minutes N 10, 8)) - points 156.7 and 236 (prohibition of contact with visitors); p.173 and 180 - prohibition of placing zoos in shopping centers;

2. Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 473 "On approval of the model regulation on state zoological parks" dated July 16, 1993 (clause 5.1 on the prohibition of outside activities not related to the conservation of species);

3. Sanitary rules. SP 3.1.086-96. clause 4.1.; Veterinary rules VP 13.4.1318-96 “Prevention and control of infectious diseases common to humans and animals. Salmonellosis”, approved on June 18, 1996 by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation and on May 31, 1996 by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation (on the joint keeping of animals of different species in enclosures - this is the case in almost all “contact” zoos);

4. Instructions for conducting veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities, approved by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988 - paragraphs 6.1., 6.3., 6.10 (Lack of a disinfection barrier at the entrance to the territory where animals are kept, intended for processing the wheels of vehicles, transporting animals, animal feed and vehicles transporting manure);

5. Rules for the veterinary treatment of animals during their selection and sale to collective farms, state farms and other enterprises and organizations and during the inter-farm exchange of animals for breeding and production purposes, approved by the Main Veterinary Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture dated April 23, 1979 - clause 11 (failure to conduct preventive quarantine within the established premises for this purpose);

6. Rules for the organization of work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2006 No. 422 - clause 1.2 (lack of veterinary accompanying documents for feed);

7. Instructions for conducting veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities, approved by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988 - p.p. 9.2.5.and 9.2.6 (The removal of manure with bedding from under animals together with household waste is a violation);

8. Instructions for conducting veterinary disinfection of livestock facilities, approved by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR on August 25, 1988 - p.p. 9.1.6 and 9.1.7 (Lack of a specially equipped manure storage facility);

In the case of using species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation in the "contact" zoo:

9. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 156 of February 19, 1996 (prohibition of trapping and use for commercial and recreational purposes);

10. Art. 258.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (illegal harvesting and trafficking of especially valuable wild animals and aquatic biological resources belonging to species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation).

In case of death or injury to animals:

11. Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "On Cruelty to Animals".

254.3) on the grounds of young animals with direct contact with young animals, attendants should wear protective gear and work in special clothing. Shields, nets, nets, poles are used as devices, boots, mittens, aprons, etc. are used as protective clothing. If it is necessary to pick up young animals, wear protective suits, aprons, protecting the face, chest, arms, abdomen and other parts of the body from the teeth and claws of predators, horns and hooves of animals, porcupine quills, rodent teeth, etc .;

254.4) entrance to the premises to adult, tamed and trained, but potentially dangerous animals for their care, rehearsals is allowed only simultaneously 2 persons constantly working with these animals;

254.5) catching, fixing, cages and other actions with especially dangerous animals are carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist by position not lower than the head of the department (section);

254.6) for catching animals, nets, loops, ropes, transport cages, trapping corridors, mobile van-type cameras, etc. are used. The latest methods, means of trapping and fixation in the treatment of animals should be considered the use of immobilizing substances introduced into the body of animals with the help of special devices.

Any combat with dangerous animals is strictly prohibited;

254.7) methods and methods of catching animals, as well as fixing them, are selected in accordance with the actual situation at the place where these works are performed. They must be safe for all persons taking part in them;

254.8) when fixing animals and other animals for zootechnical, scientific or veterinary examination, stationary devices are also used in the premises for keeping animals or in veterinary clinics. Stationary devices should be adjacent to the main animal housing and designed to allow vertical and horizontal clamping of the animal's torso. These devices should be free of sharp corners, spikes, crevices and other defects. Gates and doors must be securely closed with easy-to-handle locks. Each time before use, all equipment is carefully checked, especially its mechanical devices and constipation. In places where operations related to the fixation of animals are carried out, in cases of their sudden release and release, means of protection and catching must be prepared, and in particular dangerous situations must have a hunting license firearms with a set of charges;

254.9) feed and water are distributed to animals with the help of special forks, pikes, poles, kreuzers and other tools and service items, which must be strong, light, easy to handle and long enough to allow the worker to reach any point on the floor area of ​​​​the room in which he is kept animal without coming close to the fences. Cleaning of premises in the presence of animals is also carried out with the help of special tools;

254.10) approaching the animals before starting work, it is necessary to call loudly but affectionately to attract their attention, and in the future, during work, monitor their behavior;

254.11) all service passages, corridors and other areas directly adjacent to the premises for keeping animals must provide workers and employees with freedom of movement during maintenance and inaccessibility to animals;

254.12) small rodents, ungulates, carnivores, monkeys, insectivores, bats, marsupials and other animals with small physical force, which do not have an aggressive disposition, are practically not dangerous for service personnel. They can be serviced directly in the premises by one person under the supervision of a senior. For insurance, you must have protective equipment with you;

254.13) all persons admitted by the zoo management to photographing, filming, making sketches, sculptural works, are strictly forbidden to work near the premises with animals on their own without supervision by responsible zoo employees;

254.14) before entering a cage, corral, aviary and other premises for keeping animals, workers, employees must make sure that there are no animals in them, that distillation devices, main and emergency doors, manholes, gates are in good order, firmly locked, automatic mechanisms of distillation devices have worked , locking devices ensured the reliability of animal isolation. It is also necessary to ensure free unhindered entry into the premises and exit back;

254.15) after cleaning, current, emergency or major repairs of premises for keeping animals, before releasing an animal into them from an adjacent distillation premises to the main one, it is necessary to make sure that the repair work has been carried out with high quality, no tools, building materials, etc. have been left in the premises. .P.

254.16) Service personnel(workers caring for animals, foremen, those on duty in the halls and at the aviary, cleaners, etc.) it is strictly forbidden to conduct any experiments with animals on your own, to train them. It is also forbidden to take out and pick up young animals from the premises, take them out or take them for walks without the permission of the immediate superiors in the service.

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