Pulls the navel. Why can the navel hurt? Causes of pain in the navel with strong pressure. What diseases are accompanied by pain in the navel

Pain in the navel - warning sign, indicating the development of a whole series dangerous diseases. Why does pain in the navel most often occur when pressed, and is there a risk to life when it appears? similar symptom if it has never bothered a person before?

Causes of pain in the navel

If the navel hurts inside or outside, the person first needs to find the location discomfort. So, if pain occurs when you press on top of the navel, then a person should contact a gastroenterologist. Usually, such a symptom indicates the development of gastritis, and is also a sign of a violation in the work of the gastric mucosa. With these diseases, the pain is sharp, but temporary. She may appear on long time, and then also suddenly disappear.

Pain when pressing on the navel, coming from the inside, may indicate the development of a variety of diseases. For example, if discomfort intensifies after eating, then most likely the cause is enteritis, inflammation small intestine. This disease is considered non-life-threatening, but still, it can cause considerable discomfort.

Enteritis develops against the background of other signs. For example, a person may feel uncontrollable lethargy and complete absence appetite. Forced eating leads to the fact that the pain in the navel increases so much that a person sometimes cannot even get out of bed.

Pain inside the navel may portend the development of acute appendicitis. This problem is already much more serious, and you should not hesitate here. If the appendix ruptures, the threat hangs over a person’s life, and therefore, with this primary symptom you should immediately call an ambulance.

If a person notices that he systematically feels pain in the abdomen, and the symptom is accompanied by a protrusion of the navel, one should be wary of the development of an umbilical hernia. Some people think that umbilical hernia- a disease that occurs only among children, but it is common among adults.

In the event that a woman feels pain in the area just below the navel, then most likely the reason lies in the disruption of the genitourinary system. It can be both endometriosis and cystitis. These diseases do not just disappear and require full treatment. If a person does not see a doctor on time, the symptom will only increase, causing considerable discomfort.

If such pain below the navel torments a man, then most likely he has encountered disturbances in the work of the rectum. Only a professional can tell about the causes of such violations and methods of treating the disease.

Pain in the navel is never accidental, and usually indicates the development serious illnesses. That is why you should carefully study your well-being, noting negative changes. For example, if pain in the navel is accompanied by vomiting, severe diarrhea and general weakness of the body, you should be wary of volvulus. The problem is quite common and dangerous, so you should not ignore such flashy symptoms.

Another reason why a person may experience spreading pain in the navel, which gradually spreads to the entire abdomen, is intestinal colic. Such problems can occur if the body is passing stones from Bladder or from the kidneys.

Pain in the navel can always indicate the development of the disease digestive system. Usually, such diseases are accompanied by other symptoms, such as bleeding gums, fatigue and excessive sleepiness. Put more accurate diagnosis only a doctor can do it after careful examination of the patient.

Sometimes such pain can also occur in pregnant women due to the elementary growth of the abdomen. Usually, such discomfort does not last long and is rarely repeated. If the pain in the navel during pregnancy is acute, a woman should immediately consult a doctor, because it is quite possible that her baby is in danger. Also, such discomfort in pregnant women may be associated with the development of the aforementioned diseases.

A symptom such as pain in the navel is dangerous due to the fact that it can be evidence of the development of various diseases. In order to determine the cause of discomfort in time and cope with it, a person should visit the attending physician, telling him about the symptoms.

Pain in the navel is often very scary for a person, because this symptom occurs suddenly and unknown reasons. However, such unpleasant sensations can directly indicate the development of very serious diseases, and therefore the symptom cannot be ignored. You should track other signs of certain diseases by contacting a doctor with detailed description unpleasant sensations.

Belly button pain is a common symptom and is indicative of certain health problems. The intensity and irradiation of such pain in the navel may be different, but even with slight pain discomfort, you should not treat the symptom as a trifle. After all, every signal that the body gives us indicates a health problem of one kind or another. In the navel area are projected:

  • transverse colon
  • loops small intestine
  • ascending and inferior horizontal duodenum
  • big omentum
  • upper ureters and kidneys
  • greater curvature of the stomach (when the stomach is prolapsed)

The causes of pain in the abdomen near the navel most often lie in diseases of the small intestine. Inadequate functioning of the jejunum leads to disruption of absorption processes nutrients, which inevitably affects the human condition. Therefore, long-term disturbing pain near the navel is a signal for an urgent visit to the doctor, especially if there is additional symptoms, which we will discuss below.

Most probable causes soreness of the umbilical region are the following diseases:

  • Obstruction of the lumen of the jejunum of an acute nature;
  • Circulatory disorders of the mesenteric vessels supplying the jejunum, acute and chronic course;
  • Eunit - inflammation of the jejunum;
  • Umbilical hernia ( congenital, postoperative, acquired) can hurt during exercise, in case of infringement;
  • Enzyme deficiency leading to impaired parietal digestion in the jejunum;
  • Oncological formations of the jejunum;
  • Infectious enterocolitis, spastic and nonspastic enterocolitis;
  • , leading to pathological changes in the motility of the jejunum of functional genesis.

Each of these diseases, in addition to pain near the navel, forms a certain picture of symptoms. Therefore, you should focus on changes of any kind in the functioning of the body and be sure to state to the doctor all the symptoms.

Pain around the navel associated with obstruction of the jejunum

The obstruction of the jejunum is a formidable condition, leading to the death of the patient in case of unjustified delay in treatment. Obstruction of the intestinal lumen may be mechanical in nature ( gallstone, tumor, roundworm) or due to compression from the outside (, volvulus). Patients childhood and young people, obstruction may be due to intussusception - the introduction of an intestinal loop into the adjacent intestine.

Cramping pains are clinically observed in the umbilical region with increasing intensity and a decrease in the interval between contractions. Repeated vomiting, which only slightly alleviates the patient's condition, accompanies the pain syndrome - a change in the nature of the vomit to intestinal contents is characteristic. At the same time, there is no stool, gases do not go away.

After some time, the pain symptoms disappear, and the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating, there is a drop in blood pressure, weakness, tachycardia. The above symptoms of incipient shock are poor prognosis for the life of the patient, any delay in the provision of emergency surgical intervention can be fatal.

Pain in the umbilical region in acute disorders of the mesenteric circulation

A frequent cause of this pathology is the blockage of the vessels of the mesentery by pieces of blood clots from the bloodstream, which is likely in the presence of cardiovascular diseases. Also, the causes of insufficient blood supply can be: blockage of the mesenteric arteries by blood clots, compression of the arteries from the outside by tumor-like formations.

The condition is accompanied by excruciating and cramping pains in the umbilical region, which decrease somewhat when the patient takes a forced knee-elbow position. The pain is difficult to relieve even with morphine and is accompanied by the appearance of sticky and cold sweat, tachycardia and increased blood pressure, a feeling of horror. As an intestinal reaction to developing ischemia, vomiting and loose stools appear. After 6-12 hours after the first manifestations, the pain near the navel subsides, as the nerve receptors of the intestine die.

Blood appears in the vomit and feces or discharge from the anus like raspberry jelly. In the future, diffuse peritonitis develops with characteristic manifestations- acute pain of the whole abdomen, retention of gases, stools, worsening general condition. This pathology also requires emergency assistance on the operating table.

Pain in the umbilical region with chronic mesenteric circulation disorders

Severe diseases, such as nonspecific aortoarteritis and atherosclerosis (), lead to conditions of chronic intestinal ischemia. pain attacks accompanying given state, have their own characteristics - pain from the umbilical region extends to the epigastric, as well as to the iliac fossa on the right; pain attack is pronounced according to the type of contractions and begins 20-40 minutes after eating. The pain is relieved by taking nitroglycerin. As the disease progresses, patients lose weight and notice persistent problems with the intestines - rumbling and bloating, constipation, which are replaced by diarrhea. Since the disease is characterized by a gradual aggravation of the condition, it is important to undergo an examination as soon as possible and receive adequate therapy.

Pain around the umbilicus accompanying chronic jejunitis

The most pronounced spastic pain in the umbilical region due to spasm of the intestinal wall. Pain on the background caused by stretching of the intestinal mucosa by accumulating gases is also characteristic. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the mesentery develops - mesadenitis, which is manifested by pain from below and to the right of the navel, in the navel and left hypochondrium. The progression of the disease leads to the development of ganglionitis and the transformation of the character of pain from spastic to burning.

The condition is accompanied by excruciating diarrhea, up to 20 times a day. Often diarrhea occurs immediately after eating and leads to general weakness, and a drop in blood pressure. Against the background of dysbacteriosis, the nature of feces changes - if initially they are a mushy mass with pieces undigested food, then in the future the feces become frothy and fetid. When expressed pathological changes in the jejunum, feces acquire oily sheen and has the consistency of an ointment. The general condition also suffers due to the development of enteral syndrome and beriberi. The disease progresses slowly, so early start treatment avoids irreversible changes in the jejunum.

Pain in the abdomen around the navel with enzyme deficiency (enzyme deficiency enteropathies)

Enzyme-deficient enteropathy is a pathology that develops due to insufficient production of a number of enzymes, both congenital and acquired, or due to their biochemical inferiority. This condition leads to inadequate parietal intestinal digestion.

Clinically, enzyme-deficient enteropathies are expressed in intolerance certain products. The disease in childhood leads to a lag in mental and physical relationship, and in adults - to the development of a common enteral syndrome. The most common form of enteropathy is celiac disease or gluten intolerance, and less common is disaccharidase deficiency enteropathy.

The condition is manifested by a series of symptoms that occur after the use of a product to which there is intolerance. There is pain near the navel, flatulence and watery, light yellow foamy diarrhea with factions undigested food. Treatment for this pathology is a strict exclusion from the diet of foods to which there is intolerance, as well as enzyme therapy.

Pain in colon cancer

This is a fairly rare oncological pathology, most characteristic of men over 30 years old. First sign oncological process jejunum - severe pain in the navel by the type of contractions, combined with nausea and belching, heartburn, rumbling of the intestines, diarrhea. Characteristic signs of cancer are tarry feces and progressive anemia. Treatment of jejunal cancer requires immediate initiation and is surgical.

Pain around the navel, characteristic of irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is classified into a group of functional bowel diseases. Motility is disturbed, flatulence and cramping pains occur near the navel. The disease is very common and is a consequence of the modern pace of life, and women are 2 times more likely to suffer from this syndrome.

Umbilical pain is combined with both diarrhea and constipation. Mucous feces. The disease is characterized by diurnal cyclicity - the maximum manifestations occur in the first half of the day. paroxysmal cutting pain in the region of the navel with diarrhea may occur immediately after breakfast, with defecation bringing relief. During the day there is heartburn, flatulence and belching of air, pains around the navel, which are relieved by passing flatus or going to the toilet. The pain can flow to the hypochondrium (left and right), the right iliac region. In the evening and at night, the patient is not bothered by anything. Since the disease brings great psychological discomfort, it is necessary to prescribe directed treatment and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Pain near or below the navel, with other bowel diseases

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis (NSA)

NUC is a polyetiological disease of the intestine, in which foci of necrosis and ulcers form on the intestinal mucosa. In this case, the patient develops diarrhea with an admixture of blood and abdominal pain different expression. With complications of the underlying pathology ( intestinal obstruction, perforation of the intestine) pains become very strong, the temperature rises, symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear. With an uncomplicated course of UC, the temperature usually does not exceed 38 degrees, and the patient is also disturbed by false painful urge to defecate, bloating. The differential diagnosis of UC is based on endoscopic and radiographic methods of examination of the intestine.

Crohn's disease

Or granulomatous enteritis can affect any part of the intestine, more often manifesting itself as a lesion of the ileum (ileitis). it inflammatory disease, which develops in genetically predisposed individuals with impaired autoimmune response with concomitant intestinal infections. The clinic includes intoxication (lethargy, fatigue), fever, diarrhea, weight loss, abdominal pain, often simulating attacks of appendicitis, bloating, vomiting, loss of appetite. The disease can be complicated by perforation of the intestine, intestinal obstruction, toxic megacolon, fistulas in the bladder. Endoscopy and intestinal biopsy help establish the diagnosis.


This is inflammation of the mesenteric lymph nodes under the influence of a bacterial or viral process in the body. Most often, staphylococci, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella, enteroviruses, adenoviruses, Epstein-Barr virus, mycobacterium tuberculosis are the culprits. Pathology is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and intoxication. With severe paroxysmal or persistent pain general well-being the patient suffers little. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, tomography helps in the diagnosis. Sometimes you have to resort to diagnostic laparoscopy.

Causes of pain above the navel

Above the navel is the pyloric part of the stomach and part of the duodenum. Pain symptoms above the umbilical region are caused by gastropathy and ulcerative processes in these organs. Initially, the pain is manifested by a slight burning sensation and is accompanied by discomfort, then, as the ulcerative process progresses, the pain becomes brighter, becomes permanent, and when perforated, the ulcers become sharp and unbearable. With perforation of the ulcer and the development of peritonitis, there is a sharp increase in general symptoms up to loss of consciousness. Cancer of the stomach and duodenum is also accompanied by pain above the navel of a permanent nature (see).

Causes of abdominal pain below the navel

  • Pain below the navel can signal pathologies of the colon and problems of the female genital organs.
  • Endometriosis is the most frequent pathology the female genital area, one of the manifestations of which is pain below the navel.
  • The ischemic state of the intestine can be manifested by soreness below the navel. The chronic course of the process is manifested constant pain, acute - a sharp pain syndrome and paralysis of intestinal motility.
  • Atherosclerosis of the vessels that feed the intestines is manifested by aching spastic pains and atonic constipation.
  • In addition to the above conditions, pain below the navel may indicate the following diseases: cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian or uterine cancer, uterine fibroids.

Causes of pain to the left of the navel

  • To the left of the navel at the top of the abdomen are the intestinal loops, the omentum, the hilum of the kidney, and the ureter.
  • Accumulations of gases in the lumen of the colon can provoke soreness near the navel on the left side, in the lower abdomen. However, in the presence of a pathological process of the large intestine, pain will be accompanied by stool disorders, impurities of blood and mucus in the feces, and temperature. Scarlet blood in the stool indicates hemorrhoids, tarry stools indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Viral diseases of the lungs can also be manifested by pain in the umbilical region due to irritation of the diaphragm.

Causes of pain to the right of the navel

  • Right above the navel are the following bodiesascending division colon, gate right kidney.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys cause pain in the front on the right and in the back.
  • Appendicitis begins with pain discomfort in the navel itself, and subsequently the pain sensations shift to the right (see).

Based on the above, it becomes clear that pain around the navel or to the sides of it may indicate the most various diseases, some of which are life threatening. Whatever the cause of pain in the umbilical region, it must be diagnosed. After all timely detection even the most dangerous disease gives a high chance of recovery and the opportunity to lead a full, healthy life.

Pain in the umbilical region - This is a common symptom, and it indicates that certain health problems are developing in the body. This condition can be different - a sharp sharp pain or pulling discomfort may appear. However, even if there is just a little colitis in this place, this symptom cannot be ignored. If you pay attention to such a signal of the body in a timely manner, you can prevent serious diseases.

Why does the stomach hurt in the navel?

If the stomach hurts in the navel area in a child or an adult, this means that there are problems with the functions of the organs located in this area. So, in this area are projected:

  • loops of the small intestine;
  • part of the duodenum;
  • transverse colon;
  • upper sections of the kidneys and ureters;
  • big omentum;
  • greater curvature of the stomach (if the stomach is lowered).

Most often, abdominal pain to the left of the navel above or abdominal pain to the right of the navel develops due to diseases of the small intestine. If the small intestine does not function properly, nutrient absorption is disrupted, which negatively affects overall health. Therefore, one should not independently try to determine what is to the right of the navel or what is to the left of the navel. With the regular manifestation of such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is especially important to consult a doctor if additional symptoms appear, described below, and also if the stomach hurts in this area when, or there is a seal. Parents should not delay a visit to a specialist if the child's stomach hurts in the navel and feels sick for several days.

Often the causes of pain in the navel are associated with the following diseases:

  • acute and chronic violation of the blood flow of the mesenteric vessels , which supply the jejunum;
  • acute obstruction of the lumen of the jejunum ;
  • - pain manifests itself with infringement, loads;
  • eunite (inflammatory process in the jejunum);
  • spastic, infectious, non-spastic enterocolitis ;
  • enzyme deficiency , in which parietal digestion in the jejunum is disturbed;
  • , in which pathological changes in the motility of the jejunum are noted;
  • jejunal oncology .

If the navel hurts when pressed, we can talk about the development of a number of diseases. With pressure under the navel, pain is manifested in such diseases:

  • enteritis ;
  • enterocolitis ;
  • abdominal migraine ;
  • volvulus ;
  • hernia ;

With each of these diseases, not only pain and discomfort in the abdomen develops, but also other symptoms. That is why it is very important to carefully monitor all changes in the state of the body and be sure to tell the doctor about all the symptoms that appear.

Pain around the navel with obstruction of the jejunum

It is important to know what this means - jejunal obstruction . This is a very serious condition in which a person can die if not provided timely treatment.

The intestinal lumen can be blocked by a mechanical obstruction (, gallstone, tumor ), and also as a result of squeezing from the outside due to adhesions, volvulus. In children and young people, this condition with pain near the navel and a little higher sometimes occurs due to invaginations , that is, the introduction of an intestinal loop into another, adjacent, intestine.

With this condition, a person has a stomachache above the navel or in the umbilical region. Gradually, the pain increases, there is a pulsation and a decrease in the interval between how cramping pains appear.

In this state, not only does the stomach hurt a lot above the navel, but nausea and vomiting develop, after which the condition is relieved only for a short time. Gradually, the vomit changes to the contents of the intestine, there is no stool, gases do not go away. After a while, the pain and burning sensation go away, while the patient's condition becomes much worse. There is a sharp decrease and weakness.

Such symptoms are very life-threatening, and if not treated in a timely manner, it is possible fatal outcome. Therefore, if the causes of pain above the navel are associated with obstruction, it is important to understand that this condition is very serious.

Sometimes such a pathology occurs due to blockage of the vessels of the mesentery by particles of blood clots from the bloodstream. This phenomenon is likely if a person suffers from cardiovascular diseases. Insufficiency of blood supply is also possible with:

  • compression of the arteries from the outside due to the development of tumors;
  • blockage of the mesenteric arteries blood clots .

In this condition, cramping severe pains develop in the abdomen, in the center near the navel. It becomes a little easier for a person when he takes the knee-elbow position. Cramping cutting pain in the abdomen is very difficult to stop even when applied morphine . The patient develops a cold and clammy sweat, tachycardia , blood pressure rises, a feeling of horror manifests itself.

Due to the reaction of the intestine to ischemia, loose stools and vomiting appear. After 6-12 hours after such symptoms begin to develop, the pain subsides, as the nerve receptors of the intestine die. In the emetic contents, as well as in the feces, blood is determined. Instead of feces, a discharge similar to raspberry jelly may appear. As a result of this condition, diffuse peritonitis , which is accompanied by acute spasmodic pains in the entire abdomen, stool retention and gases, general deterioration. With such a pathology, it is necessary urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Pain near the navel in chronic disorders of the mesenteric circulation

If a person progresses nonspecific aortoarteritis and , then develops chronic ischemia intestines . In this state, the pain manifests itself in a special way: from the area near the navel, it spreads to the iliac fossa on the right and into epigastric region. Pain is cramping, they begin about half an hour after a person has eaten. After application the pain goes away. While the disease progresses, a person loses weight, his intestines do not function well - alternation and, bloating, rumbling. Since this disease progresses gradually, and at the same time the condition worsens, it is very important to undergo a diagnosis and subsequent treatment prescribed by a specialist.

Pain in chronic jejunitis

Spasmodic pains are most pronounced in the umbilical region due to spasm of the intestinal wall. There are also pains caused by stretching of the intestinal mucosa due to the accumulation of gases in it. As a result, it develops mesadenitis - an inflammatory process in the lymph nodes of the mesentery. At the same time, it hurts below the navel, on the right under the navel, and also in the hypochondrium on the left side. As the disease progresses, it develops gangliolite , and pains from spastic become burning. In this condition, not only does the stomach hurt below the navel: women and men develop excruciating diarrhea, in which they have to go to the toilet up to 20 times a day. Often, diarrhea develops immediately after a person has eaten, and it is also noted tremor hands, sharp drop pressure, weakness

Pain in women and men in this condition is accompanied by a change in the nature of the stool. Initially, it is a mushy mass in which you can see the remains of undigested food. Later, the feces become fetid, frothy. If the feces acquire the luster and consistency of an ointment, there are suspicions that this may be the development of a pronounced pathology. The general condition of a child and an adult due to enteral syndrome and also getting worse. Since the disease progresses slowly, with the correct and timely start of treatment, irreversible changes in the jejunum can be prevented.

Such pathological conditions develop as a result of insufficient production of certain enzymes in the body, which can be both congenital and acquired disorders. Also can be produced in enough. But at the same time be biochemically inferior. As a result, parietal intestinal digestion occurs.

At enzyme deficiency enteropathies people have intolerance to certain foods. If such a condition develops in a child, he lags behind both physically and mentally. mental development. The adult develops a general enteral syndrome . Most frequently noted celiac disease (i.e. gluten intolerance), less often - disaccharidase deficiency enteropathy .

In this condition, the symptoms develop after the patient has consumed foods that he cannot tolerate. Pain in the navel in a child and an adult is accompanied by flatulence, as well as watery diarrhea light yellow color with particles of undigested food. To prevent pain at the navel in a child and an adult with such a pathology, a menu should be carefully formed, excluding all foods to which intolerance develops. Enzyme therapy is also practiced.

Pain in colon cancer

rare oncological disease, which mainly develops in men after 30 years. The first sign that the development cancer of the jejunum , is a strong pain, similar to contractions, in the navel. At the same time, belching, nausea, diarrhea, and rumbling in the abdomen are also noted. hallmarks oncological process are considered tarry feces and anemia, which progresses. In this case, you need to urgently start treatment, which in this case consists of surgical intervention.

Pain in irritable bowel syndrome

it functional disease intestines, in which flatulence , as well as developing cramping pain. This is a very common condition that often develops as a consequence of the realities of modern life. The causes of pain in the intestines are very often associated with this condition. Approximately twice as often develops in women. Pain in the navel in women and men is combined with constipation or diarrhea. The stool has a slimy consistency. In people suffering from this disease, there is a daily cycle: the main number of manifestations develops in the first half of the day. Causes of cramps in the abdomen can be associated with food intake - cramps and diarrhea develop immediately after breakfast. After defecation, the patient feels better. AT daytime the patient is worried about flatulence, heartburn, belching. After the gases have passed, or the person has visited the toilet, the condition improves again.

It can hurt with this disease on the right and left in the hypochondrium, in iliac region on right. AT evening time and at night the person feels good. But in general, the disease creates both physical and physiological discomfort, so it is important to carry out proper treatment and follow all doctor's advice.

Pain in the navel with other diseases

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

This condition is a polyetiological bowel disease, which is characterized by the development of foci and mucosal ulcers. A person suffering from this disease develops diarrhea, and blood in the stool of an adult is found quite often. Disturbed by abdominal pain. If the condition is complicated by intestinal obstruction or perforation of the intestine, the pain intensifies, the temperature rises, and signs of peritoneal irritation are noted. If the current uncomplicated, then the body temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, there are false urges to defecate with pain, bloating. Differential Diagnosis provides for endoscopy, as well as the use of radiological methods bowel research.

Crohn's disease

This disease is also called granulomatous enteritis . The disease affects any part of the intestine, most often - ileum (ileitis ). The disease has inflammatory character, manifests itself in people who are genetically predisposed, who have a violation of the autoimmune response in case of concomitant intestinal infections. The course of the disease is characterized by the development of intoxication, in which there is marked fatigue and lethargy. Also, the patient's temperature rises, diarrhea constantly bothers, bakes and hurts in the stomach. Sometimes such pain is very much like an attack. In addition, there is bloating, vomiting, loss of appetite, weight loss. Probably a complication of the disease with intestinal obstruction, perforation of the intestine, fistulas in the bladder, toxic megalcolonome . To determine correct diagnosis, a specialist performs a biopsy and endoscopy of the intestine.


In this condition, an inflammatory process of the mesenteric lymph nodes develops due to a viral or bacterial process in the body. As a rule, it develops due to infection of the body salmonella , staphylococci , Klebsiella , shigella , adenoviruses , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Epstein-Barr virus . With this disease, a person has signs of intoxication, as well as abdominal pain. The disease can be diagnosed by ultrasound abdominal cavity, as well as tomography. In some cases, diagnostic laparoscopy is required.

Causes of pain above the navel

To determine what is the cause of such manifestations, you should know what is above the navel and, accordingly, what can hurt.

In the area above the navel is part of the duodenum and the pyloric part of the stomach. Therefore, pain sensations develop if ulcerative processes begin to occur in these organs. Also, pain in this area causes gastropathy .

First, there is a slight burning sensation and discomfort, after which, if the ulcerative process progresses, the pain intensifies, constantly disturbs. Perforation of the ulcer causes sharp and unbearable pain, general symptoms also increase, leading to loss of consciousness.

Constant pain above the navel stomach cancer and duodenum .

It is important to clearly know what is below the navel in women and what to do if the stomach hurts below the navel in women and men. If pain develops in the navel in women and the pain is lower, then this may indicate diseases of the female genital organs. Most often, these symptoms indicate the development - a common pathology of the female genital area. In addition, such sensations may be evidence of the development of colon pathologies. In particular, pain in this area can cause an ischemic condition of the intestine. At chronic course the disease hurts and aches constantly, in acute cases there are sharp manifestations and paralysis of intestinal motility.

Spastic aching pain and atonic constipation- symptoms characteristic of atherosclerosis vessels that feed the intestines.

In addition, pain directly in this area can cause such diseases:

  • irritable bowel syndrome ;
  • cancer of the uterus, ovaries ;
  • uterine fibroma ;
  • abdominal aortic aneurysm .

Pain to the left of the umbilicus

If pain develops in the left side at the level of the navel, it is necessary to determine which organ is located on the lower left. On the left are the omentum, intestinal loops, ureter, kidney gate.

Soreness in this area may be due to the accumulation of gases. If the pathological process of the large intestine develops, then in addition to pain, stool disorders, the appearance of mucus, blood in the feces, and fever will be noted.

If scarlet blood appears in the stool. This means that in a patient, if the stool becomes tarry, this means that bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract develops.

Pain in the umbilical region due to irritation of the diaphragm is also possible with viral diseases lungs.

Pain to the right of the navel

In this area are the gates of the right kidney, as well as the ascending colon. With pathologies of the kidneys, pain is noted in the right front, as well as in the back.

An attack of appendicitis begins with the fact that a person has pain in the navel, and then the pain gradually shifts to right side.

Often, expectant mothers develop pain in the navel area with. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different. First of all, why the navel hurts inside may be due to the fact that the stomach increases every day, and the skin on it is stretched. Muscle weakness can also be the cause of such manifestations. abdominals. Sometimes during pregnancy, the navel in women even turns outward, but after the baby is born, everything becomes as it was before.

Sometimes a woman's navel pulls from the inside. What is it, it is better to ask the doctor. After all, sometimes this condition indicates the development of an umbilical hernia. If severe pain develops, in which nausea, vomiting, gas formation, and other unpleasant symptoms need to call an ambulance.

Also, pregnant women may develop intestinal infections which requires medical advice. The point is that at loose stool and vomiting, intestinal tone increases, which can also affect uterine tone . And this is unsafe during the period of bearing a baby. In addition, there is a risk of developing appendicitis, which is also very dangerous for the expectant mother.

After the symptoms have been eliminated, the specialist must monitor the condition of the fetus.

Bad smell from the navel

A bad smell from the navel in a woman, man or child may appear due to improper hygiene. It is important to properly wash the navel when a person takes a shower or bath. Very carefully you need to handle the navel for those who have a piercing in this place.

Sometimes a weeping navel and discharge in women appear if it develops endometriosis . If there is an unpleasant smell and discharge, it is better to consult a doctor.


Thus, to answer the question, if it hurts around the navel, what could it be, you can different ways. If the stomach hurts near the navel, this signals a lot of diseases. Since some of these diseases are life-threatening, acute pain in the abdomen around the navel is a good reason to see a doctor. It is important to immediately consult with a specialist and tell him in detail about all the symptoms - it hurts near the navel on the right or left, what exactly is the nature of the pain, how long the pain around it lasts. It is especially important to contact the doctor immediately if the child has a severe pain near the navel or such pain occurs in women during pregnancy.

If the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner and the causes of pain to the left of the navel or the causes of pain to the right of the navel are determined, then the patient's chances of recovery increase significantly. It is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations about what to do and how to treat.

What do pain in the navel in women, men, children say. What you need to know to avoid mortal danger and the development of oncology.

In other cases, umbilical pain suggests pathological changes in your body. First of all, they concern the organs located in the peritoneum. Then, muscle problems in the paraumbilical halo. The reason may be a simple non-observance of hygiene or inflammation of the node, a hernia of the navel.

Common ailments that provoke this syndrome are considered:
enteritis - inflammatory phenomena in the small intestine, often complicated by gastrointestinal diseases:

  • gastroenteritis - a reaction to poisoning with poor-quality drink and food, unsuitable drugs:
  • enterocolitis - inflammation of the intestines, including thin and thick;
  • intestinal diverticulitis - the appearance of fragments of protrusion in the colon;
  • childhood abdominal migraine with symptoms like poisoning and headache attacks;
  • volvulus, acute appendicitis, umbilical hernia.
That is, the soreness of the navel suggests: a person has health problems. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor and find out the etiology of the syndrome.

Pain in the umbilicus in women

Availability pain in the umbilical node in women indicates pathological processes occurring in the urogenital area, the digestive system. This includes the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, reproductive organs, intestines.
Cystitis. Pathology of the functions of the bladder associated with the inflammatory process.
endometriosis- a violation in the structure of the internal endometrium of the uterus and its growth, including outside the organ.
fibroma of the uterus - benign neoplasms on the body of the uterus outside.
Oncology appendages and uterus.
IBS- blood circulation is disturbed in the irritated intestine;
Hernia umbilical node.

Women should not ignore the symptom painful belly button. If you do not see a doctor in time, you can miss the growth of benign and malignant tumors pelvic organs or bacterial infection urinary area.

Remember! You must know why your belly button hurts untimely treatment diseases of the small pelvis can lead to infertility and chronic female diseases.

Pain in the navel in men

Pain in the umbilical node warns that a person has an anomaly in the rectum. Serious illnesses of this outgoing intestine are usually detected too late. This is due to smoothed symptoms and embarrassment of people who do not want to go to the doctor with delicate issue. Meanwhile, it is pain in the navel in men that is often a sign of the development of pathology in the rectum. And if it is accompanied by bloating, impaired bowel movements, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, then this is a formidable symptomatic complex. You need to see a doctor immediately.

Umbilical pains of an antispasmodic nature in men are signs of many diseases:

  • cicatricial formations in nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • the processes of formation of adhesions in the intestine;
  • the formation of tumor foci, including malignant ones.
Boys often have stagnation of feces - megacolon, due to the appearance of dilated areas in the colon. This does not pass without a trace for the respiratory organs, cardiac activity, since the overflow of the intestine raises the diaphragm, and it presses on those organs that are located above. Pain in the gut is a symptom this disease.

In older men, pain in the navel is a consequence chronic inflammation prostate. This feature complements symptomatic picture diseases along with impaired urination, hormonal dysfunction and decreased potency.

Be carefull! If there is pain in the navel, then trouble with men's health has already. To prevent diseases from becoming chronic, do not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Pain in the umbilicus in a child

In newborns of six months of age, pain in the umbilical node occurs against the background of colic, swelling, and constipation. If they are not accompanied elevated temperature, the refusal of the baby to eat and the deterioration of well-being, then you should not be worried. The soreness will pass when everything calms down in the intestines of the baby.

If the child more than a year, then umbilical pain means the presence of pathologies:

  • the reaction of the body after a viral infection;
  • vomiting with pain speaks of an umbilical hernia in a baby;
  • in children under the age of 7, the soreness of the node is associated with poisoning, constipation, genitourinary infections;
  • schoolchildren complain of pain in the navel with digestive problems, diseases of the digestive tract, stool disorders, intestinal and urinary infections, painful menstruation.
Council of experts. Parents should definitely respond to such complaints. Pain in the navel is a signal for the need for a detailed examination. Do not miss a serious health anomaly in a child.

Pain near and around, below and around the navel

That is, a person experiences pain in the entire umbilical zone. The pains are different - strong, not very, pulling, aching, cramping. By their nature and localization, the doctor may suspect certain disease. On his own, a person cannot draw the correct conclusion about what is happening to him.
But common signs exist, they look like this:
  • aching pains in the umbilical zone presumably signal digestive problems, intestinal obstruction, neoplasms in the intestines and genitourinary organs;
  • acute pains near the node - ulcers in the intestines, anomalies of the gallbladder, umbilical hernia, passage of kidney stones;
  • pulling near the node - intestinal obstruction, onset inflammatory processes in genitourinary system;
  • stabs and cuts near the navel from problems in digestive tract, genitourinary system, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • severe pain syndrome - acute appendicitis, volvulus, oncology;
  • it hurts below the navel - Crohn's disease, above the navel - problems with the stomach, duodenum;
  • it hurts on the right - appendicitis, volvulus of the small intestine, on the left - the pancreas, spleen, problems in the large intestine.
Conclusion. Even knowing what pain in the navel can mean, you should not start treatment on your own. The information is given to you so that you understand how serious it is and do not hesitate to go to the clinic. At severe pain you need to call an ambulance. For example, a hernia can break through, appendicitis can end in peritonitis, and this is deadly. Take care of yourself and be healthy.

The navel hurts - what could it be? In fact, such pains may accompany various diseases, starting with enterocolitis and ending with inflammation of the appendix or hernia. But this does not mean that the pain that has arisen can be used to judge the development of a particular pathology. Pain in the navel area is a reason for holding diagnostic examination, which will confirm or exclude the presence of the disease. Read more about the causes of pain in the navel and will be discussed in this article.

Pain in the belly button - what could it be?

Depending on the type of disease, pain can be very diverse. The pain can be burning, sharp or aching, but before you panic, you should try to remember the exact time of the onset of discomfort in the abdomen. For example, mild pain may occur after wearing a tight belt. It is impossible to exclude such a possibility that it is the belt that is the cause of all the troubles. In this case, the list of "culprits" should include all your tight clothes.

Often, belts with metal buckles provoke swelling on the body or a rash. As a rule, a similar phenomenon is noticed in those people who suffer from allergic reaction on metal. Allergies can also act as a cause of discomfort or even pain in the lower abdomen, that is, near the navel. If the doctor confirms the allergy, then wearing things with metal elements is not recommended.

Pain in the navel, as a rule, are divided into the following types:

  • sharp and strong. The appearance of such unexpected pain most likely indicates the development of serious pathological processes. Often, the patient in parallel with this, a deterioration in the state of health is noticed. Doctors call such sensations in the navel area an “acute abdomen”, in most cases the patient needs emergency surgical care;
  • aching. In the region of the navel, a person has a large intestine and part of the small intestine, which are often the culprits of discomfort and cramping pain. But if the appearance acute pain most often accompanied by the development of a serious pathology, then painful sensations of a aching nature are usually associated with problems in the digestive system, for example, bloating or increased gas formation.

On a note! Regardless of the type of pain, its occurrence cannot be ignored. Therefore, at the first attacks, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. This will not only cure possible ailment on the early stage development, but also to prevent serious complications.


There are many various factors, provoking the appearance of pain in the navel, often this symptom accompanies enough serious pathology, which cannot be left to chance. Below are the most common causes of belly button pain.

Table. Diseases that cause pain.

Name of the disease, photoDescription

A type of intestinal obstruction, accompanied by eversion of the patient's intestines. Pathology can be accompanied by both constant and throbbing pain, localized in the central or right side of the abdomen. When the patient has a volvulus, constipation occurs, increased gas formation attacks of nausea and vomiting. As a therapy, cleansing enemas, in rare cases surgical intervention is required.

A type of migraine that occurs predominantly in childhood patients, but also occurs in adults. The development of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the navel. main feature migraine is a blanching of the patient's limbs, but against this background, diarrhea, nausea and bouts of vomiting may occur.

A gastroenterological disease in which the walls of the colon protrude slightly. Because the large intestine is located in the lower abdomen, this pathology and is accompanied by pain in the navel. Among the symptoms are rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, constipation, fever.

A pathological condition in which some internal organs out of the patient's abdomen. In this case, in addition to pain under the navel, the patient notices prolonged constipation, attacks of nausea with vomiting, increased gas formation. At the first suspicion of a hernia, you can not self-medicate, trying to correct the neoplasm on your own. In such cases, immediate medical attention is required.

A common disease requiring urgent surgical intervention. At first, painful sensations appear in the central part of the abdomen, covering epigastric region and the navel, but over time it passes to the right side of the abdominal cavity. Even slight touches cause a jet of pain.

Inflammatory disease that affects the walls of the large and small intestines. You can learn about the development of this disease by pain in the navel, which appear during palpation (pressing with your fingers). As a rule, the development of enterocolitis is affected by an unbalanced diet or intestinal infections. To characteristics diseases include diarrhea, increased gas formation, nausea and, accordingly, abdominal pain. The peculiarity of the pathology is that the pain, as a rule, is blurred.

Inflammation of the stomach and intestines caused by various viruses or pathogens. As a rule, the disease occurs when drinking contaminated water, unwashed or expired products. In this case, the patient has pain near the navel, intestinal colic, indigestion, nausea and bouts of vomiting. It should be noted that gastroenteritis often develops with long-term use potent drugs.

Another disease associated with painful sensations in the abdomen, or rather, in its lower part. Essentially, it is an inflammation of the small intestine. chronic nature. In addition to abdominal pain, the patient develops general weakness, chills, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, body temperature rises. Symptoms of the disease can not be called pleasant, so when they first occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Important! Most gastroenterological diseases, accompanied by pain in the navel, are similar to each other in terms of symptoms, so you can’t immediately, without medical examination to determine the type of pathology. Otherwise, you can start treating a completely different disease on your own.

Other reasons

Above were the most common pathological conditions in which the patient may have pain in the navel. But there are other reasons that should not be excluded:

  • aortic aneurysm;
  • circulatory disorders in the abdomen;
  • disorder of the autonomic nervous system;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • tumor development in the small intestine;
  • adhesive disease.

The conditional division of the navel into two parts will allow you to notice that the nature of the diseases may differ. But regardless of the cause of development, the disease must be treated in a timely manner. Therefore, at the first sign, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Features of diagnostics

During the diagnostic examination, important point is an assessment of the general health of the patient. It is necessary to determine the exact localization of pain. For this purpose, the doctor performs palpation, in which the patient must be in a supine position.

Also, with pain in the navel, the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic procedures:

  • x-ray examination of the digestive tract;
  • laboratory analysis of feces for the presence of dysbacteriosis;
  • blood test for hepatitis and biochemistry;
  • colonoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and kidneys of the patient;
  • a blood test for antibodies to bacteria (for example, to Helicobacter pylori).

Based on the results of the laboratory tests the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. After that, the patient is prescribed a course of therapy, the composition of which will depend on the disease that caused the pain.

Treatment of abdominal pain

If the pain is short-term and disappears after a while, it is most likely due to a violation digestive processes in the body. Prevention and treatment in this case come down to considering and, if necessary, changing your diet. Eliminate everything harmful products(fried, salty, fatty, smoked, etc.). It is also necessary to refuse bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse. But if the pain bothers you all the time, then one diet, unfortunately, in this case is no longer enough. The doctor prescribes various drugs, and further treatment is already under his control.

During treatment, one should not count on a quick result, since it depends not only on the type of disease, but also on whether the patient will follow all the recommendations of the attending physician. When treated with some medications the patient may experience additional symptoms It is the body's response to drugs. In this case, the doctor should slightly adjust the course of therapy by replacing the drugs.

It is worth noting that there are such diseases, with the appearance of which the patient needs urgent surgical intervention. Such diseases include strangulated hernia, peritonitis, acute form appendicitis and others. The development of such pathologies can be guessed by acute pain in the abdomen, which, as a rule, does not subside. Many people, in an attempt to somehow alleviate the symptoms, take painkillers before the arrival of the doctor. It is strongly discouraged to do this, since the substances contained in the medicines can affect the results of laboratory tests. In such cases, ice can be used - it will slightly alleviate the symptoms.

Based on all of the above, it can be understood that the appearance of pain in the navel may indicate the development different pathologies, some of them represent great danger for the health and life of the patient. Therefore, timely diagnosis and, accordingly, treatment is extremely important.

On a note! With the development of even the most severe pathologies early treatment increases the likelihood Get well soon and full life of the patient.

An excellent effect can be achieved by regularly exercising with a fitness ball.. To do this, you need to take a supine position. So the abdominal muscles relax as much as possible. When carrying a child, pain in the navel is usually associated with the child himself. It puts excessive pressure on the internal organs, which causes discomfort. But in order not to risk the health of the baby, if pain or discomfort appears, you still need to visit a doctor.

Video - Why the navel hurts

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