When there is no more strength, this prayer will help. Very powerful force! Prayer to the Holy Hieromartyr Kharlampy for deliverance from hunger, asking for the fertility of the land, a good harvest. Prayer in a situation when things and business are going badly

Words and prayers, if read with true faith and love, will help change life for the better.
You can read them everywhere, choosing those words and prayers that give a solution to the most important task at the moment.

Prayers can give us the strength to recover from illnesses, find peace of mind, calm down, turn life back on track.
Through prayer, you can get what you want only if your desire is strong and faith is strong. Don't let doubt weaken your faith.

When you ask for something, consider it as an indisputable fact (it is so and nothing else) and the result will not be long in coming.
ask earnestly sincerely and the way will be opened.
Some prayers that give strength act in conjunction with talismans and amulets.

"God give me the courage to change the things that I can change, the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,
wisdom to know the difference between them.
But, God, give me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even if it is useless.

Prayer for the healing of the soul

"May this day be blessed with good health for my years, purity of thought, freedom from anxiety and peace of mind.
I am an empty vessel to be filled;
my faith is small - strengthen it, my love is shallow - deepen it;
my defense is weak - strengthen it;
my heart is restless - bring peace to him;
my thoughts are small - make them noble;
my fears are great - eliminate them;
my soul is sick - heal it.
Strengthen my faith that everything is possible through love."

"Bless me with the world of a happy home. Protect us from all dangers and misfortunes. We believe in You, We know that You take care of everything in the world. Your will guides everything. Your love protects everything. Protect me from unseemly deeds. May the law of good govern my life and controls everything I say and do. Give us your full blessing."
"Drive out all the bitterness that is inside me, show me how to show love and concern for those who are far away. May I always love and protect those who are close to my heart. Lead them to my love. May I touch everyone with generous kindness, whom I will meet."
"Reach out your hands and protect me from unnecessary disturbances in this life. Make my enemies powerless, unable to hurt, destroy and harm those who started under Your protection. I call on You with all my heart and await Your comfort."
“Take my hands, Lord, and give them strength to carry out the tasks and responsibilities of this day, overcome my weakness, gain clarity of thought, and manifest my abilities. life."

Protective Prayer

"I beg You to protect me and lend a helping hand in my travels. Bring me what belongs to me and bless me with the fruits of my labor. Give me some of the gifts of the earth, improve the conditions of my life. Give me confidence in Your protection, protect me from those who wish to harm my body or my property."

"Remove from me any intention to do evil, all destructive signs. Replace them with truth and kindness. Breathe into me wisdom, from which I will receive strength of character, calm confidence and devoted friendship. Let me use knowledge to gain a devoted friend.

"I ask that my eyes be opened to those things that before I was not able to see or understand. Guide my steps in the right direction so that the bumpy road becomes smooth and safe for travel. Protect my body from evil forces and my thoughts from immorality Take the sin from my soul Give me the right answer Make it so that I understand and accept the solution that You offer to deal with my problem Take my lips and speak through them, take my head and think through it, take my heart and fill it with the love and kindness that I want to pour out on those around me."

"Give me justice, compassion and forgiveness in my affairs with the authorities. Judge me with the kindness with which I treat others. Impose on all courts the spirit of wisdom and understanding so that they can recognize the truth and act impartially according to the law."

"I pray that there will be distance between me and my enemy. I address with humility so that we are separated from one another. Remove this enemy so that peace reigns in my house and heart. I think about the peace that will come to me.

"Be with me and support me with Your presence. Be my friend and refresh my soul. Send me clarity of mind, peace of mind and faith to have patience and great unceasing love going into and out of my heart. Show me the purpose of my life give me courage and perseverance to achieve the goal that You have set for me."

Prayer for every day for purity of thoughts

"Help me to be kind in words and generous in deeds. Help me to forget myself and turn my love and affection to others. Make me beautiful in soul, clear and pure in thoughts, beautiful and strong in body. Increase my strength of body and spirit so that direct them to those I call on. I am grateful for all that I have received on this day and for the love for others that You have placed in my heart."

"Be with me on this day and help fill my head with bright thoughts, my body with harmless habits and my soul with an innocent spirit. Help me control my desires for those foods that are harmful to my body, thoughts, soul or life itself. I am confident in Your help. With this help, I will overcome all the temptations of this day."

Teach me not to worry about anything and to accept that your wisdom is much higher than my own narrow view. Let me accept and welcome Your choice without fear or doubt, knowing that if we open our hearts to new areas, our lives will be filled with unexpected joy. I accept this day, join it and rejoice."

To whom to pray for ailments

For healing from ailments, you must first believe success. Even the best prayer will not be effective if it is read automatically, without a soul. Who is usually prayed to for various illnesses? If children are sick, they resort to prayer to the Mother of God and to Barbara the Great Martyr. Women who dream of children can pray to Sergei Sarovsky. Also, for healing, they turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon, Christ.

If loved ones are seriously ill, then the church recommends coming to the temple and praying at the divine liturgy. If a loved one is baptized, then submit a note of health, with or without prosphora. But prayer is not a conspiracy, these are different concepts. In prayer, you turn to God and higher powers. Starting prayer, one should renounce worries and worries and not ask too much. And when you finish it, say: “let your will be done, Lord, and not mine.”

But you should know that not only by prayer we receive the help of higher powers, but also by good thoughts, good deeds. You can read prayers as much as you like, but if there is a lot of negativity in the soul and a person is used to looking at everything through the prism of condemnation and discontent, then there will be little sense from such a prayer. The main thing is to be able to enjoy the little and be grateful to fate for everything, even bitter lessons.

What to do if you do not want to pray or repent? Sometimes there are such states that there is no strength even to force oneself to pray. And if I still get up to pray, I don’t feel anything at the same time: my lips pronounce texts, but my mind is far away, not with God. And at confession, I sometimes do not feel any sense of repentance, but simply list the sins. I'm embarrassed by this kind of heartbreak. What does it mean? And can you fight it? Elena

Archpriest Alexy POTOKIN, Assistant Rector of the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" in Tsaritsyn, answers:

Dear Elena! The Lord said: “... those who are not healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick, go and learn what it means: I want mercy, and not sacrifice? For I have come to call not the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Matthew 9:12-13). The Lord came into the world, endured suffering, died on the Cross and rose from the dead for the sake of us - those who do not know how to pray, repent, love God and neighbor. It was for us that He created His Church with its saving sacraments. Re-read the Gospel carefully - it's all about this: about the poor in spirit, about the blind, about the paralytic, about the prodigal son. Every parable of Christ, every line of the Gospel reminds us of our spiritual state. Healthy people have never experienced such experiences as you, always praying, were confident in their righteousness - remember the parable of the publican and the Pharisee. And in the end, they not only did not accept Christ, but crucified Him. This is the kind of spiritual tragedy that leads to the unwillingness to honestly look into your heart, to find out the truth about yourself, about your spiritual state.

Christ calls us to know ourselves, our inner world. And this inner world just opens up to us during prayer. When we communicate with people and become irritated with them, under the influence of emotions we often do not notice our irritability. And in prayer we strive for goodness, goodness - and then we notice coldness of heart, and lack of concentration, and chaos of thoughts and feelings. But it is already worth a lot if a person forces himself to come to church, to utter words of repentance, even if the heart is silent. It is we, the weak, the cold, who need the Law of God, the observance of church rules. When a person recovers (for real, not in a Pharisaic way), he prays and repents continuously, in any place where he is. Hermits and hermits sometimes did not resort to the sacraments of the Church for many years, but their hearts were completely given to God, they prayed unceasingly - not always with words, genuine prayer can also be silent.

But we sick people cannot pray without words, we need rules. As in everyday life, we need rules of politeness. Almost every person can remember moments of melancholy, despondency, when he was not happy to meet friends, acquaintances, they began to annoy him. But elementary secular ethics help not to break completely, to survive this period, to recover. The saint does not need this courtesy. One look from him will tell us much more than "hello" or "good morning." But since we are not saints, we need to remember the elementary courtesy. And church rules are spiritual courtesy. The heart is far from God, we do not strive to meet Him, but, realizing the abnormality, the painfulness of this state, we come, as the Holy Church teaches us, to confession and pronounce words of repentance. This is hard work, slavish, but not useless. Saint Isaac the Syrian said that a person will never become a son of God if he has not been a slave and a hired hand. By forcing ourselves to repentance, we crush the stony ground. We cannot wait for a reward, we do not know when we will come to life and turn to God with sincere, heartfelt repentance. But if we sincerely ask God to forgive us our coldness, to revive our heart (“Create a pure heart in me,” we read every morning in the 50th psalm), a sincere repentant feeling will return sooner or later. In such "automatic" repentance, we still receive God's grace, which will certainly bear fruit. Just don't despair. Spiritual life is a path, not a pedestal. And there is no path without obstacles.

There is not always the strength and ability to stand. The work is associated with hard physical labor, and by the evening a person is so tired that his legs are buzzing. Due to advancing age, age-related diseases are discovered. A pregnant woman whose lower back is pulled and her legs swell. There are many reasons, but a person feels the need for prayer.

What now, do not pray at all? Of course not. Be sure to pray while sitting. And this can be done, despite the indignation of the grandmothers from the church.

What is prayer?

It is direct communication with God. Conversation with Him. This is the conversation of a child with his Father. But we will not explain ourselves in lofty words, but we will talk about it in a simpler way.

When we pray, we meet with God. We meet with the Mother of God and with the saints, to whom we pray prayerfully. We ask them for something, and after a while we understand that our request has been fulfilled. And thanks to this comes the realization of the participation of the saints in our lives, as well as the participation of God. He is always there, always ready to help and patiently waiting for us to turn to him.

There is another kind of prayer. This prayer is a dialogue. When a person is talking, it is important for him not only to speak out, but also to hear the opinion of the interlocutor. At the moment when we offer prayers to God, we need to be prepared for the fact that He opens up to us. Sometimes not the way we imagine Him. Therefore, one cannot invent an image of God for oneself, somehow represent it. We see God on the icons, we see the Mother of God, saints. It's enough.

Is it possible to read prayers while sitting? Imagine that a man comes to his father. He came after work, he really wants to talk to him, but his legs hurt and are so tired that there is simply no strength to stand. Wouldn't a father, seeing this, talk to his child? Or make him stand in deference to the parent? Of course not. Rather, on the contrary: seeing how tired the son is, he will offer him to sit down, drink a cup of tea and talk.

So does God, seeing the zeal of a person, not accept sincere prayer just because the one who prays is sitting?

When do we pray?

Most often, when something happens in life and urgently need help. Then the person begins to pray and ask God for this help. He simply has no other hope. Help comes, a contented person rejoices, forgets to thank and departs from God until the next emergency. Is it correct? Hardly.

Ideally, we should live with prayer. Live with it just like we live with air. People do not forget to breathe, because without oxygen we will simply die in a few minutes. Without prayer, the soul dies, this is its "oxygen".

With our workload and living conditions, it is extremely difficult to constantly be in prayer. The hustle and bustle at work, the hustle and bustle of everyday life, the people around you - it's all too much. And it's too noisy around us. However, we wake up in the morning. And what do we think about first? About what to do today. We get up, wash ourselves, get dressed, have breakfast and forward - towards a new fuss. And you need to adjust your morning a little. Get up and thank God for another day. Ask for His intercession during the day. Of course, the best option is to read the morning prayers. But no one has yet canceled gratitude from the heart.

Prayer during the day

Is this possible with our workload? Why not, everything is possible. Is it possible to pray while sitting, for example, in a car? Of course. You can go to work, and mentally pray to God.

A person sat down to eat - before the meal, you need to pray mentally, read "Our Father". No one will hear this, and what good is it for the one who prays! Ate, thanked the Lord for the meal - and again went to work.

Prayer in the temple

Is it possible for an Orthodox person to pray while sitting? Especially in the temple, where everyone is standing? In weakness - it is possible. There is such a wonderful phrase of the Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret: "It is better to think about God while sitting than standing - about your feet."

With some diseases, it is difficult for a person to stand. And with other infirmities, it is not always easy. Therefore, do not be embarrassed by the fact that they sat down on a bench in the temple. There are certain places in worship, at the proclamation of which you need to get up. This is the Cherubic Hymn, the reading of the Gospel, the prayers "I believe" and "Our Father", the removal of the Chalice. In other cases, if you feel that you cannot stand the service, sit down.

home prayer

Is it possible to sit in front of the icons to pray at home? There is nothing wrong with this if a person does this due to illness or other good reasons. If it’s just out of laziness, it’s better not to be lazy and get up, pray standing up.

In the event that the worshiper is very tired, it is quite permissible to sit on a chair or on a sofa near the icons, pick up a prayer book and pray from the heart.

How to be sick people?

But what if a person is so sick that he cannot get up on his own? Or bedridden? Or is it due to old age? He can't even pick up a prayer book. How then to pray? And in general, is it possible to pray lying or sitting?

In this case, you can ask someone from the household to submit a prayer book. Keep it close to the bed so that the patient can reach it on their own. Or rather, reach out and take it. As for the reading of the Gospel, the family may well set aside a couple of minutes and read, at the request of the patient, an excerpt from it.

In addition, a recumbent person is able to pray mentally. To address God in your own words, there is nothing reprehensible in this. In a prayer that comes from the depths of the heart, from the bottom of the soul, can there be anything offensive to God? Even if it is read in an "unspecified" position. The Lord sees the heart of the one who prays, knows his thoughts. And accepts the prayer of the sick or the weak.

Is it possible to pray at home, sitting or lying down? Yes. And not just possible, but necessary. "The healthy do not call a doctor to themselves, but the sick really need a doctor." And not only in the literal sense of these words.

Can prayer be objectionable?

Complex issue. She may not be heard, rather. Why? It all depends on the quality of the prayer. If a person routinely read in 15 minutes, without thinking about the words and their meaning, closed the prayer book - and that's the point, what kind of prayer is this? A person does not understand what and why he read. And God doesn't need a pattern, He needs sincerity.

Who can pray sitting at home? And God, and the Mother of God, and the saints. Let the prayer be performed in a sitting position, but proceeding from the heart. This is better than standing in front of the icons just reading the rule without understanding anything in it and without trying to do it.

Children's prayer

Can a child pray while sitting? Children's prayer is considered the most sincere. Because children are innocent, naive and trust God. No wonder the Lord himself said: be like children.

There are concessions for children. Including in the prayer rule. The most important thing is not to force the child to read long and incomprehensible prayers for him. Let the baby read before going to bed, for example, "Our Father" and talk to God in his own words. This is much more useful than reading the rule with a cold heart, because my mother said so, that is, according to the principle "it is necessary for adults." And it is necessary not for adults, it must be for the child himself.

Thanksgiving Prayers

We often ask without thanking. The latter must not be forgotten. It would be unpleasant for us to fulfill someone's request, and not to hear a thank you in response. Why should God give us something, knowing our ingratitude?

Is it possible to pray while sitting, read an akathist of gratitude, or are you tired of offering up? You feel sick? Sore feet? Then sit back and don't worry about it. You sat down, picked up an akathist or a prayer book, and read calmly, slowly, thoughtfully. Great benefit for the one who prays. And God is glad to see such sincere gratitude.

When there is no strength to pray

There are times when you don't have the strength to pray. No way. Not standing, not sitting, not lying down. Prayer does not go, the person does not want to do this.

How to be then? Force yourself to rise, stand in front of the icons, pick up a prayer book and read at least one prayer. Through strength. Because we do not always want to pray, no matter how surprising it may sound. Is it possible not to want to communicate with God? It's wild, strange, incomprehensible, but such states do happen. And when they appear, you must force yourself to pray.

But she same will not from souls perhaps? And here it all depends on the one who prays. You can read every word with utmost attention, even if it is just one prayer. Such a prayerful attitude will be much more useful than if you do not pray at all or read the rule with your lips alone, when thoughts are hovering somewhere far, far away.

How long does it take 20 minutes, no more. This is because a person quickly reads it, and that's it. So it’s better to spend these 20 minutes reading two prayers, but with sense and concentration, than to scold somehow, because it’s supposed to be so.

Important addition

What do you need to know before starting to pray? Just an answer to the question, is it possible to pray sitting or lying down? No. The main thing to remember is that you need to pray thoughtfully. Try to understand every word of the prayer. And the latter must come from the heart. That's why you need not only to read the rules, but also to pray in your own words.


From the article we learned whether it is possible to pray while sitting. In the case of a serious illness, senile infirmity, pregnancy or very severe fatigue, this is not forbidden. Children are allowed to pray while sitting.

As for the bedridden patients, in their case it is quite appropriate to offer up prayers to God in the usual position.

Position is not important, although it plays an important role. The most important thing is the heart and soul of a person, sincere, burning and striving for God.

Retire to a secluded place so that no one disturbs you. Light a candle or lamp. Stand in front of the icons (icons preferably of Jesus the Almighty, the Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker, and, if there is, then John Chrysostom - a wonderful and very strong icon!)

First, read the Our Father prayer, at this moment thinking only about the Lord and His help to you, do not be distracted by other thoughts.

Now thank the Lord for all the good that He does, for your life, even if it does not go well, ask the Lord for forgiveness for all your sins, voluntary and involuntary.

And start reading the prayer. Read slowly, legibly, thinking about each word and being aware of what you are reading.

Oh, great hierarch John Chrysostom! You have received many and various gifts from the Lord, and as a good and faithful servant, you have multiplied all the talents given to you for good: for this sake, the universal teacher was truly like every age and every title from you. Behold, the image appeared to you as a youth of obedience, to a young one - chastity shone, a husband - diligence a mentor, an old one - a teacher of kindness, a monk - a rule of abstinence, to those who pray - a leader from God, inspired, to those seeking wisdom - an enlightener of mind, to well-spoken oracles - the words of a living source are inexhaustible, beneficent - a star of mercy, to those in charge - the reign of a wise image, truth to a zealot - boldness inspirer, truth for the sake of the persecuted - patience a mentor: all were thou, but save every one. Over all of these, you acquired love, even if there is a cous of perfection, and by that, as if by the power of God, all the talents in your soul were united into one, and there the love divided reconciling, in the interpretation of the words of the apostles, preached to all the faithful. But we are sinners, according to each one our gift of property, the unity of the spirit in the union of the world is not imams, but there are vanities, irritating each other, envying each other: for the sake of this gift, our divided is not in peace and salvation, but in enmity and condemnation to us. The same to you, the saint of God, we fall down, overwhelmed with strife, and in contrition of heart we ask: with your prayers, take away from our hearts all pride and envy that divides us, but in many places we will abide one church body unhindered, but according to your word of prayer we will love each other and with one mind confess the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity of the same essence and indivisible, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. If someone does not have the icon of the "Three Joys", then be sure to buy - pray to her and see how one joy after another will come THREE JOYS!!!

Prayer before the icon of the "Three Joys":

Oh, Blessed Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother, the reigning city and the holy temple of this cover, all faithful to the intercessor and intercessor! Do not despise the prayers of us, your unworthy servants, but implore your son and our God, yes to all of us, with faith and tenderness before the miraculous image of your worshipers, according to every need, joy will give: all-powerful admonition to sinners, repentance and salvation; consolation existing in sorrows and sorrows; in troubles and embitterment of those who remain, this perfect exodus; faint-hearted and unreliable hope and patience; in joy and abundance living unceasing thanksgiving to God; existing in illness, healing and strengthening. O Lady Pure! Have mercy on all those who honor Your all-honorable name, and reveal to all Your omnipotent cover and intercession: protect and save your people from the enemy, visible and invisible. Confirm matrimony in love and like-mindedness; educate babies, young chaste, open their minds to the perception of any useful teaching; from domestic quarrels, consanguineous people with peace and love protect, and give to all of us love, peace and piety and health with long life, and all in heaven and on earth lead Thee, as a firm and shameless representative of the Christian race, and these leading glorify Thee and Thee Thy Son, with His Father without beginning and His Spirit consubstantial, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

And one more icon should be in every home, it helps the unfortunate and grieving people a lot - the icon of "Joy of All Who Sorrow"!

Prayer before the icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow":

God-loving Queen, inexperienced Virgin, Mother of God Mary, pray for us for you who loved and was born from You, Your Son, Christ our God: give us remission of sins, peace in the world, abundance of fruits on the earth, a shepherd of the shrine and salvation to the whole human race. Protect our cities and the Russian country from finding foreigners, and save from internecine strife. O Mother God-loving Devo! O all-singing Queen! Cover us with your robe from all evil, protect us from the visible and invisible enemies and save our souls. Amen.

Good luck and prosperity to all! May the Lord help you!!!

If you are in a state of grief or depression, you may very well find that you find it difficult to pray or you cannot pray at all. During depression, this state of “prayer dryness” is very common. Of the dozens of depressed believers I've dealt with, there wasn't one who didn't complain about prayer difficulties. It seems that the inability to pray can be seen as one of the symptoms of depression.

The bitter irony of life: just when the support of the Lord and the feeling of His presence are especially important for a person, turning to Him does not work. You try to pray, but you feel that your prayer is formal, mechanical, the words of prayer seem meaningless to you, and this makes you feel even worse. You begin to feel guilty about being such a bad Christian (or a bad Christian), and guilt, as usual, aggravates your already difficult condition.

If this has happened or is happening to you, do not worry: you are in a normal situation, which is the rule, not the exception. If in grief or depression you cannot pray as before, do not torment yourself with reproaches about your lack of faith and how unspiritual you have become. Do not think that something irreversible has happened to you and that you have fallen into the arms of Satan forever. When your depression ends (and it will definitely end, trust me!), you will regain the desire and ability to pray. Remember: our God is not an accountant, a jailer and a judge all rolled into one, who watches you with passion with a ledger in one hand and with a stopwatch in the other, notes the number and duration of your prayers, and then passes judgment on you. He is a loving and all-forgiving God, whose love is so great and strong that it cannot be measured by the human mind. He sees you, understands how you are now and wants to help you.

Some advice for those who have difficulty praying with depression: No matter what, try to still pray every day, even though you don't feel like it. Don't ask too much of yourself. Don't make comparisons to when you weren't depressed. Don't start praying with a predetermined time (say, 10 or 15 minutes). You may not be able to pray for that long, which will give you another reason to beat yourself up (which you are already doing too hard).

When depressed, it is difficult to focus on anything, including prayer. Keep your prayer short but heartfelt. If you have a guilty conscience that you cannot pray for a long time, "like before", break your prayer "into pieces" and pray for one minute several times a day. Remember: a short prayer is better than none at all! In a state of depression, it is better to pray in your own words (when you read a prayer, due to distracted attention, there is a great danger of slipping into a mechanical "buzz"). Share your pain with God. For example, you might say, “God, I feel so bad right now. I don't know how to live on. Lord, forgive me and help me!" Or: “Lord, my heart is so heavy that I can’t even pray. Forgive me, Lord, and help me get out of this state. If even such very short prayers are difficult for you, pray the "Jesus Prayer": "Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner."

If you want to pray a well-known prayer, and not in your own words, take a short, simple, well-known one, for example, "Our Father." Try, regardless of your mood, to read it with feeling, and not automatically. However, don't blame yourself if you feel like you're not praying from the heart. God hears you.

If all of the above is difficult for you, write a short (in one phrase or a couple of phrases) prayer on a card or a small piece of paper. Carry it with you and read several times a day.

Remember: when you pray, you fight depression!

Remember: your state is not forever. Take heart and be patient. God's love is always with you.

Prayers that give strength

Words and prayers, if read with true faith and love, will help change life for the better.
You can read them everywhere, choosing those words and prayers that give a solution to the most important task at the moment.

Prayers can give us the strength to recover from illnesses, find peace of mind, calm down, turn life back on track.
Through prayer, you can get what you desire only if your desire is strong and faith is strong. Don't let doubt weaken your faith.

When you ask for something, consider it as an indisputable fact (it is so and nothing else) and the result will not be long in coming.
Ask seriously, sincerely, and the way will open.
Some prayers that give strength act in conjunction with talismans and amulets.

"God, give me the courage to change the things that I can change, the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change,
wisdom to know the difference between them.
But, God, give me the courage not to give up what I think is right, even if it is useless.

Prayer for the healing of the soul

"May this day be blessed with good health for my years, purity of thought, freedom from anxiety and peace of mind.
I am an empty vessel to be filled;
my faith is small - strengthen it, my love is shallow - deepen it;
my defense is weak - strengthen it;
my heart is restless - bring peace to him;
my thoughts are small - make them noble;
my fears are great - eliminate them;
my soul is sick - heal it.
Strengthen my faith that everything is possible through love."

"Bless me with the world of a happy home. Protect us from all dangers and misfortunes. We believe in You, we know that You take care of everything in the world. Your will guides everything. Your love protects everything. Protect me from unseemly deeds. May the law of good govern my life and controls everything I say and do. Give us your full blessing."

"Drive out all the bitterness that is inside me, show me how to show love and concern for those who are far away. May I always love and protect those who are close to my heart. Lead them to my love. May I touch everyone with generous kindness, whom I will meet."

"Reach out your hands and protect me from unnecessary disturbances in this life. Make my enemies powerless, unable to hurt, destroy and harm those who started under Your protection. I call on You with all my heart and await Your comfort."

“Take my hands, Lord, and give them strength to carry out the tasks and responsibilities of this day, overcome my weakness, gain clarity of thought, and manifest my abilities. life."

Protective Prayer

"I beg You to protect me and lend a helping hand in my travels. Bring me what belongs to me and bless me with the fruits of my labor. Give me some of the gifts of the earth, improve the conditions of my life. Give me confidence in Your protection, protect me from those who wish to harm my body or my property."

"Remove from me any intention to do evil, all destructive signs. Replace them with truth and kindness. Breathe into me wisdom, from which I will receive strength of character, calm confidence and devoted friendship. Let me use knowledge to gain a devoted friend."

"I ask that my eyes be opened to those things that before I was not able to see or understand. Guide my steps in the right direction so that the bumpy road becomes smooth and safe for travel. Protect my body from evil forces and my thoughts from immorality Take the sin from my soul Give me the right answer Make it so that I understand and accept the solution that You offer to deal with my problem Take my lips and speak through them, take my head and think through it, take my heart and fill it with the love and kindness that I want to pour out on those around me."

"Give me justice, compassion and forgiveness in my affairs with the authorities. Judge me with the kindness with which I treat others. Impose on all courts the spirit of wisdom and understanding so that they can recognize the truth and act impartially according to the law."

"I pray that there will be distance between me and my enemy. I address with humility so that we are separated from one another. Remove this enemy so that peace reigns in my house and heart. I think about the peace that will come to me.

"Be with me and support me with Your presence. Be my friend and refresh my soul. Send me clarity of mind, peace of mind and faith to have patience and great unceasing love going into and out of my heart. Show me the purpose of my life give me courage and perseverance to achieve the goal that You have set for me."

Prayer for every day for purity of thoughts

"Help me to be kind in words and generous in deeds. Help me to forget myself and turn my love and affection to others. Make me beautiful in soul, clear and pure in thoughts, beautiful and strong in body. Increase my strength of body and spirit so that direct them to those I call on. I am grateful for all that I have received on this day and for the love for others that You have placed in my heart."

"Be with me on this day and help fill my head with bright thoughts, my body with harmless habits and my soul with an innocent spirit. Help me control my desires for those foods that are harmful to my body, thoughts, soul or life itself. I am confident in Your help. With this help, I will overcome all the temptations of this day."

"Teach me not to worry about anything and to accept that your wisdom is much higher than my own narrow view. Let me accept and welcome Your choice without fear and doubt, knowing that if we open our hearts to new areas, our life will be filled with unexpected joy. I accept this day, join it and rejoice."

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