Diaphoretics: herbs and plants: fees and teas. What does diaphoretic tea mean?

Health without drugs. Book two. Page 98

Healthy lifestyle

7. Diuretic and diaphoretic vegetables and fruits are useful: celery, parsley, dill, asparagus, onion, garlic, watermelon, pumpkin, strawberries, black currants, grapes. A glass of whey from yogurt per day activates the metabolism and removes toxins from the body. Useful fish.
8. Losing weight without moving is hard. Jog, walk more, dance, swim, skip the elevator.
9. Cold water increases metabolism. After taking a warm shower, pour cold water one leg, then the other, then in turn arms, buttocks, chest, back. Rub yourself terry towel This will also boost your metabolism.
10. Helps impact on the thighs and buttocks: patting with palms, fists, two wooden sticks.
11. For weight loss, I advise you to switch to vegetables and cereals. As a result, you will not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body.
Be careful: it is not easy to restore health, undermined as a result of the wrong weight loss regimen. On the shelves of various stalls, in pharmacies, on the TV screen, labels were full of various means for weight loss. Meanwhile, these pills may not be harmless. Many weight loss drugs that reduce appetite include, for example, caffeine. It increases the tone, and at the same time blood pressure. Contraindicated in heart disease, insomnia, atherosclerosis.
"Appetite suppressants" help to lose weight for a while. But they call side effects: deterioration of metabolism, blood circulation, trembling of the hands and disruption of the kidneys. Fasting often gives an "accordion effect" - a person loses weight during fasting and gains weight when switching to a regular diet.
A decoction of dandelions and nettles is the best "fat burner": 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day.
Q: My 13 year old girl is very fat. She is worried about this, she prays every day to lose weight. Advise how to be.
Answer: It's good that the girl is praying. But the Almighty helps only those who work themselves. Let the girl start jogging. She needs to eat less White bread and sweets. Check her liver thyroid gland, kidneys and heart.
Question: I'm going to do therapeutic fasting. What do you recommend?
Answer. If you decide to fast, it is best to do this under the supervision of a doctor or in the company of like-minded people led by an experienced practitioner. Especially dangerous are the entry into and exit from fasting.
From practice Vera, 33 years old. With a height of 165 cm, her weight was 98 kg. During the examination, I found a violation of the function of the thyroid and pancreas, as well as abnormalities in the work of the heart and nervous system.
Treatment consisted of taking a decoction of septa walnuts, tinctures for the treatment of the pancreas. In addition, she massaged the bioactive points of the little fingers, did pumping endocrine system(No. 1), fed the heart with bioenergy.
Result. After 3 weeks, Vera's sleep improved. She became calm and cheerful. Weight decreased by 5 kg.

An important area of ​​​​application of bitter herbs -fever treatment. Sometimes patients come to me, especially in young age, with complaints of fever - body temperature in the morning or evening rises to 37.2-37.3 °.

Such patients undergo a long examination, and, as a rule, they do not find anything. However, a person, in addition to fever, feels tired, broken, weak, feels sweating. And the person is at a loss: he does not know how to be treated and what to treat. By medical indicators he is considered healthy, however subjective complaints are present.

An elevated temperature indicates the presence of an infection that is “walking” somewhere in the body. Such an inflammatory process may appear, for example, as a result of a sore throat, due to unhealthy teeth, with diseases of the female genital area, urinary system, etc. In the case of such fevers, invaluable help is provided bitter herbs. We give bitter herbs for about three weeks - they will do wormwood bitter herb, three-leafed watch, gentian. In addition to bitter herbs, it is desirable to use suppurative herbs so that the infection also comes out through the skin, since the skin is also an excretory organ.

Treatment with wormwood and diaphoretic herbs

Bitter and diaphoretic herbs it is better to give in turn in one day: first you need to drink a bitter herb, and after an hour take a diaphoretic herb. And in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, you should take herbs that have a laxative effect so that the infection comes out through the intestines. And then the organism is completely cleared of the infection.

As diaphoretics you can use a raspberry leaf, soul-shitsu, linden, and also take a good steam-Xia in the bath.

As laxatives aloe, rhubarb, laxative joster, psyllium seeds are well suited.

Wormwood herb bitter should be applied in short courses. There is a classification, the so-called scale of bitterness, according to which the most bitter herbs are yellow gentian and wormwood. Among the bitter herbs, it is they who have the most powerful effect, so they are taken according to following scheme: 10 days they drink grass, then they take a break for 2 weeks - and so they spend 2-3 courses. As a result of this wormwood treatment in a month and a half the fever goes away. I also want to note that wormwood improves complexion - this is due to its antitoxic, antimicrobial, antiviral properties.

Classification of bitter herbs

The number of plants containing bitterness is quite large. German herbal medicine gives the following classification of bitter herbs.

  • Tonic go-speech - they improve general state organism, increasing its tonus. These include centaury, watch, gentian, elecampane, barberry root. These herbs are taken in daytime and should not be taken at night.
  • Aromatic bitters - these are plants that, in addition to bitter substances, also contain essential oils. Such plants include angelica officinalis, yarrow, calamus, dandelion (root). Bitter herbs with a sharp taste are even more effective than just bitters. They more actively burn toxins, viruses, infection in the human body, improve blood circulation (drive blood through the vessels more actively), increase metabolic processes. Aromatic bitterness is appropriate to use in cosmetic purposes- they improve the condition of the skin, improving its blood supply and having antitoxic properties. Air improves the work of the brain, promotes the development of thinking, quick wits.
  • Mucus-containing bitterness . These are Icelandic cetraria, parmelia, aloe. They are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, stomach, intestines, kidneys. In addition, these bitters have a nutritional as well as antibiotic-like effect - so that the spectrum of action of this class of bitters is especially wide.
  • Pure bitterness: tincture of wormwood, bearberry, galangal (root). For example, in the treatment of infectious gynecological diseases, they include baby bear, which contains bitterness and well kills any infection.

Dear readers, today we will talk about diuretic herbs. When they are needed, how to take them correctly, what courses are needed, and what you need to know about contraindications. I think that many of you use them for various purposes.

First of all, it must be said that diuretic herbs are used not only for edema. They are used to cleanse the kidneys, remove toxins, more effective reduction weight. Health problems do not always need to be solved with pills. Since ancient times, healers have used herbs as diuretics to treat many ailments. The main thing is to study in detail the action of each plant, paying attention Special attention for contraindications and side effects.

Not everyone knows what herbs are diuretic. But in any case, they have complex action, and not only drive urine and speed up the purification process urinary tract. It's just that some plants have more pronounced diuretic properties, while others have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial or other properties, up to crushing kidney stones. Below you can find general list diuretic herbs for the kidneys and against swelling of the legs. But some of them are used in other diseases (obesity, diabetes, urolithiasis disease).

Expanded list of diuretic herbs

Here is a list of diuretic herbs that can be used to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminate edema, and make you feel better with hypertension, diabetes and other diseases:

  • field horsetail;
  • asparagus root;
  • milk thistle;
  • birch leaves;
  • parsley;
  • chamomile;
  • corn silk;
  • yarrow;
  • nettle;
  • dandelion root;
  • chamomile;
  • bearberry;
  • Canadian goldenrod;
  • fragrant celery herb;
  • grass agrimony;
  • angelica;
  • wormwood;
  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot;
  • dill;
  • motherwort;
  • blooming Sally;
  • St. John's wort;
  • lingonberry leaf.

Some of the listed diuretic herbs are best used for swelling of the face under the eyes, with swelling of the legs in elderly and pregnant women, especially in combination with hypertension. Some plants, in addition to relieving puffiness, help normalize weight and blood glucose levels in diabetes. So let's understand in detail which individual plants and diuretic herbs are best used for certain diseases.

Just picking up a diuretic herb that relieves swelling is very simple. But this option is only suitable for those who have swelling that occurs extremely rarely and is not associated with chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, cystitis). Probably, many have noticed that when we walk for a long time or vice versa, we sit a lot, swelling occurs. Also, perhaps the day before we drank a lot of liquid, and the body simply can not cope. In the heat, we also often face the problem of swelling of the legs, arms, face.

In such conditions, you can use decoctions and infusions of chamomile, dandelion root. But we must understand that it is always necessary to accurately establish the cause of swelling in order to eliminate the existing malfunctions in the internal organs.

If swelling often bothers you, then be sure to contact a urologist, gynecologist or therapist (depending on the main complaints), and the doctor will prescribe an examination, the results of which will tell you exactly which diuretic herbs you can drink from swelling and whether it is worth doing.

Sometimes swelling needs to be eliminated quickly, and ethnoscience However, it is intended to have a cumulative effect. For those who prefer only natural remedies, you can buy diuretic tablets on herbs (for example, Phytolysin) - concentration active substances they are higher, so the expected effect will come faster.

Personally, I like the Brusniver ready-made collection, which is sold in pharmacies and which I wrote about on the blog.

Diuretic herbs for diseases of the kidneys and bladder

Diuretic herbs for kidney stones and cystitis in women help restore urinary function and destroy stones, remove sand, urine sediment, toxins and pathogens. With the development of infectious and inflammatory processes of the urinary organs, experts always recommend drinking more, because the body suffers greatly from reproductive products infectious agents. The liquid washes out everything harmful and toxic, while removing puffiness if the kidneys do not cope with their functions.

Among the diuretic herbs for infection and inflammation of the urinary system, the following are recommended:

  • lingonberry leaf;
  • field horsetail;
  • yarrow;
  • birch leaves and buds;
  • St. John's wort;
  • dill.

With cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, it is especially useful to take a decoction of dill in courses, lingonberry leaf and horsetail. These diuretic herbs have a bacterial effect on urinary organs, prevent the formation of calculi and eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the form of cuts and pain.

Horsetail deserves special attention. This well-known medicinal plant has been used for many centuries in infectious and inflammatory processes. Bladder.

A hot infusion or decoction of horsetail grass has a pronounced diuretic effect. In addition, the plant strengthens the immune system, prevents the formation urinary stones and removes small stones and sand. You can read more about the use of this herb in the article.

Safe diuretic collection for cystitis, urethritis and kidney disease

Try making diuretic medicine at home. To do this, take 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves, corn silk, nettle, mint. Pour the plants with 200 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. You should drink this remedy during the day between meals. The collection has not only a diuretic effect, but also relieves pain and inflammation.

If the kidneys and bladder hurt, it is recommended to include herbs with analgesic properties and antispasmodic action in the diuretic collection: Ivan tea, plantain, mint, motherwort. But severe pain these plants, of course, will not be removed. Pain syndrome may be provoked urolithiasis and renal colic.

Such emergency conditions serious antispasmodics and analgesics are required. And even the strongest diuretic herbs will not help stop the spread of infection. Postpone the use of diuretic herbs until after antibiotics and other medicines be able to get rid of acute inflammatory process.

Cranberries with cystitis in women

Cranberry is not a medicinal plant, but its fruits have a powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. Cystitis in women provokes coli, which even in healthy condition part of the microflora anal area. With weakened immunity, poor hygiene, this pathogen begins to actively multiply, penetrating the mucous membrane of a wide and short female urethra.

Today, experts have proven that it prevents bacteria from attaching to the tissues of the bladder, preventing frequent relapses inflammatory process. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the intake of decoctions and infusions of diuretic herbs with the use of cranberries and preparations based on it.

Very often you can hear, especially from young girls, that they are getting slimmer, losing weight with the help of diuretic herbs. I would very much ask you, my dear readers, to conduct explanatory work with them. Who, if not we, adults, will prompt and save them from problems?

To remove fluid from the body without signs of disease urinary system and edema should be treated with particular caution. This can lead to dehydration, severe flaking of the skin, weakness and other adverse effects for good health.

It is believed that diuretic herbs for weight loss remove excess liquid and cleanse the body, accelerating the course of metabolic reactions. In the future, this should help in weight loss and obesity prevention. Today, you can even buy effective diuretic herbs for weight loss at the pharmacy. Some women combine them with laxatives, which is absolutely impossible to do. Our body needs water to survive.

If not urological diseases, hypertension and other pathologies, accompanied by the formation of edema and stagnation of urine, you should not experiment with diuretic herbs.

Of the diuretic herbs for weight loss, it is best to use plants with a mild diuretic effect:

  • Birch buds;
  • chicory root;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • parsley seeds;
  • plantain;
  • lingonberry leaves.

The listed herbs with a diuretic effect act almost imperceptibly. You will feel their effect by a slight increase in the amount of urine excreted.

A short intake of such drugs has a cleansing effect on the kidneys, relieves the existing inflammation from the bladder. Long-term use of diuretic herbs just for the purpose of losing weight is not worth it.

Diuretic herbs for high blood pressure reduce the absorption of salts and fluids, ensuring their excretion with urine and lowering blood pressure. This allows you to take control of the current for a while. arterial hypertension and warn dangerous complications. Especially useful diuretic herb with pressure in old age, when due to age-related changes intermittent fluid retention. But before using this or that plant, be sure to consult your doctor.

List of herbs with a diuretic effect for high blood pressure:

  • thyme;
  • horsetail;
  • bearberry;
  • milk thistle;
  • calendula;
  • knotweed;
  • asparagus root and herb;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Melissa;
  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • dandelion root;
  • flax seeds;
  • yarrow.

With a rapid pulse, it is recommended to make diuretics herbal preparations with the addition of valerian. If you are prone to slow heart rate, additionally use hawthorn and lemon balm. When arterial hypertension is combined with kidney failure include bearberry in diuretic preparations.

You can combine the listed herbs with a diuretic effect or use one-component recipes. It is not recommended to combine more than 3-5 plants, as this can lead to an unexpected effect.

If you have hypertension and problems with the urinary organs, it is recommended to pay attention to asparagus. This plant in a boiled form drives urine well, cleanses digestive tract from mucus, may improve incontinence. If you eat boiled asparagus on an empty stomach, you can remove sand and small stones from the bladder and kidneys. It is recommended to mix the decoction of the plant with honey. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and helps to crush stones in the urinary organs.

Diuretic for high blood pressure

Try to cook next collection, which is suitable for people suffering from hypertension and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). Take 2 tablespoons of valerian root, motherwort herb, yarrow, anise fruit. Pour the plants with 500 ml of boiling water. The remedy should stand for several hours, then strain it and consume it warm before meals 2-3 times a day.

Diuretic herbs during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the burden on everything increases. internal organs including kidneys. If future mother before conception, there were problems with the urinary organs, then the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases will be quite high. But active life position in conjunction with proper nutrition, salt restriction, fatty foods and smoked meats helps to prevent the appearance of hidden and obvious edema.

But after the second trimester of pregnancy, many women have swollen feet in the evening, which is a variant of the norm if there are no pathological changes in blood and urine tests. Hidden edema can be suspected by sharp increase weight. In this case, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible and undergo an examination. Edema during pregnancy can result in preeclampsia and severe complications, up to premature birth.

Friends, in this publication I collect materials on diaphoretic herbs. Anything that helps induce sweating, enhance the elimination of toxins through the skin. Our skin is the most big organ discharge, so a significant part of the ailments can come out with sweat. It is especially good to sweat during a cold, it does not need to be explained.

The principle of operation of sweatshops

The release of sweat, in addition to getting rid of toxins, also reduces the temperature, which is also important when colds. But this decrease in temperature is within the framework of the correct, natural approach. That is, we do not bring it down completely, to 36.6. The temperature decreases due to the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, and not due to the inhibition of the function of thermoregulation.

Loss of fluid and electrolytes

Please note that when taking diaphoretic herbs, it is required to compensate for the loss of fluid and electrolytes that have gone through the skin. That means you need to drink more. The algorithm is this - they drank a diaphoretic, sweated, and then drank a compensatory drink to replenish the excreted fluid. In general, it is useful to drink more during colds, but at the same time, we should not forget that we wash out salts with liquid, and they also need to be compensated.

Therefore, it is desirable to drink warm milk with honey. Or cranberry juice with honey. Or lemon juice with honey. And in addition to honey, you can mix in a little salt, because sodium salt is also necessary. Many people forget this moment, so they drink liters and do not feel any benefit. Always add a little salt to honey in a cold drink.

Natural kvass helps well, but it is difficult to make it quickly, unlike fruit drinks or lemon drink. It is also good to drink orange juice mixed with salt and honey. For 500 ml orange juice 500 ml of water, that is, we dilute it twice, add honey to taste to feel the sweetness. And add salt on the tip of a teaspoon - that will be enough.

Once again, I repeat that diaphoretic prem must be accompanied by replenishment of lost fluid and electrolytes!

Alphabetical list of diaphoretics

wild rosemary
Colchicum autumn

Birch (buds, leaves)
Elderberry red and black
Cornflower blue

Gorichnik Russian

Common cocklebur


Spruce (needles, buds)

Willow (bark)
Kirkazon clematis
red clover

Linden (color, bark, buds)


field mint

Oats (jelly)
borage grass

Alder (buds, bark)
Aspen (buds, bark)

Creeping wheatgrass

pharmaceutical camomile
Lilac (leaves, buds)

Red currants
Black currant


bird cherry


The general principle of the preparation of diaphoretic infusion

There are no special ceremonies in the preparation of diaphoretic infusion. Everything is extremely simple: take a teaspoon of crushed dry mass in a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. If these are berries, then in this case, take a tablespoon of berries in a glass, crush them with a crush and pour boiling water over them. Leave for 10 minutes and drink.

After taking a diaphoretic infusion, be sure to wrap yourself up warm blanket and sweat for about half an hour. Then drink liquid to replenish the water-salt reserve in the body. At an elevated temperature above 39, not diaphoretic infusions are shown, but wiping with vodka or cucumber pickle. It is not necessary to sweat at temperatures above 38.5, it is better to drink fruit drinks - cranberry and lingonberry.

Sweatshops - marigolds rejected

An annual, strongly odorous plant with branched stems, forming wide, dense bushes up to 40 cm high. The leaves are pinnately dissected, the segments are narrow, lanceolate, sharp. Flower baskets are yellow, dark orange, brown-orange. Flowering time - from June to September. The fruits are linear achenes.

The homeland of marigolds is the south of America. Having moved to Europe, marigolds began to be cultivated everywhere, except for the Far North. The plant is unpretentious, abundantly flowering, cultivated in gardens, parks, flower beds, front gardens. For medicinal purposes, flowers (flower baskets) are harvested during the flowering period from June to September.

Dry the flowers in the air in the shade under a canopy.

Infusion: 1 st. pour a spoonful of dry flower baskets or grass with 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

In the sauna there is increased sweating of the body. This physiological processnormal reaction organism on elevated temperature. Sweat evaporation from the skin protects the body from overheating in the steam room. With sweat, the body is cleansed of toxins, poisons, decay products, and its recovery takes place. In this case, a person loses a certain amount of fluid, which leads to intense thirst. How to get rid of thirst, restore water balance how to prepare and use herbal diaphoretic teas for the sauna, we will tell you on our website www.site.

How to quench your thirst while in the sauna?

The most important rule: In order not to harm your health, never drink in a bath or sauna cold water or drinks, as soon the feeling of thirst will reappear.

The best drink for a bath, sauna is a well-brewed, fragrant fresh tea. Green tea is best, as well as vitamin infusions, decoctions from medicinal herbs. Drinking such drinks, like tea, should be in the dressing room, after visiting the steam room, pouring them from a thermos or samovar.

While in the sauna, for 2-3 hours you can drink 3-4 portions of tea, vitamin drink. It is useful to brew tea with mint leaves, linden flowers, lemon balm, chamomile, blackcurrant leaves, wild strawberries. These plants will help to sweat better, which means it is more effective to clean skin and the whole body from accumulated harmful substances.

Just don't drink large quantities liquids. This will increase the load on the heart, kidneys. This should be known to the elderly, as well as those with any chronic diseases. They are contraindicated in the use of strongly brewed tea, coffee in the sauna, not to mention alcohol. Beer is also contraindicated for such people.

If after visiting the bath, sauna, thirst still torments you, drink a glass of tea with lemon a couple of hours after visiting it, or an infusion of rose hips, hawthorn, barberry. Good thirst quencher freshly squeezed vegetable, fruit juices (no added sugar).

How to prepare diaphoretic teas for the sauna?

Herbal sauna teas are drinks filled with vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances which have a beneficial effect on our body, healing it.

Drinks from medicinal plants mankind has been using for a very long time. Ancient healing treatises that have survived to this day already contain recipes for compiling herbal preparations for making such teas. Some of them we still use today.

To make a real, healthy, diaphoretic tea, immediately throw away the purchased tea bags. This rubbish has nothing to do with healing drink. We will cook only from dry aromatic herbs.

* Use this popular diaphoretic tea recipe: Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed raspberries, linden flowers. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, cover with a towel or napkin, leave for 5-10 minutes. strain, drink a drink for increased sweating.

*Mix 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, linden flowers, dried black elderberry, mint herb. Then 1 tbsp. l. mix pour 1 cup boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour. Strain, the drink is drinkable.

*Mix 1 tbsp. l. lime blossom, black elderberries, peppermint leaf. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixes 1 tbsp. boiling water, wrap, leave for half an hour, strain. Tea is also suitable for use in a sauna, bath, as well as for colds and flu.

*Here is another recipe healthy tea: Mix 4 tsp. dry herbs coltsfoot, 3 tsp. dry plantain leaves, 3 tsp. crushed licorice root. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection 2 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a towel, leave for 30-40 minutes. Then strain, drink a small amount of drink. It well cleanses the bronchi, lungs from sputum, promotes sweating.

*Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of lemon balm, Veronica herb. Add 3 tbsp. l. dried berries strawberries, crushed rose hips or hawthorn. 1 st. l. mix pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water. Cover with a lid, leave for 10 minutes. strain, drink with honey.

Vitamin herbal teas calming the nervous system

Such teas are also good to drink while visiting a bath or sauna. They will calm you, relieve irritability, insomnia.

* Try to cook them: Mix 1 tbsp. l. dried mint leaves, 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm, crushed valerian root, dry leaves, prickly tartar flowers. Pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for half an hour. Strain, drink 1-2 cups.

*Mix 1 tbsp. l. mint, motherwort herb, crushed valerian root, dry hop cones. Pour 0.5 l. boiling water, wrap, leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain, drink no more than 1-2 cups.

Carefully observe the dosage of medicinal herbs, because different amount herbs causes different reactions. For example, large doses Valerian is stimulating, not calming. This fully applies to other plants. Therefore, be careful.

When preparing herbal teas, use pure bottled or purified soft water. In order for them to benefit the body, drink them hot after visiting the steam room. After drinking tea, relax, rest for 15-20 minutes. and only after that you can continue to bathe. Be healthy!

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