Holotropic breathing: description of the method and instructions for independent implementation. Everything You Wanted to Know About Holotropic Breathwork But Were Afraid to Ask: Frequently Asked Questions

Various methods of psychotherapy began to be practiced more and more. What until recently was not known to a person about himself, today he can easily know. The proposed video talks in detail about such a research method as holotropic breathing. The instructor will not only teach you how to perform the proposed exercise correctly, but also in what ways you can explore yourself more fully. Self-knowledge changes lives for the better, for practitioners. Therefore, for those who strive to know themselves more fully, the proposed lesson will be indispensable.

It is hard to imagine that while developing the holotropic breathing technique in the 1970s, Stanislav Groff, together with his wife, sought to find an adequate replacement for LSD. Many practitioners, even at that time, appreciated the effect received. But, despite the effectiveness of the method, due to holding the breath, in some cases, hypoxia may occur. The brain cells die. Therefore, some scientists criticize this method, as well as pranayama in yoga.

If there is a desire to overcome internal fears, then the proposed technique will help to cope with them with the help of simple breathing. By doing it correctly, you can achieve significant results and know yourself. Watch the video "Holotropic breathing at home" in good quality 720 HD. All materials of 2017 and 2018 are contained on Youtube.com and are available on our website without registration.

Recently, it has become fashionable to get involved in various breathing techniques that are used in modern psychology. Increasingly, it is possible to come across information about a particular psychotechnics, the method of its implementation, effectiveness, and various reviews. This also applies to Holotropic Breathwork. Many people talk about this topic, attend seminars, trainings, express their impressions, share their experience. Let's see what this technique is, how and why it is used.

What is Holotropic Breathwork?

If you take the term “holotropic” apart, its origin comes from the Greek words holos (in translation: whole, whole) and tropein (leading). When the meanings of the translated terms are combined, a "breath leading to wholeness" is obtained. This is a kind of psychotherapy with work on the personal growth of a person, it consists in a special breathing technique that people do for a certain time to the music.

Holotropic breathing starts a whole chain of chemical reactions in the human body, which leads to changes in the functioning of the nervous system: the structures responsible for unconscious processes, long-term memory, and emotions are activated. This is how breathing therapy takes place at a deep level, which frees a person from long-standing psychological traumas. After a certain time, the patient is transformed, cured of diseases.

Breathwork using the holotropic technique was developed by an American psychologist named Stanislav Grof in the fifties. Twenty years later, when a lot of positive research was done, the technique was officially recognized and allowed around the world as an alternative method. It is used instead of the use of psychotropic drugs and is considered an effective therapy for patients.

The goal of therapeutic breathing exercises using holotropic techniques is to heal a person so that he achieves wholeness while immersing himself in one of the deepest levels of consciousness. The basis on which this technique is based is a set of spiritual and psychological practices of the whole world, acquired by mankind over many millennia of existence.

In fact, classes that include this unique technique look like this: rapid, deep, connected breathing is performed without pauses between inhalation and exhalation; exercises are accompanied by stimulating rhythmic music. As a result, a person plunges into an unusual state, during which he receives a stream of unconscious experience. Further, drawing, dancing, and discussion of the ongoing process are connected to the technique.

Holotropic Breathwork: Harm or Benefit?

This breathing technique, like drugs, has a positive and negative effect on human health with side effects, so the opinions of psychotherapists are radically divided. Those who practice Holotropic Breathwork claim that it is the safest way to treat psychological problems. The rest of the experts consider the technique very dangerous for the psyche and physical condition of the patient. Here is the negative impact of this breathing technique on human health:

  • It is compared with how a woman breathes during childbirth, an athlete during a sprint race, a tourist when he climbs mountains. As a result, the following happens: the level of carbon dioxide in the tissues rises sharply, which causes hyperventilation of the lungs. These processes are a catalyst for such dangerous reactions as: reflex vasoconstriction, a sharp increase in blood pressure, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, metabolic disorders. A person experiences temporary suffocation of the brain, the nerve endings begin to die off gradually.
  • In the process of one breathing session using holotropic technique, the human body loses up to three liters of carbon dioxide, which can lead to dizziness, loss of consciousness.
  • If you perform such holotropic therapy on your own, without knowing all the features of the correct breathing technique, there is a risk of cerebral edema and death.
  • Having made even one wrong manipulation during a holotropic breathing session at home, it is possible to cause irreparable harm to the central nervous system, myocardium, liver, and kidneys.

Psychotherapists who are supporters of the holotropic method of therapeutic breathing hold the opposite opinion. They argue that an absolutely healthy person who has no contraindications and who has undergone professional training from the followers of Stanislav Grof in certified centers will receive only a positive effect on health. Here is how this technique affects the human body:

  • Holotropic breathing is considered the fastest method among other psychotechnics. It leads to quick personal changes. This happens because during a holotropic session, not every traumatic situation from the past is considered separately, but a whole generalizing block.
  • Your internal body system itself chooses which psychological problem should be considered at the moment, thanks to which a specialist psychologist does not manipulate your consciousness (unlike other areas of psychotherapy). This is called the non-manipulative feature of the holotropic technique.
  • Breathing, on which this technique is based, helps to work out during the lesson the deepest particles of the negative psychological experience received.
  • Thanks to classes using the holotropic technique, a person, while breathing, is aware of the roots of his psychological stress and is freed from them.
  • The holotropic breathing technique effectively treats psychosomatic diseases (pathologies caused by a negative psychological state of a person) even in the most hopeless cases.
  • The patient can easily overcome bad habits, addiction by attending classes based on rapid breathing.
  • By performing the exercises of their holotropic methodology, a person almost immediately gets rid of the effects of chronic stress, fatigue, and a sense of inner harmony returns to him.

What else is Holotropic Breathwork used for?

The holotropic technique with unique breathing cannot be considered a panacea for all the troubles and diseases of people, but its use still has its positive effect in many cases. The use of such breathing psychotherapy is so widespread that it is compared to the endless possibilities of human consciousness. Holotropic breathing is successfully used not only for the treatment of psychological pathologies. It is effective in the fight against excess weight; works well during therapy for drug or alcohol addiction. How this breathing technique works to treat certain problems:

  • For weight loss. During the application of the breath used in holotropic therapy, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs. The body receives a huge amount of oxygen, which contributes to the effective burning of fat cells. As a result of such breathing, metabolic processes are accelerated, and this helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins.
  • For the treatment of alcoholism. Holotropic breathing technique has a therapeutic effect for patients suffering from alcohol dependence. When using it, a person plunges into the depths of his consciousness and is faced with a negative experience that led him to this problem. The patient experiences this situation in the head in a new way, gains awareness and heals from the previous trauma. The need for alcohol doping disappears, which allows you to successfully overcome addiction.

How is a group session going?

To perform breathing according to the holotropic technique in specialized centers, appropriate conditions are created that are aimed at relaxing a person and liberating from negative experiences. This is achieved by fulfilling the simple requirements that are necessary for classes:

  • A group session using holotropic breathing technique takes place in the form of seminars, the number of which depends on the individual problems of each visitor (from 8 to 15 sessions).
  • The duration of one lesson can vary from three to eight hours.
  • Participants are divided into pairs: one will play the role of a sitter (an assistant who ensures the safety of the person performing breathing), and the other will play the role of a holonaut (breather).
  • The lesson begins with relaxation and relaxation to specially selected rhythmic music (it helps to maintain heart and respiratory rhythms).
  • When the main stage of the breathing session comes to an end, all participants begin to creatively express their emotions: they draw, dance freely, and sculpt whimsical figures from clay. If they want, they can discuss everything that they experienced during these hours.
  • The lesson is accompanied by specially selected music (read more about it below).

Is it possible to master this technique on your own?

If you have unequivocally decided for yourself that you are able to engage in this method of self-knowledge, and have a great desire, at home it is possible to independently master the holotropic technique with a certain way of breathing. Thanks to Internet resources, specialized literature, various video lessons, you have a unique opportunity to conduct classes effectively. Read on for a holotropic breathing technique that you can do at home on your own.

Holotropic Breathwork Technique at Home

When doing homework with the use of holotropic technique, the disadvantage for the usefulness of the session is the absence of a sitter. If a novice trainee has the opportunity to secure a mate, ideal. The impossibility of performing a lesson with a "nanny" cannot be an obstacle to the use of this technique. Here are some important tips for home practice that uses Holotropic Breathwork:

  • Before the session, choose a comfortable room for the lesson, having previously ventilated it.
  • Stock up on suitable music (more on this in a separate paragraph below).
  • Determine for yourself what specific problem you want to solve with the help of holotropic therapy with rapid breathing (personal or family, for example). You must breathe in order to achieve a specific effect, not for the sake of the process itself.
  • Perform the deepest, most frequent breaths, do not pause in your breath. Additional specific recommendations are not needed here, this is a non-verbal technique, which consists in minimal intervention during the session. In some ways, it can be compared with meditation.
  • Use different body positions that your consciousness will prompt.
  • After experiencing an emotional experience, engage in your favorite creative process, for example, drawing the images you see, dancing, sculpting in clay or plasticine.
  • You must be aware of the emotions you have experienced.

What kind of music is needed?

Choose relaxing music: sounds of nature, tambourine, drum roll. It will be better if you choose different music selections for each stage. First, there should be a stimulating and inciting melody, then a dramatic one mixed with a dynamic one. At the end, there should be a musical breakthrough with a transition to more calm, meditative music. Check out the step-by-step description of the musical accompaniment of the entire lesson in holotropic technique:

  1. For the first 8 seconds of the lesson, light music should sound, encouraging, stimulating breathing.
  2. Before the 20 second session, record an even more breath-stimulating tune.
  3. For the next 20 seconds of the holotropic session, an ethnic recording using drum roll should be played.
  4. After - the intensity of the breathing session with the holotropic technique is replaced by a trance state, so for the next 35 seconds a dramatic melody should sound.
  5. Then the drama subsides, and the style of musical accompaniment is replaced by hearty, warm music. This lasts for the next 15 seconds of the holotropic breathing session.
  6. After - the melody should smoothly turn into a calm one, but maintain intensity. This rhythm should be followed until the very end of the holotropic breathing session.

Medical contraindications for use

Before performing breathing exercises, you need to find out if you have any medical contraindications to the use of this technique. There are many contraindications to doing this type of breathing. Check out the detailed list of diseases / indications, the presence of which prohibits practicing holotropic therapy:

  • In the process of conducting a lesson on rapid breathing, a person can experience emotional outbursts, stress, physically feel their experiences (through an increase in body temperature, for example). For those who suffer from angina pectoris, hypertension, heart failure, asthma - all this is very dangerous and can be fatal.
  • Pregnancy. This can lead to the death of the fetus in the womb.
  • Classes using holotropic therapy are not indicated if a person suffers from epilepsy. The use of such a technique increases the risk of a seizure from the received emotions.
  • Do not engage in holotropic techniques if you have recently had surgery or any kind of injury. Intense breathing exercises can lead to tearing of the stitches.
  • Classes based on the holotropic technique are contraindicated during the acute stage of infectious diseases.
  • Children under the age of 14 are not allowed to attend such sessions.

Video lesson: How to learn to breathe correctly

If you want to use the holotropic technique effectively, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly. Otherwise, it will not only have no effect in the course of therapy, but may even lead to huge health problems and irreversible processes in the body with a fatal outcome. Check out below a comprehensive video tutorial teaching proper breathing technique during a holotropic session. So you will learn a lot of useful recommendations, instructions that will help you get a healing effect from using this method.

In our age of computer technology, modern technology and scientific and technological progress, the question of the mental and spiritual health of people has seriously arisen. At the end of the 20th century, we meet with a wide range of psychotherapeutic practices based on “expansion of consciousness”, promising healing from various diseases, healing, personal growth and development of creative abilities. One such practice is the widely advertised holotropic therapy. What is this practice?

The concept of holotropic states of consciousness
and holotropic therapy

In the 1970s, thanks to the work of Leonard Orr and Stanislav Grof, the Free Breathing movement was founded. All psychotechniques used are based on inducing altered states of consciousness through hyperventilation. S. Grof, together with his wife Christina, in 1975 designed a new technique called holotropic therapy (holotropic breathing). This type of therapy contributes to the emergence of so-called holotropic states. Word holotropic literally means ‘turning towards wholeness’ or ‘moving towards wholeness’. S. Grof believes that in holotropic states, consciousness changes qualitatively deeply and thoroughly, but does not become severely damaged and weakened.

Theoretically, the holotropic breathing technique is based on data from psychedelic studies and, according to S. Grof, goes well with them. Holotropic states of consciousness can be evoked by a range of psychotechniques from ancient and indigenous (shamanic) cultures. Elements of techniques to achieve these states exist in pranayama- the ancient Indian science of breathing, and are also included in the exercises of kundalini yoga, siddha yoga, Tibetan Vajrayana, Sufi practices, Buddhist and Taoist meditations. S. Grof emphasizes: “...for centuries it has been known that with the help of breathing, regulated in various ways, it is possible to influence the state of consciousness” .

When conducting a holotropic breathing session, simple means are used: conscious controlled breathing, compelling music in combination with other forms of sound exposure, purposeful work with the body, drawing mandala et al. S. Grof writes: “... it is also important to emphasize that episodes of holotropic states of different duration can also occur by themselves, without any identifiable cause and often against the will of the people involved in them” . He emphasizes that the use of holotropic states is latest development(our italics - and. M.) in Western psychiatry.

An increase in the frequency and depth of breathing weakens psychological defenses and leads to the release and manifestation of the “unconscious” and “superconscious” in the human psyche. S. Grof writes that during holotropic states, a person may experience deep psychological insights and experiences, during which it is possible to experience psychological death and rebirth, a wide range of transpersonal phenomena; discover the memory of other "incarnations", meet archetypal images, communicate with "incorporeal beings" and visit countless mythological landscapes.

The practice of holotropic therapy

In Moscow, a number of psychologists and enthusiasts are engaged in the practice of conducting holotropic breathing sessions. The basic educational institution for the training of such "specialists" is the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, headed by Vladimir Maykov, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.

Holotropic breathing sessions involve: 1) a preparatory stage; 2) the introductory conversation of the moderator before the participants of the session; 3) warm-up part using kundalini siddha yoga; 4) gong meditation; 5) the immediate stage of breathing; 6) drawing mandalas; 7) group discussion of experiences.

During the preparatory stage, all those wishing to participate in the session fill out special medical questionnaires in which they indicate their existing diseases and surgeries. The doctor reviews these questionnaires, on the basis of which he individually decides whether to allow each candidate to participate in the session. All participants in a holotropic breathing session are given a “holonaut” (breathing) memo, which defines the rules for conducting the session and indicates diseases in the presence of which participation in the session is prohibited. During the introductory conversation, the session facilitator tells the participants about the exceptional role of holotropic breathwork, about experiences, about the rules of behavior during the session, and about the prospects for personal growth. The warm-up stage and gong meditation are usually carried out by “specialists” from the center of Y. Marshak. At present, elements of tantra and shamanic practices are beginning to be introduced. The immediate breathing process lasts at least one hour and is performed according to the S. Grof system: everyone lies with their eyes closed, listens to music, does not think about anything, only breathes often and deeply and experiences. The methodology for conducting holotropic breathing sessions provides for the presence of a closed isolated room in order to effectively influence the musical vibration that permeates the entire body of the participants. At the end of the breathing session, all participants must draw mandalas and discuss their content as part of a group under the guidance of the training leader.

From the Orthodox standpoint, the methodology of chlotropic breathing can be characterized as follows.

First, the constituent elements of a holotropic session - body work - kundalini siddha yoga, gong meditation, tantra and shamanism are occult practices. A particularly destructive aspect is associated with the "awakening of the kundalini energy." According to the teachings of ancient Indian yogis, kundalini (“rolled up”) is the energy that creates and maintains the entire cosmos. In a sleeping form, it is located at the base of the human spine, in his subtle or energy body - a kind of field that surrounds and permeates the physical body.

According to a number of authors, the power of kundalini is basically positive and creative, but in the first stages of its passage, stress arises that can cause serious mental disorders(our italics - and. M.). When the energy moves, the chakras open - the centers of psychic energy, which can cause severe pain, deterioration of vision and even its complete loss; in the process of long meditations, when the body is in a certain position for a long time, partial paralysis of one of the parts of the body may occur. Extreme negative manifestations of this energy can be insanity and even death. Back in the 30s of the XX century, the theosophist A. Klezovsky described the terrible phenomena that a person experiences during the practice of kundalini yoga. He wrote that suffering must be endured and “it is better not to turn to doctors for advice, because instead of benefiting you can bring yourself significant harm. Treatment of these pains with conventional measures is impossible.

Secondly, all elements of the holotropic breathing process are aimed at achieving altered states of consciousness (ACC) by a person. ASCs have long attracted the attention of psychologists and are the subject of serious scientific interest. The question of what to classify as such states is decided partly according to some psychological criteria. Since methods and elements of Eastern practices are used to achieve ASC, a person under their influence (the Holy Fathers associate this effect with the influence of evil spirits) achieves the most pleasant “spiritual consolations”, “visions”, experiences of “bliss”, “peace”, “peace ”, “infinity” .

Thirdly, the method of Buddhist meditation is used, which is based on a non-judgmental attitude to experiences. Immersion in ASC is usually suggested to be perceived “with complete openness”, without prejudice and without any specific expectations: accept visions and experiences “without any censorship”, nothing is needed “out of your head”, “go into experience”.

Psychologists write that regression occurs in ASC, which is expressed in the form of archaization of thinking, in the transition to more primitive emotions, when contact with reality is lost (or weakened). Then the will and reason no longer keep track of how much is left of the former contact, and in what historical time we should live and act. This approach to the experiences received during holotropic breathing sessions is a form of spiritual anesthesia, "which does not cure, but takes away the feeling of pain" .

Fourthly, among the methods of Eastern philosophical teachings, one should especially dwell on the meditative technique. There are many different meditation methods and related meditation experiences. Term meditation“…indicates methods of attention exercise in order to learn to voluntarily control mental processes and develop special mental qualities, such as awareness, insight, concentration, balance and love. Meditation is aimed at developing optimal states of consciousness and psychological comfort.

Meditation is seen as the central technique of transpersonal development. Accordingly, meditative techniques are of theoretical and practical interest to transpersonal psychology. A number of authors explicitly state that meditation is a process unfolding consciousness(our italics - and. M.), “meditation is a means of complete transformation, transformation of personality” . It should be emphasized that the mandalas drawn by participants in a holotropic breathing session are, in some techniques, symbols of meditation. It is no coincidence that mandala drawing is carried out without fail in order to integrate the ASCs of the participants in the session.

Fifthly, let's single out the methods of sound influence, among which we note the influence of trance music or "breakthrough" through the use of drumming, shamanic singing, animal cries and other powerful sound elements. To create and maintain unusual state of consciousness(our italics - and. M.) music must have high technical qualities and sufficient power.

According to S. Grof: “The principles of acoustic exposure for consciousness expansion were developed by Helen Bonny (Bonny, 1973), a former employee of the Psychiatric Research Center in Catonsville, Maryland, where she took part in psychedelic research as a music therapist” . In Russia and the CIS countries, in recent years, a music library of musical recordings has been used, developed by V. Maikov specifically for holotropic breathing sessions.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: the method of holotropic breathing, developed by S. Grof instead of psychedelic therapy, is a complex meditative psychotechnics with a pronounced occult content. For an Orthodox Christian, this method of psychotherapy is unacceptable and unacceptable.

As an example of destructive experiences that arise during holotropic breathing sessions, let us dwell on the following topics. S. Grof writes: “In holotropic states, we find that our psyche has access to many pantheons of various mythological characters.” The following is an explanation that the archetypal figures (characters) can be divided into two groups: the first includes divine or demonic beings embodying specific universal roles and functions, the second - various deities and demons related to individual cultures, geographical spaces and historical periods. Examples of the most famous of them are given. In the first group there are: the Great Mother Goddess, the Terrible Mother Goddess, the Wise Elder, Eternal Youth, Lovers, the Deceiver, etc. In the second group, instead of the generalizing image of the Great Mother Goddess, one can contemplate one of her specific cultural forms - the Virgin Mary, Hindu goddesses Lakshmi and Parvati, the Egyptian Isis, and others. identifications(our italics - and. M.) with various deities who were killed by others or sacrificed themselves, and then returned to life” . These experiences, depending on the type of deity, were accompanied by extremely strong emotions - from blissful ecstasy to numb metaphysical horror.

S. Grof also describes the experience of meeting with the Absolute Consciousness or identification(our italics - and. M.) with him. The highest cosmic principle, or absolute reality, is experienced through identification with the Cosmic Void, Nothing, Non-Being.

Considering the above examples of experiences that arise in holotropic states from the standpoint of Orthodox dogma, the following points should be emphasized.

First, the sources of these experiences are fallen angels - demons. We know from the text of Holy Scripture that God created two worlds: the visible and the invisible. St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) unequivocally explains the order of influence of various spirits on a person: “Holy spirits avoided communication with people as unworthy of such communication; The fallen spirits, who have dragged us into their fall, have mixed with us and, in order to more conveniently keep us in captivity, are trying to make themselves and their chains invisible to us. If they open themselves, they open in order to strengthen their dominion over us. Due to the action of fallen spirits on a person, he experiences strong emotions: from blissful ecstasy to numbing horror during the experience of meeting with the “deities”.

Secondly, participants in holotropic sessions are seduced through images of experiences: all insights, revelations and identifications are a pure form of charm. Saint Ignatius writes: “Our usual state, the state of all mankind, is a state of fall, delusion, destruction<…>Let us renounce all spiritual pleasure, all high states of prayer, as unworthy of them and incapable of them.”

Thirdly, identification with Absolute Consciousness and Emptiness is also identification with demonic spaces. Saint Isaac the Syrian writes: “The true righteous always think within themselves that they are unworthy of God.” And vice versa, “all the self-deluded considered themselves worthy of God: by this they showed pride and demonic charm that seized their souls.” The Orthodox Christian does not need to seek any identification with the incomprehensible Absolute Consciousness, since the fruit of the redemptive feat of our Lord Jesus Christ is not only the liberation of man from the power of the devil, but also the return of the opportunity to communicate with heaven and the celestials: You have approached Mount Zion and the city of the Living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and the multitudes of angels, the triumphant cathedral and the church of the firstborn written in heaven, and the Judge of all God, and the spirits of the righteous who have reached perfection ().

Fourthly, there is a substitution of the teaching of the Orthodox Church about the creation of the world from nothing with incomprehensible and unfounded answers of an “empirical and transrational nature”, which are also the intrigues of fallen spirits. Once again, a person becomes their victim: demons give knowledge that science does not know about and about which Holy Scripture does not report. S. Grof calls the experience of the highest cosmic principle the experience of the Divine and even the meeting with God. But his next words are: “The highest cosmic principle can be directly experienced in holotropic states of consciousness, but defies any attempt to describe or explain it”

Breathing is one of the main connecting elements between the outside world and the human body, his psyche and spirituality.

In the ancient traditions of shamanism of the northern peoples and Mexican tribes, the practices of Indian yogis and Shaolin monks used deep breathing as an important part of religious, mystical rites.

Modern methods of healing the soul and body have absorbed the "duet" of the secret knowledge of magicians, healers and research of the founders of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology - Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. One of the most outstanding psychotherapeutic methods recognized by official medicine is holotropic breathing.

The ingenious author of this powerful and miraculous practice is the greatest scientist, "guru of psychology", an American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst of Czech origin - Stanislav Grof. Together with his wife Christina in the middle of the last century, he developed a respiratory psychotechnics, which was based on a serious theoretical basis.

In contrast to the founders of rebirthing, Leonard Orr and Vaivation Jim Leonard, the coryphaeus of holotropic breathing is a well-known scientist, professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, head of the international transpersonal association, author of 13 books and 140 articles translated into 16 languages ​​of the world.

In 1975, his development was recognized by official American medicine as an effective psychotherapeutic practice, in 1993 it found recognition in Russia, in 1998 Stanislav Grof visited Moscow, and in 2007 he became an honorary doctor of Moscow State University.

What is the purpose of Holotropic Breathwork?

Miraculous power is based on four elements: deep, intense and at the same time coherent breathing, in which there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation; stimulating rhythmic music; spontaneous immersion in the stream of the unconscious and psychoanalysis of emerging experience.

Its further manifestation occurs in creative fantasy: mandala drawing, body-oriented therapy, discussion of ongoing processes.

"Holotrop" or, affectionately called by the Russian students of Stanislav Grof - "holotrope", is translated from Greek as holos - "whole" and tropein - "that which leads, path, road." The goal is the path of self-knowledge, "return to the whole", the unification of consciousness and the deep subconscious into a single mechanism for understanding oneself, one's emotions, emotional maturation and maturation as a person.

Holonaut practitioners can discover long-forgotten deep psychological traumas, conflict situations that create life problems in the present, and get rid of these "barriers".

Holotropic - harm or salvation?

This popular method, created as an alternative to the psychotropic drug LSD, has many supporters among professionals, but there are also experts who actively criticize it, calling it dangerous to health. What happens during a breathing session with a person?

The technique of deep rhythmic breathing through the mouth at a fast pace with no pauses (like climbing mountains or) causes a sharp increase in the level of oxygen in the body, including the brain, provoking a drop in carbon dioxide in the tissues and hyperventilation in the lungs.

This condition leads to the appearance of dangerous reactions: reflex vasoconstriction, a sharp increase in blood pressure, hemoglobin - the main conductor of oxygen to the cells of the body - reduces its efficiency, creating a deficiency of this vital element in tissues, acid-base balance and general metabolism are disturbed. Temporary hypoxia (suffocation) of the brain sets in, against which the death of nerve endings occurs.

Moreover, the body loses from two to three liters of carbon dioxide during a session of holotropic breathing, which is referred to in medical treatises as an extremely severe degree of hypocapnia.

Independent, unprofessional experiments with this practice can in this case lead to irreversible changes, up to cerebral edema and death. This condition can also cause significant harm to the central nervous system, heart muscle, liver and kidney tissues.

Proponents of transpersonal psychology, the main component of which is holotropic therapy, argue that an absolutely healthy adult who has no contraindications to this method of self-exploration, trained by professional students and followers of Stanislav Grof (in Russia - Vladimir and Christina Maikov and Svetlana Doroganich) or accompanying certified centers, the entrance to altered states of consciousness is not terrible.

Holotropic breathing is safe in itself, supervised by a sitter (or a group of sitters), and carried out under the supervision of an experienced lead instructor (psychotherapist). It is a scientifically proven, experimentally proven effective method for identifying and effectively solving a wide variety of psychological problems. The main catalyst for these processes is not a chemical psychoactive substance, but a powerful natural physiological process -.

The most important effect of holotropic therapy is the colossal liberation of human consciousness from internal “hooks”, clamps, barriers, unconscious fears, blocks, and a variety of mental stresses. In addition, the holonaut receives carte blanche from his unconscious for the most daring steps in self-realization, self-actualization and creative expression.

For whom are there contraindications to such therapy?

  • For people with cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, acute heart disease, spasms of cerebral vessels),
  • severe asthma,
  • deep neuroses,
  • brain diseases,
  • pregnancy
  • acute infectious diseases,
  • glaucoma
  • dislocations
  • recent abdominal surgery (less than a year),
  • serious emotional disorders.

For people with epilepsy, permission is issued by a psychotherapist. In addition, instructors work with them on an individual basis; such patients are not allowed to group sessions.

Learn the right technique yourself!

No matter how much they talk about the dangers of self-studying the holotropic breathing technique, but due to the popularity of this process of self-knowledge, many extreme lovers still take the risk at home to try to clear their minds and correct the inner world by eliminating problems. In this case, you need to protect yourself from injury in the room where you will practice by covering all dangerous corners and surfaces with soft materials.

Together with you in this room there must be a sitter, or a nanny, who will protect you from possible excesses. He must be experienced enough, know most of the methods of this type of therapy, help the breather, and not dictate his own conditions, not be afraid of various reactions of the holonaut, and at the end of the practice, carefully listen to the “traveler”.

So, holotropic breathing has a couple of characteristics: frequency and depth. Imagine how the dog breathes, and try to reproduce the same breathing by increasing the amplitude. At first, it can be difficult to combine the depth and intensity of inhalations and exhalations, but over time it can work out.

The first 20 minutes of the session are very important for immersion in ASC, or trance, that is, an altered state of consciousness. During the rest of the holotropic session, you will have to carefully listen to your feelings and adjust the frequency and strength of the breath in accordance with them. Perhaps, in some moments you will not want to breathe at all, you need to take it as part of the ongoing processes.

It should be noted that stimulating, rhythmic, well-chosen music plays an important role in holotrope. Special compositions are compiled on the basis of: the first 8 minutes - music is encouraging, light, helping breathing, the next 12 minutes - stimulating the respiratory process, another 20 minutes - drums, maracas, ethno-rhythms, the next 20-25 minutes - dramatic music, quintessence, " breakthrough”, another 15 minutes - warm heart music of flight, openness, the rest of the time until the end of the session, a contemplative, but quite intense melody should be played, which will serve as an incentive to continue spiritual work.

Beginners experience particular difficulty when working with the body and psychological clamps. When they are worked out, bodily blocks may appear in the form of sensations, as if reducing the muscles of the limbs. They interfere, distract the beginner and prevent him from moving into the depths of his experiences. They are worked out through the tension of the arms or legs, but without the help of a sitter.

The nanny can take the hand, but the holonaut must pull it towards himself, investing maximum resistance. Blocks can be expressed in pain. The holonaut may ask the sitter to press on the painful area: successful processing will manifest itself as a way out of this negative feeling. An experienced sitter knows the forbidden areas of the body that cannot be worked with! These are: the region of the throat, face, genitals and, in women, the chest. To compensate for this pain, the sitter can give the holonaut a rag to twist or move the legs in the hip area.

At the end of the session, you need to lie down a bit, then draw a mandala: a circle on a sheet, and in it - whatever you want. You can create these "circles of experiences" as much as you like. Next, the sitter will listen to the holonaut, and at the end will conduct a psychoanalysis, pushing the breather to understand and solve problems.

Real testimonials about holotropic breathwork

Andrey, 29 years old: “... I came to the first session of the “holotropic” as a terrible skeptic. However, my skepticism disappeared on the same day! It seemed to me that I had solved many psychological problems a long time ago, but in fact I only hid them deeper. When I pulled them out, an understanding came to me of how to properly treat them. Holotropic breathing for me is a reliable battery and an unknown delicacy that every time gives me a recharge and amazing sensations! And, most importantly, you do not need to look for any third-party resources, since all this is inside you! It remains only to use them wisely ... "

Natalia, 43 years old: “... The company of holotropic practitioners has long become for me a close community of beloved friends with whom we share the most intimate. Every time I come to a session, I know that the deep process of breathing is connected with feelings, and this time I am waiting for the discovery of new emotions and sensations. What kind of experiences do not occur in the treatment of bodily "locks", clamps and blocks! Anger and rage, irritation and gratitude, love and a feeling of infinite happiness - all this can be experienced by freeing your consciousness!

Unforgettable and extremely useful is the experience of sitter - to take care of people, help them, respond and listen to the breather in the process. This opened up new facets of sympathy and empathy for every person in me, I began to return to myself, to my body. I wish you all bright, unforgettable discoveries! »

Svetlana, 25 years old: “... After holotropic sessions, the worldview changes, inside you feel a reassessment of values. But this state persists for no more than six months, if it is not practiced. For example, I gained courage and confidence from an experienced psychologist, and now I have begun to conduct my own trainings, although the responsibility is huge!!! »

Nikolai, 30 years old: “... I dreamed of getting into a session of holotropic breathing for a long time, but urgent matters constantly distracted me, and I again put off my desire for “later”. But one day I decided to go, in spite of any haste. We, the beginners, were first explained what and how it would be, but the process itself defies description. The body twisted and sausage, but all the sensations, like a puzzle, miraculously harmoniously placed in their places. I'm waiting for the "holotropic" again, although it's scary, but insanely interesting! »

Irina, 52 years old: “... For the first time in my life, I had 3 holotropic sessions. Amazing condition! Gena, my sitter, is a real guardian angel! Took care of me all his and my sessions! Thank you! Paradox: in my life now I have a difficult situation, and I feel like a 20-year-old girl! I smile and the wind in my head! »

There are many different techniques to unlock human potential and cope with various problems, such as depression. These include unique holotropic breathing, which has both its advantages and disadvantages.

Holotropic Breathwork - What is it?

One of the types of psychotherapy aimed at working with a person is holotropic breathing. Special breathing techniques are usually performed to music. With their help, a person starts various chemical reactions in the body, which affects the activity of the nervous system. Holotropic breathing was developed by the American psychologist Stanislav Grof in the 1950s. Thanks to research, this technique has been approved as an alternative method to psychotropic drugs.

What is Holotropic Breathwork?

The popularity of the technique is due to a wide range of actions that can be assessed when it is performed correctly. With its help, you can understand the nature of tension in the body and deal with it. The practice of holotropic breathing gives a chance to alleviate the effects of stress and relieve various psychosomatic diseases. It is recommended to use it to fight depression, apathy and anxiety. The benefit of this unique technique lies in its ability to fight bad habits.

Holotropic Breathwork - Pros and Cons

The presented technique, like medicines and physiotherapy, has positive and negative sides. The benefits of holotropic breathing can be obtained if it is used by a healthy person, taking into account contraindications and characteristics of classes. With the correct application of technology, it is possible to cope with existing psychological problems. Proper breathing gives a chance to penetrate into the depths of consciousness. It is recommended to use special breathing after passing special courses.

The harm and benefits of holotropic breathing is a topic that causes a lot of controversy, so there are also opponents of this practice. They argue this by the fact that a person performing breathing exercises provokes temporary suffocation of the brain, which leads to the death of nerve endings. After one session, there is a loss of carbon dioxide, which can lead to dizziness and loss of consciousness. If the technique is not performed correctly, dangerous consequences can occur.

Holotropic breathing - a technique at home

Traditionally, classes are held in groups under the supervision of a specialist, but people who are confident in their abilities can practice on their own at home. You need to conduct training in a comfortable and spacious room. It is important that there is a person nearby who will monitor the progress of the lesson. It is not recommended to eat before starting the practice. During training, it is allowed to change the position of the body, as consciousness prompts. The self-mastered technique of holotropic breathing implies the correct selection of music:

  • First, light music should be played to stimulate breathing.
  • For 20 sec. the melody should change to a more stimulating one.
  • For the next 20 sec. it is recommended to choose ethnic music that includes drumming.
  • To enter a trance, it is better to switch to a dramatic composition, which should become more calm and relaxing over time.

Holotropic breathing - how to breathe correctly?

The average duration of one lesson is approximately three hours. Breathing is carried out only through the mouth, and it is rhythmic. You can not interrupt breathing and use this principle: intense inhalation and relaxed exhalation. Proper holotropic breathing involves the upper chest. To concentrate, you must discard all thoughts and be sure to close your eyes. There are several important nuances to consider:

  • If during the lesson there are uncomfortable sensations, it is necessary to imagine that during the exhalation the negative leaves, and when you inhale, its place is filled with good. This will help you not get lost.
  • If you need to quickly get out of a trance, you need to switch to dog breathing, which will prevent the appearance of negativity.
  • When relaxation is achieved using Holotropic Breathwork, take deep breaths in and out through your nose.

Holotropic Breathwork for Depression

Numerous practices have proven that the presented technique gives a quick therapeutic effect, so in a couple of hours you can reduce the level of anxiety, get rid of phobias and stress. Holotropic breathing is used for neurosis, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other problems. Regular classes make a person mentally flexible, stress-resistant, collected and holistic. The effect is achieved by increasing the level of oxygen in the blood.

Holotropic breathing for weight loss

Scientists have proven that oxygen promotes fat burning, and it also speeds up metabolism. Holotropic breathing has a cleansing effect, since the decay products pass into the lungs, from where they go out, leaving the body. The benefit is due to the fact that during vigorous inhalations and exhalations, muscle contraction occurs, which provide a full massage. This has a positive effect on the state of the digestive and excretory system. With regular training, the press is strengthened, posture improved and extra pounds are shed.

Holotropic Breathwork for astral travel

There are several ways to visit the astral world. Helps to enter the astral plane and holotropic breathing. In order to try it for yourself, you need to pick up and turn on the music. Allow the vibrations to permeate your body and focus on your own inhalations and exhalations. You can not be distracted by extraneous thoughts and program yourself for certain emotions. Use the rules above. Holotropic breathing at home is implemented according to the following scheme:

  • 5-10 min. light music for warm-up;
  • 5-10 min. rhythmic composition;
  • 10-20 min. drums and hard rock;
  • music for relaxation.

Holotropic Breathwork and Orthodoxy

The Church treats such practices categorically, calling them demonism. It is believed that using holotropic breathing, a person falls under the influence of fallen angels and identifies himself with absolute consciousness, and this is a demonic space. As a result of accepting experiences, people conducting sessions will sooner or later come to spiritual and bodily death. The clergy believe that using the method of holotropic breathing, a person claims to be equal to God, having received new knowledge and opportunities.

Holotropic breathing - contraindications

All methods that affect a person can be harmful if the existing contraindications are not taken into account. It is important to know why holotropic breathing is dangerous, so it cannot be used for glaucoma, epilepsy, osteoporosis, pregnancy and acute infectious diseases. Sessions are contraindicated if there are severe chronic diseases, serious psychotic conditions and after recent operations. It is recommended to consult with your doctor before the sessions.

Holotropic Breathwork - Negative Consequences

There are scientists who believe that this direction should be treated as an ambiguous phenomenon, and it lends itself to considerable criticism. One of the most common opinions indicates that specialists in this direction influence a person, skillfully manipulating him. The negative consequences of holotropic breathing are due to the fact that when using this technique, it happens, and this leads to the leaching of carbon dioxide and the death of nerve cells. As a result, classes do not develop the brain, but worsen its work.

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