Nonspecific and specific resistance factors are examples of disorders. Increasing the body's resistance. How to reduce the possibility of developing antibiotic resistance

The resistance of the organism is the resistance of the organism to the action of various pathogenic factors (physical, chemical and biological).
Resistance of an organism is closely connected with reactivity of an organism (see).
The resistance of the body depends on its individual, in particular constitutional, characteristics.
Distinguish between nonspecific resistance of the organism, i.e., the resistance of the organism to any pathogenic influences, regardless of their nature, and specific, usually to a specific agent. Nonspecific resistance depends on the state of the barrier systems (skin, mucous membranes, reticuloendothelial system, etc.), on nonspecific bactericidal substances in the blood serum (phagocytes, lysozyme, properdin, etc.) and the pituitary - adrenal cortex system. Specific resistance to infections is provided by immune responses.
In modern medicine, methods are widely used to increase both specific and nonspecific resistance of the body- vaccination (see), autohemotherapy (see), protein therapy (see), etc.

The body's resistance (from Latin resistere - to resist) - the body's resistance to the action of pathogenic factors, i.e. physical, chemical and biological agents that can cause a pathological condition.
The resistance of the body depends on its biological, species characteristics, constitution, gender, stage of individual development and anatomical and physiological characteristics, in particular the level of development of the nervous system and functional differences in the activity of the endocrine glands (pituitary gland, adrenal cortex, thyroid gland), as well as on state of the cell substrate responsible for the production of antibodies.
Resistance of an organism is closely connected with a functional state and reactivity of an organism (see). It is known that during hibernation, some animal species are more resistant to the effects of microbial agents, such as tetanus and dysentery toxins, pathogens of tuberculosis, plague, glanders, and anthrax. Chronic starvation, severe physical fatigue, mental trauma, poisoning, colds, etc. reduce the body's resistance and are factors predisposing to the disease.
There are nonspecific and specific resistance of the organism. Nonspecific body resistance provided by barrier functions (see), the content in body fluids of special biologically active substances - complements (see), lysozyme (see), opsonins, properdin, as well as the state of such a powerful factor of nonspecific protection as phagocytosis (see). an important role in the mechanisms of nonspecific resistance organism plays an adaptation syndrome (see). Specific resistance of an organism is caused by specific, group or individual features of an organism at special influences on it, for example at active and passive immunization (see) against causative agents of infectious diseases.
It is practically important that the body's resistance can be enhanced artificially with the help of specific immunization, as well. also by the introduction of sera or gamma globulin convalescents. Raise nonspecific resistance body has been used by folk medicine since ancient times (cauterization and acupuncture, the creation of foci of artificial inflammation, the use of such plant substances as ginseng, etc.). In modern medicine, such methods of increasing the body's nonspecific resistance as autohemotherapy, protein therapy, and the introduction of antireticular cytotoxic serum have taken a firm place. Stimulation body resistance with the help of non-specific effects - an effective way of general strengthening of the body, increasing its protective capabilities in the fight against various pathogens.

Body resistance(lat. resistentia resistance, opposition; synonymous with resistance) - the body's resistance to exposure) to various damaging factors.

Resilience is closely related to body reactivity , representing one of its main consequences and expressions. Distinguish nonspecific and specific resistance. Nonspecific resistance is understood as the ability of an organism to withstand the effects of factors that are diverse in nature. Specific resistance characterizes a high degree of resistance of the body to the effects of certain factors or their close groups.

The resistance of an organism can be determined by the relatively stable properties of various organs, tissues and physiological systems, incl. not associated with active reactions to this effect. These include, for example, the barrier physical and chemical properties of the skin, preventing the penetration of microorganisms through it. Subcutaneous tissue has high thermal insulation properties, bone tissue is highly resistant to mechanical stress, etc. Such resistance mechanisms also include such properties as the absence of receptors with affinity for a pathogenic agent (for example, a toxin) or underdevelopment of the mechanisms necessary for the implementation of the corresponding pathological process (for example, allergic reactions).

In other cases of R.'s formation about. Of decisive importance are active protective and adaptive reactions aimed at maintaining homeostasis under potentially harmful effects of environmental factors or adverse changes in the internal environment of the body.

The effectiveness of such reactions and, consequently, the degree of resistance to various factors depends on the congenital and acquired individual characteristics of the organism. So, some people throughout their lives have a high (or, on the contrary, low) resistance to various infectious diseases, cooling, overheating, the action of certain chemicals, poisons, toxins.

Significant fluctuations in individual resistance may be associated with the characteristics of the organism's reactivity during its interaction with a damaging agent. Resistance can decrease with a lack, excess or qualitative inadequacy of biologically significant factors (nutrition, physical activity, labor activity, information load and stressful situations, various intoxications, environmental factors, etc.). The organism has the greatest resistance in optimal biological and social conditions of existence.

Resistance changes in the process of ontogenesis, and its age-related dynamics in relation to various influences is not the same, however, in general, it turns out to be the highest in adulthood and decreases as the organism ages. Some features of resistance are sex-linked.

A significant increase in both nonspecific and specific resistance can be achieved through adaptation to various influences: physical stress, cold, hypoxia, psychogenic factors, etc. At the same time, adaptation and high resistance to any effect may be accompanied by an increase in resistance to other factors. Sometimes opposite relationships can also arise, when an increase in resistance to one category of impacts is accompanied by a decrease in it to others.

A special place is occupied by a highly specific mobilization of the protective and adaptive properties of the body when the immune system is affected. In general, the implementation of the mechanisms of R. o. It is provided, as a rule, not by any one organ or system, but by the interaction of a complex of various organs and physiological systems, including all links of regulatory processes.

Condition and features of R. about. can be determined to a certain extent by the method of functional tests and loads used, in particular, in professional selection and in medical practice.

Primary (natural) resistance is a hereditary form of resistance, secondary resistance- this is an acquired form of resistance, it is formed during the life of the body: for example, to physical activity and hypoxia - through training; to infection - as a result of the development of stable immunity after an infection or vaccination.

Primary resistance may be absolute and relative. Absolute resistance does not change throughout the life of the individual. For example, the absolute immunity of the organism to infection (in particular, animals do not suffer from malaria and scarlet fever, venereal diseases, a person is tolerant to rinderpest). This is due to the fact that the cells of the body do not have on their surface the structures necessary for the fixation of this microbe, or, due to their molecular organization, cannot serve as its habitat. Relative resistance may change under certain conditions. For example, a person is resistant to camel distemper, but can get sick after being very tired.

Resilience is also subdivided into passive and active.

Passive resistance- is not associated with the activation of the body's defense mechanisms in response to a damaging factor, active resistance- accompanied by activation and restructuring of defense systems.

non-specific and specific.

Specific resistance- this is the resistance of an organism to one specific agent, for example, to a specific antigen. Nonspecific resistance- the body's resistance to several influences at once.


An example of passive specific resistance is natural immunity due to maternal antibodies, and artificial immunity due to the introduction of ready-made antibodies with serum.

An example of active specific resistance serves to produce antibodies during infection or vaccination.

An example of passive non-specific resistance is the mechanical reliability of the musculoskeletal system; protective function of the bones of the skull (protects the brain from damage); barrier function of the skin and mucous membranes (prevent the penetration of infectious pathogens into the body).

An example of active non-specific resistance unconditioned reflexes can serve: lacrimation, salivation, motor reflexes, stress reaction. This also includes the factors of the so-called "species immunity". It:

1. Normal microflora of mucous membranes membranes of the respiratory, GI and genitourinary tracts. It prevents the colonization of mucous membranes by pathogenic microorganisms, their introduction and reproduction.

2. hydrochloric acid (HCl) gastric juice and digestive enzymes, aldehydes and fatty acids of the sebaceous and sweat glands. They inactivate and destroy antigens;

3. liver- is a metabolic barrier. It carries out the biotransformation of xenobiotics using the monooxygenase system;

4. phagocytes(macrophages, neutrophils, etc.) - carry out phagocytosis - the capture and digestion of foreign material;

5. natural cytotoxicity system: natural killers and interferons α, β, γ. NK cells destroy antibody-coated target cells and trigger their apoptosis, interferons inhibit the reproduction of viruses;

6. lysozyme- a proteolytic enzyme synthesized by phagocytes is found in the blood, lymph, mucous membranes and secrets (tear fluid, milk, semen). It destroys the bacterial cell wall;

7. complement system- a complex of whey proteins, as a result of which activation an active cytotoxic complex is formed, which lyses the cells containing the antigen. There are 2 ways of complement activation: the classical one, during the formation of the “antigen-antibody” complex, and the alternative one, which is realized without the participation of antibodies, through bacterial polysaccharides that trigger the chain of transformations of properdin.

8. acute phase proteins- are produced in the liver in response to damage to cells and tissues, in particular, such an acute phase protein as C-reactive protein contributes to the opsonization of antigens, facilitating their phagocytosis.

In addition, resistance can be general(this is the stability of the whole organism) and local(this is the stability of certain parts of the body).

Sometimes non-specific and specific resistance complement each other, sequentially being included in the process of protecting the body. So, at the initial stages of the development of infections transmitted by airborne droplets, in particular with influenza, the state of the barrier function of the mucous membranes of the oropharynx is of no small importance, and further mechanisms of specific protection are activated - the production of antiviral antibodies.

It should be borne in mind that the concepts of reactivity and resistance are not identical. High resistance is not equivalent to pronounced reactivity.

An example of a combined increase in reactivity and resistance is hyperreactive resistance during infection, when immunity is provided by a pronounced protective reaction of the macroorganism against the pathogen; hardening, playing sports are accompanied by an increase in nonspecific resistance. An example of a combined decrease in reactivity and resistance is visual impairment and hearing loss. A blind person crossing the street is more likely to be in a critical situation than a person with normal vision.

Conditions of the organism are noted when reactivity and resistance change differently. Decreased reactivity against the background of increased resistance to infection noted during hyperthermia, during hibernation in animals, anesthesia causes an artificial increase in nonspecific resistance. For allergies, on the other hand, reactivity increased and resistance decreased; in hyperthyroidism, nonspecific reactivity is increased, and resistance to hypoxia is reduced. This suggests that a hyperergic response is not always beneficial to the body.

resistance (from lat. resistere - resist, resist) - the body's resistance to the action of extreme stimuli, the ability to resist without significant changes in the constancy of the internal environment; this is the most important qualitative indicator of reactivity;

Nonspecific resistance represents the resistance of an organism to damage (G. Selye, 1961), not to any individual damaging agent or group of agents, but to damage in general, to various factors, including extreme ones.

It can be congenital (primary) and acquired (secondary), passive and active.

Congenital (passive) resistance is determined by the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the organism (for example, the resistance of insects, turtles, due to their dense chitinous cover).

Acquired passive resistance occurs, in particular, with serotherapy, blood replacement transfusion.

Active non-specific resistance is determined by protective and adaptive mechanisms, occurs as a result of adaptation (adaptation to the environment), training to a damaging factor (for example, increased resistance to hypoxia due to acclimatization to a high-mountain climate).

Nonspecific resistance is provided by biological barriers: external (skin, mucous membranes, respiratory organs, digestive apparatus, liver, etc.) and internal - histohematic (hematoencephalic, hematoophthalmic, hematolabyrinthic, hematotesticular). These barriers, as well as biologically active substances contained in fluids (complement, lysozyme, opsonins, properdin) perform protective and regulatory functions, maintain the composition of the nutrient medium that is optimal for the organ, and help maintain homeostasis.


Any impact that changes the functional state of regulatory systems (nervous, endocrine, immune) or executive (cardiovascular, digestive, etc.) leads to a change in the reactivity and resistance of the body.

Factors that reduce nonspecific resistance are known: mental trauma, negative emotions, functional inferiority of the endocrine system, physical and mental overwork, overtraining, starvation (especially protein), malnutrition, lack of vitamins, obesity, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, hypothermia, colds, overheating, pain trauma, detraining of the body, its individual systems; physical inactivity, a sudden change in the weather, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, ionizing radiation, intoxication, past illnesses, etc.

There are two groups of ways and methods that increase nonspecific resistance.

With a decrease in vital activity, loss of the ability to independent existence (tolerance)

2. Hypothermia

3. Ganglion blockers

4. Winter hibernation

While maintaining or increasing the level of vital activity (SNPS - a state of non-specifically increased resistance)

1 1. Training of the main functional systems:

physical training

hardening to low temperatures

Hypoxic training (adaptation to hypoxia)

2 2. Changing the function of regulatory systems:

Autogenic training

verbal suggestion

Reflexology (acupuncture, etc.)

3 3. Non-specific therapy:

Balneotherapy, spa therapy


Protein therapy

Non-specific vaccination

Pharmacological agents (adaptogens - ginseng, eleutherococcus, etc.; phytocides, interferon)

To the first group include influences with the help of which stability is increased due to the loss of the body's ability to independent existence, a decrease in the activity of vital processes. These are anesthesia, hypothermia, hibernation.

When an animal in a state of hibernation is infected with plague, tuberculosis, anthrax, diseases do not develop (they occur only after it wakes up). In addition, resistance to radiation exposure, hypoxia, hypercapnia, infections, and poisoning increases.

Anesthesia contributes to an increase in resistance to oxygen starvation, electric current. In a state of anesthesia, streptococcal sepsis and inflammation do not develop.

With hypothermia, tetanus and dysentery intoxication are weakened, sensitivity to all types of oxygen starvation, to ionizing radiation decreases; increases resistance to cell damage; allergic reactions are weakened, the growth of malignant tumors slows down in the experiment.

Under all these conditions, a deep inhibition of the nervous system occurs and, as a result, all vital functions: the activity of regulatory systems (nervous and endocrine) is inhibited, metabolic processes are reduced, chemical reactions are inhibited, the need for oxygen decreases, blood and lymph circulation slows down, temperature decreases. body, the body switches to a more ancient metabolic pathway - glycolysis. As a result of the suppression of the processes of normal vital activity, the mechanisms of active defense are also turned off (or slowed down), an unreactive state arises, which ensures the survival of the body even in very difficult conditions. At the same time, he does not resist, but only passively endures the pathogenic action of the environment, almost without reacting to it. Such a state is called portability(increased passive resistance) and is a way for the organism to survive in adverse conditions, when it is impossible to actively defend itself, it is impossible to avoid the action of an extreme stimulus.

To the second group include the following methods of increasing resistance while maintaining or increasing the level of vital activity of the organism:

Adaptogens are agents that accelerate adaptation to adverse influences and normalize stress-induced disturbances. They have a wide therapeutic effect, increase resistance to a number of factors of a physical, chemical, biological nature. The mechanism of their action is associated, in particular, with their stimulation of the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, as well as with the stabilization of biological membranes.

By using adaptogens (and some other drugs) and adapting the body to the action of adverse environmental factors, it is possible to form a special state non-specifically increased resistance - SNPS. It is characterized by an increase in the level of vital activity, the mobilization of active defense mechanisms and functional reserves of the body, and increased resistance to the action of many damaging agents. An important condition for the development of SNPS is a dosed increase in the strength of the impact of adverse environmental factors, physical exertion, the exclusion of overloads, in order to avoid the disruption of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms.

Thus, the organism that is better, more actively resists (SNPS) or less sensitive and has greater tolerance is more resistant.

Managing the reactivity and resistance of the body is a promising area of ​​modern preventive and curative medicine. Increasing nonspecific resistance is an effective way of general strengthening of the body.

In the cold season and in the off-season, human immunity is significantly weakened. This increases the number of infectious diseases. Someone begins to sneeze after a short stay in a draft, others are an order of magnitude better at coping with viruses and pathogens. How to increase the body's resistance?

Infectious diseases

This is a wide group of diseases known to mankind since antiquity. Millions of people died from a simple flu or smallpox until ways were developed to deal with them. The search and development of effective antiviral drugs is an important task of pharmaceuticals today.

How do infectious diseases manifest themselves?

The most common symptoms are:


Muscle weakness.

Sexual impotence.

Increased fatigue.

Certain signs are expressed to a greater or lesser extent depending on the specific disease. Banal pain in the occipital region may indicate not only infectious diseases, but may also indicate more serious pathologies: a brain tumor, thromboembolism, neuralgia, etc. Common symptoms and manifestations for any type of infectious lesion are muscle pain, loss of appetite, decreased body resistance , malaise and fever. If treatment is taken lightly or self-medicated, the disease can become chronic with damage to any target organ.

Prevention and recovery

It is possible to purify the blood of pathogenic microorganisms, normalize the intestinal microflora and increase the body's resistance only by complex measures. Probiotic dietary supplements "Evitalia" will help get rid of a viral infection, cleanse the body of toxins and increase resistance to infectious agents. The best result is achieved with a combination of known and clinically tested treatments. Suppression of the growth and development of pathogenic bacteria is carried out by pathogenetic therapy, which blocks the chain processes of division and growth of pathogenic cells. Improving immunity and normalizing the natural intestinal microflora, which was disrupted by the influence of harmful bacteria, will help to contribute to this.

Modern medicine identifies several therapeutic methods of prevention. Infectious and viral diseases are transmitted through the air or by contact, so the primary task in the fight against diseases is to isolate the patient. Good nutrition, walks and exercise in the open air can increase the body's resistance. The rules of personal hygiene should be observed. The use of medicines recommended by the attending physician stops further infection of healthy tissues.

The main ways to increase the body's resistance:

Active and healthy lifestyle.

Complete nutrition: the presence of vegetables and fruits.

Healing hardening procedures.

There are several groups by which diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms and viruses are classified. These are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood, dermatological pathologies and diseases of the respiratory organs.

Consider the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of intestinal diseases is a violation of the microflora under the influence of pathogenic pathogenic bacteria. The sources of these pathogens are often water and food. These infections pose a great danger to both children and adults.

The parenteral area and gastrointestinal tract can be affected by bacterial, fungal and viral infections, as well as their waste products, such as poisons and toxins. Symptoms of this pathology are manifested in the form of periodic constipation, diarrhea, pain in the central region of the abdomen and other signs. Intolerance to easily digestible sugars, lactose often indicates problems in the digestive tract. Natural dietary supplement Bifidum Evitalia contains a complex of probiotic microorganisms that will restore the balance of the intestinal microflora in the shortest possible time.

Apathy and fatigue

Fungal infections reduce performance, interfere with concentration and contribute to rapid fatigue. Powerlessness and indifference are observed every day and traditional ways to cheer up are no longer effective. Malaise, pain in the muscles, breaking in the bones can disturb for a long time, reducing the quality of life.

Skin lesions

Dermatological diseases can be caused by hormonal changes in the body during the transition period or during pregnancy. However, otherwise, a clear and almost exact cause of skin lesions is the pathology of the gastrointestinal system. During the initial examination by a dermatologist, an obvious cause cannot be established and a visit is required to a gastroenterologist, who will identify problems with the intestines. Dandruff, dermatitis, and psoriasis are the most common types of skin lesions in fungal infections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Psychological disorders: stress, neurosis

The modern world is overloaded with information flow and getting out of balance is easy. Many complain of nervousness at the slightest provocation, sleep disturbances, depressive states and paranoia. Many pathologies of the nervous system will help resolve the natural food biocomplex Evitalia. Often the causes of psychological disorders are violations of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rotavirus infection

Rotaviruses are pathogenic viruses that cause intestinal flu in children. In adults, this pathology occurs in a mild form and often does not require medical intervention. The disease is transmitted by contact-household way. Sources of rotaviruses are unwashed vegetables and fruits, dairy products with a disturbed storage regime. Intestinal flu can manifest itself in the form of mild pain in the iliac region, diarrhea and constipation. A clear sign is yellow loose stools. Possible manifestations of pathology from the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, cough, runny nose. Often the disease goes away on its own with the normalization of the diet and the inclusion of fermented milk products in it. The incubation period is 3-5 days, the period of clinical manifestations lasts about a week, the recovery period is about 5 days. Symptoms characteristic of adults occur in a similar form in children.


Reducing the body's resistance is the main cause of the vast majority of diseases. Own biological resources are not able to resist viral infections, treatment in such cases is much more complicated.

Immunity is a natural shield of any living being, which prevents the effects of pathogens and other foreign agents that can cause a violation of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis).

Immune cells are protein in nature. Each such cell enters into a complex with any foreign agent. If the original "code" of the immunoglobulin is not coplanar with the new particle, the mechanism for the destruction of the foreign particle by fermentation is triggered. Useful substances of food (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) are acceptable elements that "miss" T-helper cells of the immune system. During spoilage, organic molecules are modified into new derivatives. These converted substances are foreign to the immune system. As a result of their ingestion, the mechanism of destruction is launched, however, with a significant concentration of these compounds, the reserves of the immune system cannot cope and outside help is required. Help in such a situation can improve the complex Evitalia, which contains a set of important elements to restore the balance of the internal environment of the body.

Signs of a decrease in resistance are the following manifestations: apathy, a feeling of weakness in the morning, depression, increased sensitivity to temperature changes, weather headaches, skin rashes and blisters on the face, as well as on the genitals. Decreased immunity leads to frequent colds in the off-season. Loss of appetite and associated weight loss, skin rashes and redness are also considered typical signs.


Skin rashes, rashes and other lesions that are caused by internal and external factors are classified as dermatological diseases. Often, dermatitis causes hereditary diseases, and stressful situations can provoke their manifestation. Dermatitis is a complex disease of the nosological group. There are local dermatitis and systemic (toxidermia).

Factors of direct action in dermatitis:

Neurosis and psycho-emotional disorders. It can be the cause of the hereditary type, and also be of a general nature against the background of a weakened immune system.

Violation of a healthy diet. It entails changes in the balance of the intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis, which manifests itself in the form of rashes, dandruff and other skin lesions.

Direct signs with general symptoms of dermatitis:

Dryness and itching. The nature of the manifestation directly depends on the location of the focus of infection and the concentration of nerve endings in the affected area. With contact dermatitis, itching can be so strong that the patient can be forced to damage the integuments of damaged skin, which will lead to deep infection and possible suppuration.

Erythema. With such an ailment, the blood tends to fill the upper skin, which leads to redness. In severe forms, redness is clearly differentiated from light areas of the skin, and on palpation there is a sharp blanching, which is quickly replaced by the previous redness. It is necessary to distinguish erythema from intradermal hemorrhages (hemorrhages).

Eruptions. Localization, intensity and morphology of eczema depend on the type of dermatitis. Often rashes appear on the moving soft parts of the body: the armpit, on the face, in the scalp, on the genitals.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes. In severe forms, complete dysfunction of the skin with abundant moisture release is possible. There is redness, hemorrhage, thickening of the skin and cracks.

Desquamation (detachment of the upper epithelium). Occurs with periodic dehydration, dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, also affects hereditary predisposition. Desquamation often occurs against the background of general dermatitis.


Allergic manifestations are observed with acute sensitivity to a particular substance. The objects of allergy are often various chemical aerosols, fragrances, perfumes, dust, asbestos, microbes.

Research by microbiologists has shown that the causative agents of allergies can be their own compounds formed inside the body. These substances are formed as a result of the transformation of certain proteins and are called endoallergens. The transformation of proteins can be caused by thermal effects, direct sunlight, chemical agents, as well as viruses and bacteria. As a result, peptides acquire foreign properties and, when they enter the bloodstream, can cause an allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity is observed in rheumatism, polyarthritis and hypovitaminosis.

Respiratory tract allergy occurs when the smallest particles of dust, asbestos are inhaled and has the character of ectoallergens. The causative agents can be aerosols, pollen, chemical perfume compounds. Respiratory allergies manifest as:

Continuous tearfulness;


Abundant moisture release of the nasal mucosa;

Extraneous wheezing in the lungs when breathing;

Difficulty breathing and suffocation.

Acute manifestations of allergies are observed in violation of the internal environment of the body, overexcitation and malnutrition. A diet high in refined vegetable fats, preservatives, and genetically modified compounds may contribute to the development of endoallergies. Often, banal stress and mental overexcitation can initiate an allergic reaction.

Sudden sneezing, coughing, and runny nose with copious moisture are direct signs of hypersensitivity. Substances-allergens, when they enter the body, are regarded by barrier defense mechanisms as foreign agents. As a result, a mechanism is launched to counteract these pathogenic elements, which manifests itself in the form of tearfulness and sneezing. There are direct allergens, as well as compounds that can provoke its occurrence. With any manifestation of allergy, the source of its occurrence should be eliminated and respiratory aerosols should be taken.

stressful situations

Nervousness and stress impulses are a common manifestation of physical congestion and psycho-emotional disturbance. Stressful situations and nervous breakdowns occur, regardless of the will of the person. This is a protective mechanism inherent in us by nature, which arises as a response mechanism to external stimuli with the aim of a kind of "discharge". Distinguish between negative stress under unpleasant circumstances and positive stress resulting from joyful emotions.

Factors in the occurrence of stressful situations can be any life circumstances, and the mechanism of manifestation has not yet been fully studied. The following stages of formation of a stressful state are distinguished: excitation of the peripheral nervous system; impulses of the endocrine system; the emergence of aggression, nervousness and uncontrolled emotions.

Manifestations of nervous stress

Psycho-emotional stress, which contributes to the occurrence of nervous stress, is characterized by the following physiological conditions:

Hypertension and hypotension.

Headaches and migraines.

Imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

Muscle pain and cramps.

Dermatological lesions.



Sexual impotence, decreased libido.

Loss of appetite or vice versa impassable feeling of hunger.

Violation of the cycles of sleep and wakefulness.

Most diseases and pathological conditions are caused by a decrease in the body's resistance. If the constancy of the internal environment (homeostasis) is violated, the body's own biological resources are not able to resist infectious agents and outside help is required. The line of natural probiotic dietary supplements "Evitalia" will help to increase the body's resistance. The natural components of the drug contain a set of vital elements and vitamins that can restore normal intestinal microflora, improve skin condition, relieve stress and restore sexual activity. The components of the natural supplement contain antioxidant substances that can form protective biofilms on nerve fibers, actively preventing neuropsychological disorders. Vitamins and dietary fiber contribute to the normalization of healthy intestinal microflora. Phytolinia herbal preparations "Evitalia" contains active natural ingredients that help protect and restore blood cells, regenerate and rejuvenate the skin, as well as remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Herbal dietary supplements "Evitalia" do not contain harmful or dangerous components and are recommended for use as a prophylactic during the off-season and the cold season. The products were created by domestic microbiologists as affordable import-substituting broad-spectrum biologically active additives. The company's products have a health-improving line for pets: a complex of probiotics and prebiotics "Evitalia-Vet". Bicomplexes of Evitalia promote cleansing and natural restoration of body functions.

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