Decay bacteria: habitat, mode of nutrition, significance in nature. Characteristics of spoilage agents in meat, dairy and egg products Naturally pure yeast culture

Putrefactive processes are an integral part of the circulation of substances on the planet. And it happens continuously thanks to tiny microorganisms. It is putrefactive bacteria that decompose the remains of animals, fertilize the soil. Of course, not everything is so rosy, because microorganisms can irreparably spoil food in the refrigerator or, worse, cause poisoning and intestinal dysbacteriosis.

What is decay?

Decay is the decomposition of protein compounds that are part of plant and animal organisms. In the process, mineral compounds are formed from complex organic substances:

  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • ammonia;
  • methane;
  • water.

Rotting is always accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The more intense the "darling", the further the decomposition process went. What is the "aroma" emitted by the remains of a dead cat in the far corner of the yard.

An important factor for the development of microorganisms in nature is the type of nutrition. Putrefactive bacteria feed on ready-made organic substances, therefore they are called heterotrophs.

The most favorable temperature for decay ranges from 25-35°C. If the temperature bar is reduced to 4-6 ° C, then the vital activity of putrefactive bacteria can be significantly, but not completely, suspended. Only an increase in temperature within the range of 100°C can cause the death of microorganisms.

But at very low temperatures, decay completely stops. Scientists have repeatedly found in the frozen ground of the Far North the bodies of ancient people and mammoths, which have been remarkably preserved, despite the past millennia.

Cleaners of nature

In nature, putrefactive bacteria play the role of orderlies. A huge amount of organic waste is collected around the world:

  • animal remains;
  • fallen leaves;
  • fallen trees;
  • broken branches;
  • straw.

What would happen to the inhabitants of the Earth, if there were no little cleaners? The planet would simply turn into a landfill unsuitable for life. But putrid prokaryotes honestly do their job in nature, turning dead organic matter into humus. It is not only rich in useful substances, but also sticks together lumps of earth, giving them strength. Therefore, the soil is not washed away by water, but, on the contrary, lingers in it. Plants receive life-giving moisture and nutrition dissolved in water.

Man's helpers

Man has long resorted to the help of putrefactive bacteria in agriculture. Without them, one cannot grow a rich crop of grain, one cannot breed goats and sheep, one cannot get milk.

But it is interesting that putrefactive processes are also used in technical production. For example, when dressing skins, they are deliberately subjected to decay. Skins treated in this way can be easily cleaned of wool, tanned and softened.

But putrefactive microorganisms can also cause significant harm to the economy. Microbes love to eat human food. And this means that food will simply be spoiled. Their use becomes hazardous to health, because it can lead to severe poisoning, which will require long-term treatment.

You can secure your food stocks with the help of:

  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • pasteurization.

The human body is in danger

The process of decay, sadly, affects the human body from the inside. The center of localization of putrefactive bacteria is the intestine. This is where undigested food decomposes and releases toxins. The liver and kidneys, as best they can, hold back the pressure of toxic substances. But they are sometimes unable to cope with overloads, and then a disorder in the work of internal organs begins, requiring immediate treatment.

The first target is the central nervous system. People often complain about these types of ailments:

  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • constant fatigue.

Constant poisoning of the body with toxins from the intestines significantly accelerates aging. Many diseases are significantly "younger" due to the constant damage to the liver and kidneys by toxic substances.

For many decades, doctors have been mercilessly fighting putrefactive bacteria in the intestines with the most extraordinary methods of treatment. For example, patients underwent surgery to remove the large intestine. Of course, this type of procedure did not give any effect, but there were many complications.

Modern science has come to the conclusion that it is possible to restore the metabolism in the intestines with the help of lactic acid bacteria. It is believed that the acidophilus bacillus is most actively fighting them.

Therefore, the treatment and prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosis must be accompanied by fermented milk products:

  • kefir;
  • acidophilic milk;
  • acidophilic yogurt;
  • acidophilus paste.

It is easy to prepare them at home from pasteurized milk and acidophilus starter, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. The composition of the starter includes dried acidophilus bacteria, packed in a sealed container.

The pharmaceutical industry offers its products for the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis. Drugs based on bifidobacteria appeared in pharmacy chains. They have a complex effect on the entire body, and not only suppress putrefactive microbes, but also improve metabolism, promote the synthesis of vitamins, and heal ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

Can you drink milk?

Disputes around the expediency of milk consumption by scientists have been going on for many years. The best minds of mankind divided into opponents and defenders of this product, but they did not come to a consensus.

The human body is programmed from birth to consume milk. This is the main food for babies in the first year of life. But over time, changes occur in the body, and it loses the ability to digest many components of milk.

If you really want to treat yourself, you will have to take into account that milk is an independent dish. A delicacy familiar from childhood, milk with a sweet bun or fresh bread, unfortunately, is not available to adults. Getting into the acidic environment of the stomach, the milk instantly curdles, envelops the walls and does not allow the rest of the food to be digested for 2 hours. This provokes decay, the formation of gases and toxins, and subsequently problems in the intestines and long-term treatment.

In the process of metabolism, microorganisms not only synthesize complex protein substances of their own cytoplasm, but also produce a deep destruction of protein compounds of the substrate. The process of mineralization of organic protein substances by microorganisms, proceeding with the release of ammonia or with the formation of ammonium salts, is called putrefaction or ammonification of proteins in microbiology.

Thus, in a strict microbiological sense, putrefaction is the mineralization of an organic protein, although in everyday life “decay” is called a number of different processes that have a purely random similarity, combining in this concept the spoilage of food products (meat, fish, eggs, fruits, vegetables ), and the decomposition of the corpses of animals and plants, and various processes occurring in manure, plant waste, etc.

Protein ammonification is a complex multi-step process. Its inner essence lies in the energy transformations of amino acids by microorganisms using their carbon skeleton in the synthesis of cytoplasmic compounds. Under natural conditions, the decomposition of protein-rich substances of plant and animal origin, excited by various bacteria, molds, actinomycetes, proceeds unusually easily both with wide access to air and under conditions of complete anaerobiosis. In this regard, the chemistry of decomposition of protein substances and the nature of the resulting decomposition products can vary greatly depending on the type of microorganism, the chemical nature of the protein, and the conditions of the process: aeration, humidity, temperature.

With access to air, for example, the process of decay proceeds very intensively, up to the complete mineralization of protein substances - ammonia and even partially elemental nitrogen are formed, either methane or carbon dioxide is formed, as well as hydrogen sulfide and phosphoric acid salts. Under anaerobic conditions, as a rule, complete mineralization of the protein does not occur, and part of the resulting (intermediate) decay products, which usually have an unpleasant odor, remains in the substrate, giving it a sickening smell of decay.

Low temperature prevents ammonification of proteins. In the permafrost layers of the land of the Far North, for example, mammoth corpses have been found that have lain for tens of millennia, but have not undergone decomposition.

Depending on the individual properties of microorganisms - the causative agents of decay - either a shallow breakdown of the protein molecule occurs, or its deep splitting (complete mineralization). But there are also such microorganisms that take part in decay only after products of hydrolysis of protein substances appear in the substrate as a result of the vital activity of other microbes. Actually "putrid" are those microbes that excite a deep breakdown of protein substances, causing their complete mineralization.

Protein substances in the process of nutrition cannot be directly absorbed by the microbial cell. The colloidal structure of proteins prevents them from entering the cell through the cell membrane. Only after hydrolytic cleavage, simpler products of protein hydrolysis penetrate the microbial cell and are used by it in the synthesis of cellular substance. Thus, the hydrolysis of proteins proceeds outside the body of the microbe. For this, the microbe secretes proteolytic exoenzymes (proteinases) into the substrate. This method of nutrition causes the decomposition of huge masses of protein substances in the substrates, while inside the microbial cell only a relatively small part of the protein hydrolysis products is converted into a protein form. The process of splitting protein substances in this case to a large extent prevails over the process of their synthesis. Because of this, the general biological role of putrefactive microbes as agents of the decomposition of protein substances is enormous.

The mechanism of mineralization of a complex protein molecule by putrefactive microbes can be represented by the following chain of chemical transformations:

I. Hydrolysis of a large protein molecule to albumose, peptones, polypeptides, dipeptides.

II. Continued deeper hydrolysis of protein breakdown products to amino acids.

III. Transformation of amino acids under the action of microbial enzymes. The variety of amino acids and enzymes present in the enzymatic complex of various microbes, certain conditions of the process, also determine the extraordinary chemical diversity of the products of amino acid transformation.

Thus, amino acids can undergo decarboxylation, deamination, both oxidative and reductive and hydrolytic. Energetic carboxylase causes decarboxylation of amino acids to form volatile amines or diamines that have a nauseating odor. In this case, cadaverine is formed from the amino acid lysine, and putrescine is formed from the amino acid ornithine:

Cadaverine and putrescine are called "cadaveric poisons" or ptomaines (from the Greek ptoma - corpse, carrion). Previously it was thought that ptomaine, which occurs during the breakdown of proteins, causes food poisoning. However, it has now been found out that it is not ptomaines themselves that are poisonous, but their accompanying derivatives - neurin, muscarine, and also some substances of an unknown chemical nature.

During deamination, the amino group (NH2) is cleaved from amino acids, from which ammonia is formed. The reaction of the substrate becomes alkaline. During oxidative deamination, in addition to ammonia, ketone acids are also formed:

Reductive deamination produces saturated fatty acids:

Hydrolytic deamination and decarboxylation lead to the formation of alcohols:

In addition, hydrocarbons (for example, methane), unsaturated fatty acids, and hydrogen can also be formed.

Under anaerobic conditions, foul-smelling decay products arise from aromatic amino acids: phenol, indole, skatole. Indole and skatole are usually formed from tryptophan. From amino acids containing sulfur, hydrogen sulfide or mercaptans are formed under aerobic conditions of decay, which also have an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs. Complex proteins - nucleoproteins - break down into nucleic acids and protein, which in turn are cleaved. Nucleic acids decompose to give phosphoric acid, ribose, deoxyribose, and nitrogenous organic bases. In each particular case, only a part of the indicated chemical transformations can occur, and not the entire cycle.

The appearance in foods rich in protein (such as meat or fish), the smell of ammonia, amines and other amino acid breakdown products is an indicator of their microbial spoilage.

Microorganisms that stimulate the ammonification of protein substances are very widespread in nature. They are found everywhere: in soil, in water, in the air - and are represented by extremely diverse forms - aerobic and anaerobic, facultative anaerobic, spore-forming and non-spore-forming.

Aerobic putrefactive microorganisms

Hay bacillus (Bacillus subtilis) (Fig. 35) is an aerobic bacillus widespread in nature, usually isolated from hay, a very mobile bacillus (3-5 x 0.6 microns) with peritrichial burning. If the cultivation is carried out on liquid media (for example, on hay broth), then the cells of the bacillus are somewhat larger and unite in long chains, forming a wrinkled and dry silvery-whitish film on the surface of the liquid. When developing on solid media containing carbohydrates, a finely wrinkled dry or granular colony is formed that grows together with the substrate. On potato slices, hay stick colonies always turn out to be slightly wrinkled, colorless or slightly pinkish, resembling a velvety coating.

Hay bacillus develops in a very wide range of temperatures, being almost cosmopolitan. But in general it is believed that the best temperature for its development is 37-50 ° C. Spores in hay bacillus are oval, located excentrally, without strict localization (but still in many cases closer to the center of the cell). Spore germination is equatorial. Gram-positive, decomposes carbohydrates with the formation of acetone and acetaldehyde, has a very high proteolytic ability. The spores of hay bacillus are very heat-resistant - they are often preserved in canned food, sterilized at 120 ° C.

Potato stick (Bac. mesentericus) (Fig. 36) - common in nature no less widely than hay. Usually potato stick is found on potatoes, getting here from the soil.

Morphologically, potato bacillus is very similar to hay bacillus: its cells (3-10 x 0.5-0.6 µm) have peritrichial tourniquet; found both single and connected in a chain. The spores of potato sticks, like those of hay, are oval, sometimes oblong, large; they are located in any part of the cell (but more often centrally). During the formation of spores, the cell does not swell, spores germinate equatorially.

When grown on potato slices, the potato stick forms an abundant yellowish-brown, folded, moist, shiny coating, resembling a mesentery, which is how the microbe got its name. On agar protein media, it forms thin, dry and wrinkled colonies that do not grow together with the substrate.

According to Gram, the potato stick stains positively. The optimal development temperature, like that of hay bacillus, is 35-45 ° C. During the decomposition of proteins, it forms a lot of hydrogen sulfide. Potato bacillus spores are very heat-resistant and, like hay bacillus spores, withstand prolonged boiling, often remaining in canned foods.

bac. cereus. These are sticks (3-5 x 1-1.5 microns) with straight ends, single or connected in tangled chains. There are options with shorter cells. The cytoplasm of the cells is noticeably granular or vacuolar, and shiny fat-like grains are often formed at the ends of the cells. Bacillus cells are motile, with peritrichous tourniquet. Disputes you. cereus forms oval or ellipsoid, usually located centrally and germinating polarly. When developing on MPA (meat peptone agar), the bacillus forms large compact colonies with a folded center and rhizoid wavy edges. Sometimes the colonies are small-tuberous with fringed edges and flagellate outgrowths, with characteristic grains that refract light. bac. cereus is an aerobe. However, in some cases, it also develops with difficult access to oxygen. This bacillus occurs in soil, in water, on plant substrates. It liquefies gelatin, peptonizes milk, hydrolyzes starch. The temperature optimum for the development of Bac. cereus 30 °С, maximum 37-48 °С. When developing in meat-peptone broth, it forms an abundant homogeneous turbidity with an easily disintegrating soft sediment and a delicate film on the surface.

From other aerobic putrefactive microbes it is possible to note an earth stick (you. mycoides), you. megatherium, as well as non-spore pigment bacteria - the "wonderful stick" (Bact. prodigiosum), Pseudomonas fluorescens.

Earth stick (Bac. mycoides) (Fig. 37) - one of the very common putrefactive soil bacilli, has rather large (5-7 x 0.8-1.2 microns) single cells or cells connected in long chains. On solid media, the earthen stick forms very characteristic colonies - fluffy, rhizoidal or mycelial, creeping along the surface of the medium, like a mushroom mycelium. For this similarity, the bacillus was named Bac. mycoides, which means "mushroom".

bac. megaterium is a large bacillus, for which it got its name, meaning "large animal". It is constantly found in the soil and on the surface of decaying materials. Young cells are usually thick - up to 2 microns in diameter, 3.5 to 7 microns long. The contents of the cells are coarse-grained with a large number of large inclusions of a fat-like or glycogen-like substance. Often, inclusions fill almost completely the entire cell, giving it a very characteristic structure, by which this species is easily recognized. Colonies on agar media are smooth, off-white, oily-shiny. The edges of the colony are sharply trimmed, sometimes wavy-fringed.

The pigment bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens is a small (1-2 x 0.6 µm) Gram-negative, non-spore-forming bacillus, mobile, with lofotrichial tourniquet. The bacterium produces a greenish-yellow fluorescent pigment, which, penetrating into the substrate, turns it yellow-green.

The pigment bacterium Bacterium prodigiosum (Fig. 38) is widely known under the name "miraculous stick" or "wand of wonderful blood." A very small Gram-negative, non-sporing, motile rod with peritrichous tourniquet. When developing on agar and gelatin media, it forms dark red colonies with a metallic sheen, resembling drops of blood.

The appearance of such colonies on bread and potatoes in the Middle Ages aroused superstitious horror among religious people and was associated with the machinations of "heretics" and "devilish obsession." Because of this harmless bacterium, the holy Inquisition burned at the stake more than one thousand completely innocent people.

Facultative anaerobic bacteria

Proteus stick, or vulgar proteus (Proteus vulgaris) (Fig. 39). This microbe is one of the most typical causative agents of putrefaction of protein substances. It is often found on spontaneously decayed meat, in the intestines of animals and humans, in water, in soil, etc. The cells of this bacterium are highly polymorphic. In daily cultures on meat-peptone broth, they are small (1-3 x 0.5 μm), with a large number of peritrichous flagella. Then convoluted filamentous cells begin to appear, reaching a length of 10-20 microns or more. Due to such a variety in the morphological structure of cells, the bacterium was named after the sea god Proteus, to whom ancient Greek mythology attributed the ability to change its image and turn into various animals and monsters at will.

Both small and large Proteus cells have strong movement. This gives the colonies of bacteria on solid media, the characteristic feature of "swarming". The process of "swarming" consists in the fact that individual cells come out of the colony, slide along the surface of the substrate and stop at some distance from it, multiply, giving rise to a new growth. It turns out a mass of small whitish colonies, barely visible to the naked eye. New cells are again separated from these colonies and form new centers of reproduction on the part of the medium free from microbial plaque, and so on.

Proteus vulgaris is a Gram-negative bacterium. The optimum temperature for its development is 25-37°C. At a temperature of about 5 ° C, it stops its growth. The proteolytic ability of the proteus is very high: it decomposes proteins with the formation of indole and hydrogen sulfide, causing a sharp change in the acidity of the medium - the medium becomes strongly alkaline. When developing on carbohydrate media, Proteus forms a lot of gases (CO2 and H2).

Under conditions of moderate air access, during development on peptone media, E. coli (Escherichia coli) has some proteolytic ability. In this case, the formation of indole is characteristic. But Escherichia coli is not a typical putrefactive microorganism and on carbohydrate media under anaerobic conditions causes atypical lactic acid fermentation with the formation of lactic acid and a number of by-products.

Anaerobic putrefactive microorganisms

Clostridium putrificum (Fig. 40) is an energetic causative agent of anaerobic decomposition of protein substances, carrying out this splitting with abundant release of gases - ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. Cl. putrificum is quite common in soil, water, in the mouth, in the intestines of animals, and on various rotting foods. Sometimes it can be found in canned food. Cl. putrificum - movable rods with peritrichous tourniquet, elongated and thin (7-9 x 0.4-0.7 microns). There are also longer cells connected in chains and single. The temperature optimum for the development of Clostridium is 37 °C. Developing in the depth of meat-peptone agar, it forms flaky loose colonies. Spores are spherical, located terminally. During sporulation at the site of spore formation, the cell swells strongly. Spore-bearing cells Cl. putrificum resemble the spore-bearing cells of the botulinum bacillus.

Heat resistance of spores Cl. putrificum is quite high. If spores are not destroyed during the production of canned food, they can develop during storage of finished products in a warehouse and cause spoilage (microbiological bombardment) of canned food. Saccharolytic properties of Cl. putrificum does not possess.

Clostridium sporogenes (Fig. 41) - according to morphological features, it is a fairly large stick with rounded ends, easily forming chains. The microbe is very mobile due to peritrichous flagella. The name Clostridium sporogenes, given by I. I. Mechnikov (1908), characterizes the ability of this microbe to quickly form spores. After 24 hours, many rods and loose spores can be seen under a microscope. After 72 hours, the sporulation process ends and there are no vegetative forms left at all. The microbe forms spores oval, located centrally or closer to one of the ends of the rod (subterminally). Does not form capsules. Optimum development 37 °C.

Cl. sporogenes - anaerobe. It does not possess toxic and pathogenic properties. Under anaerobic conditions on agar media, it forms superficial small, irregularly shaped, initially transparent, and then turning into opaque yellowish-white colonies with fringed edges. In the depth of the agar, the colonies are formed "hairy", round, with a dense center. Similarly, under anaerobic conditions, the microbe causes a rapid cloudiness of the meat-peptone broth, gas formation and the appearance of an unpleasant putrefactive odor. The enzyme complex of Clostridium sporogenes contains very active proteolytic enzymes capable of breaking down the protein to its last stage. Under the influence of Clostridium sporogenes, milk is peptonized after 2-3 days and loosely coagulates, gelatin is liquefied. Liver media sometimes produces a black pigment with white crystals of tyrosine. The microbe causes blackening and digestion of the brain environment and a sharp putrid smell. Pieces of tissue are quickly digested, loosened and melted almost to the end within a few days.

Clostridium sporogenes also has saccharolytic properties. The prevalence of this microbe in nature, pronounced proteolytic properties, high thermal stability of spores characterize it as one of the main causative agents of putrefactive processes in food products.

Cl. sporogenes is the causative agent of spoilage of meat and meat and vegetable canned food. Most often, canned food "stewed meat" and the first lunch dishes with and without meat (borscht, pickle, cabbage soup, etc.) are damaged. The presence of a small amount of spores remaining in the product after sterilization can cause deterioration of canned food when stored at room temperature. First redness of the meat is observed, then blackening, a sharp putrefactive smell appears, and jars are often bombarded.

Various mold fungi and actinomycetes - Penicillium, Mucor mucedo, Botrytis, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, etc., also take part in the putrefactive decomposition of proteins.

Significance of the decay process

The general biological significance of the process of decay is enormous. Putrefactive microorganisms are "orderlies of the earth." Causing the mineralization of a huge amount of protein substances that enter the soil, decomposing the corpses of animals and plant waste, they produce a biological cleansing of the earth. Deep cleavage of proteins is caused by spore aerobes, less deep - by spore anaerobes. Under natural conditions, this process takes place in stages in the community of many types of microorganisms.

But in food production, rotting is a harmful process and causes great material damage. Spoilage of meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, fruits and other food products occurs quickly and proceeds very vigorously if stored unprotected, in conditions favorable for the development of microbes.

Only in some cases in food production can rotting be used as a useful process - during the ripening of salted herring and cheeses. Rotting is used in the leather industry for sewing skins (removal of wool from animal skins during the production of leather). Knowing the causes of decay processes, people have learned to protect food products of protein origin from their decay by using a wide variety of preservation methods.

Putrefactive bacteria cause the breakdown of proteins. Depending on the depth of decomposition and the resulting end products, various food defects can occur. These microorganisms are widely distributed in nature. They are found in soil, water, air, food, and in the intestines of humans and animals. Putrefactive microorganisms include aerobic spore and non-spore rods, spore-forming anaerobes, facultative anaerobic non-spore rods. They are the main causative agents of spoilage of dairy products, cause the breakdown of proteins (proteolysis), as a result of which various defects in food products may occur, depending on the depth of protein breakdown. The putrefactive antagonists are lactic acid bacteria, so the putrefactive process of product decay occurs where there is no fermented milk process.

Proteolysis (proteolytic properties) is studied by inoculation of microorganisms in milk, milk agar, meat-peptone gelatin (MBG) and in clotted blood serum. Coagulated milk protein (casein) under the influence of proteolytic enzymes can coagulate with the separation of whey (peptonization) or dissolve (proteolysis). On milk agar around the colonies of proteolytic microorganisms, wide zones of milk clarification are formed. In NRM, inoculation is done by injection into the column of the medium. Crops are grown for 5-7 days at room temperature. Microbes with proteolytic properties liquefy gelatin. Microorganisms that do not have a proteolytic ability grow in the NMF without its liquefaction. In crops on clotted blood serum, proteolytic microorganisms also cause liquefaction, and microbes that do not have this property do not change its consistency.

When studying proteolytic properties, the ability of microorganisms to form indole, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia is also determined, that is, to break down proteins to final gaseous products. Putrefactive bacteria are very widespread. They are found in soil, water, air, human and animal intestines, and on food products. These microorganisms include spore-forming aerobic and anaerobic rods, pigment-forming and facultative anaerobic bacteria without spores.

Aerobic non-spore rods

The following bacteria of this group have the greatest impact on the quality of food products: Bacterium prodigiosum, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas pyoceanea (aeruginosa).

Bacterium prodigiosum- a very small stick (1X 0.5 microns), mobile, does not form spores and capsules. Strictly aerobic, small, round, bright red, shiny, juicy colonies grow on MPA. Low temperatures are most favorable for pigment formation. The pigment is insoluble in water, but soluble in chloroform, alcohol, ether, benzene. When growing in liquid media, it also forms a red pigment. Develops at pH 6.5. The optimum development temperature is 25°C (it can grow at 20°C). Liquefies gelatin in layers, coagulates and peptonizes milk; forms ammonia, sometimes hydrogen sulfide and indole; does not ferment glucose and lactose.

Pseudomonas fluorescens- a small thin stick measuring 1-2 X 0.6 microns, mobile, does not form spores and capsules, gram-negative. Strictly aerobic, but there are varieties that can develop with a lack of oxygen. On MPA and other dense nutrient media, juicy, shiny colonies grow, tending to merge and form a greenish-yellow pigment, soluble in water; in liquid media they also form a pigment. The MPB becomes cloudy, sometimes a film appears. Sensitive to acid reaction of the environment. The optimum development temperature is 25°C, but it can also develop at 5-8°C. It is characterized by high enzymatic activity: it dilutes gelatin and blood serum, coagulates and peptonizes milk, litmus milk turns blue. Forms hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, does not form indole; most of them are able to break down fiber and starch. Many strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens produce the enzymes lipase and lecithinase; give positive reactions to catalase, cytochrome oxidase, oxidase. Pseudomonas fluorescens are strong ammonifiers. Glucose and lactose are not fermented.

Pseudomonas pyoceanea. Small stick (2- 3 X 0.6 µm), motile, does not form spores or capsules, Gram-negative. Aerobe, on MPA gives vague, opaque, greenish-blue or turquoise-blue colored colonies due to the formation of pigments soluble in chloroform. Sews in the turbidity of the MPB (sometimes the appearance of a film) and the formation of pigments (yellow - fluorescein and blue - pyocyanin). Like all putrefactive bacteria, it is sensitive to the acidic reaction of the environment. The optimum development temperature is 37°C. Quickly liquefies gelatin and coagulated blood serum, coagulates and peptonizes milk; litmus turns blue, forms ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, does not form indole Possesses lipolytic ability; gives positive reactions to catalase, oxidase, cygochrome oxidase (these properties are inherent in representatives of the genus Pseudomonas). Some strains break down starch and fiber. Does not ferment lactose and sucrose.

Spore-forming anaerobes

Clostridium putrificus, Clostridium sporogenes, Closntridium perfringens most often cause food spoilage.

Clostridium putrificus. A long stick (7 - 9 X 0.4 - 0.7 microns), mobile (sometimes forms chains), forms spherical spores, the size of which exceeds the diameter of the vegetative form. The heat resistance of spores is quite high; does not form capsules; Gram stain positive. Anaerobe, colonies on agar look like a ball of hair, opaque, viscous; causes confusion. MPB. Proteolytic properties are pronounced. Liquefies gelatin and blood serum, milk coagulates and peptonizes, forms hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, indole, causes blackening of the brain environment, forms a hemolysis zone on blood agar, has lipolytic properties; does not have saccharolytic properties.

Clostridium sporogenes. A large rod with rounded ends, 3 - 7 X 0.6 - 0.9 microns in size, is located in separate cells and in the form of chains, mobile, very quickly forms spores. Spores of Clostridium sporogenes remain viable after 30 minutes of heating in a water bath, as well as after 20 minutes of autoclaving at 120°C. Does not form capsules. It stains positively according to Gram, Anaerobe, colonies on agar are small, transparent, later becoming opaque. Clostridium sporogenes has very strong proteolytic properties, causing the putrefaction of proteins with the formation of gases. Liquefies gelatin and blood serum; causes peptonization of milk and blackening of the brain environment; forms hydrogen sulfide; decomposes with the formation of acid and gas galactose, maltose, dextrin, levulose, glycerin, mannitol, sorbitol. The optimum growth temperature is 37°C, but can grow at 50°C.

Facultative anaerobic non-spore rods

Facultative anaerobic non-sporing rods include Proteus vulgaris and Escherichia coli. In 1885, Escherich discovered a microorganism, which was named Escherichia coli (E. coli). This microorganism is a permanent inhabitant of the large intestine of humans and animals. In addition to E. coli, the group of intestinal bacteria includes epiphytic and phytopathogenic species, as well as species whose ecology (origin) has not yet been established. Morphology - these are short (length 1-3 microns, width 0.5-0.8 microns) polymorphic mobile and immobile gram-negative rods that do not form spores.

cultural properties. Bacteria grow well on simple nutrient media: meat-peptone broth (MPB), meat-peptone agar (MPA). On the MPB they give abundant growth with significant turbidity of the medium; the sediment is small, grayish in color, easily broken. They form a parietal ring, the film on the surface of the broth is usually absent. On MPA, the colonies are transparent with a grayish-blue tint, easily merging with each other. On Endo's medium, flat red colonies of medium size form. Red colonies can be with a dark metallic luster (E. coli) or without luster (E. aerogenes). Colorless colonies are characteristic of lactose-negative variants of Escherichia coli (B. paracoli). They are characterized by wide adaptive variability, as a result of which various variants arise, which complicates their classification.

biochemical properties. Most bacteria do not liquefy gelatin, coagulate milk, break down peptones with the formation of amines, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and have high enzymatic activity with respect to lactose, glucose and other sugars, as well as alcohols. They have oxidase activity. According to the ability to break down lactose at a temperature of 37 ° C, BGKP are divided into lactose-negative and lactose-positive Escherichia coli (LCE), or coliforms, which are normalized according to international standards. From the LKP group, fecal Escherichia coli (FEC) stand out, capable of fermenting lactose at a temperature of 44.5 ° C. These include E. coli, not growing on a citrate medium.

Sustainability. The bacteria of the Escherichia coli groups are neutralized by conventional pasteurization methods (65 - 75 °C). At 60 C, Escherichia coli dies in 15 minutes. A 1% solution of phenol causes the death of the microbe after 5-15 minutes, sublimate at a dilution of 1: 1000 - after 2 minutes, resistant to the action of many aniline dyes.

Aerobic spore rods

Putrefactive aerobic spore bacilli Bacillus cereus, Bacillus mycoides, Bacillus mesentericus, Bacillus megatherium, Bacillus subtilis most often cause food defects. Bacillus cereus is a rod 8-9 microns long, 0.9-1.5 microns wide, mobile, forms spores. Gram positive. Individual strains of this microbe can form a capsule.

Bacillus cereus

cultural properties. Bacillus cereus is an aerobe, but can also develop with a lack of oxygen in the air. Large, flattened, grayish-whitish colonies with jagged edges grow on MPA, some strains form a pinkish-brown pigment; on blood agar, colonies with wide, sharply defined hemolysis zones; on MPB-forms a delicate film, parietal ring, uniform turbidity and flocculent sediment at the bottom of the tube. All strains of Bacillus cereus grow rapidly at pH 9 to 9.5; at pH 4.5-5 they stop their development. The optimal development temperature is 30-32 C, the maximum is 37-48C, the minimum is 10C.

enzymatic properties. Bacillus cereus coagulates and peptonizes milk, causes rapid liquefaction of gelatin, is able to form acetylmethylcarbinol, utilize citrate salts, ferment maltose, sucrose. Some strains are able to break down lactose, galactose, dulcitol, inulin, arabinose, glycerin. Manit does not break down any strain.

Sustainability. Bacillus cereus is a spore-forming microbe, therefore it has a significant resistance to heat, drying, high concentrations of salt and sugar. So, Bacillus cereus is often found in pasteurized milk (65-93C), in canned food. It gets into the meat during the slaughter of livestock and butchering carcasses. The cereus stick develops especially actively in crushed products (cutlets, minced meat, sausage), as well as in creams. The microbe can develop at a concentration of table salt in the substrate up to 10-15%, and sugar up to 30-60%. The acidic environment affects it unfavorably. This microorganism is most sensitive to acetic acid.

Pathogenicity. White mice die when large doses of cereus sticks are injected. Unlike the causative agent of anthrax Bacillus anthracis, the cereus bacillus is not pathogenic for guinea pigs and rabbits. It can cause mastitis in cows. Some varieties of this microorganism secrete the enzyme lecithinase (virulence factor).

Diagnostics. Taking into account the quantitative factor in the pathogenesis of food poisoning caused by Bacillus cereus, at the first stage of the microbiological study, smear microscopy (Gram stain) is performed. The presence of Gram-positive rods with a thickness of 0.9 µm in the smears makes it possible to make an approximate diagnosis: "spore aerobe of group Ia". According to the modern classification, group Ia includes Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus. When clarifying the etiology of food poisoning, the differentiation of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus anthracis is of great importance, since the intestinal form of anthrax caused by Bacillus anthracis can be mistaken for food poisoning by clinical signs. The second stage of microbiological research is carried out if the number of rods detected during microscopy reaches 10 in 1 g of the product.

Then, according to the results of microscopy, the pathological material is sown on blood agar in Petri dishes and incubated at 37C for 1 day. The presence of a wide, sharply defined zone of hemolysis allows a preliminary diagnosis of the presence of Bacillus cereus. For final identification, grown colonies are inoculated into Coser's medium and carbohydrate medium with mannitol. They put a sample on lecithinase, acetylmethylcarbinol and differentiate Bacillus anthracis and other representatives of the genus Bacillus Bacillus anthracis differs from Bacillus cereus in a number of characteristic features: growth in broth and gelatin, the ability to form a capsule in the body and on media containing blood or blood serum.

In addition to the methods described above, express methods for differentiating Bacillus anthracis from Bacillus cereus, Bacillus anthracoides, etc. are used: the “necklace” phenomenon, a test with anthrax bacteriophage, a precipitation reaction, and fluorescent microscopy is performed. You can also use the cytopathogenic effect of the Bacillus cereus filtrate on tissue culture cells (the Bacillus anthracis filtrate does not have such an effect). Bacillus cereus differs from other saprophytic spore aerobes in a number of properties: the ability to form lecithinase, acetylmethylcarbinol, the utilization of citrate salts, mannitol fermentation, and growth under anaerobic conditions on a medium with glucose. Lecithinase is of particular importance. The formation of hemolysis zones on blood agar is not a constant feature in Bacillus cereus, since some strains and varieties of Bacillus cereus (eg Var. sotto) do not cause hemolysis of erythrocytes, while many other types of spore aerobes have this property.

Bacillus mycoides

Bacillus mycoides is a species of Bacillus cereus. Sticks (sometimes form chains) 1.2-6 μm long, 0.8 μm wide, mobile until sporulation begins (a feature is characteristic of all putrefactive spore-forming aerobes), form spores, do not form capsules, stain positively according to Gram (some varieties of Bacillus mycoides Gram-negative). Aerobe, grey-white root-like colonies grow on MPA, resembling fungal mycelium Some varieties (for example, Bacillus mycoides roseus) form a red or pinkish-brown pigment, when growing on MPA, all varieties of Bacillus mycoides form a film and a hard-to-break sediment, broth at the same time remains transparent. The pH range at which Bacillus mycoides can grow is wide. In the pH range from 7 to 9.5, all strains of this microorganism, without exception, give intensive growth. An acidic environment stops development. The temperature optimum for their development is 30-32°C. They can develop in a wide range of temperatures (from 10 to 45°C). The enzymatic properties of Bacillus mycoides are pronounced: it liquefies gelatin, causes coagulation and peptonization of milk. Gives off ammonia and sometimes hydrogen sulfide. Does not form indole. It causes hemolysis of erythrocytes and hydrolysis of starch, ferments carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose, galactose, lactose, dulcitol, inulin, arabinose), but does not break down mannitol. Breaks down glycerin.

Bacillus mesentericus

A rough rod with rounded ends, 1.6-6 microns long, 0.5-0.8 microns wide, mobile, forms spores, does not form capsules, gram-positive. Aerob, on MPA grow juicy, with a wrinkled surface, mucous colonies of dull color (gray-white) with a wavy edge. Separate strains of Bacillus mesentericus form a gray-brown, brown or brown pigment; causes a slight haze of the BCH and the formation of a film; there is no hemolysis in the blood broth. The optimal reaction is pH 6.5-7.5; at pH 5.0, vital activity stops. The optimum growth temperature is 36-45°C. Liquefies gelatin, coagulates and peptonizes milk. During the decomposition of proteins, it releases a lot of hydrogen sulfide. Indole does not form. Causes hydrolysis of starch. Does not ferment glucose and lactose.

Bacillus megatherium

Rough stick size 3,5- 7X1.5-2 µm. It is located singly, in pairs or in chains, mobile Forms spores, does not form capsules, Gram-positive. Aerob, on MPA grow matte colonies (gray-white). Smooth, shiny, with smooth edges; causes turbidity of the BCH with the appearance of a slight sediment. The microbe is sensitive to the acid reaction of the environment. The optimum development temperature is 25-30°C. Quickly liquefies gelatin, coagulates and peptonizes milk. It emits hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, but does not form indole. Causes hemolysis of erythrocytes and hydrolyzes starch. On media with glucose and lactose gives an acid reaction.

Bacillus subtilis

A short stick with rounded ends, 3-5X0.6 microns in size, sometimes located in chains, mobile, forms spores, does not form capsules, gram-positive. Aerobe, during growth on MPA, dry, bumpy colonies of a matte color are formed. In liquid media, a wrinkled whitish film appears on the surface, the MPB first becomes cloudy and then becomes transparent. Causes blue litmus milk. The microbe is sensitive to the acid reaction of the environment. The optimal development temperature is 37°C, but it can also develop at temperatures slightly above 0°C. It is characterized by high proteolytic activity: it liquefies gelatin and clotted blood serum; coagulates and peptonizes milk; emits large amounts of ammonia, sometimes hydrogen sulfide, but does not form indole. Causes hydrolysis of starch, decomposes glycerin; gives an acid reaction on media with glucose, lactose, sucrose.

The group of putrefactive bacteria includes microorganisms that cause a deep breakdown of proteins. In this case, a number of substances are formed that have an unpleasant odor, taste, and often poisonous properties. Putrefactive bacteria can be either aerobes or anaerobes, spore-bearing or non-spore-bearing.

Facultative aerobic non-spore putrefactive bacteria often found in milk include gram-negative rods Proteus vulgaris (Proteus), capable of actively peptonizing milk with gas evolution. With the development of these microorganisms in milk, its acidity first slightly increases (due to the formation of fatty acids), and then decreases as a result of the accumulation of alkaline products. Non-spore-forming bacteria, such as Proteus vulgaris, can be introduced into milk from equipment, water, and other sources. During pasteurization of milk, Proteus vulgaris die.

Aerobic spore bacteria include Bac. subtilis (hay stick), Vas. mesentericus (potato stick), Vas. mycoides, Vas. megatherium, etc. All of them are mobile, positively Gram-stained, develop rapidly in milk, actively decomposing proteins. At the same time, milk first coagulates without a significant increase in acidity, then peptonization of milk occurs from the surface of the clot. In some spore sticks (for example, hay), milk peptonization begins without preliminary coagulation of casein. Of the anaerobic spore putrefactive bacteria, you are found in milk. putrificus and you. polymyxa.

You. putrificus - a mobile rod that decomposes proteins with abundant formation of gases (ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide), you. polymyxa is a mobile rod that forms gas, acids (acetic, formic), ethyl and butyl alcohols and other products in milk.

High sensitivity to a decrease in the reaction of the medium is characteristic of all putrefactive bacteria. This feature determines the extremely limited opportunities for the development of this group of bacteria in the production of fermented milk products. Obviously, in all cases when the lactic acid process develops actively, the vital activity of putrefactive bacteria ceases. In the production of fermented milk products, the development of putrefactive bacteria is possible only in exceptional cases (as a result of the development of a bacteriophage, the lactic acid process is completely or to a large extent stopped, the activity of the starter is lost, etc.). Spores of many putrefactive bacteria can be found in pasteurized milk. However, they practically do not play a role in the production and storage of this product. This is due to the fact that the main residual microflora after pasteurization is lactic acid bacteria, they also seed milk during bottling, therefore, against the background of development (albeit weak, due to low temperatures

storage) of the lactic acid process, the possibility of reproduction of spore microorganisms in pasteurized milk is negligible. In the production and storage of sterilized milk, spore bacteria play an important role. Even minor violations of the sterilization regimes can lead to the entry of spores into sterilized milk and subsequently cause spoilage during storage.


The classification of yeasts is based on differences in the nature of their vegetative reproduction (division, budding). sporulation, as well as morphological and physiological features.

According to the ability to sporulate, yeasts are divided into spore-forming and non-spore-forming. Yeasts of the genera Saccharomyces, Zygosaccharomyces, Fabospora and Debaromyces are found in fermented milk products from the spore-forming ones, and from the non-spore-forming ones - the genera Torulopsis and Candida. S. A.

Korolev (1932) divided the yeast found in dairy products into three groups according to their biochemical properties.

First group- yeast that is not capable of alcoholic fermentation, although it consumes some carbohydrates by direct oxidation; these include Mycoderma spp., the colored non-spore yeast Tornla.

Second group- yeast that does not ferment lactose, but ferments other sugars; can develop only in a joint culture with microorganisms that have the enzyme lactase, hydrolyzing milk sugar into monosaccharides; these include certain species of yeast of the genus Saccharomyces. As studies by V.I. Kudryavtsev (1954) and A.M. Skorodumova (1969), in fermented milk products prepared with natural starters, the main representatives of this genus are yeast of the species Sacch. cartilaginosus fermenting maltose and galactose. According to V. I. Kudryavtsev, the yeast of this group can positively influence the taste and aroma of fermented milk products, however, with their excessive development, a defect occurs - swelling. They belong to the so-called wild yeast and are not used in the production of fermented milk products. However, it is possible that productively valuable cultures can be found among the yeasts of this group.

The third group - yeast fermenting lactose. Studies by A. M. Skorodumova (1969) showed that among yeasts isolated from fermented milk products (prepared with natural sourdough), the number of yeasts that independently ferment lactose is relatively small - out of 150 strains - 32 (21%). The largest percentage of yeast fermenting lactose was isolated from kefir fungi and sourdough (34.1%). Yeast fermenting lactose was identified by A. M. Skorodumova as Fabospora fragilis, Saccharomyces lactis, less often Zygosaccharomyces lactis. The ability to ferment lactose is also possessed by some species of Candida and Torulopsis - Candida pseudotropicalis var. lactosa, Torulopsis kefir, Torylopsis sphaerica isolated from kefir fungus (V. I. Bukanova, 1955).

Studies conducted in Japan by T. Nakanishi and J. Arai (1968, 1969) also showed that the most common types of lactose-fermenting yeast isolated from raw milk are Saccharomyces lactis, Torulopsis versatilis, Torulopsis sphaerica, Candida pseudotropicalis.

To establish the ratio of yeast to sugars, cultures are sown in parallel in milk-peptone whey containing only lactose and in wort containing maltose. After holding at the optimum temperature, the presence or absence of gas is noted.

The optimum temperature for the development of yeast is 25-30°C, which should be taken into account when choosing the temperature for the maturation of products whose microflora includes them. According to V. II. Bukanova (1955) the main factor regulating the development of different types of yeast in kefir is temperature. Thus, an elevated temperature (30-32 ° C) stimulates the development of Torulopsis sphaerica and yeast that does not ferment lactose. Yeast fermenting lactose develops quite well at 18-20 ° C, however, an increase in temperature to 25 and 30 ° C, as a rule, stimulates their reproduction.

Most yeasts prefer an acidic environment for their development. Therefore, in fermented milk products, the conditions are favorable for them.

Yeast is very widespread in fermented milk products and can be found in almost any sample of a product prepared with natural sourdough. However, yeast develops much more slowly than lactic acid bacteria, so they are found in fermented milk products in smaller numbers than lactic acid bacteria.

The role of yeast and the production of fermented milk products is exceptionally great. Usually yeasts are considered mainly as causative agents of alcoholic fermentation. But this function, apparently, is not the main one. Yeast activates the development of lactic acid bacteria, fortifies products (S. Askalonov, 1957). Yeast fermenting lactose and other sugars are capable of producing antibiotic substances that are active against tubercle bacillus and other microorganisms (A. M. Skorodumova, 1951, 1954; V. I. Bukanova, 1955).

The intensive development of non-starter yeast often leads to swelling and a change in the taste of products such as sour cream, cottage cheese and sweet curd products. Excessive development of yeast contained in kefir starter in violation of technological regimes can also cause gas formation in kefir (“eyes”) and even its swelling.

A putrefactive infection occurs only in those wounds in which dead tissue is present, which undergoes decay as a result of the activity of putrefactive bacteria. Such a pathological process is a complication of extensive soft tissue lesions, bedsores and open fractures. The putrefactive nature is associated with the active activity of non-clostridial anaerobes present in the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, female organs of the genitourinary system and respiratory tract.

Putrefactive tissue breakdown is an anaerobic oxidative process of a protein substrate. Such microbes of putrefaction as gram-negative sticks (Fusobacterium, Bactericides), gram-positive sticks (Eubacterium, Propionibacterium, Actinomyces), Proteus, Escherichia coli and Veilonella take part in the development of this pathology.

Many experts claim that only 10% of surgical infections are not of endogenous origin. This is due to the fact that almost all human microflora consists of anaerobes. Anaerobic and mixed flora are the components of the most significant forms of purulent-inflammatory diseases in the human body. Especially often such processes are present in the development of gynecological, abdominal and dental diseases. Soft tissue infections appear similarly in the presence of mixed or anaerobic microflora.

Mixed microflora is not a simple collection of bacteria, because most pathological processes progress only when two members of the association are connected.

Not only aerobes create suitable conditions for the life of anaerobes. The opposite effect is also possible. Polymicrobes act as activators of the vast majority of anaerobic pathological processes of an infectious nature. That is why a positive result from the treatment is achieved only when exposed to each variety of microorganisms.

Most often, putrefactive foci occur with the following lesions:

  • infection of soft tissues;
  • lung disease;
  • diseases of the peritoneum.

There are several putrefactive microbes that can provoke the development of such an infection as an independent disease. Pay attention to the combination of Spirochete bucallis and Bac. fusiformis. The combination of these microorganisms is called fusospirillary symbiosis. The most formidable form of the pathological process is putrefactive phlegmon, which develops at the bottom of the oral cavity and is also called Louis' angina.

Symptoms of putrefactive process

As an independent process, a putrefactive infection develops in the area of ​​soft tissue damage quite rarely, more often it joins the developed anaerobic and purulent infectious processes. That is why the clinical picture of such a complication in almost all cases is fuzzy and merges with manifestations of purulent or anaerobic foci.

The putrefactive form of the infection occurs, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced depressed state;
  • a characteristic decrease in appetite;
  • the appearance of drowsiness during the daytime;
  • rapid development of anemia.

The appearance of a sudden chill is the earliest sign of the presence of putrefactive decay in the human body. The presence of exudate (stench) is also considered an important primary sign of the development of pathological changes in the body. An unpleasant pungent odor is nothing more than a consequence of the vital activity of putrefactive bacteria.

Not all varieties of anaerobes contribute to the formation of substances that cause a fetid odor. Most often, the reason for this is a strict and optional type of microorganisms. The absence of malodor is sometimes observed when aerobes are combined with anaerobes. That is why the absence of such an unpleasant symptom cannot indicate that the infection is not of putrefactive origin!

This infection has such secondary symptoms as the putrefactive nature of soft tissue damage. In the lesions there are dead tissues, limited by the correct outlines. Most often, gray-green or gray structureless detritus fills interstitial gaps or takes on various forms. The color of the exudate is often heterogeneous and in some cases varies to brown. It contains small drops of fat.

The putrid, infectious nature of the wound may produce symptoms such as large accumulations of pus. In this case, the exudate in the fiber is liquefied. When muscle tissue is damaged, its amount is scanty and is mainly observed as a diffuse impregnation of damaged tissue. If an aerobic infection is present, the pus becomes thick. Its color varies from white to yellow, the color is uniform, the smell is neutral.

You should also pay attention to symptoms such as the absence of swelling, purulent swim, gas formation and crepitus in the initial developments of the pathological process. Often, the external signs of soft tissue damage do not correspond to its depth. The absence of skin hyperemia confuses many surgeons, so timely surgical treatment of the pathological focus may be carried out untimely.

The putrefactive infection begins to spread in the subcutaneous tissue, passing into the interfascial space. In this case, necrosis of muscles, tendons and fascia occurs.

Putrefactive infection develops in three forms:

  • symptoms of shock are present;
  • there is a rapidly progressive course;
  • there is a slow flow.

In the first two forms, the infection is accompanied by general intoxication: fever, chills, development of renal or liver failure and lowering blood pressure.

How to cope with this pathology

An infection of a putrefactive nature is a serious threat to human health, so the treatment of a progressive process should be started as early as possible. To effectively eliminate such a disease, the following measures are taken:

  • unfavorable conditions are created for the vital activity of bacteria (removal of dead tissue, antibacterial therapy and extensive drainage of tissues);
  • appointment of detoxification therapy;
  • correcting the immune status and hemostasis.

A progressive infection of a putrefactive nature requires the removal of affected tissues. Treatment almost always requires surgical intervention due to the anatomical location, course and spread of pathogenic microorganisms, radical results are not achieved in all cases. With the low efficiency of previously taken measures, treatment is carried out with the help of wide incisions of purulent foci, excision of necrotic tissue, local administration of antiseptics and drainage of the wound. Prevention of the spread of the putrefactive process in the area of ​​healthy tissues consists in the implementation of limiting surgical incisions.

If the infection is anaerobic in nature, then treatment is carried out with the help of continuous perfusion or irrigation of the wound with solutions containing potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide. In this case, the use of ointments with a polyethylene oxide base (Levomekol, Levosin) is effective. These funds contribute to the effective absorption of exudate, which is accompanied by rapid cleansing of the wound.

Treatment with antibiotics is carried out under the control of the antibiogram. A disease such as putrefactive damage to soft tissues can be caused by microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotic therapy. That is why such treatment should also be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Drug treatment of a condition such as a putrefactive infection is carried out using the following means:

  • antibiotics - lincomycin, thienam, rifampicin;
  • metronidazole antimicrobials - metrogil, metronidazole, tinidazole.

Treatment and prevention of detoxification and homeostasis is prescribed and carried out individually in accordance with the symptoms and nature of the course of the pathological process for each case. In a violent septic course, intracorporeal detoxification measures are taken: endolymphatic therapy is carried out and hemoinfusion detoxification is prescribed. It is mandatory to carry out procedures such as UBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation) and VLOKA (intravenous laser blood irradiation). Application sorption is recommended, which involves the application of sorbents, antibiotics and immobilized enzymes to the affected tissue area. In case of complications in the form of liver failure, hemodialysis is prescribed and plasmapheresis and hemosorption are used.


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